List Židom 6. kap, 2.časť



Boh povoláva koho chce. A zistili sme, že to všetko sa deje podľa vyvolenia. Zistili sme, že to nezáleží od toho, kto chce byť spasený „nie je to vecou toho kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva. A nikto nemôže prísť ku Ježišovi, koho by prv nepotiahol Boh.“ Tak čo s tým máš spoločného? Ty s tým nemáš nič spoločného! To vôbec nie je tvoje dielo. Zistili sme, že človek nikdy nehľadá Boha. To Boh hľadá človeka. A videli sme potom, že Boh je jediným zdrojom večného života. Zistili sme, že všetko čo je večné, nemá začiatok ani koniec. A tak sme zistili, že peklo malo začiatok a má aj koniec. A je len ... Nikto nemôže povedať, že peklo trvá naveky ... No naveky, áno! Naveky, ale nie večne.

Naveky, to je „určitý časový úsek.“ Biblia hovorí, „Na veky vekov.“ A vyhľadajte to a zistíte, či naveky neznamená „určitý časový  úsek.“ Jonáš povedal, že bol v bruchu veľryby „naveky“. A mnoho ďalších miest Písma —  „naveky“ znamená len „časový úsek.“

Ale večne, to je naveky ... To je naveky a naveky a naveky a naveky a naveky. To je večne! A zistili sme, že peklo nie je večné, ale trvá naveky. A dôvod ... Musíte teraz dávať pozor na tieto slová. Ak nie, budete to mať pomiešané. Pamätajte, len tie veci, ktoré nemali začiatok, nemajú koniec. A tak Ježiš povedal: „Ten, kto počuje moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý ma poslal, má život naveky?“ Znie to správne? Nie! „Má večný život.“ A slovo „večný“ je „Boh.“ To slovo je tu rovno v gréckom lexikone, „Zoe“, Boží život vo vás. A vy ste takí veční, ako je Boh večný, pretože máte v sebe Boha.

217... aby sme skúmali jeho drahé Slovo.

218Prišiel som pred chvíľou a niesol som dve Biblie. Mal som tu vzadu s jednou paňou krátky rozhovor a povedal som jej, že keby som z obidvoch kázal, mal by som mať celkom dobrý text. Ale toto je grécky lexikon, tak len niečo ... Chcem dnes z neho niečo prečítať. To je doslovný preklad z originálneho gréckeho jazyka na anglický. A pri tomto je mi to veľkou pomocou. Chcem z neho niečo prečítať, pretože teraz skúmame tento List Židom a teraz prichádzame ku veciam, ktoré majú skutočne hlboký význam.

219Pred chvíľou som povedal bratovi Nevillemu: „Prichádzame ku miestam, kde sa ľudia poškrabú po hlave a povedia - Ja tomu neverím.“ Vidíte? Prichádzame ku niečomu takému. Máme to radi.

220Jeden kazateľ mi povedal: „No, veľa ľudí sa bude asi škrabať po hlave.“

221Povedal som: „To je to, čo chceme.“

222Vidíte? Biblia môže mať len jeden význam. Nemôže mať dva významy. A ak jedna časť Biblie hovorí jedno a druhá časť Biblie hovorí niečo iné, potom niečo nie je v poriadku. Rozumiete? Ona to musí hovoriť od začiatku do konca. Ale pamätajte, keď skúmame Bibliu. To je skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných a je to zjavené nemluvňatám, pretože to je duchovná Kniha.

223A to nie je kniha zo západu. To je kniha z východu. A len jedno ju môže vyložiť a to je Duch Svätý. A viem, že každý z nás chce povedať, že Duch Svätý nám hovorí, čo v nej veríme. No teraz, ak každé miesto súhlasí jedno s druhým, potom je to Duch Svätý. Ak to nesúhlasí a tu je v tom medzera a tam je v tom medzera, potom s našou vierou nie je niečo v poriadku. A to je ohromná kniha.

234A teraz chcem, aby ste počas nášho skúmania ... No, zavčasu ráno máme odísť do Wyoming, ak Pán dá. Modlite sa za nás. A tento ďalší týždeň, brat Graham Snelings, tu ... On je tu, počul som ho pred chvíľou ako to oznamoval. A tento zbor plne spolupracuje s jeho evanjelizáciou a modlíme sa ku Bohu, aby mu dal mimoriadne, bohaté, veľké prebudenie. Brat Graham robí tú evanjelizáciu pre brata ... tu hore v Charlestown, pre brata Juniora Cacha a obrátilo sa tam sto ľudí, tak sa mi zdá ... osemdesiat štyri. Tak, chvála Bohu za to. A očakávame že ich tu bude päťsto osemdesiat štyri.

225Brat Graham mi dnes povedal: „Brat Bill, som si istý, že rozumieš, že nie som tu preto, aby som začal inú prácu proti tvojmu zboru, pretože ja som časťou toho zboru.“ On je tu len ... Cíti na srdci robiť túto evanjelizáciu a Pán ho ku tomu vedie. A pozýva tých obrátených a má zbor, do ktorého ich môže poslať. Tu je domáci zbor, ak prídete ... ak ste sa obrátili.

226A to je naša povinnosť, ako kresťanov, aby sme mu pomohli vo všetkom v čom môžeme. A nech Pán žehná brata Grahama. A vy všetci ste srdečne pozvaní na zhromaždenia brata Grahama tu hore, s úplným povolením od tohoto zboru, s úplnou spoluprácou, aby sme mu pomohli vo všetkom v čom môžeme, urobiť niečo pre hynúce duše a pre Kráľovstvo Božie.

227Nech ťa Pán žehná brat Graham a nech ti dá veľké zhromaždenia. On nevie kedy zakončí, on to práve začína. A tak, brat Graham mal tak ako ja veľa úspechov a neúspechov. Tak je to v živote. Potom si vážite tie úspechy, keď ste prešli cez tie neúspechy. Ak človek upadne a zostane v takom stave, je to zbabelec. Mám dôveru ku človekovi, ktorý povstane a znovu to skúsi. Je to tak. Som si istý, že rozumiete čo hovorím. No, nezabudnite, to je tento budúci týždeň.

228No, v tomto Liste Židom ... Nebudeme to dnes večer znovu opakovať.

229No, na budúcu nedeľu, ak dá Pán, brat Neville oznámi ... brat Cox , alebo niekto z nich mu dá vedieť, či prídeme nabudúcu nedeľu na zhromaždenie. On to oznámi v rádiu. A my ... Počúvate všetci jeho vysielanie v rádiu a pozvite svojich susedov, aby počúvali. Skutočne sa radujem, že môžem počúvať ich kázanie a spev (Quarteto brata Nevilleho). Nehovorím to preto, že tu sedí. Keby som to povedal a nemyslel by som to tak v srdci, bol by som pokrytec. Je to tak, musel by som činiť pokánie. Ale ja to tak myslím. A radšej mu dám teraz malý ružový púčik, než ako celý veniec potom keď zomrie.

230Raz som tam vychádzal a išla okolo jedna pani a povedala: „Brat Branham, ó, ako sa radujem z toho posolstva.“

231Povedal som: „Ďakujem.“ Bolo mi to dobre.

232Vychádzal niekto ďalší a povedal: „Brat Branham, teším sa z toho posolstva.“

233Povedal som: „Ďakujem.“

234Bol tam jeden kazateľ tu hore zo severnej časti krajiny, v štáte. On povedal: „Chvála Bohu, ja nechcem, aby ma ľudia takto chválili.“

235Povedal som: „Ja chcem.“ A povedal som: „Je len jeden rozdiel medzi mnou a tebou. Ja som pri tom úprimný. Je to tak. Všetci sme radi, keď počujeme, že dobre o nás hovoria. A ja si myslím, že to je milé hovoriť o tom dobre. Ak chcete, aby niekto o vás dobre hovoril, hovorte aj vy dobre o druhom. Tak sa to má robiť, potom budete stále hovoriť o každom to najlepšie. Vďaka tomu, život ide lepšie.

236No, v tomto ... Na budúcu nedeľu, ak dá Pán, podľa mojej mienky ... vchádzame hlbšie a hlbšie do týchto veľkých tajomstiev Božích. Dostávame sa ku Melchisedechovi: Kto On bol, odkiaľ prišiel, kde odišiel, čo sa s Ním stalo a všetko o Melchisedechovi.

237A teraz, minulú stredu večer, brat Neville sa dotkol záveru kapitoly o najvyššom Božstve a kňazstve nášho Pána Ježiša, ktoré začína na začiatku: „Boh za dávna mnohorakým spôsobom hovorieval ku otcom skrze prorokov, v tomto poslednom dni prehovoril ku nám cez svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša.“

238Potom išiel ďalej a začína hovoriť a predstavovať kto On je, hovorí o Ňom až do 5. kapitoly, do konca 5. kapitoly.

239Potom na začiatku 6. kapitoly, zaoberali sme sa tým v našej lekcii dnes ráno:

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu nesme sa k dokonalosti ...

240Koľkí ste sa radovali z tohoto posolstva o dokonalosti? Nesme sa k dokonalosti, to bolo naše posolstvo dnes ráno, v 6. kapitole Listu Židom.

241No, teraz prichádzame ku miestu, kde začneme mať skutočnú časť. Ó, všetci sa dokážeme zhodnúť na týchto veciach: na Kristovom Božstve, na tom, že je Syn Boží a na tom, ako bol s Bohom a Boh bol s Ním a On bol v Bohu a Boh v Ňom a tak ďalej. S tým všetci súhlasíme. Ale teraz, ďalej od teraz neviem ako budeme spolu súhlasiť. Tak čokoľvek to je, každých niekoľko večerov vám dáme príležitosť a napíšte mi nejakú malú správu a povedzte, čo si o tom myslíte.

242Potom budem musieť odpovedať na otázky. A ak nebudem vedieť, poviem: „Brat Neville, čo si o tom myslíš?“ Poviem: „Tu je, necháme ho nech nám to povie.“ [Brat Neville hovorí: „Vtedy čítam grécky text.“ – pozn.prekl.] Vtedy bude čítať z lexikonu, z gréckeho textu. Myslím, že ja to tiež vtedy urobím.

243Ale teraz, keď sa ponížime a budeme skutočne úprimní a prídeme sem kvôli jednému účelu, aby sme sa učili. Ja sa tiež chcem učiť. A Biblia je napísaná, hovorí: „Písma nepodliehajú osobnému výkladu.“ To znamená, že Písmo musí vykladať Písmo. Vidíte? Každé Písmo musí vykladať to ďalšie Písmo, cez celú Bibliu, aby to tvorilo jednu veľkú vec, pretože Boh sa nemôže meniť, pretože On je nemeniteľný Boh.

244A teraz:

Zanechajúc ... Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu, nesme sa k dokonalosti ...

245Páči sa mi ako to Pavel hovorí. Pavel nebol nikdy takým človekom, ktorý by sa rád zdržiaval príliš dlho na jednom mieste, on chcel ísť hlbšie. Raz v Písme povedal: „zabúdajúc to, čo je za mnou, ženiem sa za znakom horného povolania.“

246Vidíte? On stále ide ďalej. Tu povedal:

Teraz zabúdajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu

(Kto On bol, čo On bol),

nesme sa k dokonalosti ...

247Teraz ... prv, chceme zistiť — „Či môžeme byť dokonalí?“ A dnes ráno sme našli v Písme, v Matúšovi 5:28, že Ježiš povedal, že musíme byť takí dokonalí, aký je dokonalý Boh, lebo inak sa tam nedostaneme.

248Potom sme zistili, že každý jeden sme sa narodili v hriechu, boli sme sformovaní v neprávosti, prichádzame na svet a hovoríme klamstvo.“ Nieto na nás nič zdravého. Tak ako vlastne môžeme byť dokonalí?

249No, tu je to, čo sme zistili, (čítali sme to a porovnávali Písmo s Písmom) že Ježiš, jednou obeťou zdokonalil navždy svoju cirkev. On ... Potom skrze Krista sme dokonalí. A sme oslobodení od súdu, skrze Krista. Nikdy nezomrieme, skrze Krista. Stratili sme smrť a našli sme život, skrze Krista. Nie skrze nejakú cirkev, nie skrze nejakú denomináciu, nie skrze nejakú fantáziu, nie skrze hovorenie v jazykoch, nie skrze vykrikovanie, nie skrze trasenie sa, nie skrze tancovanie v Duchu, ale skrze milosť!

250 Boh povoláva koho chce. A zistili sme, že to všetko sa deje podľa vyvolenia. Zistili sme, že to nezáleží od toho, kto chce byť spasený „nie je to vecou toho kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva. A nikto nemôže prísť ku Ježišovi, koho by prv nepotiahol Boh.“ Tak čo s tým máš spoločného? Ty s tým nemáš nič spoločného! To vôbec nie je tvoje dielo.

251Zistili sme, že človek nikdy nehľadá Boha. To Boh hľadá človeka. A videli sme potom, že Boh je jediným zdrojom večného života. Zistili sme, že všetko čo je večné, nemá začiatok ani koniec. A tak sme zistili, že peklo malo začiatok a má aj koniec. A je len ... Nikto nemôže povedať, že peklo trvá naveky ... No naveky, áno! Naveky, ale nie večne.

252Naveky, to je „určitý časový úsek.“ Biblia hovorí, „Na veky vekov.“ A vyhľadajte to a zistíte, či naveky neznamená „určitý časový úsek.“ Jonáš povedal, že bol v bruchu veľryby „naveky“. A mnoho ďalších miest Písma — „naveky“ znamená len „časový úsek.“

253Ale večne, to je naveky ... To je naveky a naveky a naveky a naveky a naveky. To je večne! A zistili sme, že peklo nie je večné, ale trvá naveky. A dôvod ... Musíte teraz dávať pozor na tieto slová. Ak nie, budete to mať pomiešané. Pamätajte, len tie veci, ktoré nemali začiatok, nemajú koniec. A tak Ježiš povedal: „Ten, kto počuje moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý ma poslal, má život naveky?“ Znie to správne? Nie! „Má večný život.“ A slovo „večný“ je „Boh.“ To slovo je tu rovno v gréckom lexikone, „Zoe“, Boží život vo vás. A vy ste takí veční, ako je Boh večný, pretože máte v sebe Boha.

254Vaša stará povaha zomrela (svetská povaha) a stali ste sa novým stvorením. A vaše túžby (ten starý život, ktorý mal začiatok, keď Boh vdýchol dych do vašich nozdier, keď ste sa narodili), ten život tej telesnej povahy zomrel. A to malo začiatok a to malo koniec a to zomrelo a naveky to bolo odstránené (tá stará povaha). A Boh prišiel s tou novou povahou. Potom láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, krotkosť, pokoj, trpezlivosť a pokora a dobrotivosť, to vošlo na miesto zlosti, hnevu, nenávisti a zápolenia, konfliktov a všetkých týchto vecí. To zaujalo to miesto, keď ste prešli zo smrti do života. Rozumiete to teraz jasne?

255Tak počúvajte! Je len jedna forma večného života. Nájdite to! Jedine Boh má večný život. Biblia tak hovorí. Jedine Boh má večný život. A keby mal človek trpieť v pekle naveky — večne, musel by mať v sebe Boha. Ale hovorím, že ...

256No, pamätajte, ja nehovorím, že nieto horiace peklo. Je horiace peklo (oheň a síra), „Kde ich červ ... kde oheň nehasne a ich červ nezomiera.“ Oheň a síra, trest. To môže trvať stovky miliard rokov, ale ono musí mať koniec, lebo peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a pre jeho anjelov. A všetko čo sám Boh, čo bolo na začiatku ... všetko, čo vyšlo z Boha. Keď ten duch ...

257Zoberme Ducha lásky, to bola veľká fontána Božia, čistá, neskazená. Od toho to začína prechádzať do prevrátenej lásky. Potom to prechádza do ľudskej lásky. Potom to prechádza do sexuálnej lásky. Potom to prechádza do ďalšej lásky; lásky a lásky a čím ďalej tým viacej je to prevrátené, až sa z toho stáva nečistota. Ale všetky tieto veci mali začiatok. A jedného dňa sa to navráti znovu naspäť do originálu (Ten je večný). Kde zlá žiadosť, ľudská láska, vášnivá láska, všetky tieto lásky sa budú musieť skončiť.

258Všetky tieto napodobeniny viery budú musieť skončiť. Je jedna pravá viera, všetky ostatné budú musieť skončiť. To boli veci, ktoré prevracali túto skutočnú fontánu.

259Tak tedy peklo, trápenie ... Trápenie nie je večné. Trápenie bolo spôsobené hriechom a hriech priniesol trápenie. A keď hriech skončí, trápenie sa tiež bude musieť skončiť. A bude čas keď hriešnici, ktorí nikdy neprijali Krista, po tom keď budú potrestaní možno za stovky miliard rokov ... Neviem, možno za tisíce miliónov a biliónov rokov, ja to neviem povedať. Ale raz to bude musieť zaniknúť, pretože to nie je večné.

260A teraz sa budeme niesť ďalej, do dokonalosti. Počúvajte, vchádzame do posolstva.

... neklaďme zase základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha,

učenia o umývaniach

[Anglický preklad: „

o krstoch

“ -pozn.prekl.],

vskladaní rúk, o zmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

261Počúvajte teraz! Máme dva ... Tu máme teraz obraz. Práve tu sa dostaneme ku miestu, s čím mnohí nesúhlasia. Musíte vidieť o čom sa tu hovorí. Pavel sa tu snaží oddeliť zákon od milosti. Máme dva obrazy: jeden telesný a jeden duchovný. A Pavel sa snaží urobiť rozdiel medzi týmito dvoma a ukázať to židom. Tento list je písaný židom. A celý tento List Židom sa snaží ukázať Starý Zákon ako vzor, ktorý zobrazuje ten Nový. Tak, uvažujeme teraz o dvoch obrazoch. Dobre počúvajte keď čítame.

262On tu hovorí:

...zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu nesme sa k dokonalosti.


263Prebrali sme to dnes ráno, ako môžeme byť dokonalí. Dokonalí! Úplne bez poškvrny a nevinní! Nie je na nás ani jeden hriech. Či už nie ste pokúšaní? Nie! Hrešíte každý deň? Áno! Ale aj tak sme dokonalí, pretože sme v Ňom. A Boh nás nemôže nijako odsúdiť (Nebol by spravodlivý), On nás už odsúdil v Ňom. Keď odsúdil Krista, odsúdil mňa, odsúdil teba. Nemôže ma znovu odsúdiť, pretože On zobral na seba môj súd.

264Keď som vykúpený, mám lístok, ktorý môžem ukázať, že som si vykúpil svoje hodinky zo záložne, nech by mi ich skúsil niekto niekedy zobrať naspäť do záložne, keď mám lístok. Ja som ich vykúpil. A keby sa diabol pokúsil znovu uvaliť na mňa trest, mám lístok, ktorý dokazuje, že som vykúpený. Tak veru! Nie je viac súd: „Kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal má večný život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ To je môj lístok! On to zasľúbil.

265No, tu máme teraz ten obraz:

... neklaďme zase základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha,

... učenia, o krstoch, vskladaní rúk, zmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

266No, pamätajte ... Všimli ste si, že tu je znovu použité to slovo? Hovorili sme to dnes ráno: Večný súd. Keď Boh raz niečo povie, je to večné. Ani trochu sa to nemôže zmeniť. Tak súd je večný, to stále platí, ten súd. A nezáleží na tom v akej generácii žijeme. Bude žiť jedna generácia, bude platiť nejaký zákon a to je naveky, alebo na nejaký čas, toto a tamto. Ale súd Boží je stále večný. Musí byť, pretože On vypovedal to slovo. Keď Boh hovorí slovo, ono musí byť večné. Je to tak.

267No, dovoľte, že vám to prečítam z gréckeho textu. Počúvajte ako to zneje.

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu, ktorý sa stal zmierením, tlačme sa...

(nemôžem to teraz prečítať je to rozmazané) ...

neklaďme zase formu

... (tu to máme)...

neklaďme zase reformačnú formu zo skutkov spôsobujúcich smrť.

268No, tento lexikon nie je vôbec žiadnym výkladom, to je len anglický význam toho gréckeho slova. A tam je povedané.

Teraz nechceme

... (Počúvajte tu. Vidíte?) ...

neklaďme základy reformácie zo skutkov spôsobujúcich smrť.

269Ak rozumiete, čo on tu hovorí, že „Formy reformácie spôsobujú smrť.“ Pavel povedal: „Zanechajúc počiatky, poďme do dokonalosti, neklaďme znovu základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha, učenia o krstoch, vskladaní rúk, o vzkriesení mŕtvych, o večnom súde. Reformačné formy spôsobujú smrť. To sú správne slová. To je presne to, čo Pavel napísal. Vidíte čo sa on snaží povedať?

270Všetky tieto veci, ako krsty: jeden je pokrstený dozadu, druhý dopredu, jeden vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, jeden v mene Ježiša, jeden takto a takto, všetky tieto rôzne drobnosti o krstoch.

271A o vskladaní rúk: „Chvála Bohu, ja mám dar vskladania rúk. Haleluja, takýmto spôsobom to môžeš prijať. Haleluja ...“

272Odložme to všetko nabok, pretože to sú mŕtve skutky, tieto reformácie, naprávanie. Vidíte? On hovorí o inej kategórii. On povedal: „Poďme preč od toho a poďme ďalej ku dokonalosti.“ Vidíte to?

273A cirkev stále trčí tam pri týchto skutkoch. To je to, čo sa oni snažia robiť. Tá prvotná hebrejská cirkev sa snažila povedať: „Dobre, ja som bol pokrstený ponorením a — a ja som bol ... robím toto a toto a všetky tieto veci.“

274On povedal: „Odložme to všetko nabok, opustite to.“ Ale teraz, či on povedal, že to nemáme robiť? Počúvajte čo on o tom povedal:

A urobíme aj toto, keď len dovolí Boh.

275A originál hovorí to isté:

Toto budeme robiť, keď nám dovolí Boh.


Toto budeme robiť, keď nám dovolí Boh.

276Krsty, kladenie rúk a iné veci, ale to nie je dokonalosť. To je len telesná reforma. A tam dnes cirkev ostala, na telesnej reforme. Jeden z nich povedal: „Ó, dobre, slovo krst znamená toto a tamto.“

277A založili organizácie: a jedni fŕkajú, druhí polievajú, iní krstia tvárou dopredu, iní dozadu a všetky takéto veci. Niektorí z nich kladú ruky na chorých a niektorí vskladaním rúk ustanovujú apoštolov a niektorí ustanovujú prorokov a tak ďalej. Kážu zmŕtvychvstanie mŕtvych (to je v poriadku) a najvyššie Božstvo Krista (to je v poriadku), ale on povedal. „To sú všetko formálne reformy. Len sa reformujeme. Teraz poďme do dokonalosti.“ Rozumiete o čo sa tu jedná?

278Dávajte teraz pozor, tu ide teraz tá hlbšia časť.

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru a stali sa účastnými Svätého Ducha,

a ochutnali dobré slovo Božie a rôzne moci budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znovu križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

279Viem, na čo vy zákonníci práve teraz myslíte, ale mýlite sa. Rozumiete? Dobre. Ja stojím na tomto a Biblia to potvrdzuje, že keď Boh raz spasil človeka, je spasený v čase aj vo večnosti.“ Nemôžete urobiť, aby to dávalo nejaký iný význam.

280Prišiel ku mne nedávno jeden fundamentalista a povedal: „Kazateľ Branham, chytil som ťa na jednom. Chytil som ťa na jednej veci. Ty si povedal, že keď je človek spasený, nikdy nemôže zahynúť.“

281Povedal som: „To hovorí Boh.“

282On povedal: „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Saul bol prorok a prorokoval. A vieš, že on bol Boží pomazaný, Biblia hovorí, že bol. A spáchal samovraždu a bol zatratený.“

283Povedal som: „Ozaj?“ Povedal som: „Biblia hovorí, že bol spasený. Potom keď sa stal Božím nepriateľom, stále bol spasený. Biblia hovorí, že bol. A nakoniec, on nespáchal samovraždu. Zabil ho nejaký Filištín a Dávid toho Filištína za to zabil. On padol na svoj meč, na svoju kopiju, na svoj meč ale ne ... to ho neusmrtilo. A ten Filištín ho zabil. A vtedy keď Saul išiel ku tej veštici a ona vyvolala Samuelovho ducha, pretože on ešte nevošiel do chvály, on bol v raji pod preliatou krvou býkov a kozlov a to nemohlo odstrániť hriech. Ale musel byť na mieste, kde čakal a to sa volalo raj, až kým nevošiel do chvály.“

284Tam ste sa vy katolíci zaplietli. Vidíte? Teraz už nie je viac raj. My odchádzame rovno do prítomnosti Božej.

285A keď tá veštica z Endor vyvolala Samuelovho ducha, on tam stál. A ona padla na tvár a povedala: „Prečo si ma oklamal?“

286A nie len to, že tam Saul stál ... chcem povedať Samuel, vo svojom prorockom plášti, on bol naďalej prorok. On povedal: „Prečo si ma vyvolal z môjho odpočinku, vidím, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím?“

287On povedal: „Urím už viacej ku mne nehovorí, prorok mi už viac neprorokuje ani nemôžem mať sen.“

288Samuel povedal: „No, stal si sa nepriateľom Božím, ale zajtra ten boj bude iný, zajtra zomrieš. A zajtra večer o takomto čase budeš so mnou.“ Keby Saul bol zatratený, tak by bol aj Samuel, oni obidvaja boli spolu. Samozrejme! Biblia tak povedala.

289Môžeš sa úplne prepracovať do emócií skrze hovorenie v jazykoch, vykrikovanie, mykanie, trasenie sa, tým že budeš behať hore dole pomedzi rady. Nemám nič proti tomu, ale môžeš si nahovoriť, že veríš, že si spasený, keď nie si. Nie si spasený, tvoj život bude dokazovať čo si. Ježiš to povedal: „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“ Tvoj život bude dokazovať, či si spasený alebo nie, aj keby si nikdy neotvoril ústa. To dokáže čo si.

290Ale všetky prepracovania a emócie a pripojenie sa ku cirkvi a „Bol som pokrstený vo meno Ježiša, haleluja, viem, že to mám,“ to nič neznamená.

291„Bol som pokrstený vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, tvárou dopredu, trikrát. Ja to mám.“ To nič neznamená.

292Pavel povedal: „Poďme teraz ďalej do dokonalosti.“ Hovoríme o dokonalosti a keď to budeme ďalej rozoberať, budete vidieť, že dokonalý je vyvolený. Dokážem vám to za chvíľu pomocou Biblie. To je vyvolený, ktorého Boh pred založením sveta videl, každého jedného z nich. A On poslal Ježiša, aby vykúpil tých ľudí, nie celý svet. On chcel, ale On urobil pre tých cestu. A jediný spôsob ako to On mohol urobiť, to bolo poslať Krista; aby On bol zmierením za naše hriechy, aby tých, ktorí boli vyvolení, mohol priviesť ku Nemu do Slávy.

293Dokázali by ste si predstaviť, že Boh by tak biedne vykonával svoj úrad: „No, možno niekto bude o Mne rozmýšľať a skutočne sa zarmúti, možno že takí prídu a budú spasení?“ Boh ťa nemusí o nič prosiť. Ty musíš prosiť, nie Boh.

294A potom, Kristus zomrel, aby spasil tých, ktorých Boh skrze predzvedenie vyvolil, aby sa tam s Ním stretli bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. Pred založením sveta ťa On videl v chvále. Toto hovorí Biblia, List Efezským 1. kapitola ... 5. kapitola, 1. verš. Boh nás pomocou predzvedenia predurčil!

295No, keď to Boh urobil (predurčil nás pred založením sveta, a každého jedného z nás poznal po mene pred založením sveta a On nás vyvolil do večného života a poslal Ježiša Krista, aby nás vykúpil. Nás, ktorých videl pred šesť tisíc rokmi, že sa máme ukázať na Jeho chválu v Sláve), akoby ste mohli byť zatratení?

296No, keď ste spasení, ste spasení! Keby vás Boh dnes večer spasil a vedel by, že za desať rokov vás stratí, jednal by proti svojmu vlastnému zámeru. Proti ten nekonečnej, všemohúcej, večnej, trvalej múdrosti. Boh by bol ohraničený vo svojom poznaní a nevedel by, či ty obstojíš alebo nie. Tak, keď ťa On ide spasiť, ty povieš: „Dobre, nechám Ho nech to skúsi, budem vidieť čo urobí“ On by potom na začiatku nevedel, aký bude koniec. Boh vie čo robí, o to sa nikdy netrápte. To ty a ja sa potkýname. Boh vie, čo robí. A On vedel či sa budeme odťahovať, alebo čo budeme robiť.

297No, Biblia hovorí, že Ezau a Jakob, prv ako sa narodili, Boh povedal: „Jedného som miloval a druhého som nenávidel.“ Ešte predtým ako sa prvýkrát nadýchli, aby Jeho vyvolenie zostávalo pravdou.

298Kto bol Abrahám? (za chvíľu sa ku nemu dostaneme, tu dole) Kto on bol, že Boh ho mohol zavolať? Spasil ho bez všetkého. Boh uzatváral s človekom zmluvu a človek ju nedodržoval. Ale túto Zmluvu uzavrel Boh sám a prisahal na seba samého, že ju dodrží. Človek s tým nemá nič spoločného, to je vlastné Božie predzvedenie. On to aj tak vykonal.

299Vy teraz hovoríte: „Dobre, brat Branham, potom keď sa stanem kresťanom, môžem robiť čokoľvek chcem?“ Presne tak. Ak si kresťan, rob čokoľvek chceš; a ja ti zaručujem, že nebudeš mať žiadnu túžbu robiť zle. Rob čokoľvek ... Stále som robil to, čo som chcel. A ak slúžim Pánovi, pretože sa bojím, že pôjdem do pekla, neslúžim Mu správne. Ak som verný svojej žene, pretože sa bojím, že by sa so mnou rozviedla, nie som veľmi dobrým manželom. Ale nezranil by som ju za nič na svete, pretože ju milujem.

300Takýto vzťah máme ku Kristovi, keď sa človek narodí z Ducha Božieho. Nie preto, že kričal, hovoril v jazykoch alebo prežil nejakú emóciu; ale do jeho srdca prišla láska a nahradila miesto sveta. Hovorím vám, on Ho miluje a na každý deň chodí s Ním. Takému človekovi nemusíte hovoriť: „Toto sa nepatrí robiť alebo tamto sa nepatrí robiť.“ On vie, že sa to nepatrí. A on chodí ... on je ustanoveným produktom suverénnej Božej milosti. Presne tak!

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení ... a stali sa účastnými ... nebeského povolania

No, niekedy sme si mysleli, že tu ide o človeka, ktorý bol raz osvietený a znovu odpadol, ale Biblia to takto nehovorí. Je absolútne nemožné, aby človek ... on tu hovorí ... ktorý prijal Ducha Svätého, aby niekedy odpadol. Prečítajme to teraz a zistime, či je to tak. Pozrite sa sem, zoberme ten text, celý ten text a to, čo s tým súvisí.

301On tu začína hovoriť ... Čo to je? „Poďme ďalej do dokonalosti!“ On povedal: „Nie telesne, klásť tu základy náuk o krste a reformáciách a tak ďalej. Nerobme to. Poďme ďalej do dokonalosti.“ Tá téma je dokonalosť a dokonalosť prichádza skrze Krista. A ako sa dostaneme do Krista? Tým že sa pripojíme do cirkvi? Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení v jedno telo! Nie skrze jeden jazyk, ktorým sme hovorili, ani skrze jedno potrasenie rúk, ani skrze jeden vodný krst. Ale skrze jedného Ducha sme pokrstení v jedno telo. Rozumiete tomu?

302To je dokonalosť. A keď do toho vojdete, ste v Kristovi a svet je pre vás mŕtvy. A každý deň chodíte s Baránkom a Boh riadi vaše kroky, čo robiť. Ó, sú skúšky a testy cez ktoré prechádzame. Opýtate sa: „Prechádzaš cez skúšky?“ Samozrejme!

303Čo je ... Milosť, to je to, čo pre mňa urobil Boh, skutky, to je to, čo ja robím pre Boha. No, ľudia z toho urobia náuku, oni si myslia, že skutky, to je to, čím si na to zaslúžia. Keby to tak bolo, nebol by to dar daný zadarmo. Milosť to je to, čo Boh urobil pre vás, z milosti ste spasení. A skutky, to je to, čo robíte vy, keď si ceníte milosť, ktorú vám On preukázal. A keď Ho milujete, chcete robiť skutky Pánove. Samozrejme, pretože potom Ho milujete.

304To, že som si zobral Medu Broy za ženu, to bol skutok lásky voči nej. To čo ona robí z vďačnosti: že je milou ženou, zostáva doma, stará sa o deti, vedie dobrý a verný život. To nie preto, že nie sme manželia, my sme manželia. Ale ona to robí lebo je jej to drahé. Keby každý deň behala po meste a po všetkých obchodoch a hore dole po uliciach a nikdy by neumyla riad ani nič, stále sme manželia! Presne tak! Keď som dal svoj sľub, tým to bolo vybavené. Ona je mojou ženou, kým bude v nás život, ona je moja žena. To je jej sľub. Ale čo ona robí, keď je jej to drahé? Zostáva doma, stará sa o deti a snaží sa byť skutočnou ženou.

305Mohol by som odísť a nebyť celý čas doma, tárať sa hore dole po celej krajine a nechať ju vyhladovanú a tak ďalej, nechať deti, že by nemali čo jesť, aj tak sme stále manželia! Aj keby sa so mnou rozviedla, stále sme manželia, pokiaľ je život v mojom tele. Dal som sľub: „Až kým nás smrť nerozdelí.“ Je to tak, stále sme manželia. Ale bol by som zlým príkladom muža. Ona by bola zlým príkladom ženy. Tak keď milujeme jeden druhého, držíme spolu a spoločne nesieme to bremeno.

306Takto je to s Bohom a s jeho cirkvou, keď sa znovuzrodíš do Kráľovstva Božieho. Budeš mať pozdvihnutia a úpadky, skutočne, ale stále si kresťan, stále si narodený z Ducha Božieho! Možno, že Boh ťa bude musieť zobrať skorej zo zeme.

... je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru,

... keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu,

307No, viem o čom teraz myslíte, cirkev. Dovoľte, že vám to poviem trochu ostrejšie, aby tá zákonnícka strana bola vylúčená. Poďme do listu Židom, do 10. kapitoly a pozrime sa za chvíľu na toto.

30810. kapitola, 26. verš.

Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy, nepozostáva už viacej obeti za hriech,

ale akési strašné očakávanie súdu a prudká pálivosť ohňa, ktorý má žrať protivníkov.

Keď niekto pohŕdol zákonom Mojžišovým, bez milosrdenstva zomrie na dvoch alebo na troch svedkov

a o koľko, domnievate sa, prísnejšieho trestu bude uznaný za hodného ten, kto zašliape Syna Božieho a krv zmluvy, ktorou bol posvätený, povážil za obecnú a ... pohrdol skutkami milosti?

309Vy hovoríte: Čo s týmto, brat Branham? Ako to vyzerá?“ Čítaval som to a myslel som si: „Písmo to tak nehovorí.“ Tu sa nehovorí o kresťanovi. Tu sa hovorí o človekovi, ktorý počuje Slovo a odvracia sa od neho. Rozumiete?

Lebo keď hrešíme

... (Čo znamená hrešiť? Neveriť!) ...





, keď nám bolo kázané evanjelium,

nepozostáva viacej obeti za hriech.

310Čo je to hriech? Nevera! Čítajte ev. Jána 4. kapitolu, Ježiš povedal: „Ten kto neverí, už je odsúdený.“ Hriech, to nie je fajčiť, piť, páchať cudzoložstvo. To robíte, pretože ste neveriaci. To sú len prejavy hriechu, robíte to, lebo ste neveriaci. Len prestať fajčiť, prestať piť a ďalšie takéto veci, to neznamená, že ste kresťan. To sú len prejavy obrátenia. Ale môžete robiť aj toto a stále ešte nebyť kresťanom.

311Všimnite si teraz:

... ten kto




, keď ...(nie potom, keď prijal do srdca Krista. Biblia to tak nehovorí.)

312Tam je povedané:

Ten kto...

keď úmyselne hrešíme

(úmyselne neveríme)

po tom


keď sme prijali známosť pravdy,

... (Rozumiete? To vôbec nebolo povedané ohľadne kresťana!)

313Pred nedávnom prišla za mnou jedna žena a povedala: „Brat Branham, som kresťanka, ale som sa rúhala Duchu Svätému.“

314Povedal som: „To je nemožné.“ Kresťan sa nemôže rúhať Duchu Svätému. To nemôžeš urobiť. Duch kresťana nesie svedectvo spolu s Duchom Kristovým. Vidíte? Všetko čo pochádza od Boha budeme nazývať Božím.

315Ale ak telesne rozmýšľate, robíte si žarty a vysmievate sa z Ducha Božieho. Nestarám sa ako veľmi chodíte do zboru, stále ste hriešnikom a rúhate sa Duchu Svätému. Keď ľudia videli Ježiša, ako rozpoznáva ich myšlienky, povedali že je veštec.

316 Ježiš povedal: „Ja vám to odpustím, ale keď príde Duch Svätý a poviete proti Nemu slovo, nikdy vám to nebude odpustené.“ Pretože povedali: „On má nečistého ducha.“ Ducha Božieho nazývali „nečistý duch.“ A to kresťan nedokáže urobiť. Kresťan bude stále nazývať Božieho Ducha „Spravodlivosťou.“

317Vidíte? Kresťan sa nemôže rúhať Duchu Svätému. Rúhajú sa tí, ktorí sú vonku. Tí ľudia tam neboli kresťania. To boli nábožní ľudia, to boli ortodoxní židia, doktori teológie a tak ďalej a oni si robili žarty z Neho a z Jeho skutkov. Na Skutky Božie hovorili, že to robí nečistý duch.

318A čo myslíte, koľkí sa dnes rúhajú Duchu Svätému, ktorí majú pred menami tituly DDD, PhD? Koľkí veľkí, neoblomní ortodoxní, katolíci, protestanti idú po ulici a robia si posmech z pôsobenia Ducha Svätého! Takí uhladení, vzdelaní, hladkí ako gombík. Je to tak, ale robia si posmech z Ducha Svätého a preto sa mu rúhajú. Ale znovuzrodený kresťan to nemôže, on povie: „To je môj brat. To je Duch živého Boha.“ Je to tak. Kresťan sa nemôže rúhať Duchu Svätému.

319To je hriešnik, ktorý sa rúha Duchu Svätému, neveriaci, hriešnik, neveriaci. Sú len dve veci: Buď ste veriaci alebo neveriaci.

320No, všimnite si tu, aby sme to teraz skutočne rozobrali. Mal som videnie, ktoré ma stále trápilo. Pred rokmi som sa na to díval a hovoril som: „Ó, keď raz človek prijal Ducha Svätého a potom by odpadol, naveky bude zatratený.“ Nemohol som to spojiť s týmto ďalším, aby mi to dávalo zmysel.

321Povedal som: „Prečo potom Biblia hovorí, že — ten kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal má večný život (Večný.) a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne a nikto z nich nezahynie a ja ich vzkriesim v posledných dňoch. Nikto ich nemôže vytrhnúť z mojej ruky?“ Ako to môže mať spoločného menovateľa? Nemohol som tomu rozumieť „Je nemožné pre tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení.“ Rozmýšľal som: „Tu niečo nehrá, nemôžem to proste rozumieť.“

322A pred rokmi som išiel na malé letničné zhromaždenie. Teraz už asi nie je tu v zbore nikto, kto by si to pamätal. Pred rokmi, to bolo ešte vtedy keď sa stavala táto modlitebňa ... možno brat Graham sa na to pamätá alebo niekto. Neviem či si tu bol zo začiatku alebo nie. Myslím že tu bol brat Sy, brat Mahoney. Áno, krátko pred tým ako som sa oženil.

323Ten dar fungoval, bál som sa toho. Povedali mi, že je to z diabla. Nevedel som čo to je, až kým mi to nepovedal anjel Pánov.

324Išiel som do Mishawaka a sedel som v tom zhromaždení a nikdy som nepočul ľudí, ktorí by toľko kričali, plakali a chválili Boha. Pomyslel som si: „Brat, toto je nebo.“ A ó, ako oni behali hore dole.

325Museli to mať na severe, kvôli rasovej segregácie. Farební a bieli boli spolu. Tie skupiny P.A. z W a P.H.A.C. sa rozrástli a stali sa z nich „Zjednotení Letniční“. Ale aké mávali prebudenia, tam v zbore brata Rowe v Mishawaka. A ja, taký zvedavý, sedel som tam vzadu a pozoroval som to všetko. Nikdy predtým som niečo také nevidel.

326Tu takto sedel jeden človek ... Ešte nikdy som toto nehovoril verejne. Na jednej strane tam sedel jeden človek a druhý na druhej strane a jeden hovoril v jazykoch a ten druhý to vykladal. A oni hovorili rôzne veci, ktoré sa mali stať. Potom, tento jeden hovoril v jazykoch a ten druhý to vykladal. Pomyslel som si: „Ó, to je úžasné. Aké chválebné. To musia byť anjeli, ktorí prišli na zem v ľudskej podobe.“

327No, mal som len dolár a sedemdesiat päť centov, aby som sa dostal domov, aby som mal za čo natankovať. Tú noc som spal v kukuričnom poli. Časť tej udalosti som opísal v knihe ale nie celú, pretože som nechcel uraziť ich pocity. A tak ten večer oni povedali: „Všetci kazatelia poďte sem hore na pódium.“ Bol som na pódiu, bol som tam vtedy najmladší kazateľ.

328Tak, na druhý deň ráno ma požiadali, aby som tam prišiel a kázal. Skryl som sa. Viete a ten farebný človek povedal: „Tu je!“ Pamätáte sa na ten príbeh o tom, keď ma prezradil, že tam sedím.

329Ten deň, po skončení kázania, chodil som tam a rozmýšľal som: „Keby som sa len mohol stretnúť s tými dvomi ľuďmi!“ Oni viedli to zhromaždenie. Jeden vstal, zbledol do tváre a hovoril v jazykoch. A ten druhý to vykladal a hovoril slová: „Tak hovorí Pán, je tu taký a taký človek, nazýva sa tak a tak, ktorý urobil toto a toto.“ Brat, to bola pravda. A ten druhý vstal a hovoril v jazykoch a tento vykladal.

330Myslel som si: „Ó, či to nie je úžasné!“ Tak, vtedy som rozmýšľal, vyšiel som von a modlil som sa a myslel som si: „Pane, urob to znovu pri mne.“ Nevedel som ako som to mal nazvať (videnie).

331Išiel som von a modlil som sa a poprosil som Pána, aby mi pomohol a išiel som okolo tej budovy a stretol som sa z jedným z nich. Pán mi dáva možnosť ako poznať také veci. Potriasol som si s ním ruku a pozdravil som ho: „Dobrý deň.“

On povedal: „Dobrý deň! Ako sa voláš?“

Povedal som: „Branham.“

„Ó“, povedal, „ty si ten mladý muž, ktorý dnes ráno kázal.“

Povedal som: „Áno.“

332A kým som sa s ním rozprával, zachytil som jeho ducha. A to bol ozajstný kresťan, proste rýdzi kresťan, brat. Pomyslel som si, to je veriaci. Pomyslel som si: „Ó, to je úžasné!“

333A asi za hodinu, tam vonku, neďaleko pri takom veľkom aute na ktorom bol nápis „Jedine Ježiš“ a keď som tam stál, tam bol ten druhý muž. Prišiel som ku nemu a pozdravil som sa: „Dobrý deň.“

334On povedal: „Dobrý deň. Ty si brat Branham, ktorý dnes ráno hovoril.“

335Povedal som: „Áno, to som ja. Viete, radujem sa z tých veľkých darov Božích, ktoré sa prejavujú vo vás dvoch bratoch.“

336On povedal: „Ďakujem, pán Branham.“ A začal som cítiť jeho ducha, prišlo videnie. A ak som sa niekedy rozprával s pokrytcom, toto bol jeden z nich. Jeho žena bola čiernovlasá a on žil s blondínou a mal s ňou dve deti. Nebol to vôbec žiadny kresťan.

337Potom som povedal: „Kde som sa to dostal? Myslel som si, že som medzi anjelmi a teraz sa mi zdá, že som medzi démonmi. Niečo sa stalo! Tu bol jeden, skutočný kresťan. A ten istý Duch, ktorý padá na tohoto človeka, padá aj na tohoto človeka.“ Povedal som: „Teraz som z toho celý popletený.“ A nevedel som čo robiť. Plakal som a prosil som Pána. Nevedel som čo mám prijať.

338Chceli ma presvedčiť ... Keď som tam bol, pýtali sa ma či som prijal Ducha Svätého? Povedal som: „Nie, nie tak ako to vy máte.“

Opýtal sa ma: Hovoril si niekedy v jazykoch?“

Povedal som: „Nie.“

On povedal: „Tak to potom nemáš.“

339Tak som povedal: „Ja ... Možno máš pravdu, môj brat. Možno, že to nemám, pretože nemám to, čo máte vy.“ A za chvíľu som bol rád, že to nemám.

340Tak som to pozoroval a videl som ako to funguje.

341Tak, jedného dňa som sa modlil tu vonku, už je to dávno. Poviem vám prečo ... modlil som sa za Roy Davisa. Bol som tam vonku a modlil som sa, pretože on ma nazval pajác a ja som sa modlil ku Bohu, aby mu to odpustil. A on mal tlačiareň a vydával noviny. A tá tlačiareň sa chytila a zhorela, niekoľko dní potom, keď tam tlačili.

342A tak, stál som tam v tej starej jaskyni za Green Mill. Išiel som tam a modlil som sa, bol som tam dva dni. Položil som si tam Bibliu na starý kmeň, ukazoval som to tam nedávno bratovi Woodovi, položil som si tam Bibliu a sedel som obkročmo na tom kmeni. A zafúkal vietor a pomyslel som si: „Som tu dlho v tejto jaskyni, trochu si počítam.“ Tak som zobral Bibliu a začal som čítať a toto bola tá kapitola, kde to bolo otvorené. No, začal som čítať a potom som sa začal diviť. Vidíte?

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení ... a stali sa účastnými Ducha Svätého,

... ochutnali dobré slovo Božie a ... budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

343Pomyslel som si: „To je to Písmo.“ Ale niečo pri mne stálo. Potom som si začal myslieť: „Tu prv on tam hovorí a začína: Neklaďte mŕtve základy pokánia (na začiatku). Neklaďte základu pokánia, a tu hovorí, obnoviť zase ku pokániu. Ale poďme do dokonalosti, zanechajúc tieto veci.“ Potom som začal čítať, potom som čítal ten ďalší verš:

Lebo zem, ktorá pije dážď, ktorý často prichádza na ňu a plodí rastlinu, vhodnú tým, pre ktorých sa aj obrába, berie podiel na požehnaní od Boha.

Ale tá, ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodľač, je nesúca a je blízka zlorečenstva, ktorej koniec je, aby bola spálená.

344A keď som to čítal, niečo ma otriaslo. A ja som si pomyslel: „Pane, to sa nejedná o Roy Davisa. Prečo by si to robil?“

345A obrátil som to o stranu ďalej a znovu som sa ku tomu musel vrátiť: „Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení.“

„Prečítaj to ešte raz!“

346Potom som si pomyslel: „Pane, čo toto znamená? Čo tým chceš povedať, Pane?“

347Obrátil som sa a išiel som naspäť do svojej jaskyne, aby som sa za to modlil. Keď som sa prestal modliť, videl som ako sa otáča zemeguľa. Celá bola pekne zoraná, celý svet. A videl som muža v bielom, ako išiel po nej a v ruke mal tašku. Ako po nej prechádzal, sial semeno a potom zašiel za horizont. A len čo zašiel za horizont, prišiel niekto v skutočne čiernom rúchu, vyzeral ako podvodník, takto sa zakrádal a obzeral sa. A mal semeno a rozhadzoval ho za tamtým, keď prechádzal po zemi. Každého pozoroval a rozhadzoval ho. Stál som a díval som sa na to videnie.

348Keď odišiel, svet sa obracal a bola na nej veľká úroda, bola to pšenica a medzi pšenicou bol tiež kúkoľ, bodliaky.

349Prišlo sucho. Ó, ako tá pšenička sklonila svoju hlavičku a túžila po vode. Kúkoľ sklonil svoju hlavičku a túžil po vode. Všetci sa modlili za dážď. Po nejakom čase prišiel veľký mrak a zavlažil celú zem a kúkoľ podskočil a začal kričať: „Chvála Bohu! Haleluja! Sláva Pánovi!“

350A pšenička podskočila a začala kričať: „Sláva Bohu! Chvála Pánovi!“

351A potom prišlo ku mne Písmo, ktoré sa nachádza v ev. Matúša v 5. kapitole a v 45. verši. A počúvajte čo povedal Ježiš v ev. Matúša 5:45. Dobre teraz počúvajte, keď to budeme čítať. Matúš, 5. kapitola a 45. a 46. verš. Začneme od 44.

Ale ja vám hovorím: Milujte svojich nepriateľov; dobrorečte tým, ktorí vás preklínajú; čiňte dobre tým, ktorí vás nenávidia a modlite sa za tých, ktorí vás potupujú a prenasledujú,

aby ste boli deťmi svojho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach lebo svojmu slncu velí vychádzať na zlých aj na dobrých a dáva dážď na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých.

352Tak, vidíte, ten istý dážď, ktorý dáva rast pšenici, dáva rast aj kúkoľu. A tak som tomu porozumel. Tu máte telesného vyznávača, ktorý sa nachádza rovno v zbore ale jeho ovocie ... On môže vykrikovať, vyskakovať, tancovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, ale jeho ovocie: on je kúkoľ. A je druhý, ktorý má toho istého Ducha, Duch Svätý môže padať rovno na skupinu ľudí a pokrytec môže vykrikovať pod vplyvom Ducha Svätého, tak isto ako kúkoľ môže žiť z toho dažďa, ktorý je poslaný. To je to, o čom tu Pavel hovorí. Ale je nemožné, aby sa kúkoľ stal pšenicou alebo pšenica kúkoľom! Rozumiete tomu?

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a stali sa účastníkmi daru Ducha Svätého

a ochutnali dobré Slovo Božie a moc budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, aby sa znovu obnovili.

(Počúvajte čo on povedal!)

Lebo dážď, ktorý často prichádza na zem,

aby ju zavlažil a upravil a pripravil

ale tá ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodliaky je blízka zlorečenstva.

A tak zanechajme počiatky učenia o Kristu a nesme sa k dokonalosti, neklaďme zase základy pokánia a mŕtve skutky a vieru v Boha

(a tak ďalej)

a učenia o krstoch, vskladaní rúk

(a podobné.)

353Vidíte? Telesní veriaci, tam v tých časoch, tak ako je to aj dnes, oni radi hovoria: „Patrím do zboru. Činil som pokánie. Prišiel som, urobil som vyznanie. Bol som pokrstený“ Vidíte? Oni spočívajú na týchto telesných reformáciách. A čo to robí? To produkuje kúkoľ!

354Čo robí dokonalosť? To je pšenica! Pšenica je Božie Slovo. On ju používa ako svoje Slovo. To je semeno. Ono rodí ovocie.

355To záleží od toho, aké semeno je zasiate vo vašom srdci. Ak chodíte do zboru len preto, že sa bojíte pekla, ak ste sa pripojili ku cirkvi, pretože nechcete - nechcete ísť do pekla, stále ste kúkoľ. Ak - ak ste sa pripojili ku cirkvi len, aby ste boli populárni, stále ste kúkoľ. Ak robíte všetky tieto formálne veci, ktoré sa majú robiť a to je všetko čo máte, stále ste kúkoľ.

256Ale skutočný, ozajstný kresťan sa tlačí do dokonalosti, až je svet pre neho mŕtvy a vy sa stanete novým stvorením v Kristovi Ježišovi. Potom, to je nemožné, aby takýto človek niekedy odpadol. To je to čo hovorí Biblia. Vidíte ako sa to zhoduje s ostatnými miestami Písma? Vidíte ako to prichádza presne na svoje miesto?

357Ako tu môže byť povedané: „Ten, kto je raz spasený, nikdy nemôže zahynúť“ a prejdete sem a tu je povedané: „Ale ak ste stratení alebo ak ste sa rúhali, je nemožné ...“ Samozrejme, ak si rúhač, nie si kresťan.

358„Nikto hovoriac v Duchu Božom nezlorečí Ježišovi anatema.“ List Jána 4 ... 1. List Jána 4. Nikto hovoriac v Duchu Kristovom nenazýva Ježiša prekliatym. Každý duch, z Boha, ktorý je v kresťanskej cirkvi, súhlasí so všetkým čo Boh hovorí.

359Čítame tu a hovoríme: „On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.“

360Stará telesná myseľ hovorí: Dni zázrakov pominuli. Ja som Dr. Jones!“ Vidíte? „Neexistuje žiadne Božské uzdravovanie. Žiadne náboženstvo, ktoré sa cíti srdcom. Len ste sa vzrušili. Ste emocionálni. To je všetko. Nič na tom nie je. My sme presbyteriáni. My sme luteráni.“ Alebo čokoľvek. „My vieme kde stojíme.“

361Ale čo hovorí Duch Boží? Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera ... „AMEN!“ hovorí Duch Boží. On hneď súhlasí so Slovom. Tak veru. To je hneď tam. Rozumiete čo chcem teraz povedať?

362„Tieto telesné reformácie spôsobujú smrť,“ povedal Pavel.

363Ale tam, kde prichádza život, táto dokonalosť, „Ten kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Ja mu dám večný život a vzkriesim ho v posledných dňoch. Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu ku mne a nikto z nich nezahynie.“ Nemôže!

364Tak, toto je to, čo to robí. Čo to robí .... Ľudia si myslia, že to vedie ľudí do rozpustilosti. Brat, Bohu neslúžiš ako pri zamračenom hadovi. Boh nie je z tých, ktorí majú dlhý bič a stále vás preháňajú. On je Otec. On je Láska. Boh je Láska. A Biblia hovorí v Liste Jána: „Kto miluje je z Boha.“

365Vy milujete Boha. Nebol by som ... Keby som dnes večer niekde išiel a pil by som ... Nikdy v živote som nepil. Ale keby som niekde išiel a pil by som ... Nebojím sa, že dostanem výprask. To nie je dôvod, že nechodím ... že to nerobím. Dôvod, že také niečo nerobím, je ten, že Ho milujem. On miluje mňa. To nie sú skutky zákona, to nie je niečo, čo ja musím robiť, to je niečo, čo On už za mňa urobil a ja Ho milujem. To je ono.

366Tak keď máme v sebe toho Ducha, ktorý je zasľúbený: „Ja mu dám večný život a oni nikdy nezahynú.“ Či On klamal alebo hovoril pravdu? On povedal pravdu! Tak vidíte aký toto dáva výklad? Je nemožné, aby človek odpadol, keď už bol raz v milosti. Nemôže! On môže upadnúť, samozrejme, ale nie naspäť do pokánia, naspäť na to miesto, aby znovu robil tie staré skutky.

367Tak, všetci beháte od jednej evanjelizácie ku druhej, z jedného miesta na druhé. Nevidíte, že nie ste stáli, že nie ste pevne založení? A skutočne ... Vy poviete: „Brat Branham, neviem či ...“ Skutočne, Boh by mi nedal službu, ktorú mi dal, a nechal by ma v blude. A keby to nebolo potvrdené Písmom, potom by to bol blud, ale tu je Písmo, ktoré za tým stojí.

368Cirkev nikdy nemala byť miestom ... Ľudia idú a pripájajú sa do zboru, hádajú sa, bijú sa, robia rozruch a všetko možné a proste si žijú každým druhom telesného života. „Ó, áno, ja som kresťan.“

369Počul som dnes vyznanie jednej pani, ktorá mi povedala, že jej muž behá s nejakým mužom. Prichytila ich na veľa miestach a tá žena povedala: „Chcem, aby ste vedeli, že som kresťanka.“

370Pozrite sa sem na Jimmy Osborna. V nedeľu ráno káže a cez týždeň hrá boogie-woogie a rock and roll a všetko možné.

371Pozrite sa na Elvisa Presleyho, Judáš Iškariotský vo verzii 1947. Pripája sa ku Assemblies of God (Zbory Božie), letničným, hovorí v jazykoch skrze Ducha Svätého a poslal do pekelného súženia viacej duší než všetky pálenice, ktoré existovali za posledných päťdesiat rokov. Prevrátil rozum mladých dospievajúcich detí po celom svete, že až mladé dievčence si vyzliekali spodné prádlo a hádzali to na pódium a on sa im na to podpisoval. Taký vulgárny, že v televízii ho nechceli ukazovať od pása dole, kvôli jeho ... telu. (Duch Svätý, hovorenie v jazykoch ako dôkaz.) Ó brat, keby tam bol Duch Svätý, On by sa tak nesprával. To by ste už mali vedieť! Nie veru. Boh miluje čistotu, nepoškvrnenosť a svätosť.

372Nesprávam sa čisto a nepoškvrnene a sväto, aby som zo seba urobil kresťana, ale to je Kristus vo mne, ktorý tak vo mne žije. A ja Ho milujem. A keby som urobil niečo zle, to ma hneď tam odsudzuje, hneď na mieste hovorím: „Bože odpusť mi.“ Každý deň musím prosiť o odpustenie. Každý deň to ... a vy to tiež robíte. Samozrejme to robíte.

373Ale teraz, ak ste telesní, brodíte sa len vzadu a hovoríte: „Ach, dobre, to je úplne v poriadku, ja patrím do zboru.“ Vidíte? A potom keď sa rúhate, to je vtedy keď nemáte vieru, ktorá raz bola svätým darovaná. Potom si z toho robíte žarty a nazývate to „nečistý duch.“ Hovoríte: „To je banda fanatikov.“ Potom sa oddeľujete medzi milosťou a súdom, potom je s vami naveky koniec.

374Ježiš povedal: „Jedno slovo proti tomu, nikdy nebude odpustené v tomto svete ani v budúcom.“ A kresťan, narodený z Ducha nemôže o Tom povedať zle, pretože to sa nedá, to s Tým súhlasí. Je to tak.

375Preto sa mi ľudia snažia povedať, že tam ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý sa tu zjavil pri nás, oni chcú povedať, že „to bol diabol,“ že „to bola len predstava,“ a všetko takéto. Ale fotoaparát dokázal, že to tak nie je. A tie skutky ležia úplne presne v Biblii. Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku, všetko toto čo On tam vtedy robil, On to robí presne tak isto, podľa Biblie. On je Kristus, Syn Boží!

376A keď sme znovuzrodení, máme večný život a nemôžeme zahynúť. A bolo by nemožné, aby taký človek odpadol. To hovorí Biblia.

377No, počúvajte, dávajte pozor čo hovorí Pavel. Prečítam z toho to ostatné a budete vidieť, či to teraz neznie správne. No poďme ďalej, ešte chvíľu. 8. verš:

Ale tá, ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodľač, je nesúca a je blízka zlorečenstva, ktorej koniec je, aby bola spálená.

(To sa jedná o neveriaceho.)

No pozorujte Pavla:

Ale milovaní, ...

378On hovorí o tých, ktorí sa snažia vrátiť naspäť pod zákon, viete, snažia sa robiť všetky tie skutky zákona. Tak veru, zachovávajú všetky tie obrady ako len môžu, krsty, vskladanie rúk a všetky tieto veci.

Ale sme presvedčení o vás, milovaní, lepšie veci ...

(Tu to máte, počúvajte ho teraz)

... a ktoré idú so spasením, i keď tak hovoríme.

Lebo Boh nie je nespravodlivý, aby zabudol na vaše dielo a na trudnú prácu vašej lásky, ktorú ste dokázali oproti jeho menu, keď ste slúžili svätým a ešte vždy slúžite.

379Vidíte o čom on hovorí? On nehovorí o odpadnutí kresťana a o tom, že je nemožné, aby sa navrátil. On hovorí o telesných veriacich, ktorí prechádzajú cez reformačnú formu. Ale on povedal: „Pre vás, ktorí ste sa znovuzrodili, vy ktorí ste milovaní kresťania, o vás sme presvedčení lepšie veci. Vy nežijete takým druhom života. Vy ste bezpeční s Kristom.“ Čo on práve tu povedal? Poďme teraz znovu do 10. kapitoly Listu Židom, kde sme boli dnes ráno.

380A potom si znovu otvorme list Efežanom 4:30. A zoberme toto za chvíľu a dávajme pozor čo toto hovorí, aby sme to podložili a aby jedno miesto Písma súhlasilo s druhým. Efežanom 4. Pozrime sa, Efežanom 4:30. Čítajme a budeme vidieť, čo je tam povedané. Počúvajte:

... nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho

... (Ó? Ako sme pokrstení do toho Tela? Jedným Duchom!)


nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.

Je to tak? Vy ste zapečatení do Tela Kristovho skrze krst Duchom Svätým, nie od jedného prebudenia ku druhému, ale až do dňa vykúpenia tela. Tak je to s vami.

381Tak nie je žiadna možnosť, aby ste zahynuli. Vy ste sa vystrašili; a to je dôvod preľaknutia, preľaknutie ... strach ide s pochybnosťou. Láska ide s vierou. Ja milujem svojho Otca. Nie som z Neho vyľakaný, pretože Ho milujem. On mi neublíži, On mi urobí dobre. Keby som mal z Neho strach a „Ó, neviem či to On urobí alebo nie.“

382Vidíte? Ale keď ho milujem: „Áno, Otče, milujem Ťa. A viem, že Ty si môj Otec a že ma miluješ a ja sa nebojím, že by si nedodržal svoje Slovo. To je Tvoje zasľúbenie pre mňa.“ Takto reaguje Duch Boží.

383„Ale, ó, keď som urobil toto, keď som urobil tamto.“ Vidíte? Tu znovu prechádzate na stranu zákonníctva. Nikdy nechoďte na stranu zákonníctva, to je negatívne. Vy potrebujete pozitívnu stranu.

384To je už dokončené dielo. Kristus zomrel a hriech bol zabitý, keď On zomrel. A keď ťa Boh predurčil do večného života, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne.“ Tu to máte, nemôžeš zahynúť. Naveky si bezpečný. „Lebo skrze jedného Ducha, sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela a skrze jednu obeť nás navždy zdokonalil.“ Tu to máte. Neexistuje spôsob, aby sme zahynuli. Presne tak! No, necítite sa pri tom dobre?

385No, ako vieš, že si kresťan? Keď tvoj duch spolu svedčí s Jeho Duchom, keď je v tvojom srdci láska Božia, keď máš lásku, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, dobrotu, trpezlivosť, dobrotivosť, krotkosť. Vtedy si bol ... ovocie Ducha nasleduje tvoj život.

386Nie preto, že môžeš tancovať v Duchu, ó, podľa tohoto moderného rytmu, rámusu na piane podľa množstva tohoto tancovania v Duchu. Tie veci sú v poriadku ale oni to všetko preniesli na tú zákonnícku stranu. Vidíte? A tak oni nechali Ducha Božieho za sebou.

387To je dôvod, keď sa Boh začal prejavovať, oni povedali: „Nezmysel! My s tým nechceme mať nič spoločného.“ Oni nepoznajú Boha. Oni To nikdy nevideli. Oni Tomu nemôžu rozumieť, pretože je v nich iný život. On nevie ... kúkoľ nevie čo robí pšenica. On má inakší život.

388Takto je to s kresťanom, keď ho porovnáme s telesným veriacim, vyznávačom, ktorý vyšiel a vyznal: „Ó, áno, ja som kresťan.“A v ústach má veľkú cigaretu. To vyzerá ako Texaský vôl bez rohov.

389Žena v šortkách a hovorí: „Ó, áno, ja som členkou cirkev. Skutočne, som.“ Tvoje ovocie dokazuje, že nie si nič, len telesný človek! Je to tak. Určite, je to tak. Je len jedno, čo ti to dovoľuje: to je buď duševná vada alebo je na tebe duch nečistej žiadosti. Je to tak.

390Ak sa chceš správať ako svet, Biblia hovorí: „Keď miluješ svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je v tebe láska Božia.“ Tak tu to máš.

391No, vy hovoríte: „Ó, Biblia hovorí, že to musím robiť.“ Nie, to nie je to. Stoj tu, až kým Kristus niečo pre teba neurobí, aby to z teba odstránil. Potom si narodený z Ducha Božieho. Nie to čo ty robíš, to je to, čo On urobil pre teba. Kým nedostaneš lásku, ktorá svedčí, že si prešiel zo smrti do života. A potom pozoruj svoj život, či to ide spolu s tým. Nie preto, že ty sa snažíš tak žiť, ale preto, že Boh ťa privádza do poddanosti jeho Duchu. To nie ty vedieš seba na Božiu cestu, to Boh ťa vedie po svojej ceste. Nie ty sa vedieš ale Boh ťa vedie.

392No pozorujte teraz toto, keď už prichádzame ku koncu, 11. verš.

A želáme si, aby jeden každý z vás preukazoval tú istú vytrvalosť na plnosť nádeje dokonca,

aby ste nezleniveli, ale aby ste nasledovali tých, ktorí vierou a zhovievavosťou dedia zasľúbenia.

393No, ešte tu jednu poznámku:

Lebo keď dával Boh Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, keďže nemal na koho iného väčšieho prisahať, prisahal sám na seba

a povedal: Požehnám, áno, požehnám ťa a veľmi ťa rozmnožím.

(keď Boh stretol Abraháma.)

394No, Abrahám dostal zmluvu bez akýchkoľvek zásluh. Zmluva, ktorá bola uzavretá s Abrahámom, to všetko bola úplná milosť! Abrahám nebol lepší človek, on nebol posvätný človek, bol to len obyčajný človek. A Boh, skrze predzvedenie, vybral Abraháma, pretože Boh ho vyvolil. Nie preto, že to Abrahám chcel, nie preto, že Abrahám urobil toto, nie preto, že bol dobrý človek, pretože on nemal vôbec žiadne zásluhy, ale to bol Boží výber! Boh zobral Abraháma.

395Dnes, ako som povedal svoj názor: „My si vyberáme kazateľov. Ideme a vravíme: Dobre, jeden diakon skončil so svojou funkciou. Nájdime najlepšieho v tejto sále, ktorý by sa postavil na jeho miesto. Dobre, pastor skončil s funkciou, nájdime, zoberieme toho najlepšieho ...“ Niekedy to nie je správne.

396Keď oni vybrali človeka, aby zaujal Judášove miesto, vybrali nesprávneho. Mali džentlmena, Mateja, veľkého učeného v Písme, vzdelaného, diplomata. Povedali: „On bude presne pasovať na to miesto. Chlapče, on vyzerá na skutočného muža.“ Ale to nebol Boží výber. Vybrali toho človeka a on nič pre Boha neurobil.

397Ale Boh vybral malého temperamentného žida s krivým nosom, ktorý tam išiel a v tvári mal ... „Pôjdem tam a pozatváram ich!“

398Boh povedal: „Niečo v ňom vidím. Použijem ho.“

399A Boží Duch zastal pred ním, tam to veľké Svetlo a on povedal: „Kto si, Pane?“

400Povedal: „Ja som Ježiš. No, tvrdo ti bude proti ostňu sa vzpečovať. Prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“ Takto. A Boh vybral toho muža a urobil ho jedným z najväčších ľudí, ktorí kedy chodili po tváre zeme od čias Ježiša Krista. To bol Boží výber.

401Dnes sa snažíme niečo vybrať. Cirkvi, vy posielate tohoto človeka sem a tohoto sem. To sa tak nemá robiť. Tým riadi Boh. Boh je vo všetkom, cez všetko, ponad všetko. Nejde o to, čo hovorí nejaký dokument alebo nejaká cirkev, ale záleží na tom, čo o tom hovorí Boh.

402Všimnite si! Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, bez podmienok. A teraz, počkajte. Abrahám nemusel nič urobiť. Boh povedal: „Ja som to už urobil.“

403Boh dal zasľúbenie Adamovi, povedal: „Adam, ak sa nebudeš tohoto dotýkať, budeš žiť naveky. Ale ten deň, ktorého by si z toho jedol, ten deň zomrieš.“

404Adam povedal: „Jednako som zvedavý, čo na tom všetkom je?“ On tam išiel a jedol z toho, skúsil to.

405Stále keď Boh uzavrel ... keď človek uzavrel s Bohom zmluvu, alebo Boh s človekom, človek nedodržal svoju časť. Tak Boh musel niečo urobiť, pretože videl aký je človek. A oni boli predurčení, boli vybraní a Boh musel niečo urobiť. Tak Boh prišiel dole a uzavrel svoju zmluvu s Abrahámom bez podmienok. Keby ona nebola uzavrená bez podmienok, Abrahám by bol dávno stratený ...

406Pozrite sa na neho, keď táboril tam v Gerar, odpadol, klamal. A dáva svoju ženu inému mužovi, aby si zachránil kožu. Čo je to za človeka! Táborí tam vonku a odpadol ... Boh mu povedal: „Neodchádzaj z tadeto. Zostaň tu.“ Vyhnal ho hlad. Putoval dole, kde sa dalo ľahšie žiť. Viete čo sa stalo jednému človekovi, keď si vybral ľahšiu cestu.

407Odišiel odtiaľ, tam dole kde bola zelenšia tráva. A keď tam prišiel, povedal tomu kráľovi, že jeho žena je jeho sestra, aby si zachránil vlastnú kožu. No, to bolo klamstvo. A každý muž, ktorý by zobral svoju ženu a dal ju inému, aby si zachránil kožu ... Tu ho máte, sedí si tam v malom stane, odpadlík, klame, úplne pomimo svojho ... úplne odrezaný od zasľúbenia a od všetkého, ale stále bol Božím prorokom.

408A tam bol Abimelech, to bol dobrý, svätý muž. Skutočne, je povedané, že sa každý večer modlil. Našiel túto starenku, storočnú, ako tam ide krásna a znovu mladá. On povedal: „To je dievča na ktoré čakám, hneď sa s ňou ožením.“

409Abrahám povedal: „Môžeš ju mať, ona je moja sestra. Ona ...“

„To je môj brat.“

410Tak on ju tam zobral a kázal, aby ju ženy celú okúpali a obliekli do krásnych šiat a vystrojili ako princeznú. Odriekol svoju modlitbu a vystrel sa na posteli, obrátil sa nabok a povedal: „Zajtra sa ožením s tým prekrásnym hebrejským dievčaťom, so sestrou tam toho chlapca. Ó, to bude nádherné. Ó Pane, Ty vieš ako Ťa milujem. Áno, to bude nádherné.“

411A Boh povedal: „Zomrieš!“

412Prečo? Abrahám sedel tam vonku, klamal, odpadol. A tu bol tento muž, taký čestný a spravodlivý ... priamy muž. „Prečo?“ povedal, „Pane, poznáš bezúhonnosť môjho srdca. Či mi on nepovedal, že to je jeho sestra?“

413Povedal: „Poznám bezúhonnosť tvojho srdca. Preto ťa chránim, aby si voči Mne nezhrešil. Je to tak. Poznám bezúhonnosť tvojho srdca, ale jej muž je Môj prorok.“ Haleluja! Ó, ak toto nie je milosť, tak čo to je? „Odpadlík, hovorí klamstvo a sedí tam vonku, ale stále je to Môj prorok! Zober obeť a choď ku nemu a vráť mu jeho ženu, lebo inak zomrieš. Nevypočujem viacej tvoju modlitbu, nech sa on za teba modlí.“ Amen! Tu to máte. „To je Môj prorok!“

414No, poviete: „Ó, prajem si byť Abrahámom.“ Keď sme mŕtvi v Kristovi, sme Abrahámovým Semenom a sme dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia. Je to tak. To je to čo hovorí Biblia. Chceli by ste si to prečítať? Aha, Biblia hovorí, že to zasľúbenie nebolo len pre Abraháma a jeho semená. Ako vy ... Abrahám mal mnoho semien, skutočne, mnoho detí. Izmael bol jeho dieťa. On mal sedem alebo osem detí potom, keď zomrela Sárah, s inou ženou, s Keturou. Ale pozrite sa, to bolo zasľúbené semeno, ktorým bol Izák a skrze Izáka prišiel Kristus, skrze Krista sme prišli my. To zasľúbenie nekladie podmienky!

415No, čo s Abrahámom? Aha, bol by s ním koniec, bolo by nemožné, aby sa znovu navrátil. Skutočne. Pre Saula by bolo nemožné, aby sa ešte znovu navrátil, keby ste to Písmo museli takto čítať. Vidíte? Ale to tak nebolo! Božie zasľúbenie trvá naveky!

416Čítajme tu ešte chvíľu. Chcem vám toto prečítať. Chcem, aby ste si otvorili Galaťanom 3:16 a čítajme toto a dívajte sa teraz, aké je to zasľúbenie a dívajte sa či - či sme Jeho zasľúbením alebo nie; 3/16. Počúvajte tu! Dobre, budem čítať tiež 15. verš.

Bratia po ľudsky hovorím: Už uprávoplatnenej zmluvy človeka nikto neruší alebo ani k nej nepridáva ničoho.

A zasľúbenia boli povedané Abrahámovi a jeho semenu

... (semenu - jednotné číslo ... zasľúbenia boli dané Abrahámovi a jeho semenu. Dávajte teraz pozor!)

Nehovorí: I semenám,

(množné číslo)

ako keby ich bolo mnoho, ale hovorí ako o jednom: I tvojmu semenu, ktorým je Kristus.

417Potom Kristus bol Abrahámovým Semenom a keď sme mŕtvi v Kristovi a sme pokrstení do jeho tela, sme Abrahámovým Semenom a sme dedičmi zasľúbenia. Potom ako je to ... Ako môžete ešte odpadnúť, keď vám Boh dal zasľúbenie? Ako by ste mohli kedy odpadnúť a odísť preč, že by ste museli ísť za to do pekla?

418Teraz poviete: „Dobre, nemôžeme odpadnúť?“ Samozrejme! A keď odpadnete, dostanete za to priúčku, nebojte sa. Abrahám ju dostal, aj tí ostatní ju dostali, aj vy ju dostanete. Nemyslite si, že vám to dáva právo hrešiť; to nie. Budete platiť za všetko čo urobíte. Budete žať to čo sejete. Urobíte jeden malý hriech a budete žať plné koryto. Je to tak. Ale, brat, to neznamená, že si zatratený. Je to presne tak. Abrahám žal presne to čo sial. Je to tak. Ale stále bol spasený.

419Zmluva, ktorú Boh uzavrel s Izraelom: oni stratili svoje dedičstvo, oni stratili zasľúbenú zem a odišli dole do Egypta ale nestratili svoju zmluvu. Boh povedal: „Budem pamätať na svoju zmluvu s Abrahámom. Budem pamätať na ňu a prídem dole a vyslobodím svoj ľud. Mojžiš choď tam a povedz faraónovi, že som povedal: „Vypusti Môj ľud.“ Pamätám, že som uzavrel zmluvu s Abrahámom a s jeho semenom.“

420To isté je s nami. Tak keď ste mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Bohu, skrze Krista, nie je nič na svete, čo by sa vás mohlo dotknúť. No, môžete ísť a urobiť zle, ale keď ste skutočne, opravdu dieťa Božie a vidíte, že ste urobili chybu, povstanete a znovu sa snažíte. Je to tak a nebudete tam ležať.

421Ale ak ste zbabelí, ak ste kúkoľ, ak nie je pre vás „povstanie“ budete vravieť: „Ó, dobre, aj tak na tom nič nebolo.“

422Kráľovstvo Božie je podobné človekovi, ktorý zobral sieť a išiel na more a hodil sieť. Keď ju vytiahol mal korytnačky, žaby, hady, jašterice, hviezdice a ryby. Tak sa to deje pri kázaní evanjelia.

423Napríklad Pán povie nejakému kazateľovi, ako bratovi Grahamovi, ktorý tu bude: „Choď tam na ten roh a káž tam chvíľu, brat Graham.“ Dobre, on berie svoju sieť a ide tam a začína spievať.

„Kde ideš, brat Bill?“

„Idem niekde inde a hodím sieť na tomto rohu.“

424Ťahám: „Tu sú, Pane, Ty vieš čo sú to.“ Znovu ťahám sieť: „Dobre, tu sú Pane.“

425No, korytnačka bola od začiatku korytnačkou. Ona sa len chytila do siete. Je to tak. A takto sa ľudia chytajú v emóciách: „Ó, Haleluja! Haleluja! Chvála Pánovi! Sláva Bohu! Haleluja!“ Oni sa len chytili do siete, to je všetko.

426Ak je v nich ten starý korytnačí duch, nebude to dlho trvať a povedia: „Dobre, poviem vám ...“ A odchádza, plazí sa naspäť.

427A stará pani raková povie: „Ale ja to nemôžem rozumieť.“ Vidíte?

428Pani hviezdica tam chvíľu posedí a čľap, čľap, čľap rovno naspäť „No, aj tak na tom nič nebolo.“

429Pani Hadová povie: „Ó, to je banda fanatikov. To je všetko čo je na tom. Pôjdem tam kde majú viacej rozumu.“ Aha, ty si od začiatku had. Len ťa chytila sieť evanjelia, to je všetko.

430Ale ryba je zobratá na Majstrov stôl. Ona bola ryba od začiatku, jeho semeno bolo ryba. On začal ako ryba a Boh poznal svoju rybu od založenia sveta. Haleluja!

431Pamätajte, oni všetky tam dýchajú tú istú mútnu vodu. Oni všetci dýchajú z toho istého potoka. Je to tak. Všetci sme pili z tej istej duchovnej Skaly. Všetci jedli mannu na púšti. Kálef a Józue jedli tú istú mannu, ktorú jedli aj tí ostatní a oni všetci popadali na púšti. Ale dvaja boli vyvolení, aby tam prešli a oni tam prešli. Je to tak.

432Všetci sme boli postavení, aby sme pili z toho istého žriedla. Ale nie všetci, ktorí pijú sú spasení. Všetci spolu sme kričali, všetci spolu sme sa radovali, ale ten vyvolený je spasený. Všimli ste si, tam je povedané: Dva duchy, v posledných dňoch budú tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné?“ Keby to bolo možné! Vidíte? To je skutočný Duch Boží, vyvolený do večného života.

433Končíme. Brat Neville potom začne tu od tohoto miesta, kde ja skončím. Dobre:

Ale to hovorím: Zmluvy, predtým uprávoplatnenej Bohom, vzťahujúcej sa na Krista, nezneplatňuje zákon, vzniknuvší po štyristo aj tridsiatich rokoch, tak aby zrušil zasľúbenie.

(To je zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal Abrahámovi, ešte skorej ako začal existovať zákon)

Lebo ak je dedičstvo zo zákona, potom už nie viacej zo zasľúbenia. No, Abrahámovi daroval Boh z milosti skrze zasľúbenie.

Nie skrze niečo, čo by ste vy mali robiť, ani skrze nejaký zákon, nie cez nejaký zákon vašej cirkvi, skrze pripojenie sa do cirkvi, ani cez žiadny iný zákon. To je výlučne skutok milosti Božej voči vám. Tu to máte.

434Dávajte pozor:

Tak čo tedy zákon? Bol pridaný pre prestúpenia, dokiaľ by neprišlo semä, ktorému bolo dané zasľúbenie

... (Či to nie je také jasné ako nos na mojej tvári? On bol pridaný, aby slúžil až kým nepríde Semä, ktorým bol Kristus, ktorému boli dané zasľúbenia)

...a bol nariadený skrze anjelov, rukou prostredníka.

A prostredník nie je prostredníkom jedného, ale Boj je jeden.

435No, na tom mieste tu končím, na budúcu stredu brat Neville začne od tohoto miesta.

436Rozumiete čo sme hovorili? Že je úplne nemožné, aby znovuzrodený kresťan ... (Nemyslím teraz takého, ktorý o sebe iba hovorí, že je znovuzrodený. Myslím skutočného znovuzrodeného kresťana) ... aby niekedy vypadol z milosti. On to nemôže. On môže upadnúť, je to pravda, ale nikdy sa nemôže odlúčiť od milosti. Abrahám vypadol z milosti, skutočne. Boh mu povedal, aby tam zostal a on z tade odišiel, ale nikdy nestratil svoju zmluvu. On bol stále Božím vybraným. Bol prorokom Božím, hoci tam sedel. Stále ním bol. On stále bude patriť Bohu.

437No, všimnite si, Biblia hovorí, že „celý Izrael bude spasený.“ Koľkí to viete? Biblia hovorí: „Celý Izrael bude spasený.“ No, Izrael, to nie je Izrael podľa tela, ale Izrael podľa Ducha, lebo „Dary a povolania sú bez odvolania.“ Či nehovorí tak Biblia? Hneď ten ďalší verš, Galaťanom. Dobre, celý Izrael bude spasený. Každý jeden z nich je spasený. Ako sa staneme Izraelom? Tým, že sme mŕtvi v Kristovi, berieme na seba Abrahámove Semeno a sme dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia.

438Pavel povedal: „Nie ten je Židom, kto je ním navonok, ale kto je ním vnútorne, ten je Židom.“ (Ten zasľúbený) A my sme Abrahámove Semeno na základe zasľúbenia skrze Krista, keď Ho prijímame ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa.

439Ó, dúfam že to vidíte. Dúfam, že to rozumiete. (Keď budete môcť pri tom chvíľu zostať ...) Končíme to tu, potom začneme o Melchisedechovi, ktorý to znovu vedie do tohoto. Preskočíme teraz do ... Ó, To je len ... všetko je to nádherné. Ale stále sa dostávame ku týmto najlepším veciam.

440No, vidíte, ak zoberiete toto tu, to vyzerá ako, keby ste to mohli len pozorne čítať ... Ako mi raz povedal jeden skutočne tuhý trojičiar, ktorý verí, že sú traja Bohovia, povedal, že „ev. Matúša 3 úplne jasne ukazuje, že sú traja, tri jednotlivé osoby v Božstve.“

441Povedal som: „Musel by som to vidieť.“

442On povedal: „Pozri sa!“ Stál vpravo pri tejto kazateľni, povedal: „Pozri sa sem, Matúš 3. Keď Ježiš vyšiel z vody, hľa, otvorili sa mu nebesia. A On videl Ducha Svätého ako holubicu. A Hlas z neba povedal: „Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo. A tam boli traja: Syn na brehu, Duch Svätý pomedzi a Otec hore nad tým.“

Povedal som: „Brat, Písmo tak nehovorí.“

„Ale áno, hovorí.“

Povedal som: „No, čítaj to znovu a uvidíš či je to tak.“

443Tu je jeho predstava: tu je Boh Syn, tu je Boh Otec, tu je Boh Duch Svätý, ako holubica. No dávajte pozor! Biblia povedala, že keď bol Ježiš pokrstený: „Syn vyšiel z vody, hľa, otvorili sa nad Ním nebesia a Hlas prehovoril ... On videl Ducha Božieho, Ducha Božieho ako holubicu.“ Nie ďalšiu osobu tam hore, ale tento Duch Boží bol holubicou (ktorá bola nad Ním). A Hlas prichádza a hovorí: Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ Čítajte Matúša 3 a budete vidieť, či to tam tak nie je. Vidíte? Nie tri osoby, vôbec nie.

444A tak je to ... Toto miesto tu nehovorí, že je nemožné, aby sa ešte niekedy človek navrátil, keď odpadne. To tu nie je povedané. To tu nie je povedané. Tu je povedané: „Je nemožné, aby človek prišiel naspäť, aby sa obnovil, potom, keď už tam raz bol.“ On to nemôže urobiť.

445Biblia hovorí: „Ten, kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší, lebo ani nemôže hrešiť. Lebo semeno Božie zostáva v ňom a on nemôže hrešiť.“ Ako môžem byť pokladaný za hriešnika, keď tam leží obeť, ktorá zaujala moje miesto? Ako môžem zomrieť, keď smrť dostala za mňa zaplatené? Ako môžem zomrieť, keď mám večný život? Ako môžem zomrieť? Nemôžete!

446Ako by ma mohol zastaviť nejaký policajt, keď mám písomné povolenie od starostu mesta, že môžem ísť cez mesto šesťdesiat míľovou rýchlosťou, ako ma môže zastaviť za to, že idem šesťdesiat míľovou rýchlosťou? Ako ma môžete zastaviť? Mám povolenie od starostu, kde je povedané, že to môžem. On ma nemôže zastaviť. On by ma mohol zastavovať a pískať a všetko možné a ja by som to mohol proste ignorovať. To nič neznamená, mám povolenie.

447A ako potom môžem, keď Kristus za mňa zomrel a ja som sa stal jeho spravodlivosťou vďaka jeho milosti a lásky ktorú mi preukázal, ako môžem hrešiť, keď medzi mnou a Bohom niečo leží, Obeť? Nemôžem hrešiť, nemôžem. Boh ma nevidí. On vidí Krista. On stojí na mojom mieste a keď urobím niečo zlé, Kristus zastáva moje miesto. Ja som vyznal: „Urobil som zle, On má pravdu. Pane, Ty poznáš moje srdce, Ty vieš či som to mal v úmysle alebo nie. A urobil som zle, odpusť mi.“ Boh to nevidí, krv Ježiša ma po celý čas prikrýva. Potom, ako ma Boh môže vidieť? Ako mi môže byť počítaný hriech, keď On to nemôže vidieť? Len čo to urobím, je to odpustené. A je to tak.

448To je tak, ako keď zoberiete takéto malé kvapátko, malé kvapátko do očí, naberiete ho plné čiernym atramentom a držíte ho nad vaňou s bielidlom a kvapnite len do nej a skúste to potom ešte znovu nájsť. Premení sa to na bielidlo, ten atrament sa stane bielidlom. A tak je to s vašimi vyznanými hriechmi ... ak ste v Kristovi, medzi vami a Bohom je plná vaňa bielidla a váš hriech sa stáva spravodlivosťou, pretože tam na vás čaká spravodlivá Obeť.

Keď na konci svojich dní prídem ku tej rieke,

posledný vietor žiaľu zavanul;

Je jedna vec, na ktorú keď pomyslím,

dá mi dobrú náladu a poteší moje srdce.

Nebudem musieť sám prechádzať cez Jordán.

449To je jedna dobrá vec, to je jedna dobrá vec. Nebudem to musieť prejsť ... V jednom z týchto dní prídeme na koniec svojej cesty, slnko odmietne svietiť, potom Boh zavolá.

450Adam sa načiahne a potrasie Evu a povie: „Drahá, tu to je, je čas vstávať.“

451Eva sa načiahne a chytí Ábela a povie: „Vychádzaj , drahý, je čas vstávať.“ Ábel chytí Seta a Set chytí Noeho a Noe chytí ... a tak ďalej ku Abrahámovi a ďalej zaradom. To bude veľké zatrasenie a prebudenie, keď príde Syn Boží. V ten deň vstaneme a budeme Jemu podobní.

452No, ak tu páchate hriech, budete za to platiť.

453Budem ... stále mi prichádza na myseľ, musím to povedať. Snažil som sa to potlačiť, štyri alebo päť krát. Musím to povedať. Koľkí sa pamätáte na tohoto brata, ktorý bol tu pastorom v zbore Božom? Brat ... tu hore. Ako sa volal? Pracoval tam u Vorganga. Ó, všetci ... Prvý zbor Boží, hneď tu na rohu. V čase krízy predával u Rawleigha. Skutočný, pobožný, svätý muž. Brat Smith prišiel na jeho miesto. Za chvíľu si spomeniem ako sa volá. Bol to Bohom spasený muž.

454Pamätajte, ak sa nedáte napraviť a ako kresťan robíte niečo zlé, Boh vás bude varovať a potom ak neprijmete varovanie, zoberie vás preč zo zeme. On to tak urobil.

455Pamätáte sa v Biblii, pozrite sa na Korintský zbor. On im povedal, že sú umiestnení v Kristovi. Ale ich varoval pred tým čo sa malo stáť a oni sa napravili a dali sa do poriadku s Bohom.

456A tento brat, bol to milý brat, verím, Bohom spasený človek. A pracoval tu u Vorganga. Ak tu sedí niekto od neho, dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že ... Neviem či tu sedíte. Ale Ramsey, brat Ramsey, koľkí sa pamätáte na brata Ramseya tu hore zo zboru Božieho? Určite sa pamätáte, milý človek. Prichádzaval ku mne domov a rozprávali sme sa a sedeli sme tam a plakali, držali sme sa za ruky; skutočný kresťan!

457Jedného dňa som tam zašiel, práve som sa vrátil spoza mora, išiel som na zhromaždenie, dal som si auto na prehliadku, brat Ramsey povedal: „Čo môžem pre teba urobiť Billy?“

458Povedal som: „Skontroluj ho, brat Ramsey, vymeň olej.“

459„Dobre,“ povedal, „milerád.“ Povedal: „Mal si dobré zhromaždenia?“

460Povedal som: „Ó brat Ramsey, bolo to ohromné. Prajem si, aby si niekedy mohol ísť so mnou. Prečo nejdeš so mnou?“

On povedal: „Billy, ja už viac neslúžim Pánovi.“

Pozrel som sa a povedal som: „Čo hovoríš?“

461On len tak povedal: „Ja Mu už viacej neslúžim,“ a odišiel.

462Pomyslel som si: „On to len tak hovorí.“ Nechal som to tak a išiel som niekde.

463Prišiel som naspäť a sadol som do auta. Prišiel som domov a začal som o tom rozmýšľať: „Už viacej neslúžim Pánovi.“

464Pán mi dal na srdce, aby som išiel naspäť a znovu sa ho to opýtal. Tak som povedal: „Méda, pamätaj na to.“

465Nasadol som do auta a išiel som naspäť, znovu som tam zastal a vošiel do Vorganga. Povedal som: „Brat Ramsey, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.“

— Dobre, Billy, čo také?

— Ty si pred chvíľou povedal, že už viacej neslúžiš Pánovi. To si mi povedal len zo žartu, však?

— Nie.

— Brat Ramsey, ty to tak nemyslíš.

— Myslím.

— Či Ho nemiluješ?

— Keby som Ho miloval, tak by som Mu slúžil. Či nie, Billy? A odišiel.

Rozmýšľal som: „Hej, brat Ramsey ... „

— Už nechcem viac o tom hovoriť.

466Išiel som domov, vošiel som do izby a zavrel som dvere. A, ó, viete ako mi to bolo ťažko, ako keby ste malému dieťaťu zobrali perník alebo niečo, viete. Rozmýšľal som: „Čo? To nie je možné. Určite sa bratovi Ramseyovi niečo stalo.“

467A je jeden čierny chlapec, volá sa Jimmy, chodí sem do zboru; jednu nohu má ... viete, trochu kríva. Zabudol som ako sa volá, pracuje u Vorganga, jazdí s odťahovacou službou. On ma stretol a povedal mi: „Vieš, rev. Branham, neviem čo je tu s týmto Dr. Ramseyom. Povedal som mu, že predtým sme sa tu ani neodvážili otvoriť ústa, bol to Boží muž.“ Ale povedal, že zobral svoju kazateľskú licenciu a išiel ku košu a roztrhal ju a hodil do koša a povedal, že už s tým viac nechce mať nič spoločného.

Povedal mu: „Hej, pane! Nemali by ste to robiť.“

A on na to: „Ale Jim, prestal som slúžiť Pánovi.“

Povedal mu: „Nemyslíte to vážne.“

468Vravel, že cez Sviatok Práce chce prísť a zabrúsiť si ventily. Myslím, že to bolo to. A chcel, aby mu Jim prišiel pomôcť.

469— Pomôžem vám, keď prídem zo zhromaždenia ale prv idem na zhromaždenie. Povedal Jim.

470Povedal, že tam išiel a pán Ramsey zabrusoval tie ventily na svojom aute a povedal: „Jimmy, skoč tam za rieku. Tu sú krčmy zavrené, skoč tam za rieku a dones mi bedňu piva“

471On povedal: „pán Ramsey, spáchal som veľa vecí ale nikdy nespácham niečo také, aby som Pánovmu sluhovi doniesol bedňu piva.“ Povedal: „Nie veru, nikdy to neurobím.“

472A on povedal: „No, prestaň Jim a skoč a dones to.“

473On povedal: „pán Ramsey, zabrusujem vám ventily. Ale ak chcete nejaké pivo, pôjdete si preň sám.“ Povedal: „Nikdy Pánovmu sluhovi neprinesiem niečo takéto.“

474Tak Ramsey skočil do Jimovho auta a zašiel za rieku; prišiel naspäť, napoly opitý s bedňou piva a pil.

475Začal upadať. Ochorel. Vidíte? Boh nemohol ku nemu hovoriť. Ja som ho varoval, urobil som všetko čo som mohol. Brat Smith išiel za ním a napomínal ho. Všetci sa snažili pre neho urobiť čo len mohli. Stále len potriasal hlavou. Čo sa stalo? Ochorel a zomrel. To ukázalo, že to bol spasený človek. Keď ho Boh nemohol ... priviesť do poslušnosti, bude ho musieť zobrať zo zeme a priviesť domov. To je presne to, čo hovorí Biblia. To je to, čo Biblia zasľubuje. Ak nechcete prijať nápravu, musíte prísť domov.

476Tak Boh vás nemôže stratiť, keď vás spasil, ale môže skrátiť tu vaše dni a spraviť, že zaplatíte za všetko čo ste vykonali. Tak ak hrešíte, budete musieť platiť za to, čo ste urobili. Pamätajte len na to.

477No, nech je Pán s vami. Verím dnes večer, že brat Ramsey bol spasený. Úplne tomu verím. Ale on proste nebol poslušný Bohu a keď neposlúchal Boha, Boh ho musel zobrať domov. To je jediné, čo sa dá urobiť, pretože ... Čo to bolo? „On by priniesol hanbu a pohanenie krvi, ktorou bol posvätený.“ Je to tak? A zmluvu povážil za obecnú,“ či to nie je presne to, čo hovorí List Židom? Vidíte? To by bolo nemožné, aby bol zatratený, ale by priniesol hanbu a pohanenie, tak Boh ho musel zobrať zo zeme a priviesť domov. To je presne to, čo sa deje.

No, nech vás Pán žehná, keď skloníme hlavy na chvíľu a pomodlíme sa:

478Najsvätejší a najláskavejší Otče, skutočne sme ti vďační za zasľúbenie, ktoré máme, že nás nikdy nezanecháš ani neopustíš. Ty si zasľúbil, že pôjdeš s nami v živote a v smrti budeš blízko pri nás. Ty si nám zasľúbil, že máme večný život a dal si nám ho zadarmo. Nikdy ho nemôžeme stratiť. „Každý kto príde ku mne, má večný život.“ A keď je to večný život, on nemá koniec a ty si zasľúbil, že nás vzkriesiš v posledný deň. Sme za to veľmi vďační. Sme vďační, že tvoje Slovo nás toto učí. Ono nám dáva jasnú nádej. To nám dáva poznávať, že náš Otec je Láska. On nás miluje a On si nás vybral. Ty si povedal: „Nie vy ste si mňa vybrali, ale ja som si vás vybral a ustanovil som vás.“ A ja ti ďakujem, Otče, že si to urobil. A mnohí tu dnes večer sedia, ktorí boli určení do večného života a prijali Ježiša Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa a ovocie Ducha nasleduje ich život: krotkosť, trpezlivosť, pokora, láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, dobrota. Sme za nich vďační.

479Modlíme sa, Otče, že ak by tu bol niekto dnes večer, ktorých nesprevádzajú tieto ovocia, ale spočívajú na nejakej fantázii, pretože sa raz do toho prepracovali, pretože prežili nejakú emóciu, cítili sa dobre, mohli kričať, mohli urobiť mnoho iných vecí. Ale Otče, ak nemajú ovocie Ducha, ktoré ich zachováva deň za dňom v ustavičnej láske, odpúšťajú svojim nepriateľom, naprávajú svoje chyby a žijú v pokoji a v láske a milo a úprimne jeden ku druhému a majú horlivosť za cirkev, lásku ku Kristovi a ku jeho deťom, ó večný Bože, odpusť im. Hoci sú členami zboru, členami zemského tela, nech môžu teraz ísť a položiť tie telesné, mŕtve skutky a tlačiť sa ďalej do dokonalosti. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech môžu prísť ku tomu Dokonalému a prijať Ho, ako obeť zmierenia za svoje hriechy, aby sa On mohol postaviť ako dokonalá obeť za hriešneho muža i ženu. A naplň ich jeho milostivou láskou a pokojom, že až prídu do prítomnosti Božej, aby žili naveky. Udeľ to Otče.

480 Kým máme sklonené hlavy, ak je tu niekto taký, kto by rád vymenil telesný život predpisov, krstov, senzácií a takýchto drobných telesných vecí za skutočné srdce, plné skutočnej lásky, že by ste mohli podísť ku svojmu najväčšiemu nepriateľovi, objať ho a povedať mu: „Brat, budem sa za teba modliť. Milujem ťa.“ Ak by ste radi vymenili to prežitie telesných vecí za skutočné prežitie lásky, zodvihli by ste ruku ku Bohu? A povedzte: „Bože, zober ma dnes večer a urob ma tým, čím mám byť.“ Budem sa za vás modliť, hneď tu za kazateľňou. Chcete modlitbu? Zodvihnite ruky.

481Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane, tam vzadu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Niekto ďalší? Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. „Už roky som v zbore:“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tu, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani tam vzadu. „Budem prosiť Boha, aby ma urobil pokojným.“ Budeš ... priečiš sa? Si rozladený? Pochybuješ? Zmietaš sa? Pochybuješ či je to skutočne pravda alebo nie? Keď prichádzaš ku Kristovi, prichádzaš s plnou istotou, so srdcom plným lásky? Či ideš ku Nemu bez najmenšieho strachu? Hovoríš? „Viem, že On je môj Otec.“

482A nieto žiadneho odsúdenia, prešiel si zo smrti do života. Vieš to, postrehol si to vo svojom živote: miluješ, odpúšťaš, si pokorný, všetko toto ovocie Ducha sprevádza tvoj život deň za dňom. A hneď keď urobíš niečo zlé: „Ó.“ Len čo ti to príde na myseľ, že si urobil zle, hneď to dávaš do poriadku, hneď na mieste. Nečakáš ďalšiu minútu, hneď ideš a dávaš to do poriadku. Ak nie, no, nemáš Ducha Kristovho. Môžeš byť dobrou ženou, môžeš byť dobrým mužom, v zbore môžu o tebe dobre myslieť, susedia môžu o tebe dobre myslieť, ale išiel si ďalej do tej dokonalosti? Na to miesto kde úplne spoliehaš na Krista? A skrze ... Len mi daj pečať. Abrahám uveril Bohu a to mu bolo počítané za spravodlivosť a Boh mu dal na potvrdenie, pečať obriezky.

483No vy poviete: „Ja verím v Boha, urobil som vyznanie.“ Ale dal ti Boh na odvetu pečať Ducha Svätého na tvoj život? Pečať lásky, radosti, ovocia Ducha Svätého na dôkaz že si spasený? Ak to neurobil, potom ešte neuznal tvoju vieru. Ty si urobil len vyznanie, On to neprijal, niečo nie je v poriadku. Chcel by si Ho potom prijať? Zodvihni ruku, ak je tu ešte niekto, prv ako sa budeme modliť.

484Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani. Nech žehná tiež tam teba vzadu. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Dobre, ešte niekto, prv ako sa budeme modliť? Dobre, nech Boh žehná teba tam vzadu, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Tak to má byť. Zodvihlo sa nejakých desať, pätnásť rúk.

Modlime sa:

485Požehnaný Pane, oni na svojich miestach nachádzajú oltár. Na svojich miestach, tam kde teraz sedia, kde si prehovoril do ich sŕdc, že nie sú v poriadku. Na ich miestach, kde si položil do ich sŕdc túžbu, že túžia byť viacej podobní Ježišovi.“

486Oni chcú, aby ich život bol zmenený: chcú byť tichí a pokorní, chcú byť milí a plní trpezlivosti, chcú byť dlhozhovievajúci, zhovievaví. Chcú byť takými kresťanmi, ako Kristus, až kým svet nepovie, keď pôjdu po ulici: „Ten človek je skutočný kresťan. Tá žena je skutočná kresťanka. Ó, to sú najpríjemnejší, najpokornejší, najmilší ľudia.“

487Udeľ to, Pane, aby prijali dnes večer to prežitie. Nech by nikdy nespoliehali na schopnostiach ich zboru, na pripojení sa ku nejakej cirkvi, ku nejakej denominácie, ani na ich emóciách, ani na žiadnej predstave, ani na takých nejakých emocionálnych prežitiach, na niečom čo sa stalo.

488 Možno, že vykrikovali, hovorili v jazykoch alebo niečo iné. Ó večný Bože, nech sa nepokúšajú spoliehať, že sa dostanú do neba na základe niečoho takého, lebo veľakrát sme videli, že to úplne sklamalo. A Ty si povedal, že to sklame: „Či sú to jazyky, oni ustanú, kde sú proroctvá, oni pominú, kde je vedomosť ona pominie. Hoci všetky tieto veci, či dokonca dary, zázraky uzdravovania, to všetko skončí. Zostane jedine tá Božská Láska.“

489Bože, stvor to v ich srdciach a daj im poznať, že to je Duch, ktorý nesie to ovocie. Urob to hneď teraz, Pane, kým čakáme na Teba, lebo to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

490[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ... lietajúce ohnivé gule a po celej budove vidieť lietať hrdličky, vidieť Krista ako prichádza s tŕňami, na rukách a na ... Ó, či ste nevedeli, že to je anti-kristova scéna? On povedal: „Keď sa tieto veci začnú diať, potom zodvihnite svoje hlavy, blíži sa vaše vykúpenie.“ Potom kvôli tomuto chcem využiť každú minútu, keď môžem a prísť do zboru a upevniť vás. Brat Neville nemusí byť stále s nami. Verím, že brat Neville je dobrý, zdravý učiteľ evanjelia. Nevieme čo sa vkradne za túto kazateľňu a keď sa to tu dostane, „Moje ovce počujú môj hlas.“ Stojte pri tom Slove! Nikdy neopustite to Slovo. Stojte presne na ňom. Stojte pevne v tej slobode, ktorou vás Kristus oslobodil. Nepriahajte sa do všetkých tých jariem otroctva a tak ďalej, stojte pevne a stojte slobodní. Boh vás bude žehnať. Ničoho na svete sa nemusíme báť.

491Stále sa divíte ... Všímam si ľudí, ktorí prichádzajú, aby sme sa za nich modlili, stavajú sa do radu. Druhý krát, keď vidia kampaň s uzdravovaním, pôjdu sa postaviť do tamtoho radu, a do tamtoho radu. Neodsudzujem ich. Snažia sa nájsť pomoc ale robia to zlým spôsobom. Robíte to opačne, Boh povedal, že sa to nemá robiť. Rozumiete? Keď prichádzate smelo ku trónu milosti a veríte, že „keď ste prosili tak to dostanete.“ Stojte na tom! To je spôsob ako sa to stane. Nie behať od jednej misii ku druhej, z jedného zboru do druhého a z jednej kampani do druhej.

492No, oni urobili z týchto kampaní s uzdravovaním hromadu nezmyslov. Skutočne, urobili. Stalo sa z toho miesto, kde inteligentní ľudia, oni sa obzerajú a divia sa, čo to všetko znamená. To ... Boh nechce tieto veci. Uzdravovanie nemusí byť v kampaniach. Uzdravovanie má byť v každom lokálnom zbore, všetky tieto dary majú fungovať ale nechoďte pri týchto daroch do krajností. Vôbec si nevšímajte tie dary. Keď vás Boh chce na niečo použiť, On to urobí, ale dívajte sa na Darcu.

493Martin Luther, raz potom keď hovoril v jazykoch, pýtali sa ho prečo o tom nekáže, on povedal: „Keby som o tom kázal, moji ľudia by išli za darmi namiesto toho, aby išli za Darcom.“ Je to tak.

494Moody, raz, hovoril a začal ... keď kázal tak pod inšpiráciou, prehovoril v jazykoch. On povedal: „Bože odpusť mi tie nezrozumiteľné, nerozumné slová.“ Skutočne. Vidíte? Oni mali tieto veci. My veríme v tieto veci, ale oni musia byť dané na svoje miesto a nesmú byť pokladané ako dôkazy.

495V Biblii nie je ani jedna vec ako dôkaz Ducha Svätého, jedine ovocie Ducha. Nájdite nejaké miesto, kde Ježiš tak povedal. Tak veru, dôkazom Ducha Svätého je ovocie vášho Ducha. Ježiš tak povedal: „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“ A ovocie Ducha je: láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, dobrota, pokoj, dobrotivosť, krotkosť. A ovocia nepriateľa sú: nepriateľstvá, zvady, žiarlenia, hnevy a tak ďalej; to je ovocie nepriateľa. Tak, môžete posúdiť podľa toho ako žijete, ako stojíte s Bohom. Ak celé vaše srdce je zamilované do Neho a vy Ho milujte a ste krotkí a každodenne s Ním žijete a viete, že ste prešli zo smrti do života. Ak to tak nie je, je to s vami inak, len napodobňujte kresťanstvo. A je to tak. A všetci telesní napodobovatelia samozrejme vyjdú najavo. To vieme.

496Tak nežite takým druhom života, nemusíte. Prečo by ste mali prijímať náhradu, keď celé nebesia nad nami sú plné toho dobrého a skutočného? Samozrejme. Nech vezmem Boha, to je to čo chcem. Amen.

497No, prišiel niekto, aby sme sa za neho modlili? Ak ste prišli, zodvihnite ruku. Dnes ráno sme mali zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. Tak si myslím, že ... Táto pani tu? Dobre, sestra, prišla by si potom sem dopredu? A náš brat, starší, tu, poď teraz, aby si ju pomazal olejom.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

... svieť na mňa

Ó svieť na mňa, Pane, svieť na mňa,

Nech to svetlo z majáku svieti na mňa.

498Či nie je On ohromný? Skloňme hlavy a spievajme to teraz potichu. Svieť len na mňa, znovu. No, začnime teraz, všetci.

Svieť …

(Oslavujme Ho teraz vo svojich dušiach. Utíšme sa, nasleduje uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Posolstvo sa skončilo, oslavujme Ho.)

Nech to svetlo z majáku svieti na mňa.

Ó svieť na mňa, Pane, svieť na mňa.

Byť len takým ako je Ježiš, takým ako Ježiš. (stále)

Na zemi túžim byť takým ako On.

Na celej ceste života zo zeme do chvály,

jediné čo chcem je, byť ako On.

Pôjdeme vo Svetle v takom nádhernom svetle,

Poďme tam kde sa milosť ligoce v kvapkách rosy;

Svieti všade okolo nás vodne i v noci.

Všetci svätý svetla vyhlasujú,

Ježiš je svetlo sveta,

Potom budú zvoniť nebeské zvony;

Ježiš svetlo ... (Prijmi nás, Pane, keď Ťa oslavujeme.)

Pôjdeme vo Svetle v takom nádhernom svetle,

Poďme tam kde sa milosť ligoce v kvapkách rosy;

Svieti všade okolo nás vodne i noci.

Ježiš svetlo sveta.

499Či nemilujte to vydrhnutie? Cítite sa dobre? Zodvihnite ruky. Povedzte ... Na týchto starých piesňach je niečo, v týchto hymnách. Radšej mám tieto, než všetky tie nové svetské piesne, ktoré zaviedli a spievajú ich v kresťanských zboroch. Mám rád tieto starodávne. Páčia sa mi.

Ježiš drž ma blízko pri kríži; (ó!)

Tam je vzácny zdroj.

Oslobodzuje od všetkého,

uzdravujúci prameň Vytekajúci z Golgoty.

Krížom, krížom stále sa chcem chváliť,

až moja duša bude vytrhnutá

a nájdem odpočinok tam za riekou.

500Mohol by som odísť z tohoto sveta veľmi ľahko, keď takéto niečo spievame. Vy tiež? Aké je to nádherné. Dané je všetko do poriadku? Viete, som rád, že som to dal všetko do poriadku. Vy tiež? Ten starý účet je už dávno vybavený. Povedal som Mu: „Pane, nechcem mať tam pri rieke žiadne problémy, chcem si byť tým teraz istý.“ Chcem Ho poznať. Chcem Ho poznať.

501Pred každým z nás je veľká tmavá diera. Ideme tým smerom. Zakaždým úderom srdca sme bližšie a bližšie. Ale keď tam prídem, nechcem sa vykrúcať ako zbabelec, chcem sa zavinúť do rúcha Jeho spravodlivosti a vojsť do toho, vediac toto, že Ho poznám v moci jeho vzkriesenia, že keď On zavolá, vyjdem z mŕtvych.

502Moja viera hľadí na Teba. Spievajme to teraz:

Moja viera hľadí na teba Baránok z Golgoty, Božský Spasiteľ!

Počuj ma teraz keď sa modlím,

odstráň všetky moje hriechy,

nech už viac nikdy od Teba nezblúdim.

503Ty veľký Učiteľ, keď si nás učil z tvojho vzácneho Slova, naše srdcia sú rozochvené uchvacujúcou milosťou, že vieme, že sme prešli zo smrti do života. To všetko sa deje z dobroty nášho Pána Ježiša, ktorý nás zavolal a umyl nás svojou krvou a postavil nás pred trónom Božím, bezvadných, bezúhonných, lebo On zobral naše hriechy, nemáme žiadny hriech. Boh na Neho položil neprávosť všetkých nás a On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. Ó ako Ho milujeme, veľkého Božieho Baránka.

504A prosíme, Otče, aby si nám dal schopnosť vyjadriť, aby sme mohli povedať iným, aby ho tiež mohli poznať a milovali Ho, lebo On miluje ich. Daj nám tú milosť. A ďakujeme Ti Otče za tieto novonarodené deti, ktoré práve prišli do kráľovstva Božieho. Nech si môžu nájsť niekde doma dobrý zbor a aby Ti slúžili, až kým ich smrť nevyslobodí z tohoto starého tela skazenia, bolestí a úzkostí. A postav ich pred Ním, bezvadných, bezúhonných vo veku, ktorý má prísť s večným životom. Lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene. Amen.

217 ... to study His precious Word.

218I come in, a while ago, and I was packing two Bibles. And I had a little interview with a lady back here, and I told her if I preached out of both of them, ought to have a pretty good text. But this is a Greek lexicon, so just something I want to read out of this, tonight. It's a--it's a... It's the word for word interpretation, from original Greek, into English. And it's been a lot of help to me along the line. And I just want to read something out of it, because now we're studying in this Book of Hebrews, and we're just now coming to the real deep meanings.

219 And I told Brother Neville, a few minutes ago, "We're getting into the part where the people scratch their head and said, 'I don't believe that.'" See? That's the type we get into. That's where we like it.

220Some minister said to me, he said, "Well, I guess there'll be a lot head-scratching."

221I said, "That's what we want to do." See?

222The Bible only can have one meaning. It can't have two meanings. And if one part of the Bible says one thing, and another part of the Bible says something else, then something is wrong. See? It's got to say the thing, all the way through. But, remember, in studying the Bible, "It's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed to babes," because it is of a spiritual Book.

223And It's not a western book. It's an eastern Book. And there's only one thing can interpret It, and that's the Holy Spirit. I know that each one of us want to say, that, "The Holy Spirit is telling us what we believe in It." Well, now, if every Scripture lines up exactly the same, then that is the Holy Spirit. If it doesn't line up, and got a gap here, and gap over here, then there is something wrong with our belief. And, oh, It's a marvelous Book.

224 Now, I want you to do this while we're studying. Now, we got to leave early in the morning for Wyoming, the Lord willing. Pray for us.

And this next week, Brother Graham Snelling, here... He's present. I heard him, just a few minutes ago, making his announcement. And this church is in full cooperation with his revival. And we're praying to God, to give him an exceeding, abundant, great revival. Brother Graham held a revival for Brother... up here at Charlestown, Brother Junior Cash, and there was right on a hundred converts, I believe. [Someone says, "Eighty-four."--Ed.] Eighty-four converts. So, to that, we give God praise. And we trust that it'll have five hundred and eighty-four up here, in this place here.

225 Brother Graham met me today, and he said, "Now, Brother Bill, I'm sure that you understand that I'm not here to start up another work in opposition to the tabernacle, because I'm part of the tabernacle." He's just here to... He feels upon his heart that he wants to hold a revival, and the Lord leading him to do it. And--and he invites the converts, and has a church, to pour them right down, "Here's a church home, if you get in, get converted."

226And it's our duty, as Christians, to back him up with everything we can. And the Lord bless Brother Graham. And you're, every one, cordially invited to Brother Graham's meeting up here, with full permission from this church, with the full cooperation to help him in any way we can, for lost souls and for the Kingdom of God.

227Lord bless you, Brother Graham, give you a great meetings. He don't know when he's going to close. He's just starting. And so, Brother Graham has had it like myself, many ups and downs. That's the way life runs. It makes you appreciate the ups after you went through the downs. If a man makes a drop and lays there, he's a coward. I got confidence when a man will rise and try again. That's right. I'm sure you can interpret what I mean. Now, don't forget it, this coming week.

228 Now, in this Book of the Hebrews, we won't take the background tonight.

229Now, next Sunday, the Lord willing, Brother Neville will announce. Brother Cox here, or some of them, will let him know, if we get in in time for next Sunday's meeting. He'll announce it on the radio. And we're... You all listen to his radio now, and--and--and invite all your neighbors to listen. I really get joy out of listening to their preaching and singing, the Neville quartet. I don't say that because he's setting here. If I said that, and didn't mean it in my heart, I'd be a hypocrite. That's right. I'd have to repent. But I mean it. And I'd rather give him a little rosebud now than a whole wreath after he's gone.

230 One time I was walking out the door there, and there was a lady come by, and she said, "Brother Branham, oh, how I enjoyed that message!"

231I said, "Thank you." Made me feel good.

232Somebody else come by, said, "Brother Branham, I enjoy that Message."

233I said, "Thank you."

234There was a little preacher there, from up here in the north part of the country, in state, he said, "Bless God, I don't want people to brag on me like that."

235I said, "I do." And I said, "There's just one difference between me and you. I'm honest about it." That's right. We all like to hear nice words said about us. And I--I think it's nice to say nice words about it. And if you want somebody to say nice words about you, say some nice words about somebody else. That's the way to do that, then you'll always say the nicest things you can about everybody. And that makes the wheel roll better.

236 Now, in this, next Sunday, the Lord willing, to my opinion, we got, just getting deeper and deeper into these great mysteries of God. We're going into Melchisedec: Who He was, where He come from, where He went, what happened to Him, and all about Melchisedec.

237And now, last Wednesday night, Brother Neville hit on the finishing chapter of the supreme Deity and the priesthood of our Lord Jesus, which starts out in the beginning, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers by the prophets, in this last day has spoken to us through His Son, Christ Jesus."

238Then he goes on, and begins to tell and pattern who He was, brings Him on down to the 5th chapter, at the end of the 5th chapter.

239Then beginning at the 6th chapter, we got this in our lesson this morning.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection;...

240 How many enjoyed the message on perfection? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Let us go on to perfection." That was our Message, this morning, in the 6th chapter of the Hebrews.

241Now we're just getting into the place to where we begin to get the--the real part. Oh, we can all agree upon these things: upon the Deity of Christ; and Him being the Son of God; and how He was with God, and God was with Him; and He was in God, and God in Him, and so forth. We all agree upon that. But, now, from here on, I don't know how we're going to agree. So whatever it is, every few nights, we're going to give you a chance to write me a little note and tell me what you think about It.

242 Then I'll have to answer questions. And if I can't get them, I'll say, "Brother Neville, what do you think about that?" I'll say, "There he is. Let him answer it." [Brother Neville says, "That's when I'll read the Greek."--Ed.] Then is when he's going to read the lexicon, get the Greek out. I think it's time for me to do, also.

243But, now, if we will get down and be real sincere, and really come for one purpose, that's, to learn. I want to learn, too. And the Bible is written, said, "It is... The Scriptures are of no private interpretation." That means the Scripture must interpret Scripture. See? Each Scripture must interpret the other, all the way through the Bible, to make it one great thing. Because, God can't change, because He's the unchangeable God.

244 Now, "Leaving..."

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection;...

245I like Paul saying those things. Paul never was a person that liked to stay too long in one place. He liked to move on, deeper. One time, in the Scripture, he said, "I, forgetting those things which are in the past, I press towards the mark of the high calling." See? He keeps pressing on.

246Here he said:

Now forgetting the principles of the doctrine of Christ (who he was, what he was), let's go on to perfection;...

247 Now we, first, we wanted to find out, "Could we be perfect?" And we found out, in the Scriptures this morning, Matthew 5:28, that Jesus said that we "had to be just as perfect as God was," or we wouldn't go in.

248Then we found out that we was, every one, "born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies." And there was not one sound thing about us, so how could we ever be perfected?

249Now here is what we find out then, over, reading, taking Scripture with Scripture, that, "Jesus, by one sacrifice, perfected, forever, His Church." He... We are then perfect, through Christ. And we are free from judgment, through Christ. We shall never die, through Christ. We have lost death and found Life, through Christ; not through any church, not through any denomination, not through any fantastic, not through speaking with tongues, not through shouting, not through shaking, not through dancing in the Spirit, but by grace.

250 God calls who He will. And it's all by election, we find out. We find out, that, "It's not him that wants to be saved. Not him that willeth or him that runneth; it's God that showeth mercy." "And no man can come to Jesus except God draws him, first." So what you got to do with it, anyhow? You haven't got nothing to do with it. You're out of the picture, altogether.

251We found out that man never seeks after God. It's God seeking after man. And we found out, then, that God is the only resource of Eternal Life. We found out that everything that is Eternal has no beginning or no end. Therefore, we find out that hell had a beginning, and it has an end. And there's only... No one can ever say that... Hell is forever, forever, yes, forever, but not Eternal.

252 Forever is "a space of time." The Bible says, "Forever and forever." And you look it up and find out if forever doesn't mean "a space of time." Jonah said he was in the belly of the whale "forever." And many other Scriptures, forever only means "a space of time."

253But, Eternal, that's forever, that's forever and forever and forever and forever and forever. It's the Eternal. And we find out that hell isn't Eternal, but it's forever. And the reason, you have to watch those words, now. If you don't, you get mixed up. Now, remember, just those things which had no beginning, has no end. Therefore, Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Life," forever? Does that sound right? No. "Has Eternal Life." And the word Eternal is "God." The word, here it is right here in the Greek lexicon, Zoe God's Life in you. And you're just as Eternal as God is Eternal, because you've got God in you.

254 Your old nature died, the nature of the world, and you become a new creation. And your desires, that old life that had a beginning when God breathed the breath into your nostrils, when you were born, that life of carnal nature died. And it had a beginning and it had an end, and it died and was done away with forever, the old nature. And God came in with the new Nature. Then, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, peace, patience, and meekness, and kindness, that entered; and taken the place of malice, and temper, and hatred, and--and emulation, strife, and all those things. It took its place, when you passed from death unto Life. You get it, real close, now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

255So, listen. There is only one form of Eternal Life. Find It. That is, God alone has Eternal Life. The Bible said so. God alone has Eternal Life. And if a man is going to suffer in hell, forever, he's got to have God, Eternal. But I say that there.

256 Now, remember, I'm not saying there's not a burning hell. There is a burning hell, fire and brimstone. "Where the--the worm is... the fire isn't quenched and the worm never dies," of fire and brimstone, a punishment. It may last for a hundred billion years. But it has to have an end, for hell was created for the Devil and his angels. And everything that the very God, Himself, which was in the beginning, everything come off of God. When the very spirit...

257Just take the Spirit of love, that was the great fountain of God, pure, unadulterated. From that, come in a perverted love. Then it come into human love. Then it come into sexual love. Then it come into other loves, loves and loves, and just keeps perverting down till it becomes to just filth. But all those things had a beginning. And someday it'll wind right straight back to the original; it's Eternal; where lust, human love, passionate love, all those loves will have to cease.

258All these make-beliefs of Faith will have to cease. There's one true Faith. All others will have to cease. They were perverts off of this real fountain.

259 So, therefore, hell, suffering, suffering is not Eternal. Suffering was brought about because of sin, and sin introduced suffering. And when sin is finished, suffering will have to finish, too. And there'll be a time where sinners, that's never accepted Christ, after they have been punished maybe for a hundred billion years,... I don't know, maybe for ten hundred million billion year. I couldn't say. But it'll have to come to an end, sometime, 'cause it's not Eternal.

260 Now, we're going to press on now, towards the perfection. Now listen, as we get into the Message.

... not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and from faith towards God,

Of the doctrine of baptisms,... laying on of hands,... resurrection of the dead, and... eternal judgment.

261Now listen. We got two. We got a picture here, now. Now right here is where we're going to get some great disagreements. Now you've got to see where the picture is. Paul is trying, here, to separate law from grace. We've got two pictures: one, the carnal; one, the spiritual. And Paul is trying to--to deviate between the two, to show the Jews. This letter is to the Hebrews. And all the Hebrews is trying to show the pattern of the Old Testament typing the New. So, you got two pictures here under consideration.

262 Now listen close as we read. Now he said:

... leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection;...

263Now, we got that this morning, how that we are perfected. Perfected, absolutely spotless and blameless, not one sin on us. Are you above temptation? Never. Do you sin every day? Yes, sir. But, yet, we are perfected because we are in Him. And God could no more judge us than nothing (couldn't be righteous), He's already judged us in Him. When He judged Christ: He judged me, He judged you. And He can't judge me again, because He took my judgment if I've been redeemed.

264And I got a ticket to show that I've redeemed my watch from the pawn shop, let somebody try to take it back in the pawn shop once, when I've got a ticket. I have redeemed it.

And if the Devil would try to put punishment on me, I've got a ticket that shows I been redeemed. Yes, sir. No more judgment! "He that heareth my Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life, and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." That's my ticket. He gave the promise.

265 Now, now the picture, here.

... not laying again the foundations of repentance from dead works, and... faith towards God,

... the doctrine of baptism,... laying on of hands,... resurrection of the dead,... eternal judgment.

266Now, remember, you notice that word used again? We used it this morning, "Eternal judgment." When God once speaks, It's Eternal. It cannot be changed, a bit. So, the judgment is Eternal, It's always the judgment. And no matter what generation we're living in, one generation will live, and one... will all live, and it's forever, for whatever time, and this and that. But the judgment of God is still Eternal, He has to, because He spoke the Word. When God speaks a Word, It has to be Eternal. That's right.

267 Now let me read that out of the Greek for you. Listen how it reads.

Therefore leaving--leaving the principles of the doctrines of Christ, the atoned One, we should push--push towards the...

Now, I can't read it. It's blurred out. "And not laying again the form..." Here we are.

... not laying again the form of reformation from the works causing death.

268Now, this lexicon is absolutely not any interpretation, at all. It's just the Greek word for what the English says. And it said, "Now we don't want..." Listen here, see.

... not laying down foundations of reformation from works causing death.

269Now if you'll get that in your mind, that he's speaking here, that, "Forms of reformation causes death." Paul said, "Leaving the principles, go to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards God: doctrines of baptism, laying on of hand, resurrection of the dead, Eternal judgment. Reformation forms causing death," was the right words. That's actually what Paul wrote. See what he's trying to do?

270 Now, all these things, like baptisms: one is baptized backward, one forward, one in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, one Jesus name, one this way, and that way, and all these different little things of baptisms.

271And of laying on of hands: "Bless God, I got the gift of laying on of hands. Hallelujah! You, you can get It this way. Hallelujah!"

272Laying all of that aside, because that's dead works, these reformations, reforming. See? He is speaking of another class. Now he said, "Let's get away from that, and go on to perfection." You get It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

273And the church is still lingering back in those things. That's what they were trying to do. The early Hebrew church was trying to say, "Well, I was baptized by immersing, and--and I was got this, and this, and all these things."

274He said, "Now, lay all of that aside, leaving it behind." But, now, did he say we shouldn't do it? Now listen to what he said about that.

And this will we do,... God permit.

275And the original said the same thing.

This we shall do, if God will permit us, see.

This we shall do, if God permit us.

276 Baptisms, laying on of hands, and things, but that isn't perfect. That's only the carnal reform. And that's where the churches leave off at, today, is on that carnal reform. One of them said, "Oh, well, the water, the word baptism means this and it means that."

277And they set up organizations: and one sprinkles, the other one pours, the other one baptizes face forward, the other one backward, and all those things; some of them laying on of hands for the sick, and some making apostles, and some making prophets and so forth, by laying on of hands; and preaching the resurrection from the dead, and which is all right; and the supreme Deity of Christ, that's all right. "But," he said, "all these are formal reformations. We're just been reforming. Now let us go on to perfection." You get the picture? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

278 Now watch. Here is where the deep part comes now.

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

And have tasted of the good word of God,... the power of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

279Now, I know what you legalists has got in your mind right now, but you're wrong. See? All right. I stand on this, and the Bible confirms it, that, "If God ever saved a man, he is saved for time and Eternity." You can't make It say anything else.

280 Some fundamentalist come to me, not long ago, and said, "I got you on one, Preacher Branham. I got you one. You said, 'If a man was saved, he could never be lost'?"

281I said, "That's what God said."

282He said, "I want to ask you something. Saul was a prophet, and he prophesied. And you know he was God's anointed. The Bible said he was. And he committed suicide, and he was lost."

283I said, "He was?" I said, "The Bible declares he was 'saved.' After he become an enemy to God, he was still saved. The Bible said he was. And, after all, he did not commit suicide. A Philistine killed him, and David killed the Philistine for killing him. He did fall on his sword, his spear, sword, but, he did. It didn't kill him. And a Philistine killed him. And then when Saul went down to the witch, and she called the spirit of Samuel, because he hadn't entered Glory, he was in paradise under the shed blood of bulls and goats which couldn't take away sin. But he had to have a waiting place, which is called paradise, until he entered in."

284 That's where you Catholic people got mixed up. See? Now, there is no more paradise now. We go straight into the Presence of God.

285And when the witch of Endor called up the spirit of Samuel, there he stood. And she fell on her face, and she said, "Why did you deceive me?"

286And not only was Saul standing there... I mean Samuel, in his prophet robes, he was still a prophet. He said, "Why did you call me out of my rest," said, "seeing that you become an enemy to God?"

287He said, "Well, the Urim won't speak to me anymore. The prophet can't prophesy to me no more. Neither can I have a dream."

288"Well," Samuel said, "you've become an enemy to God. But tomorrow the battle goes the other way, and you'll die tomorrow. And by this time, tomorrow night, you'll be with me." If Saul was lost, so was Samuel, they was both together. Certainly. The Bible said so.

289 Now, you can be all worked up in emotion, by speaking in tongues, shouting, jerking, shaking, running up-and-down the aisle. Nothing against that. But you can make yourself believe that you're saved when you're not, you're not saved. Your life will prove what you are. Jesus said it would, "By their fruits you shall know them." Your life will prove whether you're saved or not, if you never open your mouth. It'll prove what you are.

290But all this work-up and emotion and joining church, "And I been baptized in Jesus' Name, hallelujah, I know I got It," that doesn't mean nothing.

291"I been baptized, name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, face forward, three times. I got It." That means nothing.

292 Paul said, "Let's go on to perfection now." We're talking about perfected. And if we'll run this down, you'll find out, the perfected is the Elected. I'll prove it to you, in a few minutes, by the Bible. It's the Elected who God, before the foundation of the world, seen every one of them. And He sent Jesus to redeem that people, not the whole world. He wanted to, but He had to make a way for those. And the only way He could do, was to send Christ; that He might come, the propitiation of our sins, that those who have been elected, He could bring to Him, in Glory.

293Could you imagine God running His office so loosely, as to say, "Well, maybe somebody will think real sad about Me, maybe they'll come and get saved"? God don't have to beg you to do nothing. Any begging, you need to do the begging, not God.

294 And then, Christ died to save those who God, by foreknowledge, elected to meet Him yonder without spot or wrinkle. Before the foundation of the world, He seen you in Glory. That's what the Bible said, Ephesians, the 1st chapter. 5th chapter, the 1st verse. God predestinated by foreknowledge.

295Now, if God did that, predestinated us before the foundation of the world; and knew every one of us by name, before the foundation of the world; and He Elected us to Eternal Life; and sent Jesus Christ to redeem us; that, six thousand years ago, He saw us, that we might appear to His praises in Glory! How can you ever be lost?

296 Now, if you're saved, you're saved. If God saves you tonight, knowing He's going to lose you ten years from today, He is defeating His Own purpose; the infinite, Almighty, Eternal, everlasting wisdom, God, doesn't know enough then to know whether you will hold out or whether you won't. Then, when He saves you, you say, "Well, I'll give Him a try. I'll see what He do," then He does not know the end from the beginning. God knows what He's doing, don't you never worry about that. It's you and I stumbling along. God knows what He's doing. And He knew we... whether we'd hold out, or what we would do.

297Now, the Bible said that, Esau and Jacob, before either child was born, God said, "I love one, and hate the other one," before they even breathed their first breath, that His election might stand true.

298 Who was Abraham? We'll get to him in a few minutes, down here. Who was he, that God should call? Save him without anything. God makes a covenant with man; man breaks his covenant. But God made this Covenant with Himself, and swore to it, to Himself. Man has nothing to do with it. It's God's own foreknowledge. He done it, anyhow.

299Now, you say, "Well, Brother Branham, then if I become a Christian, I can just do anything I want to?" Absolutely. If you're a Christian, do anything you want to. And I'll guarantee, you won't have any desire to do wrong. You do anything. I've always did just what I wanted to. And if I serve the Lord 'cause I'm afraid I'm going to hell, I'm not serving Him right. If I live true to my wife because I'm afraid she'll divorce me, I'm not a very good husband. But I wouldn't hurt her for nothing, for I love her.

300 That's how it is with Christ, when a man is born of the Spirit of God. Not because he shouted, spoke in tongues, or some emotion; but in his heart, love come in and taken the place of the world. I tell you, he loves Him. He walks by Him, every day. You don't have to tell him, "It's wrong to do this, or that, or the other." He knows it's wrong. And, he walks, he's an ordained product of God's sovereign grace. Exactly.

For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened,... made partakers of the... heavenly calling...

Now, we've sometimes believed that that was a man who once was enlightened and fell away again, but the Bible doesn't read it that way. "It's absolutely impossible for a man," he says here, "that has received the Holy Spirit, to ever fall away." Now read it and find out if that isn't right. Watch here, take the text, the whole text, and the contents, context, rather.

301 Now He's beginning to talk about, what is it? "Let's go on to perfection." Now, he said, "Not carnal, laying the foundation here of doctrines and baptism and reformations, and so forth. Let's not do that. Let's go on to perfection." The subject is perfection, and perfection comes by Christ. And how did we get in Christ? By joining the church? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body." Not by: one, tongue-talked in; one, hand-shook in; one, water-baptized in. "But by one Spirit we are baptized into one Body." You get it? That's the perfection.

302And when you come into That, you are in Christ, and the world is dead to you. And you walk with the Lamb each day, and your steps are ordained of God, what to do. Oh, the trials and testings that we go through! You say, "Do you have testings?" Yes, sir. What is...

303 Grace is what God did for me, works is what I do for God. Now, they'll make a doctrine out of it, they think that works is what wins your merits. If it is, it isn't a free gift. Grace is what God did for you, "By grace you're saved." And works is what you do in appreciation of the grace that He showed to you. And if you love Him, you like to do the works of the Lord. Certainly, because, then, you--you love Him.

304Accepting Meda Broy, as my wife, was what love done for her. What she does, in appreciation: she's a nice woman, stays home, takes care of the children, and lives a good true life. That's not because we're not married; we are married. But she does that in appreciations. If she run down town, every day, and took in every ten-cent store, and up-and-down the streets, and never washed the dishes, or anything else, we are still married. Absolutely. When I took my vow, that settles it. She's my wife. As long as there's life in us, she's my wife. That's her vow. But what appreciation she does for that: she stays home, and takes care of the children, and tries to be a real wife.

305 I could run out and be gone all the time, just gadding about over the country, and let her half starve, or anything, let the children go without something to eat; we're still married. If she even divorces me, I'm still married, long as there's life in my body. I took that vow, "Till death we separate." That's right. We're still married. But, yet, I make a poor excuse of a husband. She'd make a poor excuse as a wife. So if we love one another, we stick together and pull the load, together.

306That's the way God and His Church is, when you're born in the Kingdom of God. You'll have your ups and downs, true, but you're still a Christian, you're still born of the Spirit of God. God may have to take you out of the earth early.

... it's impossible for those which were once enlightened, and have tasted... the heavenly gift,...

... to ever fall away, to renew themselves again unto repentance;...

307 Now, I know where you're thinking about, the church. Let me take you one just a little stronger, so the--the legalistic side can be really shut out. Let's go over to Hebrews, the 10th chapter, and look at this just for a little bit.

30810th chapter, the 26th verse.

For if we sin wilfully after... we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,

But a certain fearful looking... of the judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversary.

He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

Of how much more sorer punishment, though supposed... though worthy,... trod the... who has trod under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and... done despite to the works of grace?

309 Now you say, "What about that, Brother Branham? How does that look?"

Now, just to read, I think, "The Scripture doesn't say that." That's not talking about a Christian. That's talking about a man that heard the Word and turned away from It. See?

For if we sin... (What is sin? Unbelief.)... if we disbelieve wilfully after the gospel has been preached to us, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,

310What is sin? Unbelief. Read Saint John, the 4th chapter. Jesus said, "He that believeth not is condemned already." Sin is not smoking, drinking, committing adultery. You do that because you're an unbeliever. That's just the attributes. You do that because you're an unbeliever. Just to quit smoking, quit drinking, and so forth like that, that doesn't mean you're--you're a Christian. That's just the attributes of your conversion. But, you can, you can do either side, and still not be.

311 Now notice.

... he that disbelieves wilfully after he...

312Not--not, "After he received Christ in his heart." The Bible doesn't say that. Said, "He that..."

... if we sin wilfully, disbelieve wilfully, after... we have received the knowledge of the truth,...

Get it? Wasn't talking to a Christian, at all.

313Some woman come to me, not long ago, and said, "Brother Branham, I'm a Christian, but I blasphemed the Holy Ghost."

314I said, "It's impossible." A Christian could not blaspheme the Holy Ghost. You can't do it. A Christian spirit bears record with Christ's Spirit. See? And you'll call, everything of God, "God's."

315But if you're carnal-minded, you'll make fun and laugh at the Holy Ghost; I don't care how much you go to church, you're still a sinner, and you're blaspheming the Holy Ghost. When they seen Jesus discerning their thoughts, they said He was a "fortune-teller."

316 Jesus said, "You've... I'll forgive you for that, but when the Holy Ghost is come, you speak a word against It, it'll never be forgiven you."

Because, they said, "He has an unclean spirit," calling the Spirit of God, "an unclean thing."

A Christian can't do that. A Christian will always call the Spirit of God, "Righteousness." See? A Christian cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost. It's the outsider that blaspheme.

317That wasn't Christians standing there. It was religious people, it was orthodox Jews, doctors of divinity, and so forth, and they were making fun of Him and His works, calling the works of God, that, "It was an unclean spirit doing it."

318And how many do you think today blasphemes the Holy Ghost, that's got D.D.D., Ph.D. on their name? How many great, stiffed Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, walk the street and make fun of the operation of the Holy Ghost, just as polished scholars, and slick as a button? Right. But they make fun of the Holy Ghost, and therefore they blaspheme It.

But a born-again Christian cannot do that. He'll say, "That's my brother. That's the Spirit of the living God." That's right. A Christian cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost.

319It's the sinner that blasphemes the Holy Ghost; the unbeliever, the sinner, an "unbeliever." There's only two thing: either you are a believer, or an unbeliever.

320 Now, notice here, to make this real wound up now. I had a vision that's always bothered me. Years ago I used to look at that. I said, "Oh, if a man once received the Holy Spirit then, and then would backslide, he'd be lost forever." I couldn't get this other to make sense with that.

321I said, "Then why is it that the Bible said, that, 'He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Eternal Life, Eternal, and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and none of them is lost, I'll raise them up in the last days. No man can pluck them from My hand'? How does that divvy up with this? I just couldn't understand it, 'It's impossible for those who were once enlightened.'" I thought, "There is something wrong. I just can't get it."

And I went to a little Pentecostal meeting, years ago.

322 There's not a one left in the church, I guess, tonight, that remembers. Years ago, this was even just about time the tabernacle was built. Less, it'd be Brother Graham back there, or somebody. I don't know, you was here first, or not, brothers. Brother Mahoney, I think, was. Yeah, just before I was married.

323That gift working, I was of afraid. They told me it was of the Devil. I didn't know till the Angel of the Lord told me.

324I went to Mishawaka, and I set in that meeting, and I never heard so much shouting and crying and praising God. I thought, "Brother, this is Heaven." And, oh, how they would go up-and-down.

325 They had to have it in the North, on account of segregation. The colored and white were together. The P.A. of W. and the P.H.A.C. had really emerged and become the United Pentecostal. But what a revival they were having, there at Brother Rowe's tabernacle at Mishawaka. And I, a little curious fellow, setting on the back seat, was watching all of this. I had never seen these things before.

326There was a man setting here... I've never told this in public before. There was a man setting on one side, and a man on the other, and one spoke in tongues, and the other interpret it. And they would tell different things was going to take place. Then, this one speak in tongues, and that one interpret. I thought, "My, isn't that wonderful!" I thought, "How glorious! Them must be Angels, come down in a form of men."

327 Well, I only had a dollar and seventy-five cents, to come home on, and I--I--I just could get a tank of gas. I slept in a cornfield that night. I've got part of it in a book, but not all of it, 'cause I didn't want to hurt their feeling. And so, that night, they said, "All preachers come to the platform." I was on the platform. I was the youngest preacher there then.

328So, the next morning, they asked me to come to preach. I hid. You know, the colored man said, "Here he is." You remember the story of it, when he exposed me setting there.

329 And so after preaching that day, walking around, I thought "If I could only get to those two men." They led the meeting. One would raise and turn white in the face; he'd speak in tongue. And the other would interpret it, and give the words, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'There's a certain-certain person here, by the name of certain-certain, that should do this and certain-certain.'" Brother, it was the truth. And the other one would rise and speak in tongues, and he would interpret.

330I thought, "Oh, my, isn't this wonderful!" So, that day, I thought, I went out and prayed. I thought, "Lord, you do that for me again." I didn't know what to call it, visions.

331 I went out and prayed, and asked the Lord to help me. I went around the building, and I happened to run into one of them. Now, the Lord give me a way of knowing things. I shook his hand. I said, "How do you do?"

He said, "How do you do? What's your name?"

And I said, "Branham."

"Oh," he said, "you're the young fellow that preached this morning."

I said, "Yes, sir."

332While I got a conversation with him, I caught his spirit. And he was a genuine Christian, just a pure Christian, brother. I mean, he was a believer. I thought, "Oh, isn't this wonderful!"

333 And about an hour from then, out there near the car, which was looking on a great big car, had "Jesus Only" wrote on the back of it, and standing out there stood the other man. And I went out and I said, "How do you do, sir?"

334He said, "How do you do?" Said, "You're Brother Branham, that spoke this morning."

335I said, "Yes, sir. I am." I said, "Say, I enjoy them great gift of God that works in you two brethren."

336He said, "Thank you, Mr. Branham." And I begin to feel his spirit. A vision come. And if I ever talked to a hypocrite, there was one of them. His wife was a black-headed woman. He was living with a blond-headed woman, had two children by her. He was no more a Christian than nothing in the world.

337 Then I said, "What have I got into? I thought I was in Angels, and now I must be in demons. Something has happened. Here was one, a genuine Christian; and the same Spirit falling on this man, was falling on this man." I said, "Now I'm all confused." I didn't know what to do. I cried and begged, to the Lord. I didn't know what to accept.

338They was about to get me to... Asked me if I had "received the Holy Ghost?" this guy did. I said, "No, sir, not the way you got it."

Said, "You ever speak with tongues?"

I said, "No, sir."

Said, "Then you haven't got It."

339So I said, "You're probably right, my brother. Maybe I haven't, 'cause I don't have what you have." And after while, I was glad I didn't.

340So then I watch that, and I seen the way that was moving.

341 So, one day, I was out here praying, long ago. I'll tell you why, who I was praying for, was Roy Davis. And I was out here praying, because he had called me "a puppet," and I was praying for God to forgive him for it. And he had a press back there, wrote a paper. And that press caught afire and burnt down, a couple nights after that, while they were running it.

342And so I was standing back there in an old cave behind Green's Mill. I walked out there. And I was praying, been back there, two day. I laid my Bible down on an old log, where, I showed Brother Wood, not long ago, laid my Bible down. I set a-straddle the log. And the wind blowed. I thought, "Been so long, back in that cave, I'd just read a little." So I took a hold of the Bible and begin to read, and this was the chapter it was on. Well, I begin to read, and I begin to wonder then. See?

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened,... made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

... tasted the good word of God, and... the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew themselves... to repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

343 I thought, "There is that Scripture." But something hung with me. Then I begin to think, "Here is where he talked back here, in the beginning, 'Not laying the dead foundation of repentance, at the beginning. Not laying the foundation of repentance,' and here he says, 'New, renewing themselves back to repentance. But let's go on to perfection, laying these things in the back.'" Then I started reading. Then I read the next verse.

For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessings from God:

But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

344And when I read that, Something just shook me. And I thought, "Lord, that don't pertain to Roy Davis. Why would You do that?"

345 I started, turn another page. I had to go back to It, again, "It is impossible for those which were once enlightened," go through It again.

346Then I thought, "Lord, what is this? What do You mean, Lord?"

347And I turned and went back into my cave, to pray over It. And when I did, I saw a world turning. And it was all disked up, real nice, the whole world. And I saw a man in white, going around, he had a bag in his hand. He was sowing seeds as he went around. He went around the curvature of the earth. And as soon as he got around, here come a guy dressed in real black clothes, a slick-looking fellow, slipping along like this, looking. And he had a seed. And he was throwing something behind it, as he went around the earth; watching everybody and throwing. I stood and watched the vision.

348After he had gone, the world turned around, and there was a great, big crop, and it was of wheat. And there was weeds, cockleburs and things in the wheat.

349 There come a drought. And, oh, how that little wheat hung its little head over, and was thirsting for water. The little cocklebur had its head hung over, and it was thirsting for water. Everybody was praying for rain. And after while, along came a big cloud and just watered the whole earth. And the little cocklebur jumped up, begin to shout, "Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!"

350And the little wheat, it jumped up, begin to shout, "Glory to God! Praise the Lord!"

351And then the Scripture come to me, which is found in the Book of Matthew, the 5th chapter and the 45th verse. And listen to what Jesus said, in Matthew 5:45. And listen close now as we read. Matthew, the 5th chapter and the 45th, 46th verse; 44th, to begin.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That you may be... call... you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on... evil and on... good, and sendeth rain on the just and... the unjust.

352 So, you see, the same rain that makes the wheat grow, makes a cocklebur grow. And, therefore, I got the picture. There is your carnal confessor, that's right in the church. But his fruits... He might shout, jump, dance, speak with tongues; but his fruits: he's a cocklebur. And there's the other one, that's got the same Spirit. The Holy Spirit can drop right in a bunch of people, and a hypocrite can shout, by the Holy Spirit, just the same as a cocklebur can live by the rain that's sent. That's what Paul is speaking of here. But it's impossible for a cocklebur to become a wheat, or a wheat a cocklebur. You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

For it is impossible for those who have been once enlightened, and have... partaken of the gift of the Holy Ghost,

And... tasted the good word of God, and the power of the world to come,

... to fall away, to renew themselves again...

Listen what he said.

... for the rain... comes oft upon the earth, to water it and to dress it here, and prepare it;

But... which is thorns and thistles is nigh unto rejecting;...

Now, therefore leaving the principalities and doctrines of Christ, let us go... to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance and dead works... towards God, and faith, and so forth,

... and doctrines of baptisms,... layings on of hands, and things;...

353 See, the carnal believer, back in those days, just like it is today, likes to say, "Well, I belong to church. I've repented. I--I come up, I made a confession. I been baptized." See, they lay to those carnal reformations. And what does it do? It produces cockleburs.

354What does the perfection do? It's the wheat. The wheat is God's Word. He uses it as His Word. It's a Seed. It brings forth.

355It depends on what seed is sowed in your heart. If you come to church just because you're afraid of hell, if you join church because you don't want--you don't want to go to hell, you're still a cocklebur. If you--if you join church just to be popular, you're still a cocklebur. If you done all these formal things that's to be done, and that's all you got, you're still a cocklebur.

356But a real, genuine Christian presses towards perfection until the world is dead and you become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Then, it's impossible for that man to ever fall. What the Bible said! See how that compares with the rest the Scripture? See how It lays it right in there to its place?

357 How can It say here, "A man that's once saved can never be lost" and come over here and say, "But, if you are lost, or blaspheme, it's impossible"? Sure, if you're a blasphemer, you're not a Christian.

358"No man, speaketh by the Spirit of God, calleth Jesus accursed." Saint John 4... or First John 4. No man speaking by the Spirit of Christ, calls Jesus "accursed." Every spirit, of God, that's in the Christian Church, agrees with everything God said.

359We read here, and say, "He was wounded for our transgressions. With His stripes we're healed."

360The old carnal mind say, "Days of miracles is past. I'm Dr. Jones." See? "There's no such a thing as Divine healing. No such thing as heartfelt religion. You're just a bunch of worked-up. You're emotional. See, that's all there is to it. There nothing to it. We are Presbyterians. We're Lutherans," or whatever it is. "We know where we're standing."

361 But what does the Spirit of God say? Jesus Christ, the same here! "Amen," says the Spirit of God. It agrees quickly with the Word. Yes, sir. It's right there. See what I mean now?

362"These carnal reforms works death," said Paul.

363But where Life is come, this perfection, "He that heareth My Words, believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and shall never come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto Life. I'll give him everlasting Life, raise him up in the last days. All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and none of them is lost." Can't be.

364So, here is what it does--what it does. People thinks that that makes people loose. Brother, you don't serve God under a frown of a serpent. God is not one of these guys with a blacksnake whip, driving you around. He's a Father. He's Love. God is Love. And the Bible said, in Saint John, "He that loveth is of God."

365 You love God. I wouldn't be, if I went out and--and got on a drunk tonight. I never drank, in my life. But if I went out and got on a drunk, I wouldn't be afraid of getting a whipping. That isn't the reason I don't go--go, don't go do it. The reason I don't do it, is because I love Him. He loves me. It's not a works of law. It's not something that I got to do. It's because He's already done something for me, and I love him for it. There you are.

366So, with that Spirit in there, which is promised, "I give unto him everlasting Life, and they shall never perish." Did He lie or did He tell the Truth? He told the Truth. So, you see how This interprets? The impossibility is for a man to fall after he's once in grace. He can't. He can fall, sure, but not back to repentance, back to the place and to do the old works over again.

367 So, you all trotting from revival to revival, one place and then another, don't you see you're not stable? You're not established. Now, surely... You say, "Brother Branham, I don't know if..." Surely God would not give me the ministry He has, and let me be in error. And if it wasn't proven by the Scripture, then it would error, but here is the Scripture to back it up.

368The churches never missed a place... People go, join church, fuss, fight, stew, and--and everything, and just live any kind of a carnal life, "Oh, yes, I'm a Christian."

369 I heard a confession today of a little lady that told me that her husband was running with a man. She has caught them, place after place. And the woman says, "I'm going to let you know, 'I'm a Christian.'"

370Look over here at Jimmy Osborne, out here preaching on Sunday morning; and boogie-woogie, rock-and-rolled and everything, through the week.

371Look at Elvis Presley, a 1947 version of Judas Iscariot, joins the Assemblies of God, Pentecostal, speaking in tongues for the Holy Ghost, and sent more souls to torment than all the bootleg joints there's been in the last fifty years. Perverted the mind of little teen-age children all over the world, till little girls would grab off their underclothes and throw it on the platform, and him to autograph. So vulgar that they won't show him in the television, from his waist down, the way his body. The Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues, for evidence? Oh, brother, if the Holy Ghost was there, It wouldn't act like that. You know better than that. Certainly not. God loves cleanness and purity and holy.

372 I don't act clean and pure and holy to make myself a Christian. But Christ, in me, lives that in me. And I love Him. And if I do anything wrong, it condemns me, right there. I say, "God, forgive me." Every day, I got to ask forgiveness, every day. And you do, too. Certainly, you do.

373But now if you're--if you're carnal, you just wait on back, say, "Ah, well, that's all right, I belong to church." See? And then when you blaspheme, is when you don't have the Faith that was once delivered to the saints. Then you make fun of That, and call It, "An evil spirit." Say, "That's a bunch of holy-rollers." Then, you separate yourself between grace and judgment, then you're finished forever.

374 Jesus said, "One word against It, will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come." And a Christian, born of the Spirit, can't say evil about That, 'cause it can't. It agrees with It. That's right.

375That's the reason people try to tell me, that Pillar of Fire there, that appears here with us, they try to say, that, "That was the Devil," that, "It was just fiction," all this. But the camera proved that It wasn't. And the works lay right exactly on the Bible, same Pillar of Fire that met Paul on his road to Damascus. All these things that He done back there, is doing it just exactly the same way, by the Bible. He's Christ, the Son of God.

376And when we are born again, we have everlasting Life, and cannot perish. It would be impossible for a man to fall. That's what the Bible said.

377 Now, listen, watch what Paul says. I'll read the rest of it, and see if that don't sound right, now. Let's go on, just a minute. The 8th verse.

But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. (That's the unbeliever.)

378Now watch Paul. "But, beloved,..." Now he's talking about them is trying to get back under the law, you know, trying to do all the works of the law, yet they're just as ritual as they can be. They have baptisms and the laying on of hands, and all these things.

But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you,...

There you are. Listen at him now.

... and things that accompany salvation, though--though through this we thus spake.

For God is not unrighteous to forget your works and labours of love, which you have showed towards his name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

379 See what He's talking about? He's not talking about Christians falling away, impossible to come back. He's talking about carnal believers who go through the form of reformation. "But," he said, "to you who was born again, you who are Christian, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you. You don't say those things. You don't live that type of life. You're secured with Christ."

What did he say back here? Now let's go to Hebrews 10, where we was at this morning, again. []

380Now let's turn over then, again, to Ephesians 4:30. And let's get this, just a minute, and watch what this says, to back this up, to make Scripture go with Scripture. Ephesians 4, let's see. Ephesians 4:30. Let's read and see what It says. Listen.

... grieve not the holy Spirit of God,...

Huh? How we baptized into the Body? One Spirit.

... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption.

That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You're sealed into the Body of Christ, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, not from one revival to another one, but until the Day of the body of redemption. That's what you are. So, there's no way for you to be lost.

381 You get scared. And that's the reason scare, a scare, fear companies doubt.

Love companies faith. I love my Father. I'm not afraid of Him, because I love Him. He wouldn't hurt me. He will do good for me. If I was scared of Him, and, "Oh, I don't know whether He will do it, or not." See?

382But if I love Him, "Yes, Father, I--I love You. And I know You're--You're my Father, and You love me, and I'm not afraid but what You'll keep Your Word. It's Your promise to me." That's the way the Spirit of God does.

383"But, oh, if I did this, if I did that." See, there you come to the legal side, again. Never go to the legal side. It's negative.

384 The positive side is what you want. It's already a finished work. Christ died, and the sin was killed when He died. And if God foreordained you to Eternal Life, "All the Father has given Me, will come to Me." There you are, can't be lost. You're secured forever. "For by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body, and by one sacrifice He has perfected forever." There you are. There's no way for us to lose. Correctly. Now, don't it make you feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

385Now, how do you know you're a Christian? When your spirit bears record with His Spirit, when the love of God is in your heart, when you have love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, goodness, meekness. That's when you... The fruits of the Spirit is following your life.

386Not because you can dance in the Spirit, oh, to this modern rhythm, whoop it up on a piano, to a lot of this here dancing in the Spirit. Them things are all right. But they took the whole thing over on that legal side, see, and therefore, they left the Spirit of God in the back.

387 That's the reason, when God begin to manifest Hisself, they said, "Nonsense. We don't want nothing to do with That." They don't know God. They've never seen It. They can't understand It, because there's a different life in there. He doesn't know... Cocklebur doesn't know what the wheat is doing. He's a different life.

388That's the way it is with a Christian, to the carnal believer, the confessor, who goes out and confesses, "Oh, yes, I'm a Christian." A big cigar in his mouth, like a dehorned Texas steer.

389A woman with her shorts on, say, "Oh, yes, I'm a member of the church. Sure, I am." Your fruits prove that you're nothing but carnal. That's right. Certainly, it is. There's only one thing to allow for that: that's either mental deficiency or a spirit of lust on you. That's right.

390 If you want to act like the world, the Bible said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." So there you are.

391Now, you say, "Oh, the Bible said, then I must do that." No, that's not it. Stay here until Christ has done something for you, that take that out of you. Then you're born of the Spirit of God. Not what you do, it's what He done for you. Till you get a love that you've passed from death unto Life. And then watch your life, if it--if it dallys up. Not 'cause you try to make your life, but because God brings you into subjection to His Spirit. It's not you leading yourself in God's way. It's God leading you in His Own way. Not you doing the leading, but God doing the leading.

392 Now watch this, now, just as we get down towards the end. The 11th verse.

And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of the hope unto the end:

That ye may not be slothful, but followers of them that who through faith and patient inherit the promise.

393Now, just one more remark here.

For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself,

Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiply, I will multiply thee.

394When God met Abraham! Now, Abraham received the covenant, without any merits at all. The covenant was made with Abraham. It's absolutely grace, altogether. Abraham was not a better man. He was not a holiness man. He was just an ordinary man. And God, by election, chose Abraham because God elected him; not because Abraham wanted it, because Abraham did this, because he was a good man, 'cause he had any merit at all. But it was God's choice. God took Abraham.

395 Today, as I said, I believe, "We select our preachers." We go around, say, "Well, one of the deacons quit. Let's find the best man in the building to take his place. Well, the pastor quit; let's find out, we get the best." Sometimes that's not right.

396When they selected a man to take Judas' place, they got the wrong man. They got a gentleman, Matthias, a great scribe, a scholar, a diplomat. They said, "He'll just take the real place. Boy, he looks like a real man." But it wasn't God's choice. And he took this man, and he never done nothing for God.

397 But God took a choice of a little, old high-tempered, hook-nosed Jew that come down there. His face, all, "I'll go down. I'll arrest them."

398God said, "I see something in him. I'll use him."

399And God appeared before him, that big Light there. And he said, "Who are You, Lord?"

400Said, "I'm Jesus. Why, it's hard for you to kick against the pricks. Why you persecuting Me?" Like that, and God took that man and made him one of the greatest men that's ever hit the face of the earth since Jesus Christ. That was God's choice.

401Today, we try to make a choice. You churches, you send this man here, and that man here. It's not supposed to be done that way. God does the leading. It's God in all, through all, over all; not what some document of some church. It's what God said about it, what makes the difference.

402 Notice. God made a promise to Abraham, unconditional. And now, wait, Abraham did not have to do one thing. God said, "I have already done it."

403God made a promise to Adam, said, "Adam, if you'll not touch this, you'll live forever. But the day you eat thereof, that day you die."

404Adam said, "I just wonder what it's all about, anyhow?" He goes over and eats it, tampering.

405Every time that God make... a man makes his covenant with God, or God with a man, the man breaks his part. So God had to do something, because He seen what man was. And they were foreordained, they were elected, and God had to do something. So God came down and made His covenant with Abraham, unconditionally. If it wouldn't have been unconditionally, Abraham would been lost, a long time.

406 Look at him setting down there at Gerar, backslid, telling a lie. And give his wife over to another man, to save his own skin. What a man! Setting out there, and backslid. God told him, said, "Don't you leave up here. Stay up here." The famine run him out. He wandered down to where it was easier going. You know what happens to a fellow when he takes the easy road.

407He wandered out, down there where the grass was greener. And when he got down there, he told that king that his wife was his "sister," to save his own hide. Now, that was a lie. And any man, would take his wife and give her over to another man, to save his hide! There he was, setting out there in a little tent, backslider, telling a lie, and plumb out of his, cut altogether away from the promise and everything, but he was still God's prophet.

408 And there was Ablimelech, he was a good, holiness man. Sure, said his prayers every night. Found this grandma, of a hundred years old, come down there, beautiful and young again. He said, "That's the girl I've waited for, so I'm just going to marry her."

409Abraham said, "You can have her. She's my sister."

She, "That's my brother."

410So he takes her over there and has the women to wash her all up and--and put on nice clothes, and fix her up like a--like a princess. And he said his prayers, stretched out on the bed, and turned his feet up, and said, "Tomorrow, I'll marry that beautiful Hebrew girl, that--that boy's sister out there. Oh, it'll be wonderful. O Lord, You know how I love You! Yes, sir. Wonderful!"

411And God said, "You're just as good as a dead man." Uh-huh!

[Brother Branham coughs--Ed.] Pardon me. Abra-...

412Why, Abraham was setting over there, a lie, and backslid. And here was this man, an honest and just and upright man. "Why," he said, "Lord, You know the integrity of my heart. Did not he tell me, that was his 'sister'?"

413Said, "I know the integrity of your heart. That's the reason I'm keeping you from sinning against Me. That's right. I know the integrity of your heart. But her husband is My prophet." Hallelujah! Oh, if that ain't grace, what is? "Backslid, telling a lie, and setting out there, but that's still My prophet. You take an offering, and go to him, and take his wife back, or you're a dead man. I won't hear your prayers no more. Let him pray for you." Amen. There you are. "That's My prophet."

Now, you say, "Oh, I wish I'd have been Abraham."

414 "If we are dead in Christ, we are Abraham's Seed, and are heirs according to the promise." Right. That's what the Bible said. Would you like to read It? Why, the Bible said that, that the promise was not only to Abraham and his seeds. Like you, Abraham had many seeds, sure, many children. Ishmael was his child. He had seven or eight children after Sarah died, by another one, Keturah. But, look, the seed was the promised one, which was Isaac, and through Isaac came Christ, through Christ came us. The promise is unconditionally.

415Now, what about Abraham? Why, he'd have been done, it'd been impossible for him to ever get back again. Sure. It'd been impossible for Saul to ever get back again, if that, you'd have to read the Scripture that way. See? But it wasn't. God's promise endures forever.

416 Let's read here just a minute. I want you to read It. I want you to get Galatians 3:16, and read this, and see now what the promise is, and see what if--if we are His promise or not, 3:16. Listen here. All right. I'm going to read the 15th verse, too.

Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it is confirmed, no man disannuleth, or addeth thereunto.

Now to Abraham and his seed, seed (s, double e, d), to his seed were the promise made.

"To Abraham and his Seed." Now watch.

He saith not, And to thy seeds (plural), as of many; but as... one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

417Then, Christ was the Seed of Abraham. "And we being dead in Christ, and baptized into His Body, we are Abraham's Seed, and are heirs of the promise." Then how is it, how are you ever going to fall away, if God made the promise to you? How are you going to ever backslide, and go away and have to go to hell for it?

418 Now, you say, "Well, can't we backslide?" Absolutely. And when you backslide, you're going to get it, don't you worry. Abraham got it, and the rest of them got it, and you'll get it. Don't you think it gives you a right to sin. It doesn't. You'll pay for everything that you do. You'll reap what you sow. You do one little sin and you'll reap a whole washtub full. That's right. But, brother, that don't mean to say that you're lost. That's exactly right. Abraham reaped exactly what he sowed. That's right. But he was still saved.

419The covenant that God made with Israel: they lost their in-heritage, they lost the promised land and went down into Egypt, but they hadn't lost their covenant. God said, "I remember My promise to Abraham. I remember, and I've come down to deliver My people. Go down there, Moses, and tell Pharaoh, I said, 'Let My people go.' I remember I made a promise to Abraham and to his seed."

420 That's the same thing it is with us. So if you are dead, and your life is hid in God, through Christ, there is not nothing in the world can touch you. Now, you might go and do wrong, but if you're really, truly, a child of God, and you see you've made a mistake, you'll rise and try again. That's right, and you'll not lay there.

421But if you're cowardly, if you're a cocklebur, if there's no "get up" to you, you'll say, "Ah, well, there wasn't nothing to It, anyhow."

422 The Kingdom of God is like unto a man took a net and went to the sea, cast it in. When he come, he had turtles, frogs, snakes, lizards, spiders, and fish. That's the Gospel when It's preached.

423Like the Lord will tell a minister, like Brother Graham, "Go up here. "Go on this corner and fish a little while, Brother Graham." All right, takes his net and goes up there and starts seining.

"Where you going, Brother Bill?"

"I'm going out somewhere else, and cast on this corner."

424I'm pulling, "There they are, Lord, You know what they are." I pull the net again, "All right, here they are, Lord."

425Now, the turtle was a turtle, to begin with. You just got caught in the net. That's right. And that's the way people get caught up in emotion, "O Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. Glory to God. Hallelujah!" They just got caught in the net, that's all.

426If that old Turtle spirit is in them, it ain't going to be long, they say, "Well, I tell you,..." Here he goes, creeping back.

427And old lady Crawfish will say, "But I just can't understand That." See?

428Miss Spider set there a little while, she go "plop, plop, plop," right back, "Well, there wasn't nothing in It, anyhow."

429Miss Serpent will say, "Oh, they're a bunch of holy-rollers. That's just all there is to It. I'll go down where they got better sense than that." Why, you're a snake, to begin with. The Gospel net just caught you, that's all.

430 But the fish is took to the Master's table. He was a fish, to begin with. The Seed of him was a fish. He began, a fish, and God knowed His fish from the foundation of the world. Hallelujah!

431Remember, they're all breathing the same muddy waters out there. They're all breathing out of the same creek. That's right. "We all made... drink of the same spiritual Rock. All did eat manna in the wilderness." Caleb and Joshua eat the same manna that--that the rest of them eat. And they all fell in the wilderness. But there was two elected to go over, and they went over. That's right.

432"We all been made to drink of the same Fountain." But not all that drink is saved. We all made to shout together. We're all made to rejoice together. But the Elected is saved. Did you notice? It said, "The two spirits, in the last days, would be so close till it would deceive the very Elected if possible," if possible. See? That's the real Spirit of God, elected to Eternal Life.

433 Now we're closing. Then Brother Neville will pick up where I leave off here. All right.

And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred year, four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.

That's the promise God give Abraham, before the law ever came into existence.

For if the... for if inheritance be of the law, it is no more of the promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

Not by nothing you do, not by any laws, any laws of your church, by joining church, or any other law. It's absolutely a grace act of God, to you. There you are.


Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgression, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made;...

Isn't that just as plain as the nose on my face? "It was added, to serve until the Seed came, which was Christ, to Who the promise was made."

... and it was ordained by angels and in the hands of a mediator.

Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.

435Now, I leave from right here, beginning from right there for Brother Neville, for this coming Wednesday.

436 Now do you understand what we have said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That it is absolutely impossible for a born-again Christian that... I don't mean, now, he calls himself, "born-again." I mean, a real, born-again Christian, to ever fall from grace, he cannot do it. He can fall, that's right, but he cannot, never, get out of that grace.

Abraham fell from grace. Sure, he did. God told him to "stay there." He went out of it, but he never lost his covenant. He was still God's chosen. He was a prophet setting there. He always was. He'll always be God's.

437Now notice. The Bible said, that, "All of Israel will be saved." How many knows that? The Bible said, "All Israel's will be saved." Now, "Israel is not Israel which is of the flesh, but Israel of the Spirit, for gifts and callings are without repentance." Is that what the Bible said, the very next verse? Galatians. All right. "All of Israel will be saved. Every one of them is saved." How we become Israel? "Being dead in Christ, take on Abraham's Seed, and we're heirs according to the promise."

438Paul said, "That which is outward is not a Jew, but that which is inwardly, is a Jew, the promised Ones." And we are Abraham's Seed, by the promise, through Christ, accepted Him as our personal Saviour.

439 Oh, I hope you see it. I hope you get it, if you can stay with It a little while. Now over in here we finish this up, then we start on Melchisedec, which brings right back in this again. We start right on over to... Oh, It's just, the whole thing is wonderful. But we just keep getting into those cream thing.

440Now, see, if you took This here, look like, if you could read It just from observation... Like a real strict trinitarian, who believes there's three Gods, told me one time, that, "Matthew 3 absolutely declared that there was three, three individual Persons in the Godhead."

441I said, "I got to see it."

442He said, "Watch." Standing right from this pulpit, he said, "Looky here, Matthew 3." Said, "When Jesus went straightway out of the water, lo, the heavens opened unto Him. And He saw the Spirit of God like a dove. And the Voice from Heaven saying, 'This is My beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased.' And there was three: the Son on the bank; the Holy Ghost in between; and the Father up above."

I said, "Brother, the Scripture doesn't read that."

"Oh, yes, it does."

I said, "Now read It again, find out if It does."

443 Now, here is his picture. Here is God, the Son; there is God, the Father; here is God, the Holy Ghost, like a dove. Now watch. The Bible said, when Jesus was baptized, "The Son went straightway out of the water, lo, the heavens above Him was opened. And a Voice saying of... He saw the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God, like a dove." Not another Person up there, but this Spirit of God was the Dove which was above Him. And a Voice coming, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am pleased to dwell in." Now read Matthew 3 and see if It doesn't say that. See? Not three people, not at all.

444And that's the why. This doesn't say it's impossible for a man to ever get back, when he backslides. It doesn't say that. It doesn't say that. It says, "It's impossible for a man to ever come back to renew himself, after he's once been there." He cannot do it.

445 The Bible said, "He that's born of God, does not commit sin, for he cannot sin. For the seed of God remains in him, and he cannot sin." How can I be called a sinner, when there's a sacrifice laying there to take my place? How can I die, when death has been paid for me? How can I die, when I got Eternal Life? How can I do it? You can't do it.

446How can I have a written permit from the mayor of this city, to run sixty miles an hour through this city, and any officer arresting me for running sixty miles an hour? How can you do it? I've got a permit from the mayor that says I can do it. He can't arrest me. His--his rest... He could blow the whistles and everything else, and I could just ignore it. Don't mean a thing; I've got a permit.

447 And how can I, then, as after Christ has died for me and I become His righteousness because of His grace and love to me? How can I sin, when there is something laying between me and God, a sacrifice? I can't sin. Can't do it. God never sees me; He sees Christ. He stands in my place. And when I do anything wrong, Christ takes my place. I made my confession, "I'm wrong. He is right. Lord, You know my heart. You know whether I mean it or not. And I'm wrong. Forgive me." God never sees it. The Blood of Jesus got me covered, all the time. Then how can God ever see me? How can sin be--be counted to me, when He can't do it? Just as soon as I do it, it's forgiven. [Brother Branham snapped his finger--Ed.] That's right.

448 Just like taking a--a little dropper like this, a little eye-dropper, and take it full of black ink and hold it up over a tub of bleach, and just drop it in there, and then just try to find it again. It just turns to the bleach. The ink becomes bleach. And that's what, your confessed sins, if you're in Christ. Between you and God is a whole tub of bleach, and your sin becomes righteous because a righteous Sacrifice is waiting there for you.

When I come to the river at the ending of day,

And the last winds of sorrow have blown;

There is one thought that cheers me and makes my heart glad,

I won't have to cross Jordan alone.

449 That's one good thing. That's one good thing. I won't have to cross it. One of these days, we're coming down to the end of the road. The sun will refuse to shine, then God will call.

450Adam will reach over and shake Eve, and say, "Honey, here it is. It's time to wake up."

451Eve will reach over and get a hold of Abel, say, "Come forth, darling. It's time to wake up." Abel will get a hold of Seth. And Seth will get a hold of Noah. Noah get a hold of... Oh, on down, on down to Abraham, and down as they come. There'll be a great shaking and awakening when the Son of God comes. We'll stand in His likeness at that day.

452 Now, if you commit sin here, you're going to pay for it. I've...

453Just keep coming in my mind, I've just got to tell it. I've tried to quench it off, four or five times. I have to say it. How many remembers this brother, pastor, that used to be over here at the church of God? Brother, right up here, what was his name? Worked for Vorgang down there. Oh, you all... The First church of God, right here on the corner. Or, used to sell Rawleigh's in time of the--of the depression. A real godly, saintly man. Brother Smith took his place up there. I'll call his name in a few minutes. He was a God-saved man.

454Remember, if you don't walk up to the correction, and you do something wrong as a Christian, God will warn you. And then if you don't take the warning, He will just take you right off the earth. That's what He done.

455 You remember, in the Bible? Look at that Corinthian church. He told them what they was, positionally, in Christ. But he warned them of what was going to happen. And they corrected themselves, got straightened out, with God.

456And this little brother, he was a wonderful little brother, I believe, a God-saved man. And he got him a job down here at the... at Vorgang's. If some of his people is setting here, I hope you don't think that I... I don't know you if you're setting here. But, Ramsey, Brother Ramsey, how many remembers Brother Ramsey up here at the church of God? Sure, you do, wonderful little man. And he used to come to my house and we'd talk together, and we'd set there and weep and hold one another's hands; a real Christian.

457 One day I went into it down there, just come from overseas in a meeting, had my car checked up, Brother Ramsey said, "What can I do for you, Billy?"

458I said, "Check her up, Brother Ramsey. Change the oil."

459"Okay," he said, "fine, dandy." Said, "You have a nice meeting?"

460I said, "Oh, Brother Ramsey, it was wonderful." I said, "I wish you could go with me sometime. Why don't you go with me?"

He said, "I don't serve the Lord no more, Billy."

I looked around, I said, "What'd you say?"

461He just kind of said, "I don't serve Him no more," walked away.

462I thought, "Oh, he's just going on." I went on, went somewhere.

463Come back and got in my car. I come up home. I begin to think about that, "I don't serve the Lord no more."

464The Lord put it on my heart to go back and ask him again. So, I said, "Meda, just hold the fort."

465And I got in, and got in my car and went back down, stopped again, went into Vorgang's. I said, "Brother Ramsey, I want to ask you a question."

Said, "All right, Billy, what is it?"

I said, "You said, a while ago, you don't serve the Lord no more. You was just teasing me, wasn't you?"

He said, "No."

I said, "Brother Ramsey, you--you don't mean that."

He said, "Yes."

I said, "Don't you love Him?"

He said, "If I loved Him, I'd serve Him. Wouldn't I, Billy?" walked away.

I thought. "Say, Brother Ramsey!"

Said, "I don't want to talk no more about it."

466I went home, went in the room, shut the door. And, oh, you know how you feel real heavy, like you'd taken the cookies away from a baby or something, you know. I--I thought, "What? It can't be. Surely something has happened to Brother Ramsey."

467 And there's a little colored boy, named Jimmy, he comes here to church. Got one leg, you know; he limps, kind of. I forget his name, works down there at Vorgang's, runs a wrecker. He met me, and he said, "You know, Rev. Branham," he said, "I don't know about this here Dr. Ramsey around here." He said, "I told him, the other day, said, 'We all was scared to even open our mouth around here.' Said, 'You was a godly man.' But," said, "He took his preacher's license and went over to the basket and tore them apart, and throwed them in the basket, said, 'I don't want nothing to do with it no more.'"

He said, "Hey, mister!" Said, "You oughtn't to do that."

He said, "Oh, Jim, I'm through serving the Lord."

So he went on, said, "You don't mean that."

468And said, "Then he told me, said he's coming down to grind his valves, on Labor Day," I believe it was. "And he said, 'Now, I want you to come help me, Jim.'"

469He said, "I'll help you after I come from church, but first I is going to church."

470Said he went back down, "And Mr. Ramsey was grinding the valves on his car. He said, 'Jimmy, slip over the river. The saloons is closed here. Slip over the river and get me a case of beer.'"

471He said, "Mr. Ramsey, I has been guilty of many things, but never will I be guilty of getting a servant of the Lord a case of beer." He said, "No, sir. I'll never do that."

472And he said, "Well, go on. Get it, Jim."

473He said, "Mr. Ramsey, I grind your valves. But if you get any beer, you'll go get it yourself." He said, "I ain't going to never get a servant of the Lord anything like that."

474So Ramsey jumped in Jimmy's car, took over the river; come back, half tead up, with a case of beer, drinking it.

475 He started going down, and got sick. See? God couldn't speak to him. I warned him, I done everything I could. Brother Smith went to him and warned him. Everybody tried to do everything they could for him. Still, he just shook his head. What happened? He took sick and died. That showed that he was a saved man. If God could not make him... bring him in obedience, He will have to take him out of the earth and bring him Home. That's exactly what the Bible said. That's what the Bible promises. If you won't stand correction, you've got to come on Home.

476So God cannot lose you after He's saved you, but He can shorten your days here, and make you pay for every sin you've done. So, if you sin, you're going to have to pay for what you've done. Just remember that.

477 Now, now the Lord be with you. I believe, tonight, that Brother Ramsey was saved. Absolutely, I believe it. But he just wouldn't obey God, and when he wouldn't obey God, God had to bring him home. That's the only thing to do, because, what was it? "He would bring reproach and disgrace to the Blood wherewith he was sanctified with." That right? "And count the covenant an unholy thing," if that isn't just exactly what this Hebrew letter said. See? It would be impossible for him to be lost, but he would bring shame and disgrace, so God would have to take him off the earth and bring him Home. That's exactly what had taken place.

Now may the Lord bless, while we bow our heads just a moment for prayer.

478 Now, most holy and gracious Father, we are indeed grateful to Thee for the promise that we have, that You will never leave us or forsake us. You've promised You'd go with us through life, and in death You'd be near us. You promised us that we had Eternal Life. You gave It to us freely. We can never lose It. "All that comes to Me, has Eternal Life." And if it's Eternal Life, It has no end, and You promised to raise us up in the last day. To this we are very grateful. We are thankful that Your Word teaches us this. It gives us a sure hope. It makes us know that our Father is Love. He loves us, and He chose us. You said, "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you." And I thank Thee, Father, that Thou has done so. And many are setting here, tonight, and who has been ordained to Eternal Life, and has received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. And the fruits of the Spirit follow their life: gentle, meek, humble, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness. We're thankful for those.

479 And we pray, Father, that if there be some in here, tonight, who doesn't have those fruits to accompany them, but they're resting upon some fantastic, because they got worked up, one day, because they got emotionally, they felt good, they may have shouted, they might have done many things. But, Father, if they haven't got the fruit of the Spirit, that keeps them day by day in constant love, forgiving their enemies, making right their wrongs, and living peaceful and loving, and sweet and kind to one another, and a zeal for the Church, a love for Christ and for His children, O Eternal God, forgive them. Though they be members of the church, members of the earthly body, may they go now and lay aside those carnal, dead works, and press on to the perfection. Grant it, Lord. May they come to the perfect One and receive Him as their propitiation for their sins, that He might stand as a perfect sacrifice for a guilty man and a guilty woman. And supply them with His grace of love and peace, until they come into the Presence of God to live forever. Grant it, Father.

While we have our heads bowed:

480 If there be such a one that would like to swap a carnal life of ordinances, of baptisms, of sensations, of little carnal things like that, for a real heart full of real love, that--that you could walk up to your bitterest enemy, put your arms around him and say, "Brother, I'll pray for you. I love you." If you'd like to swap that experience of carnal things for a real experience of love, would you raise your hand to God? And say, "God, take me tonight, and make me what I should be." I'll pray for you, right from the pulpit here. Would you desire prayer? Raise your hands.

481 God bless you back there, sir. God bless you, brother. Someone else? God bless you, sir. "I have been in the church for years." God bless you, sir. God bless you here, brother. God bless you back there, little lady. "I will ask God to make me peaceful." Do you... Are you real raging? Are you out of sorts? Do you doubt? Do you toss about? Do you wonder whether It's really right or not? When you come to Christ, do you come with a full assurance, a heart full of love? Do you walk up to Him without one fear, saying, "I know He's my Father"?

482And there's no condemnation, you've passed from death unto Life. You know it. And you notice your life: you're loving, you're forgiving, you're gentle, you're peaceful, you're meek. All these fruits of the Spirit accompany your life, day by day. And as soon as you do anything wrong, "Oh, my." Just as soon as it come to your mind, "you've done wrong," quickly you make it right, right then. Don't wait another minute, go right then and make it right. If you don't, well, you don't have the Spirit of Christ. You might be a good woman, you might be a good man, you might be well thought of in the church, you might be well thought of in the neighborhood, but have you went on to that perfection, to that place to where you're wholly trusting in Christ? And by this, give you the seal. "Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteous. Then God give him the seal of circumcision, as a confirmation."

483 Now you say, "I believe God. I made a confession." But did God give you the seal of the Holy Spirit, back on your life, of love, joy, fruits of the Spirit, to prove that you've been saved? If He hasn't done that, then He hasn't recognized your faith yet. You've just made a confession. He hasn't accepted it, there is something wrong. Would you like to receive Him, then? Raise your hand, if there's someone else, before we pray.

484God bless you, young lady. God bless you back there, too. God bless you. All right. Someone else, just before we pray? All right. God bless you, back there, sister. God bless you, brother. God bless you, brother. God bless you, my brother. That's right. Some ten, fifteen hands has been up.

Now let's pray.

485 Blessed Lord, at their seat, they're finding an altar. It's at their seat, where they're sitting now, that You spoke to their hearts, that they're "wrong." It's at their seats that You've put a desire in their heart, that they "long to be more like Jesus."

486They want their life changed. They want to be meek and humble. They want to be gentle and full of patience. They want to be long-suffering, forbearing. They want to be so Christian-like, so Christ-like, till the world will say, as they go down the street, "That man is really a Christian. That woman is really a Christian. Oh, they're the most gentle, meekest, sweetest people!"

487Grant it, Lord, that they will receive that experience, tonight. And may they never rest upon their church ability, upon their affiliations with any church, any denomination; or neither upon their emotions, upon any fantastic, such as emotionally, something that's happened; may they shouted, spoke in tongues, or something else.

488 O Eternal God, let them not try to trust to get to Heaven on that, for we seen it so many times miserably fail. And You said it would fail, "Whether it's tongues, it shall cease! Where there's prophecy, it shall vanish. Where there's knowledge, it shall vanish. Oh, all these things, or even gifts, miracles of healing, they shall all be done away with. Only that Divine love shall last."

489God, create that in their heart, and let them know that that is the Spirit that brings forth the fruits. Do it just now, Lord, while we wait on Thee, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

490 [] Balls of fire flying, and to see turtledoves going back and forth through the building, to see Christ come in with thorns in His hands, and in His... Oh, did you know that's the antichrist setup? He said, "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, your redemption is drawing nigh." Then that's the reason I like to press every minute I can to the church, and get you solid. Brother Neville may not always be with us. I believe Brother Neville to be a good, sound Gospel teacher. We don't know what will wind its way into this pulpit, and, when it does get here, "My sheep know My Voice." Stay with that Word. Don't you never leave that Word. You stay right with It. You stand fast in the liberty where Christ has made you free. Be not entangled in all those yokes of bondage and so forth. Stand fast, and stand free. God will bless you. We have nothing in the world to fear about.

491 You're always wondering. I notice people come to be prayed for, they'll sidle into the line. Next time they see a healing campaign, they'll go into this line, they'll go into this line. I don't condemn them. They're trying to find relief, but they're going the wrong way. You're doing vice versa, what God said not to do. See? When you walk up boldly to the Throne of grace, and believe, that, "You asked, you shall receive." Stay with It. That's the way it's done; not just trot from mission to mission, from church to church, from campaign to campaign.

492Why, they made these healing campaigns like a bunch of nonsense. Certainly, they have. It's become to a place where, intelligent people, they look around and they wonder what it's all about. There, God don't want those things. Healing don't have to be in campaigns. Healing should be in every local church, all these gifts operating. But don't go to seed on those gifts. Don't pay any attention to the gift. If God wants to use you for something, He will do it. But, look after the Giver.

493 Martin Luther, once after speaking in tongues, he was asked why he didn't preach it, he said, "If I preached that, my people will go after the gift instead of the Giver." That's right.

494Moody, one time, speaking, and begin, when he was preaching so under inspiration, he spoke in tongues. He said, "God, forgive me for muttering foolish words." Certainly. See? And they had those things. We believe those things, but they must be put in their place. And they must not be set as evidences.

495There's not one thing left in the Bible, as "evidence of the Holy Ghost," only the fruits of the Spirit. Find out any place that Jesus said so. Yes, sir. The evidence of the Holy Ghost is the fruit of your Spirit. Jesus said so, "By their fruit you shall know them." "And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, peace, gentleness, meekness. And the fruit of the enemy is enmity, hatred, malice, strife, and so forth; that's the fruit of the enemy." So, you can judge by the way you're living, where you're standing with God. If your whole heart is in love with Him, and you love Him and are gentle, and live with Him daily, you know you've passed from death unto Life. If it isn't, and you're otherwise, you're just impersonating a Christian. That's right. Which, all carnal impersonations will certainly be exposed. We know that.

496 So, don't live that kind of a life, you don't have to. Why would you accept a substitute, when the whole skies above are full of the good and the real? Certainly. Let me take God, that's what I want. Amen.

497Now, did anybody come to be prayed for? If you did, raise your hand. We had the healing service this morning. I suppose then... This lady here? All right, sister, would you come forward then? And our brother, elder, here, come now for the anointing.



... shine on me;

Oh, shine on me, Lord, shine on me,

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me.

498 Isn't He wonderful? Let's just bow our heads, real quietly now. And, Shine On Me, again. Now, come on now, everybody, that, "Shine..." Just worship Him in your soul now, see, getting quiet. The healing service is coming on. The message is over. Let's worship.

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me;

Oh, shine on me, Lord, shine on me.

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me.

Just to be like Jesus, to be like Jesus,

Oh, on earth I long to be like Him;

All through life's journey from earth to Glory,

I only ask to be like Him.

We'll walk in the Light, such a beautiful Light,

Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us, by day and by night,

Jesus, the Light of the world.

All ye saints of Light proclaim,

Jesus, the Light of the world,

Then the bells of Heaven will ring,

Jesus, the Light of...

Receive us, Lord, as we worship Thee.

We'll walk in the Light, beautiful Light,

Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Jesus the Light of the world.

499 Don't you just love that scouring out? You feel good? Raise your hand, tell. There's something about those old-fashioned songs, the old-time hymn, I'd rather have them than all these new worldly songs put in, and in Christian churches. I like that old time, I like.

Jesus, keep me near the cross, (My!)

There a precious fountain,

Free to all, a healing stream,

Flows from Calvary fountain.

In the cross, in the cross,

Oh, be my glory ever;

Till my raptured soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.

500 I could go out of the world pretty easy when that's being sang. Couldn't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How wonderful! Has it all settled? You know, I'm glad I done settled it all up. Aren't you? ["Amen."] The old account is all settled, long time ago. I told Him, "Lord, I don't want any trouble down at the river. I--I want to be sure now." I want to know Him. I want to know Him.

501There's a big, dark pit set before every one of us. We're headed that way. Every time our heart beats, we're closer and closer. But when I get there, I don't want to squirm like a coward, I want to wrap myself in the robes of His righteousness, enter into it, knowing this, that, "I know Him in the power of His resurrection." That, when He calls, I'll come out from among the dead. My!

502 My Faith Looks Up To Thee, let's sing it now.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

O Saviour Divine.

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

503Now, great Teacher, as Thou has taught us in Thy most marvelous Word, our hearts just quiver, with rapturing grace, to know that we've passed from death unto Life. Is all through the goodness of our Lord Jesus, who called us, and has washed us in His Blood, and has presented us before the Throne of God, faultless, blameless, for He took our sins. We have no sin. "God laid the iniquity of us all upon Him, and He was wounded for our transgressions." Oh, how we love Him, the great Lamb of God!

504And we pray, Father, that You'll give us utterance, expressions, that we can tell others; that they might know Him, too, and love Him, for He loves them. Give us this grace.

And thank You, Father, for those new-born babies that just come into the kingdom of God. May they find a good church home somewhere, and there serve You until death liberates them from this old body of rack pains and aches, and present them before Him, faultless, blameless, in the age to come, with Eternal Life. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

217... aby sme skúmali jeho drahé Slovo.

218Prišiel som pred chvíľou a niesol som dve Biblie. Mal som tu vzadu s jednou paňou krátky rozhovor a povedal som jej, že keby som z obidvoch kázal, mal by som mať celkom dobrý text. Ale toto je grécky lexikon, tak len niečo ... Chcem dnes z neho niečo prečítať. To je doslovný preklad z originálneho gréckeho jazyka na anglický. A pri tomto je mi to veľkou pomocou. Chcem z neho niečo prečítať, pretože teraz skúmame tento List Židom a teraz prichádzame ku veciam, ktoré majú skutočne hlboký význam.

219Pred chvíľou som povedal bratovi Nevillemu: „Prichádzame ku miestam, kde sa ľudia poškrabú po hlave a povedia - Ja tomu neverím.“ Vidíte? Prichádzame ku niečomu takému. Máme to radi.

220Jeden kazateľ mi povedal: „No, veľa ľudí sa bude asi škrabať po hlave.“

221Povedal som: „To je to, čo chceme.“

222Vidíte? Biblia môže mať len jeden význam. Nemôže mať dva významy. A ak jedna časť Biblie hovorí jedno a druhá časť Biblie hovorí niečo iné, potom niečo nie je v poriadku. Rozumiete? Ona to musí hovoriť od začiatku do konca. Ale pamätajte, keď skúmame Bibliu. To je skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných a je to zjavené nemluvňatám, pretože to je duchovná Kniha.

223A to nie je kniha zo západu. To je kniha z východu. A len jedno ju môže vyložiť a to je Duch Svätý. A viem, že každý z nás chce povedať, že Duch Svätý nám hovorí, čo v nej veríme. No teraz, ak každé miesto súhlasí jedno s druhým, potom je to Duch Svätý. Ak to nesúhlasí a tu je v tom medzera a tam je v tom medzera, potom s našou vierou nie je niečo v poriadku. A to je ohromná kniha.

234A teraz chcem, aby ste počas nášho skúmania ... No, zavčasu ráno máme odísť do Wyoming, ak Pán dá. Modlite sa za nás. A tento ďalší týždeň, brat Graham Snelings, tu ... On je tu, počul som ho pred chvíľou ako to oznamoval. A tento zbor plne spolupracuje s jeho evanjelizáciou a modlíme sa ku Bohu, aby mu dal mimoriadne, bohaté, veľké prebudenie. Brat Graham robí tú evanjelizáciu pre brata ... tu hore v Charlestown, pre brata Juniora Cacha a obrátilo sa tam sto ľudí, tak sa mi zdá ... osemdesiat štyri. Tak, chvála Bohu za to. A očakávame že ich tu bude päťsto osemdesiat štyri.

225Brat Graham mi dnes povedal: „Brat Bill, som si istý, že rozumieš, že nie som tu preto, aby som začal inú prácu proti tvojmu zboru, pretože ja som časťou toho zboru.“ On je tu len ... Cíti na srdci robiť túto evanjelizáciu a Pán ho ku tomu vedie. A pozýva tých obrátených a má zbor, do ktorého ich môže poslať. Tu je domáci zbor, ak prídete ... ak ste sa obrátili.

226A to je naša povinnosť, ako kresťanov, aby sme mu pomohli vo všetkom v čom môžeme. A nech Pán žehná brata Grahama. A vy všetci ste srdečne pozvaní na zhromaždenia brata Grahama tu hore, s úplným povolením od tohoto zboru, s úplnou spoluprácou, aby sme mu pomohli vo všetkom v čom môžeme, urobiť niečo pre hynúce duše a pre Kráľovstvo Božie.

227Nech ťa Pán žehná brat Graham a nech ti dá veľké zhromaždenia. On nevie kedy zakončí, on to práve začína. A tak, brat Graham mal tak ako ja veľa úspechov a neúspechov. Tak je to v živote. Potom si vážite tie úspechy, keď ste prešli cez tie neúspechy. Ak človek upadne a zostane v takom stave, je to zbabelec. Mám dôveru ku človekovi, ktorý povstane a znovu to skúsi. Je to tak. Som si istý, že rozumiete čo hovorím. No, nezabudnite, to je tento budúci týždeň.

228No, v tomto Liste Židom ... Nebudeme to dnes večer znovu opakovať.

229No, na budúcu nedeľu, ak dá Pán, brat Neville oznámi ... brat Cox , alebo niekto z nich mu dá vedieť, či prídeme nabudúcu nedeľu na zhromaždenie. On to oznámi v rádiu. A my ... Počúvate všetci jeho vysielanie v rádiu a pozvite svojich susedov, aby počúvali. Skutočne sa radujem, že môžem počúvať ich kázanie a spev (Quarteto brata Nevilleho). Nehovorím to preto, že tu sedí. Keby som to povedal a nemyslel by som to tak v srdci, bol by som pokrytec. Je to tak, musel by som činiť pokánie. Ale ja to tak myslím. A radšej mu dám teraz malý ružový púčik, než ako celý veniec potom keď zomrie.

230Raz som tam vychádzal a išla okolo jedna pani a povedala: „Brat Branham, ó, ako sa radujem z toho posolstva.“

231Povedal som: „Ďakujem.“ Bolo mi to dobre.

232Vychádzal niekto ďalší a povedal: „Brat Branham, teším sa z toho posolstva.“

233Povedal som: „Ďakujem.“

234Bol tam jeden kazateľ tu hore zo severnej časti krajiny, v štáte. On povedal: „Chvála Bohu, ja nechcem, aby ma ľudia takto chválili.“

235Povedal som: „Ja chcem.“ A povedal som: „Je len jeden rozdiel medzi mnou a tebou. Ja som pri tom úprimný. Je to tak. Všetci sme radi, keď počujeme, že dobre o nás hovoria. A ja si myslím, že to je milé hovoriť o tom dobre. Ak chcete, aby niekto o vás dobre hovoril, hovorte aj vy dobre o druhom. Tak sa to má robiť, potom budete stále hovoriť o každom to najlepšie. Vďaka tomu, život ide lepšie.

236No, v tomto ... Na budúcu nedeľu, ak dá Pán, podľa mojej mienky ... vchádzame hlbšie a hlbšie do týchto veľkých tajomstiev Božích. Dostávame sa ku Melchisedechovi: Kto On bol, odkiaľ prišiel, kde odišiel, čo sa s Ním stalo a všetko o Melchisedechovi.

237A teraz, minulú stredu večer, brat Neville sa dotkol záveru kapitoly o najvyššom Božstve a kňazstve nášho Pána Ježiša, ktoré začína na začiatku: „Boh za dávna mnohorakým spôsobom hovorieval ku otcom skrze prorokov, v tomto poslednom dni prehovoril ku nám cez svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša.“

238Potom išiel ďalej a začína hovoriť a predstavovať kto On je, hovorí o Ňom až do 5. kapitoly, do konca 5. kapitoly.

239Potom na začiatku 6. kapitoly, zaoberali sme sa tým v našej lekcii dnes ráno:

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu nesme sa k dokonalosti ...

240Koľkí ste sa radovali z tohoto posolstva o dokonalosti? Nesme sa k dokonalosti, to bolo naše posolstvo dnes ráno, v 6. kapitole Listu Židom.

241No, teraz prichádzame ku miestu, kde začneme mať skutočnú časť. Ó, všetci sa dokážeme zhodnúť na týchto veciach: na Kristovom Božstve, na tom, že je Syn Boží a na tom, ako bol s Bohom a Boh bol s Ním a On bol v Bohu a Boh v Ňom a tak ďalej. S tým všetci súhlasíme. Ale teraz, ďalej od teraz neviem ako budeme spolu súhlasiť. Tak čokoľvek to je, každých niekoľko večerov vám dáme príležitosť a napíšte mi nejakú malú správu a povedzte, čo si o tom myslíte.

242Potom budem musieť odpovedať na otázky. A ak nebudem vedieť, poviem: „Brat Neville, čo si o tom myslíš?“ Poviem: „Tu je, necháme ho nech nám to povie.“ [Brat Neville hovorí: „Vtedy čítam grécky text.“ – pozn.prekl.] Vtedy bude čítať z lexikonu, z gréckeho textu. Myslím, že ja to tiež vtedy urobím.

243Ale teraz, keď sa ponížime a budeme skutočne úprimní a prídeme sem kvôli jednému účelu, aby sme sa učili. Ja sa tiež chcem učiť. A Biblia je napísaná, hovorí: „Písma nepodliehajú osobnému výkladu.“ To znamená, že Písmo musí vykladať Písmo. Vidíte? Každé Písmo musí vykladať to ďalšie Písmo, cez celú Bibliu, aby to tvorilo jednu veľkú vec, pretože Boh sa nemôže meniť, pretože On je nemeniteľný Boh.

244A teraz:

Zanechajúc ... Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu, nesme sa k dokonalosti ...

245Páči sa mi ako to Pavel hovorí. Pavel nebol nikdy takým človekom, ktorý by sa rád zdržiaval príliš dlho na jednom mieste, on chcel ísť hlbšie. Raz v Písme povedal: „zabúdajúc to, čo je za mnou, ženiem sa za znakom horného povolania.“

246Vidíte? On stále ide ďalej. Tu povedal:

Teraz zabúdajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu

(Kto On bol, čo On bol),

nesme sa k dokonalosti ...

247Teraz ... prv, chceme zistiť — „Či môžeme byť dokonalí?“ A dnes ráno sme našli v Písme, v Matúšovi 5:28, že Ježiš povedal, že musíme byť takí dokonalí, aký je dokonalý Boh, lebo inak sa tam nedostaneme.

248Potom sme zistili, že každý jeden sme sa narodili v hriechu, boli sme sformovaní v neprávosti, prichádzame na svet a hovoríme klamstvo.“ Nieto na nás nič zdravého. Tak ako vlastne môžeme byť dokonalí?

249No, tu je to, čo sme zistili, (čítali sme to a porovnávali Písmo s Písmom) že Ježiš, jednou obeťou zdokonalil navždy svoju cirkev. On ... Potom skrze Krista sme dokonalí. A sme oslobodení od súdu, skrze Krista. Nikdy nezomrieme, skrze Krista. Stratili sme smrť a našli sme život, skrze Krista. Nie skrze nejakú cirkev, nie skrze nejakú denomináciu, nie skrze nejakú fantáziu, nie skrze hovorenie v jazykoch, nie skrze vykrikovanie, nie skrze trasenie sa, nie skrze tancovanie v Duchu, ale skrze milosť!

250 Boh povoláva koho chce. A zistili sme, že to všetko sa deje podľa vyvolenia. Zistili sme, že to nezáleží od toho, kto chce byť spasený „nie je to vecou toho kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva. A nikto nemôže prísť ku Ježišovi, koho by prv nepotiahol Boh.“ Tak čo s tým máš spoločného? Ty s tým nemáš nič spoločného! To vôbec nie je tvoje dielo.

251Zistili sme, že človek nikdy nehľadá Boha. To Boh hľadá človeka. A videli sme potom, že Boh je jediným zdrojom večného života. Zistili sme, že všetko čo je večné, nemá začiatok ani koniec. A tak sme zistili, že peklo malo začiatok a má aj koniec. A je len ... Nikto nemôže povedať, že peklo trvá naveky ... No naveky, áno! Naveky, ale nie večne.

252Naveky, to je „určitý časový úsek.“ Biblia hovorí, „Na veky vekov.“ A vyhľadajte to a zistíte, či naveky neznamená „určitý časový úsek.“ Jonáš povedal, že bol v bruchu veľryby „naveky“. A mnoho ďalších miest Písma — „naveky“ znamená len „časový úsek.“

253Ale večne, to je naveky ... To je naveky a naveky a naveky a naveky a naveky. To je večne! A zistili sme, že peklo nie je večné, ale trvá naveky. A dôvod ... Musíte teraz dávať pozor na tieto slová. Ak nie, budete to mať pomiešané. Pamätajte, len tie veci, ktoré nemali začiatok, nemajú koniec. A tak Ježiš povedal: „Ten, kto počuje moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý ma poslal, má život naveky?“ Znie to správne? Nie! „Má večný život.“ A slovo „večný“ je „Boh.“ To slovo je tu rovno v gréckom lexikone, „Zoe“, Boží život vo vás. A vy ste takí veční, ako je Boh večný, pretože máte v sebe Boha.

254Vaša stará povaha zomrela (svetská povaha) a stali ste sa novým stvorením. A vaše túžby (ten starý život, ktorý mal začiatok, keď Boh vdýchol dych do vašich nozdier, keď ste sa narodili), ten život tej telesnej povahy zomrel. A to malo začiatok a to malo koniec a to zomrelo a naveky to bolo odstránené (tá stará povaha). A Boh prišiel s tou novou povahou. Potom láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, krotkosť, pokoj, trpezlivosť a pokora a dobrotivosť, to vošlo na miesto zlosti, hnevu, nenávisti a zápolenia, konfliktov a všetkých týchto vecí. To zaujalo to miesto, keď ste prešli zo smrti do života. Rozumiete to teraz jasne?

255Tak počúvajte! Je len jedna forma večného života. Nájdite to! Jedine Boh má večný život. Biblia tak hovorí. Jedine Boh má večný život. A keby mal človek trpieť v pekle naveky — večne, musel by mať v sebe Boha. Ale hovorím, že ...

256No, pamätajte, ja nehovorím, že nieto horiace peklo. Je horiace peklo (oheň a síra), „Kde ich červ ... kde oheň nehasne a ich červ nezomiera.“ Oheň a síra, trest. To môže trvať stovky miliard rokov, ale ono musí mať koniec, lebo peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a pre jeho anjelov. A všetko čo sám Boh, čo bolo na začiatku ... všetko, čo vyšlo z Boha. Keď ten duch ...

257Zoberme Ducha lásky, to bola veľká fontána Božia, čistá, neskazená. Od toho to začína prechádzať do prevrátenej lásky. Potom to prechádza do ľudskej lásky. Potom to prechádza do sexuálnej lásky. Potom to prechádza do ďalšej lásky; lásky a lásky a čím ďalej tým viacej je to prevrátené, až sa z toho stáva nečistota. Ale všetky tieto veci mali začiatok. A jedného dňa sa to navráti znovu naspäť do originálu (Ten je večný). Kde zlá žiadosť, ľudská láska, vášnivá láska, všetky tieto lásky sa budú musieť skončiť.

258Všetky tieto napodobeniny viery budú musieť skončiť. Je jedna pravá viera, všetky ostatné budú musieť skončiť. To boli veci, ktoré prevracali túto skutočnú fontánu.

259Tak tedy peklo, trápenie ... Trápenie nie je večné. Trápenie bolo spôsobené hriechom a hriech priniesol trápenie. A keď hriech skončí, trápenie sa tiež bude musieť skončiť. A bude čas keď hriešnici, ktorí nikdy neprijali Krista, po tom keď budú potrestaní možno za stovky miliard rokov ... Neviem, možno za tisíce miliónov a biliónov rokov, ja to neviem povedať. Ale raz to bude musieť zaniknúť, pretože to nie je večné.

260A teraz sa budeme niesť ďalej, do dokonalosti. Počúvajte, vchádzame do posolstva.

... neklaďme zase základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha,

učenia o umývaniach

[Anglický preklad: „

o krstoch

“ -pozn.prekl.],

vskladaní rúk, o zmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

261Počúvajte teraz! Máme dva ... Tu máme teraz obraz. Práve tu sa dostaneme ku miestu, s čím mnohí nesúhlasia. Musíte vidieť o čom sa tu hovorí. Pavel sa tu snaží oddeliť zákon od milosti. Máme dva obrazy: jeden telesný a jeden duchovný. A Pavel sa snaží urobiť rozdiel medzi týmito dvoma a ukázať to židom. Tento list je písaný židom. A celý tento List Židom sa snaží ukázať Starý Zákon ako vzor, ktorý zobrazuje ten Nový. Tak, uvažujeme teraz o dvoch obrazoch. Dobre počúvajte keď čítame.

262On tu hovorí:

...zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu nesme sa k dokonalosti.


263Prebrali sme to dnes ráno, ako môžeme byť dokonalí. Dokonalí! Úplne bez poškvrny a nevinní! Nie je na nás ani jeden hriech. Či už nie ste pokúšaní? Nie! Hrešíte každý deň? Áno! Ale aj tak sme dokonalí, pretože sme v Ňom. A Boh nás nemôže nijako odsúdiť (Nebol by spravodlivý), On nás už odsúdil v Ňom. Keď odsúdil Krista, odsúdil mňa, odsúdil teba. Nemôže ma znovu odsúdiť, pretože On zobral na seba môj súd.

264Keď som vykúpený, mám lístok, ktorý môžem ukázať, že som si vykúpil svoje hodinky zo záložne, nech by mi ich skúsil niekto niekedy zobrať naspäť do záložne, keď mám lístok. Ja som ich vykúpil. A keby sa diabol pokúsil znovu uvaliť na mňa trest, mám lístok, ktorý dokazuje, že som vykúpený. Tak veru! Nie je viac súd: „Kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal má večný život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.“ To je môj lístok! On to zasľúbil.

265No, tu máme teraz ten obraz:

... neklaďme zase základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha,

... učenia, o krstoch, vskladaní rúk, zmŕtvychvstaní mŕtvych a o večnom súde.

266No, pamätajte ... Všimli ste si, že tu je znovu použité to slovo? Hovorili sme to dnes ráno: Večný súd. Keď Boh raz niečo povie, je to večné. Ani trochu sa to nemôže zmeniť. Tak súd je večný, to stále platí, ten súd. A nezáleží na tom v akej generácii žijeme. Bude žiť jedna generácia, bude platiť nejaký zákon a to je naveky, alebo na nejaký čas, toto a tamto. Ale súd Boží je stále večný. Musí byť, pretože On vypovedal to slovo. Keď Boh hovorí slovo, ono musí byť večné. Je to tak.

267No, dovoľte, že vám to prečítam z gréckeho textu. Počúvajte ako to zneje.

Preto zanechajúc počiatky učenia o Kristu, ktorý sa stal zmierením, tlačme sa...

(nemôžem to teraz prečítať je to rozmazané) ...

neklaďme zase formu

... (tu to máme)...

neklaďme zase reformačnú formu zo skutkov spôsobujúcich smrť.

268No, tento lexikon nie je vôbec žiadnym výkladom, to je len anglický význam toho gréckeho slova. A tam je povedané.

Teraz nechceme

... (Počúvajte tu. Vidíte?) ...

neklaďme základy reformácie zo skutkov spôsobujúcich smrť.

269Ak rozumiete, čo on tu hovorí, že „Formy reformácie spôsobujú smrť.“ Pavel povedal: „Zanechajúc počiatky, poďme do dokonalosti, neklaďme znovu základu pokánia z mŕtvych skutkov a viery na Boha, učenia o krstoch, vskladaní rúk, o vzkriesení mŕtvych, o večnom súde. Reformačné formy spôsobujú smrť. To sú správne slová. To je presne to, čo Pavel napísal. Vidíte čo sa on snaží povedať?

270Všetky tieto veci, ako krsty: jeden je pokrstený dozadu, druhý dopredu, jeden vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, jeden v mene Ježiša, jeden takto a takto, všetky tieto rôzne drobnosti o krstoch.

271A o vskladaní rúk: „Chvála Bohu, ja mám dar vskladania rúk. Haleluja, takýmto spôsobom to môžeš prijať. Haleluja ...“

272Odložme to všetko nabok, pretože to sú mŕtve skutky, tieto reformácie, naprávanie. Vidíte? On hovorí o inej kategórii. On povedal: „Poďme preč od toho a poďme ďalej ku dokonalosti.“ Vidíte to?

273A cirkev stále trčí tam pri týchto skutkoch. To je to, čo sa oni snažia robiť. Tá prvotná hebrejská cirkev sa snažila povedať: „Dobre, ja som bol pokrstený ponorením a — a ja som bol ... robím toto a toto a všetky tieto veci.“

274On povedal: „Odložme to všetko nabok, opustite to.“ Ale teraz, či on povedal, že to nemáme robiť? Počúvajte čo on o tom povedal:

A urobíme aj toto, keď len dovolí Boh.

275A originál hovorí to isté:

Toto budeme robiť, keď nám dovolí Boh.


Toto budeme robiť, keď nám dovolí Boh.

276Krsty, kladenie rúk a iné veci, ale to nie je dokonalosť. To je len telesná reforma. A tam dnes cirkev ostala, na telesnej reforme. Jeden z nich povedal: „Ó, dobre, slovo krst znamená toto a tamto.“

277A založili organizácie: a jedni fŕkajú, druhí polievajú, iní krstia tvárou dopredu, iní dozadu a všetky takéto veci. Niektorí z nich kladú ruky na chorých a niektorí vskladaním rúk ustanovujú apoštolov a niektorí ustanovujú prorokov a tak ďalej. Kážu zmŕtvychvstanie mŕtvych (to je v poriadku) a najvyššie Božstvo Krista (to je v poriadku), ale on povedal. „To sú všetko formálne reformy. Len sa reformujeme. Teraz poďme do dokonalosti.“ Rozumiete o čo sa tu jedná?

278Dávajte teraz pozor, tu ide teraz tá hlbšia časť.

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru a stali sa účastnými Svätého Ducha,

a ochutnali dobré slovo Božie a rôzne moci budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znovu križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

279Viem, na čo vy zákonníci práve teraz myslíte, ale mýlite sa. Rozumiete? Dobre. Ja stojím na tomto a Biblia to potvrdzuje, že keď Boh raz spasil človeka, je spasený v čase aj vo večnosti.“ Nemôžete urobiť, aby to dávalo nejaký iný význam.

280Prišiel ku mne nedávno jeden fundamentalista a povedal: „Kazateľ Branham, chytil som ťa na jednom. Chytil som ťa na jednej veci. Ty si povedal, že keď je človek spasený, nikdy nemôže zahynúť.“

281Povedal som: „To hovorí Boh.“

282On povedal: „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať. Saul bol prorok a prorokoval. A vieš, že on bol Boží pomazaný, Biblia hovorí, že bol. A spáchal samovraždu a bol zatratený.“

283Povedal som: „Ozaj?“ Povedal som: „Biblia hovorí, že bol spasený. Potom keď sa stal Božím nepriateľom, stále bol spasený. Biblia hovorí, že bol. A nakoniec, on nespáchal samovraždu. Zabil ho nejaký Filištín a Dávid toho Filištína za to zabil. On padol na svoj meč, na svoju kopiju, na svoj meč ale ne ... to ho neusmrtilo. A ten Filištín ho zabil. A vtedy keď Saul išiel ku tej veštici a ona vyvolala Samuelovho ducha, pretože on ešte nevošiel do chvály, on bol v raji pod preliatou krvou býkov a kozlov a to nemohlo odstrániť hriech. Ale musel byť na mieste, kde čakal a to sa volalo raj, až kým nevošiel do chvály.“

284Tam ste sa vy katolíci zaplietli. Vidíte? Teraz už nie je viac raj. My odchádzame rovno do prítomnosti Božej.

285A keď tá veštica z Endor vyvolala Samuelovho ducha, on tam stál. A ona padla na tvár a povedala: „Prečo si ma oklamal?“

286A nie len to, že tam Saul stál ... chcem povedať Samuel, vo svojom prorockom plášti, on bol naďalej prorok. On povedal: „Prečo si ma vyvolal z môjho odpočinku, vidím, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím?“

287On povedal: „Urím už viacej ku mne nehovorí, prorok mi už viac neprorokuje ani nemôžem mať sen.“

288Samuel povedal: „No, stal si sa nepriateľom Božím, ale zajtra ten boj bude iný, zajtra zomrieš. A zajtra večer o takomto čase budeš so mnou.“ Keby Saul bol zatratený, tak by bol aj Samuel, oni obidvaja boli spolu. Samozrejme! Biblia tak povedala.

289Môžeš sa úplne prepracovať do emócií skrze hovorenie v jazykoch, vykrikovanie, mykanie, trasenie sa, tým že budeš behať hore dole pomedzi rady. Nemám nič proti tomu, ale môžeš si nahovoriť, že veríš, že si spasený, keď nie si. Nie si spasený, tvoj život bude dokazovať čo si. Ježiš to povedal: „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“ Tvoj život bude dokazovať, či si spasený alebo nie, aj keby si nikdy neotvoril ústa. To dokáže čo si.

290Ale všetky prepracovania a emócie a pripojenie sa ku cirkvi a „Bol som pokrstený vo meno Ježiša, haleluja, viem, že to mám,“ to nič neznamená.

291„Bol som pokrstený vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, tvárou dopredu, trikrát. Ja to mám.“ To nič neznamená.

292Pavel povedal: „Poďme teraz ďalej do dokonalosti.“ Hovoríme o dokonalosti a keď to budeme ďalej rozoberať, budete vidieť, že dokonalý je vyvolený. Dokážem vám to za chvíľu pomocou Biblie. To je vyvolený, ktorého Boh pred založením sveta videl, každého jedného z nich. A On poslal Ježiša, aby vykúpil tých ľudí, nie celý svet. On chcel, ale On urobil pre tých cestu. A jediný spôsob ako to On mohol urobiť, to bolo poslať Krista; aby On bol zmierením za naše hriechy, aby tých, ktorí boli vyvolení, mohol priviesť ku Nemu do Slávy.

293Dokázali by ste si predstaviť, že Boh by tak biedne vykonával svoj úrad: „No, možno niekto bude o Mne rozmýšľať a skutočne sa zarmúti, možno že takí prídu a budú spasení?“ Boh ťa nemusí o nič prosiť. Ty musíš prosiť, nie Boh.

294A potom, Kristus zomrel, aby spasil tých, ktorých Boh skrze predzvedenie vyvolil, aby sa tam s Ním stretli bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. Pred založením sveta ťa On videl v chvále. Toto hovorí Biblia, List Efezským 1. kapitola ... 5. kapitola, 1. verš. Boh nás pomocou predzvedenia predurčil!

295No, keď to Boh urobil (predurčil nás pred založením sveta, a každého jedného z nás poznal po mene pred založením sveta a On nás vyvolil do večného života a poslal Ježiša Krista, aby nás vykúpil. Nás, ktorých videl pred šesť tisíc rokmi, že sa máme ukázať na Jeho chválu v Sláve), akoby ste mohli byť zatratení?

296No, keď ste spasení, ste spasení! Keby vás Boh dnes večer spasil a vedel by, že za desať rokov vás stratí, jednal by proti svojmu vlastnému zámeru. Proti ten nekonečnej, všemohúcej, večnej, trvalej múdrosti. Boh by bol ohraničený vo svojom poznaní a nevedel by, či ty obstojíš alebo nie. Tak, keď ťa On ide spasiť, ty povieš: „Dobre, nechám Ho nech to skúsi, budem vidieť čo urobí“ On by potom na začiatku nevedel, aký bude koniec. Boh vie čo robí, o to sa nikdy netrápte. To ty a ja sa potkýname. Boh vie, čo robí. A On vedel či sa budeme odťahovať, alebo čo budeme robiť.

297No, Biblia hovorí, že Ezau a Jakob, prv ako sa narodili, Boh povedal: „Jedného som miloval a druhého som nenávidel.“ Ešte predtým ako sa prvýkrát nadýchli, aby Jeho vyvolenie zostávalo pravdou.

298Kto bol Abrahám? (za chvíľu sa ku nemu dostaneme, tu dole) Kto on bol, že Boh ho mohol zavolať? Spasil ho bez všetkého. Boh uzatváral s človekom zmluvu a človek ju nedodržoval. Ale túto Zmluvu uzavrel Boh sám a prisahal na seba samého, že ju dodrží. Človek s tým nemá nič spoločného, to je vlastné Božie predzvedenie. On to aj tak vykonal.

299Vy teraz hovoríte: „Dobre, brat Branham, potom keď sa stanem kresťanom, môžem robiť čokoľvek chcem?“ Presne tak. Ak si kresťan, rob čokoľvek chceš; a ja ti zaručujem, že nebudeš mať žiadnu túžbu robiť zle. Rob čokoľvek ... Stále som robil to, čo som chcel. A ak slúžim Pánovi, pretože sa bojím, že pôjdem do pekla, neslúžim Mu správne. Ak som verný svojej žene, pretože sa bojím, že by sa so mnou rozviedla, nie som veľmi dobrým manželom. Ale nezranil by som ju za nič na svete, pretože ju milujem.

300Takýto vzťah máme ku Kristovi, keď sa človek narodí z Ducha Božieho. Nie preto, že kričal, hovoril v jazykoch alebo prežil nejakú emóciu; ale do jeho srdca prišla láska a nahradila miesto sveta. Hovorím vám, on Ho miluje a na každý deň chodí s Ním. Takému človekovi nemusíte hovoriť: „Toto sa nepatrí robiť alebo tamto sa nepatrí robiť.“ On vie, že sa to nepatrí. A on chodí ... on je ustanoveným produktom suverénnej Božej milosti. Presne tak!

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení ... a stali sa účastnými ... nebeského povolania

No, niekedy sme si mysleli, že tu ide o človeka, ktorý bol raz osvietený a znovu odpadol, ale Biblia to takto nehovorí. Je absolútne nemožné, aby človek ... on tu hovorí ... ktorý prijal Ducha Svätého, aby niekedy odpadol. Prečítajme to teraz a zistime, či je to tak. Pozrite sa sem, zoberme ten text, celý ten text a to, čo s tým súvisí.

301On tu začína hovoriť ... Čo to je? „Poďme ďalej do dokonalosti!“ On povedal: „Nie telesne, klásť tu základy náuk o krste a reformáciách a tak ďalej. Nerobme to. Poďme ďalej do dokonalosti.“ Tá téma je dokonalosť a dokonalosť prichádza skrze Krista. A ako sa dostaneme do Krista? Tým že sa pripojíme do cirkvi? Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení v jedno telo! Nie skrze jeden jazyk, ktorým sme hovorili, ani skrze jedno potrasenie rúk, ani skrze jeden vodný krst. Ale skrze jedného Ducha sme pokrstení v jedno telo. Rozumiete tomu?

302To je dokonalosť. A keď do toho vojdete, ste v Kristovi a svet je pre vás mŕtvy. A každý deň chodíte s Baránkom a Boh riadi vaše kroky, čo robiť. Ó, sú skúšky a testy cez ktoré prechádzame. Opýtate sa: „Prechádzaš cez skúšky?“ Samozrejme!

303Čo je ... Milosť, to je to, čo pre mňa urobil Boh, skutky, to je to, čo ja robím pre Boha. No, ľudia z toho urobia náuku, oni si myslia, že skutky, to je to, čím si na to zaslúžia. Keby to tak bolo, nebol by to dar daný zadarmo. Milosť to je to, čo Boh urobil pre vás, z milosti ste spasení. A skutky, to je to, čo robíte vy, keď si ceníte milosť, ktorú vám On preukázal. A keď Ho milujete, chcete robiť skutky Pánove. Samozrejme, pretože potom Ho milujete.

304To, že som si zobral Medu Broy za ženu, to bol skutok lásky voči nej. To čo ona robí z vďačnosti: že je milou ženou, zostáva doma, stará sa o deti, vedie dobrý a verný život. To nie preto, že nie sme manželia, my sme manželia. Ale ona to robí lebo je jej to drahé. Keby každý deň behala po meste a po všetkých obchodoch a hore dole po uliciach a nikdy by neumyla riad ani nič, stále sme manželia! Presne tak! Keď som dal svoj sľub, tým to bolo vybavené. Ona je mojou ženou, kým bude v nás život, ona je moja žena. To je jej sľub. Ale čo ona robí, keď je jej to drahé? Zostáva doma, stará sa o deti a snaží sa byť skutočnou ženou.

305Mohol by som odísť a nebyť celý čas doma, tárať sa hore dole po celej krajine a nechať ju vyhladovanú a tak ďalej, nechať deti, že by nemali čo jesť, aj tak sme stále manželia! Aj keby sa so mnou rozviedla, stále sme manželia, pokiaľ je život v mojom tele. Dal som sľub: „Až kým nás smrť nerozdelí.“ Je to tak, stále sme manželia. Ale bol by som zlým príkladom muža. Ona by bola zlým príkladom ženy. Tak keď milujeme jeden druhého, držíme spolu a spoločne nesieme to bremeno.

306Takto je to s Bohom a s jeho cirkvou, keď sa znovuzrodíš do Kráľovstva Božieho. Budeš mať pozdvihnutia a úpadky, skutočne, ale stále si kresťan, stále si narodený z Ducha Božieho! Možno, že Boh ťa bude musieť zobrať skorej zo zeme.

... je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru,

... keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu,

307No, viem o čom teraz myslíte, cirkev. Dovoľte, že vám to poviem trochu ostrejšie, aby tá zákonnícka strana bola vylúčená. Poďme do listu Židom, do 10. kapitoly a pozrime sa za chvíľu na toto.

30810. kapitola, 26. verš.

Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy, nepozostáva už viacej obeti za hriech,

ale akési strašné očakávanie súdu a prudká pálivosť ohňa, ktorý má žrať protivníkov.

Keď niekto pohŕdol zákonom Mojžišovým, bez milosrdenstva zomrie na dvoch alebo na troch svedkov

a o koľko, domnievate sa, prísnejšieho trestu bude uznaný za hodného ten, kto zašliape Syna Božieho a krv zmluvy, ktorou bol posvätený, povážil za obecnú a ... pohrdol skutkami milosti?

309Vy hovoríte: Čo s týmto, brat Branham? Ako to vyzerá?“ Čítaval som to a myslel som si: „Písmo to tak nehovorí.“ Tu sa nehovorí o kresťanovi. Tu sa hovorí o človekovi, ktorý počuje Slovo a odvracia sa od neho. Rozumiete?

Lebo keď hrešíme

... (Čo znamená hrešiť? Neveriť!) ...





, keď nám bolo kázané evanjelium,

nepozostáva viacej obeti za hriech.

310Čo je to hriech? Nevera! Čítajte ev. Jána 4. kapitolu, Ježiš povedal: „Ten kto neverí, už je odsúdený.“ Hriech, to nie je fajčiť, piť, páchať cudzoložstvo. To robíte, pretože ste neveriaci. To sú len prejavy hriechu, robíte to, lebo ste neveriaci. Len prestať fajčiť, prestať piť a ďalšie takéto veci, to neznamená, že ste kresťan. To sú len prejavy obrátenia. Ale môžete robiť aj toto a stále ešte nebyť kresťanom.

311Všimnite si teraz:

... ten kto




, keď ...(nie potom, keď prijal do srdca Krista. Biblia to tak nehovorí.)

312Tam je povedané:

Ten kto...

keď úmyselne hrešíme

(úmyselne neveríme)

po tom


keď sme prijali známosť pravdy,

... (Rozumiete? To vôbec nebolo povedané ohľadne kresťana!)

313Pred nedávnom prišla za mnou jedna žena a povedala: „Brat Branham, som kresťanka, ale som sa rúhala Duchu Svätému.“

314Povedal som: „To je nemožné.“ Kresťan sa nemôže rúhať Duchu Svätému. To nemôžeš urobiť. Duch kresťana nesie svedectvo spolu s Duchom Kristovým. Vidíte? Všetko čo pochádza od Boha budeme nazývať Božím.

315Ale ak telesne rozmýšľate, robíte si žarty a vysmievate sa z Ducha Božieho. Nestarám sa ako veľmi chodíte do zboru, stále ste hriešnikom a rúhate sa Duchu Svätému. Keď ľudia videli Ježiša, ako rozpoznáva ich myšlienky, povedali že je veštec.

316 Ježiš povedal: „Ja vám to odpustím, ale keď príde Duch Svätý a poviete proti Nemu slovo, nikdy vám to nebude odpustené.“ Pretože povedali: „On má nečistého ducha.“ Ducha Božieho nazývali „nečistý duch.“ A to kresťan nedokáže urobiť. Kresťan bude stále nazývať Božieho Ducha „Spravodlivosťou.“

317Vidíte? Kresťan sa nemôže rúhať Duchu Svätému. Rúhajú sa tí, ktorí sú vonku. Tí ľudia tam neboli kresťania. To boli nábožní ľudia, to boli ortodoxní židia, doktori teológie a tak ďalej a oni si robili žarty z Neho a z Jeho skutkov. Na Skutky Božie hovorili, že to robí nečistý duch.

318A čo myslíte, koľkí sa dnes rúhajú Duchu Svätému, ktorí majú pred menami tituly DDD, PhD? Koľkí veľkí, neoblomní ortodoxní, katolíci, protestanti idú po ulici a robia si posmech z pôsobenia Ducha Svätého! Takí uhladení, vzdelaní, hladkí ako gombík. Je to tak, ale robia si posmech z Ducha Svätého a preto sa mu rúhajú. Ale znovuzrodený kresťan to nemôže, on povie: „To je môj brat. To je Duch živého Boha.“ Je to tak. Kresťan sa nemôže rúhať Duchu Svätému.

319To je hriešnik, ktorý sa rúha Duchu Svätému, neveriaci, hriešnik, neveriaci. Sú len dve veci: Buď ste veriaci alebo neveriaci.

320No, všimnite si tu, aby sme to teraz skutočne rozobrali. Mal som videnie, ktoré ma stále trápilo. Pred rokmi som sa na to díval a hovoril som: „Ó, keď raz človek prijal Ducha Svätého a potom by odpadol, naveky bude zatratený.“ Nemohol som to spojiť s týmto ďalším, aby mi to dávalo zmysel.

321Povedal som: „Prečo potom Biblia hovorí, že — ten kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal má večný život (Večný.) a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne a nikto z nich nezahynie a ja ich vzkriesim v posledných dňoch. Nikto ich nemôže vytrhnúť z mojej ruky?“ Ako to môže mať spoločného menovateľa? Nemohol som tomu rozumieť „Je nemožné pre tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení.“ Rozmýšľal som: „Tu niečo nehrá, nemôžem to proste rozumieť.“

322A pred rokmi som išiel na malé letničné zhromaždenie. Teraz už asi nie je tu v zbore nikto, kto by si to pamätal. Pred rokmi, to bolo ešte vtedy keď sa stavala táto modlitebňa ... možno brat Graham sa na to pamätá alebo niekto. Neviem či si tu bol zo začiatku alebo nie. Myslím že tu bol brat Sy, brat Mahoney. Áno, krátko pred tým ako som sa oženil.

323Ten dar fungoval, bál som sa toho. Povedali mi, že je to z diabla. Nevedel som čo to je, až kým mi to nepovedal anjel Pánov.

324Išiel som do Mishawaka a sedel som v tom zhromaždení a nikdy som nepočul ľudí, ktorí by toľko kričali, plakali a chválili Boha. Pomyslel som si: „Brat, toto je nebo.“ A ó, ako oni behali hore dole.

325Museli to mať na severe, kvôli rasovej segregácie. Farební a bieli boli spolu. Tie skupiny P.A. z W a P.H.A.C. sa rozrástli a stali sa z nich „Zjednotení Letniční“. Ale aké mávali prebudenia, tam v zbore brata Rowe v Mishawaka. A ja, taký zvedavý, sedel som tam vzadu a pozoroval som to všetko. Nikdy predtým som niečo také nevidel.

326Tu takto sedel jeden človek ... Ešte nikdy som toto nehovoril verejne. Na jednej strane tam sedel jeden človek a druhý na druhej strane a jeden hovoril v jazykoch a ten druhý to vykladal. A oni hovorili rôzne veci, ktoré sa mali stať. Potom, tento jeden hovoril v jazykoch a ten druhý to vykladal. Pomyslel som si: „Ó, to je úžasné. Aké chválebné. To musia byť anjeli, ktorí prišli na zem v ľudskej podobe.“

327No, mal som len dolár a sedemdesiat päť centov, aby som sa dostal domov, aby som mal za čo natankovať. Tú noc som spal v kukuričnom poli. Časť tej udalosti som opísal v knihe ale nie celú, pretože som nechcel uraziť ich pocity. A tak ten večer oni povedali: „Všetci kazatelia poďte sem hore na pódium.“ Bol som na pódiu, bol som tam vtedy najmladší kazateľ.

328Tak, na druhý deň ráno ma požiadali, aby som tam prišiel a kázal. Skryl som sa. Viete a ten farebný človek povedal: „Tu je!“ Pamätáte sa na ten príbeh o tom, keď ma prezradil, že tam sedím.

329Ten deň, po skončení kázania, chodil som tam a rozmýšľal som: „Keby som sa len mohol stretnúť s tými dvomi ľuďmi!“ Oni viedli to zhromaždenie. Jeden vstal, zbledol do tváre a hovoril v jazykoch. A ten druhý to vykladal a hovoril slová: „Tak hovorí Pán, je tu taký a taký človek, nazýva sa tak a tak, ktorý urobil toto a toto.“ Brat, to bola pravda. A ten druhý vstal a hovoril v jazykoch a tento vykladal.

330Myslel som si: „Ó, či to nie je úžasné!“ Tak, vtedy som rozmýšľal, vyšiel som von a modlil som sa a myslel som si: „Pane, urob to znovu pri mne.“ Nevedel som ako som to mal nazvať (videnie).

331Išiel som von a modlil som sa a poprosil som Pána, aby mi pomohol a išiel som okolo tej budovy a stretol som sa z jedným z nich. Pán mi dáva možnosť ako poznať také veci. Potriasol som si s ním ruku a pozdravil som ho: „Dobrý deň.“

On povedal: „Dobrý deň! Ako sa voláš?“

Povedal som: „Branham.“

„Ó“, povedal, „ty si ten mladý muž, ktorý dnes ráno kázal.“

Povedal som: „Áno.“

332A kým som sa s ním rozprával, zachytil som jeho ducha. A to bol ozajstný kresťan, proste rýdzi kresťan, brat. Pomyslel som si, to je veriaci. Pomyslel som si: „Ó, to je úžasné!“

333A asi za hodinu, tam vonku, neďaleko pri takom veľkom aute na ktorom bol nápis „Jedine Ježiš“ a keď som tam stál, tam bol ten druhý muž. Prišiel som ku nemu a pozdravil som sa: „Dobrý deň.“

334On povedal: „Dobrý deň. Ty si brat Branham, ktorý dnes ráno hovoril.“

335Povedal som: „Áno, to som ja. Viete, radujem sa z tých veľkých darov Božích, ktoré sa prejavujú vo vás dvoch bratoch.“

336On povedal: „Ďakujem, pán Branham.“ A začal som cítiť jeho ducha, prišlo videnie. A ak som sa niekedy rozprával s pokrytcom, toto bol jeden z nich. Jeho žena bola čiernovlasá a on žil s blondínou a mal s ňou dve deti. Nebol to vôbec žiadny kresťan.

337Potom som povedal: „Kde som sa to dostal? Myslel som si, že som medzi anjelmi a teraz sa mi zdá, že som medzi démonmi. Niečo sa stalo! Tu bol jeden, skutočný kresťan. A ten istý Duch, ktorý padá na tohoto človeka, padá aj na tohoto človeka.“ Povedal som: „Teraz som z toho celý popletený.“ A nevedel som čo robiť. Plakal som a prosil som Pána. Nevedel som čo mám prijať.

338Chceli ma presvedčiť ... Keď som tam bol, pýtali sa ma či som prijal Ducha Svätého? Povedal som: „Nie, nie tak ako to vy máte.“

Opýtal sa ma: Hovoril si niekedy v jazykoch?“

Povedal som: „Nie.“

On povedal: „Tak to potom nemáš.“

339Tak som povedal: „Ja ... Možno máš pravdu, môj brat. Možno, že to nemám, pretože nemám to, čo máte vy.“ A za chvíľu som bol rád, že to nemám.

340Tak som to pozoroval a videl som ako to funguje.

341Tak, jedného dňa som sa modlil tu vonku, už je to dávno. Poviem vám prečo ... modlil som sa za Roy Davisa. Bol som tam vonku a modlil som sa, pretože on ma nazval pajác a ja som sa modlil ku Bohu, aby mu to odpustil. A on mal tlačiareň a vydával noviny. A tá tlačiareň sa chytila a zhorela, niekoľko dní potom, keď tam tlačili.

342A tak, stál som tam v tej starej jaskyni za Green Mill. Išiel som tam a modlil som sa, bol som tam dva dni. Položil som si tam Bibliu na starý kmeň, ukazoval som to tam nedávno bratovi Woodovi, položil som si tam Bibliu a sedel som obkročmo na tom kmeni. A zafúkal vietor a pomyslel som si: „Som tu dlho v tejto jaskyni, trochu si počítam.“ Tak som zobral Bibliu a začal som čítať a toto bola tá kapitola, kde to bolo otvorené. No, začal som čítať a potom som sa začal diviť. Vidíte?

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení ... a stali sa účastnými Ducha Svätého,

... ochutnali dobré slovo Božie a ... budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.

343Pomyslel som si: „To je to Písmo.“ Ale niečo pri mne stálo. Potom som si začal myslieť: „Tu prv on tam hovorí a začína: Neklaďte mŕtve základy pokánia (na začiatku). Neklaďte základu pokánia, a tu hovorí, obnoviť zase ku pokániu. Ale poďme do dokonalosti, zanechajúc tieto veci.“ Potom som začal čítať, potom som čítal ten ďalší verš:

Lebo zem, ktorá pije dážď, ktorý často prichádza na ňu a plodí rastlinu, vhodnú tým, pre ktorých sa aj obrába, berie podiel na požehnaní od Boha.

Ale tá, ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodľač, je nesúca a je blízka zlorečenstva, ktorej koniec je, aby bola spálená.

344A keď som to čítal, niečo ma otriaslo. A ja som si pomyslel: „Pane, to sa nejedná o Roy Davisa. Prečo by si to robil?“

345A obrátil som to o stranu ďalej a znovu som sa ku tomu musel vrátiť: „Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení.“

„Prečítaj to ešte raz!“

346Potom som si pomyslel: „Pane, čo toto znamená? Čo tým chceš povedať, Pane?“

347Obrátil som sa a išiel som naspäť do svojej jaskyne, aby som sa za to modlil. Keď som sa prestal modliť, videl som ako sa otáča zemeguľa. Celá bola pekne zoraná, celý svet. A videl som muža v bielom, ako išiel po nej a v ruke mal tašku. Ako po nej prechádzal, sial semeno a potom zašiel za horizont. A len čo zašiel za horizont, prišiel niekto v skutočne čiernom rúchu, vyzeral ako podvodník, takto sa zakrádal a obzeral sa. A mal semeno a rozhadzoval ho za tamtým, keď prechádzal po zemi. Každého pozoroval a rozhadzoval ho. Stál som a díval som sa na to videnie.

348Keď odišiel, svet sa obracal a bola na nej veľká úroda, bola to pšenica a medzi pšenicou bol tiež kúkoľ, bodliaky.

349Prišlo sucho. Ó, ako tá pšenička sklonila svoju hlavičku a túžila po vode. Kúkoľ sklonil svoju hlavičku a túžil po vode. Všetci sa modlili za dážď. Po nejakom čase prišiel veľký mrak a zavlažil celú zem a kúkoľ podskočil a začal kričať: „Chvála Bohu! Haleluja! Sláva Pánovi!“

350A pšenička podskočila a začala kričať: „Sláva Bohu! Chvála Pánovi!“

351A potom prišlo ku mne Písmo, ktoré sa nachádza v ev. Matúša v 5. kapitole a v 45. verši. A počúvajte čo povedal Ježiš v ev. Matúša 5:45. Dobre teraz počúvajte, keď to budeme čítať. Matúš, 5. kapitola a 45. a 46. verš. Začneme od 44.

Ale ja vám hovorím: Milujte svojich nepriateľov; dobrorečte tým, ktorí vás preklínajú; čiňte dobre tým, ktorí vás nenávidia a modlite sa za tých, ktorí vás potupujú a prenasledujú,

aby ste boli deťmi svojho Otca, ktorý je v nebesiach lebo svojmu slncu velí vychádzať na zlých aj na dobrých a dáva dážď na spravodlivých aj na nespravodlivých.

352Tak, vidíte, ten istý dážď, ktorý dáva rast pšenici, dáva rast aj kúkoľu. A tak som tomu porozumel. Tu máte telesného vyznávača, ktorý sa nachádza rovno v zbore ale jeho ovocie ... On môže vykrikovať, vyskakovať, tancovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, ale jeho ovocie: on je kúkoľ. A je druhý, ktorý má toho istého Ducha, Duch Svätý môže padať rovno na skupinu ľudí a pokrytec môže vykrikovať pod vplyvom Ducha Svätého, tak isto ako kúkoľ môže žiť z toho dažďa, ktorý je poslaný. To je to, o čom tu Pavel hovorí. Ale je nemožné, aby sa kúkoľ stal pšenicou alebo pšenica kúkoľom! Rozumiete tomu?

Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a stali sa účastníkmi daru Ducha Svätého

a ochutnali dobré Slovo Božie a moc budúceho veku,

keby odpadli, aby sa znovu obnovili.

(Počúvajte čo on povedal!)

Lebo dážď, ktorý často prichádza na zem,

aby ju zavlažil a upravil a pripravil

ale tá ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodliaky je blízka zlorečenstva.

A tak zanechajme počiatky učenia o Kristu a nesme sa k dokonalosti, neklaďme zase základy pokánia a mŕtve skutky a vieru v Boha

(a tak ďalej)

a učenia o krstoch, vskladaní rúk

(a podobné.)

353Vidíte? Telesní veriaci, tam v tých časoch, tak ako je to aj dnes, oni radi hovoria: „Patrím do zboru. Činil som pokánie. Prišiel som, urobil som vyznanie. Bol som pokrstený“ Vidíte? Oni spočívajú na týchto telesných reformáciách. A čo to robí? To produkuje kúkoľ!

354Čo robí dokonalosť? To je pšenica! Pšenica je Božie Slovo. On ju používa ako svoje Slovo. To je semeno. Ono rodí ovocie.

355To záleží od toho, aké semeno je zasiate vo vašom srdci. Ak chodíte do zboru len preto, že sa bojíte pekla, ak ste sa pripojili ku cirkvi, pretože nechcete - nechcete ísť do pekla, stále ste kúkoľ. Ak - ak ste sa pripojili ku cirkvi len, aby ste boli populárni, stále ste kúkoľ. Ak robíte všetky tieto formálne veci, ktoré sa majú robiť a to je všetko čo máte, stále ste kúkoľ.

256Ale skutočný, ozajstný kresťan sa tlačí do dokonalosti, až je svet pre neho mŕtvy a vy sa stanete novým stvorením v Kristovi Ježišovi. Potom, to je nemožné, aby takýto človek niekedy odpadol. To je to čo hovorí Biblia. Vidíte ako sa to zhoduje s ostatnými miestami Písma? Vidíte ako to prichádza presne na svoje miesto?

357Ako tu môže byť povedané: „Ten, kto je raz spasený, nikdy nemôže zahynúť“ a prejdete sem a tu je povedané: „Ale ak ste stratení alebo ak ste sa rúhali, je nemožné ...“ Samozrejme, ak si rúhač, nie si kresťan.

358„Nikto hovoriac v Duchu Božom nezlorečí Ježišovi anatema.“ List Jána 4 ... 1. List Jána 4. Nikto hovoriac v Duchu Kristovom nenazýva Ježiša prekliatym. Každý duch, z Boha, ktorý je v kresťanskej cirkvi, súhlasí so všetkým čo Boh hovorí.

359Čítame tu a hovoríme: „On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. Jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.“

360Stará telesná myseľ hovorí: Dni zázrakov pominuli. Ja som Dr. Jones!“ Vidíte? „Neexistuje žiadne Božské uzdravovanie. Žiadne náboženstvo, ktoré sa cíti srdcom. Len ste sa vzrušili. Ste emocionálni. To je všetko. Nič na tom nie je. My sme presbyteriáni. My sme luteráni.“ Alebo čokoľvek. „My vieme kde stojíme.“

361Ale čo hovorí Duch Boží? Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera ... „AMEN!“ hovorí Duch Boží. On hneď súhlasí so Slovom. Tak veru. To je hneď tam. Rozumiete čo chcem teraz povedať?

362„Tieto telesné reformácie spôsobujú smrť,“ povedal Pavel.

363Ale tam, kde prichádza život, táto dokonalosť, „Ten kto čuje moje slová a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný život a nepríde na súd ale prešiel zo smrti do života. Ja mu dám večný život a vzkriesim ho v posledných dňoch. Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu ku mne a nikto z nich nezahynie.“ Nemôže!

364Tak, toto je to, čo to robí. Čo to robí .... Ľudia si myslia, že to vedie ľudí do rozpustilosti. Brat, Bohu neslúžiš ako pri zamračenom hadovi. Boh nie je z tých, ktorí majú dlhý bič a stále vás preháňajú. On je Otec. On je Láska. Boh je Láska. A Biblia hovorí v Liste Jána: „Kto miluje je z Boha.“

365Vy milujete Boha. Nebol by som ... Keby som dnes večer niekde išiel a pil by som ... Nikdy v živote som nepil. Ale keby som niekde išiel a pil by som ... Nebojím sa, že dostanem výprask. To nie je dôvod, že nechodím ... že to nerobím. Dôvod, že také niečo nerobím, je ten, že Ho milujem. On miluje mňa. To nie sú skutky zákona, to nie je niečo, čo ja musím robiť, to je niečo, čo On už za mňa urobil a ja Ho milujem. To je ono.

366Tak keď máme v sebe toho Ducha, ktorý je zasľúbený: „Ja mu dám večný život a oni nikdy nezahynú.“ Či On klamal alebo hovoril pravdu? On povedal pravdu! Tak vidíte aký toto dáva výklad? Je nemožné, aby človek odpadol, keď už bol raz v milosti. Nemôže! On môže upadnúť, samozrejme, ale nie naspäť do pokánia, naspäť na to miesto, aby znovu robil tie staré skutky.

367Tak, všetci beháte od jednej evanjelizácie ku druhej, z jedného miesta na druhé. Nevidíte, že nie ste stáli, že nie ste pevne založení? A skutočne ... Vy poviete: „Brat Branham, neviem či ...“ Skutočne, Boh by mi nedal službu, ktorú mi dal, a nechal by ma v blude. A keby to nebolo potvrdené Písmom, potom by to bol blud, ale tu je Písmo, ktoré za tým stojí.

368Cirkev nikdy nemala byť miestom ... Ľudia idú a pripájajú sa do zboru, hádajú sa, bijú sa, robia rozruch a všetko možné a proste si žijú každým druhom telesného života. „Ó, áno, ja som kresťan.“

369Počul som dnes vyznanie jednej pani, ktorá mi povedala, že jej muž behá s nejakým mužom. Prichytila ich na veľa miestach a tá žena povedala: „Chcem, aby ste vedeli, že som kresťanka.“

370Pozrite sa sem na Jimmy Osborna. V nedeľu ráno káže a cez týždeň hrá boogie-woogie a rock and roll a všetko možné.

371Pozrite sa na Elvisa Presleyho, Judáš Iškariotský vo verzii 1947. Pripája sa ku Assemblies of God (Zbory Božie), letničným, hovorí v jazykoch skrze Ducha Svätého a poslal do pekelného súženia viacej duší než všetky pálenice, ktoré existovali za posledných päťdesiat rokov. Prevrátil rozum mladých dospievajúcich detí po celom svete, že až mladé dievčence si vyzliekali spodné prádlo a hádzali to na pódium a on sa im na to podpisoval. Taký vulgárny, že v televízii ho nechceli ukazovať od pása dole, kvôli jeho ... telu. (Duch Svätý, hovorenie v jazykoch ako dôkaz.) Ó brat, keby tam bol Duch Svätý, On by sa tak nesprával. To by ste už mali vedieť! Nie veru. Boh miluje čistotu, nepoškvrnenosť a svätosť.

372Nesprávam sa čisto a nepoškvrnene a sväto, aby som zo seba urobil kresťana, ale to je Kristus vo mne, ktorý tak vo mne žije. A ja Ho milujem. A keby som urobil niečo zle, to ma hneď tam odsudzuje, hneď na mieste hovorím: „Bože odpusť mi.“ Každý deň musím prosiť o odpustenie. Každý deň to ... a vy to tiež robíte. Samozrejme to robíte.

373Ale teraz, ak ste telesní, brodíte sa len vzadu a hovoríte: „Ach, dobre, to je úplne v poriadku, ja patrím do zboru.“ Vidíte? A potom keď sa rúhate, to je vtedy keď nemáte vieru, ktorá raz bola svätým darovaná. Potom si z toho robíte žarty a nazývate to „nečistý duch.“ Hovoríte: „To je banda fanatikov.“ Potom sa oddeľujete medzi milosťou a súdom, potom je s vami naveky koniec.

374Ježiš povedal: „Jedno slovo proti tomu, nikdy nebude odpustené v tomto svete ani v budúcom.“ A kresťan, narodený z Ducha nemôže o Tom povedať zle, pretože to sa nedá, to s Tým súhlasí. Je to tak.

375Preto sa mi ľudia snažia povedať, že tam ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý sa tu zjavil pri nás, oni chcú povedať, že „to bol diabol,“ že „to bola len predstava,“ a všetko takéto. Ale fotoaparát dokázal, že to tak nie je. A tie skutky ležia úplne presne v Biblii. Ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý stretol Pavla na ceste do Damašku, všetko toto čo On tam vtedy robil, On to robí presne tak isto, podľa Biblie. On je Kristus, Syn Boží!

376A keď sme znovuzrodení, máme večný život a nemôžeme zahynúť. A bolo by nemožné, aby taký človek odpadol. To hovorí Biblia.

377No, počúvajte, dávajte pozor čo hovorí Pavel. Prečítam z toho to ostatné a budete vidieť, či to teraz neznie správne. No poďme ďalej, ešte chvíľu. 8. verš:

Ale tá, ktorá rodí tŕnie a bodľač, je nesúca a je blízka zlorečenstva, ktorej koniec je, aby bola spálená.

(To sa jedná o neveriaceho.)

No pozorujte Pavla:

Ale milovaní, ...

378On hovorí o tých, ktorí sa snažia vrátiť naspäť pod zákon, viete, snažia sa robiť všetky tie skutky zákona. Tak veru, zachovávajú všetky tie obrady ako len môžu, krsty, vskladanie rúk a všetky tieto veci.

Ale sme presvedčení o vás, milovaní, lepšie veci ...

(Tu to máte, počúvajte ho teraz)

... a ktoré idú so spasením, i keď tak hovoríme.

Lebo Boh nie je nespravodlivý, aby zabudol na vaše dielo a na trudnú prácu vašej lásky, ktorú ste dokázali oproti jeho menu, keď ste slúžili svätým a ešte vždy slúžite.

379Vidíte o čom on hovorí? On nehovorí o odpadnutí kresťana a o tom, že je nemožné, aby sa navrátil. On hovorí o telesných veriacich, ktorí prechádzajú cez reformačnú formu. Ale on povedal: „Pre vás, ktorí ste sa znovuzrodili, vy ktorí ste milovaní kresťania, o vás sme presvedčení lepšie veci. Vy nežijete takým druhom života. Vy ste bezpeční s Kristom.“ Čo on práve tu povedal? Poďme teraz znovu do 10. kapitoly Listu Židom, kde sme boli dnes ráno.

380A potom si znovu otvorme list Efežanom 4:30. A zoberme toto za chvíľu a dávajme pozor čo toto hovorí, aby sme to podložili a aby jedno miesto Písma súhlasilo s druhým. Efežanom 4. Pozrime sa, Efežanom 4:30. Čítajme a budeme vidieť, čo je tam povedané. Počúvajte:

... nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho

... (Ó? Ako sme pokrstení do toho Tela? Jedným Duchom!)


nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.

Je to tak? Vy ste zapečatení do Tela Kristovho skrze krst Duchom Svätým, nie od jedného prebudenia ku druhému, ale až do dňa vykúpenia tela. Tak je to s vami.

381Tak nie je žiadna možnosť, aby ste zahynuli. Vy ste sa vystrašili; a to je dôvod preľaknutia, preľaknutie ... strach ide s pochybnosťou. Láska ide s vierou. Ja milujem svojho Otca. Nie som z Neho vyľakaný, pretože Ho milujem. On mi neublíži, On mi urobí dobre. Keby som mal z Neho strach a „Ó, neviem či to On urobí alebo nie.“

382Vidíte? Ale keď ho milujem: „Áno, Otče, milujem Ťa. A viem, že Ty si môj Otec a že ma miluješ a ja sa nebojím, že by si nedodržal svoje Slovo. To je Tvoje zasľúbenie pre mňa.“ Takto reaguje Duch Boží.

383„Ale, ó, keď som urobil toto, keď som urobil tamto.“ Vidíte? Tu znovu prechádzate na stranu zákonníctva. Nikdy nechoďte na stranu zákonníctva, to je negatívne. Vy potrebujete pozitívnu stranu.

384To je už dokončené dielo. Kristus zomrel a hriech bol zabitý, keď On zomrel. A keď ťa Boh predurčil do večného života, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku mne.“ Tu to máte, nemôžeš zahynúť. Naveky si bezpečný. „Lebo skrze jedného Ducha, sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela a skrze jednu obeť nás navždy zdokonalil.“ Tu to máte. Neexistuje spôsob, aby sme zahynuli. Presne tak! No, necítite sa pri tom dobre?

385No, ako vieš, že si kresťan? Keď tvoj duch spolu svedčí s Jeho Duchom, keď je v tvojom srdci láska Božia, keď máš lásku, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, dobrotu, trpezlivosť, dobrotivosť, krotkosť. Vtedy si bol ... ovocie Ducha nasleduje tvoj život.

386Nie preto, že môžeš tancovať v Duchu, ó, podľa tohoto moderného rytmu, rámusu na piane podľa množstva tohoto tancovania v Duchu. Tie veci sú v poriadku ale oni to všetko preniesli na tú zákonnícku stranu. Vidíte? A tak oni nechali Ducha Božieho za sebou.

387To je dôvod, keď sa Boh začal prejavovať, oni povedali: „Nezmysel! My s tým nechceme mať nič spoločného.“ Oni nepoznajú Boha. Oni To nikdy nevideli. Oni Tomu nemôžu rozumieť, pretože je v nich iný život. On nevie ... kúkoľ nevie čo robí pšenica. On má inakší život.

388Takto je to s kresťanom, keď ho porovnáme s telesným veriacim, vyznávačom, ktorý vyšiel a vyznal: „Ó, áno, ja som kresťan.“A v ústach má veľkú cigaretu. To vyzerá ako Texaský vôl bez rohov.

389Žena v šortkách a hovorí: „Ó, áno, ja som členkou cirkev. Skutočne, som.“ Tvoje ovocie dokazuje, že nie si nič, len telesný človek! Je to tak. Určite, je to tak. Je len jedno, čo ti to dovoľuje: to je buď duševná vada alebo je na tebe duch nečistej žiadosti. Je to tak.

390Ak sa chceš správať ako svet, Biblia hovorí: „Keď miluješ svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je v tebe láska Božia.“ Tak tu to máš.

391No, vy hovoríte: „Ó, Biblia hovorí, že to musím robiť.“ Nie, to nie je to. Stoj tu, až kým Kristus niečo pre teba neurobí, aby to z teba odstránil. Potom si narodený z Ducha Božieho. Nie to čo ty robíš, to je to, čo On urobil pre teba. Kým nedostaneš lásku, ktorá svedčí, že si prešiel zo smrti do života. A potom pozoruj svoj život, či to ide spolu s tým. Nie preto, že ty sa snažíš tak žiť, ale preto, že Boh ťa privádza do poddanosti jeho Duchu. To nie ty vedieš seba na Božiu cestu, to Boh ťa vedie po svojej ceste. Nie ty sa vedieš ale Boh ťa vedie.

392No pozorujte teraz toto, keď už prichádzame ku koncu, 11. verš.

A želáme si, aby jeden každý z vás preukazoval tú istú vytrvalosť na plnosť nádeje dokonca,

aby ste nezleniveli, ale aby ste nasledovali tých, ktorí vierou a zhovievavosťou dedia zasľúbenia.

393No, ešte tu jednu poznámku:

Lebo keď dával Boh Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, keďže nemal na koho iného väčšieho prisahať, prisahal sám na seba

a povedal: Požehnám, áno, požehnám ťa a veľmi ťa rozmnožím.

(keď Boh stretol Abraháma.)

394No, Abrahám dostal zmluvu bez akýchkoľvek zásluh. Zmluva, ktorá bola uzavretá s Abrahámom, to všetko bola úplná milosť! Abrahám nebol lepší človek, on nebol posvätný človek, bol to len obyčajný človek. A Boh, skrze predzvedenie, vybral Abraháma, pretože Boh ho vyvolil. Nie preto, že to Abrahám chcel, nie preto, že Abrahám urobil toto, nie preto, že bol dobrý človek, pretože on nemal vôbec žiadne zásluhy, ale to bol Boží výber! Boh zobral Abraháma.

395Dnes, ako som povedal svoj názor: „My si vyberáme kazateľov. Ideme a vravíme: Dobre, jeden diakon skončil so svojou funkciou. Nájdime najlepšieho v tejto sále, ktorý by sa postavil na jeho miesto. Dobre, pastor skončil s funkciou, nájdime, zoberieme toho najlepšieho ...“ Niekedy to nie je správne.

396Keď oni vybrali človeka, aby zaujal Judášove miesto, vybrali nesprávneho. Mali džentlmena, Mateja, veľkého učeného v Písme, vzdelaného, diplomata. Povedali: „On bude presne pasovať na to miesto. Chlapče, on vyzerá na skutočného muža.“ Ale to nebol Boží výber. Vybrali toho človeka a on nič pre Boha neurobil.

397Ale Boh vybral malého temperamentného žida s krivým nosom, ktorý tam išiel a v tvári mal ... „Pôjdem tam a pozatváram ich!“

398Boh povedal: „Niečo v ňom vidím. Použijem ho.“

399A Boží Duch zastal pred ním, tam to veľké Svetlo a on povedal: „Kto si, Pane?“

400Povedal: „Ja som Ježiš. No, tvrdo ti bude proti ostňu sa vzpečovať. Prečo Ma prenasleduješ?“ Takto. A Boh vybral toho muža a urobil ho jedným z najväčších ľudí, ktorí kedy chodili po tváre zeme od čias Ježiša Krista. To bol Boží výber.

401Dnes sa snažíme niečo vybrať. Cirkvi, vy posielate tohoto človeka sem a tohoto sem. To sa tak nemá robiť. Tým riadi Boh. Boh je vo všetkom, cez všetko, ponad všetko. Nejde o to, čo hovorí nejaký dokument alebo nejaká cirkev, ale záleží na tom, čo o tom hovorí Boh.

402Všimnite si! Boh dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie, bez podmienok. A teraz, počkajte. Abrahám nemusel nič urobiť. Boh povedal: „Ja som to už urobil.“

403Boh dal zasľúbenie Adamovi, povedal: „Adam, ak sa nebudeš tohoto dotýkať, budeš žiť naveky. Ale ten deň, ktorého by si z toho jedol, ten deň zomrieš.“

404Adam povedal: „Jednako som zvedavý, čo na tom všetkom je?“ On tam išiel a jedol z toho, skúsil to.

405Stále keď Boh uzavrel ... keď človek uzavrel s Bohom zmluvu, alebo Boh s človekom, človek nedodržal svoju časť. Tak Boh musel niečo urobiť, pretože videl aký je človek. A oni boli predurčení, boli vybraní a Boh musel niečo urobiť. Tak Boh prišiel dole a uzavrel svoju zmluvu s Abrahámom bez podmienok. Keby ona nebola uzavrená bez podmienok, Abrahám by bol dávno stratený ...

406Pozrite sa na neho, keď táboril tam v Gerar, odpadol, klamal. A dáva svoju ženu inému mužovi, aby si zachránil kožu. Čo je to za človeka! Táborí tam vonku a odpadol ... Boh mu povedal: „Neodchádzaj z tadeto. Zostaň tu.“ Vyhnal ho hlad. Putoval dole, kde sa dalo ľahšie žiť. Viete čo sa stalo jednému človekovi, keď si vybral ľahšiu cestu.

407Odišiel odtiaľ, tam dole kde bola zelenšia tráva. A keď tam prišiel, povedal tomu kráľovi, že jeho žena je jeho sestra, aby si zachránil vlastnú kožu. No, to bolo klamstvo. A každý muž, ktorý by zobral svoju ženu a dal ju inému, aby si zachránil kožu ... Tu ho máte, sedí si tam v malom stane, odpadlík, klame, úplne pomimo svojho ... úplne odrezaný od zasľúbenia a od všetkého, ale stále bol Božím prorokom.

408A tam bol Abimelech, to bol dobrý, svätý muž. Skutočne, je povedané, že sa každý večer modlil. Našiel túto starenku, storočnú, ako tam ide krásna a znovu mladá. On povedal: „To je dievča na ktoré čakám, hneď sa s ňou ožením.“

409Abrahám povedal: „Môžeš ju mať, ona je moja sestra. Ona ...“

„To je môj brat.“

410Tak on ju tam zobral a kázal, aby ju ženy celú okúpali a obliekli do krásnych šiat a vystrojili ako princeznú. Odriekol svoju modlitbu a vystrel sa na posteli, obrátil sa nabok a povedal: „Zajtra sa ožením s tým prekrásnym hebrejským dievčaťom, so sestrou tam toho chlapca. Ó, to bude nádherné. Ó Pane, Ty vieš ako Ťa milujem. Áno, to bude nádherné.“

411A Boh povedal: „Zomrieš!“

412Prečo? Abrahám sedel tam vonku, klamal, odpadol. A tu bol tento muž, taký čestný a spravodlivý ... priamy muž. „Prečo?“ povedal, „Pane, poznáš bezúhonnosť môjho srdca. Či mi on nepovedal, že to je jeho sestra?“

413Povedal: „Poznám bezúhonnosť tvojho srdca. Preto ťa chránim, aby si voči Mne nezhrešil. Je to tak. Poznám bezúhonnosť tvojho srdca, ale jej muž je Môj prorok.“ Haleluja! Ó, ak toto nie je milosť, tak čo to je? „Odpadlík, hovorí klamstvo a sedí tam vonku, ale stále je to Môj prorok! Zober obeť a choď ku nemu a vráť mu jeho ženu, lebo inak zomrieš. Nevypočujem viacej tvoju modlitbu, nech sa on za teba modlí.“ Amen! Tu to máte. „To je Môj prorok!“

414No, poviete: „Ó, prajem si byť Abrahámom.“ Keď sme mŕtvi v Kristovi, sme Abrahámovým Semenom a sme dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia. Je to tak. To je to čo hovorí Biblia. Chceli by ste si to prečítať? Aha, Biblia hovorí, že to zasľúbenie nebolo len pre Abraháma a jeho semená. Ako vy ... Abrahám mal mnoho semien, skutočne, mnoho detí. Izmael bol jeho dieťa. On mal sedem alebo osem detí potom, keď zomrela Sárah, s inou ženou, s Keturou. Ale pozrite sa, to bolo zasľúbené semeno, ktorým bol Izák a skrze Izáka prišiel Kristus, skrze Krista sme prišli my. To zasľúbenie nekladie podmienky!

415No, čo s Abrahámom? Aha, bol by s ním koniec, bolo by nemožné, aby sa znovu navrátil. Skutočne. Pre Saula by bolo nemožné, aby sa ešte znovu navrátil, keby ste to Písmo museli takto čítať. Vidíte? Ale to tak nebolo! Božie zasľúbenie trvá naveky!

416Čítajme tu ešte chvíľu. Chcem vám toto prečítať. Chcem, aby ste si otvorili Galaťanom 3:16 a čítajme toto a dívajte sa teraz, aké je to zasľúbenie a dívajte sa či - či sme Jeho zasľúbením alebo nie; 3/16. Počúvajte tu! Dobre, budem čítať tiež 15. verš.

Bratia po ľudsky hovorím: Už uprávoplatnenej zmluvy človeka nikto neruší alebo ani k nej nepridáva ničoho.

A zasľúbenia boli povedané Abrahámovi a jeho semenu

... (semenu - jednotné číslo ... zasľúbenia boli dané Abrahámovi a jeho semenu. Dávajte teraz pozor!)

Nehovorí: I semenám,

(množné číslo)

ako keby ich bolo mnoho, ale hovorí ako o jednom: I tvojmu semenu, ktorým je Kristus.

417Potom Kristus bol Abrahámovým Semenom a keď sme mŕtvi v Kristovi a sme pokrstení do jeho tela, sme Abrahámovým Semenom a sme dedičmi zasľúbenia. Potom ako je to ... Ako môžete ešte odpadnúť, keď vám Boh dal zasľúbenie? Ako by ste mohli kedy odpadnúť a odísť preč, že by ste museli ísť za to do pekla?

418Teraz poviete: „Dobre, nemôžeme odpadnúť?“ Samozrejme! A keď odpadnete, dostanete za to priúčku, nebojte sa. Abrahám ju dostal, aj tí ostatní ju dostali, aj vy ju dostanete. Nemyslite si, že vám to dáva právo hrešiť; to nie. Budete platiť za všetko čo urobíte. Budete žať to čo sejete. Urobíte jeden malý hriech a budete žať plné koryto. Je to tak. Ale, brat, to neznamená, že si zatratený. Je to presne tak. Abrahám žal presne to čo sial. Je to tak. Ale stále bol spasený.

419Zmluva, ktorú Boh uzavrel s Izraelom: oni stratili svoje dedičstvo, oni stratili zasľúbenú zem a odišli dole do Egypta ale nestratili svoju zmluvu. Boh povedal: „Budem pamätať na svoju zmluvu s Abrahámom. Budem pamätať na ňu a prídem dole a vyslobodím svoj ľud. Mojžiš choď tam a povedz faraónovi, že som povedal: „Vypusti Môj ľud.“ Pamätám, že som uzavrel zmluvu s Abrahámom a s jeho semenom.“

420To isté je s nami. Tak keď ste mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Bohu, skrze Krista, nie je nič na svete, čo by sa vás mohlo dotknúť. No, môžete ísť a urobiť zle, ale keď ste skutočne, opravdu dieťa Božie a vidíte, že ste urobili chybu, povstanete a znovu sa snažíte. Je to tak a nebudete tam ležať.

421Ale ak ste zbabelí, ak ste kúkoľ, ak nie je pre vás „povstanie“ budete vravieť: „Ó, dobre, aj tak na tom nič nebolo.“

422Kráľovstvo Božie je podobné človekovi, ktorý zobral sieť a išiel na more a hodil sieť. Keď ju vytiahol mal korytnačky, žaby, hady, jašterice, hviezdice a ryby. Tak sa to deje pri kázaní evanjelia.

423Napríklad Pán povie nejakému kazateľovi, ako bratovi Grahamovi, ktorý tu bude: „Choď tam na ten roh a káž tam chvíľu, brat Graham.“ Dobre, on berie svoju sieť a ide tam a začína spievať.

„Kde ideš, brat Bill?“

„Idem niekde inde a hodím sieť na tomto rohu.“

424Ťahám: „Tu sú, Pane, Ty vieš čo sú to.“ Znovu ťahám sieť: „Dobre, tu sú Pane.“

425No, korytnačka bola od začiatku korytnačkou. Ona sa len chytila do siete. Je to tak. A takto sa ľudia chytajú v emóciách: „Ó, Haleluja! Haleluja! Chvála Pánovi! Sláva Bohu! Haleluja!“ Oni sa len chytili do siete, to je všetko.

426Ak je v nich ten starý korytnačí duch, nebude to dlho trvať a povedia: „Dobre, poviem vám ...“ A odchádza, plazí sa naspäť.

427A stará pani raková povie: „Ale ja to nemôžem rozumieť.“ Vidíte?

428Pani hviezdica tam chvíľu posedí a čľap, čľap, čľap rovno naspäť „No, aj tak na tom nič nebolo.“

429Pani Hadová povie: „Ó, to je banda fanatikov. To je všetko čo je na tom. Pôjdem tam kde majú viacej rozumu.“ Aha, ty si od začiatku had. Len ťa chytila sieť evanjelia, to je všetko.

430Ale ryba je zobratá na Majstrov stôl. Ona bola ryba od začiatku, jeho semeno bolo ryba. On začal ako ryba a Boh poznal svoju rybu od založenia sveta. Haleluja!

431Pamätajte, oni všetky tam dýchajú tú istú mútnu vodu. Oni všetci dýchajú z toho istého potoka. Je to tak. Všetci sme pili z tej istej duchovnej Skaly. Všetci jedli mannu na púšti. Kálef a Józue jedli tú istú mannu, ktorú jedli aj tí ostatní a oni všetci popadali na púšti. Ale dvaja boli vyvolení, aby tam prešli a oni tam prešli. Je to tak.

432Všetci sme boli postavení, aby sme pili z toho istého žriedla. Ale nie všetci, ktorí pijú sú spasení. Všetci spolu sme kričali, všetci spolu sme sa radovali, ale ten vyvolený je spasený. Všimli ste si, tam je povedané: Dva duchy, v posledných dňoch budú tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné?“ Keby to bolo možné! Vidíte? To je skutočný Duch Boží, vyvolený do večného života.

433Končíme. Brat Neville potom začne tu od tohoto miesta, kde ja skončím. Dobre:

Ale to hovorím: Zmluvy, predtým uprávoplatnenej Bohom, vzťahujúcej sa na Krista, nezneplatňuje zákon, vzniknuvší po štyristo aj tridsiatich rokoch, tak aby zrušil zasľúbenie.

(To je zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal Abrahámovi, ešte skorej ako začal existovať zákon)

Lebo ak je dedičstvo zo zákona, potom už nie viacej zo zasľúbenia. No, Abrahámovi daroval Boh z milosti skrze zasľúbenie.

Nie skrze niečo, čo by ste vy mali robiť, ani skrze nejaký zákon, nie cez nejaký zákon vašej cirkvi, skrze pripojenie sa do cirkvi, ani cez žiadny iný zákon. To je výlučne skutok milosti Božej voči vám. Tu to máte.

434Dávajte pozor:

Tak čo tedy zákon? Bol pridaný pre prestúpenia, dokiaľ by neprišlo semä, ktorému bolo dané zasľúbenie

... (Či to nie je také jasné ako nos na mojej tvári? On bol pridaný, aby slúžil až kým nepríde Semä, ktorým bol Kristus, ktorému boli dané zasľúbenia)

...a bol nariadený skrze anjelov, rukou prostredníka.

A prostredník nie je prostredníkom jedného, ale Boj je jeden.

435No, na tom mieste tu končím, na budúcu stredu brat Neville začne od tohoto miesta.

436Rozumiete čo sme hovorili? Že je úplne nemožné, aby znovuzrodený kresťan ... (Nemyslím teraz takého, ktorý o sebe iba hovorí, že je znovuzrodený. Myslím skutočného znovuzrodeného kresťana) ... aby niekedy vypadol z milosti. On to nemôže. On môže upadnúť, je to pravda, ale nikdy sa nemôže odlúčiť od milosti. Abrahám vypadol z milosti, skutočne. Boh mu povedal, aby tam zostal a on z tade odišiel, ale nikdy nestratil svoju zmluvu. On bol stále Božím vybraným. Bol prorokom Božím, hoci tam sedel. Stále ním bol. On stále bude patriť Bohu.

437No, všimnite si, Biblia hovorí, že „celý Izrael bude spasený.“ Koľkí to viete? Biblia hovorí: „Celý Izrael bude spasený.“ No, Izrael, to nie je Izrael podľa tela, ale Izrael podľa Ducha, lebo „Dary a povolania sú bez odvolania.“ Či nehovorí tak Biblia? Hneď ten ďalší verš, Galaťanom. Dobre, celý Izrael bude spasený. Každý jeden z nich je spasený. Ako sa staneme Izraelom? Tým, že sme mŕtvi v Kristovi, berieme na seba Abrahámove Semeno a sme dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia.

438Pavel povedal: „Nie ten je Židom, kto je ním navonok, ale kto je ním vnútorne, ten je Židom.“ (Ten zasľúbený) A my sme Abrahámove Semeno na základe zasľúbenia skrze Krista, keď Ho prijímame ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa.

439Ó, dúfam že to vidíte. Dúfam, že to rozumiete. (Keď budete môcť pri tom chvíľu zostať ...) Končíme to tu, potom začneme o Melchisedechovi, ktorý to znovu vedie do tohoto. Preskočíme teraz do ... Ó, To je len ... všetko je to nádherné. Ale stále sa dostávame ku týmto najlepším veciam.

440No, vidíte, ak zoberiete toto tu, to vyzerá ako, keby ste to mohli len pozorne čítať ... Ako mi raz povedal jeden skutočne tuhý trojičiar, ktorý verí, že sú traja Bohovia, povedal, že „ev. Matúša 3 úplne jasne ukazuje, že sú traja, tri jednotlivé osoby v Božstve.“

441Povedal som: „Musel by som to vidieť.“

442On povedal: „Pozri sa!“ Stál vpravo pri tejto kazateľni, povedal: „Pozri sa sem, Matúš 3. Keď Ježiš vyšiel z vody, hľa, otvorili sa mu nebesia. A On videl Ducha Svätého ako holubicu. A Hlas z neba povedal: „Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo. A tam boli traja: Syn na brehu, Duch Svätý pomedzi a Otec hore nad tým.“

Povedal som: „Brat, Písmo tak nehovorí.“

„Ale áno, hovorí.“

Povedal som: „No, čítaj to znovu a uvidíš či je to tak.“

443Tu je jeho predstava: tu je Boh Syn, tu je Boh Otec, tu je Boh Duch Svätý, ako holubica. No dávajte pozor! Biblia povedala, že keď bol Ježiš pokrstený: „Syn vyšiel z vody, hľa, otvorili sa nad Ním nebesia a Hlas prehovoril ... On videl Ducha Božieho, Ducha Božieho ako holubicu.“ Nie ďalšiu osobu tam hore, ale tento Duch Boží bol holubicou (ktorá bola nad Ním). A Hlas prichádza a hovorí: Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.“ Čítajte Matúša 3 a budete vidieť, či to tam tak nie je. Vidíte? Nie tri osoby, vôbec nie.

444A tak je to ... Toto miesto tu nehovorí, že je nemožné, aby sa ešte niekedy človek navrátil, keď odpadne. To tu nie je povedané. To tu nie je povedané. Tu je povedané: „Je nemožné, aby človek prišiel naspäť, aby sa obnovil, potom, keď už tam raz bol.“ On to nemôže urobiť.

445Biblia hovorí: „Ten, kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší, lebo ani nemôže hrešiť. Lebo semeno Božie zostáva v ňom a on nemôže hrešiť.“ Ako môžem byť pokladaný za hriešnika, keď tam leží obeť, ktorá zaujala moje miesto? Ako môžem zomrieť, keď smrť dostala za mňa zaplatené? Ako môžem zomrieť, keď mám večný život? Ako môžem zomrieť? Nemôžete!

446Ako by ma mohol zastaviť nejaký policajt, keď mám písomné povolenie od starostu mesta, že môžem ísť cez mesto šesťdesiat míľovou rýchlosťou, ako ma môže zastaviť za to, že idem šesťdesiat míľovou rýchlosťou? Ako ma môžete zastaviť? Mám povolenie od starostu, kde je povedané, že to môžem. On ma nemôže zastaviť. On by ma mohol zastavovať a pískať a všetko možné a ja by som to mohol proste ignorovať. To nič neznamená, mám povolenie.

447A ako potom môžem, keď Kristus za mňa zomrel a ja som sa stal jeho spravodlivosťou vďaka jeho milosti a lásky ktorú mi preukázal, ako môžem hrešiť, keď medzi mnou a Bohom niečo leží, Obeť? Nemôžem hrešiť, nemôžem. Boh ma nevidí. On vidí Krista. On stojí na mojom mieste a keď urobím niečo zlé, Kristus zastáva moje miesto. Ja som vyznal: „Urobil som zle, On má pravdu. Pane, Ty poznáš moje srdce, Ty vieš či som to mal v úmysle alebo nie. A urobil som zle, odpusť mi.“ Boh to nevidí, krv Ježiša ma po celý čas prikrýva. Potom, ako ma Boh môže vidieť? Ako mi môže byť počítaný hriech, keď On to nemôže vidieť? Len čo to urobím, je to odpustené. A je to tak.

448To je tak, ako keď zoberiete takéto malé kvapátko, malé kvapátko do očí, naberiete ho plné čiernym atramentom a držíte ho nad vaňou s bielidlom a kvapnite len do nej a skúste to potom ešte znovu nájsť. Premení sa to na bielidlo, ten atrament sa stane bielidlom. A tak je to s vašimi vyznanými hriechmi ... ak ste v Kristovi, medzi vami a Bohom je plná vaňa bielidla a váš hriech sa stáva spravodlivosťou, pretože tam na vás čaká spravodlivá Obeť.

Keď na konci svojich dní prídem ku tej rieke,

posledný vietor žiaľu zavanul;

Je jedna vec, na ktorú keď pomyslím,

dá mi dobrú náladu a poteší moje srdce.

Nebudem musieť sám prechádzať cez Jordán.

449To je jedna dobrá vec, to je jedna dobrá vec. Nebudem to musieť prejsť ... V jednom z týchto dní prídeme na koniec svojej cesty, slnko odmietne svietiť, potom Boh zavolá.

450Adam sa načiahne a potrasie Evu a povie: „Drahá, tu to je, je čas vstávať.“

451Eva sa načiahne a chytí Ábela a povie: „Vychádzaj , drahý, je čas vstávať.“ Ábel chytí Seta a Set chytí Noeho a Noe chytí ... a tak ďalej ku Abrahámovi a ďalej zaradom. To bude veľké zatrasenie a prebudenie, keď príde Syn Boží. V ten deň vstaneme a budeme Jemu podobní.

452No, ak tu páchate hriech, budete za to platiť.

453Budem ... stále mi prichádza na myseľ, musím to povedať. Snažil som sa to potlačiť, štyri alebo päť krát. Musím to povedať. Koľkí sa pamätáte na tohoto brata, ktorý bol tu pastorom v zbore Božom? Brat ... tu hore. Ako sa volal? Pracoval tam u Vorganga. Ó, všetci ... Prvý zbor Boží, hneď tu na rohu. V čase krízy predával u Rawleigha. Skutočný, pobožný, svätý muž. Brat Smith prišiel na jeho miesto. Za chvíľu si spomeniem ako sa volá. Bol to Bohom spasený muž.

454Pamätajte, ak sa nedáte napraviť a ako kresťan robíte niečo zlé, Boh vás bude varovať a potom ak neprijmete varovanie, zoberie vás preč zo zeme. On to tak urobil.

455Pamätáte sa v Biblii, pozrite sa na Korintský zbor. On im povedal, že sú umiestnení v Kristovi. Ale ich varoval pred tým čo sa malo stáť a oni sa napravili a dali sa do poriadku s Bohom.

456A tento brat, bol to milý brat, verím, Bohom spasený človek. A pracoval tu u Vorganga. Ak tu sedí niekto od neho, dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že ... Neviem či tu sedíte. Ale Ramsey, brat Ramsey, koľkí sa pamätáte na brata Ramseya tu hore zo zboru Božieho? Určite sa pamätáte, milý človek. Prichádzaval ku mne domov a rozprávali sme sa a sedeli sme tam a plakali, držali sme sa za ruky; skutočný kresťan!

457Jedného dňa som tam zašiel, práve som sa vrátil spoza mora, išiel som na zhromaždenie, dal som si auto na prehliadku, brat Ramsey povedal: „Čo môžem pre teba urobiť Billy?“

458Povedal som: „Skontroluj ho, brat Ramsey, vymeň olej.“

459„Dobre,“ povedal, „milerád.“ Povedal: „Mal si dobré zhromaždenia?“

460Povedal som: „Ó brat Ramsey, bolo to ohromné. Prajem si, aby si niekedy mohol ísť so mnou. Prečo nejdeš so mnou?“

On povedal: „Billy, ja už viac neslúžim Pánovi.“

Pozrel som sa a povedal som: „Čo hovoríš?“

461On len tak povedal: „Ja Mu už viacej neslúžim,“ a odišiel.

462Pomyslel som si: „On to len tak hovorí.“ Nechal som to tak a išiel som niekde.

463Prišiel som naspäť a sadol som do auta. Prišiel som domov a začal som o tom rozmýšľať: „Už viacej neslúžim Pánovi.“

464Pán mi dal na srdce, aby som išiel naspäť a znovu sa ho to opýtal. Tak som povedal: „Méda, pamätaj na to.“

465Nasadol som do auta a išiel som naspäť, znovu som tam zastal a vošiel do Vorganga. Povedal som: „Brat Ramsey, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.“

— Dobre, Billy, čo také?

— Ty si pred chvíľou povedal, že už viacej neslúžiš Pánovi. To si mi povedal len zo žartu, však?

— Nie.

— Brat Ramsey, ty to tak nemyslíš.

— Myslím.

— Či Ho nemiluješ?

— Keby som Ho miloval, tak by som Mu slúžil. Či nie, Billy? A odišiel.

Rozmýšľal som: „Hej, brat Ramsey ... „

— Už nechcem viac o tom hovoriť.

466Išiel som domov, vošiel som do izby a zavrel som dvere. A, ó, viete ako mi to bolo ťažko, ako keby ste malému dieťaťu zobrali perník alebo niečo, viete. Rozmýšľal som: „Čo? To nie je možné. Určite sa bratovi Ramseyovi niečo stalo.“

467A je jeden čierny chlapec, volá sa Jimmy, chodí sem do zboru; jednu nohu má ... viete, trochu kríva. Zabudol som ako sa volá, pracuje u Vorganga, jazdí s odťahovacou službou. On ma stretol a povedal mi: „Vieš, rev. Branham, neviem čo je tu s týmto Dr. Ramseyom. Povedal som mu, že predtým sme sa tu ani neodvážili otvoriť ústa, bol to Boží muž.“ Ale povedal, že zobral svoju kazateľskú licenciu a išiel ku košu a roztrhal ju a hodil do koša a povedal, že už s tým viac nechce mať nič spoločného.

Povedal mu: „Hej, pane! Nemali by ste to robiť.“

A on na to: „Ale Jim, prestal som slúžiť Pánovi.“

Povedal mu: „Nemyslíte to vážne.“

468Vravel, že cez Sviatok Práce chce prísť a zabrúsiť si ventily. Myslím, že to bolo to. A chcel, aby mu Jim prišiel pomôcť.

469— Pomôžem vám, keď prídem zo zhromaždenia ale prv idem na zhromaždenie. Povedal Jim.

470Povedal, že tam išiel a pán Ramsey zabrusoval tie ventily na svojom aute a povedal: „Jimmy, skoč tam za rieku. Tu sú krčmy zavrené, skoč tam za rieku a dones mi bedňu piva“

471On povedal: „pán Ramsey, spáchal som veľa vecí ale nikdy nespácham niečo také, aby som Pánovmu sluhovi doniesol bedňu piva.“ Povedal: „Nie veru, nikdy to neurobím.“

472A on povedal: „No, prestaň Jim a skoč a dones to.“

473On povedal: „pán Ramsey, zabrusujem vám ventily. Ale ak chcete nejaké pivo, pôjdete si preň sám.“ Povedal: „Nikdy Pánovmu sluhovi neprinesiem niečo takéto.“

474Tak Ramsey skočil do Jimovho auta a zašiel za rieku; prišiel naspäť, napoly opitý s bedňou piva a pil.

475Začal upadať. Ochorel. Vidíte? Boh nemohol ku nemu hovoriť. Ja som ho varoval, urobil som všetko čo som mohol. Brat Smith išiel za ním a napomínal ho. Všetci sa snažili pre neho urobiť čo len mohli. Stále len potriasal hlavou. Čo sa stalo? Ochorel a zomrel. To ukázalo, že to bol spasený človek. Keď ho Boh nemohol ... priviesť do poslušnosti, bude ho musieť zobrať zo zeme a priviesť domov. To je presne to, čo hovorí Biblia. To je to, čo Biblia zasľubuje. Ak nechcete prijať nápravu, musíte prísť domov.

476Tak Boh vás nemôže stratiť, keď vás spasil, ale môže skrátiť tu vaše dni a spraviť, že zaplatíte za všetko čo ste vykonali. Tak ak hrešíte, budete musieť platiť za to, čo ste urobili. Pamätajte len na to.

477No, nech je Pán s vami. Verím dnes večer, že brat Ramsey bol spasený. Úplne tomu verím. Ale on proste nebol poslušný Bohu a keď neposlúchal Boha, Boh ho musel zobrať domov. To je jediné, čo sa dá urobiť, pretože ... Čo to bolo? „On by priniesol hanbu a pohanenie krvi, ktorou bol posvätený.“ Je to tak? A zmluvu povážil za obecnú,“ či to nie je presne to, čo hovorí List Židom? Vidíte? To by bolo nemožné, aby bol zatratený, ale by priniesol hanbu a pohanenie, tak Boh ho musel zobrať zo zeme a priviesť domov. To je presne to, čo sa deje.

No, nech vás Pán žehná, keď skloníme hlavy na chvíľu a pomodlíme sa:

478Najsvätejší a najláskavejší Otče, skutočne sme ti vďační za zasľúbenie, ktoré máme, že nás nikdy nezanecháš ani neopustíš. Ty si zasľúbil, že pôjdeš s nami v živote a v smrti budeš blízko pri nás. Ty si nám zasľúbil, že máme večný život a dal si nám ho zadarmo. Nikdy ho nemôžeme stratiť. „Každý kto príde ku mne, má večný život.“ A keď je to večný život, on nemá koniec a ty si zasľúbil, že nás vzkriesiš v posledný deň. Sme za to veľmi vďační. Sme vďační, že tvoje Slovo nás toto učí. Ono nám dáva jasnú nádej. To nám dáva poznávať, že náš Otec je Láska. On nás miluje a On si nás vybral. Ty si povedal: „Nie vy ste si mňa vybrali, ale ja som si vás vybral a ustanovil som vás.“ A ja ti ďakujem, Otče, že si to urobil. A mnohí tu dnes večer sedia, ktorí boli určení do večného života a prijali Ježiša Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa a ovocie Ducha nasleduje ich život: krotkosť, trpezlivosť, pokora, láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, dobrota. Sme za nich vďační.

479Modlíme sa, Otče, že ak by tu bol niekto dnes večer, ktorých nesprevádzajú tieto ovocia, ale spočívajú na nejakej fantázii, pretože sa raz do toho prepracovali, pretože prežili nejakú emóciu, cítili sa dobre, mohli kričať, mohli urobiť mnoho iných vecí. Ale Otče, ak nemajú ovocie Ducha, ktoré ich zachováva deň za dňom v ustavičnej láske, odpúšťajú svojim nepriateľom, naprávajú svoje chyby a žijú v pokoji a v láske a milo a úprimne jeden ku druhému a majú horlivosť za cirkev, lásku ku Kristovi a ku jeho deťom, ó večný Bože, odpusť im. Hoci sú členami zboru, členami zemského tela, nech môžu teraz ísť a položiť tie telesné, mŕtve skutky a tlačiť sa ďalej do dokonalosti. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech môžu prísť ku tomu Dokonalému a prijať Ho, ako obeť zmierenia za svoje hriechy, aby sa On mohol postaviť ako dokonalá obeť za hriešneho muža i ženu. A naplň ich jeho milostivou láskou a pokojom, že až prídu do prítomnosti Božej, aby žili naveky. Udeľ to Otče.

480 Kým máme sklonené hlavy, ak je tu niekto taký, kto by rád vymenil telesný život predpisov, krstov, senzácií a takýchto drobných telesných vecí za skutočné srdce, plné skutočnej lásky, že by ste mohli podísť ku svojmu najväčšiemu nepriateľovi, objať ho a povedať mu: „Brat, budem sa za teba modliť. Milujem ťa.“ Ak by ste radi vymenili to prežitie telesných vecí za skutočné prežitie lásky, zodvihli by ste ruku ku Bohu? A povedzte: „Bože, zober ma dnes večer a urob ma tým, čím mám byť.“ Budem sa za vás modliť, hneď tu za kazateľňou. Chcete modlitbu? Zodvihnite ruky.

481Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane, tam vzadu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Niekto ďalší? Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. „Už roky som v zbore:“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tu, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani tam vzadu. „Budem prosiť Boha, aby ma urobil pokojným.“ Budeš ... priečiš sa? Si rozladený? Pochybuješ? Zmietaš sa? Pochybuješ či je to skutočne pravda alebo nie? Keď prichádzaš ku Kristovi, prichádzaš s plnou istotou, so srdcom plným lásky? Či ideš ku Nemu bez najmenšieho strachu? Hovoríš? „Viem, že On je môj Otec.“

482A nieto žiadneho odsúdenia, prešiel si zo smrti do života. Vieš to, postrehol si to vo svojom živote: miluješ, odpúšťaš, si pokorný, všetko toto ovocie Ducha sprevádza tvoj život deň za dňom. A hneď keď urobíš niečo zlé: „Ó.“ Len čo ti to príde na myseľ, že si urobil zle, hneď to dávaš do poriadku, hneď na mieste. Nečakáš ďalšiu minútu, hneď ideš a dávaš to do poriadku. Ak nie, no, nemáš Ducha Kristovho. Môžeš byť dobrou ženou, môžeš byť dobrým mužom, v zbore môžu o tebe dobre myslieť, susedia môžu o tebe dobre myslieť, ale išiel si ďalej do tej dokonalosti? Na to miesto kde úplne spoliehaš na Krista? A skrze ... Len mi daj pečať. Abrahám uveril Bohu a to mu bolo počítané za spravodlivosť a Boh mu dal na potvrdenie, pečať obriezky.

483No vy poviete: „Ja verím v Boha, urobil som vyznanie.“ Ale dal ti Boh na odvetu pečať Ducha Svätého na tvoj život? Pečať lásky, radosti, ovocia Ducha Svätého na dôkaz že si spasený? Ak to neurobil, potom ešte neuznal tvoju vieru. Ty si urobil len vyznanie, On to neprijal, niečo nie je v poriadku. Chcel by si Ho potom prijať? Zodvihni ruku, ak je tu ešte niekto, prv ako sa budeme modliť.

484Nech ťa Boh žehná, mladá pani. Nech žehná tiež tam teba vzadu. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Dobre, ešte niekto, prv ako sa budeme modliť? Dobre, nech Boh žehná teba tam vzadu, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Tak to má byť. Zodvihlo sa nejakých desať, pätnásť rúk.

Modlime sa:

485Požehnaný Pane, oni na svojich miestach nachádzajú oltár. Na svojich miestach, tam kde teraz sedia, kde si prehovoril do ich sŕdc, že nie sú v poriadku. Na ich miestach, kde si položil do ich sŕdc túžbu, že túžia byť viacej podobní Ježišovi.“

486Oni chcú, aby ich život bol zmenený: chcú byť tichí a pokorní, chcú byť milí a plní trpezlivosti, chcú byť dlhozhovievajúci, zhovievaví. Chcú byť takými kresťanmi, ako Kristus, až kým svet nepovie, keď pôjdu po ulici: „Ten človek je skutočný kresťan. Tá žena je skutočná kresťanka. Ó, to sú najpríjemnejší, najpokornejší, najmilší ľudia.“

487Udeľ to, Pane, aby prijali dnes večer to prežitie. Nech by nikdy nespoliehali na schopnostiach ich zboru, na pripojení sa ku nejakej cirkvi, ku nejakej denominácie, ani na ich emóciách, ani na žiadnej predstave, ani na takých nejakých emocionálnych prežitiach, na niečom čo sa stalo.

488 Možno, že vykrikovali, hovorili v jazykoch alebo niečo iné. Ó večný Bože, nech sa nepokúšajú spoliehať, že sa dostanú do neba na základe niečoho takého, lebo veľakrát sme videli, že to úplne sklamalo. A Ty si povedal, že to sklame: „Či sú to jazyky, oni ustanú, kde sú proroctvá, oni pominú, kde je vedomosť ona pominie. Hoci všetky tieto veci, či dokonca dary, zázraky uzdravovania, to všetko skončí. Zostane jedine tá Božská Láska.“

489Bože, stvor to v ich srdciach a daj im poznať, že to je Duch, ktorý nesie to ovocie. Urob to hneď teraz, Pane, kým čakáme na Teba, lebo to prosíme v mene Ježiša. Amen.

490[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ... lietajúce ohnivé gule a po celej budove vidieť lietať hrdličky, vidieť Krista ako prichádza s tŕňami, na rukách a na ... Ó, či ste nevedeli, že to je anti-kristova scéna? On povedal: „Keď sa tieto veci začnú diať, potom zodvihnite svoje hlavy, blíži sa vaše vykúpenie.“ Potom kvôli tomuto chcem využiť každú minútu, keď môžem a prísť do zboru a upevniť vás. Brat Neville nemusí byť stále s nami. Verím, že brat Neville je dobrý, zdravý učiteľ evanjelia. Nevieme čo sa vkradne za túto kazateľňu a keď sa to tu dostane, „Moje ovce počujú môj hlas.“ Stojte pri tom Slove! Nikdy neopustite to Slovo. Stojte presne na ňom. Stojte pevne v tej slobode, ktorou vás Kristus oslobodil. Nepriahajte sa do všetkých tých jariem otroctva a tak ďalej, stojte pevne a stojte slobodní. Boh vás bude žehnať. Ničoho na svete sa nemusíme báť.

491Stále sa divíte ... Všímam si ľudí, ktorí prichádzajú, aby sme sa za nich modlili, stavajú sa do radu. Druhý krát, keď vidia kampaň s uzdravovaním, pôjdu sa postaviť do tamtoho radu, a do tamtoho radu. Neodsudzujem ich. Snažia sa nájsť pomoc ale robia to zlým spôsobom. Robíte to opačne, Boh povedal, že sa to nemá robiť. Rozumiete? Keď prichádzate smelo ku trónu milosti a veríte, že „keď ste prosili tak to dostanete.“ Stojte na tom! To je spôsob ako sa to stane. Nie behať od jednej misii ku druhej, z jedného zboru do druhého a z jednej kampani do druhej.

492No, oni urobili z týchto kampaní s uzdravovaním hromadu nezmyslov. Skutočne, urobili. Stalo sa z toho miesto, kde inteligentní ľudia, oni sa obzerajú a divia sa, čo to všetko znamená. To ... Boh nechce tieto veci. Uzdravovanie nemusí byť v kampaniach. Uzdravovanie má byť v každom lokálnom zbore, všetky tieto dary majú fungovať ale nechoďte pri týchto daroch do krajností. Vôbec si nevšímajte tie dary. Keď vás Boh chce na niečo použiť, On to urobí, ale dívajte sa na Darcu.

493Martin Luther, raz potom keď hovoril v jazykoch, pýtali sa ho prečo o tom nekáže, on povedal: „Keby som o tom kázal, moji ľudia by išli za darmi namiesto toho, aby išli za Darcom.“ Je to tak.

494Moody, raz, hovoril a začal ... keď kázal tak pod inšpiráciou, prehovoril v jazykoch. On povedal: „Bože odpusť mi tie nezrozumiteľné, nerozumné slová.“ Skutočne. Vidíte? Oni mali tieto veci. My veríme v tieto veci, ale oni musia byť dané na svoje miesto a nesmú byť pokladané ako dôkazy.

495V Biblii nie je ani jedna vec ako dôkaz Ducha Svätého, jedine ovocie Ducha. Nájdite nejaké miesto, kde Ježiš tak povedal. Tak veru, dôkazom Ducha Svätého je ovocie vášho Ducha. Ježiš tak povedal: „Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte.“ A ovocie Ducha je: láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, dobrota, pokoj, dobrotivosť, krotkosť. A ovocia nepriateľa sú: nepriateľstvá, zvady, žiarlenia, hnevy a tak ďalej; to je ovocie nepriateľa. Tak, môžete posúdiť podľa toho ako žijete, ako stojíte s Bohom. Ak celé vaše srdce je zamilované do Neho a vy Ho milujte a ste krotkí a každodenne s Ním žijete a viete, že ste prešli zo smrti do života. Ak to tak nie je, je to s vami inak, len napodobňujte kresťanstvo. A je to tak. A všetci telesní napodobovatelia samozrejme vyjdú najavo. To vieme.

496Tak nežite takým druhom života, nemusíte. Prečo by ste mali prijímať náhradu, keď celé nebesia nad nami sú plné toho dobrého a skutočného? Samozrejme. Nech vezmem Boha, to je to čo chcem. Amen.

497No, prišiel niekto, aby sme sa za neho modlili? Ak ste prišli, zodvihnite ruku. Dnes ráno sme mali zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. Tak si myslím, že ... Táto pani tu? Dobre, sestra, prišla by si potom sem dopredu? A náš brat, starší, tu, poď teraz, aby si ju pomazal olejom.

[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

... svieť na mňa

Ó svieť na mňa, Pane, svieť na mňa,

Nech to svetlo z majáku svieti na mňa.

498Či nie je On ohromný? Skloňme hlavy a spievajme to teraz potichu. Svieť len na mňa, znovu. No, začnime teraz, všetci.

Svieť …

(Oslavujme Ho teraz vo svojich dušiach. Utíšme sa, nasleduje uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Posolstvo sa skončilo, oslavujme Ho.)

Nech to svetlo z majáku svieti na mňa.

Ó svieť na mňa, Pane, svieť na mňa.

Byť len takým ako je Ježiš, takým ako Ježiš. (stále)

Na zemi túžim byť takým ako On.

Na celej ceste života zo zeme do chvály,

jediné čo chcem je, byť ako On.

Pôjdeme vo Svetle v takom nádhernom svetle,

Poďme tam kde sa milosť ligoce v kvapkách rosy;

Svieti všade okolo nás vodne i v noci.

Všetci svätý svetla vyhlasujú,

Ježiš je svetlo sveta,

Potom budú zvoniť nebeské zvony;

Ježiš svetlo ... (Prijmi nás, Pane, keď Ťa oslavujeme.)

Pôjdeme vo Svetle v takom nádhernom svetle,

Poďme tam kde sa milosť ligoce v kvapkách rosy;

Svieti všade okolo nás vodne i noci.

Ježiš svetlo sveta.

499Či nemilujte to vydrhnutie? Cítite sa dobre? Zodvihnite ruky. Povedzte ... Na týchto starých piesňach je niečo, v týchto hymnách. Radšej mám tieto, než všetky tie nové svetské piesne, ktoré zaviedli a spievajú ich v kresťanských zboroch. Mám rád tieto starodávne. Páčia sa mi.

Ježiš drž ma blízko pri kríži; (ó!)

Tam je vzácny zdroj.

Oslobodzuje od všetkého,

uzdravujúci prameň Vytekajúci z Golgoty.

Krížom, krížom stále sa chcem chváliť,

až moja duša bude vytrhnutá

a nájdem odpočinok tam za riekou.

500Mohol by som odísť z tohoto sveta veľmi ľahko, keď takéto niečo spievame. Vy tiež? Aké je to nádherné. Dané je všetko do poriadku? Viete, som rád, že som to dal všetko do poriadku. Vy tiež? Ten starý účet je už dávno vybavený. Povedal som Mu: „Pane, nechcem mať tam pri rieke žiadne problémy, chcem si byť tým teraz istý.“ Chcem Ho poznať. Chcem Ho poznať.

501Pred každým z nás je veľká tmavá diera. Ideme tým smerom. Zakaždým úderom srdca sme bližšie a bližšie. Ale keď tam prídem, nechcem sa vykrúcať ako zbabelec, chcem sa zavinúť do rúcha Jeho spravodlivosti a vojsť do toho, vediac toto, že Ho poznám v moci jeho vzkriesenia, že keď On zavolá, vyjdem z mŕtvych.

502Moja viera hľadí na Teba. Spievajme to teraz:

Moja viera hľadí na teba Baránok z Golgoty, Božský Spasiteľ!

Počuj ma teraz keď sa modlím,

odstráň všetky moje hriechy,

nech už viac nikdy od Teba nezblúdim.

503Ty veľký Učiteľ, keď si nás učil z tvojho vzácneho Slova, naše srdcia sú rozochvené uchvacujúcou milosťou, že vieme, že sme prešli zo smrti do života. To všetko sa deje z dobroty nášho Pána Ježiša, ktorý nás zavolal a umyl nás svojou krvou a postavil nás pred trónom Božím, bezvadných, bezúhonných, lebo On zobral naše hriechy, nemáme žiadny hriech. Boh na Neho položil neprávosť všetkých nás a On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia. Ó ako Ho milujeme, veľkého Božieho Baránka.

504A prosíme, Otče, aby si nám dal schopnosť vyjadriť, aby sme mohli povedať iným, aby ho tiež mohli poznať a milovali Ho, lebo On miluje ich. Daj nám tú milosť. A ďakujeme Ti Otče za tieto novonarodené deti, ktoré práve prišli do kráľovstva Božieho. Nech si môžu nájsť niekde doma dobrý zbor a aby Ti slúžili, až kým ich smrť nevyslobodí z tohoto starého tela skazenia, bolestí a úzkostí. A postav ich pred Ním, bezvadných, bezúhonných vo veku, ktorý má prísť s večným životom. Lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene. Amen.

HEBREWS, CHAPTER SIX #2, 57-0908E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 114 min

217 ... to study His precious Word.

218I come in, a while ago, and I was packing two Bibles. And I had a little interview with a lady back here, and I told her if I preached out of both of them, ought to have a pretty good text. But this is a Greek lexicon, so just something I want to read out of this, tonight. It's a--it's a... It's the word for word interpretation, from original Greek, into English. And it's been a lot of help to me along the line. And I just want to read something out of it, because now we're studying in this Book of Hebrews, and we're just now coming to the real deep meanings.

219 And I told Brother Neville, a few minutes ago, "We're getting into the part where the people scratch their head and said, 'I don't believe that.'" See? That's the type we get into. That's where we like it.

220Some minister said to me, he said, "Well, I guess there'll be a lot head-scratching."

221I said, "That's what we want to do." See?

222The Bible only can have one meaning. It can't have two meanings. And if one part of the Bible says one thing, and another part of the Bible says something else, then something is wrong. See? It's got to say the thing, all the way through. But, remember, in studying the Bible, "It's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed to babes," because it is of a spiritual Book.

223And It's not a western book. It's an eastern Book. And there's only one thing can interpret It, and that's the Holy Spirit. I know that each one of us want to say, that, "The Holy Spirit is telling us what we believe in It." Well, now, if every Scripture lines up exactly the same, then that is the Holy Spirit. If it doesn't line up, and got a gap here, and gap over here, then there is something wrong with our belief. And, oh, It's a marvelous Book.

224 Now, I want you to do this while we're studying. Now, we got to leave early in the morning for Wyoming, the Lord willing. Pray for us.

And this next week, Brother Graham Snelling, here... He's present. I heard him, just a few minutes ago, making his announcement. And this church is in full cooperation with his revival. And we're praying to God, to give him an exceeding, abundant, great revival. Brother Graham held a revival for Brother... up here at Charlestown, Brother Junior Cash, and there was right on a hundred converts, I believe. [Someone says, "Eighty-four."--Ed.] Eighty-four converts. So, to that, we give God praise. And we trust that it'll have five hundred and eighty-four up here, in this place here.

225 Brother Graham met me today, and he said, "Now, Brother Bill, I'm sure that you understand that I'm not here to start up another work in opposition to the tabernacle, because I'm part of the tabernacle." He's just here to... He feels upon his heart that he wants to hold a revival, and the Lord leading him to do it. And--and he invites the converts, and has a church, to pour them right down, "Here's a church home, if you get in, get converted."

226And it's our duty, as Christians, to back him up with everything we can. And the Lord bless Brother Graham. And you're, every one, cordially invited to Brother Graham's meeting up here, with full permission from this church, with the full cooperation to help him in any way we can, for lost souls and for the Kingdom of God.

227Lord bless you, Brother Graham, give you a great meetings. He don't know when he's going to close. He's just starting. And so, Brother Graham has had it like myself, many ups and downs. That's the way life runs. It makes you appreciate the ups after you went through the downs. If a man makes a drop and lays there, he's a coward. I got confidence when a man will rise and try again. That's right. I'm sure you can interpret what I mean. Now, don't forget it, this coming week.

228 Now, in this Book of the Hebrews, we won't take the background tonight.

229Now, next Sunday, the Lord willing, Brother Neville will announce. Brother Cox here, or some of them, will let him know, if we get in in time for next Sunday's meeting. He'll announce it on the radio. And we're... You all listen to his radio now, and--and--and invite all your neighbors to listen. I really get joy out of listening to their preaching and singing, the Neville quartet. I don't say that because he's setting here. If I said that, and didn't mean it in my heart, I'd be a hypocrite. That's right. I'd have to repent. But I mean it. And I'd rather give him a little rosebud now than a whole wreath after he's gone.

230 One time I was walking out the door there, and there was a lady come by, and she said, "Brother Branham, oh, how I enjoyed that message!"

231I said, "Thank you." Made me feel good.

232Somebody else come by, said, "Brother Branham, I enjoy that Message."

233I said, "Thank you."

234There was a little preacher there, from up here in the north part of the country, in state, he said, "Bless God, I don't want people to brag on me like that."

235I said, "I do." And I said, "There's just one difference between me and you. I'm honest about it." That's right. We all like to hear nice words said about us. And I--I think it's nice to say nice words about it. And if you want somebody to say nice words about you, say some nice words about somebody else. That's the way to do that, then you'll always say the nicest things you can about everybody. And that makes the wheel roll better.

236 Now, in this, next Sunday, the Lord willing, to my opinion, we got, just getting deeper and deeper into these great mysteries of God. We're going into Melchisedec: Who He was, where He come from, where He went, what happened to Him, and all about Melchisedec.

237And now, last Wednesday night, Brother Neville hit on the finishing chapter of the supreme Deity and the priesthood of our Lord Jesus, which starts out in the beginning, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers by the prophets, in this last day has spoken to us through His Son, Christ Jesus."

238Then he goes on, and begins to tell and pattern who He was, brings Him on down to the 5th chapter, at the end of the 5th chapter.

239Then beginning at the 6th chapter, we got this in our lesson this morning.

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection;...

240 How many enjoyed the message on perfection? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Let us go on to perfection." That was our Message, this morning, in the 6th chapter of the Hebrews.

241Now we're just getting into the place to where we begin to get the--the real part. Oh, we can all agree upon these things: upon the Deity of Christ; and Him being the Son of God; and how He was with God, and God was with Him; and He was in God, and God in Him, and so forth. We all agree upon that. But, now, from here on, I don't know how we're going to agree. So whatever it is, every few nights, we're going to give you a chance to write me a little note and tell me what you think about It.

242 Then I'll have to answer questions. And if I can't get them, I'll say, "Brother Neville, what do you think about that?" I'll say, "There he is. Let him answer it." [Brother Neville says, "That's when I'll read the Greek."--Ed.] Then is when he's going to read the lexicon, get the Greek out. I think it's time for me to do, also.

243But, now, if we will get down and be real sincere, and really come for one purpose, that's, to learn. I want to learn, too. And the Bible is written, said, "It is... The Scriptures are of no private interpretation." That means the Scripture must interpret Scripture. See? Each Scripture must interpret the other, all the way through the Bible, to make it one great thing. Because, God can't change, because He's the unchangeable God.

244 Now, "Leaving..."

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection;...

245I like Paul saying those things. Paul never was a person that liked to stay too long in one place. He liked to move on, deeper. One time, in the Scripture, he said, "I, forgetting those things which are in the past, I press towards the mark of the high calling." See? He keeps pressing on.

246Here he said:

Now forgetting the principles of the doctrine of Christ (who he was, what he was), let's go on to perfection;...

247 Now we, first, we wanted to find out, "Could we be perfect?" And we found out, in the Scriptures this morning, Matthew 5:28, that Jesus said that we "had to be just as perfect as God was," or we wouldn't go in.

248Then we found out that we was, every one, "born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies." And there was not one sound thing about us, so how could we ever be perfected?

249Now here is what we find out then, over, reading, taking Scripture with Scripture, that, "Jesus, by one sacrifice, perfected, forever, His Church." He... We are then perfect, through Christ. And we are free from judgment, through Christ. We shall never die, through Christ. We have lost death and found Life, through Christ; not through any church, not through any denomination, not through any fantastic, not through speaking with tongues, not through shouting, not through shaking, not through dancing in the Spirit, but by grace.

250 God calls who He will. And it's all by election, we find out. We find out, that, "It's not him that wants to be saved. Not him that willeth or him that runneth; it's God that showeth mercy." "And no man can come to Jesus except God draws him, first." So what you got to do with it, anyhow? You haven't got nothing to do with it. You're out of the picture, altogether.

251We found out that man never seeks after God. It's God seeking after man. And we found out, then, that God is the only resource of Eternal Life. We found out that everything that is Eternal has no beginning or no end. Therefore, we find out that hell had a beginning, and it has an end. And there's only... No one can ever say that... Hell is forever, forever, yes, forever, but not Eternal.

252 Forever is "a space of time." The Bible says, "Forever and forever." And you look it up and find out if forever doesn't mean "a space of time." Jonah said he was in the belly of the whale "forever." And many other Scriptures, forever only means "a space of time."

253But, Eternal, that's forever, that's forever and forever and forever and forever and forever. It's the Eternal. And we find out that hell isn't Eternal, but it's forever. And the reason, you have to watch those words, now. If you don't, you get mixed up. Now, remember, just those things which had no beginning, has no end. Therefore, Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Life," forever? Does that sound right? No. "Has Eternal Life." And the word Eternal is "God." The word, here it is right here in the Greek lexicon, Zoe God's Life in you. And you're just as Eternal as God is Eternal, because you've got God in you.

254 Your old nature died, the nature of the world, and you become a new creation. And your desires, that old life that had a beginning when God breathed the breath into your nostrils, when you were born, that life of carnal nature died. And it had a beginning and it had an end, and it died and was done away with forever, the old nature. And God came in with the new Nature. Then, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, peace, patience, and meekness, and kindness, that entered; and taken the place of malice, and temper, and hatred, and--and emulation, strife, and all those things. It took its place, when you passed from death unto Life. You get it, real close, now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

255So, listen. There is only one form of Eternal Life. Find It. That is, God alone has Eternal Life. The Bible said so. God alone has Eternal Life. And if a man is going to suffer in hell, forever, he's got to have God, Eternal. But I say that there.

256 Now, remember, I'm not saying there's not a burning hell. There is a burning hell, fire and brimstone. "Where the--the worm is... the fire isn't quenched and the worm never dies," of fire and brimstone, a punishment. It may last for a hundred billion years. But it has to have an end, for hell was created for the Devil and his angels. And everything that the very God, Himself, which was in the beginning, everything come off of God. When the very spirit...

257Just take the Spirit of love, that was the great fountain of God, pure, unadulterated. From that, come in a perverted love. Then it come into human love. Then it come into sexual love. Then it come into other loves, loves and loves, and just keeps perverting down till it becomes to just filth. But all those things had a beginning. And someday it'll wind right straight back to the original; it's Eternal; where lust, human love, passionate love, all those loves will have to cease.

258All these make-beliefs of Faith will have to cease. There's one true Faith. All others will have to cease. They were perverts off of this real fountain.

259 So, therefore, hell, suffering, suffering is not Eternal. Suffering was brought about because of sin, and sin introduced suffering. And when sin is finished, suffering will have to finish, too. And there'll be a time where sinners, that's never accepted Christ, after they have been punished maybe for a hundred billion years,... I don't know, maybe for ten hundred million billion year. I couldn't say. But it'll have to come to an end, sometime, 'cause it's not Eternal.

260 Now, we're going to press on now, towards the perfection. Now listen, as we get into the Message.

... not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and from faith towards God,

Of the doctrine of baptisms,... laying on of hands,... resurrection of the dead, and... eternal judgment.

261Now listen. We got two. We got a picture here, now. Now right here is where we're going to get some great disagreements. Now you've got to see where the picture is. Paul is trying, here, to separate law from grace. We've got two pictures: one, the carnal; one, the spiritual. And Paul is trying to--to deviate between the two, to show the Jews. This letter is to the Hebrews. And all the Hebrews is trying to show the pattern of the Old Testament typing the New. So, you got two pictures here under consideration.

262 Now listen close as we read. Now he said:

... leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection;...

263Now, we got that this morning, how that we are perfected. Perfected, absolutely spotless and blameless, not one sin on us. Are you above temptation? Never. Do you sin every day? Yes, sir. But, yet, we are perfected because we are in Him. And God could no more judge us than nothing (couldn't be righteous), He's already judged us in Him. When He judged Christ: He judged me, He judged you. And He can't judge me again, because He took my judgment if I've been redeemed.

264And I got a ticket to show that I've redeemed my watch from the pawn shop, let somebody try to take it back in the pawn shop once, when I've got a ticket. I have redeemed it.

And if the Devil would try to put punishment on me, I've got a ticket that shows I been redeemed. Yes, sir. No more judgment! "He that heareth my Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life, and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." That's my ticket. He gave the promise.

265 Now, now the picture, here.

... not laying again the foundations of repentance from dead works, and... faith towards God,

... the doctrine of baptism,... laying on of hands,... resurrection of the dead,... eternal judgment.

266Now, remember, you notice that word used again? We used it this morning, "Eternal judgment." When God once speaks, It's Eternal. It cannot be changed, a bit. So, the judgment is Eternal, It's always the judgment. And no matter what generation we're living in, one generation will live, and one... will all live, and it's forever, for whatever time, and this and that. But the judgment of God is still Eternal, He has to, because He spoke the Word. When God speaks a Word, It has to be Eternal. That's right.

267 Now let me read that out of the Greek for you. Listen how it reads.

Therefore leaving--leaving the principles of the doctrines of Christ, the atoned One, we should push--push towards the...

Now, I can't read it. It's blurred out. "And not laying again the form..." Here we are.

... not laying again the form of reformation from the works causing death.

268Now, this lexicon is absolutely not any interpretation, at all. It's just the Greek word for what the English says. And it said, "Now we don't want..." Listen here, see.

... not laying down foundations of reformation from works causing death.

269Now if you'll get that in your mind, that he's speaking here, that, "Forms of reformation causes death." Paul said, "Leaving the principles, go to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards God: doctrines of baptism, laying on of hand, resurrection of the dead, Eternal judgment. Reformation forms causing death," was the right words. That's actually what Paul wrote. See what he's trying to do?

270 Now, all these things, like baptisms: one is baptized backward, one forward, one in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, one Jesus name, one this way, and that way, and all these different little things of baptisms.

271And of laying on of hands: "Bless God, I got the gift of laying on of hands. Hallelujah! You, you can get It this way. Hallelujah!"

272Laying all of that aside, because that's dead works, these reformations, reforming. See? He is speaking of another class. Now he said, "Let's get away from that, and go on to perfection." You get It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

273And the church is still lingering back in those things. That's what they were trying to do. The early Hebrew church was trying to say, "Well, I was baptized by immersing, and--and I was got this, and this, and all these things."

274He said, "Now, lay all of that aside, leaving it behind." But, now, did he say we shouldn't do it? Now listen to what he said about that.

And this will we do,... God permit.

275And the original said the same thing.

This we shall do, if God will permit us, see.

This we shall do, if God permit us.

276 Baptisms, laying on of hands, and things, but that isn't perfect. That's only the carnal reform. And that's where the churches leave off at, today, is on that carnal reform. One of them said, "Oh, well, the water, the word baptism means this and it means that."

277And they set up organizations: and one sprinkles, the other one pours, the other one baptizes face forward, the other one backward, and all those things; some of them laying on of hands for the sick, and some making apostles, and some making prophets and so forth, by laying on of hands; and preaching the resurrection from the dead, and which is all right; and the supreme Deity of Christ, that's all right. "But," he said, "all these are formal reformations. We're just been reforming. Now let us go on to perfection." You get the picture? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

278 Now watch. Here is where the deep part comes now.

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

And have tasted of the good word of God,... the power of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

279Now, I know what you legalists has got in your mind right now, but you're wrong. See? All right. I stand on this, and the Bible confirms it, that, "If God ever saved a man, he is saved for time and Eternity." You can't make It say anything else.

280 Some fundamentalist come to me, not long ago, and said, "I got you on one, Preacher Branham. I got you one. You said, 'If a man was saved, he could never be lost'?"

281I said, "That's what God said."

282He said, "I want to ask you something. Saul was a prophet, and he prophesied. And you know he was God's anointed. The Bible said he was. And he committed suicide, and he was lost."

283I said, "He was?" I said, "The Bible declares he was 'saved.' After he become an enemy to God, he was still saved. The Bible said he was. And, after all, he did not commit suicide. A Philistine killed him, and David killed the Philistine for killing him. He did fall on his sword, his spear, sword, but, he did. It didn't kill him. And a Philistine killed him. And then when Saul went down to the witch, and she called the spirit of Samuel, because he hadn't entered Glory, he was in paradise under the shed blood of bulls and goats which couldn't take away sin. But he had to have a waiting place, which is called paradise, until he entered in."

284 That's where you Catholic people got mixed up. See? Now, there is no more paradise now. We go straight into the Presence of God.

285And when the witch of Endor called up the spirit of Samuel, there he stood. And she fell on her face, and she said, "Why did you deceive me?"

286And not only was Saul standing there... I mean Samuel, in his prophet robes, he was still a prophet. He said, "Why did you call me out of my rest," said, "seeing that you become an enemy to God?"

287He said, "Well, the Urim won't speak to me anymore. The prophet can't prophesy to me no more. Neither can I have a dream."

288"Well," Samuel said, "you've become an enemy to God. But tomorrow the battle goes the other way, and you'll die tomorrow. And by this time, tomorrow night, you'll be with me." If Saul was lost, so was Samuel, they was both together. Certainly. The Bible said so.

289 Now, you can be all worked up in emotion, by speaking in tongues, shouting, jerking, shaking, running up-and-down the aisle. Nothing against that. But you can make yourself believe that you're saved when you're not, you're not saved. Your life will prove what you are. Jesus said it would, "By their fruits you shall know them." Your life will prove whether you're saved or not, if you never open your mouth. It'll prove what you are.

290But all this work-up and emotion and joining church, "And I been baptized in Jesus' Name, hallelujah, I know I got It," that doesn't mean nothing.

291"I been baptized, name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, face forward, three times. I got It." That means nothing.

292 Paul said, "Let's go on to perfection now." We're talking about perfected. And if we'll run this down, you'll find out, the perfected is the Elected. I'll prove it to you, in a few minutes, by the Bible. It's the Elected who God, before the foundation of the world, seen every one of them. And He sent Jesus to redeem that people, not the whole world. He wanted to, but He had to make a way for those. And the only way He could do, was to send Christ; that He might come, the propitiation of our sins, that those who have been elected, He could bring to Him, in Glory.

293Could you imagine God running His office so loosely, as to say, "Well, maybe somebody will think real sad about Me, maybe they'll come and get saved"? God don't have to beg you to do nothing. Any begging, you need to do the begging, not God.

294 And then, Christ died to save those who God, by foreknowledge, elected to meet Him yonder without spot or wrinkle. Before the foundation of the world, He seen you in Glory. That's what the Bible said, Ephesians, the 1st chapter. 5th chapter, the 1st verse. God predestinated by foreknowledge.

295Now, if God did that, predestinated us before the foundation of the world; and knew every one of us by name, before the foundation of the world; and He Elected us to Eternal Life; and sent Jesus Christ to redeem us; that, six thousand years ago, He saw us, that we might appear to His praises in Glory! How can you ever be lost?

296 Now, if you're saved, you're saved. If God saves you tonight, knowing He's going to lose you ten years from today, He is defeating His Own purpose; the infinite, Almighty, Eternal, everlasting wisdom, God, doesn't know enough then to know whether you will hold out or whether you won't. Then, when He saves you, you say, "Well, I'll give Him a try. I'll see what He do," then He does not know the end from the beginning. God knows what He's doing, don't you never worry about that. It's you and I stumbling along. God knows what He's doing. And He knew we... whether we'd hold out, or what we would do.

297Now, the Bible said that, Esau and Jacob, before either child was born, God said, "I love one, and hate the other one," before they even breathed their first breath, that His election might stand true.

298 Who was Abraham? We'll get to him in a few minutes, down here. Who was he, that God should call? Save him without anything. God makes a covenant with man; man breaks his covenant. But God made this Covenant with Himself, and swore to it, to Himself. Man has nothing to do with it. It's God's own foreknowledge. He done it, anyhow.

299Now, you say, "Well, Brother Branham, then if I become a Christian, I can just do anything I want to?" Absolutely. If you're a Christian, do anything you want to. And I'll guarantee, you won't have any desire to do wrong. You do anything. I've always did just what I wanted to. And if I serve the Lord 'cause I'm afraid I'm going to hell, I'm not serving Him right. If I live true to my wife because I'm afraid she'll divorce me, I'm not a very good husband. But I wouldn't hurt her for nothing, for I love her.

300 That's how it is with Christ, when a man is born of the Spirit of God. Not because he shouted, spoke in tongues, or some emotion; but in his heart, love come in and taken the place of the world. I tell you, he loves Him. He walks by Him, every day. You don't have to tell him, "It's wrong to do this, or that, or the other." He knows it's wrong. And, he walks, he's an ordained product of God's sovereign grace. Exactly.

For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened,... made partakers of the... heavenly calling...

Now, we've sometimes believed that that was a man who once was enlightened and fell away again, but the Bible doesn't read it that way. "It's absolutely impossible for a man," he says here, "that has received the Holy Spirit, to ever fall away." Now read it and find out if that isn't right. Watch here, take the text, the whole text, and the contents, context, rather.

301 Now He's beginning to talk about, what is it? "Let's go on to perfection." Now, he said, "Not carnal, laying the foundation here of doctrines and baptism and reformations, and so forth. Let's not do that. Let's go on to perfection." The subject is perfection, and perfection comes by Christ. And how did we get in Christ? By joining the church? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body." Not by: one, tongue-talked in; one, hand-shook in; one, water-baptized in. "But by one Spirit we are baptized into one Body." You get it? That's the perfection.

302And when you come into That, you are in Christ, and the world is dead to you. And you walk with the Lamb each day, and your steps are ordained of God, what to do. Oh, the trials and testings that we go through! You say, "Do you have testings?" Yes, sir. What is...

303 Grace is what God did for me, works is what I do for God. Now, they'll make a doctrine out of it, they think that works is what wins your merits. If it is, it isn't a free gift. Grace is what God did for you, "By grace you're saved." And works is what you do in appreciation of the grace that He showed to you. And if you love Him, you like to do the works of the Lord. Certainly, because, then, you--you love Him.

304Accepting Meda Broy, as my wife, was what love done for her. What she does, in appreciation: she's a nice woman, stays home, takes care of the children, and lives a good true life. That's not because we're not married; we are married. But she does that in appreciations. If she run down town, every day, and took in every ten-cent store, and up-and-down the streets, and never washed the dishes, or anything else, we are still married. Absolutely. When I took my vow, that settles it. She's my wife. As long as there's life in us, she's my wife. That's her vow. But what appreciation she does for that: she stays home, and takes care of the children, and tries to be a real wife.

305 I could run out and be gone all the time, just gadding about over the country, and let her half starve, or anything, let the children go without something to eat; we're still married. If she even divorces me, I'm still married, long as there's life in my body. I took that vow, "Till death we separate." That's right. We're still married. But, yet, I make a poor excuse of a husband. She'd make a poor excuse as a wife. So if we love one another, we stick together and pull the load, together.

306That's the way God and His Church is, when you're born in the Kingdom of God. You'll have your ups and downs, true, but you're still a Christian, you're still born of the Spirit of God. God may have to take you out of the earth early.

... it's impossible for those which were once enlightened, and have tasted... the heavenly gift,...

... to ever fall away, to renew themselves again unto repentance;...

307 Now, I know where you're thinking about, the church. Let me take you one just a little stronger, so the--the legalistic side can be really shut out. Let's go over to Hebrews, the 10th chapter, and look at this just for a little bit.

30810th chapter, the 26th verse.

For if we sin wilfully after... we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,

But a certain fearful looking... of the judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversary.

He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

Of how much more sorer punishment, though supposed... though worthy,... trod the... who has trod under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and... done despite to the works of grace?

309 Now you say, "What about that, Brother Branham? How does that look?"

Now, just to read, I think, "The Scripture doesn't say that." That's not talking about a Christian. That's talking about a man that heard the Word and turned away from It. See?

For if we sin... (What is sin? Unbelief.)... if we disbelieve wilfully after the gospel has been preached to us, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,

310What is sin? Unbelief. Read Saint John, the 4th chapter. Jesus said, "He that believeth not is condemned already." Sin is not smoking, drinking, committing adultery. You do that because you're an unbeliever. That's just the attributes. You do that because you're an unbeliever. Just to quit smoking, quit drinking, and so forth like that, that doesn't mean you're--you're a Christian. That's just the attributes of your conversion. But, you can, you can do either side, and still not be.

311 Now notice.

... he that disbelieves wilfully after he...

312Not--not, "After he received Christ in his heart." The Bible doesn't say that. Said, "He that..."

... if we sin wilfully, disbelieve wilfully, after... we have received the knowledge of the truth,...

Get it? Wasn't talking to a Christian, at all.

313Some woman come to me, not long ago, and said, "Brother Branham, I'm a Christian, but I blasphemed the Holy Ghost."

314I said, "It's impossible." A Christian could not blaspheme the Holy Ghost. You can't do it. A Christian spirit bears record with Christ's Spirit. See? And you'll call, everything of God, "God's."

315But if you're carnal-minded, you'll make fun and laugh at the Holy Ghost; I don't care how much you go to church, you're still a sinner, and you're blaspheming the Holy Ghost. When they seen Jesus discerning their thoughts, they said He was a "fortune-teller."

316 Jesus said, "You've... I'll forgive you for that, but when the Holy Ghost is come, you speak a word against It, it'll never be forgiven you."

Because, they said, "He has an unclean spirit," calling the Spirit of God, "an unclean thing."

A Christian can't do that. A Christian will always call the Spirit of God, "Righteousness." See? A Christian cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost. It's the outsider that blaspheme.

317That wasn't Christians standing there. It was religious people, it was orthodox Jews, doctors of divinity, and so forth, and they were making fun of Him and His works, calling the works of God, that, "It was an unclean spirit doing it."

318And how many do you think today blasphemes the Holy Ghost, that's got D.D.D., Ph.D. on their name? How many great, stiffed Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, walk the street and make fun of the operation of the Holy Ghost, just as polished scholars, and slick as a button? Right. But they make fun of the Holy Ghost, and therefore they blaspheme It.

But a born-again Christian cannot do that. He'll say, "That's my brother. That's the Spirit of the living God." That's right. A Christian cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost.

319It's the sinner that blasphemes the Holy Ghost; the unbeliever, the sinner, an "unbeliever." There's only two thing: either you are a believer, or an unbeliever.

320 Now, notice here, to make this real wound up now. I had a vision that's always bothered me. Years ago I used to look at that. I said, "Oh, if a man once received the Holy Spirit then, and then would backslide, he'd be lost forever." I couldn't get this other to make sense with that.

321I said, "Then why is it that the Bible said, that, 'He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Eternal Life, Eternal, and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life. All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and none of them is lost, I'll raise them up in the last days. No man can pluck them from My hand'? How does that divvy up with this? I just couldn't understand it, 'It's impossible for those who were once enlightened.'" I thought, "There is something wrong. I just can't get it."

And I went to a little Pentecostal meeting, years ago.

322 There's not a one left in the church, I guess, tonight, that remembers. Years ago, this was even just about time the tabernacle was built. Less, it'd be Brother Graham back there, or somebody. I don't know, you was here first, or not, brothers. Brother Mahoney, I think, was. Yeah, just before I was married.

323That gift working, I was of afraid. They told me it was of the Devil. I didn't know till the Angel of the Lord told me.

324I went to Mishawaka, and I set in that meeting, and I never heard so much shouting and crying and praising God. I thought, "Brother, this is Heaven." And, oh, how they would go up-and-down.

325 They had to have it in the North, on account of segregation. The colored and white were together. The P.A. of W. and the P.H.A.C. had really emerged and become the United Pentecostal. But what a revival they were having, there at Brother Rowe's tabernacle at Mishawaka. And I, a little curious fellow, setting on the back seat, was watching all of this. I had never seen these things before.

326There was a man setting here... I've never told this in public before. There was a man setting on one side, and a man on the other, and one spoke in tongues, and the other interpret it. And they would tell different things was going to take place. Then, this one speak in tongues, and that one interpret. I thought, "My, isn't that wonderful!" I thought, "How glorious! Them must be Angels, come down in a form of men."

327 Well, I only had a dollar and seventy-five cents, to come home on, and I--I--I just could get a tank of gas. I slept in a cornfield that night. I've got part of it in a book, but not all of it, 'cause I didn't want to hurt their feeling. And so, that night, they said, "All preachers come to the platform." I was on the platform. I was the youngest preacher there then.

328So, the next morning, they asked me to come to preach. I hid. You know, the colored man said, "Here he is." You remember the story of it, when he exposed me setting there.

329 And so after preaching that day, walking around, I thought "If I could only get to those two men." They led the meeting. One would raise and turn white in the face; he'd speak in tongue. And the other would interpret it, and give the words, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'There's a certain-certain person here, by the name of certain-certain, that should do this and certain-certain.'" Brother, it was the truth. And the other one would rise and speak in tongues, and he would interpret.

330I thought, "Oh, my, isn't this wonderful!" So, that day, I thought, I went out and prayed. I thought, "Lord, you do that for me again." I didn't know what to call it, visions.

331 I went out and prayed, and asked the Lord to help me. I went around the building, and I happened to run into one of them. Now, the Lord give me a way of knowing things. I shook his hand. I said, "How do you do?"

He said, "How do you do? What's your name?"

And I said, "Branham."

"Oh," he said, "you're the young fellow that preached this morning."

I said, "Yes, sir."

332While I got a conversation with him, I caught his spirit. And he was a genuine Christian, just a pure Christian, brother. I mean, he was a believer. I thought, "Oh, isn't this wonderful!"

333 And about an hour from then, out there near the car, which was looking on a great big car, had "Jesus Only" wrote on the back of it, and standing out there stood the other man. And I went out and I said, "How do you do, sir?"

334He said, "How do you do?" Said, "You're Brother Branham, that spoke this morning."

335I said, "Yes, sir. I am." I said, "Say, I enjoy them great gift of God that works in you two brethren."

336He said, "Thank you, Mr. Branham." And I begin to feel his spirit. A vision come. And if I ever talked to a hypocrite, there was one of them. His wife was a black-headed woman. He was living with a blond-headed woman, had two children by her. He was no more a Christian than nothing in the world.

337 Then I said, "What have I got into? I thought I was in Angels, and now I must be in demons. Something has happened. Here was one, a genuine Christian; and the same Spirit falling on this man, was falling on this man." I said, "Now I'm all confused." I didn't know what to do. I cried and begged, to the Lord. I didn't know what to accept.

338They was about to get me to... Asked me if I had "received the Holy Ghost?" this guy did. I said, "No, sir, not the way you got it."

Said, "You ever speak with tongues?"

I said, "No, sir."

Said, "Then you haven't got It."

339So I said, "You're probably right, my brother. Maybe I haven't, 'cause I don't have what you have." And after while, I was glad I didn't.

340So then I watch that, and I seen the way that was moving.

341 So, one day, I was out here praying, long ago. I'll tell you why, who I was praying for, was Roy Davis. And I was out here praying, because he had called me "a puppet," and I was praying for God to forgive him for it. And he had a press back there, wrote a paper. And that press caught afire and burnt down, a couple nights after that, while they were running it.

342And so I was standing back there in an old cave behind Green's Mill. I walked out there. And I was praying, been back there, two day. I laid my Bible down on an old log, where, I showed Brother Wood, not long ago, laid my Bible down. I set a-straddle the log. And the wind blowed. I thought, "Been so long, back in that cave, I'd just read a little." So I took a hold of the Bible and begin to read, and this was the chapter it was on. Well, I begin to read, and I begin to wonder then. See?

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened,... made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

... tasted the good word of God, and... the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew themselves... to repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

343 I thought, "There is that Scripture." But something hung with me. Then I begin to think, "Here is where he talked back here, in the beginning, 'Not laying the dead foundation of repentance, at the beginning. Not laying the foundation of repentance,' and here he says, 'New, renewing themselves back to repentance. But let's go on to perfection, laying these things in the back.'" Then I started reading. Then I read the next verse.

For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessings from God:

But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

344And when I read that, Something just shook me. And I thought, "Lord, that don't pertain to Roy Davis. Why would You do that?"

345 I started, turn another page. I had to go back to It, again, "It is impossible for those which were once enlightened," go through It again.

346Then I thought, "Lord, what is this? What do You mean, Lord?"

347And I turned and went back into my cave, to pray over It. And when I did, I saw a world turning. And it was all disked up, real nice, the whole world. And I saw a man in white, going around, he had a bag in his hand. He was sowing seeds as he went around. He went around the curvature of the earth. And as soon as he got around, here come a guy dressed in real black clothes, a slick-looking fellow, slipping along like this, looking. And he had a seed. And he was throwing something behind it, as he went around the earth; watching everybody and throwing. I stood and watched the vision.

348After he had gone, the world turned around, and there was a great, big crop, and it was of wheat. And there was weeds, cockleburs and things in the wheat.

349 There come a drought. And, oh, how that little wheat hung its little head over, and was thirsting for water. The little cocklebur had its head hung over, and it was thirsting for water. Everybody was praying for rain. And after while, along came a big cloud and just watered the whole earth. And the little cocklebur jumped up, begin to shout, "Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!"

350And the little wheat, it jumped up, begin to shout, "Glory to God! Praise the Lord!"

351And then the Scripture come to me, which is found in the Book of Matthew, the 5th chapter and the 45th verse. And listen to what Jesus said, in Matthew 5:45. And listen close now as we read. Matthew, the 5th chapter and the 45th, 46th verse; 44th, to begin.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That you may be... call... you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on... evil and on... good, and sendeth rain on the just and... the unjust.

352 So, you see, the same rain that makes the wheat grow, makes a cocklebur grow. And, therefore, I got the picture. There is your carnal confessor, that's right in the church. But his fruits... He might shout, jump, dance, speak with tongues; but his fruits: he's a cocklebur. And there's the other one, that's got the same Spirit. The Holy Spirit can drop right in a bunch of people, and a hypocrite can shout, by the Holy Spirit, just the same as a cocklebur can live by the rain that's sent. That's what Paul is speaking of here. But it's impossible for a cocklebur to become a wheat, or a wheat a cocklebur. You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

For it is impossible for those who have been once enlightened, and have... partaken of the gift of the Holy Ghost,

And... tasted the good word of God, and the power of the world to come,

... to fall away, to renew themselves again...

Listen what he said.

... for the rain... comes oft upon the earth, to water it and to dress it here, and prepare it;

But... which is thorns and thistles is nigh unto rejecting;...

Now, therefore leaving the principalities and doctrines of Christ, let us go... to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance and dead works... towards God, and faith, and so forth,

... and doctrines of baptisms,... layings on of hands, and things;...

353 See, the carnal believer, back in those days, just like it is today, likes to say, "Well, I belong to church. I've repented. I--I come up, I made a confession. I been baptized." See, they lay to those carnal reformations. And what does it do? It produces cockleburs.

354What does the perfection do? It's the wheat. The wheat is God's Word. He uses it as His Word. It's a Seed. It brings forth.

355It depends on what seed is sowed in your heart. If you come to church just because you're afraid of hell, if you join church because you don't want--you don't want to go to hell, you're still a cocklebur. If you--if you join church just to be popular, you're still a cocklebur. If you done all these formal things that's to be done, and that's all you got, you're still a cocklebur.

356But a real, genuine Christian presses towards perfection until the world is dead and you become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Then, it's impossible for that man to ever fall. What the Bible said! See how that compares with the rest the Scripture? See how It lays it right in there to its place?

357 How can It say here, "A man that's once saved can never be lost" and come over here and say, "But, if you are lost, or blaspheme, it's impossible"? Sure, if you're a blasphemer, you're not a Christian.

358"No man, speaketh by the Spirit of God, calleth Jesus accursed." Saint John 4... or First John 4. No man speaking by the Spirit of Christ, calls Jesus "accursed." Every spirit, of God, that's in the Christian Church, agrees with everything God said.

359We read here, and say, "He was wounded for our transgressions. With His stripes we're healed."

360The old carnal mind say, "Days of miracles is past. I'm Dr. Jones." See? "There's no such a thing as Divine healing. No such thing as heartfelt religion. You're just a bunch of worked-up. You're emotional. See, that's all there is to it. There nothing to it. We are Presbyterians. We're Lutherans," or whatever it is. "We know where we're standing."

361 But what does the Spirit of God say? Jesus Christ, the same here! "Amen," says the Spirit of God. It agrees quickly with the Word. Yes, sir. It's right there. See what I mean now?

362"These carnal reforms works death," said Paul.

363But where Life is come, this perfection, "He that heareth My Words, believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and shall never come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto Life. I'll give him everlasting Life, raise him up in the last days. All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and none of them is lost." Can't be.

364So, here is what it does--what it does. People thinks that that makes people loose. Brother, you don't serve God under a frown of a serpent. God is not one of these guys with a blacksnake whip, driving you around. He's a Father. He's Love. God is Love. And the Bible said, in Saint John, "He that loveth is of God."

365 You love God. I wouldn't be, if I went out and--and got on a drunk tonight. I never drank, in my life. But if I went out and got on a drunk, I wouldn't be afraid of getting a whipping. That isn't the reason I don't go--go, don't go do it. The reason I don't do it, is because I love Him. He loves me. It's not a works of law. It's not something that I got to do. It's because He's already done something for me, and I love him for it. There you are.

366So, with that Spirit in there, which is promised, "I give unto him everlasting Life, and they shall never perish." Did He lie or did He tell the Truth? He told the Truth. So, you see how This interprets? The impossibility is for a man to fall after he's once in grace. He can't. He can fall, sure, but not back to repentance, back to the place and to do the old works over again.

367 So, you all trotting from revival to revival, one place and then another, don't you see you're not stable? You're not established. Now, surely... You say, "Brother Branham, I don't know if..." Surely God would not give me the ministry He has, and let me be in error. And if it wasn't proven by the Scripture, then it would error, but here is the Scripture to back it up.

368The churches never missed a place... People go, join church, fuss, fight, stew, and--and everything, and just live any kind of a carnal life, "Oh, yes, I'm a Christian."

369 I heard a confession today of a little lady that told me that her husband was running with a man. She has caught them, place after place. And the woman says, "I'm going to let you know, 'I'm a Christian.'"

370Look over here at Jimmy Osborne, out here preaching on Sunday morning; and boogie-woogie, rock-and-rolled and everything, through the week.

371Look at Elvis Presley, a 1947 version of Judas Iscariot, joins the Assemblies of God, Pentecostal, speaking in tongues for the Holy Ghost, and sent more souls to torment than all the bootleg joints there's been in the last fifty years. Perverted the mind of little teen-age children all over the world, till little girls would grab off their underclothes and throw it on the platform, and him to autograph. So vulgar that they won't show him in the television, from his waist down, the way his body. The Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues, for evidence? Oh, brother, if the Holy Ghost was there, It wouldn't act like that. You know better than that. Certainly not. God loves cleanness and purity and holy.

372 I don't act clean and pure and holy to make myself a Christian. But Christ, in me, lives that in me. And I love Him. And if I do anything wrong, it condemns me, right there. I say, "God, forgive me." Every day, I got to ask forgiveness, every day. And you do, too. Certainly, you do.

373But now if you're--if you're carnal, you just wait on back, say, "Ah, well, that's all right, I belong to church." See? And then when you blaspheme, is when you don't have the Faith that was once delivered to the saints. Then you make fun of That, and call It, "An evil spirit." Say, "That's a bunch of holy-rollers." Then, you separate yourself between grace and judgment, then you're finished forever.

374 Jesus said, "One word against It, will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come." And a Christian, born of the Spirit, can't say evil about That, 'cause it can't. It agrees with It. That's right.

375That's the reason people try to tell me, that Pillar of Fire there, that appears here with us, they try to say, that, "That was the Devil," that, "It was just fiction," all this. But the camera proved that It wasn't. And the works lay right exactly on the Bible, same Pillar of Fire that met Paul on his road to Damascus. All these things that He done back there, is doing it just exactly the same way, by the Bible. He's Christ, the Son of God.

376And when we are born again, we have everlasting Life, and cannot perish. It would be impossible for a man to fall. That's what the Bible said.

377 Now, listen, watch what Paul says. I'll read the rest of it, and see if that don't sound right, now. Let's go on, just a minute. The 8th verse.

But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. (That's the unbeliever.)

378Now watch Paul. "But, beloved,..." Now he's talking about them is trying to get back under the law, you know, trying to do all the works of the law, yet they're just as ritual as they can be. They have baptisms and the laying on of hands, and all these things.

But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you,...

There you are. Listen at him now.

... and things that accompany salvation, though--though through this we thus spake.

For God is not unrighteous to forget your works and labours of love, which you have showed towards his name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

379 See what He's talking about? He's not talking about Christians falling away, impossible to come back. He's talking about carnal believers who go through the form of reformation. "But," he said, "to you who was born again, you who are Christian, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you. You don't say those things. You don't live that type of life. You're secured with Christ."

What did he say back here? Now let's go to Hebrews 10, where we was at this morning, again. []

380Now let's turn over then, again, to Ephesians 4:30. And let's get this, just a minute, and watch what this says, to back this up, to make Scripture go with Scripture. Ephesians 4, let's see. Ephesians 4:30. Let's read and see what It says. Listen.

... grieve not the holy Spirit of God,...

Huh? How we baptized into the Body? One Spirit.

... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption.

That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You're sealed into the Body of Christ, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, not from one revival to another one, but until the Day of the body of redemption. That's what you are. So, there's no way for you to be lost.

381 You get scared. And that's the reason scare, a scare, fear companies doubt.

Love companies faith. I love my Father. I'm not afraid of Him, because I love Him. He wouldn't hurt me. He will do good for me. If I was scared of Him, and, "Oh, I don't know whether He will do it, or not." See?

382But if I love Him, "Yes, Father, I--I love You. And I know You're--You're my Father, and You love me, and I'm not afraid but what You'll keep Your Word. It's Your promise to me." That's the way the Spirit of God does.

383"But, oh, if I did this, if I did that." See, there you come to the legal side, again. Never go to the legal side. It's negative.

384 The positive side is what you want. It's already a finished work. Christ died, and the sin was killed when He died. And if God foreordained you to Eternal Life, "All the Father has given Me, will come to Me." There you are, can't be lost. You're secured forever. "For by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body, and by one sacrifice He has perfected forever." There you are. There's no way for us to lose. Correctly. Now, don't it make you feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

385Now, how do you know you're a Christian? When your spirit bears record with His Spirit, when the love of God is in your heart, when you have love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, goodness, meekness. That's when you... The fruits of the Spirit is following your life.

386Not because you can dance in the Spirit, oh, to this modern rhythm, whoop it up on a piano, to a lot of this here dancing in the Spirit. Them things are all right. But they took the whole thing over on that legal side, see, and therefore, they left the Spirit of God in the back.

387 That's the reason, when God begin to manifest Hisself, they said, "Nonsense. We don't want nothing to do with That." They don't know God. They've never seen It. They can't understand It, because there's a different life in there. He doesn't know... Cocklebur doesn't know what the wheat is doing. He's a different life.

388That's the way it is with a Christian, to the carnal believer, the confessor, who goes out and confesses, "Oh, yes, I'm a Christian." A big cigar in his mouth, like a dehorned Texas steer.

389A woman with her shorts on, say, "Oh, yes, I'm a member of the church. Sure, I am." Your fruits prove that you're nothing but carnal. That's right. Certainly, it is. There's only one thing to allow for that: that's either mental deficiency or a spirit of lust on you. That's right.

390 If you want to act like the world, the Bible said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." So there you are.

391Now, you say, "Oh, the Bible said, then I must do that." No, that's not it. Stay here until Christ has done something for you, that take that out of you. Then you're born of the Spirit of God. Not what you do, it's what He done for you. Till you get a love that you've passed from death unto Life. And then watch your life, if it--if it dallys up. Not 'cause you try to make your life, but because God brings you into subjection to His Spirit. It's not you leading yourself in God's way. It's God leading you in His Own way. Not you doing the leading, but God doing the leading.

392 Now watch this, now, just as we get down towards the end. The 11th verse.

And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of the hope unto the end:

That ye may not be slothful, but followers of them that who through faith and patient inherit the promise.

393Now, just one more remark here.

For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself,

Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiply, I will multiply thee.

394When God met Abraham! Now, Abraham received the covenant, without any merits at all. The covenant was made with Abraham. It's absolutely grace, altogether. Abraham was not a better man. He was not a holiness man. He was just an ordinary man. And God, by election, chose Abraham because God elected him; not because Abraham wanted it, because Abraham did this, because he was a good man, 'cause he had any merit at all. But it was God's choice. God took Abraham.

395 Today, as I said, I believe, "We select our preachers." We go around, say, "Well, one of the deacons quit. Let's find the best man in the building to take his place. Well, the pastor quit; let's find out, we get the best." Sometimes that's not right.

396When they selected a man to take Judas' place, they got the wrong man. They got a gentleman, Matthias, a great scribe, a scholar, a diplomat. They said, "He'll just take the real place. Boy, he looks like a real man." But it wasn't God's choice. And he took this man, and he never done nothing for God.

397 But God took a choice of a little, old high-tempered, hook-nosed Jew that come down there. His face, all, "I'll go down. I'll arrest them."

398God said, "I see something in him. I'll use him."

399And God appeared before him, that big Light there. And he said, "Who are You, Lord?"

400Said, "I'm Jesus. Why, it's hard for you to kick against the pricks. Why you persecuting Me?" Like that, and God took that man and made him one of the greatest men that's ever hit the face of the earth since Jesus Christ. That was God's choice.

401Today, we try to make a choice. You churches, you send this man here, and that man here. It's not supposed to be done that way. God does the leading. It's God in all, through all, over all; not what some document of some church. It's what God said about it, what makes the difference.

402 Notice. God made a promise to Abraham, unconditional. And now, wait, Abraham did not have to do one thing. God said, "I have already done it."

403God made a promise to Adam, said, "Adam, if you'll not touch this, you'll live forever. But the day you eat thereof, that day you die."

404Adam said, "I just wonder what it's all about, anyhow?" He goes over and eats it, tampering.

405Every time that God make... a man makes his covenant with God, or God with a man, the man breaks his part. So God had to do something, because He seen what man was. And they were foreordained, they were elected, and God had to do something. So God came down and made His covenant with Abraham, unconditionally. If it wouldn't have been unconditionally, Abraham would been lost, a long time.

406 Look at him setting down there at Gerar, backslid, telling a lie. And give his wife over to another man, to save his own skin. What a man! Setting out there, and backslid. God told him, said, "Don't you leave up here. Stay up here." The famine run him out. He wandered down to where it was easier going. You know what happens to a fellow when he takes the easy road.

407He wandered out, down there where the grass was greener. And when he got down there, he told that king that his wife was his "sister," to save his own hide. Now, that was a lie. And any man, would take his wife and give her over to another man, to save his hide! There he was, setting out there in a little tent, backslider, telling a lie, and plumb out of his, cut altogether away from the promise and everything, but he was still God's prophet.

408 And there was Ablimelech, he was a good, holiness man. Sure, said his prayers every night. Found this grandma, of a hundred years old, come down there, beautiful and young again. He said, "That's the girl I've waited for, so I'm just going to marry her."

409Abraham said, "You can have her. She's my sister."

She, "That's my brother."

410So he takes her over there and has the women to wash her all up and--and put on nice clothes, and fix her up like a--like a princess. And he said his prayers, stretched out on the bed, and turned his feet up, and said, "Tomorrow, I'll marry that beautiful Hebrew girl, that--that boy's sister out there. Oh, it'll be wonderful. O Lord, You know how I love You! Yes, sir. Wonderful!"

411And God said, "You're just as good as a dead man." Uh-huh!

[Brother Branham coughs--Ed.] Pardon me. Abra-...

412Why, Abraham was setting over there, a lie, and backslid. And here was this man, an honest and just and upright man. "Why," he said, "Lord, You know the integrity of my heart. Did not he tell me, that was his 'sister'?"

413Said, "I know the integrity of your heart. That's the reason I'm keeping you from sinning against Me. That's right. I know the integrity of your heart. But her husband is My prophet." Hallelujah! Oh, if that ain't grace, what is? "Backslid, telling a lie, and setting out there, but that's still My prophet. You take an offering, and go to him, and take his wife back, or you're a dead man. I won't hear your prayers no more. Let him pray for you." Amen. There you are. "That's My prophet."

Now, you say, "Oh, I wish I'd have been Abraham."

414 "If we are dead in Christ, we are Abraham's Seed, and are heirs according to the promise." Right. That's what the Bible said. Would you like to read It? Why, the Bible said that, that the promise was not only to Abraham and his seeds. Like you, Abraham had many seeds, sure, many children. Ishmael was his child. He had seven or eight children after Sarah died, by another one, Keturah. But, look, the seed was the promised one, which was Isaac, and through Isaac came Christ, through Christ came us. The promise is unconditionally.

415Now, what about Abraham? Why, he'd have been done, it'd been impossible for him to ever get back again. Sure. It'd been impossible for Saul to ever get back again, if that, you'd have to read the Scripture that way. See? But it wasn't. God's promise endures forever.

416 Let's read here just a minute. I want you to read It. I want you to get Galatians 3:16, and read this, and see now what the promise is, and see what if--if we are His promise or not, 3:16. Listen here. All right. I'm going to read the 15th verse, too.

Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it is confirmed, no man disannuleth, or addeth thereunto.

Now to Abraham and his seed, seed (s, double e, d), to his seed were the promise made.

"To Abraham and his Seed." Now watch.

He saith not, And to thy seeds (plural), as of many; but as... one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

417Then, Christ was the Seed of Abraham. "And we being dead in Christ, and baptized into His Body, we are Abraham's Seed, and are heirs of the promise." Then how is it, how are you ever going to fall away, if God made the promise to you? How are you going to ever backslide, and go away and have to go to hell for it?

418 Now, you say, "Well, can't we backslide?" Absolutely. And when you backslide, you're going to get it, don't you worry. Abraham got it, and the rest of them got it, and you'll get it. Don't you think it gives you a right to sin. It doesn't. You'll pay for everything that you do. You'll reap what you sow. You do one little sin and you'll reap a whole washtub full. That's right. But, brother, that don't mean to say that you're lost. That's exactly right. Abraham reaped exactly what he sowed. That's right. But he was still saved.

419The covenant that God made with Israel: they lost their in-heritage, they lost the promised land and went down into Egypt, but they hadn't lost their covenant. God said, "I remember My promise to Abraham. I remember, and I've come down to deliver My people. Go down there, Moses, and tell Pharaoh, I said, 'Let My people go.' I remember I made a promise to Abraham and to his seed."

420 That's the same thing it is with us. So if you are dead, and your life is hid in God, through Christ, there is not nothing in the world can touch you. Now, you might go and do wrong, but if you're really, truly, a child of God, and you see you've made a mistake, you'll rise and try again. That's right, and you'll not lay there.

421But if you're cowardly, if you're a cocklebur, if there's no "get up" to you, you'll say, "Ah, well, there wasn't nothing to It, anyhow."

422 The Kingdom of God is like unto a man took a net and went to the sea, cast it in. When he come, he had turtles, frogs, snakes, lizards, spiders, and fish. That's the Gospel when It's preached.

423Like the Lord will tell a minister, like Brother Graham, "Go up here. "Go on this corner and fish a little while, Brother Graham." All right, takes his net and goes up there and starts seining.

"Where you going, Brother Bill?"

"I'm going out somewhere else, and cast on this corner."

424I'm pulling, "There they are, Lord, You know what they are." I pull the net again, "All right, here they are, Lord."

425Now, the turtle was a turtle, to begin with. You just got caught in the net. That's right. And that's the way people get caught up in emotion, "O Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. Glory to God. Hallelujah!" They just got caught in the net, that's all.

426If that old Turtle spirit is in them, it ain't going to be long, they say, "Well, I tell you,..." Here he goes, creeping back.

427And old lady Crawfish will say, "But I just can't understand That." See?

428Miss Spider set there a little while, she go "plop, plop, plop," right back, "Well, there wasn't nothing in It, anyhow."

429Miss Serpent will say, "Oh, they're a bunch of holy-rollers. That's just all there is to It. I'll go down where they got better sense than that." Why, you're a snake, to begin with. The Gospel net just caught you, that's all.

430 But the fish is took to the Master's table. He was a fish, to begin with. The Seed of him was a fish. He began, a fish, and God knowed His fish from the foundation of the world. Hallelujah!

431Remember, they're all breathing the same muddy waters out there. They're all breathing out of the same creek. That's right. "We all made... drink of the same spiritual Rock. All did eat manna in the wilderness." Caleb and Joshua eat the same manna that--that the rest of them eat. And they all fell in the wilderness. But there was two elected to go over, and they went over. That's right.

432"We all been made to drink of the same Fountain." But not all that drink is saved. We all made to shout together. We're all made to rejoice together. But the Elected is saved. Did you notice? It said, "The two spirits, in the last days, would be so close till it would deceive the very Elected if possible," if possible. See? That's the real Spirit of God, elected to Eternal Life.

433 Now we're closing. Then Brother Neville will pick up where I leave off here. All right.

And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred year, four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.

That's the promise God give Abraham, before the law ever came into existence.

For if the... for if inheritance be of the law, it is no more of the promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

Not by nothing you do, not by any laws, any laws of your church, by joining church, or any other law. It's absolutely a grace act of God, to you. There you are.


Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgression, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made;...

Isn't that just as plain as the nose on my face? "It was added, to serve until the Seed came, which was Christ, to Who the promise was made."

... and it was ordained by angels and in the hands of a mediator.

Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.

435Now, I leave from right here, beginning from right there for Brother Neville, for this coming Wednesday.

436 Now do you understand what we have said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That it is absolutely impossible for a born-again Christian that... I don't mean, now, he calls himself, "born-again." I mean, a real, born-again Christian, to ever fall from grace, he cannot do it. He can fall, that's right, but he cannot, never, get out of that grace.

Abraham fell from grace. Sure, he did. God told him to "stay there." He went out of it, but he never lost his covenant. He was still God's chosen. He was a prophet setting there. He always was. He'll always be God's.

437Now notice. The Bible said, that, "All of Israel will be saved." How many knows that? The Bible said, "All Israel's will be saved." Now, "Israel is not Israel which is of the flesh, but Israel of the Spirit, for gifts and callings are without repentance." Is that what the Bible said, the very next verse? Galatians. All right. "All of Israel will be saved. Every one of them is saved." How we become Israel? "Being dead in Christ, take on Abraham's Seed, and we're heirs according to the promise."

438Paul said, "That which is outward is not a Jew, but that which is inwardly, is a Jew, the promised Ones." And we are Abraham's Seed, by the promise, through Christ, accepted Him as our personal Saviour.

439 Oh, I hope you see it. I hope you get it, if you can stay with It a little while. Now over in here we finish this up, then we start on Melchisedec, which brings right back in this again. We start right on over to... Oh, It's just, the whole thing is wonderful. But we just keep getting into those cream thing.

440Now, see, if you took This here, look like, if you could read It just from observation... Like a real strict trinitarian, who believes there's three Gods, told me one time, that, "Matthew 3 absolutely declared that there was three, three individual Persons in the Godhead."

441I said, "I got to see it."

442He said, "Watch." Standing right from this pulpit, he said, "Looky here, Matthew 3." Said, "When Jesus went straightway out of the water, lo, the heavens opened unto Him. And He saw the Spirit of God like a dove. And the Voice from Heaven saying, 'This is My beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased.' And there was three: the Son on the bank; the Holy Ghost in between; and the Father up above."

I said, "Brother, the Scripture doesn't read that."

"Oh, yes, it does."

I said, "Now read It again, find out if It does."

443 Now, here is his picture. Here is God, the Son; there is God, the Father; here is God, the Holy Ghost, like a dove. Now watch. The Bible said, when Jesus was baptized, "The Son went straightway out of the water, lo, the heavens above Him was opened. And a Voice saying of... He saw the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God, like a dove." Not another Person up there, but this Spirit of God was the Dove which was above Him. And a Voice coming, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am pleased to dwell in." Now read Matthew 3 and see if It doesn't say that. See? Not three people, not at all.

444And that's the why. This doesn't say it's impossible for a man to ever get back, when he backslides. It doesn't say that. It doesn't say that. It says, "It's impossible for a man to ever come back to renew himself, after he's once been there." He cannot do it.

445 The Bible said, "He that's born of God, does not commit sin, for he cannot sin. For the seed of God remains in him, and he cannot sin." How can I be called a sinner, when there's a sacrifice laying there to take my place? How can I die, when death has been paid for me? How can I die, when I got Eternal Life? How can I do it? You can't do it.

446How can I have a written permit from the mayor of this city, to run sixty miles an hour through this city, and any officer arresting me for running sixty miles an hour? How can you do it? I've got a permit from the mayor that says I can do it. He can't arrest me. His--his rest... He could blow the whistles and everything else, and I could just ignore it. Don't mean a thing; I've got a permit.

447 And how can I, then, as after Christ has died for me and I become His righteousness because of His grace and love to me? How can I sin, when there is something laying between me and God, a sacrifice? I can't sin. Can't do it. God never sees me; He sees Christ. He stands in my place. And when I do anything wrong, Christ takes my place. I made my confession, "I'm wrong. He is right. Lord, You know my heart. You know whether I mean it or not. And I'm wrong. Forgive me." God never sees it. The Blood of Jesus got me covered, all the time. Then how can God ever see me? How can sin be--be counted to me, when He can't do it? Just as soon as I do it, it's forgiven. [Brother Branham snapped his finger--Ed.] That's right.

448 Just like taking a--a little dropper like this, a little eye-dropper, and take it full of black ink and hold it up over a tub of bleach, and just drop it in there, and then just try to find it again. It just turns to the bleach. The ink becomes bleach. And that's what, your confessed sins, if you're in Christ. Between you and God is a whole tub of bleach, and your sin becomes righteous because a righteous Sacrifice is waiting there for you.

When I come to the river at the ending of day,

And the last winds of sorrow have blown;

There is one thought that cheers me and makes my heart glad,

I won't have to cross Jordan alone.

449 That's one good thing. That's one good thing. I won't have to cross it. One of these days, we're coming down to the end of the road. The sun will refuse to shine, then God will call.

450Adam will reach over and shake Eve, and say, "Honey, here it is. It's time to wake up."

451Eve will reach over and get a hold of Abel, say, "Come forth, darling. It's time to wake up." Abel will get a hold of Seth. And Seth will get a hold of Noah. Noah get a hold of... Oh, on down, on down to Abraham, and down as they come. There'll be a great shaking and awakening when the Son of God comes. We'll stand in His likeness at that day.

452 Now, if you commit sin here, you're going to pay for it. I've...

453Just keep coming in my mind, I've just got to tell it. I've tried to quench it off, four or five times. I have to say it. How many remembers this brother, pastor, that used to be over here at the church of God? Brother, right up here, what was his name? Worked for Vorgang down there. Oh, you all... The First church of God, right here on the corner. Or, used to sell Rawleigh's in time of the--of the depression. A real godly, saintly man. Brother Smith took his place up there. I'll call his name in a few minutes. He was a God-saved man.

454Remember, if you don't walk up to the correction, and you do something wrong as a Christian, God will warn you. And then if you don't take the warning, He will just take you right off the earth. That's what He done.

455 You remember, in the Bible? Look at that Corinthian church. He told them what they was, positionally, in Christ. But he warned them of what was going to happen. And they corrected themselves, got straightened out, with God.

456And this little brother, he was a wonderful little brother, I believe, a God-saved man. And he got him a job down here at the... at Vorgang's. If some of his people is setting here, I hope you don't think that I... I don't know you if you're setting here. But, Ramsey, Brother Ramsey, how many remembers Brother Ramsey up here at the church of God? Sure, you do, wonderful little man. And he used to come to my house and we'd talk together, and we'd set there and weep and hold one another's hands; a real Christian.

457 One day I went into it down there, just come from overseas in a meeting, had my car checked up, Brother Ramsey said, "What can I do for you, Billy?"

458I said, "Check her up, Brother Ramsey. Change the oil."

459"Okay," he said, "fine, dandy." Said, "You have a nice meeting?"

460I said, "Oh, Brother Ramsey, it was wonderful." I said, "I wish you could go with me sometime. Why don't you go with me?"

He said, "I don't serve the Lord no more, Billy."

I looked around, I said, "What'd you say?"

461He just kind of said, "I don't serve Him no more," walked away.

462I thought, "Oh, he's just going on." I went on, went somewhere.

463Come back and got in my car. I come up home. I begin to think about that, "I don't serve the Lord no more."

464The Lord put it on my heart to go back and ask him again. So, I said, "Meda, just hold the fort."

465And I got in, and got in my car and went back down, stopped again, went into Vorgang's. I said, "Brother Ramsey, I want to ask you a question."

Said, "All right, Billy, what is it?"

I said, "You said, a while ago, you don't serve the Lord no more. You was just teasing me, wasn't you?"

He said, "No."

I said, "Brother Ramsey, you--you don't mean that."

He said, "Yes."

I said, "Don't you love Him?"

He said, "If I loved Him, I'd serve Him. Wouldn't I, Billy?" walked away.

I thought. "Say, Brother Ramsey!"

Said, "I don't want to talk no more about it."

466I went home, went in the room, shut the door. And, oh, you know how you feel real heavy, like you'd taken the cookies away from a baby or something, you know. I--I thought, "What? It can't be. Surely something has happened to Brother Ramsey."

467 And there's a little colored boy, named Jimmy, he comes here to church. Got one leg, you know; he limps, kind of. I forget his name, works down there at Vorgang's, runs a wrecker. He met me, and he said, "You know, Rev. Branham," he said, "I don't know about this here Dr. Ramsey around here." He said, "I told him, the other day, said, 'We all was scared to even open our mouth around here.' Said, 'You was a godly man.' But," said, "He took his preacher's license and went over to the basket and tore them apart, and throwed them in the basket, said, 'I don't want nothing to do with it no more.'"

He said, "Hey, mister!" Said, "You oughtn't to do that."

He said, "Oh, Jim, I'm through serving the Lord."

So he went on, said, "You don't mean that."

468And said, "Then he told me, said he's coming down to grind his valves, on Labor Day," I believe it was. "And he said, 'Now, I want you to come help me, Jim.'"

469He said, "I'll help you after I come from church, but first I is going to church."

470Said he went back down, "And Mr. Ramsey was grinding the valves on his car. He said, 'Jimmy, slip over the river. The saloons is closed here. Slip over the river and get me a case of beer.'"

471He said, "Mr. Ramsey, I has been guilty of many things, but never will I be guilty of getting a servant of the Lord a case of beer." He said, "No, sir. I'll never do that."

472And he said, "Well, go on. Get it, Jim."

473He said, "Mr. Ramsey, I grind your valves. But if you get any beer, you'll go get it yourself." He said, "I ain't going to never get a servant of the Lord anything like that."

474So Ramsey jumped in Jimmy's car, took over the river; come back, half tead up, with a case of beer, drinking it.

475 He started going down, and got sick. See? God couldn't speak to him. I warned him, I done everything I could. Brother Smith went to him and warned him. Everybody tried to do everything they could for him. Still, he just shook his head. What happened? He took sick and died. That showed that he was a saved man. If God could not make him... bring him in obedience, He will have to take him out of the earth and bring him Home. That's exactly what the Bible said. That's what the Bible promises. If you won't stand correction, you've got to come on Home.

476So God cannot lose you after He's saved you, but He can shorten your days here, and make you pay for every sin you've done. So, if you sin, you're going to have to pay for what you've done. Just remember that.

477 Now, now the Lord be with you. I believe, tonight, that Brother Ramsey was saved. Absolutely, I believe it. But he just wouldn't obey God, and when he wouldn't obey God, God had to bring him home. That's the only thing to do, because, what was it? "He would bring reproach and disgrace to the Blood wherewith he was sanctified with." That right? "And count the covenant an unholy thing," if that isn't just exactly what this Hebrew letter said. See? It would be impossible for him to be lost, but he would bring shame and disgrace, so God would have to take him off the earth and bring him Home. That's exactly what had taken place.

Now may the Lord bless, while we bow our heads just a moment for prayer.

478 Now, most holy and gracious Father, we are indeed grateful to Thee for the promise that we have, that You will never leave us or forsake us. You've promised You'd go with us through life, and in death You'd be near us. You promised us that we had Eternal Life. You gave It to us freely. We can never lose It. "All that comes to Me, has Eternal Life." And if it's Eternal Life, It has no end, and You promised to raise us up in the last day. To this we are very grateful. We are thankful that Your Word teaches us this. It gives us a sure hope. It makes us know that our Father is Love. He loves us, and He chose us. You said, "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you." And I thank Thee, Father, that Thou has done so. And many are setting here, tonight, and who has been ordained to Eternal Life, and has received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. And the fruits of the Spirit follow their life: gentle, meek, humble, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness. We're thankful for those.

479 And we pray, Father, that if there be some in here, tonight, who doesn't have those fruits to accompany them, but they're resting upon some fantastic, because they got worked up, one day, because they got emotionally, they felt good, they may have shouted, they might have done many things. But, Father, if they haven't got the fruit of the Spirit, that keeps them day by day in constant love, forgiving their enemies, making right their wrongs, and living peaceful and loving, and sweet and kind to one another, and a zeal for the Church, a love for Christ and for His children, O Eternal God, forgive them. Though they be members of the church, members of the earthly body, may they go now and lay aside those carnal, dead works, and press on to the perfection. Grant it, Lord. May they come to the perfect One and receive Him as their propitiation for their sins, that He might stand as a perfect sacrifice for a guilty man and a guilty woman. And supply them with His grace of love and peace, until they come into the Presence of God to live forever. Grant it, Father.

While we have our heads bowed:

480 If there be such a one that would like to swap a carnal life of ordinances, of baptisms, of sensations, of little carnal things like that, for a real heart full of real love, that--that you could walk up to your bitterest enemy, put your arms around him and say, "Brother, I'll pray for you. I love you." If you'd like to swap that experience of carnal things for a real experience of love, would you raise your hand to God? And say, "God, take me tonight, and make me what I should be." I'll pray for you, right from the pulpit here. Would you desire prayer? Raise your hands.

481 God bless you back there, sir. God bless you, brother. Someone else? God bless you, sir. "I have been in the church for years." God bless you, sir. God bless you here, brother. God bless you back there, little lady. "I will ask God to make me peaceful." Do you... Are you real raging? Are you out of sorts? Do you doubt? Do you toss about? Do you wonder whether It's really right or not? When you come to Christ, do you come with a full assurance, a heart full of love? Do you walk up to Him without one fear, saying, "I know He's my Father"?

482And there's no condemnation, you've passed from death unto Life. You know it. And you notice your life: you're loving, you're forgiving, you're gentle, you're peaceful, you're meek. All these fruits of the Spirit accompany your life, day by day. And as soon as you do anything wrong, "Oh, my." Just as soon as it come to your mind, "you've done wrong," quickly you make it right, right then. Don't wait another minute, go right then and make it right. If you don't, well, you don't have the Spirit of Christ. You might be a good woman, you might be a good man, you might be well thought of in the church, you might be well thought of in the neighborhood, but have you went on to that perfection, to that place to where you're wholly trusting in Christ? And by this, give you the seal. "Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteous. Then God give him the seal of circumcision, as a confirmation."

483 Now you say, "I believe God. I made a confession." But did God give you the seal of the Holy Spirit, back on your life, of love, joy, fruits of the Spirit, to prove that you've been saved? If He hasn't done that, then He hasn't recognized your faith yet. You've just made a confession. He hasn't accepted it, there is something wrong. Would you like to receive Him, then? Raise your hand, if there's someone else, before we pray.

484God bless you, young lady. God bless you back there, too. God bless you. All right. Someone else, just before we pray? All right. God bless you, back there, sister. God bless you, brother. God bless you, brother. God bless you, my brother. That's right. Some ten, fifteen hands has been up.

Now let's pray.

485 Blessed Lord, at their seat, they're finding an altar. It's at their seat, where they're sitting now, that You spoke to their hearts, that they're "wrong." It's at their seats that You've put a desire in their heart, that they "long to be more like Jesus."

486They want their life changed. They want to be meek and humble. They want to be gentle and full of patience. They want to be long-suffering, forbearing. They want to be so Christian-like, so Christ-like, till the world will say, as they go down the street, "That man is really a Christian. That woman is really a Christian. Oh, they're the most gentle, meekest, sweetest people!"

487Grant it, Lord, that they will receive that experience, tonight. And may they never rest upon their church ability, upon their affiliations with any church, any denomination; or neither upon their emotions, upon any fantastic, such as emotionally, something that's happened; may they shouted, spoke in tongues, or something else.

488 O Eternal God, let them not try to trust to get to Heaven on that, for we seen it so many times miserably fail. And You said it would fail, "Whether it's tongues, it shall cease! Where there's prophecy, it shall vanish. Where there's knowledge, it shall vanish. Oh, all these things, or even gifts, miracles of healing, they shall all be done away with. Only that Divine love shall last."

489God, create that in their heart, and let them know that that is the Spirit that brings forth the fruits. Do it just now, Lord, while we wait on Thee, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

490 [] Balls of fire flying, and to see turtledoves going back and forth through the building, to see Christ come in with thorns in His hands, and in His... Oh, did you know that's the antichrist setup? He said, "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, your redemption is drawing nigh." Then that's the reason I like to press every minute I can to the church, and get you solid. Brother Neville may not always be with us. I believe Brother Neville to be a good, sound Gospel teacher. We don't know what will wind its way into this pulpit, and, when it does get here, "My sheep know My Voice." Stay with that Word. Don't you never leave that Word. You stay right with It. You stand fast in the liberty where Christ has made you free. Be not entangled in all those yokes of bondage and so forth. Stand fast, and stand free. God will bless you. We have nothing in the world to fear about.

491 You're always wondering. I notice people come to be prayed for, they'll sidle into the line. Next time they see a healing campaign, they'll go into this line, they'll go into this line. I don't condemn them. They're trying to find relief, but they're going the wrong way. You're doing vice versa, what God said not to do. See? When you walk up boldly to the Throne of grace, and believe, that, "You asked, you shall receive." Stay with It. That's the way it's done; not just trot from mission to mission, from church to church, from campaign to campaign.

492Why, they made these healing campaigns like a bunch of nonsense. Certainly, they have. It's become to a place where, intelligent people, they look around and they wonder what it's all about. There, God don't want those things. Healing don't have to be in campaigns. Healing should be in every local church, all these gifts operating. But don't go to seed on those gifts. Don't pay any attention to the gift. If God wants to use you for something, He will do it. But, look after the Giver.

493 Martin Luther, once after speaking in tongues, he was asked why he didn't preach it, he said, "If I preached that, my people will go after the gift instead of the Giver." That's right.

494Moody, one time, speaking, and begin, when he was preaching so under inspiration, he spoke in tongues. He said, "God, forgive me for muttering foolish words." Certainly. See? And they had those things. We believe those things, but they must be put in their place. And they must not be set as evidences.

495There's not one thing left in the Bible, as "evidence of the Holy Ghost," only the fruits of the Spirit. Find out any place that Jesus said so. Yes, sir. The evidence of the Holy Ghost is the fruit of your Spirit. Jesus said so, "By their fruit you shall know them." "And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, peace, gentleness, meekness. And the fruit of the enemy is enmity, hatred, malice, strife, and so forth; that's the fruit of the enemy." So, you can judge by the way you're living, where you're standing with God. If your whole heart is in love with Him, and you love Him and are gentle, and live with Him daily, you know you've passed from death unto Life. If it isn't, and you're otherwise, you're just impersonating a Christian. That's right. Which, all carnal impersonations will certainly be exposed. We know that.

496 So, don't live that kind of a life, you don't have to. Why would you accept a substitute, when the whole skies above are full of the good and the real? Certainly. Let me take God, that's what I want. Amen.

497Now, did anybody come to be prayed for? If you did, raise your hand. We had the healing service this morning. I suppose then... This lady here? All right, sister, would you come forward then? And our brother, elder, here, come now for the anointing.



... shine on me;

Oh, shine on me, Lord, shine on me,

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me.

498 Isn't He wonderful? Let's just bow our heads, real quietly now. And, Shine On Me, again. Now, come on now, everybody, that, "Shine..." Just worship Him in your soul now, see, getting quiet. The healing service is coming on. The message is over. Let's worship.

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me;

Oh, shine on me, Lord, shine on me.

Let the Light from the lighthouse shine on me.

Just to be like Jesus, to be like Jesus,

Oh, on earth I long to be like Him;

All through life's journey from earth to Glory,

I only ask to be like Him.

We'll walk in the Light, such a beautiful Light,

Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us, by day and by night,

Jesus, the Light of the world.

All ye saints of Light proclaim,

Jesus, the Light of the world,

Then the bells of Heaven will ring,

Jesus, the Light of...

Receive us, Lord, as we worship Thee.

We'll walk in the Light, beautiful Light,

Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Jesus the Light of the world.

499 Don't you just love that scouring out? You feel good? Raise your hand, tell. There's something about those old-fashioned songs, the old-time hymn, I'd rather have them than all these new worldly songs put in, and in Christian churches. I like that old time, I like.

Jesus, keep me near the cross, (My!)

There a precious fountain,

Free to all, a healing stream,

Flows from Calvary fountain.

In the cross, in the cross,

Oh, be my glory ever;

Till my raptured soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.

500 I could go out of the world pretty easy when that's being sang. Couldn't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How wonderful! Has it all settled? You know, I'm glad I done settled it all up. Aren't you? ["Amen."] The old account is all settled, long time ago. I told Him, "Lord, I don't want any trouble down at the river. I--I want to be sure now." I want to know Him. I want to know Him.

501There's a big, dark pit set before every one of us. We're headed that way. Every time our heart beats, we're closer and closer. But when I get there, I don't want to squirm like a coward, I want to wrap myself in the robes of His righteousness, enter into it, knowing this, that, "I know Him in the power of His resurrection." That, when He calls, I'll come out from among the dead. My!

502 My Faith Looks Up To Thee, let's sing it now.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

O Saviour Divine.

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

503Now, great Teacher, as Thou has taught us in Thy most marvelous Word, our hearts just quiver, with rapturing grace, to know that we've passed from death unto Life. Is all through the goodness of our Lord Jesus, who called us, and has washed us in His Blood, and has presented us before the Throne of God, faultless, blameless, for He took our sins. We have no sin. "God laid the iniquity of us all upon Him, and He was wounded for our transgressions." Oh, how we love Him, the great Lamb of God!

504And we pray, Father, that You'll give us utterance, expressions, that we can tell others; that they might know Him, too, and love Him, for He loves them. Give us this grace.

And thank You, Father, for those new-born babies that just come into the kingdom of God. May they find a good church home somewhere, and there serve You until death liberates them from this old body of rack pains and aches, and present them before Him, faultless, blameless, in the age to come, with Eternal Life. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.