List Židom 4.kap



Všimli ste si, že tieto Spojené Štáty sú číslom 13 vo všetkom, čo robia? Viete že boli založené s trinástimi kolóniami? Viete, že zástava mala zo začiatku trinásť hviezd? Viete, že všetko, čo robia Spojené Štáty je v čísle trinásť? Vedeli ste, že sa objavujú v Biblii v Zjavení, v 13. kapitole? Skutočne tak. Tá malá šelma, baránok, ktorý vystupoval z vody, nie množstvo a zástupy ľudí ... nie z vody ale zo zeme, kde nebolo nikoho. On mal dva malé rohy, občiansku a náboženskú moc. A on bol baránok: náboženská sloboda. A po nejakom čase sa oni dali dokopy a on hovoril ako drak a vykonával všetku moc, ktorú vykonával pred ním Rím. To prichádza do nášho národa. Poznačte si to. Pozorujte zväz cirkví a katolíci sa spolu jednotia a dávajte pozor, čo sa deje.

Ľudia, ktorí nasledujú ten Ohnivý Stĺp budú mať určite ťažký čas, ale v tom čase sú pripravení na prenesenie. Je to tak. Jednoducho pripravení ísť. „Lebo Baránok zvíťazil nad nimi.“ Hovorí Biblia. „A tí, ktorí Ho nasledovali boli nazvaní - vybraní a verní, vyvolení Boží.“ Stále sa nemôžeme dostať teraz ku tomuto proroctvu, aby sme v tomto mohli pokračovať.

1... vedieť viacej o našom požehnanom Pánovi. A to je náš cieľ, kvôli čomu sa tu schádzame, za týmto účelom. A teraz ... a aby sme sa modlili za Božie choré deti. A dnes ráno sme prežili krásne požehnania z Písma.

2Snažíme sa preberať na každom zhromaždení časť ... Vyučujem List Židom, preberáme to už teraz niekoľko posledných týždňov. A teraz, ak dá Pán, v stredu večer budeme pokračovať a potom v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer, tak dlho ako tu teraz budem. Nebudeme mať evanjelizáciu, ale to je evanjelizácia, naše pravidelné večerné zhromaždenia. A tak sme veľmi - veľmi šťastní, že máme tento čas, že sa môžeme stretávať s našimi dobrými priateľmi z okolitých miest, tu okolo z Falls Cities.

A ak by sa stalo, že by sme to museli odvolať alebo niečo také, mohlo by sa stať, že by nás Pán zakrátko viedol, aby sme ... Možno by sme mohli mať niekoľko večerov, na nejaký čas, možno v telocvični, alebo niekde, keby sa ukázalo, že nás Pán tak vedie, niekde, kde by sme mohli zhromaždiť našich ľudí. Videli sme ľudí, ako sem prichádzali a potom odchádzali a hovorili: „Nedalo sa vojsť, nebolo miesto.“ Pretože modlitebňa je veľmi malá. Zmestí sa tu len veľmi málo ľudí a sme tak radi, že ste ochotní sem prísť a sedieť v tejto horučosti a počúvať Slovo Pánove. Modlíme sa, aby vás Boh nadmieru, bohato požehnal a pomohol vám.

3A teraz, dnes večer chceme ... začíname štvrtú kapitolu ... Koľkí ste tu boli dnes ráno? Nech vidíme vaše ruky. Ó, to je nádherné, prakticky všetci. A teraz sme na ... začíname 4. kapitolu Listu Židom. A, ó, aký úžasný List. Radujete sa z neho? A to je porovnávanie Písma s Písmom.

4A Pavel, prv ako vôbec začal vydávať svedectvo o svojom prežití, on prv musel ísť dole do Arábie a zistiť pomocou Slova, či to bola pravda. To sa mi páči. A v tejto raňajšej lekcii, zistili sme dnes ráno pri tom vyučovaní, že Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A Pavel zistil, že ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove, sa s ním stretol na ceste do Damašku. Zistili sme, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove po púšti do zasľúbenej zeme, stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku a predstavil sa „Ježiš.“

5Potom sme uvideli skutočné najvyššie Božstvo Ježiša Krista. Celá táto Kniha je len zjavenie Ježiša Krista. A tu prichádza ... Videli sme, že „Za dávna, mnohorakým spôsobom, Boh hovorieval ku otcom skrze prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch skrze svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša.“ On sa zjavil. A táto Kniha od Genesis do Zjavenia nie je nič iné ako ustavičné, stále sa opakujúce zjavenie Pána Ježiša.

6A zistili sme, že On je Ten, ktorý bol v tom horiacom kríku. Zistili sme, že On je Ten, ktorý bol s Bohom pred založením sveta. A zistili sme, že v Novom Zákone, On bol zároveň Boh aj človek. A potom, keď On opustil Nový Zákon, aby odišiel do Neba, povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a vraciam sa ku Bohu.“

7A potom, keď Ho stretol Pavel, On bol v tej istej forme, v ktorej bol vtedy, keď viedol Izrael (v Ohnivom Stĺpe.) A Pavel sa Mu pozrel rovno do tváre, keď nebol obrátený, a to spôsobilo, že do konca svojich dní mal problémy s očami. Oslepol a niekoľko dní nemohol vôbec nič vidieť. Museli ho viesť na ulicu, ktorá sa nazývala Priama.

8A Boh tam mal proroka, ku ktorému prehovoril, ktorý sa nazýval Ananiáš, ktorý tam prišiel (podľa videnia) a položil na Pavla ruky a povedal: „Brat Saul, prijmi svoj zrak.“

9A zistili sme potom, že ten istý Duch Svätý, ten istý Pán Ježiš prišiel ku Petrovi vo forme svetla a vyslobodil ho z väzenia.

10A zistili sme, že ten istý Pán Ježiš, v týchto dňoch je stále v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, vo Svetle a vedie svoj ľud, svoju Cirkev, činí tie isté veci, dáva videnia. Prichádzame a kladieme na ľudí ruky, podľa videnia ... Pán Ježiš, ktorý sa stretol s nami minulú nedeľu ráno v tom dome a povedal: „Prichádza muž, čiernovlasý, prešedivelý. On je Grék. Jeho žena je v strednom veku a budú plakať pri oltári.“

11Niekto z nich to povedal a vedeli, že sa to deje. On bol nie len chromý, ale mal poškodený nerv v hlave, ktorý udržiava rovnováhu. Nedokázal ani ovládať svoje nohy ani údy a bol slepý. A aby to bolo dvojako potvrdené: Mal som tu prv nejakú pani, ktorá prišla, aby som sa modlil za chorých a potom znovu prišiel brat Tomas, aby som sa išiel modliť. A my sme tu sedeli a pozerali sa, ako sa to vyvíjalo. A potom som išiel a modlil som sa za chorých, a prišiel som naspäť. A ona prišla, presne podľa videnia a chytila ma za rameno a začala plakať a povedala, že ich sem poslal Dr. Ackerman. Dr. Ackerman je môj blízky priateľ, katolík. Jeho chlapec je kňazom v kláštore sv. Menirada, tam v Indiáne. A tento muž bol z Jasper. A Pán ho uzdravil od toho kresla. Vstal a chodil. Mohol vidieť tak dobre, ako ktokoľvek iný a vyšiel z tejto sály úplne zdravý. Všetko podľa videnia!

12„Brat Saul, Pán Ježiš, ktorý sa ti zjavil na ceste, ma poslal, aby som položil na teba ruky, aby si prezrel a bol naplnený Svätým Duchom.“ Nádherné!

13Potom sme zistili, že keď vidíme, že máme toto veľké spasenie, nemáme ... Nemohli by sme utiecť trestu a hnevu Božiemu, ak by sme zanedbali takéto veľké spasenie.

14No, dnes večer budeme čítať z ... a začneme 4. kapitolu Listu Židom. Ak niekto chce spolu s nami čítať máme tu nejaké Biblie. Ak chcú nejakú, niektorý z pomocníkov vám ju prinesie, ak zodvihnete ruku. Tieto Biblie. Ak niektorý z bratov tu vezme ... Myslím, že tam sú dve Biblie.

15A teraz sa budeme ponáhľať, pretože za chvíľu budeme mať večeru Pánovu. A kde sa dostaneme dnes večer tam v stredu večer znovu začneme. No, myslím, že dnes večer pri našom čítaní začneme od 15. verša.

16Niekto možno nevie, že si ku čítaniu zakladám okuliare. Starnem. Stále môžem čítať, ale nejde mi to tak rýchlo, zvlášť keď tu mám drobné písmo, drobnú tlač.

17A dal som si vyšetriť oči, aby som zistili či ozaj strácam zrak. Moje oči boli desať desať. Povedal mi: „Synu, ale prekročil si štyridsiatku.“ Dal mi niečo prečítať, povedal: „Čítaj toto.“ A čítal som to. A stále som to približoval a videl som čoraz slabšie. A priblížilo sa to asi po tadeto ja som prestal. Potom tam dal desať, desať a všade som to mohol prečítať. Ale povedal: „To je, keď prekročíš štyridsiatku, očné gule sa začínajú splošťovať.“

18No, môžem prižmurovať oči a čítať z takejto blízkosti, ale musím škúliť. Tak mi urobil okuliare. Všade môžem vidieť, keď to držím aj blízko. No keď to vzďaľujem, nemôžem to už všetko s týmto vidieť. Ale prečítam to ... z tohoto čítam s okuliarmi.

19No, dnes ráno máme poslednú časť 3. kapitoly Židom. A, ó, aké bohaté jadro sme našli. No, počúvajte. Chcem to znovu čítať aby sme si to zopakovali, nie o tom hovoriť, ale len trochu cez to prejsť.

Teda, keď je povedané: Dnes keby ste počuli jeho hlas, nezatvrdzujte svojich sŕdc ako v tom rozhorčení Boha.

Lebo niektorí

... (oni počuli Slovo,) ...

keď počuli Slovo, rozhorčovali Boha. Ale nie všetci, ktorí vyšli z Egypta skrze Mojžiša.

20No, dnes ráno sme v tom videli, že On povedal: „Nezatvrdzujte teraz svoje srdcia ako v tých dňoch, keď rozhorčovali Boha.“ To bolo vtedy, keď provokovali Boha k hnevu, pretože On im dal Mojžiša, svojho proroka a znak, ktorý bol s Mojžišom. Koľkí dnes večer na tejto hodine viete, aký to bol znak? Ohnivý Stĺp, Židom 13.

21 No, neviem, či zhromaždenie videlo ten znak alebo nie. Ale Mojžiš to videl, lebo Mojžiš Ho prv stretol v horiacom kríku. On bol Oheň. A deti Izraelove poslúchali Mojžiša a opustili Egypt. A len čo vyšli z Egypta, videli sme, že Boh ich viedol rovno do pasce. Kde bola za nimi faraónova armáda a z druhej strany Červené more a Boh ich postavil do skúšky a oni sa vyľakali. A to rozhorčilo Boha. Povedal: „Prečo ku mne kričíš?“ Povedal: „Len hovor a pohnite sa dopredu.“ To sa mi páči.

22No, oni nasledovali Mojžiša, ako Mojžiš nasledoval ten Stĺp a Oblak. A boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Nádherný obraz Cirkvi dnes na našej ceste do Zasľúbenej Zeme, vedení tým istým Duchom, tými istými znameniami a zázrakmi, ako Boh o tom hovoril.

23No, všimnite si. Oni prišli potom na púšť Sín. Vody tam boli horké, Mara. Prečo ich Boh viedol ku horkým vodám? Zdalo by sa, že by ich mal viesť ku dobrej vode. Ale On ich viedol ku horkým vodám, aby mohol skúsiť ich vieru. On to rád robí. On rád nechá, že príde na vás súženie, aby vám mohol ukázať svoju lásku a svoju moc. Ako ľudia dnes, ktorí neveria, že Boh robí zázraky ... Keď prichádzajú súženia, oni sa proste vzdávajú a odchádzajú. Ale my veríme, že Boh robí zázraky. On nemôže ... Boh má ...

24Počúvajte toto: Ak sa Boh nespráva tak isto, keď povstávajú tie isté okolnosti, potom je vinný zo zaujatosti voči svojmu ľudu. Božia suverénnosť požaduje od neho, aby jednal v každom prípade tak, ako jednal v tom prvom. Ak nepostupuje tak isto ako v tom prvom prípade, ak ohľadne toho druhého prípadu bude postupovať inak, potom postupoval zle, keď sa zaoberal tým prvým prípadom. Ak Boh uzdravoval chorých v Starom Zákone, musí to robiť aj v Novom Zákone a dnes, inak robil zle, keď ich uzdravoval tam vtedy. On zakaždým musí postupovať tak isto. A On bude postupovať tak isto, keď tá istá viera sa stretne s takou situáciou. Chyba je v nás, nie v Bohu. Lebo Ho vidíme v nejakej ... A robiť mnoho veľkých nápadných zázrakov. Vieme to. Kritik nemôže povedať, že to nie je tak. Lebo vidíme ako sa to potvrdzuje a je to tak.

25Oni zvykli hovoriť: „Ukáž mi zázrak!“ Už to viacej nemôžu povedať. Veda to už viacej nemôže povedať. Môžeme úplne dokázať tomu vedeckému svetu ... A ten vedecký svet vydal svedectvo, že tá nadprirodzená Bytosť, vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa je s nami. Tu je jej fotografia, rovno tu, a jedna visí dnes večer vo Washingtone D.C. To je ten istý Kristus!

26Preto, keď mi pred niekoľkými rokmi moji bratia kazatelia hovorili: „Ó, brat Branham, to je diabol. Nezahrávaj sa s tým.“ To ma vystrašilo.

27A nekázal som to, až kým neprišiel Boh a zjavil to, že On je ten istý Ježiš, ten istý. Ó, skúste to potom zo mňa striasť! To sa nedá! Lebo to je Písmo. To je Božie Slovo. To nie je len nejaké prežitie, ktoré pominie. To je prežitie, ktoré je založené na Božom Slove a na Božom večnom požehnanom zasľúbení.

28No, všimli sme si tu potom, že On povedal:

Lebo niektorí, keď počuli, rozhorčili Boha ...

Skutočne! Oni zakaždým, keď prídu na miesto, kde sa majú ukázať, čo potom urobia? Začnú byť neistí a unavení a chcú sa vrátiť naspäť a hovoria: „Prečo sa mi toto stalo?“

29Divná vec, dnes ráno po kázaní, ktoré som kázal tak tvrdo, ako som len mohol, mnohí prišli ku oltáru a pýtali sa: „Prečo sa mi toto stalo?“ Vidíte ako sa to deje? Ide to ponad hlavami ľudí. Ľudia sú stále takí istí.

30Ježiš povedal: „Máte oči, ale nevidíte.“ On to povedal učeníkom.

31Oni povedali: „Aha, teraz hovoríš jasne, teraz veríme. Nikto ti nič nemusí povedať, pretože Boh ti to ukazuje.“

32On povedal: „Teraz že veríte? Po všetkom tomto čase?“ Vidíte?

33Nemusíte sa Boha nič pýtať. „Lebo kroky spravodlivých sú riadené od Pána.“ A každá skúška vám je daná aby vás skúsila. A Biblia hovorí, že je to pre vás oveľa cennejšie ako zlato. Tak ak Boh nechá, že príde na vás niekoľko drobných trápení, pamätajte, to je na vašu nápravu. „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu, musí byť najprv káznený od Boha a skúšaný.“ Detská výchova! Nie je výnimky. „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza!“ A tieto utrpenia sa dejú alebo prichádzajú - prichádzajú na to, aby bolo vidieť, aký zaujmete postoj. Vidíte? To je Boh na tomto skúšobnom mieste. Celá zem je skúšobné miesto a On sa vás tam snaží vyskúšať.

34No počúvajte, keď ideme ďalej a chcem sa dotknúť tejto poslednej časti z toho:

A ktorýmže prisahal, že nevojdú do jeho odpočinku,

... (to je to ku čomu dnes večer prichádzame) ...

do jeho odpočinku, ak nie tým, ktorí neposlúchali.

[po anglicky:ktorí neverili.“ – pozn.prekl.]

A vidíme, že nemohli vojsť pre neveru.

35No, čo je hriech? Nevera! Boh prišiel ku ním v Ohnivom Stĺpe, poslal im proroka a pomazal ho, dal mu znamenia aby ich robil pred ľuďmi, a potom ten Ohnivý Stĺp pomocou proroka, ich vyviedol von. Každá okolnosť do ktorej prišli, oni začali šomrať a hovoriť každú drobnú chybu, ktorú našli na Mojžišovi, začali sa hádať s Mojžišom a ohovárať ho. A Bohu sa to nepáčilo, pretože povedal, že hrešili.

36Oni mali počúvať. Ale namiesto toho počúvali dohady: „Ako sa to môže stať? Ako sa toto môže stať?“ Ak je on Boh, všetko je možné! A On bude robiť, aby všetko spolu pôsobilo na dobré tým, ktorí Ho milujú.

37Prichádzame tu ku veľkému štúdiu, a to je - odpočinok, sabat. No, oni boli pútnikmi na svojej ceste. Vidíte, oni boli dole v Egypte štyristo rokov a v otroctve. A teraz boli vyvedení von skrze zázraky Božie, podľa Jeho zasľúbenia. A boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. A tu sa medzi nimi zjavuje to nadprirodzené Svetlo a začalo ich viesť.

38No, niektorí z nich povedali:

— No, pozrite sa, kto je tento Mojžiš?

— Kto ťa urobil vládcom nad nami?

— Či nie si jeden z nás?

— Kto ťa tu ustanovil, aby si nám bol vedúci?

— Ty si myslíš, že vieš viacej ako náš pastor?

— Ty si myslíš, že vieš viacej ako náš kňaz?

— Ty si myslíš, že si chytrejší ako sú dnes naši nábožní muži?

To s tým nemalo nič spoločné. To bol Boh v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý potvrdzoval, že to bol On, ktorý ich viedol. Na tom vôbec nezáležalo, kto bol chytrejší a kto nebol. Išlo o to, aby nasledovali to, čo Boh pred nich položil.

39No Mojžiš, z telesného pohľadu urobil nerozumnú vec, keď sa snažil vyslobodiť tie deti pomocou Božieho Slova, vyvádzať na púšť hromadu ľudí, keď mal ... Aha, on bol dedičom všetkého čo mali. Mal celú armádu, ktorá tam bola, na celom svete, zhromaždenú a on tam bol, veľký vojenský generál. A neskoršie sa mal stať kráľom, faraónom Egypta. Mohol by proste vystúpiť na trón a povedať: „Dobre, deti, vráťte sa domov.“ A tým by to bolo vybavené, on bol faraón.

40Ale Mojžiš ... Ó, tu to je! Mojžiš skrze vieru videl zasľúbenie Božie. A prišiel ku nemu anjel Pánov, a on za tých päť minút vedel viacej o Bohu, v prítomnosti toho anjela, než ako sa naučil za štyridsať rokov pri učiteľoch v Egypte. On vedel, že On existuje. On videl ako sa stala tá nadprirodzená vec.

41On povedal: „Ja budem s tebou, Mojžiš, pôjdem pred tebou.“ (A oni porozumeli) A On mu dal vykonať znamenia.

42No, oni boli na svojej ceste do zeme odpočinku. Boh im dával odpočinok, miesto kde nad nimi nemuseli byť pohoniči, aby s nimi narábali a nútili ich pracovať.

43Aký prekrásny obraz na dnešok, keď sa dívame na cirkev a vidíme ju v jej postavení, každý človek, ktorý sa narodil z Ducha Božieho pohŕda svetom. „Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia.“ To hovorí Biblia. A skutočný pútnik na svojej ceste, jednoducho nenávidí veci tohoto sveta. Neznáša to, keď vidí niekoho piť. Neznáša to, keď vidí niekoho fajčiť. Neznáša to, keď vidí na ulici ženy oblečené v tých miniatúrnych neslušných šatách. Neznáša to, keď vidí tie švindľové hry a ľudí pri kartách.

44A včera, keď brat Tony ... či brat Wood a ja sme prechádzali cez ulicu a ešte niekto ... nejaký muž ... Išla tam po ulici nejaká pani, tam v Louisville, na pohľad milá žena a mala ... strašne oblečená, len tu hore trochu okolo bedier. Len stuhu zaviazanú z obidvoch strán na bedrách a kúsok látky spredu a za tým uviazanú povrázkom a takto išla po ulici, niečo strašné. A každý muž na ulici sa na ňu díval. Povedal som: „Ona si neuvedomuje, že v Božích očiach je vinná, že pácha cudzoložstvo s každým mužom, ktorý sa takto na ňu díva. A v deň súdu sa bude zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva s tými mužmi.“

45Ježiš povedal: „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ Je to tak.

46Tak, vidíte, brat Wood mi povedal: „Čo na to povieš, brat Branham?“

47Povedal som: „To je buď duševná vada alebo démonská posadlosť.“ Sú len dve veci, ktoré to spôsobujú. Slušná, čistá žena nebude nosiť takéto oblečenie, jedine že by bola posadnutá diablom. To je úplná pravda.

48No, pútnik, ktorý je na ceste do neba, on žije v inej atmosfére. Nemusíte sa o neho starať, že sa bude na ňu dívať. On odvráti hlavu, ak má v srdci Boha, pretože žije v atmosfére, ktorá je na milión míľ vzdialená od takýchto vecí. Je to tak. Nechcete byť vinní z niečoho takéhoto na súde. Tak on odvráti hlavu a povie: Bože, buď milostivý tej žene.“ A ide ďalej. My sme na ceste. Sme na ceste do zeme Kanaán. Sme na ceste do toho večného požehnaného odpočinku, ktorý nám Boh dal. A na tej ceste sme pokúšaní. Sme pokúšaní všetkými rôznymi vecami, ale jednako pokúšaní bez páchania hriechu.

49Všimnite si teraz, keď ideme do tejto 4. kapitoly.

Bojme sa tedy, ...

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku, ...

50Chcem aby ste si to pamätali, až kým na to neprídeme, až kým nám to Boh nezjaví ... Nezáleží na tom koľko chodíme do zboru, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Boh musí prísť skrze zjavenie a zjaviť sa nám a to odníma od nás všetky veci tohoto sveta. No: „Teda, keď je povedané,: Dnes, keby ste ...“

51No začnime 4. kapitolu:

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku, ...

52No, pamätajte, keď oni boli na ceste do odpočinku, viedol ich Ohnivý Stĺp. A teraz chceme zistiť: „Čím je tento odpočinok?“

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku,

... (dívajte sa) ...

nezdal sa niekto z vás, že zaostal.

53No, tu je zasľúbenie. Tu je to, čoho sa máme báť: ak by nám nebolo ponechané zasľúbenie. Ale je zasľúbenie! A potom, to ďalšie: aby ste nezaostali.

54No, tá myšlienka je, ak sme na ceste do odpočinku: Čo je to odpočinok? Kde on je? Je to pripojenie sa ku cirkvi? Je to byť pokrstený určitým spôsobom? Je to stať sa členom najväčšej cirkvi v meste? Nosiť lepšie šaty? Je to vzdelanie? Sú to peniaze? Tak, že môžeme prestať pracovať a len ležať a odpočívať do konca života, ako tomu hovoríme? To nie je to.

55Počúvajte čo hovorí Biblia, že čo to je a ako sa do toho dostaneme:

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku, nezdal sa niekto z vás, že zaostal.

Lebo aj nám

... (deň potom) ...

sa zvestovalo evanjelium ako aj tamtým. ...

Čo je to evanjelium? Dobrá správa! Ku ním, v Egypte prišla dobrá správa, že „Boh poslal vysloboditeľa, ktorý nás má vyviesť von a zaviesť do zasľúbenej zeme.“

56Dobrá správa pre nás teraz je, že „Boh nám poslal Vysloboditeľa, Ducha Svätého a my sme na ceste do Zasľúbenej Zeme.“ A ľudia urobili z toho vyznania a denominácie, ale u Boha stále zostáva, že naším Odpočinkom je Duch Svätý!

57Všimnite si:

... bolo kázané evanjelium

... (im tak isto ako nám):

Ale tamtým neosožilo slovo zvesti,

... (pamätajte) ...

ale tamtým neosožilo slovo zvesti, pretože sa nezmiešalo s vierou tých, ktorí počuli.

58Ó, moji bratia, dovoľte že sa tu na chvíľu zastavím. Nezáleží koľko Slova je kázané, ani ako veľmi sa vám páči, ako je to kázané, až kým sami nie ste časťou toho, nič vám to neprospeje.

... nezmiešalo sa s vierou tých, ktorí počuli.

59Oni videli zázraky, ktoré robil Mojžiš, oni povedali: „To je celkom dobré.“ A vyšli a videli ho činiť zázraky. A možno videli Ohnivý Stĺp, alebo počuli niekoho o tom hovoriť: „Ó, to je v poriadku.“

60Ale to sa nezmiešalo s osobnou vierou. Lebo len čo vyšli na púšť, oni, každý jeden, začali šomrať. A Boh povedal, že pretože pochybovali, to bol hriech. Nič nepochybujte. Verte! Nepochybujte, nezáleží na tom, aký je to ťažký prípad, verte.

61Oni začali šomrať a Boh ich zavrhol. A potom prisahal, vo svojom hneve, že nevojdú do jeho odpočinku. A Biblia tu hovorí, myslím, že je to v 3. kapitole, že ich telá popadali na púšti.

623. kapitola a 17. verš.

A na ktorýchže zanevrúc hneval sa štyridsať rokov? Či nie na tých, ktorí hrešili, a ktorých telá popadali na púšti?

63A zo všetkých tých, ktorí vyšli z Egypta, vošli len dvaja do zasľúbenej zeme. Z celého predpotopného sveta, v tých dávnych dňoch, bolo zachránené osem duší z tých miliard. „Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta a len málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú.“

64Niektorí ľudia potom hovoria: „Brat Branham, čo so všetkými tými tisícami, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, že sa tam ukážu?“ Pamätajte len, koľko ľudí zomrelo v každej generácii, kresťanov, cez celý vek. Oni všetci budú vzkriesení, to tvorí to Telo. Vy očakávate, že to bude sto miliard, ktorí vstanú v tejto Amerike, alebo v niektorom inom ... v tomto svete, dnes. Možno ich nebude ani päťdesiat. Ale tá veľká vykúpená cirkev leží v prachu, čaká. Oni sú Božími klenotmi, ktoré odpočívajú v prachu, ale ich duše sú pod oltárom Božím. Nie sú vo svojom pravom stave. Oni sú v tele, skutočne, ale v teofánii a kričia ku Bohu: „Ako dlho?“ Môžu vidieť jeden druhého ale nemôžu si potriasť medzi sebou ruky, v takom tele.

65Stretneš svoju matku v Sláve, keby si dnes večer mal odísť, nemohol by si si s ňou potriasť ruky, pretože ona nemá taký druh ruky. Nemohol by si to cítiť tak ako to cítiš teraz. Pretože tých päť zmyslov, ktoré sú dané do tohoto tela, by to nemohli ovládať. Jej prítomnosť by bola cítená v inej atmosfére.

66To je ako muž a žena. V nebi sa nebudú ani ženiť ani vydávať. Prečo? Pretože tam je iný druh lásky, tam nie je sexuálna túžba. Všetky tieto veci pominuli, ste očistení a čistí. Ale vy ste nikdy nežili v takom stave, pretože ste neboli stvorení do takého stavu. Vy tam len čakáte. Ale máte túžbu prísť naspäť tam, kde ste boli stvorení ako muž a žena a tam Boh vzbudí to telo z prachu zeme a oslávi ho. Potom budete vidieť, mať chuť, cit, čuch a sluch a spoločenstvo. My nikdy nebudeme vedieť ... My by sme nemali pôžitok z anjelského života. Neboli sme stvorení ako anjeli. Boh stvoril anjelov. Ale teba a mňa stvoril ako muža a ženu. To je stav, v ktorom budeme naveky, pri Jeho požehnanom príchode.

67No, vidíte ako im to uniklo, že to nedosiahli, pretože hrešili a postrádali slávu. Boh im ukázal Ohnivý Stĺp. Ukázal im znamenia a zázraky. Vyviedol ich von. Priviedol ich do pokušení aby ich skúsil a dokázal.

68No, nemali ste dosť pokušení? Nesťažujte sa kvôli nim. Radujte sa! Boh je s vami. On chce vyskúšať vašu vieru. Pozrite sa na Jóba v Starom Zákone, keď On povedal: „Či si si všimol môjho služobníka Jóba? Spravodlivý, dokonalý, nemá rovného na zemi.“

69„Ó,“ povedal: „Samozrejme, Ty si ho ohradil. Nemá žiadne ťažkosti, žiadne trápenia. Nemá žiadne finančné problémy, všetko pekne. Netrpí na žiadnu chorobu ani bolesť. Dovoľ, že ho vezmem do svojich rúk! Spravím, že ti bude zlorečiť do tváre.“

70On povedal: „Je v tvojej ruke, ale neber jeho život.“

71Ó! On urobil všetko, jedine že nezobral jeho život, ale Jóbom nemohol pohnúť. Jób vedel, že stojí neochvejne na Slove. Je to tak. A všetci diabli z pekla nemohli s ním pohnúť, pretože on vedel, že zložil tú obeť. Bol spravodlivý. A oni ho obviňovali, hovorili: „Ty si hriešnik, Jób, a Boh ťa tresce.“ On vedel, že Boh ... že nezhrešil pred Bohom. On vedel, že je spravodlivý. Nie preto, že bol dobrým človekom, ale preto, že prijímal za seba zápalnú obeť.

72A dnes večer vieme, že jeho život dokazoval, že bol spravodlivý. A keď vy .. Nesnažte sa dostať domov do Slávy na základe toho, že sa snažíte pomáhať svojmu susedovi, (To je dobre.) nie preto, že sa pripojíte do cirkvi (To je dobre.), ale dostanete sa domov, do Slávy na základe toho, že prijímate spravodlivosť Ježiša Krista, nič čo by ste urobili sami zo seba.

73No, keď teraz čítame:

Lebo aj nám sa zvestovalo evanjelium,

... (druhý verš) ...

ako aj tamtým. Ale tamtým neosožilo slovo zvesti, pretože sa nezmiešalo s vierou v tých, ktorí to počuli.

Tí, ktorí počuli Slovo nemali v sebe vieru.

74Predstavte si len dnes, v tejto malej, pokornej službe, ktorú mi Pán dal by malo byť dnes večer spasených štyridsať miliónov Američanov. Viete čo oni hovoria? „To je duchovná telepatia. On číta myšlienky. To nie je nič také! Nepatrí do našej cirkvi.“ Vidíte? To nie je ... bez ohľadu ako veľmi to kladiete na Slovo a dokazujete, že to je Božie Slovo, že to je Božie zasľúbenie, ako jasne to veda dokázala, že je to pravda, oni naďalej tomu nemôžu veriť. Biblia hovorí, že nemohli veriť.

75Povedala: „Tak načo sa to potom káže?“ Boh musí vydať svedectvo, aby ich odsúdil v ten deň. Slovo bolo kázané a potvrdené medzi nimi a oni stále nevšímavo odchádzali preč. Nezostáva nič okrem súdu. Boh by nemohol spravodlivo súdiť nejaký národ, keby pred súdom prv nepreukázal milosť. On je Boh, On to nemôže urobiť.

76No, čo povieme?

Lebo vchádzame do odpočinku my, ktorí sme uverili, ako povedal: Takže som prisahal vo svojom hneve, že nevojdú do môjho odpočinku, hoci sú diela učinené od založenia sveta.

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: ...

77No, nechcem uraziť pocity ľudí ohľadne ich náboženstva, to nie je môj cieľ. Vonku na misijných poliach kážem bežnú, veľkú, základnú náuku evanjelia. Ale tu v zbore, tu medzi mojimi deťmi cítim, že mám právo kázať to čo myslím, že je náuka a pravda. Rozumiete? Myslím, že to je správne.

78No, mám tisíce dobrých priateľov sobotistov, ľudí, ktorí sú Adventisti Siedmeho Dňa. Niektorí z mojich najlepších priateľov, niektorí sú Adventisti Siedmeho Dňa. Hoci to veľké hnutie ... to čo nazývajú Hlas Proroctva, oni sú dôrazne proti mne. Oni povedali, že som vyhlásil spoza kazateľne a že som povedal, že som Boh. A že toto Svetlo, ktoré išlo za mnou je anjel a ja že som Boh. A že som prišiel na svet, aby som konal väčšie veci a dokázal ľuďom, že som Boh. No, to povedali o mne v tom Hlase Proroctva tam v Kalifornii. A ktokoľvek to povedal, vy viete, že povedal niečo, čo nebolo tak.

79Ale v prvom rade, nerozvíjam túto myšlienku proti cirkvi Adventistom Siedmeho Dňa ani proti žiadnej inej cirkvi, ktorá svätí sobotu, ale to hovorím kvôli evanjeliu. Narazíme za chvíľu tiež na letničných. Áno, skutočne. Na baptistov, narazíme na to pri tomto a ukážeme, že Boh nezastáva žiadnu denomináciu. Je to tak. On zastáva len jednotlivca. A On nejedná so žiadnou denomináciou, nikdy nejednal a ani nebude, podľa svojho Slova. Ale On jedná s jednotlivcami v každej denominácii. Áno, to sú jednotlivci, s ktorými Boh jedná.

80Počúvajte toto teraz skutočne pozorne a ak niekedy, kedykoľvek, povstane vo vás tá otázka, budete mať v tom jasno. No, nech nám Pán pomôže.

81A teraz dôkladne.

Lebo ...

(4. verš.)

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: ...

82No, dávajte pozor. On hovorí o sabate. Koľkí viete, že slovo „sabat“ v ... že to je Hebrejské slovo, ktoré znamená „odpočinok“? Koľkí z vás to poznáte, v angličtine? Skutočne. Či slovo sabath neznie smiešne? Znie.

83Či slovo posvätenie (sanctify) neznie v angličtine smiešne? Posvätenie (sanctify) to je grécke slovo. Posvätenie znamená „stať sa svätým.“ Po hebrejsky znamená „stať sa svätým.“ Po grécky znamená „posvätený“ (sanctify). Po anglicky to znamená „očistiť sa.“

84Sabath znamená „deň odpočinku.“ To bolo to čím bol ten starý sabat, dňom odpočinku. Keď vidíte napísané „odpočinok“, to znamená „sabat.“ Vyhľadajte si to v originálnych rukopisoch, ak máte náhodou grécku Bibliu a nájdete slovo ... Ak máte Scofildovu Bibliu, pozrite sa na okraji do poznámok na „odpočinok“ a uvidíte či vás to nedovedie ku sabatu. Sabat znamená „odpočinok.“ No dobre.

85No, dávajte pozor.

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho


odpočinku, ...

86No, mnoho ľudí dodržiava dni ako dodržiavanie dňa sabatu, sobotu. Iní robia nedeľu idolom, dňom uctievania. A z milosti Božej a podľa Božieho Slova, keď mi Boh dnes večer pomôže, môžem vám dokázať, že obidvoje je nesprávne. Obaja tí, ktorí uctievajú nedeľu aj tí, ktorí dodržiavajú sabat. Oboje je úplne nesprávne podľa Slova. A nakoniec je to Slovo, podľa ktorého musíme ísť, nie podľa toho čo hovoria adventisti, ani nie podľa toho, čo hovoria protestanti, ani čo hovoria katolíci. Podľa toho čo hovorí Biblia!

87No, dávajte teraz pozor.

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: ...

No zavedieme tu niečo takéto a nazveme to „Boží odpočinok“, siedmy deň.

88Dávajte pozor:


.. A Boh ...

(Počúvajte teraz toto miesto Písma) ...

Boh odpočinul siedmeho dňa od všetkých svojich diel.

(Boh mal sabat, a tento siedmy deň bol tisíc rokov dlhý, obraz na Milénium.)

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: A Boh odpočinul od všetkých svojich

- Jeho


. (Osobné zámeno, On siedmeho dňa odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel. On odpočinul siedmeho dňa. To je Boh.)

A tuto zase...

(Pod zákonom)...

Nevojdú do môjho odpočinku.

89Boh fyzicky odpočinul. Lebo za šesť dní tvoril nebesia a zem a na siedmi deň odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel. On odpočíval tisíc rokov. Lebo Biblia hovorí, že „jeden deň na zemi je tisíc rokov v nebi a tisíc rokov v nebi je jeden deň na zemi.“ Koľkí viete, že to Písmo hovorí v 2. Petrovom liste? No dobre. Boh siedmeho dňa odpočinul a On to kdesi takto povedal.

90Dobre počúvajte:

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: „A Boh odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel.“

A tuto zase

...(pod zákonom) ...

Nevojdú do môjho odpočinku.

On dal Židom na ceste z Egypta do zasľúbenej zeme siedmy deň sabat


Keďže tedy ešte zbýva, aby niektorí vošli do neho a tí, ktorým sa to tam prv zvestovalo

... (Odpočinok, Boh im dal zákon a sabat bol štvrté prikázanie) ...

nevošli pre neveru...

92Dívajte sa. On hovorí o zákone. Ako oni vošli ... nezmiešalo sa to s vierou, oni to nezachovali. Oni dodržiavali sabat na pamiatku, že idú do zeme sabatu aby mali večný odpočinok od všetkých svojich problémov a trápení, koniec s pohoničmi, koniec nocí bez odpočinku. Oni boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme odpočinku. Ona oplývala mliekom a medom. Hrozno bolo také veľké, že dvaja muži museli niesť jeden strapec na pleciach. Ó, čo za zem požehnaného odpočinku! Ale oni sa tam nemohli dostať, keď tam prišli, kvôli svojej nevere. Oni vyšli asi na štyridsať míľ, odtiaľ ako odišli z Egypta do zasľúbenej zeme. A putovali tam štyridsať rokov, kvôli svojej nevere. Boh im dal proroka, dal mu znamenia, dal mu Ohnivý Stĺp, ukázal znamenia a zázraky a kázal im evanjelium. A oni vyšli za rybami a chlebmi a popadali na púšti, a ich telá zahynuli na púšti.

93Ježiš pri fontáne, On povedal: „Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti za štyridsať rokov.“

94On povedal: „Ja som chlieb života, ktorý zostupuje od Boha z neba. Ja som Chlieb Života. Mojžiš vám nedal ten chlieb. Môj Otec vám dáva ten Chlieb. A Ja som ten chlieb, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba. Ktokoľvek by jedol tento chlieb, nikdy nezomrie.“ To je rozdiel.

95No, dávajte pozor. Oni povedali, že On ... oni pili z tej skaly, ktorá bola na púšti, počas toľkých rokov.

96On povedal: „Ja som tá Skala!“ Nech je požehnané jeho sväté meno. „Ja som tá skala.“ Ako On mohol byť tou skalou? Tá skala to bola Duchovná Skala, ona išla za deťmi Izraela. A Mojžiš mal v ruke palicu, a to bola súdna palica Božia. A Boh mu povedal, aby udrel tú skalu, a on udrel tú skalu. A keď to urobil zo skaly vyšla voda. A Kristus bol tou skalou a súd Božieho trestu za hriech udrel na Neho. Boh spravil, aby na Neho bola položená neprávosť všetkých nás, a tá neprávosť roztrhla Jeho srdce. A z Jeho srdca vytiekol Duch Svätý ako rieky vody pre hynúcich, zomierajúcich ľudí. „Ja som tá skala, ktorá bola na púšti.“

— Čo? Ty chceš povedať ...

97— Mojžiš, ten ktorý vám to povedal, on túžil vidieť Môj deň. A on to videl čiastočne.

98— Ty nám chceš povedať, že si väčší ako Mojžiš? Že si videl Mojžiša? A Mojžiš je už mŕtvy osemsto rokov. Teraz vieme, že máš diabla. (Inými slovami, „že si blázon.“) Vieme, že si blázon.

99On povedal: „Prv ako bol Abrahám JA SOM. Ja som bol ten veľký JA SOM, ktorý bol v horiacom kríku. Ja som ten oheň, ktorý bol v horiacom kríku. Ja som ten Anjel, ktorý išiel pred nimi.“ A On povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem naspäť ku Bohu.“ A On prišiel od Boha, stal sa telom a prebýval medzi nami, odišiel naspäť do toho istého Ohnivého Stĺpa. A On je tu dnes večer po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, robí tie isté veci, vedie svoje požehnané deti. A mnohí nevchádzajú kvôli nevere.

100No, On povedal: „On určil akýsi deň,“ deň ... keď Boh dokončil svoje dielo. Potom On určil „iný deň,“ a povedal takto, že ak počujú, ak prídu (Oni dodržiavajú sabath a tak ďalej, nov mesiace a tak ďalej) ... Tam vás chcú priviesť naspäť bratia adventisti.

101Čítajme ďalej. Všimnite si:

Keďže tedy ešte zbýva, aby niektorí vošli do neho a tí, ktorým sa to tam prv zvestovalo evanjelium, nevošli pre neveru.

102No, 7. verš (Ó), hovorím vám, že Písmo je matematicky inšpirované. Hovorím, že Písmo je, každým spôsobom inšpirované. Biblická matematika je dokonalá.

103Všimli ste si, že tieto Spojené Štáty sú číslom 13 vo všetkom, čo robia? Viete že boli založené s trinástimi kolóniami? Viete, že zástava mala zo začiatku trinásť hviezd? Viete, že všetko, čo robia Spojené Štáty je v čísle trinásť? Vedeli ste, že sa objavujú v Biblii v Zjavení, v 13. kapitole? Skutočne tak. Tá malá šelma, baránok, ktorý vystupoval z vody, nie množstvo a zástupy ľudí ... nie z vody ale zo zeme, kde nebolo nikoho. On mal dva malé rohy, občiansku a náboženskú moc. A on bol baránok: náboženská sloboda. A po nejakom čase sa oni dali dokopy a on hovoril ako drak a vykonával všetku moc, ktorú vykonával pred ním Rím. To prichádza do nášho národa. Poznačte si to. Pozorujte zväz cirkví a katolíci sa spolu jednotia a dávajte pozor, čo sa deje.

104Ľudia, ktorí nasledujú ten Ohnivý Stĺp budú mať určite ťažký čas, ale v tom čase sú pripravení na prenesenie.

Je to tak. Jednoducho pripravení ísť. „Lebo Baránok zvíťazil nad nimi.“ Hovorí Biblia. „A tí, ktorí Ho nasledovali boli nazvaní - vybraní a verní, vyvolení Boží.“ Stále sa nemôžeme dostať teraz ku tomuto proroctvu, aby sme v tomto mohli pokračovať.

105Počúvajte pozorne, 7. kapitola ... Chcem povedať 4. kapitola, 7. verš. Sedem je číslo úplnosti. Tri je číslo života. Sedem je číslo úplnosti a toto dáva úplný sabat.


zase určuje akýsi deň

... (Pamätajte, on povedal, že „Boh“ takto. Potom hovorí o „zákone“ takto. A potom znovu „On určil akýsi deň,“ tretí deň, tretí krát)

Zase určuje akýsi deň: Dnes, hovoriac v Dávidovi po toľkom čase, ... dnes po toľkom čase, ako je povedané: „Dnes, keby ste počuli jeho hlas, nezatvrdzujte svojich sŕdc!“

(Dávajte pozor.)

Lebo keby ich bol Jozua voviedol do odpočinku,

... (do Sabatu) ...

nehovoril by po všetkom tomto o inom dni.

Pri Ježišovi Kristovi sa tie doby menia zo zákona na milosť, zo skutkov na milosť, od niečoho, čo ste robili vy, na niečo, čo urobil Boh, na vaše vlastné zásluhy alebo na Jeho zásluhy. To sa zmenilo.

106Keď Mojžiš prišiel z púšte so zákonom, povedal: „Nezcudzoložíš. Nepokradneš. Nezabiješ. Zachovávaj v svätosti deň sabatu.“ Keď Ježiš prišiel z púšte ... Keď prišiel Mojžiš, diabol ho pokúšal. A len čo ho diabol začal pokúšať, on obracal na to svoju pozornosť. Mojžiš mal slabé miesto. Koľkí viete, čo to bolo? Hnev. A len čo ich on uvidel uctievať to zlaté teľa, hodil na zem tie dosky s prikázaniami a rozbil ich. Tým je ukázané, že kňazstvo bude zrušené. A Boh mu dal znovu tie prikázania.

107Ale keď prišiel z púšte Ježiš, po štyridsiatich dňoch pôstu, bol hladný, jediné slabé miesto ktoré mal. A prišiel ku nemu diabol a povedal: „Ak si Syn Boží, premeň tieto kamene na chlieb. Urob tu nejaký zázrak. Nech vidím, že to robíš a budem ti veriť.“

108Ježiš povedal: „Je napísané, človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích“ On vedel, že sa tam nestretol s Mojžišom, lebo On išiel do Slova!

109Zobral Ho na vežu, na krídlo chrámu a povedal: „Ak si Syn Boží, vrhni sa dole.“ (A skrýval sa, nie citoval, ale skrýval sa za Písmo) Povedal: „Je napísané, že prikáže svojim anjelom ohľadom ... aby si si nikdy neudrel nohu o kameň. On ťa ponesie.“

110A Ježiš išiel rovno do Slova a pokarhal ho!

111Zobral Ho na vrch a ukázal mu Spojené Štáty a Nemecko a Švajčiarsko a všetky národy sveta, ktoré kedy budú a povedal: „Oni sú všetky moje. Robím s nimi čo sa mi zachce.“ (Niet divu, že máme vojny a problémy.) Povedal: „Robím s nimi ...“ (Niet divu, že sa ženy obliekajú ... a prevádza to pomocou zákona, všetky sú riadené diablom. To hovorí Biblia) Satan povedal: „Moje sú, robím s nimi, čo chcem.“ Povedal: „Ak sa mi pokloníš, urobím ťa kráľom, ako som ja.“

112Ježiš povedal: „Je napísané, Pánovi svojmu Bohu sa budeš klaňať a jemu samému budeš slúžiť. Choď preč odo mňa Satan!“ Prečo? Ježiš vedel, že On ich zdedí v tom veľkom Miléniu, keď príde jeho Kráľovstvo. „Nech sa stane tvoja vôľa na zemi, ako v nebi.“ Už nebudú viac krátke šaty. Nebude už viacej pitia. Nebude už viacej žiadosti. Nebude už viacej cudzoložstva. Nebude už viacej smrti. Nebude už viacej žiaľu. On zdedí každý národ. Oni sú Jeho. Je to tak. Oni sú Jeho a On ich zdedí. Ale Satan ich má na určitý čas, to je deň, v ktorom žijeme.


... určil... deň... Dnes, po toľkom čase, ...?... nezatvrdzujte svojich sŕdc.

Lebo keby ich bol Jozua uviedol do odpočinku, nehovoril by po všetkom tomto o inom dni.

114Môj brat adventista, pozri sa na To. Pavel tu povedal ... A Pavel povedal v Galaťanom 1:8, ak si zapisujete miesta Písma, Galaťanom 1:8: „Keby prišiel aj anjel z neba a kázal iné evanjelium než toto, ktoré som vám kázal, nech je prekliaty.“ Pavel povedal: „Keby ich Jozua bol uviedol do dňa odpočinku ...“

115Dobre, pozrite, keď On prišiel z vrchu ... On prišiel potom dole, premohol diabla. On bol pomazaný, pripravený do svojej služby. On povedal: „Počuli ste, že im bolo povedané, v tých časoch: „Nezabiješ,“ ale ja vám hovorím, že každý, kto sa hnevá na svojho brata bez príčiny, už zabil. Počuli ste že im bolo povedané, tým starým (v tom čase, tým ktorí dodržiavali sabat.) ... Počuli ste, že im bolo povedané vtedy, tým v tom čase pod zákonom: „Nescudzoložíš.“ (Musel vykonať ten skutok, aby bol vinný.) Ale Ja vám hovorím, že každý kto by pozrel žiadostivo na ženu, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci.“ To bolo iné. Prešiel rovno okolo toho štvrtého prikázania. Ale dal im odpočinok?

116Pozrime sa čo povedal: „Dávid povedal ... 'po toľkom čase' príde dokonalý Odpočinok. 'Boh odpočinul siedmeho dňa od Svojich diel.' Boh požehnal deň sabatu a dal ho Židom na púšti takto. Oni nevošli ... pre neveru, pretože Slovo sa nezmiešalo s vierou. A zase určuje akýsi deň: Dnes, hovoriac v Dávidovi po toľkom čase.'“

Stovky rokov po Dávidovej smrti, povstane Syn Dávidov, ktorým je Ježiš: „A keď budú počuť Môj hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdcia.“ Boh ide hovoriť do srdca.

117No, dávajte pozor. Teraz 9. verš, pre vás ktorí čítate:

Keby ich bol Jozua uviedol do odpočinku,

... (8. verš) ...

nehovoril by po všetkom tomto o inom dni.

118Ak mal byť sabat, ak sa mala dodržiavať nedeľa, potom by to On bol povedal. Keby On povedal: „Teraz už netreba viac dodržiavať sabat, siedmy deň, chcem aby ste teraz dodržiavali nedeľu.“ On by to bol povedal. Pavel povedal, že On to nepovedal. On by bol povedal: „Všetci máte velebiť Boha v nedeľu, to bude odpočinok.“ No keby On chcel, aby dodržiavali sabat, bol by povedal: „Ďalej len zachovávajte siedmy deň. Ale teraz chcem, aby ste zachovávali nedeľu, ôsmy deň.“ Nie! On to nikdy nepovedal.

119On povedal: „Keby im bol Jozua dal nejaký deň, či by On nebol o tom hovoril.“

120Teraz 9. verš, pripravme sa:

Tak teda ešte zbýva odpočinok ľudu Božiemu,

(zachovávanie sabatu) ...

ľudu Božiemu.

Lebo kto vošiel do jeho


odpočinku, ten tiež odpočinul od svojich diel, ako Boh od svojich

v sabate.

121Vidíte to? No zoberme nejaké miesta Písma a podložme toto. Dobre, keď Boh stvoril svet za šesť dní, siedmeho dňa odpočinul a viacej už nepracoval. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove. On postavil svet, dal naň stvorenie a odpočinul a nikdy neprišiel naspäť ku tomu, aby znovu staval ďalší svet. On skončil svoje diela a odpočinul. No, na tom ... Po tých tisícoch rokov, potom prišiel hriech. Potom bol znázornený Kristus, bol znázornený Baránok. No, Židom bolo toto dané ako obraz odpočinku v siedmom dni.



určil iný deň, hovoriac v Dávidovi,

... po toľkom čase

... („Prichádza iný Odpočinok.“)

122No, čo je to Odpočinok? Otvorte si so mnou ev. Matúša 11. kapitolu a tú poslednú časť 11. kapitoly ev. Matúša. To je, keď Ježiš končil svoje kázanie na hore, budete vidieť, čo povedal.

123On hovoril: „Každý kto by pozrel žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci. Každý kto sa hnevá na svojho brata bez príčiny, zabil brata.“ Všetky tieto veci a vôbec sa nedotkol štvrtého prikázania (sabatu). A teraz On končí a sabatom je to veľké zasľúbenie Božie. To je odpočinok.

124No, dávajte tu pozor, keď prebral do konca tie blahoslavenstvá. Tu On hovorí, 27. verš 11. kapitoly sv. Matúša (On tam učil tie blahoslavenstvá v 5. kapitole).

Všetko je vydané do mojich rúk ... mi je vydané od môjho Otca a nikto nezná Syna, iba Otec,

...(Vidíte? Nemôžete poznať jedného bez toho aby ste poznali druhého, pretože On bol Otec zamanifestovaný v tele)...

ani Otca nezná nikto, iba Syn,

Zdá sa, že by to ľudia mohli vidieť a nehádali sa. Skutočne.

125Boh, to nie sú traja ľudia. Ak je On tromi bohmi, potom sme pohania. Ktorý z nich je Boh? Oni všetci traja, to je jeden Boh. To sú tri úrady toho istého Boha. On bol Otec vo forme Ducha Svätého v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe na púšti. On bol Syn, keď používal úrad Synovstva. „Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Odídem a znovu prídem aby som bol s vami, vo vás, do konca sveta.“ Vidíte? On je Otcovstvo, Synovstvo a tiež Duch Svätý. To všetko je ten istý Boh, ktorý pracuje v troch rôznych úradoch: Otcovstvo, Synovstvo, Duch Svätý. Nikdy ... l. Jána 5:7: „Pretože traja sú, ktorí svedčia na nebi, Otec, Slovo a Svätý Duch. A tí traja sú Jeden (jedno).“

126Tomáš Mu povedal: „Pane, ukáž nám Otca, a to nás uspokojí.“

127On povedal: „Taký dlhý čas som s vami a nepoznal si Ma?“ Povedal: „Keď si videl Mňa, videl si Otca. A prečo hovoríš, ukáž nám Otca?“

128No Jednotári to zobrali, ľudia, ktorí vyznávajú jednotu Božiu a snažia sa urobiť Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého len jediným úradom a jedným miestom a ako váš prst, jeden. To je zle. Boh nemôže ... Ježiš nemôže byť svojím vlastným Otcom. Keby bol, potom by bol ... Dobre, ako by On mohol byť svojím vlastným Otcom?

129A ak je Boh muž odlišný od Ducha Svätého, potom On mal dvoch otcov. Lebo Biblia hovorí, že Duch Svätý zatienil Máriu a ona počala. A Biblia hovorí v Matúšovi 1:18, že to čo sa v nej počalo bolo zo Svätého Ducha.“ Potom kto je jeho Otec, Duch Svätý, alebo Boh? Obaja sú ten istý Duch, inak by sa nezákonne narodil z dvoch duchov. To je katolícka dogma, a to nikdy nebolo Biblické učenie. A Martin Luther to stade priniesol s množstvom iného katolicizmu, ktorý je v Luteránskej cirkvi. Wesley ďalej s tým pokračoval, a to stále pretrváva, ale to je chyba. To nie je Pravda, nikdy nebola. To nikdy nebola Biblická náuka. Nikdy nebolo v Biblii také prikázanie, ktoré by nás učilo o troch bohoch. Je jeden Boh. Ježiš povedal: „Počuj Izraelu, Ja som Hospodin tvoj Boh.“ Jeden Boh, nie traja bohovia.

130 V Afrike krstia raz na Otca a raz na Syna a raz na Ducha Svätého. A potom ide okolo biedny žid a hovorí: „Ktorý z ich je váš Boh? Ktorý? Otec, Syn, alebo Duch Svätý?“ Oni sú všetci traja Jeden. Biblia hovorí, že boli Jeden.

131Ježiš bol dom, v ktorom prebýval Boh, Biblia povedala, že — l. Timotejovi 3:16 „Vyznane - bez pochybnosti (To znamená bez dohadov.) veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti: Boh sa zjavil v tele, videný od anjelov, prijatý ... kázaný, uverené mu a prijatý hore do Slávy.“ To bol Boh! Biblia hovorí: „Jeho meno bude nazvané Emanuel, čo zanemená v preklade, „Boh s nami.“ Biblia hovorí, že „Ježiš,“ v ňom prebývala plnosť Božstva telesne.

132Ako sme to preberali minule, večer, Boh na začiatku bol Duch. A potom z Boha vyšlo Logos, alebo Teofánia, a to bola forma človeka nazvaná Syn Boží (dopredu spodobnený). On prišiel na zem v tele z mäsa, ešte predtým ako prišiel v Ježišovi Kristovi. No stráv to konečne, brat. Dokážem vám to.

133Keď ho videl Mojžiš, on povedal: „Dovoľ, Pane aby som videl tvoju podobu.“ A Boh ho ukryl v skale. A keď prechádzal okolo, on povedal: „Bol to chrbát človeka.“ To bola tá Teofánia. Presne tak. Potom sa tá Teofánia musela stať telom. Nie inou osobou, ale tá istá Osoba sa musela stať telom aby vzala osteň smrti. Ako včela, keď uštipne, ona zanechá žihadlo. A ... Ona nikdy nezanechala to ... Ona mohla pichnúť žihadlo do ľudského tela, pretože to bol hriech. Ale brat, keď pichla do tela Emanuela, ona stratila svoje žihadlo. Tak veru! Ona môže bzučať, ale už viacej nemá žihadlo.

134Niet divu, Pavel, keď mu išli odseknúť hlavu, povedal: „Ó smrť, kde je tvoj osteň? Môžeš bzučať a hučať koľko chceš. Hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo? Ale vďaka Bohu, ktorý nám dáva víťazstvo skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Tu to máte. To musel vykonať sám Boh. On prišiel a zamanifestoval sa v tele. On sa vrátil naspäť do Ducha.

135Vy hovoríte: „Brat Branham, ešte si nám nepovedal, kedy sa Boh stal telom, predtým ako prišiel v Kristovi.“ Keď Abrahám sedel jedného dňa pod svojím stanom, prišli tam dvaja anjeli a Boh, kráčali ku nemu v ľudskom tele. Na šatách mali prach a boli unavení a sadli si. A Abrahám išiel a zobral teľa od kravy a zabil ho a urobil nejaké jahňacie rezne. Odišiel a zobral ... kázal Sáre aby preosiala kukuričnú múku a upiekla nejaké placky. A zobral maslo od kravy a priniesol cmar a zobral to tam a prestrel. A Boh to jedol!

136Haleluja! A preto, „Moja viera hľadí na Teba, Baránok z Golgoty.“

137Myslíte si, že to je ťažké pre Boha? Boh, ktorý stvoril všetok draslík a vápnik a všetko na svete, On prichádza dole navštíviť Abraháma. On povedal: „Ty si myslíš, že zatajím pred tebou, keď vidím, že si dedičom sveta?“ Amen. „Nebudem tajiť pred tebou.“

138Boh jednoducho zobral ... My sme zložení zo šestnástich prvkov. On len zobral nejaký draslík a vápnik, nejakú ropu a kozmické svetlo, a potom ... [Brat Branham fúkol. – pozn.prekl.] „Vojdi to toho, Gabriel.“ Telo...

139[Brat Branham fúkol. – pozn.prekl.] „Vojdi do toho, Wormwood.“ On vstúpil do toho. Dvaja anjeli z neba.

140Boh sa natiahol a zobral za hrsť toho, [Brat Branham fúkol. – pozn.prekl.] a sám vstúpil do toho. Prišli dole a boli hladní. Požehnaní ... Čo s tým adventistický brat, že sa nemá jesť mäso? Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. Všemohúci Boh, Jehova! Presvedčte sa, či to isté meno nie je preložené, Ten istý pri tom horiacom kríku. Haleluja! A keď On stál na zemi, On povedal: „Prv ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM, Ten istý, ktorý bol v tom horiacom kríku.“ Je to tak, Elohim! Vidíte, či to nie je Ten istý? On bol Ten v tom horiacom kríku.

141On bol Ten, tu v prítomnosti Abraháma v tele z mäsa, jedol teľacinu a pil mlieko od kravy a jedol maslo s kukuričnou plackou. Nech je požehnané sväté meno Pánove. Kráčal rovno tam a povedal: „Nezatajím ... „ A bol obrátený chrbtom, povedal: „Abrahám, navštívim ťa, a budeš mať to dieťa. Teraz máš sto rokov a Sárah deväťdesiat.“ (A Sára sa v stane začala ... smiala sa.) On povedal: „Prečo sa Sárah smiala?“ (Za Ním! Medzi nimi bol stan!)

142Abrahám povedal: „Sára, smiala si sa?“

143„Nie, nesmiala.“

144Povedal: „Áno, smiala si sa!“Aká to tam bola telepatia? Aké čítanie myšlienok? On dnes robí to isté! On je Jehova - Jirech, Jehova - Rafa, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On nikdy nesklamal.

145Pozrite sa na Neho, On tam stojí, prichádza tam a rozpráva sa s Abrahámom a zmizol mu spred očí. A ten veľký patriarcha Abrahám povedal, že sa rozprával tvárou v tvár s Bohom. To bol Elohim, ten istý Boh. Vidíte to? Nie traja ľudia, brat. Tri úrady tej istej osoby.

146Na počiatku bol ten istý. On bol tá veľká Duchovná Fontána, v ktorej bola všetka pravda, všetka láska, všetok pokoj, všetko, čo bolo čisté, bolo v tejto Fontáne. To začalo formovať telo, teofániu, také telo, do ktorého my pôjdeme. Nie oslávené telo, ale ako anjelské telo. Utvarovalo, uformovalo.

147Stále, keď vidím strom, myslím si: „Ten strom je negatív, niekde je pozitív.“ Ten strom bol stvorený z niečoho, nejaká inteligencia ho stvorila. A celá táto zem odzrkadľuje to nebeské. Biblia tak hovorí. A ak je tu strom, ktorý musí zahynúť, v Sláve je ten, ktorý nemusí zahynúť.

148Keď vidím človeka ...Vidím milý mladý pár, muža a jeho ženu, ako idú dole po ulici, navzájom sa milujú. Čo to odzrkadľuje? Nech je požehnané meno Pánove. V nebi je iný pár, ktorý nezahynie. Keď tento zemský stánok bude zničený, máme už iný, ktorý na nás čaká, teofánia.

149Potom dostanete trojicu: Ten veľký Duch, prebývajúci v Synovi, v Ježišovi, Ježiš prebývajúci v cirkvi. „V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne a Ja vo vás.“ Všetko čo bol Boh, On prelial do Ježiša. A všetko, čo bol Ježiš, On prelial do cirkvi. Tu to máte. „Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne. Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ To je to Telo.

150 To robí cirkvi problém. Oni boli učení nejaké malicherné, maznavé, babské náuky. Behali okolo a mali večere pri polievke a pri kartách. Niet divu, že máme taký chaos aký máme. Nepotrebujeme detské programy a večierky pri polievke. To čo potrebujeme, to je drsné staré evanjelium a mužov viery s vytaseným mečom, ktorí sa vedia postaviť na odpor. To čo dnes potrebujeme, to nie je nejaká drobná teológiu ani ľuďmi zostrojená teória, my potrebujeme, aby bolo kázané to drsné evanjelium vo svetle a v moci a demonštrácii Ducha Svätého.

151Všimnite si tu:

Ako On povedal,

on určil iný deň, hovoriac v Dávidovi ...

... keby ich Jozua bol voviedol do odpočinku, ... nebol by ... hovoril o inom dni.

Ale zostáva ... odpočinok pre ľud Boží.

Lebo ten kto vošiel do jeho odpočinku, ... odpočinul od svojich diel, ako Boh od svojich

152No, kde budeme čítať? Matúš 20. ... 11. kapitola, 27. verš.

Všetko, čo mi dal Otec

... (či vlastne)

mi je dané od môjho Otca ... a nikto nezná Syna, iba Otec,


ani Otca nezná nikto, iba Syn a ten, komu ho Syn zjaví.

153Vidíte? To nezáleží od toho ako veľmi sa učíte a ako veľmi chce biskup, aby ste to vedeli, to záleží ako veľmi chce Boh, aby ste to poznali. Ak nemôžete vidieť toto zjavenie, nepýtajte sa biskupa, pýtajte sa Boha. Nepýtajte sa svojho pastora, pýtajte sa Boha. Syn Ho zjavuje. „On“ to je osobné zámeno.

154Počúvajte! Toto vás šokuje. Tu je to prikázanie. Pavel povedal: „Keby On bol nechal iný deň, On by bol o tom povedal.“ Ale tu je to, čo On povedal:

Poďte ku mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení a ja vám dám



Vezmite moje jarmo na seba a učte sa odo mňa, lebo som tichý a pokorný srdcom, a nájdete


pre svoju dušu.

Lebo moje jarmo je užitočné a moje bremeno ľahké.

155Dávajte pozor, čo hovorí Pavel:

... keby im bol Jozua dal odpočinok, nebol by hovoril o inom dni.


on určil ... deň, hovoriac ... v Dávidovi, po toľkom čase,

... keď

počujete jeho hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje


A tedy ešte zostáva

... (počúvajte teraz 9. verš)

Tak tedy ešte zbýva odpočinok


ľudu Božiemu.

Lebo ten

(muž alebo žena),

kto vošiel do jeho odpočinku,

(„Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení, a ja vám dám odpočinutie.“) ...

odpočinul od svojich diel, ako Boh od svojich.

156Môžete mať dvadsať rokov, môžete mať tridsať rokov, môžete mať päťdesiat rokov, ale v tej minúte, keď počujete Hlas Boží, ako klepe na vaše srdce, nezatvrdzujte ho. Potom vojde: „Ten, kto počuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“

157„Ó, brat Branham, čo sa deje?“ Dostávaš Ducha Svätého, vstupuje do teba Kristus. „Je to pravda?“ Otvorte si so mnou Izaiáša, 28. kapitolu a čítajme. Izaiáš 28. kapitola, pozrime sa čo o tom hovorí prorok. Matúš 28, začnime od 8. verša.

158Tu je predpoveď o posledných dňoch (za chvíľu skončíme.)

Lebo všetky stoly sú plné vývratku a ... takže už nie je čistého miesta.

159Dovoľte, že sa tu na chvíľu zastavím. Ako raz večer povedal Ernest, rozprával sa s niekým ... Ernest Fandler, tu tento brat zo Švajčiarska. On povedal: „Zastavil som sa a nechal som to vsiaknuť.“

160Chcem aby toto vsiaklo:

... nie je čistého miesta ... Lebo všetky stoly


plné vývratku ...


ako sa pes navracia ku svojmu vývratku a sviňa ... ku svojmu váľaniu sa v blate,

tak sa ľudia vracajú naspäť.

161Čo sa s vami deje, metodisti? Vy ste mávali svetlo. Čo sa stalo? Boh to zobral z vašich rúk a dal to nazarénom. Čo sa stalo s vami, nazaréni? Voľakedy ste mali svetlo. Boh to zobral z vašich rúk a dal to letničným. Tak veru. Vy Cirkev Božia a vy ostatní z Ľudí svätosti, pretože ste odmietli Svetlo, stali ste sa denomináciou a povedali ste: „Nebudeme veriť nič viacej než toto.“ Boh sa pohol ďalej a ukázal vám, že má ľudí, ktorí Ho budú nasledovať.

162Čo sa stalo s vami, letniční? Vy ste mali svetlo. Boh ho zobral od vás. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohol ďalej. Zakaždým, keď sa ten Ohnivý Stĺp pohol, cirkev sa pohla s Ním. A keď Luther vyšiel z katolíckej cirkvi a urobil organizáciu, svoju vlastnú cirkev, Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohol a Wesley išiel s Ním. Wesley sa zorganizoval a urobil svoju denomináciu a Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohol a Nazarény išli s Ním. Nazaréni sa zorganizovali. A Cirkev Božia išla s Ním. A povedali, že oni nie sú denominácia, ale sú. Čo sa potom stalo?

163To ďalšie čo sa stalo, letniční uvideli ten Oheň a išli. A čo ste urobili? Urobili ste náuku z jazykov a zorganizovali ste to, každý musel hovoriť v jazykoch, keď mal Ducha Svätého. Potom sa hneď Boh z tade pohol a nechal vás tam, kde ste.

164Čo stalo s vami Jednotári? Vy ste našli krst vo meno Ježiša. Urobili ste z toho náuku a oddelili ste sa od toho ostatného a Boh sa hneď pohol preč a nechal vás tam sedieť. Tak veru!

165Čo sa stalo s vami Zbory Božie, Starý Generálny Koncil? Stali ste sa organizáciou a Boh sa hneď pohol preč a nechal vás tam, a teraz nie ste nič, než studená, formálna skupina ako tí ostatní. A ten Ohnivý Stĺp ide ďalej! Haleluja!

166Všetky stoly sú plné vývratku. Pozrite sa na večeru Pánovu. Aha, oni ešte ... Bol som na mieste, kde berú bochník chleba. A ten chlieb má byť urobený z nekvaseného chleba. A oni s tým idú ku hriešnikom, fajčiarom, prostitútkam, smilniciam, len ak sú zapísaní v zborovej knihe. A vy baptisti to ešte nazývate „komúnia blízkych.“

167No, vy baptisti sa trochu chválite. Boh odníme váš roh. Presne tak, nebudete schopní to trúbiť. Komúnia blízkych, oddeľte sa, vyzerá to viacej sväté než je. Pamätajte, toto je baptistická modlitebňa. A to ste urobili, zorganizovali ste sa. Ó, vy hovoríte: „My nie sme organizácia.“ Ale áno, ste! Samozrejme ste. Vy hovoríte: „My máme obecenstvo.“ Áno, s každým kto prichádza a učí presne tak, ako to vy veríte, to je v poriadku. Ale ak niekto ... Vy ho nevyhodíte, ale ho vylúčite zo svojho bratstva. Presne tak. Ó, máte na to spôsob. Tak isto má Boh na to spôsob. Ale Božia cirkev pôjde ďalej, ten Ohnivý Stĺp sa kvôli tomu nezastaví, všetky stoly sú plné vývratku.

168Počúvajte teraz. Toto vás za chvíľu šokuje. Počúvajte, keď budem čítať to Slovo. Kto toto bol? Prorok Izaiáš.

... všetky stoly sú plné vývratku ... takže ... nie je čistého miesta.

169Len bezohľadné predbiehanie sa. Poďte do cirkvi: ženy s odstrihnutými, ostrihanými vlasmi, v šortkách, idú von a vidia muža ako ide po ulici, kosí dvor, mladé dievčatá chcú počuť niekoho, kto ich obdivuje a popiskuje za nimi, viete. Och, myslíte si, že ste milé? Nie ste.

170A ty, človeče, ideš po ulici s cigaretou v ústach a ty si diakon v zbore. Vyzeráš ako texaský vôl bez rohov. A potom si myslíš, že si niekto. Presne tak. Nie divu, že všetky stoly ... Idete a prijímate Večeru Pánov a správate sa, akoby ste boli niekto a cez týždeň podvádzate a kradnete a klamete. Čo sa s vami deje? Všetky stoly sú plné vývratku.

171„Ó, bol som pri Večeri Pánovej. Naozaj, my to robíme v našej cirkvi. Ježiš povedal, že nás vzkriesi v posledných dňoch ak budeme prijímať večeru Pánovu.“

172„Ale ten, kto nehodne je a pije, je a pije si súd nerozsudzujúc tela Pánovho. Preto je medzi vami mnoho slabých a chorých a mnohí sú mŕtvi.“ staré, mŕtve, formálne cirkvi, Duch Boží odišiel od vás a už tam viac nie je Ohnivý Stĺp. Zapierate, že Boh uzdravuje. Zapierate vzkriesenie.

173Ó, vy hovoríte: „Ó, On vstal z mŕtvych historicky.“ Ale čo s Ním, keď On je dnes ten istý, keď vstal z mŕtvych? Vy hovoríte: „Och, to tak nie je.“ No, tu to máte! Máte vzkriesenie tak, ako ho vy chcete. A Boh ho má tak, ako On chce.

174Ale to hlavné na tom je, Biblia povedala, (A vieme, že to je pravda.) že On potvrdí to Slovo a „Veci, ktoré Ja robím aj vy budete robiť a Ja budem stále s vami až do konca sveta. Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ To je to, čo hovorí Slovo.

175No, čo je to sabat?

... všetky stoly sú plné vývratku a ... nieto čistého miesta.

Kohože bude vynaučovať znalosti?

... (nie svetskú znalosť, duchovnú znalosť)

Kohože bude vyučovať znalosti? ... koho má osvietiť, aby poznal náuku?

176„Ó, chvála Bohu, naša organizácia tomuto neverí. Oni nebudú za tým stáť.“ Nestarám sa o to čo verí tvoja organizácia. Čo hovorí o tom Slovo Božie. „No dobre, naši pastori, vieš, sú vzdelaní.“ Ó, samozrejme, určite, majú toľko vzdelania, že Boha z toho odsunuli. Naozaj. Lebo im môžete povedať Slovo a oni pôjdu ďalej a povedia: „Ja to takto neverím.“ Ó, vy zbabelci. Dovoľte, že vám poviem ...

177Pozrite sa sem:

... koho má osvietiť aby rozumel náuku? Či azda odlúčených od mlieka, odtrhnutých od pŕs?

178Jedného dňa prišiel ku mne sused a povedal: „Billy, jeden pastor tu v meste, najmilšia osoba akú si kedy videl ...“ Povedal: „Sedeli sme so ženou v pyžamách okolo polnoci a prišiel ten milý pastor a vypil si s nami kávu a išiel ku ďalšiemu susedovi a potriasol si s nimi ruky. Oni tam hrali karty a on si sadol a hral s nimi.“ Povedal: „Ó, to je najspoločenskejší človek akého si kedy videl.“ Povedal: „Ó, máme ho radi. Za nič sa ho nevzdáme.“

179Chvíľu som tam stál a rozmýšľal som: „Ozaj?“

180Povedal: „Či si nemyslíš, že každá cirkev by potrebovala takéhoto človeka?“ (och) Nemohol som na to odpovedať. On povedal: „Na inom malom mieste, majú také milé miesto. Tento kazateľ a jeho žena, milí ľudia, vyšli a zaoberali sa s deťmi až tak, že mali Biblickú školu.“ A povedal: „Mali ich toľko, proste veľa tých malých detí.“ Povedal: „Ó, on vie rozprávať ... všetky rôzne príbehy tým deťom.“

181Povedal som: „To je pekné. To je veľmi pekné.“

182Išiel som naspäť. (Práve som sa vrátil z Kanady.) A myslel som si: „Tu som ... Ó, ľudia ... Čo sa to so mnou deje? Ja to nerobím.“ Išiel som umývať auto. Myslel som: „Bože, starnem a tu som. A rozmýšľal som, plakal, prosil a všetko čo z toho mám je veľké rúhanie.“

183Všetko, nech povie niekto o vás niečo zlé: „Ó, ten starý fanatik!“ niečo také.

184A rozmýšľal som o tom a prišiel ku mne Hlas a povedal: „Tí ľudia sú v poriadku, keď to robia, ale ja som ťa na to nepovolal. Ja som ťa povolal aby si zobral Meč a stál tam ako Jozua a postavil sa na odpor, brat. Nie aby si strácal čas s nejakými spoločnosťami alebo s nejakými cirkevnými organizáciami, ale aby si vyzval diabla. Stál v prvej línii, aby to, čo je dobré si nazýval dobrým a čo je zlé, zlým. Aby si kázal Slovo a našiel tých, ktorí budú Tomu veriť. Aby si to tam predložil.“

185Začal som sa ponáhľať pri tom aute, stále som ho umýval. Povedal som: „Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Ďakujem Ti, Pane.“ Cítil som sa potom dobre. „To je v poriadku, Pane. Budem to zvierať ešte pevnejšie a chcem zomrieť s Tým vo svojich rukách.“

... koho môžem učiť náuku?

... (počúvajte)

... stoly sú plné vývratku ...

... odlúčených od mlieka, odtrhnutých od pŕs.

(dávajte teraz pozor)

Lebo príkaz .. za - na príkaz, príkaz na príkaz, ... riadok za riadkom, trochu tu a trochu tam.

Lebo zajakavými rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu.

Im, ktorým je povedané: Toto je


v ktorom dáte odpočinúť ustatému, ... toto je občerstvenie. Avšak nechceli počuť.

Lebo slovo Pánove prišlo ku nim

(niekto To kázal)

príkaz na príkaz, ... na príkaz, riadok za riadkom, ... za riadkom, trochu tu a trochu tam, aby ta išli a klesli nazad a boli skrúšení a aby sa zaplietli do slučky a boli lapení.

186Čo je Odpočinok? Kedy prišiel Odpočinok? Keď ľudia hovorili inými jazykmi a mali zajakavé rty. Zajakavé rty, oni nič nehovorili, oni sa zajakávali. Kedy sa to stalo? Na Letnice, keď prišiel Duch Svätý! To je Odpočinok: Duch Svätý. Ježiš povedal: „Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí ste unavení a obtiažení a ja vám dám Odpočinok. Ja vám dám Život, Večný Život (Zoe) vlastný Boží Život.“ Boh príde do vás a bude časťou vás. On ti dá narodenie a urobí ťa synom a dcérou.

187No, pozrite sa, to bol ten tretí odpočinok, ktorý On dáva. Ten prvý:

dostal Boh od svojej práce. Druhý: dostal Izrael v zákone. Tretí:

dostala Cirkev ako časť Boha.

188Tri je číslo života. Koľkí to viete? Stále keď vidíte tri, to je život. Všimnite si, keď Boh stvoril zem, na tretí deň bol stvorený život. Koľkí to viete? Na tretí deň, tam na tretí deň pri stvorení prichádza život. Trojica: Otec bol nad ľuďmi v Ohnivom Stĺpe. Syn bol človek, ktorý sa rozprával s ľuďmi a pripravil ich. Duch Svätý bol tretí stupeň, a to bol Duch Svätý, Boh v ľuďoch. Život, Otec, Syn ... Odpočinok Boží, odpočinok pre Izrael a odpočinok pre cirkev, dodržiavanie Sabatu.

189Tak ak ste ešte neprijali Ducha Svätého, nevošli ste do Božieho Odpočinku. Nemôžete hovoriť: „Ó, nemôžem, chcem fajčiť. No proste nemôžem, som kresťan. Ja skutočne nechcem piť, ale som kresťan. Proste nemôžem ... Nechcem piť, ale rád by som si vypil.“

190Ak túžite po ženách, ak robíte všetky tieto bezbožné vec, ešte ste nenarazili na obdobie Odpočinku. Nevošli ste do svojho Odpočinku. A keď vojdete do tohoto Odpočinku, odpočinuli ste od svojich svetských skutkov, ako Boh odpočinul od svojich. Prečo? Ste časťou Boha, odpočívate večne. No vidíte. To je Sabat: „Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete.“

191„Dnes On určil určitý deň, po toľkom čase, v Dávidovi, keď počujete Jeho Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdcia.“

192Ešte tu prečítam jedno alebo dve slová a budeme končiť.

Lebo kto vošiel do



(„poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení“)

odpočinuli ste od svojich vlastných diel ako Boh od svojich na siedmi deň.

Vy ste možno od vašich odpočinuli v tridsiatom roku, v štyridsiatom roku, v päťdesiatom roku, kedykoľvek to bolo, odpočinuli ste od svojich diel ako Boh od svojich, večne. Nechcete už viacej veci tohoto sveta, svet je pre vás mŕtvy.

193A teraz 11. verš, na záver.

Usilujme sa tedy vojsť do toho odpočinku,

(Nie do tohoto, nie do tohoto, ale do Tohoto),

aby nepadol niekto tým istým príkladom nevery.

[Anglický preklad KJV. – pozn.prekl.]

194Čo to je? Ohnivý Stĺp je tu. Anjel Pánov je s nami. On robí presne tie isté veci, ktoré povedal, že bude robiť. A ľudia sa potkýnajú okolo a hovoria: „No ... Och, dobre, ja si myslím, že to je v poriadku. To je celkom dobre. Ach, hádam je to dobre.“ Buďte opatrní aby ste nepadli do tej istej pasce nevery. Zoberte to z celého svojho srdca!

195Dívajte sa:

Lebo slovo Božie

(nie nejaká cirkevná náuka) ...

slovo Božie je živé ... a účinné, ... ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný,

... (počúvajte) ...

prenikajúce až ... do rozdelenia duše ... ducha, ... kĺbov a špikov,

... (a počúvajte) ...

a spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca.

Čo to bolo? Duch Svätý môže prísť a povedať: „Ty si urobil tú a tú vec a ty si urobil toto a tamto, si chorý na toto a tamto, ak dáš toto do poriadku, dosiahneš to.“ Vidíte? Schopné posúdiť myšlienky.

196A ľudia hovoria: „Čo to je? No, to je duchovná telepatia. Aha, to je ... on je veštec.“ Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? To je zlý, starý nečistý svet, ktorý nepozná Boha.

197Je živšie, viac myslí, je účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč a je schopné rozoznávať myšlienky a úmysly srdca. No, čo pozná úmysly srdca? Boh! Vy poviete: „Dobre, Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie.“ Slovo Božie je Boh!

Na počiatku bolo Slovo, ... a to Slovo bolo s Bohom a to Slovo bol Boh.

A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.

198Boh rozoznáva myšlienky. Abrahám bol obrátený chrbtom ... Boh bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a Sárah sa smiala. A Boh sa otočil a povedal: „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Schopný rozoznať myšlienky srdca! Chcem aby to do vás trochu vsiaklo. [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.]

199Potom keď povstáva takáto služba, ktorú Boh zasľúbil v poslednom dni, čo sa deje? „To je duchovná telepatia.“

200Či nenazývali samého Pána „Belzebubom“? On povedal: „Ak Pána domu nazvali Belzebubom, o čo viac budú nazývať jeho učeníkov?“

201Milujem vás. Vidieť, že vás to dosť zaujíma, inak by ste neprišli počúvať evanjelium do sály, kde nie je klimatizácia. Ste natoľko hladní, že ste prišli na takéto miesto. Boh nám nedal postaviť nič okrem tohoto. Takto to máme radi, len malá chatrč, ale takto to máme radi. Boh neprebýva v nádhere, Boh prebýva v pokore. Takto to máme radi. Radi sem prichádzame a vy tiež, aby sme sedeli na takýchto miestach. Nevadí ako je tu horúco, ako veľmi sa potíte vo svojom novom obleku, vo svojich nových šatách, to nie je rozhodujúce. Počúvate Večný Život, Slovo Božie, ktoré pozná myšlienky vášho srdca. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol nad deťmi Izraela, visí tu dnes večer. Mohol by som to vyzvať. Nieto človeka, ktorý by sa tu mohol postaviť pod mocou Ducha Svätého bez toho aby ho Boh hneď neprekukol a povedal mu, čo bol. Tak veru! Tu to máte.

202Čo to je? Čo to je? To je ten istý Duch, ktorý viedol deti Izraela do ich odpočinku a oni upadli pre neveru. Neupadnite. Toto je posledná príležitosť. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, cez to prichádza život.

203Ospravedlnenie, Martin Luther, stále náboženská forma. Posvätenie John Wesley. Krst Duchom Svätým, Život. Ospravedlnenie, to je veriť. Posvätenie, to je očistenie. Duch Svätý je naplnenie, Život! Nie cez Lutherov vek, oni to mali v určitej forme. Nie cez Wesleyov vek, oni to mali v určitej forme. Ale toto je ten vek, keď prichádza sám Duch Svätý.

204A ak ste to neprijali, ako môžete veriť v zázraky? To treba mať v sebe Boha, aby ste verili. Správate sa ako Boh. Poznáte veci ako Boh. Myslíte ako Boh. Biblia hovorí, že ste malými bohmi, amatérmi. Ježiš tak povedal! Lebo ste časťou Boha. Presne tak isto, ako ja som malý Branham a vy ste malí ... ktokoľvek ste, pretože sa tak nazývajú vaši rodičia. Máte takú povahu, lebo vaši rodičia boli takí, pretože ste sa z nich narodili. A dôvod, že veríte v Boha a veríte v zázraky a znamenia a divy, pretože ste synovia a dcéry Božie. Prijímate Život. Život prichádza ako tretí.

205Dobre. Keď Ježiš išiel na horu, všade kde išiel bral Petra, Jakoba a Jána, troch svedkov. Tri je číslo života. Rozumiete? Láska, radosť, pokoj.

206No, poďme teraz rýchlo do konca tejto kapitoly. Čítajme rýchlo.

Lebo slovo Božie je živšie ... účinnejšie ... než ... dvojsečný meč ... a

rozpoznáva ešte aj

... úmysly srdca.

A nieto stvorenia, ktoré by bolo neviditeľné pred ním, ale všetko je nahé a odkryté očiam toho, s ktorým máme dočinenia.

207Brat, nie je mucha, ktorá by si mohla sadnúť tam na stĺp bez toho, aby On o tom nevedel. „Všetky veci sú otvorené.“ Brat, on vie o všetkom čo si kedy urobil, o každej myšlienke, ktorú si si kedy pomyslel. On je taký. My Ho takéhoto veríme. A keď Boh prichádza ku nám a kladie nás do cirkvi, On dáva do cirkvi dary a rôzne veci, aby prejavovali jeho Bytosť. Ak je Boh nekonečným Bohom, On potom uzdravuje chorých, môže kriesiť z mŕtvych, môže čistiť malomocných, dávať slepým zrak, On môže dávať videnia, On môže robiť všetky tieto veci, keď účinkuje cez svoju cirkev, pretože to je Boh vo vás. To je cirkev.

208Ako sa cirkev stáva Cirkvou? Tým že sa do nej pripojíte? Vôbec nie! Potrasením rúk? Nie! Vodným krstom? Nie! Členstvom? Nie! Ako To získate? „Lebo skrze jedného Ducha sme my všetci pokrstení v jedno Telo.“ No vidíte.

209Rimanom 8:1:

A teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia

... (nijakého svetského odsúdenia, z ničoho vás nemôžu obviniť)

A teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristovi Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha.

210No vidíte. Takto sa súdi vaše kresťanstvo. Takto môžete vedieť, že ste vošli do Odpočinku, svet vás už viacej netrápi. Skutočne! Vidíte to a idete preč od toho. Máte niečo lepšie nad čím rozmýšľate. Tu to máte: „Žiadne odsúdenie!“ Takto sa dostávame do toho Tela. A ste naveky bezpečný. Biblia tak povedala!

211Pozrime sa sem, do listu Židom do 10. kapitoly. On povedal:

...lebo kde sú prinášané obete býkov

, leží upomienka na hriechy rok po roku.

Ale on, ...


jednu obeť

.. (nech je požehnané jeho sväté meno.)

Lebo jednou obeťou zdokonalil navždy

... (Haleluja! nie do ďalšieho prebudenia, ale navždy.)

212„Staré veci pominuli a všetko sa stalo nové.“ Kráčame vo Svetle, v tom nádhernom Svetle. Vtáci inak spievajú.

213Sedíme tu ... dívam sa na túto malú alkoholičku (asi pred okolo piatimi rokmi). Rossela, so skleneným pohľadom chodila po uliciach Chicaga, pila, potácala sa, chodila v každom hriechu aký bol, opitá a vo všetkom, v čom len mohla byť. A jedného večera Duch Svätý, ktorý je rýchlejší než ... účinnejší než dvojsečný meč, povedal: „Žena, ty si alkoholička.“ Haleluja! Ak to nie je ten istý Boh, ktorý bol voľakedy, ktorý vedel, že sa Sárah za ním smiala, tak potom neviem, čo On je.

214Hore v obecenstve povedal ďalšej žene. Ona odišla a priviedla ju tam. Povedal: „Ty si narkomanka.“ Ako On rozpoznáva myšlienky!

215A sedel tam veľký aristokratický kazateľ, ktorý bol svetoznámy evanjelista, so založenými rukami, v tričku, mysleli si, že my ich nepoznáme. Akoby mohli sedieť na takom zhromaždení a Boh by nezjavil kto to je. Sedeli tam a vyzerali inak, ako keby boli niečim iným. Duch Svätý vedel, kto sú. A oni tam sedeli a v srdciach si mysleli, že to je telepatia. Nevedia viacej o Bohu než Hotentót o Egyptskom rytierovi. Je to tak. Oni to poznajú podľa litery, ale nie podľa Ducha. Litera zabíja, ale Duch dáva život. To je to, to je tá myšlienka. „Živé, účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč, schopné posúdiť myšlienky srdca.“

216Počúvajte! Dávajte pozor:

A nieto stvorenia, ktoré by bolo neviditeľné pred ním, ale všetko je nahé a odkryté očiam toho, s ktorým máme dočinenia.

Keď tedy máme takého veľkého veľkňaza,

... (Počúvajte teraz, nemocní) ...

ktorý prenikol nebesia. Ježiša, Syna Božieho, držme pevne vyznanie.

217„Držme pevne“; to neznamená, že budeme len svedčiť, Ak nežijete ten život, nedržíte to pevne. Žijete pokrytecky. Ste ... buďte radšej vonku a hovorte len, že ste hriešnik a zabudnite na to. Nevyznávajte kresťanstvo, keď žijete niečo iné, ste najväčším kameňom úrazu, aký svet kedy mal. Ak ste hriešnik, priznajte to a choďte, dajte sa do poriadku s Bohom. Ak ste kresťan, držte pevne svoje vyznanie, stojte tam.

218A dávajte teraz pozor. Chcem sa ku tomuto dostať skôr ako zakončíme.

Lebo nemáme veľkňaza, ktorý by nemohol súcitiť s našimi slabosťami, ale pokúšaného vo všetkom, podobne nám, bez hriechu.


Pristupujme tedy so smelou dôverou ku trónu milosti, aby sme dostali milosrdenstvo a našli milosť na pomoc v pravý čas.

(Nech je požehnané meno Božie)

219Počúvaj, baptista, presbyterián, luterán! Opýtate sa ma toto: „Abrahám uveril Bohu a to mu bolo pripočítané za spravodlivosť.“ Viem, že stále poukazujete na to. To je pravda. „Čo môže človek viacej urobiť, ako veriť Bohu?“ To je úplná pravda, to je všetko, čo človek môže urobiť. Ale keď Boh pozná, že máte tú vieru, dá vám Ducha Svätého.

220„No, čo budem potom robiť, brat Branham? Budem vykrikovať?“ To nie je nutné. „Budem hovoriť v jazykoch? To nie je nutné. Môžeš aj vykrikovať aj hovoriť v jazykoch a stále žiť ako pohan, stále byť žiadostivý za ženami a stále budeš fajčiť a piť a všetko ďalšie. Videl som ľudí hovoriť v jazykoch a len čo vyšli vyťahovali najšpinavšie, neslušné veci aké som kedy videl. Videl som ich kričať a roniť krokodílie slzy a ukradli by ... všetko čoho sa nedržíte. Videl som ich vychádzať von a obracali sa za každým dievčaťom, ktoré išlo po ulici. Och, to je zreteľný znak, že to nemáte. Je to tak.

221Ale brat, keď si prešiel zo smrti do života, všetky tieto veci sa stali mŕtve a ty si novým stvorením v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ak vidíš niečo zlé, budeš sa za to modliť: „Bože buď milostivý.“ A keď vidíš problémy, namiesto toho, aby si išiel a klebetil a snažil sa to urobiť horším, budeš sa snažiť stretnúť s tou osobou a napraviť to a hneď s tým prestať. To je Duch Boží v tebe.

222Ak urobíš chybu (si pre nich objektom) ... Ak urobíš chybu, hneď to napravíš: „Nech nezapadá slnko nad tvojím hnevom.“ Takto vieš, že si prešiel zo smrti do života. Máš lásku, pokoj, radosť, zhovievavosť, dobrotu, krotkosť, zdržanlivosť. Máme Veľkňaza, ktorý sedí v Nebesiach pripraveného prihovoriť sa na základe nášho vyznania. Čo to je? To je, keď Ježiš odišiel naspäť do toho Logos, do Ohnivého Stĺpa, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove, sedí v prítomnosti tej veľkej Fontány; Svetelnej dúhy, ktorá vyšla, sedem dokonalých Duchov, dokonalý Duch lásky.

223Dávajte pozor. To prvé je dokonalá Láska, to je Božia Láska, čistá a nepoškvrnená. Ďalej za tým je „fileo“ láska. To je láska, ktorú máte ku svojej žene a deťom. To ďalšie, čo ide za tým je žiadostivá láska. To ďalšie je bezbožná láska. A tak to ide ďalej, až je to špinavosť, stále ďalej väčšia prevrátenosť, prevrátenosť.

224A všetko, čo malo začiatok, má koniec, a všetko to bude odstránené a nikdy viac to nebude spomenuté a jedného dňa príde všetko znovu do dokonalosti. A jediný spôsob ... Nemôžete zastať tu dole v polovici cesty, a dostať sa sem hore. Celou cestou musíte byť v tom, spoliehať, úplne odpočívať v spasení, ktoré vám dal Ježiš Kristus, skrze vieru.

225Je Duch poctivosti, ktorý pochádza od Boh, to je tá Fontána. Fontána Božia, to je poctivosť. To ďalšie, to je človek, ktorý bude robiť dobré skutky svojmu susedovi. Ďalšie, to je taký, na ktorého si musíte dávať pozor. Ďalší, to je zlodej. Ďalší je vrah, gangster. Vidíte ako tá prevrátenosť ide ďalej? Ale všetko toto hovorí, že existuje Skutočnosť.

226To je to, čo hovorím, že stále keď vidíte nejakého človeka ... Vidíte nejaký pár ako ide po ulici, majú sa radi, možno majú osemdesiat rokov. To hovorí len o tom, že v Nebi je mladý pár, ktorý ich reprezentuje v nebi. Keď tento zemský stánok bude zrušený, máme tam iný.

227Ak vidíte človeka, ktorý podvádza, kradne, klame, pamätajte len, jeho časť čaká na neho v pekle, na jeho mieste, kde bude trýznený v prítomnosti Božej a svätých anjelov, ohňom a sírou. On tam bude mučený. Nie naveky, on nemôže byť mučený naveky, naveky neznamená celú ... po všetky časy. Večnosť je naveky, večnosť je ... nemá začiatok ani koniec. Ale naveky, to je „úsek času.“ Biblia hovorí „na veky vekov“. Jonáš povedal, že bol v bruchu veľryby na „veky“. To je úsek času.

228Ale pozrite sa, existuje len jeden Večný Život, a to je Boh. A ak budete mučení na veky a nikdy nemôžete zomrieť, musíte mať Večný Život. Nemôžete byť mučení na veky ... môžete byť mučení sto miliónov rokov v prítomnosti Božej a svätých anjelov, ohňom a sírou, ja neviem ako dlho On povedal, že to bude. Ale nakoniec to musí skončiť, pretože to malo začiatok. A jedine Boh má Večný Život. „Ten, kto počuje moje Slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, (nemá život na veky) má Večný Život. Život, ktorý začal ... Nič podľa tohoto tu, ale po celý čas podľa toho tam hore, Večný Život (Zoe). Boží vlastný Život prichádza dole a prebýva v tom človeku a on je večný s Bohom a nemôže zomrieť. Toto hovorí Slovo.

229Len si to predstavte. Či sú dva druhy Večného Života? To nemôžete povedať, však? Je jeden Večný Život, a to je Boží Život. Tento iný druh života, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, musí mať koniec. A všetko, čo malo začiatok, má koniec. Ale všetko čo nemalo začiatok, nemá ani koniec. A Boh povedal, že nám dá Večný Život „bez začiatku.“ Stali sme sa časťou Neho. A v skutočnosti Život, ktorý je v nás, nebol sem prinesený skrze ľudskú povahu. Povahu nám dáva duch, ale ten duch zomrel a my sme dostali Ducha Božieho. Sláva Bohu.

230Bol Boh človekom? Samozrejme! „Učiňme človeka na svoj obraz.“ Čo bol Boh? Teofánia, Telo! A tam Boh ... človek bol takto učinený a postavený do záhrady, ale nebolo človeka, ktorý by obrábal zem, v zmysloch. Potom On stvoril človeka z prachu zeme do zvieracieho života a ten človek obrábal zem. A človek upadol skrze prehrešenie. Tak veru. A Boh, Teofánia, prišiel dole a stal sa telom a prebýval medzi nami, aby vykúpil človeka.

231Tak to nie je nič, čo by ste vy mohli urobiť. Vy ste od začiatku hriešnikom. Ste sformovaní v neprávosti. Narodili ste sa v hriechu, prichádzate na svet a hovoríte klamstvá. Narodili ste sa na tento svet skrze sexuálnu žiadosť svojho otca a matky a ste tak držaní peklom ako len môžete. Nestarám sa o to čo robíte. Nemusíte nikdy klamať, kradnúť, môžete dodržiavať každé prikázanie a všetko ostatné a pôjdete do pekla ako vtáčik do klietky. Ale jediný spôsob, ako vôbec môžete znovu žiť, to je prijať Svätého Ducha, vlastný Boží Život.

232Čo spravilo, že ste tým čím ste? Na začiatku, keď sa Duch Boží vznášal nad zemou, nebolo tam nič len vulkanická činnosť. Vyrástol malý Veľkonočný kvietok. Boh povedal: „To vyzerá pekne, len sa ďalej vznášaj.“ Ukázali sa kvety. Vyrástla tráva. Vyrástli stromy. Vtáci vyleteli z prachu. Povstali zvieratá. Povstal človek.

233No, ako sa to stalo? Skrze vznášanie sa Ducha Svätého, ktorý privádzal dokopy tieto materiály: draslík, vápnik ... tvoril kvety, tvoril zvieratá, tvoril vás.

234A teraz, vy máte slobodnú voľbu. Boh zavanul znovu na vás a povedal: „Počuješ môj Hlas? Nezatvrdzuj svoje srdce ako v tých dňoch rozhorčenia.“ On tu prichádza dole, káže Slovo. Evanjelium, ktoré im bolo kázané nebolo ... nemali v To vieru. Tak im To nič nepomohlo. Oni To počuli, ale Tomu neverili.

235Boh prišiel dole a ukázal im Ohnivý Stĺp; ukázal cez svojich prorokov znamenia a zázraky, On bol s ním. Oni tomu neverili. Ó, oni sa radi dívali na tie zázraky. Oni radi počúvali proroka. Ale keď išlo o to, aby tomu verili, neverili. Ich životy dokazujú, že neverili.

236No, On povedal: „Nepadnite tým istým príkladom nevery!“ Lebo v tomto poslednom dni pre cirkev z pohanov Boh znovu ukázal: ten istý znak, ten istý zázrak, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, potvrdený, dokázaný. Nezatvrdzujme svoje srdcia a neupadajme do toho pokušenia nevery ako tam vtedy, lebo zhnijeme na zemi a to bude všetko.

237A keď Duch Svätý klepe na vaše srdce: „Po toľkom čase, keď počujete môj Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce“. Hovorí: „Dieťa moje, toto je pravda.“ Nedívajte sa na posla, počúvajte Posolstvo. Verte tomu. „Nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce ako v tých dňoch rozhorčenia.“

238Keď počujete jeho Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce. Potom povedzte: „Áno, Pane, verím.“ Potom vojdete do Života, Duch Svätý príde do vás. Váš starý duch zomiera, ktorý spôsoboval, že ste boli žiadostiví a nenávideli ste a mali ste zlé úmysly a nepriateľstvá a nenávisť a všetky tieto veci zomreli. A stali ste sa plní lásky, radosti, pokoja, odpočinku. Nezáleží na tom ako fúka vietor, to je v poriadku.

Moja kotva drží za oponou.

Cez každú veľkú a silnú búrku;

Moja kotva drží za oponou.

Na Kristovi na tej pevnej skale stojím

a všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.

239No vidíte. Eddie Pruitt, keď napísala túto známu pieseň. Všetky ostatné základy: všetky denominácie, všetky vyznania, všetky náuky zmiznú. Kristus!

Vy poviete: „Dobre, ja poznám Bibliu.“ Že poznáš Bibliu, preto ešte nemáš Život.

„Ja poznám svoj katechizmus.“ Preto, že poznáš katechizmus, nemáš Život.

„Dobre, ja som kresťan.“ Preto, že vyznávaš kresťanstvo, nemáš ešte Život.

240Život máš skrze to, že poznáš Jeho. Keď poznať Jeho, máš Život. Potom vchádzaš do jeho Odpočinku, odpočinul si od svojich diel ako Boh od svojich. Stal si sa Synom Božím, časťou Boha. A ak ten Svätý Duch sa ti dvorí a ti sa dvoríš Jemu - alebo hrkúta: „Áno Pane.“

241Hrkúta: „Poďte ku mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení a ja vám dám Odpočinutie.“

242A vy hovoríte: „Ó, ja som mladý. Ja mám ... Môj pastor ne... Všetko, čo musím robiť ... „ Vidíte? Nikdy to nenájdete.

243Ale keď hovoríte: „Áno môj Pane, počujem tvoj Hlas. Nezatvrdzujem svoje srdce. Nestarám sa Pane, to je tvoje Slovo a ja tomu verím. Prijmi ma Ježišu, takého aký som, bez jedinej výhovorky, ale tvoja krv bola za mňa preliata a potom sľubujem, že budem veriť, ó Baránku Boží, idem!“ Položte svoje ruky na jeho zomierajúcu hlavu a povedzte: Pane, ja som hriešnik a Ty si ma zavolal.“

244„Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne a ja ich vzkriesim v posledný deň.“

245„Áno, Pane, idem. Nezatvrdzujem svoje srdce, ako to robili oni pri tom pokúšaní. Ja skutočne verím,“

246Čo On potom robí? Dáva vám svoj Život (Zoe), Večný Život. A keď nás Boh mohol zbudiť z prachu zeme, odkiaľ pochádzame ... Pochádzali sme z prachu? Všetko čo vidíte pochádza z prachu. A keď ma Boh mohol urobiť tým, čím som dnes, keď som nemal žiadnu voľbu, len preto že On mal túžbu urobiť ma a dal mi možnosť stretnúť sa s Golgotou a rozhodnúť sa a rozhodol som sa a uveril som Mu, o čo skôr ma vzbudí. Keď ma takéhoto stvoril bez môjho rozhodnutia, potom keď som sa rozhodol a zobral som ho za ... keď On položil svoje ruky a prisahal na samého seba, že ma vzbudí v posledný deň.

247Budem v kľude odpočívať, mám Odpočinok. Nie preto, že svätím nedeľu, nie preto že svätím sabat, to s tým nič nemá. Ja svätím pretože som vošiel do jeho pokoja a Odpočinku (pokoj, odpočinok, láska, radosť). Nech hučia vlny, moja kotva drží.

248Máš dnes večer toto prežitie, môj priateľ, ktorý tu sedíš v tejto horúcej modlitebni? Neprišiel si sem počúvať mňa. Nie, prišiel si počúvať Slovo. Počúvaj, môj priateľ.

249Ak nemáš ten Odpočinok, môžeš ho hneď teraz nájsť. Nemusíš ísť sem ku oltáru, zostaň tam kde si. Buď úprimný a povedz: „Kristus hovor len do môjho srdca. Viem, že je horúco. Som proste celý spenený, spotený. Som strašný. Ale, Pane, skôr než nastane ráno by som sa mohol potiť od bolesti.“

A doktor by mohol potriasť hlavou a povedať: „Zlyhalo srdce. Je s ním koniec.“ Čo potom?

250Čo potom? Keď zostane otvorená tá veľká kniha, čo potom? Poznáte tú pieseň: Čo potom? Keď tí, ktorí odmietli posolstvo budú požiadaní, aby vydali počet, čo potom? Čo potom? Zamyslite sa teraz nad tým, skutočne hlboko.

251Kým skloníme svoje hlavy, myslite na to.

Keď ten, kto odmietol dnes večer toto posolstvo

bude požiadaný, aby vydal počet, čo potom?

Čo potom? Čo potom?

Keď bude otvorená tá veľká kniha, čo potom?

Keď tí, ktorí dnes odmietajú toto posolstvo,

budete požiadaní, aby ste vydali počet. Čo potom?

252Náš nebeský Otče, toto je teraz všetko v tvojich rukách. Tu leží pred ľuďmi skutočný Sabat. Tu je anjel Boží, ktorý za posledných niekoľko rokov trúbil po svete. Kritici a všetci ostatní sa To snažili pohaniť, ale zakaždým si sa dokázal, že si Boh.

253Vedecký svet, cirkevný svet ... Či sú slepí, Pane? Možno, že je tu dnes večer niekto, kto by rád prijal svoj zrak, aby mohol chodiť a nepokúšal Boha ako v tých dňoch pokúšania. Nesnažte sa Ho pokúšať tým, že v nedeľu budete dobrí, alebo dodržiavaním nejakého dňa, alebo nejakého vyznania alebo tým, že budete patriť do nejakej cirkvi, ale buďte ochotní vyjsť a dať sa obrezať na srdci a prijmite Ducha Svätého a oni Ho chcú. A teraz vierou, oni sa Ho snažia prijať do svojho srdca. Pane, oni sa snažia nájsť milosť u Teba.

254Ó, možno, že hovorili v jazykoch, možno že vykrikovali. A stále majú tú istú starú zlosť. Stále majú tú istú starú zákernosť. Stále klebetia a tárajú a robia veci, ktoré by nemali. Oni to nechcú, Pane. Čo potom, keď sa otvorí tá veľká kniha? Ale je povedané: „Takí nevojdú do kráľovstva. Buďte teda dokonalí, tak ako váš Otec v nebesiach je dokonalý.“ Nič okrem toho tam nevojde. Či oni dnes večer spoliehajú úplne na ukrižovaní? Ak nie, Pane, nech urobia hneď teraz to jedno večné „Áno.“

255Povedzte: „Pane, ja ... nie emócia, ale cítim niečo dole vo svojom srdci ... to niečo mi hovorí, že to môžem urobiť hneď teraz, skrze Tvoju milosť. A ja Ťa teraz prijímam ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. Odmietam všetky veci tohoto sveta a chcem vojsť do tvojho Odpočinku a verím, že to robím práve teraz. Verím, že Duch Svätý ma privádza práve na to miesto.“

256Kým sú sklonené všetky hlavy. Cíti to teraz niekto takto? Zodvihnite ruku: „Duch Svätý ma teraz privádza na miesto, kde už viacej nechcem klebetiť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. „Nechcem robiť tie veci ... Moja prchlivosť pominula. Od teraz môžem žiť v pokoji a radosti a v zhovievavosti. Verím, že Boh práve teraz ku mne hovorí, že to môžem od tejto chvíle mať, skrze Jeho milosť.“ Zodvihneš ruku? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná mladá pani. Ešte niekto? „Teraz verím.“

257Nepokúšajte ho, ako v ten deň rozhorčenia. Nemyslite si, že pretože chodíte v nedeľu do zboru alebo dodržiavate sabat ... Pavel povedal: „Vy ktorí bedlivo pozorujete na dni a mesiace a tak ďalej. Bojím sa o vás.“ Lebo zákon majúc iba tôňu budúceho dobrého, nie sám obraz vecí, nemôže nikdy zdokonaliť tých, ktorí prichádzajú. Ale Kristus vás robí dokonalými, dokonalými v Božích očiach. On odníma váš hriech, odníma od vás odsúdenie a dáva vám svoju lásku a radosť.

258Či vojdete teraz do jeho Odpočinku? Ďalší zodvihli ruky, dávajú najavo: „Ja som to vykonal.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani, tam vľavo. Nech Boh žehná toho muža tam vpravo. Myslite teraz o tom, vchádzate do jeho Odpočinku.

259Modlime sa: „Taký aký som, Pane, bez výhovorky ... Nie som dobrý. Nič ti nemôžem ponúknuť, ale len môj starý, obnosený, hriešny život. Prijmeš ma? Očistíš? Znovu oživíš? Pretože sľubujem, že budem veriť. Ó, Baránok Boží, prichádzam! Prichádzam teraz a verím, že teraz som prešiel zo smrti do Života. Pretože, práve tu na svojom mieste som ťa prijal ako svojho Spasiteľa a v srdci cítim pokoj.“

260Piati zodvihli ruky. Či je ešte niekto, kto to takto cíti? Zodvihni ruku. Ak nie si kresťan, prijmi Ho hneď teraz.

261Ak vyznávaš, že si kresťan a nebol si takýto, si stále hriešnikom, nezáleží na tom aký život si viedol alebo ako si sa snažil prerobiť sa. To čo ty robíš nie je prijaté. Ale to, čo On vykonal. Tvoja vlastná spravodlivosť nebude prijatá. Ak si prestal fajčiť, len preto že si povedal: „Dobre, radšej prestanem fajčiť, pretože vyznávam kresťanstvo.“ Boh to neprijíma. Ak si prestal dychtiť po ženách len preto, že sa len sám takým robíš, Boh to neprijíma. To je niečo čo ty robíš, to sú skutky. Spasenie sa dokonáva z milosti. Vstúpil do teba Boh a odstránil to všetko z teba? To je iné.

262Vy hovoríte: „Vstúpil som do cirkvi a tak som musel prestať s týmito vecami.“ Boh to neprijal, ty nič nemôžeš ponúknuť, On prijíma jedine to, čo dal Kristus. On ti dáva Večný Život, a odstraňuje to od teba. Prijmeš ho?

... z rozbúreného mora;

Poď, zakotvi svoju dušu v nebeskom odpočinku

a povedz: „Môj milý je môj.“

Zakotvil som svoju dušu...

(Dobre, vy ktorí ste zodvihli ruky. Posolstvo teraz skončilo. Oslavujme Ho teraz.)

Nebudem sa viac plaviť po rozbúrenom mori,

môže duť najbúrlivejšia víchrica.

V Ježišovi som stále bezpečný.

263Teraz všetci na Jeho slávu.

Zakotvil som svoju dušu v nebeskom odpočinku, (v sabate).

Nebudem sa viac plaviť po rozbúrenom mori,

môže duť najbúrlivejšia víchrica.

V Ježišovi som stále bezpečný.

Svieť na mňa, ...

Uvoľnite sa, zavrite oči. Cítite toho milého Ducha? To je chválenie. Posolstvo sme skončili, toto je oslavovanie Boha.

Nech svieti na mňa svetlo majáku.

Ó, svieť na mňa, Pane, svieť na mňa.

Nech svieti na mňa svetlo majáku.

264Koľkí sa cítite skutočne dobre? Zodvihnite ruky. Ten milý, pokorný Duch. To je to.

Byť ako Ježiš, byť len ako Ježiš.

Túžim byť tu na zemi taký ako On.

Po celý život, zo zemi do chvály,

jediné čo chcem, byť taký ako On.

Len uctievajte.

1 ... is to know more about our blessed Lord. And that's our--our purpose of gathering here, is for that purpose, and, now, and to pray for God's sick children. And this morning we had a--a wonderful blessing from the Scriptures.

2We are trying to take, each time of the service, a part of... I'm teaching in the Book of Hebrews, have been, for the last couple weeks now. And now, if the Lord willing, we'll continue on Wednesday night, then on Sunday morning and Sunday night, on--on, for as long as I'm to be here in this time. Not a revival, but it's revival, a meeting on our regular nights. And so we're very, very happy to have this time to meet with our good friends around about in the cities, and around about in the Falls Cities here. And if--if we'd happen to have a cancellation or something, it might be that the Lord might lead us, pretty soon, to... maybe we could have a few nights, maybe, in the gym or something, after while, if the Lord seems to lead that way, to a place where we could get our people together.

And we seen people as was coming up, going back, saying, "It was not room to--to come in." Course, the tabernacle is awful little. It just seats a very, very few people, and we're just so glad that you're willing to come out and set in the heat, to hear the Word of the Lord. And we're praying that God will exceedingly, abundantly bless you and to help you.

3 And now, tonight, we want, we're beginning on the 4th cha-... How many was here this morning? Let's see your hands. Oh, that's wonderful, practically all of you. And we are on, beginning on, the 4th chapter of the Book of Hebrews. Oh, what a marvelous Book! Are you enjoying It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And it's comparing Scripture by Scripture.

4And Paul, before he would ever witness to his experience, he first had to go down to Arabia and find out, by the Word if it was the Truth. I like that. And this morning's lesson, we found out, in the teaching this morning, that Christ was the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Paul found that the same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, had met him on the road to Damascus. We found out that the Pillar of Fire, that led the children of Israel out in the wilderness, to the promised land, met Paul on the road to Damascus, and called Hisself, "Jesus."

5 Then we find out the real supreme Deity of Jesus Christ. The whole Book here is just a revelation of Jesus Christ. And He come, we find that, "In sundry times and in divers manners, God spoke to the fathers through the prophets; in this last days through His Son, Christ Jesus." He has revealed Himself. And the Book from Genesis to Revelation is nothing but one constant, perpetual, revelation of the Lord Jesus.

6And we find out that He was the One that was in the burning bush. We find out that He was the One that was with God before the foundation of the world. And we find out that, in the New Testament, He was God and Man, together. And then when He left the New Testament, to go into Heaven, He said, "I came from God, and I return to God."

7 And then when Paul met Him, He was in the same form that He was when He led Israel, a Pillar of Fire. And Paul looked Him right into the face, being unconverted, and It caused him to have eye trouble the rest of his days. He went blind, and for several days He could not see nothing at all. He had to be led to a street called Straight.

8And God had a prophet down there that He spoke to, by the name of Ananias, who came in, by a vision, and laid his hands on Paul, and said, "Brother Saul, receive thy sight."

9And we find out, then, that that same Holy Spirit, that same Lord Jesus, came to Peter in a form of a Light and delivered him out of the prison.

10 And we find that that same Lord Jesus, in these days, is still in that Pillar of Fire (Light) that's leading His people (His Church), performing the same thing, giving visions; come in and lay hands on the people, by a vision. The Lord Jesus, Who met last Sunday morning at the house, and said, "There was a man coming, black-headed, graying. He was a Greek. His wife was middle-aged, and would be weeping at the altar."

11Some of them had told it, and know it was happening. He was both crippled, the--the balance nerve in his head was gone. He couldn't even have control of his feet or his limbs. And he was blind. And to make it double proof: I had a little lady to come pray for the sick, first, then turned back around and had Brother Toms to come pray. And we, setting here, watching it develop. And then I went down and prayed for the sick, and walked back. And she come, just exactly according to the vision, and caught me by the arm and begin weeping, and said Dr. Ackerman had sent them here. Dr. Ackerman is a bosom friend of mine, Catholic. His boy is a priest at the monastery at--at Saint Meinrad, and down in Indiana. And this man was from Jasper. And the Lord healed him, out of that chair. He got up and walked. He could see as good as anybody else. And walked out of the building, normal and whole. All by a vision!

12 "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus that appeared to you in the way, has sent me that I might lay my hands on you, that you might receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost." Wonderful.

13"Then we find out, seeing that we have this great salvation, we should not... We could not escape the penalties and wrath of God, if we neglect such a great salvation."

14Now we're going to start reading, tonight, out, and begin the 4th chapter of the Book of Hebrews. If anybody wants to follow along, we got some Bibles here. If they wanted one, why, one of the ushers will bring it to you, if you hold up your hand, these--these Bibles. If one of the brethren here will take... There's two Bibles laying there, I believe.

15 And now we'll hurry, because we have communion after a bit. And where we get done tonight, Wednesday night we begin again. Now, I believe, this morning in our reading, we began on the 15th verse.

16Somebody, maybe not know me putting on glasses, to read by. I'm getting old. And I can still read, but I can't pick it fast, especially when I got fine reading here, fine print.

17And I went to have my eyes examined, to see if I was really losing my sight. My eyes were ten-ten. He said, "But you're past forty, son." He had a thing for me to read, said, "Start reading that." I read it. And I kept getting closer, it got slower and slower. And it got about like this, I stopped. Then he put out there for ten-ten, I could read it anywhere. But he said, "What it is, when you pass forty, your eyeballs get flat."

18Now, I can squint my eyes and read just that close to me, but you have to squint. So, he just made me a pair of glasses. I can see it, anywhere, when it's real close to me. Now, when it gets off from me, can't see at all with these things. But I read them, read from this with the glasses.

19 Now, this morning, we had the last part of the 3rd chapter of the Hebrews. And, oh, what rich kernels we find. Now listen. I want to read again, so we get a background now. Not talk on it, but just kind of go over it a little.

While it is said, To day if you... hear his voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation.

For some, them, they heard the Word, when they had heard the Word, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.

20Now, in that, this morning, we find that He said, "Don't harden your heart now, as in the days of provocation." That's when they provoked God to anger, because that He had give to them Moses, His prophet, and a sign that was with Moses. How many, of the class tonight, knows what that sign was? Pillar of Fire, Hebrews 13.

21 Now, we don't know whether the congregation saw that sign or not. But Moses saw It, for Moses first met Him in a burning bush. He was a Fire. And the children of Israel obeyed Moses, and left Egypt. And as soon as they come out of Egypt, God, we found, led them right into a trap. Where, Pharaoh's army behind them, the Red Sea on either side, and God put them to test; and they got scared. And it provoked God. He said, "Why do you cry at Me?" Said, "Just speak and go forward." I like that.

22Now, they were following Moses, as Moses followed the Pillar and Cloud, and they were on their way to the promised land. Beautiful picture of the Church, tonight, on our way to the promised Land, led by the same Spirit, same signs and wonders as God spoke of.

23 Now notice. Then, they come to the Wilderness of Sin. The--the waters were "bitter," Marah. Why did God lead them to bitter waters? Looks like He'd have led them to good water. But He led them to bitter waters so He could prove their faith. He likes to do it. He likes to let tribulations come on you, show He can show you His love and His power. How can people, today, who doesn't believe in the miracle-working of God... When tribulations come, they just give up and go on. But we believe that "God works miracles." He can't... God has...

24Listen to this. If God doesn't act the same, when the same circumstances arise, then God is guilty of being partial to His people. God's sovereignty demands of Him to work in every case like He did the first case, or He was wrong when He worked in the first case. If God does not act in the same way He did on the first case, if He will act different to the second case, then He acted wrong when He acted on the first case. If God healed the sick in the Old Testament, He has got to do it in the New Testament and today, or He did wrong when He healed them back there. He's got to act the same, every time. And He will do it, when the same faith meets the condition. The fault is in us, not in God. For we see Him on some, and many, work great outstanding miracles. We know it. The critic cannot say, "It's not so." For we see It prove it, and there it is.

25 They used to say, "Show me a miracle." They can't say that no more. Science can't say it no more. We can absolutely prove to the scientific world. And the scientific world has witnessed that a supernatural Being, in a form of a Pillar of Fire, is with us. Here is His picture, right here, and one hangs in Washington D.C., tonight. It is the same Christ.

26Therefore, as a while, my ministering brethren used to tell me, "Oh, Brother Branham, that's the Devil. Don't you fool with that." Had me scared.

27And I would not preach it until God came and revealed it, that, "He's the same Jesus, the same One." Oh, then try to shake it out of me? Can't be done. For, it's the Scripture. It's God's Word. It's not just an experience that's loose. It's an experience that's backed up by God's Word and God's Eternal blessed promise.

28 Now, we notice over here, then, that He said.

For some, when they had heard, did provoke:...

Certainly. They got weary, every time they'd get to a place where a showdown come. Then what would they do? They would fly loose, and get weary, and want to turn back, and, "Why did this happen to me?"

29Strange thing, this morning, after preaching that just as hard as I could, there was many came to the altar and questioned It, "Why does this happen to me?" You see how It goes? It goes over the top of the people's head. It's just the same, people.

30Jesus said, "You have eyes, but you can't see." He said that to the disciples.

31They said, "Lo, now Thou speakest plainly. Now we believe. No man has to tell You anything, 'cause God shows it to You."

32He said, "Do you now believe, after all this time?" See?

33You mustn't question anything, to God. "For the footsteps of the righteous is ordered of the Lord." And every trial is put upon you, to prove you. And the Bible said, "They're more precious to you than gold." So if God let a few light afflictions happen to you, remember, it's for the correction of you. "Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened of God, and tried, child-trained." There's no exceptions. "Every son that cometh." These afflictions are done or brought--brought about, to see what attitude you'll take. See? It's God, on this proving-ground. That's all earth is, is the proving-grounds, and where He is trying to prove you.

34 Now listen, as we go ahead. And I want to get the last part of it.

And to whom he sware that they should not enter into his rest,...

Now, there's where we're coming to, tonight.

... into his rest, but to them that believed not?

So we see that they could not enter... because of unbelief.

35Now, what is sin? Unbelief. God had come to them, in a Pillar of Fire; sent His prophet, and anointed him, give him signs to do before the people. And then the Pillar of Fire, by the prophet, led them out. Every circumstance they come to, they begin to murmur and say every little fault they found with Moses, begin to chide and chatter against Him. And God was displeased, because He said, "They were sinning."

36They should have listened. But, instead of that, they listened to reason, "How can it be? How can these things be?" If He is God, everything is possible. And He will make all things work together for good to them that love Him.

37 Now we're going into a great study here, that is, on the "Rest," the sabbath. Now, they were pilgrims in their journey. See? They'd been down in Egypt, four hundred years, and in bondage. And now they were being brought out by the miracles of God, according to His promise. And they were on their road to the promised land. And here a supernatural Light appears, in amongst of them, and begins to lead them.

38Now, someone would say, "Now, looky here, who is this Moses? Who made you a ruler over us? Aren't you one of us? Who put you down here to be our boss? You think you know more than our pastor does? You think you know more than the priest does? You think you're--you're smarter than what our religious men are, of this day?" That had nothing to do with it.

It was God, in the Pillar of Fire, vindicating that He was in the move. Didn't make any difference who was smart and who wasn't smart. It was the idea of following what God put before them.

39 Why, Moses, as far as physical, done a foolish thing when he tried to deliver the children by the Word of God, taking a bunch of people out in the wilderness. When he had his... Why, he was the heir to everything they had. He had every army there was, in all the world, whipped. And there he was, a great military general. And the next move, he was to be king, Pharaoh of Egypt. Why, he could have just stepped up to the throne, and said, "All right, children, go on back to your home." That settles it; he was a Pharaoh. But Moses...

40Oh, here it is. Moses, by faith, saw the promise of God. And the Angel of the Lord come to him, and he knowed more about God, in five minutes in the Presence of that Angel, than he learned in forty years with the teachers of Egypt. He knowed that He was. He seen the supernatural done.

41He said, "I'll be with you, Moses. I'll go before you." And they understood. And He give him signs to perform.

42 Now, they were on their road to the land of rest. God had them a rest, a place where they wouldn't have to be... taskmasters over them, to drive them, to make them do things.

43What a beautiful picture it is today, when we look at the Church and see the Church in its condition, every man that's born of the Spirit of God despises the world. "And if you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." That's what the Bible said. And the real pilgrim, on his road, simply hates the things of the world. He hates to see men drinking. He hates to see men smoking. He hates to see women on the street, with them little old dirty clothes on. He hates to see buncos and card parties.

44 And yesterday, while Brother Tony... or Brother Woods and I were coming through the street, and some more, some of the men... There was a little lady there in Louisville, coming down the street, lovely looking little woman, with the clothes on that was horrible; just a little way up on the hip, and a little ribbon tied on her hips, on each side, and a little bitty round piece of cloth in front of her, and tied with a string behind. Walking down the street, horribly, and every man on the street looking at her. I said, "She doesn't realize that she is guilty, in the sight of God, with committing adultery with every man that looked on her in that manner. And she'll answer at the day of judgment for committing adultery with those men."

45Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already." That's right.

46 So, you see, Brother Woods said to me, "What do you allow for that, Brother Branham?"

47I said, "It's either mental deficiency or devil possession." There's only two things to make it. A decent, clean woman won't wear those things; unless she is devil-possessed. That's exactly the Truth.

48Now, a pilgrim that's on his road to Heaven, he lives in a different atmosphere. You don't have to worry about him looking at her. He'll turn his head if he's got God in his heart, for he's living in an atmosphere that's a million miles from those things. That's right. You don't want to be guilty of that stuff, at the judgment. So he turns his head and say, "God, have mercy on the woman," and on he goes. We're in our journey. We're on our way to Canaan's Land. We're on our way to that Eternal and blissful Rest that God has given us. And in the journey, we are tempted. We are tempted of all kinds of things, but yet be tempted without sinning.

49 Now notice, as we go to the 4th chapter, "Let us therefore fear."

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his rest,...

50I want you to remember, that, unless we find out, unless God has revealed it to us! No matter how much we go to church, that has nothing to do with it. God must come by revelation and reveal Hisself to us, that takes all the things of the world out. "Now, while it is said, 'Today if you... '"

51Now let's start the--the 4th chapter.

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his rest,...

52Now remember, when they were on the road to Rest, the Pillar of Fire led them. Now we want to find out, "What is this Rest?"

Let us... fear, lest, the promise being left us to enter into his rest, watch, any of you should seem to come short of it.

53 Now, here is the promise. Here is what we got to fear: if there's not a promise left us. But there is a promise! And then, the next thing, don't come short of it.

54Now, the thought is, if we are on our way to the Rest, what is the Rest? Where is it? Is it joining church? Is it being baptized a certain way? Is it becoming a member of the greatest church in the city? Wearing better clothes? Is it education? Is it money, so we can quit work and just lay down, rest the rest of our life, as we call it? That's not it.

55Listen what the Bible says it is, and how we get it.

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.

For unto us (the day then) the gospel was preached, as well as unto them:...

What is the Gospel? The good news. The good news came to them in Egypt, that, "God has sent a deliverer, and He's going to bring us out and take us to the promised land."

56 The good news to us now, that, "God has sent a Deliverer, the Holy Ghost, and we're on the road to the promised Land." Now people has made it creeds and denominations, but God still remains, that, our Rest is "the Holy Ghost."


... gospel was preached... unto them as well as unto us: but the word preached did not profit them, the...


... the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

58Oh, my brethren, let me stop here for a minute. No matter how much the Word is preached, how well you like the way It's been preached; unless you yourself are a partaker of That, It won't do you one bit of good.

... not being mixed with faith by them that heard it.

59 They seen the miracles of Moses. They said, "That's pretty good." And they walked over. They, they seen him perform miracles. And they seen the Pillar of Fire, maybe, or heard them talk about It. "Oh, that's all right."

60But it wasn't mixed with personal faith. For as soon as they got to the wilderness, they (every one) begin to murmur. And God said, "Because that they doubted, it was sin." Don't doubt nothing. Believe. Don't doubt, no matter how hard the case is, believe It.

61Now they begin to murmur, and God overthrowed them. And then He swore, in His wrath, that, "They should never enter into His Rest." And the Bible said here, I believe It's in the--the 3rd chapter, that, "Their carcases fell in the wilderness."

62 The 3rd chapter and the 17th verse.

But with whom he was grieved for forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?

63And of all of them that come out of Egypt, only two went into the promised land. Out of the whole antediluvian world, in the days gone by, there were eight souls saved, out of billions. "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that will find it."

64Some people says, "Then, Brother Branham, what about all these thousands that the Bible said will appear there?"

Just remember how many has died in each generation, that's been Christians, down through the age. They'll all resurrect. That makes up the Body. You expect there be a hundred billion in this America, come out, or some other, this world today. There might not be fifty come out. But the great ransomed Church is laying in the dust, awaiting. They are God's jewels that's resting in the dust. But their souls are under the altar of God. They're not in their right state. They're in a body, truly, but a theophany. And they cry out to God, "How long?" They could see one another, but they couldn't shake each others' hands, that kind of a body.

65 You meet your mother in Glory tonight, if you should go, you couldn't shake her hand 'cause she has not that kind of a hand. You couldn't feel it like you'd feel now. Because, five senses is what's put in this body, could it control. The presence of her would be felt in a different atmosphere.

66That's like a husband and wife. There'll be no marrying, or given and married, in Heaven. Why? Because there is a different kind of love. There's no sexual desire. All those things has passed away. You are cleansed and pure.

But you never did live in that state, therefore you wasn't created for that state. You're just waiting there. But you're longing to come back where you was created a man and a woman, and there God will raise that body out of the dust of the earth and glorify it. Then you'll see, taste, feel, smell and hear, and associate. We'll never know...

We could never enjoy an Angel's life. We wasn't created Angels. God created Angels. But He created you and I, men and women. That's the state we'll be in, forever, at His blessed Coming.

67 Now, see how they fell short, because they sinned and come short of the glory. God showed them the Pillar of Fire. He showed them signs and wonders. He led them out. He brought them into temptation, to try and prove them.

68Now, haven't you had a lot of temptations? Don't complain about them. Rejoice. God is with you. He is trying to prove your faith. Look at Job in the Old Testament, when He said, "Have you considered My servant Job, a just man, a perfect man? There is none like him on the earth."

69"Oh," he said, "sure, You got him hedged up: doesn't have any troubles, doesn't have any worries. He doesn't have any financial burdens, everything is fine. He don't have any sickness, any pain. Let me have him. I'll make him curse You, to Your face."

70He said, "He's in your hand, but don't you take his life.'"

71 Oh! He done everything but take his life, but he couldn't move Job. Job knowed he stood pat on the Word. That's right. And all the devils out of hell couldn't move him, for he knowed he had offered that sacrifice. He was just. And they accused him, said, "You've sinned, Job, and God is punishing you." He knew that God hadn't... that he hadn't sinned before God. He knew that he was righteous. Not because he was a good man, but because He was accepting the burnt-offering in his stead.

72And, tonight, we know that his life proved out that he was righteous. And when you... Not trying to get home to Glory because you try to help your neighbor; that's good. Not because you join church; that's good. But you get home to Glory because you accept the righteousness of Jesus Christ, nothing that you've done yourself.

73Now, as we read on.

For unto us was the gospel preached,... (2nd verse)... as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

Faith wasn't in them that heard the Word.

74 Just think, today, in the little, humble ministry that the Lord has given me, there should be forty million Americans saved, tonight. You know what they say? "Why, it's mental telepathy. He's a mind reader. No such stuff! Why, he don't belong to our church." See? It's not... no matter how much you lay it on the Word and prove that it's God's Word, it's God's promise, how much science would prove that It's true, they'll still can't believe. The Bible said they couldn't.

75Said, "Then what's the use of preach It?" God has to have a witness, to condemn them, at that Day. The Word was preached and proved among them, and they still ignorantly walked away. There is nothing left but judgment. God could not justly--could not justly judge a nation unless it had mercy before it had judgment. He is God. He couldn't do it.

76 Now what do we say?

For we which... believed too have entered into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works was finished from the foundation of the world.

For he spake in a certain place on--on the seventh day on this wise,...

77Now, I do not want to hurt people's feelings, against their religion. That's not my purpose. Out in the fields, I just preach the regular, great evangelical, fundamental doctrines. But in the tabernacle, amongst my children here, I feel I have a right to preach what I think is Doctrine and Truth. See? I think that it's right.

78 Now, I have thousands of good Sabbatarian friends, of people who are Seventh-day Adventists. Some of the dearest friends that I got, some of them are Seventh-day Adventists.

Although, the great move of, what's called, the--the Voice of Prophecy, they're firmly against me. They said that I make the statement in the pulpit, and said, "I was God. And that the... and that this Light that followed was an Angel, and I was God. And I come to the world to do great things, to prove people that I was God." Now, that's what the Voice of Prophecy said about me, over in California. And ever who told that, you know, told something, wasn't so.

79But in the first place, not taking up thought against the Seventh-day Adventist church or any other Sabbatarian church, but only for the sake of the Gospel. We're going to get down, in a few minutes, on Pentecost, too. Yeah. True. On Baptist, we're going to get down on that and show that God doesn't favor any denomination. That's right. He only favors the individual. And He doesn't deal with any denomination, He never did and He never will, according to His Word. But He deals with the individuals in every denomination. Yes, it's individuals God deals with.

80 Now listen to this real clear, and if ever, any time, that question ever comes up to you, it'll be settled. Now, may the Lord help us.

81Now, closely, "For..." The 4th verse.

For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise,...

82Now watch. He's talking about sabbath. How many knows that the word s-a-b-b-a-t-h in He-... is the Hebrew word that means "r-e-s-t"? How many knows that, in the English? Sure. Don't sabbath sound a funny word? It is.

83Don't sanctify sound a funny word? Sanctify is a Greek word. Sanctify means "to be made holy." Hebrew, means "make holy." Greek, means "sanctify." English, means "make clean."

84Sabbath means "a day of rest." That's what the old sabbath was, a day of rest. When you see rest, it means "sabbath." Look it up in your original manuscript, if you happen to have a Greek Bible, and find out if the word... If you got a Scofield Bible, look at your marginal reading on "rest" and see if it don't bring you back to the sabbath. Sabbath means "rest." All right.

85Now watch.

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left to us to enter into his sabbath, rest,...

86 Now, many people keeps days, like keeps sabbath day Saturday. Others make a Sunday an idol, a worship day. And by the grace of God, and by the God's Word, God help me tonight, I can prove to you that they're both wrong. Both the Sunday worshipper and the sabbath-keeper. They are absolutely both wrong according to the Word. And after all, it's the Word that we have to go by, not by what the Adventists say, or not by what the Protestant says, or the Catholic says. It's what the Bible says.

87 Now, now watch.

For he spake in a certain place on the seventh day on this wise,...

Now we're going to put up something like this, and call this--this, "God's Rest," the seventh day.

88Now watch. "And God..." Listen to this Scripture now.

... God did rest the seventh day from all his work.

God had a Sabbath, and that seventh day was one thousand years long, a type of the Millennium.

For he spake... of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest... from all his--his work.

The personal pronoun, "All His works." He rested on the seventh day. That's God.

And in this place, under the law, If they shall enter into my rest.

89God rested, physically, for He had made the heavens and earth in six days, and on the seventh day He rested from all His work. He rested one thousand years. For the Bible said, that, "One day on earth is a thousand years in Heaven; a thousand years in Heaven; is one day on the earth." How many knows the Scripture says that in Second Peter? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. "God rested on the seventh day. And He spoke on this wise at a certain place."

90 Now listen close.

For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God rested... from all his works.

And in this place again, the law, If they shall enter into my rest.

He give the Jews, on their way from the promised land... or from Egypt, to the promised land, the seventh-day sabbath.

91Now listen.

Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and to they whom it was first preached...

The rest! God give them the law, and the sabbath was the fourth commandment.

... entered not in because of unbelief:...

92Now watch. He's talking about the law, how they entered in, wasn't mixed with faith. They didn't keep it. They kept the sabbath in a memorial, that they were going to a land of sabbath, to have everlasting rest from all their troubles and all their worries, no more taskmasters, no more restless nights. They were on their way to the promised land of rest. It flowed with milk and honey. The grapes was so big that two men packed one bunch over their shoulders. Oh, what a land of blessed rest! But they failed to get it when they got there, because of their unbelief. They were turned aside, at only forty miles from where they left in Egypt, to the promised land. And they were forty years getting there, because of their unbelief. God gave them their prophet, gave him His sign, give him the Pillar of Fire, showed signs and wonders, and preached the Gospel to them. And they walked out, after the fishes and loaves, and fell in the wilderness. "And their carcases perished in the wilderness."

93 Jesus, at the fountain, He said.

Said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for forty years."

94He said, "I AM that Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven. I AM the Bread of Life. Moses didn't give you that Bread. My Father give that Bread. And I AM the Bread that comes from God out of Heaven. If a man eats This, will never die." There's the difference.

95Now watch. They said that He..." They drank from the Rock that was in the wilderness, for the space of so-many years."

96He said, "I AM that Rock." Blessed be His Holy Name! "I AM that Rock."

How could He be that Rock? That Rock was a spiritual Rock. It followed the children of Israel. And Moses had a stick in his hand, which was a judgment rod of God. And God told him to smite the Rock, and he smote the Rock. And when he did, waters came from the Rock. And Christ was that Rock, and the judgment of God's penalty of sin was struck upon Him. "God caused to lay on Him the iniquity of us all," and that iniquity bursted forth His heart. And from His heart poured the Holy Spirit, like rivers of water, to a perishing, dying people.

"I AM that Rock that was in the wilderness."

"Why," he said, "You mean to tell..."

97 He said, "Moses, the one that told you that, he longed to see My day. And he saw it in portion."

98He said, "Now, You mean to tell us that You're greater than Moses? That You seen Moses? And Moses has been dead eight hundred years." Said, "Now we know that You got a devil," other words, "crazy. We know that You're crazy."

99He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM. I was THE GREAT I AM that was in the burning bush. I'm that Fire that was in the burning bush. I'm that Angel that went before them." And He said, "I come from God, and I go back to God." And He came from God, made flesh and dwelt among us; went back to that same Pillar of Fire.

And here He is, tonight, after two thousand years, "the same yesterday, today, and forever," doing the same thing, leading His blessed children.

100 And many are coming... in because of unbelief. Now, he said, "He limited a day," a day when God finished His work. Then, "He limited 'another day,' and on this wise, that if they shall hear, if they shall come, that keep the sabbaths, go on through the new moons and so forth." There's where the Advent brethren tries to take you back.

101Now let's read on. Notice.

Seeing therefore... that some must enter therein, and them to whom it was preached first entered not in because of unbelief.

102Now, the 7th verse. Oh, my! I say, the Scripture is mathematically inspired. I say, the Scripture is, and in every way, inspired. The mathematics of the Bible are perfect.

103 Did you notice this United States is number thirteen in everything it does? You know it was established the thirteen colonies? You know the flag had thirteen stars in it first? You know everything that the United States does is in a number thirteen? Did you know it appears in the Bible in Revelations thirteen? Certainly does. The little beast, the lamb that come up out of water, not thickness and multitudes of people,... not out of the water, but out of a land where there's no one. It had two little horn: civil and ecclesiastic powers. And he was a lamb: freedom of religion. And after while, they went together and he spoke like the dragon, and exercised all the power that Rome did before him. That's coming to our nation. You mark it down. You watch to the Confederation of Churches and the Catholic unite together. Watch what takes place.

104People who follow the Pillar of Fire will certainly have a rough time, but they're ready for the translation at that time, that's right, just ready to go. "For the Lamb overcome them," said the Bible, "and them that followed Him, because they were called the chosen and the faithful, the Elected of God." Keep from getting onto that prophecy now, so we can run this on.

105 Listen close, the 7th chapter, the... I mean the 4th chapter, the 7th verse. Seven is the number of completion. Three is the number of Life. Seven is the number of completion, and this gives the complete sabbath.

"And again," remember, he spoke, "God," on this wise. Then he spoke of the "law," on this wise. And then, again, "He limited a day," third day, third time.

Again, he limited a day, a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time;... To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart.

Watch, if Jesus had given them rest (a sabbath),... would he not afterwards have spoken of another day.

The dispensations change with Jesus Christ: from the law to grace, from works unto grace, from something you do to what something God did, upon your own merits or upon His merits. It changed.

106 When Moses come out of the wilderness, with the law, he said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not kill. Keep the sabbath day holy." When Jesus come out of the wilderness... When Moses come, the Devil tempted him. As soon as the Devil tempted him, he heeded to it. Moses had a weak spot. How many knows what it was? Temper. And as soon as he seen them worshipping the golden calf, he threw down the commandments and broke them, showing you that priesthood would be broken. And God give them to him again.

107But when Jesus came out of the wilderness, forty days of fasting, He was hungry, the only weak spot He had. And the Devil come to Him and said, "If Thou be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. Do a miracle here. Let me see You do it, and I'll believe You."

108Jesus said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'" He knowed he didn't meet Moses there, for He went to the Word.

109 Took Him up on the pinnacle, temple, said, "If Thou be the Son of God, cast Thyself down." And coated, not quoted, but coated the Scripture. Said, "It's written, 'He give the Angels charge, concerning, lest any time You dash Your foot against a stone. He'll bear Thee up.'"

110And Jesus went straight to the Word, and rebuked him.

111Took Him up on the mountain and showed Him the United States and Germany and Switzerland, and all the nations of the world, that ever would be, said, "They're all mine. I do with them whatever I want to." No wonder we got wars and troubles. Said, "I do with them..." No wonder women dress... and get by with it, by the law. They're all governed by the Devil. That's what the Bible said. Satan said, "They are mine. I do with them whatever I want to." Said, "If You'll worship me, I'll make You king like I am."

112Jesus said, "It's written, 'Thou shall worship the Lord thy God only, shalt thou serve.' Get thee behind Me, Satan."

Why? Jesus knew that He would fall heir to them in this great Millennium, when His Kingdom would come. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." There'll be no more shorts wore. There'll be no more drinking. There'll be no more lust. There'll be no more adultery. There'll be no more death. There'll be no more sorrow. He falls heir to every nation. They are His. That's right. They are His, and He will fall heir. But Satan has them for a space of time, that is today, that we're living.

113 "But He limited a day, saying, 'Today, after so long a time.' And said, 'Harden not your heart.'"

For if Jesus would have given them rest,... would he not afterwards have spoke of another day.

114My Adventist brother, look at That. Paul here, said. And Paul said, in Galatians 1:8, if you're taking down the scriptures, Galatians 1:8, "If an Angel from Heaven comes and preach any other gospel besides This that I've preached, let him be accursed." Paul said, "If Jesus would have given them a Rest day..."

115Look, when He come off the mountain. He come down then. He had overcome the Devil. He was anointed, ready for His ministry. He said, "You've heard them say, them of old times, 'Thou shalt not kill,' but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed already. You've heard them say, them of old times," this day, the sabbath-keepers. "You've heard them say, back then of old times, under the law, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery; had to be in the act, to be guilty.' But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Different! Passed right by that fourth commandment. But did He give them Rest?

116 Let's see what he said. "David said, 'After so long a time,' there would be a perfect Rest come.' 'God rested from His works, on the seventh day.' God blessed the sabbath day, and give it to the Jews in the wilderness, on this wise. They entered... in because of unbelief, 'cause the Word not mixed with faith. And again, He limited a certain day, saying in David, 'After so long a time.'"

Hundreds of years after David was dead, the Son of David would rise up, which is Jesus, "And if they shall hear My Voice, harden not your heart." God is going to speak to the heart.

117Now watch, for the 9th verse now, to you that's reading. "Jesus would have given them rest," the 8th verse, "He would... have spoke of another day."

118 If there was to be a sabbath, if there was to be a Sunday-keeping, then He would have spoke of it. If He had said, "Now there's no more sabbath, no more keeping the seventh day, what I want you to keep is Sunday," He'd have said it. Paul said He did. He'd have said, "You all worship on Sunday. That'll be the rest." Well, if he'd have wanted them to keep the sabbath, he'd have said, "Just remain keeping the seventh day. But now I want you to keep Sunday, the eighth day." No. He never said it.

119He said, "If Jesus would have given them a day, would He not have spoke of it?"

120 Now the 9th verse. Get ready.

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God, a sabbath-keeping to the people of God.

For he that has entered into his (Christ's) rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his, on the sabbath.

121See it? Now let's take some Scripture and back this up. All right. When God made the world in six days, He rested on the seventh day, and never worked any more. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. He built the world, put the creation on it, and went to rest; and never come back again, to build any more world. He finished the works, and went to rest. Now, on... Then, after that thousand years, then sin come in; then Christ was represented, the Lamb was represented. Now, the Jews was given this as a type of the seventh-day Rest.

Now, he limited another day, saying in David,... after so long a time, there is coming another rest.

122 Now what is that Rest? Turn with me to Matthew, the 11th chapter, and the last part of the 11th chapter of Saint Matthew. That's when Jesus ended His sermon on the mount, and you'll see what He said.

123He said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman, lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Whosoever get angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed the brother." All these things, and He never touched that fourth commandment, that sabbath.

124 Now He's ending up. And the Sabbath is the great Promise of God. It's a Rest. Now, now watch here, when He got through ending up the beatitudes. Here He says, 27th verse of the 11th chapter of Saint Matthew. Where, He was teaching the beatitudes in the 5th chapter.

All things are delivered unto my hand, unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father;...

See, you can't know one without knowing the other, 'cause He was the Father manifested in flesh.

... neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son,...

125Looks like people could see That and not argue. Certainly. God is not three People. If He is three Gods, then we're heathens. Which one is God? They're, all three, one God, is three offices of the same God. He was the Father, in the form of the Holy Spirit, in that Pillar of Fire in the wilderness. He was the Son, when He used the Sonship office. "A little while and the world seeth me no more; I'll go away. I'll come again and be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." See? He's the Fatherhood, the Sonship, and the Holy Ghost, too. It's all the very same God working in three different offices: Fatherhood, Sonship, Holy Ghost. Never...

First John 5:7 said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven: Father, Son, Holy Ghost. These three are One."

126 Thomas said unto Him, "Lord, show us the Father. It'll satisfy him."

127He said, "I been so long with you, and you don't know Me?" Said, "When you see Me, you've seen the Father. And why say, 'Show us the Father'?"

128Now, the Oneness took it, the oneness group of people, and try to make Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, just one office and one place, and like your finger, one. That's wrong. God could not... Jesus could not been His own father. If He was, then He was a... Well, how could He been His own father?

129And if God is a man, separated from the Holy Ghost, He had two fathers. For the Bible said, that, "The Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary and she conceived, and," the Bible said, in Matthew 1:18, that, "that thing which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." Then which is His father, the Holy Ghost or God? Both, the same Spirit, or He had an illegitimate birth by two spirits.

That's a Catholic dogma, and it never was a Bible teaching. Martin Luther brought it out, with a lot of other Catholicism that's in Lutheran church. Wesley followed on with it. And it's still going on, but it's an error. It's not the Truth. Never was it, never was it a Bible Doctrine. Never was it a commandment in the Bible, to teach three Gods.

There is one God. Jesus said, "Hear ye, O Israel, I'm the Lord your God, one God," not three Gods.

130 In Africa, they baptize once for the Father, once for the Son, and once for the Holy Ghost. And then the poor Jew comes around, say, "Which one of them is your God? Which one is, the Father, Son, or Holy Ghost?" They're, all three, One. The Bible said they were One.

131Jesus was a house that God lived in. The Bible said that, that, First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy," that's, "argument, great is the mystery of godliness. For God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels, received on... preached, believed on, and received up into Glory." God was. The Bible said, "His Name shall be called Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, 'God with us.'" The Bible said, that, "Jesus, in Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily."

132 As we had it the other night: God, in the beginning, was Spirit. And then, from God, went out the Logos, or the theophany, which was a form of a man, called the Son of God, prefigured. He came in earth, in a body of flesh, even before He came in Jesus Christ. Now swallow that one once, brother. I'll prove it to you.

133When, when Moses saw Him. He said, "Let me see Your form, Lord." And God hid him in the rock. And when He passed by, he said, "It was the back part of a man." That was that theophany. That's exactly.

Then, that theophany had to be made flesh. Not another Person, but the same Person had to become flesh, to take the sting out of death.

Like a bee when he stings, it leaves the stinger. And he never left that... He could put a sting in human flesh because it's sin. But, brother, when he stung that Emmanuel's flesh, he lost his stinger. Yes, sir. He can buzz but he ain't got no stinger no more.

134 No wonder, Paul, when they go to chop his head off, said, "O death, where is your sting? You can buzz and hum as much as you want to. Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ." There you are.

It taken God Himself to do that. He came and was manifested in flesh. He returned back in the Spirit.

135You say, "Brother Branham, you never told us, yet, when God was made flesh before He came in Christ."

When Abraham was setting under his tent, one day, there come two Angels and God, walking up to him, in human flesh. They had dust on their clothes and were weary, and they set down. And Abraham went out and took the calf away from a cow, and killed it. And made some lamb chops. Went out and got... had Sarah take some corn meal and sift through it, and make some hoe cakes. And got some butter from the cow, and got some buttermilk. And took it out there and set it down, and God eat it.

136 Hallelujah! That's the reason, "My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary."

137You think that's a big thing for God? God, Who made all the potash and calciums, and everything in the world, He come down to visit Abraham. He said, "You think I'll keep it from you, seeing that you're the heir of the world?" Amen. "I'll not keep it from you." God just got a...

138We're made out of sixteen elements. He just got some potash, and some calcium, some petroleum, cosmic light, the "Whew!" "Step in that, Gabriel," a body!

139"Whew!" "Step in that, Wormwood." He stepped in it.

Two Angels, out of Heaven!

140God reached and got a handful of it, "Whew," stepped in it, Hisself. Come down, and was hungry. Blessed! What about that, Adventist brethren that won't eat meat? We're going to get into that, after while. God Almighty, Jehovah, find out if that same Name isn't translated the same One at the burning bush! Hallelujah!

And then He stood on earth, He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM, that same One at the burning bush." That's right, Elohim, see if it isn't the same. He was the One was at the burning bush.

141 He was the One here in the presence of Abraham, in a body of flesh, that eat the calf, and drank the milk from the cow, and eat butter on hoe cakes. Blessed be the Holy Name of God! Walked right down there and said, "I'll not leave..."

And He had His back turned. He said, "Abraham, I'm going to visit you, and you're going to bring that child. You're a hundred years old now, and Sarah is ninety." And Sarah, in the tent, went, laughed. He said, "What made Sarah laugh?" Behind Him; the tent between them.

142Abraham said, "Sarah, did you laugh?"

143"No, I never."

144Said, "Yes, you did." What kind of a telepathy is that? What kind of a mind-reading was that?

He does the same today. He is Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never fails.

145Look at Him. There He stands. Walked right out and talked to Abraham; and vanished, in his sight. And the great patriarch Abraham said he "talked face-to-face with God, Elohim," the same God. Get it? Not no three People, brother. Three offices of the same Person!

146 In the beginning was the same, He was that great Spirit, Fountain where all the trueness, all the love, all the peace. Everything that was pure was in this Fountain. It begin to form a body, a theophany, the kind of body that we go to. Not a glorified body, but an angelic body, like; has shape, form.

147Every time I see a tree, I think, "That tree is the negative. There is a positive somewhere." That tree was made off of something. An intelligence made it. And all this earth does is reflect the Heavenly. The Bible said so. And if there is a tree here that has to perish, there is one in Glory that won't perish.

148If I see a man, I see a lovely little young couple, man and his wife, walking down the street, sweethearts together. What does it reflect? Blessed be the Name of the Lord! There is one in Heaven that'll never perish. "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting, the theophany."

149 Then you get the trinity: the great Spirit, dwelling in the Son, Jesus; Jesus dwelling into the Church. "At that day, you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, and I in you." All that God was, He poured into Jesus; all Jesus was, He poured into the Church. There you are. "I in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." There's a... There's the Body.

150That's what's the matter with the church. They've been taught little old petty, sissified, old lady doctrine of some sort, run around and have soup suppers and card parties. No wonder we got a bunch of chaos that we got. We don't need children's programs and little soup suppers. What we need is a rugged old Gospel, and men of faith with the sword hanging out there, and challenging. What we need today, not some petty theology and some theory of some man-made click. We need the rugged Gospel preached in the Light and the Power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.

151 Notice here now.

As he said, he limited another day, saying in David,...

... if Jesus would have given them rest,... would he not... have spoken of another day.

But there remaineth... a rest to the people of God.

For he that has entered into his rest,... hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

152Now where we going to read? Matthew, the twenty-... The 11th chapter, 27th verse.

All things that the Father delivered unto me, are delivered unto me of my Father, rather: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; all right, neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

153See, it's not how much you learn, how much the--the bishop wants you to know. It's how much God wants you to know. If you can't see this Revelation, don't ask the bishop. Ask God. Don't ask your pastor. Ask God. "The Son reveals Him," He, personal pronoun.

154 Listen. This will shock you. Here is the commandment. Paul said, "If He would have left another day, He would have spoke of it." But here is what He said.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you sabbath, rest.

Take my yoke upon thee, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly at heart: and you shall find sabbath unto your soul.

For my yoke is easy, and my burdens are light.

155Watch what Paul said.

... if Jesus would have given them rest,... he would have spoke of another day.

But he limited a... day, say in David,... after so long a time;... when you hear his voice, harden not your heart.

"And there remaineth..." Listen now, 9th verse.

There remaineth therefore a rest, a sabbath, to the people of God.

For he, the man or woman, that has entered into his rest...

"Come unto Me, all you that labor and heavy laden. I'll give you rest."

... has ceased from his... works, as God did from his.

156 You might been twenty years old. You might have been thirty years old. You might have been fifty years old. But the minute that you hear the Voice of God knocking at your heart, don't harden it. Then enter... "He that heareth My Words, believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting, Eternal Life, and shall never come into condemnation but is passed from death unto Life."

157"Say, Brother Branham, what happens?" You get the Holy Ghost. Christ comes into you. Is that right?

158 Turn with me to Isaiah, the 28th chapter, and let's read. Isaiah, the 28th chapter, see what the prophet said about it. Matthew... 28, begin at the 8th verse. Here is the predict-ment of the last days. We got to close in a minute.

For all tables will be, is full of vomit and... there is no place clean.

159Let me stop a minute, as Ernie said the other night. He was talking to somebody. Ernie Fandler, this brother here from Switzerland, he said, "I stopped and let it soak in."

160I want this to soak in.

... there is no place clean.

For all the tables will be full of vomit...

And as a dog goes to its vomit... and a sow... to her wallow, so does the people turn back.

161 What's the matter with you Methodists? You used to have the Light. What happened? God took It out of your hand and He give It to the Nazarenes.

What happened to you Nazarenes? You once had the Light. God took It out of your hands and give It to the Pentecostals. Correct. You church of God and the rest of you holiness people, because you rejected the Light, you denominated yourself and said, "We won't believe any more than this," God moved right on out and showed you He had people who would follow Him.

162What happened to you Pentecostals? You had the Light. God has took It away from you.

The Pillar of Fire moves on. Every time the Pillar of Fire moved, the Church moved with It.

And when Luther organized, out of the Catholic church, his own church, the Pillar of Fire moved and Wesley went with It.

Wesley organized and made his denomination, and the Pillar of Fire moved and the Nazarenes went with It.

The Nazarenes organized, and the church of God went with It; and said they wasn't a denomination, but they were.

163 Then what happened? The next thing happened, the Pentecostals seen the Fire, and away they went. And what did you do? Made a doctrine out of tongues, and organized it, "Everybody had to speak in tongues before they got the Holy Ghost," then God moved right away and left you setting where you're at.

164What happened to you Oneness? You found baptism, Jesus' Name. You made a doctrine out of it, and separated yourself from the rest of It, and God moved right away and left you setting there. Right.

165What happened to you Assembly of God, old General Council? You made an organization out of yours, and God moved right away and left you set. And now you're nothing but a cold, formal bunch like the rest of them are.

And the Pillar of Fire moves on. Hallelujah!

... all tables are full of vomit...

166 Look at the Lord's Supper. Why, they even has a place they take old loaf bread. And the bread is supposed to be made with unleavened bread. And they pass it out to sinners, cigarette smokers, prostitutes, harlots, as long as they got their name on the book.

167And you Baptists even call it "closed" communion. Now, you Baptists crow a little, God will take your horn off. That's exactly right, you won't be able to toot it. "Closed" communion, you separate yourself, seem to be holier than thou art.

Remember, this is a Baptist tabernacle. That's what you get, you organize yours. "Oh," you say, "we're not an organization." Yes, you are. Certainly, you are. You say, "We're a fellowship." Yeah, to anybody that comes in the door and teach just the way you believe it, it's all right. But, one, you--you won't throw him out, but you'll excommunicate him from your brotherhood. That's exactly right. Oh, you got a way of doing it. So has God got a way of doing it. But God's Church will move on. The Pillar of Fire won't stand for that.

... all tables are full of vomit...

168 Now listen. Now this is going to shock you just a minute. Listen. I'll read the Word. Who was this? The prophet, Isaiah.

... all tables are full of vomit... so there is nothing clean, just dog-eat-dog.

169Come to the church: women chop, bob off their hair, wear shorts, get out and see the men coming down the street; lawn-mow the yard, little girls want to hear somebody give that bulldog or wolf whistle, whatever it is, you know, "Whet-whew!" Oh, you think you're cute, don't you?

170You men walk down the street, with a cigar in your mouth, and a deacon on the board. You look like a dehorned Texas steer. And then you think that you're somebody. That's exactly right. No wonder all tables... Walk up and take the communion, and act like you're somebody, and cheat and steal and lie, through the week. What's the matter with you?

... all tables are full of vomit...

171 "Oh, I take the Lord's Supper. Sure, we do it in our church. Jesus said He would raise us up in the last days if we took the Lord's Supper."

172But, "He that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's Body. For this cause many are sick and weakly among you, and many are dead," old, dead, formal churches. The Spirit of God has gone out of you. The Pillar of Fire ain't there no more. You deny Divine healing. You deny the resurrection.

173"Oh," you say, "oh, He rose from the dead, historically." Well, what about Him being the same today, if He rose from the dead? You say, "Oh, that ain't so." Now, there you are. You have the resurrection the way you want it, and God has got it in the way He wants it.

174But, the thing of it is, the Bible said, what we know is the Truth, that He would confirm the Word. "And these things that I do shall you do same. And I'll be with you always, to the end of the world." "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's what the Word said.

175 Now what's the sabbath?

... all tables are full of vomit... no one clean.

Who shall he teach knowledge?

Not worldly knowledge; spiritual knowledge!

Who shall he teach knowledge?... whom shall He make... understand doctrine?

176"Oh, bless God, our organization don't believe This. They wouldn't put up with That."... care what your organization believes. What does God's Word say about it? "Oh, well, our pastors, you know, are educated." Oh, sure. Certainly, got so much education, they left God out of it. Truly, for you can tell them the Word and they'll walk around and say, "Well, I don't believe It just that way." Oh, you sissified thing! Let me tell you.

177 Looky here.

... who shall he make... known doctrine? them that are weaned from the breast, and... them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

178The other day, a neighbor of mine come. He said, "Billy, a certain pastor here in the city, the most lovely little person you ever seen..." Said, "Wife and I were setting with our pajamas on, about midnight, and that little pastor run in and he--he--he drank some coffee with us and he took out over to the other neighbor's house, and he shook hands with them. They was having a little card game, and he sat down and played cards with them." Said, "Oh, he was the most sociable little fellow you ever seen." Said, "Oh, we love him. We wouldn't get rid of him for nothing."

179I stood there a little bit, I thought, "Well?"

180Said, "Oh, don't you think that every church needs a man like that?" Huh! I couldn't answer that. He said, "In another little place," said, "they had such a lovely place. This minister and his wife, lovely people, went out and deal with the children so much till they had a--a Bible school." And said, "They just had so many, just overflowed the thing with little children." Said, "My, he can tell all kinds of little stories to the little children."

181I said, "That's nice. That's awful nice."

182 I went back. I just come from Canada. I thought, "Here I am. My! People... What's the matter with me? I don't do that." I went to washing on my car. I thought, "God, I'm getting to be an old man, and here I am. I've fought. I've cried. I've begged. And anything I get is a big blaspheme."

183Anything, let somebody say something bad about you, "Oh, the old holy-roller," something like that.

184I thought about that. And a Voice come to me, said, "Them men is all right if they're doing that, but I never called you to do that. I called you to take the Sword and stand there like Joshua and challenge, brother. Not fool around with some old society or some church organization, but challenge the Devil. Stand in the forefront, make right right, and wrong wrong. Preach the Word and find out who has got the faith to believe It. Lay her out there."

185I got to speeding up on that car, all time, washing. I said, "Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord." Felt good then. "It's all right, Lord, I'll grip her a little tighter, and I want to die with It in my hand."

... who can I make known doctrine? (Listen.)

... tables are full of vomit...

... them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

Now watch.

For precept as that upon--upon precept, precept upon precept;... line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

For with stammering lips and with other tongues will I speak to this people.

To whom it is said, This is the sabbath wherein ye shall cause the weary to rest;... this is the refreshments: yet they would not hear.

For the word of the LORD came unto them, somebody preached It, precept upon precept,... upon precept; line upon line,... upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

186 What is the Rest? When did the Rest come? When people spoke with other tongues and had stammering lips. Stammering lips; they didn't speak nothing. They stammered. When did that happen? On the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost come. That is the Rest: the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all you that weary and heavy laden, and I'll give you Rest. I'll give you Life, Eternal Life," Zoe, God's Own Life. God will come into you and be a part of you. He will give you a birth and make you a son and daughter.

187 Now watch. That was the third rest He give. The first: God received it, from His work. Second: Israel received it, in the law. Third: the Church received It, as a part of God.

188Three is the number of life. How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Every time you see three, it's life. Notice, when God created the earth, on the third day was life. How many knows that? ["Amen."] The third day. There came life on the third day of creation.

The trinity: the Father was above the people, in a Pillar of Fire; the Son was a Man, who talked to people and got them ready; the Holy Ghost was the third step, which was the Holy Ghost, God in the people. Life! Father, Son...

The rest, of God; the rest, of Israel; and the Rest, of the Church, the sabbath-keeping.

189 So, if you've never received the Holy Ghost, yet, you have never entered into God's Rest. You don't have to say, "Oh, I couldn't. I want to smoke. I--I just couldn't do it; I'm a Christian. I really don't want to drink, but I'm a Christian. I just can't, don't want to drink, but yet I like to."

190If you lust after women, if you do all these ungodly things, you've never hit that Rest period yet. You've never entered into your Rest.

191And when you enter into this Rest, you cease from your own worldly works, like God did from His. Why? You're a part of God. You rest, Eternally. There you are. That's the Sabbath. "Come unto Me, all you that labor."

Today, he limited a certain day,... after so long a time, in David;... when you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

192 Just a word or two more here now, we'll close.

For he that has entered into Christ's rest,...

Come unto me, all you that labour and... heavy laden...

... you have ceased from your own works, as God did from his, on the seventh day.

Yours might been at the thirtieth year, the fortieth year, the fifth year, whatever it is. You have ceased from your works, as God did from His, Eternally. You no more want the things of the world. The world is dead to you.

193Now, 11th verse now, closely.

Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, (not this one, not this one, but This one), lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

194What is it? The Pillar of Fire is here. The Angel of the Lord is with us. He's doing the very same things that He said He would do. And people stumble around, say, "Oh, well, I guess It's all right. That's pretty good. Oh, I guess It's okay." Be careful that you don't fall in the same snare of unbelief. You take It with all your heart.

195 Watch.

For the word of God (not the doctrine of the church)... the word of God is quicker, more powerful,... sharper than a twoedged sword, (listen), piercing even... the dividing asunder of the soul, the spirit,... the joints and the marrow, and... (listen), and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart.

What was that? The Holy Spirit can come and say, "You did a certain-certain thing. And you did this and did that. You have this kind of disease, and that. If you'll make this right, you'll do that." See? Discerner of the thoughts.

196And people say, "What is that? Why, it's mental telepathy. Why, it's a... He's a fortune-teller." See what I mean? It's a wicked, old adulterous world that don't know God.

197 "It's quicker, thought-er, more powerful than a twoedged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart."

Now, what is it that knows the intents of the heart? God. You said, "Well, the Bible said, 'The Word of God.'" The Word of God is God.

In the beginning was the Word,... the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

198God discerns the thoughts. Abraham had his back turned, and--and so did God have His back turned to the tent. And Sarah laughed. And God turned around, said, "What made Sarah laugh?" A discerner of the thoughts of the heart! I want that to soak a little bit.

199Then when that kind of a ministry raises up, that God promised in the last day, what happened? "Mental telepathy."

200Did not they call the Lord, Himself, "Beelzebub"? He said, "If they've called the Master of the house 'Beelzebub,' how much more will they call His disciples?"

201 I love you. It goes to show that you're interested enough, you don't have to come to an air-conditioned building to hear the Gospel. You're hungry enough to come to a place like this. God never would let us build nothing but this. We love it this way. Just a little old shack, but that's the way we love it. God don't dwell in glamour. God dwells in humility. We love it like this. We're happy to come, and you are, too, to set in a--a place like this. No matter how hot it is, how much you sweat on your new suit, your new dress, that don't make any difference.

You're listening to Eternal Life, to the Word of God that knows the thoughts of your heart. The Pillar of Fire that hung over the children of Israel, hangs here tonight. I could challenge it: there isn't a man could stand here under the power of the Holy Ghost without God just spilling him right out and telling him what he was. That's right. There you are.

202What is It? What is It? It's the same Spirit that led the Children of Israel to their rest, and they fell because of unbelief. Don't you fall. This is the last chance. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Life come through there.

203 Justification, Martin Luther, still a form of religion. Sanctification... Martin Luther; John Wesley; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, Life. Justification, is believing; sanctification, is the cleansing; Holy Ghost, is the filling, Life. Not through the Lutheran age; they had It in a form. Not through the Wesley age; they had It in a form. But this is the age when the Holy Ghost comes, Hisself.

204And if you haven't received It, how do you, can you believe miracles? That takes God, in you, to believe. You act like God. You know like God. You think like God. The Bible said that you are amateur, little "gods." Jesus said so. For, you're a part of God.

Just the same as I'm a little Branham, and you're a little whoever-you-are, and because your parents is that name. The nature that you are is because your parents is that way, 'cause you was born of them.

And the reason that you believe God, and believe in miracles, and signs and wonders, because you are sons and daughters of God. You receive Life. Life comes on the third. All right.

205When Jesus went up on the mountain, everywhere He went, He taken Peter, James, and John, three witnesses. Three is the number of Life. Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Love, joy, peace.

206 Now, let's go quickly now to the end of the chapter, quickly, as we read.

For the word of God is quicker, more powerful... than twoedged sword,... and discerning even the intents of the heart.

Neither is there any creature that is not manifested in his sight: but all things are... opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

207Brother, there's not a fly could light on a post there, without Him knowing it. "All things are open." Brother, He knows every thing that you ever did, ever thought you ever thought of. That's what He is. We believe Him like that.

And when God comes into us, and sets us in the Church, He puts gifts and things in the Church, to operate His Being. If God is that infinite God, then He heals the sick. He can raise the dead. He can cleanse the lepers, make the blind to see. He can give visions. He can do all kinds of these things, working through His Church, because it's God in you. There is the Church.

208 How does that church become a Church, by joining It? No, sir. By shaking hands? No, sir. By water baptism? No, sir. By membership? No, sir. How do you get It? "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body." There you are.

209Romans 8:1.

There is therefore now no condemnation...

"No worldly condemnation." They can't accuse you of nothing.

There is... no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

210There you are. That's how to judge your Christianity. That's how to know you've entered into that Rest, the world don't bother you no more. Certainly. You see it, walk away from it. You got something better to think of. There you are, "No condemnation." That's how we get into the Body.

211 And you're secured, "Forever." The Bible said so. Look over here in the Hebrews, the 10th chapter. He said:

For where there's offerings of bulls and sacrifice, a remembrance was made of sin every year.

But this man,... through one sacrifice...

Blessed be His holy Name!

For by one sacrifice he hath perfected for ever...

212Hallelujah! Not for the next revival, but forever. "Old things have passed away; and all things have become new." We're walking in the Light, the beautiful Light. The birds sing different.

213Setting here, looking at this little alcoholic, about five years ago, I guess. Rosella, a walleyed bat, walking down the streets of Chicago, drunk, twisting around, walking into every kind of sin that there was, drunk and in everything that she could be. And one night, the Holy Spirit, that's quicker and more powerful than a two-edged sword, said, "Woman, you are an alcoholic." Hallelujah! If that ain't the same God that was back yonder, who knowed Sarah laughed behind Him, I don't know what He is.

214 Up in the audience to another little woman. She went and got, and brought in there. Said, "You are a dope addict." How He discerns the thoughts of the mind!

215And great big aristocratic ministers setting there, who has world-wide evangelism, with their hands folded back, in tee shirts, thought we didn't know them, like they could set under a meeting like that and God wouldn't reveal who they were. Setting there, looking different, like they were somebody else. The Holy Ghost knowed who they was. And they set there, in their hearts, thought It was mental telepathy. Know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about Egyptian night. That's right. They know It by letter, but not by Spirit. "The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life." That's it. That's the idea. "Quicker, more powerful than a two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts of the heart."

216 Listen. Watch.

Neither is there any creature that is not manifested in his sight: but all things are naked and open before his eyes to him... whom we have to do with.

Seeing then that we have a great high priest... (Listen now; to the sick.)... that has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

217"Hold fast," that don't mean just keep testifying. If you don't live the life, you don't hold it fast; you're living a hypocritical thing. You're... You better be on out and just say you're a sinner and forget about it. Don't profess a Christian, live something else; you're the biggest stumbling block the world has ever had. If you're a sinner, admit it and, go on, get right with God. If you're a Christian, hold fast your confession, stay there.

218 Watch this now. I want to get this in just before we leave.

For we have not an high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like... we are, yet without sin.


Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we might obtain mercy, and find grace and help in the time of need.

Blessed be the Name of God!

219Listen, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran. You going to ask me this question, "Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness." I know. That's where you always go. That's true. "What more can a man do but believe God?" That's exactly right. That's all he can do. But when God recognizes that faith, He gives you the Holy Ghost.

220"Now what do I do, Brother Branham? Do I shout?" Not necessary. "Do I speak with tongues?" Not necessary. You can shout and speak with tongues, both, and still live like a--like a heathen, and still lust for women. You can still smoke and drink, and everything else. I seen people speak with tongues, and go right out and pull some of the dirtiest, crooked deal I ever seen. I seen them shout, and cry crocodile tears, and would steal anything you get a hold of. I seen them walk out, and every girl goes down the street, turn. Uh-huh. That's one good sign you haven't got It. That's right.

221 But, brother, when you've passed from death unto Life, all those things become dead, and you're a new creature in Christ Jesus. If you see something wrong, you'll pray for it, "God be merciful." And if you see troubles, instead of going and tattling, and trying to make it worse, you'll try to get to the person and straighten it up, and quieten it right quick. That's the Spirit of God in you.

222If you make a mistake? You're subject to them. If you make a mistake, you'll correct it right quick. "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath." That's how you know you passed from death unto Life, you got love, peace, joy, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, patience. We have the High Priest setting in Heaven, ready to make intercessions upon our profession. What is it? It's when Jesus went back to the Logos, the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, setting in the Presence of them greats, fountain, rainbow of Lights that come out, the seven perfect Spirits, a perfect Spirit of love.

223 Now watch. The first is the perfect love, that's God's love, pure and unadulterated. The next, comes in there, is phileo love, that's love that you have for your wife and your children. The next, drops after that, is lustful love. The next is ungodly love. And just goes on down till it's filth, just keep on perverting, perverting.

224And everything that had a beginning, has an end. And all that will be taken right away, and no remembrance of it, at all, and come right back to the perfect, someday. And the only way... You can't stop down here, halfway of the way, and get up here. You've got to be all the way in, trusting, resting completely in the salvation that Jesus Christ give to you, by faith.

225There's a Spirit of honesty that comes from God. That's the fountain, fountain of God. That's honesty. The next is the man will do "a good deed" for his neighbor. The next is the guy, "you have to watch him." The next is the guy, "is a thief." The next is the guy, "is a murderer," hold up. See how it perverts, right on down? But all them things speak of a real.

226 That's what I say. Every time you see a person that's... You see a little couple walking down the street, sweethearts, maybe they're eighty years old. It only speaks that in Heaven there's a young couple that represent them, in Heaven. "If this earthly tabernacle dissolve, we have one There."

227If you see a man that's cheating, stealing, lying, just remember, his part is waiting in hell, for him, his place where he'll be tormented in the Presence of God and the holy Angels, with fire and brimstone. He'll be tormented there. Not forever, he can't be tormented forever, forever don't mean all, for all times. Eternity is forever, Eternity is... has no beginning or end. But forever is "a space of time." The Bible said, "Forever and," conjunction, "forever." Jonah said he was in the belly of the whale "forever." Is a space of time.

228 But, look, there's only one Eternal Life, and that's God. And if you're going to be tormented forever, and can never die, you got Eternal Life. You can't be tormented forever... You may be tormented for a hundred million years, in the Presence of God and the holy Angels, with fire and brimstone. I don't know how long it's designated. But it's finally got to come to an end because it had a beginning. And God alone has Eternal Life. "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me," doesn't have forever life, "he has Eternal Life." That Life that begin, not nothing along here. But all the way up There, Eternal Life, Zoe, God's Own Life comes down and dwells in the man, and he is Eternal with God, and can't die. That's what the Word said.

229 Just think of it. Is there two Eternal Lifes? You couldn't answer that, could you? There is one Eternal Life, and that's the Life of God. This other kind of life, no matter what it is, it's got an end to it. And anything that had a beginning has an end. But anything that had no beginning has no end. And God said He would give us Eternal Life, without beginning, we were just made a part of Him. And actually the Life that's in us, wasn't brought here by human nature. Nature give us a spirit, but that spirit died, and we got the Spirit of God. Glory to God!

230Was God a man? Certainly. "Let us make man in our own image." What was God? A theophany, a body. And there man was made like that and put over the garden. But there was no man to till the soil, in the senses. Then He created man out of the dust of earth, in the animal life, and that man tilled the soil. And the man fell, by transgression. Correctly. And God, the theophany, come down and was made flesh and dwelt among us, to redeem the man.

231 So it's nothing you could do. You're a sinner, to start with. You're shaped in iniquity. You're born in sin, come to the world speaking lies. You were born here in this world by a sexual desire of your father and mother. And you're just as hell-bound as you can be, I don't care what you do. You might never lie, steal; keep every commandment, and everything else; and you'll go to hell, like a martin to its box. But the only way that you ever can live again, is to accept the Holy Spirit, God's Eternal Life.

232What made you what you are? In the beginning, when the Holy Ghost brood over the earth, there wasn't nothing but volcanic eruption. A little Easter flower come up. God said, "That looks pretty. Just keep brooding." Flowers come up. Grass come up. Trees come up. Birds flew out of the dust. Animals come up. A man come up.

233Now, how was it done? By the brooding of the Holy Spirit, bringing these materials together, potash, calcium; making the flowers, making animal, making you.

234 And now, you've got a free choice. God broods back to you, and say, "Hear My Voice? Harden not your heart, like in the days of provocation." Here He comes down, preaches the Word.

"The Gospel preached unto them was not... didn't have faith in It, so It didn't do them no good." They heard It, but they didn't believe It.

235God come down. He showed them a Pillar of Fire. Showed by His prophets, signs and wonders, He was with him. They didn't believe It. Oh, they liked to see the miracles. They liked to hear the prophet. But as far as believing It, they didn't. Their lives proves they didn't.

236 "Now," He said, "don't you fall after that same example of unbelief." For in this last days, to the Gentile church, God has appeared again; same sign, same wonder, same Pillar of Fire, vindicated, proven. Let us not harden our hearts and fall in that temptation back yonder, of unbelief, for we'll rot on earth and that'll be all of it.

237And when the Holy Spirit knocks at your heart, [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] "After so long a time, when you hear My Voice, harden not your heart." Say, "Child of Mine, this is the Truth." Don't look at the messenger. Listen to the Message. Believe It. "Harden not your heart, as in the days of provocation."

238 When he hears "Your Voice," harden not your heart. Then you say, "Yes, Lord, I believe." Then you enter into Life, the Holy Spirit comes into you. Your old spirit dies out, that makes you lust and hate, and malice and enmity, and--and hatred and all them things, dies away. And you become full of love, joy, peace, resting. No matter how the winds blow, it's all right.

My anchor holds within the veil.

Through every high and stormy gale,

My anchor holds within the veil.

For on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other grounds is sinking sand.

239 There you are. Eddie Perronet, as he wrote that famous song. "All other grounds," all denominations, all creeds, all doctrines, fade away. Christ!

You say, "Well, I know the Bible." You don't have Life by knowing the Bible.

"I know my catechism." You don't have Life by knowing your catechism.

"Well, I'm a Christian." You don't have Life by professing Christianity.

240You have Life by knowing Him. Knowing Him, you have Life. "Then you enter into His Rest. You cease from your works, as God did from His." You are made a Son of God, a partaker of God. And if that--if that Holy Spirit woos to you, and you woo back and say, "Yes, Lord," or coos.

241Coo, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden. I'll give you Rest."

242And you say, "Ah, I'm young. I got... Oh, my pastor don't... All I got to do..." See? You'll never find It.

243 But when you say, "Yes, my Lord. I hear Your Voice. I don't harden my heart. I don't care, Lord, It's your Word and I believe You. Take me Jesus. 'Just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy Blood was shed for me. And there I'll promise, "I'll believe." O Lamb of God, I come.'" Lay your hands upon His dying head, say, "Lord, I'm a sinner, and You called to me."

244"All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and I'll raise him up at the last days."

245"Yes, Lord, I come. I harden not my heart, as they did in provocation, I truly believe Him."

246Then what does He do? He gives you His Life, Zoe, Eternal Life. And if God could raise us from the dust of the earth, where we come from... Did we come from the dust? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Everything you see, come from the dust. And if God could make me what I am today, without having any choice; just because His desire was to make me, and give me the opportunity to face Calvary and make my decision; and I made my decision and believed on Him; how much more will He raise me up! If He made me what I am, without a choice, then I took a choice and took Him in; when He laid His hands by Himself, and swore by Himself, that He would raise me up in the last day. I'll rest assure.

247I have Rest, not because I worship on Sunday, not because I worship on the sabbath. That has nothing to do with it. I worship because I've entered into His peace and Rest: peace, rest, love, joy. Let the storms fly. My anchor holds.

248 Have you got that experience, tonight, friend of mine that's setting here in this hot tabernacle? You didn't come to hear me. No. You come to hear the Word. Listen, my friend.

249Now if you haven't got that Rest, you can find It right now. You don't have to come up here at the altar. Set right where you are. Be sincere, and say, "Christ, just speak to my heart. I know it's hot. I'm--I'm just all lathery, sweaty. I'm awful. But, Lord, truly, I may be sweating with pain, worse than this, before morning."

And the doctor may shake his head, say, "It's a heart attack. He's gone." Then what?

250What then? When the great Book is opened, what then? You heard that song, What Then? "When the ones that's rejected the Message, will be asked to give a reason, what then?" What then? Think of it now, real deeply.

251While we bow our head, think of it.

When the one that's rejecting this Message tonight,

Going to be asked to give a reason, what then?

What then? What then?

When the great Book is opened, what then?

When the ones that's rejecting this Message tonight,

You're going to be asked to give a reason, what then?

252 Heavenly Father, this is all in Your hands now. Here is the true Sabbath laying before the people. Here is the Angel of God, for the last few years, has blasted around the world. Critics and everything else has, tried to condemn It. But, every time, You prove Yourself to be God.

253Scientific world, the church world; are they blind, Lord? Maybe there's one in here tonight would like to receive their sight, to walk on, and not tempt God, as in the days of provocation; not try to tempt Him, by be good on Sunday, or keep a certain day, or to a certain creed, or to belong to a certain church. But would like to come out and be circumcised, by the heart, and receive the Holy Spirit. And they want Him. By faith now, they are trying to accept Him into their heart. They're trying to find grace with You, Lord.

254 Oh, they may have spoke in tongues. They might have shouted. They still got the same old temper. They still got the same old malice. They still tattle and talk, and do things they shouldn't do. They don't want that, Lord. What then, when that great Book is opened? "But," said, "such won't enter the Kingdom." "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." Anything short will not go in. Are they wholly trusting, tonight, in the crucified? If not, Lord, may they make that one Eternal "yes" just now.

255Say, "Lord, I... No emotion, but I just feel Something down in my heart, that Something is telling me, 'I can do it right now, by Your grace.' And I'm now accepting You as my personal Saviour. I'm--I'm rejecting all the things of the world, and I want to enter your Rest. And I believe I'm doing it right now. I believe the Holy Spirit is bringing me right into that place."

256 While every head is bowed. Does anybody feel that way just now? Raise your hand, "The Holy Spirit is now bringing me into a place where I won't tattle any more." God bless you. "I won't do the things. My temper is gone. I can live in peace and joy and long-suffering, from right now. I believe God is speaking to me right now, that I can do it from this hour on, by His grace." Would you raise your hands? God bless you. God bless the young lady. Someone else? "I now believe."

257Don't tempt Him, as in the day of provocation. Don't think because we go to church on Sunday, or keep the sabbath. Paul said, "You that keep days or moons, or so forth, I'm afraid of you. The law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the thing, can never make the worshipper perfect." But Christ makes you perfect, perfect in the sight of God. He takes away your sin, takes condemnation from you, gives you His love and joy.

258 Would you enter into Rest now? Someone else raise their hand, say, "I have did that." God bless you, young lady, over here to my left. God bless the man setting to my right. Entering into His Rest, think of it just now.

259Pray, "Just as I am, Lord, without one plea; I'm no good. Nothing I can offer You, but just my old, worn out, sinful life. Will You receive me? Cleanse? Relieve? Because, I promised I'll believe. O Lamb of God, I come. I now come, believing that now I've passed from death unto Life. Because, right here in my seat, I've accepted You as my Saviour and I feel peace in my heart."

260Five has raised up their hands. Would another one, that feels that way, raise your hand? If you're not a Christian, accept Him just now.

261 If you profess to be a Christian and have not been that kind, you're still a sinner, no matter what life you--you've done, or how you try to make yourself. What you do is not accepted. It's what He done. Your own righteousness won't be accepted. If you quit smoking just because you said, "Well, I better quit smoking because I profess Christianity." God don't accept it. If you quit lusting after women, just because that you are making yourself do it, God don't accept it. That's something you do. That's works. It's grace that saves you. Has God come to you and taken the whole thing out of you? That's the next thing.

262You say, "I joined church, and so I had to quit these things." God didn't accept that, nothing you can offer. He only accepts what Christ give. He gives you Eternal Life, and takes it from you. Will you receive It?

... out on the stormy, wild sea,

Come, anchor your soul in the haven of Rest,

And say, "My beloved is mine."

I've anchored my soul...

All right, you may raise your head. The message is over now. Let's just worship now.

I'll sail the wild sea no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild, stormy deep,

In Jesus I'm safe evermore.

263Everyone now, in worship.

I've anchored my soul in a haven of Rest, (Sabbath)

I'll sail the wild sea no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild, stormy deep,

In Jesus I'm safe evermore.

Shine on me,...

Just let yourself loose. Close your eyes. Feel that sweet Spirit? That's worship. The message is over. This is worship.

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me,

O shine on me, O Lord, shine on me,

O let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me.

264How many feels real good? Raise your hand. That sweet, humble spirit, that's It.

To be like Jesus, just to be like Jesus,

On earth I long to be like Him;

All through life's journey from earth to Glory,

I only ask to be like...

Just worship.

1... vedieť viacej o našom požehnanom Pánovi. A to je náš cieľ, kvôli čomu sa tu schádzame, za týmto účelom. A teraz ... a aby sme sa modlili za Božie choré deti. A dnes ráno sme prežili krásne požehnania z Písma.

2Snažíme sa preberať na každom zhromaždení časť ... Vyučujem List Židom, preberáme to už teraz niekoľko posledných týždňov. A teraz, ak dá Pán, v stredu večer budeme pokračovať a potom v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer, tak dlho ako tu teraz budem. Nebudeme mať evanjelizáciu, ale to je evanjelizácia, naše pravidelné večerné zhromaždenia. A tak sme veľmi - veľmi šťastní, že máme tento čas, že sa môžeme stretávať s našimi dobrými priateľmi z okolitých miest, tu okolo z Falls Cities.

A ak by sa stalo, že by sme to museli odvolať alebo niečo také, mohlo by sa stať, že by nás Pán zakrátko viedol, aby sme ... Možno by sme mohli mať niekoľko večerov, na nejaký čas, možno v telocvični, alebo niekde, keby sa ukázalo, že nás Pán tak vedie, niekde, kde by sme mohli zhromaždiť našich ľudí. Videli sme ľudí, ako sem prichádzali a potom odchádzali a hovorili: „Nedalo sa vojsť, nebolo miesto.“ Pretože modlitebňa je veľmi malá. Zmestí sa tu len veľmi málo ľudí a sme tak radi, že ste ochotní sem prísť a sedieť v tejto horučosti a počúvať Slovo Pánove. Modlíme sa, aby vás Boh nadmieru, bohato požehnal a pomohol vám.

3A teraz, dnes večer chceme ... začíname štvrtú kapitolu ... Koľkí ste tu boli dnes ráno? Nech vidíme vaše ruky. Ó, to je nádherné, prakticky všetci. A teraz sme na ... začíname 4. kapitolu Listu Židom. A, ó, aký úžasný List. Radujete sa z neho? A to je porovnávanie Písma s Písmom.

4A Pavel, prv ako vôbec začal vydávať svedectvo o svojom prežití, on prv musel ísť dole do Arábie a zistiť pomocou Slova, či to bola pravda. To sa mi páči. A v tejto raňajšej lekcii, zistili sme dnes ráno pri tom vyučovaní, že Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A Pavel zistil, že ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove, sa s ním stretol na ceste do Damašku. Zistili sme, že ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove po púšti do zasľúbenej zeme, stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku a predstavil sa „Ježiš.“

5Potom sme uvideli skutočné najvyššie Božstvo Ježiša Krista. Celá táto Kniha je len zjavenie Ježiša Krista. A tu prichádza ... Videli sme, že „Za dávna, mnohorakým spôsobom, Boh hovorieval ku otcom skrze prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch skrze svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša.“ On sa zjavil. A táto Kniha od Genesis do Zjavenia nie je nič iné ako ustavičné, stále sa opakujúce zjavenie Pána Ježiša.

6A zistili sme, že On je Ten, ktorý bol v tom horiacom kríku. Zistili sme, že On je Ten, ktorý bol s Bohom pred založením sveta. A zistili sme, že v Novom Zákone, On bol zároveň Boh aj človek. A potom, keď On opustil Nový Zákon, aby odišiel do Neba, povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a vraciam sa ku Bohu.“

7A potom, keď Ho stretol Pavel, On bol v tej istej forme, v ktorej bol vtedy, keď viedol Izrael (v Ohnivom Stĺpe.) A Pavel sa Mu pozrel rovno do tváre, keď nebol obrátený, a to spôsobilo, že do konca svojich dní mal problémy s očami. Oslepol a niekoľko dní nemohol vôbec nič vidieť. Museli ho viesť na ulicu, ktorá sa nazývala Priama.

8A Boh tam mal proroka, ku ktorému prehovoril, ktorý sa nazýval Ananiáš, ktorý tam prišiel (podľa videnia) a položil na Pavla ruky a povedal: „Brat Saul, prijmi svoj zrak.“

9A zistili sme potom, že ten istý Duch Svätý, ten istý Pán Ježiš prišiel ku Petrovi vo forme svetla a vyslobodil ho z väzenia.

10A zistili sme, že ten istý Pán Ježiš, v týchto dňoch je stále v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, vo Svetle a vedie svoj ľud, svoju Cirkev, činí tie isté veci, dáva videnia. Prichádzame a kladieme na ľudí ruky, podľa videnia ... Pán Ježiš, ktorý sa stretol s nami minulú nedeľu ráno v tom dome a povedal: „Prichádza muž, čiernovlasý, prešedivelý. On je Grék. Jeho žena je v strednom veku a budú plakať pri oltári.“

11Niekto z nich to povedal a vedeli, že sa to deje. On bol nie len chromý, ale mal poškodený nerv v hlave, ktorý udržiava rovnováhu. Nedokázal ani ovládať svoje nohy ani údy a bol slepý. A aby to bolo dvojako potvrdené: Mal som tu prv nejakú pani, ktorá prišla, aby som sa modlil za chorých a potom znovu prišiel brat Tomas, aby som sa išiel modliť. A my sme tu sedeli a pozerali sa, ako sa to vyvíjalo. A potom som išiel a modlil som sa za chorých, a prišiel som naspäť. A ona prišla, presne podľa videnia a chytila ma za rameno a začala plakať a povedala, že ich sem poslal Dr. Ackerman. Dr. Ackerman je môj blízky priateľ, katolík. Jeho chlapec je kňazom v kláštore sv. Menirada, tam v Indiáne. A tento muž bol z Jasper. A Pán ho uzdravil od toho kresla. Vstal a chodil. Mohol vidieť tak dobre, ako ktokoľvek iný a vyšiel z tejto sály úplne zdravý. Všetko podľa videnia!

12„Brat Saul, Pán Ježiš, ktorý sa ti zjavil na ceste, ma poslal, aby som položil na teba ruky, aby si prezrel a bol naplnený Svätým Duchom.“ Nádherné!

13Potom sme zistili, že keď vidíme, že máme toto veľké spasenie, nemáme ... Nemohli by sme utiecť trestu a hnevu Božiemu, ak by sme zanedbali takéto veľké spasenie.

14No, dnes večer budeme čítať z ... a začneme 4. kapitolu Listu Židom. Ak niekto chce spolu s nami čítať máme tu nejaké Biblie. Ak chcú nejakú, niektorý z pomocníkov vám ju prinesie, ak zodvihnete ruku. Tieto Biblie. Ak niektorý z bratov tu vezme ... Myslím, že tam sú dve Biblie.

15A teraz sa budeme ponáhľať, pretože za chvíľu budeme mať večeru Pánovu. A kde sa dostaneme dnes večer tam v stredu večer znovu začneme. No, myslím, že dnes večer pri našom čítaní začneme od 15. verša.

16Niekto možno nevie, že si ku čítaniu zakladám okuliare. Starnem. Stále môžem čítať, ale nejde mi to tak rýchlo, zvlášť keď tu mám drobné písmo, drobnú tlač.

17A dal som si vyšetriť oči, aby som zistili či ozaj strácam zrak. Moje oči boli desať desať. Povedal mi: „Synu, ale prekročil si štyridsiatku.“ Dal mi niečo prečítať, povedal: „Čítaj toto.“ A čítal som to. A stále som to približoval a videl som čoraz slabšie. A priblížilo sa to asi po tadeto ja som prestal. Potom tam dal desať, desať a všade som to mohol prečítať. Ale povedal: „To je, keď prekročíš štyridsiatku, očné gule sa začínajú splošťovať.“

18No, môžem prižmurovať oči a čítať z takejto blízkosti, ale musím škúliť. Tak mi urobil okuliare. Všade môžem vidieť, keď to držím aj blízko. No keď to vzďaľujem, nemôžem to už všetko s týmto vidieť. Ale prečítam to ... z tohoto čítam s okuliarmi.

19No, dnes ráno máme poslednú časť 3. kapitoly Židom. A, ó, aké bohaté jadro sme našli. No, počúvajte. Chcem to znovu čítať aby sme si to zopakovali, nie o tom hovoriť, ale len trochu cez to prejsť.

Teda, keď je povedané: Dnes keby ste počuli jeho hlas, nezatvrdzujte svojich sŕdc ako v tom rozhorčení Boha.

Lebo niektorí

... (oni počuli Slovo,) ...

keď počuli Slovo, rozhorčovali Boha. Ale nie všetci, ktorí vyšli z Egypta skrze Mojžiša.

20No, dnes ráno sme v tom videli, že On povedal: „Nezatvrdzujte teraz svoje srdcia ako v tých dňoch, keď rozhorčovali Boha.“ To bolo vtedy, keď provokovali Boha k hnevu, pretože On im dal Mojžiša, svojho proroka a znak, ktorý bol s Mojžišom. Koľkí dnes večer na tejto hodine viete, aký to bol znak? Ohnivý Stĺp, Židom 13.

21 No, neviem, či zhromaždenie videlo ten znak alebo nie. Ale Mojžiš to videl, lebo Mojžiš Ho prv stretol v horiacom kríku. On bol Oheň. A deti Izraelove poslúchali Mojžiša a opustili Egypt. A len čo vyšli z Egypta, videli sme, že Boh ich viedol rovno do pasce. Kde bola za nimi faraónova armáda a z druhej strany Červené more a Boh ich postavil do skúšky a oni sa vyľakali. A to rozhorčilo Boha. Povedal: „Prečo ku mne kričíš?“ Povedal: „Len hovor a pohnite sa dopredu.“ To sa mi páči.

22No, oni nasledovali Mojžiša, ako Mojžiš nasledoval ten Stĺp a Oblak. A boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Nádherný obraz Cirkvi dnes na našej ceste do Zasľúbenej Zeme, vedení tým istým Duchom, tými istými znameniami a zázrakmi, ako Boh o tom hovoril.

23No, všimnite si. Oni prišli potom na púšť Sín. Vody tam boli horké, Mara. Prečo ich Boh viedol ku horkým vodám? Zdalo by sa, že by ich mal viesť ku dobrej vode. Ale On ich viedol ku horkým vodám, aby mohol skúsiť ich vieru. On to rád robí. On rád nechá, že príde na vás súženie, aby vám mohol ukázať svoju lásku a svoju moc. Ako ľudia dnes, ktorí neveria, že Boh robí zázraky ... Keď prichádzajú súženia, oni sa proste vzdávajú a odchádzajú. Ale my veríme, že Boh robí zázraky. On nemôže ... Boh má ...

24Počúvajte toto: Ak sa Boh nespráva tak isto, keď povstávajú tie isté okolnosti, potom je vinný zo zaujatosti voči svojmu ľudu. Božia suverénnosť požaduje od neho, aby jednal v každom prípade tak, ako jednal v tom prvom. Ak nepostupuje tak isto ako v tom prvom prípade, ak ohľadne toho druhého prípadu bude postupovať inak, potom postupoval zle, keď sa zaoberal tým prvým prípadom. Ak Boh uzdravoval chorých v Starom Zákone, musí to robiť aj v Novom Zákone a dnes, inak robil zle, keď ich uzdravoval tam vtedy. On zakaždým musí postupovať tak isto. A On bude postupovať tak isto, keď tá istá viera sa stretne s takou situáciou. Chyba je v nás, nie v Bohu. Lebo Ho vidíme v nejakej ... A robiť mnoho veľkých nápadných zázrakov. Vieme to. Kritik nemôže povedať, že to nie je tak. Lebo vidíme ako sa to potvrdzuje a je to tak.

25Oni zvykli hovoriť: „Ukáž mi zázrak!“ Už to viacej nemôžu povedať. Veda to už viacej nemôže povedať. Môžeme úplne dokázať tomu vedeckému svetu ... A ten vedecký svet vydal svedectvo, že tá nadprirodzená Bytosť, vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa je s nami. Tu je jej fotografia, rovno tu, a jedna visí dnes večer vo Washingtone D.C. To je ten istý Kristus!

26Preto, keď mi pred niekoľkými rokmi moji bratia kazatelia hovorili: „Ó, brat Branham, to je diabol. Nezahrávaj sa s tým.“ To ma vystrašilo.

27A nekázal som to, až kým neprišiel Boh a zjavil to, že On je ten istý Ježiš, ten istý. Ó, skúste to potom zo mňa striasť! To sa nedá! Lebo to je Písmo. To je Božie Slovo. To nie je len nejaké prežitie, ktoré pominie. To je prežitie, ktoré je založené na Božom Slove a na Božom večnom požehnanom zasľúbení.

28No, všimli sme si tu potom, že On povedal:

Lebo niektorí, keď počuli, rozhorčili Boha ...

Skutočne! Oni zakaždým, keď prídu na miesto, kde sa majú ukázať, čo potom urobia? Začnú byť neistí a unavení a chcú sa vrátiť naspäť a hovoria: „Prečo sa mi toto stalo?“

29Divná vec, dnes ráno po kázaní, ktoré som kázal tak tvrdo, ako som len mohol, mnohí prišli ku oltáru a pýtali sa: „Prečo sa mi toto stalo?“ Vidíte ako sa to deje? Ide to ponad hlavami ľudí. Ľudia sú stále takí istí.

30Ježiš povedal: „Máte oči, ale nevidíte.“ On to povedal učeníkom.

31Oni povedali: „Aha, teraz hovoríš jasne, teraz veríme. Nikto ti nič nemusí povedať, pretože Boh ti to ukazuje.“

32On povedal: „Teraz že veríte? Po všetkom tomto čase?“ Vidíte?

33Nemusíte sa Boha nič pýtať. „Lebo kroky spravodlivých sú riadené od Pána.“ A každá skúška vám je daná aby vás skúsila. A Biblia hovorí, že je to pre vás oveľa cennejšie ako zlato. Tak ak Boh nechá, že príde na vás niekoľko drobných trápení, pamätajte, to je na vašu nápravu. „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu, musí byť najprv káznený od Boha a skúšaný.“ Detská výchova! Nie je výnimky. „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza!“ A tieto utrpenia sa dejú alebo prichádzajú - prichádzajú na to, aby bolo vidieť, aký zaujmete postoj. Vidíte? To je Boh na tomto skúšobnom mieste. Celá zem je skúšobné miesto a On sa vás tam snaží vyskúšať.

34No počúvajte, keď ideme ďalej a chcem sa dotknúť tejto poslednej časti z toho:

A ktorýmže prisahal, že nevojdú do jeho odpočinku,

... (to je to ku čomu dnes večer prichádzame) ...

do jeho odpočinku, ak nie tým, ktorí neposlúchali.

[po anglicky:ktorí neverili.“ – pozn.prekl.]

A vidíme, že nemohli vojsť pre neveru.

35No, čo je hriech? Nevera! Boh prišiel ku ním v Ohnivom Stĺpe, poslal im proroka a pomazal ho, dal mu znamenia aby ich robil pred ľuďmi, a potom ten Ohnivý Stĺp pomocou proroka, ich vyviedol von. Každá okolnosť do ktorej prišli, oni začali šomrať a hovoriť každú drobnú chybu, ktorú našli na Mojžišovi, začali sa hádať s Mojžišom a ohovárať ho. A Bohu sa to nepáčilo, pretože povedal, že hrešili.

36Oni mali počúvať. Ale namiesto toho počúvali dohady: „Ako sa to môže stať? Ako sa toto môže stať?“ Ak je on Boh, všetko je možné! A On bude robiť, aby všetko spolu pôsobilo na dobré tým, ktorí Ho milujú.

37Prichádzame tu ku veľkému štúdiu, a to je - odpočinok, sabat. No, oni boli pútnikmi na svojej ceste. Vidíte, oni boli dole v Egypte štyristo rokov a v otroctve. A teraz boli vyvedení von skrze zázraky Božie, podľa Jeho zasľúbenia. A boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. A tu sa medzi nimi zjavuje to nadprirodzené Svetlo a začalo ich viesť.

38No, niektorí z nich povedali:

— No, pozrite sa, kto je tento Mojžiš?

— Kto ťa urobil vládcom nad nami?

— Či nie si jeden z nás?

— Kto ťa tu ustanovil, aby si nám bol vedúci?

— Ty si myslíš, že vieš viacej ako náš pastor?

— Ty si myslíš, že vieš viacej ako náš kňaz?

— Ty si myslíš, že si chytrejší ako sú dnes naši nábožní muži?

To s tým nemalo nič spoločné. To bol Boh v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý potvrdzoval, že to bol On, ktorý ich viedol. Na tom vôbec nezáležalo, kto bol chytrejší a kto nebol. Išlo o to, aby nasledovali to, čo Boh pred nich položil.

39No Mojžiš, z telesného pohľadu urobil nerozumnú vec, keď sa snažil vyslobodiť tie deti pomocou Božieho Slova, vyvádzať na púšť hromadu ľudí, keď mal ... Aha, on bol dedičom všetkého čo mali. Mal celú armádu, ktorá tam bola, na celom svete, zhromaždenú a on tam bol, veľký vojenský generál. A neskoršie sa mal stať kráľom, faraónom Egypta. Mohol by proste vystúpiť na trón a povedať: „Dobre, deti, vráťte sa domov.“ A tým by to bolo vybavené, on bol faraón.

40Ale Mojžiš ... Ó, tu to je! Mojžiš skrze vieru videl zasľúbenie Božie. A prišiel ku nemu anjel Pánov, a on za tých päť minút vedel viacej o Bohu, v prítomnosti toho anjela, než ako sa naučil za štyridsať rokov pri učiteľoch v Egypte. On vedel, že On existuje. On videl ako sa stala tá nadprirodzená vec.

41On povedal: „Ja budem s tebou, Mojžiš, pôjdem pred tebou.“ (A oni porozumeli) A On mu dal vykonať znamenia.

42No, oni boli na svojej ceste do zeme odpočinku. Boh im dával odpočinok, miesto kde nad nimi nemuseli byť pohoniči, aby s nimi narábali a nútili ich pracovať.

43Aký prekrásny obraz na dnešok, keď sa dívame na cirkev a vidíme ju v jej postavení, každý človek, ktorý sa narodil z Ducha Božieho pohŕda svetom. „Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia.“ To hovorí Biblia. A skutočný pútnik na svojej ceste, jednoducho nenávidí veci tohoto sveta. Neznáša to, keď vidí niekoho piť. Neznáša to, keď vidí niekoho fajčiť. Neznáša to, keď vidí na ulici ženy oblečené v tých miniatúrnych neslušných šatách. Neznáša to, keď vidí tie švindľové hry a ľudí pri kartách.

44A včera, keď brat Tony ... či brat Wood a ja sme prechádzali cez ulicu a ešte niekto ... nejaký muž ... Išla tam po ulici nejaká pani, tam v Louisville, na pohľad milá žena a mala ... strašne oblečená, len tu hore trochu okolo bedier. Len stuhu zaviazanú z obidvoch strán na bedrách a kúsok látky spredu a za tým uviazanú povrázkom a takto išla po ulici, niečo strašné. A každý muž na ulici sa na ňu díval. Povedal som: „Ona si neuvedomuje, že v Božích očiach je vinná, že pácha cudzoložstvo s každým mužom, ktorý sa takto na ňu díva. A v deň súdu sa bude zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva s tými mužmi.“

45Ježiš povedal: „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ Je to tak.

46Tak, vidíte, brat Wood mi povedal: „Čo na to povieš, brat Branham?“

47Povedal som: „To je buď duševná vada alebo démonská posadlosť.“ Sú len dve veci, ktoré to spôsobujú. Slušná, čistá žena nebude nosiť takéto oblečenie, jedine že by bola posadnutá diablom. To je úplná pravda.

48No, pútnik, ktorý je na ceste do neba, on žije v inej atmosfére. Nemusíte sa o neho starať, že sa bude na ňu dívať. On odvráti hlavu, ak má v srdci Boha, pretože žije v atmosfére, ktorá je na milión míľ vzdialená od takýchto vecí. Je to tak. Nechcete byť vinní z niečoho takéhoto na súde. Tak on odvráti hlavu a povie: Bože, buď milostivý tej žene.“ A ide ďalej. My sme na ceste. Sme na ceste do zeme Kanaán. Sme na ceste do toho večného požehnaného odpočinku, ktorý nám Boh dal. A na tej ceste sme pokúšaní. Sme pokúšaní všetkými rôznymi vecami, ale jednako pokúšaní bez páchania hriechu.

49Všimnite si teraz, keď ideme do tejto 4. kapitoly.

Bojme sa tedy, ...

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku, ...

50Chcem aby ste si to pamätali, až kým na to neprídeme, až kým nám to Boh nezjaví ... Nezáleží na tom koľko chodíme do zboru, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Boh musí prísť skrze zjavenie a zjaviť sa nám a to odníma od nás všetky veci tohoto sveta. No: „Teda, keď je povedané,: Dnes, keby ste ...“

51No začnime 4. kapitolu:

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku, ...

52No, pamätajte, keď oni boli na ceste do odpočinku, viedol ich Ohnivý Stĺp. A teraz chceme zistiť: „Čím je tento odpočinok?“

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku,

... (dívajte sa) ...

nezdal sa niekto z vás, že zaostal.

53No, tu je zasľúbenie. Tu je to, čoho sa máme báť: ak by nám nebolo ponechané zasľúbenie. Ale je zasľúbenie! A potom, to ďalšie: aby ste nezaostali.

54No, tá myšlienka je, ak sme na ceste do odpočinku: Čo je to odpočinok? Kde on je? Je to pripojenie sa ku cirkvi? Je to byť pokrstený určitým spôsobom? Je to stať sa členom najväčšej cirkvi v meste? Nosiť lepšie šaty? Je to vzdelanie? Sú to peniaze? Tak, že môžeme prestať pracovať a len ležať a odpočívať do konca života, ako tomu hovoríme? To nie je to.

55Počúvajte čo hovorí Biblia, že čo to je a ako sa do toho dostaneme:

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho odpočinku, nezdal sa niekto z vás, že zaostal.

Lebo aj nám

... (deň potom) ...

sa zvestovalo evanjelium ako aj tamtým. ...

Čo je to evanjelium? Dobrá správa! Ku ním, v Egypte prišla dobrá správa, že „Boh poslal vysloboditeľa, ktorý nás má vyviesť von a zaviesť do zasľúbenej zeme.“

56Dobrá správa pre nás teraz je, že „Boh nám poslal Vysloboditeľa, Ducha Svätého a my sme na ceste do Zasľúbenej Zeme.“ A ľudia urobili z toho vyznania a denominácie, ale u Boha stále zostáva, že naším Odpočinkom je Duch Svätý!

57Všimnite si:

... bolo kázané evanjelium

... (im tak isto ako nám):

Ale tamtým neosožilo slovo zvesti,

... (pamätajte) ...

ale tamtým neosožilo slovo zvesti, pretože sa nezmiešalo s vierou tých, ktorí počuli.

58Ó, moji bratia, dovoľte že sa tu na chvíľu zastavím. Nezáleží koľko Slova je kázané, ani ako veľmi sa vám páči, ako je to kázané, až kým sami nie ste časťou toho, nič vám to neprospeje.

... nezmiešalo sa s vierou tých, ktorí počuli.

59Oni videli zázraky, ktoré robil Mojžiš, oni povedali: „To je celkom dobré.“ A vyšli a videli ho činiť zázraky. A možno videli Ohnivý Stĺp, alebo počuli niekoho o tom hovoriť: „Ó, to je v poriadku.“

60Ale to sa nezmiešalo s osobnou vierou. Lebo len čo vyšli na púšť, oni, každý jeden, začali šomrať. A Boh povedal, že pretože pochybovali, to bol hriech. Nič nepochybujte. Verte! Nepochybujte, nezáleží na tom, aký je to ťažký prípad, verte.

61Oni začali šomrať a Boh ich zavrhol. A potom prisahal, vo svojom hneve, že nevojdú do jeho odpočinku. A Biblia tu hovorí, myslím, že je to v 3. kapitole, že ich telá popadali na púšti.

623. kapitola a 17. verš.

A na ktorýchže zanevrúc hneval sa štyridsať rokov? Či nie na tých, ktorí hrešili, a ktorých telá popadali na púšti?

63A zo všetkých tých, ktorí vyšli z Egypta, vošli len dvaja do zasľúbenej zeme. Z celého predpotopného sveta, v tých dávnych dňoch, bolo zachránené osem duší z tých miliard. „Tesná je brána a úzka je cesta a len málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú.“

64Niektorí ľudia potom hovoria: „Brat Branham, čo so všetkými tými tisícami, o ktorých Biblia hovorí, že sa tam ukážu?“ Pamätajte len, koľko ľudí zomrelo v každej generácii, kresťanov, cez celý vek. Oni všetci budú vzkriesení, to tvorí to Telo. Vy očakávate, že to bude sto miliard, ktorí vstanú v tejto Amerike, alebo v niektorom inom ... v tomto svete, dnes. Možno ich nebude ani päťdesiat. Ale tá veľká vykúpená cirkev leží v prachu, čaká. Oni sú Božími klenotmi, ktoré odpočívajú v prachu, ale ich duše sú pod oltárom Božím. Nie sú vo svojom pravom stave. Oni sú v tele, skutočne, ale v teofánii a kričia ku Bohu: „Ako dlho?“ Môžu vidieť jeden druhého ale nemôžu si potriasť medzi sebou ruky, v takom tele.

65Stretneš svoju matku v Sláve, keby si dnes večer mal odísť, nemohol by si si s ňou potriasť ruky, pretože ona nemá taký druh ruky. Nemohol by si to cítiť tak ako to cítiš teraz. Pretože tých päť zmyslov, ktoré sú dané do tohoto tela, by to nemohli ovládať. Jej prítomnosť by bola cítená v inej atmosfére.

66To je ako muž a žena. V nebi sa nebudú ani ženiť ani vydávať. Prečo? Pretože tam je iný druh lásky, tam nie je sexuálna túžba. Všetky tieto veci pominuli, ste očistení a čistí. Ale vy ste nikdy nežili v takom stave, pretože ste neboli stvorení do takého stavu. Vy tam len čakáte. Ale máte túžbu prísť naspäť tam, kde ste boli stvorení ako muž a žena a tam Boh vzbudí to telo z prachu zeme a oslávi ho. Potom budete vidieť, mať chuť, cit, čuch a sluch a spoločenstvo. My nikdy nebudeme vedieť ... My by sme nemali pôžitok z anjelského života. Neboli sme stvorení ako anjeli. Boh stvoril anjelov. Ale teba a mňa stvoril ako muža a ženu. To je stav, v ktorom budeme naveky, pri Jeho požehnanom príchode.

67No, vidíte ako im to uniklo, že to nedosiahli, pretože hrešili a postrádali slávu. Boh im ukázal Ohnivý Stĺp. Ukázal im znamenia a zázraky. Vyviedol ich von. Priviedol ich do pokušení aby ich skúsil a dokázal.

68No, nemali ste dosť pokušení? Nesťažujte sa kvôli nim. Radujte sa! Boh je s vami. On chce vyskúšať vašu vieru. Pozrite sa na Jóba v Starom Zákone, keď On povedal: „Či si si všimol môjho služobníka Jóba? Spravodlivý, dokonalý, nemá rovného na zemi.“

69„Ó,“ povedal: „Samozrejme, Ty si ho ohradil. Nemá žiadne ťažkosti, žiadne trápenia. Nemá žiadne finančné problémy, všetko pekne. Netrpí na žiadnu chorobu ani bolesť. Dovoľ, že ho vezmem do svojich rúk! Spravím, že ti bude zlorečiť do tváre.“

70On povedal: „Je v tvojej ruke, ale neber jeho život.“

71Ó! On urobil všetko, jedine že nezobral jeho život, ale Jóbom nemohol pohnúť. Jób vedel, že stojí neochvejne na Slove. Je to tak. A všetci diabli z pekla nemohli s ním pohnúť, pretože on vedel, že zložil tú obeť. Bol spravodlivý. A oni ho obviňovali, hovorili: „Ty si hriešnik, Jób, a Boh ťa tresce.“ On vedel, že Boh ... že nezhrešil pred Bohom. On vedel, že je spravodlivý. Nie preto, že bol dobrým človekom, ale preto, že prijímal za seba zápalnú obeť.

72A dnes večer vieme, že jeho život dokazoval, že bol spravodlivý. A keď vy .. Nesnažte sa dostať domov do Slávy na základe toho, že sa snažíte pomáhať svojmu susedovi, (To je dobre.) nie preto, že sa pripojíte do cirkvi (To je dobre.), ale dostanete sa domov, do Slávy na základe toho, že prijímate spravodlivosť Ježiša Krista, nič čo by ste urobili sami zo seba.

73No, keď teraz čítame:

Lebo aj nám sa zvestovalo evanjelium,

... (druhý verš) ...

ako aj tamtým. Ale tamtým neosožilo slovo zvesti, pretože sa nezmiešalo s vierou v tých, ktorí to počuli.

Tí, ktorí počuli Slovo nemali v sebe vieru.

74Predstavte si len dnes, v tejto malej, pokornej službe, ktorú mi Pán dal by malo byť dnes večer spasených štyridsať miliónov Američanov. Viete čo oni hovoria? „To je duchovná telepatia. On číta myšlienky. To nie je nič také! Nepatrí do našej cirkvi.“ Vidíte? To nie je ... bez ohľadu ako veľmi to kladiete na Slovo a dokazujete, že to je Božie Slovo, že to je Božie zasľúbenie, ako jasne to veda dokázala, že je to pravda, oni naďalej tomu nemôžu veriť. Biblia hovorí, že nemohli veriť.

75Povedala: „Tak načo sa to potom káže?“ Boh musí vydať svedectvo, aby ich odsúdil v ten deň. Slovo bolo kázané a potvrdené medzi nimi a oni stále nevšímavo odchádzali preč. Nezostáva nič okrem súdu. Boh by nemohol spravodlivo súdiť nejaký národ, keby pred súdom prv nepreukázal milosť. On je Boh, On to nemôže urobiť.

76No, čo povieme?

Lebo vchádzame do odpočinku my, ktorí sme uverili, ako povedal: Takže som prisahal vo svojom hneve, že nevojdú do môjho odpočinku, hoci sú diela učinené od založenia sveta.

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: ...

77No, nechcem uraziť pocity ľudí ohľadne ich náboženstva, to nie je môj cieľ. Vonku na misijných poliach kážem bežnú, veľkú, základnú náuku evanjelia. Ale tu v zbore, tu medzi mojimi deťmi cítim, že mám právo kázať to čo myslím, že je náuka a pravda. Rozumiete? Myslím, že to je správne.

78No, mám tisíce dobrých priateľov sobotistov, ľudí, ktorí sú Adventisti Siedmeho Dňa. Niektorí z mojich najlepších priateľov, niektorí sú Adventisti Siedmeho Dňa. Hoci to veľké hnutie ... to čo nazývajú Hlas Proroctva, oni sú dôrazne proti mne. Oni povedali, že som vyhlásil spoza kazateľne a že som povedal, že som Boh. A že toto Svetlo, ktoré išlo za mnou je anjel a ja že som Boh. A že som prišiel na svet, aby som konal väčšie veci a dokázal ľuďom, že som Boh. No, to povedali o mne v tom Hlase Proroctva tam v Kalifornii. A ktokoľvek to povedal, vy viete, že povedal niečo, čo nebolo tak.

79Ale v prvom rade, nerozvíjam túto myšlienku proti cirkvi Adventistom Siedmeho Dňa ani proti žiadnej inej cirkvi, ktorá svätí sobotu, ale to hovorím kvôli evanjeliu. Narazíme za chvíľu tiež na letničných. Áno, skutočne. Na baptistov, narazíme na to pri tomto a ukážeme, že Boh nezastáva žiadnu denomináciu. Je to tak. On zastáva len jednotlivca. A On nejedná so žiadnou denomináciou, nikdy nejednal a ani nebude, podľa svojho Slova. Ale On jedná s jednotlivcami v každej denominácii. Áno, to sú jednotlivci, s ktorými Boh jedná.

80Počúvajte toto teraz skutočne pozorne a ak niekedy, kedykoľvek, povstane vo vás tá otázka, budete mať v tom jasno. No, nech nám Pán pomôže.

81A teraz dôkladne.

Lebo ...

(4. verš.)

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: ...

82No, dávajte pozor. On hovorí o sabate. Koľkí viete, že slovo „sabat“ v ... že to je Hebrejské slovo, ktoré znamená „odpočinok“? Koľkí z vás to poznáte, v angličtine? Skutočne. Či slovo sabath neznie smiešne? Znie.

83Či slovo posvätenie (sanctify) neznie v angličtine smiešne? Posvätenie (sanctify) to je grécke slovo. Posvätenie znamená „stať sa svätým.“ Po hebrejsky znamená „stať sa svätým.“ Po grécky znamená „posvätený“ (sanctify). Po anglicky to znamená „očistiť sa.“

84Sabath znamená „deň odpočinku.“ To bolo to čím bol ten starý sabat, dňom odpočinku. Keď vidíte napísané „odpočinok“, to znamená „sabat.“ Vyhľadajte si to v originálnych rukopisoch, ak máte náhodou grécku Bibliu a nájdete slovo ... Ak máte Scofildovu Bibliu, pozrite sa na okraji do poznámok na „odpočinok“ a uvidíte či vás to nedovedie ku sabatu. Sabat znamená „odpočinok.“ No dobre.

85No, dávajte pozor.

Bojme sa tedy, aby snáď nejako, keď sa ešte ponecháva zasľúbenie vojsť do jeho


odpočinku, ...

86No, mnoho ľudí dodržiava dni ako dodržiavanie dňa sabatu, sobotu. Iní robia nedeľu idolom, dňom uctievania. A z milosti Božej a podľa Božieho Slova, keď mi Boh dnes večer pomôže, môžem vám dokázať, že obidvoje je nesprávne. Obaja tí, ktorí uctievajú nedeľu aj tí, ktorí dodržiavajú sabat. Oboje je úplne nesprávne podľa Slova. A nakoniec je to Slovo, podľa ktorého musíme ísť, nie podľa toho čo hovoria adventisti, ani nie podľa toho, čo hovoria protestanti, ani čo hovoria katolíci. Podľa toho čo hovorí Biblia!

87No, dávajte teraz pozor.

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: ...

No zavedieme tu niečo takéto a nazveme to „Boží odpočinok“, siedmy deň.

88Dávajte pozor:


.. A Boh ...

(Počúvajte teraz toto miesto Písma) ...

Boh odpočinul siedmeho dňa od všetkých svojich diel.

(Boh mal sabat, a tento siedmy deň bol tisíc rokov dlhý, obraz na Milénium.)

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: A Boh odpočinul od všetkých svojich

- Jeho


. (Osobné zámeno, On siedmeho dňa odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel. On odpočinul siedmeho dňa. To je Boh.)

A tuto zase...

(Pod zákonom)...

Nevojdú do môjho odpočinku.

89Boh fyzicky odpočinul. Lebo za šesť dní tvoril nebesia a zem a na siedmi deň odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel. On odpočíval tisíc rokov. Lebo Biblia hovorí, že „jeden deň na zemi je tisíc rokov v nebi a tisíc rokov v nebi je jeden deň na zemi.“ Koľkí viete, že to Písmo hovorí v 2. Petrovom liste? No dobre. Boh siedmeho dňa odpočinul a On to kdesi takto povedal.

90Dobre počúvajte:

Lebo o siedmom dni povedal kdesi takto: „A Boh odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel.“

A tuto zase

...(pod zákonom) ...

Nevojdú do môjho odpočinku.

On dal Židom na ceste z Egypta do zasľúbenej zeme siedmy deň sabat


Keďže tedy ešte zbýva, aby niektorí vošli do neho a tí, ktorým sa to tam prv zvestovalo

... (Odpočinok, Boh im dal zákon a sabat bol štvrté prikázanie) ...

nevošli pre neveru...

92Dívajte sa. On hovorí o zákone. Ako oni vošli ... nezmiešalo sa to s vierou, oni to nezachovali. Oni dodržiavali sabat na pamiatku, že idú do zeme sabatu aby mali večný odpočinok od všetkých svojich problémov a trápení, koniec s pohoničmi, koniec nocí bez odpočinku. Oni boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme odpočinku. Ona oplývala mliekom a medom. Hrozno bolo také veľké, že dvaja muži museli niesť jeden strapec na pleciach. Ó, čo za zem požehnaného odpočinku! Ale oni sa tam nemohli dostať, keď tam prišli, kvôli svojej nevere. Oni vyšli asi na štyridsať míľ, odtiaľ ako odišli z Egypta do zasľúbenej zeme. A putovali tam štyridsať rokov, kvôli svojej nevere. Boh im dal proroka, dal mu znamenia, dal mu Ohnivý Stĺp, ukázal znamenia a zázraky a kázal im evanjelium. A oni vyšli za rybami a chlebmi a popadali na púšti, a ich telá zahynuli na púšti.

93Ježiš pri fontáne, On povedal: „Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti za štyridsať rokov.“

94On povedal: „Ja som chlieb života, ktorý zostupuje od Boha z neba. Ja som Chlieb Života. Mojžiš vám nedal ten chlieb. Môj Otec vám dáva ten Chlieb. A Ja som ten chlieb, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba. Ktokoľvek by jedol tento chlieb, nikdy nezomrie.“ To je rozdiel.

95No, dávajte pozor. Oni povedali, že On ... oni pili z tej skaly, ktorá bola na púšti, počas toľkých rokov.

96On povedal: „Ja som tá Skala!“ Nech je požehnané jeho sväté meno. „Ja som tá skala.“ Ako On mohol byť tou skalou? Tá skala to bola Duchovná Skala, ona išla za deťmi Izraela. A Mojžiš mal v ruke palicu, a to bola súdna palica Božia. A Boh mu povedal, aby udrel tú skalu, a on udrel tú skalu. A keď to urobil zo skaly vyšla voda. A Kristus bol tou skalou a súd Božieho trestu za hriech udrel na Neho. Boh spravil, aby na Neho bola položená neprávosť všetkých nás, a tá neprávosť roztrhla Jeho srdce. A z Jeho srdca vytiekol Duch Svätý ako rieky vody pre hynúcich, zomierajúcich ľudí. „Ja som tá skala, ktorá bola na púšti.“

— Čo? Ty chceš povedať ...

97— Mojžiš, ten ktorý vám to povedal, on túžil vidieť Môj deň. A on to videl čiastočne.

98— Ty nám chceš povedať, že si väčší ako Mojžiš? Že si videl Mojžiša? A Mojžiš je už mŕtvy osemsto rokov. Teraz vieme, že máš diabla. (Inými slovami, „že si blázon.“) Vieme, že si blázon.

99On povedal: „Prv ako bol Abrahám JA SOM. Ja som bol ten veľký JA SOM, ktorý bol v horiacom kríku. Ja som ten oheň, ktorý bol v horiacom kríku. Ja som ten Anjel, ktorý išiel pred nimi.“ A On povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem naspäť ku Bohu.“ A On prišiel od Boha, stal sa telom a prebýval medzi nami, odišiel naspäť do toho istého Ohnivého Stĺpa. A On je tu dnes večer po dvoch tisícoch rokoch, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, robí tie isté veci, vedie svoje požehnané deti. A mnohí nevchádzajú kvôli nevere.

100No, On povedal: „On určil akýsi deň,“ deň ... keď Boh dokončil svoje dielo. Potom On určil „iný deň,“ a povedal takto, že ak počujú, ak prídu (Oni dodržiavajú sabath a tak ďalej, nov mesiace a tak ďalej) ... Tam vás chcú priviesť naspäť bratia adventisti.

101Čítajme ďalej. Všimnite si:

Keďže tedy ešte zbýva, aby niektorí vošli do neho a tí, ktorým sa to tam prv zvestovalo evanjelium, nevošli pre neveru.

102No, 7. verš (Ó), hovorím vám, že Písmo je matematicky inšpirované. Hovorím, že Písmo je, každým spôsobom inšpirované. Biblická matematika je dokonalá.

103Všimli ste si, že tieto Spojené Štáty sú číslom 13 vo všetkom, čo robia? Viete že boli založené s trinástimi kolóniami? Viete, že zástava mala zo začiatku trinásť hviezd? Viete, že všetko, čo robia Spojené Štáty je v čísle trinásť? Vedeli ste, že sa objavujú v Biblii v Zjavení, v 13. kapitole? Skutočne tak. Tá malá šelma, baránok, ktorý vystupoval z vody, nie množstvo a zástupy ľudí ... nie z vody ale zo zeme, kde nebolo nikoho. On mal dva malé rohy, občiansku a náboženskú moc. A on bol baránok: náboženská sloboda. A po nejakom čase sa oni dali dokopy a on hovoril ako drak a vykonával všetku moc, ktorú vykonával pred ním Rím. To prichádza do nášho národa. Poznačte si to. Pozorujte zväz cirkví a katolíci sa spolu jednotia a dávajte pozor, čo sa deje.

104Ľudia, ktorí nasledujú ten Ohnivý Stĺp budú mať určite ťažký čas, ale v tom čase sú pripravení na prenesenie.

Je to tak. Jednoducho pripravení ísť. „Lebo Baránok zvíťazil nad nimi.“ Hovorí Biblia. „A tí, ktorí Ho nasledovali boli nazvaní - vybraní a verní, vyvolení Boží.“ Stále sa nemôžeme dostať teraz ku tomuto proroctvu, aby sme v tomto mohli pokračovať.

105Počúvajte pozorne, 7. kapitola ... Chcem povedať 4. kapitola, 7. verš. Sedem je číslo úplnosti. Tri je číslo života. Sedem je číslo úplnosti a toto dáva úplný sabat.


zase určuje akýsi deň

... (Pamätajte, on povedal, že „Boh“ takto. Potom hovorí o „zákone“ takto. A potom znovu „On určil akýsi deň,“ tretí deň, tretí krát)

Zase určuje akýsi deň: Dnes, hovoriac v Dávidovi po toľkom čase, ... dnes po toľkom čase, ako je povedané: „Dnes, keby ste počuli jeho hlas, nezatvrdzujte svojich sŕdc!“

(Dávajte pozor.)

Lebo keby ich bol Jozua voviedol do odpočinku,

... (do Sabatu) ...

nehovoril by po všetkom tomto o inom dni.

Pri Ježišovi Kristovi sa tie doby menia zo zákona na milosť, zo skutkov na milosť, od niečoho, čo ste robili vy, na niečo, čo urobil Boh, na vaše vlastné zásluhy alebo na Jeho zásluhy. To sa zmenilo.

106Keď Mojžiš prišiel z púšte so zákonom, povedal: „Nezcudzoložíš. Nepokradneš. Nezabiješ. Zachovávaj v svätosti deň sabatu.“ Keď Ježiš prišiel z púšte ... Keď prišiel Mojžiš, diabol ho pokúšal. A len čo ho diabol začal pokúšať, on obracal na to svoju pozornosť. Mojžiš mal slabé miesto. Koľkí viete, čo to bolo? Hnev. A len čo ich on uvidel uctievať to zlaté teľa, hodil na zem tie dosky s prikázaniami a rozbil ich. Tým je ukázané, že kňazstvo bude zrušené. A Boh mu dal znovu tie prikázania.

107Ale keď prišiel z púšte Ježiš, po štyridsiatich dňoch pôstu, bol hladný, jediné slabé miesto ktoré mal. A prišiel ku nemu diabol a povedal: „Ak si Syn Boží, premeň tieto kamene na chlieb. Urob tu nejaký zázrak. Nech vidím, že to robíš a budem ti veriť.“

108Ježiš povedal: „Je napísané, človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích“ On vedel, že sa tam nestretol s Mojžišom, lebo On išiel do Slova!

109Zobral Ho na vežu, na krídlo chrámu a povedal: „Ak si Syn Boží, vrhni sa dole.“ (A skrýval sa, nie citoval, ale skrýval sa za Písmo) Povedal: „Je napísané, že prikáže svojim anjelom ohľadom ... aby si si nikdy neudrel nohu o kameň. On ťa ponesie.“

110A Ježiš išiel rovno do Slova a pokarhal ho!

111Zobral Ho na vrch a ukázal mu Spojené Štáty a Nemecko a Švajčiarsko a všetky národy sveta, ktoré kedy budú a povedal: „Oni sú všetky moje. Robím s nimi čo sa mi zachce.“ (Niet divu, že máme vojny a problémy.) Povedal: „Robím s nimi ...“ (Niet divu, že sa ženy obliekajú ... a prevádza to pomocou zákona, všetky sú riadené diablom. To hovorí Biblia) Satan povedal: „Moje sú, robím s nimi, čo chcem.“ Povedal: „Ak sa mi pokloníš, urobím ťa kráľom, ako som ja.“

112Ježiš povedal: „Je napísané, Pánovi svojmu Bohu sa budeš klaňať a jemu samému budeš slúžiť. Choď preč odo mňa Satan!“ Prečo? Ježiš vedel, že On ich zdedí v tom veľkom Miléniu, keď príde jeho Kráľovstvo. „Nech sa stane tvoja vôľa na zemi, ako v nebi.“ Už nebudú viac krátke šaty. Nebude už viacej pitia. Nebude už viacej žiadosti. Nebude už viacej cudzoložstva. Nebude už viacej smrti. Nebude už viacej žiaľu. On zdedí každý národ. Oni sú Jeho. Je to tak. Oni sú Jeho a On ich zdedí. Ale Satan ich má na určitý čas, to je deň, v ktorom žijeme.


... určil... deň... Dnes, po toľkom čase, ...?... nezatvrdzujte svojich sŕdc.

Lebo keby ich bol Jozua uviedol do odpočinku, nehovoril by po všetkom tomto o inom dni.

114Môj brat adventista, pozri sa na To. Pavel tu povedal ... A Pavel povedal v Galaťanom 1:8, ak si zapisujete miesta Písma, Galaťanom 1:8: „Keby prišiel aj anjel z neba a kázal iné evanjelium než toto, ktoré som vám kázal, nech je prekliaty.“ Pavel povedal: „Keby ich Jozua bol uviedol do dňa odpočinku ...“

115Dobre, pozrite, keď On prišiel z vrchu ... On prišiel potom dole, premohol diabla. On bol pomazaný, pripravený do svojej služby. On povedal: „Počuli ste, že im bolo povedané, v tých časoch: „Nezabiješ,“ ale ja vám hovorím, že každý, kto sa hnevá na svojho brata bez príčiny, už zabil. Počuli ste že im bolo povedané, tým starým (v tom čase, tým ktorí dodržiavali sabat.) ... Počuli ste, že im bolo povedané vtedy, tým v tom čase pod zákonom: „Nescudzoložíš.“ (Musel vykonať ten skutok, aby bol vinný.) Ale Ja vám hovorím, že každý kto by pozrel žiadostivo na ženu, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci.“ To bolo iné. Prešiel rovno okolo toho štvrtého prikázania. Ale dal im odpočinok?

116Pozrime sa čo povedal: „Dávid povedal ... 'po toľkom čase' príde dokonalý Odpočinok. 'Boh odpočinul siedmeho dňa od Svojich diel.' Boh požehnal deň sabatu a dal ho Židom na púšti takto. Oni nevošli ... pre neveru, pretože Slovo sa nezmiešalo s vierou. A zase určuje akýsi deň: Dnes, hovoriac v Dávidovi po toľkom čase.'“

Stovky rokov po Dávidovej smrti, povstane Syn Dávidov, ktorým je Ježiš: „A keď budú počuť Môj hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdcia.“ Boh ide hovoriť do srdca.

117No, dávajte pozor. Teraz 9. verš, pre vás ktorí čítate:

Keby ich bol Jozua uviedol do odpočinku,

... (8. verš) ...

nehovoril by po všetkom tomto o inom dni.

118Ak mal byť sabat, ak sa mala dodržiavať nedeľa, potom by to On bol povedal. Keby On povedal: „Teraz už netreba viac dodržiavať sabat, siedmy deň, chcem aby ste teraz dodržiavali nedeľu.“ On by to bol povedal. Pavel povedal, že On to nepovedal. On by bol povedal: „Všetci máte velebiť Boha v nedeľu, to bude odpočinok.“ No keby On chcel, aby dodržiavali sabat, bol by povedal: „Ďalej len zachovávajte siedmy deň. Ale teraz chcem, aby ste zachovávali nedeľu, ôsmy deň.“ Nie! On to nikdy nepovedal.

119On povedal: „Keby im bol Jozua dal nejaký deň, či by On nebol o tom hovoril.“

120Teraz 9. verš, pripravme sa:

Tak teda ešte zbýva odpočinok ľudu Božiemu,

(zachovávanie sabatu) ...

ľudu Božiemu.

Lebo kto vošiel do jeho


odpočinku, ten tiež odpočinul od svojich diel, ako Boh od svojich

v sabate.

121Vidíte to? No zoberme nejaké miesta Písma a podložme toto. Dobre, keď Boh stvoril svet za šesť dní, siedmeho dňa odpočinul a viacej už nepracoval. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove. On postavil svet, dal naň stvorenie a odpočinul a nikdy neprišiel naspäť ku tomu, aby znovu staval ďalší svet. On skončil svoje diela a odpočinul. No, na tom ... Po tých tisícoch rokov, potom prišiel hriech. Potom bol znázornený Kristus, bol znázornený Baránok. No, Židom bolo toto dané ako obraz odpočinku v siedmom dni.



určil iný deň, hovoriac v Dávidovi,

... po toľkom čase

... („Prichádza iný Odpočinok.“)

122No, čo je to Odpočinok? Otvorte si so mnou ev. Matúša 11. kapitolu a tú poslednú časť 11. kapitoly ev. Matúša. To je, keď Ježiš končil svoje kázanie na hore, budete vidieť, čo povedal.

123On hovoril: „Každý kto by pozrel žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci. Každý kto sa hnevá na svojho brata bez príčiny, zabil brata.“ Všetky tieto veci a vôbec sa nedotkol štvrtého prikázania (sabatu). A teraz On končí a sabatom je to veľké zasľúbenie Božie. To je odpočinok.

124No, dávajte tu pozor, keď prebral do konca tie blahoslavenstvá. Tu On hovorí, 27. verš 11. kapitoly sv. Matúša (On tam učil tie blahoslavenstvá v 5. kapitole).

Všetko je vydané do mojich rúk ... mi je vydané od môjho Otca a nikto nezná Syna, iba Otec,

...(Vidíte? Nemôžete poznať jedného bez toho aby ste poznali druhého, pretože On bol Otec zamanifestovaný v tele)...

ani Otca nezná nikto, iba Syn,

Zdá sa, že by to ľudia mohli vidieť a nehádali sa. Skutočne.

125Boh, to nie sú traja ľudia. Ak je On tromi bohmi, potom sme pohania. Ktorý z nich je Boh? Oni všetci traja, to je jeden Boh. To sú tri úrady toho istého Boha. On bol Otec vo forme Ducha Svätého v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe na púšti. On bol Syn, keď používal úrad Synovstva. „Ešte chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí. Odídem a znovu prídem aby som bol s vami, vo vás, do konca sveta.“ Vidíte? On je Otcovstvo, Synovstvo a tiež Duch Svätý. To všetko je ten istý Boh, ktorý pracuje v troch rôznych úradoch: Otcovstvo, Synovstvo, Duch Svätý. Nikdy ... l. Jána 5:7: „Pretože traja sú, ktorí svedčia na nebi, Otec, Slovo a Svätý Duch. A tí traja sú Jeden (jedno).“

126Tomáš Mu povedal: „Pane, ukáž nám Otca, a to nás uspokojí.“

127On povedal: „Taký dlhý čas som s vami a nepoznal si Ma?“ Povedal: „Keď si videl Mňa, videl si Otca. A prečo hovoríš, ukáž nám Otca?“

128No Jednotári to zobrali, ľudia, ktorí vyznávajú jednotu Božiu a snažia sa urobiť Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého len jediným úradom a jedným miestom a ako váš prst, jeden. To je zle. Boh nemôže ... Ježiš nemôže byť svojím vlastným Otcom. Keby bol, potom by bol ... Dobre, ako by On mohol byť svojím vlastným Otcom?

129A ak je Boh muž odlišný od Ducha Svätého, potom On mal dvoch otcov. Lebo Biblia hovorí, že Duch Svätý zatienil Máriu a ona počala. A Biblia hovorí v Matúšovi 1:18, že to čo sa v nej počalo bolo zo Svätého Ducha.“ Potom kto je jeho Otec, Duch Svätý, alebo Boh? Obaja sú ten istý Duch, inak by sa nezákonne narodil z dvoch duchov. To je katolícka dogma, a to nikdy nebolo Biblické učenie. A Martin Luther to stade priniesol s množstvom iného katolicizmu, ktorý je v Luteránskej cirkvi. Wesley ďalej s tým pokračoval, a to stále pretrváva, ale to je chyba. To nie je Pravda, nikdy nebola. To nikdy nebola Biblická náuka. Nikdy nebolo v Biblii také prikázanie, ktoré by nás učilo o troch bohoch. Je jeden Boh. Ježiš povedal: „Počuj Izraelu, Ja som Hospodin tvoj Boh.“ Jeden Boh, nie traja bohovia.

130 V Afrike krstia raz na Otca a raz na Syna a raz na Ducha Svätého. A potom ide okolo biedny žid a hovorí: „Ktorý z ich je váš Boh? Ktorý? Otec, Syn, alebo Duch Svätý?“ Oni sú všetci traja Jeden. Biblia hovorí, že boli Jeden.

131Ježiš bol dom, v ktorom prebýval Boh, Biblia povedala, že — l. Timotejovi 3:16 „Vyznane - bez pochybnosti (To znamená bez dohadov.) veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti: Boh sa zjavil v tele, videný od anjelov, prijatý ... kázaný, uverené mu a prijatý hore do Slávy.“ To bol Boh! Biblia hovorí: „Jeho meno bude nazvané Emanuel, čo zanemená v preklade, „Boh s nami.“ Biblia hovorí, že „Ježiš,“ v ňom prebývala plnosť Božstva telesne.

132Ako sme to preberali minule, večer, Boh na začiatku bol Duch. A potom z Boha vyšlo Logos, alebo Teofánia, a to bola forma človeka nazvaná Syn Boží (dopredu spodobnený). On prišiel na zem v tele z mäsa, ešte predtým ako prišiel v Ježišovi Kristovi. No stráv to konečne, brat. Dokážem vám to.

133Keď ho videl Mojžiš, on povedal: „Dovoľ, Pane aby som videl tvoju podobu.“ A Boh ho ukryl v skale. A keď prechádzal okolo, on povedal: „Bol to chrbát človeka.“ To bola tá Teofánia. Presne tak. Potom sa tá Teofánia musela stať telom. Nie inou osobou, ale tá istá Osoba sa musela stať telom aby vzala osteň smrti. Ako včela, keď uštipne, ona zanechá žihadlo. A ... Ona nikdy nezanechala to ... Ona mohla pichnúť žihadlo do ľudského tela, pretože to bol hriech. Ale brat, keď pichla do tela Emanuela, ona stratila svoje žihadlo. Tak veru! Ona môže bzučať, ale už viacej nemá žihadlo.

134Niet divu, Pavel, keď mu išli odseknúť hlavu, povedal: „Ó smrť, kde je tvoj osteň? Môžeš bzučať a hučať koľko chceš. Hrob, kde je tvoje víťazstvo? Ale vďaka Bohu, ktorý nám dáva víťazstvo skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Tu to máte. To musel vykonať sám Boh. On prišiel a zamanifestoval sa v tele. On sa vrátil naspäť do Ducha.

135Vy hovoríte: „Brat Branham, ešte si nám nepovedal, kedy sa Boh stal telom, predtým ako prišiel v Kristovi.“ Keď Abrahám sedel jedného dňa pod svojím stanom, prišli tam dvaja anjeli a Boh, kráčali ku nemu v ľudskom tele. Na šatách mali prach a boli unavení a sadli si. A Abrahám išiel a zobral teľa od kravy a zabil ho a urobil nejaké jahňacie rezne. Odišiel a zobral ... kázal Sáre aby preosiala kukuričnú múku a upiekla nejaké placky. A zobral maslo od kravy a priniesol cmar a zobral to tam a prestrel. A Boh to jedol!

136Haleluja! A preto, „Moja viera hľadí na Teba, Baránok z Golgoty.“

137Myslíte si, že to je ťažké pre Boha? Boh, ktorý stvoril všetok draslík a vápnik a všetko na svete, On prichádza dole navštíviť Abraháma. On povedal: „Ty si myslíš, že zatajím pred tebou, keď vidím, že si dedičom sveta?“ Amen. „Nebudem tajiť pred tebou.“

138Boh jednoducho zobral ... My sme zložení zo šestnástich prvkov. On len zobral nejaký draslík a vápnik, nejakú ropu a kozmické svetlo, a potom ... [Brat Branham fúkol. – pozn.prekl.] „Vojdi to toho, Gabriel.“ Telo...

139[Brat Branham fúkol. – pozn.prekl.] „Vojdi do toho, Wormwood.“ On vstúpil do toho. Dvaja anjeli z neba.

140Boh sa natiahol a zobral za hrsť toho, [Brat Branham fúkol. – pozn.prekl.] a sám vstúpil do toho. Prišli dole a boli hladní. Požehnaní ... Čo s tým adventistický brat, že sa nemá jesť mäso? Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. Všemohúci Boh, Jehova! Presvedčte sa, či to isté meno nie je preložené, Ten istý pri tom horiacom kríku. Haleluja! A keď On stál na zemi, On povedal: „Prv ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM, Ten istý, ktorý bol v tom horiacom kríku.“ Je to tak, Elohim! Vidíte, či to nie je Ten istý? On bol Ten v tom horiacom kríku.

141On bol Ten, tu v prítomnosti Abraháma v tele z mäsa, jedol teľacinu a pil mlieko od kravy a jedol maslo s kukuričnou plackou. Nech je požehnané sväté meno Pánove. Kráčal rovno tam a povedal: „Nezatajím ... „ A bol obrátený chrbtom, povedal: „Abrahám, navštívim ťa, a budeš mať to dieťa. Teraz máš sto rokov a Sárah deväťdesiat.“ (A Sára sa v stane začala ... smiala sa.) On povedal: „Prečo sa Sárah smiala?“ (Za Ním! Medzi nimi bol stan!)

142Abrahám povedal: „Sára, smiala si sa?“

143„Nie, nesmiala.“

144Povedal: „Áno, smiala si sa!“Aká to tam bola telepatia? Aké čítanie myšlienok? On dnes robí to isté! On je Jehova - Jirech, Jehova - Rafa, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On nikdy nesklamal.

145Pozrite sa na Neho, On tam stojí, prichádza tam a rozpráva sa s Abrahámom a zmizol mu spred očí. A ten veľký patriarcha Abrahám povedal, že sa rozprával tvárou v tvár s Bohom. To bol Elohim, ten istý Boh. Vidíte to? Nie traja ľudia, brat. Tri úrady tej istej osoby.

146Na počiatku bol ten istý. On bol tá veľká Duchovná Fontána, v ktorej bola všetka pravda, všetka láska, všetok pokoj, všetko, čo bolo čisté, bolo v tejto Fontáne. To začalo formovať telo, teofániu, také telo, do ktorého my pôjdeme. Nie oslávené telo, ale ako anjelské telo. Utvarovalo, uformovalo.

147Stále, keď vidím strom, myslím si: „Ten strom je negatív, niekde je pozitív.“ Ten strom bol stvorený z niečoho, nejaká inteligencia ho stvorila. A celá táto zem odzrkadľuje to nebeské. Biblia tak hovorí. A ak je tu strom, ktorý musí zahynúť, v Sláve je ten, ktorý nemusí zahynúť.

148Keď vidím človeka ...Vidím milý mladý pár, muža a jeho ženu, ako idú dole po ulici, navzájom sa milujú. Čo to odzrkadľuje? Nech je požehnané meno Pánove. V nebi je iný pár, ktorý nezahynie. Keď tento zemský stánok bude zničený, máme už iný, ktorý na nás čaká, teofánia.

149Potom dostanete trojicu: Ten veľký Duch, prebývajúci v Synovi, v Ježišovi, Ježiš prebývajúci v cirkvi. „V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne a Ja vo vás.“ Všetko čo bol Boh, On prelial do Ježiša. A všetko, čo bol Ježiš, On prelial do cirkvi. Tu to máte. „Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne. Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne.“ To je to Telo.

150 To robí cirkvi problém. Oni boli učení nejaké malicherné, maznavé, babské náuky. Behali okolo a mali večere pri polievke a pri kartách. Niet divu, že máme taký chaos aký máme. Nepotrebujeme detské programy a večierky pri polievke. To čo potrebujeme, to je drsné staré evanjelium a mužov viery s vytaseným mečom, ktorí sa vedia postaviť na odpor. To čo dnes potrebujeme, to nie je nejaká drobná teológiu ani ľuďmi zostrojená teória, my potrebujeme, aby bolo kázané to drsné evanjelium vo svetle a v moci a demonštrácii Ducha Svätého.

151Všimnite si tu:

Ako On povedal,

on určil iný deň, hovoriac v Dávidovi ...

... keby ich Jozua bol voviedol do odpočinku, ... nebol by ... hovoril o inom dni.

Ale zostáva ... odpočinok pre ľud Boží.

Lebo ten kto vošiel do jeho odpočinku, ... odpočinul od svojich diel, ako Boh od svojich

152No, kde budeme čítať? Matúš 20. ... 11. kapitola, 27. verš.

Všetko, čo mi dal Otec

... (či vlastne)

mi je dané od môjho Otca ... a nikto nezná Syna, iba Otec,


ani Otca nezná nikto, iba Syn a ten, komu ho Syn zjaví.

153Vidíte? To nezáleží od toho ako veľmi sa učíte a ako veľmi chce biskup, aby ste to vedeli, to záleží ako veľmi chce Boh, aby ste to poznali. Ak nemôžete vidieť toto zjavenie, nepýtajte sa biskupa, pýtajte sa Boha. Nepýtajte sa svojho pastora, pýtajte sa Boha. Syn Ho zjavuje. „On“ to je osobné zámeno.

154Počúvajte! Toto vás šokuje. Tu je to prikázanie. Pavel povedal: „Keby On bol nechal iný deň, On by bol o tom povedal.“ Ale tu je to, čo On povedal:

Poďte ku mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení a ja vám dám



Vezmite moje jarmo na seba a učte sa odo mňa, lebo som tichý a pokorný srdcom, a nájdete


pre svoju dušu.

Lebo moje jarmo je užitočné a moje bremeno ľahké.

155Dávajte pozor, čo hovorí Pavel:

... keby im bol Jozua dal odpočinok, nebol by hovoril o inom dni.


on určil ... deň, hovoriac ... v Dávidovi, po toľkom čase,

... keď

počujete jeho hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje


A tedy ešte zostáva

... (počúvajte teraz 9. verš)

Tak tedy ešte zbýva odpočinok


ľudu Božiemu.

Lebo ten

(muž alebo žena),

kto vošiel do jeho odpočinku,

(„Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení, a ja vám dám odpočinutie.“) ...

odpočinul od svojich diel, ako Boh od svojich.

156Môžete mať dvadsať rokov, môžete mať tridsať rokov, môžete mať päťdesiat rokov, ale v tej minúte, keď počujete Hlas Boží, ako klepe na vaše srdce, nezatvrdzujte ho. Potom vojde: „Ten, kto počuje Moje Slová a verí v Toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“

157„Ó, brat Branham, čo sa deje?“ Dostávaš Ducha Svätého, vstupuje do teba Kristus. „Je to pravda?“ Otvorte si so mnou Izaiáša, 28. kapitolu a čítajme. Izaiáš 28. kapitola, pozrime sa čo o tom hovorí prorok. Matúš 28, začnime od 8. verša.

158Tu je predpoveď o posledných dňoch (za chvíľu skončíme.)

Lebo všetky stoly sú plné vývratku a ... takže už nie je čistého miesta.

159Dovoľte, že sa tu na chvíľu zastavím. Ako raz večer povedal Ernest, rozprával sa s niekým ... Ernest Fandler, tu tento brat zo Švajčiarska. On povedal: „Zastavil som sa a nechal som to vsiaknuť.“

160Chcem aby toto vsiaklo:

... nie je čistého miesta ... Lebo všetky stoly


plné vývratku ...


ako sa pes navracia ku svojmu vývratku a sviňa ... ku svojmu váľaniu sa v blate,

tak sa ľudia vracajú naspäť.

161Čo sa s vami deje, metodisti? Vy ste mávali svetlo. Čo sa stalo? Boh to zobral z vašich rúk a dal to nazarénom. Čo sa stalo s vami, nazaréni? Voľakedy ste mali svetlo. Boh to zobral z vašich rúk a dal to letničným. Tak veru. Vy Cirkev Božia a vy ostatní z Ľudí svätosti, pretože ste odmietli Svetlo, stali ste sa denomináciou a povedali ste: „Nebudeme veriť nič viacej než toto.“ Boh sa pohol ďalej a ukázal vám, že má ľudí, ktorí Ho budú nasledovať.

162Čo sa stalo s vami, letniční? Vy ste mali svetlo. Boh ho zobral od vás. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohol ďalej. Zakaždým, keď sa ten Ohnivý Stĺp pohol, cirkev sa pohla s Ním. A keď Luther vyšiel z katolíckej cirkvi a urobil organizáciu, svoju vlastnú cirkev, Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohol a Wesley išiel s Ním. Wesley sa zorganizoval a urobil svoju denomináciu a Ohnivý Stĺp sa pohol a Nazarény išli s Ním. Nazaréni sa zorganizovali. A Cirkev Božia išla s Ním. A povedali, že oni nie sú denominácia, ale sú. Čo sa potom stalo?

163To ďalšie čo sa stalo, letniční uvideli ten Oheň a išli. A čo ste urobili? Urobili ste náuku z jazykov a zorganizovali ste to, každý musel hovoriť v jazykoch, keď mal Ducha Svätého. Potom sa hneď Boh z tade pohol a nechal vás tam, kde ste.

164Čo stalo s vami Jednotári? Vy ste našli krst vo meno Ježiša. Urobili ste z toho náuku a oddelili ste sa od toho ostatného a Boh sa hneď pohol preč a nechal vás tam sedieť. Tak veru!

165Čo sa stalo s vami Zbory Božie, Starý Generálny Koncil? Stali ste sa organizáciou a Boh sa hneď pohol preč a nechal vás tam, a teraz nie ste nič, než studená, formálna skupina ako tí ostatní. A ten Ohnivý Stĺp ide ďalej! Haleluja!

166Všetky stoly sú plné vývratku. Pozrite sa na večeru Pánovu. Aha, oni ešte ... Bol som na mieste, kde berú bochník chleba. A ten chlieb má byť urobený z nekvaseného chleba. A oni s tým idú ku hriešnikom, fajčiarom, prostitútkam, smilniciam, len ak sú zapísaní v zborovej knihe. A vy baptisti to ešte nazývate „komúnia blízkych.“

167No, vy baptisti sa trochu chválite. Boh odníme váš roh. Presne tak, nebudete schopní to trúbiť. Komúnia blízkych, oddeľte sa, vyzerá to viacej sväté než je. Pamätajte, toto je baptistická modlitebňa. A to ste urobili, zorganizovali ste sa. Ó, vy hovoríte: „My nie sme organizácia.“ Ale áno, ste! Samozrejme ste. Vy hovoríte: „My máme obecenstvo.“ Áno, s každým kto prichádza a učí presne tak, ako to vy veríte, to je v poriadku. Ale ak niekto ... Vy ho nevyhodíte, ale ho vylúčite zo svojho bratstva. Presne tak. Ó, máte na to spôsob. Tak isto má Boh na to spôsob. Ale Božia cirkev pôjde ďalej, ten Ohnivý Stĺp sa kvôli tomu nezastaví, všetky stoly sú plné vývratku.

168Počúvajte teraz. Toto vás za chvíľu šokuje. Počúvajte, keď budem čítať to Slovo. Kto toto bol? Prorok Izaiáš.

... všetky stoly sú plné vývratku ... takže ... nie je čistého miesta.

169Len bezohľadné predbiehanie sa. Poďte do cirkvi: ženy s odstrihnutými, ostrihanými vlasmi, v šortkách, idú von a vidia muža ako ide po ulici, kosí dvor, mladé dievčatá chcú počuť niekoho, kto ich obdivuje a popiskuje za nimi, viete. Och, myslíte si, že ste milé? Nie ste.

170A ty, človeče, ideš po ulici s cigaretou v ústach a ty si diakon v zbore. Vyzeráš ako texaský vôl bez rohov. A potom si myslíš, že si niekto. Presne tak. Nie divu, že všetky stoly ... Idete a prijímate Večeru Pánov a správate sa, akoby ste boli niekto a cez týždeň podvádzate a kradnete a klamete. Čo sa s vami deje? Všetky stoly sú plné vývratku.

171„Ó, bol som pri Večeri Pánovej. Naozaj, my to robíme v našej cirkvi. Ježiš povedal, že nás vzkriesi v posledných dňoch ak budeme prijímať večeru Pánovu.“

172„Ale ten, kto nehodne je a pije, je a pije si súd nerozsudzujúc tela Pánovho. Preto je medzi vami mnoho slabých a chorých a mnohí sú mŕtvi.“ staré, mŕtve, formálne cirkvi, Duch Boží odišiel od vás a už tam viac nie je Ohnivý Stĺp. Zapierate, že Boh uzdravuje. Zapierate vzkriesenie.

173Ó, vy hovoríte: „Ó, On vstal z mŕtvych historicky.“ Ale čo s Ním, keď On je dnes ten istý, keď vstal z mŕtvych? Vy hovoríte: „Och, to tak nie je.“ No, tu to máte! Máte vzkriesenie tak, ako ho vy chcete. A Boh ho má tak, ako On chce.

174Ale to hlavné na tom je, Biblia povedala, (A vieme, že to je pravda.) že On potvrdí to Slovo a „Veci, ktoré Ja robím aj vy budete robiť a Ja budem stále s vami až do konca sveta. Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ To je to, čo hovorí Slovo.

175No, čo je to sabat?

... všetky stoly sú plné vývratku a ... nieto čistého miesta.

Kohože bude vynaučovať znalosti?

... (nie svetskú znalosť, duchovnú znalosť)

Kohože bude vyučovať znalosti? ... koho má osvietiť, aby poznal náuku?

176„Ó, chvála Bohu, naša organizácia tomuto neverí. Oni nebudú za tým stáť.“ Nestarám sa o to čo verí tvoja organizácia. Čo hovorí o tom Slovo Božie. „No dobre, naši pastori, vieš, sú vzdelaní.“ Ó, samozrejme, určite, majú toľko vzdelania, že Boha z toho odsunuli. Naozaj. Lebo im môžete povedať Slovo a oni pôjdu ďalej a povedia: „Ja to takto neverím.“ Ó, vy zbabelci. Dovoľte, že vám poviem ...

177Pozrite sa sem:

... koho má osvietiť aby rozumel náuku? Či azda odlúčených od mlieka, odtrhnutých od pŕs?

178Jedného dňa prišiel ku mne sused a povedal: „Billy, jeden pastor tu v meste, najmilšia osoba akú si kedy videl ...“ Povedal: „Sedeli sme so ženou v pyžamách okolo polnoci a prišiel ten milý pastor a vypil si s nami kávu a išiel ku ďalšiemu susedovi a potriasol si s nimi ruky. Oni tam hrali karty a on si sadol a hral s nimi.“ Povedal: „Ó, to je najspoločenskejší človek akého si kedy videl.“ Povedal: „Ó, máme ho radi. Za nič sa ho nevzdáme.“

179Chvíľu som tam stál a rozmýšľal som: „Ozaj?“

180Povedal: „Či si nemyslíš, že každá cirkev by potrebovala takéhoto človeka?“ (och) Nemohol som na to odpovedať. On povedal: „Na inom malom mieste, majú také milé miesto. Tento kazateľ a jeho žena, milí ľudia, vyšli a zaoberali sa s deťmi až tak, že mali Biblickú školu.“ A povedal: „Mali ich toľko, proste veľa tých malých detí.“ Povedal: „Ó, on vie rozprávať ... všetky rôzne príbehy tým deťom.“

181Povedal som: „To je pekné. To je veľmi pekné.“

182Išiel som naspäť. (Práve som sa vrátil z Kanady.) A myslel som si: „Tu som ... Ó, ľudia ... Čo sa to so mnou deje? Ja to nerobím.“ Išiel som umývať auto. Myslel som: „Bože, starnem a tu som. A rozmýšľal som, plakal, prosil a všetko čo z toho mám je veľké rúhanie.“

183Všetko, nech povie niekto o vás niečo zlé: „Ó, ten starý fanatik!“ niečo také.

184A rozmýšľal som o tom a prišiel ku mne Hlas a povedal: „Tí ľudia sú v poriadku, keď to robia, ale ja som ťa na to nepovolal. Ja som ťa povolal aby si zobral Meč a stál tam ako Jozua a postavil sa na odpor, brat. Nie aby si strácal čas s nejakými spoločnosťami alebo s nejakými cirkevnými organizáciami, ale aby si vyzval diabla. Stál v prvej línii, aby to, čo je dobré si nazýval dobrým a čo je zlé, zlým. Aby si kázal Slovo a našiel tých, ktorí budú Tomu veriť. Aby si to tam predložil.“

185Začal som sa ponáhľať pri tom aute, stále som ho umýval. Povedal som: „Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Ďakujem Ti, Pane.“ Cítil som sa potom dobre. „To je v poriadku, Pane. Budem to zvierať ešte pevnejšie a chcem zomrieť s Tým vo svojich rukách.“

... koho môžem učiť náuku?

... (počúvajte)

... stoly sú plné vývratku ...

... odlúčených od mlieka, odtrhnutých od pŕs.

(dávajte teraz pozor)

Lebo príkaz .. za - na príkaz, príkaz na príkaz, ... riadok za riadkom, trochu tu a trochu tam.

Lebo zajakavými rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu.

Im, ktorým je povedané: Toto je


v ktorom dáte odpočinúť ustatému, ... toto je občerstvenie. Avšak nechceli počuť.

Lebo slovo Pánove prišlo ku nim

(niekto To kázal)

príkaz na príkaz, ... na príkaz, riadok za riadkom, ... za riadkom, trochu tu a trochu tam, aby ta išli a klesli nazad a boli skrúšení a aby sa zaplietli do slučky a boli lapení.

186Čo je Odpočinok? Kedy prišiel Odpočinok? Keď ľudia hovorili inými jazykmi a mali zajakavé rty. Zajakavé rty, oni nič nehovorili, oni sa zajakávali. Kedy sa to stalo? Na Letnice, keď prišiel Duch Svätý! To je Odpočinok: Duch Svätý. Ježiš povedal: „Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí ste unavení a obtiažení a ja vám dám Odpočinok. Ja vám dám Život, Večný Život (Zoe) vlastný Boží Život.“ Boh príde do vás a bude časťou vás. On ti dá narodenie a urobí ťa synom a dcérou.

187No, pozrite sa, to bol ten tretí odpočinok, ktorý On dáva. Ten prvý:

dostal Boh od svojej práce. Druhý: dostal Izrael v zákone. Tretí:

dostala Cirkev ako časť Boha.

188Tri je číslo života. Koľkí to viete? Stále keď vidíte tri, to je život. Všimnite si, keď Boh stvoril zem, na tretí deň bol stvorený život. Koľkí to viete? Na tretí deň, tam na tretí deň pri stvorení prichádza život. Trojica: Otec bol nad ľuďmi v Ohnivom Stĺpe. Syn bol človek, ktorý sa rozprával s ľuďmi a pripravil ich. Duch Svätý bol tretí stupeň, a to bol Duch Svätý, Boh v ľuďoch. Život, Otec, Syn ... Odpočinok Boží, odpočinok pre Izrael a odpočinok pre cirkev, dodržiavanie Sabatu.

189Tak ak ste ešte neprijali Ducha Svätého, nevošli ste do Božieho Odpočinku. Nemôžete hovoriť: „Ó, nemôžem, chcem fajčiť. No proste nemôžem, som kresťan. Ja skutočne nechcem piť, ale som kresťan. Proste nemôžem ... Nechcem piť, ale rád by som si vypil.“

190Ak túžite po ženách, ak robíte všetky tieto bezbožné vec, ešte ste nenarazili na obdobie Odpočinku. Nevošli ste do svojho Odpočinku. A keď vojdete do tohoto Odpočinku, odpočinuli ste od svojich svetských skutkov, ako Boh odpočinul od svojich. Prečo? Ste časťou Boha, odpočívate večne. No vidíte. To je Sabat: „Poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete.“

191„Dnes On určil určitý deň, po toľkom čase, v Dávidovi, keď počujete Jeho Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdcia.“

192Ešte tu prečítam jedno alebo dve slová a budeme končiť.

Lebo kto vošiel do



(„poďte ku Mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení“)

odpočinuli ste od svojich vlastných diel ako Boh od svojich na siedmi deň.

Vy ste možno od vašich odpočinuli v tridsiatom roku, v štyridsiatom roku, v päťdesiatom roku, kedykoľvek to bolo, odpočinuli ste od svojich diel ako Boh od svojich, večne. Nechcete už viacej veci tohoto sveta, svet je pre vás mŕtvy.

193A teraz 11. verš, na záver.

Usilujme sa tedy vojsť do toho odpočinku,

(Nie do tohoto, nie do tohoto, ale do Tohoto),

aby nepadol niekto tým istým príkladom nevery.

[Anglický preklad KJV. – pozn.prekl.]

194Čo to je? Ohnivý Stĺp je tu. Anjel Pánov je s nami. On robí presne tie isté veci, ktoré povedal, že bude robiť. A ľudia sa potkýnajú okolo a hovoria: „No ... Och, dobre, ja si myslím, že to je v poriadku. To je celkom dobre. Ach, hádam je to dobre.“ Buďte opatrní aby ste nepadli do tej istej pasce nevery. Zoberte to z celého svojho srdca!

195Dívajte sa:

Lebo slovo Božie

(nie nejaká cirkevná náuka) ...

slovo Božie je živé ... a účinné, ... ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný,

... (počúvajte) ...

prenikajúce až ... do rozdelenia duše ... ducha, ... kĺbov a špikov,

... (a počúvajte) ...

a spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca.

Čo to bolo? Duch Svätý môže prísť a povedať: „Ty si urobil tú a tú vec a ty si urobil toto a tamto, si chorý na toto a tamto, ak dáš toto do poriadku, dosiahneš to.“ Vidíte? Schopné posúdiť myšlienky.

196A ľudia hovoria: „Čo to je? No, to je duchovná telepatia. Aha, to je ... on je veštec.“ Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? To je zlý, starý nečistý svet, ktorý nepozná Boha.

197Je živšie, viac myslí, je účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč a je schopné rozoznávať myšlienky a úmysly srdca. No, čo pozná úmysly srdca? Boh! Vy poviete: „Dobre, Biblia hovorí, že Slovo Božie.“ Slovo Božie je Boh!

Na počiatku bolo Slovo, ... a to Slovo bolo s Bohom a to Slovo bol Boh.

A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.

198Boh rozoznáva myšlienky. Abrahám bol obrátený chrbtom ... Boh bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu a Sárah sa smiala. A Boh sa otočil a povedal: „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Schopný rozoznať myšlienky srdca! Chcem aby to do vás trochu vsiaklo. [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.]

199Potom keď povstáva takáto služba, ktorú Boh zasľúbil v poslednom dni, čo sa deje? „To je duchovná telepatia.“

200Či nenazývali samého Pána „Belzebubom“? On povedal: „Ak Pána domu nazvali Belzebubom, o čo viac budú nazývať jeho učeníkov?“

201Milujem vás. Vidieť, že vás to dosť zaujíma, inak by ste neprišli počúvať evanjelium do sály, kde nie je klimatizácia. Ste natoľko hladní, že ste prišli na takéto miesto. Boh nám nedal postaviť nič okrem tohoto. Takto to máme radi, len malá chatrč, ale takto to máme radi. Boh neprebýva v nádhere, Boh prebýva v pokore. Takto to máme radi. Radi sem prichádzame a vy tiež, aby sme sedeli na takýchto miestach. Nevadí ako je tu horúco, ako veľmi sa potíte vo svojom novom obleku, vo svojich nových šatách, to nie je rozhodujúce. Počúvate Večný Život, Slovo Božie, ktoré pozná myšlienky vášho srdca. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol nad deťmi Izraela, visí tu dnes večer. Mohol by som to vyzvať. Nieto človeka, ktorý by sa tu mohol postaviť pod mocou Ducha Svätého bez toho aby ho Boh hneď neprekukol a povedal mu, čo bol. Tak veru! Tu to máte.

202Čo to je? Čo to je? To je ten istý Duch, ktorý viedol deti Izraela do ich odpočinku a oni upadli pre neveru. Neupadnite. Toto je posledná príležitosť. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, cez to prichádza život.

203Ospravedlnenie, Martin Luther, stále náboženská forma. Posvätenie John Wesley. Krst Duchom Svätým, Život. Ospravedlnenie, to je veriť. Posvätenie, to je očistenie. Duch Svätý je naplnenie, Život! Nie cez Lutherov vek, oni to mali v určitej forme. Nie cez Wesleyov vek, oni to mali v určitej forme. Ale toto je ten vek, keď prichádza sám Duch Svätý.

204A ak ste to neprijali, ako môžete veriť v zázraky? To treba mať v sebe Boha, aby ste verili. Správate sa ako Boh. Poznáte veci ako Boh. Myslíte ako Boh. Biblia hovorí, že ste malými bohmi, amatérmi. Ježiš tak povedal! Lebo ste časťou Boha. Presne tak isto, ako ja som malý Branham a vy ste malí ... ktokoľvek ste, pretože sa tak nazývajú vaši rodičia. Máte takú povahu, lebo vaši rodičia boli takí, pretože ste sa z nich narodili. A dôvod, že veríte v Boha a veríte v zázraky a znamenia a divy, pretože ste synovia a dcéry Božie. Prijímate Život. Život prichádza ako tretí.

205Dobre. Keď Ježiš išiel na horu, všade kde išiel bral Petra, Jakoba a Jána, troch svedkov. Tri je číslo života. Rozumiete? Láska, radosť, pokoj.

206No, poďme teraz rýchlo do konca tejto kapitoly. Čítajme rýchlo.

Lebo slovo Božie je živšie ... účinnejšie ... než ... dvojsečný meč ... a

rozpoznáva ešte aj

... úmysly srdca.

A nieto stvorenia, ktoré by bolo neviditeľné pred ním, ale všetko je nahé a odkryté očiam toho, s ktorým máme dočinenia.

207Brat, nie je mucha, ktorá by si mohla sadnúť tam na stĺp bez toho, aby On o tom nevedel. „Všetky veci sú otvorené.“ Brat, on vie o všetkom čo si kedy urobil, o každej myšlienke, ktorú si si kedy pomyslel. On je taký. My Ho takéhoto veríme. A keď Boh prichádza ku nám a kladie nás do cirkvi, On dáva do cirkvi dary a rôzne veci, aby prejavovali jeho Bytosť. Ak je Boh nekonečným Bohom, On potom uzdravuje chorých, môže kriesiť z mŕtvych, môže čistiť malomocných, dávať slepým zrak, On môže dávať videnia, On môže robiť všetky tieto veci, keď účinkuje cez svoju cirkev, pretože to je Boh vo vás. To je cirkev.

208Ako sa cirkev stáva Cirkvou? Tým že sa do nej pripojíte? Vôbec nie! Potrasením rúk? Nie! Vodným krstom? Nie! Členstvom? Nie! Ako To získate? „Lebo skrze jedného Ducha sme my všetci pokrstení v jedno Telo.“ No vidíte.

209Rimanom 8:1:

A teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia

... (nijakého svetského odsúdenia, z ničoho vás nemôžu obviniť)

A teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristovi Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha.

210No vidíte. Takto sa súdi vaše kresťanstvo. Takto môžete vedieť, že ste vošli do Odpočinku, svet vás už viacej netrápi. Skutočne! Vidíte to a idete preč od toho. Máte niečo lepšie nad čím rozmýšľate. Tu to máte: „Žiadne odsúdenie!“ Takto sa dostávame do toho Tela. A ste naveky bezpečný. Biblia tak povedala!

211Pozrime sa sem, do listu Židom do 10. kapitoly. On povedal:

...lebo kde sú prinášané obete býkov

, leží upomienka na hriechy rok po roku.

Ale on, ...


jednu obeť

.. (nech je požehnané jeho sväté meno.)

Lebo jednou obeťou zdokonalil navždy

... (Haleluja! nie do ďalšieho prebudenia, ale navždy.)

212„Staré veci pominuli a všetko sa stalo nové.“ Kráčame vo Svetle, v tom nádhernom Svetle. Vtáci inak spievajú.

213Sedíme tu ... dívam sa na túto malú alkoholičku (asi pred okolo piatimi rokmi). Rossela, so skleneným pohľadom chodila po uliciach Chicaga, pila, potácala sa, chodila v každom hriechu aký bol, opitá a vo všetkom, v čom len mohla byť. A jedného večera Duch Svätý, ktorý je rýchlejší než ... účinnejší než dvojsečný meč, povedal: „Žena, ty si alkoholička.“ Haleluja! Ak to nie je ten istý Boh, ktorý bol voľakedy, ktorý vedel, že sa Sárah za ním smiala, tak potom neviem, čo On je.

214Hore v obecenstve povedal ďalšej žene. Ona odišla a priviedla ju tam. Povedal: „Ty si narkomanka.“ Ako On rozpoznáva myšlienky!

215A sedel tam veľký aristokratický kazateľ, ktorý bol svetoznámy evanjelista, so založenými rukami, v tričku, mysleli si, že my ich nepoznáme. Akoby mohli sedieť na takom zhromaždení a Boh by nezjavil kto to je. Sedeli tam a vyzerali inak, ako keby boli niečim iným. Duch Svätý vedel, kto sú. A oni tam sedeli a v srdciach si mysleli, že to je telepatia. Nevedia viacej o Bohu než Hotentót o Egyptskom rytierovi. Je to tak. Oni to poznajú podľa litery, ale nie podľa Ducha. Litera zabíja, ale Duch dáva život. To je to, to je tá myšlienka. „Živé, účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč, schopné posúdiť myšlienky srdca.“

216Počúvajte! Dávajte pozor:

A nieto stvorenia, ktoré by bolo neviditeľné pred ním, ale všetko je nahé a odkryté očiam toho, s ktorým máme dočinenia.

Keď tedy máme takého veľkého veľkňaza,

... (Počúvajte teraz, nemocní) ...

ktorý prenikol nebesia. Ježiša, Syna Božieho, držme pevne vyznanie.

217„Držme pevne“; to neznamená, že budeme len svedčiť, Ak nežijete ten život, nedržíte to pevne. Žijete pokrytecky. Ste ... buďte radšej vonku a hovorte len, že ste hriešnik a zabudnite na to. Nevyznávajte kresťanstvo, keď žijete niečo iné, ste najväčším kameňom úrazu, aký svet kedy mal. Ak ste hriešnik, priznajte to a choďte, dajte sa do poriadku s Bohom. Ak ste kresťan, držte pevne svoje vyznanie, stojte tam.

218A dávajte teraz pozor. Chcem sa ku tomuto dostať skôr ako zakončíme.

Lebo nemáme veľkňaza, ktorý by nemohol súcitiť s našimi slabosťami, ale pokúšaného vo všetkom, podobne nám, bez hriechu.


Pristupujme tedy so smelou dôverou ku trónu milosti, aby sme dostali milosrdenstvo a našli milosť na pomoc v pravý čas.

(Nech je požehnané meno Božie)

219Počúvaj, baptista, presbyterián, luterán! Opýtate sa ma toto: „Abrahám uveril Bohu a to mu bolo pripočítané za spravodlivosť.“ Viem, že stále poukazujete na to. To je pravda. „Čo môže človek viacej urobiť, ako veriť Bohu?“ To je úplná pravda, to je všetko, čo človek môže urobiť. Ale keď Boh pozná, že máte tú vieru, dá vám Ducha Svätého.

220„No, čo budem potom robiť, brat Branham? Budem vykrikovať?“ To nie je nutné. „Budem hovoriť v jazykoch? To nie je nutné. Môžeš aj vykrikovať aj hovoriť v jazykoch a stále žiť ako pohan, stále byť žiadostivý za ženami a stále budeš fajčiť a piť a všetko ďalšie. Videl som ľudí hovoriť v jazykoch a len čo vyšli vyťahovali najšpinavšie, neslušné veci aké som kedy videl. Videl som ich kričať a roniť krokodílie slzy a ukradli by ... všetko čoho sa nedržíte. Videl som ich vychádzať von a obracali sa za každým dievčaťom, ktoré išlo po ulici. Och, to je zreteľný znak, že to nemáte. Je to tak.

221Ale brat, keď si prešiel zo smrti do života, všetky tieto veci sa stali mŕtve a ty si novým stvorením v Kristovi Ježišovi. Ak vidíš niečo zlé, budeš sa za to modliť: „Bože buď milostivý.“ A keď vidíš problémy, namiesto toho, aby si išiel a klebetil a snažil sa to urobiť horším, budeš sa snažiť stretnúť s tou osobou a napraviť to a hneď s tým prestať. To je Duch Boží v tebe.

222Ak urobíš chybu (si pre nich objektom) ... Ak urobíš chybu, hneď to napravíš: „Nech nezapadá slnko nad tvojím hnevom.“ Takto vieš, že si prešiel zo smrti do života. Máš lásku, pokoj, radosť, zhovievavosť, dobrotu, krotkosť, zdržanlivosť. Máme Veľkňaza, ktorý sedí v Nebesiach pripraveného prihovoriť sa na základe nášho vyznania. Čo to je? To je, keď Ježiš odišiel naspäť do toho Logos, do Ohnivého Stĺpa, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove, sedí v prítomnosti tej veľkej Fontány; Svetelnej dúhy, ktorá vyšla, sedem dokonalých Duchov, dokonalý Duch lásky.

223Dávajte pozor. To prvé je dokonalá Láska, to je Božia Láska, čistá a nepoškvrnená. Ďalej za tým je „fileo“ láska. To je láska, ktorú máte ku svojej žene a deťom. To ďalšie, čo ide za tým je žiadostivá láska. To ďalšie je bezbožná láska. A tak to ide ďalej, až je to špinavosť, stále ďalej väčšia prevrátenosť, prevrátenosť.

224A všetko, čo malo začiatok, má koniec, a všetko to bude odstránené a nikdy viac to nebude spomenuté a jedného dňa príde všetko znovu do dokonalosti. A jediný spôsob ... Nemôžete zastať tu dole v polovici cesty, a dostať sa sem hore. Celou cestou musíte byť v tom, spoliehať, úplne odpočívať v spasení, ktoré vám dal Ježiš Kristus, skrze vieru.

225Je Duch poctivosti, ktorý pochádza od Boh, to je tá Fontána. Fontána Božia, to je poctivosť. To ďalšie, to je človek, ktorý bude robiť dobré skutky svojmu susedovi. Ďalšie, to je taký, na ktorého si musíte dávať pozor. Ďalší, to je zlodej. Ďalší je vrah, gangster. Vidíte ako tá prevrátenosť ide ďalej? Ale všetko toto hovorí, že existuje Skutočnosť.

226To je to, čo hovorím, že stále keď vidíte nejakého človeka ... Vidíte nejaký pár ako ide po ulici, majú sa radi, možno majú osemdesiat rokov. To hovorí len o tom, že v Nebi je mladý pár, ktorý ich reprezentuje v nebi. Keď tento zemský stánok bude zrušený, máme tam iný.

227Ak vidíte človeka, ktorý podvádza, kradne, klame, pamätajte len, jeho časť čaká na neho v pekle, na jeho mieste, kde bude trýznený v prítomnosti Božej a svätých anjelov, ohňom a sírou. On tam bude mučený. Nie naveky, on nemôže byť mučený naveky, naveky neznamená celú ... po všetky časy. Večnosť je naveky, večnosť je ... nemá začiatok ani koniec. Ale naveky, to je „úsek času.“ Biblia hovorí „na veky vekov“. Jonáš povedal, že bol v bruchu veľryby na „veky“. To je úsek času.

228Ale pozrite sa, existuje len jeden Večný Život, a to je Boh. A ak budete mučení na veky a nikdy nemôžete zomrieť, musíte mať Večný Život. Nemôžete byť mučení na veky ... môžete byť mučení sto miliónov rokov v prítomnosti Božej a svätých anjelov, ohňom a sírou, ja neviem ako dlho On povedal, že to bude. Ale nakoniec to musí skončiť, pretože to malo začiatok. A jedine Boh má Večný Život. „Ten, kto počuje moje Slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, (nemá život na veky) má Večný Život. Život, ktorý začal ... Nič podľa tohoto tu, ale po celý čas podľa toho tam hore, Večný Život (Zoe). Boží vlastný Život prichádza dole a prebýva v tom človeku a on je večný s Bohom a nemôže zomrieť. Toto hovorí Slovo.

229Len si to predstavte. Či sú dva druhy Večného Života? To nemôžete povedať, však? Je jeden Večný Život, a to je Boží Život. Tento iný druh života, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, musí mať koniec. A všetko, čo malo začiatok, má koniec. Ale všetko čo nemalo začiatok, nemá ani koniec. A Boh povedal, že nám dá Večný Život „bez začiatku.“ Stali sme sa časťou Neho. A v skutočnosti Život, ktorý je v nás, nebol sem prinesený skrze ľudskú povahu. Povahu nám dáva duch, ale ten duch zomrel a my sme dostali Ducha Božieho. Sláva Bohu.

230Bol Boh človekom? Samozrejme! „Učiňme človeka na svoj obraz.“ Čo bol Boh? Teofánia, Telo! A tam Boh ... človek bol takto učinený a postavený do záhrady, ale nebolo človeka, ktorý by obrábal zem, v zmysloch. Potom On stvoril človeka z prachu zeme do zvieracieho života a ten človek obrábal zem. A človek upadol skrze prehrešenie. Tak veru. A Boh, Teofánia, prišiel dole a stal sa telom a prebýval medzi nami, aby vykúpil človeka.

231Tak to nie je nič, čo by ste vy mohli urobiť. Vy ste od začiatku hriešnikom. Ste sformovaní v neprávosti. Narodili ste sa v hriechu, prichádzate na svet a hovoríte klamstvá. Narodili ste sa na tento svet skrze sexuálnu žiadosť svojho otca a matky a ste tak držaní peklom ako len môžete. Nestarám sa o to čo robíte. Nemusíte nikdy klamať, kradnúť, môžete dodržiavať každé prikázanie a všetko ostatné a pôjdete do pekla ako vtáčik do klietky. Ale jediný spôsob, ako vôbec môžete znovu žiť, to je prijať Svätého Ducha, vlastný Boží Život.

232Čo spravilo, že ste tým čím ste? Na začiatku, keď sa Duch Boží vznášal nad zemou, nebolo tam nič len vulkanická činnosť. Vyrástol malý Veľkonočný kvietok. Boh povedal: „To vyzerá pekne, len sa ďalej vznášaj.“ Ukázali sa kvety. Vyrástla tráva. Vyrástli stromy. Vtáci vyleteli z prachu. Povstali zvieratá. Povstal človek.

233No, ako sa to stalo? Skrze vznášanie sa Ducha Svätého, ktorý privádzal dokopy tieto materiály: draslík, vápnik ... tvoril kvety, tvoril zvieratá, tvoril vás.

234A teraz, vy máte slobodnú voľbu. Boh zavanul znovu na vás a povedal: „Počuješ môj Hlas? Nezatvrdzuj svoje srdce ako v tých dňoch rozhorčenia.“ On tu prichádza dole, káže Slovo. Evanjelium, ktoré im bolo kázané nebolo ... nemali v To vieru. Tak im To nič nepomohlo. Oni To počuli, ale Tomu neverili.

235Boh prišiel dole a ukázal im Ohnivý Stĺp; ukázal cez svojich prorokov znamenia a zázraky, On bol s ním. Oni tomu neverili. Ó, oni sa radi dívali na tie zázraky. Oni radi počúvali proroka. Ale keď išlo o to, aby tomu verili, neverili. Ich životy dokazujú, že neverili.

236No, On povedal: „Nepadnite tým istým príkladom nevery!“ Lebo v tomto poslednom dni pre cirkev z pohanov Boh znovu ukázal: ten istý znak, ten istý zázrak, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, potvrdený, dokázaný. Nezatvrdzujme svoje srdcia a neupadajme do toho pokušenia nevery ako tam vtedy, lebo zhnijeme na zemi a to bude všetko.

237A keď Duch Svätý klepe na vaše srdce: „Po toľkom čase, keď počujete môj Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce“. Hovorí: „Dieťa moje, toto je pravda.“ Nedívajte sa na posla, počúvajte Posolstvo. Verte tomu. „Nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce ako v tých dňoch rozhorčenia.“

238Keď počujete jeho Hlas, nezatvrdzujte svoje srdce. Potom povedzte: „Áno, Pane, verím.“ Potom vojdete do Života, Duch Svätý príde do vás. Váš starý duch zomiera, ktorý spôsoboval, že ste boli žiadostiví a nenávideli ste a mali ste zlé úmysly a nepriateľstvá a nenávisť a všetky tieto veci zomreli. A stali ste sa plní lásky, radosti, pokoja, odpočinku. Nezáleží na tom ako fúka vietor, to je v poriadku.

Moja kotva drží za oponou.

Cez každú veľkú a silnú búrku;

Moja kotva drží za oponou.

Na Kristovi na tej pevnej skale stojím

a všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.

239No vidíte. Eddie Pruitt, keď napísala túto známu pieseň. Všetky ostatné základy: všetky denominácie, všetky vyznania, všetky náuky zmiznú. Kristus!

Vy poviete: „Dobre, ja poznám Bibliu.“ Že poznáš Bibliu, preto ešte nemáš Život.

„Ja poznám svoj katechizmus.“ Preto, že poznáš katechizmus, nemáš Život.

„Dobre, ja som kresťan.“ Preto, že vyznávaš kresťanstvo, nemáš ešte Život.

240Život máš skrze to, že poznáš Jeho. Keď poznať Jeho, máš Život. Potom vchádzaš do jeho Odpočinku, odpočinul si od svojich diel ako Boh od svojich. Stal si sa Synom Božím, časťou Boha. A ak ten Svätý Duch sa ti dvorí a ti sa dvoríš Jemu - alebo hrkúta: „Áno Pane.“

241Hrkúta: „Poďte ku mne všetci, ktorí pracujete a ste obtiažení a ja vám dám Odpočinutie.“

242A vy hovoríte: „Ó, ja som mladý. Ja mám ... Môj pastor ne... Všetko, čo musím robiť ... „ Vidíte? Nikdy to nenájdete.

243Ale keď hovoríte: „Áno môj Pane, počujem tvoj Hlas. Nezatvrdzujem svoje srdce. Nestarám sa Pane, to je tvoje Slovo a ja tomu verím. Prijmi ma Ježišu, takého aký som, bez jedinej výhovorky, ale tvoja krv bola za mňa preliata a potom sľubujem, že budem veriť, ó Baránku Boží, idem!“ Položte svoje ruky na jeho zomierajúcu hlavu a povedzte: Pane, ja som hriešnik a Ty si ma zavolal.“

244„Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne a ja ich vzkriesim v posledný deň.“

245„Áno, Pane, idem. Nezatvrdzujem svoje srdce, ako to robili oni pri tom pokúšaní. Ja skutočne verím,“

246Čo On potom robí? Dáva vám svoj Život (Zoe), Večný Život. A keď nás Boh mohol zbudiť z prachu zeme, odkiaľ pochádzame ... Pochádzali sme z prachu? Všetko čo vidíte pochádza z prachu. A keď ma Boh mohol urobiť tým, čím som dnes, keď som nemal žiadnu voľbu, len preto že On mal túžbu urobiť ma a dal mi možnosť stretnúť sa s Golgotou a rozhodnúť sa a rozhodol som sa a uveril som Mu, o čo skôr ma vzbudí. Keď ma takéhoto stvoril bez môjho rozhodnutia, potom keď som sa rozhodol a zobral som ho za ... keď On položil svoje ruky a prisahal na samého seba, že ma vzbudí v posledný deň.

247Budem v kľude odpočívať, mám Odpočinok. Nie preto, že svätím nedeľu, nie preto že svätím sabat, to s tým nič nemá. Ja svätím pretože som vošiel do jeho pokoja a Odpočinku (pokoj, odpočinok, láska, radosť). Nech hučia vlny, moja kotva drží.

248Máš dnes večer toto prežitie, môj priateľ, ktorý tu sedíš v tejto horúcej modlitebni? Neprišiel si sem počúvať mňa. Nie, prišiel si počúvať Slovo. Počúvaj, môj priateľ.

249Ak nemáš ten Odpočinok, môžeš ho hneď teraz nájsť. Nemusíš ísť sem ku oltáru, zostaň tam kde si. Buď úprimný a povedz: „Kristus hovor len do môjho srdca. Viem, že je horúco. Som proste celý spenený, spotený. Som strašný. Ale, Pane, skôr než nastane ráno by som sa mohol potiť od bolesti.“

A doktor by mohol potriasť hlavou a povedať: „Zlyhalo srdce. Je s ním koniec.“ Čo potom?

250Čo potom? Keď zostane otvorená tá veľká kniha, čo potom? Poznáte tú pieseň: Čo potom? Keď tí, ktorí odmietli posolstvo budú požiadaní, aby vydali počet, čo potom? Čo potom? Zamyslite sa teraz nad tým, skutočne hlboko.

251Kým skloníme svoje hlavy, myslite na to.

Keď ten, kto odmietol dnes večer toto posolstvo

bude požiadaný, aby vydal počet, čo potom?

Čo potom? Čo potom?

Keď bude otvorená tá veľká kniha, čo potom?

Keď tí, ktorí dnes odmietajú toto posolstvo,

budete požiadaní, aby ste vydali počet. Čo potom?

252Náš nebeský Otče, toto je teraz všetko v tvojich rukách. Tu leží pred ľuďmi skutočný Sabat. Tu je anjel Boží, ktorý za posledných niekoľko rokov trúbil po svete. Kritici a všetci ostatní sa To snažili pohaniť, ale zakaždým si sa dokázal, že si Boh.

253Vedecký svet, cirkevný svet ... Či sú slepí, Pane? Možno, že je tu dnes večer niekto, kto by rád prijal svoj zrak, aby mohol chodiť a nepokúšal Boha ako v tých dňoch pokúšania. Nesnažte sa Ho pokúšať tým, že v nedeľu budete dobrí, alebo dodržiavaním nejakého dňa, alebo nejakého vyznania alebo tým, že budete patriť do nejakej cirkvi, ale buďte ochotní vyjsť a dať sa obrezať na srdci a prijmite Ducha Svätého a oni Ho chcú. A teraz vierou, oni sa Ho snažia prijať do svojho srdca. Pane, oni sa snažia nájsť milosť u Teba.

254Ó, možno, že hovorili v jazykoch, možno že vykrikovali. A stále majú tú istú starú zlosť. Stále majú tú istú starú zákernosť. Stále klebetia a tárajú a robia veci, ktoré by nemali. Oni to nechcú, Pane. Čo potom, keď sa otvorí tá veľká kniha? Ale je povedané: „Takí nevojdú do kráľovstva. Buďte teda dokonalí, tak ako váš Otec v nebesiach je dokonalý.“ Nič okrem toho tam nevojde. Či oni dnes večer spoliehajú úplne na ukrižovaní? Ak nie, Pane, nech urobia hneď teraz to jedno večné „Áno.“

255Povedzte: „Pane, ja ... nie emócia, ale cítim niečo dole vo svojom srdci ... to niečo mi hovorí, že to môžem urobiť hneď teraz, skrze Tvoju milosť. A ja Ťa teraz prijímam ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. Odmietam všetky veci tohoto sveta a chcem vojsť do tvojho Odpočinku a verím, že to robím práve teraz. Verím, že Duch Svätý ma privádza práve na to miesto.“

256Kým sú sklonené všetky hlavy. Cíti to teraz niekto takto? Zodvihnite ruku: „Duch Svätý ma teraz privádza na miesto, kde už viacej nechcem klebetiť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. „Nechcem robiť tie veci ... Moja prchlivosť pominula. Od teraz môžem žiť v pokoji a radosti a v zhovievavosti. Verím, že Boh práve teraz ku mne hovorí, že to môžem od tejto chvíle mať, skrze Jeho milosť.“ Zodvihneš ruku? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná mladá pani. Ešte niekto? „Teraz verím.“

257Nepokúšajte ho, ako v ten deň rozhorčenia. Nemyslite si, že pretože chodíte v nedeľu do zboru alebo dodržiavate sabat ... Pavel povedal: „Vy ktorí bedlivo pozorujete na dni a mesiace a tak ďalej. Bojím sa o vás.“ Lebo zákon majúc iba tôňu budúceho dobrého, nie sám obraz vecí, nemôže nikdy zdokonaliť tých, ktorí prichádzajú. Ale Kristus vás robí dokonalými, dokonalými v Božích očiach. On odníma váš hriech, odníma od vás odsúdenie a dáva vám svoju lásku a radosť.

258Či vojdete teraz do jeho Odpočinku? Ďalší zodvihli ruky, dávajú najavo: „Ja som to vykonal.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani, tam vľavo. Nech Boh žehná toho muža tam vpravo. Myslite teraz o tom, vchádzate do jeho Odpočinku.

259Modlime sa: „Taký aký som, Pane, bez výhovorky ... Nie som dobrý. Nič ti nemôžem ponúknuť, ale len môj starý, obnosený, hriešny život. Prijmeš ma? Očistíš? Znovu oživíš? Pretože sľubujem, že budem veriť. Ó, Baránok Boží, prichádzam! Prichádzam teraz a verím, že teraz som prešiel zo smrti do Života. Pretože, práve tu na svojom mieste som ťa prijal ako svojho Spasiteľa a v srdci cítim pokoj.“

260Piati zodvihli ruky. Či je ešte niekto, kto to takto cíti? Zodvihni ruku. Ak nie si kresťan, prijmi Ho hneď teraz.

261Ak vyznávaš, že si kresťan a nebol si takýto, si stále hriešnikom, nezáleží na tom aký život si viedol alebo ako si sa snažil prerobiť sa. To čo ty robíš nie je prijaté. Ale to, čo On vykonal. Tvoja vlastná spravodlivosť nebude prijatá. Ak si prestal fajčiť, len preto že si povedal: „Dobre, radšej prestanem fajčiť, pretože vyznávam kresťanstvo.“ Boh to neprijíma. Ak si prestal dychtiť po ženách len preto, že sa len sám takým robíš, Boh to neprijíma. To je niečo čo ty robíš, to sú skutky. Spasenie sa dokonáva z milosti. Vstúpil do teba Boh a odstránil to všetko z teba? To je iné.

262Vy hovoríte: „Vstúpil som do cirkvi a tak som musel prestať s týmito vecami.“ Boh to neprijal, ty nič nemôžeš ponúknuť, On prijíma jedine to, čo dal Kristus. On ti dáva Večný Život, a odstraňuje to od teba. Prijmeš ho?

... z rozbúreného mora;

Poď, zakotvi svoju dušu v nebeskom odpočinku

a povedz: „Môj milý je môj.“

Zakotvil som svoju dušu...

(Dobre, vy ktorí ste zodvihli ruky. Posolstvo teraz skončilo. Oslavujme Ho teraz.)

Nebudem sa viac plaviť po rozbúrenom mori,

môže duť najbúrlivejšia víchrica.

V Ježišovi som stále bezpečný.

263Teraz všetci na Jeho slávu.

Zakotvil som svoju dušu v nebeskom odpočinku, (v sabate).

Nebudem sa viac plaviť po rozbúrenom mori,

môže duť najbúrlivejšia víchrica.

V Ježišovi som stále bezpečný.

Svieť na mňa, ...

Uvoľnite sa, zavrite oči. Cítite toho milého Ducha? To je chválenie. Posolstvo sme skončili, toto je oslavovanie Boha.

Nech svieti na mňa svetlo majáku.

Ó, svieť na mňa, Pane, svieť na mňa.

Nech svieti na mňa svetlo majáku.

264Koľkí sa cítite skutočne dobre? Zodvihnite ruky. Ten milý, pokorný Duch. To je to.

Byť ako Ježiš, byť len ako Ježiš.

Túžim byť tu na zemi taký ako On.

Po celý život, zo zemi do chvály,

jediné čo chcem, byť taký ako On.

Len uctievajte.

HEBREWS, CHAPTER FOUR, 57-0901E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 111 min

1 ... is to know more about our blessed Lord. And that's our--our purpose of gathering here, is for that purpose, and, now, and to pray for God's sick children. And this morning we had a--a wonderful blessing from the Scriptures.

2We are trying to take, each time of the service, a part of... I'm teaching in the Book of Hebrews, have been, for the last couple weeks now. And now, if the Lord willing, we'll continue on Wednesday night, then on Sunday morning and Sunday night, on--on, for as long as I'm to be here in this time. Not a revival, but it's revival, a meeting on our regular nights. And so we're very, very happy to have this time to meet with our good friends around about in the cities, and around about in the Falls Cities here. And if--if we'd happen to have a cancellation or something, it might be that the Lord might lead us, pretty soon, to... maybe we could have a few nights, maybe, in the gym or something, after while, if the Lord seems to lead that way, to a place where we could get our people together.

And we seen people as was coming up, going back, saying, "It was not room to--to come in." Course, the tabernacle is awful little. It just seats a very, very few people, and we're just so glad that you're willing to come out and set in the heat, to hear the Word of the Lord. And we're praying that God will exceedingly, abundantly bless you and to help you.

3 And now, tonight, we want, we're beginning on the 4th cha-... How many was here this morning? Let's see your hands. Oh, that's wonderful, practically all of you. And we are on, beginning on, the 4th chapter of the Book of Hebrews. Oh, what a marvelous Book! Are you enjoying It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And it's comparing Scripture by Scripture.

4And Paul, before he would ever witness to his experience, he first had to go down to Arabia and find out, by the Word if it was the Truth. I like that. And this morning's lesson, we found out, in the teaching this morning, that Christ was the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Paul found that the same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, had met him on the road to Damascus. We found out that the Pillar of Fire, that led the children of Israel out in the wilderness, to the promised land, met Paul on the road to Damascus, and called Hisself, "Jesus."

5 Then we find out the real supreme Deity of Jesus Christ. The whole Book here is just a revelation of Jesus Christ. And He come, we find that, "In sundry times and in divers manners, God spoke to the fathers through the prophets; in this last days through His Son, Christ Jesus." He has revealed Himself. And the Book from Genesis to Revelation is nothing but one constant, perpetual, revelation of the Lord Jesus.

6And we find out that He was the One that was in the burning bush. We find out that He was the One that was with God before the foundation of the world. And we find out that, in the New Testament, He was God and Man, together. And then when He left the New Testament, to go into Heaven, He said, "I came from God, and I return to God."

7 And then when Paul met Him, He was in the same form that He was when He led Israel, a Pillar of Fire. And Paul looked Him right into the face, being unconverted, and It caused him to have eye trouble the rest of his days. He went blind, and for several days He could not see nothing at all. He had to be led to a street called Straight.

8And God had a prophet down there that He spoke to, by the name of Ananias, who came in, by a vision, and laid his hands on Paul, and said, "Brother Saul, receive thy sight."

9And we find out, then, that that same Holy Spirit, that same Lord Jesus, came to Peter in a form of a Light and delivered him out of the prison.

10 And we find that that same Lord Jesus, in these days, is still in that Pillar of Fire (Light) that's leading His people (His Church), performing the same thing, giving visions; come in and lay hands on the people, by a vision. The Lord Jesus, Who met last Sunday morning at the house, and said, "There was a man coming, black-headed, graying. He was a Greek. His wife was middle-aged, and would be weeping at the altar."

11Some of them had told it, and know it was happening. He was both crippled, the--the balance nerve in his head was gone. He couldn't even have control of his feet or his limbs. And he was blind. And to make it double proof: I had a little lady to come pray for the sick, first, then turned back around and had Brother Toms to come pray. And we, setting here, watching it develop. And then I went down and prayed for the sick, and walked back. And she come, just exactly according to the vision, and caught me by the arm and begin weeping, and said Dr. Ackerman had sent them here. Dr. Ackerman is a bosom friend of mine, Catholic. His boy is a priest at the monastery at--at Saint Meinrad, and down in Indiana. And this man was from Jasper. And the Lord healed him, out of that chair. He got up and walked. He could see as good as anybody else. And walked out of the building, normal and whole. All by a vision!

12 "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus that appeared to you in the way, has sent me that I might lay my hands on you, that you might receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost." Wonderful.

13"Then we find out, seeing that we have this great salvation, we should not... We could not escape the penalties and wrath of God, if we neglect such a great salvation."

14Now we're going to start reading, tonight, out, and begin the 4th chapter of the Book of Hebrews. If anybody wants to follow along, we got some Bibles here. If they wanted one, why, one of the ushers will bring it to you, if you hold up your hand, these--these Bibles. If one of the brethren here will take... There's two Bibles laying there, I believe.

15 And now we'll hurry, because we have communion after a bit. And where we get done tonight, Wednesday night we begin again. Now, I believe, this morning in our reading, we began on the 15th verse.

16Somebody, maybe not know me putting on glasses, to read by. I'm getting old. And I can still read, but I can't pick it fast, especially when I got fine reading here, fine print.

17And I went to have my eyes examined, to see if I was really losing my sight. My eyes were ten-ten. He said, "But you're past forty, son." He had a thing for me to read, said, "Start reading that." I read it. And I kept getting closer, it got slower and slower. And it got about like this, I stopped. Then he put out there for ten-ten, I could read it anywhere. But he said, "What it is, when you pass forty, your eyeballs get flat."

18Now, I can squint my eyes and read just that close to me, but you have to squint. So, he just made me a pair of glasses. I can see it, anywhere, when it's real close to me. Now, when it gets off from me, can't see at all with these things. But I read them, read from this with the glasses.

19 Now, this morning, we had the last part of the 3rd chapter of the Hebrews. And, oh, what rich kernels we find. Now listen. I want to read again, so we get a background now. Not talk on it, but just kind of go over it a little.

While it is said, To day if you... hear his voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation.

For some, them, they heard the Word, when they had heard the Word, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.

20Now, in that, this morning, we find that He said, "Don't harden your heart now, as in the days of provocation." That's when they provoked God to anger, because that He had give to them Moses, His prophet, and a sign that was with Moses. How many, of the class tonight, knows what that sign was? Pillar of Fire, Hebrews 13.

21 Now, we don't know whether the congregation saw that sign or not. But Moses saw It, for Moses first met Him in a burning bush. He was a Fire. And the children of Israel obeyed Moses, and left Egypt. And as soon as they come out of Egypt, God, we found, led them right into a trap. Where, Pharaoh's army behind them, the Red Sea on either side, and God put them to test; and they got scared. And it provoked God. He said, "Why do you cry at Me?" Said, "Just speak and go forward." I like that.

22Now, they were following Moses, as Moses followed the Pillar and Cloud, and they were on their way to the promised land. Beautiful picture of the Church, tonight, on our way to the promised Land, led by the same Spirit, same signs and wonders as God spoke of.

23 Now notice. Then, they come to the Wilderness of Sin. The--the waters were "bitter," Marah. Why did God lead them to bitter waters? Looks like He'd have led them to good water. But He led them to bitter waters so He could prove their faith. He likes to do it. He likes to let tribulations come on you, show He can show you His love and His power. How can people, today, who doesn't believe in the miracle-working of God... When tribulations come, they just give up and go on. But we believe that "God works miracles." He can't... God has...

24Listen to this. If God doesn't act the same, when the same circumstances arise, then God is guilty of being partial to His people. God's sovereignty demands of Him to work in every case like He did the first case, or He was wrong when He worked in the first case. If God does not act in the same way He did on the first case, if He will act different to the second case, then He acted wrong when He acted on the first case. If God healed the sick in the Old Testament, He has got to do it in the New Testament and today, or He did wrong when He healed them back there. He's got to act the same, every time. And He will do it, when the same faith meets the condition. The fault is in us, not in God. For we see Him on some, and many, work great outstanding miracles. We know it. The critic cannot say, "It's not so." For we see It prove it, and there it is.

25 They used to say, "Show me a miracle." They can't say that no more. Science can't say it no more. We can absolutely prove to the scientific world. And the scientific world has witnessed that a supernatural Being, in a form of a Pillar of Fire, is with us. Here is His picture, right here, and one hangs in Washington D.C., tonight. It is the same Christ.

26Therefore, as a while, my ministering brethren used to tell me, "Oh, Brother Branham, that's the Devil. Don't you fool with that." Had me scared.

27And I would not preach it until God came and revealed it, that, "He's the same Jesus, the same One." Oh, then try to shake it out of me? Can't be done. For, it's the Scripture. It's God's Word. It's not just an experience that's loose. It's an experience that's backed up by God's Word and God's Eternal blessed promise.

28 Now, we notice over here, then, that He said.

For some, when they had heard, did provoke:...

Certainly. They got weary, every time they'd get to a place where a showdown come. Then what would they do? They would fly loose, and get weary, and want to turn back, and, "Why did this happen to me?"

29Strange thing, this morning, after preaching that just as hard as I could, there was many came to the altar and questioned It, "Why does this happen to me?" You see how It goes? It goes over the top of the people's head. It's just the same, people.

30Jesus said, "You have eyes, but you can't see." He said that to the disciples.

31They said, "Lo, now Thou speakest plainly. Now we believe. No man has to tell You anything, 'cause God shows it to You."

32He said, "Do you now believe, after all this time?" See?

33You mustn't question anything, to God. "For the footsteps of the righteous is ordered of the Lord." And every trial is put upon you, to prove you. And the Bible said, "They're more precious to you than gold." So if God let a few light afflictions happen to you, remember, it's for the correction of you. "Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened of God, and tried, child-trained." There's no exceptions. "Every son that cometh." These afflictions are done or brought--brought about, to see what attitude you'll take. See? It's God, on this proving-ground. That's all earth is, is the proving-grounds, and where He is trying to prove you.

34 Now listen, as we go ahead. And I want to get the last part of it.

And to whom he sware that they should not enter into his rest,...

Now, there's where we're coming to, tonight.

... into his rest, but to them that believed not?

So we see that they could not enter... because of unbelief.

35Now, what is sin? Unbelief. God had come to them, in a Pillar of Fire; sent His prophet, and anointed him, give him signs to do before the people. And then the Pillar of Fire, by the prophet, led them out. Every circumstance they come to, they begin to murmur and say every little fault they found with Moses, begin to chide and chatter against Him. And God was displeased, because He said, "They were sinning."

36They should have listened. But, instead of that, they listened to reason, "How can it be? How can these things be?" If He is God, everything is possible. And He will make all things work together for good to them that love Him.

37 Now we're going into a great study here, that is, on the "Rest," the sabbath. Now, they were pilgrims in their journey. See? They'd been down in Egypt, four hundred years, and in bondage. And now they were being brought out by the miracles of God, according to His promise. And they were on their road to the promised land. And here a supernatural Light appears, in amongst of them, and begins to lead them.

38Now, someone would say, "Now, looky here, who is this Moses? Who made you a ruler over us? Aren't you one of us? Who put you down here to be our boss? You think you know more than our pastor does? You think you know more than the priest does? You think you're--you're smarter than what our religious men are, of this day?" That had nothing to do with it.

It was God, in the Pillar of Fire, vindicating that He was in the move. Didn't make any difference who was smart and who wasn't smart. It was the idea of following what God put before them.

39 Why, Moses, as far as physical, done a foolish thing when he tried to deliver the children by the Word of God, taking a bunch of people out in the wilderness. When he had his... Why, he was the heir to everything they had. He had every army there was, in all the world, whipped. And there he was, a great military general. And the next move, he was to be king, Pharaoh of Egypt. Why, he could have just stepped up to the throne, and said, "All right, children, go on back to your home." That settles it; he was a Pharaoh. But Moses...

40Oh, here it is. Moses, by faith, saw the promise of God. And the Angel of the Lord come to him, and he knowed more about God, in five minutes in the Presence of that Angel, than he learned in forty years with the teachers of Egypt. He knowed that He was. He seen the supernatural done.

41He said, "I'll be with you, Moses. I'll go before you." And they understood. And He give him signs to perform.

42 Now, they were on their road to the land of rest. God had them a rest, a place where they wouldn't have to be... taskmasters over them, to drive them, to make them do things.

43What a beautiful picture it is today, when we look at the Church and see the Church in its condition, every man that's born of the Spirit of God despises the world. "And if you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." That's what the Bible said. And the real pilgrim, on his road, simply hates the things of the world. He hates to see men drinking. He hates to see men smoking. He hates to see women on the street, with them little old dirty clothes on. He hates to see buncos and card parties.

44 And yesterday, while Brother Tony... or Brother Woods and I were coming through the street, and some more, some of the men... There was a little lady there in Louisville, coming down the street, lovely looking little woman, with the clothes on that was horrible; just a little way up on the hip, and a little ribbon tied on her hips, on each side, and a little bitty round piece of cloth in front of her, and tied with a string behind. Walking down the street, horribly, and every man on the street looking at her. I said, "She doesn't realize that she is guilty, in the sight of God, with committing adultery with every man that looked on her in that manner. And she'll answer at the day of judgment for committing adultery with those men."

45Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already." That's right.

46 So, you see, Brother Woods said to me, "What do you allow for that, Brother Branham?"

47I said, "It's either mental deficiency or devil possession." There's only two things to make it. A decent, clean woman won't wear those things; unless she is devil-possessed. That's exactly the Truth.

48Now, a pilgrim that's on his road to Heaven, he lives in a different atmosphere. You don't have to worry about him looking at her. He'll turn his head if he's got God in his heart, for he's living in an atmosphere that's a million miles from those things. That's right. You don't want to be guilty of that stuff, at the judgment. So he turns his head and say, "God, have mercy on the woman," and on he goes. We're in our journey. We're on our way to Canaan's Land. We're on our way to that Eternal and blissful Rest that God has given us. And in the journey, we are tempted. We are tempted of all kinds of things, but yet be tempted without sinning.

49 Now notice, as we go to the 4th chapter, "Let us therefore fear."

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his rest,...

50I want you to remember, that, unless we find out, unless God has revealed it to us! No matter how much we go to church, that has nothing to do with it. God must come by revelation and reveal Hisself to us, that takes all the things of the world out. "Now, while it is said, 'Today if you... '"

51Now let's start the--the 4th chapter.

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his rest,...

52Now remember, when they were on the road to Rest, the Pillar of Fire led them. Now we want to find out, "What is this Rest?"

Let us... fear, lest, the promise being left us to enter into his rest, watch, any of you should seem to come short of it.

53 Now, here is the promise. Here is what we got to fear: if there's not a promise left us. But there is a promise! And then, the next thing, don't come short of it.

54Now, the thought is, if we are on our way to the Rest, what is the Rest? Where is it? Is it joining church? Is it being baptized a certain way? Is it becoming a member of the greatest church in the city? Wearing better clothes? Is it education? Is it money, so we can quit work and just lay down, rest the rest of our life, as we call it? That's not it.

55Listen what the Bible says it is, and how we get it.

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us to enter into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.

For unto us (the day then) the gospel was preached, as well as unto them:...

What is the Gospel? The good news. The good news came to them in Egypt, that, "God has sent a deliverer, and He's going to bring us out and take us to the promised land."

56 The good news to us now, that, "God has sent a Deliverer, the Holy Ghost, and we're on the road to the promised Land." Now people has made it creeds and denominations, but God still remains, that, our Rest is "the Holy Ghost."


... gospel was preached... unto them as well as unto us: but the word preached did not profit them, the...


... the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

58Oh, my brethren, let me stop here for a minute. No matter how much the Word is preached, how well you like the way It's been preached; unless you yourself are a partaker of That, It won't do you one bit of good.

... not being mixed with faith by them that heard it.

59 They seen the miracles of Moses. They said, "That's pretty good." And they walked over. They, they seen him perform miracles. And they seen the Pillar of Fire, maybe, or heard them talk about It. "Oh, that's all right."

60But it wasn't mixed with personal faith. For as soon as they got to the wilderness, they (every one) begin to murmur. And God said, "Because that they doubted, it was sin." Don't doubt nothing. Believe. Don't doubt, no matter how hard the case is, believe It.

61Now they begin to murmur, and God overthrowed them. And then He swore, in His wrath, that, "They should never enter into His Rest." And the Bible said here, I believe It's in the--the 3rd chapter, that, "Their carcases fell in the wilderness."

62 The 3rd chapter and the 17th verse.

But with whom he was grieved for forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?

63And of all of them that come out of Egypt, only two went into the promised land. Out of the whole antediluvian world, in the days gone by, there were eight souls saved, out of billions. "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that will find it."

64Some people says, "Then, Brother Branham, what about all these thousands that the Bible said will appear there?"

Just remember how many has died in each generation, that's been Christians, down through the age. They'll all resurrect. That makes up the Body. You expect there be a hundred billion in this America, come out, or some other, this world today. There might not be fifty come out. But the great ransomed Church is laying in the dust, awaiting. They are God's jewels that's resting in the dust. But their souls are under the altar of God. They're not in their right state. They're in a body, truly, but a theophany. And they cry out to God, "How long?" They could see one another, but they couldn't shake each others' hands, that kind of a body.

65 You meet your mother in Glory tonight, if you should go, you couldn't shake her hand 'cause she has not that kind of a hand. You couldn't feel it like you'd feel now. Because, five senses is what's put in this body, could it control. The presence of her would be felt in a different atmosphere.

66That's like a husband and wife. There'll be no marrying, or given and married, in Heaven. Why? Because there is a different kind of love. There's no sexual desire. All those things has passed away. You are cleansed and pure.

But you never did live in that state, therefore you wasn't created for that state. You're just waiting there. But you're longing to come back where you was created a man and a woman, and there God will raise that body out of the dust of the earth and glorify it. Then you'll see, taste, feel, smell and hear, and associate. We'll never know...

We could never enjoy an Angel's life. We wasn't created Angels. God created Angels. But He created you and I, men and women. That's the state we'll be in, forever, at His blessed Coming.

67 Now, see how they fell short, because they sinned and come short of the glory. God showed them the Pillar of Fire. He showed them signs and wonders. He led them out. He brought them into temptation, to try and prove them.

68Now, haven't you had a lot of temptations? Don't complain about them. Rejoice. God is with you. He is trying to prove your faith. Look at Job in the Old Testament, when He said, "Have you considered My servant Job, a just man, a perfect man? There is none like him on the earth."

69"Oh," he said, "sure, You got him hedged up: doesn't have any troubles, doesn't have any worries. He doesn't have any financial burdens, everything is fine. He don't have any sickness, any pain. Let me have him. I'll make him curse You, to Your face."

70He said, "He's in your hand, but don't you take his life.'"

71 Oh! He done everything but take his life, but he couldn't move Job. Job knowed he stood pat on the Word. That's right. And all the devils out of hell couldn't move him, for he knowed he had offered that sacrifice. He was just. And they accused him, said, "You've sinned, Job, and God is punishing you." He knew that God hadn't... that he hadn't sinned before God. He knew that he was righteous. Not because he was a good man, but because He was accepting the burnt-offering in his stead.

72And, tonight, we know that his life proved out that he was righteous. And when you... Not trying to get home to Glory because you try to help your neighbor; that's good. Not because you join church; that's good. But you get home to Glory because you accept the righteousness of Jesus Christ, nothing that you've done yourself.

73Now, as we read on.

For unto us was the gospel preached,... (2nd verse)... as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

Faith wasn't in them that heard the Word.

74 Just think, today, in the little, humble ministry that the Lord has given me, there should be forty million Americans saved, tonight. You know what they say? "Why, it's mental telepathy. He's a mind reader. No such stuff! Why, he don't belong to our church." See? It's not... no matter how much you lay it on the Word and prove that it's God's Word, it's God's promise, how much science would prove that It's true, they'll still can't believe. The Bible said they couldn't.

75Said, "Then what's the use of preach It?" God has to have a witness, to condemn them, at that Day. The Word was preached and proved among them, and they still ignorantly walked away. There is nothing left but judgment. God could not justly--could not justly judge a nation unless it had mercy before it had judgment. He is God. He couldn't do it.

76 Now what do we say?

For we which... believed too have entered into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works was finished from the foundation of the world.

For he spake in a certain place on--on the seventh day on this wise,...

77Now, I do not want to hurt people's feelings, against their religion. That's not my purpose. Out in the fields, I just preach the regular, great evangelical, fundamental doctrines. But in the tabernacle, amongst my children here, I feel I have a right to preach what I think is Doctrine and Truth. See? I think that it's right.

78 Now, I have thousands of good Sabbatarian friends, of people who are Seventh-day Adventists. Some of the dearest friends that I got, some of them are Seventh-day Adventists.

Although, the great move of, what's called, the--the Voice of Prophecy, they're firmly against me. They said that I make the statement in the pulpit, and said, "I was God. And that the... and that this Light that followed was an Angel, and I was God. And I come to the world to do great things, to prove people that I was God." Now, that's what the Voice of Prophecy said about me, over in California. And ever who told that, you know, told something, wasn't so.

79But in the first place, not taking up thought against the Seventh-day Adventist church or any other Sabbatarian church, but only for the sake of the Gospel. We're going to get down, in a few minutes, on Pentecost, too. Yeah. True. On Baptist, we're going to get down on that and show that God doesn't favor any denomination. That's right. He only favors the individual. And He doesn't deal with any denomination, He never did and He never will, according to His Word. But He deals with the individuals in every denomination. Yes, it's individuals God deals with.

80 Now listen to this real clear, and if ever, any time, that question ever comes up to you, it'll be settled. Now, may the Lord help us.

81Now, closely, "For..." The 4th verse.

For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise,...

82Now watch. He's talking about sabbath. How many knows that the word s-a-b-b-a-t-h in He-... is the Hebrew word that means "r-e-s-t"? How many knows that, in the English? Sure. Don't sabbath sound a funny word? It is.

83Don't sanctify sound a funny word? Sanctify is a Greek word. Sanctify means "to be made holy." Hebrew, means "make holy." Greek, means "sanctify." English, means "make clean."

84Sabbath means "a day of rest." That's what the old sabbath was, a day of rest. When you see rest, it means "sabbath." Look it up in your original manuscript, if you happen to have a Greek Bible, and find out if the word... If you got a Scofield Bible, look at your marginal reading on "rest" and see if it don't bring you back to the sabbath. Sabbath means "rest." All right.

85Now watch.

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left to us to enter into his sabbath, rest,...

86 Now, many people keeps days, like keeps sabbath day Saturday. Others make a Sunday an idol, a worship day. And by the grace of God, and by the God's Word, God help me tonight, I can prove to you that they're both wrong. Both the Sunday worshipper and the sabbath-keeper. They are absolutely both wrong according to the Word. And after all, it's the Word that we have to go by, not by what the Adventists say, or not by what the Protestant says, or the Catholic says. It's what the Bible says.

87 Now, now watch.

For he spake in a certain place on the seventh day on this wise,...

Now we're going to put up something like this, and call this--this, "God's Rest," the seventh day.

88Now watch. "And God..." Listen to this Scripture now.

... God did rest the seventh day from all his work.

God had a Sabbath, and that seventh day was one thousand years long, a type of the Millennium.

For he spake... of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest... from all his--his work.

The personal pronoun, "All His works." He rested on the seventh day. That's God.

And in this place, under the law, If they shall enter into my rest.

89God rested, physically, for He had made the heavens and earth in six days, and on the seventh day He rested from all His work. He rested one thousand years. For the Bible said, that, "One day on earth is a thousand years in Heaven; a thousand years in Heaven; is one day on the earth." How many knows the Scripture says that in Second Peter? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. "God rested on the seventh day. And He spoke on this wise at a certain place."

90 Now listen close.

For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God rested... from all his works.

And in this place again, the law, If they shall enter into my rest.

He give the Jews, on their way from the promised land... or from Egypt, to the promised land, the seventh-day sabbath.

91Now listen.

Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and to they whom it was first preached...

The rest! God give them the law, and the sabbath was the fourth commandment.

... entered not in because of unbelief:...

92Now watch. He's talking about the law, how they entered in, wasn't mixed with faith. They didn't keep it. They kept the sabbath in a memorial, that they were going to a land of sabbath, to have everlasting rest from all their troubles and all their worries, no more taskmasters, no more restless nights. They were on their way to the promised land of rest. It flowed with milk and honey. The grapes was so big that two men packed one bunch over their shoulders. Oh, what a land of blessed rest! But they failed to get it when they got there, because of their unbelief. They were turned aside, at only forty miles from where they left in Egypt, to the promised land. And they were forty years getting there, because of their unbelief. God gave them their prophet, gave him His sign, give him the Pillar of Fire, showed signs and wonders, and preached the Gospel to them. And they walked out, after the fishes and loaves, and fell in the wilderness. "And their carcases perished in the wilderness."

93 Jesus, at the fountain, He said.

Said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for forty years."

94He said, "I AM that Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven. I AM the Bread of Life. Moses didn't give you that Bread. My Father give that Bread. And I AM the Bread that comes from God out of Heaven. If a man eats This, will never die." There's the difference.

95Now watch. They said that He..." They drank from the Rock that was in the wilderness, for the space of so-many years."

96He said, "I AM that Rock." Blessed be His Holy Name! "I AM that Rock."

How could He be that Rock? That Rock was a spiritual Rock. It followed the children of Israel. And Moses had a stick in his hand, which was a judgment rod of God. And God told him to smite the Rock, and he smote the Rock. And when he did, waters came from the Rock. And Christ was that Rock, and the judgment of God's penalty of sin was struck upon Him. "God caused to lay on Him the iniquity of us all," and that iniquity bursted forth His heart. And from His heart poured the Holy Spirit, like rivers of water, to a perishing, dying people.

"I AM that Rock that was in the wilderness."

"Why," he said, "You mean to tell..."

97 He said, "Moses, the one that told you that, he longed to see My day. And he saw it in portion."

98He said, "Now, You mean to tell us that You're greater than Moses? That You seen Moses? And Moses has been dead eight hundred years." Said, "Now we know that You got a devil," other words, "crazy. We know that You're crazy."

99He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM. I was THE GREAT I AM that was in the burning bush. I'm that Fire that was in the burning bush. I'm that Angel that went before them." And He said, "I come from God, and I go back to God." And He came from God, made flesh and dwelt among us; went back to that same Pillar of Fire.

And here He is, tonight, after two thousand years, "the same yesterday, today, and forever," doing the same thing, leading His blessed children.

100 And many are coming... in because of unbelief. Now, he said, "He limited a day," a day when God finished His work. Then, "He limited 'another day,' and on this wise, that if they shall hear, if they shall come, that keep the sabbaths, go on through the new moons and so forth." There's where the Advent brethren tries to take you back.

101Now let's read on. Notice.

Seeing therefore... that some must enter therein, and them to whom it was preached first entered not in because of unbelief.

102Now, the 7th verse. Oh, my! I say, the Scripture is mathematically inspired. I say, the Scripture is, and in every way, inspired. The mathematics of the Bible are perfect.

103 Did you notice this United States is number thirteen in everything it does? You know it was established the thirteen colonies? You know the flag had thirteen stars in it first? You know everything that the United States does is in a number thirteen? Did you know it appears in the Bible in Revelations thirteen? Certainly does. The little beast, the lamb that come up out of water, not thickness and multitudes of people,... not out of the water, but out of a land where there's no one. It had two little horn: civil and ecclesiastic powers. And he was a lamb: freedom of religion. And after while, they went together and he spoke like the dragon, and exercised all the power that Rome did before him. That's coming to our nation. You mark it down. You watch to the Confederation of Churches and the Catholic unite together. Watch what takes place.

104People who follow the Pillar of Fire will certainly have a rough time, but they're ready for the translation at that time, that's right, just ready to go. "For the Lamb overcome them," said the Bible, "and them that followed Him, because they were called the chosen and the faithful, the Elected of God." Keep from getting onto that prophecy now, so we can run this on.

105 Listen close, the 7th chapter, the... I mean the 4th chapter, the 7th verse. Seven is the number of completion. Three is the number of Life. Seven is the number of completion, and this gives the complete sabbath.

"And again," remember, he spoke, "God," on this wise. Then he spoke of the "law," on this wise. And then, again, "He limited a day," third day, third time.

Again, he limited a day, a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time;... To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart.

Watch, if Jesus had given them rest (a sabbath),... would he not afterwards have spoken of another day.

The dispensations change with Jesus Christ: from the law to grace, from works unto grace, from something you do to what something God did, upon your own merits or upon His merits. It changed.

106 When Moses come out of the wilderness, with the law, he said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not kill. Keep the sabbath day holy." When Jesus come out of the wilderness... When Moses come, the Devil tempted him. As soon as the Devil tempted him, he heeded to it. Moses had a weak spot. How many knows what it was? Temper. And as soon as he seen them worshipping the golden calf, he threw down the commandments and broke them, showing you that priesthood would be broken. And God give them to him again.

107But when Jesus came out of the wilderness, forty days of fasting, He was hungry, the only weak spot He had. And the Devil come to Him and said, "If Thou be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. Do a miracle here. Let me see You do it, and I'll believe You."

108Jesus said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'" He knowed he didn't meet Moses there, for He went to the Word.

109 Took Him up on the pinnacle, temple, said, "If Thou be the Son of God, cast Thyself down." And coated, not quoted, but coated the Scripture. Said, "It's written, 'He give the Angels charge, concerning, lest any time You dash Your foot against a stone. He'll bear Thee up.'"

110And Jesus went straight to the Word, and rebuked him.

111Took Him up on the mountain and showed Him the United States and Germany and Switzerland, and all the nations of the world, that ever would be, said, "They're all mine. I do with them whatever I want to." No wonder we got wars and troubles. Said, "I do with them..." No wonder women dress... and get by with it, by the law. They're all governed by the Devil. That's what the Bible said. Satan said, "They are mine. I do with them whatever I want to." Said, "If You'll worship me, I'll make You king like I am."

112Jesus said, "It's written, 'Thou shall worship the Lord thy God only, shalt thou serve.' Get thee behind Me, Satan."

Why? Jesus knew that He would fall heir to them in this great Millennium, when His Kingdom would come. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." There'll be no more shorts wore. There'll be no more drinking. There'll be no more lust. There'll be no more adultery. There'll be no more death. There'll be no more sorrow. He falls heir to every nation. They are His. That's right. They are His, and He will fall heir. But Satan has them for a space of time, that is today, that we're living.

113 "But He limited a day, saying, 'Today, after so long a time.' And said, 'Harden not your heart.'"

For if Jesus would have given them rest,... would he not afterwards have spoke of another day.

114My Adventist brother, look at That. Paul here, said. And Paul said, in Galatians 1:8, if you're taking down the scriptures, Galatians 1:8, "If an Angel from Heaven comes and preach any other gospel besides This that I've preached, let him be accursed." Paul said, "If Jesus would have given them a Rest day..."

115Look, when He come off the mountain. He come down then. He had overcome the Devil. He was anointed, ready for His ministry. He said, "You've heard them say, them of old times, 'Thou shalt not kill,' but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed already. You've heard them say, them of old times," this day, the sabbath-keepers. "You've heard them say, back then of old times, under the law, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery; had to be in the act, to be guilty.' But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Different! Passed right by that fourth commandment. But did He give them Rest?

116 Let's see what he said. "David said, 'After so long a time,' there would be a perfect Rest come.' 'God rested from His works, on the seventh day.' God blessed the sabbath day, and give it to the Jews in the wilderness, on this wise. They entered... in because of unbelief, 'cause the Word not mixed with faith. And again, He limited a certain day, saying in David, 'After so long a time.'"

Hundreds of years after David was dead, the Son of David would rise up, which is Jesus, "And if they shall hear My Voice, harden not your heart." God is going to speak to the heart.

117Now watch, for the 9th verse now, to you that's reading. "Jesus would have given them rest," the 8th verse, "He would... have spoke of another day."

118 If there was to be a sabbath, if there was to be a Sunday-keeping, then He would have spoke of it. If He had said, "Now there's no more sabbath, no more keeping the seventh day, what I want you to keep is Sunday," He'd have said it. Paul said He did. He'd have said, "You all worship on Sunday. That'll be the rest." Well, if he'd have wanted them to keep the sabbath, he'd have said, "Just remain keeping the seventh day. But now I want you to keep Sunday, the eighth day." No. He never said it.

119He said, "If Jesus would have given them a day, would He not have spoke of it?"

120 Now the 9th verse. Get ready.

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God, a sabbath-keeping to the people of God.

For he that has entered into his (Christ's) rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his, on the sabbath.

121See it? Now let's take some Scripture and back this up. All right. When God made the world in six days, He rested on the seventh day, and never worked any more. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. He built the world, put the creation on it, and went to rest; and never come back again, to build any more world. He finished the works, and went to rest. Now, on... Then, after that thousand years, then sin come in; then Christ was represented, the Lamb was represented. Now, the Jews was given this as a type of the seventh-day Rest.

Now, he limited another day, saying in David,... after so long a time, there is coming another rest.

122 Now what is that Rest? Turn with me to Matthew, the 11th chapter, and the last part of the 11th chapter of Saint Matthew. That's when Jesus ended His sermon on the mount, and you'll see what He said.

123He said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman, lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Whosoever get angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed the brother." All these things, and He never touched that fourth commandment, that sabbath.

124 Now He's ending up. And the Sabbath is the great Promise of God. It's a Rest. Now, now watch here, when He got through ending up the beatitudes. Here He says, 27th verse of the 11th chapter of Saint Matthew. Where, He was teaching the beatitudes in the 5th chapter.

All things are delivered unto my hand, unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father;...

See, you can't know one without knowing the other, 'cause He was the Father manifested in flesh.

... neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son,...

125Looks like people could see That and not argue. Certainly. God is not three People. If He is three Gods, then we're heathens. Which one is God? They're, all three, one God, is three offices of the same God. He was the Father, in the form of the Holy Spirit, in that Pillar of Fire in the wilderness. He was the Son, when He used the Sonship office. "A little while and the world seeth me no more; I'll go away. I'll come again and be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." See? He's the Fatherhood, the Sonship, and the Holy Ghost, too. It's all the very same God working in three different offices: Fatherhood, Sonship, Holy Ghost. Never...

First John 5:7 said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven: Father, Son, Holy Ghost. These three are One."

126 Thomas said unto Him, "Lord, show us the Father. It'll satisfy him."

127He said, "I been so long with you, and you don't know Me?" Said, "When you see Me, you've seen the Father. And why say, 'Show us the Father'?"

128Now, the Oneness took it, the oneness group of people, and try to make Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, just one office and one place, and like your finger, one. That's wrong. God could not... Jesus could not been His own father. If He was, then He was a... Well, how could He been His own father?

129And if God is a man, separated from the Holy Ghost, He had two fathers. For the Bible said, that, "The Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary and she conceived, and," the Bible said, in Matthew 1:18, that, "that thing which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." Then which is His father, the Holy Ghost or God? Both, the same Spirit, or He had an illegitimate birth by two spirits.

That's a Catholic dogma, and it never was a Bible teaching. Martin Luther brought it out, with a lot of other Catholicism that's in Lutheran church. Wesley followed on with it. And it's still going on, but it's an error. It's not the Truth. Never was it, never was it a Bible Doctrine. Never was it a commandment in the Bible, to teach three Gods.

There is one God. Jesus said, "Hear ye, O Israel, I'm the Lord your God, one God," not three Gods.

130 In Africa, they baptize once for the Father, once for the Son, and once for the Holy Ghost. And then the poor Jew comes around, say, "Which one of them is your God? Which one is, the Father, Son, or Holy Ghost?" They're, all three, One. The Bible said they were One.

131Jesus was a house that God lived in. The Bible said that, that, First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy," that's, "argument, great is the mystery of godliness. For God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels, received on... preached, believed on, and received up into Glory." God was. The Bible said, "His Name shall be called Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, 'God with us.'" The Bible said, that, "Jesus, in Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily."

132 As we had it the other night: God, in the beginning, was Spirit. And then, from God, went out the Logos, or the theophany, which was a form of a man, called the Son of God, prefigured. He came in earth, in a body of flesh, even before He came in Jesus Christ. Now swallow that one once, brother. I'll prove it to you.

133When, when Moses saw Him. He said, "Let me see Your form, Lord." And God hid him in the rock. And when He passed by, he said, "It was the back part of a man." That was that theophany. That's exactly.

Then, that theophany had to be made flesh. Not another Person, but the same Person had to become flesh, to take the sting out of death.

Like a bee when he stings, it leaves the stinger. And he never left that... He could put a sting in human flesh because it's sin. But, brother, when he stung that Emmanuel's flesh, he lost his stinger. Yes, sir. He can buzz but he ain't got no stinger no more.

134 No wonder, Paul, when they go to chop his head off, said, "O death, where is your sting? You can buzz and hum as much as you want to. Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ." There you are.

It taken God Himself to do that. He came and was manifested in flesh. He returned back in the Spirit.

135You say, "Brother Branham, you never told us, yet, when God was made flesh before He came in Christ."

When Abraham was setting under his tent, one day, there come two Angels and God, walking up to him, in human flesh. They had dust on their clothes and were weary, and they set down. And Abraham went out and took the calf away from a cow, and killed it. And made some lamb chops. Went out and got... had Sarah take some corn meal and sift through it, and make some hoe cakes. And got some butter from the cow, and got some buttermilk. And took it out there and set it down, and God eat it.

136 Hallelujah! That's the reason, "My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary."

137You think that's a big thing for God? God, Who made all the potash and calciums, and everything in the world, He come down to visit Abraham. He said, "You think I'll keep it from you, seeing that you're the heir of the world?" Amen. "I'll not keep it from you." God just got a...

138We're made out of sixteen elements. He just got some potash, and some calcium, some petroleum, cosmic light, the "Whew!" "Step in that, Gabriel," a body!

139"Whew!" "Step in that, Wormwood." He stepped in it.

Two Angels, out of Heaven!

140God reached and got a handful of it, "Whew," stepped in it, Hisself. Come down, and was hungry. Blessed! What about that, Adventist brethren that won't eat meat? We're going to get into that, after while. God Almighty, Jehovah, find out if that same Name isn't translated the same One at the burning bush! Hallelujah!

And then He stood on earth, He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM, that same One at the burning bush." That's right, Elohim, see if it isn't the same. He was the One was at the burning bush.

141 He was the One here in the presence of Abraham, in a body of flesh, that eat the calf, and drank the milk from the cow, and eat butter on hoe cakes. Blessed be the Holy Name of God! Walked right down there and said, "I'll not leave..."

And He had His back turned. He said, "Abraham, I'm going to visit you, and you're going to bring that child. You're a hundred years old now, and Sarah is ninety." And Sarah, in the tent, went, laughed. He said, "What made Sarah laugh?" Behind Him; the tent between them.

142Abraham said, "Sarah, did you laugh?"

143"No, I never."

144Said, "Yes, you did." What kind of a telepathy is that? What kind of a mind-reading was that?

He does the same today. He is Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never fails.

145Look at Him. There He stands. Walked right out and talked to Abraham; and vanished, in his sight. And the great patriarch Abraham said he "talked face-to-face with God, Elohim," the same God. Get it? Not no three People, brother. Three offices of the same Person!

146 In the beginning was the same, He was that great Spirit, Fountain where all the trueness, all the love, all the peace. Everything that was pure was in this Fountain. It begin to form a body, a theophany, the kind of body that we go to. Not a glorified body, but an angelic body, like; has shape, form.

147Every time I see a tree, I think, "That tree is the negative. There is a positive somewhere." That tree was made off of something. An intelligence made it. And all this earth does is reflect the Heavenly. The Bible said so. And if there is a tree here that has to perish, there is one in Glory that won't perish.

148If I see a man, I see a lovely little young couple, man and his wife, walking down the street, sweethearts together. What does it reflect? Blessed be the Name of the Lord! There is one in Heaven that'll never perish. "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting, the theophany."

149 Then you get the trinity: the great Spirit, dwelling in the Son, Jesus; Jesus dwelling into the Church. "At that day, you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, and I in you." All that God was, He poured into Jesus; all Jesus was, He poured into the Church. There you are. "I in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." There's a... There's the Body.

150That's what's the matter with the church. They've been taught little old petty, sissified, old lady doctrine of some sort, run around and have soup suppers and card parties. No wonder we got a bunch of chaos that we got. We don't need children's programs and little soup suppers. What we need is a rugged old Gospel, and men of faith with the sword hanging out there, and challenging. What we need today, not some petty theology and some theory of some man-made click. We need the rugged Gospel preached in the Light and the Power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.

151 Notice here now.

As he said, he limited another day, saying in David,...

... if Jesus would have given them rest,... would he not... have spoken of another day.

But there remaineth... a rest to the people of God.

For he that has entered into his rest,... hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

152Now where we going to read? Matthew, the twenty-... The 11th chapter, 27th verse.

All things that the Father delivered unto me, are delivered unto me of my Father, rather: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; all right, neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

153See, it's not how much you learn, how much the--the bishop wants you to know. It's how much God wants you to know. If you can't see this Revelation, don't ask the bishop. Ask God. Don't ask your pastor. Ask God. "The Son reveals Him," He, personal pronoun.

154 Listen. This will shock you. Here is the commandment. Paul said, "If He would have left another day, He would have spoke of it." But here is what He said.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you sabbath, rest.

Take my yoke upon thee, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly at heart: and you shall find sabbath unto your soul.

For my yoke is easy, and my burdens are light.

155Watch what Paul said.

... if Jesus would have given them rest,... he would have spoke of another day.

But he limited a... day, say in David,... after so long a time;... when you hear his voice, harden not your heart.

"And there remaineth..." Listen now, 9th verse.

There remaineth therefore a rest, a sabbath, to the people of God.

For he, the man or woman, that has entered into his rest...

"Come unto Me, all you that labor and heavy laden. I'll give you rest."

... has ceased from his... works, as God did from his.

156 You might been twenty years old. You might have been thirty years old. You might have been fifty years old. But the minute that you hear the Voice of God knocking at your heart, don't harden it. Then enter... "He that heareth My Words, believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting, Eternal Life, and shall never come into condemnation but is passed from death unto Life."

157"Say, Brother Branham, what happens?" You get the Holy Ghost. Christ comes into you. Is that right?

158 Turn with me to Isaiah, the 28th chapter, and let's read. Isaiah, the 28th chapter, see what the prophet said about it. Matthew... 28, begin at the 8th verse. Here is the predict-ment of the last days. We got to close in a minute.

For all tables will be, is full of vomit and... there is no place clean.

159Let me stop a minute, as Ernie said the other night. He was talking to somebody. Ernie Fandler, this brother here from Switzerland, he said, "I stopped and let it soak in."

160I want this to soak in.

... there is no place clean.

For all the tables will be full of vomit...

And as a dog goes to its vomit... and a sow... to her wallow, so does the people turn back.

161 What's the matter with you Methodists? You used to have the Light. What happened? God took It out of your hand and He give It to the Nazarenes.

What happened to you Nazarenes? You once had the Light. God took It out of your hands and give It to the Pentecostals. Correct. You church of God and the rest of you holiness people, because you rejected the Light, you denominated yourself and said, "We won't believe any more than this," God moved right on out and showed you He had people who would follow Him.

162What happened to you Pentecostals? You had the Light. God has took It away from you.

The Pillar of Fire moves on. Every time the Pillar of Fire moved, the Church moved with It.

And when Luther organized, out of the Catholic church, his own church, the Pillar of Fire moved and Wesley went with It.

Wesley organized and made his denomination, and the Pillar of Fire moved and the Nazarenes went with It.

The Nazarenes organized, and the church of God went with It; and said they wasn't a denomination, but they were.

163 Then what happened? The next thing happened, the Pentecostals seen the Fire, and away they went. And what did you do? Made a doctrine out of tongues, and organized it, "Everybody had to speak in tongues before they got the Holy Ghost," then God moved right away and left you setting where you're at.

164What happened to you Oneness? You found baptism, Jesus' Name. You made a doctrine out of it, and separated yourself from the rest of It, and God moved right away and left you setting there. Right.

165What happened to you Assembly of God, old General Council? You made an organization out of yours, and God moved right away and left you set. And now you're nothing but a cold, formal bunch like the rest of them are.

And the Pillar of Fire moves on. Hallelujah!

... all tables are full of vomit...

166 Look at the Lord's Supper. Why, they even has a place they take old loaf bread. And the bread is supposed to be made with unleavened bread. And they pass it out to sinners, cigarette smokers, prostitutes, harlots, as long as they got their name on the book.

167And you Baptists even call it "closed" communion. Now, you Baptists crow a little, God will take your horn off. That's exactly right, you won't be able to toot it. "Closed" communion, you separate yourself, seem to be holier than thou art.

Remember, this is a Baptist tabernacle. That's what you get, you organize yours. "Oh," you say, "we're not an organization." Yes, you are. Certainly, you are. You say, "We're a fellowship." Yeah, to anybody that comes in the door and teach just the way you believe it, it's all right. But, one, you--you won't throw him out, but you'll excommunicate him from your brotherhood. That's exactly right. Oh, you got a way of doing it. So has God got a way of doing it. But God's Church will move on. The Pillar of Fire won't stand for that.

... all tables are full of vomit...

168 Now listen. Now this is going to shock you just a minute. Listen. I'll read the Word. Who was this? The prophet, Isaiah.

... all tables are full of vomit... so there is nothing clean, just dog-eat-dog.

169Come to the church: women chop, bob off their hair, wear shorts, get out and see the men coming down the street; lawn-mow the yard, little girls want to hear somebody give that bulldog or wolf whistle, whatever it is, you know, "Whet-whew!" Oh, you think you're cute, don't you?

170You men walk down the street, with a cigar in your mouth, and a deacon on the board. You look like a dehorned Texas steer. And then you think that you're somebody. That's exactly right. No wonder all tables... Walk up and take the communion, and act like you're somebody, and cheat and steal and lie, through the week. What's the matter with you?

... all tables are full of vomit...

171 "Oh, I take the Lord's Supper. Sure, we do it in our church. Jesus said He would raise us up in the last days if we took the Lord's Supper."

172But, "He that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's Body. For this cause many are sick and weakly among you, and many are dead," old, dead, formal churches. The Spirit of God has gone out of you. The Pillar of Fire ain't there no more. You deny Divine healing. You deny the resurrection.

173"Oh," you say, "oh, He rose from the dead, historically." Well, what about Him being the same today, if He rose from the dead? You say, "Oh, that ain't so." Now, there you are. You have the resurrection the way you want it, and God has got it in the way He wants it.

174But, the thing of it is, the Bible said, what we know is the Truth, that He would confirm the Word. "And these things that I do shall you do same. And I'll be with you always, to the end of the world." "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's what the Word said.

175 Now what's the sabbath?

... all tables are full of vomit... no one clean.

Who shall he teach knowledge?

Not worldly knowledge; spiritual knowledge!

Who shall he teach knowledge?... whom shall He make... understand doctrine?

176"Oh, bless God, our organization don't believe This. They wouldn't put up with That."... care what your organization believes. What does God's Word say about it? "Oh, well, our pastors, you know, are educated." Oh, sure. Certainly, got so much education, they left God out of it. Truly, for you can tell them the Word and they'll walk around and say, "Well, I don't believe It just that way." Oh, you sissified thing! Let me tell you.

177 Looky here.

... who shall he make... known doctrine? them that are weaned from the breast, and... them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

178The other day, a neighbor of mine come. He said, "Billy, a certain pastor here in the city, the most lovely little person you ever seen..." Said, "Wife and I were setting with our pajamas on, about midnight, and that little pastor run in and he--he--he drank some coffee with us and he took out over to the other neighbor's house, and he shook hands with them. They was having a little card game, and he sat down and played cards with them." Said, "Oh, he was the most sociable little fellow you ever seen." Said, "Oh, we love him. We wouldn't get rid of him for nothing."

179I stood there a little bit, I thought, "Well?"

180Said, "Oh, don't you think that every church needs a man like that?" Huh! I couldn't answer that. He said, "In another little place," said, "they had such a lovely place. This minister and his wife, lovely people, went out and deal with the children so much till they had a--a Bible school." And said, "They just had so many, just overflowed the thing with little children." Said, "My, he can tell all kinds of little stories to the little children."

181I said, "That's nice. That's awful nice."

182 I went back. I just come from Canada. I thought, "Here I am. My! People... What's the matter with me? I don't do that." I went to washing on my car. I thought, "God, I'm getting to be an old man, and here I am. I've fought. I've cried. I've begged. And anything I get is a big blaspheme."

183Anything, let somebody say something bad about you, "Oh, the old holy-roller," something like that.

184I thought about that. And a Voice come to me, said, "Them men is all right if they're doing that, but I never called you to do that. I called you to take the Sword and stand there like Joshua and challenge, brother. Not fool around with some old society or some church organization, but challenge the Devil. Stand in the forefront, make right right, and wrong wrong. Preach the Word and find out who has got the faith to believe It. Lay her out there."

185I got to speeding up on that car, all time, washing. I said, "Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord." Felt good then. "It's all right, Lord, I'll grip her a little tighter, and I want to die with It in my hand."

... who can I make known doctrine? (Listen.)

... tables are full of vomit...

... them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

Now watch.

For precept as that upon--upon precept, precept upon precept;... line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

For with stammering lips and with other tongues will I speak to this people.

To whom it is said, This is the sabbath wherein ye shall cause the weary to rest;... this is the refreshments: yet they would not hear.

For the word of the LORD came unto them, somebody preached It, precept upon precept,... upon precept; line upon line,... upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

186 What is the Rest? When did the Rest come? When people spoke with other tongues and had stammering lips. Stammering lips; they didn't speak nothing. They stammered. When did that happen? On the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost come. That is the Rest: the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all you that weary and heavy laden, and I'll give you Rest. I'll give you Life, Eternal Life," Zoe, God's Own Life. God will come into you and be a part of you. He will give you a birth and make you a son and daughter.

187 Now watch. That was the third rest He give. The first: God received it, from His work. Second: Israel received it, in the law. Third: the Church received It, as a part of God.

188Three is the number of life. How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Every time you see three, it's life. Notice, when God created the earth, on the third day was life. How many knows that? ["Amen."] The third day. There came life on the third day of creation.

The trinity: the Father was above the people, in a Pillar of Fire; the Son was a Man, who talked to people and got them ready; the Holy Ghost was the third step, which was the Holy Ghost, God in the people. Life! Father, Son...

The rest, of God; the rest, of Israel; and the Rest, of the Church, the sabbath-keeping.

189 So, if you've never received the Holy Ghost, yet, you have never entered into God's Rest. You don't have to say, "Oh, I couldn't. I want to smoke. I--I just couldn't do it; I'm a Christian. I really don't want to drink, but I'm a Christian. I just can't, don't want to drink, but yet I like to."

190If you lust after women, if you do all these ungodly things, you've never hit that Rest period yet. You've never entered into your Rest.

191And when you enter into this Rest, you cease from your own worldly works, like God did from His. Why? You're a part of God. You rest, Eternally. There you are. That's the Sabbath. "Come unto Me, all you that labor."

Today, he limited a certain day,... after so long a time, in David;... when you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

192 Just a word or two more here now, we'll close.

For he that has entered into Christ's rest,...

Come unto me, all you that labour and... heavy laden...

... you have ceased from your own works, as God did from his, on the seventh day.

Yours might been at the thirtieth year, the fortieth year, the fifth year, whatever it is. You have ceased from your works, as God did from His, Eternally. You no more want the things of the world. The world is dead to you.

193Now, 11th verse now, closely.

Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, (not this one, not this one, but This one), lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

194What is it? The Pillar of Fire is here. The Angel of the Lord is with us. He's doing the very same things that He said He would do. And people stumble around, say, "Oh, well, I guess It's all right. That's pretty good. Oh, I guess It's okay." Be careful that you don't fall in the same snare of unbelief. You take It with all your heart.

195 Watch.

For the word of God (not the doctrine of the church)... the word of God is quicker, more powerful,... sharper than a twoedged sword, (listen), piercing even... the dividing asunder of the soul, the spirit,... the joints and the marrow, and... (listen), and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart.

What was that? The Holy Spirit can come and say, "You did a certain-certain thing. And you did this and did that. You have this kind of disease, and that. If you'll make this right, you'll do that." See? Discerner of the thoughts.

196And people say, "What is that? Why, it's mental telepathy. Why, it's a... He's a fortune-teller." See what I mean? It's a wicked, old adulterous world that don't know God.

197 "It's quicker, thought-er, more powerful than a twoedged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart."

Now, what is it that knows the intents of the heart? God. You said, "Well, the Bible said, 'The Word of God.'" The Word of God is God.

In the beginning was the Word,... the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,...

198God discerns the thoughts. Abraham had his back turned, and--and so did God have His back turned to the tent. And Sarah laughed. And God turned around, said, "What made Sarah laugh?" A discerner of the thoughts of the heart! I want that to soak a little bit.

199Then when that kind of a ministry raises up, that God promised in the last day, what happened? "Mental telepathy."

200Did not they call the Lord, Himself, "Beelzebub"? He said, "If they've called the Master of the house 'Beelzebub,' how much more will they call His disciples?"

201 I love you. It goes to show that you're interested enough, you don't have to come to an air-conditioned building to hear the Gospel. You're hungry enough to come to a place like this. God never would let us build nothing but this. We love it this way. Just a little old shack, but that's the way we love it. God don't dwell in glamour. God dwells in humility. We love it like this. We're happy to come, and you are, too, to set in a--a place like this. No matter how hot it is, how much you sweat on your new suit, your new dress, that don't make any difference.

You're listening to Eternal Life, to the Word of God that knows the thoughts of your heart. The Pillar of Fire that hung over the children of Israel, hangs here tonight. I could challenge it: there isn't a man could stand here under the power of the Holy Ghost without God just spilling him right out and telling him what he was. That's right. There you are.

202What is It? What is It? It's the same Spirit that led the Children of Israel to their rest, and they fell because of unbelief. Don't you fall. This is the last chance. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Life come through there.

203 Justification, Martin Luther, still a form of religion. Sanctification... Martin Luther; John Wesley; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, Life. Justification, is believing; sanctification, is the cleansing; Holy Ghost, is the filling, Life. Not through the Lutheran age; they had It in a form. Not through the Wesley age; they had It in a form. But this is the age when the Holy Ghost comes, Hisself.

204And if you haven't received It, how do you, can you believe miracles? That takes God, in you, to believe. You act like God. You know like God. You think like God. The Bible said that you are amateur, little "gods." Jesus said so. For, you're a part of God.

Just the same as I'm a little Branham, and you're a little whoever-you-are, and because your parents is that name. The nature that you are is because your parents is that way, 'cause you was born of them.

And the reason that you believe God, and believe in miracles, and signs and wonders, because you are sons and daughters of God. You receive Life. Life comes on the third. All right.

205When Jesus went up on the mountain, everywhere He went, He taken Peter, James, and John, three witnesses. Three is the number of Life. Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Love, joy, peace.

206 Now, let's go quickly now to the end of the chapter, quickly, as we read.

For the word of God is quicker, more powerful... than twoedged sword,... and discerning even the intents of the heart.

Neither is there any creature that is not manifested in his sight: but all things are... opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

207Brother, there's not a fly could light on a post there, without Him knowing it. "All things are open." Brother, He knows every thing that you ever did, ever thought you ever thought of. That's what He is. We believe Him like that.

And when God comes into us, and sets us in the Church, He puts gifts and things in the Church, to operate His Being. If God is that infinite God, then He heals the sick. He can raise the dead. He can cleanse the lepers, make the blind to see. He can give visions. He can do all kinds of these things, working through His Church, because it's God in you. There is the Church.

208 How does that church become a Church, by joining It? No, sir. By shaking hands? No, sir. By water baptism? No, sir. By membership? No, sir. How do you get It? "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body." There you are.

209Romans 8:1.

There is therefore now no condemnation...

"No worldly condemnation." They can't accuse you of nothing.

There is... no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

210There you are. That's how to judge your Christianity. That's how to know you've entered into that Rest, the world don't bother you no more. Certainly. You see it, walk away from it. You got something better to think of. There you are, "No condemnation." That's how we get into the Body.

211 And you're secured, "Forever." The Bible said so. Look over here in the Hebrews, the 10th chapter. He said:

For where there's offerings of bulls and sacrifice, a remembrance was made of sin every year.

But this man,... through one sacrifice...

Blessed be His holy Name!

For by one sacrifice he hath perfected for ever...

212Hallelujah! Not for the next revival, but forever. "Old things have passed away; and all things have become new." We're walking in the Light, the beautiful Light. The birds sing different.

213Setting here, looking at this little alcoholic, about five years ago, I guess. Rosella, a walleyed bat, walking down the streets of Chicago, drunk, twisting around, walking into every kind of sin that there was, drunk and in everything that she could be. And one night, the Holy Spirit, that's quicker and more powerful than a two-edged sword, said, "Woman, you are an alcoholic." Hallelujah! If that ain't the same God that was back yonder, who knowed Sarah laughed behind Him, I don't know what He is.

214 Up in the audience to another little woman. She went and got, and brought in there. Said, "You are a dope addict." How He discerns the thoughts of the mind!

215And great big aristocratic ministers setting there, who has world-wide evangelism, with their hands folded back, in tee shirts, thought we didn't know them, like they could set under a meeting like that and God wouldn't reveal who they were. Setting there, looking different, like they were somebody else. The Holy Ghost knowed who they was. And they set there, in their hearts, thought It was mental telepathy. Know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about Egyptian night. That's right. They know It by letter, but not by Spirit. "The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life." That's it. That's the idea. "Quicker, more powerful than a two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts of the heart."

216 Listen. Watch.

Neither is there any creature that is not manifested in his sight: but all things are naked and open before his eyes to him... whom we have to do with.

Seeing then that we have a great high priest... (Listen now; to the sick.)... that has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

217"Hold fast," that don't mean just keep testifying. If you don't live the life, you don't hold it fast; you're living a hypocritical thing. You're... You better be on out and just say you're a sinner and forget about it. Don't profess a Christian, live something else; you're the biggest stumbling block the world has ever had. If you're a sinner, admit it and, go on, get right with God. If you're a Christian, hold fast your confession, stay there.

218 Watch this now. I want to get this in just before we leave.

For we have not an high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like... we are, yet without sin.


Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we might obtain mercy, and find grace and help in the time of need.

Blessed be the Name of God!

219Listen, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran. You going to ask me this question, "Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness." I know. That's where you always go. That's true. "What more can a man do but believe God?" That's exactly right. That's all he can do. But when God recognizes that faith, He gives you the Holy Ghost.

220"Now what do I do, Brother Branham? Do I shout?" Not necessary. "Do I speak with tongues?" Not necessary. You can shout and speak with tongues, both, and still live like a--like a heathen, and still lust for women. You can still smoke and drink, and everything else. I seen people speak with tongues, and go right out and pull some of the dirtiest, crooked deal I ever seen. I seen them shout, and cry crocodile tears, and would steal anything you get a hold of. I seen them walk out, and every girl goes down the street, turn. Uh-huh. That's one good sign you haven't got It. That's right.

221 But, brother, when you've passed from death unto Life, all those things become dead, and you're a new creature in Christ Jesus. If you see something wrong, you'll pray for it, "God be merciful." And if you see troubles, instead of going and tattling, and trying to make it worse, you'll try to get to the person and straighten it up, and quieten it right quick. That's the Spirit of God in you.

222If you make a mistake? You're subject to them. If you make a mistake, you'll correct it right quick. "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath." That's how you know you passed from death unto Life, you got love, peace, joy, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, patience. We have the High Priest setting in Heaven, ready to make intercessions upon our profession. What is it? It's when Jesus went back to the Logos, the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, setting in the Presence of them greats, fountain, rainbow of Lights that come out, the seven perfect Spirits, a perfect Spirit of love.

223 Now watch. The first is the perfect love, that's God's love, pure and unadulterated. The next, comes in there, is phileo love, that's love that you have for your wife and your children. The next, drops after that, is lustful love. The next is ungodly love. And just goes on down till it's filth, just keep on perverting, perverting.

224And everything that had a beginning, has an end. And all that will be taken right away, and no remembrance of it, at all, and come right back to the perfect, someday. And the only way... You can't stop down here, halfway of the way, and get up here. You've got to be all the way in, trusting, resting completely in the salvation that Jesus Christ give to you, by faith.

225There's a Spirit of honesty that comes from God. That's the fountain, fountain of God. That's honesty. The next is the man will do "a good deed" for his neighbor. The next is the guy, "you have to watch him." The next is the guy, "is a thief." The next is the guy, "is a murderer," hold up. See how it perverts, right on down? But all them things speak of a real.

226 That's what I say. Every time you see a person that's... You see a little couple walking down the street, sweethearts, maybe they're eighty years old. It only speaks that in Heaven there's a young couple that represent them, in Heaven. "If this earthly tabernacle dissolve, we have one There."

227If you see a man that's cheating, stealing, lying, just remember, his part is waiting in hell, for him, his place where he'll be tormented in the Presence of God and the holy Angels, with fire and brimstone. He'll be tormented there. Not forever, he can't be tormented forever, forever don't mean all, for all times. Eternity is forever, Eternity is... has no beginning or end. But forever is "a space of time." The Bible said, "Forever and," conjunction, "forever." Jonah said he was in the belly of the whale "forever." Is a space of time.

228 But, look, there's only one Eternal Life, and that's God. And if you're going to be tormented forever, and can never die, you got Eternal Life. You can't be tormented forever... You may be tormented for a hundred million years, in the Presence of God and the holy Angels, with fire and brimstone. I don't know how long it's designated. But it's finally got to come to an end because it had a beginning. And God alone has Eternal Life. "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me," doesn't have forever life, "he has Eternal Life." That Life that begin, not nothing along here. But all the way up There, Eternal Life, Zoe, God's Own Life comes down and dwells in the man, and he is Eternal with God, and can't die. That's what the Word said.

229 Just think of it. Is there two Eternal Lifes? You couldn't answer that, could you? There is one Eternal Life, and that's the Life of God. This other kind of life, no matter what it is, it's got an end to it. And anything that had a beginning has an end. But anything that had no beginning has no end. And God said He would give us Eternal Life, without beginning, we were just made a part of Him. And actually the Life that's in us, wasn't brought here by human nature. Nature give us a spirit, but that spirit died, and we got the Spirit of God. Glory to God!

230Was God a man? Certainly. "Let us make man in our own image." What was God? A theophany, a body. And there man was made like that and put over the garden. But there was no man to till the soil, in the senses. Then He created man out of the dust of earth, in the animal life, and that man tilled the soil. And the man fell, by transgression. Correctly. And God, the theophany, come down and was made flesh and dwelt among us, to redeem the man.

231 So it's nothing you could do. You're a sinner, to start with. You're shaped in iniquity. You're born in sin, come to the world speaking lies. You were born here in this world by a sexual desire of your father and mother. And you're just as hell-bound as you can be, I don't care what you do. You might never lie, steal; keep every commandment, and everything else; and you'll go to hell, like a martin to its box. But the only way that you ever can live again, is to accept the Holy Spirit, God's Eternal Life.

232What made you what you are? In the beginning, when the Holy Ghost brood over the earth, there wasn't nothing but volcanic eruption. A little Easter flower come up. God said, "That looks pretty. Just keep brooding." Flowers come up. Grass come up. Trees come up. Birds flew out of the dust. Animals come up. A man come up.

233Now, how was it done? By the brooding of the Holy Spirit, bringing these materials together, potash, calcium; making the flowers, making animal, making you.

234 And now, you've got a free choice. God broods back to you, and say, "Hear My Voice? Harden not your heart, like in the days of provocation." Here He comes down, preaches the Word.

"The Gospel preached unto them was not... didn't have faith in It, so It didn't do them no good." They heard It, but they didn't believe It.

235God come down. He showed them a Pillar of Fire. Showed by His prophets, signs and wonders, He was with him. They didn't believe It. Oh, they liked to see the miracles. They liked to hear the prophet. But as far as believing It, they didn't. Their lives proves they didn't.

236 "Now," He said, "don't you fall after that same example of unbelief." For in this last days, to the Gentile church, God has appeared again; same sign, same wonder, same Pillar of Fire, vindicated, proven. Let us not harden our hearts and fall in that temptation back yonder, of unbelief, for we'll rot on earth and that'll be all of it.

237And when the Holy Spirit knocks at your heart, [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] "After so long a time, when you hear My Voice, harden not your heart." Say, "Child of Mine, this is the Truth." Don't look at the messenger. Listen to the Message. Believe It. "Harden not your heart, as in the days of provocation."

238 When he hears "Your Voice," harden not your heart. Then you say, "Yes, Lord, I believe." Then you enter into Life, the Holy Spirit comes into you. Your old spirit dies out, that makes you lust and hate, and malice and enmity, and--and hatred and all them things, dies away. And you become full of love, joy, peace, resting. No matter how the winds blow, it's all right.

My anchor holds within the veil.

Through every high and stormy gale,

My anchor holds within the veil.

For on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other grounds is sinking sand.

239 There you are. Eddie Perronet, as he wrote that famous song. "All other grounds," all denominations, all creeds, all doctrines, fade away. Christ!

You say, "Well, I know the Bible." You don't have Life by knowing the Bible.

"I know my catechism." You don't have Life by knowing your catechism.

"Well, I'm a Christian." You don't have Life by professing Christianity.

240You have Life by knowing Him. Knowing Him, you have Life. "Then you enter into His Rest. You cease from your works, as God did from His." You are made a Son of God, a partaker of God. And if that--if that Holy Spirit woos to you, and you woo back and say, "Yes, Lord," or coos.

241Coo, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden. I'll give you Rest."

242And you say, "Ah, I'm young. I got... Oh, my pastor don't... All I got to do..." See? You'll never find It.

243 But when you say, "Yes, my Lord. I hear Your Voice. I don't harden my heart. I don't care, Lord, It's your Word and I believe You. Take me Jesus. 'Just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy Blood was shed for me. And there I'll promise, "I'll believe." O Lamb of God, I come.'" Lay your hands upon His dying head, say, "Lord, I'm a sinner, and You called to me."

244"All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and I'll raise him up at the last days."

245"Yes, Lord, I come. I harden not my heart, as they did in provocation, I truly believe Him."

246Then what does He do? He gives you His Life, Zoe, Eternal Life. And if God could raise us from the dust of the earth, where we come from... Did we come from the dust? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Everything you see, come from the dust. And if God could make me what I am today, without having any choice; just because His desire was to make me, and give me the opportunity to face Calvary and make my decision; and I made my decision and believed on Him; how much more will He raise me up! If He made me what I am, without a choice, then I took a choice and took Him in; when He laid His hands by Himself, and swore by Himself, that He would raise me up in the last day. I'll rest assure.

247I have Rest, not because I worship on Sunday, not because I worship on the sabbath. That has nothing to do with it. I worship because I've entered into His peace and Rest: peace, rest, love, joy. Let the storms fly. My anchor holds.

248 Have you got that experience, tonight, friend of mine that's setting here in this hot tabernacle? You didn't come to hear me. No. You come to hear the Word. Listen, my friend.

249Now if you haven't got that Rest, you can find It right now. You don't have to come up here at the altar. Set right where you are. Be sincere, and say, "Christ, just speak to my heart. I know it's hot. I'm--I'm just all lathery, sweaty. I'm awful. But, Lord, truly, I may be sweating with pain, worse than this, before morning."

And the doctor may shake his head, say, "It's a heart attack. He's gone." Then what?

250What then? When the great Book is opened, what then? You heard that song, What Then? "When the ones that's rejected the Message, will be asked to give a reason, what then?" What then? Think of it now, real deeply.

251While we bow our head, think of it.

When the one that's rejecting this Message tonight,

Going to be asked to give a reason, what then?

What then? What then?

When the great Book is opened, what then?

When the ones that's rejecting this Message tonight,

You're going to be asked to give a reason, what then?

252 Heavenly Father, this is all in Your hands now. Here is the true Sabbath laying before the people. Here is the Angel of God, for the last few years, has blasted around the world. Critics and everything else has, tried to condemn It. But, every time, You prove Yourself to be God.

253Scientific world, the church world; are they blind, Lord? Maybe there's one in here tonight would like to receive their sight, to walk on, and not tempt God, as in the days of provocation; not try to tempt Him, by be good on Sunday, or keep a certain day, or to a certain creed, or to belong to a certain church. But would like to come out and be circumcised, by the heart, and receive the Holy Spirit. And they want Him. By faith now, they are trying to accept Him into their heart. They're trying to find grace with You, Lord.

254 Oh, they may have spoke in tongues. They might have shouted. They still got the same old temper. They still got the same old malice. They still tattle and talk, and do things they shouldn't do. They don't want that, Lord. What then, when that great Book is opened? "But," said, "such won't enter the Kingdom." "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." Anything short will not go in. Are they wholly trusting, tonight, in the crucified? If not, Lord, may they make that one Eternal "yes" just now.

255Say, "Lord, I... No emotion, but I just feel Something down in my heart, that Something is telling me, 'I can do it right now, by Your grace.' And I'm now accepting You as my personal Saviour. I'm--I'm rejecting all the things of the world, and I want to enter your Rest. And I believe I'm doing it right now. I believe the Holy Spirit is bringing me right into that place."

256 While every head is bowed. Does anybody feel that way just now? Raise your hand, "The Holy Spirit is now bringing me into a place where I won't tattle any more." God bless you. "I won't do the things. My temper is gone. I can live in peace and joy and long-suffering, from right now. I believe God is speaking to me right now, that I can do it from this hour on, by His grace." Would you raise your hands? God bless you. God bless the young lady. Someone else? "I now believe."

257Don't tempt Him, as in the day of provocation. Don't think because we go to church on Sunday, or keep the sabbath. Paul said, "You that keep days or moons, or so forth, I'm afraid of you. The law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the thing, can never make the worshipper perfect." But Christ makes you perfect, perfect in the sight of God. He takes away your sin, takes condemnation from you, gives you His love and joy.

258 Would you enter into Rest now? Someone else raise their hand, say, "I have did that." God bless you, young lady, over here to my left. God bless the man setting to my right. Entering into His Rest, think of it just now.

259Pray, "Just as I am, Lord, without one plea; I'm no good. Nothing I can offer You, but just my old, worn out, sinful life. Will You receive me? Cleanse? Relieve? Because, I promised I'll believe. O Lamb of God, I come. I now come, believing that now I've passed from death unto Life. Because, right here in my seat, I've accepted You as my Saviour and I feel peace in my heart."

260Five has raised up their hands. Would another one, that feels that way, raise your hand? If you're not a Christian, accept Him just now.

261 If you profess to be a Christian and have not been that kind, you're still a sinner, no matter what life you--you've done, or how you try to make yourself. What you do is not accepted. It's what He done. Your own righteousness won't be accepted. If you quit smoking just because you said, "Well, I better quit smoking because I profess Christianity." God don't accept it. If you quit lusting after women, just because that you are making yourself do it, God don't accept it. That's something you do. That's works. It's grace that saves you. Has God come to you and taken the whole thing out of you? That's the next thing.

262You say, "I joined church, and so I had to quit these things." God didn't accept that, nothing you can offer. He only accepts what Christ give. He gives you Eternal Life, and takes it from you. Will you receive It?

... out on the stormy, wild sea,

Come, anchor your soul in the haven of Rest,

And say, "My beloved is mine."

I've anchored my soul...

All right, you may raise your head. The message is over now. Let's just worship now.

I'll sail the wild sea no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild, stormy deep,

In Jesus I'm safe evermore.

263Everyone now, in worship.

I've anchored my soul in a haven of Rest, (Sabbath)

I'll sail the wild sea no more;

The tempest may sweep over the wild, stormy deep,

In Jesus I'm safe evermore.

Shine on me,...

Just let yourself loose. Close your eyes. Feel that sweet Spirit? That's worship. The message is over. This is worship.

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me,

O shine on me, O Lord, shine on me,

O let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me.

264How many feels real good? Raise your hand. That sweet, humble spirit, that's It.

To be like Jesus, just to be like Jesus,

On earth I long to be like Him;

All through life's journey from earth to Glory,

I only ask to be like...

Just worship.