List Židom 7. kap, 2.časť




List Židom 7. kap, 2.časť

Viem, učil som o vytrvalosti svätých. Učil som o najvyššom božstve Ježiša. Učil som o bezpečnosti veriaceho a o predurčení, predestinácii a o mnohých týchto veciach. Pričom viem, že v mojom zhromaždení je mnoho legalistov, čo je úplne v poriadku. Absolútne. Ale teraz, tie veci, ja som tiež legalista a som Kalvinista, proste verím Biblii. To je všetko. Ak vedome vidíte Ducha Svätého činiť veci, ktoré robil tu dnes ráno a vidíte, že Kristus povstal z mŕtvych a že žije vo svojej cirkvi a medzi svojim ľudom a vy to úmyselne odmietnete, je nemožné aby ste ešte kedy prišli ku Bohu, pretože ste sa rúhali Duchu Svätému.

Ježiš povedal to isté, keď robil tieto zázraky. A oni povedali, “On je Belzebub. Veštec. Diabol.”

Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, “Ja vám to odpustím. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý a bude toto robiť, povedať jedno slovo proti tomu nebude nikdy odpustené v tomto ani v tom budúcom svete. Pretože ste nazvali Ducha Božieho, ktorý bol v Ňom, nečistým duchom.”

Potom ak hrešíme úmyselne, ak hrešíme (neveríme) úmyselne ... Nie potom čo sme prijali pravdu, boli sme znovuzrodení, potom by sme nemohli hrešiť. Hriešnik nemôže ... Kresťan nemôže spáchať neodpustiteľný hriech. On to nemôže urobiť. To je bezbožník ktorý to robí. To je taký, ktorý sa pretvaruje za veriaceho, nie veriaci.

238Ona je ... Myslím, že prv tu máme malé dieťa. Doc mi povedal pred chvíľou, môj brat, môj telesný brat, že chceli ... kvôli posväteniu. A teraz ak tie matky tu majú svoje maličké, ktoré chcú zasvätiť Pánovi, budeme sa tešiť, keď hneď teraz prídu a prinesú sem svoje maličké.

239No ... A mn oho ľudí, oni ... to čo nazývajú, krstia ich. Metodistická cirkev to robí a myslím, že Nazaréni, nie som si istý. Nie, myslím, že na tom sa rozdelili, na krste nemluvniat, Nazaréni a Slobodní Metodisti. Ale, akokoľvek, niektorí z nich, oni robia jedno a druhé, ale ... A niektorí lejú na nich trochu vody, niektorí ich fŕkajú. Ale my sa stále snažíme zostávať pri Biblii tak blízko ako len vieme. No, nieto v Bibli miesto Písma, ktoré by hovorilo aby sa nemluvňatá fŕkali, ani nie je miesto Písma v Biblii, že niekto má byť pofŕkaný. To nie je Biblické, to je nariadenie katolíckej cirkvi.

240Ale oni - ale oni ... prinášajú ... prinášali malé deti k Ježišovi. A my máme reprezentovať Jeho, chceme robiť to isté čo On. On kládol na ne svoje ruky a žehnal ich a povedal: „Nechajte malým deťom prichádzať ku mne a nebráňte im lebo takých je Nebeské Kráľovstvo.“ A to je to, v čom pokračujeme a robíme to tu v Modlitebni, keď sa snažíme ďalej niesť skutočnú Bibliu, posväteným spôsobom, najlepšie ako vieme.

241A tak teraz, ak tá matka, alebo iné matky, ktoré tu majú svoje malé deti na posvätenie, zatiaľ čo sestra Gertie zahrá Prineste ich, prineste ich ku oltáru a brat a ja prídeme dole a zasvätíme tých maličkých Pánovi. Dobre. Brat Neville ... [Prebieha posvätenie detí. – pozn.prekl.]

242Ďakujeme sestra Gertie. Je to veľmi dobre. Koľkí milujete malé deti? Ak nemilujete, niečo je s vami zlé, niečo nie je v poriadku.

243No, dnes večer ... aby sme išli ku tým zhromaždeniam ktoré ešte zostali. My ... dôvod, že som dnes večer znovu prišiel ... Obyčajne v týchto dňoch, keď máme zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním, mám len jedno za deň, pretože to so mnou tak zatrasie. Nedokážete si to predstaviť. A tu doma je to dvakrát horšie ako kdekoľvek inde.

244A ospravedlňoval som sa, že som pri tom urobil dnes ráno takú chybu. Ale prvé čo ma vyviedlo z rovnováhy, to bolo keď Billy prišiel a povedal, že nemohol nájsť dosť ľudí, ktorým by rozdal modlitebné lístky. Mohol rozdať len okolo dvanásť alebo štrnásť a mal ... nikto nechcel modlitebné lístky. Hádam bolo všetko v poriadku. Tak potom, kvôli tomu, vôbec som nemyslel ... A potom, keď som začal volať tie modlitebné lístky, myslel som že zoberiem všetkých desať alebo dvanásť, alebo koľko ich tu bolo, zavolal som ich, a prišiel som ku určitému číslu a to nebolo zavolané. A zavolal som ho, a nikto sa nehlásil. A vôbec som nepomyslel na to, až keď pani Woodová zavolala, povedala: “Brat Branham, Billy zobral tie lístky a zamiešal ich spolu a proste ich rozdal. On môže mať to (číslo tri, však?) číslo tri vo vrecku.”

245Skutočne, obyčajne zvykol rozdať všetkých päťdesiat. Keď ich prinesie pred ľudí, len ich zamieša. Tak každý ... nie je povedané “Daj mi číslo jedna.” Alebo ... nemusíme začať od čísla jedna. Môžeme začať pri päťdesiat, vy neviete, a ísť od zadu. Môžeme začať od osem a ísť ďalej. Môžeme začať od dvadsať a pokračovať, nevieme. Ale on ich proste zamiešal a rozdal ľuďom ktorí chceli. A ja som si nemyslel dnes ráno, mohol som volať ďalšie štyri alebo päť a oni tam neboli, pretože mohli byť tam niekde medzi tými dvadsiatimi alebo tridsiatimi. Rozumiete. A potom ... ale Pán to napravil, ale to proste nemalo ten skutočný tlak ako to býva pomimo domu. Nikdy by som to neskúšal znovu, ale …

246Tu nedávno, som prosil Pána či by nám nedal dobré zhromaždenie, že až som sľúbil, že viac ho o to nebudem prosiť, pretože to bolo také ťažké a je to nezhodné s Písmom. Vidíte? A ak ... A tak je to pre mňa ťažké. Pretože keď to viem, to mi dáva porážku od začiatku; Vidíte, od začiatku som porazený.

247Jednako, niekto dnes popoludní zavolal niekomu, pani Woodovej niekto zavolal, a povedal, že niekto v zbore bol ráno zavolaný kvôli mužovi, ktorý bol veľmi, veľmi chorý, ktorý prišiel ku Kristovi dnes popoludní, potom, že ten muž, ktorý bol veľmi chorý prišiel ku Kristovi.

248A ďalšia vec, pani Woodová mi povedala, že som povedal jej sestre, staršej sestre, že som bol skutočne vtedy raz v jej dome a jedol som s ňou večeru ... večeru s ňou, tam v Kentucky. A Všemohúci Boh vie, že som nepoznal tú ženu. Vidíte? To je pravda, len ... Videnia sú suverénne! My nikdy nevieme ako budú prebiehať alebo čo sa stane. To je na Bohu, a - čo sa deje. Ale vedel som keď som čakal na nich - čakal na ich ...

249A jedného dňa keď tu bolo toto malé dievča, na to bolo treba rozpoznanie, čo ja ne ... Rozumiete. Keby to Boh dal celému svetu, bolo by to dobre; Ale keby to tak bolo, bolo by to nezhodné s tým, čo mi On povedal tu na ulici, viete, pred niekoľkými rokmi. A chceli sme si byť istí, že je to pravda, a nech to potom cirkev tu vidí. A tak som, zavolal tú pani Snyderovú. Sestru Snyderovú, je tu niekde, ona slabo počuje. A tá pani jej ticho povedala: “Máš reumu.” Alebo artritídu, alebo niečo také.

250Pri čom som vedel, že to bolo zlomené bedro. A tak ... A potom to Duch Svätý priniesol dnes ráno. Vidíte?

251No, čo to je, to je Božský dar a on funguje vo svojej suverénnosti. Ale to čo to tak sťažuje tu v tomto meste, úprimne povedané, stále som sa splietol, keď som sa tu modlil za chorých, alebo ... Poviem ľuďom toto, poviem. “No, Pán ťa uzdravil. Ježiš ťa uzdravil, keď zomrel za teba, pred 1900 rokmi. Hneď tam si bol uzdravený. Čo sa týka Boha, čo sa týka Krista, boli ste uzdravení pred 1900 rokmi. Vaša choroba skončila. Potrebná je vaša viera aby to dokonala.”

252A potom ten človek môže ísť a neozdravie; Potom príde a povie: “Brat Branham mi povedal, že som bol uzdravený.” Vidíte? Ja vám hovorím to, čo povedal Boh.

253No, keď je to povedané priamo danej osobe, priamo, “To je Tak hovorí Pán,” ohľadne určitej veci, ktorá sa má stať, to vám hneď tam potvrdí, že vaše uzdravenie je už zaistené. Vaša viera to zapečatila. Vidíte? To zasľúbenie je vaše. To nie je moje slovo, to je Božie Slovo, že už ste uzdravení. Vidíte? Ale vy ... Akosi nemôžem dosiahnuť aby to vsiaklo tu do ľudí v Jeffersonville. Nemôžem proste dosiahnuť aby sa to stalo. Ja viem ... Snažím sa to vysvetlil ako len môžem a to sa proste nestane. To je všetko. Poviem ...

254Tu, nedávno, išiel som do domu, k jednému mužovi, a ten zomieral. Oni ma zavolali: “Príď sa pomodliť za neho. Doktor povedal, že nedožije do rána.”

255Išiel som tam a ten mladý muž mi povedal: “pán Branham, ja nechcem zomrieť.” Samozrejme, ten mladý človek nechcel zomrieť. Mal rodinu a dve deti.

256No, prišiel som tam, povedal som: “Pozri sa, kto je tvoj doktor?” Povedal mi. Riekol som: “No, doktor ti možno povedal, že zomrieš, ale Boh ešte nepovedal, že ideš zomrieť.” Povedal som. “Podľa Biblie si už uzdravený, pretože Ježiš zomrel za tvoje uzdravenie.”

257On povedal: “Veríš že sa uzdravím?”

258Povedal som: “Absolútne tomu verím.”

259No, keby som sa išiel za niekoho modliť a nepoužíval by som takú vieru, aby som veril za neho, ako, “Ó, nie, nie, ak doktor povedal, že zomrieš, tak zomrieš. Tým je to teraz vybavené.” No, či by sa niekto taký išiel modliť za chorých? Ja by som nechcel takého vo svojom dome aby sa za mňa modlil. Ja chcem niekoho, kto, či to vidí alebo nie, vezme vieru a postaví sa na zasľúbení za mňa. To je správne.

260A povedal som ... on ... Pomodlili sme sa, povedal som: “Neboj sa, buď smelý.”

261Opýtal sa: “Myslíš že vyzdraviem?”

262Povedal som: “No, samozrejme, Božie slovo povedalo, že vyzdravieš. Pozri, ak môžeš veriť všetko je možné.”

263On povedal: “Dobre, verím tomu.” A vyšiel a povedal svojej žene, že ...

264 “Zomiera, či nie?”

265 “Áno, zomiera.” Tak na druhý deň ten človek zomrel, alebo niekoľko dní potom.

266Potom táto žena odišla a začala piť a tak sa správať. A jeden z diakonov, myslím že to bolo z tohoto zboru, išiel za tou ženou a pýtal sa jej, či sa vráti a bude chodiť do zboru. Ona povedala: „Neverím nikomu. Kazateľ Branham sem prišiel a modlil sa za môjho muža a povedal, že bude žiť; a on za dva, či za tri dni zomrel, tak neverím.“ Teraz ona zomiera.

267Dobre, ale jednako ... Vidíte, to proste ukazuje, že ľudia nevenujú pozornosť tomu čo hovoríte. Vidíte? Skutočne! Ak som sa za niekoho modlil a povedal som tým ľuďom, že budú žiť. Verím, že budú žiť. Ale bez ohľadu na to, či moje slová sú absolútne TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a vy by ste tomu neverili, aj tak by ste zomreli. Samozrejme! Tu je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a mnohí z nich to prijímajú a zomierajú. Mnohí z nich idú do pekla, keď TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, “Nemusíte.” Je to tak? Určite! Vidíte, to je to čo ... To je všetko založené na vašej viere.

268Brat Collins, myslím, že tu nie je dnes večer, ale keď sme ho počúvali dnes ráno, on to veľmi pekne povedal. Vidíte? Povedal: “Tú istú vieru, ktorú máte tu hore, budete musieť mať tam. Pretože to je vaša individuálna viera, nie vo vašu denomináciu, ale v Krista. Musíte mať tú vieru.” To je úplná pravda. Absolútne.

269A Božské uzdravovanie je založené na vašej viere. Ale podľa Božieho Slova, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, každá osoba bola uzdravená, keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, “On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení.“ Je to tak? Boli sme. Biblia povedala, že ste boli uzdravení. Tak nehľadajte chybu na mne, ja som len kazateľ Slova. Choďte a povedzte Bohu, že povedal niečo zle a Boh vám potom povie kde je vaša slabosť. Rozumiete? Tak, to je vaša viera. Ježiš povedal: „Ak môžeš veriť. Ak môžeš veriť.“

270No, keď počuješ, že Duch Svätý potvrdil tvoju vieru a upevnil ju a povedal: “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, zajtra o tomto určitom čase budeš mať určitú vec. Stane sa určitá vec a to tu sa tak a tak skončí a ty tu stretneš to a to. To bude pre teba znak.” Pozoruješ to. To je zakončené dielo, hneď tu teraz!

271Ale keď ide o Božské uzdravenie ... Musím postaviť Božské uzdravenie na ten istý princíp ako spasenie. Každý jeden z vás, bez ohľadu na to čo ste vykonali, boli ste spasení odkedy Ježiš zomrel, pretože On zomrel aby sňal hriechy sveta. Ale to vám nič nepomôže kým to neprijmete a neprežijete. Ale čo sa týka vašich hriechov, sú už odpustené. Je to tak. On ... “Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta.” Vidíte, tu to máte. No, pamätajte na to.

272No viem, že pri vyučovaní z Písma, my sme zmiešané zhromaždenie a častokrát v tejto knihe Židom, ktorá je pomerne hlboká kniha ... Budem to musieť teraz na nejaký čas zanechať. Dnes večer chcem zakončiť poslednú časť tej siedmej kapitoly.

273A teraz máte v mysli určite veľa otázok. Mnohí z vás majú otázky a ja by som mal tiež. Nabudúce ak dá Pán, keď prídem ...

274Idem teraz do Michigan a potom z Michigan pôjdem do Colorado a z Colorado do West Coast. No, keď prídeme, ak dá Pán ... Ja neviem ... Ak nebudem v Chicago, v nedeľu, ďalšiu nedeľu večer tu znovu môžem byť.

275No, nášho pastora sme nepustili za kazateľňu okolo šesť týždňov. Počas všetkých týchto ... tejto Knihy tu. No, my ... Nerád to robím. Brat Neville je milý, príjemný, láskavý brat. A som si istý, že tento zbor miluje brata Nevilleho.

276A mimochodom, kým to hovorím; Niekto v ... tu niekde na okolí tejto krajiny je vinný za to, že píše nejaké listy aby brat Neville bol odsunutý z poza tejto kazateľni. Budete to musieť vybaviť so mnou. Ó, je to tak. Ó, skutočne. No, chcem vás ... Píše tam niečo o rade diakonov. Rada diakonov nemá vôbec čo rozhodovať o pastorovi. Nie veru. Zhromaždenie v plnosti má plnú autoritu. To nie je ... Rada diakonov je len policajtom tu v tomto zbore, len aby udržiavala poriadok a tak ďalej. Ale keď ide o vládnutie, to musí celý zbor tak povedať. Tento zbor je založený na suverénnosti lokálneho zboru. Preto, ja nemám čo hovoriť o odsunutí tohoto pastora alebo o dosadení pastora. Ja vlastním nemovitosť, ona je daná zboru. Vy všetci tvoríte tento zbor, vy ľudia ste tí, ktorí máte nad ním dozor. Vy sami ste cirkvou. A cirkev, svätá Božia cirkev je zvrchovanosť, alebo Duch Svätý v tej cirkvi. A to jediné, čo ja mám je to, že vlastním nemovitosť, dávam to tomuto zboru, dávam to pre cirkev a to je oslobodené od dani. A zbor si volí svojich vlastných pastorov. Ja s tým nemám nič do činenia. A jediný spôsob ako by tento pastor mohol odísť, by bolo, že sám pastor sa rozhodne odísť alebo väčšina zboru by musela hlasovať pre zmenu pastora. A to je jediný spôsob, žiadna rada diakonov to nemôže urobiť. Rada diakonov udržuje len poriadok a také veci v zbore.

277Správcovia, oni s tým nemajú nič spoločné, len opravujú zborovú budovu. A to môžu robiť len vtedy keď sa celá rada správcov stretne a povie: “Postavíme toto alebo urobíme tamto.” Potom sa musia opýtať pokladníka či majú na to peniaze. Tak veru.

278Ale ak je nejaká sťažnosť na nejakého člena, ak niekto má sťažnosť jeden na druhého, alebo niekto robí niečo zlé, ty sám máš ísť za tým bratom a porozprávať sa s ním, len ty a on. Potom ak to oni neprijmú, potom to ďalšie čo sa deje, berieš jedného z diakonov alebo niekoho a on ide s tebou ku tomu bratovi. Potom ak vás neprijme, potom prídeš a povieš to cirkvi. Potom ak cirkev ... Potom ak on neprijme cirkev, potom Biblia hovorí: “Nech je ako pohan a publikán.” Je to tak.

279 A každý, kto vie o niekom kto je vinný a nejdeš za ním a neporozprávaš sa s ním, potom ty si časťou cirkvi Božej, ktorá sa bude zodpovedať za ten hriech. Je to tak.

280A ak sa niekto sťažuje na diakona, alebo ... na diakona alebo na niekoho v zbore, treba troch ľudí. Traja ľudia prídu a povedia - na ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkoch. Prídu a povedia pastorovi, že sú nespokojní s diakonom. Potom ak sa sťažujú na diakona, že nie je spravodlivý, dokonalý ... On musí zastávať úrad diakona bezúhony, a potom je nájdený bezúhonný. A ak zhromaždenie zistí, že ten diakon nezastáva ten úrad, berú so sebou troch a predkladajú to pastorovi. Ten diakon je požiadaný, aby ten večer zostal doma, a potom pastor prichádza a zvoláva zhromaždenie, predkladá sťažnosť. A ak zhromaždenie hlasuje, aby ten diakon zostal ďalej v službe, ten diakon je ďalej diakonom. Ak hlasujú aby bol prepustený, zvolia nového diakona ten istý večer. Rozumiete?

281Preto, nikto sám v tom nič nemôže robiť, to je väčšina ľudí. Tak veru. Ak dvadsať hlasuje za neho a dvadsaťjedna proti nemu, odchádza, alebo naopak. Rozumiete? To je suverénnosť lokálneho zboru, a potom každý jeden člen v zbore sa vyjadruje ku tomu. Čokoľvek sa deje zle oni potom hneď môžu prísť a to hlavné čo musia robiť je stáť pred Bohom aby jasne vedeli, že nič nebráni aby cirkev mohla napredovať.

282Ale úplnou a kompletnou autoritou zboru je pastor. Čítajte to v Biblii, presvedčte sa či to nie je Biblický poriadok. Je to presne tak. Nikto nie je nad toho staršieho. Ja nemám nič do toho čo brat Neville tu robí. To je na vás a na bratovi Neville. Ak by brat Neville chcel kázať náuku Svedkov Jehovových, to záleží na ňom a na vás. Rozumiete? Ak by chcel kázať čokoľvek, to je medzi vami a ním. To je všetko. Ak zhromaždenie hlasuje za neho v tom aby to kázal, je to v poriadku. To je na ňom.

283Jediná vec, ktorú ja mám, je to, že vlastním tú nemovitosť. A ak je niečo ohľadne toho, to je ... Ako odvolanie pastora, oni chcú o tom hlasovať, nemôžete o to žiadať diakona, mali by ste prísť a opýtať sa mňa. Ja by som prišiel a povedal: “Ak chcete odsunúť pastora, povedzte mi prečo. Urobil niečo?”

284 “Áno, pristihli sme ho opitého, alebo pristihli sme ho ako robil toto, alebo robil niečo čo nebolo správne.”

285“Máte na to troch svedkov?”

286“Áno, máme.”

287Tí svedkovia musia biť najprv overení, “Proti staršiemu neprijímaj žaloby, vyjmúc pod dvoma alebo troma svedkami, a nech sú prv dokázaní; Proti staršiemu.” Potom musíš na to prisahať, že si to videl a dokázať to, že si to videl.

288A potom, keď ste to videli, potom ten hriech je verejne pokarhaný, že to je zle. Potom poviem: “Zhromaždenie, chcete zmeniť svojho pastora?”

289A ak zhromaždenie hlasuje: “Odpustíme mu a nech ešte pokračuje,” takto to musí byť postavené. Vidíte? Nie je to fér? Či to nie je spôsob ako riadiť zbor? To je to čo hovorí Biblia. Nemáme žiadnych biskupov ani dozorcov ani rady a také veci, ktorí niekoho dosadzujú a majú veľa autority. Tu nemá nikto autoritu okrem Ducha Svätého. A to je správne. On je hybnou silou. A my Ho berieme podľa toho za čím sa postaví väčšina, ako sa postavia ľudia.

290A potom ak jedna strana chce robiť toto a druhá tamto a tá strana, tá ktorá vyhráva ... Tá ktorá prehrala, čo oni s tým robia? Pridajú sa ku tým ostatným, povedia. “My sme potom nemali pravdu. Pôjdeme ďalej, pretože Duch Svätý rozhodol.” Vidíte, to je úplne správne.

291 Práve tak ako Demokrati a Republikáni pokiaľ zastávame demokraciu ako Američania: ak sú vo vedení Demokrati, Republikáni majú ísť s nimi; Republikáni sú vo vedení, Demokrati idú s nimi. Vidíte, to je presne to čo nás robí národom. Kdekoľvek to porušíme, porušíme našu demokraciu. Je to tak. Demokrati hovoria, “Ja nebudem nič robiť, dostali sa tam Republikáni.” Vtedy upadneme. Ja som Kentačan; spolu stojíme a rozdelení upadáme.

292No, ak je v cirkvi niečo zlé o čom viete, niekto alebo nejaká osoba alebo čokoľvek, vy ste povinní a budete sa zodpovedať pred Bohom, ak tú vec nedáte do poriadku, vy, zbor. No, pamätajte, to neleží na mne. To je na vás. A za čokoľvek zlé v zbore, Boh vás bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. Je to tak. Takto On riadi svoju cirkev. Takto je to v Biblii. To je Biblický poriadok. To je zvrchovanosť lokálneho zboru. Pastor je hlavou. Je to tak. Amen.

293No, ideme tu do tohoto požehnaného, starého Posolstva. Vy ... No, chcem aby ste to teraz vedeli. Toto je nahrané, pamätajte, toto posolstvo. A nahrávky zboru, poriadky a zásady cirkvi, to je nahrané na páskach. To je podľa Biblie. My to neriadime; Nikto nie je na čele ani vôbec, všetci sme rovnakí. Ale máme vodcu, to je pastor, pokiaľ je vedený Duchom Božím. Pravda. No dobre.

294No, v tomto, tu bude mnoho otázok. Tak nabudúce, keď oznámia, brat Neville dá do rádia, že tu budem, napíšte svoju otázku, tak vy a ja sa spolu s tým môžeme porátať. Dobre? V poriadku.

259Viem, učil som o vytrvalosti svätých. Učil som o najvyššom božstve Ježiša. Učil som o bezpečnosti veriaceho a o predurčení, predestinácii a o mnohých týchto veciach. Pričom viem, že v mojom zhromaždení je mnoho legalistov, čo je úplne v poriadku. Absolútne. Ale teraz, tie veci, ja som tiež legalista a som Kalvinista, proste verím Biblii. To je všetko.

296Ak niektoré z týchto otázok ... A učil som o dôkazoch, senzáciách a tak ďalej a o všetkých týchto veciach, možno máte na to iný názor. Tak jeden večer, možno ... Urobme to ... Máte veľmi naponáhlo aby ste sem znovu prišli? Urobme to v stredu večer, potom myslím ... Mohol by som to vtedy mať. Prineste svoju otázku v stredu večer a položte to tu na pódium, otázku ohľadne Biblie (Dobre), ohľadne toho čo som teraz učil. A v stredu večer ... A potom nasledujúcu nedeľu, potom myslím mám byť v Chicagu a odtiaľ pôjdem do Michiganu. Ak Pán dá budem tu v stredu večer aby som sa snažil odpovedať na otázky najlepšie ako môžem. A teraz, nech je nám Pán milostivý. Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

297 Požehnaný Pane, toto je tvoja veľká ekonómia; to je tvoja cirkev. To si ty Pane, ktorý tým hýbeš a my sa chceme pohybovať tak, ako nás Duch Boží bude hýbať. A prosíme teraz, aby si nás žehnal. A ako preberáme toto posolstvo a dostávame sa do týchto hlbokých vecí, prosíme, aby nám ich Duch Svätý zjavil, ako to práve potrebujeme. Lebo to prosíme v Jeho Mene. Amen.

298No, ó ... Tento List Židom hodnotím ako jednu z veľkých kníh.

299 Trochu neskoršie, možno že ... Musím ... Pôjdem za more, čo je, ak Pán dovolí, uskutočním to veľmi skoro. Musím ísť do Afriky podľa videnia. Myslím, že nebudem veľmi prosperovať vo svojich zhromaždeniach, až kým nepôjdem do Afriky a nevyplním to videnie. To bude pravdepodobne teraz na jar.

300Ale medzi tým by som chcel prebrať ešte jednu knihu z Listu Židom, to je tú 11. kapitolu z Listu Židom a zostať týždeň pri tej jedenástej kapitole a prebrať každú jednu z tých postáv a predstaviť ich charakteristiku. Rozumiete? “Vierou Noe,” a potom by sme prebrali život Noeho. “Vierou Abrahám,” a potom by sme prebrali život Abraháma. “Vierou Ábel,” potom by sme prebrali život Ábela. Rozumiete? A predstavili to. Chceli by ste to? Ó, to by bolo ... To by sme potom prebrali celú Bibliu. A potom, skúsime to, možno, buď za, povedzme počas zhromaždení za jeden týždeň alebo za desať dní. Proste jedno zhromaždenie za druhým ako pri evanjelizácii, niekedy okolo vianočných prázdnin alebo tak nejako, ak Pán dá.

301A teraz, v siedmej kapitole Listu Židom sme stretli túto veľkú postavu. Kto mi môže povedať ako sa volal? Melchisedech. No, kto bol tento Melchisedech? Bol to kňaz najvyššieho Boha. Bol to kráľ Sálema, čo je kráľ Jeruzalema. Nemal žiadneho otca, ani žiadnej matky. Nemal žiadny čas kedy sa vôbec narodil, a tiež nebudem mať čas kedy zomrie. A tak nachádzame, že musí byť večný.

302Zistili sme, že slovo “naveky” znamená “časový úsek”. Pamätáte sa ešte na to? “Časový úsek ...” To je na veky vekov. A naveky je zaznamenané mnohokrát v Biblii ako “časový úsek.”

303Ale večnosť ... A je len jeden druh Večného Života, ktorý sme našli. Je to tak? Jedine Boh má Večný Život. Je to tak? Len jeden druh Večného Života ... Nieto také slovo ako “večný trest,” pretože ak máte byť potrestaní na večnosť, musíte mať Večný Život, aby ste mohli byť večne potrestaní; museli by ste byť veční. A ak máte Večný Život, nemôžete byť potrestaní. Vidíte? Ak máte večný ... “Ten kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má Večný Život.” Je to tak? Večný Život, pretože veríte. Dobre, ak máte Večný Život, nemôžete byť potrestaní, pretože máte Večný Život. Tak potom, ak budete trpieť v pekle bez konca, musíte mať Večný Život.

304Ale teraz, verím, že Biblia učí o doslovnom horiacom pekle. Biblia to učí, že hriechy a neprávosti budú potrestané na veky vekov. To teraz nie je večnosť. To bude možno desať biliónov rokov. To môže trvať sto biliónov rokov, ale raz to bude musieť skončiť. Lebo všetko čo má začiatok, má koniec. Tie veci, ktoré nemajú začiatok, nemajú koniec.

305Pamätáte si teraz tú lekciu? Ako sme išli naspäť a zistili sme, že všetko čo malo začiatok sa skazilo (Vidíte?) odvrátilo sa od toho hlavného. A nakoniec sa to zavinie naspäť do večnosti. A potom všetko peklo a všetko utrpenie a každá taká spomienka zanikne na večnosť. Všetko čo začína, končí.

306A tento Melchisedech nebol Ježiš, lebo to bol Boh. A čím sa Ježiš líšil od Boha, že ... Ježiš bol chrám v ktorom Boh prebýval. Vidíte? No, Melchisedech ... Ježiš mal oboje otca aj matku a tento Muž nemal nikdy otca ani matku. Ježiš mal začiatok života a koniec života. Tento Muž nemal žiadneho otca ani matku, žiadny začiatok dní ani koniec života. Ale to bola tá istá osoba; to bol Melchisedech a Ježiš boli jedno; ale Ježiš bol zemským telom, narodený a pripodobnený hriechu; vlastné Božie telo, jeho vlastný Syn, narodený a sformovaný na podobu hriechu, aby zobral osteň smrti, aby zaplatil výkupné a prijal ku sebe synov a dcéry. Rozumiete? Preto On mal počiatok; On mal koniec.

307Ale toto dokonalé telo, na pamiatku ako závdavok nášho vzkriesenia, Boh nedal aby to sväté telo videlo porušenie, pretože On sám ho stvoril a zrodil a vzkriesil a sedí po jeho pravici.

308A dnes, Duch Svätý, ktorý vzbudil to telo je tu v cirkvi (Nech je požehnané meno Pánove.) A ukazuje tie isté zázraky a moc. A jedného dňa tento Duch Svätý, ktorý je v cirkvi zakričí a povznesie sa a bude prijatý naspäť do formy tohoto tela, ktoré sedí po pravici majestátu Božieho, aby sa prihováral za nás hriešnikov a skrze to sme úplne chránení od hriechu. Nie že nehrešíme ale sme chránení od hriechu v Prítomnosti Božej; pretože je krvavá obeť, ktorá stojí medzi mnou a Bohom a medzi vami a Bohom. Preto On povedal, “Kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší. Nemôže hrešiť. Lebo keď ste znovuzrodení, ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý žil v tom tele, žije vo vás a to nemôže hrešiť. Obeť leží pred Ním. Potom ak to úmyselne robíte, to ukazuje, že je nemožné aby ste boli v tom Tele. Amen. To je evanjelium. Tu to máte.

309 Preto (Vidíte?) To neprotirečí žiadnemu miestu Písma; to viaže Písma spolu. Vidíte, je nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení. Ohľadne toho mi budú položené otázky. Lebo ... Len ich napíšte, to je to - ako to chceme.

310Všimnite si. “Je nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení, keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú Ho potupne na odiv.” Oni by to nemohli.

311Potom idete ďalej do Listu Židom 10 a tam je povedané, “Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy ...” A čo je hriech? Nevera.

312Ak vedome vidíte Ducha Svätého činiť veci, ktoré robil tu dnes ráno a vidíte, že Kristus povstal z mŕtvych a že žije vo svojej cirkvi a medzi svojim ľudom a vy to úmyselne odmietnete, je nemožné aby ste ešte kedy prišli ku Bohu, pretože ste sa rúhali Duchu Svätému.

313Ježiš povedal to isté, keď robil tieto zázraky.

314 A oni povedali, “On je Belzebub. Veštec. Diabol.”

315 Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, “Ja vám to odpustím. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý a bude toto robiť, povedať jedno slovo proti tomu nebude nikdy odpustené v tomto ani v tom budúcom svete. Pretože ste nazvali Ducha Božieho, ktorý bol v Ňom, nečistým duchom.”

316Potom ak hrešíme úmyselne, ak hrešíme, neveríme úmyselne ... Nie potom čo sme prijali pravdu, boli sme znovuzrodení, potom by sme nemohli hrešiť. Hriešnik nemôže ... Kresťan nemôže spáchať neodpustiteľný hriech. On to nemôže urobiť. To je bezbožník ktorý to robí. To je taký, ktorý sa pretvaruje za veriaceho, nie veriaci.

317Títo židovskí rabíni, ó, oni si mysleli ... Oni boli naškrobení a boli to D.D a Ph.D. Oni si mysleli, že to majú všetko vo vrecku, ale to boli tí najhorší hriešnici. Ó oni mohli ... Nemohli by ste položiť ruku na ich život; oni boli čistí, morálni a slušní, čo sa toho týka. Ale boli neveriaci.

318A zoberte slovo hriech a vyhľadajte si čo znamená. Slovo hriech znamená “nevera.” Sú len dve skupiny, to je, veriaci alebo neveriaci. To je, ospravedlnená osoba alebo hriešnik. To je všetko. Ak si neveriaci, si hriešnik; Bez ohľadu na to aký si dobrý, ako často chodíš do zboru, alebo či si dokonca kazateľ. Stále si neveriaci.

319Tí farizejovia boli kazatelia a boli neveriaci a dnes sú za to v pekle. Tak nábožní ako len mohli a pobožní ale Mu neverili. Nazývali ho diablom a spochybňovali Jeho Slovo. A niektorí z nich povedali, “ak si, zostúp teraz z kríža. Urob zázrak. Nech vidíme, že to robíš.” Jeden Ho udrel po hlave palicou a povedal, “Prorokuj a povedz nám kto ťa udrel, si prorok, a budeme ti veriť.” Vidíte? Neveriaci! Oni sa robili, že sú veriaci ale boli neveriaci, neobnoviteľní, oddelení, hoci boli svätí a nábožní.

320A predsa, tá istá vec je aj dnes. Muži aj ženy môžu chodiť do cirkvi a mať nábožné tváre a sú takí pobožní ako len môžu byť a nikdy neklamú, nekradnú a snažia sa žiť podľa svojho náboženstva najlepšie ako môžu. Ale ak nie sú veriaci sú stratení. Tak v Biblii nie je nič o legalizme. Kalvinizmus je ... Milosť je to, čo Boh urobil pre teba, a skutky, to je to čo ty robíš pre Boha. Úplne rozdielne.

321Ak prestanete klamať, prestanete fajčiť, prestanete cudzoložiť, prestanete so všetkým, vykonali ste všetko, zachovávali ste prikázania a chodili ste do zboru, krstili ste sa každú nedeľu, prijímali ste večeru Pánovu, umývali ste nohy svätých, konali ste všetko, uzdravovali ste chorých a konali ste všetky tieto ostatné veci, ak nie ste narodení z Ducha Božieho, vyvolení, ste stratení.“Nezáleží od toho kto chce ani od toho kto beží, ale od Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva.”

322Ezav sa snažil ako len mohol aby sa stal kresťanom a nedokázal to. Biblia hovorí, že horko plakal, hľadal miesto obrátenia a nemohol ho nájsť. Prv ako sa ešte narodil, Boh ho odsúdil, pretože vedel, že vo svojom srdci je zhnitý podvodník. Boh to vedel skrze predvedenie. Povedal, “Jakoba som miloval a Ezava som nenávidel.” A Ezav vyzeral ako džentlmen. Býval doma, staral sa o svojho starého slepého otca, bol to dobrý chlapec.

323A Jakob bol mamin chlapec, trochu precitlivený, rozprávač príbehov. Taký bol. Musíte to priznať. Biblia priznáva, prináša to. Behal okolo, robil všetko. A mama, visel na mame. Ale, predsa Jakob so všetkými svojimi povzneseniami a úpadkami a svojimi precitlivenými spôsobmi, mal stále rešpekt voči právu prvorodenstva. To je to hlavné.

324Ezav bol dvakrát taký džentlmen ako Jakob. Ak by sme ho mali dnes posúdiť, či by sme chceli aby bol členom nášho zboru, vybrali by ste Ezava, tisíc ku jednej, ak by ste ho nepoznali. Ale Boh vybral Jakoba.

325Čo by ste urobili so svätým Pavlom, keby chcel byť kazateľom. Malý, krivonosý žid, s hlavou a ústami na krivo, išiel a len sa hádal, ako roztrhá cirkev a urobí všetko. Mysleli by ste si, že spáchal neodpustiteľný hriech. Ale Boh povedal. “To je môj sluha.”

326Boh berie ľudí a robí z nich iných, nie človek berie Boha a stáva sa iným. Boh berie ľudí a robí ich inými. To nie je to, čo vy robíte, čo vy chcete, čo si myslíte. To je to, čo robí Boh. Tu to máte. A o tom to je.

327No, tento veľký Melchisedech, čo za príbeh je tu o ňom! Chceme to trochu čítať, tento príklad. Museli sme to rýchlo prebrať. Začne tu na určitom mieste Písma a začneme od pätnásteho verša.

A potom je ešte o veľa zjavnejšie, či mal v podobnosti Melchisedecha povstať iný kňaz.

328No, Melchisedech bol kňaz. Bol? Tu máme čím on bol. Nachádzame, že Boh na počiatku bol veľkým žriedlom Ducha. Je to tak? Nemal žiadne miesto kde sa narodil ani žiadne miesto kde zomrel. Nemal žiadny počiatok dní ani žiadny koniec rokov. On je proste Večný ako večnosť je večná. Nikdy sa nenarodil a nikdy nezomrel.

329A v tomto sme zistili, že mal sedem rôznorodostí Ducha. Je to tak? Biblia hovorí v Zjavení, že „sedem Duchov pred trónom Božím.“ Je to tak? Sedem rozmanitostí, sedem duchov. Nachádzame, že je sedem farieb. Sedem cirkevných vekov. To sa proste rozvíja. Sedem je úplnosť a Boj bol úplný. Sedem Duchov, a títo duchova sú dokonalí. Prvá je červená farba; Dokonalá láska, vykúpenie. A ako, keby sme mali čas aby sme dali tieto farby a ukázali, že každá jedna z týchto farieb predstavuje Božiu čistotu. Amen. Tieto farby, je sedem prirodzených farieb. Tieto farby reprezentujú Božiu čistotu. Tieto farby reprezentujú Božie motívy a Boží postoj. Týchto sedem farieb, oni reprezentovali sedem cirkevných vekov, sedem hviezd, sedem anjelov. Všetko cez Písmo, sedem slúžiacich, sedem poslov, sedem posolstiev, všetko v sedmičkách. Sedem dní. Šesť dní a siedmy je sabat; Dokonalý, kompletný. Ó, to je nádherné, keby sme len mali čas kopať v tom a podať to, tieto farby.

330Zoberme červenú farbu. Zoberieme tú prvú farbu, to je červená. Čo je červená? Červená je znakom nebezpečenstva. Červená je tiež znakom vykúpenia. Keď sa pozriete na červenú cez červenú, aká je to farba? Biela. Je to tak. Tak keď bola preliata červená krv aby pokryla červený hriech; Boh sa díva cez červenú krv, díva sa na červený hriech a to sa stáva bielym. Veriaci nemôže hrešiť. Samozrejme že nie. Semeno Božie, požehnania Božie zostávajú na ňom. Boh nemôže vidieť nič, okrem krvi svojho vlastného syna. Bez ohľadu na to čo je v jeho cirkvi, čo to je, Boh to nevidí, pretože Ježiš stále vykonáva prímluvu, ten najvyšší kňaz. Veriaci nijako nemôže hrešiť, keď takáto obeť tam leží za neho. Samozrejme, že nemôže.

331A teraz ak povieš, “Aha, to mi dáva dobrú príležitosť ...” Potom to ukazuje, že nie si v poriadku.

332Budeš si to ceniť. Budeš to milovať (ak si skutočný kresťan) potade, kde ťa hriech bude prenasledovať, že až to nebudeš môcť robiť. “Lebo semeno Božie zostáva v ňom, a on nemôže hrešiť.” Biblia hovorí, “Raz očistený skrze krv Ježiša, nemáte viac žiadosti hriechu.” Ak máte žiadosť, vaše srdce nie je v poriadku s Bohom.

333No, budete robiť zle, ale to nebudete robiť úmyselne. Rozumiete? Ste chytení do pasce a všetko do čoho ste chytení, alebo robíte niečo čo nechcete robiť, to nie je ešte hriech; budete činiť pokánie v tej chvíli keď uvidíte, že to je zle. Rýchle sa obrátite a poviete, “Ja som to nechcel - nevidel som to.” Môžete to hovoriť po celý život. Človek nechce; preto, že sme takí hlúpi a tak v tme tu na zemi, je za nás krvavé zmierenie, ktoré nás po celý čas prikrýva, pretože prvá chyba, ktorú sme spravili ...

334No, tu je vaša legalistická predstava. “Ó, vieš čo? Tá žena bola posvätená, ale, chvála Bohu, urobila zle, viem že odpadla.” To je zle. Neodpadla. Urobila chybu. Ak to urobila úmyselne, potom od začiatku nebola v poriadku.

335Ak to nechcela urobiť a ide pred svätú cirkev Božiu a vyzná to a povie, “Urobila som zle, odpustite mi.” vy ste povinní odpustiť. Ak to nerobíte vo svojom srdci, potom sami máte ísť ku oltáru. Je to tak. Existuje skutočná svätosť v cirkvi. Existuje skutočná svätosť, svätosť nie z vás ale z Krista.

336Ja nemám žiadnu svätosť, ktorú by som mu predstavil. Ale spolieham na jeho, ó, na jeho milosť a mám ju vo svojom srdci. Nezaslúžil som si ju, nič som nemohol urobiť aby som si to zaslúžil ale On ma z milosti povolal a pozval ma, aby som prišiel. A pozrel som sa na Neho a On odobral odo mňa tú žiadosť. Robím tisíce chýb každý mesiac, v každom roku. Pravdaže robím. Ale keď vidím, že som urobil zle, poviem, “Bože, nechcel som to urobiť. Ty poznáš moje srdce. Nechcel som to urobiť, chytil som sa do toho. Nechcel som to urobiť. Odpusť mi, Pane.”

337Ak som urobil zle svojmu bratovi, poviem, “Brat, odpusť mi; nechcel som to urobiť.” Samozrejme, Boh pozná moje srdce.

338 Tu to máte. Je krvavá obeť. Je moc evanjelia, na ktorej sa pohybuje svätá cirkev. Nie preto, že vy ste niečo urobili, to je niečo s čím nemáte nič spoločného. To je zmierenie.

339No, tento Melchisedech, keď On vystúpil ...

340 Chcem vám povedať ďalšiu vec. Zobrali ste niekedy trojhranné sklo? Zoberiete kúsok skla, ktoré má tri hrany a položíte ho tak, aby naň svietilo slnko, vyprodukuje sedem dokonalých farieb. Trojhranný kúsok skla vytvorí dúhu. Presne tak. No, keby sme mali čas, vošli by sme do toho. Tri prináša dokonalosť: Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý: ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. Tu to máte. Dokonalosť prichádza cez trojky: Boh nad človekom, Boh v človeku, ktorý sa nazýval Ježiš Kristus, Boh v cirkvi. Potom dokonalosť ...

341Človek hrešil dokiaľ bol Boh tu hore v Ohnivom Stĺpe. Boh ... Človek hrešil pred Bohom, dokiaľ Boh bol v Ohnivom Stĺpe, pretože bol stále nečistým stvorením; pred Bohom ležala zvieracia krv.

342Potom prišiel Baránok Boží, druhý jasný krok Boží, ten istý Boh, iný úrad. A potom toto ... Boh v ... bol v Kristovi, to bol ten istý Boh, ktorý bol v Ohnivom Stĺpe. A ten istý Boh sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami. A potom si ľudia urobili z Neho posmech, s tým sa stále dalo porátať; ešte nebola preliata Krv. Je to tak, Ježiš povedal, “Ja vám odpúšťam.”

343Ale potom ten istý, ktorý bol telom sa znovu stal Ohnivým Stĺpom, “Prišiel som od Boha; idem ku Bohu.” A tu vidíme, že Pavel Ho stretol na ceste do Damašku, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp. Vidíme, že Peter sa s Ním stretáva vo väzení, s tým istým Ohnivým Stĺpom. Samozrejme. A dnes Ho vidíme medzi nami, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp.

344Ale dokonalosť prišla na miesto, že tá Osoba v prostriedku ... No, ak by tu náhodou bol nejaký žid alebo niekto, kto rozumie Starý Zákon ... Dokážem to, dovoľte, že vám to ukážem. V ... Nemám tu teraz so sebou Starý Zákon, toto je Nový Zákon. Ale pri prinášaní obeti chleba predloženia, ktorý ležal na tácke pri židovskej obeti pri očisťovaní príbytkov, opýtajte sa nejakého žida; na týchto troch kúskoch chleba, ten prostredný kúsok bol zlámaný. To bol Kristus. Ten prostredný kúsok bol zlámaný, Kristus, ten uprostred. To ukazovalo, že niekde musí byť lámanie na vykúpenie; a ten kúsok nekvaseného chleba predstavoval vykúpenie.

345Tu to je; a dnes keď prijímame večeru Pánovu, lámeme nekvasený chlieb, lebo to je telo Kristovo. A On bol zlámaný na Golgote aby bol zmierením za naše hriechy, že cez Jeho spravodlivosť sa môžeme stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. Pretože On sa stal našim hriechom, aby sme sa my mohli stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. Brat, to je číra milosť. Absolútne. Nieto iný spôsob, nijako inak by si to nemohol ospravedlniť.

346Tak, tento Melchisedech, táto veľká osoba, ktorého stretol na ceste, zaplatil ... Abrahám mu zaplatil desiatok. Aký veľký človek to musel byť. Všimnite si. Rýchlo.

Ktorý sa ním nestál podľa zákona telesného prikázania

347No, vidíte ten legalistický zákon? Zákon povedal, “Nezabiješ. Nezcudzoložíš. Nepokradneš.”

348 Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, “Starým bolo povedané, Nezabiješ, ale Ja vám hovorím, kto by sa len hneval na svojho brata bez príčiny, už zabil. Starým bolo povedané, nezcudzoložíš, ale Ja vám hovorím, ktokoľvek by pozrel žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou zcudzoložil vo svojom srdci.” Tu to máte. To má naučiť ženy ako sa majú obliekať, ako robiť to čo je správne. Ak sa zle obliekate a spôsobujete, že muži sa na vás neprístojne dívajú ste vinné za páchanie cudzoložstva, tak isto ako by ste sa dopustili toho skutku. Ježiš to tak povedal.

349A vy ľudia s takým výbušným temperamentom, ktorý stále niekoho ohovárate, nemôžete nič zniesť, a také veci. Buďte opatrní. Ste vinní ak hovoríte slovo proti svojmu bratovi, čo je nesprávne, neslušné. Chodíte okolo a trháte na kusy ... Nemusíte niekomu pichnúť nôž do chrbta aby ste ho zabili; môžete zlomiť jeho charakter a zabiť ho, zabiť jeho vplyv. Hovoriť tu proti vášmu pastorovi, vravieť niečo zlé na neho, to je tak, ako by ste ho zastrelili; povedali ste niečo o ňom čo nebola pravda, no, to zabije jeho vplyv na ľudí a tak ďalej, a vy ste toho vinní. To povedal Ježiš.

350No, počúvajte čo sa tu Pavel snaží povedať. Milujem túto starú Bibliu. Ona vás napráva. Pozrite sa. Ó, len sa sem pozrite. Čítame ten štrnásty ...

Lebo je zrejmé, že z Júdu pošiel náš Pán ...

Počkajte myslím, že to nemám ten verš, ktorý chcem prečítať, tu ten 16..

Ktorý sa ním nestal podľa zákona telesného prikázania,

351 To je zákonné. Vidíte? “Ó brat, nemal by som, nemal by som. Viem, ale ja ...” To nie je to. To je láska, ktorá to robí.

352Ako sme to prebrali. Povedal som, “Keby som povedal mojej ... o mojej žene: No, chcel by som mať dve ženy. Chcel by som pobehovať s touto a robiť toto a tamto. Ale ... Ak to budem robiť, moja žena sa so mnou rozvedie a moje deti budú ... A stratil by som svoju službu.” Ty špinavý, skazený pokrytec. Je to tak. V prvom rade ju vôbec nemiluješ. Presne tak.

353Ak ju miluješ, nebude pri tom žiadny zákon, miluješ ju, každopádne, si priľnutý ku nej. Presne tak. A vy ženy budete postupovať tak isto ku svojim mužom. Je to tak.

354Niekedy sa ženy dostanú na miesto, že sú ...

355 Muž vidí nejakú Jezábeľ, celú vymaľovanú, viete, pôjde a naletí na ňu, a možno máš dobrú ženu. A potom hovoríš, že si kresťan. Hanba ti. Potrebuješ ďalšiu dávku pri oltári. Je to tak.

356A niektorá z vás ... a niektoré z vás žien obzeráte sa za nejakým fešákom s uhladenými vlasmi, na ktorých má toľko Vaselíny, že mu to otvára ústa. A potom ty ...

357Jedno dievča tu nedávno ... Toto nie je žart, pretože nemám v úmysle to povedať ako žart. Ale ľudia vedia, že toto nie je miesto na žarty. Ale jedno dievča tu, bolo ... Tu sú fajní chlapci, kresťania. Už dávno, keď som tu bol pastor, mávali sme hodinu pre mladých. A hovoril som mladým ženám v nedeľu popoludní o sexe a takých veciach a potom ďalšiu nedeľu popoludní som hovoril ku mladým mužom a snažil som sa tieto veci držať na uzde.

358Jedno dievča začalo chodiť s takým skrčkom tu dole z mesta, fajčil a vo vrecku mal ploskačku a jazdil po meste na kabriolete. Nemohol som pochopiť čo vidí v tom chlapcovi. Do zboru by neprišiel. On bol tam vonku, doviezol ju tu do zboru a potom zostal tam vonku na druhej strane v aute a čakal, neprišiel do zboru. Raz som jej povedal ... Ona bývala v New Alamany. Povedal som, “Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, dievčatko. Čo vôbec vidíš na tom chlapcovi?” Povedal som, “On v prvom rade neznáša to náboženstvo, ktoré ty máš. Pohŕda tvojím Kristom. On ti nebude dobrým mužom. Spraví ťa nešťastnou na celý život.” A povedal som, “Pozri, tu sú fajní chlapci, kresťania s ktorým by si mohla chodiť a oni ... Tvojmu otcovi a matke sa to nepáči keď odchádzaš. Ale ty aj tak ideš a myslíš si, “Už mám šestnásť.”

359 Začala sa maľovať a prestávala sem chodiť a zakrátko bola v motorestoch. Teraz odišla do večnosti. Ale vtedy tu stála a ... Viete čo mi to dievča odpovedalo, čím sa hájila, že miluje toho chlapca? Povedala, “On má také drobné, roztomilé nohy a tak pekne vonia.” Môžete si to predstaviť? Voňavkuje sa, to je baba nie chlap.

360 “Pozri” Povedal som, “Sestra, radšej by som chodil s kresťanom, ktorý má nohy ako náklaďák a smrdí ako tchor, ak je skutočný kresťan.” Je to tak. Skutočne.

361Áno, to je výhovorka. “Také drobné, roztomilé nohy a tak pekne vonia.” Ten vedúci toho motorestu nakoniec zruinoval život toho dievčaťa. To je hanba, nehanebnosť.

362Manželstvo je v úcte ale vchádzať do neho treba vážne a úctivo. A skutočná láska ku tej žene vás naveky spolu zviaže. “Čo zviažete na zemi, ja zviažem na nebi.” Keď sa budete potom po rokoch prechádzať, ona môže zostarnúť a zošedivieť a mať vrásky ale tú istú lásku, ktorú si mal ku nej keď bola mladou peknou ženou, tú stále budeš mať.

363 Tebe sa zhrbia plecia, vypadajú ti vlasy, zvráskavie ti tvár a všetko ďalšie ale ona ťa bude milovať tak, ako ťa milovala keď si mal široké plecia a kučeravé vlasy, ak je to skutočne Boh. Lebo hľadíte do času keď ste tam prekročili tú rieku, keď budete znovu ako mladý muž a mladá žena aby ste spolu žili naveky. To je Božie večné zasľúbenie. On povedal, že to urobí. Nie len to, dostaneme sa za chvíľu ku tomu, On prisahal, že to urobí.

364Počúvajte toto ako ideme ďalej.

Ktorý sa ním nestal podľa zákona telesného prikázania, ale podľa moci nezničiteľného života

365 Teraz budeme rýchlo čítať, aby sme sa ku tomu dostali.

Lebo svedčí: Ty si kňaz naveky podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho.

(Tak dlho ako bude potrebný kňaz, On bude kňazom.)

Lebo sa odstraňuje predošlé prikázanie pre svoju slabosť a neosožnosť.

Lebo zákon nezdokonalil ničoho, ...

366 Nemôžete, bez ohľadu na to čo robíte, prestanete piť, prestanete fajčiť, prestanete klamať, chodíte do zboru a snažíte sa robiť toto a tamto, stále ste telesní. To je len zákon; Zákon nič nedovedie do dokonalosti. Ale čo dovedie do dokonalosti? Kristus. Sláva. Ja môžem prestať klamať, prestať kradnúť, prestať páchať cudzoložstvo, prestať žuť a prestať so všetkými mojimi vecami a stále som telesný. Boh to neprijme, pretože nemám nič čo by som Mu ponúkol za zmierenie.

367 Ale v tej chvíli keď kladiem svoje ruky na požehnanú hlavu Pána Ježiša a hovorím, “Pane, ja nie som dobrý; vezmeš si ma za sluhu?” A Boh bozkom zahojí môj hriech, stojím dokonalý v očiach Božích. Je to tak. Prečo? Nestojím na svojich vlastných zásluhách; Stojím na Jeho a On nás učinil dokonalými skrze svoje utrpenie a svoju Krv.

368Vidím, že je čas končiť. Ale chcem toto dočítať ak môžem. Rýchlo.

... pre svoju slabosť a neosožnosť,

Lebo zákon nezdokonalil ničoho ale uvedenie lepšej nádeje ...

(Čo je to lepšia nádej? Kristus.)

... ktorou sa blížime Bohu.

369Prečo? Cez všetku našu dobrotu a všetku našu dobrotu, a všetku našu dobrotu sme stále telesní. Ale akonáhle sme v prítomnosti Božej, rozpoznávame, že nikdy by sme tam nemohli stáť, jedine cez zásluhy Ježiša Krista; potom sme tiahnutí bližšie ku Bohu skrze zásluhy Jeho Syna, “Pane, prichádzam ku tebe s nevinným srdcom. V mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša, prosím prijmi ma.” Ó, brat potom prichádzaš skrze živú cestu.

370Nie, “Pane, ty vieš, že som prestal piť; Vieš že zaobchádzam správne so svojou ženou; Vieš, že robím toto a robím tamto.” Nemáš nič, čo by si ponúkol. Lebo zákon telesných prikázaní nemohol nič vykonať, ale prinesenie inej nádeje to vykonalo. Tej nádeje, ktorou je Kristus, ktorú máme ako kotvu duše, pevnú a istú.

371Dávajte pozor.

A nakoľko nie bez prísahy – on

(Zámeno, ak si tu všimnete, v kurzíve.)

On sa stal kňazom.

(Nie len kňazom, ale On sa stal kňazom skrze prísahu, nie ...)

372 Dávajte pozor, zoberme to ostatné kňazstvo.

Lebo tamtí sa stali kňazmi...

(Levitovia, spravodliví, čestní, úprimní ľudia)

...tamtí sa stali kňazmi bez prísahy.

373 Boh proste povedal, “Podľa poriadku Árona,” tak ich učinil kňazmi. Oni sa nimi stávali cez mnoho generácií. Chodili do školy a učili sa za kazateľov a tak ďalej; prichádzali. Tak Boh ich takto urobil kňazmi. Oni sa urobili kňazmi skrze svoje vzdelanie, skrze svoje dedičstvo a tak ďalej. Ale tento Muž sa stal kňazom skrze prísahu, ktorú prisahal Boh. Počúvajte teraz dobre.

Tamtí sa stali kňazmi bez prísahy, ale on s prísahou skrze toho, ktorý mu povedal: Pán prisahal a nebude ľutovať:


Ty si kňaz naveky podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho.

Natoľko i lepšej zmluvy stal sa Ježiš ručiteľom.


A tamtí sa stali viacerí kňazmi, pretože im smrť prekážala trvať povždy ...

Tisíc krát tisíc krát tisíc kňazov, pretože nemali nič len smrť a smrť a slabosť a smrť a smrť a smrť.

374 Ale sledujte Jeho.

Ale on

(Kto? Ježiš.)

... pretože trvá na veky, má na iného neprechodné kňazstvo, večné.

Prečo aj môže vždycky dokonale spasiť tých ...

(Bez ohľadu ako ďaleko, ako klesli, ako ďaleko odišli, On je schopný dokonale spasiť.) ...

ktorí skrze neho prichádzajú k Bohu, ...

(nie na základe vašej spravodlivosti, ale na vašom vyznaní. Rozumiete?)

... ktorí skrze neho prichádzajú ku Bohu, vždycky žijúc, aby sa primlúval za nich.

(On je presne tam, ustavične vykonáva prímluvu.)

Lebo nám i svedčalo mať takého veľkňaza, svätého, prostého zla, nepoškvrneného, oddeleného od hriešnikov a ktorý sa stal vyšším nad nebesia.

375 Tu to máme. No, ak sa budem snažiť zastupovať svoj vlastný prípad, stratím ho. Ak sa ho budem snažiť zastupovať, poviem, “No, môj otec bol dobrý človek. Môj otec bol kazateľ. No, ja som býval v zbore.” Stále to stratím. Ale tento Muž je ten Dokonalý, Kristus; On tam predkladá a ponúka svoju Krv ustavične za moje hriechy. Tu to máte.

Ktorý nepotrebuje každého dňa ako najvyšší kňazi, obetovať obeti najprv za svoje vlastné hriechy a potom za hriechy ľudu. Lebo to učinil raz navždy tak, že obetoval sám seba.

376 A teraz sledujte ten posledný verš.

Lebo zákon ustanovuje za najvyšších kňazov ľudí, ktorí majú slabosť, ...

377 To robí zákon, ten telesný zákon. No, prial by som si aby som tu pri tomto mohol stráviť aspoň dve hodiny. Takto zákon stále robí z ľudí kazateľov. Je to tak.

378 No, hovoria, “Aha, tento človek má seminárne skúsenosti.” Ja by som nevymenil svoju prostú nebeskú skúsenosť ani za všetky semináre na svete.

379“Aha, my sme vyškolili tohoto človeka; on je starostlivo vybraný.” On sa sám vypracoval. Nemám rád taký druh. Mám rád človeka, ktorého Boh vypracoval. Rozumiete?

380 Vidíte, ale zákon stále robí kňazov. Zákon stále robí kazateľov. Baptistická cirkev, oni vydávajú kazateľov; hrsťami. Majú stroj na ich výrobu. Metodisti ich tiež majú; Baptisti ich majú, Presbyteriáni, Nazaréni, Pútnici Svätosti, Letniční. Vypúšťajú ich tak rýchlo ako len môžu, ako veľký režim, veľká mašina. Povstávajú tam ako ...

381Stále som hovoril, “Skutočne ľutujem kurence vyliahnuté v inkubátore.” Viete, malé kura, ktoré sa vyliahne v inkubátore, ono sa nevyliahlo správne. Nie, sliepka mala vyliahnuť to kura. Ale kura z inkubátora, keď ono vyjde ono len pípa a nemá žiadnu mamu ku ktorej by išlo. Vidíte? Ono nevie čo je to mama. Je to tak. Ono pípa za nejakou ale nemá žiadnu.

382Ale kura, ktoré sa vyliahlo pod sliepkou prirodzeným spôsobom, ono pípa a mama mu odpovedá. Je to tak.

383A niekedy rozmýšľam tu o tomto seminárnom prežití s ktorým vychádzajú z tohoto veľkého inkubátora v Louisville a po celom svete, kde liahnu kazateľov na tisíce: Letničné inkubátory a Presbyteriánske inkubátory, a Baptistické inkubátory; oni všetky liahnu svoje kurence. Oni pípajú a hovoria o inkubátore z ktorého sa vyliahli.

384Ale ja sa teším, že mám Otca a Matku. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove. Nebolo ich tak veľa narodených so mnou, ale ktorí boli, to sú moji bratia. Amen. Máme Matku, ktorá odpovedá keď ... Matku v nebi, ktorá sa stará o nás všetkých, “Ako sliepka vodí svoje mladé a kvoká im a vábi ich a prikrýva svoje kurence, tak ja budem vás prikrývať. Ó Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často by som vás bol zobral ako sliepka svoje mladé, ako často som vás chcel zobrať za svojich, ale vy ste nechceli. Mali ste svoje vlastné semináre, vyliahli ste svojich kňazov. Oni vás učili proti mne a teraz ste zanechaní vo svojom; pred vami leží vaše zničenie.”

385A ja hovorím toto: Ó ľudia, ó ľudia ako často vás Duch Svätý chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje mladé; ale vy ste mali svoju vlastnú cestu; budete mať pri tom svoju vlastnú cestu.

386Niekedy večer by som rád kázal na tému, “Vaša vlastná cesta.” Viete, Kain chcel svoju vlastnú cestu. Človek dnes chce svoju vlastnú cestu. “Ale je cesta, ktorá sa zdá byť správna, ale jej koniec je smrť.”

387No dávajte pozor.

Tým, že hovorí novú ...

Myslím ... No to nebolo to správne miesto.

388 28. verš.

Lebo zákon ustanovuje za najvyšších kňazov ľudí, ktorí majú slabosť, ale slovo prísahy, ktorá sa udiala po zákone, ustanovuje Syna, zdokonaleného na večnosť.

389Boh je požehnaný naveky, ustanovuje Syna, ktorý trvá naveky podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho. A On nemal nikdy počiatok; nikdy nemal koniec. A zákon nemohol nič také vyprodukovať, pretože bol telesný. Cirkev nemôže nič také vyprodukovať (denominácie), pretože sú telesné. Semináre nemôžu vyprodukovať nič takéto. Oni sa snažia vyškoliť do toho svet. Oni sa to snažia zorganizovať do toho. Oni sa snažia každým spôsobom na svete urobiť všetko čo len môžu a opúšťajú tú hlavnú vec: “Musíte sa do toho narodiť.” Boh vás činí tým čím ste, samozrejme, nie preto že ste prestali robiť toto.

390 Nazaréni, vy nesmiete nosiť prstene; nemôžete nosiť hodinky a musíte mať určité veci a musíte mať takéto dlhé rukávy a vaše sukne musia byť také dlhé a ten človek nemôže patriť do nejakého klubu; a oni vás nepokrstia ak to nedodržujete. Dobre, to idú katolíci a oni majú svoje. A tu idú metodisti; oni majú svoje. Každý z nich má meter aby sa dopasoval. Ak to nerobíte, dobre, hotovo. Vidíte? A potom ...

391 Ale tá skutočná vec je, je toto: “Nič neprinášam vo svojich rukách; držím sa len Tvojho kríža. Ó Bože, nahý, zranený, potrebujem pomoc. Ó, pokorne prichádzam, Kriste, vyznávam, že som ničím a nič nie je vo mne. Prijmi ma, ó Bože.” Potom vás Boh prijíma.

392No, možno, že nepoznáš ani abecedu. Možno, že nerozoznáš kávu od hrachu. Možno nerozoznáš čihi od hota, pravú od ľavej ruky. Na tom vôbec nezáleží čo nepoznáš; jednu vec musíš poznať, že Ježiš Kristus zaujal tvoje miesto ako hriešnik. A ty zaujímaš svoje miesto, aby si stál v Jeho spravodlivostí, vyznávaš každý deň, že si zlý a miluješ Ho z celého svojho srdca a všetky tvoje motívy sú obrátené na Neho, dosiahneš nebesia. To je všetko čo je na tom, lebo život, ktorý bol v Kristovi musí byť v tebe, inak si stratený.

393Tesne pred zakončením, pamätáte sa na bezpodmienečnú zmluvu, ktorú Boh uzavrel s Abrahámom? Čo urobil ten večer, keď Boh povedal, “Ukáž mi ...” Keď Abrahám povedal, “Ukáž mi ako to urobíš.” Myslím, že je to v 16. Kapitole Genesis. “Ukáž mi ako to urobíš.”

394Povedal, „Poď sem, Abrahám.“ A zobral Abraháma von, povedal, “Choď prines mi barana a prines mi kozu a prines mi jalovicu. Chcem aby si ich priniesol sem a zložil obeť.”

395A Abrahám odišiel a doviedol ovcu, a kozu a baránka ... či jalovicu. A zabil ich. To boli všetko čisté obete. A rozsekol ich vo dvoje a položil ich tam. Potom išiel a zobral dve hrdličky a obetoval ich tam. Potom Abrahám odháňal tie vtáky od nich, čakal na Boha, že príde. No,Pane tu je obeť, ako toto urobíš? Ja neviem ako spasíš človeka proti jeho vlastnej vôli. Neviem ako toto urobíš? Ako to môžeš urobiť, Pane?

396Pán povedal, “Dívaj sa teraz, Abrahám. Ty si prorok. Ty si duchovný a porozumieš čo hovorím.”

397“Dobre, Pane, chcem to vidieť.” Teraz to dramatizujem.

398“Tak Abrahám, teraz si sem prišiel a uložil si to tu a odháňaš tých vtákov.” Tak on odháňal tých vtákov, až začalo zapadať slnko.

399A prvé čo viete, Boh prišiel dole. Keď On prišiel dole, Abrahám začal zaspávať. Boh povedal, “Abrahám, ja dám na teba spánok.”

400Počúvaj teraz, zákonnícky priateľ. Vidíte, Boh zobral Abraháma úplne von z toho obrazu, on na tom nemal vôbec nič do vykonania. A tak isto to On urobil s tebou. Ty si povedal, “Ó, ja som hľadal Boha.” Ty si Ho nehľadal.

401Boh hľadal teba, “Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne ak ho prv nepotiahne môj Otec.” Vidíte?

402To Boh hľadá teba, nie ty Boha. Ty si ho nikdy nehľadal. Tvoja povaha je zlá. Ty si prasa. Ty nevieš nič inšie. Proste žiješ v prasačej ohrade. To je všetko čo vieš. Miluješ to. Piješ pivo, povaľuješ sa, beháš so ženou iného muža a robíš všetko možné zlé a zdá sa ti to dobré. “Ó, brat máme výborný čas!” Ty si myslíš, že je to dobré.

403Ale Boh klepe na tvoje srdce. To je to, čo premieňa. Nie ty klepeš na Boha; Boh klepe na teba. Adam nikdy neklepal na Božie srdce. Boh zaklepal na Adamove srdce. A ty si syn Adama. Je to tak. Prv ako Adam mohol byť znovu synom Božím, Boh musel zaklepať na jeho srdce. Prv ako sa ty môžeš stáť synom Božím, Boh musí zaklepať na tvoje srdce.

404Potom, Abrahám zaspal. A keď zaspal, čo bolo to prvé čo uvidel? Skutočne strašná, desná, hrozná temnosť. To je smrť, ktorá prichádza na celú ľudskú rasu. Potom sa pozrel trochu ďalej za to a uvidel dymiacu pec. Prv ako môžete mať dym, musíte mať oheň. To je dôvod, že verím v peklo, že to je horiace miesto. Dobre.

405On ukázal, že každý jeden z nás je odkázaný na smrť, a každý jeden z nás by mal ísť do pekla, pretože sme hriešnici.

406No, ale poza tým uvidel malé biele Svetlo.

407A toto malé biele Svetlo, čím je to Svetlo? Čo to bolo to biele Svetlo? Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý išiel pred deťmi Izraelovými. Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku. Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý vyviedol Petra von z väzenia. Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je tu dnes večer.

408Ten večný, večne trvajúci Boh, On sám prešiel pomedzi tieto rozseknuté obete (Ó), pomedzi každú jednu. “Takto to Ja urobím, Abrahám. Pozoruj Ma, čo idem urobiť. Ja tu uzatváram zmluvu. A zložím prísahu, že podľa toho Semena, vzbudím príhovorcu. Urobím zmluvu so smrťou a odsúdim smrť v tele, pretože Ja sám to prídem zobrať. Abrahám ...” Povedal, “Skrze tvoje semeno, Abrahám, prídem, a ty budeš otcom sveta. Skrze tvoje semeno, a nie len tebe dávam toto zasľúbenie, ale tvojmu semenu po tebe.” On poznal každého jedného, kto to bude. “Nie oni, ale to čo Ja robím. Idem to urobiť, Abraham. Dôveroval som Adamovi, ale on porušil svoju; a každý jeden porušil svoju zmluvu. Ale Ja uzavriem túto pomocou Seba samého a prisahám na Seba samého, že Ja to dodržím.” Amen. Amen. Amen.

409Čo robíme my, keď uzatvárame zmluvu? Povedzme, “Brat Neville ...” Sledujte toto za chvíľu. Povedzme, “Brat Neville, hovorím ti čo idem urobiť: ak budeš ty kázať do zajtra večera a ten ďalší večer až do stredy, ja budem kázať od stredy do nedele. Robíme takúto dohodu.


411Takto to my robíme. “Ruku na to, chlapče.” To je to. To je zmluva v Amerike; takto my robíme zmluvu.

412Ako uzatvárajú zmluvu v Japonsku? My robíme ... Povieme, “Ty urobíš to a to a ja urobím to a to.” Zoberieme štipku soli, pretože soľ je príchuť. A zoberieme soľ a ja ju hodím na brata Nevilleho a brat Neville zoberie sol a hodí na mňa. To je záväzná zmluva.

413Ako urobil zmluvu Dávid Livingstone s tým africkým černochom, aby mohol ísť do jeho zemi? On išiel a našiel toho náčelníka, aby mohol prejsť cez to územie, kázať evanjelium a robiť tú prácu. Oni zobrali pohár vína. Tu je zmluva černocha v Afrike. Zobrali pohár vína. A ten náčelník černochov škrabol po svojich žilách a jeho krv natiekla do toho pohára s vínom a Dávid Livingstone škrabol po svojich žilách a krv z nich natiekla do toho pohára s vínom. Zamiešali to; Livingstone vypil polovicu a ten náčelník vypil polovicu. Potom si dali dary jeden druhému. Ten náčelník ... Dávid Livingstone povedal, “Čo odo mňa chceš.”

414 On povedal, “Ten biely kabát, ktorý máš na sebe.” Tak Livingstone si vyzliekol kabát a dal tomu náčelníkovi. On povedal, “A čo ty požaduješ?”

415On povedal, “Tú posvätnú kopiju, ktorú máš v ruke.” Pretože vedel, že s ňou môže ísť, tak si zobral tú kopiju. A boli bratmi, pretože uzavreli zmluvu.

416A keď išiel ďalej a tie kmene ho prenasledovali aby ho zabili, on pozdvihol tú posvätnú kopiju. A keď to urobil, oni sa pozreli a povedali, “Ó, nemôžeme sa dotknúť toho muža.” Prečo? On je bratom v zmluve. Hoci je biely, nevideli sme ho predtým ...” Oni vôbec nevedeli, že sú čierni, až keď uvideli jeho. Oni nič také predtým nevideli. “Ale on je bratom v zmluve; on má v ruke náčelníkovu kopiju.”

417Čo za nádherný obraz dnes, keď pijeme tú zmluvu Krvi Pána Ježiša s mocou Ducha Svätého na nás. Ideme dopredu v mene Ježiša a tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorým patria. To je Náčelníkova posvätná kopia. Vidíte ako to je, tá zmluva?

418Ako to robili v orientálnom čase? Oni prisahali jeden druhému. Zabili zviera, rozrezali ho a postavili sa rovno medzi tie ... Tí dvaja muži stáli medzi tým rozrezaným zvieraťom. A urobili zmluvu: “Ak ja toto nedodržím, ak toto nevyplním, toto tak a tak, nech sa moje telo stane ako toto mŕtve zviera; nech sa s mojím telom stane ako s tým mŕtvym zvieraťom.” A keď to robia, zoberú túto zmluvu a stoja medzi tým, zložia prísahu - zložia prísahu, že to dodržia. A roztrhnú ten papier, na dvoje a jeden muž si vezme jednu časť a ten druhý druhú. V určenom čase sa stretnú; a nech zomrú smrťou ak nedodržia tú prísahu a budú ako tie mŕtve zvieratá. Dobre.

419Všimnite si tie tri zvieratá, dokonalé, baránok, koza a tie tri dokonalé obete. Čo znázorňoval baránok ... Čo znázorňovala hrdlička? A čo znamenali tie dve hrdličky? Tie dve hrdličky boli obetované za oboje, za spasenie a za uzdravenie v ... aby dokázalo ... To zmierenie bolo urobené inak, ale uzdravenie pokračuje tak isto a tiež spasenie pokračuje tak isto. Tie dve hrdličky, ktoré neboli rozseknuté znamenali tam, predstavovali oboje spasenie ... “Tvojimi ranami sme boli uzdravení. On bol zranený za naše prestúpenia; jeho ranami sme boli uzdravení.” Oni ležali na tej strane, nerozdelené. Ale tá zmluva, časť toho zvieraťa, tri z nich boli rozseknuté na dvoje. Vidíte? Potom, keď to urobili, roztrhli to a uzavreli svoju zmluvu.

420 Dávajte pozor čo Boh hovoril Abrahámovi, “Na Golgote, na Golgote, podľa tvojho Semena ... Z teba príde Izák, z Izáka príde ten a ten (Jakob), z Jakoba príde Jozef, z Jozefa a tak ďalej a ďalej, nasledovníci, až nakoniec cez to spravodlivé Semeno ako ...”

421On to prebral až po tadeto, hovorí, že náš Pán prišiel z národa, ktorý nepoznal Mojžiša, nehovoril vôbec o tom, že by prišiel z kňazstva ... Náš Pán prišiel z pokolenia Júdovho, nie z Léviho, lebo oni boli telesní činitelia zákona. Ale náš Pán prišiel z Júdu (Sláva. Tu to máte.) tam bolo dané zasľúbenie.

422Počúvate teraz dobre, už končíme. A na Golgote, Boh prišiel dole a zobral telo svojho vlastného Syna, v ktorom On žil a roztrhol ho na dvoje na Golgote. On krvácal, bol zranený, posekaný ... A tá kopija Ho tam prebodla a rozpárala na dvoje a jeho krv vytiekla a On povedal, “Otče, do tvojich rúk porúčam svojho ducha.” Sklonil hlavu; a zem sa zatriasla a zablysli blesky a zahučali hromy. Boh písal svoju večnú zmluvu.

423A On zobral jeho mŕtve telo z hrobu v prvý deň týždňa a priniesol ho do neba a postavil Ho tam ako Najvyššieho Kňaza, ako pamiatku, postavený tam dokonalý naveky. A poslal Ducha, ktorého vytrhol z toho tela, rovno naspäť dole na cirkev. A tá cirkev bude musieť mať toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol v tom tele inak to s tým nebude pasovať pri vzkriesení. Tie dva kusy musia presne pasovať ku sebe; a ak táto cirkev nie je dokonale, úplne presne ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, nikdy nepôjdete do vytrhnutia.

424Brat, existuje večná zmluva. Vyhľadaj si to sám, čo je v tvojom vlastnom srdci. Miluj Pána. Buď si skutočne istý, že si spasený; Nespoliehaj pri tom na náhodu. Hazardujete. My američania máme radi hazard, nehazarduj pri tomto. Buď si istý, že si v poriadku; nie preto, že si sa pripojil ku zboru, ale preto, že si skutočne znovuzrodený, Kristus prišiel ku tebe v Osobe Ducha Svätého.

425No, zdvorile, pri tom keď končím ... Akí šťastní máme byť, keď vidíme toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol v Ježišovi Kristovi, rovno medzi nami, že robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil keď On bol tu na zemi. Aký šťastní máme byť. Modlime sa teraz a skloňme svoje hlavy.

426Pane, bol to veľký deň. Hoci sa cítim tak ako som sa stále cítil, že som nedostatočný. Nedokážem to správne reprezentovať, Pane. Modlím sa aby si mi odpustil moje hlúpe spôsoby. Ó, vyznávam svoje hriechy pred Tebou a prosím o milosrdenstvo, keď viem, že veľký Najvyšší Kňaz stojí po pravici Božej v nebi, ktorý sa ním nestal podľa Árona, podľa zákonov a zákonných foriem a takých vecí; ale bol tam ustanovený kvôli milosti Božej, lebo sa pozrel dopredu pred založenie sveta a videl ma tu dole v tomto svete a zomrel za moje hriechy, aby ma priviedol naspäť do kráľovstva Božieho.

427Ďakujem ti Otče za to; že tento Duch, ktorý teraz vládne v tvojich ľuďoch je večný ako Boh je večný, “Ja im dám večný život (život na veky, večne trvajúci život), a nikdy nezahynú.” A nebudú na súde; obišli súd; odišli do slávy. A ak tento zemský stánok bude zničený máme iný, ktorý už čaká tam na nás, aby sme prišli do neho. Ďakujem Ti za to Pane.

428Modlím sa teraz, ak je tu niekto dnes večer, kto ešte nepil tú skutočnú Krv zmluvy, kto nevie čo to znamená - nevie čo to znamená byť znovuzrodený, mať skutočné obecenstvo s Kristom vo svojom srdci, či on či ona, nech by Ho prijali hneď teraz, keď čakáme a dávame túto príležitosť. A v ten deň prosíme aby sme reprezentovali evanjelium v pravom svetle. Prosíme to v Kristovom mene.

429Zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, či je tu niekto, kto by zodvihol svoju ruku ku Kristovi a povedal, “Kriste Boží, buď mi milostivý. Dovoľ mi, ako tvojmu nehodnému sluhovi prijať teraz Ducha Svätého do svojho srdca. A daj mi istotu a lásku, ktorú skutočne potrebujem.” Ak to nemáš, zodvihol by si ku nemu ruku a povedal, “Pane, toto je znak, že po tom túžim.” Zodvihneš ruku? Nech ťa tam Boh žehná, pani. Nech ťa tu Boh žehná, nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech je Boh s tebou; to je dobre. Ten muž tu na konci, nech ťa Boh žehná môj brat. A niekto ďalší prv ako zakončíme, čakáme ešte chvíľu ... Nech ťa Boh tam žehná, synu. Ešte niekto?

430Ja túžim teraz, túžim, Pane Bože. Ty poznáš moje srdce. Ty vieš čo je v mojej mysli. Ty ...” Duch Boží je živý a účinný a ostrejší než dvojsečný meč prenikajúci do rozdelenia špikov kostí a spôsobný posúdiť myšlienky srdca. Myslite na to. On pozná presne vaše myšlienky a úmysly.

431Či zodvihneš ruku a povieš, “Buď mi milostivý Bože, hneď teraz. Chcem aby si vedel, že viem, že nie som v poriadku a uvedomujem si to, ale chcem byť v poriadku.” Dobre, zatiaľ čo stále máme sklonené hlavy, modlíme sa teraz, zamyslite sa na chvíľu. Nechceme sa pri tomto ponáhľať.

Skala vekov, rozštiepená pre mňa,

dovoľ, že sa v tebe skryjem,

nech voda a krv, z tvojho krvácajúceho boku...

na hriech...

(Dvojitá liečba? On prisahal na to, dve nezmeniteľné veci.)

Spas od hnevu a očisti ma.

Keď sa blížim ...

432Ó Pane, udeľ nám teraz aby sme všetci rozpoznali, že toto dýchanie, ktoré dýchame je pominuteľné. Nevieme koľko ho ešte máme pred sebou. To všetko závisí na tvojej veľkej rade. To je rozhodnuté od Teba. Ó buď nám milostivý. A tým, ktorí zodvihli ruky, Pane, netreba ich zmieňovať; ty poznáš každého jedného z nich, ale prihováram sa v tejto modlitbe za nich. Prosím, aby si odstránil z ich sŕdc odsúdenie a daj im prísť smelo hneď teraz ku trónu, nech by pristúpili smelo rovno ku trónu Božiemu a žiadali si svoje Bohom dané privilégiá. Ty si spôsobil, že oni zodvihli svoje ruky; nemohli to urobiť sami od seba. A prosím, Bože aby si to udelil v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

Seba v tebe; (Chváľme Ho teraz.)

Nech voda (Ó.)

Ktorá vytiekla z tvojho raneného boku,

dvojitý liek na hriech;

Spas od hnevu a očisti ma.

433Koľkí sa teraz cítite skutočne dobre? Zodvihnite ruky a povedzte, “Chvála Pánovi.” Ó, On je ohromný. Ó. “Je miesto pri zdroji.” poznáš to, sestra Gertie? Pozrime sa koľkí milujú tú pieseň? Teraz za chvíľu budeme mať krst. [Brat Branham sa rozpráva s bratom Neville. – pozn.prekl.] Ty ich pokrstíš?

...miesto, áno, je miesto,

je tam miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

Miesto, miesto ...

434Dobre, tí kandidáti na krst, muži pôjdu do tejto miestnosti, ženy do tejto, dobre, tí ktorí majú byť pokrstení v to požehnané meno nášho Pána.

...milosť ... Je miesto pre teba pri zdroji;

v tom mene, požehnanom mene;

Je miesto pri zdroji pre teba.

435Teraz všetci.

Miesto, miesto, áno je miesto;

Je miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

Ó, miesto, miesto, áno je miesto,

je miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

436Ó milujem tú starú pieseň. Či vy nie?

Je miesto pre teba pri zdroji;

Ó, miesto, miesto, áno je miesto,

je miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

437No, zatiaľ čo sa starší pripraví na krst, chcel by som vysvetliť obecenstvu. A požiadam niektorého z diakonov, ak ma môžu počuť tam v tej miestnosti, keď budú hotoví, príď a povedz mi, tak môžeme dať nabok tieto mikrofóny. Chceme aby ste toto všetci videli. Ešte okolo desať minút a zakončíme.

438Chcem vám teraz prečítať niečo zo svätého Písma. Chcem čítať z knihy skutkov. A chcem začať od 12 verša z druhej kapitoly skutkov.

439Chcem aby ste si všimli v 16. kapitole sv. Lukáša, či sv. Matúša, myslím že to je to, keď Ježiš prichádzal z toho vrchu. A povedali jeho učeníkom, “Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som ja, syn človeka?”

440A niektorý z nich povedal, “No, Ty si Eliáš a niekto hovorí, že Ty si prorok a niekto hovorí, že Ty si toto alebo tamto.”

441On povedal, “Ale čo vy hovoríte, že kto som Ja?”

442A Peter povedal, “Ty si Kristus, Syn Živého Boha.” Je to tak?

443Ježiš povedal, “Požehnaný si Šimon syn Jonáša lebo telo a krv ti toto nezjavili. Nenaučil si sa to v seminári. Nenaučil si sa to od človeka.” Povedal, “Ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil. A Ja ti hovorím, že ty si Peter. Na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu. A dám ti kľúče kráľovstva nebeského. (Je to tak?) A čokoľvek rozviažeš na zemi, Ja rozviažem v nebi. Čokoľvek zviažeš na zemi, Ja zviažem v nebi.” Či to tak myslel? Inak by to nepovedal. No ako čas išiel ďalej ... Peter mal kľúče od kráľovstva.

444No, vy katolíci, môžete si myslieť, že toto ... Vy hovoríte, “Katolícka cirkev je postavená na Petrovi.” Dobre, zistíme to. Oni majú tie kľúče; katolícka cirkev stále má tie kľúče.

445Pozrime sa čo urobil Peter s tými kľúčmi (Dobre?), potom budeme vedieť. Biblia povedala Petrovi a ostatným apoštolom, “Choďte do celého sveta, ktorým hriechy odpustíte, tým budú odpustené; ktorým hriechy zadržíte, tým budú zadržané.” Možno, že som to povedal tak že niekto to možno neporozumel; Ježiš povedal apoštolom, “Ktorým ľuďom odpustíte hriechy, Ja im tiež odpustím. A ktorým ľuďom hriechy neodpustíte a zadržíte ich proti nim, ja ich tiež zadržím proti nim.” To je to čo povedal Ježiš.

446 Dávajte pozor ako sa katolícka cirkev v tom posunula.

447Ale pozrime sa ako to oni robili. Potom keď zistíme ako to oni robili, potom to máme robiť tak isto, No, poďme a zistime to.

448Bolo to na letnice, keď cirkev bola uvedená do úradovania. Oni boli všetci v hornej dvorane; vychádzali odtiaľ a hovorili rôznymi jazykmi. Prečo? Každý jazyk pod nebol tam bol zastúpený; Anglický tam bol tiež. Každý jazyk pod nebol tam musel byť, ktorým sa hovorilo v tých dňoch. Keď čítame ďalej je tam podané mnoho jazykov, ako Kréťania a cudzinci a prozelyti z Ríma a Arabi a všetci hovoria a oslavu... No, oni nehovorili v neznámych jazykoch. Oni hovorili v jazykoch, ktoré boli známe tým ľuďom, nie v neznámych jazykoch, ale v jazykoch, ktoré každý rozumel. Hriešnik, neveriaci mohli počuť čo ten tam hovorí; “Ako tedy my, počujeme hovoriť svojím vlastným jazykom, v ktorom sme sa narodili.?”

449Dávajte teraz pozor. Teraz povstáva otázka. No, tí ostatní sa vysmievali. Dvanásty verš, dobre.

A žasli všetci súc bezradní od údivu hovorili jeden druhému: Čo to chce byť?

Ale zase iní sa posmievali a hovorili: Naplnení sú sladkým vínom.

450Oni si z nich robili žarty pretože ... Ako oni hovorili? Oni sa zajakávali ako opilí,ako opilí, hovorili a nevedeli čo vravia ale kázali tomu zhromaždeniu v jazykoch, ktorým nerozumeli, ale tí zhromaždení rozumeli. Vidíte? No dobre.

Iní povedali: Naplnení sú sladkým vínom,

... (Pozrite ako sa správajú) ...

iní sa posmievali a hovorili: Títo sú naplnení ...

Ale Peter, ...

(Daj si pozor, chlapče, ty máš kľúče.) ...

Ale Peter zastanúc s jedenástimi povýšil svoj hlas a povedal im, ...

(Pamätajte teraz, toto je prvé uvedenie cirkvi do úradu.) ...

Mužovia židia a vy ktorí bývate v Jeruzaleme, nech vám je toto známe a počujte moje slová!

Lebo títo nie sú opilí, ako sa vy domnievate, lebo veď je ešte len tretie hodina dňa.

(Salóny ešte vtedy neboli ani otvorené. Rozumiete?)

Ale toto je to, čo je povedané skrze proroka Joela:

A bude v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, že vylejem zo svojho Ducha na každé telo a vaši synovia budú prorokovať vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia a vaším starcom sa budú snívať sny.

Áno i na svojich sluhov a na svoje dievky vylejem zo svojho Ducha a budú prorokovať.

A dám vidieť zázraky hore na nebi a znamenia dole na zemi, ...

(No, to Peter teraz káže, ten s kľúčami.)

... krv ... oheň a dymovú paru.

Slnko sa obráti na tmu a mesiac na krv, prv ako príde deň Pánov, veľký a slávny.

A bude, že každý, ktokoľvek bude vzývať meno Pánovo, bude spasený.

Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža pred vami presláveného mocami a zázrakami a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, ako aj sami viete ...

(Hovorí o napomínaní. On mal kľúče, viete.) „Nech je to...“

...toho určenou radou a predzvedením Božím vydaného ste vzali...

Tu to máte. Ako On mohol by vydaný? Boh to predurčil aby sa to tak stalo. Vidíte? Predzvedenie Božie.

451Ešte chvíľku; povedzte im, že ešte chvíľku, kým to prejdem s Písmom.

... ste vzali a rukou bezbožných ste pripäli na kríž a zavraždili,

ktorého Boh vzkriesil oprostiac bolestí smrti, ako aj nebolo možné, aby bol ňou držaný.

Lebo Dávid hovorí vzťahom na neho: Vždycky som videl pred sebou Pána, lebo mi je po pravici, aby som sa nepohnul.

Preto sa rozveselilo moje srdce a môj jazyk splesal, áno i moje telo bude stániť na nádeji.

Lebo nezanecháš mojej duše v ríši smrti ani nedáš svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie.

Dal si mi poznať cesty života naplníš ma veselosťou so svojou tvárou!

Mužovia bratia! Patrí sa povedať vám prosto a smele o patriarchovi

Dávidovi, že i zomrel i pochovali ho a jeho hrob je u nás až do dnešného dňa.

A teda súc prorokom a vediac, že sa mu Boh zaviazal prísahou ...

(Práve som cez to prešiel keď som kázal.) ...

že z plodu jeho bedier, podľa tela, vzbudí Krista a dosadí na jeho trón,

(Presne to o čom som hovoril v kázní. Peter káže to isté.)

A vidiac to vopred ...

(Prorok to videl vopred.)

... hovoril o zmŕtvychvstaní Kristovom, že ani nebola zanechaná jeho duša v ríši smrti, ani jeho telo, že nevidelo porušenie.

Toho istého Ježiša vzkriesil Boh, čoho sme my všetci svedkami.

Vyvýšený súc tedy pravicou Božou dostanúc zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha od Otca vylial toto, čo vy teraz vidíte a čujete.

Lebo Dávid nevstúpil na nebesia ...


ale on hovorí: Riekol Pán môjmu Pánovi; seď po mojej pravici,

dokiaľ nepoložím tvojich nepriateľov za podnož tvojich nôh.

Nech teda ...

(Počúvajte toto.)

... vie istotne celý dom Izraelov, že i Pánom i Kristom ho učinil Boh

(To malo byť jasne postavené, či nie?),

toho Ježiša, ktorého ste vy ukrižovali.

A keď to počuli, boli hlboko dojatí, až do srdca,a povedali Petrovi a ostatným apoštolom; čo máme robiť mužovia bratia?

452Dobre, tu to máme, čo on mal? Kľúč, kľúč do kráľovstva. Kde je to kráľovstvo? Ono je vo vás. Je to tak? Duch Svätý je Božím kráľovstvom; to vieme. Narodení sme do kráľovstva ako poddaní a delegáti. Pozrite, on má na boku kľúče. “Čo s nimi urobíš?” Toto je po prvý krát keď dvere boli otvorené.

453No, prvý krát bola položená táto otázka kazateľovi, tomu s kľúčom. Verím, keby on povedal “Postavte sa na hlave,” bolo by to oficiálne: “Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, Ja zviažem v nebi.”

454Dobre, “Čokoľvek povieš, ja poviem to isté. Ty máš kľúč.” Dobre, on strká kľúč do dverí. Čo robíš?

...Čo máme robiť, mužovia bratia?

A keď to počuli, boli hlboko dojatí, až do srdca,a povedali ... čo máme robiť mužovia bratia?

A Peter im povedal: Čiňte pokánie a nech sa pokrstí jeden každý z vás na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha.

Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vaším deťom a všetkým na široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh.

Tým to naveky bolo vyriešené. Nikto nikdy nemohol tomu nijako protirečiť.

455Prichádza katolícka cirkev, namiesto aby boli ponorení, kropia. Namiesto toho, aby použili meno Ježiš, zobrali “Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý.” Nikdy to tak nebolo učené v Biblii.

456Každý odvtedy bol pokrstený ponorením vo meno Ježiša Krista. A niektorí boli pokrstení od Jána Krstiteľa, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša a Pavel im povedal, že takto nemôžu prijať Ducha Svätého; musia prísť a byť znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša prv ako môžu dostať Ducha Svätého. Koľkí viete, že to je podľa Písma? Skutky 19 kapitola. Tu to máte. Pretože Kráľovstvo nebeské bolo zapečatené pre každú inú cestu, skrze prísahu Ježiša Krista, že to bude oficiálne v nebi.

... Čiňte pokánie a nech sa pokrstí jeden každý z vás na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha.

Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vaším deťom a všetkým na široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh.


Modlime sa.

457Otče Bože, dnes večer, prešlo tisíc deväťsto a niekoľko rokov, jednako úprimnosť a poctivosť ľudských sŕdc stále volá po Bohu, ako deti volajú o mlieko z matkiných pŕs. Milujeme ťa, Pane; nemôžeme žiť bez teba. Ako povedal Dávid, “Moja duša túži po tebe ako jeleň za potokom vody.” On ju musí mať lebo inak zomrie.

458A, Otče, prečesali sme Písma, hore dole, nie aby sme sa líšili, ale vidíme tieto semináre, týchto teologických študentov dnes, ktorí kážu podľa prikázania ľudí a nie podľa prikázaní Božích. A tak, Pane, nepohŕdame týmito ľuďmi, ale pohŕdame tými vecami, ktoré oni učia. A tak, Pane prosíme aby sa oni stali našimi bratmi. Prosíme aby si im odpustil ich chybu a prosíme aby prišli do Písma, čítali ho, nie tak ako ho učia učitelia seminára ale podľa toho ako ho napísal Boh.

459Modlíme sa, Bože teraz, aby títo kandidáti ktorí idú teraz do vodného krstu ... Keď náš statočný brat pastor prichádza za túto kazateľňu aby odtiaľto kázal evanjelium - toto isté evanjelium a potom do bazénu na krst aby pochoval ... Udeľ, Pane, aby každý jeden z týchto prijal Ducha Svätého, pretože Ty si dal zasľúbenie, “Prijmete Ducha Svätého.” Nech by Duch Boží čakal nad vodou aby prijal dnes večer tých kandidátov, lebo ich porúčame do tvojich rúk, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

238 Bless you! I think, first, we got a little baby here, Doc told me just a few minutes ago, my brother, a brother in flesh, that wanted... was for dedication. And now if those mothers has got their little tots that they want to dedicate to the Lord, we'll be glad to have them right now. They come, bring their little ones up.

239Now, and many people, they, what they call, baptize them. The Methodist church does, and I believe the Nazarene. I'm not sure. No. I think that's what they separated on, was infant baptism, the Nazarene and the Free Methodist. But, however, some of them, they do one thing and another. But, and some of them pour a little water on them. Some sprinkle them. And, but we always try to stay just as close to the Bible as we know how. Now, there's no Scripture in the Bible for a baby to be sprinkled, neither is there Scripture in the Bible for any person to be sprinkled. It's not a Scriptural thing. It's an order of the Catholic church.

240 But they--but they do, brought... They did bring little babies to Jesus. And--and we're to represent Him. We want to do the same thing that He did. He placed His hands upon them and--and blessed them, and said, "Suffer the little children to come to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." And that's what we continue to do here at the tabernacle, as we try to carry on the real Bible, consecrated way, the best that we know how.

241 So now, if that mother, or any mothers has got their little babies to be dedicated, while Sister Gertie plays Bring Them In, why, you bring them up to the altar. Brother and I will come down and dedicate the little ones to the Lord. All right.

Brother Neville. [Brother Branham and Brother Neville dedicate the babies.]

242Thank you, Sister Gertie. That's very fine. How many loves little children? If you don't, there is something wrong with you, there is something wrong.

243 Now, tonight, now to go into the rest of the services. We... the reason I got down again tonight. Usually on these days when we have healing services, I only get about one a day, because it gives me such a shaking. You never know it. And here at home is twice as bad as anywhere else.

244 And I was apologizing for making such a blunder as I did with it this morning. But the first thing upset me, was when Billy come to tell me that he couldn't find enough people to give out prayer cards to. He only could give out about twelve or fourteen. And he had a... Nobody wanted prayer cards. I guess everything was all right. So then, by that, I never thought... And then when I started to call those prayer cards, I thought I'd get all ten or twelve, or ever what there was in here. Called them up. I got to a certain number, something, and it wouldn't call. And I called. It wouldn't answer. And I never thought of it till Mrs. Woods called me up. She said, "Brother Branham, Billy takes them cards and shuffles them up together, and just gives them out. He might have had that number three," (wasn't it?) "number three in his pocket."

245 Sure, he usually gives out the whole fifty. When he brings them before the people, he just shuffles them up. So everybody... It's not say, "Give me number one." Or, we might not start at number one. We might start at fifty, you don't know, and come backwards. We might start at eight and go on over. Might start at twenty and go over. We don't know. But he just shuffles them up and gives them out to the people as they want them. And not thinking this morning, I might have called four or five more, and they wouldn't have been in there, 'cause it might have been way up in twenties or thirties somewhere, you see. And, then, but the Lord worked it out, but it just doesn't have the--the real pressure to it, like it does away from home. I may never try it--try it again.

246But, here not long ago, I asked the Lord if He'd give us a good meeting, that I promised that I--I wouldn't ask Him that no more, because it's been such a hard thing. And it's contrary to the Scripture. See? And if you... That's what makes it hard on me. Because, knowing that, it gives me a--a defeat, to begin with. See? I'm defeated, to start with.

247 However, someone called somebody this afternoon. Mrs. Woods was called by somebody. And said, that, "Somebody in the church was called this morning, about a man that was very, very sick, that came to Christ this afternoon, afterwards." That the--the man that was very sick came to Christ.

248And another thing, Mrs. Woods told me that I spoke to her sister, an older sister, that I really was in her home the other day and eat dinner with her, or supper with her, down in Kentucky. And Almighty God knows that I didn't recognize that woman. See? That's right. Just... Visions are sovereign. We never know how they're going to go or what's going to happen. It's up to God, and what--what takes place. But I did know, in waiting for them, waiting for there.

249 And the other day when this little girl was in here, that was supposed to have had discernment, which I, not... See, if God would give that to all the world, it would be fine; but if it was, it was contrary to what He told me across the street here, you see, a few years ago. And we wanted to be sure that was right, and let the church, being it was here, see it. And so I did call that Mrs. Snyder. Sister Snyder. She is here somewhere. She's just a teeny bit hard hearing. And the little lady spoke it low, and said, "You have rheumatism," or arthritis, something like that.

250Which, I knew it was a broken hip. And so... And then the Holy Spirit brought that in this morning. See?

251 Now, what it is, it's a Divine gift, and it works in its sovereignty. But what makes it so hard here in the city, honest, I--I get tangled up, all the time, in praying for the sick here. Or--or... I'll go, tell the people this. I'll go, say, "Now the Lord has made you well. Jesus healed you when He died for you, nineteen hundred years ago. Right there you were healed. Now, as far as God is concerned, as far as Christ is concerned, you was healed, nineteen hundred years ago. Your disease was gone. It takes your faith to do it."

252And then that person can go around and not get well. Then the person come around, say, "Brother Branham told me I was well." See? I'm telling you what God said.

253 Now, when it's spoke directly to a person, directly, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD," on a certain thing that's going to take place. That'll prove to you right there that your healing is already secured. Your faith has sealed it. See? The promise is yours. It ain't my word. It's God's Word, that you're already healed. See? But you just... Somehow another, I--I just can't get it to soak in, to folks here in Jeffersonville. I--I just can't get it to happen. I know. I'll try to explain that just as well as I can, and it just--it just won't happen. That's all. I say...

254 Here, not long ago, I went to a home, to a man, and the man was dying. And they called me, "Come, pray for him. The doctor said he wouldn't live till morning."

255I went in. And the young man said to me, "Mr. Branham, I don't want to die." Why, certainly the young fellow didn't. He had a family of two children there.

256Well, I got down. I said, "Now, look, who is your doctor?" He told me. I said, "Now, the doctor might have said you was, you was going to die, but God hasn't said yet you was going to die." I said, "Now, according to the Bible, you're already healed, because Jesus died for your healing."

257He said, "Do you believe I'll get well?"

258I said, "I absolutely believe it."

259Well, if I went to pray for a man, and didn't use that kind of faith, to believe for him; if I go, "Oh, no, no, if the doctor said you're going to die, you was going to die. That settles it now." Now, wouldn't that be some person to come pray for the sick? I wouldn't want that person in my house, to pray for me. I want somebody that, even if he didn't see it, or not, he'd take faith and stand on the promise for me. That's right. And I said... he...

260We went and had prayer. I said, "Now be of a good courage."

261He said, "Do you mean that I'll get well?"

262I said, "Why, sure. God's Word said you'll get well. See, 'If thou canst believe, all things are possible.'"

263He said, "All right, I'll believe It." And went out and said to his wife, that.

264"The man is dying, isn't he?"

265"Yes, he is." And so the next day, the man died, or a couple days after that.

266Then this woman goes out and starts drinking and carrying on. And one of the deacons, I believe it was, of this church, went to the woman and asked her if she would return and come back to church. She said, "I wouldn't believe nobody. Preacher Branham come in here and prayed for my husband, said he was going to live, and he died in two or three days later." Said, "I wouldn't believe." Now she is dying. All right.

267 But, however, you see, it just goes to show that people don't pay attention to what you're saying. See? Certainly. If I prayed for a person, and I--I tell them people they're going to live. I believe they're going to live. But, no matter, if my word was absolutely THUS SAITH THE LORD, and you would disbelieve It, you'd die, anyhow. Certainly. Here is THUS SAITH THE LORD, and many of them receive It and die. Many of them go to hell, when, THUS SAITH THE LORD, "You don't have to." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. See? It's what... It's all based on your faith.

268 Brother Collins, I don't think he is in tonight. But listening at him this morning, he gave the most gallant talk on that. See? See? He did. He said, "Now, the same faith you have up here, you're going to have to have out there. Because, it's your individual faith, not in your denomination, but in Christ. You've got to have that faith." That's just exactly right. Absolutely.

269And Divine healing is based upon your faith. But according to God's Word, THUS SAITH THE LORD, that every person was healed when Jesus died at Calvary, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." That right? We were. The Bible said, "You were healed." So don't find fault with me, I'm just a preacher of the Word. You go tell God that He told something wrong, and God will tell you where your weakness is then. See? So, it's your faith. Jesus said, "If thou canst believe. If thou canst believe."

270 Now, when you hear the Holy Spirit has confirmed your faith and solid it down, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'Tomorrow at this certain time, you'll have a certain thing. Certain thing will take place. It'll be over here a certain way, and you'll meet a certain thing here. That'll be a sign to you.'" Now, you watch that. That's a finished work, right here now.

271But when it's come to saying Divine healing, I have to put Divine healing on the same basis, of that manner, as salvation. Each one of you, no matter what you've done, you've been saved since Jesus died, 'cause He died to take away the sins of the world. But it'll never do you any good till you personally accept it and experience it. But as far as your sins, they're already forgiven. That's right. He... "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." See? There you are. Now remember that.

272 Now, I know that in teaching, in the Scriptures, we're a mixed congregation. And many times, in this Book of Hebrews, which is a rather deep Book... I'm going to have to leave it for a while now. I'm going to try tonight to finish up the last part of that 7th chapter.

273And now there's many questions in your mind, no doubt. Many of you have questions, and I'd have, too. Now, the next time, the Lord willing, when I come in...

274I'm going to Michigan now. And then, from Michigan, I'm going to Colorado. And from Colorado, to the West Coast. Now--now, when we get in, the Lord willing... Now, I don't know. If I don't be in Chicago, Sunday, I may be back here for the coming Sunday night.

275 Now we're holding our pastor out of the pulpit here for about six weeks, all through these--these--these, this book here. See? Now we... I don't like to do that. Brother Neville is a lovely, sweet, kind brother. And I'm sure that this church loves Brother Neville.

276 By the way, while I'm speaking; somebody, in around this country somewhere, is guilty of writing some cards, to move Brother Neville out of this pulpit. You're going to have to settle that with me. Uh-huh. That's right. Uh-huh. Yes, indeed. Now, I want you... Said the dea-... something about the deacon board. The deacon board has not one thing to do with that pastor. No, sir. The congregation, in full, has all the authority. It isn't... A deacon board is just the policemen here in this church, just to keep order and so forth. But when it comes to rules, the whole church has to say so. This church is built upon the sovereignty of the local church. Therefore, I have nothing to say in moving this pastor, or putting one in. I own the property; it's given to the church. You all are the church. You people are the one who control. You're the church, yourself. And the Church, the holy Church of God is the sovereignty, of the Holy Spirit in that Church. And the only thing I do is own the property, give it over to this church, as give it over for a church, and it's tax free. And the church elects their own pastors. I have nothing to do with it. And the only way this pastor could ever leave, would be the pastor decide himself to go, or the majority of the votes of the church would have to say, "Change the pastor." That's the only way. No deacon board can do it. The deacon board only keeps order and things in the church.

277The trustees, they have nothing to do with it, only repair the church. And they can't do it until there's a... The whole trustee board meets and says, "We'll build this, or we'll do that." Then they have to ask the treasurer if they got the money to do it. Yes, sir.

278 But if there's any complaint against any member, if a member has a complaint against one another, or something wrong, you're supposed to go to that brother, yourself; and talk to him, you and he alone. Then if they won't receive it, then the next thing takes place, you take one of the deacons or somebody, and go with you to that brother. Then if he won't receive you, then you come tell it to the church. Then if the church... Then if he won't receive the church, then the Bible said, "Let them be as a heathen and a publican." That's right.

279And any persons that knows a guilty person, and you don't go to them and talk, then you're the part of the church of God is going to answer for that sin. That's right.

280 And if any persons then has a--a complaint against a deacon, or against the deacon or somebody in the church, it takes three people. Three people would come and say, witness, the mouth of two or three witnesses. Come tell the pastor that there's a grievance against a deacon. Then if there's a grievance against a deacon, the deacon isn't a--a just man, a--a perfect man. He must hold the office of a deacon, blameless, and then found blameless. And if that congregation finds out that that deacon is not holding that office, he gets three with him and takes it to the pastor. That deacon is asked to stay home over the night. And then the pastor from... comes and brings the congregation together, gives the grievance. And if the congregation votes for the deacon to continue on, the deacon continues on. If he con-... votes for the deacon to be dismissed, they elect a new deacon that very night. See?

281 Therefore, no one person has nothing to do in this. It's the majority of the people. Yes, sir. If twenty votes for him, and twenty-one votes against him, he goes; or, vice versa. See? That is, it's the sovereignty of the local church and, then, each one of the members has a say-so in the church. Anything goes on, wrong, then they can come right around, and the only thing they have to do is to be before God that they are absolutely see that nothing hinders the moving of the church.

282 But the full and complete authority of the church is the pastor. Read that in the Bible, see if that's not Bible order. That's exactly right. There is no one above the elder. I have nothing to do with what Brother Neville does here. That's up to you and Brother Neville. If Brother Neville wanted to preach Jehovah Witness doctrine, that's up to him and you. See? If he wanted to preach anything he wanted to, that's between you and him. That's all. If the congregation votes for him in there, to preach that, that's all right. That's up to him.

283 The only thing that I do, just is owning the property. And if something another comes by, that it's like moving the pastor, and they want to take a vote on that, you couldn't ask a deacon to do that. You'd come ask me. I'd come down, say, "If you want to move the pastor, tell me why. Has he done anything?"

284"Yes. We caught him, drunk. Or, we caught him doing this, or doing something wasn't right."

285"Have you got three witness of it?"

286"Yes. We have."

287Them witness must first be tried. "Don't receive an accusation against an elder 'less it be by two or three witness, and let them first be proved; against an elder." Then you have to swear to it, that you saw it; and prove it, that you saw it.

288And then, if you did, then that sin is rebuked openly, that, "It's wrong." Then say, "Congregation, do you want to change your pastor?"

289 And if the congregation votes, "Forgive him, and let him go on yet," that's the way it has to stand. See? That, isn't that fair enough the way to run a church? That's what the Bible said. We have no bishops and overseers, and boards and so forth, moves this one in and got a lot of authority. There's nobody got authority here but the Holy Ghost. That's right. He does the moving. And we take Him as the majority of the people, the way the people go.

290And then if one side wants to do this, and the other side wants to do that, and the side wins. The losing side, what do they do about it? Join right in with the rest of them, say, "We were wrong, then. We'll go right on, 'cause the Holy Ghost has made that choice." See? That's exactly right.

291 Like Democrats and Republicans, as long as we stand as a democracy, as Americans. If the Democrats is in, the Republicans should push right on with them; Republicans in, the Democrat push on. See? That's just exactly what makes us a nation. Whenever we break that, we break our democracy. That's right. Democrats say, "I ain't going to do nothing; Republicans was in." Then we fall. I'm a Kentuckian: together we stand, and divided we fall.

292 Now, if there's anything wrong in the church that you ever know of, some individual or some person or anything, you are duty bound and will answer before God if you don't clear that thing out; you, the church. Now, remember, it's not on my shoulders. It's on yours. And anything wrong in the church, God will make you answer for it. That's right. That's the way He runs his church. That's the way it is in the Bible. That's the order of the Bible. That's the sovereignty of the local church. The pastor is the head. That's right. Amen.

293 Now, coming to this blessed, old Message here. You, now I want you to know that. This is tape recorded, remember, this Message. And the tape recordings of the church, the orders and rules of the church, it's on tape recording. That's according to the Bible. We don't run it; there's nobody in head. No. All, we're all the same. But, we got a leader, that is the pastor, as long as he's led by the Holy Ghost. True. All right.

294 Now, in here, there's going to be a lot of questions. So the next time that they give out... And Brother Neville puts on the radio that I'm to be here, you write out your question, so you and I can fuss it together. Will you? All right.

295 I know I've taught on the perseverance of the saints. I've taught on the supreme Deity of Jesus. I've taught on the security of the believer, and foreordination, predestination, and many of those things. Which, I know, in my congregation is many legalists, which is perfectly all right. Absolutely. But, now, the things, I'm a legalist, too, and I'm a Calvanist. I just believe the Bible. That's all.

296 Now, if some of those, questions. And I've taught on evidences, sensations, and so forth, and all those things you might have disagreed with. So one of these nights, maybe... Let's make it...

Are you in a big hurry to get back up in here? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.]

Let's make it Wednesday night, this coming Wednesday night, then I--I think I--I can have that then. Bring your question in Wednesday night, lay it up here on the platform, and the question about the Bible, all right, of what I been teaching on now. And Wednesday night. And then by the following Sunday, then, I think I--I've got to be in Chicago, anyhow. And I'm going from there into Michigan. The Lord willing, I'll be here Wednesday night, to try to answer the question the best that I can. And now the Lord be merciful.

Now let's bow our head, just a moment.

297 Now, blessed Lord, this is Your great economy. It's your church. It's You, Lord, that's moving, and we want to move as the Spirit of God moves us. And we pray now that You'll bless us. And as we rehearse this Message, and get down into these deep things, we pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal them to us just as we have need. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

298Now, oh, I... This Book of the Hebrews, I value as one of the great Books.

299 A little later on, it may be that I--I've got... going overseas, which that, if God permits, I will be doing pretty soon. I've got to go to Africa according to a vision. I think I'll never prosper much in my meetings until I go to Africa and fulfill that vision. Now, then, that'll probably be sometime this coming spring.

300But between that time, I like take one more book out of the Book of Hebrews, that is, the 11th chapter of Hebrews. And stay about a week in that 11th chapter, and take each one of those characteristics or characters, and bring out their characteristic. See? "By faith, Noah," then take the life of Noah. "By faith, Abraham," then take the life of Abraham. "By faith, Abel," then take the life of Abel. See? And bring that down. Would you like that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, that would be, we take in the whole Bible then. And then we'll try that, maybe, either in, say, a week or ten days of meetings, just one meeting right after the other, in a revival like, sometime around through Christmas holidays, or something like that, the Lord willing.

301 Now, in the 7th chapter of the Book of Hebrews, we met this great Character. Who can tell me what His name was? [Congregation says, "Melchisedec."--Ed.] Melchisedec. Now, who was this Melchisedec? He was the priest of the Most High God. He was the King of Salem, which was the King of Jerusalem. He didn't have any father, or He did not have any mother. He had no time He was ever born, or He will never have a time that He will die. Now, we find out that that has to be Eternal.

302 We found out that the word forever means "a space of time." Do you still remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A space of time, it's forever and forever. And forever is witnessed, many times, in the Bible as "a--a space of time."

303But, Eternity, and there's only one type of Eternal Life, we found. Is that right? God has that Eternal Life, alone. Is that right? Only one type of Eternal Life. There is no such a word as "Eternal punishment." Cause, if you're to be punished for Eternity, you've got to have Eternal Life. To be punished Eternally, you'd have to have Eternal. And if you got Eternal Life, you can't be punished, see, if you got Eternal. "He that heareth my Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life." Is that right? Eternal Life, because you believe. Well, if you've got Eternal Life, you can't be punished, because you got Eternal Life. So, then, if you're going to suffer in hell forever and forever, you got to have Eternal Life.

304 But, now, I do believe that the Bible teaches of a literal burning hell. The Bible teaches that, that the sins and wickedness will be punished, forever and forever. That's not Eternity, now. That's maybe for ten billion years. It may be for a hundred billion years, but sometimes it has to have an end. For, everything that had a beginning, has an end. It's those things which has not a beginning, it has no end.

305You remember that lesson now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How we went back and found out that everything that had a beginning was perverted, see, a perversion off of the main. And, finally, it winds back up to an Eternity. And then all hell, all suffering, and all memory of such, will be vanished for Eternity. Everything that begin, ends.

306 And this Melchisedec was not Jesus, for He was God. And what made Jesus and God different, that, Jesus was the tabernacle that God dwelt in. See? Now, Melchisedec. Jesus had both father and mother. And this Man never had father or mother. Jesus had a beginning of life and He had an end of life. This Man had no father, no mother, no beginning of days or ending of life. But, It was the selfsame Person, it was. Melchisedec and Jesus was One; but Jesus was the earthly body, born and fashioned after sin. God's own body, His own son, born and fashioned after sin, to take the sting out of death, to pay the ransom, and to receive sons and daughters unto Himself. You get it? That's the reason that He had--He had a beginning, He had an ending.

307 But this perfect body, in commemoration, as--as the earnest of our resurrection, God would not suffer that holy body to see corruption, because He created it Himself. And brought it forth, and resurrected it, and set it at His right hand.

308And, today, the Holy Spirit that raised that body up is here in the Church. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! And showing forth the same miracles and power. And someday this Holy Spirit, that's in the Church, will scream and will lift up, and will receive itself into this body form that's setting at the right hand of the Majesty of God, to make intercessions for we sinners. And by There we are perfectly kept from sin. Not that we don't sin; but kept from sin, in the Presence of God. Cause, there's a Bloody sacrifice standing between me and God, between you and God. That's the reason He said, "A man that's born of God, does not commit sin, he can't sin." For, if you're born again, the very Holy Spirit that lived in that Body lives in you. And It can't sin; the sacrifice is laying before Him. Then if you willfully do it, shows that it's impossible for you to be into that Body. Amen. That's the Gospel. There It is.

309 Therefore, you see, It doesn't contradict any of the Scriptures. It binds the Scriptures together. See? "It would be impossible for those once enlightened." There is where we'll get my questions. For, just get them, that's how we want.

310Now notice. "It's impossible for those who once enlightened, to fall away to renew themselves again to repentance, to see that they crucify the Son of God afresh, and make Him... and bring Him to an open shame." They couldn't do it.

311Then you go on over to Hebrews 10, where It says there, "For if we sin willfully after we received the knowledge of the Truth." And what is sin? Unbelief.

312 If you deliberately see the Holy Spirit do the things that It did right here this morning, and see that Christ is risen from the dead, and He's living in His Church and among His people, and you willfully turn It down, it's impossible for you to ever come to God, 'cause you've blasphemed the Holy Ghost.

313Jesus said the same things, when He was doing those miracles.

314They said, "Why, He is Beelzebub. He's a fortune-teller. He's a devil."

315Jesus turned around, and said, "I'll forgive you for that. But when the Holy Ghost comes and does it, to speak a word against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come. Because you've called the Spirit of God that was in Him, 'An unclean spirit.'"

316 Then, if we sin willfully, if we sin, disbelieve willfully. Not after we receive the Truth, been born again; we couldn't sin then. A sinner cannot commit the unpar-... A Christian cannot commit the unpardonable sin. He can't do it. It's the ungodly that does that. It's the make-believer, not the believer.

317Those Jewish rabbis, oh, they thought they were starch, and they had D.D.'s and Ph.D.'s. They thought they had it all sewed up, in a bag, but they was the worst of sinners. Oh, they might... You couldn't put a hand on them, on their life. They were clean, moral, and just, that way. But they were disbelievers.

318 And you take the word sin and find out what it means. The word sin means "unbelief." There's only two factions, that is, a believer or an unbeliever. That's, a justified person or a sinner. That's all. If you're an unbeliever, you're a sinner; no matter how good you are, how much you go to church, or even if you're a preacher. You're still an unbeliever.

319Those Pharisees were preachers, and they were unbelievers, and in hell today for it. Just as religious as they could be, and pious, but they didn't believe Him. And they called Him "a devil," and disputed His Word. And some of them said, "If thou be, now come down off the cross. Perform a miracle. Let us see you do it." One smote Him on the head, with a stick, and said, "Prophesy and tell us who hit you, you a prophet, and we'll believe you." See, unbelievers! They make-believe that they were believers, but they were unbelievers, unregenerated, separated, though they were holy and pious.

320 Yet, that's the same thing stands today. Men and women can go to church and have the long face, and--and pious as they can be, and never lie, steal, and try to live their religion as best they can. But, unless they are a believer, they're lost. So there's no scratch of legalists in the Bible. Calvinism is... Grace is what God did for you, and works is what you do for God. It's absolutely separated.

321If you quit lying, quit smoking, quit stealing, quit committing adultery, quit all, done everything, kept the commandments, and went to church, baptized every Sunday, took the communion, washed the feets of the saints, done everything, healed the sick, and done all these other things, unless you're born of the Spirit of God, elected, you're lost. "Not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God that sheweth mercy."

322 Esau tried his best to become a Christian, and couldn't do it. The Bible said he wept bitterly, seeking a place to repent, and couldn't find it. Before he was even born, God condemned him, 'cause He knowed he was a rotten shyster in his heart. God by foreknowledge knew it. He said, "I love Jacob, and I hate Esau." And Esau looked like the gentleman. He stayed home, taking care of his old blind daddy, fed the cattle, and everything, was a good boy.

323And Jacob was mama's boy, little old sissified story-teller. That's what he was. You have to admit it. The Bible admits, brings it. Run around, doing everything. And--and, mama, hanging around with mama. But, yet, Jacob, with all of his ups-and-down, and his sissified ways, he still had respect to that birthright. That's the keynote.

324Esau was twice the gentleman of Jacob. If we had to judge him today, to be a member of our church, you'd take Esau, a thousand to one, if you didn't know him. But God took Jacob.

325 What would you do with Saint Paul, if he wanted to be a minister? A little, old hook-nosed Jew, and a mouth setting sideways, going along just fussing, and how he's going to tear out the Church. He's going to do everything. You'd thought he committed the unpardonable sin. But God said, "He's my servant."

326God takes men and makes them different, not men taking God and becoming different. God takes man and makes him different. It's not what you do, what you will, what you think. It's what God does. There you are. And that's the story.

327 Now, this great Melchisedec, what a story on Him here! We want to read a little bit, this type. We had to run through it so fast. We're going to start back here on a certain part of the Scripture, and we're going to start about the 15th verse.

And it is yet... more evident: that there... for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there arises another priest.

328Now, Melchisedec was a priest. Was he? Here is what He was. We find out that God, in the beginning, was a great fountain of Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He had no birthplace. He had no dying place. He had no beginning of days. He had no ending of years. He was just as Eternal as Eternity is Eternal. He never was born. He never did die.

329 And in there, we find out that, He had seven varieties of Spirit. Is that right? The Bible said, in the Revelation, that, "The seven Spirits before the Throne of God." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The seven, manifold, seven Spirit. We find out, there is seven colors. There is seven church ages there. Oh, it just runs. Seven is complete, and God was complete. And seven Spirits, and those Spirits were perfect. The first was the color of red; perfect love, redemption. And how, if we had time, to give those colors and show that each one of those colors represents God's purity. Amen. Those colors, there is seven natural colors. Those colors represents the purity of God. And the... Those colors represents the motives of God, the attitude of God. Those seven colors, they represented seven church ages, seven stars, seven angels. All through the Scripture, seven ministers, seven messengers, seven messages, all in the sevens. Seven days. Six days, and the seventh is the sabbath; perfect, complete. Oh, it's beautiful, if we just had the time to dig into it and to bring it out, those colors!

330 Take the color red. We take the first color, is red. What is red? Red is one sign of danger. Red is a sign of redemption. And you look at red through red, what color is it? White. That's correct. So when the red Blood was shed, to cover red sin; God, looking through red Blood, look at red sin, it becomes white. The believer can't sin. Certainly not. The Seed of God, the blessings of God, remains on him. God can't see nothing but the Blood of His own Son. No matter what it is in His Church, what it is, God don't see it, because Jesus is making intercessions, constantly, the High Priest. No way for him to sin, when such a Sacrifice is laying there for him, like that. Certainly not.

331And now if you say, "Well, that gives me a good chance..." Then that shows you're not right.

332 You'll appreciate That. You'll love It, if you're a real Christian, to a place that sin would haunt you till you couldn't do it. "For the Seed of God remains in him, and he cannot sin." The Bible said, "Once purged by the Blood of Jesus, has no more desire of sin." If you have a desire, your heart is not right with God.

333Now, you will do wrong, but you don't do it willfully. See? You're--you're trapped, and anything you're trapped into, or do something that you don't mean to do it, it's not sin yet, you'll repent the minute you see that you're wrong. You'll turn quickly and say, "I didn't mean... didn't see that." You'll say that, all through life. A man don't want to be, that's the reason that we are so stupid and so in dark, down here on earth, that there's a Blood atonement for us, all the time, to keep us covered. Cause, the first mistake we met...

334 Now, there's your legalist idea. "Oh, you know what? That woman was sanctified. But, bless God, she done wrong. I know she is backslid." That's wrong. She's not backslid. She made a mistake. If she did it willfully, then she wasn't right, to begin with.

335If she didn't mean to do it, and she walks before the holy Church of God and confesses it, and say, "I'm wrong, and you forgive me," you are duty bound to do it. You don't do it in your heart, then you ought to went to the altar yourself. True. There is the real holiness in the church. There is genuine holiness, the holiness not of you, but of Christ.

336 I have no holiness to present to Him. But I'm trusting in His, oh, His grace, and I have it in my heart. I've unmerited it, nothing I could do to deserve it, but by grace He called me and invited me to come. And I looked to Him, and He took the desire away from me. I make thousands of mistakes in each month, in each year. Sure. I do. But when I see I'm wrong, I say, "God, I didn't mean to do it, You know my heart. I didn't mean to do that. I was trapped into that. I didn't mean to do it. You forgive me, Lord."

337If I done wrong to my brother, I say, "Brother, forgive me. I didn't mean to do that." Certainly, God knows my heart.

338Oh, there you are. There is the Blood sacrifice. There is the power of the Gospel, that holy Church moving on. Not because something you done; it's something you had nothing to do with. There is the Atonement.

339 Now, this Melchisedec, when He came forth.

340I want to tell you another thing. Did you ever take a--a three-cornered piece of glass? You take a piece of glass that's three-cornered, and lay it so the sun can hit it, it'll produce seven perfect colors. A three-cornered piece of glass will produce a rainbow. That's exactly right. Now, if we had time, we'd go in on that. Three brings perfection: Father, Son, Holy Ghost; justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There you are. The perfection come by the three. God, above man; God, in the Man called Jesus; God, in the Church. Then, the perfection.

341 The man sinned, as long as God was up here in a Pillar of Fire, God. Man sinned, rather, before God, as long as God was in a Pillar of Fire, because he was still an unclean creature, animal blood laid before Him.

342Then the Lamb of God came, second definite step of God; same God, another office. And then this God in... was in Christ, was the same God that was in the Pillar of Fire. And the same God was made flesh and dwelt among us. And then man made fun of Him, it was still countable for it. There was no Blood shed yet. That's right. Jesus said, "I'll forgive you."

343But then that same One that was flesh, became in the Pillar of Fire again. "I come from God. I go to God." Here we find Paul meeting Him, on the road down to Damascus, that same Pillar of Fire. We find Peter meeting Him in the jail, that same Pillar of Fire. Certainly. And we see Him today, among us, the same Pillar of Fire.

344 But the perfection has come to the place, that the middle person... Now, if there happens to be a Jew here, or somebody that understands the Old Testament. Prove it, let me show you. I haven't got the Old Testament with me, right now. This is--is the New Testament. But in the offering of the shewbread that was laying on the kosher plate, in the Jewish sacrifice at the cleansing of the tabernacles; ask any Jew; on those three pieces of bread, the middle piece was broken. That was Christ. The middle piece was broken; Christ, the in between. Showed that there had to be a breaking, somewhere, for redemption. And that piece was considered redemption, on the kosher bread.

345 And here He is. And tonight, when we take the communion, we break the kosher bread, for it's the body of Christ. And He was broken at Calvary, to be a propitiation for our sins, that through His righteousness we might become His righteousness. Because, He became our sin, that we might become His righteousness. Brother, that's purely grace. Absolutely. There's no way, any other way you could justify.

346 Now, this Melchisedec, this great Person that was met on the road. He paid, Abraham paid tithes to Him. How great a Man He must have been! Now notice, quickly.

Who is made, not after the law of... carnal commandments,...

347Now see that legalist law? The law said, "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal."

348Jesus turned right back around, said, "It is said of them of old times, 'Thou shalt not kill,' but I say who is ever angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed already. It is said of them, old times, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' but I say unto you, whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already within his heart with her." There you are. That ought to teach women how to dress, how to do what's right. You dress wrong, and cause the men to look at you in the wrong way, you're guilty of committing adultery, just the same as you went through the act. Jesus said so.

349 And you people with these saw-blade tempers, that's always spouting off in the mouth at somebody, can't put up, and things like that. Be careful. You're guilty if you speak a word (against your brother) that's not right, not just, go around and tear down it. You don't have to stick a knife in a man's back to kill him. You can break his character and kill him, kill his influence. Speak against your pastor here, say something bad about him, you just might as well as shot him. Told something that wasn't right about him, well, it'll kill his influence with the people and things like that, and you're guilty of it. What Jesus said.

350 Now, listen here, what--what Paul was trying to get to here. I love this old Bible. It straightens you out. Look, oh, just looky here. Now, as we read the four-..." It is... for it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Ju-..." Wait, I believe I have another verse here I was going to read. No, down here at the 16th.

Who is made, not after the law of... carnal commandments,...

351That's legal, you see. "Oh, brother, I--I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I know, but I..." That's not it. It's love that does it.

352 How we went through it! I said, "If I said to my... about my wife, 'Oh, well, I--I--I'd like to have two wives. I'd like to run around with this one, do this one there. But, if I do, my wife will divorce me... And my kids will be in... My ministry would be lost.'" You dirty, rotten hypocrite. That's right. You don't love her right, in the first place. That's exactly right.

353If you loved her, there'll be no law about it. You'd love her, anyhow, and you stick with her. That's exactly right. And you women will do the same thing to your husband. That's right.

354Sometimes women become the place, or...

355Man see some little Jezebel all painted up, you know, and--and he'll go around, fall for her; maybe a good wife. And then you call yourself a Christian. Shame on you. You need another dose of the altar. That's right.

356And some of you--and some of you women look around at some little old guy with his hair slicked down, enough Vaseline on it to open his mouth. And then you...

357 Some little old girl, here not long ago. This ain't a joke, 'cause I don't mean to tell it as a joke. But the people knows that this is no place to joke. But a little old girl here, she... There was fine boys here, Christian boys. Long time ago, when I was pastoring here, we used to have just young men's classes. And I'd speak to the young women on Sunday afternoon, about sex and things. Then the next Sunday afternoon, speak to the young men, and try to get those things curbed out.

358 Some little old girl started going with some little old shrimp, downtown here, smoked cigarettes and had a flask in his pocket. And he drove a little roadster car around town. I couldn't see what she seen in that boy. He wouldn't come to church. He'd sit out there. Put her in the church out here, and then he'd set out there on the outside, in his car, and wait, wouldn't come in church. I said to her one day. She lived in New Albany. I said, "I want to ask you something, girlie. What in the world do you see in that boy?" I said, "The first place, he hates the very religion that you--you have. He despises your Christ. He would never make you a husband. He would make you miserable, all your life." And I said, "Well, there's fine little Christian boys here that you could go with. And there your daddy and mother despises the thoughts of you going out, but you go anyhow, and you think, 'I'm sweet sixteen.'"

359 She started wearing makeup and running out, and first thing, she was in roadhouses. She's gone on to Eternity now. But, then, she stood here. And you know what excuse that girl give me back there, that she loved that boy? She said, "He's got such cute little feet, and he smells so good." Could you imagine that? Perfuming himself up, that's a sissy, not a man.

360"Look," I said, "sister, I'd rather go with a Christian boy that had feet like gravel cars and smelled like a polecat, if he was absolutely a Christian." That's right. True. Yeah.

361It's excuse, "Such cute little feet, and smells so good." The little roadhouse runner, finally ruined the life of the girl. It's a shame, disgraceful.

362 Marriage is honorable, but it should be entered prayerfully and reverently. And genuine love for that woman will bind you together forever. "What you bind on the earth, I'll bind in Heaven." When you walk down the street yonder, she may get old and gray and wrinkled, but that same love you had for her when she was a young, beautiful woman, you'll still have it.

363You may get stoop-shouldered, bald-headed, and wrinkled-faced and everything else, but she'll love you just like you did when you stand with wide shoulders and curly hair, if it's really God. For you're looking to the time when you've crossed the river yonder, when you'll spring back, again to young men and women, to live together forever. That's God's Eternal promise. He said He would do it. He, not only that... We'll get to it in a minute. He swore He would do it.

364 Listen to this, as we go on.

Who is made,... after the law of... carnal commandments, but after the power of... endless life.

365Now we're going to read fastly, so we can get it.

For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

As long as there'll be needed a priest, He will be a priest.

For there is evident a disannulling of the commandments going before... the weakness of the unprofitability thereof.

For the law made nothing perfect,...

366 You can't, no matter what you do. You quit drinking, quit smoking, quit telling lies, go to church and try to do this and try to do that, you're still carnal. That's just law. The law makes nothing perfect. But what makes perfect? Christ. Glory! I might quit lying, quit stealing, quit committing adultery, quit chewing, quit all the things, and I'm still carnal. God don't receive it, because I have nothing to offer Him in propitiation.

367But the minute that I lay my hands upon the blessed head of the Lord Jesus, and say, "Lord, I'm no good. Will You take me as Your servant?" and God kisses away my sin, I stand perfect in the sight of God. That's right. Why? I'm not standing on my own merit. I'm standing on His. And He has perfected us, through His suffering and His Blood.

368 I see it's time to close. But I want to finish reading this if I can, quickly.

... going before for the weakness is unprofitability thereof.

For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; (What's the better hope? Christ.) by the which we draw nigh unto God.

369Why? Through all of our goodness, and all of our goodness, and all of our goodness, we're still carnal. But once in the presence of God, recognizing that we could never stand there, only through the merits of Jesus Christ, then we draw nigh unto God, through the merits of His Son. "Lord, I come to You, with an innocent heart. In the Name of Thy Son Jesus, please receive me." Oh, brother, you're coming by a living way then.

370Not, "Lord, You know I quit drinking. You know I treat my wife right. You know I do this. I do that." You have nothing to offer.

371 "For the law of carnal commandments could do nothing, but bringing in of another hope did. That hope which is Christ, we have as the anchor of the soul, steadfast and sure." Watch.

And insomuch as not without an oath he...

Pronoun, if you'll notice in here, is in italic letters.

... he was made priest:

Not only a priest, but He was made priest by oath. Not...

372Now watch. Let's get the rest the priesthood.

(For those priests, the Leviticals, just, righteous, honest men, those priests were made without an oath;...)

373God just said, "After the order of--after the order of Aaron, that he's made these priests." They come down through generations, and go to school and learn to be preachers and so forth. They come down. So God made them priests like that. They made themselves priests, by their education, by their inheritance, and so forth. "But this Man was made a priest by an oath that God took." Listen closely now.

(... were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, amen, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:)

By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.

Now, quickly.

And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by the reason of death:

Thousands times thousands times thousands, of priests, 'cause they had nothing but just death and death and infirmities, and death and death and death.

374 But watch Him.

But this man, (what man?) Jesus, because he continually continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Where are...

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the utmost; no matter how far, how stooped, how far away, he is able to save to the utmost; that come unto God by him,...

Not was on your righteousness; but on your confession. See?

... that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercessions for them.

He's right there, constantly, making intercessions.

From such a high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made a high priest in heaven;

375 There it is. Now, if I try to represent my own case, I'll lose it. If I try to represent, say, "Well, my daddy was a good man. My daddy was a preacher. Well, I've lived in church." I still lost it. But this Man is a perfect One, Christ. He sets there and offers His Blood constantly for my sins. There you are.

Who need not daily, as those... priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.

376Now watch the last verse.

For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity;...

377That's what the law, the carnal law, does. Now, I wish I could just had about two hours right here. That's how the law still makes men preachers. That's right.

378Why, they say, "Well, this man has got a seminary experience." I wouldn't trade my little old Heavenly experience for all the seminaries in the world.

379"Why, we've educated this man. He's--he's hand-picked. He's a self-made man." I don't like that kind. I like a God-made man. See? See?

380 But the law still makes priests. The law still makes preachers. The--the Baptist church, they hand out preachers; hands full of them, got a machine that turns them out. The Methodists has got them. The Baptists has got them. The Presbyterians, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Pentecostals, they turn them out as fast they can, like a big regime, big machine. Stand up there like a...

381I always said, "I--I certainly felt sorry for an incubator chicken." You know, a little of chicken that's hatched under an incubator, he's not hatched out right. No. The hen is supposed to hatch the chicken. But an incubator chicken, when he gets out, he just "chirp, chirp, chirp," and ain't got no mammy to go to. See? He don't know what a mammy is. That's right. He's chirping for one, but he hasn't got any.

382But the little chicken that's hatched under the hen, the natural way, he chirps and mammy answers. That's right.

383And sometimes I think about this here seminary experience of come out under this big incubators in Louisville and all over the world, hatching out preachers by the thousands. Pentecostal incubators, and Presbyterian incubators, and--and Baptist incubators, they all hatch out their--their--their little chicks. They, "chirp, chirp, chirp," and talk about the incubator they was hatched out in.

384 But I like to have a Father, a Mother. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Wasn't very many born with me, but what was there is my brothers. Amen. We got a Mother that answers when you... a Mother who is in Heaven, who Mothers us all. "As a hen hovers her brood, and coos to them, and--and woos over her... broods over her chickens, so will I brood over you. Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have took you like a hen does her brood! How oft would I have made you Mine, but you would not. You had your own seminaries, hatched out your priests. They taught you against Me. Now you're left at your own. Your destruction lays ahead of you."

385I say this. Oh, people! Oh, people, how oft the Holy Spirit would have hovered you, as a hen does her brood! But you want your own way. You're going to have your own way about It.

386One of these nights I'd like to preach on, "Your own way." You know, Cain wanted his own way. Man wants his own way, today. "But there is a way that seemeth right, but the end is death."

387 Now watch. "In that He saith, 'A new--a new covenant... '" I believe, now that... No. I was on the wrong place.

38828th verse.

For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmities; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is continued for evermore.

389God be blessed forever, of a Son that continueth forever after the order of Melchisedec. And He never had a beginning. He never has an end. And the law could not produce nothing like that, because it was carnal. The church cannot produce nothing like that, the denominations, because they are carnal. The--the seminaries can never produce anything like that. They tried to educate the world to It. They tried to organize it to It. They've tried every way in the world, to make every thing that they could, and leaving off the main thing: "You got to be born in It." God makes you what you are, certainly, not because you quit doing this.

390 Now, the Nazarenes, you have to not wear a ring, you can't wear a watch, and you have to have certain-certain things, your arms have to be this long, the sleeves, your skirts has to be that long, and the--and the men can't belong to lodge. And they won't baptize you if you don't. All right. Here comes the Catholic in, and they have theirs. And here comes the Methodists in, they have theirs. Every one of them has a yardstick to measure up to. You don't make it, all right, that's all. See?

391 And then, but the real thing is, is this, "Nothing in my arms I bring! Simply to Thy cross I cling. O God, naked, wounded, need sucker. Oh, I most humbly come, Christ, confessing that I am nothing and there's nothing within me. Receive me, O God." Then God receives you.

392Now, you might not even know your ABC's. You might not know coffee from split peas. You might know, not know gee from haw, right from left hand. It don't make any difference what you don't know. There's one thing you must know, that, Jesus Christ took your place as a sinner. And you take your place, to stand in His righteousness, confessing every day that you're wrong, and love Him with all your heart, and your whole motives be set towards Him, you'll make Heaven. That's all there is to it, for the Life that was in Christ has to be in you, or you're lost.

393 Just before closing, do you remember the unconditional covenant that God made with Abraham? What did He do that evening when God said, "Let me see..." When Abraham said, "Let me see how You're going to do it." 16th chapter, I think it is, of Genesis. "Let me see how You're going to do it."

394Said, "Come here, Abraham." And He took Abraham off, said, "Go get me a--a ram, and go get me a--a--a goat, and go get me a heifer. And I want you to take them up here and make a sacrifice."

395And Abraham went and got the sheep, and the--and the goat, and the--the--the lamb... or the heifer. And he killed them. They was all clean sacrifices. And split them halfway in two, and laid them out. Then he went and got two turtledoves, and pitched them in. Then Abraham watched the birds off of them, waiting for God to come. "Now, Lord, there's the sacrifice, how You going to do this? I don't know how You're going to save man against his own will. I don't know how You're going to do this. How can You do it, Lord?"

396The Lord said, "Now watch, Abraham. You're a prophet. You're spiritual, and you'll understand what I'm talking about."

397"All right, Lord, I want to see." Now I'm just dramatizing.

398"So, Abraham, you come up here now, and set down here and watch them birds off." So he shooed all the birds away, until the sun started going down.

399And the first thing you know, God came down. When He came down, Abraham begin to get sleepy. God said, "Abraham, I'm going to put you to sleep."

400 Now listen, legalist friend. See, God took Abraham completely out of the picture, nothing at all he had to do into it. And that's the way He got you. You said, "Oh, I sought God." You didn't.

401God sought you, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." See?

402It's God seeking you, not you seeking God. You never did do it. Your nature is wrong. You're a pig. You don't know any different. You just live in a pig pen. That all you know. You love it. Drink beer, slopping around, run with the next man's wife, and doing everything you can do is evil, just seems good. "Oh, brother, we're having a big time!" You think it's good.

403But God knocks at your heart. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] That's what changes. Not you knocking at God; God knocks at you. Adam never knocked at God's heart. God knocked at Adam's heart. And you're a son of Adam. That's right. Before Adam could be a son of God, again, God had to knock at his heart. Before you can become a son of God, God has got to knock at your heart.

404 Then, Abraham went to sleep. And when he went to sleep, what was the first thing he saw? A real horrible, spooky, dread, darkness. That's death, that comes upon the whole human race. Then he looked a little farther than that, and he saw a smoking furnace. Before you can have smoke, you have to have fire. That's the reason I believe in hell as a burning place. All right.

405He showed, every one of us is subject to death, and every one of us should go to hell, because we're sinners.

406Now, but, beyond that, he saw a little, white Light.

407 And this little, white Light, what is the Light? What was that white Light? That Pillar of Fire that went before the children of Israel. The Pillar of Fire that met Paul on the road down to Damascus. The Pillar of Fire that took Peter out of prison. The Pillar of Fire that's here tonight.

408That Eternal, everlasting God, He Himself walked between these split sacrifices, (oh, my), back and forth on each one. "This is how I'm going to do it, Abraham. Watch Me, what I'm going to do. I'm making a covenant here. And I'll take an oath, that, according to the Seed, I'll raise up an Intercessor. I'll make a covenant with death. And I'll condemn death, in the flesh, because I Myself will come take it. Abraham," said, "through your Seed, Abraham, will come. You'll be the father of the world, through your Seed. And not only you, do I make this promise with you, but your Seed after you." He knew every one would be. "Not them; but what I do. I'm going to do it, Abraham. I trusted Adam, and he broke his. And every one breaks theirs. But I'll make this with Myself, and swear by Myself, 'I'll keep It.'" Amen. Amen. Amen.

409 What do we do, we make a covenant? I say, "Brother Neville..." Now watch this, just a minute. I say, "Brother Neville, tell you what I'll do. If you will preach until... tomorrow night, and the next night, on till Wednesday. I'll preach, from Wednesday, on till Sunday." [] "You make that agreement?"

410"Yes, sir."

411Here's the way we do it. "Shake, boy." [Brother Branham and Brother Neville shake hands--Ed.] That's it. That's a covenant in America. That's how we make a covenant.

412Now, how they make a covenant in Japan? We make, say, "You do so-and-so, and I'll do so-and-so. We take a little pinch of salt, 'cause salt is a savour. And we take salt, and I throw it on Brother Neville, and Brother Neville takes salt--salt and throw it onto me. That's a binding covenant.

413 How did David Livingstone make a covenant with the African negro, to go into his land? He went and got the chief, that he could pass through up there, to preach the Gospel and to do their work. And they took a glass of wine. Here's the covenant with the negro in Africa. They had a glass of wine. And the negro chief plucked his own veins, and bled them out in this glass of wine. And David Livingstone plucked his own veins, and bled it out in the glass of wine. They stirred it up. Livingstone drank half of it, and the negro chief drank half of it. Then they give a present, one to another, the negro chief. David Livingstone said, "What do you require of me."

414He said, "That white coat you got on." So Livingstone took his coat off and give it to the negro chief. He said, "What do you require?"

415He said, "That sacred spear you got in your hand." Cause, he knowed he could go in with that, so he took that spear. And they were brothers, because they had made a covenant.

416And as he went forth, and the tribes would run out to kill him, he raised up that sacred spear. And when he did, they looked and they said, "Oh, oh, we can't touch that man." Why? "He's a covenant brother, though he's white, we never seen him before." They never knew they were black till they seen him. They never seen such before. "But he's a covenant brother. He's got the chief's spear in his hand."

417 What a beautiful picture, today, of drinking the covenant of the Blood of the Lord Jesus, with the power of the Holy Ghost upon us! We go forward in the Name of Jesus, and these signs shall follow them that belong. It's the sacred Spear of the Chief. See how it is, the covenant?

418 How did they do it in the oriental time? They made an oath, one to another. They killed a beast, split it open, and stood right in between. The--the two men stood between it, the split beast. And they drawed up a covenant. "If I fail to keep this, if I fail to do this, why, this and so-and-so, let my body be like this dead beast. Let my body be like this dead beast." And when they do that, they take this covenant and stand between this; make an oath, take an oath that they'll do it. And they tear the paper, together, apart, and hand it to one man, the other one the next. At a certain time they'll meet. And let them die the death, if they fail to keep that oath; and be like those dead beasts. All right.

419 You notice the three beasts? The perfect; the lamb, goat... and the three perfect sacrifice. What was the lamb... What was the turtledove? And what was the two turtledoves meant? The two turtledoves was sacrificed for both salvation and healing, in the--in the... that went into it. See? The Atonement was made, different, but healing continued the same, and so did salvation continue the same. The two turtledoves, not divided, meant they're represented, both. Salvation... "By His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgressions. With His stripes we were healed." They were laid on the side, not separated. But the covenant, the part of the beast was (three of them) cut apart. You see? Then when they did that, they tore and made their covenant.

420 Watch what God was telling Abraham. "At Calvary, at Calvary, according to your Seed. Out of you came Isaac. Out of Isaac come so-and-so, Jacob. Out of Jacob come Joseph. Out of Joseph, on down, on down, on down, successors, till, finally, through that righteous Seed!" His...

421He just got through, here, saying that our Lord sprung out of a nation that knowed not Moses, never even spoke of it. Come out of a priesthood. "Our Lord sprung out of the tribe of Judah." Not out of Levi, for they were carnal legalists. But our Lord come out of Judah. Glory! There you are. Where the promise was made!

422 Listen close now, as we close. And at Calvary, God came down and took the body of His own Son, in which He had lived, and He ripped it apart at Calvary. His bleeding, wounded, cut, and the spear run in there and ripped Him apart, and His Blood gushed out. And He said, "Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." He bowed His head. And the earth shook, and the lightnings flashed, and the thunders roared. God was writing His everlasting covenant.

423And He took His dead body from the grave, on the first day of the week, and brought it up into Heaven, and sat it there as the High Priest, as a memorial; setting there, perfect, forever. And He sent the Spirit that He tore out of that body, right back down on the Church. And that Church will have to have the same Spirit that was in that body, or it won't dovetail with It in the resurrection. Those two pieces must come perfectly together. And if this Church isn't perfectly, just exactly the same Spirit that was in Christ, you'll never go in the Rapture.

424 There's the everlasting covenant, brother. Seek it out, yourself, what's in your own heart. Love the Lord. Really be sure you're saved. Don't take a chance on it. You're gambling. Oh, you, we American people, love to gamble, but don't you gamble on That. You be sure that you're right. Not because you joined church, but because that you're truly born again, Christ has come to you, in the Person of the Holy Ghost.

425 Now, just complimentary, too, just as I'm closing. How happy we should be, to see the same Spirit that was in Jesus Christ, right among us, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth! How happy we should be!

Let us pray now, as we bow our heads.

426Lord, it's been a great day. Though, I feel like that I always do, I fail. I can't represent It right, Lord. I pray that You'll forgive me of my stupid ways. Oh, I confess my sins before You, and ask for mercy, knowing that there's a great High Priest standing yonder at the right hand of God, in the Heavens, who wasn't made after Aaron, after laws and legals and things. But He was set There because of the grace of God that looked forward, before the foundation of the world, and seen me down here in the world, and died for my sins, to bring me back to the Kingdom of God. I thank Thee, Father, for this.

427Cause, this Spirit that now reigns in your people is Eternal as God is Eternal. "I give unto them Eternal Life, ever Life, everlasting Life, and they shall never perish." And at the Judgment, they'll never be there. They done passed by the judgments and gone on into Glory, "And if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting yonder for us to come to." Thank You for that, Lord.

428I pray now, if there be one here, tonight, who has never yet drank the real Blood of the covenant, that doesn't know what It mean, doesn't know what it means to be born again, to have a real fellowship with Christ in their heart, or her heart, may they receive Him just now, as we wait and give this opportunity. And at that Day, we pray that we have represented the Gospel in the right Light. We pray, in Christ's Name.

429 While we have our heads bowed, would there be a person would raise your hands to Christ, and say, "Christ of God, be merciful to me. Let me, as Your unworthy servant, now receive the Holy Spirit into my heart. And give me the assurance and love that I really need"? If you haven't got It, would you just raise your hands to Him, saying, "Lord, this is a sign that I desire It"? Would you put your hand up? God bless you back there, lady. God bless you here, sir. Bless you here, sir. God be with you. That's fine. This man on the end here, God bless you, my brother. And someone else, just before now we close, just waiting for a few moments. God bless you back there, son. Someone else?

430 "I now desire. I desire, Lord God. You know my heart. You know what's in my mind. You, 'The Spirit of God is quicker and sharper than a two-edged sword, even piercing to the asunder of the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart.'" Think of That. He knows your very thoughts, your intentions.

431Would you raise your hand, say, "Be merciful to me, God, right now. I--I want You to know that I know that I'm wrong, and I realize it, but I want to be right." All right, while we just keep our heads down, praying now, think just a moment. We don't want to hurry about that.

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee;

Let the water and the Blood,

From Thy wounded side...

Be for sin the dou-...

Double cure! He swore by it, two immutable things.

Save from wrath and make me pure.

While I draw...

432 O Lord, grant just now that we'll all recognize that these breaths that we're drawing are fleeting. We don't know how many more we have ahead of us. That's all by Your great counsel. It's determined by You. Oh, be merciful to us. And to those who raised their hands, Lord, there no need to mention them. You know every one of them. But I just offer this prayer of intercession for them. I pray that You'll take away the condemnation from their heart, and let them come boldly, just now, unto the Throne; walk boldly right up to the Throne of God, claim their God-given privilege. You caused them to raise their hands. They couldn't do it by themselves. I pray, God, that You'll grant this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

... myself in Thee;

Now, just worship Him now.

Let the water and... (Oh, my!)

From Thy wounded side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure,

Save from wrath and make me pure.

433 How many feels real good now? Raise up your hand, say, "Praise the Lord!" [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord!"--Ed.] Oh, He's wonderful! Oh!

There's Room At The Fountain. Do you know it, Sister Gertie? Let's. How many loves that song? Now we're going to have a baptismal service, just in a moment. [Brother Branham speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] You're going to baptize them? All right.

Room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

Room, room....

434All right. Those candidates for baptism, the men will go to this room, the women to this one, all right, those who are to be baptized in the blessed Name of our Lord.

... good to thee,

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

God has been so good to me,

There's room at the Fountain for thee.

435Everybody now.

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

Oh, room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for thee.

436Oh, I love that old song. Don't you?

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

Oh, room, room, there's plenty of room,

There's room at the Fountain.

437 Now, while the elder has gone in, to make ready for baptism, I would like to explain to the audience. And I'll ask some of the deacons, if they can hear me in the room, when they're ready, come and--and tell me, and so we can move the microphones. We want all of you to see this. Be about ten minutes longer, and the church will be dismissed.

438 Now I want to read some of the sacred Scriptures for you. I want to read them out of the Book of Acts. And I want to begin at the 12th verse of the 2nd chapter of Acts.

439Now, I want you to notice in the 16th chapter of Saint Luke, or of Saint Matthew, I believe it is, that Jesus was coming off the mount. They... Said unto His disciples, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

440"And some of them said, why, You're 'Elias.' And some say that You're--You're 'the prophet.' And some say that You're this or the other."

441He said, "But who do you say that I am?"

442And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

443Jesus said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this. You never learned in a seminary. You never learned It by man." Said, "But my Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. And I say that thou are Peter. Upon this rock I'll build My Church. The gates of hell shall not prevail against It. And I give unto you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "And whatever you loose on earth, I'll loose it in Heaven. What you bind on earth, I'll bind it in Heaven." Did He mean It? He wouldn't have said It. Now, as time rolled--rolled on, now, Peter had the keys to the Kingdom.

444 Now, you Catholic people, you might think this, that you say, "The Catholic church is built upon Peter." All right, we'll find out. "They had the keys. The Catholic church still has the keys."

445Let's find out what Peter did about the keys, see, then we'll find out. The Bible said, unto Peter and to the rest the apostles, "Go ye into all the world. Whosoever's sins you remit, to them they're remitted. Whosoever's sins you retain, to them they're retained." That, I might say it so that... Someone might not understand what I mean. Jesus said to the apostles, "Whoever's sins you forgive, I'll forgive them too. And whoever's sins that you do not forgive, and hold it against them, I'll hold it against them too." That's what Jesus said.

446Watch the Catholic church push towards that.

447 But let's find out how they did it. Then if we find out how they did it, then we should do it the same way. Now let's find out.

448It's the Day of Pentecost. The Church is being inaugurated. They were all in an upper room. Men came out of there, speaking in different lauguages. Why? Every language under Heaven was represented there. English was there, too. Every language under Heaven had to be there, what language was spoke in that day. Goes ahead here and gives many of the languages, and how the Cretes and strangers, and proselytes of Rome, and--and--and Arabians, and all speak and magni-... Now, they wasn't speaking in unknown tongues. They were speaking in known languages, to people. Not unknown tongues, but languages that each one understood. The sinner, the unbeliever, could hear what he was saying. "How do we hear in our own language wherein that--that we was born?"

449 Now watch. Now the question comes. Now, "Others mocked." The 12th verse, all right.

And they were all amazed, and... in doubt, saying one to another, what meaneth this?

Others mocked and said, These... are full of new wine.

450 They were making fun of them. Because, how was they doing? They were staggering like drunk men, like drunk men. Talking, not knowing what they were saying, but were preaching to the congregation in languages they didn't know, but the congregation knowed. See? All right.

Others... said, They're full of new wine, look how they're acting.

Others mocked, saying, These... are full of...

"But Peter..." Watch out, boy! You got the keys.

But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them,...

Now, remember, this is the first inauguration of the Church.

... Ye men of Judaea, and... you that dwell in Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:

For these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it's but the third hour of the day.

The saloons wasn't even open then. See?

But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel;

... it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: upon your sons and... daughters, and they shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

And on my servants and... my handsmaid will I pour out in those days of my Spirit;... they shall prophesy:

And I will show wonders in the heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath;...

Now, it's Peter preaching now, the one with the keys.

... blood,... fire,... vapours of smoke:

The sun shall be turned into darkness,... the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord shall come:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and sign, which he did... in the midst of you,... ye yourselves... know:

Talk about a rebuke? He had the keys, you know. Be...

Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and the foreknowledge of God,...

There you are. How could He ever be delivered? Because God predestinated it to be that way. See? Foreknowledge of God!

451 [A brother says, for water baptism, "Ready."--Ed.] Just in a moment. Tell them, just hold just a minute, till I get through with the Scripture.

... ye have taken, by the wicked hands, have crucified and slain:

Who God has raised up, and loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible... he should be holden of it.

For David spake concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always... on my right hand, and I shall not be moved:

Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was made glad; moreover... my flesh shall rest in hope:

Because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.

Thou has made me known... my--my ways, my ways of life; thou shall make me full of joy and with my countenance.

Men and brethren, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch David,... he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us... this day.

Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God has swore with an oath...

I just got through preaching it.

... that according--according to the fruits of his loins, he would... according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

Just what I got through preaching. Peter preaching the same thing.

And seeing this before, the prophet saw it before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption.

This Jesus has God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses.

Therefore being exalted, and at the right hand... being at the right hand, exalted in heaven, having received of the Father... promise of the Holy Ghost, he... shed forth this, which you do see and hear.

For David is not ascended into heaven, (the prophet): but he said himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

Until I make thy foes a footstool.

Therefore (listen to this) let all the house of Israel know surely, that God has made this same Jesus, who you... crucified, both Lord and Christ.

That ought to settle it. Oughtn't it?

Now when they heard this, them sinners, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter... Men... and Peter and... the rest... the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

452 All right. Here you are. What's he got? The key, the key to the Kingdom. Where is the Kingdom? It's within you. That right? The Holy Ghost is the Kingdom of God. We know it. We're born into the Kingdom, as subjects and delegates. Look. He's got the keys to his side. "What you going to do with it?" This is the first time the door was ever opened.

453Now, the question is asked the preacher, for the first time, the one with the key. I believe if he said, "Stand on your head," that'd been official.

454"Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind in Heaven." All right. "Whatever you say, I'm going to say the same thing. You got the key." All right. He crams the key into the door.

... What do you do? Men and brethren, what shall we do?

Now when they heard this, they're pricked in their heart, and said... Men and brethren,...

... Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

That settled it forever. No persons ever, in any time, could ever, ever contradict That.

455 The Catholic church come along, instead of being immersed, they sprinkle. Instead of being using the Name of Jesus, they've took, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Never was taught in the Bible.

456Every person, from that time on, was baptized by immersing in the Name of Jesus Christ. And some had been immersed by John the Baptist, that baptized Jesus, and Paul told them they could not receive the Holy Ghost like that. They had to come back and be rebaptized, again, in the Name of Jesus, before they could get the Holy Ghost. How many knows that's the Scripture? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Acts, the 19th chapter. There you are. Cause, the Kingdom of Heaven was sealed to any other way, by an oath by Jesus Christ, that that would be official in Heaven.

... Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins,... you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Cause, the promise is unto you, and to your children,... to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Amen. Let us pray.

457 Father, God, tonight, nineteen hundred and something years has passed, yet the honesty and the integrity of human hearts still cry for God, like children crying for the milk of their mother's breast. We love You, Lord. We can't live without You. As David said, "My soul thirsts after Thee, like the hart for the water brook." He must have It, or die.

458And, Father, we've combed through the Scriptures, back and forth. Not to be different, but we see these seminaries, these theological students today, who preach according to the commandments of men, and not the commandments of God. Therefore, Lord, we do not despise those men, but we despise those things that they teach. Therefore, Lord, we ask that they become our brother. We ask that You forgive them of their error. And we pray that they will come to the Scripture, read It, not the way some seminary teaches It, but according to the way that God has written It.

459We pray, God, now, that these candidates are coming tonight for water baptism. As our gallant pastor walks into this pulpit from here, to preach the Gospel, this same Gospel; and then to the baptismal pool, to bury. Grant, Lord, that each one of these will receive the Holy Ghost, 'cause You gave the promise, "You shall receive the Holy Ghost." May the Spirit of God be waiting at the top of the water, to receive the candidate tonight, for we commit them unto Your hands, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

238Ona je ... Myslím, že prv tu máme malé dieťa. Doc mi povedal pred chvíľou, môj brat, môj telesný brat, že chceli ... kvôli posväteniu. A teraz ak tie matky tu majú svoje maličké, ktoré chcú zasvätiť Pánovi, budeme sa tešiť, keď hneď teraz prídu a prinesú sem svoje maličké.

239No ... A mn oho ľudí, oni ... to čo nazývajú, krstia ich. Metodistická cirkev to robí a myslím, že Nazaréni, nie som si istý. Nie, myslím, že na tom sa rozdelili, na krste nemluvniat, Nazaréni a Slobodní Metodisti. Ale, akokoľvek, niektorí z nich, oni robia jedno a druhé, ale ... A niektorí lejú na nich trochu vody, niektorí ich fŕkajú. Ale my sa stále snažíme zostávať pri Biblii tak blízko ako len vieme. No, nieto v Bibli miesto Písma, ktoré by hovorilo aby sa nemluvňatá fŕkali, ani nie je miesto Písma v Biblii, že niekto má byť pofŕkaný. To nie je Biblické, to je nariadenie katolíckej cirkvi.

240Ale oni - ale oni ... prinášajú ... prinášali malé deti k Ježišovi. A my máme reprezentovať Jeho, chceme robiť to isté čo On. On kládol na ne svoje ruky a žehnal ich a povedal: „Nechajte malým deťom prichádzať ku mne a nebráňte im lebo takých je Nebeské Kráľovstvo.“ A to je to, v čom pokračujeme a robíme to tu v Modlitebni, keď sa snažíme ďalej niesť skutočnú Bibliu, posväteným spôsobom, najlepšie ako vieme.

241A tak teraz, ak tá matka, alebo iné matky, ktoré tu majú svoje malé deti na posvätenie, zatiaľ čo sestra Gertie zahrá Prineste ich, prineste ich ku oltáru a brat a ja prídeme dole a zasvätíme tých maličkých Pánovi. Dobre. Brat Neville ... [Prebieha posvätenie detí. – pozn.prekl.]

242Ďakujeme sestra Gertie. Je to veľmi dobre. Koľkí milujete malé deti? Ak nemilujete, niečo je s vami zlé, niečo nie je v poriadku.

243No, dnes večer ... aby sme išli ku tým zhromaždeniam ktoré ešte zostali. My ... dôvod, že som dnes večer znovu prišiel ... Obyčajne v týchto dňoch, keď máme zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním, mám len jedno za deň, pretože to so mnou tak zatrasie. Nedokážete si to predstaviť. A tu doma je to dvakrát horšie ako kdekoľvek inde.

244A ospravedlňoval som sa, že som pri tom urobil dnes ráno takú chybu. Ale prvé čo ma vyviedlo z rovnováhy, to bolo keď Billy prišiel a povedal, že nemohol nájsť dosť ľudí, ktorým by rozdal modlitebné lístky. Mohol rozdať len okolo dvanásť alebo štrnásť a mal ... nikto nechcel modlitebné lístky. Hádam bolo všetko v poriadku. Tak potom, kvôli tomu, vôbec som nemyslel ... A potom, keď som začal volať tie modlitebné lístky, myslel som že zoberiem všetkých desať alebo dvanásť, alebo koľko ich tu bolo, zavolal som ich, a prišiel som ku určitému číslu a to nebolo zavolané. A zavolal som ho, a nikto sa nehlásil. A vôbec som nepomyslel na to, až keď pani Woodová zavolala, povedala: “Brat Branham, Billy zobral tie lístky a zamiešal ich spolu a proste ich rozdal. On môže mať to (číslo tri, však?) číslo tri vo vrecku.”

245Skutočne, obyčajne zvykol rozdať všetkých päťdesiat. Keď ich prinesie pred ľudí, len ich zamieša. Tak každý ... nie je povedané “Daj mi číslo jedna.” Alebo ... nemusíme začať od čísla jedna. Môžeme začať pri päťdesiat, vy neviete, a ísť od zadu. Môžeme začať od osem a ísť ďalej. Môžeme začať od dvadsať a pokračovať, nevieme. Ale on ich proste zamiešal a rozdal ľuďom ktorí chceli. A ja som si nemyslel dnes ráno, mohol som volať ďalšie štyri alebo päť a oni tam neboli, pretože mohli byť tam niekde medzi tými dvadsiatimi alebo tridsiatimi. Rozumiete. A potom ... ale Pán to napravil, ale to proste nemalo ten skutočný tlak ako to býva pomimo domu. Nikdy by som to neskúšal znovu, ale …

246Tu nedávno, som prosil Pána či by nám nedal dobré zhromaždenie, že až som sľúbil, že viac ho o to nebudem prosiť, pretože to bolo také ťažké a je to nezhodné s Písmom. Vidíte? A ak ... A tak je to pre mňa ťažké. Pretože keď to viem, to mi dáva porážku od začiatku; Vidíte, od začiatku som porazený.

247Jednako, niekto dnes popoludní zavolal niekomu, pani Woodovej niekto zavolal, a povedal, že niekto v zbore bol ráno zavolaný kvôli mužovi, ktorý bol veľmi, veľmi chorý, ktorý prišiel ku Kristovi dnes popoludní, potom, že ten muž, ktorý bol veľmi chorý prišiel ku Kristovi.

248A ďalšia vec, pani Woodová mi povedala, že som povedal jej sestre, staršej sestre, že som bol skutočne vtedy raz v jej dome a jedol som s ňou večeru ... večeru s ňou, tam v Kentucky. A Všemohúci Boh vie, že som nepoznal tú ženu. Vidíte? To je pravda, len ... Videnia sú suverénne! My nikdy nevieme ako budú prebiehať alebo čo sa stane. To je na Bohu, a - čo sa deje. Ale vedel som keď som čakal na nich - čakal na ich ...

249A jedného dňa keď tu bolo toto malé dievča, na to bolo treba rozpoznanie, čo ja ne ... Rozumiete. Keby to Boh dal celému svetu, bolo by to dobre; Ale keby to tak bolo, bolo by to nezhodné s tým, čo mi On povedal tu na ulici, viete, pred niekoľkými rokmi. A chceli sme si byť istí, že je to pravda, a nech to potom cirkev tu vidí. A tak som, zavolal tú pani Snyderovú. Sestru Snyderovú, je tu niekde, ona slabo počuje. A tá pani jej ticho povedala: “Máš reumu.” Alebo artritídu, alebo niečo také.

250Pri čom som vedel, že to bolo zlomené bedro. A tak ... A potom to Duch Svätý priniesol dnes ráno. Vidíte?

251No, čo to je, to je Božský dar a on funguje vo svojej suverénnosti. Ale to čo to tak sťažuje tu v tomto meste, úprimne povedané, stále som sa splietol, keď som sa tu modlil za chorých, alebo ... Poviem ľuďom toto, poviem. “No, Pán ťa uzdravil. Ježiš ťa uzdravil, keď zomrel za teba, pred 1900 rokmi. Hneď tam si bol uzdravený. Čo sa týka Boha, čo sa týka Krista, boli ste uzdravení pred 1900 rokmi. Vaša choroba skončila. Potrebná je vaša viera aby to dokonala.”

252A potom ten človek môže ísť a neozdravie; Potom príde a povie: “Brat Branham mi povedal, že som bol uzdravený.” Vidíte? Ja vám hovorím to, čo povedal Boh.

253No, keď je to povedané priamo danej osobe, priamo, “To je Tak hovorí Pán,” ohľadne určitej veci, ktorá sa má stať, to vám hneď tam potvrdí, že vaše uzdravenie je už zaistené. Vaša viera to zapečatila. Vidíte? To zasľúbenie je vaše. To nie je moje slovo, to je Božie Slovo, že už ste uzdravení. Vidíte? Ale vy ... Akosi nemôžem dosiahnuť aby to vsiaklo tu do ľudí v Jeffersonville. Nemôžem proste dosiahnuť aby sa to stalo. Ja viem ... Snažím sa to vysvetlil ako len môžem a to sa proste nestane. To je všetko. Poviem ...

254Tu, nedávno, išiel som do domu, k jednému mužovi, a ten zomieral. Oni ma zavolali: “Príď sa pomodliť za neho. Doktor povedal, že nedožije do rána.”

255Išiel som tam a ten mladý muž mi povedal: “pán Branham, ja nechcem zomrieť.” Samozrejme, ten mladý človek nechcel zomrieť. Mal rodinu a dve deti.

256No, prišiel som tam, povedal som: “Pozri sa, kto je tvoj doktor?” Povedal mi. Riekol som: “No, doktor ti možno povedal, že zomrieš, ale Boh ešte nepovedal, že ideš zomrieť.” Povedal som. “Podľa Biblie si už uzdravený, pretože Ježiš zomrel za tvoje uzdravenie.”

257On povedal: “Veríš že sa uzdravím?”

258Povedal som: “Absolútne tomu verím.”

259No, keby som sa išiel za niekoho modliť a nepoužíval by som takú vieru, aby som veril za neho, ako, “Ó, nie, nie, ak doktor povedal, že zomrieš, tak zomrieš. Tým je to teraz vybavené.” No, či by sa niekto taký išiel modliť za chorých? Ja by som nechcel takého vo svojom dome aby sa za mňa modlil. Ja chcem niekoho, kto, či to vidí alebo nie, vezme vieru a postaví sa na zasľúbení za mňa. To je správne.

260A povedal som ... on ... Pomodlili sme sa, povedal som: “Neboj sa, buď smelý.”

261Opýtal sa: “Myslíš že vyzdraviem?”

262Povedal som: “No, samozrejme, Božie slovo povedalo, že vyzdravieš. Pozri, ak môžeš veriť všetko je možné.”

263On povedal: “Dobre, verím tomu.” A vyšiel a povedal svojej žene, že ...

264 “Zomiera, či nie?”

265 “Áno, zomiera.” Tak na druhý deň ten človek zomrel, alebo niekoľko dní potom.

266Potom táto žena odišla a začala piť a tak sa správať. A jeden z diakonov, myslím že to bolo z tohoto zboru, išiel za tou ženou a pýtal sa jej, či sa vráti a bude chodiť do zboru. Ona povedala: „Neverím nikomu. Kazateľ Branham sem prišiel a modlil sa za môjho muža a povedal, že bude žiť; a on za dva, či za tri dni zomrel, tak neverím.“ Teraz ona zomiera.

267Dobre, ale jednako ... Vidíte, to proste ukazuje, že ľudia nevenujú pozornosť tomu čo hovoríte. Vidíte? Skutočne! Ak som sa za niekoho modlil a povedal som tým ľuďom, že budú žiť. Verím, že budú žiť. Ale bez ohľadu na to, či moje slová sú absolútne TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a vy by ste tomu neverili, aj tak by ste zomreli. Samozrejme! Tu je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, a mnohí z nich to prijímajú a zomierajú. Mnohí z nich idú do pekla, keď TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, “Nemusíte.” Je to tak? Určite! Vidíte, to je to čo ... To je všetko založené na vašej viere.

268Brat Collins, myslím, že tu nie je dnes večer, ale keď sme ho počúvali dnes ráno, on to veľmi pekne povedal. Vidíte? Povedal: “Tú istú vieru, ktorú máte tu hore, budete musieť mať tam. Pretože to je vaša individuálna viera, nie vo vašu denomináciu, ale v Krista. Musíte mať tú vieru.” To je úplná pravda. Absolútne.

269A Božské uzdravovanie je založené na vašej viere. Ale podľa Božieho Slova, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, každá osoba bola uzdravená, keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, “On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení.“ Je to tak? Boli sme. Biblia povedala, že ste boli uzdravení. Tak nehľadajte chybu na mne, ja som len kazateľ Slova. Choďte a povedzte Bohu, že povedal niečo zle a Boh vám potom povie kde je vaša slabosť. Rozumiete? Tak, to je vaša viera. Ježiš povedal: „Ak môžeš veriť. Ak môžeš veriť.“

270No, keď počuješ, že Duch Svätý potvrdil tvoju vieru a upevnil ju a povedal: “TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, zajtra o tomto určitom čase budeš mať určitú vec. Stane sa určitá vec a to tu sa tak a tak skončí a ty tu stretneš to a to. To bude pre teba znak.” Pozoruješ to. To je zakončené dielo, hneď tu teraz!

271Ale keď ide o Božské uzdravenie ... Musím postaviť Božské uzdravenie na ten istý princíp ako spasenie. Každý jeden z vás, bez ohľadu na to čo ste vykonali, boli ste spasení odkedy Ježiš zomrel, pretože On zomrel aby sňal hriechy sveta. Ale to vám nič nepomôže kým to neprijmete a neprežijete. Ale čo sa týka vašich hriechov, sú už odpustené. Je to tak. On ... “Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta.” Vidíte, tu to máte. No, pamätajte na to.

272No viem, že pri vyučovaní z Písma, my sme zmiešané zhromaždenie a častokrát v tejto knihe Židom, ktorá je pomerne hlboká kniha ... Budem to musieť teraz na nejaký čas zanechať. Dnes večer chcem zakončiť poslednú časť tej siedmej kapitoly.

273A teraz máte v mysli určite veľa otázok. Mnohí z vás majú otázky a ja by som mal tiež. Nabudúce ak dá Pán, keď prídem ...

274Idem teraz do Michigan a potom z Michigan pôjdem do Colorado a z Colorado do West Coast. No, keď prídeme, ak dá Pán ... Ja neviem ... Ak nebudem v Chicago, v nedeľu, ďalšiu nedeľu večer tu znovu môžem byť.

275No, nášho pastora sme nepustili za kazateľňu okolo šesť týždňov. Počas všetkých týchto ... tejto Knihy tu. No, my ... Nerád to robím. Brat Neville je milý, príjemný, láskavý brat. A som si istý, že tento zbor miluje brata Nevilleho.

276A mimochodom, kým to hovorím; Niekto v ... tu niekde na okolí tejto krajiny je vinný za to, že píše nejaké listy aby brat Neville bol odsunutý z poza tejto kazateľni. Budete to musieť vybaviť so mnou. Ó, je to tak. Ó, skutočne. No, chcem vás ... Píše tam niečo o rade diakonov. Rada diakonov nemá vôbec čo rozhodovať o pastorovi. Nie veru. Zhromaždenie v plnosti má plnú autoritu. To nie je ... Rada diakonov je len policajtom tu v tomto zbore, len aby udržiavala poriadok a tak ďalej. Ale keď ide o vládnutie, to musí celý zbor tak povedať. Tento zbor je založený na suverénnosti lokálneho zboru. Preto, ja nemám čo hovoriť o odsunutí tohoto pastora alebo o dosadení pastora. Ja vlastním nemovitosť, ona je daná zboru. Vy všetci tvoríte tento zbor, vy ľudia ste tí, ktorí máte nad ním dozor. Vy sami ste cirkvou. A cirkev, svätá Božia cirkev je zvrchovanosť, alebo Duch Svätý v tej cirkvi. A to jediné, čo ja mám je to, že vlastním nemovitosť, dávam to tomuto zboru, dávam to pre cirkev a to je oslobodené od dani. A zbor si volí svojich vlastných pastorov. Ja s tým nemám nič do činenia. A jediný spôsob ako by tento pastor mohol odísť, by bolo, že sám pastor sa rozhodne odísť alebo väčšina zboru by musela hlasovať pre zmenu pastora. A to je jediný spôsob, žiadna rada diakonov to nemôže urobiť. Rada diakonov udržuje len poriadok a také veci v zbore.

277Správcovia, oni s tým nemajú nič spoločné, len opravujú zborovú budovu. A to môžu robiť len vtedy keď sa celá rada správcov stretne a povie: “Postavíme toto alebo urobíme tamto.” Potom sa musia opýtať pokladníka či majú na to peniaze. Tak veru.

278Ale ak je nejaká sťažnosť na nejakého člena, ak niekto má sťažnosť jeden na druhého, alebo niekto robí niečo zlé, ty sám máš ísť za tým bratom a porozprávať sa s ním, len ty a on. Potom ak to oni neprijmú, potom to ďalšie čo sa deje, berieš jedného z diakonov alebo niekoho a on ide s tebou ku tomu bratovi. Potom ak vás neprijme, potom prídeš a povieš to cirkvi. Potom ak cirkev ... Potom ak on neprijme cirkev, potom Biblia hovorí: “Nech je ako pohan a publikán.” Je to tak.

279 A každý, kto vie o niekom kto je vinný a nejdeš za ním a neporozprávaš sa s ním, potom ty si časťou cirkvi Božej, ktorá sa bude zodpovedať za ten hriech. Je to tak.

280A ak sa niekto sťažuje na diakona, alebo ... na diakona alebo na niekoho v zbore, treba troch ľudí. Traja ľudia prídu a povedia - na ústach dvoch alebo troch svedkoch. Prídu a povedia pastorovi, že sú nespokojní s diakonom. Potom ak sa sťažujú na diakona, že nie je spravodlivý, dokonalý ... On musí zastávať úrad diakona bezúhony, a potom je nájdený bezúhonný. A ak zhromaždenie zistí, že ten diakon nezastáva ten úrad, berú so sebou troch a predkladajú to pastorovi. Ten diakon je požiadaný, aby ten večer zostal doma, a potom pastor prichádza a zvoláva zhromaždenie, predkladá sťažnosť. A ak zhromaždenie hlasuje, aby ten diakon zostal ďalej v službe, ten diakon je ďalej diakonom. Ak hlasujú aby bol prepustený, zvolia nového diakona ten istý večer. Rozumiete?

281Preto, nikto sám v tom nič nemôže robiť, to je väčšina ľudí. Tak veru. Ak dvadsať hlasuje za neho a dvadsaťjedna proti nemu, odchádza, alebo naopak. Rozumiete? To je suverénnosť lokálneho zboru, a potom každý jeden člen v zbore sa vyjadruje ku tomu. Čokoľvek sa deje zle oni potom hneď môžu prísť a to hlavné čo musia robiť je stáť pred Bohom aby jasne vedeli, že nič nebráni aby cirkev mohla napredovať.

282Ale úplnou a kompletnou autoritou zboru je pastor. Čítajte to v Biblii, presvedčte sa či to nie je Biblický poriadok. Je to presne tak. Nikto nie je nad toho staršieho. Ja nemám nič do toho čo brat Neville tu robí. To je na vás a na bratovi Neville. Ak by brat Neville chcel kázať náuku Svedkov Jehovových, to záleží na ňom a na vás. Rozumiete? Ak by chcel kázať čokoľvek, to je medzi vami a ním. To je všetko. Ak zhromaždenie hlasuje za neho v tom aby to kázal, je to v poriadku. To je na ňom.

283Jediná vec, ktorú ja mám, je to, že vlastním tú nemovitosť. A ak je niečo ohľadne toho, to je ... Ako odvolanie pastora, oni chcú o tom hlasovať, nemôžete o to žiadať diakona, mali by ste prísť a opýtať sa mňa. Ja by som prišiel a povedal: “Ak chcete odsunúť pastora, povedzte mi prečo. Urobil niečo?”

284 “Áno, pristihli sme ho opitého, alebo pristihli sme ho ako robil toto, alebo robil niečo čo nebolo správne.”

285“Máte na to troch svedkov?”

286“Áno, máme.”

287Tí svedkovia musia biť najprv overení, “Proti staršiemu neprijímaj žaloby, vyjmúc pod dvoma alebo troma svedkami, a nech sú prv dokázaní; Proti staršiemu.” Potom musíš na to prisahať, že si to videl a dokázať to, že si to videl.

288A potom, keď ste to videli, potom ten hriech je verejne pokarhaný, že to je zle. Potom poviem: “Zhromaždenie, chcete zmeniť svojho pastora?”

289A ak zhromaždenie hlasuje: “Odpustíme mu a nech ešte pokračuje,” takto to musí byť postavené. Vidíte? Nie je to fér? Či to nie je spôsob ako riadiť zbor? To je to čo hovorí Biblia. Nemáme žiadnych biskupov ani dozorcov ani rady a také veci, ktorí niekoho dosadzujú a majú veľa autority. Tu nemá nikto autoritu okrem Ducha Svätého. A to je správne. On je hybnou silou. A my Ho berieme podľa toho za čím sa postaví väčšina, ako sa postavia ľudia.

290A potom ak jedna strana chce robiť toto a druhá tamto a tá strana, tá ktorá vyhráva ... Tá ktorá prehrala, čo oni s tým robia? Pridajú sa ku tým ostatným, povedia. “My sme potom nemali pravdu. Pôjdeme ďalej, pretože Duch Svätý rozhodol.” Vidíte, to je úplne správne.

291 Práve tak ako Demokrati a Republikáni pokiaľ zastávame demokraciu ako Američania: ak sú vo vedení Demokrati, Republikáni majú ísť s nimi; Republikáni sú vo vedení, Demokrati idú s nimi. Vidíte, to je presne to čo nás robí národom. Kdekoľvek to porušíme, porušíme našu demokraciu. Je to tak. Demokrati hovoria, “Ja nebudem nič robiť, dostali sa tam Republikáni.” Vtedy upadneme. Ja som Kentačan; spolu stojíme a rozdelení upadáme.

292No, ak je v cirkvi niečo zlé o čom viete, niekto alebo nejaká osoba alebo čokoľvek, vy ste povinní a budete sa zodpovedať pred Bohom, ak tú vec nedáte do poriadku, vy, zbor. No, pamätajte, to neleží na mne. To je na vás. A za čokoľvek zlé v zbore, Boh vás bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. Je to tak. Takto On riadi svoju cirkev. Takto je to v Biblii. To je Biblický poriadok. To je zvrchovanosť lokálneho zboru. Pastor je hlavou. Je to tak. Amen.

293No, ideme tu do tohoto požehnaného, starého Posolstva. Vy ... No, chcem aby ste to teraz vedeli. Toto je nahrané, pamätajte, toto posolstvo. A nahrávky zboru, poriadky a zásady cirkvi, to je nahrané na páskach. To je podľa Biblie. My to neriadime; Nikto nie je na čele ani vôbec, všetci sme rovnakí. Ale máme vodcu, to je pastor, pokiaľ je vedený Duchom Božím. Pravda. No dobre.

294No, v tomto, tu bude mnoho otázok. Tak nabudúce, keď oznámia, brat Neville dá do rádia, že tu budem, napíšte svoju otázku, tak vy a ja sa spolu s tým môžeme porátať. Dobre? V poriadku.

259Viem, učil som o vytrvalosti svätých. Učil som o najvyššom božstve Ježiša. Učil som o bezpečnosti veriaceho a o predurčení, predestinácii a o mnohých týchto veciach. Pričom viem, že v mojom zhromaždení je mnoho legalistov, čo je úplne v poriadku. Absolútne. Ale teraz, tie veci, ja som tiež legalista a som Kalvinista, proste verím Biblii. To je všetko.

296Ak niektoré z týchto otázok ... A učil som o dôkazoch, senzáciách a tak ďalej a o všetkých týchto veciach, možno máte na to iný názor. Tak jeden večer, možno ... Urobme to ... Máte veľmi naponáhlo aby ste sem znovu prišli? Urobme to v stredu večer, potom myslím ... Mohol by som to vtedy mať. Prineste svoju otázku v stredu večer a položte to tu na pódium, otázku ohľadne Biblie (Dobre), ohľadne toho čo som teraz učil. A v stredu večer ... A potom nasledujúcu nedeľu, potom myslím mám byť v Chicagu a odtiaľ pôjdem do Michiganu. Ak Pán dá budem tu v stredu večer aby som sa snažil odpovedať na otázky najlepšie ako môžem. A teraz, nech je nám Pán milostivý. Skloňme teraz na chvíľu svoje hlavy.

297 Požehnaný Pane, toto je tvoja veľká ekonómia; to je tvoja cirkev. To si ty Pane, ktorý tým hýbeš a my sa chceme pohybovať tak, ako nás Duch Boží bude hýbať. A prosíme teraz, aby si nás žehnal. A ako preberáme toto posolstvo a dostávame sa do týchto hlbokých vecí, prosíme, aby nám ich Duch Svätý zjavil, ako to práve potrebujeme. Lebo to prosíme v Jeho Mene. Amen.

298No, ó ... Tento List Židom hodnotím ako jednu z veľkých kníh.

299 Trochu neskoršie, možno že ... Musím ... Pôjdem za more, čo je, ak Pán dovolí, uskutočním to veľmi skoro. Musím ísť do Afriky podľa videnia. Myslím, že nebudem veľmi prosperovať vo svojich zhromaždeniach, až kým nepôjdem do Afriky a nevyplním to videnie. To bude pravdepodobne teraz na jar.

300Ale medzi tým by som chcel prebrať ešte jednu knihu z Listu Židom, to je tú 11. kapitolu z Listu Židom a zostať týždeň pri tej jedenástej kapitole a prebrať každú jednu z tých postáv a predstaviť ich charakteristiku. Rozumiete? “Vierou Noe,” a potom by sme prebrali život Noeho. “Vierou Abrahám,” a potom by sme prebrali život Abraháma. “Vierou Ábel,” potom by sme prebrali život Ábela. Rozumiete? A predstavili to. Chceli by ste to? Ó, to by bolo ... To by sme potom prebrali celú Bibliu. A potom, skúsime to, možno, buď za, povedzme počas zhromaždení za jeden týždeň alebo za desať dní. Proste jedno zhromaždenie za druhým ako pri evanjelizácii, niekedy okolo vianočných prázdnin alebo tak nejako, ak Pán dá.

301A teraz, v siedmej kapitole Listu Židom sme stretli túto veľkú postavu. Kto mi môže povedať ako sa volal? Melchisedech. No, kto bol tento Melchisedech? Bol to kňaz najvyššieho Boha. Bol to kráľ Sálema, čo je kráľ Jeruzalema. Nemal žiadneho otca, ani žiadnej matky. Nemal žiadny čas kedy sa vôbec narodil, a tiež nebudem mať čas kedy zomrie. A tak nachádzame, že musí byť večný.

302Zistili sme, že slovo “naveky” znamená “časový úsek”. Pamätáte sa ešte na to? “Časový úsek ...” To je na veky vekov. A naveky je zaznamenané mnohokrát v Biblii ako “časový úsek.”

303Ale večnosť ... A je len jeden druh Večného Života, ktorý sme našli. Je to tak? Jedine Boh má Večný Život. Je to tak? Len jeden druh Večného Života ... Nieto také slovo ako “večný trest,” pretože ak máte byť potrestaní na večnosť, musíte mať Večný Život, aby ste mohli byť večne potrestaní; museli by ste byť veční. A ak máte Večný Život, nemôžete byť potrestaní. Vidíte? Ak máte večný ... “Ten kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má Večný Život.” Je to tak? Večný Život, pretože veríte. Dobre, ak máte Večný Život, nemôžete byť potrestaní, pretože máte Večný Život. Tak potom, ak budete trpieť v pekle bez konca, musíte mať Večný Život.

304Ale teraz, verím, že Biblia učí o doslovnom horiacom pekle. Biblia to učí, že hriechy a neprávosti budú potrestané na veky vekov. To teraz nie je večnosť. To bude možno desať biliónov rokov. To môže trvať sto biliónov rokov, ale raz to bude musieť skončiť. Lebo všetko čo má začiatok, má koniec. Tie veci, ktoré nemajú začiatok, nemajú koniec.

305Pamätáte si teraz tú lekciu? Ako sme išli naspäť a zistili sme, že všetko čo malo začiatok sa skazilo (Vidíte?) odvrátilo sa od toho hlavného. A nakoniec sa to zavinie naspäť do večnosti. A potom všetko peklo a všetko utrpenie a každá taká spomienka zanikne na večnosť. Všetko čo začína, končí.

306A tento Melchisedech nebol Ježiš, lebo to bol Boh. A čím sa Ježiš líšil od Boha, že ... Ježiš bol chrám v ktorom Boh prebýval. Vidíte? No, Melchisedech ... Ježiš mal oboje otca aj matku a tento Muž nemal nikdy otca ani matku. Ježiš mal začiatok života a koniec života. Tento Muž nemal žiadneho otca ani matku, žiadny začiatok dní ani koniec života. Ale to bola tá istá osoba; to bol Melchisedech a Ježiš boli jedno; ale Ježiš bol zemským telom, narodený a pripodobnený hriechu; vlastné Božie telo, jeho vlastný Syn, narodený a sformovaný na podobu hriechu, aby zobral osteň smrti, aby zaplatil výkupné a prijal ku sebe synov a dcéry. Rozumiete? Preto On mal počiatok; On mal koniec.

307Ale toto dokonalé telo, na pamiatku ako závdavok nášho vzkriesenia, Boh nedal aby to sväté telo videlo porušenie, pretože On sám ho stvoril a zrodil a vzkriesil a sedí po jeho pravici.

308A dnes, Duch Svätý, ktorý vzbudil to telo je tu v cirkvi (Nech je požehnané meno Pánove.) A ukazuje tie isté zázraky a moc. A jedného dňa tento Duch Svätý, ktorý je v cirkvi zakričí a povznesie sa a bude prijatý naspäť do formy tohoto tela, ktoré sedí po pravici majestátu Božieho, aby sa prihováral za nás hriešnikov a skrze to sme úplne chránení od hriechu. Nie že nehrešíme ale sme chránení od hriechu v Prítomnosti Božej; pretože je krvavá obeť, ktorá stojí medzi mnou a Bohom a medzi vami a Bohom. Preto On povedal, “Kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší. Nemôže hrešiť. Lebo keď ste znovuzrodení, ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý žil v tom tele, žije vo vás a to nemôže hrešiť. Obeť leží pred Ním. Potom ak to úmyselne robíte, to ukazuje, že je nemožné aby ste boli v tom Tele. Amen. To je evanjelium. Tu to máte.

309 Preto (Vidíte?) To neprotirečí žiadnemu miestu Písma; to viaže Písma spolu. Vidíte, je nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení. Ohľadne toho mi budú položené otázky. Lebo ... Len ich napíšte, to je to - ako to chceme.

310Všimnite si. “Je nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení, keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú Ho potupne na odiv.” Oni by to nemohli.

311Potom idete ďalej do Listu Židom 10 a tam je povedané, “Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy ...” A čo je hriech? Nevera.

312Ak vedome vidíte Ducha Svätého činiť veci, ktoré robil tu dnes ráno a vidíte, že Kristus povstal z mŕtvych a že žije vo svojej cirkvi a medzi svojim ľudom a vy to úmyselne odmietnete, je nemožné aby ste ešte kedy prišli ku Bohu, pretože ste sa rúhali Duchu Svätému.

313Ježiš povedal to isté, keď robil tieto zázraky.

314 A oni povedali, “On je Belzebub. Veštec. Diabol.”

315 Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, “Ja vám to odpustím. Ale keď príde Duch Svätý a bude toto robiť, povedať jedno slovo proti tomu nebude nikdy odpustené v tomto ani v tom budúcom svete. Pretože ste nazvali Ducha Božieho, ktorý bol v Ňom, nečistým duchom.”

316Potom ak hrešíme úmyselne, ak hrešíme, neveríme úmyselne ... Nie potom čo sme prijali pravdu, boli sme znovuzrodení, potom by sme nemohli hrešiť. Hriešnik nemôže ... Kresťan nemôže spáchať neodpustiteľný hriech. On to nemôže urobiť. To je bezbožník ktorý to robí. To je taký, ktorý sa pretvaruje za veriaceho, nie veriaci.

317Títo židovskí rabíni, ó, oni si mysleli ... Oni boli naškrobení a boli to D.D a Ph.D. Oni si mysleli, že to majú všetko vo vrecku, ale to boli tí najhorší hriešnici. Ó oni mohli ... Nemohli by ste položiť ruku na ich život; oni boli čistí, morálni a slušní, čo sa toho týka. Ale boli neveriaci.

318A zoberte slovo hriech a vyhľadajte si čo znamená. Slovo hriech znamená “nevera.” Sú len dve skupiny, to je, veriaci alebo neveriaci. To je, ospravedlnená osoba alebo hriešnik. To je všetko. Ak si neveriaci, si hriešnik; Bez ohľadu na to aký si dobrý, ako často chodíš do zboru, alebo či si dokonca kazateľ. Stále si neveriaci.

319Tí farizejovia boli kazatelia a boli neveriaci a dnes sú za to v pekle. Tak nábožní ako len mohli a pobožní ale Mu neverili. Nazývali ho diablom a spochybňovali Jeho Slovo. A niektorí z nich povedali, “ak si, zostúp teraz z kríža. Urob zázrak. Nech vidíme, že to robíš.” Jeden Ho udrel po hlave palicou a povedal, “Prorokuj a povedz nám kto ťa udrel, si prorok, a budeme ti veriť.” Vidíte? Neveriaci! Oni sa robili, že sú veriaci ale boli neveriaci, neobnoviteľní, oddelení, hoci boli svätí a nábožní.

320A predsa, tá istá vec je aj dnes. Muži aj ženy môžu chodiť do cirkvi a mať nábožné tváre a sú takí pobožní ako len môžu byť a nikdy neklamú, nekradnú a snažia sa žiť podľa svojho náboženstva najlepšie ako môžu. Ale ak nie sú veriaci sú stratení. Tak v Biblii nie je nič o legalizme. Kalvinizmus je ... Milosť je to, čo Boh urobil pre teba, a skutky, to je to čo ty robíš pre Boha. Úplne rozdielne.

321Ak prestanete klamať, prestanete fajčiť, prestanete cudzoložiť, prestanete so všetkým, vykonali ste všetko, zachovávali ste prikázania a chodili ste do zboru, krstili ste sa každú nedeľu, prijímali ste večeru Pánovu, umývali ste nohy svätých, konali ste všetko, uzdravovali ste chorých a konali ste všetky tieto ostatné veci, ak nie ste narodení z Ducha Božieho, vyvolení, ste stratení.“Nezáleží od toho kto chce ani od toho kto beží, ale od Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva.”

322Ezav sa snažil ako len mohol aby sa stal kresťanom a nedokázal to. Biblia hovorí, že horko plakal, hľadal miesto obrátenia a nemohol ho nájsť. Prv ako sa ešte narodil, Boh ho odsúdil, pretože vedel, že vo svojom srdci je zhnitý podvodník. Boh to vedel skrze predvedenie. Povedal, “Jakoba som miloval a Ezava som nenávidel.” A Ezav vyzeral ako džentlmen. Býval doma, staral sa o svojho starého slepého otca, bol to dobrý chlapec.

323A Jakob bol mamin chlapec, trochu precitlivený, rozprávač príbehov. Taký bol. Musíte to priznať. Biblia priznáva, prináša to. Behal okolo, robil všetko. A mama, visel na mame. Ale, predsa Jakob so všetkými svojimi povzneseniami a úpadkami a svojimi precitlivenými spôsobmi, mal stále rešpekt voči právu prvorodenstva. To je to hlavné.

324Ezav bol dvakrát taký džentlmen ako Jakob. Ak by sme ho mali dnes posúdiť, či by sme chceli aby bol členom nášho zboru, vybrali by ste Ezava, tisíc ku jednej, ak by ste ho nepoznali. Ale Boh vybral Jakoba.

325Čo by ste urobili so svätým Pavlom, keby chcel byť kazateľom. Malý, krivonosý žid, s hlavou a ústami na krivo, išiel a len sa hádal, ako roztrhá cirkev a urobí všetko. Mysleli by ste si, že spáchal neodpustiteľný hriech. Ale Boh povedal. “To je môj sluha.”

326Boh berie ľudí a robí z nich iných, nie človek berie Boha a stáva sa iným. Boh berie ľudí a robí ich inými. To nie je to, čo vy robíte, čo vy chcete, čo si myslíte. To je to, čo robí Boh. Tu to máte. A o tom to je.

327No, tento veľký Melchisedech, čo za príbeh je tu o ňom! Chceme to trochu čítať, tento príklad. Museli sme to rýchlo prebrať. Začne tu na určitom mieste Písma a začneme od pätnásteho verša.

A potom je ešte o veľa zjavnejšie, či mal v podobnosti Melchisedecha povstať iný kňaz.

328No, Melchisedech bol kňaz. Bol? Tu máme čím on bol. Nachádzame, že Boh na počiatku bol veľkým žriedlom Ducha. Je to tak? Nemal žiadne miesto kde sa narodil ani žiadne miesto kde zomrel. Nemal žiadny počiatok dní ani žiadny koniec rokov. On je proste Večný ako večnosť je večná. Nikdy sa nenarodil a nikdy nezomrel.

329A v tomto sme zistili, že mal sedem rôznorodostí Ducha. Je to tak? Biblia hovorí v Zjavení, že „sedem Duchov pred trónom Božím.“ Je to tak? Sedem rozmanitostí, sedem duchov. Nachádzame, že je sedem farieb. Sedem cirkevných vekov. To sa proste rozvíja. Sedem je úplnosť a Boj bol úplný. Sedem Duchov, a títo duchova sú dokonalí. Prvá je červená farba; Dokonalá láska, vykúpenie. A ako, keby sme mali čas aby sme dali tieto farby a ukázali, že každá jedna z týchto farieb predstavuje Božiu čistotu. Amen. Tieto farby, je sedem prirodzených farieb. Tieto farby reprezentujú Božiu čistotu. Tieto farby reprezentujú Božie motívy a Boží postoj. Týchto sedem farieb, oni reprezentovali sedem cirkevných vekov, sedem hviezd, sedem anjelov. Všetko cez Písmo, sedem slúžiacich, sedem poslov, sedem posolstiev, všetko v sedmičkách. Sedem dní. Šesť dní a siedmy je sabat; Dokonalý, kompletný. Ó, to je nádherné, keby sme len mali čas kopať v tom a podať to, tieto farby.

330Zoberme červenú farbu. Zoberieme tú prvú farbu, to je červená. Čo je červená? Červená je znakom nebezpečenstva. Červená je tiež znakom vykúpenia. Keď sa pozriete na červenú cez červenú, aká je to farba? Biela. Je to tak. Tak keď bola preliata červená krv aby pokryla červený hriech; Boh sa díva cez červenú krv, díva sa na červený hriech a to sa stáva bielym. Veriaci nemôže hrešiť. Samozrejme že nie. Semeno Božie, požehnania Božie zostávajú na ňom. Boh nemôže vidieť nič, okrem krvi svojho vlastného syna. Bez ohľadu na to čo je v jeho cirkvi, čo to je, Boh to nevidí, pretože Ježiš stále vykonáva prímluvu, ten najvyšší kňaz. Veriaci nijako nemôže hrešiť, keď takáto obeť tam leží za neho. Samozrejme, že nemôže.

331A teraz ak povieš, “Aha, to mi dáva dobrú príležitosť ...” Potom to ukazuje, že nie si v poriadku.

332Budeš si to ceniť. Budeš to milovať (ak si skutočný kresťan) potade, kde ťa hriech bude prenasledovať, že až to nebudeš môcť robiť. “Lebo semeno Božie zostáva v ňom, a on nemôže hrešiť.” Biblia hovorí, “Raz očistený skrze krv Ježiša, nemáte viac žiadosti hriechu.” Ak máte žiadosť, vaše srdce nie je v poriadku s Bohom.

333No, budete robiť zle, ale to nebudete robiť úmyselne. Rozumiete? Ste chytení do pasce a všetko do čoho ste chytení, alebo robíte niečo čo nechcete robiť, to nie je ešte hriech; budete činiť pokánie v tej chvíli keď uvidíte, že to je zle. Rýchle sa obrátite a poviete, “Ja som to nechcel - nevidel som to.” Môžete to hovoriť po celý život. Človek nechce; preto, že sme takí hlúpi a tak v tme tu na zemi, je za nás krvavé zmierenie, ktoré nás po celý čas prikrýva, pretože prvá chyba, ktorú sme spravili ...

334No, tu je vaša legalistická predstava. “Ó, vieš čo? Tá žena bola posvätená, ale, chvála Bohu, urobila zle, viem že odpadla.” To je zle. Neodpadla. Urobila chybu. Ak to urobila úmyselne, potom od začiatku nebola v poriadku.

335Ak to nechcela urobiť a ide pred svätú cirkev Božiu a vyzná to a povie, “Urobila som zle, odpustite mi.” vy ste povinní odpustiť. Ak to nerobíte vo svojom srdci, potom sami máte ísť ku oltáru. Je to tak. Existuje skutočná svätosť v cirkvi. Existuje skutočná svätosť, svätosť nie z vás ale z Krista.

336Ja nemám žiadnu svätosť, ktorú by som mu predstavil. Ale spolieham na jeho, ó, na jeho milosť a mám ju vo svojom srdci. Nezaslúžil som si ju, nič som nemohol urobiť aby som si to zaslúžil ale On ma z milosti povolal a pozval ma, aby som prišiel. A pozrel som sa na Neho a On odobral odo mňa tú žiadosť. Robím tisíce chýb každý mesiac, v každom roku. Pravdaže robím. Ale keď vidím, že som urobil zle, poviem, “Bože, nechcel som to urobiť. Ty poznáš moje srdce. Nechcel som to urobiť, chytil som sa do toho. Nechcel som to urobiť. Odpusť mi, Pane.”

337Ak som urobil zle svojmu bratovi, poviem, “Brat, odpusť mi; nechcel som to urobiť.” Samozrejme, Boh pozná moje srdce.

338 Tu to máte. Je krvavá obeť. Je moc evanjelia, na ktorej sa pohybuje svätá cirkev. Nie preto, že vy ste niečo urobili, to je niečo s čím nemáte nič spoločného. To je zmierenie.

339No, tento Melchisedech, keď On vystúpil ...

340 Chcem vám povedať ďalšiu vec. Zobrali ste niekedy trojhranné sklo? Zoberiete kúsok skla, ktoré má tri hrany a položíte ho tak, aby naň svietilo slnko, vyprodukuje sedem dokonalých farieb. Trojhranný kúsok skla vytvorí dúhu. Presne tak. No, keby sme mali čas, vošli by sme do toho. Tri prináša dokonalosť: Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý: ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. Tu to máte. Dokonalosť prichádza cez trojky: Boh nad človekom, Boh v človeku, ktorý sa nazýval Ježiš Kristus, Boh v cirkvi. Potom dokonalosť ...

341Človek hrešil dokiaľ bol Boh tu hore v Ohnivom Stĺpe. Boh ... Človek hrešil pred Bohom, dokiaľ Boh bol v Ohnivom Stĺpe, pretože bol stále nečistým stvorením; pred Bohom ležala zvieracia krv.

342Potom prišiel Baránok Boží, druhý jasný krok Boží, ten istý Boh, iný úrad. A potom toto ... Boh v ... bol v Kristovi, to bol ten istý Boh, ktorý bol v Ohnivom Stĺpe. A ten istý Boh sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami. A potom si ľudia urobili z Neho posmech, s tým sa stále dalo porátať; ešte nebola preliata Krv. Je to tak, Ježiš povedal, “Ja vám odpúšťam.”

343Ale potom ten istý, ktorý bol telom sa znovu stal Ohnivým Stĺpom, “Prišiel som od Boha; idem ku Bohu.” A tu vidíme, že Pavel Ho stretol na ceste do Damašku, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp. Vidíme, že Peter sa s Ním stretáva vo väzení, s tým istým Ohnivým Stĺpom. Samozrejme. A dnes Ho vidíme medzi nami, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp.

344Ale dokonalosť prišla na miesto, že tá Osoba v prostriedku ... No, ak by tu náhodou bol nejaký žid alebo niekto, kto rozumie Starý Zákon ... Dokážem to, dovoľte, že vám to ukážem. V ... Nemám tu teraz so sebou Starý Zákon, toto je Nový Zákon. Ale pri prinášaní obeti chleba predloženia, ktorý ležal na tácke pri židovskej obeti pri očisťovaní príbytkov, opýtajte sa nejakého žida; na týchto troch kúskoch chleba, ten prostredný kúsok bol zlámaný. To bol Kristus. Ten prostredný kúsok bol zlámaný, Kristus, ten uprostred. To ukazovalo, že niekde musí byť lámanie na vykúpenie; a ten kúsok nekvaseného chleba predstavoval vykúpenie.

345Tu to je; a dnes keď prijímame večeru Pánovu, lámeme nekvasený chlieb, lebo to je telo Kristovo. A On bol zlámaný na Golgote aby bol zmierením za naše hriechy, že cez Jeho spravodlivosť sa môžeme stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. Pretože On sa stal našim hriechom, aby sme sa my mohli stať Jeho spravodlivosťou. Brat, to je číra milosť. Absolútne. Nieto iný spôsob, nijako inak by si to nemohol ospravedlniť.

346Tak, tento Melchisedech, táto veľká osoba, ktorého stretol na ceste, zaplatil ... Abrahám mu zaplatil desiatok. Aký veľký človek to musel byť. Všimnite si. Rýchlo.

Ktorý sa ním nestál podľa zákona telesného prikázania

347No, vidíte ten legalistický zákon? Zákon povedal, “Nezabiješ. Nezcudzoložíš. Nepokradneš.”

348 Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, “Starým bolo povedané, Nezabiješ, ale Ja vám hovorím, kto by sa len hneval na svojho brata bez príčiny, už zabil. Starým bolo povedané, nezcudzoložíš, ale Ja vám hovorím, ktokoľvek by pozrel žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou zcudzoložil vo svojom srdci.” Tu to máte. To má naučiť ženy ako sa majú obliekať, ako robiť to čo je správne. Ak sa zle obliekate a spôsobujete, že muži sa na vás neprístojne dívajú ste vinné za páchanie cudzoložstva, tak isto ako by ste sa dopustili toho skutku. Ježiš to tak povedal.

349A vy ľudia s takým výbušným temperamentom, ktorý stále niekoho ohovárate, nemôžete nič zniesť, a také veci. Buďte opatrní. Ste vinní ak hovoríte slovo proti svojmu bratovi, čo je nesprávne, neslušné. Chodíte okolo a trháte na kusy ... Nemusíte niekomu pichnúť nôž do chrbta aby ste ho zabili; môžete zlomiť jeho charakter a zabiť ho, zabiť jeho vplyv. Hovoriť tu proti vášmu pastorovi, vravieť niečo zlé na neho, to je tak, ako by ste ho zastrelili; povedali ste niečo o ňom čo nebola pravda, no, to zabije jeho vplyv na ľudí a tak ďalej, a vy ste toho vinní. To povedal Ježiš.

350No, počúvajte čo sa tu Pavel snaží povedať. Milujem túto starú Bibliu. Ona vás napráva. Pozrite sa. Ó, len sa sem pozrite. Čítame ten štrnásty ...

Lebo je zrejmé, že z Júdu pošiel náš Pán ...

Počkajte myslím, že to nemám ten verš, ktorý chcem prečítať, tu ten 16..

Ktorý sa ním nestal podľa zákona telesného prikázania,

351 To je zákonné. Vidíte? “Ó brat, nemal by som, nemal by som. Viem, ale ja ...” To nie je to. To je láska, ktorá to robí.

352Ako sme to prebrali. Povedal som, “Keby som povedal mojej ... o mojej žene: No, chcel by som mať dve ženy. Chcel by som pobehovať s touto a robiť toto a tamto. Ale ... Ak to budem robiť, moja žena sa so mnou rozvedie a moje deti budú ... A stratil by som svoju službu.” Ty špinavý, skazený pokrytec. Je to tak. V prvom rade ju vôbec nemiluješ. Presne tak.

353Ak ju miluješ, nebude pri tom žiadny zákon, miluješ ju, každopádne, si priľnutý ku nej. Presne tak. A vy ženy budete postupovať tak isto ku svojim mužom. Je to tak.

354Niekedy sa ženy dostanú na miesto, že sú ...

355 Muž vidí nejakú Jezábeľ, celú vymaľovanú, viete, pôjde a naletí na ňu, a možno máš dobrú ženu. A potom hovoríš, že si kresťan. Hanba ti. Potrebuješ ďalšiu dávku pri oltári. Je to tak.

356A niektorá z vás ... a niektoré z vás žien obzeráte sa za nejakým fešákom s uhladenými vlasmi, na ktorých má toľko Vaselíny, že mu to otvára ústa. A potom ty ...

357Jedno dievča tu nedávno ... Toto nie je žart, pretože nemám v úmysle to povedať ako žart. Ale ľudia vedia, že toto nie je miesto na žarty. Ale jedno dievča tu, bolo ... Tu sú fajní chlapci, kresťania. Už dávno, keď som tu bol pastor, mávali sme hodinu pre mladých. A hovoril som mladým ženám v nedeľu popoludní o sexe a takých veciach a potom ďalšiu nedeľu popoludní som hovoril ku mladým mužom a snažil som sa tieto veci držať na uzde.

358Jedno dievča začalo chodiť s takým skrčkom tu dole z mesta, fajčil a vo vrecku mal ploskačku a jazdil po meste na kabriolete. Nemohol som pochopiť čo vidí v tom chlapcovi. Do zboru by neprišiel. On bol tam vonku, doviezol ju tu do zboru a potom zostal tam vonku na druhej strane v aute a čakal, neprišiel do zboru. Raz som jej povedal ... Ona bývala v New Alamany. Povedal som, “Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, dievčatko. Čo vôbec vidíš na tom chlapcovi?” Povedal som, “On v prvom rade neznáša to náboženstvo, ktoré ty máš. Pohŕda tvojím Kristom. On ti nebude dobrým mužom. Spraví ťa nešťastnou na celý život.” A povedal som, “Pozri, tu sú fajní chlapci, kresťania s ktorým by si mohla chodiť a oni ... Tvojmu otcovi a matke sa to nepáči keď odchádzaš. Ale ty aj tak ideš a myslíš si, “Už mám šestnásť.”

359 Začala sa maľovať a prestávala sem chodiť a zakrátko bola v motorestoch. Teraz odišla do večnosti. Ale vtedy tu stála a ... Viete čo mi to dievča odpovedalo, čím sa hájila, že miluje toho chlapca? Povedala, “On má také drobné, roztomilé nohy a tak pekne vonia.” Môžete si to predstaviť? Voňavkuje sa, to je baba nie chlap.

360 “Pozri” Povedal som, “Sestra, radšej by som chodil s kresťanom, ktorý má nohy ako náklaďák a smrdí ako tchor, ak je skutočný kresťan.” Je to tak. Skutočne.

361Áno, to je výhovorka. “Také drobné, roztomilé nohy a tak pekne vonia.” Ten vedúci toho motorestu nakoniec zruinoval život toho dievčaťa. To je hanba, nehanebnosť.

362Manželstvo je v úcte ale vchádzať do neho treba vážne a úctivo. A skutočná láska ku tej žene vás naveky spolu zviaže. “Čo zviažete na zemi, ja zviažem na nebi.” Keď sa budete potom po rokoch prechádzať, ona môže zostarnúť a zošedivieť a mať vrásky ale tú istú lásku, ktorú si mal ku nej keď bola mladou peknou ženou, tú stále budeš mať.

363 Tebe sa zhrbia plecia, vypadajú ti vlasy, zvráskavie ti tvár a všetko ďalšie ale ona ťa bude milovať tak, ako ťa milovala keď si mal široké plecia a kučeravé vlasy, ak je to skutočne Boh. Lebo hľadíte do času keď ste tam prekročili tú rieku, keď budete znovu ako mladý muž a mladá žena aby ste spolu žili naveky. To je Božie večné zasľúbenie. On povedal, že to urobí. Nie len to, dostaneme sa za chvíľu ku tomu, On prisahal, že to urobí.

364Počúvajte toto ako ideme ďalej.

Ktorý sa ním nestal podľa zákona telesného prikázania, ale podľa moci nezničiteľného života

365 Teraz budeme rýchlo čítať, aby sme sa ku tomu dostali.

Lebo svedčí: Ty si kňaz naveky podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho.

(Tak dlho ako bude potrebný kňaz, On bude kňazom.)

Lebo sa odstraňuje predošlé prikázanie pre svoju slabosť a neosožnosť.

Lebo zákon nezdokonalil ničoho, ...

366 Nemôžete, bez ohľadu na to čo robíte, prestanete piť, prestanete fajčiť, prestanete klamať, chodíte do zboru a snažíte sa robiť toto a tamto, stále ste telesní. To je len zákon; Zákon nič nedovedie do dokonalosti. Ale čo dovedie do dokonalosti? Kristus. Sláva. Ja môžem prestať klamať, prestať kradnúť, prestať páchať cudzoložstvo, prestať žuť a prestať so všetkými mojimi vecami a stále som telesný. Boh to neprijme, pretože nemám nič čo by som Mu ponúkol za zmierenie.

367 Ale v tej chvíli keď kladiem svoje ruky na požehnanú hlavu Pána Ježiša a hovorím, “Pane, ja nie som dobrý; vezmeš si ma za sluhu?” A Boh bozkom zahojí môj hriech, stojím dokonalý v očiach Božích. Je to tak. Prečo? Nestojím na svojich vlastných zásluhách; Stojím na Jeho a On nás učinil dokonalými skrze svoje utrpenie a svoju Krv.

368Vidím, že je čas končiť. Ale chcem toto dočítať ak môžem. Rýchlo.

... pre svoju slabosť a neosožnosť,

Lebo zákon nezdokonalil ničoho ale uvedenie lepšej nádeje ...

(Čo je to lepšia nádej? Kristus.)

... ktorou sa blížime Bohu.

369Prečo? Cez všetku našu dobrotu a všetku našu dobrotu, a všetku našu dobrotu sme stále telesní. Ale akonáhle sme v prítomnosti Božej, rozpoznávame, že nikdy by sme tam nemohli stáť, jedine cez zásluhy Ježiša Krista; potom sme tiahnutí bližšie ku Bohu skrze zásluhy Jeho Syna, “Pane, prichádzam ku tebe s nevinným srdcom. V mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša, prosím prijmi ma.” Ó, brat potom prichádzaš skrze živú cestu.

370Nie, “Pane, ty vieš, že som prestal piť; Vieš že zaobchádzam správne so svojou ženou; Vieš, že robím toto a robím tamto.” Nemáš nič, čo by si ponúkol. Lebo zákon telesných prikázaní nemohol nič vykonať, ale prinesenie inej nádeje to vykonalo. Tej nádeje, ktorou je Kristus, ktorú máme ako kotvu duše, pevnú a istú.

371Dávajte pozor.

A nakoľko nie bez prísahy – on

(Zámeno, ak si tu všimnete, v kurzíve.)

On sa stal kňazom.

(Nie len kňazom, ale On sa stal kňazom skrze prísahu, nie ...)

372 Dávajte pozor, zoberme to ostatné kňazstvo.

Lebo tamtí sa stali kňazmi...

(Levitovia, spravodliví, čestní, úprimní ľudia)

...tamtí sa stali kňazmi bez prísahy.

373 Boh proste povedal, “Podľa poriadku Árona,” tak ich učinil kňazmi. Oni sa nimi stávali cez mnoho generácií. Chodili do školy a učili sa za kazateľov a tak ďalej; prichádzali. Tak Boh ich takto urobil kňazmi. Oni sa urobili kňazmi skrze svoje vzdelanie, skrze svoje dedičstvo a tak ďalej. Ale tento Muž sa stal kňazom skrze prísahu, ktorú prisahal Boh. Počúvajte teraz dobre.

Tamtí sa stali kňazmi bez prísahy, ale on s prísahou skrze toho, ktorý mu povedal: Pán prisahal a nebude ľutovať:


Ty si kňaz naveky podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho.

Natoľko i lepšej zmluvy stal sa Ježiš ručiteľom.


A tamtí sa stali viacerí kňazmi, pretože im smrť prekážala trvať povždy ...

Tisíc krát tisíc krát tisíc kňazov, pretože nemali nič len smrť a smrť a slabosť a smrť a smrť a smrť.

374 Ale sledujte Jeho.

Ale on

(Kto? Ježiš.)

... pretože trvá na veky, má na iného neprechodné kňazstvo, večné.

Prečo aj môže vždycky dokonale spasiť tých ...

(Bez ohľadu ako ďaleko, ako klesli, ako ďaleko odišli, On je schopný dokonale spasiť.) ...

ktorí skrze neho prichádzajú k Bohu, ...

(nie na základe vašej spravodlivosti, ale na vašom vyznaní. Rozumiete?)

... ktorí skrze neho prichádzajú ku Bohu, vždycky žijúc, aby sa primlúval za nich.

(On je presne tam, ustavične vykonáva prímluvu.)

Lebo nám i svedčalo mať takého veľkňaza, svätého, prostého zla, nepoškvrneného, oddeleného od hriešnikov a ktorý sa stal vyšším nad nebesia.

375 Tu to máme. No, ak sa budem snažiť zastupovať svoj vlastný prípad, stratím ho. Ak sa ho budem snažiť zastupovať, poviem, “No, môj otec bol dobrý človek. Môj otec bol kazateľ. No, ja som býval v zbore.” Stále to stratím. Ale tento Muž je ten Dokonalý, Kristus; On tam predkladá a ponúka svoju Krv ustavične za moje hriechy. Tu to máte.

Ktorý nepotrebuje každého dňa ako najvyšší kňazi, obetovať obeti najprv za svoje vlastné hriechy a potom za hriechy ľudu. Lebo to učinil raz navždy tak, že obetoval sám seba.

376 A teraz sledujte ten posledný verš.

Lebo zákon ustanovuje za najvyšších kňazov ľudí, ktorí majú slabosť, ...

377 To robí zákon, ten telesný zákon. No, prial by som si aby som tu pri tomto mohol stráviť aspoň dve hodiny. Takto zákon stále robí z ľudí kazateľov. Je to tak.

378 No, hovoria, “Aha, tento človek má seminárne skúsenosti.” Ja by som nevymenil svoju prostú nebeskú skúsenosť ani za všetky semináre na svete.

379“Aha, my sme vyškolili tohoto človeka; on je starostlivo vybraný.” On sa sám vypracoval. Nemám rád taký druh. Mám rád človeka, ktorého Boh vypracoval. Rozumiete?

380 Vidíte, ale zákon stále robí kňazov. Zákon stále robí kazateľov. Baptistická cirkev, oni vydávajú kazateľov; hrsťami. Majú stroj na ich výrobu. Metodisti ich tiež majú; Baptisti ich majú, Presbyteriáni, Nazaréni, Pútnici Svätosti, Letniční. Vypúšťajú ich tak rýchlo ako len môžu, ako veľký režim, veľká mašina. Povstávajú tam ako ...

381Stále som hovoril, “Skutočne ľutujem kurence vyliahnuté v inkubátore.” Viete, malé kura, ktoré sa vyliahne v inkubátore, ono sa nevyliahlo správne. Nie, sliepka mala vyliahnuť to kura. Ale kura z inkubátora, keď ono vyjde ono len pípa a nemá žiadnu mamu ku ktorej by išlo. Vidíte? Ono nevie čo je to mama. Je to tak. Ono pípa za nejakou ale nemá žiadnu.

382Ale kura, ktoré sa vyliahlo pod sliepkou prirodzeným spôsobom, ono pípa a mama mu odpovedá. Je to tak.

383A niekedy rozmýšľam tu o tomto seminárnom prežití s ktorým vychádzajú z tohoto veľkého inkubátora v Louisville a po celom svete, kde liahnu kazateľov na tisíce: Letničné inkubátory a Presbyteriánske inkubátory, a Baptistické inkubátory; oni všetky liahnu svoje kurence. Oni pípajú a hovoria o inkubátore z ktorého sa vyliahli.

384Ale ja sa teším, že mám Otca a Matku. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove. Nebolo ich tak veľa narodených so mnou, ale ktorí boli, to sú moji bratia. Amen. Máme Matku, ktorá odpovedá keď ... Matku v nebi, ktorá sa stará o nás všetkých, “Ako sliepka vodí svoje mladé a kvoká im a vábi ich a prikrýva svoje kurence, tak ja budem vás prikrývať. Ó Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ako často by som vás bol zobral ako sliepka svoje mladé, ako často som vás chcel zobrať za svojich, ale vy ste nechceli. Mali ste svoje vlastné semináre, vyliahli ste svojich kňazov. Oni vás učili proti mne a teraz ste zanechaní vo svojom; pred vami leží vaše zničenie.”

385A ja hovorím toto: Ó ľudia, ó ľudia ako často vás Duch Svätý chcel zhromaždiť ako sliepka svoje mladé; ale vy ste mali svoju vlastnú cestu; budete mať pri tom svoju vlastnú cestu.

386Niekedy večer by som rád kázal na tému, “Vaša vlastná cesta.” Viete, Kain chcel svoju vlastnú cestu. Človek dnes chce svoju vlastnú cestu. “Ale je cesta, ktorá sa zdá byť správna, ale jej koniec je smrť.”

387No dávajte pozor.

Tým, že hovorí novú ...

Myslím ... No to nebolo to správne miesto.

388 28. verš.

Lebo zákon ustanovuje za najvyšších kňazov ľudí, ktorí majú slabosť, ale slovo prísahy, ktorá sa udiala po zákone, ustanovuje Syna, zdokonaleného na večnosť.

389Boh je požehnaný naveky, ustanovuje Syna, ktorý trvá naveky podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho. A On nemal nikdy počiatok; nikdy nemal koniec. A zákon nemohol nič také vyprodukovať, pretože bol telesný. Cirkev nemôže nič také vyprodukovať (denominácie), pretože sú telesné. Semináre nemôžu vyprodukovať nič takéto. Oni sa snažia vyškoliť do toho svet. Oni sa to snažia zorganizovať do toho. Oni sa snažia každým spôsobom na svete urobiť všetko čo len môžu a opúšťajú tú hlavnú vec: “Musíte sa do toho narodiť.” Boh vás činí tým čím ste, samozrejme, nie preto že ste prestali robiť toto.

390 Nazaréni, vy nesmiete nosiť prstene; nemôžete nosiť hodinky a musíte mať určité veci a musíte mať takéto dlhé rukávy a vaše sukne musia byť také dlhé a ten človek nemôže patriť do nejakého klubu; a oni vás nepokrstia ak to nedodržujete. Dobre, to idú katolíci a oni majú svoje. A tu idú metodisti; oni majú svoje. Každý z nich má meter aby sa dopasoval. Ak to nerobíte, dobre, hotovo. Vidíte? A potom ...

391 Ale tá skutočná vec je, je toto: “Nič neprinášam vo svojich rukách; držím sa len Tvojho kríža. Ó Bože, nahý, zranený, potrebujem pomoc. Ó, pokorne prichádzam, Kriste, vyznávam, že som ničím a nič nie je vo mne. Prijmi ma, ó Bože.” Potom vás Boh prijíma.

392No, možno, že nepoznáš ani abecedu. Možno, že nerozoznáš kávu od hrachu. Možno nerozoznáš čihi od hota, pravú od ľavej ruky. Na tom vôbec nezáleží čo nepoznáš; jednu vec musíš poznať, že Ježiš Kristus zaujal tvoje miesto ako hriešnik. A ty zaujímaš svoje miesto, aby si stál v Jeho spravodlivostí, vyznávaš každý deň, že si zlý a miluješ Ho z celého svojho srdca a všetky tvoje motívy sú obrátené na Neho, dosiahneš nebesia. To je všetko čo je na tom, lebo život, ktorý bol v Kristovi musí byť v tebe, inak si stratený.

393Tesne pred zakončením, pamätáte sa na bezpodmienečnú zmluvu, ktorú Boh uzavrel s Abrahámom? Čo urobil ten večer, keď Boh povedal, “Ukáž mi ...” Keď Abrahám povedal, “Ukáž mi ako to urobíš.” Myslím, že je to v 16. Kapitole Genesis. “Ukáž mi ako to urobíš.”

394Povedal, „Poď sem, Abrahám.“ A zobral Abraháma von, povedal, “Choď prines mi barana a prines mi kozu a prines mi jalovicu. Chcem aby si ich priniesol sem a zložil obeť.”

395A Abrahám odišiel a doviedol ovcu, a kozu a baránka ... či jalovicu. A zabil ich. To boli všetko čisté obete. A rozsekol ich vo dvoje a položil ich tam. Potom išiel a zobral dve hrdličky a obetoval ich tam. Potom Abrahám odháňal tie vtáky od nich, čakal na Boha, že príde. No,Pane tu je obeť, ako toto urobíš? Ja neviem ako spasíš človeka proti jeho vlastnej vôli. Neviem ako toto urobíš? Ako to môžeš urobiť, Pane?

396Pán povedal, “Dívaj sa teraz, Abrahám. Ty si prorok. Ty si duchovný a porozumieš čo hovorím.”

397“Dobre, Pane, chcem to vidieť.” Teraz to dramatizujem.

398“Tak Abrahám, teraz si sem prišiel a uložil si to tu a odháňaš tých vtákov.” Tak on odháňal tých vtákov, až začalo zapadať slnko.

399A prvé čo viete, Boh prišiel dole. Keď On prišiel dole, Abrahám začal zaspávať. Boh povedal, “Abrahám, ja dám na teba spánok.”

400Počúvaj teraz, zákonnícky priateľ. Vidíte, Boh zobral Abraháma úplne von z toho obrazu, on na tom nemal vôbec nič do vykonania. A tak isto to On urobil s tebou. Ty si povedal, “Ó, ja som hľadal Boha.” Ty si Ho nehľadal.

401Boh hľadal teba, “Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne ak ho prv nepotiahne môj Otec.” Vidíte?

402To Boh hľadá teba, nie ty Boha. Ty si ho nikdy nehľadal. Tvoja povaha je zlá. Ty si prasa. Ty nevieš nič inšie. Proste žiješ v prasačej ohrade. To je všetko čo vieš. Miluješ to. Piješ pivo, povaľuješ sa, beháš so ženou iného muža a robíš všetko možné zlé a zdá sa ti to dobré. “Ó, brat máme výborný čas!” Ty si myslíš, že je to dobré.

403Ale Boh klepe na tvoje srdce. To je to, čo premieňa. Nie ty klepeš na Boha; Boh klepe na teba. Adam nikdy neklepal na Božie srdce. Boh zaklepal na Adamove srdce. A ty si syn Adama. Je to tak. Prv ako Adam mohol byť znovu synom Božím, Boh musel zaklepať na jeho srdce. Prv ako sa ty môžeš stáť synom Božím, Boh musí zaklepať na tvoje srdce.

404Potom, Abrahám zaspal. A keď zaspal, čo bolo to prvé čo uvidel? Skutočne strašná, desná, hrozná temnosť. To je smrť, ktorá prichádza na celú ľudskú rasu. Potom sa pozrel trochu ďalej za to a uvidel dymiacu pec. Prv ako môžete mať dym, musíte mať oheň. To je dôvod, že verím v peklo, že to je horiace miesto. Dobre.

405On ukázal, že každý jeden z nás je odkázaný na smrť, a každý jeden z nás by mal ísť do pekla, pretože sme hriešnici.

406No, ale poza tým uvidel malé biele Svetlo.

407A toto malé biele Svetlo, čím je to Svetlo? Čo to bolo to biele Svetlo? Ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý išiel pred deťmi Izraelovými. Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku. Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý vyviedol Petra von z väzenia. Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý je tu dnes večer.

408Ten večný, večne trvajúci Boh, On sám prešiel pomedzi tieto rozseknuté obete (Ó), pomedzi každú jednu. “Takto to Ja urobím, Abrahám. Pozoruj Ma, čo idem urobiť. Ja tu uzatváram zmluvu. A zložím prísahu, že podľa toho Semena, vzbudím príhovorcu. Urobím zmluvu so smrťou a odsúdim smrť v tele, pretože Ja sám to prídem zobrať. Abrahám ...” Povedal, “Skrze tvoje semeno, Abrahám, prídem, a ty budeš otcom sveta. Skrze tvoje semeno, a nie len tebe dávam toto zasľúbenie, ale tvojmu semenu po tebe.” On poznal každého jedného, kto to bude. “Nie oni, ale to čo Ja robím. Idem to urobiť, Abraham. Dôveroval som Adamovi, ale on porušil svoju; a každý jeden porušil svoju zmluvu. Ale Ja uzavriem túto pomocou Seba samého a prisahám na Seba samého, že Ja to dodržím.” Amen. Amen. Amen.

409Čo robíme my, keď uzatvárame zmluvu? Povedzme, “Brat Neville ...” Sledujte toto za chvíľu. Povedzme, “Brat Neville, hovorím ti čo idem urobiť: ak budeš ty kázať do zajtra večera a ten ďalší večer až do stredy, ja budem kázať od stredy do nedele. Robíme takúto dohodu.


411Takto to my robíme. “Ruku na to, chlapče.” To je to. To je zmluva v Amerike; takto my robíme zmluvu.

412Ako uzatvárajú zmluvu v Japonsku? My robíme ... Povieme, “Ty urobíš to a to a ja urobím to a to.” Zoberieme štipku soli, pretože soľ je príchuť. A zoberieme soľ a ja ju hodím na brata Nevilleho a brat Neville zoberie sol a hodí na mňa. To je záväzná zmluva.

413Ako urobil zmluvu Dávid Livingstone s tým africkým černochom, aby mohol ísť do jeho zemi? On išiel a našiel toho náčelníka, aby mohol prejsť cez to územie, kázať evanjelium a robiť tú prácu. Oni zobrali pohár vína. Tu je zmluva černocha v Afrike. Zobrali pohár vína. A ten náčelník černochov škrabol po svojich žilách a jeho krv natiekla do toho pohára s vínom a Dávid Livingstone škrabol po svojich žilách a krv z nich natiekla do toho pohára s vínom. Zamiešali to; Livingstone vypil polovicu a ten náčelník vypil polovicu. Potom si dali dary jeden druhému. Ten náčelník ... Dávid Livingstone povedal, “Čo odo mňa chceš.”

414 On povedal, “Ten biely kabát, ktorý máš na sebe.” Tak Livingstone si vyzliekol kabát a dal tomu náčelníkovi. On povedal, “A čo ty požaduješ?”

415On povedal, “Tú posvätnú kopiju, ktorú máš v ruke.” Pretože vedel, že s ňou môže ísť, tak si zobral tú kopiju. A boli bratmi, pretože uzavreli zmluvu.

416A keď išiel ďalej a tie kmene ho prenasledovali aby ho zabili, on pozdvihol tú posvätnú kopiju. A keď to urobil, oni sa pozreli a povedali, “Ó, nemôžeme sa dotknúť toho muža.” Prečo? On je bratom v zmluve. Hoci je biely, nevideli sme ho predtým ...” Oni vôbec nevedeli, že sú čierni, až keď uvideli jeho. Oni nič také predtým nevideli. “Ale on je bratom v zmluve; on má v ruke náčelníkovu kopiju.”

417Čo za nádherný obraz dnes, keď pijeme tú zmluvu Krvi Pána Ježiša s mocou Ducha Svätého na nás. Ideme dopredu v mene Ježiša a tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorým patria. To je Náčelníkova posvätná kopia. Vidíte ako to je, tá zmluva?

418Ako to robili v orientálnom čase? Oni prisahali jeden druhému. Zabili zviera, rozrezali ho a postavili sa rovno medzi tie ... Tí dvaja muži stáli medzi tým rozrezaným zvieraťom. A urobili zmluvu: “Ak ja toto nedodržím, ak toto nevyplním, toto tak a tak, nech sa moje telo stane ako toto mŕtve zviera; nech sa s mojím telom stane ako s tým mŕtvym zvieraťom.” A keď to robia, zoberú túto zmluvu a stoja medzi tým, zložia prísahu - zložia prísahu, že to dodržia. A roztrhnú ten papier, na dvoje a jeden muž si vezme jednu časť a ten druhý druhú. V určenom čase sa stretnú; a nech zomrú smrťou ak nedodržia tú prísahu a budú ako tie mŕtve zvieratá. Dobre.

419Všimnite si tie tri zvieratá, dokonalé, baránok, koza a tie tri dokonalé obete. Čo znázorňoval baránok ... Čo znázorňovala hrdlička? A čo znamenali tie dve hrdličky? Tie dve hrdličky boli obetované za oboje, za spasenie a za uzdravenie v ... aby dokázalo ... To zmierenie bolo urobené inak, ale uzdravenie pokračuje tak isto a tiež spasenie pokračuje tak isto. Tie dve hrdličky, ktoré neboli rozseknuté znamenali tam, predstavovali oboje spasenie ... “Tvojimi ranami sme boli uzdravení. On bol zranený za naše prestúpenia; jeho ranami sme boli uzdravení.” Oni ležali na tej strane, nerozdelené. Ale tá zmluva, časť toho zvieraťa, tri z nich boli rozseknuté na dvoje. Vidíte? Potom, keď to urobili, roztrhli to a uzavreli svoju zmluvu.

420 Dávajte pozor čo Boh hovoril Abrahámovi, “Na Golgote, na Golgote, podľa tvojho Semena ... Z teba príde Izák, z Izáka príde ten a ten (Jakob), z Jakoba príde Jozef, z Jozefa a tak ďalej a ďalej, nasledovníci, až nakoniec cez to spravodlivé Semeno ako ...”

421On to prebral až po tadeto, hovorí, že náš Pán prišiel z národa, ktorý nepoznal Mojžiša, nehovoril vôbec o tom, že by prišiel z kňazstva ... Náš Pán prišiel z pokolenia Júdovho, nie z Léviho, lebo oni boli telesní činitelia zákona. Ale náš Pán prišiel z Júdu (Sláva. Tu to máte.) tam bolo dané zasľúbenie.

422Počúvate teraz dobre, už končíme. A na Golgote, Boh prišiel dole a zobral telo svojho vlastného Syna, v ktorom On žil a roztrhol ho na dvoje na Golgote. On krvácal, bol zranený, posekaný ... A tá kopija Ho tam prebodla a rozpárala na dvoje a jeho krv vytiekla a On povedal, “Otče, do tvojich rúk porúčam svojho ducha.” Sklonil hlavu; a zem sa zatriasla a zablysli blesky a zahučali hromy. Boh písal svoju večnú zmluvu.

423A On zobral jeho mŕtve telo z hrobu v prvý deň týždňa a priniesol ho do neba a postavil Ho tam ako Najvyššieho Kňaza, ako pamiatku, postavený tam dokonalý naveky. A poslal Ducha, ktorého vytrhol z toho tela, rovno naspäť dole na cirkev. A tá cirkev bude musieť mať toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol v tom tele inak to s tým nebude pasovať pri vzkriesení. Tie dva kusy musia presne pasovať ku sebe; a ak táto cirkev nie je dokonale, úplne presne ten istý Duch, ktorý bol v Kristovi, nikdy nepôjdete do vytrhnutia.

424Brat, existuje večná zmluva. Vyhľadaj si to sám, čo je v tvojom vlastnom srdci. Miluj Pána. Buď si skutočne istý, že si spasený; Nespoliehaj pri tom na náhodu. Hazardujete. My američania máme radi hazard, nehazarduj pri tomto. Buď si istý, že si v poriadku; nie preto, že si sa pripojil ku zboru, ale preto, že si skutočne znovuzrodený, Kristus prišiel ku tebe v Osobe Ducha Svätého.

425No, zdvorile, pri tom keď končím ... Akí šťastní máme byť, keď vidíme toho istého Ducha, ktorý bol v Ježišovi Kristovi, rovno medzi nami, že robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil keď On bol tu na zemi. Aký šťastní máme byť. Modlime sa teraz a skloňme svoje hlavy.

426Pane, bol to veľký deň. Hoci sa cítim tak ako som sa stále cítil, že som nedostatočný. Nedokážem to správne reprezentovať, Pane. Modlím sa aby si mi odpustil moje hlúpe spôsoby. Ó, vyznávam svoje hriechy pred Tebou a prosím o milosrdenstvo, keď viem, že veľký Najvyšší Kňaz stojí po pravici Božej v nebi, ktorý sa ním nestal podľa Árona, podľa zákonov a zákonných foriem a takých vecí; ale bol tam ustanovený kvôli milosti Božej, lebo sa pozrel dopredu pred založenie sveta a videl ma tu dole v tomto svete a zomrel za moje hriechy, aby ma priviedol naspäť do kráľovstva Božieho.

427Ďakujem ti Otče za to; že tento Duch, ktorý teraz vládne v tvojich ľuďoch je večný ako Boh je večný, “Ja im dám večný život (život na veky, večne trvajúci život), a nikdy nezahynú.” A nebudú na súde; obišli súd; odišli do slávy. A ak tento zemský stánok bude zničený máme iný, ktorý už čaká tam na nás, aby sme prišli do neho. Ďakujem Ti za to Pane.

428Modlím sa teraz, ak je tu niekto dnes večer, kto ešte nepil tú skutočnú Krv zmluvy, kto nevie čo to znamená - nevie čo to znamená byť znovuzrodený, mať skutočné obecenstvo s Kristom vo svojom srdci, či on či ona, nech by Ho prijali hneď teraz, keď čakáme a dávame túto príležitosť. A v ten deň prosíme aby sme reprezentovali evanjelium v pravom svetle. Prosíme to v Kristovom mene.

429Zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, či je tu niekto, kto by zodvihol svoju ruku ku Kristovi a povedal, “Kriste Boží, buď mi milostivý. Dovoľ mi, ako tvojmu nehodnému sluhovi prijať teraz Ducha Svätého do svojho srdca. A daj mi istotu a lásku, ktorú skutočne potrebujem.” Ak to nemáš, zodvihol by si ku nemu ruku a povedal, “Pane, toto je znak, že po tom túžim.” Zodvihneš ruku? Nech ťa tam Boh žehná, pani. Nech ťa tu Boh žehná, nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech je Boh s tebou; to je dobre. Ten muž tu na konci, nech ťa Boh žehná môj brat. A niekto ďalší prv ako zakončíme, čakáme ešte chvíľu ... Nech ťa Boh tam žehná, synu. Ešte niekto?

430Ja túžim teraz, túžim, Pane Bože. Ty poznáš moje srdce. Ty vieš čo je v mojej mysli. Ty ...” Duch Boží je živý a účinný a ostrejší než dvojsečný meč prenikajúci do rozdelenia špikov kostí a spôsobný posúdiť myšlienky srdca. Myslite na to. On pozná presne vaše myšlienky a úmysly.

431Či zodvihneš ruku a povieš, “Buď mi milostivý Bože, hneď teraz. Chcem aby si vedel, že viem, že nie som v poriadku a uvedomujem si to, ale chcem byť v poriadku.” Dobre, zatiaľ čo stále máme sklonené hlavy, modlíme sa teraz, zamyslite sa na chvíľu. Nechceme sa pri tomto ponáhľať.

Skala vekov, rozštiepená pre mňa,

dovoľ, že sa v tebe skryjem,

nech voda a krv, z tvojho krvácajúceho boku...

na hriech...

(Dvojitá liečba? On prisahal na to, dve nezmeniteľné veci.)

Spas od hnevu a očisti ma.

Keď sa blížim ...

432Ó Pane, udeľ nám teraz aby sme všetci rozpoznali, že toto dýchanie, ktoré dýchame je pominuteľné. Nevieme koľko ho ešte máme pred sebou. To všetko závisí na tvojej veľkej rade. To je rozhodnuté od Teba. Ó buď nám milostivý. A tým, ktorí zodvihli ruky, Pane, netreba ich zmieňovať; ty poznáš každého jedného z nich, ale prihováram sa v tejto modlitbe za nich. Prosím, aby si odstránil z ich sŕdc odsúdenie a daj im prísť smelo hneď teraz ku trónu, nech by pristúpili smelo rovno ku trónu Božiemu a žiadali si svoje Bohom dané privilégiá. Ty si spôsobil, že oni zodvihli svoje ruky; nemohli to urobiť sami od seba. A prosím, Bože aby si to udelil v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

Seba v tebe; (Chváľme Ho teraz.)

Nech voda (Ó.)

Ktorá vytiekla z tvojho raneného boku,

dvojitý liek na hriech;

Spas od hnevu a očisti ma.

433Koľkí sa teraz cítite skutočne dobre? Zodvihnite ruky a povedzte, “Chvála Pánovi.” Ó, On je ohromný. Ó. “Je miesto pri zdroji.” poznáš to, sestra Gertie? Pozrime sa koľkí milujú tú pieseň? Teraz za chvíľu budeme mať krst. [Brat Branham sa rozpráva s bratom Neville. – pozn.prekl.] Ty ich pokrstíš?

...miesto, áno, je miesto,

je tam miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

Miesto, miesto ...

434Dobre, tí kandidáti na krst, muži pôjdu do tejto miestnosti, ženy do tejto, dobre, tí ktorí majú byť pokrstení v to požehnané meno nášho Pána.

...milosť ... Je miesto pre teba pri zdroji;

v tom mene, požehnanom mene;

Je miesto pri zdroji pre teba.

435Teraz všetci.

Miesto, miesto, áno je miesto;

Je miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

Ó, miesto, miesto, áno je miesto,

je miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

436Ó milujem tú starú pieseň. Či vy nie?

Je miesto pre teba pri zdroji;

Ó, miesto, miesto, áno je miesto,

je miesto pre teba pri zdroji.

437No, zatiaľ čo sa starší pripraví na krst, chcel by som vysvetliť obecenstvu. A požiadam niektorého z diakonov, ak ma môžu počuť tam v tej miestnosti, keď budú hotoví, príď a povedz mi, tak môžeme dať nabok tieto mikrofóny. Chceme aby ste toto všetci videli. Ešte okolo desať minút a zakončíme.

438Chcem vám teraz prečítať niečo zo svätého Písma. Chcem čítať z knihy skutkov. A chcem začať od 12 verša z druhej kapitoly skutkov.

439Chcem aby ste si všimli v 16. kapitole sv. Lukáša, či sv. Matúša, myslím že to je to, keď Ježiš prichádzal z toho vrchu. A povedali jeho učeníkom, “Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som ja, syn človeka?”

440A niektorý z nich povedal, “No, Ty si Eliáš a niekto hovorí, že Ty si prorok a niekto hovorí, že Ty si toto alebo tamto.”

441On povedal, “Ale čo vy hovoríte, že kto som Ja?”

442A Peter povedal, “Ty si Kristus, Syn Živého Boha.” Je to tak?

443Ježiš povedal, “Požehnaný si Šimon syn Jonáša lebo telo a krv ti toto nezjavili. Nenaučil si sa to v seminári. Nenaučil si sa to od človeka.” Povedal, “Ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil. A Ja ti hovorím, že ty si Peter. Na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu. A dám ti kľúče kráľovstva nebeského. (Je to tak?) A čokoľvek rozviažeš na zemi, Ja rozviažem v nebi. Čokoľvek zviažeš na zemi, Ja zviažem v nebi.” Či to tak myslel? Inak by to nepovedal. No ako čas išiel ďalej ... Peter mal kľúče od kráľovstva.

444No, vy katolíci, môžete si myslieť, že toto ... Vy hovoríte, “Katolícka cirkev je postavená na Petrovi.” Dobre, zistíme to. Oni majú tie kľúče; katolícka cirkev stále má tie kľúče.

445Pozrime sa čo urobil Peter s tými kľúčmi (Dobre?), potom budeme vedieť. Biblia povedala Petrovi a ostatným apoštolom, “Choďte do celého sveta, ktorým hriechy odpustíte, tým budú odpustené; ktorým hriechy zadržíte, tým budú zadržané.” Možno, že som to povedal tak že niekto to možno neporozumel; Ježiš povedal apoštolom, “Ktorým ľuďom odpustíte hriechy, Ja im tiež odpustím. A ktorým ľuďom hriechy neodpustíte a zadržíte ich proti nim, ja ich tiež zadržím proti nim.” To je to čo povedal Ježiš.

446 Dávajte pozor ako sa katolícka cirkev v tom posunula.

447Ale pozrime sa ako to oni robili. Potom keď zistíme ako to oni robili, potom to máme robiť tak isto, No, poďme a zistime to.

448Bolo to na letnice, keď cirkev bola uvedená do úradovania. Oni boli všetci v hornej dvorane; vychádzali odtiaľ a hovorili rôznymi jazykmi. Prečo? Každý jazyk pod nebol tam bol zastúpený; Anglický tam bol tiež. Každý jazyk pod nebol tam musel byť, ktorým sa hovorilo v tých dňoch. Keď čítame ďalej je tam podané mnoho jazykov, ako Kréťania a cudzinci a prozelyti z Ríma a Arabi a všetci hovoria a oslavu... No, oni nehovorili v neznámych jazykoch. Oni hovorili v jazykoch, ktoré boli známe tým ľuďom, nie v neznámych jazykoch, ale v jazykoch, ktoré každý rozumel. Hriešnik, neveriaci mohli počuť čo ten tam hovorí; “Ako tedy my, počujeme hovoriť svojím vlastným jazykom, v ktorom sme sa narodili.?”

449Dávajte teraz pozor. Teraz povstáva otázka. No, tí ostatní sa vysmievali. Dvanásty verš, dobre.

A žasli všetci súc bezradní od údivu hovorili jeden druhému: Čo to chce byť?

Ale zase iní sa posmievali a hovorili: Naplnení sú sladkým vínom.

450Oni si z nich robili žarty pretože ... Ako oni hovorili? Oni sa zajakávali ako opilí,ako opilí, hovorili a nevedeli čo vravia ale kázali tomu zhromaždeniu v jazykoch, ktorým nerozumeli, ale tí zhromaždení rozumeli. Vidíte? No dobre.

Iní povedali: Naplnení sú sladkým vínom,

... (Pozrite ako sa správajú) ...

iní sa posmievali a hovorili: Títo sú naplnení ...

Ale Peter, ...

(Daj si pozor, chlapče, ty máš kľúče.) ...

Ale Peter zastanúc s jedenástimi povýšil svoj hlas a povedal im, ...

(Pamätajte teraz, toto je prvé uvedenie cirkvi do úradu.) ...

Mužovia židia a vy ktorí bývate v Jeruzaleme, nech vám je toto známe a počujte moje slová!

Lebo títo nie sú opilí, ako sa vy domnievate, lebo veď je ešte len tretie hodina dňa.

(Salóny ešte vtedy neboli ani otvorené. Rozumiete?)

Ale toto je to, čo je povedané skrze proroka Joela:

A bude v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, že vylejem zo svojho Ducha na každé telo a vaši synovia budú prorokovať vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia a vaším starcom sa budú snívať sny.

Áno i na svojich sluhov a na svoje dievky vylejem zo svojho Ducha a budú prorokovať.

A dám vidieť zázraky hore na nebi a znamenia dole na zemi, ...

(No, to Peter teraz káže, ten s kľúčami.)

... krv ... oheň a dymovú paru.

Slnko sa obráti na tmu a mesiac na krv, prv ako príde deň Pánov, veľký a slávny.

A bude, že každý, ktokoľvek bude vzývať meno Pánovo, bude spasený.

Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža pred vami presláveného mocami a zázrakami a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, ako aj sami viete ...

(Hovorí o napomínaní. On mal kľúče, viete.) „Nech je to...“

...toho určenou radou a predzvedením Božím vydaného ste vzali...

Tu to máte. Ako On mohol by vydaný? Boh to predurčil aby sa to tak stalo. Vidíte? Predzvedenie Božie.

451Ešte chvíľku; povedzte im, že ešte chvíľku, kým to prejdem s Písmom.

... ste vzali a rukou bezbožných ste pripäli na kríž a zavraždili,

ktorého Boh vzkriesil oprostiac bolestí smrti, ako aj nebolo možné, aby bol ňou držaný.

Lebo Dávid hovorí vzťahom na neho: Vždycky som videl pred sebou Pána, lebo mi je po pravici, aby som sa nepohnul.

Preto sa rozveselilo moje srdce a môj jazyk splesal, áno i moje telo bude stániť na nádeji.

Lebo nezanecháš mojej duše v ríši smrti ani nedáš svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie.

Dal si mi poznať cesty života naplníš ma veselosťou so svojou tvárou!

Mužovia bratia! Patrí sa povedať vám prosto a smele o patriarchovi

Dávidovi, že i zomrel i pochovali ho a jeho hrob je u nás až do dnešného dňa.

A teda súc prorokom a vediac, že sa mu Boh zaviazal prísahou ...

(Práve som cez to prešiel keď som kázal.) ...

že z plodu jeho bedier, podľa tela, vzbudí Krista a dosadí na jeho trón,

(Presne to o čom som hovoril v kázní. Peter káže to isté.)

A vidiac to vopred ...

(Prorok to videl vopred.)

... hovoril o zmŕtvychvstaní Kristovom, že ani nebola zanechaná jeho duša v ríši smrti, ani jeho telo, že nevidelo porušenie.

Toho istého Ježiša vzkriesil Boh, čoho sme my všetci svedkami.

Vyvýšený súc tedy pravicou Božou dostanúc zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha od Otca vylial toto, čo vy teraz vidíte a čujete.

Lebo Dávid nevstúpil na nebesia ...


ale on hovorí: Riekol Pán môjmu Pánovi; seď po mojej pravici,

dokiaľ nepoložím tvojich nepriateľov za podnož tvojich nôh.

Nech teda ...

(Počúvajte toto.)

... vie istotne celý dom Izraelov, že i Pánom i Kristom ho učinil Boh

(To malo byť jasne postavené, či nie?),

toho Ježiša, ktorého ste vy ukrižovali.

A keď to počuli, boli hlboko dojatí, až do srdca,a povedali Petrovi a ostatným apoštolom; čo máme robiť mužovia bratia?

452Dobre, tu to máme, čo on mal? Kľúč, kľúč do kráľovstva. Kde je to kráľovstvo? Ono je vo vás. Je to tak? Duch Svätý je Božím kráľovstvom; to vieme. Narodení sme do kráľovstva ako poddaní a delegáti. Pozrite, on má na boku kľúče. “Čo s nimi urobíš?” Toto je po prvý krát keď dvere boli otvorené.

453No, prvý krát bola položená táto otázka kazateľovi, tomu s kľúčom. Verím, keby on povedal “Postavte sa na hlave,” bolo by to oficiálne: “Čokoľvek zviažete na zemi, Ja zviažem v nebi.”

454Dobre, “Čokoľvek povieš, ja poviem to isté. Ty máš kľúč.” Dobre, on strká kľúč do dverí. Čo robíš?

...Čo máme robiť, mužovia bratia?

A keď to počuli, boli hlboko dojatí, až do srdca,a povedali ... čo máme robiť mužovia bratia?

A Peter im povedal: Čiňte pokánie a nech sa pokrstí jeden každý z vás na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha.

Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vaším deťom a všetkým na široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh.

Tým to naveky bolo vyriešené. Nikto nikdy nemohol tomu nijako protirečiť.

455Prichádza katolícka cirkev, namiesto aby boli ponorení, kropia. Namiesto toho, aby použili meno Ježiš, zobrali “Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý.” Nikdy to tak nebolo učené v Biblii.

456Každý odvtedy bol pokrstený ponorením vo meno Ježiša Krista. A niektorí boli pokrstení od Jána Krstiteľa, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša a Pavel im povedal, že takto nemôžu prijať Ducha Svätého; musia prísť a byť znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša prv ako môžu dostať Ducha Svätého. Koľkí viete, že to je podľa Písma? Skutky 19 kapitola. Tu to máte. Pretože Kráľovstvo nebeské bolo zapečatené pre každú inú cestu, skrze prísahu Ježiša Krista, že to bude oficiálne v nebi.

... Čiňte pokánie a nech sa pokrstí jeden každý z vás na meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, a dostanete dar Svätého Ducha.

Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vaším deťom a všetkým na široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán, náš Boh.


Modlime sa.

457Otče Bože, dnes večer, prešlo tisíc deväťsto a niekoľko rokov, jednako úprimnosť a poctivosť ľudských sŕdc stále volá po Bohu, ako deti volajú o mlieko z matkiných pŕs. Milujeme ťa, Pane; nemôžeme žiť bez teba. Ako povedal Dávid, “Moja duša túži po tebe ako jeleň za potokom vody.” On ju musí mať lebo inak zomrie.

458A, Otče, prečesali sme Písma, hore dole, nie aby sme sa líšili, ale vidíme tieto semináre, týchto teologických študentov dnes, ktorí kážu podľa prikázania ľudí a nie podľa prikázaní Božích. A tak, Pane, nepohŕdame týmito ľuďmi, ale pohŕdame tými vecami, ktoré oni učia. A tak, Pane prosíme aby sa oni stali našimi bratmi. Prosíme aby si im odpustil ich chybu a prosíme aby prišli do Písma, čítali ho, nie tak ako ho učia učitelia seminára ale podľa toho ako ho napísal Boh.

459Modlíme sa, Bože teraz, aby títo kandidáti ktorí idú teraz do vodného krstu ... Keď náš statočný brat pastor prichádza za túto kazateľňu aby odtiaľto kázal evanjelium - toto isté evanjelium a potom do bazénu na krst aby pochoval ... Udeľ, Pane, aby každý jeden z týchto prijal Ducha Svätého, pretože Ty si dal zasľúbenie, “Prijmete Ducha Svätého.” Nech by Duch Boží čakal nad vodou aby prijal dnes večer tých kandidátov, lebo ich porúčame do tvojich rúk, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

HEBREWS, CHAPTER SEVEN #2, 57-0922E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 85 min

238 Bless you! I think, first, we got a little baby here, Doc told me just a few minutes ago, my brother, a brother in flesh, that wanted... was for dedication. And now if those mothers has got their little tots that they want to dedicate to the Lord, we'll be glad to have them right now. They come, bring their little ones up.

239Now, and many people, they, what they call, baptize them. The Methodist church does, and I believe the Nazarene. I'm not sure. No. I think that's what they separated on, was infant baptism, the Nazarene and the Free Methodist. But, however, some of them, they do one thing and another. But, and some of them pour a little water on them. Some sprinkle them. And, but we always try to stay just as close to the Bible as we know how. Now, there's no Scripture in the Bible for a baby to be sprinkled, neither is there Scripture in the Bible for any person to be sprinkled. It's not a Scriptural thing. It's an order of the Catholic church.

240 But they--but they do, brought... They did bring little babies to Jesus. And--and we're to represent Him. We want to do the same thing that He did. He placed His hands upon them and--and blessed them, and said, "Suffer the little children to come to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." And that's what we continue to do here at the tabernacle, as we try to carry on the real Bible, consecrated way, the best that we know how.

241 So now, if that mother, or any mothers has got their little babies to be dedicated, while Sister Gertie plays Bring Them In, why, you bring them up to the altar. Brother and I will come down and dedicate the little ones to the Lord. All right.

Brother Neville. [Brother Branham and Brother Neville dedicate the babies.]

242Thank you, Sister Gertie. That's very fine. How many loves little children? If you don't, there is something wrong with you, there is something wrong.

243 Now, tonight, now to go into the rest of the services. We... the reason I got down again tonight. Usually on these days when we have healing services, I only get about one a day, because it gives me such a shaking. You never know it. And here at home is twice as bad as anywhere else.

244 And I was apologizing for making such a blunder as I did with it this morning. But the first thing upset me, was when Billy come to tell me that he couldn't find enough people to give out prayer cards to. He only could give out about twelve or fourteen. And he had a... Nobody wanted prayer cards. I guess everything was all right. So then, by that, I never thought... And then when I started to call those prayer cards, I thought I'd get all ten or twelve, or ever what there was in here. Called them up. I got to a certain number, something, and it wouldn't call. And I called. It wouldn't answer. And I never thought of it till Mrs. Woods called me up. She said, "Brother Branham, Billy takes them cards and shuffles them up together, and just gives them out. He might have had that number three," (wasn't it?) "number three in his pocket."

245 Sure, he usually gives out the whole fifty. When he brings them before the people, he just shuffles them up. So everybody... It's not say, "Give me number one." Or, we might not start at number one. We might start at fifty, you don't know, and come backwards. We might start at eight and go on over. Might start at twenty and go over. We don't know. But he just shuffles them up and gives them out to the people as they want them. And not thinking this morning, I might have called four or five more, and they wouldn't have been in there, 'cause it might have been way up in twenties or thirties somewhere, you see. And, then, but the Lord worked it out, but it just doesn't have the--the real pressure to it, like it does away from home. I may never try it--try it again.

246But, here not long ago, I asked the Lord if He'd give us a good meeting, that I promised that I--I wouldn't ask Him that no more, because it's been such a hard thing. And it's contrary to the Scripture. See? And if you... That's what makes it hard on me. Because, knowing that, it gives me a--a defeat, to begin with. See? I'm defeated, to start with.

247 However, someone called somebody this afternoon. Mrs. Woods was called by somebody. And said, that, "Somebody in the church was called this morning, about a man that was very, very sick, that came to Christ this afternoon, afterwards." That the--the man that was very sick came to Christ.

248And another thing, Mrs. Woods told me that I spoke to her sister, an older sister, that I really was in her home the other day and eat dinner with her, or supper with her, down in Kentucky. And Almighty God knows that I didn't recognize that woman. See? That's right. Just... Visions are sovereign. We never know how they're going to go or what's going to happen. It's up to God, and what--what takes place. But I did know, in waiting for them, waiting for there.

249 And the other day when this little girl was in here, that was supposed to have had discernment, which I, not... See, if God would give that to all the world, it would be fine; but if it was, it was contrary to what He told me across the street here, you see, a few years ago. And we wanted to be sure that was right, and let the church, being it was here, see it. And so I did call that Mrs. Snyder. Sister Snyder. She is here somewhere. She's just a teeny bit hard hearing. And the little lady spoke it low, and said, "You have rheumatism," or arthritis, something like that.

250Which, I knew it was a broken hip. And so... And then the Holy Spirit brought that in this morning. See?

251 Now, what it is, it's a Divine gift, and it works in its sovereignty. But what makes it so hard here in the city, honest, I--I get tangled up, all the time, in praying for the sick here. Or--or... I'll go, tell the people this. I'll go, say, "Now the Lord has made you well. Jesus healed you when He died for you, nineteen hundred years ago. Right there you were healed. Now, as far as God is concerned, as far as Christ is concerned, you was healed, nineteen hundred years ago. Your disease was gone. It takes your faith to do it."

252And then that person can go around and not get well. Then the person come around, say, "Brother Branham told me I was well." See? I'm telling you what God said.

253 Now, when it's spoke directly to a person, directly, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD," on a certain thing that's going to take place. That'll prove to you right there that your healing is already secured. Your faith has sealed it. See? The promise is yours. It ain't my word. It's God's Word, that you're already healed. See? But you just... Somehow another, I--I just can't get it to soak in, to folks here in Jeffersonville. I--I just can't get it to happen. I know. I'll try to explain that just as well as I can, and it just--it just won't happen. That's all. I say...

254 Here, not long ago, I went to a home, to a man, and the man was dying. And they called me, "Come, pray for him. The doctor said he wouldn't live till morning."

255I went in. And the young man said to me, "Mr. Branham, I don't want to die." Why, certainly the young fellow didn't. He had a family of two children there.

256Well, I got down. I said, "Now, look, who is your doctor?" He told me. I said, "Now, the doctor might have said you was, you was going to die, but God hasn't said yet you was going to die." I said, "Now, according to the Bible, you're already healed, because Jesus died for your healing."

257He said, "Do you believe I'll get well?"

258I said, "I absolutely believe it."

259Well, if I went to pray for a man, and didn't use that kind of faith, to believe for him; if I go, "Oh, no, no, if the doctor said you're going to die, you was going to die. That settles it now." Now, wouldn't that be some person to come pray for the sick? I wouldn't want that person in my house, to pray for me. I want somebody that, even if he didn't see it, or not, he'd take faith and stand on the promise for me. That's right. And I said... he...

260We went and had prayer. I said, "Now be of a good courage."

261He said, "Do you mean that I'll get well?"

262I said, "Why, sure. God's Word said you'll get well. See, 'If thou canst believe, all things are possible.'"

263He said, "All right, I'll believe It." And went out and said to his wife, that.

264"The man is dying, isn't he?"

265"Yes, he is." And so the next day, the man died, or a couple days after that.

266Then this woman goes out and starts drinking and carrying on. And one of the deacons, I believe it was, of this church, went to the woman and asked her if she would return and come back to church. She said, "I wouldn't believe nobody. Preacher Branham come in here and prayed for my husband, said he was going to live, and he died in two or three days later." Said, "I wouldn't believe." Now she is dying. All right.

267 But, however, you see, it just goes to show that people don't pay attention to what you're saying. See? Certainly. If I prayed for a person, and I--I tell them people they're going to live. I believe they're going to live. But, no matter, if my word was absolutely THUS SAITH THE LORD, and you would disbelieve It, you'd die, anyhow. Certainly. Here is THUS SAITH THE LORD, and many of them receive It and die. Many of them go to hell, when, THUS SAITH THE LORD, "You don't have to." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. See? It's what... It's all based on your faith.

268 Brother Collins, I don't think he is in tonight. But listening at him this morning, he gave the most gallant talk on that. See? See? He did. He said, "Now, the same faith you have up here, you're going to have to have out there. Because, it's your individual faith, not in your denomination, but in Christ. You've got to have that faith." That's just exactly right. Absolutely.

269And Divine healing is based upon your faith. But according to God's Word, THUS SAITH THE LORD, that every person was healed when Jesus died at Calvary, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." That right? We were. The Bible said, "You were healed." So don't find fault with me, I'm just a preacher of the Word. You go tell God that He told something wrong, and God will tell you where your weakness is then. See? So, it's your faith. Jesus said, "If thou canst believe. If thou canst believe."

270 Now, when you hear the Holy Spirit has confirmed your faith and solid it down, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'Tomorrow at this certain time, you'll have a certain thing. Certain thing will take place. It'll be over here a certain way, and you'll meet a certain thing here. That'll be a sign to you.'" Now, you watch that. That's a finished work, right here now.

271But when it's come to saying Divine healing, I have to put Divine healing on the same basis, of that manner, as salvation. Each one of you, no matter what you've done, you've been saved since Jesus died, 'cause He died to take away the sins of the world. But it'll never do you any good till you personally accept it and experience it. But as far as your sins, they're already forgiven. That's right. He... "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." See? There you are. Now remember that.

272 Now, I know that in teaching, in the Scriptures, we're a mixed congregation. And many times, in this Book of Hebrews, which is a rather deep Book... I'm going to have to leave it for a while now. I'm going to try tonight to finish up the last part of that 7th chapter.

273And now there's many questions in your mind, no doubt. Many of you have questions, and I'd have, too. Now, the next time, the Lord willing, when I come in...

274I'm going to Michigan now. And then, from Michigan, I'm going to Colorado. And from Colorado, to the West Coast. Now--now, when we get in, the Lord willing... Now, I don't know. If I don't be in Chicago, Sunday, I may be back here for the coming Sunday night.

275 Now we're holding our pastor out of the pulpit here for about six weeks, all through these--these--these, this book here. See? Now we... I don't like to do that. Brother Neville is a lovely, sweet, kind brother. And I'm sure that this church loves Brother Neville.

276 By the way, while I'm speaking; somebody, in around this country somewhere, is guilty of writing some cards, to move Brother Neville out of this pulpit. You're going to have to settle that with me. Uh-huh. That's right. Uh-huh. Yes, indeed. Now, I want you... Said the dea-... something about the deacon board. The deacon board has not one thing to do with that pastor. No, sir. The congregation, in full, has all the authority. It isn't... A deacon board is just the policemen here in this church, just to keep order and so forth. But when it comes to rules, the whole church has to say so. This church is built upon the sovereignty of the local church. Therefore, I have nothing to say in moving this pastor, or putting one in. I own the property; it's given to the church. You all are the church. You people are the one who control. You're the church, yourself. And the Church, the holy Church of God is the sovereignty, of the Holy Spirit in that Church. And the only thing I do is own the property, give it over to this church, as give it over for a church, and it's tax free. And the church elects their own pastors. I have nothing to do with it. And the only way this pastor could ever leave, would be the pastor decide himself to go, or the majority of the votes of the church would have to say, "Change the pastor." That's the only way. No deacon board can do it. The deacon board only keeps order and things in the church.

277The trustees, they have nothing to do with it, only repair the church. And they can't do it until there's a... The whole trustee board meets and says, "We'll build this, or we'll do that." Then they have to ask the treasurer if they got the money to do it. Yes, sir.

278 But if there's any complaint against any member, if a member has a complaint against one another, or something wrong, you're supposed to go to that brother, yourself; and talk to him, you and he alone. Then if they won't receive it, then the next thing takes place, you take one of the deacons or somebody, and go with you to that brother. Then if he won't receive you, then you come tell it to the church. Then if the church... Then if he won't receive the church, then the Bible said, "Let them be as a heathen and a publican." That's right.

279And any persons that knows a guilty person, and you don't go to them and talk, then you're the part of the church of God is going to answer for that sin. That's right.

280 And if any persons then has a--a complaint against a deacon, or against the deacon or somebody in the church, it takes three people. Three people would come and say, witness, the mouth of two or three witnesses. Come tell the pastor that there's a grievance against a deacon. Then if there's a grievance against a deacon, the deacon isn't a--a just man, a--a perfect man. He must hold the office of a deacon, blameless, and then found blameless. And if that congregation finds out that that deacon is not holding that office, he gets three with him and takes it to the pastor. That deacon is asked to stay home over the night. And then the pastor from... comes and brings the congregation together, gives the grievance. And if the congregation votes for the deacon to continue on, the deacon continues on. If he con-... votes for the deacon to be dismissed, they elect a new deacon that very night. See?

281 Therefore, no one person has nothing to do in this. It's the majority of the people. Yes, sir. If twenty votes for him, and twenty-one votes against him, he goes; or, vice versa. See? That is, it's the sovereignty of the local church and, then, each one of the members has a say-so in the church. Anything goes on, wrong, then they can come right around, and the only thing they have to do is to be before God that they are absolutely see that nothing hinders the moving of the church.

282 But the full and complete authority of the church is the pastor. Read that in the Bible, see if that's not Bible order. That's exactly right. There is no one above the elder. I have nothing to do with what Brother Neville does here. That's up to you and Brother Neville. If Brother Neville wanted to preach Jehovah Witness doctrine, that's up to him and you. See? If he wanted to preach anything he wanted to, that's between you and him. That's all. If the congregation votes for him in there, to preach that, that's all right. That's up to him.

283 The only thing that I do, just is owning the property. And if something another comes by, that it's like moving the pastor, and they want to take a vote on that, you couldn't ask a deacon to do that. You'd come ask me. I'd come down, say, "If you want to move the pastor, tell me why. Has he done anything?"

284"Yes. We caught him, drunk. Or, we caught him doing this, or doing something wasn't right."

285"Have you got three witness of it?"

286"Yes. We have."

287Them witness must first be tried. "Don't receive an accusation against an elder 'less it be by two or three witness, and let them first be proved; against an elder." Then you have to swear to it, that you saw it; and prove it, that you saw it.

288And then, if you did, then that sin is rebuked openly, that, "It's wrong." Then say, "Congregation, do you want to change your pastor?"

289 And if the congregation votes, "Forgive him, and let him go on yet," that's the way it has to stand. See? That, isn't that fair enough the way to run a church? That's what the Bible said. We have no bishops and overseers, and boards and so forth, moves this one in and got a lot of authority. There's nobody got authority here but the Holy Ghost. That's right. He does the moving. And we take Him as the majority of the people, the way the people go.

290And then if one side wants to do this, and the other side wants to do that, and the side wins. The losing side, what do they do about it? Join right in with the rest of them, say, "We were wrong, then. We'll go right on, 'cause the Holy Ghost has made that choice." See? That's exactly right.

291 Like Democrats and Republicans, as long as we stand as a democracy, as Americans. If the Democrats is in, the Republicans should push right on with them; Republicans in, the Democrat push on. See? That's just exactly what makes us a nation. Whenever we break that, we break our democracy. That's right. Democrats say, "I ain't going to do nothing; Republicans was in." Then we fall. I'm a Kentuckian: together we stand, and divided we fall.

292 Now, if there's anything wrong in the church that you ever know of, some individual or some person or anything, you are duty bound and will answer before God if you don't clear that thing out; you, the church. Now, remember, it's not on my shoulders. It's on yours. And anything wrong in the church, God will make you answer for it. That's right. That's the way He runs his church. That's the way it is in the Bible. That's the order of the Bible. That's the sovereignty of the local church. The pastor is the head. That's right. Amen.

293 Now, coming to this blessed, old Message here. You, now I want you to know that. This is tape recorded, remember, this Message. And the tape recordings of the church, the orders and rules of the church, it's on tape recording. That's according to the Bible. We don't run it; there's nobody in head. No. All, we're all the same. But, we got a leader, that is the pastor, as long as he's led by the Holy Ghost. True. All right.

294 Now, in here, there's going to be a lot of questions. So the next time that they give out... And Brother Neville puts on the radio that I'm to be here, you write out your question, so you and I can fuss it together. Will you? All right.

295 I know I've taught on the perseverance of the saints. I've taught on the supreme Deity of Jesus. I've taught on the security of the believer, and foreordination, predestination, and many of those things. Which, I know, in my congregation is many legalists, which is perfectly all right. Absolutely. But, now, the things, I'm a legalist, too, and I'm a Calvanist. I just believe the Bible. That's all.

296 Now, if some of those, questions. And I've taught on evidences, sensations, and so forth, and all those things you might have disagreed with. So one of these nights, maybe... Let's make it...

Are you in a big hurry to get back up in here? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.]

Let's make it Wednesday night, this coming Wednesday night, then I--I think I--I can have that then. Bring your question in Wednesday night, lay it up here on the platform, and the question about the Bible, all right, of what I been teaching on now. And Wednesday night. And then by the following Sunday, then, I think I--I've got to be in Chicago, anyhow. And I'm going from there into Michigan. The Lord willing, I'll be here Wednesday night, to try to answer the question the best that I can. And now the Lord be merciful.

Now let's bow our head, just a moment.

297 Now, blessed Lord, this is Your great economy. It's your church. It's You, Lord, that's moving, and we want to move as the Spirit of God moves us. And we pray now that You'll bless us. And as we rehearse this Message, and get down into these deep things, we pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal them to us just as we have need. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

298Now, oh, I... This Book of the Hebrews, I value as one of the great Books.

299 A little later on, it may be that I--I've got... going overseas, which that, if God permits, I will be doing pretty soon. I've got to go to Africa according to a vision. I think I'll never prosper much in my meetings until I go to Africa and fulfill that vision. Now, then, that'll probably be sometime this coming spring.

300But between that time, I like take one more book out of the Book of Hebrews, that is, the 11th chapter of Hebrews. And stay about a week in that 11th chapter, and take each one of those characteristics or characters, and bring out their characteristic. See? "By faith, Noah," then take the life of Noah. "By faith, Abraham," then take the life of Abraham. "By faith, Abel," then take the life of Abel. See? And bring that down. Would you like that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, that would be, we take in the whole Bible then. And then we'll try that, maybe, either in, say, a week or ten days of meetings, just one meeting right after the other, in a revival like, sometime around through Christmas holidays, or something like that, the Lord willing.

301 Now, in the 7th chapter of the Book of Hebrews, we met this great Character. Who can tell me what His name was? [Congregation says, "Melchisedec."--Ed.] Melchisedec. Now, who was this Melchisedec? He was the priest of the Most High God. He was the King of Salem, which was the King of Jerusalem. He didn't have any father, or He did not have any mother. He had no time He was ever born, or He will never have a time that He will die. Now, we find out that that has to be Eternal.

302 We found out that the word forever means "a space of time." Do you still remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] A space of time, it's forever and forever. And forever is witnessed, many times, in the Bible as "a--a space of time."

303But, Eternity, and there's only one type of Eternal Life, we found. Is that right? God has that Eternal Life, alone. Is that right? Only one type of Eternal Life. There is no such a word as "Eternal punishment." Cause, if you're to be punished for Eternity, you've got to have Eternal Life. To be punished Eternally, you'd have to have Eternal. And if you got Eternal Life, you can't be punished, see, if you got Eternal. "He that heareth my Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life." Is that right? Eternal Life, because you believe. Well, if you've got Eternal Life, you can't be punished, because you got Eternal Life. So, then, if you're going to suffer in hell forever and forever, you got to have Eternal Life.

304 But, now, I do believe that the Bible teaches of a literal burning hell. The Bible teaches that, that the sins and wickedness will be punished, forever and forever. That's not Eternity, now. That's maybe for ten billion years. It may be for a hundred billion years, but sometimes it has to have an end. For, everything that had a beginning, has an end. It's those things which has not a beginning, it has no end.

305You remember that lesson now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How we went back and found out that everything that had a beginning was perverted, see, a perversion off of the main. And, finally, it winds back up to an Eternity. And then all hell, all suffering, and all memory of such, will be vanished for Eternity. Everything that begin, ends.

306 And this Melchisedec was not Jesus, for He was God. And what made Jesus and God different, that, Jesus was the tabernacle that God dwelt in. See? Now, Melchisedec. Jesus had both father and mother. And this Man never had father or mother. Jesus had a beginning of life and He had an end of life. This Man had no father, no mother, no beginning of days or ending of life. But, It was the selfsame Person, it was. Melchisedec and Jesus was One; but Jesus was the earthly body, born and fashioned after sin. God's own body, His own son, born and fashioned after sin, to take the sting out of death, to pay the ransom, and to receive sons and daughters unto Himself. You get it? That's the reason that He had--He had a beginning, He had an ending.

307 But this perfect body, in commemoration, as--as the earnest of our resurrection, God would not suffer that holy body to see corruption, because He created it Himself. And brought it forth, and resurrected it, and set it at His right hand.

308And, today, the Holy Spirit that raised that body up is here in the Church. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! And showing forth the same miracles and power. And someday this Holy Spirit, that's in the Church, will scream and will lift up, and will receive itself into this body form that's setting at the right hand of the Majesty of God, to make intercessions for we sinners. And by There we are perfectly kept from sin. Not that we don't sin; but kept from sin, in the Presence of God. Cause, there's a Bloody sacrifice standing between me and God, between you and God. That's the reason He said, "A man that's born of God, does not commit sin, he can't sin." For, if you're born again, the very Holy Spirit that lived in that Body lives in you. And It can't sin; the sacrifice is laying before Him. Then if you willfully do it, shows that it's impossible for you to be into that Body. Amen. That's the Gospel. There It is.

309 Therefore, you see, It doesn't contradict any of the Scriptures. It binds the Scriptures together. See? "It would be impossible for those once enlightened." There is where we'll get my questions. For, just get them, that's how we want.

310Now notice. "It's impossible for those who once enlightened, to fall away to renew themselves again to repentance, to see that they crucify the Son of God afresh, and make Him... and bring Him to an open shame." They couldn't do it.

311Then you go on over to Hebrews 10, where It says there, "For if we sin willfully after we received the knowledge of the Truth." And what is sin? Unbelief.

312 If you deliberately see the Holy Spirit do the things that It did right here this morning, and see that Christ is risen from the dead, and He's living in His Church and among His people, and you willfully turn It down, it's impossible for you to ever come to God, 'cause you've blasphemed the Holy Ghost.

313Jesus said the same things, when He was doing those miracles.

314They said, "Why, He is Beelzebub. He's a fortune-teller. He's a devil."

315Jesus turned around, and said, "I'll forgive you for that. But when the Holy Ghost comes and does it, to speak a word against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come. Because you've called the Spirit of God that was in Him, 'An unclean spirit.'"

316 Then, if we sin willfully, if we sin, disbelieve willfully. Not after we receive the Truth, been born again; we couldn't sin then. A sinner cannot commit the unpar-... A Christian cannot commit the unpardonable sin. He can't do it. It's the ungodly that does that. It's the make-believer, not the believer.

317Those Jewish rabbis, oh, they thought they were starch, and they had D.D.'s and Ph.D.'s. They thought they had it all sewed up, in a bag, but they was the worst of sinners. Oh, they might... You couldn't put a hand on them, on their life. They were clean, moral, and just, that way. But they were disbelievers.

318 And you take the word sin and find out what it means. The word sin means "unbelief." There's only two factions, that is, a believer or an unbeliever. That's, a justified person or a sinner. That's all. If you're an unbeliever, you're a sinner; no matter how good you are, how much you go to church, or even if you're a preacher. You're still an unbeliever.

319Those Pharisees were preachers, and they were unbelievers, and in hell today for it. Just as religious as they could be, and pious, but they didn't believe Him. And they called Him "a devil," and disputed His Word. And some of them said, "If thou be, now come down off the cross. Perform a miracle. Let us see you do it." One smote Him on the head, with a stick, and said, "Prophesy and tell us who hit you, you a prophet, and we'll believe you." See, unbelievers! They make-believe that they were believers, but they were unbelievers, unregenerated, separated, though they were holy and pious.

320 Yet, that's the same thing stands today. Men and women can go to church and have the long face, and--and pious as they can be, and never lie, steal, and try to live their religion as best they can. But, unless they are a believer, they're lost. So there's no scratch of legalists in the Bible. Calvinism is... Grace is what God did for you, and works is what you do for God. It's absolutely separated.

321If you quit lying, quit smoking, quit stealing, quit committing adultery, quit all, done everything, kept the commandments, and went to church, baptized every Sunday, took the communion, washed the feets of the saints, done everything, healed the sick, and done all these other things, unless you're born of the Spirit of God, elected, you're lost. "Not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God that sheweth mercy."

322 Esau tried his best to become a Christian, and couldn't do it. The Bible said he wept bitterly, seeking a place to repent, and couldn't find it. Before he was even born, God condemned him, 'cause He knowed he was a rotten shyster in his heart. God by foreknowledge knew it. He said, "I love Jacob, and I hate Esau." And Esau looked like the gentleman. He stayed home, taking care of his old blind daddy, fed the cattle, and everything, was a good boy.

323And Jacob was mama's boy, little old sissified story-teller. That's what he was. You have to admit it. The Bible admits, brings it. Run around, doing everything. And--and, mama, hanging around with mama. But, yet, Jacob, with all of his ups-and-down, and his sissified ways, he still had respect to that birthright. That's the keynote.

324Esau was twice the gentleman of Jacob. If we had to judge him today, to be a member of our church, you'd take Esau, a thousand to one, if you didn't know him. But God took Jacob.

325 What would you do with Saint Paul, if he wanted to be a minister? A little, old hook-nosed Jew, and a mouth setting sideways, going along just fussing, and how he's going to tear out the Church. He's going to do everything. You'd thought he committed the unpardonable sin. But God said, "He's my servant."

326God takes men and makes them different, not men taking God and becoming different. God takes man and makes him different. It's not what you do, what you will, what you think. It's what God does. There you are. And that's the story.

327 Now, this great Melchisedec, what a story on Him here! We want to read a little bit, this type. We had to run through it so fast. We're going to start back here on a certain part of the Scripture, and we're going to start about the 15th verse.

And it is yet... more evident: that there... for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there arises another priest.

328Now, Melchisedec was a priest. Was he? Here is what He was. We find out that God, in the beginning, was a great fountain of Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He had no birthplace. He had no dying place. He had no beginning of days. He had no ending of years. He was just as Eternal as Eternity is Eternal. He never was born. He never did die.

329 And in there, we find out that, He had seven varieties of Spirit. Is that right? The Bible said, in the Revelation, that, "The seven Spirits before the Throne of God." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The seven, manifold, seven Spirit. We find out, there is seven colors. There is seven church ages there. Oh, it just runs. Seven is complete, and God was complete. And seven Spirits, and those Spirits were perfect. The first was the color of red; perfect love, redemption. And how, if we had time, to give those colors and show that each one of those colors represents God's purity. Amen. Those colors, there is seven natural colors. Those colors represents the purity of God. And the... Those colors represents the motives of God, the attitude of God. Those seven colors, they represented seven church ages, seven stars, seven angels. All through the Scripture, seven ministers, seven messengers, seven messages, all in the sevens. Seven days. Six days, and the seventh is the sabbath; perfect, complete. Oh, it's beautiful, if we just had the time to dig into it and to bring it out, those colors!

330 Take the color red. We take the first color, is red. What is red? Red is one sign of danger. Red is a sign of redemption. And you look at red through red, what color is it? White. That's correct. So when the red Blood was shed, to cover red sin; God, looking through red Blood, look at red sin, it becomes white. The believer can't sin. Certainly not. The Seed of God, the blessings of God, remains on him. God can't see nothing but the Blood of His own Son. No matter what it is in His Church, what it is, God don't see it, because Jesus is making intercessions, constantly, the High Priest. No way for him to sin, when such a Sacrifice is laying there for him, like that. Certainly not.

331And now if you say, "Well, that gives me a good chance..." Then that shows you're not right.

332 You'll appreciate That. You'll love It, if you're a real Christian, to a place that sin would haunt you till you couldn't do it. "For the Seed of God remains in him, and he cannot sin." The Bible said, "Once purged by the Blood of Jesus, has no more desire of sin." If you have a desire, your heart is not right with God.

333Now, you will do wrong, but you don't do it willfully. See? You're--you're trapped, and anything you're trapped into, or do something that you don't mean to do it, it's not sin yet, you'll repent the minute you see that you're wrong. You'll turn quickly and say, "I didn't mean... didn't see that." You'll say that, all through life. A man don't want to be, that's the reason that we are so stupid and so in dark, down here on earth, that there's a Blood atonement for us, all the time, to keep us covered. Cause, the first mistake we met...

334 Now, there's your legalist idea. "Oh, you know what? That woman was sanctified. But, bless God, she done wrong. I know she is backslid." That's wrong. She's not backslid. She made a mistake. If she did it willfully, then she wasn't right, to begin with.

335If she didn't mean to do it, and she walks before the holy Church of God and confesses it, and say, "I'm wrong, and you forgive me," you are duty bound to do it. You don't do it in your heart, then you ought to went to the altar yourself. True. There is the real holiness in the church. There is genuine holiness, the holiness not of you, but of Christ.

336 I have no holiness to present to Him. But I'm trusting in His, oh, His grace, and I have it in my heart. I've unmerited it, nothing I could do to deserve it, but by grace He called me and invited me to come. And I looked to Him, and He took the desire away from me. I make thousands of mistakes in each month, in each year. Sure. I do. But when I see I'm wrong, I say, "God, I didn't mean to do it, You know my heart. I didn't mean to do that. I was trapped into that. I didn't mean to do it. You forgive me, Lord."

337If I done wrong to my brother, I say, "Brother, forgive me. I didn't mean to do that." Certainly, God knows my heart.

338Oh, there you are. There is the Blood sacrifice. There is the power of the Gospel, that holy Church moving on. Not because something you done; it's something you had nothing to do with. There is the Atonement.

339 Now, this Melchisedec, when He came forth.

340I want to tell you another thing. Did you ever take a--a three-cornered piece of glass? You take a piece of glass that's three-cornered, and lay it so the sun can hit it, it'll produce seven perfect colors. A three-cornered piece of glass will produce a rainbow. That's exactly right. Now, if we had time, we'd go in on that. Three brings perfection: Father, Son, Holy Ghost; justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There you are. The perfection come by the three. God, above man; God, in the Man called Jesus; God, in the Church. Then, the perfection.

341 The man sinned, as long as God was up here in a Pillar of Fire, God. Man sinned, rather, before God, as long as God was in a Pillar of Fire, because he was still an unclean creature, animal blood laid before Him.

342Then the Lamb of God came, second definite step of God; same God, another office. And then this God in... was in Christ, was the same God that was in the Pillar of Fire. And the same God was made flesh and dwelt among us. And then man made fun of Him, it was still countable for it. There was no Blood shed yet. That's right. Jesus said, "I'll forgive you."

343But then that same One that was flesh, became in the Pillar of Fire again. "I come from God. I go to God." Here we find Paul meeting Him, on the road down to Damascus, that same Pillar of Fire. We find Peter meeting Him in the jail, that same Pillar of Fire. Certainly. And we see Him today, among us, the same Pillar of Fire.

344 But the perfection has come to the place, that the middle person... Now, if there happens to be a Jew here, or somebody that understands the Old Testament. Prove it, let me show you. I haven't got the Old Testament with me, right now. This is--is the New Testament. But in the offering of the shewbread that was laying on the kosher plate, in the Jewish sacrifice at the cleansing of the tabernacles; ask any Jew; on those three pieces of bread, the middle piece was broken. That was Christ. The middle piece was broken; Christ, the in between. Showed that there had to be a breaking, somewhere, for redemption. And that piece was considered redemption, on the kosher bread.

345 And here He is. And tonight, when we take the communion, we break the kosher bread, for it's the body of Christ. And He was broken at Calvary, to be a propitiation for our sins, that through His righteousness we might become His righteousness. Because, He became our sin, that we might become His righteousness. Brother, that's purely grace. Absolutely. There's no way, any other way you could justify.

346 Now, this Melchisedec, this great Person that was met on the road. He paid, Abraham paid tithes to Him. How great a Man He must have been! Now notice, quickly.

Who is made, not after the law of... carnal commandments,...

347Now see that legalist law? The law said, "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal."

348Jesus turned right back around, said, "It is said of them of old times, 'Thou shalt not kill,' but I say who is ever angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed already. It is said of them, old times, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' but I say unto you, whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already within his heart with her." There you are. That ought to teach women how to dress, how to do what's right. You dress wrong, and cause the men to look at you in the wrong way, you're guilty of committing adultery, just the same as you went through the act. Jesus said so.

349 And you people with these saw-blade tempers, that's always spouting off in the mouth at somebody, can't put up, and things like that. Be careful. You're guilty if you speak a word (against your brother) that's not right, not just, go around and tear down it. You don't have to stick a knife in a man's back to kill him. You can break his character and kill him, kill his influence. Speak against your pastor here, say something bad about him, you just might as well as shot him. Told something that wasn't right about him, well, it'll kill his influence with the people and things like that, and you're guilty of it. What Jesus said.

350 Now, listen here, what--what Paul was trying to get to here. I love this old Bible. It straightens you out. Look, oh, just looky here. Now, as we read the four-..." It is... for it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Ju-..." Wait, I believe I have another verse here I was going to read. No, down here at the 16th.

Who is made, not after the law of... carnal commandments,...

351That's legal, you see. "Oh, brother, I--I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I know, but I..." That's not it. It's love that does it.

352 How we went through it! I said, "If I said to my... about my wife, 'Oh, well, I--I--I'd like to have two wives. I'd like to run around with this one, do this one there. But, if I do, my wife will divorce me... And my kids will be in... My ministry would be lost.'" You dirty, rotten hypocrite. That's right. You don't love her right, in the first place. That's exactly right.

353If you loved her, there'll be no law about it. You'd love her, anyhow, and you stick with her. That's exactly right. And you women will do the same thing to your husband. That's right.

354Sometimes women become the place, or...

355Man see some little Jezebel all painted up, you know, and--and he'll go around, fall for her; maybe a good wife. And then you call yourself a Christian. Shame on you. You need another dose of the altar. That's right.

356And some of you--and some of you women look around at some little old guy with his hair slicked down, enough Vaseline on it to open his mouth. And then you...

357 Some little old girl, here not long ago. This ain't a joke, 'cause I don't mean to tell it as a joke. But the people knows that this is no place to joke. But a little old girl here, she... There was fine boys here, Christian boys. Long time ago, when I was pastoring here, we used to have just young men's classes. And I'd speak to the young women on Sunday afternoon, about sex and things. Then the next Sunday afternoon, speak to the young men, and try to get those things curbed out.

358 Some little old girl started going with some little old shrimp, downtown here, smoked cigarettes and had a flask in his pocket. And he drove a little roadster car around town. I couldn't see what she seen in that boy. He wouldn't come to church. He'd sit out there. Put her in the church out here, and then he'd set out there on the outside, in his car, and wait, wouldn't come in church. I said to her one day. She lived in New Albany. I said, "I want to ask you something, girlie. What in the world do you see in that boy?" I said, "The first place, he hates the very religion that you--you have. He despises your Christ. He would never make you a husband. He would make you miserable, all your life." And I said, "Well, there's fine little Christian boys here that you could go with. And there your daddy and mother despises the thoughts of you going out, but you go anyhow, and you think, 'I'm sweet sixteen.'"

359 She started wearing makeup and running out, and first thing, she was in roadhouses. She's gone on to Eternity now. But, then, she stood here. And you know what excuse that girl give me back there, that she loved that boy? She said, "He's got such cute little feet, and he smells so good." Could you imagine that? Perfuming himself up, that's a sissy, not a man.

360"Look," I said, "sister, I'd rather go with a Christian boy that had feet like gravel cars and smelled like a polecat, if he was absolutely a Christian." That's right. True. Yeah.

361It's excuse, "Such cute little feet, and smells so good." The little roadhouse runner, finally ruined the life of the girl. It's a shame, disgraceful.

362 Marriage is honorable, but it should be entered prayerfully and reverently. And genuine love for that woman will bind you together forever. "What you bind on the earth, I'll bind in Heaven." When you walk down the street yonder, she may get old and gray and wrinkled, but that same love you had for her when she was a young, beautiful woman, you'll still have it.

363You may get stoop-shouldered, bald-headed, and wrinkled-faced and everything else, but she'll love you just like you did when you stand with wide shoulders and curly hair, if it's really God. For you're looking to the time when you've crossed the river yonder, when you'll spring back, again to young men and women, to live together forever. That's God's Eternal promise. He said He would do it. He, not only that... We'll get to it in a minute. He swore He would do it.

364 Listen to this, as we go on.

Who is made,... after the law of... carnal commandments, but after the power of... endless life.

365Now we're going to read fastly, so we can get it.

For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

As long as there'll be needed a priest, He will be a priest.

For there is evident a disannulling of the commandments going before... the weakness of the unprofitability thereof.

For the law made nothing perfect,...

366 You can't, no matter what you do. You quit drinking, quit smoking, quit telling lies, go to church and try to do this and try to do that, you're still carnal. That's just law. The law makes nothing perfect. But what makes perfect? Christ. Glory! I might quit lying, quit stealing, quit committing adultery, quit chewing, quit all the things, and I'm still carnal. God don't receive it, because I have nothing to offer Him in propitiation.

367But the minute that I lay my hands upon the blessed head of the Lord Jesus, and say, "Lord, I'm no good. Will You take me as Your servant?" and God kisses away my sin, I stand perfect in the sight of God. That's right. Why? I'm not standing on my own merit. I'm standing on His. And He has perfected us, through His suffering and His Blood.

368 I see it's time to close. But I want to finish reading this if I can, quickly.

... going before for the weakness is unprofitability thereof.

For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; (What's the better hope? Christ.) by the which we draw nigh unto God.

369Why? Through all of our goodness, and all of our goodness, and all of our goodness, we're still carnal. But once in the presence of God, recognizing that we could never stand there, only through the merits of Jesus Christ, then we draw nigh unto God, through the merits of His Son. "Lord, I come to You, with an innocent heart. In the Name of Thy Son Jesus, please receive me." Oh, brother, you're coming by a living way then.

370Not, "Lord, You know I quit drinking. You know I treat my wife right. You know I do this. I do that." You have nothing to offer.

371 "For the law of carnal commandments could do nothing, but bringing in of another hope did. That hope which is Christ, we have as the anchor of the soul, steadfast and sure." Watch.

And insomuch as not without an oath he...

Pronoun, if you'll notice in here, is in italic letters.

... he was made priest:

Not only a priest, but He was made priest by oath. Not...

372Now watch. Let's get the rest the priesthood.

(For those priests, the Leviticals, just, righteous, honest men, those priests were made without an oath;...)

373God just said, "After the order of--after the order of Aaron, that he's made these priests." They come down through generations, and go to school and learn to be preachers and so forth. They come down. So God made them priests like that. They made themselves priests, by their education, by their inheritance, and so forth. "But this Man was made a priest by an oath that God took." Listen closely now.

(... were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, amen, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:)

By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.

Now, quickly.

And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by the reason of death:

Thousands times thousands times thousands, of priests, 'cause they had nothing but just death and death and infirmities, and death and death and death.

374 But watch Him.

But this man, (what man?) Jesus, because he continually continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Where are...

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the utmost; no matter how far, how stooped, how far away, he is able to save to the utmost; that come unto God by him,...

Not was on your righteousness; but on your confession. See?

... that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercessions for them.

He's right there, constantly, making intercessions.

From such a high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made a high priest in heaven;

375 There it is. Now, if I try to represent my own case, I'll lose it. If I try to represent, say, "Well, my daddy was a good man. My daddy was a preacher. Well, I've lived in church." I still lost it. But this Man is a perfect One, Christ. He sets there and offers His Blood constantly for my sins. There you are.

Who need not daily, as those... priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.

376Now watch the last verse.

For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity;...

377That's what the law, the carnal law, does. Now, I wish I could just had about two hours right here. That's how the law still makes men preachers. That's right.

378Why, they say, "Well, this man has got a seminary experience." I wouldn't trade my little old Heavenly experience for all the seminaries in the world.

379"Why, we've educated this man. He's--he's hand-picked. He's a self-made man." I don't like that kind. I like a God-made man. See? See?

380 But the law still makes priests. The law still makes preachers. The--the Baptist church, they hand out preachers; hands full of them, got a machine that turns them out. The Methodists has got them. The Baptists has got them. The Presbyterians, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Pentecostals, they turn them out as fast they can, like a big regime, big machine. Stand up there like a...

381I always said, "I--I certainly felt sorry for an incubator chicken." You know, a little of chicken that's hatched under an incubator, he's not hatched out right. No. The hen is supposed to hatch the chicken. But an incubator chicken, when he gets out, he just "chirp, chirp, chirp," and ain't got no mammy to go to. See? He don't know what a mammy is. That's right. He's chirping for one, but he hasn't got any.

382But the little chicken that's hatched under the hen, the natural way, he chirps and mammy answers. That's right.

383And sometimes I think about this here seminary experience of come out under this big incubators in Louisville and all over the world, hatching out preachers by the thousands. Pentecostal incubators, and Presbyterian incubators, and--and Baptist incubators, they all hatch out their--their--their little chicks. They, "chirp, chirp, chirp," and talk about the incubator they was hatched out in.

384 But I like to have a Father, a Mother. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Wasn't very many born with me, but what was there is my brothers. Amen. We got a Mother that answers when you... a Mother who is in Heaven, who Mothers us all. "As a hen hovers her brood, and coos to them, and--and woos over her... broods over her chickens, so will I brood over you. Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have took you like a hen does her brood! How oft would I have made you Mine, but you would not. You had your own seminaries, hatched out your priests. They taught you against Me. Now you're left at your own. Your destruction lays ahead of you."

385I say this. Oh, people! Oh, people, how oft the Holy Spirit would have hovered you, as a hen does her brood! But you want your own way. You're going to have your own way about It.

386One of these nights I'd like to preach on, "Your own way." You know, Cain wanted his own way. Man wants his own way, today. "But there is a way that seemeth right, but the end is death."

387 Now watch. "In that He saith, 'A new--a new covenant... '" I believe, now that... No. I was on the wrong place.

38828th verse.

For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmities; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is continued for evermore.

389God be blessed forever, of a Son that continueth forever after the order of Melchisedec. And He never had a beginning. He never has an end. And the law could not produce nothing like that, because it was carnal. The church cannot produce nothing like that, the denominations, because they are carnal. The--the seminaries can never produce anything like that. They tried to educate the world to It. They tried to organize it to It. They've tried every way in the world, to make every thing that they could, and leaving off the main thing: "You got to be born in It." God makes you what you are, certainly, not because you quit doing this.

390 Now, the Nazarenes, you have to not wear a ring, you can't wear a watch, and you have to have certain-certain things, your arms have to be this long, the sleeves, your skirts has to be that long, and the--and the men can't belong to lodge. And they won't baptize you if you don't. All right. Here comes the Catholic in, and they have theirs. And here comes the Methodists in, they have theirs. Every one of them has a yardstick to measure up to. You don't make it, all right, that's all. See?

391 And then, but the real thing is, is this, "Nothing in my arms I bring! Simply to Thy cross I cling. O God, naked, wounded, need sucker. Oh, I most humbly come, Christ, confessing that I am nothing and there's nothing within me. Receive me, O God." Then God receives you.

392Now, you might not even know your ABC's. You might not know coffee from split peas. You might know, not know gee from haw, right from left hand. It don't make any difference what you don't know. There's one thing you must know, that, Jesus Christ took your place as a sinner. And you take your place, to stand in His righteousness, confessing every day that you're wrong, and love Him with all your heart, and your whole motives be set towards Him, you'll make Heaven. That's all there is to it, for the Life that was in Christ has to be in you, or you're lost.

393 Just before closing, do you remember the unconditional covenant that God made with Abraham? What did He do that evening when God said, "Let me see..." When Abraham said, "Let me see how You're going to do it." 16th chapter, I think it is, of Genesis. "Let me see how You're going to do it."

394Said, "Come here, Abraham." And He took Abraham off, said, "Go get me a--a ram, and go get me a--a--a goat, and go get me a heifer. And I want you to take them up here and make a sacrifice."

395And Abraham went and got the sheep, and the--and the goat, and the--the--the lamb... or the heifer. And he killed them. They was all clean sacrifices. And split them halfway in two, and laid them out. Then he went and got two turtledoves, and pitched them in. Then Abraham watched the birds off of them, waiting for God to come. "Now, Lord, there's the sacrifice, how You going to do this? I don't know how You're going to save man against his own will. I don't know how You're going to do this. How can You do it, Lord?"

396The Lord said, "Now watch, Abraham. You're a prophet. You're spiritual, and you'll understand what I'm talking about."

397"All right, Lord, I want to see." Now I'm just dramatizing.

398"So, Abraham, you come up here now, and set down here and watch them birds off." So he shooed all the birds away, until the sun started going down.

399And the first thing you know, God came down. When He came down, Abraham begin to get sleepy. God said, "Abraham, I'm going to put you to sleep."

400 Now listen, legalist friend. See, God took Abraham completely out of the picture, nothing at all he had to do into it. And that's the way He got you. You said, "Oh, I sought God." You didn't.

401God sought you, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." See?

402It's God seeking you, not you seeking God. You never did do it. Your nature is wrong. You're a pig. You don't know any different. You just live in a pig pen. That all you know. You love it. Drink beer, slopping around, run with the next man's wife, and doing everything you can do is evil, just seems good. "Oh, brother, we're having a big time!" You think it's good.

403But God knocks at your heart. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] That's what changes. Not you knocking at God; God knocks at you. Adam never knocked at God's heart. God knocked at Adam's heart. And you're a son of Adam. That's right. Before Adam could be a son of God, again, God had to knock at his heart. Before you can become a son of God, God has got to knock at your heart.

404 Then, Abraham went to sleep. And when he went to sleep, what was the first thing he saw? A real horrible, spooky, dread, darkness. That's death, that comes upon the whole human race. Then he looked a little farther than that, and he saw a smoking furnace. Before you can have smoke, you have to have fire. That's the reason I believe in hell as a burning place. All right.

405He showed, every one of us is subject to death, and every one of us should go to hell, because we're sinners.

406Now, but, beyond that, he saw a little, white Light.

407 And this little, white Light, what is the Light? What was that white Light? That Pillar of Fire that went before the children of Israel. The Pillar of Fire that met Paul on the road down to Damascus. The Pillar of Fire that took Peter out of prison. The Pillar of Fire that's here tonight.

408That Eternal, everlasting God, He Himself walked between these split sacrifices, (oh, my), back and forth on each one. "This is how I'm going to do it, Abraham. Watch Me, what I'm going to do. I'm making a covenant here. And I'll take an oath, that, according to the Seed, I'll raise up an Intercessor. I'll make a covenant with death. And I'll condemn death, in the flesh, because I Myself will come take it. Abraham," said, "through your Seed, Abraham, will come. You'll be the father of the world, through your Seed. And not only you, do I make this promise with you, but your Seed after you." He knew every one would be. "Not them; but what I do. I'm going to do it, Abraham. I trusted Adam, and he broke his. And every one breaks theirs. But I'll make this with Myself, and swear by Myself, 'I'll keep It.'" Amen. Amen. Amen.

409 What do we do, we make a covenant? I say, "Brother Neville..." Now watch this, just a minute. I say, "Brother Neville, tell you what I'll do. If you will preach until... tomorrow night, and the next night, on till Wednesday. I'll preach, from Wednesday, on till Sunday." [] "You make that agreement?"

410"Yes, sir."

411Here's the way we do it. "Shake, boy." [Brother Branham and Brother Neville shake hands--Ed.] That's it. That's a covenant in America. That's how we make a covenant.

412Now, how they make a covenant in Japan? We make, say, "You do so-and-so, and I'll do so-and-so. We take a little pinch of salt, 'cause salt is a savour. And we take salt, and I throw it on Brother Neville, and Brother Neville takes salt--salt and throw it onto me. That's a binding covenant.

413 How did David Livingstone make a covenant with the African negro, to go into his land? He went and got the chief, that he could pass through up there, to preach the Gospel and to do their work. And they took a glass of wine. Here's the covenant with the negro in Africa. They had a glass of wine. And the negro chief plucked his own veins, and bled them out in this glass of wine. And David Livingstone plucked his own veins, and bled it out in the glass of wine. They stirred it up. Livingstone drank half of it, and the negro chief drank half of it. Then they give a present, one to another, the negro chief. David Livingstone said, "What do you require of me."

414He said, "That white coat you got on." So Livingstone took his coat off and give it to the negro chief. He said, "What do you require?"

415He said, "That sacred spear you got in your hand." Cause, he knowed he could go in with that, so he took that spear. And they were brothers, because they had made a covenant.

416And as he went forth, and the tribes would run out to kill him, he raised up that sacred spear. And when he did, they looked and they said, "Oh, oh, we can't touch that man." Why? "He's a covenant brother, though he's white, we never seen him before." They never knew they were black till they seen him. They never seen such before. "But he's a covenant brother. He's got the chief's spear in his hand."

417 What a beautiful picture, today, of drinking the covenant of the Blood of the Lord Jesus, with the power of the Holy Ghost upon us! We go forward in the Name of Jesus, and these signs shall follow them that belong. It's the sacred Spear of the Chief. See how it is, the covenant?

418 How did they do it in the oriental time? They made an oath, one to another. They killed a beast, split it open, and stood right in between. The--the two men stood between it, the split beast. And they drawed up a covenant. "If I fail to keep this, if I fail to do this, why, this and so-and-so, let my body be like this dead beast. Let my body be like this dead beast." And when they do that, they take this covenant and stand between this; make an oath, take an oath that they'll do it. And they tear the paper, together, apart, and hand it to one man, the other one the next. At a certain time they'll meet. And let them die the death, if they fail to keep that oath; and be like those dead beasts. All right.

419 You notice the three beasts? The perfect; the lamb, goat... and the three perfect sacrifice. What was the lamb... What was the turtledove? And what was the two turtledoves meant? The two turtledoves was sacrificed for both salvation and healing, in the--in the... that went into it. See? The Atonement was made, different, but healing continued the same, and so did salvation continue the same. The two turtledoves, not divided, meant they're represented, both. Salvation... "By His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgressions. With His stripes we were healed." They were laid on the side, not separated. But the covenant, the part of the beast was (three of them) cut apart. You see? Then when they did that, they tore and made their covenant.

420 Watch what God was telling Abraham. "At Calvary, at Calvary, according to your Seed. Out of you came Isaac. Out of Isaac come so-and-so, Jacob. Out of Jacob come Joseph. Out of Joseph, on down, on down, on down, successors, till, finally, through that righteous Seed!" His...

421He just got through, here, saying that our Lord sprung out of a nation that knowed not Moses, never even spoke of it. Come out of a priesthood. "Our Lord sprung out of the tribe of Judah." Not out of Levi, for they were carnal legalists. But our Lord come out of Judah. Glory! There you are. Where the promise was made!

422 Listen close now, as we close. And at Calvary, God came down and took the body of His own Son, in which He had lived, and He ripped it apart at Calvary. His bleeding, wounded, cut, and the spear run in there and ripped Him apart, and His Blood gushed out. And He said, "Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." He bowed His head. And the earth shook, and the lightnings flashed, and the thunders roared. God was writing His everlasting covenant.

423And He took His dead body from the grave, on the first day of the week, and brought it up into Heaven, and sat it there as the High Priest, as a memorial; setting there, perfect, forever. And He sent the Spirit that He tore out of that body, right back down on the Church. And that Church will have to have the same Spirit that was in that body, or it won't dovetail with It in the resurrection. Those two pieces must come perfectly together. And if this Church isn't perfectly, just exactly the same Spirit that was in Christ, you'll never go in the Rapture.

424 There's the everlasting covenant, brother. Seek it out, yourself, what's in your own heart. Love the Lord. Really be sure you're saved. Don't take a chance on it. You're gambling. Oh, you, we American people, love to gamble, but don't you gamble on That. You be sure that you're right. Not because you joined church, but because that you're truly born again, Christ has come to you, in the Person of the Holy Ghost.

425 Now, just complimentary, too, just as I'm closing. How happy we should be, to see the same Spirit that was in Jesus Christ, right among us, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth! How happy we should be!

Let us pray now, as we bow our heads.

426Lord, it's been a great day. Though, I feel like that I always do, I fail. I can't represent It right, Lord. I pray that You'll forgive me of my stupid ways. Oh, I confess my sins before You, and ask for mercy, knowing that there's a great High Priest standing yonder at the right hand of God, in the Heavens, who wasn't made after Aaron, after laws and legals and things. But He was set There because of the grace of God that looked forward, before the foundation of the world, and seen me down here in the world, and died for my sins, to bring me back to the Kingdom of God. I thank Thee, Father, for this.

427Cause, this Spirit that now reigns in your people is Eternal as God is Eternal. "I give unto them Eternal Life, ever Life, everlasting Life, and they shall never perish." And at the Judgment, they'll never be there. They done passed by the judgments and gone on into Glory, "And if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting yonder for us to come to." Thank You for that, Lord.

428I pray now, if there be one here, tonight, who has never yet drank the real Blood of the covenant, that doesn't know what It mean, doesn't know what it means to be born again, to have a real fellowship with Christ in their heart, or her heart, may they receive Him just now, as we wait and give this opportunity. And at that Day, we pray that we have represented the Gospel in the right Light. We pray, in Christ's Name.

429 While we have our heads bowed, would there be a person would raise your hands to Christ, and say, "Christ of God, be merciful to me. Let me, as Your unworthy servant, now receive the Holy Spirit into my heart. And give me the assurance and love that I really need"? If you haven't got It, would you just raise your hands to Him, saying, "Lord, this is a sign that I desire It"? Would you put your hand up? God bless you back there, lady. God bless you here, sir. Bless you here, sir. God be with you. That's fine. This man on the end here, God bless you, my brother. And someone else, just before now we close, just waiting for a few moments. God bless you back there, son. Someone else?

430 "I now desire. I desire, Lord God. You know my heart. You know what's in my mind. You, 'The Spirit of God is quicker and sharper than a two-edged sword, even piercing to the asunder of the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart.'" Think of That. He knows your very thoughts, your intentions.

431Would you raise your hand, say, "Be merciful to me, God, right now. I--I want You to know that I know that I'm wrong, and I realize it, but I want to be right." All right, while we just keep our heads down, praying now, think just a moment. We don't want to hurry about that.

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee;

Let the water and the Blood,

From Thy wounded side...

Be for sin the dou-...

Double cure! He swore by it, two immutable things.

Save from wrath and make me pure.

While I draw...

432 O Lord, grant just now that we'll all recognize that these breaths that we're drawing are fleeting. We don't know how many more we have ahead of us. That's all by Your great counsel. It's determined by You. Oh, be merciful to us. And to those who raised their hands, Lord, there no need to mention them. You know every one of them. But I just offer this prayer of intercession for them. I pray that You'll take away the condemnation from their heart, and let them come boldly, just now, unto the Throne; walk boldly right up to the Throne of God, claim their God-given privilege. You caused them to raise their hands. They couldn't do it by themselves. I pray, God, that You'll grant this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

... myself in Thee;

Now, just worship Him now.

Let the water and... (Oh, my!)

From Thy wounded side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure,

Save from wrath and make me pure.

433 How many feels real good now? Raise up your hand, say, "Praise the Lord!" [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord!"--Ed.] Oh, He's wonderful! Oh!

There's Room At The Fountain. Do you know it, Sister Gertie? Let's. How many loves that song? Now we're going to have a baptismal service, just in a moment. [Brother Branham speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] You're going to baptize them? All right.

Room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

Room, room....

434All right. Those candidates for baptism, the men will go to this room, the women to this one, all right, those who are to be baptized in the blessed Name of our Lord.

... good to thee,

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

God has been so good to me,

There's room at the Fountain for thee.

435Everybody now.

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

Oh, room, room, yes, there is room,

There's room at the Fountain for thee.

436Oh, I love that old song. Don't you?

There's room at the Fountain for thee;

Oh, room, room, there's plenty of room,

There's room at the Fountain.

437 Now, while the elder has gone in, to make ready for baptism, I would like to explain to the audience. And I'll ask some of the deacons, if they can hear me in the room, when they're ready, come and--and tell me, and so we can move the microphones. We want all of you to see this. Be about ten minutes longer, and the church will be dismissed.

438 Now I want to read some of the sacred Scriptures for you. I want to read them out of the Book of Acts. And I want to begin at the 12th verse of the 2nd chapter of Acts.

439Now, I want you to notice in the 16th chapter of Saint Luke, or of Saint Matthew, I believe it is, that Jesus was coming off the mount. They... Said unto His disciples, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

440"And some of them said, why, You're 'Elias.' And some say that You're--You're 'the prophet.' And some say that You're this or the other."

441He said, "But who do you say that I am?"

442And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

443Jesus said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this. You never learned in a seminary. You never learned It by man." Said, "But my Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. And I say that thou are Peter. Upon this rock I'll build My Church. The gates of hell shall not prevail against It. And I give unto you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "And whatever you loose on earth, I'll loose it in Heaven. What you bind on earth, I'll bind it in Heaven." Did He mean It? He wouldn't have said It. Now, as time rolled--rolled on, now, Peter had the keys to the Kingdom.

444 Now, you Catholic people, you might think this, that you say, "The Catholic church is built upon Peter." All right, we'll find out. "They had the keys. The Catholic church still has the keys."

445Let's find out what Peter did about the keys, see, then we'll find out. The Bible said, unto Peter and to the rest the apostles, "Go ye into all the world. Whosoever's sins you remit, to them they're remitted. Whosoever's sins you retain, to them they're retained." That, I might say it so that... Someone might not understand what I mean. Jesus said to the apostles, "Whoever's sins you forgive, I'll forgive them too. And whoever's sins that you do not forgive, and hold it against them, I'll hold it against them too." That's what Jesus said.

446Watch the Catholic church push towards that.

447 But let's find out how they did it. Then if we find out how they did it, then we should do it the same way. Now let's find out.

448It's the Day of Pentecost. The Church is being inaugurated. They were all in an upper room. Men came out of there, speaking in different lauguages. Why? Every language under Heaven was represented there. English was there, too. Every language under Heaven had to be there, what language was spoke in that day. Goes ahead here and gives many of the languages, and how the Cretes and strangers, and proselytes of Rome, and--and--and Arabians, and all speak and magni-... Now, they wasn't speaking in unknown tongues. They were speaking in known languages, to people. Not unknown tongues, but languages that each one understood. The sinner, the unbeliever, could hear what he was saying. "How do we hear in our own language wherein that--that we was born?"

449 Now watch. Now the question comes. Now, "Others mocked." The 12th verse, all right.

And they were all amazed, and... in doubt, saying one to another, what meaneth this?

Others mocked and said, These... are full of new wine.

450 They were making fun of them. Because, how was they doing? They were staggering like drunk men, like drunk men. Talking, not knowing what they were saying, but were preaching to the congregation in languages they didn't know, but the congregation knowed. See? All right.

Others... said, They're full of new wine, look how they're acting.

Others mocked, saying, These... are full of...

"But Peter..." Watch out, boy! You got the keys.

But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them,...

Now, remember, this is the first inauguration of the Church.

... Ye men of Judaea, and... you that dwell in Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:

For these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it's but the third hour of the day.

The saloons wasn't even open then. See?

But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel;

... it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: upon your sons and... daughters, and they shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

And on my servants and... my handsmaid will I pour out in those days of my Spirit;... they shall prophesy:

And I will show wonders in the heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath;...

Now, it's Peter preaching now, the one with the keys.

... blood,... fire,... vapours of smoke:

The sun shall be turned into darkness,... the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord shall come:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and sign, which he did... in the midst of you,... ye yourselves... know:

Talk about a rebuke? He had the keys, you know. Be...

Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and the foreknowledge of God,...

There you are. How could He ever be delivered? Because God predestinated it to be that way. See? Foreknowledge of God!

451 [A brother says, for water baptism, "Ready."--Ed.] Just in a moment. Tell them, just hold just a minute, till I get through with the Scripture.

... ye have taken, by the wicked hands, have crucified and slain:

Who God has raised up, and loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible... he should be holden of it.

For David spake concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always... on my right hand, and I shall not be moved:

Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was made glad; moreover... my flesh shall rest in hope:

Because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.

Thou has made me known... my--my ways, my ways of life; thou shall make me full of joy and with my countenance.

Men and brethren, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch David,... he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us... this day.

Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God has swore with an oath...

I just got through preaching it.

... that according--according to the fruits of his loins, he would... according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

Just what I got through preaching. Peter preaching the same thing.

And seeing this before, the prophet saw it before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption.

This Jesus has God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses.

Therefore being exalted, and at the right hand... being at the right hand, exalted in heaven, having received of the Father... promise of the Holy Ghost, he... shed forth this, which you do see and hear.

For David is not ascended into heaven, (the prophet): but he said himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

Until I make thy foes a footstool.

Therefore (listen to this) let all the house of Israel know surely, that God has made this same Jesus, who you... crucified, both Lord and Christ.

That ought to settle it. Oughtn't it?

Now when they heard this, them sinners, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter... Men... and Peter and... the rest... the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

452 All right. Here you are. What's he got? The key, the key to the Kingdom. Where is the Kingdom? It's within you. That right? The Holy Ghost is the Kingdom of God. We know it. We're born into the Kingdom, as subjects and delegates. Look. He's got the keys to his side. "What you going to do with it?" This is the first time the door was ever opened.

453Now, the question is asked the preacher, for the first time, the one with the key. I believe if he said, "Stand on your head," that'd been official.

454"Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind in Heaven." All right. "Whatever you say, I'm going to say the same thing. You got the key." All right. He crams the key into the door.

... What do you do? Men and brethren, what shall we do?

Now when they heard this, they're pricked in their heart, and said... Men and brethren,...

... Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

That settled it forever. No persons ever, in any time, could ever, ever contradict That.

455 The Catholic church come along, instead of being immersed, they sprinkle. Instead of being using the Name of Jesus, they've took, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Never was taught in the Bible.

456Every person, from that time on, was baptized by immersing in the Name of Jesus Christ. And some had been immersed by John the Baptist, that baptized Jesus, and Paul told them they could not receive the Holy Ghost like that. They had to come back and be rebaptized, again, in the Name of Jesus, before they could get the Holy Ghost. How many knows that's the Scripture? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Acts, the 19th chapter. There you are. Cause, the Kingdom of Heaven was sealed to any other way, by an oath by Jesus Christ, that that would be official in Heaven.

... Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins,... you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Cause, the promise is unto you, and to your children,... to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Amen. Let us pray.

457 Father, God, tonight, nineteen hundred and something years has passed, yet the honesty and the integrity of human hearts still cry for God, like children crying for the milk of their mother's breast. We love You, Lord. We can't live without You. As David said, "My soul thirsts after Thee, like the hart for the water brook." He must have It, or die.

458And, Father, we've combed through the Scriptures, back and forth. Not to be different, but we see these seminaries, these theological students today, who preach according to the commandments of men, and not the commandments of God. Therefore, Lord, we do not despise those men, but we despise those things that they teach. Therefore, Lord, we ask that they become our brother. We ask that You forgive them of their error. And we pray that they will come to the Scripture, read It, not the way some seminary teaches It, but according to the way that God has written It.

459We pray, God, now, that these candidates are coming tonight for water baptism. As our gallant pastor walks into this pulpit from here, to preach the Gospel, this same Gospel; and then to the baptismal pool, to bury. Grant, Lord, that each one of these will receive the Holy Ghost, 'cause You gave the promise, "You shall receive the Holy Ghost." May the Spirit of God be waiting at the top of the water, to receive the candidate tonight, for we commit them unto Your hands, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.