List Židom 7. kap, 1.časť



Keď Melchisedech bol na zemi, on nebol ničím inším na svete ako Jehova Boh prejavený skrze stvorenie. On tu bol ako teofánia. Abrahám Ho raz stretol vo svojom stane. A ako sme dnes ráno hovorili, Abrahám Ho poznal. A On povedal Abrahámovi, čo ide robiť, pretože On nechcel nechať dediča sveta slepého na tie veci, ktoré On išiel robiť. Môžem sa tu zastaviť na chvíľu aby som povedal, že Boh má stále tú istú mienku o Svojej Cirkvi. Vy nie ste deti temnosti, vy ste deti svetla. A ... vy ktorí ... „Blahoslavení tichí, lebo oni dedične obdržia zem.“ A či by Boh, ktorý urobil aby Abrahám, ktorý mal zdediť zem ... a On povedal: „Či zatajím tieto veci pred mužom, ktorý zdedí zem.“ O čo viac On zjavi svoje tajomstvá svojej Cirkvi, ktorá zdedí zem!

Daniel povedal: „V tom dni ľudia budú behať hore dole, vzraste poznanie.“ A on povedal: „Múdri budú poznať svojho Boha v tom dni a urobia veľký úžitok v tom čase. Ale zlí nebudú poznať nebeského Boha.“ Oni Ho poznajú v nejakej forme, a v nejakom obrade, ako hovorila naša prvá lekcia, ale oni Ho nepoznajú na ceste dokonalosti. A Boh môže účinkovať jedine skrze dokonalosť, pretože On je dokonalý. Nech je požehnané Jeho meno! To musí byť dokonalý kanál cez ktorý Boh účinkuje, pretože On nemôže urobiť nič iné ako pracovať cez dokonalosť. On sa nijako nemôže poškvrniť.

A potom, to je to kvôli čomu prišiel Ježiš, aby sňal naše hriechy, aby sme mohli byť dokonalí, aby Boh mohol pracovať cez svoju Cirkev. Tam leží to tajomstvo. Na toto je svet slepý. Tam oni chcú povedať, že vy ste stratili rozum. Tam oni chcú povedať, že vy neviete o čom hovoríte. Pretože, veci Pánove sú bláznovstvom pred múdrosťou tohoto sveta. Ale veci sveta sú pre veriaceho telesné. Tak, ste inou osobou, žijete v inej sfére. Nie ste viacej z tohoto sveta, prešli ste z tohoto života do nového Života.

A tak, Boh zjavuje, nie svetu, nie psychológom, nie vzdelaným kazateľom, ale pokorným v srdci! Svojim ľuďom, ktorí sú tichí, On im zjaví svoje tajomstvá o tých veľkých veciach Božích. Vidíte to?

1..večer a počul Joyce spievať. Vedeli ste, že to samo o sebe je zázrak? To malé dievča, ako si to všetko môže pamätať? A každý večer nám zaspievala novú pieseň. Ako si to všetko môže pamätať, to je ozajstná malá kapacita. Nech Pán žehná to dieťa.

2No, zajtra o pol tretej v dome smútku v Charlestown, Indiána; naša drahá, zosnulá sestra, sestra Colvin, preukážeme jej poslednú úctu v dome smútku a na cintoríne zajtra popoludní. Niekto, kto raz žil, ako vy dnes večer a odišla za tú oponu, kde raz pôjdete. A všetci, ktorí chcete navštíviť túto službu, ste pozvaní. Pre rodinu Colvinov to určite bude veľká pomoc, keď budú vedieť, že toto zhromaždenie tu, kde oni všetci tak dlho chodili do zboru, budú ... Budeme radi, keď tam prídete. A myslím ... náš drahý brat McKinney, ten ktorý kázal na pohrebe môjho brata, pred mnohými rokmi, má hlavnú časť toho pohrebu a mňa požiadali, aby som prišiel a pomohol mu v službe na pohrebe.

3No, dnes večer som prišiel trochu neskoršie. Mal som príliš veľa vecí, nevedel som kde ísť. Toľko telefonátov, zrážky a nehody, ľudia telefonujú, prichádzajú; práve pred nejakou chvíľou sme odišli z Louisville, aby sme sa sem rýchlo dostali a opustili sme niekoľko telefonátov, ktoré sú naozaj vážne a musia byť vybavené, myslím ešte dnes večer. A teraz, modlite sa za nás keď ideme ďalej.

4A dnes ráno som sa nedostal ku svojmu textu, do 7. kapitoly Listu Židom. A kým si to otvoríme, dnes večer, chcem oznámiť že brat Graham Snelling má zhromaždenie tam pod stanom na konci Brigham Avenue. Ak Pán dá, v stredu večer chcem byť naspäť. A potom sa dohodneme, ktorý večer tam pôjdeme ako delegácia, niekedy tento týždeň a navštívime brata Grahama na zhromaždení. A on je ... hovorí, že tam majú veľa ľudí. A on si to bude ceniť, keď tam prídeme pomôcť. Brat Graham Snelling, každý z vás kto pôjde na to zhromaždenie alebo tam chce ísť, je to presne tu hore na konci Brigham Avenue. Každý vám povie, kde to je. Hneď na konci ihriska, tam je postavený stan. On si cení vašu spoluprácu. Pretože my ako modlitebňa sme sľúbili, že s ním budeme spolupracovať na sto percent, a tak sa mu snažíme pomôcť.

5No, potom zakrátko, keď Pán dá, prídeme ku miestu, do 11. kapitoly Listu Židom, za niekoľko dní, ak Boh dá a myslím, že tam tiež prežijeme krásne chvíle.

6A, ó, Pán nás dnes ráno úžasne požehnal. Ako vylial na nás svojho Ducha! A teraz, dnes večer očakávame na Neho, že to znovu urobí; a potom v stredu večer a ďalej. A tie večery, keď ja tu nebudem, brat Neville tu bude aby to preberal, kým ja budem preč.

7Nikdy neviem čo budem robiť, teraz tu môžem byť a za hodinu byť zavolaný do Kalifornie. Vidíte? Neviete kde vás Pán pošle. Preto mi je ťažko plánovať si nejaké cesty a povedať pôjdeme tam a tam. Môžem niečo začať, Pán ma pošle niekde inde. Vidíte? Tak nevieme proste, čo On bude robiť. „Ale keď Pán dá,“ tak hovoríme. A myslím, že sme poverení alebo máme to prikázané v Biblii, „Ak Pán bude chcieť, urobíme to a to.“ A tak ak sa stane, že nesplníme to čo sme sa dohodli, že my ... ak nevyplníme čo sme sa dohodli, cítime, že možno Pán nechcel, aby sa to stalo.

8Jedného dňa sme sa zdržali, brat Roberson a brat Wood a ja. A divili sme sa prečo? Sedel som tam a díval som sa do mapy, išli sme rovno dole, a my sme kerovali päťdesiat míľ cestou rovno znovu na sever. A cestujem po diaľnici skoro od štrnástich rokov. A divím sa, ako som to mohol urobiť. Boli sme tam, všetci traja. Všetci sme už cestovali po diaľnici. Dívali sme sa rovno do mapy, udržiavali sme 130", prechádzali sme cez Illionos a mierne sme točili a nevšimli sme si, že slnko je za nami, namiesto toho aby bolo pred nami, išli sme na sever namiesto na juh. A zrazu, keď sme prešli tú cestu, tak som povedal: „Toto nie je správna cesta:“ Pozreli sme sa do mapy a ukázalo sa, že sme päťdesiat míľ od našej cesty. Odišli sme rovno naspäť.

9Potom keď sme prišli naspäť, rozprávali sme sa. Povedal som: „Viete prečo? My ... Pán chcel aby sme obišli túto cestu, aby nás zachoval pred strašnou nehodou niekde tam, ktorá by sa inak nejako stala. Vieme, že všetko spolu je na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Pána. To je všetko na čo máme pamätať.“

10No, dnes večer, začíname teraz krátku lekciu vyučovania. A ak som ... Nemyslím, že sa dostaneme ku (možno dnes večer) ku ... Toto je veľká kapitola, v ktorej je učenie o desatine, pre cirkev. A to je veľká téma, pri ktorej by sme mohli zostať týždne a týždne, pri tejto jednej veci: ako Abrahám zaplatil desatinu Melchisedechovi a či je to nutné.

11Nevadí vám nikomu tento ventilátor? Či by ste radšej chceli, aby som ho vypol? Ak vám to niekomu prekáža alebo vám to fúka do tváre, čokoľvek, ak áno, zodvihnite len ruku. A ... alebo pošlite jedného z uvádzačov, pošlite jedného hore tu ku bratovi, on vám to vypne. A ja kvôli sebe by som to rád nechal vypnuté, začína mi byť teplo a začnem sa potiť a potom hneď ako viete zachripnem. Tak, je to na vás, mne to vôbec nebude vadiť. Chceme, aby vám bolo pohodlne.

Nechceme vám zabrať príliš veľa času, ale ideme rovno do Slova. A prv ako to urobíme, hovorme za chvíľu ku autorovi:

12Nebeský Otče, my nevieme čo je prihotovené. Ale jedno čo vieme a o čom sme presvedčení, že dobré veci ležia pred nami. Lebo je napísané: „Čo oči nevideli, ani čo uši nepočuli; ani čo neprišlo na srdce človeka, čo Boh prihotovil pre tých, ktorí Ho milujú.“

13A prosíme, aby si dnes večer otvoril Nebeské okná, na tvojom sklade a dal nám Tvoje Slovo, ktoré bude niečím čo je vhodné; niečím, čo zväčší našu vieru, ako kresťanov a urobí nás viac - viacej nás ustáli na evanjeliu, než ako sme boli, keď sme sem prišli. Udeľ nám toho Otče. Nech Duch Svätý vezme Slovo Božie a vypustí ho do každého srdca, ako to potrebujeme. Prosíme v mene Ježiša, Tvojho milovaného Syna. Amen.

14No, dnes ráno sme opustili ten posledný verš zo 6. kapitoly, a tak môžeme ísť rovno do 7.

kde ako predbehúň ... vošiel za nás Ježiš stanúc sa veľkňazom podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho až na veky.

15A teraz budeme čítať prvé tri verše ... prvé dva verše ... alebo radšej prvé tri verše zo 7. kapitoly, aby sme hneď začali.

Lebo ten istý Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, kňaz najvyššieho Boha, ktorý vyšiel v ústrety Abrahámovi, ktorý sa navracoval od porážky kráľov a požehnal ho,

ktorému aj desiatok udelil Abrahám zo všetkého

(tu máte desatinu),

ktorý sa volá, keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti a potom i kráľ Sálema, čo je v preklade: kráľ Pokoja,

bez otca bez matere, bez rodoslovia nemajúci ani počiatku dní ani konca života, ale súc pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu zostáva kňazom navždy.

(Aké nádherné prehlásenie!)

16A teraz budeme musieť ísť do Starého Zákona, aby sme vykopali tieto veľké zrná. A, ó ako ich milujem!

17Viete, tam v Arizone sme zvykli hľadať zlato. A boli sme na takom nejakom kúsku zeme, pán Mac Knelly a ja a videli sme také miesto, kde to vyzeralo ako ... v malých dierach kde to ... malé jarky oni to nazývali „vyplavovače“. A on ma tam vzal a dal mi aby som cedil ten piesok a fúkal do neho. Potom zase cedil a fúkal. Ja som sa divil prečo to tak robí. Zisťujete, viete, keď fúknete do piesku, on je ľahký. A všetko, ešte aj olovo je ľahšie než zlato. Zlato je ťažšie než olovo. Tak keď fúkate, všetky tie ostatné kovy a piesok a špina odletia ale zlato tam zostane. A tak ak máte vyplavovače tu z tadeto hore, to ukazuje, že tam niekde je pruh zlata, že tento dážď z tade vyplákol tieto maličké kúsočky. Tak potom zoberieme krompáče a tak ďalej a prekopeme takmer ten kopec a snažíme sa nájsť toto zlato. Vŕtame diery do zeme, vykopávame ich. Kladieme tam dynamit, vyhadzujeme to do vzduchu. Robíme šachty a ideme, až kým nenájdeme ... aby sme našli tú hlavnú žilu. No, to je to čo nazývame „hľadanie zlata.“

18A dnes večer sa snažíme zobrať Slovo Božie a použiť Ho skrze moc Ducha Svätého aby sme odfúkli od seba každú ľahostajnosť a všetky pochybnosti, všetky tie malé ľahké prašné veci, ktoré proste nemajú žiadny základ, nemajú žiadnu váhu v našom živote, chceme to všetko odfúknuť, aby sme mohli nájsť túto slávnu Žilu. Tou Žilou je Kristus.

19A teraz nech nám Boh pomôže keď čítame a skúmame v Jeho Slove. A tie takmer tri posledné predchádzajúce kapitole, sme hovorili o počúvaní, práve teraz a potom, Melchisedech.

20A teraz, myslím, že Pavel nám dáva správny výklad:

Lebo ten istý Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema,

(„Kráľ Sálema,“ a každý kto číta Bibliu vie, že Sálem bolo prv ... Jeruzalem sa prv nazýval „Sálem.“ A On bol kráľ Jeruzalema) ... (Pozorujte Ho.)

...kňaz najvyššieho Boha,

(to je prímluvca - prostredník) ...

ktorý vyšiel v ústreti Abrahámovi...

(Chcem zobrať Jeho rodokmeň, tohoto veľkého Muža, a tak budete vedieť, kto On prv je a potom ... budeme ďalej pokračovať v tom príbehu)

...ktorý sa navracoval od porážky kráľov a požehnal ho,

ktorému aj desiatok udelil Abrahám ... keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti ...

No dávajte pozor: „Spravodlivosť!“ No, my máme svoju vlastnú spravodlivosť, máme predstieranú spravodlivosť, máme prevrátenú spravodlivosť, všetky druhy. Ale je jedna skutočná Spravodlivosť a tá Spravodlivosť pochádza od Boha a tento Muž bol Kráľom spravodlivosti. Kto to mohol byť?

21No, On bol Kráľ spravodlivosti, Kráľ Jeruzalema, Kráľ spravodlivosti, Kráľ pokoja. Ježiš bol nazvaný „Kniežaťom pokoja,“ [v Anglickom preklade KJV: „Princom pokoja“ – pozn.prekl.] a princ je kráľov syn. Tak, tento Muž bol Kráľ pokoja, potom On musel byť Otcom Princa (Kniežaťa) pokoja. Rozumiete?

22No, pozrime sa, zoberme Jeho rodokmeň trochu ďalej aby sme videli kde ideme.

bez otca,

(no, Ježiš mal Otca. Veríte tomu? Skutočne, mal.) ...

bez matere,

(Ježiš mal matku, ale tento tu nemal ani otca ani matku) ...

bez rodoslovia,

(On nemal nikdy nikoho z koho by pochádzal, žiadneho predka. On stále bol. Bez predkov!) ...

nemajúc ani počiatok dní,

(On nemal nikdy žiadny čas kedy by niekedy začal) ...

ani koniec života;

To nemohol byť nikto iný ako Boh! To mohol byť jedine On.

23No, ak si teraz všimnete, keď čítame ten ďalší verš, vidíte, „Keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti.“ To nie je to kde chcem čítať. Tretí verš.

...ani konca života, ale súc pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu...

(no, On nebol syn Boží. Lebo keby On bol Syn, mal by počiatok a tento Muž nemal počiatok. Keby On bol Syn, musel by mať oboje, otca aj matku. A tento Muž nemal ani otca, ani matku, ale On bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu)

...zostáva kňazom navždy.

24No, Dr. Scofield sa snaží povedať, že „To bolo kňazstvo, nazvané kňazstvo Melchisedecha.“ Ale, chcem vás práve doviesť ku tomu, za chvíľu. Ak to bolo kňazstvo, potom ono muselo mať počiatok a muselo mať koniec. Ale Tento nemal počiatok ani koniec. A on nepovedal, že stretol kňazstvo, on stretol Muža! a nazval jeho meno Melchisedech. To bola Osoba, nie denominácia, nie kňazstvo ani otcovstvo; To bol každopádne Muž nazvaný Melchisedech, ktorý bol Kráľom Jeruzalema. Nie kňazstvo, ale Kráľ bez otca. Kňazstvo nemá otca. A tento Muž bol bez otca, bez matky, bez začiatku dní a bez konca života.

25No, Syn Boží ... Kto toto bol, toto bol Jehova! Toto bol sám Všemohúci Boh. To nemohol byť nikto iný.

26Všimnite si teraz, „On zostáva navždy.“ On tu má svedectvo, že „On žije, On nikdy nezomiera,“ On nikdy nezomrel... On nikdy nebol ničím iným ako živým. „On zostáva navždy.“

27No, Ježiš bol pripodobnený Jemu. No, dôvod, že je rozdiel medzi Bohom a Ježišom: Ježiš mal počiatok, Boh nemal počiatok; Melchisedech nemal počiatok a Ježiš mal počiatok. Ale Ježiš bol pripodobnený Jemu. Kňaz zostávajúci navždy.

28No, keď Melchisedech bol na zemi, on nebol ničím inším na svete ako Jehova Boh prejavený skrze stvorenie. On tu bol ako teofánia. Abrahám Ho raz stretol vo svojom stane. A ako sme dnes ráno hovorili, Abrahám Ho poznal. A On povedal Abrahámovi, čo ide robiť, pretože On nechcel nechať dediča sveta slepého na tie veci, ktoré On išiel robiť.

29Môžem sa tu zastaviť na chvíľu aby som povedal, že Boh má stále tú istú mienku o Svojej Cirkvi. Vy nie ste deti temnosti, vy ste deti svetla. A ... vy ktorí ... „Blahoslavení tichí, lebo oni dedične obdržia zem.“ A či by Boh, ktorý urobil aby Abrahám, ktorý mal zdediť zem ... a On povedal: „Či zatajím tieto veci pred mužom, ktorý zdedí zem.“ O čo viac On zjavi svoje tajomstvá svojej Cirkvi, ktorá zdedí zem!

30Daniel povedal: „V tom dni ľudia budú behať hore dole, vzraste poznanie.“ A on povedal: „Múdri budú poznať svojho Boha v tom dni a urobia veľký úžitok v tom čase. Ale zlí nebudú poznať nebeského Boha.“ Oni Ho poznajú v nejakej forme, a v nejakom obrade, ako hovorila naša prvá lekcia, ale oni Ho nepoznajú na ceste dokonalosti. A Boh môže účinkovať jedine skrze dokonalosť, pretože On je dokonalý. Nech je požehnané Jeho meno! To musí byť dokonalý kanál cez ktorý Boh účinkuje, pretože On nemôže urobiť nič iné ako pracovať cez dokonalosť. On sa nijako nemôže poškvrniť.

31A potom, to je to kvôli čomu prišiel Ježiš, aby sňal naše hriechy, aby sme mohli byť dokonalí, aby Boh mohol pracovať cez svoju Cirkev. Tam leží to tajomstvo. Na toto je svet slepý. Tam oni chcú povedať, že vy ste stratili rozum. Tam oni chcú povedať, že vy neviete o čom hovoríte. Pretože, veci Pánove sú bláznovstvom pred múdrosťou tohoto sveta. Ale veci sveta sú pre veriaceho telesné. Tak, ste inou osobou, žijete v inej sfére. Nie ste viacej z tohoto sveta, prešli ste z tohoto života do nového Života.

32A tak, Boh zjavuje, nie svetu, nie psychológom, nie vzdelaným kazateľom, ale pokorným v srdci! Svojim ľuďom, ktorí sú tichí, On im zjaví svoje tajomstvá o tých veľkých veciach Božích. Vidíte to?

33No, Abrahám mal zdediť svet. Cez Abrahámove Semeno mali byť požehnané všetky národy. Tak Boh prišiel dole a rozprával sa s ním vo forme Muža. No, Boh bol stále na zemi. Boh nikdy neopustil zem. Keby On opustil zem, neviem čo by sa s ňou stalo. Ale Boh tu bol stále v nejakej forme. Ó, sláva Jeho menu!

34On bol s tými deťmi na púšti ... keď vychádzali z Egypta, vo forme Svetla. On hovoril ku Abrahámovi vo forme Človeka. On hovoril ku Mojžišovi vo forme Človeka. On hovoril ku cirkvi vo forme Človeka, Svojho Syna Ježiša Krista. A On dnes hovorí cez Svoju Cirkev, cez pomazanú cirkev živého Boha, cez hlinené nádoby, „Vy ste ratolesti, Ja som Vinič.“ Boh stále hovorí a svet vidí Ježiša tak, ako Ho vy predstavíte. Tak svet ... „Vy ste napísanými epištolami, čítanými od všetkých ľudí,“ váš život hovorí čo ste.

35No, tento Abrahám na svojej ceste, keď sa vracal ... Pôjdeme naspäť a budeme čítať o Ňom, za chvíľu, v knihe Genesis. V 14. kapitole Genesis, myslím že to je tam. Ó, aký krásny je tu ten príbeh. No, my všetci vieme o Abrahámovi, ako ho Boh povolal zo zeme Chaldejov, z mesta Úr a povedal mu, aby sa oddelil od svojho spoločenstva.

36Boh volá mužov a ženy, On volá do oddelenia! V tom je dnes problém s cirkvami, oni sa nechcú oddeliť od starých telesných neveriacich. Preto nemôžeme ísť ďalej. Dostaneme sa do jedného telesného toku a hovoríme: „Ó, Ján je dobrý človek, keď nepije. Keď on ... a ja s ním chodím na plaváreň ale ja sa nekúpem. Ja s ňou chodím tam do tej spoločnosti, oni tam hovoria špinavé vtipy a tak ďalej, ale ja nehovorím žiadne.“

37Vyjdite spomedzi nich! Tak veru. Oddeľte sa! „Nedotýkajte sa nečistých vecí a Ja vás prijmem,“ hovorí Pán. Neťahajte jarmo s neveriacimi, nevhodné spoločné jarmo.“ Nerobte to. Oddeľte sa.

38A Boh povolal Abraháma, aby sa oddelil od všetkých svojich príbuzných a aby chodil s Ním. Brat, niekedy to znamená opustiť cirkev. Tak to bolo s Pavlom, on musel opustiť svoju cirkev; pre mnohých to znamenalo postúpiť tak isto. Niekedy to znamená opustiť dom. Niekedy to znamená opustiť otca a matku, a zanechať všetko. Nechcem povedať, že sa to deje stále, ale niekedy je to tak. To znamená, že musíte zobrať všetko medzi vami a Bohom a ísť s Ním sám. Ó, to je požehnané, milé obecenstvo! To spoločenstvo, ktoré máte, keď sa oddelíte od vecí toho sveta a od telesných veriacich, ktorí si z vás robia žarty a chodíte sami s Kristom.

39Koľko krát som ďakoval Bohu! On povedal: „Ja ti dám otcov a matky v tomto prítomnom svete. Ja ti dám priateľov a spoločnosť. A Ja ťa nikdy ... nezanechám a nikdy ťa neopustím. Hoci sa ti celý svet obráti chrbtom, Ja pôjdem s tebou do konca cesty.“

40Čo za požehnané privilégium, že človek má tú výzvu aby nasledoval Pána Ježiša, aby sa oddelil od všetkých svojich telesných spoločenstiev, aby nasledoval Pána. A ak ktokoľvek vyzerá, že sa nechce poriadne správať a ukázať sa ako kresťania ale milujú telesné veci, je najlepšie pre vás nájsť si hneď iného spoločníka. Je to tak. A ak nikto nepôjde s tebou, je Jeden, ktorý zasľúbil, že pôjde s tebou: to je požehnaný Pán Ježiš. On pôjde s tebou.

41Boh povedal Abrahámovi aby sa oddelil. A práve taký ľudský aký Abrahám bol, on zobral so sebou svojho otca, zobral so sebou syna svojho brata, svojho synovca; všetci viseli na ňom. A Boh ho nikdy nepožehnal, až kým neurobil to, čo mu Boh povedal.

42Ja nehovorím, že nie ste kresťania. To ... nikoho nepozbavujem kresťanstva. Ale poviem toto, že keď vám Boh povedal niečo, aby ste urobili, On vás nebude žehnať až kým to neurobíte. Som dnes večer za kazateľňou a mám na sebe jednu z týchto vecí. Moje zhromaždenia neboli tým čím mali byť, za posledné dva roky. To preto, že som sklamal Pána. Ja ... On mi povedal: „Choď do Afriky a potom do Indie.“ Tu je to napísané, rovno tu na konci v tejto knihe práve teraz.

43A ten manažér mi zavolal, povedal: „Nechaj tých Afričanov tak, India je pripravená.“

44Duch Svätý mi povedal, povedal: „Pôjdeš do Afriky, tak ako som ti povedal.“

45A prešiel ďalší rok. A tí manažéri ... Ja som na to zabudol, on povedal: „Ideme do Indie, lístky sú už tu.“

46Vyrazil som, zabudol som na to až kým sme prišli do Lisbanu. Jednej noci ... Myslel som si, že zomieram. Na druhý deň ráno išiel som do kúpeľni, aby som sa okúpal. Ó, bol som chorý, sotva som mohol vstať. Tam v kúpeľni viselo to Svetlo, povedal: „Myslím, že som ti povedal, aby si išiel prv do Afriky.“

47Moje zhromaždenia od toho času pomaly vädli. Hoci som išiel do Indii, kde bolo takmer pol milióna ľudí ale nerobil som to, čo mi Pán povedal. A cítim, že moje zhromaždenia nebudú mať úspech, až kým nepôjdem rovno naspäť a nedám tú vec do poriadku. Bez ohľadu na to čo robím, Afrika je prvá, pretože to musím urobiť. Tam leží Božie Večné Slovo. Dobre o tom viem. Ale musím ísť naspäť. A cítim, že tento nadchádzajúci rok je čas, že sa s pomocou Pánovou dostanem von z tej škrupiny.

48Toto slávne, staré evanjelium, ktoré ľahko rástlo, ako dub, ale verím, že ona je skoro hotová vypustiť teraz svoje ratolesti. Verím tomu. Toto veľké Posolstvo a veľká vec. Verím, že Pán nám dá znovu zatriasť svetom na slávu Božiu.

49Musíte robiť to, čo vám Boh povedal. A Abrahám hneď odišiel, zobral so sebou svojich ľudí. On ich miloval, to je tá ľudská strana. Ale po nejakom čase, zanedlho, jeho otec zomrel a on ho pochoval. Potom mal svojho synovca a potom povstávali hádky a nezhody. A nakoniec sa Lot rozhodol a odišiel dole do Sodomy. A všimnite si Abraháma, on nerobil s Lotom paniku, on povedal: „Sme bratia, nepatrí sa aby sme sa hádali. Ale zodvihni hlavu a choď ktoroukoľvek cestou chceš. Ak pôjdeš na východ, ja pôjdem na západ. Ak ty pôjdeš na sever, ja pôjdem na juh.“ To je kresťanský postoj, byť ochotný dať tomu druhému tú najlepšiu časť. Stále mu to predložiť, nech sa on rozhodne.

50Prečo? Čo viedlo Abraháma, aby to tak robil? On vedel, že mal zasľúbené od Boha, že on to aj tak všetko zdedí. Amen. Tak potom stan alebo chatrč, prečo by sme sa mali starať? Všetko to patrí nám! Blahoslavení tichí lebo oni zdedia zem.“ To všetko patrí nám. Boh tak povedal. Tak dajte tomu človeku nech si vyberie to najlepšie ak chce, možno že to je všetko, čo kedy bude mať. Ale to všetko patrí vám, dedičom spasenia skrze zasľúbenie. To všetko je vaše.

51Tak, Sárah, tá najkrajšia žena na zemi, ona sedela tam hore na kopci so svojím mužom, tak ako mala. No ona proste mohla nosiť prosté kaliko šaty, alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazvať, zatiaľčo pani Lotová sa obliekala ako milionárka. A jej muž bol starostom mesta, on bol sudcom, ktorý sedával v bráne. Ona mala všetko; navštevovala všetky krúžky šitia a večierky pri kartách, ktoré prebiehali v Sodome a Gomore. Ale Sárah bola spokojnejšia žijúc so svojím mužom na skromnom zárobku a vedela, že je vo vôli Božej, než aby sa tešila z bohatstva ... alebo z dočasných pôžitkov bohatstva. Je to tak. To je keď Boh navštevuje.

52A jedného dňa, vy, presne s takou istotou ako ste vošli na zlú cestu, jedného dňa vás to dohoní. Môžete si myslieť, že prídete do poriadku. Môžete si myslieť, že vyviaznete, ale nevyviaznete. Môže sa zdať, že je to všetko prikryté, ale nie je to prikryté. Boh vie všetko. On vie, či myslíte skutočne to, čo vyznávate alebo nie. On vie či to myslí skutočne, že Mu veríte a že ste spasení a že ste Ho prijali, a že ste mŕtvi veciam tohoto sveta a že ste živí v Kristovi. On to vie.

53No, všímame si Abraháma, chcem aby ste si všimli tohoto skutočného ducha. Ó, celá tá požehnaná vec tu je milosť. Chcem aby ste teraz čítali so mnou, od 14. kapitoly Exodusu, len chvíľu.

54No, prvá vec, ktorá sa tam stala, keď tam prišli, Lot sa dostal do problémov. Prečo? On bol pomimo vôli Božej. A vy keď sa dostanete do problémov, keď sa nachádzate vo vôli Božej, Boh vám z toho pomôže. Ale ak ste v problémoch, pomimo vôli Božej, môžeme urobiť len jedno, dostať sa znovu naspäť do vôli Božej.

55No, tí králi sa dali všetci do kopy a oni poznali, že tie roviny tam dole sú dobre zavlažované a že tam pôjdú a vezmú túto malú Sodomu a Gomoru a zaberú to. A vykonali to. A keď zišli dole a zabrali to, zobrali so sebou Lota.

56A teraz chcem aby ste si všimli Ducha Kristovho tu v Abrahámovi. Všimnite si teraz ten 14. verš:

A keď počul Abrahám , že jeho brat...

(vidíte to?)

...že je zajatý jeho brat, vyviedol svojich skúsených mužov osvedčených, zrodených v jeho dome, tristoosemnástich, a hnal sa za nimi až po Dán.

57Ó, aký požehnaný úmysel milosti! Abrahám, keď jeho brat, hoci vypadol z milosti, hoci bol v tomto stave, ako odpadlík ... Keď on počul, že ho svet zachvátil a že ho zajali a odviedli aby ho zabili, Abrahám jednal podľa Ducha Kristovho. On prišiel a ozbrojil všetkých svojich mužov, ktorí sa narodili v jeho dome a vydal sa za nimi a hnal sa celou cestou až po Dán; a Dán je najvzdialenejšia časť Palestíny, od Dána do Bér-šeby, z jedného konca na druhý. A to je obraz Krista, keď On videl, že svet dostal ... upadol, On prenasledoval nepriateľa do konca, aby získal naspäť upadnutú Adamovu rasu.

58Chcem aby ste si všimli ten ďalší verš, ako milo tu Duch hovorí cez neho. Dobre, 15. verš teraz:

A navrátil všetok


majetok i Lota, svojho brata, i jeho majetok navrátil a tiež i ženy i ľud.

59Keď sa Abrahám vydal za nepriateľom, ktorý zobral jeho brata, on ho prenasledoval po celej ceste cez celý národ až do Dána, a priviedol naspäť všetko, čo stratil pri tom upadnutí.

60Čo za nádherný obraz Krista! Ktorý počul z neba, že my sme boli stratení a prišiel a prenasledoval nepriateľa po celej ceste až do pekla a ukoristil stratené duše a priviedol nás naspäť a prinavrátil nás do všetkého, čo sme mali pred úpadkom; my odpadlíci, my ktorí sme sa narodili, aby sme boli synmi Božími, ktorí sme sa prevrátili na synov diabla a spravili sme z toho ... odišli sme za vecami sveta a robili sme zle a behali sme nenásytne, ako to robil Lot, predávajúc svoje prvorodenstvo a odchádzajúc za vecami tohoto sveta, Kristus prišiel dole; hoci upadnutí. Boh vedel na začiatku kto bude spasený a kto nebude, a preto prišiel dole a prenasledoval nepriateľa cez život, cez smrť, cez raj do pekla. A po celej ceste zo Slávy do pekla, a zavládol nad mocami pekla a zobral kľúče od diabla a znovu povstal, a prinavrátil ľudstvu to, že „znovu môžu byť synovia a dcéry Božie.“

61Vidíte tam toho Ducha v Abrahámovi, Ducha Kristovho, ako prichádza s nim?

62A teraz chcem aby ste si všimli, trochu neskoršie, keď čítame:

Vtedy vyšiel kráľ Sodomy oproti nemu, keď sa už bol navrátil od porážky tohoto kráľa Kedorlaómera a kráľov, ktorí boli s ním, do doliny Šáveh, a to je dolina kráľova.

63Oni vyšli. Kráľ Sodomy bol privedený naspäť, jeho brat bol privedený naspäť, deti boli privedené naspäť; a tu vyšli kráľovia aby sa s ním stretli a tiež; tu je to kde sa chcem dostať do tohoto posolstva teraz, sledujte to tu:

A Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema

(Kráľ Jeruzalema, Kráľ pokoja),

vyniesol chlieb a víno, a to bol kňaz silného Boha najvyššieho.

A požehnal ho a riekol: Požehnaný Abrahám silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme!

64Melchisedech, Kráľ Sálema, On sa tiež predstavil medzi inými kráľmi. A všimnite si, ten boj bol dobojovaný. Duch Boží v Abrahámovi, Kristov, ktorý priviedol naspäť svojho upadnutého brata a prinavrátil ho naspäť do jeho právoplatného postavenia, do všetkého čo stratil; on to priviedol naspäť. A keď to urobil, On vyniesol chlieb a víno, komúniu. Či dokážete vidieť kto bol ten Melchisedech? To bol Boh! Vyniesol komúniu, po boji.

65A teraz si znovu otvorme ev. Matúša 26:26, hneť teraz a pozrime sa čo tu o tom povedal Ježiš. V evanjeliu Matúša, 26. kapitola a tiež 26. verš, chceme tu prečítať kúsok. Dobre, Matúš 26:26.

Vtedy prišiel Ježiš s nimi na miesto zvané

Golgota - Golgota ... či chcem povedať,

Getsémane a povedal učeníkom: Poseďte tu až odídem a pomodlím sa tamto.

(Zdá sa mi, že mám zlé miesto písma)

66Matúš 26. verš v 26. kapitoly. Ak to niekto má, prečítajte to pre mňa, a to môžete nájsť. Len chvíľu. Toto tu je prekrásny obraz, a nechcem aby vám to utieklo. Tu to máme, (to je to sestra):

A keď jedli, vzal Ježiš chlieb, a keď bol dobrorečil,...

(Čo to bolo? Boj bol skončený)

...lámal a dával učeníkom a povedal: Vezmite jedzte: toto je moje telo.

67Vidíte toho Melchisedecha? Stovky rokov predtým, keď On stretol Abraháma, potom keď boj bol skončený, On dal chlieb a víno. A tu Ježiš dáva učeníkom, potom keď Jeho ťažký boj bol skončený, On im dal chlieb a víno. Dávajte pozor! Pozorujte ten budúci príchod:

Potom vzal kalich a poďakujúc dal im so slovami: Pite z neho všetci,

lebo toto je moja tej novej zmluvy krv, ktorá sa vylieva za mnohých na odpustenie hriechov.

Ale hovorím vám, že odteraz nebudem nikdy piť z tohoto plodu viniča, až do toho dňa, keď ho budem piť s vami nový v kráľovstve svojho Otca.

68My sme teraz v boji. My ideme za svojím upadnutým bratom, ktorého Boh, pred založením sveta videl a predurčil do Večného Života. A veci tohoto sveta ho uchvátili do víru. On je tam v spoločnostiach a zaradený do tried, on a jeho žena, chodia hore dole ulicami, fajčia, pijú a opíjajú sa, snažia sa nájsť pokoj. A Duch Kristov je v nás, ako bol v Abrahámovi, vydali sme sa za ním. S celou zbrojou Božou, anjeli Boží táboria naokolo, vyšli sme aby sme priviedli naspäť nášho upadnutého brata.

69A keď je ten boj nakoniec skončený, znovu stretneme Melchisedecha (sláva Bohu), ktorý tam požehnal Abraháma, a dal mu požehnanie a dáva mu chlieb a víno, komúniu. A keď bude boj skončený, stretneme Ho. My, ktorí sme dedičmi Abrahámovho zasľúbenia, spoludedičmi s Kristom v Kráľovstve, stretneme Ho na konci cesty a vezmeme chlieb a víno, znovu, keď sa boj skončí.

70Kto je tento Melchisedech? Ten, ktorý nemal ani otca ani matku, nemal začiatok dní ani koniec života, On tam bude aby znovu dal komúniu. Vidíte to?

71Keď vytiahneme ... V určité večery, keď sa schádzame spolu a prijímame komúniu z rúk slúžiacich, čo predstavuje, že veríme v smrť, pohrab a vzkriesenie Pána Ježiša, že tá záclona, Jeho telo, v ktorom bol zaclonený Boh ... Prijímame to na vyjadrenie, že sme mŕtvi veciam tohoto sveta a že sme sa znovu zrodili z Ducha. A chodíme s telom Kristovým, všetci veriaci spolu.

72Keď sa skončí ten veľký boj a pôjdeme hore znovu s Kristom, budeme s Ním znovu prijímať komúniu v kráľovstve Božom; a znovu jesť telo a piť krv hrozna, v Kráľovstve Božom. Ó, existuje Melchisedech! To je to, čo On bol.

73Čítajme tu teraz ešte trochu ďalej o Ňom, 18. verš:

A Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, vyniesol chlieb a víno...

(vidíte to?)

...a to bol kňaz silného Boha najvyššieho.

A požehnal ho a riekol: Požehnaný Abrahám silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme!

A požehnal ho, ... a požehnal ...

A požehnaný silný Boh najvyšší, ktorý vydal tvojich protivníkov do tvojej ruky! A Abram mu dal desiatok zo všetkého.

(on zaplatil Melchisedechovi desatinu, Abrahám Mu dal desiatok z koristi)

74No, chcem aby ste si tu všimli ako Pavel pokračuje a dáva teraz podklad do ďalšej lekcii:

A kráľ Sodomy povedal Abrahámovi: Daj mi ľud a majetok vezmi sebe.

(no, kráľ Sodomy povedal: „No, daj mi naspäť mojich poddaných a ty si zober majetok pre seba.“)

Ale Abrahám povedal kráľovi Sodomy: Pozdvihol som svoju ruku k Hospodinovi, silnému Bohu najvyššiemu,

(Elohim, „majiteľ nebies a zeme,“ tam) ...

silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme,

že ani len niti ani remenca z obuvi

(on nemal veľkú kampaň na získavanie peňazí, on chcel len svojho upadnutého brata!) ...

nevezmem ničoho zo všetkého toho, čo je tvoje, aby si nepovedal: Ja som obohatil Abrahama,

okrem toho čo zjedli mládenci a okrem podielu mužov, ktorí išli so mnou.

75Chcem aby ste si všimli, Abrahám povedal: „Nevezmem ani len niti ani remenca z obuvi.“ On nebojoval ten boj aby získal veľa peňazí, a skutočné ozajstné boje nie sú bojované so sebeckými motívmi. Vojny nie sú bojované kvôli peniazom. Vojny sú bojované kvôli motívom, kvôli princípom. Človek bojuje vojny kvôli princípom. A Keď Abrahám vyšiel aby dostal Lota, on nevyšiel do boja preto, že vedel žeby mohol narezať tým kráľom a zobrať ich majetok, on sa pustil do boja kvôli princípu zachrániť svojho brata.

76A každý kazateľ, ktorý je poslaný pod inšpiráciou Nebeského Kráľovstva, nepôjde kvôli peniazom, ani nepôjde aby založil veľké zbory, ani nepôjde aby inšpiroval denominácie. On pôjde len kvôli jednému princípu a to je: „aby priviedol naspäť svojho upadnutého brata.“ Či dostane na oferu desať centov alebo či nedostane nič, to mu ani trochu nevadí.

77Ako som povedal: „Skutočné vojny sa bojujú a vedú kvôli princípom a nie kvôli peniazom.“ A muži a ženy, ktorí vstupujú do cirkvi aby boli populárni, pretože tam patria Jonesoví, alebo zmenia svoju cirkev z malej na veľkú, robíte to pre svoje sebecké motívy a nie sú v tom správne princípy. Mali by ste byť ochotní stáť v prvej línii.

78Tu v tejto modlitebni: keď veci zle prebiehajú a vy muži a vy ženy budete utekať a pôjdete niekde inde alebo zostanete mimo až kým ten malý rozruch alebo nepokoj nepominie, s vaším prežitím nie je niečo v poriadku. Je to tak.

79My tu máme zvyk, máme tu poriadok, tento zbor je založený na Biblických zásadách. Ak je tu niekto, kto sa poriadne nespráva a vy si myslíte, že oni nerobia správne, choď za ním a porozprávaj sa s ním. Ak sa ti ho nepodarí napraviť, potom vezmi so sebou ďalšieho brata, jedného alebo dvoch. Ak sa ani potom nedá napraviť, potom to povedz zboru; a zbor ho prepustí, nemáte s ním viacej obecenstvo. A Ježiš povedal: „Čokoľvek rozviažete na zemi, Ja to rozviažem v nebi.“

80Preto máte tak veľa problémov, pretože nepostupujete podľa Biblických zásad. Ak niekto v zbore robí výtržnosť, alebo sa deje niečo zle, to nie je tvoja povinnosť ísť a rozprávať o tom mužovi alebo žene. Tvojou povinnosťou je ísť za tým mužom alebo ženou, a upozorniť ho na jeho priestupok. A keď ťa nevypočuje, zober niekoho so sebou. Ak to nevypočuje, potom ho cirkev prepustí. Ježiš povedal: „Čo rozviažete na zemi, Ja rozviažem v Nebi. Čo zviažete na zemi, Ja zviažem v Nebi.“ To je moc zboru.

81Tu nedávno, jeden môj dobrý priateľ, kazateľ; on mal chlapca a ten chlapec chodil do zboru, do jeho vlastného zboru. On sa dostal na miesto, kde začal behať s nejakým dievčaťom, ktoré fajčilo a pilo a tak sa správalo. Kazateľ povedal: „Samozrejme, to je jeho vec.“ Veľmi dobrý môj priateľ, a milý chlapec ... Ale on sa celý pobláznil do tej mladej ženy. A ona bola vydatá, mala nejaké deti, jej muž žil. On sa bál, že oni budú ... že sa ten chlapec s ňou ožení. Tak ten brat bol celý zničený a povedal mi: „Brat Branham, chcel by som aby si išiel ku tomu a tomu môjmu chlapcovi, chcem aby si sa s ním porozprával.“

82Povedal som: „Brat ... „ Skoro som povedal jeho meno. „Máš lepší spôsob, neposielaj mňa. Ak ten chlapec nežije poriadne a cirkev ho vidí, že robí zle, potom to je záležitosť zboru, aby konal svoju povinnosť. To je ponechané na zbore a zbor ide a povie mu to.“

83Tak on zobral brata a išiel tam a povedal mu. A on sa osopil na toho brata; dal mu vedieť, že on sa stará o seba a že ten má robiť tiež to isté. On zobral iného brata, dvoch (dvoch diakonov), išli tam a povedali tomu chlapcovi. On na to nedbal. Oni to povedali zboru. A on neprišiel niekoľko večerov, aby sa dal do poriadku pred zborom, potom keď jeho hriech bol povedaný pred zborom, potom ho cirkev prepustila.

84A asi mesiac po tom dostal zápal pľúc a doktor povedal: „Nie je pre neho na svete šanca aby to prežil.“ Potom sa priplazil naspäť! Boh vie ako to robiť.

85My sa to snažíme robiť zo seba: „Ó, toho a toho treba vyhodiť zo zboru. Treba urobiť toto, to alebo tamto.“ Urobili ste svoju časť ako zbor ohľadne toho? Tu to máte. To je spôsob ako spraviť aby sa priplazili naspäť, vydať ich raz diablovi.

86Čo povedal Pavel o tomto mužovi, ktorý tam žil so svojou nevlastnou matkou? Oni ho nemohli doviesť ku tomu, aby sa dal do poriadku, povedal: „Vydajte ho diablovi.“ Sledujte čo sa stalo, v ďalšom liste, ktorý Pavel napísal, tento muž sa napravil. Skutočne, Boh má spôsob na tieto veci, ak len my nasledujeme Jeho pravidlá.

87Ak sa v zbore deje niečo zlé, ak je to medzi zhromaždením, každý z vás bratov, ktorí ste diakoni ... Jeden z vás diakonov sa nespráva poriadne, tí ostatní diakoni prídu a majú stretnutie, snažia sa napraviť toho brata; povedia mu čo robí, alebo niekto z vás členov, čokoľvek ste. Potom je to prinesené pred neho. Ak to neposlúchne, potom to povedzte pastorovi. Potom je prepustený zo zboru, a potom nech je ako pohan a publikán. Sledujte potom Pána ako ide a pracuje na ňom; vidíte, to je keď sa on začína pamätať, keď ide aby sa priplazil naspäť. Ale my sa to snažíme robiť sami, viete, snažíme sa ... všetko tak ako to máme urobiť. No, nám sa to nikdy nedarí.

88No, tento Melchisedech, Kráľ Sálema, Knieža ... Kňaz Najvyššieho Boha, stretol Abraháma a požehnal ho. A dal Mu svoju desatinu, Abrahám mu dal. A On bol Kráľ Sálema. A On vyniesol chlieb a víno, komúniu, a dal to Abrahámovi po boji (potom keď ten človek bol získaný).

89No, „Všetky vojny“ ako som povedal „sa bojujú kvôli princípom.“ No, ak máte v zbore malú vojnu, to musí byť správny princíp. Musíte bojovať za správnu vec. A každý člen zboru má za to bojovať. Toto učenie je pre cirkev. Kvôli tomu sme tu, kvôli tomu tu stojím, na to je dané Božie Slovo, ono je dané pre cirkev.

90Nikdy nedovoľte, aby niečo zabrzdilo tento zbor; ak sa to deje, ste vinní, každý jeden. A vy, vo svojich rôznych zboroch; ak sa deje niečo zlé vo vašom zbore, ste vinní, lebo ste dozorcami toho zboru. To nie je na pastorovi, to nie je na diakonoch, to je na vás! Vy jednotlivci, máte ísť za tým bratom a postarať sa, ak ho budete môcť napraviť. Ak nie, potom zoberte so sebou dvoch alebo troch, potom sa vráťte. Ak to on nebude počúvať, povedzte to zboru. Potom je prepustený z Kráľovstva Božieho, Boh povedal: „Ak ho prepustíte tam, Ja ho prepustím Tu; ak postupujete podľa tohoto poriadku.“ Potom On ho vydá diablovi na zničenie jeho tela. A potom on príde naspäť. Je to tak. To je spôsob ako ho doviesť, aby prišiel naspäť. Ak je dieťa Božie, on príde naspäť. Ak nie je, no - no, on naďalej v tom pozostane a potom diabol ho pošle ďalej na jeho večné miesto.

91A teraz motívy toho! Ak to urobíte len kvôli niekomu, to je potom iné. Ale ak ten človek je vinný ... a Lot odišiel tam a odpadol, hoci bol Hebrej. On odišiel dole a odpadol. On bol v milosti, ale on z nej vypadol. A keď on odišiel ... A Lot - Lot bol spasený. Nemyslite si, že Lot nebol spasený, on bol. Pretože po celý čas keď bol na nesprávnom mieste, Biblia hovorí že „hriechy Sodomy trápili jeho spravodlivú dušu, každodenne.“ No, jeho telo robilo jednu vec. A aký bol jeho koniec? On priniesol viac pohanenia, jeho žena sa premenila na soľný stĺp, on mal deti so svojimi dcérami. Tak môžete vidieť aké pohanenie to prinieslo, pretože on odpadol z milosti a nikdy sa znovu nenavrátil. A Boh ho musel zobrať zo zeme.

92Ale on bol stále upadnutý brat a Abrahám urobil všetko čo mohol aby ho priviedol znovu naspäť. A Duch, ktorý bol v Abrahámovi, je Duch Kristov, ktorý je dnes v cirkvi. Bez ohľadu na to čo ten brat urobil, budete robiť všetko čo môžete, aby ste ho priviedli znovu naspäť do obecenstva s Kristom. Bez ohľadu na to čo urobil, budete sa namáhavo snažiť.

93Chceme si teraz všimnúť, znovu tu teraz, keď ideme ďalej s touto lekciou o tomto Melchisedechovi, tento veľký kňaz Sálema a majiteľ Neba aj zeme. No, je prv:

bez otca, bez matere, bez rodoslovia nemajúci ani počiatku dní ani konca života, ale súc pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu zostáva kňazom navždy.

Dávajte pozor! On nebol Syn Boží, On bol Boh toho Syna. On nebol Syn Boží (Melchisedech nebol), ale On bol Otec syna Božieho.

94No, toto telo, ktoré On mal, On stvoril, ono nebolo prinesené cez ženu. Tak s tým stvoreným telom, On nemohol .. Nejaké telo, On si ho sám stvoril, aby sa zjavil. „Žiadny človek nemôže nikdy vidieť Boha,“ Boh je duch. Smrteľné oči nevidia tieto veci, jedine že je to vo forme ako Ohnivý Stĺp, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, alebo vo forme nejakej bytosti, ktorú videli pomocou videnia. Ale ... Boh sa musí nejakým spôsobom zjaviť. A Boh sa zjavil Abrahámovi vo forme Človeka. On sa zjavil Mojžišovi vo forme Človeka. On sa zjavil deťom Izraelovým vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa. On sa zjavil Jánovi Krstiteľovi, vo forme holubice. Vidíte? On sa zjavil v týchto formách. Keď sa On zjavoval vo forme Človeka ako Kráľ Sálema, Jeruzalema (nie zemského Jeruzalema, ale Nebeského Jeruzalema), On sa zjavil v tej forme, On bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu.

95No, Syn Boží musel prísť cez ženu, aby tu bol stvorený; skrze ženské lono, pretože skrze tú istú vec prišla smrť.

96A On nemohol prísť cez stvorenie ako to urobil Boh na začiatku. Keď Boh stvoril človeka na začiatku, žena s tým nemala nič spoločného. Boh len povedal: „Nech je!“ A Adam vyšiel z prachu zeme, On ho zavolal, bez žiadnej ženy, ktorá by mala niečo s tým spoločného. Ale žena, tá bola vtedy v mužovi.

97A Boh zobral ženu z Adamovho boku. Je to tak? A potom žena išla a prinášala človeka skrze sex. Tak jediný spôsob, ktorý Boh mohol urobiť ... On nemohol prísť v tej teofánii. On nemohol prísť ako Melchisedech. On musel prísť ako človek, a on musel prísť cez ženu: „Tvoje semeno rozdrtí hadovi hlavu a jeho hlava rozdrtí tvoju pätu.“ Vidíte to? Boh musel prísť cez ženu; a On prišiel keď prebýval vo svojom tele, svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša. „Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so sebou svet. A On obetoval svoju vlastnú Krv ako obeť. A dal svoj život, aby cez kanál smrti, ťa mohol spasiť do Večného Života.

98Tak Boh potom prišiel, a On bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu. Vidíte? On bol človek pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu. No, On nemohol byť Syn Boží, pretože tento Muž je Večný.

99Syn Boží mal začiatok, On mal koniec. On mal čas narodenia, on mal čas svojej smrti. On mal oboje, začiatok aj koniec. On mal otca aj matku.

100Tento muž nemal ani otca ani matku, ani začiatok ani koniec. Ale On bol pripodobnený ... tento Muž, Melchisedech, bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu.

101No, Syn Boží, keď On prišiel na svet, vo forme ženy - cez ženu, vo forme muža; a bol zabitý, na tretí deň znovu povstal, povstal na naše ospravedlnenie, teraz zostáva naveky! A kým trvá toto telo, my trváme tiež! A pretože povstal zo špiny, my povstaneme na Jeho podobu. To je príbeh evanjelia! Nech je požehnané meno Pánove! Nie anjeli, nie nadprirodzené bytosti, nie aby sa zhromaždila hromada peria, ale muž a žena (amen) stáť v Jeho podobe. Tak veru!

102Často som toto hovoril, znovu to tu teraz poviem, pasuje to. Česal som si, asi ... týchto päť alebo šesť vlasov, ktoré mi zostali a moja žena mi povedala: „Billy, plešivieš.“

103Povedal som: „Ale nestratil som ani jeden vlas.“

104Ona povedala: „Kde sú?“

105Povedal som: „Povedz mi kde boli predtým, ako som ich dostal a poviem ti kde na mňa čakajú.“ Je to tak.

106Bol som voľakedy zápasník, boxerista. Bol som silný a veľký. A cítil som sa tak, že keby ste mi položili na chrbát tento zbor, išiel by som, s tým po ulici. Poviem vám, keď vstávam teraz každé ráno, uvedomujem si že prešlo už niečo okolo štyridsať rokov. Vidíte? Nie som tým, čím som býval, každý deň slabnem. Keď sa dívam na svoje ruky a rozmýšľam: „Pozri sa, stávam sa starým človekom.“ Pozriem sa na svoje ramená. Vidím, že som pribral; Zvykol som mať okolo pásu dvadsať osem a teraz mám tridsať cólov. Vidíte? Starnem, tučniem, krčím sa.

107Čo to je? Jem to isté čo som jedával, žijem čistejšie a lepšie než ako predtým, tak isto. Ale Boh mi vyznačil čas a ja to musím prijať. Ale tá požehnaná myšlienka je, že v ten deň ma On znovu vzkriesi. A všetko čo som bol, keď som mal dvadsať päť, znovu taký budem naveky. Amen! Tu to máte. Čo ma má trápiť staroba? Budem biť z tade diabla roky a roky. Vediac toto, že verím Jemu! Táto krátka chvíľka je aj tak len krátky čas. Ak sme tu boli len sedemdesiat rokov, náš zasľúbený čas, čo nie je nič len bieda a trápenie. Čo to je? Vymeníte tento dom trápenia za to slávne tam?

108Tak tedy, nech je požehnané meno Pánove! Niečo vo vnútri vo mne stretlo jedného dňa Melchisedecha, a On mi vyslovil pokoj a dal mi Večný Život. A tento život neznamená nič len stánok, cez ktorý kážem evanjelium. Hovorím to so všetkou úprimnosťou, s týmito dvoma Bibliami, ktoré tu ležia otvorené predo mnou: keby môj Boh bol so mnou hotový s kázaním evanjelia a nemohol by som pre Neho nič viacej urobiť, a moje deti by boli dosť veľké na to, aby sa o seba postarali, a On by ma chcel hneď teraz zobrať, Amen! Tým je to vybavené. Tak veru!

109Aký je v tom rozdiel či mám osemdesiat alebo dvadsať? Som tu len kvôli jednému: aby som slúžil Pánovi. To je všetko. Ak budem môcť ďalej kázať evanjelium takto ako teraz, keď budem mať osemdesiat, aký je v tom rozdiel či mám štyridsať alebo osemdesiat? Dnes je veľa osemdesiat ročných mužov. A je veľa detí, ktoré zomrú, zatiaľ čo osemdesiatročný prežije mnohé z nich. Aký je v tom rozdiel? To sú vaše motívy, vaše princípy a my sme tu, aby sme slúžili Pánovi Ježišovi! To je všetko.

110Vediac toto: že tento život je parou, o ktorom človek hovorí; ktorá raz bola a potom nie je. Ale ak máme večný Život, Boh zasľúbil, že nás znovu vzkriesi. A budeme s Ním mať komúniu keď skončia tieto dni a keď On povie: „Vojdite do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pripravená pre vás od založenia sveta.“

111Aký to tu potom robí rozdiel? Či máme všetko alebo nemáme, či sme mladí alebo či sme starí, aký je v tom rozdiel? To hlavné, ste pripravení stretnúť sa s Ním? Milujete Ho? Môžete Mu slúžiť? Zbavili ste sa vecí tohoto sveta? Stretli ste Melchisedecha, potom keď skončil ten boj?

112Požehnaný Boh! Mal som asi dvadsať jeden rokov a jedného dňa som mal boj s týmto, s tým a s tam tým; nevedel som zistiť či chcem byť zápasník alebo či chcem byť lovec, alebo poľovník, čo by som chcel byť. Ale stretol som Melchisedecha a On mi dal komúniu a odvtedy to mám navždy jasno. Haleluja! Prešiel som na Jeho stranu. Radujem sa na tej ceste. A keď prichádza koniec tej cesty a smrť sa mi díva do tváre; ako to teraz cítim, nebudem sa toho báť. Chcem vedieť ... idem sa s tým stretnúť, viem toto, že poznám Jeho, ktorý dal zasľúbenie. Je to tak, že Ho poznám v moci jeho zmŕtvychvstania. Keď On zavolá z mŕtvych, vyjdem spomedzi nich. Je to tak, poznám Ho v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. Aký je v tom rozdiel či som starý alebo mladý? Či som malý alebo veľký? Či som najedený alebo či som hladný? Či mám miesto, kde by som si ľahol, alebo či nemám?

113„Vtáci majú hniezda a líšky diery, ale Syn človeka nemá kde by hlavu sklonil,“ ale On bol Kráľ Slávy!

114Dnes sme kráľmi a kňazmi. Aký je v tom rozdiel či máme alebo nemáme? Pokiaľ máme Boha, sme viac ako víťazi? Sme viac ako víťazi! Sedíme v prítomnosti Božej, v obecenstve Ducha Svätého, prijímame Duchovnú komúniu z rúk Toho, ktorý vydal svedectvo: „Ja som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a znovu žijem a žijem na veky.“ Sedíme spolu v Ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi! Ó, nech je požehnané Jeho sväté meno! Aký to robí rozdiel?

Stan alebo chatrč prečo by som sa staral?

Oni tam pre mňa stavajú palác;

z rubínov a z diamantov a zo striebra a zlata;

Jeho truhlice sú plné, On má nevysloviteľné bohatstvo.

115Stretol som Ho jedného dňa, keď som prichádzal z boja, položil som svoje trofeje. Odvtedy som nebojoval boj, On ich bojuje za mňa. Ja len odpočívam na Jeho zasľúbení, vediac toto, že Ho poznám v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. To je to, čo je dôležité. Čo iné je dôležité?

116Čo môžeme robiť? „Prečo si máme myslieť že môžeme pridať jeden lakeť do svojej postavy? Čo sa staráte či sa vám krútia vlasy, alebo či ich máte alebo nie? Čo na tom záleží? Či ste starý, či ste šediví, či máte ovisnuté ramená či nie, čo na tom záleží? Amen! Toto je len na čas, na krátku dobu, ale To je na veky vekov. A ako sa ďalej odvíjajú eóny času a prechádzajú veky, vy sa nikdy nezmeníte, a vy ... cez Jeho nekonečné večné veky. Čo na tom záleží?

117Ja som tak rád, že som Ho stretol. Som tak rád, že On mi dal komúniu, jedného dňa, ten istý Melchisedech, ktorý stretol Abraháma, ktorý sa vracal od porážky kráľov. Skutočne! Boh Neba, ten Elohim; Ten veľký JA SOM, nie Ja som bol, JA SOM (prítomný čas). „A On ho požehnal.“

118Počúvajte tu ešte trochu ďalej, aby sme mohli tú lekciu trochu zhrnúť. A teraz 4. verš:

A pozrite aký veľký je on...

(Tiež som práve o tom myslel)

...pozrite aký veľký je on,

On je väčší než Syn Boží. Syn Boží mal otca a matku , On nemal. Syn Boží mal začiatok času a koniec času, On nemal. Kto to bol? To bol Otec toho Syna. To je kto On bol.

...pozrite aký veľký je on, ktorému i desatinu dal Abrahám z najlepšieho z koristi, on, patriarcha!

119A teraz dobre počúvajte:

A tí, ktorí zo synov Léviho dostávajú kňazstvo, podľa zákona majú prikázanie desatiniť ľudí, to jest svojich bratov, hoci pošli z bedra Abrahámovho.

120Dívajte sa teraz na toto ak chcete niečo vidieť:

Ale ten, ktorý čo do rodoslovia nepochádza z ich rodu, odesatinil Abraháma a toho, ktorý mal zasľúbenia, požehnal.

121Abrahám mal zasľúbenie a tento Muž požehnal Abraháma, ktorý mal zasľúbenie. Kto to bol? Synovia Léviho platili desatinu svojim bratom ... či vlastne ich bratia im platia desatinu. Oni majú prikázanie Pánove, brať desatinu z toho čo ich bratia urobili, na svoje živobytie, pretože oni boli kňazstvom. No, to vynecháva kňazstvo Melchisedecha, ako sme tu o tom práve teraz hovorili. Je to tak. Ale tento Muž ... Ešte aj ten, ktorý mal zasľúbenie, najväčší človek na zemi, Abrahám, stretol tohoto Muža a zaplatil Mu desatinu; On musel byť väčší.


A stojí nesporne, že menšie sa požehnáva od väčšieho čo do hodnosti.

(Samozrejme! Pozorujte kto On je!)

A tu berú desiatky ľudia, ktorí mrú,

(to je kňazstvo podľa poriadku kňazov a kazateľov a tak ďalej; ľudia ktorí berú desatinu, ktorí mrú. Vidíte?)

...ale tu ten, ktorému sa dáva svedectvo, že žije.

123Prečo by bral niekto desatiny, ak nemá ... Keď sa nikdy nenarodil a nikdy nezomrie a bol od začiatku do konca a nikdy nemal žiadneho otca ani matku ani predkov, a vlastnil celé Nebesia a zem a všetko na tom, prečo by bral desatinu? Prečo by žiadal Abraháma, aby zaplatil desatinu? Vidíte akou prísnou vecou je platiť desatiny? Desatiny sú v poriadku. Každý kresťan je povinný platiť desatinu. Je to tak. To sa nikdy nezmenilo!

124A teraz:

A nech sa tak vyslovím, skrze Abraháma bol i Lévi, ktorý berie desiatky, odesatinený;

125No, ó, tu je niečo:

lebo vtedy bol ešte v bedre otcovom, keď mu vyšiel v ústrety Melchisedech.

126Čo? Lévi ... Abrahám bol Léviho pra-pra-praotec. A Biblia tu povedala, že „Lévi zaplatil desatinu keď bol v bedrách Abraháma.“ Štyri generácie pred tým ako vôbec prišiel na zem, on platil desatinu Melchisedechovi. A nech je požehnané meno Pánovo!

127Potom či nemôžete veriť v predurčenie pred ustanovením; a tu, štyri generácie pred tým ako Lévi vyšiel z bedier Abrahámových, zaplatil desatinu Melchisedechovi. Prajem si aby sme mali čas a prebrali toto cez Písmo.

128Keby ste to preniesli do toho, ako v Jeremiášovi 1:4, Boh povedal: „Poznal som ťa prv ako si bol utvorený v lone svojej matky. A posvätil som ťa a určil som ťa za proroka národom.“ Potom čo môžete povedať, že ste vy urobili? Čo môžem povedať, že som ja urobil? To je Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť, Boh nás poznal pred založením sveta.

129On nechce aby niekto zahynul. Samozrejme že nie. Ale keď je Boh, On vedel kto bude spasený a kto nebude spasený, alebo nevedel nič. Ak nevedel ... Ak nevedel kto dosiahne vytrhnutie, skôr ako bol ešte sformovaný svet, potom nie je Boh. Ak je On nekonečný, tak ... On vedel o každej blche, o každej muche, o každej vši, blche, ktorá kedy bude na zemi, prv ako bol sformovaný svet. Je to tak. On vedel všetko. Pred založením sveta, On nás poznal. Biblia to povedala: On nás poznal a predurčil nás!“

130Urovnajme si to ešte. Poďme naspäť do Listu Efežanom do 1. kapitoly, 5. ka-... 1. kapitola Efežanom, len na chvíľu. Chcem tu čítať len na chvíľu, aby ste tak mohli skutočne porozumieť, že to nie je len niečo ... niečo čo sa vám ja snažím povedať, to je niečo, čo sa vám Boh snaží povedať. Vidíte? A teraz počúvajte toto skutočne pozorne, 1. kapitola Efežanom:

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou,

(ten istý, ktorý napísal list Židom, píše tento list) ...


(toto nie je pre neveriacich, ale pre svätých, posvätených)

ktorí sú v Efeze, a verným v Kristu Ježišovi:

milosť vám a pokoj od Boha, našeho Otca, a od Pána Ježiša Krista.

Požehnaný Boh a Otec našeho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovných v ponebeských oblastiach ...

tak ako si nás ...

A teraz dobre počúvajte, 4. verš:

tak, ako si nás v ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta,

... (kto je to tam „nás“? cirkev) ...

vyvolil nás v ňom

(v Kristovi)

pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred ním, v láske,

predurčiac nás k synovstvu skrze Ježiša Krista cieľom neho, podľa ľúbosti svojej vôle,

131Kto to urobil? Boh! Boh vedel pred začiatkom, kto bude spasený a kto nebude spasený. Samozrejme, On nechcel aby niekto zahynul. Ale On neposlal Ježiša sem len aby uvidel či sa budete takto správať: „No, chudák Ježiš, je mi ho ľúto, možno račej budem spasený a budem s tým súhlasiť.“ Nie veru.

132Boh vedel na začiatku kto bude a kto nebude. Tak, pretože, On vedel, že niektorí budú, a tak poslal Ježiša aby zaplatil výkupné za tých, ktorých On predom poznal. Lebo tých, ktorých predom poznal, povolal; a tých ktorých povolal, ospravedlnil; a tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, (minulý čas) oslávil. Tu to máte.

133Tak to nie ste vy, ktorí sa zachovávate, to je milosť Božia, ktorá vás zachováva. Vy sa nespasíte, ani ste nič neurobili aby ste si zaslúžili byť spasený, to je Božia milosť, ktorá vás spasila. Božia milosť vás povolala. Božie predzvedenie vás poznalo. On vedel, že dnes večer budete v tomto zbore, skôr ako bol založený svet, keď je On nekonečný. Ak nie je, nie je Boh. Ak vedel všetky veci, je Boh; ak nevedel všetky veci, nie je Boh. Ak je On všemohúci Boh, On môže urobiť všetko; ak nemôže všetko urobiť, nie je všemohúcim Bohom. No vidíte.

134Tak ako môžete povedať, že to je niečo čo by ste vy mohli urobiť? To nie je nič, čo vy môžete urobiť. To je Božia láska a milosť voči vám, aj to že ste tu. Nič, čo by ste vy mohli urobiť, Boh vás povolal vo svojej milosti; vy ste to počuli, dozvedeli ste sa, prijali ste to.

135„Dobre“, poviete, „Brat Branham to robí tú vec veľmi voľnú.“ Samozrejme, že robí. Ste slobodní. „Dobre, ten človek môže robiť čokoľvek chce.“ Presne tak! Ja stále robím to čo chcem, ale keď som kresťan, nechcem robiť zle.

136Tam vzadu sedí dnes večer milé dievča, moja milá žena, ja ju milujem so všetkým čo je vo mne. A keby som vedel, že by som mohol behať s inou ženou a prešlo by mi to, a išiel by som a povedal jej: „Meda, urobil som zle,“ myslíte si, že by som to urobil? Ak ju skutočne milujem, neurobím to. Je to tak.

137No, čo keby som povedal: „Ó, ja to nemôžem urobiť, pretože poviem ti prečo. Ona by sa so mnou rozviedla a ja ... Ja som kazateľ. Vieš čo by z toho bolo? To by ma odstránilo spoza kazateľni, keby sa so mnou rozviedla; rozvedený muž. Ó, mám tri deti, nemôžem o tom ani pomyslieť. Ale, chlapče, ja ...“ Dobre, ak je to takto, stále ste pod zákonom. Ja som sa s ňou neoženil na základe zákonu. To nie sú princípy zákona, ktoré robia, že s ňou verne žijem. To je preto, že ju milujem! Ja nemusím robiť nič, ja to robím ochotne pretože to je záležitosť lásky. A keď ty miluješ svoju ženu, budeš robiť to isté.

138A keď miluješ svoju ženu takto s láskou fileo, ako máš milovať Krista s láskou agapo, ktorá je milión krát silnejšia! Ak skutočne milujete Boha! Keby som dnes vedel, žeby som mohol ísť a opiť sa, keby som dnes vedel, žeby som mohol zahnúť a byť nemorálny, keby som dnes vedel ... keby to bolo dokonca v mojom srdci urobiť to, a ja by som odišiel a urobil to (vediac, že On by mi odpustil), Ja by som to neurobil. Príliš veľa o Ňom myslím. Ja Ho milujem. Skutočne! Samozrejme!

139To je dôvod, že by som nepredal svoje prežitie žiadnej denominácii, (nie veru), žiadnym Zborom Božím, žiednej Cirkvi Božej, žiadnym Pútnikom Svätosti, Metodistom, Baptistom, Presbyteriánom, Katolíkom. Neprijal by som nič čo by mi bolo ponúknuté za toto prežitie; pretože to sa nedá nijako získať od človeka, to pochádza od Boha. Nie veru. Nepredal by som svoje právo prvorodenstva za žiadny rock-and-roll Elvisa Presleyho, ani za jeho kolónu kadilakov ... ani za jeho ... kadilaky, ani jeho milión dolárov (ani tomu podobné) ktoré má každý mesiac. Nie veru. Ja Ho milujem! A ak ja ... Pokiaľ Ho takto milujem, budem Mu verný. A keď ma Boh povolal a vybral ma, On do mňa niečo umiestnil; a ja Ho milujem.

140Pamätám si pána Islera. Poznáte ho všetci, väčšina z vás. On sem prichádza, štátny senátor Indiány, chodí sem a hrá na gitare. Keď zomrelo moje dieťa a moja žena zomrela, a všetci ležia tam na cintoríne. A išiel som po ceste, ruky som mal za chrbtom a plakal som. On vyskočil zo svojho malého nákladného auta, prišiel ku mne, objal ma, povedal: „Bily, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.“ Povedal: „Počul som ťa kázať, že si až takmer odpadol na kazateľňu. Počul som ťa na rohoch ulíc a všade, vykrikoval si o Kristovi.“ Povedal: „A teraz On zobral tvojho otca, On zobral tvojho brata. Uchmatol ich oboch a oni zomreli v tvojom náručí; tam oni zomreli. Tvoja žena zomrela, držala ťa za ruky. A tvoje dieťa zomrelo a ty si ku Nemu volal aby ti pomohol. A On sa ti obrátil chrbtom. Čo si o Ňom myslíš.“

141Povedal som: „Milujem Ho so všetkým čo je vo mne. Keby ma poslal do pekla, stále Ho budem milovať.“

142On je spravodlivý! Ja to nehovorím, dvadsať šesť rokov to dokázalo. Je to tak. Keď Ho milujete, nie z povinnosti, že „Ja nemôžem toto robiť a nemôžem tamto robiť.“ Príliš Ho milujete, než aby ste to tak robili. Pretože On vás vybral. Nie vy ste si vybrali Jeho, On si vybral vás.

143Vy ste povedali: „Ja som hľadal Pána a hľadal Pána.“ Žiadny človek nehľadá Boha. To je Boh. ktorý hľadá človeka. Vy ste mohli hľadať náklonnosť u Neho, ale Boh musel zmeniť vašu povahu prv ako ste Ho vôbec mohli hľadať, pretože vy ste hriešnik, vy ste prasa. Je to tak.

144 A niektorý z vás ľudí, ktorí chodíte do zboru a žijete len skrze svoje členstvo, idete von a robíte všetko čo ten svet a potom stále idete naspäť a hovoríte: „Áno, ja patrím do cirkvi.“ Dobre, to je ďaleko od toho aby ste patrili Bohu. Samozrejme. Ja ne ... Ale, vidíte, ľudia to robia, môžete povedať. Ó, oni sú dobrí členovia zboru. To je pravda, môžete byť stále členom zboru a robiť tieto veci, ale nemôžete byť kresťanom a robiť ich.

145Ako som povedal dnes ráno: „Stará vrana, ak bol kedy nejaký pokrytec, to je vrana.“ Je to tak. Ona a holubica sedeli v tom istom korábe, sedeli na tom istom pánte. A stará vrana bola spokojná keď bola vypustená a vyšla z toho zboru, že mohla ísť tam von a sadnúť si na nejakú starú mŕtvu zdochlinu a „krá, krá“ a jesť z toho, jesť z koňa, a jesť z kravy, a z čohokoľvek čo to bolo, ona bola spokojná. Ale keď Noe vypustil holubicu, ona nemohla nájsť miesto kde by odpočinuli jej nohy. Ona mala také isté právo zosadnúť na mŕtve zviera tak ako vrana, ale to boli príliš rozdielne povahy. Jedna z nich bola ... Ona bola holubica od začiatku. A tamtá bola od začiatku vrana.

146Ale, ak si všimnete, tá stará vrana môže sedieť tu na zdochline a jesť, pol dňa. Holubica sadne na pšeničné pole a je, pol dňa. A vrana môže priletieť rovno tam a jesť to čo holubica, toľko koľko chce. Ona môže jesť toľko pšenice ako holubica. Ale ona, vrana, môže jesť to čo holubica, ale holubica nemôže jesť to čo vrana. Je to tak.

147Tak nejaký pokrytec môže chodiť do zboru a radovať sa a vykrikovať a chváliť Pána a takto postupovať, a ide hneď naspäť a raduje sa z vecí toho sveta. Ale znovuzrodený kresťan to nemôže robiť, pretože láska Božia mu bráni ísť na také miesta, on to nemôže.

148Tak ak ste len tým kresťanom, že ste sa pripojili do zboru a prestávate robiť toto a tamto, a stále je vo vás tá istá túžba, potrebujete ďalšie ponorenie. Presne tak.

149A vy ženy, ktoré sa dokážete obliekať do malých šortiek a chodiť tu po ulici a potom hovoríte o sebe, že ste veriace. Možno že ste veriace, ale ste biednym príkladom veriacich. Ak máte skutočne Krista vo svojom srdci, nemuseli by ste takto myslieť o takých veciach. Nestarám sa o to čo robia tie ostatné ženy, a čo robia ostatné dievčence, vy budete iná; pretože tak veľmi milujete Krista.

150Rozprával som sa raz s jednou ženou, v dome a ona takto rozhodila rukami, povedala: „reverend Branham, ja som takmer nahá tu vo svojom dome, keď tu chodím.“

151Pomyslel som si: „Hanbi sa.“ V tvojom vlastnom dome, nestarám sa o to kde si. Je to tak. Obliekaj sa a správaj sa ako žena, ako sa má správať dáma. Hanbi sa. Ale vy dodržiavate ... A Biblia hovorí: „Ak milujete tie veci a tie veci sveta, nie je vo vás láska Kristova.“ A ak milujete Pána s celého svojho srdca, s celej svojej duše, s celej svojej mysli, budete sa strániť tých špinavých, neslušných vecí. Je to tak.

152A vy diakoni a vy ostatní tu, ktorí beháte tu vonku po ulici a naťahujete krk a dívate sa na každú z tých žien. Hanbite sa! A hovoríte si „synovia Boží.“ Viem že to páli ale vy by ... lepšie je popáliť sa, než ako potom tam naveky zhorieť. Tak ak -ak robíte tieto veci ... No, nemôžete tomu zabrániť, ak po ulici chodia polonahé ženy. Vy, ak sa dívate, ste nútení vidieť ju, ale môžete odvrátiť hlavu. Biblia povedala: „Ktokoľvek pozrie žiadostivo na ženu už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“

153Dovoľte, že vám niečo poviem drahé sestry: „Vy na to odpoviete.“ Je mi jedno, môžete byť čisté ako ľalia. Nemusíte nikdy skutočne spáchať hriech tohoto typu, nemorálny hriech, vo svojom živote. Ale keď sa takto obliekate, na súde sa budete zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva s každým mužom, ktorý sa na vás díval. Tak to hovorí Biblia. A idete po ulici, kto je vinný? Muž? Nie. Vy! Vy sa tak predvádzate.

154Žena má dôležité miesto, sväté, milé, nádherné miesto. Ale ona sa musí tak držať, aby zachovala svoj úrad tak ako má, ako matka, ako žena a v ženskosti. Keď je porušená ženskosť, je porušená chrbtica každého národa. Preto je dnes náš národ zruinovaný, z dôvodu nemorálnosti našich žien. Je to presne tak. Skutočne. To je tá skazenosť medzi nami, ktorá to narušuje.

155To čo potrebujete, je stretnúť raz Melchisedecha. Amen. A dovoliť mu - nechať Ho aby vás požehnal a dal vám víno a chlieb, Večný Život. Potom budete vidieť inak tie veci. Potom budete ... Bude to iné. Nebudete chcieť aby chlapci na vás hvízdali alebo popiskovali alebo akokoľvek to nazývate; skutočne nie. Budete iné.

156A vy mi chcete povedať že kvôli niečomu inému sa takto obliekate? Poviete: „No, to je chladnejšie.“ Nerozprávajte rozprávky. Nie je to chladnejšie. Veda dokazuje, že to nie je chladnejšie. To je ... to je žiadosť, ktorá prichádza na teba, sestra. Ty si to neuvedomuješ. Nechcem vás uraziť, ale snažím sa vás varovať. Veľa morálnych žien, tak čistá ako len môže byť, milá dáma, ktorá chodí v takýchto veciach po ulici, nie si je vedomá čo robí; pretože nejaký upadnutý kazateľ sa bojí, že tvoj muž nebude viac platiť desatinu v zbore. Keby on stretol Melchisedecha, nemyslel by takto, kázal by evanjelium. Keby mu to spálilo kožu na chrbte, aj tak by to kázal. Presne tak.

157Vy to robíte a robíte to preto, že duch žiadosti, ktorý je na ... A vy muži, ktorí necháte svoje ženy robiť takéto veci, mám o vás ako o mužoch malú nádej. A je to tak. Je to pravda. No, nie je na to pochvala ... či ospravedlnenie, pretože to je pravda. Každý muž, ktorý nechá svoju ženu vyjsť takto na ulicu, brat, ty by si mal nosiť jej šaty. Je to tak. Vy ... Och joj!

158Ja nebudem hovoriť, že moja žena to nebude robiť, ale ja by som musel byť premenený a prevrátený voči tomu čo som teraz, ak by som s ňou ešte žil potom čo by tak postupovala. A to je presne tak. Moje dievčence, oni to môžu robiť, keď z nich budú ženy, ja nehovorím, že nie. Neviem. To záleží od milosti Božej. Dúfam že nie. Ak budú, prejdú cez modlitby spravodlivého otca. Prejdú cez život niekoho, kto sa snažil žiť správne, ak to niekedy urobia. Je to tak. No, ja chcem poriadne žiť, poriadne učiť, byť poriadny a správne ich viesť. Ak to urobia, prebijú si cestu do pekla, cez moje kázanie, cez môjho Krista, a cez moje varovanie; je to tak, ak to niekedy urobia. Skutočne, je to tak.

159Hanbite sa. Ak ste niekedy stretli Krista tvárou v tvár a On vás požehnal a dal ten bozk súhlasu na vaše srdce, ani všetci diabli v pekle vás nedovedú do toho aby ste to znovu obliekli. Je to tak. Boli ste premenené zo smrti do Života a máte záľubu vo veciach, ktoré sú hore, nie v zemských veciach. Amen. Radšej opustím tú tému, je to chúlostivé. Dobre, ale je to pravda.

160Dobre, keď ideme teraz trochu ďalej, potom zakončíme:

...tí, ktorí zo synov Léviho dostávajú desatinu kňazstvo, podľa zákona majú prikázanie desatiniť ľudí, to jest svojich bratov, hoci pošli z bedra Abrahámovho.

Ale ten, ktorý čo do rodoslovia nepochádza z ich rodu, odesatinil Abraháma a toho, ktorý mal zasľúbenia požehnal.

A stojí nesporne, že menšie sa požehnáva od väčšieho čo do hodnosti.

A tu berú desiatky ľudia, ktorí mrú, ale tamto ten, ktorému sa dáva svedectvo, že žije.

A, nech sa tak vyslovím, skrze Abraháma bol i Lévi, ktorý berie desiatky, odesatinený;

lebo vtedy bol ešte v bedre otcovom, keď mu vyšiel v ústrety Melchisedech.

161Váš postoj voči Kristovi bude robiť veľký vplyv na to, aké budú vaše deti. Váš život, ktorý žijete pred svojou rodinou, bude robiť vplyv na to, aké budú vaše deti. Pretože Biblia povedala, že „On navštívi neprávosť rodičov na deťoch do tretieho a štvrtého pokolenia.

162No, ešte chvíľu a potom zakočíme:

Ak tedy bolo dokonalenie...

(tu máte znovu dokonalosť)

...levitským kňazstvom -

(lebo izraelský ľud dostal na jeho základe zákon)

- načo bolo potom ešte treba, aby povstal iný kňaz, podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho, a nie aby sa volal podľa poriadku Áronovho?

163Zákon, požadovanie zákona, vidíte: „Aha, musíš robiť toto. Ak toto nerobíš, nie si kresťan. A ak nedodržuješ sobotu. Ak ne ... Ak ješ mäso. Ak robíš tieto veci.“ Všetky tieto zákonnícke názory. „A musíš chodiť do zboru. Ak nie, zaplatíš za to pokutu. Musíš vykonať novénu - deväťdennú pobožnosť.“ Také niečo je nezmysel! Vy ste spasení z milosti Božej, podľa predvedenia Božieho, skrze Jeho predurčenie. Boh povolal Abraháma na základe predurčenia, na základe predzvedenia. On povolal ... On nenávidel Ezava a miloval Jákoba, ešte skôr ako sa narodili. Je to tak. To je Božie predzvedenie, že vedel tieto veci.

164Vy potom poviete: „Načo sa potom káže evanjelium?“

165No, poviem vám toto: Pavel na to odpovedá, či vlastne Ježiš. Tu je Ježiš, On povedal: „Kráľovstvo nebeské je podobné mužovi ktorý išiel na jazero a vrhol sieť. Vytiahol ju. A mal v nej korytnačky, bahnivky, hadov, jašteričky, žaby, pavúky, zdochlinožrúty, ryby.“ No, ten človek proste loví do siete.

166To je ako evanjelium. Tu je to teraz, ja kážem evanjelium. Vrhol som proste sieť. Ťahám ju, poviem: „Všetci, ktorí chcú, ktokoľvek, nech príde.“ Tu prichádzajú ku oltáru, oni všetci sú okolo oltára, modlia sa a plačú. Nepoznám ani jedného, to nie je moja robota, nebol som poslaný súdiť.

167Ale, sú tam niektorí, ktorí sú žaby. Sú tam niektorí, ktorí sú jašterice. Sú niektorí, ktorí sú hady, Niektorí korytnačky. A sú niektorí, ktorí sú ryby. To nie je moja robota aby som súdil. Ja hovorím: „Otče, to je to čo som vytiahol.“

168Ale, žaba od začiatku bola žabou.

169Pavúk ... Ten starý pavúk si tam sadne a za chvíľu sa bude obzerať dookola; a vyvaľovať tie veľké oči, obzerať sa a povie: „Viete čo? Už mám tohoto dosť už to nemôžem zniesť.“ Šup, šup, šup, šup a idú preč.

170Stará pani hadová zodvihne hlavu a povie: „No, viete čo? Ak takto budú kázať, proti noseniu šortiek a takýchto vecí, ktoré sa ma týkajú, odídem preč z tejto skupiny fanatikov. To je to čo treba.“ Ty si od začiatku bola had. Presne tak. Áno.

171A tu sedí pán Ropucha so svojím veľkým cigárom v ústach, ako Texaský vôl bez rohov; postaví sa tam poobzerá sa a povie: „No, nikdy ma to neodsudzovalo, že fajčím. Jednoducho z tohoto odídem, hneď teraz.“ No, ty stará žaba, ty si od začiatku bol žaba. Presne tak. Je to presne tak.

172Vaša povaha dokazuje čo ste. Váš život ukazuje, odzrkadľuje čo ste. A na začiatku ... Nie mi je ťažko, aby som to uvidel, pre teba to nie je ťažko, aby si to uvidel.

173Keby som išiel ku Roy Slaughterovi (jeden farmár tu), a videl by som prasatá v kope hnoja, žrať hnoj, nemyslel by som si o tom nič zlého, to je prasa. Ale keby som videl ovcu v kope hnoja, divil by som sa (ó-ha). Vidíte? Nebojte sa, neuvidíte ju tam, ona to nemôže zniesť. Je to tak.

174A človek, ktorý sa narodil z Ducha Božieho nenávidí veci sveta. Je to tak: „Lebo ak milujete svet alebo veci toho sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia.“

175Keby som každý deň behal za ženami a prišiel by som domov a povedal by som svojej žene, že ju milujem, ona by vedela že som klamár. Moje činy hovoria hlasnejšie než moje slová; samozrejme. Dokázal som jej, že ju nemilujem, lebo som jej nebol verný.

176Keby mi ona povedala, že ma miluje, a stále keby som nebol doma, ona by mala niekoho iného, to by dokazovalo, že ma nemiluje. Je to tak. Jej skutky to dokazujú. Je mi jedno ako veľmi by sa mi snažila povedať: „Billy, milujem ťa a nie je na svete iného okrem teba,“ Vedel by som, že klame.

177A keď sa snažíte povedať: „Pane, ja Ťa milujem.“ a robíte veci toho sveta, Boh vie, že ste od začiatku klamár. Tak prečo ... Aký to má úžitok prijať polovičné prežitie a niečo takéto, keď veľké nebeské oblaky sú plné skutočných vecí? Prečo chcete byť ničomní, vydávať sa za niečo, poloviční, nedopečení, tak-zvaní kresťania? Keď môžete byť skutočným znovuzrodeným dieťaťom Božím, s nebeskými zvoncami radosti, ktoré zvonia vo vašom srdci, radovať sa a chváliť Pána a žiť víťazným životom skrze Ježiša Krista.

178Nie snažiť sa to robiť sami, pretože by ste sklamali od začiatku. Ale vziať Jeho za Slovo! A odpočinúť na tom, čo On povedal, že je Pravda. A veriť Jemu, a milovať Ho a On spraví, že všetko bude pre vás fungovať, To je to. To je ten pojem.

179Nech vás Pán žehná. Nechcem vás kárať, ale, brat, to je najlepšie trochu pokárať a dať ponaučenie. Vy ste moji mladí, viete. A každý otec, ktorý miluje svoje deti ich samozrejme bude naprávať, inak nie je tým správnym otcom. Je to tak? Je to tak. A tento otec má len jedno pravidlo a to je pravidlo domu. A Boh má len jedno pravidlo, a to je jeho Slovo.

180Ak veríme jeho Slovu, potom budeme žiť podľa jeho Slova. To je naša povinnosť, ak sme stretli Boha. Nie pretože hovoríte: „Dobre, ja chodím do zboru a musím robiť toto.“ Ste biedni. Nerobte to. Prečo chcete byť biednou, unavenou, bezbožnou vranou, keď môžete byť holubicou? Samozrejme. Musíte mať len premenenú povahu. A premeníte svoju povahu, stanete sa synom a dcérou Božou; máte pokoj s Bohom.

181„Ježiš ... Preto aj Ježiš, aby svojou vlastnou krvou posvätil ľud, trpel vonku za bránou,“ Židom 13:12 a 13. Rimanom 5:1, „Ospravedlnení súc teda z viery, (nie potrasením rúk, nie vodným krstom, nie položením rúk, nie skrze vykrikovanie, nie hovorením v jazykoch, nie žiadnou senzáciou) ... ale ospravedlnení vierou, máme pokoj s Bohom skrze nášho Pána Ježiša Krista.“ Prešli sme zo smrti do Života a stali sme sa novým stvorením, pretože sme uverili v jednorodeného Syna Božieho a prijali sme Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. A Jeho Krv pôsobí dnes ako zmierenie za náš hriech, aby stála na našom mieste.

182V Starom Zákone je len jedno miesto na obecenstvo a to je pod krvou. Každý veriaci musel prísť pod krv. Keď bola zabitá červená jalovica, ona bola prinesená ako obeť za hriech. Musela byť červená. A 19. kapitola Exodusu, ak si to niekto chce prečítať. A musela byť vzatá, kopyto, všetko spolu spálené. A potom z toho bola urobená voda oddelenia. To bolo uložené vonku za bránou. Muselo sa s tým narábať s čistými rukami. Krv z tejto jalovice išla pred ... do zhromaždenia a bola sedemkrát frknutá na dvere. A teraz, každá poškvrnená osoba, vystúpila hore, musela prv rozpoznať a vidieť krv a uvedomiť si že obecenstvo je len pod tou krvou. To je jediné miesto kde v podstate ten veriaci mohol oficiálne uctievať Boha, to bolo pod tou krvou.

183Potom, to prvé čo on musel urobiť, predtým ako prišiel pod krv, musel byť pofŕkaný touto vodou oddelenia a nečisté sa stalo čistým.

184A oni zobrali túto vodu oddelenia a pofŕkali ňou toho pocestného a oddelili ho od jeho hriechu. A potom on vstúpil pod týchto sedem pruhov krvi a mal obecenstvo s ostatnými veriacimi v prítomnosti Božej.

185Je len jeden spôsob ako to urobiť! Nie potrasením rúk, nie pripojením sa do zboru, nie krstami, nie emóciami; ale vystúpiť hore do vôd oddelenia, položiť svoje ruky vierou na hlavu Ježiša a povedať: „Ja som hriešnik a Ty si zomrel na mojom mieste. A niečo vo mne mi hovorí, že Ty mi odpustíš moje hriechy a ja Ťa teraz prijímam ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa.“ Kráčate tam pod tú Krv a máte obecenstvo s deťmi Božími. To je to. Jete chlieb a pijete víno a máte obecenstvo s cirkvou.

186Ó, či nie je On ohromný? Či nie je dobrý? No, toto sa ti môže zdať zvláštne, priateľ. Ale prečo - kvôli čomu tu stojím a hovorím toto? Hovoril by som to aby som sa snažil byť iný ako ostatní? Ak to robím, potom mne treba činiť pokánie. Hovorím to preto, že to Boh povedal, pretože to je Božie Slovo. A počúvajte! Prichádza čas, a teraz je, keď ľudia chodia z východu na západ a snažia sa nájsť Slovo Božie a nemôžu ho nájsť.

187Keď idete na zhromaždenie, prvé čo vidíte, vojdete tam a máte množstvo hovorenia v jazykoch a výklady a niekto povstane a stále cituje Písmo; a to je telesné. Úplne! Boh nám povedal že sa nemáme zbytočne opakovať, a čo On? Ak to On raz napísal, vy tomu veríte. On to nemusí znovu hovoriť. Jazyky a výklady sú v poriadku; ale to má byť priame posolstvo pre cirkev alebo pre niekoho, nie proste telesné a takéto veci. A potom idete ďalej vo všetkých týchto ostatných veciach.

188Tu jedného dňa, dvaja muži vošli do ... a nejaký muž a žena a ďalší muž a žena (mladí manželia) išli na nejaké miesto, aby išli do Afriky za misionárov. Niekto povstal a povedal proroctvo, a hovoril v jazykoch a dal výklad, že „Oni majú ženy jeden od druhého,“ že „to tak nemalo byť, že sa oženili s nesprávnou osobou.“ A títo dvaja ľudia sa rozdelili a znovu sa oženili. Jeden muž si zobral ženu toho druhého a ten ... Vo vedúcej letničnej denominácii! A išli do Afriky za misionárov.

189Brat, keď si dáte prísahu, ste zaviazaní tou prísahou až kým vás smrť neuvoľní. Je to presne tak. Samozrejme, keď vezmete na seba prísahu, to je zaväzujúce.

190Všetky tie nezmysli! A prišlo to na také miesto, že keď chodíte do cirkví, to je buď ... také chladné a formálne a suché, že duchovný teplomer bude ukazovať 50° pod nulou. Ľudia sedia ako bradavica v náleve, takí kyslí a ľahostajní a zvraštení. A ak počujete niekoho, vzadu v rohu, možno zamrmle trochu „amen“ čas od času (ako im to vadí); všetci natiahnu krk ako hus, aby sa pozreli a videli čo sa stalo. Viete že je to pravda. Nehovorím to ako žart. Toto nie je miesto na žarty, je to Pravda. Skutočne! Hovorím to preto, že je to pravda evanjelia.

191A tá druhá strana, robíte mnoho nezmyselných telesných emócií a Slovo Božie sa nakoniec dostáva na miesto, kde ho sotva môžete počuť: ten starý stred cesty, evanjelium, Svetlo na môj chodník (Haleluja), Krv Baránka, láska Božia ktorá nás oddeľuje od vecí tohoto sveta.

192„Hovoril si v jazykoch, brat? Nemáš To. Kričal si, keď ti prechádzal mráz po chrbte? Videl si ohnivé gule?“ Och, nezmysli! Nič také!

193Uveril si v Pána Ježiša Krista a prijal si Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa? A Duch Boží spolu svedčí s vaším duchom, že ste synovia a dcéry Božie a váš život nesie ovocie lásky, radosti, pokoja, trpezlivosti, dobroty, pokory, krotkosti. Potom si kresťan. Ak to tak nie je, nestarám sa o to čo robíš. Pavel povedal: „Mohol by som vydať svoje telo a byť spálený ako obeť, poznať všetky tajomstvá Božie. Môžem vierou vrchy prenášať. Môžem hovoriť jazykmi ľudskými aj anjelskými. Ničím nie som!“ Čo s tým? 1. Korinťanom 13; nájdite si to, či je to tak alebo nie.

194A teraz vyhľadajte či - či Korinťanom ... 2. Korinťanom 13, myslím, že to je to miesto. Alebo, no buď 1. alebo 2. list Korinťanom. 1. Korinťanom, tam to je, 1. Korinťanom 13, to je ono. „Keby som hovoril ľudskými jazykmi aj anjelskými, obojím druhom, ktorý môže byť vyložený a ktorý nemôže byť vyložený, ničím nie som!“ Tak aký je potom úžitok zahrávať sa s tým?

195„Keby som rozumel všetkým tajomstvám Božím.“ Prečo idete do seminárov a snažíte sa toľko o tom naučiť? Radšej sa prv dajte do poriadku s Bohom. Skutočne.

196„Keby som ... Ó, požehnané haleluja!“ Zašli ste tak ďaleko, že nemôžete mať ani zhromaždenie ak nemáte kampaň s uzdravovaním alebo ak sa nedejú nejaké zázraky „biedne a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva niečo také.“ Čo chcete s tým?

197Pavel povedal, že môže robiť všetky rôzne veci, dokonca vrchy prenášať a stále byť ničím! „Kde sú jazyky oni umĺknu. Kde je veda, ona bude zmarená. Kde sú proroctvá, oni budú zmarené. Ale keď príde to čo je dokonalé, To zostane naveky; a Láska je Dokonalosť! „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna aby ...(každý kto sa chveje, kto sa trasie, kto hovorí ...) každý kto verí v Neho nezahynul ale mal Večný Život.“ Verte tomu, deti.

198Ľudia sa to snažia urobiť také komplikované, toto a tamto, keď to ide rovno do jedného a to je vaša osobná viera v Boha. To je to. To hovorí o tom. Lebo vierou (nie pocitom) ... vierou (nie emóciou) ... vierou (nie senzáciou) ... ale vierou ste spasení; a to ...“ (pretože ste hľadali Pána, pretože ste boli dobrým človekom) „... pretože Boh z milosti vás predzvedel a určil vás do Večného Života.“

199Ježiš povedal: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, koho nepotiahne môj Otec. A každý kto príde ku mne, Ja mu dám Večný Život. Nikto ich nevytrhne z Mojej ruky, oni sú Moji. Oni sú navždy spasení, Ja ich mám. Nikto ich nemôže vytrhnúť z ruky Môjho Otca a On je ten kto mi ich dáva. Oni sú mojimi darmi lásky.“

200„A všetkých ktorých On predzvedel, On povolal (On nepovoláva nikoho koho by prv nepoznal); všetkých ktorých On povolal, On ospravedlnil; všetkých ktorých ospravedlnil, On oslávil. Tak, vidíte, sme v tak dokonalom odpočinku.

201No, viem že je tu veľa zákonníkov, deväťdesiat deväť percent z vás. Ale, pozrite sa, ak zoberiete len toto a uvedomíte si, že sa vám nesnažím povedať niečo čo ...

202Vy poviete: „Dobre, brat Branham, stále som si myslel, že musím robiť toto a musím robiť tamto.“ V tom je taký rozdiel brat, v tom čo ty musíš robiť a v tom čo chceš robiť. Ty si spasený, nie preto že si mal s tým niečo dočinenia, ty si spasený pretože ťa Boh spasil pred založením sveta.

203Počúvajte! Počúvajte toto! Biblia hovorí, v Zjavení ... Vezmem vás teraz od tej prvej do poslednej. Biblia hovorí v Zjavení, že keď prišla tá šelma, on zviedol všetkých na zemi. Tá šelma to urobila. „On zviedol všetkých na zemi, ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života ...“ (od vtedy ako začalo prebudenie; či to znie správne? no, od vtedy ako kazateľ kázal tú mocnú kázeň; odvtedy ako bol uzdravený ten človek) „ ... od založenia sveta!“

204Kde bol Ježiš zabitý? Na Golgote? Nie! Ježiš bol zabitý pred založením sveta. „Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta!“ Boh na začiatku, keď On videl hriech, On videl čo sa stane, On povedal Slovo a Ježiš bol zabitý pred založením sveta. A každá osoba bola spasená, bola spasená (podľa Biblie) keď bol v mysli Božej zabitý Baránok, pred založením sveta; vy ste vtedy boli zahrnutí v spasení. Tak čo s tým budete robiť?

205To je Boh! Nech je požehnané meno Pánove! „To je Boh, ktorý pracoval; nie ten kto chce ani ten kto beží, ale Boh, ktorý sa zmiloval.“ Keď Ježiš bol zabitý pred založením sveta, to bolo štyri tisíc rokov predtým ako sa to skutočne stalo. Ale keď to tam vtedy Boh povedal, každé Božie Slovo je pevné. Nezmeniteľné. Nedeliteľné, Ono nemôže zlyhať. A keď Boh zabil Syna pred založením sveta, On bol zabitý práve tak ako bol zabitý na Golgote. Keď to Boh tak povie je to dokončený produkt. A pamätajte, keď Baránok bol zabitý, vaše spasenie bolo zahrnuté v tej obeti, pretože Biblia hovorí, že vaše meno bolo zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. Čo s tým? No čo budete robiť? To je Boh ktorý preukazuje milosť! To je Boh, ktorý vás povolal. To je Boh, ktorý vás vybral v Kristovi pred založením sveta. Ježiš povedal: „Nie vy ste si ma vybrali, ja som si vybral vás. A Ja som vás poznal, pred založením sveta.“ Tu to máte.

206Tak, vidíte, to odstraňuje z vás strach. „Ó, zaujímavé, či by som sa toho mohol držať? Budem to robiť. Chvála Bohu, keď sa toho budem len držať.“ To nie je v tom či sa ja budem držať alebo nie, to je v tom či to On držal alebo nie. To je to čo On urobil. Nie čo som ja urobil, to je to čo On urobil.

Je to pod zákonom vykúpenia? Toto je malá vec, ktorú chcem povedať na záver.

207Čo keby oslica narodila malého osla a ten malý osol by mal ovisnuté obidve uši, mal by škuľavé oči, nohy do x, krivé, chvost vystrčený hore do vzduchu? Čo za strašné zviera na pohľad. Aha, nikto ... Keby ten malý osol mohol rozmýšľať, povedal by si: „No len počkaj! Keď dnes ráno vyjdú z domu, poviem ti, určite ma kopnú do hlavy, nedajú mi žrať, pozri ako strašne vyzerám. Nemám ani šancu.“

208No, to je pravda, ty nemáš šancu. „Narodil som sa na tomto svete, ale pozri ako strašne vyzerám. Tak nikdy nebudem mať šancu. Ja to neurobím. Ja to nedokážem.“ Vidíte?

209Ale čo keď jeho mama je skutočne poučená v zákone? Ona povie: „Synu, to je pravda. Ty nemáš žiadnu postavu a ani sa nehodí aby si jedol potravu zo zeme. To je pravda, nehodíš sa na to. Ale synu, nejako inak, ty si môj prvý. A vieš, narodil si sa s právom prvorodenstva; a kňaz sa na teba ani nepozrie, ale za tvoje meno musí byť nevinný baránok bez vady a musí zomrieť na tvojom mieste, tak ty môžeš žiť.“

210Tak ten malý osol mohol vyhadzovať kopytami a prežívať nádherný čas. To nič na tom nemení aký on je, pretože sudca, kňaz sa na neho ani nepozrie, to je baránok na ktorého sa ten kňaz díva. Nie na toho osla; na baránka!

211A to je Kristus, na ktorého sa Boh díva, nie na teba. Na Krista! Tak ak na Ňom nie je vada, ako tam môže byť vada? Ako On môže nájsť vadu, keď vy ste mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Kristovi skrze Boha, zapečatený Duchom Svätým? „Kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší, ani nemôže hrešiť.“ Ako môže hrešiť, keď na jeho mieste leží dokonalá obeť? Boh sa vôbec na mňa nedíva, On sa díva na Krista; pretože my sme v Kristovi.

212No, ak milujem Krista, budem s Nim žiť. On by ma nikdy nepriviedol, ak by to nevedel. Keby ma Boh dnes spasil a vedel by, že za šesť týždňov ma stratí, kazí tým svoj vlastný zámer. Tak veru. Potom vôbec nepozná budúcnosť, ak ma spasil a pri tom vie ... Prečo ma chce spasiť, keď pri tom vie že ma stratí? Boh nerobí niečo, čo potom odvoláva lebo je príliš slabý aby dodržal svoje zasľúbenie. Keď ťa spasil, je to na časnosť aj večnosť.

213No, ty sa môžeš vypracovať a povedať: „Ó, áno, chvála Bohu! Haleluja! Hovoril som v jazykoch. Vykrikoval som. Mám To. Haleluja!“ To neznamená, že to máš. Ale, brat, keď niečo príde sem dole a ty si zakotvený s Kristom ide za tebou ovocie Ducha. A nesieme svedectvo, náš duch s Jeho Duchom, že sme synovia a dcéry Božie. Prosím majte To, priatelia.

214Držal by som vás tu celú noc a hovoril o tomto. Milujem To. Milujem vás. Vraciam sa do tejto malej modlitebni, čas po čase, ak ma Boh zachová pri živote. Chcem vás vidieť zakorenených a založených v tej svätej viere. Nechcem vás vidieť zmietaných každým malým vetrom náuky idúcej okolo a triasť sa a vystrájať a mať na rukách trochu krvi alebo trochu mráz na tvári alebo niečo inšie a vidieť pred sebou nejaké svetlá a nejaké sebecké veci, ako hovorí Biblia: „Nadutý vo svojom srdci a nič nevidia.“ A to je pravda. Chcem aby ste stáli pevne na Slove. Keď je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, stojte za tým, žite s tým. To je Urím Thumím tohoto dňa, a Boh chce aby ste žili podľa Toho. Ak to nie je v Slove, potom na to zabudnite a žite pre Boha, žite pre Krista.

215A keď vaše srdce začína blúdiť, viete že je niečo čo sa stalo, choďte naspäť ku oltáru a povedzte: „Kriste, obnov moju ... radosť z môjho spasenia. Daj mi tú lásku, ktorú som raz mal, uniká mi, Pane. Niečo som urobil; sprav ma znovu svätým.“ Povedzte: „Ó Pane, nedokázal som s tým nič urobiť, nemôžem prestať s týmto a prestať s tamtým. Dívam sa na Teba aby si to zobral odo mňa, Pane a ja Ťa milujem.“

216A odídete od toho oltára ako nová osoba v Kristovi Ježišovi. Potom nebudete musieť spoliehať na svoju cirkev, spoliehať na svojho kňaza, spoliehať na svojho pastora. Spoliehate na preliatu Krv Pána Ježiša, „Milosťou ste spasení.“

Modlime sa:

217Pane, také silné učenie. To je čas aby táto malá cirkev mohla brať mäso a nie viacej mlieko Slova. Príliš dlho sme boli teraz na mlieku, dávajúc dieťaťu jeho fľašu. Ale musíme mať silný pokrm, lebo ten deň sa blíži. Na blízku sú veľmi nebezpečné časy a viac problémov leží na ceste. A vieme že nikdy nebudú lepšie časy. Vieme, že sme na konci, čas pôjde ďalej a bude horší a horší až do príchodu Ježiša; podľa Písem.

218Nemôžeme ľuďom sľubovať nič v tomto živote. Ale v živote, ktorý príde môžeme im zasľúbiť Večný Život skrze Tvoje Slovo, ak budú veriť v Syna Božieho a prijmú Ho ako svoje zmierenie, ako Toho ktorý sa postavil na ich miesto ako Toho, ktorý zobral ich hriechy. Udeľ teraz toho.

219Nech neveriaci sa stanú veriacimi. Nech tí, ktorí tu dnes večer vyznávajú cirkev, ktorí vyznali náboženstvo a žijú len v cirkvi, nech prijmú prežitie s Bohom; že príde do ich srdca taká láska, že budú plakať za svoje hriechy, zomrú sebe a narodia sa znovu z Ducha Svätého a budú milí a láskaví a milujúci a plní radosti a požehnania. Že budú žiť takým životom, že budú takí slaní až ľudia ktorí sú okolo nich budú túžiť byť takí ako oni. Udeľ to Pane, lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene.

A so sklonenými hlavami:

220Chcem vedieť, dnes večer, či je tu niekto, kto by povedal: „Brat Branham, keby som bol zvážený na váhe Božej v tom čase, nikdy, nikdy, nikdy by som nebol schopný vyplniť požiadavky o ktorých dnes večer hovoríš. Chcem aby si pamätal na mňa v modlitbe, aby som zmenil svoje cesty a Boh príde a zoberie odo mňa tento nezmysel a spraví ma skutočným kresťanom.“ Zodvihneš svoju ruku aby som sa pomodlil, ak ... či áno? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam v zadu. A nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Nech ťa Boh žehná, veľký brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.

Svätý, Svätý, Svätý, Pán Boh zástupov;

Nebo aj zem sú naplnené Tebou;

Nebo aj zem Ťa chvália;

Ó, Pane Najvyšší.

Svätý, ...

221Keď teraz rozmýšľate a modlíte sa, keď cítite presvedčenie, že ste boli zlí, a chcete byť dobrí, zodvihli by ste ruku? S tým: „Bože, sprav ma tým čím mám byť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. „Bože, sprav ma tým čím mám byť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, sestra, teba, teba, teba tam. Deň zomiera. Viem, že je to ťažko, priatelia, ale lepšie je poznať Pravdu teraz.

222A teraz sa potichu modlime:

Svätý, Svätý, Svätý, Pán Boh... (On jediný je svätý)

Nebo aj zem sú naplnené Tebou;

Nebo aj zem Ťa chvália;

Ó, Pane Najvyšší.

223Nebeský Otče, ako zapadá večer slnko, červienky sa zhromažďujú na stromoch so svojimi milovanými, všetky vtáci idú do svojich hniezd; holuby vyleteli hore na drôty, vysoko, tak hady ich v noci nebudú trápiť, oni tam sedia a hrkútajú jeden druhému až kým nezaspia. Slnko nakoniec zapadá.

224Jedného dňa my prídeme ku tej hodine, slnko zapadne. Ja neviem kedy, Pane. Ale sú tu dnes večer ľudia, ktorí sa presvedčili, že boli zlí, a oni chcú prísť na to miesto ... ako Lincoln prišiel ku tomu, keď zomieral, povedal: „Obráťte ma tvárou ku zapadajúcemu slnku.“ A začal: „Otče náš, ktorý si v Nebesiach ...“

225Ako povedal starý Moody: Toto je smrť? Toto je deň mojej korunovácie.“

226Ó Večný Bože, prijmi ich hneď teraz. Vierou, ako tam sedia na svojom mieste. Ty si zaklepal na ich srdcia, tam kde sedia, to je ich oltár. Toto je čas pre Teba aby si ich prijal, hneď teraz. Ty si povedal: „Ten kto príde ku mne, Ja ho nijako nevyvrhnem von.“

227A jedného dňa, keď slnko zapadá, žena alebo jej muž stojí vedľa postele; doktor odišiel. Ó Svätý, Svätý to nádherné sladké utíšenie, tesne predtým ako slnko zapadne. Keď budeme môcť povstať a povedať:

Západ slnka a večerná hviezda;

A jedno jasné volanie pre mňa;

A nech tam nie je žiadne stenanie pri závore;

Keď odchádzam na more.

228Ó Bože, udeľ im to v tejto hodine; zatiaľ čo čakajú, čakajú na požehnanie Božie aby prišlo na nich. Zober od nich všetko pokušenie, všetok svet a stvor v nich nové srdce. Ty si povedal: Ja odstránim to staré srdce, a dám im srdce mäsité. A dám do toho srdca Svojho Ducha, a oni budú chodiť v Mojich nariadeniach a dodržiavať Moje prikázania, pretože to je pravidlo lásky a nie povinnosti. To je z lásky, a láska nás núti aby sme to robili. To je povinnosťou Lásky aby nás nútila. Našou povinnosťou je nasledovať Lásku. A prosím, Bože, aby si to dal každému srdcu, ktorí dnes večer zodvihli svoje ruky.

229A tí, ktorí nezodvihli svoje ruky nech oni teraz (z milosti) zodvihnú ruky aby Ťa prijali a aby boli naplnení Tvojím Duchom týmto poddajným, milým, tichým, pokorným spôsobom; a boli plní milosti a odchádzali odtiaľto ako zmenení ľudia. Ako tí vtáci budú inak spievať a ako každý bude iný, po tejto hodine, ó Pane Najvyšší.

Svätý, Svätý, Svätý, Pán Boh zeme;

Nebo aj zem sú naplnené Tebou;

Nebo aj zem Ťa chvália;

Ó, Pane Najvyšší.

230Vy teraz so sklonenými hlavami, vy ktorí ste zodvihli ruky aby ste boli spomenutí v modlitbe, cítite ako teraz Boh hovoril ku vám takým spôsobom? Nie skrze emóciu, ale proste nejako vo vnútri vás. Cítite to tak že Boh vám dal Večný Život? Cítite to tak, že dnes večer pôjdete zo zboru ako premenená osoba? Zodvihli by ste znovu ruky? Nech ťa Boh žehná, synu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre. „Pôjdem z tohoto zboru dnes večer ako nový človek.“ Novonarodené deti v Kráľovstve Božom.

231Čo sa stalo? Viem že to je pravidlo prichádzať ku oltáru, to je Metodistický oltár ... chcem povedať, Metodistické pravidlo. To bolo zavedené v Metodistickej cirkvi, vo dňoch Jána Wesleya. V Biblických dňoch to vôbec nebolo; „Všetci, ktorí uverili boli pripojení ku cirkvi.“ Vy môžete veriť kdekoľvek ste, vonku na poli, na ulici, všade. Všade, to na tom nič nemení, len tak ako ste prijali Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. To je skutok Ducha Svätého, ktorý prichádza do vášho srdca. Keď Mu veríte, prijímate Ho, prešli ste zo smrti do Života a stali ste sa novými stvoreniami v Kristovi Ježišovi.

Neobchádzaj ma, dobrotivý Spasiteľ, (vstaňte teraz)

... moje pokorné volanie;

Keď voláš iných, neobídi mňa ...

232A teraz chcem aby tento mladý muž a tá pani, vidím že to je jeho žena, ktorí zodvihli ruky, chcem aby ste znovu zodvihli ruky; synu, v tom červenom kabáte a tá pani, že prijali Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. Mladý muž, ktorý tu sedí v invalidnom kresle, prijal Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, pocítil, že Boh ho spasil. A ostatní tam, ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, zodvihnite ich znovu, aby sa ľudia mohli poobzerať a mať s vami obecenstvo.

233Potraste si s nimi ruky, vy ktorí stojíte blízko pri nich, povedzte: „Nech ťa Boh žehná. Vitaj v Kráľovstve Božom, môj brat, moja sestra.“ Obecenstvo, to je to čo chceme. Nech vás Boh žehná ... Potraste si ruku s týmto mladým mužom na tomto kresle. Pane buď s nim. To je dobre, pozývame vás do obecenstva Ducha Svätého.

234Ak ste ešte neboli pokrstení, a mali by ste túžbu byť pokrstení, príďte sem hore a povedzte o tom pastorovi. Tu v bazéne je voda, dnes večer, keď chcete byť pokrstení. Všetko je pripravené. (už ste mali krst? čo to je?) Ale bazén je pripravený, ak by sa niekto chcel dať pokrstiť. Biblia hovorí: „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden a dajte sa pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre všetkých na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh.“

235Milujete Ho? Zodvihnite ruky. Ó, či nie je On ohromný? Ako sa tešíte z tohoto listu Židom? Milujete to? Áno, ohromné. No, to je náprava. Ó, je to vážne a je to priame. Ale milujeme to, takto to chceme mať, nechceme to mať nijako inak.

236No, veríte že Pavel mal autoritu kázať to takto? Pavel povedal: „Keby prišiel anjel z neba a kázal by vám iné evanjelium, nech je prekliaty.“ Je to tak? Tak Ho milujeme z celého srdca.

237A teraz požiadam pastora aby sem prišiel na chvíľu, náš najdrahší brat, brat Nevillle, a on vám povie slovo. A teraz, ak Pán dá, uvidíme sa v stredu večer a dohodneme sa ako pôjdeme večer na zhromaždenie ku bratovi Grahamovi Snellingovi. A potom aby sme kázali tu a pokračovali túto siedmu a ôsmu kapitolu na túto ďalšiu stredu večer. Brat Neville.

1 ... night, and to hear Joyce sing. Did you know that that's a miracle in itself? That little girl, how can she think of all that? And each night she has us a new one. How she can think of all that, that's really a little mastermind. The Lord bless that child.

2 Now, tomorrow, at two-thirty, at the funeral home in Charlestown, Indiana. Our dear, departed sister, Sister Colvin, we give her the last respects to her, at the--at the funeral home and at the grave, tomorrow afternoon. One who once lived as you are tonight, and is passed beyond the veil where you will sometime. And all who wish to attend service, why, is welcome to come. It'll certainly be a great help to the Colvin family, to know that the tabernacle here, where they have all went to church for so long, and so forth, will. We'd be glad to have you come up. And I think the... our dear Brother McKinney, the one that preached my brother's funeral, many years ago, has the main part of the funeral, and I been asked to come and help him in the--in the funeral services.

3 Now, I was just a little late, tonight. I got so many irons in the fire, I don't know which way to go. There's so many calls, and these wrecks and accidents, and people calling, coming. Till, I just left Louisville, a few moments ago, to get back here quickly, and leaving several calls that's real strenuous and must be made, I guess, yet, tonight. And now pray for us as we go along.

4 And this morning I--I never did get to my--my text, to the 7th chapter of the Book of--of--of Hebrews. And while we're turning to it, tonight, I want to make the announcement about Brother Graham Snelling's meeting, up at the tent up here, at the end of Brigham Avenue. If the Lord willing, I want to be back Wednesday night. And there we'll set a certain night that we're going to go up as a delegation, this week sometime, to visit Brother Graham in the meeting. And he's a... says, "Having a nice crowd." And--and he'll appreciate us coming, for this help. Brother Graham Snelling, any of you is attending the meeting, or wish to, it's just at the end of Brigham Avenue up here. Anyone can tell you where it's at. Right at the end of the playgrounds, the tent is setting. He appreciates your cooperation. Because, we as a tabernacle have pledged our cooperation with him, a hundred percent, so we're trying to help.

5 Now, then soon we're coming down to the place of, the Lord willing, to the 11th chapter of Hebrews, in a few nights, if God willing, and there I think we're going to have a great time also.

6Oh, the Lord blessed us this morning in a marvelous way, how He did pour out His Spirit upon us! And now, tonight, we're expecting Him to do it again; and then Wednesday night, and on. And--and the nights that I miss, Brother Neville will be here to pick it right up, if I'm out.

7 I never know what I'm going to do, you might be here this hour, and another hour be called to California. See, you don't know just where the Lord will send. That's the reason it's hard for me to make itineraries and say we'll--we'll do so-and-so. I can start to do a certain thing, the Lord will send me somewhere else. See? So we don't know just what He will do. "But if the Lord is willing," we said. I think we're commissioned, or commanded that, in the Bible, "If the Lord is willing, we'll do so-and-so things." So if we don't happen to make appointments that we... or fulfill appointments, we feel that maybe the Lord wasn't willing for it to happen.

8 The other day, we were detained, Brother Roberson and Brother Woods and myself. And we wonder, "Why?" I was setting there, looking at a map, coming right down, and we drove fifty miles right straight back north again on a road. And I been traveling on the highway since I was about fourteen years old. And I wonder how I ever done it. We were standing there, all three of us. We've all traveled the highways. Looking right at a map, keeping on 130, coming through Illinois, and made a little slight turn, not noticing that the sun was behind us instead of front of us. We was going north instead of south. And first thing you know, crossed the road, I said, "This ain't the right road." Looked down there, and come to find out, we were fifty miles out of the way. Gone right straight back...?...

9Then when we come back, we--we were talking. I said, "You know why? We... The Lord might have bypassed us this way, to keep from having a horrible accident down here somewhere, that might have done something otherwise. We know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. That's all we have to keep on mind."

10 Now, tonight, we're starting now for a little teaching lesson. And if I'm... I don't think we'll get down, maybe we will tonight, to... This is the great chapter of teaching on tithings, to the church. And it's a great subject, which we could stay on it for weeks and weeks, on that one thing, how Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, and whether it's essential.

11 Is this fan hurting anybody back there? Would you rather have it off? If it's hurting anybody, blowing in their face, any of the fans. If it is, just raise your hands. And, or just send one of the ushers, send someone up to the brother here, he'll snap it off for you. And I kind of keep it off of myself; I get hot and I get to sweating, then, the first thing you know, I--I'm hoarse. So, it's on you, so it won't bother me in any way. We want you to be comfortable now.

We're not going to try to take too much of your time, but just going to look straight into the Word. And before we do it, let's speak to the author just a moment.

12 Now, Heavenly Father, we do not know what's in store. But only thing that we do know, and are persuaded, that good things lay before us. For it is written, "Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men, what God has for them in store, that love Him."

13And we pray that You'll open the windows of Heaven tonight, in Your storehouse, and give us Thy Word, that will be something that's suitable, something to increase our faith as Christians, and make us more--more settled on the Gospel, than what we were when we come in. Grant it, Father. May the Holy Spirit take the Word of God and deliver It to each heart as we have need. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Thy beloved Son. Amen.

14 Now, this morning, in leaving the last verse for the 6th chapter, so we can go right into the 7th.

Whither the forerunner for us has entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec.

15Now we're going to read the first three verses, or the first two verses, or the first three verses, rather, of the 7th chapter, so we can get started right off.

For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, (there is your tithings); first being by interpretation King of righteousness,... after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;

Without father, without mother, without descent,... neither beginning... having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

16What a wonderful statement! Now we're going to have to go back in the Old Testament, to dig these great kernels out. And, oh, how I love them!

17 You know, out in Arizona, we used to prospect. And we'd get into a suitable looking piece of ground, Mr. Mc Anally and myself. And we would see a place where it looked like, in the little ditches, where a little drain, what they call "washes." And I'd... He'd get me down and make me rub the sand and "whew," blow it. Then rub and "whew," blow it. And I wondered why he did that. Come to find out, you see, when you're blowing sand, it light. And all, even to lead, is lighter than gold. Gold is heavier than lead. So when you're blowing, all the rest of the metals and sand and dirt will blow away, but gold will remain on the ground. Therefore, if you got some washings from up in here, it shows there's a streak of gold somewhere up in there. This rain has washed these little pieces out. So then we get the picks and so forth, and dig the hill up, almost, trying to find this gold. Bore holes in the ground, dig them out. Set dynamite, blow it down. Keep on blowing shafts, going down till we found, to find the main vein. Now, that's what we call "prospecting."

18 And tonight we're trying to take the Word of God, and use It by the power of the Holy Spirit, to blow all the indifference and doubts away from us, all those little light fluffy things that just doesn't have any foundation, doesn't have any weight in our life, we want to blow it all away so we can find this glorious Vein. That Vein is Christ.

19And now may God help us as we read and study in His Word. The last, previous three chapters, almost, we've been speaking of hearing, just now and then, Melchisedec.

20 Now, I think Paul gives the right interpretation.

For this Melchisedec, king of Salem,...

"King of Salem." And any Bible scholar knows that Salem was formerly... Jerusalem was formerly called "Salem." And He was the King of Jerusalem. Watch Him.

... priest of the most high God, (that's an intercessor), who met Abraham...

I want to get His genealogy, this great Man, so that you'll know who He is, first, and then you... we'll go on with the story.

... returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

To whom... Abraham gave a tenth part... first... by interpretation King of righteousness,...

Now watch, "Righteousness." Now, we have self-righteousness, we have make-belief righteousness, we have perverted righteousness, all kinds. But there's one real righteousness, and that righteousness comes from God. And this Man was the King of righteousness. Who could He be?

21Now, He was the King of righteousness, the King of Jerusalem, the King of righteousness, the King of peace. Jesus was called, "The Prince of peace." And a prince is the son of a king. So, this Man was King of peace, then He would have to be the Father of the Prince of peace. Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

22 Now let's see, get His genealogy a little further, to see where we're going.

Without father,...

Now, Jesus had a Father. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure.

... he was without mother,...

Jesus had a mother. But this Fellow had neither father nor mother.

... without descent,...

He never had anyone that He come off of, any descent. He always was. "Without descent."

... having neither beginning of days,...

He never had any time He ever started.

... nor the end of life;...

It could been nothing else but God. That's all It could be.

23 Now, now if you'll notice as we read the next verse. See? "First, being by interpretation, King of righteousness." That's not where I want to do. The--the 3rd verse, "Nor end of life."

... but made like unto the Son of God;...

Now, He was not the Son of God, for, if He was the Son, He had a beginning. And this Man had no beginning. If He was the Son, he had to have both father and mother. "And this Man had neither father nor mother. But He was made like unto the Son of God."

... abideth a priest continually.

24Now, Dr. Scofield tries to say, that, "It was a priesthood, called, 'The Melchisedec priesthood.'"

But I just want to take you on that just for a few minutes. If it was a priesthood, then it had to have a beginning, and it had to have an end. But, "This had no beginning or had any end." And he did not say he met a priesthood. He met a Man, and called his name "Melchisedec." He was a Person, not a denomination, not a--a--a priesthood or a fatherhood. He was absolutely a Man by the name of Melchisedec, who was the King of Jerusalem. Not a priesthood, but a King without a father. Priesthoods don't have father. "And this Man was without father, without mother, without beginning of days or ending of life." Now, the Son of God...

25Who this was, this was Jehovah. This was Almighty God Himself. It could be no other.

26 Now notice, "He abideth forever." He has a testimony here, that, "He liveth. He never dies." He never did. He never was nothing else but alive. "He abideth forever."

27Now, Jesus was made, likened unto Him. Now, the reason that there's a difference between God and Jesus: Jesus had a beginning; God had no beginning. Melchisedec had no beginning, and Jesus had a beginning. But Jesus was made, likened unto Him. "A priest, abideth forever."

28 Now, when Melchisedec was on earth, he was nothing in the world but the--the Jehovah God made manifest by creation, He was here like a theophany. Abraham met Him once, in his tent. And as we said this morning, "Abraham recognized Him. And He told Abraham what He was going to do, because He was not going to leave the heir of the world blind to the things that He was going to do."

29May I stop here for a minute, to say, God still has the same opinion about His Church. You're not children of darkness. You're children of Light. And the... we who... "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." And would the God, Who acted to--to Abraham, who was to inherit the earth... And He said, "I will not keep these things back from the man that's going to inherit the earth." How much more will He reveal His secrets to His Church that's going to inherit the earth!

30 Daniel said, "In that day they run to and fro, knowledge shall increase." And he said, "The wise shall know their God, in that day, and shall do great exploits in that day. But the wicked will not know the God of Heaven." They know Him in a form and in a ritual, like our first lesson said, but they don't know Him by the way of perfection.

31 And God can only work through perfection, because He's Perfect. Blessed be His Name. It has to be a perfect channel that God works through, 'cause He can do nothing else but work through perfection. He can't stain Himself in any way. And then that's why Jesus came to take away our sins, that we might be perfected, that God could work through His Church. There is where the secret lays.

There is where the world is blind. There is where they want to say, that, "You've lost your mind." There is where they want to say, "You don't know what you're talking about."

Because, "The things of the Lord is foolish to the wisdom of this world. But the things of the world is carnal to the believer." So, you're a different person, you're living in a different sphere. You're not no more of this world. You've passed from this life into a new Life.

32Therefore, God reveals, not to the world, not to the psychologist, not to the educated ministers, but to the humble in heart. His people who is meek, He will reveal the secrets of the great things of God, to them. You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

33 Now, now, Abraham was to inherit the world. Through the... Abraham's Seed was all nations to be blessed. So God came down and talked to him, in the form of a Man.

Now, God has always been on the earth. God has never left the earth. If He'd ever leave the earth, I don't know what would become of it. But God has always been here in some form. Oh, praise His Name!

34He was with the children in the wilderness, coming out of Egypt, in the form of a Light. He spoke to Abraham in the form of a Man. He spoke to Moses in the form of a Man. He spoke to the Church in the form of a Man, His Son, Christ Jesus.

And He is speaking through His Church today, through the anointed Church of the living God, through vessels of clay. "Ye are the branches. I am the Vine." God is still speaking, and the world sees Jesus as you present Him. That's how the world is... "You are written epistles, read of all men." Your life tells what you are.

35 Now, this Abraham on his road, returning back. We're going to go back and read about Him, just a few moments, in the Book of Genesis. In the 14th chapter of Genesis, I believe it is. Oh, how beautiful the story is here! Now, we all know of Abraham, how that God called him out of the land of Chaldea and the city of Ur, and told him to separate himself from his associates.

God calls men or women, He calls a separation.

36Now, that's what's the trouble with the churches today, they don't want to separate themselves from the old carnal belie-... unbelievers. That's why we can't go any further. We just get in that one carnal flow, and we--we say, "Oh, Jim is a good guy, if he does drink. If he... And I go with him to the poolroom, but I don't play pool. I--I--I go with her over to the party. They tell dirty jokes, and so forth, but I don't tell any."

37"Come out from among them." That's right. "Separate yourself. Touch not their unclean things, and I will receive you," saith the Lord. "Be not yoked up with unbelievers, unequally yoked together." Don't you do it. Separate yourself.

38 And God called Abraham to separate himself from all of his kindreds, and to walk with Him. Brother, sometimes it means leaving a church. It meant that to Paul. He had to leave his church. Meant that to many. Sometimes it means to leave home. Sometimes it means to leave father and mother, and forsake all. I don't mean to say it does every time, but sometimes it does. It means that you've got to take everything between you and God, and walk with Him alone. Oh, that blessed, sweet communion, that fellowship that you have when you separate your thing, selves, from the things of the world and the carnal believers who is making fun of you, and walk alone with Christ!

39 How many times that I've thanked God! He said, "I'll give you fathers and mothers in this present world. I'll give you friends and associates. And I'll never leave you, neither will I forsake you. Though the whole world turns its back on you, I'll go with you, to the end of the way."

40What a blessed privilege, that man has that challenge to follow the Lord Jesus, to separate himself from all his carnal associates, to follow the Lord. And if any person seems not to behave themself rightly, and to present themselves as Christians, but love the carnal things, it's best for you to hunt another partner right away. That's right. And if no one will walk with you, there is One who promised to walk with you. That's, the blessed Lord Jesus, He will walk with you.

41 God told Abraham to, "Separate yourself." And just as human as Abraham was, he took his daddy along, he took his brother's son along, his nephew; all hanging on him. And God never did bless him until he did what God told him to do.

42I don't say that you're not a Christian. That, I don't unchristianize anyone. But I'll say this, that if God told you something to do, He'll never bless you until you do it. I'm in the pulpit tonight with one of those things holding over me. My meetings hasn't been what they should been, for the past two years. It's because I've failed the Lord. He told me to, "Go to Africa, and then to India." Here it is, written right here, in the back of this Book, right now.

43The manager called me, said, "Let them Afrikaans go. India is ready."

44The Holy Spirit met me, said, "You'll go to Africa like I told you to."

45And another year passed. And the managers... I forgot about It. He said, "We're going to India. Tickets is already here."

46I started off, forgot It till I got to Lisbon. One night, that, I thought I was dying. The next morning I started, go over to the bathroom, to take a bath. Oh, I was so sick, I could hardly stand up. There, that Light hanging there in the bathroom, said, "I thought I told you to, 'Go to Africa, first.'"

47 My meetings has been slowly failing since that time. Though I went to India, with nearly a half a million standing there, but that wasn't doing what God said do. I feel that my meetings will never be a success until I go right straight back and make that thing right. No matter what I do, it's Africa, first, 'cause you've got to do it. There lays God's Eternal Word, laying there. I knew better than that. But I've got to go back. And I feel that this coming year is the time I'll crawl out of the shell, by the help of the Lord.

48This glorious, old Gospel who has been growing easy, like an oak tree, but I believe she's about ready to spread forth her branches now. I believe It, this great Message and great thing. I believe that the Lord will let us shake the world again for the glory of God.

49 You've got to do what God told you to do. And Abraham went right on, took his folks with him. He loved them. That's the human part. But after while, by and by, his father died and he buried him. Then he had his nephew, then quarrels and arguments come up. And, finally, Lot took his choice and went down into Sodom. And you notice Abraham, he didn't fuss with Lot. He said, "We are brethren. We must not argue. But you lift up your head and you go any way you want to go. If you go east, I'll go west. You go north, I'll go south." That's the Christian attitude, be willing to give the other man the best of the deal. Always present it to him, let him take his choice.

50For why? What made Abraham do it? He knew that he was promised by God that he would inherit the whole thing, anyhow. Amen. So, then, a tent or a cottage, why should we care? The whole thing belongs to us. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." It all belongs to us. God said so. So give the man the best of the choice, if he wants to. Maybe that's all he'll ever get. But it all belongs to you, the heirs of salvation by promise. It's all yours.

51 So, Sarah, the most beautiful woman in the land, she sat up there on the hillside with her husband like she should have done. She plain, well, might have wore plain calico dresses, or ever what you want to call it. While, Mrs. Lot dressed up like a millionaire. And her husband was the mayor of the city. He was a judge that set in the gate. She had everything; attended all the sewing circles and card parties that there was went on in Sodom and Gomorrah. But Sarah was more pleased to live with her husband on meager fare, and know that she was in the will of God, than to enjoy the riches of... or the pleasure of riches for a season. That's right. That's when God visit.

52 And one day, you, just as sure as you take the wrong road, it's going to catch up with you someday. You might think you'll get all right. You might think you're getting by, but you're not. May seem like it's all covered over, but it isn't covered over. God knows everything. He knows whether you really mean your confession or not. He knows whether you really mean that you believe Him and are saved, and accepted Him, and you are dead to the things of the world, and you're alive in Christ. He knows that.

53 Now, we notice Abraham, I want you to notice this real spirit. Oh, the whole blessed thing here is grace. I want you to read with me now from the 14th chapter of... Exodus, just a moment.

54Now, the first thing taken place when they got down there, Lot got in trouble. Why? He was out of the will of God. And if you get in trouble when you're in the will of God, God will help you out. But if you're in trouble, out of the will of God, there's only one thing to do, get back in the will of God again.

55 Now, the kings all drew themselves together, and they figured that the plains down there was well watered, and they'd just go down and take this little old Sodom, Gomorrah, take it over. And they did. And when they went down and took it over, they took Lot with them.

56Now I want you to notice the Spirit of Christ here in Abraham. Now notice the 14th verse.

And when Abraham heard that his brother... (Get it?)... his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan.

57Oh, what a blessed thought of grace! Abraham, when his brother, though fallen from grace, though was in this backslidden condition; when he heard that the world had caught him up, and had captured him and took him away, to slaughter him, Abraham acted by the Spirit of Christ. He came and armed all of his men that was born in his house, and took after them, and pursued them all the way to Dan. And Dan is the uttermost parts of Palestine, "Dan to Beer-sheba," from one end to the other. And it's a type of Christ, when He saw that the world had took... was fallen, that He pursued the enemy to the end, to receive back the fallen race of Adam.

58 I want you to notice the next verse, how sweet here the Spirit speaks through him. All right, the 15th verse now.

And he brought back all (all) the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people.

59When Abraham took after the enemy that had took his brother, he pursued him all the way across the nation, to Dan, and brought back everything that he lost in the fall.

60 What a beautiful picture of Christ, who heard from Heaven that we were lost and came and pursued the enemy, all the way to hell, and captured the lost souls and brought us back and restored us to everything that we had before the fall! We, backsliders, we that was born to be sons of God, that's perverted into the sons of the Devil, and made, went after the things of the world, and done wrong, and run greedily like Lot did, selling out our birthrights and going after the things of the world. Christ came down. Though fallen; God, knowing in the beginning who would be saved and who would not, therefore come down and pursued the enemy through life, through death, through paradise, into hell. And all the way from Glory to hell, and took over the--the powers of hell, and the keys away from the Devil, and rose again, and restored to mankind, that he can be sons and daughters of God again.

61See the Spirit in Abraham there, the Spirit of Christ coming with him?

62 Now I want you to notice a little further, as we read.

And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he returned from the slaughter of this king Chedortaomer, and... the kings... were with him, in the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale.

63They went out. King of Sodom was brought back. His brother was brought back. The children was brought back. And here went out the kings to meet him. And, also, here is where I want to get to, the message now. Watch here.

And--and Melchizedek, king of Salem (King of Jerusalem, King of peace) brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abraham of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:

64Melchisedec, the King of Salem, also represented Himself among the other kings. And notice, the battle was over, the Spirit of God in Abraham, of Christ, that had brought back his fallen brother, then restored him back to his rightful condition, to all that he had lost. He had brought it back. And when he did, He brought out bread and wine, the communion. Can't you see who that Melchisedec was? It was God. Brought out the communion, after the battle.

65 Now let us turn again, to Matthew 26:26, right quick, and see what Jesus said here about that. In the Book of Matthew, the 26th chapter and also the 26th verse, we want to read just a little bit here. All right, Matthew 26:26.

Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Golgotha, Golgotha... or Gethsemane, I mean, and said unto his disciples, Sit ye here, while I go yonder to pray.

66I believe I've got the wrong Scripture. Matthew, the twenty-... 26th verse of the 26th chapter. If somebody has it, read it for me, if you--if you can find it. Just a minute. This is a beautiful type here. I don't want you to miss it. Here we are. That's got it, sister.

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it,...

What was it? The battle was over.

... brake it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, Take, and eat; this is my body.

67 See that Melchisedec? Hundreds of years before, when He met Abraham, after the battle was over, He gave bread and wine. And here Jesus gives the disciples, after His hard battle was over, He gave them bread and wine. Watch. Watch the future Coming.

And he took the cup, and--and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for... sins and remission of sins.

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom.

68 We are in the battle now. We're after our fallen brother, that God, before the foundation of the world, saw and predestinated unto Eternal Life. And the things of the world has got him caught up in a whirlwind. He's out into societies and classes, him and his wife, walking up-and-down the streets, smoking and drinking and carousing, trying to find peace. And the Spirit of Christ in us, as it would be in Abraham, we're gone after him. With all the armors of God, the Angels of God encamped about, we're gone to bring back our fallen brother.

69 And when the battle is finally ended, we will meet Melchisedec again, bless God, who blessed Abraham there, and gave him the blessing, and give him bread and wine, the communion. And when the battle is over, we'll meet Him. We who are the heirs of the promise of Abraham, joint-heirs with Christ in the Kingdom, shall meet Him at the end of the road, and take bread and wine, again, when the battle is over.

70Who is this Melchisedec? "The One that had no father, had no mother, had no beginning of days or the ending of life." He will be There to give the communion again. You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

71 When we pull up, on certain nights, when we come together and take communion from the hands of the ministers, representing that we believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, that--that veil, His body that He was inveiled in, God. We take it, as a representative, "We are dead to the things of the world, and been born anew of the Spirit." And we walk with the Body of Christ, all the believers together.

72When the great battle is finished, and we come up again with Christ, we'll take the communion with Him in the Kingdom of God, anew; and eat the flesh, and drink the blood of the grape again, in the Kingdom of God. Oh! There is Melchisedec. That's who He was.

73 Now let's read just a little further about Him here, and the 18th verse.

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:... (You get it?)... and he was the priest of the most high God.

And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abraham of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:

And he blessed him,... And he blessed...

And blessed be the most high God, which has delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him a tenth of all.

He paid tithes to Melchisedec. Abraham give Him a tenth of the spoils.

74 Now I want you to notice here as Paul goes on, giving a background for the coming lesson now.

And the king of Sodom said unto Abraham, Give me the persons, and take thou the goods to thyself.

Now, the king of Sodom said, "Now, you just give me back my subjects, and you take the goods to yourself."

And Abraham said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand unto the LORD, the most high God,...

El Elyon, "the possessor of heavens and earth," there.

... most high God, the possessor of heavens and earth,

That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatch,...

He didn't have a great campaign to take up money. He only wanted his fallen brother.

... and that I will not take any thing of thine, lest thou shall say, I have made Abraham rich:

Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me,...

75 Now, I want you to notice, Abraham said, "I'll not take from a thread to a shoelatch." He didn't fight the war, to make a lot of money. And real true battles are not made with selfish motives. Wars are not fought for money. Wars are fought for--for motives, for principles. Men fight war for principles. And when Abraham went out to get Lot, he didn't go out because he knowed he could whip the kings and take all their possession, he went out for the principle of "saving his brother."

76And any minister that's sent out under the inspiration of the King of Heaven, will not go for money; neither will he go to make big churches, neither will he go to inspire denominations. He'll only go for one principle, and that is, "To bring back his fallen brother." Whether he gets a dime in the offering or whether he doesn't, it won't make a bit of difference to him.

77As I say, "Real wars are fought and waged for principles and not for money." And men and women who join church and come into church, to be popular, because the Joneses belong there, or they change their church from a little church to a big church, you're doing it for a selfish motive and the right principle is not behind it. You should be willing to stand at the battle front.

78 In this tabernacle here, when things go wrong, and you men and you women will run and go over somewhere else, or lay out till the little fuss or the stew is over, there is something wrong with your experience. Right.

79We have a custom here. We have a--we have a order here. This church is based upon the principles of the Bible. If there is somebody in here not doing right, and you think they're not, you go to him and talk to him. If you can't reconcile him, then take some brother with you, one or two more. If he won't be reconciled then, then tell it to the church. And the church will dismiss him, have no more fellowship with him. And Jesus said, "Whatever you loose on earth, I'll loose in Heaven."

80That's the reason you have so much troubles, because you don't follow the Bible principles. If somebody in the church is causing a disturbance, or something going wrong, it's not your duty to go talk about that man or that woman. It's your duty to go to that man or woman, and tell him his error. And if he won't hear you, take some other one with you. He won't hear that, then the church looses him. Jesus said, "What you loose on earth, I'll loose in Heaven. What you bind on earth, I'll bind in Heaven." That's the power of the church.

81 Here not long ago, a good preacher friend of mine, he had a boy, and that boy had been going to church, his own church. He got to a place where he started running around with a little of girl who smoked and drank and carried on. Preacher said, "Of course, that's his business." A very bosom friend of mine, and a nice boy. But he got all infatuated with some young woman; and she had been married, had some children, her husband was living. He was afraid they was going to have... that boy would marry her. So, the brother was all tore up. And he said to me, "Brother Branham, I want you to go to this certain-certain boy of mine. I want you to talk to him."

82 I said, "Brother..." I almost called his name. "You have a better way. Don't send me. If the boy is not living up, and the church has saw him doing wrong, then it's the thing for the church to do this business. That's left with the church. And the church goes over and tells him."

83So he took a brother, and went over and told him. And he got back at the brother, let him know he was attending to his own business, for him to do the same. He took another brother, two more, two deacons went over and told the boy. He wouldn't listen to it. They told it to the church. And he never come for several nights, to be reconciled to the church after his sin was told before the church. Then, the church loosed him.

84And about a month from then he was stricken down with pneumonia, and the doctor said, "There's not a chance in the world for him to live." Then he crawled back. God knows how to do it.

85We try to do it in ourselves, "Oh, you ought to kick so-and-so out of church. You ought to do this, that, or the other." Have you done your part as a church towards it? There you are. That's the way to make them crawl back, turn them over to the Devil one time.

86 What'd Paul say about this man down there was living with his stepmother? They couldn't get him reconciled. Said, "Turn him over to the Devil." Watch what happens. And in the next letter Paul wrote, this man had got straightened out. Sure. God has a way of doing these things, if we'll just follow His rules.

87If something goes wrong in the church, if it's amongst the congregation, each one of you brothers. If on the deacon board, one of you deacons don't behave, the other deacons come and have a meeting, try to reconcile the brother, tell him what he's doing; or one of you members, whatever you are. Then it's to be brought before him. If he won't do it, then come tell the pastor. Then, he's loosed from the church, and then let him be as a heathen and a publican. Then watch the Lord go to work on him. See, that's when he comes back to himself. That's when he goes to crawling in. But we try to do it ourself, you know, try to do the... everything the way we should do it, now, we never make a success.

88 Now, this Melchisedec, the King of Salem, Prince, Priest of the Most High, met Abraham and blessed him. And gave Him his tithings, Abraham did. And He was the King of Salem. And He brought out bread and wine, the communion, and gave it to Abraham after the battle, after the men had been won over.

89 Now, "All wars," as I say, "are fought for principles." Now, if you have a little war in church, it must be the right principle. You must be fighting for the right thing. And each member of the church is supposed to do that. Now, this teaching is for the church. That's what we're here for. That's what I'm standing here for. That's what God's Word is for, is for the church.

90Don't never let nothing hinder this church. If it does, you're guilty, each one of you. And you, in your different churches, if something is going wrong in your church, you're guilty, because you're the overseer of that church. It ain't up to the pastor. It ain't up to the deacon board. It's up to you, you individual, to go to that brother and see if you can have him reconciled. If not, then take two or three with you, then come back. He won't hear that; tell it to the church. Then he's dismissed from the Kingdom of God, God said, "If you dismiss him there, I'll dismiss him Here, if you've went through this order." Then He'll turn the Devil loose to him for the construction... destruction of his flesh. And then he'll come back. That's right. That's the way to make him come back. If he's a child of God, he will come back. If he isn't, why--why, he'll go on, and then the Devil will send him on to his Eternal place.

91 Now, the motives of it. If you just get it in for somebody, then that's different. But, if the man is guilty! And Lot had went down and had backslid, though he was a Hebrew. He had went down and was backslid. He was in grace, but he had fallen from it. And when he went out... And Lot--Lot was saved. Don't never think that Lot wasn't saved. He was. Because, all the time when he was in the wrong place, the Bible said, that, "The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily." Now, his flesh was doing one thing. And what was his end? He brought more disgrace. His wife turned to a pillar of salt. He had children by his daughters. So, you can see what a disgrace it brought, because he had fallen from grace and never restored himself back again. And God had to take him out of the earth.

92But, still, he was a fallen brother, and Abraham done all that he could do to bring him back again. And the Spirit was in Abraham, is the Spirit of Christ that's in the church today. No matter what the brother has done, you'll do all you can to bring him back into the fellowship of Christ again. No matter what he's done, you'll try hard.

93 Now, we want to notice here now again, as we go on with this lesson of this Melchisedec, this great Priest of Salem, and the possessor of Heavens and earth. Now, being first:

Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor ending of life; but was made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Now watch. He wasn't the Son of God. He was the God of the Son. He wasn't the Son of God, Melchisedec wasn't, but He was the Father of the Son of God.

94 Now, this body that He had, He had created. It had not been brought through a woman. So with that created body, He could not... Some body He had made, Hisself, to reveal Himself.

"No man can see God at any time. God is a spirit." Mortal eyes doesn't see those things, 'less it's in a form like the Pillar of Fire, or whatever it was, or in the form of some being that they seen by vision. But the... God has to reveal Himself through some way. And God revealed Himself to Abraham, in the form of a man. He revealed Himself to Moses, in a form of a man. He revealed Himself to the children of Israel, in a form of a Pillar of Fire. He revealed Himself unto John the Baptist, in the form of a dove. You see, He revealed Himself in those forms.

When He was revealing Himself in the form of a Man, as the King of Salem; of Jerusalem; not of the earthly Jerusalem, but the Heavenly Jerusalem. He revealed Himself in that form. He was made "like unto" the Son of God.

95 Now, the Son of God had to come through a woman, to be created here; by the womb of a woman, because through that same thing come death.

96And He could not come through creation like God did at the beginning. When God made man at the beginning, woman had nothing to do with it. God just said, "Let there be," and a man came from the dust. He called him, without any woman to have anything to do with it. But, the woman, it then was in the man.

97And God took the woman out of Adam's side. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And then woman went and brought man through sex. So the only way that God could do... He couldn't come in that theophany. He couldn't come as Melchisedec. He had to come as a man, and he had to come through the woman. "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head, and his head will bruise Your heel." Get it? ["Amen."] God had to come through a woman; and He did, when He dwelt in His body of His Son, Christ Jesus. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. And He offered His Own Blood as a sacrifice. And gave His life, that through the channel of death, He might save you unto Eternal Life.

98 So God came then, and He was made "like unto" the Son of God. See? He was a Man made like the Son of God. Now, He couldn't be the Son of God, because this Man is Eternal.

99The Son of God had a beginning, He had an end. He had a--a time of His birth, He had a time of His death. He had both beginning and end. He had both father and mother.

100This Man had neither father nor mother, beginning or end of time. But He was made, this Man, Melchisedec, was made like the Son of God.

101 Now, the Son of God, when He was come in the world, in a form of a woman, through a woman, in man's form; and was killed, raised up again on the third day, rose for our justification, now He abides forever. And as long as that body abides, we abide too. And because He raised up from the dirt, we'll be raised up in His likeness. There's the Gospel story. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Not Angels, not supernatural beings, not a bunch of feathers to flock around, but men and women, amen, stand in His likeness. Yes, sir.

102 As I've often told this, I say it again here at this time. It seems suitable. I was combing, about this five or six hairs that I have left. And my wife said, "Billy, you're getting bald-headed."

103I said, "But I haven't lost one of them."

104She said, "Where they at?"

105I said, "Tell me where they was before I got them, I'll tell you where they are waiting for me." That's right.

106I used to be as a--a fighter, pugilist. I was strong and big. And I felt, if you'd set this church on my back, I'd walk down the street with it. I'll tell you, when I get up every morning now, I realize there's forty something years has passed. See? I'm not what I used to be. I'm failing, every day. As I look at my hands and think, "Looky here. Well, I'm getting an old man." I look at my shoulders. I see I've gained a lot of weight. I used to wear a twenty-eight on a belt. I wear a thirty now. See, I'm getting old, fat, dwindling away.

107 What is it? I eat the same thing I used to eat. I live cleaner and better than I used to live, the same thing. But God has appointed a time for me, and I must receive it. But the blessed thought is, that, at that day, He will raise me up again. And everything that I was when I was twenty-five years old, I'll be again forever. Amen. There you are. What does old age bother me? I'll beat the Devil out of that for years and years, knowing this, that I believe Him. This little span is just a little, short thing, anyhow. If we only stayed three score and ten, seventy years old, our promised time, what--what's that but misery and sorrow? What is it? Would you swap this pesthouse for that glorious thing yonder?

108 Why, blessed be the Name of the Lord! Something on the inside of me met that Melchisedec one day, and He spoke peace to me and He give me Eternal Life. And this life means nothing but a tabernacle to preach the Gospel through. I say this with all sincerity, with these two Bibles laying open before me. If my God was through with me preaching the Gospel, and I could do no more for Him, my children was old enough to take care of themselves, and He wants to take me right now, "Amen," that settles it. Yes, sir.

109 What difference does it make if I'm eighty or if I'm twenty? I'm only here for one thing: to serve the Lord. That's all. If I can still preach the Gospel like I do now, when I'm eighty, what difference does it make whether I'm forty or eighty? There's a many man eighty years old tonight. And there's a lot of children will die, when an eighty-year old man will outlive a many one of them. What difference does it make? It's your motives, your principles, and we're here to serve the Lord Jesus. That's all.

110Knowing this, that, "This life is a vapor that a man speaks about; that once was, and then is not." But if we have Eternal Life, God has promised He will raise us up again. And we'll take the communion with Him when the days are over, and when He say, "Enter into the joys of the Lord, that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world."

111 Then what difference does it make here, whether we have anything or whether we don't? Whether we're young or whether we're old, what difference does it make? The main thing, are you ready to meet Him? Do you love Him? Can you serve Him? Have you sold out to the things of the world? Have you met Melchisedec since the battle was over?

112Bless God! About twenty-one years old, I was, and one day I had a battle with this, that, and the other. I couldn't make out whether I wanted to be a fighter, or whether I wanted to be a trapper, or hunter, what I want to be. But I met Melchisedec, and He give me communion, and since then it was settled forever. Hallelujah! I've went on His side. I've been rejoicing on the road. And when it comes to the end of the road, and death stares me in the face; the way I feel now, I'll never dread it. I'll walk, want to walk into the face of it, knowing this, that I know Him who has made the promise, that's right, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. When He calls from among the dead, I'll come out from among them. That's right, knowing Him in the power of His resurrection. What difference does it make, whether I'm old or whether I'm young? Whether I'm little or whether I'm big? Whether I'm full or whether I'm hungry? Whether I got a place to lay down or whether I haven't?

113"The birds has the nests, and the fox has den, but the Son of man has not a place to lay His head," but He was the King of Glory.

114 We are kings and priests tonight. What difference does it make whether we have or whether we haven't? As long as we got God, we are more than conquerors. We are more than conquerors. We set in the Presence of God, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, taking Spiritual communion from the hands of Him that testified, "I was He that was dead, and alive again, and I'm alive forevermore." Setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. O blessed be His holy Name. What difference does it make?

A tent or a cottage, why should I care?

They're building a palace for me over There!

Of rubies and diamonds, and silver and gold,

His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

115 I met Him one day when I come from the battle. I laid my trophies down. I ain't fought a battle since then; He fights them for me. I just rest upon His promise, knowing this, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. That's all that matters. What else does matter?

116What can we do? "Why taking thought can add one cubit to your stature? What do you care whether your hair is curly, or whether you got any or not? What difference does it make? If you're old, if you're gray, if you're stoop-shouldered, if you're not, what difference does it make? Amen. This is just for a spell, a little space, but That's forever and forever. And as aeons of time roll on, as the ages roll on, you'll never change, and go through His ceaseless Eternal ages. What difference does it make?

117I'm so glad I met Him. I'm so glad He give me communion, one day, that same Melchisedec that met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings. Certainly. "The God of Heaven," the El Elyon; the great "I AM," not the I was; the I AM, present tense. "And He blessed him."

118 Listen here just a little further, so we can get the lesson a little closer together. Now the 4th verse.

Now consider how great this man was,...

I just think that, too. "Consider how great this Man was." He is beyond the Son of God. The Son of God had father and mother; He didn't. The Son of God had a beginning of time and an ending of time; He didn't. Who was that? That was the Father of the Son. That's Who it was.

... consider how great this man was, unto... even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of all the spoils.

119Now listen closely.

And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have... commandment to take tithings of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of the loins of Abraham:

120 Now watch this if you want to see something.

But he whose descent is not continued for... from them receiveth tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promise.

121Abraham had the promise, and this Man blessed Abraham who had the promise. Who was this? The sons of Levi paid tithes to their brethren or... Their brethren paid tithes to them. They had a commandment of the Lord to take a tenth of what their brothers made, for their living, because they were the priesthood. Now, that lets out the Melchisedec priesthood, as you talk about, right there. That's right. But this Man... Even the one who had the promise, the greatest man on earth, Abraham, met this Man and paid tithes to Him. [] He had to be greater.

122 Listen.

And without any contradiction the less is blessed of the better.

Certainly. Watch Who He is.

And here men that die receive tithes;...

That's the priesthood of the order of priests and preachers, and so forth. Men that receive tithe, die. See?

... but here he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth.

123What would a Man take tithings for, if He had any... If He never was born, and never will die, and was from beginning to end, and--and never had no father or mother or descent, and owned the whole Heavens and earth and all in it, why would He take tithe? Why would He ask Abraham to pay tithes? You see what a strict thing it is to pay tithes? Tithing is right. Every Christian is duty bound to pay tithe. That's right. Never has been changed.

124 Now:

And as I may so say, Levi also, who received tithe, payed tithes in Abraham.

125Now, oh, here is something.

For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.

126What, Levi? Abraham was Levi's great-great-grandpa. And the Bible said here, that, "Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham." Four generations before he ever come to earth, he was paying tithes to Melchisedec. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

127Then, you that can't believe in predestination before ordination; and here, four generations before Levi would ever come out of the loins of Abraham, was paying tithes to Melchisedec. Wish we had time to run this through the Scripture.

128 If you'd take it over to like in Jeremiah 1:4, God said, "I knew you before you was even formed in your mother's womb. And I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet to the nations." Then what can you say that you did? What can I say that I did? It's God that showeth mercy. God knew us before the foundation of the world.

129He not willing that any should perish. Certainly not. But if He's God, He knowed who would be saved and who wouldn't be saved, or He didn't know anything. If He didn't know... If he didn't know who would make the Rapture, before the world was ever formed, then He's not God. If He's infinite, He'd... He knowed every flea, every fly, every louse, every chigger, that would ever be on the earth, before the earth was ever formed. That's right. He knew all things. Before the foundation of the world, He knew us. The Bible said, that, "He knew us and predestinated us."

130 Let's settle this just once. Let's go back to Ephesians, the 1st chapter. The 5th chap-... The 1st chapter of Ephesians, just a moment. I want to read here just a minute, so that you can really understand that it's not just something that I'm trying to tell you. It's something God is trying to tell you. See? Now listen to this, real close, 1st chapter of Ephesians.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,...

The same man that's wrote the Hebrew letter, is writing this letter.

... to the saints...

This is not to the unbelievers, but to the saints, the sancti-... sainted ones.

... which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places...

"According as He..." Now, listen close now, the 4th verse.

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,...

Who is the "us" there? The Church.

... he chose us in him (Christ) before the foundation, the earth, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to his own good pleasure of his will,

131 Who did it? God did it. God knowed from the beginning who would be saved and who wouldn't be saved. Certainly. He was not willing for any to perish. But He didn't send Jesus here just to see if you'd--you'd act like, "Well, poor Jesus, I feel sorrow for Him. Maybe I'd better get saved and approve it." No, sir.

132God knowed in the beginning who would and who would not. So, therefore, He knew that some would, so He sent Jesus to make a propitiation for those that He foreknew. "For those who He foreknew, He has called. And those who He has called, He has justified. And those who He has justified, He hath (past tense) glorified." There you are.

133 So it's not you that keeps yourself, it's the grace of God that keeps you. You didn't save yourself, or nothing you done to deserve being saved. It's God's grace that saved you. God's grace called you. God's foreknowledge knew you. He knew that you'd be in this church this night, before the foundation of the world was ever laid, if He's infinite. If He isn't, He isn't God. If He did know all things, He was God. If He didn't know all things, He wasn't God. If He's Almighty God, He can do all things. If He cannot do all things, He's not Almighty God. There you are.

134 So how can you say it's something you could do? It's nothing you can do. It's God's love and grace to you, that you're even here. Nothing you could do, God called you by His grace; you listened, heard, accepted.

135"Well," you say, "Brother Branham, that makes it awful loose." Certainly does. You're free. "Well, that fellow can do anything he wants to." Absolutely. I always do what I want to do. But if you're a Christian, you don't want to do wrong.

136 There's a little old girl setting back there tonight, my wife. I love her with all that's in me. And if I knowed that I could run around with another woman and get by with it, and go tell her, and say, "Meda, I did wrong," do you think I'd do it? If I love her right, I won't do it. That's right.

137Now, what if I'd say, "Oh, I can't do it. Cause, I'll tell you why. She'd divorce me, and I got... Oh, I'm a preacher. See what that'd do? They'll take me out of the pulpit, if she'd divorce me. 'A divorced man, oh!' I got three children; I couldn't think of that. But, boy, I..."? Well, if that's the way it is, you're still legal. It's not legal basis that I married her upon. It's not legal basis that makes me live true to her. It's because I love her. I don't have to do anything. I do it willfully because it's a love affair. And if you love your wife, you'll do the same thing.

138 And if you love your wife like that, with phileo love, what ought you to do to Christ with agapao love, which is a million times stronger, if you really love God? If I knowed tonight I could go out and get on a drunk, if I knowed tonight I could run around and be immoral, if I knowed, tonight; if that was even in my heart to do so, and I went and done it, knowing He would forgive me, I wouldn't do it. I think too much of Him. I love Him. Sure. Certainly.

139 That's the reason I wouldn't sell my experience to any denomination, (no, sir), no Assemblies of God, no church of God, no Pilgrim Holiness, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic. I wouldn't take anything that could be offered, for this experience. Because, it never come by man. It come by God. No, sir. I wouldn't sell my birthrights for any Elvis Presley's rock-and-roll, or for his fleet of Catholics, or his Cadillacs, or his million dollars, and so forth, he gets each month. No, sir. I love Him. And if I... Long as I love Him like that, I'll stay true to Him. And if God has called me and elected me, He has placed something in me, and I love Him.

140 I remember Mr. Isler. You all know him, most all of you. He's come right here, state senator of Indiana; come here, play his guitar. When my baby had died, my wife had died, and all of them laying up here on the graveyard. And I was going up the road, with my hands behind me, crying. He jumped out of his little, old truck, and come put his arm around me, said, "Billy, I want to ask you a question." Said, "I've heard you preach till you almost fall in the pulpit. Heard you on the street corners and everything, crying out for Christ." Said, "Now He took your daddy. He took your brother. Snatched them both, and they died in your arms. There he die. Your wife died, holding your hands. And your baby died, and you calling on Him to help you. And He turned His back on you. What do you think about Him."

141I said, "I love Him with all that's within me. If He sends me to hell, I'll still love Him." He's just. I don't say that; twenty-six years has proved it. That's right.

142 If you love Him! Not a duty, that, "I can't do this, and I can't do that." You love Him too much to do it, because He has chosen you. You never chose Him. He chose you.

143You said, "I sought the Lord, and sought the Lord."

"No man seeks God." It's God, seeking man. You might be seeking a favor of Him, but God has to change your nature before you can even seek after Him. Because, you're a sinner, you're a pig. That's right.

144 And some of you people going to church and just living by your membership, go out here and do everything in the world, and then still go back and say, "Yeah, I belong to the church." Well that's a long ways from belonging to God. Certainly. I don't... But, you see, people doing that, you can tell. Oh, they're good church members. That's true. You can still be a church member and do those things, but you can't be a Christian and doing them.

145As I've said, this morning, "The old crow, if there ever was a hypocrite, it's the crow." That's right. Him and the dove set on the same ark, set in the same roost. And the old crow was satisfied when he was turned loose, and got out of that Church, that he could go out there and set on one old dead carcass and "caw, caw," and eat off of this one, eat off the horse, and eat off the cow, and whatever it was, he was satisfied. But when Noah turned the dove loose, she could find no rest for the soles of her feet. She had just as much right to set on a dead animal as the crow did, but it was two different natures. One of them, she was a dove, to begin with. He was a crow, to begin with.

146 But, if you notice, the old crow can set over here on a dead carcass and eat, half the day. The dove will set in a wheat field and eat, half the day. And the crow can fly right out there and eat dove food, as much as he wants to. He could eat just as much wheat as the crow can... or as the dove can. But he, the crow, can eat the dove food, but the dove can't eat crow food. That's right.

147So, old hypocrite can come to church, and rejoice and shout and praise the Lord, and go on like that, and go right back out and enjoy the things of the world. But a born-again Christian cannot do it, because the love of God constrains him to such a place he can't do it.

148So if you're just a Christian by joining the church, and quitting doing this and that, and the same desire is in you, you need another dip. That's exactly right.

149 And you women who can dress with them little... of shorts, and right out here on the street, and then call yourself a "believer." You're a believer, but you're a poor example of one, maybe. If you really had Christ in your heart, you wouldn't have to think about such things as that. I don't care what the rest of the women does, and the rest the girls do, you'd be different, because you love Christ too much.

150I talked to a woman the other day, in a house, and she throwed her hands up like this, said, "Rev. Branham, I'm almost naked, here in my house. I'm walking around."

151I thought, "Shame on you." In your own house, I don't care where you are. That's right. Dress and act like a woman, like a lady ought to. Shame on you. But you keep... And the Bible said, "If you love those things, the things of the world, the love of Christ is not even in you." And if you love the Lord, just all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, you'll keep them little old dirty, nasty things off of you. That's right.

152 And you deacon, and you others here, that run out on the street here, and gawking your neck and looking at every one of them women. Shame on you; and calling yourself "sons of God." I know that's scorching, but you rather be scorched than then burnt forever there. So if you do those things... Now, you can't help it if a woman walks down the street, half dressed. You, if you're looking, you're bound to see her, but you can turn your head. The Bible said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in your heart."

153 Let me tell you something, sister dear, you're going to answer. I don't care, you might be as pure as a lily. You may never actually committed a sin of that type, immoral sin, in your life. But if you dress like that, you're going to answer at the judgment for committing adultery with every man that looked at you. The Bible said. And walk down the street, who is guilty, the man? No, sir. You are. You presented yourself that way.

154The woman has got a great place. It's a sacred, nice, wonderful place. But she must keep herself that way, to hold her office as she should, as a mother, as a woman and of womanhood. When the womanhood is broke, the backbone of any nation is broke. And that's the reason, today, our nation is ruined, is because of the immorals of our women. That's exactly right. Sure. It's the rottenness among us, what's breaking it.

155 What you need is to meet this Melchisedec one time. Amen. Let Him--let Him bless you and give you the wine, the bread, Eternal Life. Then you'll see things different. Then you'll... It'll be different. You won't want the boys to be making a--a coyote whistle at you, the wolf whistle, or whatever you want to call it. Certainly not. You'll be different.

156And you mean to tell me that you dress like that, and get out there, for any other purpose? You say, "Why, it's cooler." You're story-telling. It is not cooler. Science proves that it's not cooler. It's a... It's the lust that's come upon you, sister. You don't realize it. I'm not trying to hurt you, but I'm trying to warn you. A many a moral woman, just as clean as she can be, a nice little lady, walk out with them things, on the street, unconscious of knowing what she's doing, because some backslidden preacher is afraid your husband won't pay his tithes in the church anymore. If he'd ever met Melchisedec, he wouldn't think those things. He would preach the Gospel. If it scorched the hide off their back, he'd preach It, anyhow. That's exactly right.

157 You do it, and you do it because that a spirit of lust is up. And you men that'll let your wives do those kind of things, I've got little hopes of you as a man. That's right. That's right. Now, there's no compliments on that, because... or no apology. Because, that's true. Any man that'll let his wife get out on the street and act like that, brother, you ought to be wearing her clothes. That's right. You, why, my!

158 I don't say my wife won't do it. But I have to be changed and perverted, to what I am now, if I ever live with her while she's doing it. And that's exactly right.

My girls, they may do it when they get to be women. I don't say they won't. I don't know. That's up to the mercy of God. I hope they don't. If they do, they'll walk over the prayers of a righteous father. They'll walk over the life of somebody who tried to live right, if they ever do it. That's right. But I want to live right, teach right, be right, and could instruct them right. If they do that, they'll beat their way to hell, over the top of my preaching, and over the top of my Christ, and over the top of my warnings, that's right, if they ever do it. Certainly. That's right.

159 Shame on you. If you ever meet Christ, face to face, and He blesses you, and puts that kiss of approval on your heart, all devils in hell will never make you put them on again. That's right. You've changed from death unto Life, and your affections are set on things above and not on the things of the earth. Amen. I better leave that subject. It's ticklish. All right. But it's the Truth.

160 All right, as we go on now just a little further, then we're closing.

... verily they that are of the sons of Levi,... receive tithe of the office of the priesthood, and have a commandment to take tithe of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of the loins of Abraham:

But he whose descent is not counted from them that received tithes of Abraham, and blessed of him that had the promise.

And with all contradictions the less is blessed of the better.

And here men that die receive tithes; but here he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth. And I...

And as I may... say, Levi also,... received tithe, received tithe, payed tithes in Abraham.

For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.

161 Your--your attitude towards Christ will make a great impression on what your children will be. Your life that you live before your family will make an impression on what your children will be. Cause, the Bible said, that, "He would visit the iniquity of the parents upon the children to the third and fourth generations."

162Now, just a few moments, before closing.

And therefore if perfection (there's your perfection again) were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need that there come... another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

163 The law, the legalist, see, "Oh, you have to do this. If you don't do this, you're not a Christian. If you don't keep the sabbath! If you don't... If you eat meat! If you do these things!" All these legal ideas. "And you've got to go to church. If you don't, you pay a penalty for it. You have to do a novena." That stuff is nonsense. You're saved by the grace of God, by the foreknowledge of God, by His predestination. God called Abraham by predestination, by foreknowledge. He called. He hated Esau, and loved Jacob, before either one was born. That's right. It's--it's God's foreknowledge that knows these things.

164 You say then, "What's the use of preaching the Gospel?"

165Now I'll say to you, this. Paul answered that, or Jesus did, rather. Here is Jesus. He said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that went to this, a--a pond or a lake, and throwed in the net. He pulled in. Out of there, he had turtles. He had terrapins. He had serpents. He had lizards. He had frogs. He had spiders. He had scavengers. He had--he had fish." Now, the man just seining.

166That's like the Gospel. Here it is now, I'm preaching the Gospel. I just throw the net out. I pull it, I say, "All that will, whosoever, let him come." Here come some up, the altar. They all hang around the altar. They pray. They cry. I don't know one from the other. It's not my business. I wasn't sent to judge.

167But, there is some in there that's frogs. There is some that's lizards. There is some that's snakes. It's, some, is turtles. And there's some that's fish. It's not my business to judge. I say, "Father, here is what I pulled out."

168 But, the frog was a frog, to begin with.

169The spider, the old spider will set there and look around, little while, roll them big eyes, look around, say, "You know what? I just about got as much of This as I can stand." Plop, plop, plop, plop, out they go.

170Old lady serpent will raise her head up, and say, "Well, you know what? If they're going to preach like that, against wearing shorts and things, that takes me. So I'll get away from that bunch of holy-rollers. That's all it must been." You was a snake to start with. That's exactly right. Yeah.

171And here sets old mister toad frog, with that great big cigar in his mouth, like a dehorned Texas steer, will stand there and look around, say, "Well, it never did condemn me to smoke. I'll just get out of this thing, right now." Well, you old frog, you was that, to begin with. That's exactly right. That's exactly right.

172Your nature proves what you are. Your life shows, reflects what you are, and in the beginning. It's not hard for me to see that. It's not hard for you to see it.

173 If I went out to Roy Slaughter's the farmer setting here, and I saw the pigs out on manure pile, eating manure, I wouldn't think nothing bad about that. He's a pig. But if I saw a lamb up on that manure pile, I'd wonder. Uh-huh. See? Don't worry, you won't see him there. He just couldn't stand it. That's right.

174And a man that's born of the Spirit of God hates the things of the world. That's right, "For if you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you."

175 If I run around with women every day, and come in, tell my wife I loved her, she'd know I was a liar. My actions would speak louder than my words. Certainly. I prove to her that I didn't love her, because I wasn't true to her.

176She told me she loved me, and every time I'd be gone, she'd take off with somebody else, it would prove that she didn't love me. Right. Her actions prove it. I don't care how much she'd try to tell me, "Bill, I love you, and there's no one else in the world but you," I'd know she was a liar.

177 And when you try to say, "Lord, I love You," and doing the things of the world, God knows you're a liar, to begin with. So why? What's the use to accept an old half-way experience, and something another like that, when the great skies of Heaven are full of the real thing? Why do you want to be a miserable, professed, half-way, half-baked, so-called Christian? When, you can be a real born-again child of God, with the joy-bells of Heaven ringing in your heart, rejoicing, and praising God, and living a life of victory through Jesus Christ.

178Not trying to do it yourself, because you'll fail, to begin with. But take Him, It's His Word, and rest upon what He said was the Truth. And believe Him, and love Him, and He'll make everything work right in right for you. That's it. That's the idea.

179 The Lord bless you. Don't want to scold you, but, brother, it's best to get a little scolding. You're my young'ns. See? And any papa that loves his kids will certainly correct them, or he's not the right kind of a papa. Is that right? That's right. And this papa only has one rule, and that's the rule of the home. And God only has one rule, and that's His Word.

180If we believe His Word, then we'll live by His Word. It's our duty, if we've ever met God. Not because you say, "Well, I go to church, and I've got to do this." You're miserable. Don't do that. Why do you want to be a miserable, decrepit, ungodly crow for, when you could be a dove? Certainly. You just have to have your nature changed. And you change your nature, become a son and daughter of God, be at peace with God.

181 Jesus! "Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His Own Blood, suffered without the gates," Hebrews 13:12 and 13. Romans 5:1, "Therefore being justified by faith," not by shaking hands, not by water baptism, not by laying on of hands, not with shouting, not with speaking in tongues, not with any sensation. "But being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." We've passed from death unto Life, and become new creatures, because we have believed on the only begotten Son of God, and accepted Him as our personal Saviour. And His Blood acts, tonight, as a propitiation for our sin, to stand in our place.

182 In the Old Testament, there's only one place to have fellowship, that's under the blood. Every believer had to come under the blood. When the red heifer was killed, she was made for a sin-offering. She must be red. And 19th chapter of Exodus, if any of you would like to read it. And she must be taken, hoof, all, burnt together. And then that was made a water of separation. It was set without the gates. It had to be handled with clean hand. The blood of this heifer went before... to the congregation, and stroked seven times up over the door. And now, every defiled person walking up, must first recognize and see that blood, and realize that there's only fellowship beneath that blood. That's the only place the worshipper could actually worship officially, was under the blood.

183 Then, the first thing he had to do, before he could come under the blood, there had to be this water of separation sprinkled upon him, and the uncleansed was made clean.

184And they took the water of separation and sprinkled it upon the wayfaring man, and separated him from his sin. And then he walked under these seven stripes of blood, and had fellowship with the rest the believers in the Presence of God.

185There's only one way to do it. Not shaking hands, not joining church, not by baptisms, not by emotions; but walk up to the waters of separation, lay your hands, by faith, upon the head of Jesus, and say, "I'm a sinner, and You died in my place. And Something in me tells me that You'll forgive me of my sins, and I accept You as my personal Saviour now." Walk beneath the Blood, yonder, have fellowship with the children of God. That's it. Eat the bread, drink the wine, and have the fellowship with the church.

186 Oh, isn't He wonderful? Isn't He good? Now, this may seem strange to you, friend. But what--what do I stand here and say these things for? Would I say them to try to make myself different from somebody else? If I do, then I need to repent. I'm saying It because God said It, because It's God's Word. And listen. There's coming a time, and now is, that when people are going from the east to the west, trying to find the Word of God, and can't find It.

187When you go into a meeting, the first thing you do, you go in there and have a bunch of tongues and interpretations, and somebody raise up and keep quoting the Scripture; and that's carnal. Absolutely. God said for us "not to use vain repetitions," what about Him? If He's wrote It once, you believe It. He don't have to say It again. Tongues and interpretations is right, but it's to be a direct message to the church and to somebody, not just carnal and things like that. And then you get ahead in all these other things.

188 Here the other day, two men walked into... and a man and a wife, and another man and a wife, just young married, walked into a place, to go to Africa as missionary. Somebody stood up and give a prophecy, and gave tongues and interpretations, that, "They had each other's wife." That, "It should not be that way. They married the wrong person." And those two people separated and remarried, over again. One man took the other one's wife, the other one, in a leading Pentecostal denomination, and went to Africa as missionaries.

189Brother, when you take your oath, you're duty bound to that oath till death sets you free. Exactly right. Certainly. When you take your oath, it's binding.

190 All those, nonsense! And it's got to a place till when you go to the churches, it's either so cold and formal and dry, till the spiritual thermometer will go fifty below zero. The people set just like a wart on a pickle, just as sour and indifferent and puckered up. And if you hear somebody, way back there in the corner, might grunt out a little "amen," once in a while, like it hurts them, all of them will stretch their neck like geese, to look around, see what took place. You know that's the truth. I'm not saying that for a joke. This is no place to joke. That's the Truth. Right. I'm saying it because it's the Gospel Truth.

191 And the other side, you get a bunch of nonsense of a bunch of fleshly emotions carrying on, and the true Word of God finally has got to a place to where you can seldom hear It: the old middle-of-the-road, the Gospel, the Light to my path, hallelujah, the Blood of the Lamb, the love of God that separates us from the things of the world.

192 "Have you spoke in tongues, brother? You haven't got It. Did you shout till the cold feeling went up your back? Did you see balls of fire?" Oh, nonsense! No such a thing.

193Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as your personal Saviour? And the Spirit of God bears record with your spirit, that you're sons and daughters of God. And your life bears fruit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness. Then you're a Christian. If it doesn't, I don't care what you do.

Paul said, "I could give my body to be burned as a sacrifice. I knowed all the mysteries of God. I can move mountains with my faith. I can speak in tongues like men and Angels. I'm nothing." How about that? First Corinthians 13; find out if That's right or not.

194 Now find out if--if Corinthians, Second Corinthians 13, I believe it is. Or, well, it's either First or Second Corinthians. First Corinthians there, First Corinthians 13, is right. "Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels, both the kind that can be interpreted and that cannot be interpreted, I am nothing." So what's the use of fooling with it, then?

195"Though I understand all the mysteries of God." Why do you go to seminaries and try to learn so much about? You better get right with God, first. Certainly. "Though I, 'Oh, blessed hallelujah!'"

196You got so you can't even have a congregation unless you have a healing campaign or some kind of miracles going on. "A weak and adulterous generation seeketh after such." What do you want with that?

197Paul said he could do all kinds of things, even move mountains, and still he's nothing. "Where there's tongues, it shall cease. Where there's knowledge, it shall vanish. Where there's prophecies, it shall fail. But when that which is perfect is come, it shall endure forever," and love is perfection. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." That, "Whosoever shivers, whosoever shakes, whosoever speaks, whoso"? "Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Eternal Life." Believe that, children.

198 They try to make it so complicated, these things and them things. When, it boils right down to one thing: your personal faith in God. That's it. That tells it. "For by faith," not by feeling. "By faith," not by emotion. "By faith," not by sensation. "But by faith are you saved; and that by..." Because you sought the Lord? Because you was a good person? Because, "God, by grace, foreknew you and ordained you to Eternal Life."

199Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that comes to me, I'll give him Eternal Life. No man can pluck them from My hand. They're Mine. They're forever saved. I got them. No man can pluck them out of My Father's hand, and He is the One that give them to Me. They're love gifts of Mine."

200"And all He foreknew, He called." He don't call anybody 'less He foreknew him. "All He called, He justified; all He justified, He glorified." So, you see, we just at perfect rest.

201 Now, I know there's a lot of legalists here, ninety-nine percent of you. But, look, if you'll just take This and realize that I'm not trying to say you something.

202Then you say, "Well, Brother Branham, I've always thought I had to do this and I had to do that." There's such a--such a difference in it, brother, what you have to do and what you want to do. You are saved, not because you had one thing to do with it. You're saved because that God saved you before the foundation of the world.

203 Listen. Listen here. The Bible said, in the Revelation. I'm going to take you from at first to the last now. The Bible said, in Revelation, that, when the beast came, he deceived all upon the earth. The beast did. "He deceived all upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life..." Since the revival began? Does that sound right? Well, since the preacher preached that mighty sermon? Since that man was healed? "... since the foundation of the world."

204Where was Jesus slain at, at Calvary? No, sir. Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. "Behold the Lamb of God, that was slain before the foundation of the world." God, in the beginning, when He saw the sin, He saw what would happen, He spoke the Word. And Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. And every person was saved, was saved, according to the Bible, when the Lamb was slain in the mind of God, before the foundation of the world. You were included in salvation then. So what are you going to do about It?

205 It's God. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! "It's God that worketh; not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God showeth mercy."

If Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world, it taken four thousand years before it actually happened. But when God spoke it back here, every Word of God is steadfast. It's immutable. It's impartible. It cannot fail. And when God slayed the Son before the foundation of the world, He was just as much slain then as He was at Calvary. It's a finished product, when God says so. And remember, when the Lamb was slain, your salvation was included in the sacrifice, because the Bible said that your name was "Written on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world."

What about that? Then what are we going to do? It's God that showeth mercy. It's God that called you. It's God that chose you in Christ before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, "You never--you never chose me. I chose you. And I knew you, before the foundation of the world." There you are.

206So, see, that takes the scare out of you. "Oh, I wonder if I could keep holding on? I'll make it, bless God, if I'll just keep holding on." It's not whether I hold on, or not. It's whether He held on, or not. It's what--what He done, not what I done. It's what He did.

Is it under the redemption law? This is a little thing I want to say before closing.

207 What if an old mare gave birth to a little mule? And that little mule had both ears broke down. He was cross-eyed, and knock-kneed, bow-legged. His tail stuck right straight up in the air. What a horrible-looking animal! Why, anybody... If that little mule could think, say, "Now, wait a minute. When they come out from the house this morning, I'm telling you, I'll sure get knocked in the head. Because, they never feed me. Look what a horrible-looking thing I am. I haven't even got a chance."

208Well, that's right. You haven't got a chance. "Well, I was born in this world, but looky here what a horrible-looking thing I am. So I--I--I... I'll never have a chance. I won't make it. I can't make it." See?

209 But what if his mammy is really instructed in the law? She'll say, "Son, that's right. You're all out of shape, and you're not even fit to eat the food off the earth. That's right. You're not fit. But, son, somehow another, you're my first. And, you know, you're born under a birthright. And the priest will never see you. But, for your name, there's got to be an innocent lamb without a blemish, has got to die in your place, so you can live."

210Well, that little mule could just kick up his heels and have a big time. Doesn't make any difference what he is, because he'll never be seen by the judge, the priest. It's the lamb that the priest looks at. Not the mule; the lamb!

211 And it's Christ that God looks at, not you. It's Christ. So if there's no fault in Him, how can there be fault? How can He find fault, when you are dead and your life is hid in Christ through God, sealed by the Holy Ghost? "They that are born of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin." How can he sin when a perfect sacrifice is laying in his place? God never looks at me, He looks at Christ, because we're in Christ.

212Now, if I love Christ, I'll live with Him. He would never brought me in 'less He know. If God saved me today, knowing He was going to lose me six weeks from today, He is defeating His Own purpose. Right. He don't even know the future then, if He saved me, knowing. What's He want to save me for, knowing He's going to lose me? God doesn't do things, then take it back in two weeks, to keep His promise. When He saves you, it's for time and Eternity.

213 Now, you can be worked up, and say, "Oh, yes, bless God! Hallelujah! I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I got her. Hallelujah!" That don't mean you got It. But, brother, when something come down here, and you anchor with Christ, then the fruits of the Spirit follow you. We bear record, our spirit with His Spirit, that we're sons and daughters of God. Please have That, friends.

214 I'll keep you here all night, talking about that. I love It. I love you. I come back to this little tabernacle, time after time, if God shall spare my life. I want to see you rooted and grounded in that holy Faith. I don't want to see you tossed about, by every little wind of doctrine come by, and shake you, and carry on, and have a little blood in their hands, or a little frost on their face, or something another, and seeing some kind of--of--of lights before them, and some kind of a--a selfish thing, as the Bible said, "Puffed up in his heart, and seen nothing." That's right. I want you to be solid on the Word. If it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, stay with It, live with It. That's the Urim Thummim of this day. God wants you to live by That. If it's not in the Word, then forget about it. Live for God, live for Christ.

215 And if your heart begins to stray around, you know there is something that's happened, go back to the altar and say, "Christ, renew my... the joy of my salvation. Give unto me that love that I once had. It's leaking out, Lord. There is something I've done. Make me holy again, stand. O Lord, nothing I could do. I can't quit this and quit that. I'm looking to You to take it out of me, Lord, and I love you."

216And walk away from that altar, a new person in Christ Jesus. Then you won't have to depend on your church, depend on your priest, depend on your pastor. You're depending on the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus. "By grace are you saved."

Let us pray.

217 Lord, such strong teachings! It's time this little church could take meat, and no more the milk of the Word. We been too much in the milk now, giving the baby his bottle. But we got to have strong meats, for the day is getting close. Great perilous times are at hand, and more trouble laying in the road. And we know that there'll never be better times. We know that we're at the end. Times will continue to get worse and worse until Jesus comes, according to the Scriptures.

218We cannot promise them nothing in this life. But in the life to come, we can promise them Eternal Life through Thy Word, if they'll believe on the Son of God and accept Him as their propitiation, as the One who stood in their place, as the One who took their sins. Grant it now.

219May unbelievers become believers. May church professors, here tonight, who has professed religion and just living in the church, may they receive an experience with God; that such love comes into their heart, that they weep for their sins, die out to themselves, and are born anew by the Holy Spirit, and being meek and kind, loving, and full of joy and blessings. Living such a life, till they're so salty that they make the people that's around them, thirst to be like them. Grant it, Lord, for we ask it in His Name.

And with our heads bowed.

220 I wonder, tonight, if there would be one here, say, "Brother Branham, if I was weighed in the balance of God at that time, I would never, never, never be able to meet that qualification you're speaking of tonight. I want you to remember me in prayer, that I will change my ways, and God will come in and take this nonsense out of me and make me a real Christian"? Would you raise your hand for prayer, if--if you would? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, in the back. God bless you. God bless you, sir. God bless you, big brother. God bless you, sister.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of host.

Heaven and earth are full of Thee,

Heaven and earth are praising Thee,

O Lord Most High.

221 "Holy." As you're thinking now, praying, as you feel convinced that you been wrong, and you want to be right, would you just raise your hand, saying, "God, make me what I ought to be"? God bless you, little lady. "God, make me what I ought to be." God bless you, brother, sister, you, you, you over here.

222Day is dying. I know it's hard, friends, but it's better to know Truth now. Now quietly pray.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God...

He is holy, alone.

... full of Thee,

Heaven and earth are praising Thee,

O Lord Most High.

223 Heavenly Father, as the sun sets in the evening, the robins gather in the trees with their loved ones. The birds all go to their nests. The doves fly up on the wires, high, so the snakes won't bother them through the night. They set there and coo to each other till they go to sleep. The sun finally sets.

224Someday we're coming down to that hour. The sunset is going to happen. I don't know when, Lord. But there's people here tonight who is convinced that they're been wrong, and they want to come to that place... Like Lincoln come to it as he was dying, said, "Turn my face towards the setting sun." And he started, "Our Father Who art in Heaven."

225As Moody of old said, "Is this death? This is my coronation day."

226 O Eternal One, receive them just now; by faith, as they set there in their seats. You knocked at their heart, at the seat. That's their altar. This is the time for You to receive them, just now. You said, "He that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out."

227And someday when sun is setting, wife or husband is standing by the bed, the doctors walked away. O Holy, Holy, that beautiful, sweet hush, just before the sun sets. When we could raise up and say:

Sunset and Evening Star,

And one clear call for me;

And may there be no moaning at the bar

When I put out to sea.

228 O God, grant it to them this hour; while they wait, waiting for the blessing of God to come upon them. Take all of the temper, all of the world, away from them, and create in them a new heart. You said, "I'll take the old heart away, and put in a heart of flesh. And I'll put My Spirit in that heart, and they shall walk in My statutes and keep My commandments." Because, it's an ordinance of love, and not of duty. It's of love. And love constrains us to do it. It's a duty of love, to constrain us. It's our duty to follow love. And I pray, God, that You'll give it to every heart that raised their hand tonight.

229And those who did not raise their hand, may they now, by grace, raise their hands to accept You, and to be filled with Your Spirit in this meek, sweet, quiet, humble way; be full of grace, go out of here as a changed person. How the birds will sing different, how everybody will be different, after this hour, O Lord Most High.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of earth,

Heaven and earth are full of Thee,

Heaven and earth are praising Thee,

O Lord Most High.

230 You now with your heads bowed, you who raised your hands to be remembered in prayer, do you feel like that God has spoke to you in such a way now, not by emotion, but just something way down in you. You feel like that God has give you Eternal Life? You feel like you're going out of the church tonight as a different person? Would you raise your hands back tonight? God bless you, son. God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. God bless you. That's right. "I'll go from this church, tonight, a new person." Newborn babes in the Kingdom of God.

231 What happened? I know it's an order of coming to the altar. That's a Methodist altar... a Methodist order, I mean. It was established in the Methodist church, in the days of John Wesley. It never was in the Bible days. "As many as believed was added to the Church." You can believe wherever you are, out in the field, out on a street, anywhere. Anywhere, it doesn't make any difference, just so as you accept Christ as your personal Saviour. It's an act of the Holy Ghost that comes into your heart. When you believe Him, accept Him, you passed from death unto Life, and you become new creatures in Christ Jesus.

Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,

Now stand to your feet.

... my humble cry;

While on others Thou are calling,

Do not pass me.

232 Now I want the young man and the lady, which I perceive to be his wife, that raised up your hand, I want you to raise your hand again back there; son, with the red coat on, and the lady, that they accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. The young man setting here in a wheel chair, accepted Christ as his Saviour, felt that God had saved him. And others back in there that raised your hands, raise them again so the people can look around, have fellowship with you.

233Shake their hand, somebody around, standing near them. Say, "God bless you. Welcome into the kingdom of God, my brother, my sister." Fellowship, that's what we want. God bless... Shake hands with this young man here in the chair. The Lord be with him. That's right. We welcome you into the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

234 If you have never been baptized as yet, and would desire to be baptized, make your way up and tell the pastor about it. The pool here has even got water in it, tonight, if you want to be baptized. Everything is ready. (Did you have a baptism, anyhow?...?...) But the pool is ready, if anybody want to be baptized. The Bible said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you and your children, them that's far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call."

235 You love Him? Raise your hands. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, isn't He wonderful? How you enjoy this Book of Hebrews? You love It? ["Amen."] Yeah. Wonderful. Now, It's correction. Oh, It's stern and It's straight, but we love that. That's the way we want to have It. Wouldn't have It no other way.

236Now, do you believe Paul has got an authority to preach It like that? Paul said, "If an Angel come and preached any other gospel, let him be accursed." That right? So we love Him with all of our heart.

237 Now I'm going to ask the pastor to come here just a moment, our most precious brother, Brother Neville, and he'll have a word to tell you. And now, if the Lord willing, we'll see you Wednesday night, and make arrangements about going to Brother Graham Snelling's for a congregational night. And then for the preaching here to continue on, with the 7th and 8th chapter, this coming Wednesday night. Brother Neville.

1..večer a počul Joyce spievať. Vedeli ste, že to samo o sebe je zázrak? To malé dievča, ako si to všetko môže pamätať? A každý večer nám zaspievala novú pieseň. Ako si to všetko môže pamätať, to je ozajstná malá kapacita. Nech Pán žehná to dieťa.

2No, zajtra o pol tretej v dome smútku v Charlestown, Indiána; naša drahá, zosnulá sestra, sestra Colvin, preukážeme jej poslednú úctu v dome smútku a na cintoríne zajtra popoludní. Niekto, kto raz žil, ako vy dnes večer a odišla za tú oponu, kde raz pôjdete. A všetci, ktorí chcete navštíviť túto službu, ste pozvaní. Pre rodinu Colvinov to určite bude veľká pomoc, keď budú vedieť, že toto zhromaždenie tu, kde oni všetci tak dlho chodili do zboru, budú ... Budeme radi, keď tam prídete. A myslím ... náš drahý brat McKinney, ten ktorý kázal na pohrebe môjho brata, pred mnohými rokmi, má hlavnú časť toho pohrebu a mňa požiadali, aby som prišiel a pomohol mu v službe na pohrebe.

3No, dnes večer som prišiel trochu neskoršie. Mal som príliš veľa vecí, nevedel som kde ísť. Toľko telefonátov, zrážky a nehody, ľudia telefonujú, prichádzajú; práve pred nejakou chvíľou sme odišli z Louisville, aby sme sa sem rýchlo dostali a opustili sme niekoľko telefonátov, ktoré sú naozaj vážne a musia byť vybavené, myslím ešte dnes večer. A teraz, modlite sa za nás keď ideme ďalej.

4A dnes ráno som sa nedostal ku svojmu textu, do 7. kapitoly Listu Židom. A kým si to otvoríme, dnes večer, chcem oznámiť že brat Graham Snelling má zhromaždenie tam pod stanom na konci Brigham Avenue. Ak Pán dá, v stredu večer chcem byť naspäť. A potom sa dohodneme, ktorý večer tam pôjdeme ako delegácia, niekedy tento týždeň a navštívime brata Grahama na zhromaždení. A on je ... hovorí, že tam majú veľa ľudí. A on si to bude ceniť, keď tam prídeme pomôcť. Brat Graham Snelling, každý z vás kto pôjde na to zhromaždenie alebo tam chce ísť, je to presne tu hore na konci Brigham Avenue. Každý vám povie, kde to je. Hneď na konci ihriska, tam je postavený stan. On si cení vašu spoluprácu. Pretože my ako modlitebňa sme sľúbili, že s ním budeme spolupracovať na sto percent, a tak sa mu snažíme pomôcť.

5No, potom zakrátko, keď Pán dá, prídeme ku miestu, do 11. kapitoly Listu Židom, za niekoľko dní, ak Boh dá a myslím, že tam tiež prežijeme krásne chvíle.

6A, ó, Pán nás dnes ráno úžasne požehnal. Ako vylial na nás svojho Ducha! A teraz, dnes večer očakávame na Neho, že to znovu urobí; a potom v stredu večer a ďalej. A tie večery, keď ja tu nebudem, brat Neville tu bude aby to preberal, kým ja budem preč.

7Nikdy neviem čo budem robiť, teraz tu môžem byť a za hodinu byť zavolaný do Kalifornie. Vidíte? Neviete kde vás Pán pošle. Preto mi je ťažko plánovať si nejaké cesty a povedať pôjdeme tam a tam. Môžem niečo začať, Pán ma pošle niekde inde. Vidíte? Tak nevieme proste, čo On bude robiť. „Ale keď Pán dá,“ tak hovoríme. A myslím, že sme poverení alebo máme to prikázané v Biblii, „Ak Pán bude chcieť, urobíme to a to.“ A tak ak sa stane, že nesplníme to čo sme sa dohodli, že my ... ak nevyplníme čo sme sa dohodli, cítime, že možno Pán nechcel, aby sa to stalo.

8Jedného dňa sme sa zdržali, brat Roberson a brat Wood a ja. A divili sme sa prečo? Sedel som tam a díval som sa do mapy, išli sme rovno dole, a my sme kerovali päťdesiat míľ cestou rovno znovu na sever. A cestujem po diaľnici skoro od štrnástich rokov. A divím sa, ako som to mohol urobiť. Boli sme tam, všetci traja. Všetci sme už cestovali po diaľnici. Dívali sme sa rovno do mapy, udržiavali sme 130", prechádzali sme cez Illionos a mierne sme točili a nevšimli sme si, že slnko je za nami, namiesto toho aby bolo pred nami, išli sme na sever namiesto na juh. A zrazu, keď sme prešli tú cestu, tak som povedal: „Toto nie je správna cesta:“ Pozreli sme sa do mapy a ukázalo sa, že sme päťdesiat míľ od našej cesty. Odišli sme rovno naspäť.

9Potom keď sme prišli naspäť, rozprávali sme sa. Povedal som: „Viete prečo? My ... Pán chcel aby sme obišli túto cestu, aby nás zachoval pred strašnou nehodou niekde tam, ktorá by sa inak nejako stala. Vieme, že všetko spolu je na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Pána. To je všetko na čo máme pamätať.“

10No, dnes večer, začíname teraz krátku lekciu vyučovania. A ak som ... Nemyslím, že sa dostaneme ku (možno dnes večer) ku ... Toto je veľká kapitola, v ktorej je učenie o desatine, pre cirkev. A to je veľká téma, pri ktorej by sme mohli zostať týždne a týždne, pri tejto jednej veci: ako Abrahám zaplatil desatinu Melchisedechovi a či je to nutné.

11Nevadí vám nikomu tento ventilátor? Či by ste radšej chceli, aby som ho vypol? Ak vám to niekomu prekáža alebo vám to fúka do tváre, čokoľvek, ak áno, zodvihnite len ruku. A ... alebo pošlite jedného z uvádzačov, pošlite jedného hore tu ku bratovi, on vám to vypne. A ja kvôli sebe by som to rád nechal vypnuté, začína mi byť teplo a začnem sa potiť a potom hneď ako viete zachripnem. Tak, je to na vás, mne to vôbec nebude vadiť. Chceme, aby vám bolo pohodlne.

Nechceme vám zabrať príliš veľa času, ale ideme rovno do Slova. A prv ako to urobíme, hovorme za chvíľu ku autorovi:

12Nebeský Otče, my nevieme čo je prihotovené. Ale jedno čo vieme a o čom sme presvedčení, že dobré veci ležia pred nami. Lebo je napísané: „Čo oči nevideli, ani čo uši nepočuli; ani čo neprišlo na srdce človeka, čo Boh prihotovil pre tých, ktorí Ho milujú.“

13A prosíme, aby si dnes večer otvoril Nebeské okná, na tvojom sklade a dal nám Tvoje Slovo, ktoré bude niečím čo je vhodné; niečím, čo zväčší našu vieru, ako kresťanov a urobí nás viac - viacej nás ustáli na evanjeliu, než ako sme boli, keď sme sem prišli. Udeľ nám toho Otče. Nech Duch Svätý vezme Slovo Božie a vypustí ho do každého srdca, ako to potrebujeme. Prosíme v mene Ježiša, Tvojho milovaného Syna. Amen.

14No, dnes ráno sme opustili ten posledný verš zo 6. kapitoly, a tak môžeme ísť rovno do 7.

kde ako predbehúň ... vošiel za nás Ježiš stanúc sa veľkňazom podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho až na veky.

15A teraz budeme čítať prvé tri verše ... prvé dva verše ... alebo radšej prvé tri verše zo 7. kapitoly, aby sme hneď začali.

Lebo ten istý Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, kňaz najvyššieho Boha, ktorý vyšiel v ústrety Abrahámovi, ktorý sa navracoval od porážky kráľov a požehnal ho,

ktorému aj desiatok udelil Abrahám zo všetkého

(tu máte desatinu),

ktorý sa volá, keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti a potom i kráľ Sálema, čo je v preklade: kráľ Pokoja,

bez otca bez matere, bez rodoslovia nemajúci ani počiatku dní ani konca života, ale súc pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu zostáva kňazom navždy.

(Aké nádherné prehlásenie!)

16A teraz budeme musieť ísť do Starého Zákona, aby sme vykopali tieto veľké zrná. A, ó ako ich milujem!

17Viete, tam v Arizone sme zvykli hľadať zlato. A boli sme na takom nejakom kúsku zeme, pán Mac Knelly a ja a videli sme také miesto, kde to vyzeralo ako ... v malých dierach kde to ... malé jarky oni to nazývali „vyplavovače“. A on ma tam vzal a dal mi aby som cedil ten piesok a fúkal do neho. Potom zase cedil a fúkal. Ja som sa divil prečo to tak robí. Zisťujete, viete, keď fúknete do piesku, on je ľahký. A všetko, ešte aj olovo je ľahšie než zlato. Zlato je ťažšie než olovo. Tak keď fúkate, všetky tie ostatné kovy a piesok a špina odletia ale zlato tam zostane. A tak ak máte vyplavovače tu z tadeto hore, to ukazuje, že tam niekde je pruh zlata, že tento dážď z tade vyplákol tieto maličké kúsočky. Tak potom zoberieme krompáče a tak ďalej a prekopeme takmer ten kopec a snažíme sa nájsť toto zlato. Vŕtame diery do zeme, vykopávame ich. Kladieme tam dynamit, vyhadzujeme to do vzduchu. Robíme šachty a ideme, až kým nenájdeme ... aby sme našli tú hlavnú žilu. No, to je to čo nazývame „hľadanie zlata.“

18A dnes večer sa snažíme zobrať Slovo Božie a použiť Ho skrze moc Ducha Svätého aby sme odfúkli od seba každú ľahostajnosť a všetky pochybnosti, všetky tie malé ľahké prašné veci, ktoré proste nemajú žiadny základ, nemajú žiadnu váhu v našom živote, chceme to všetko odfúknuť, aby sme mohli nájsť túto slávnu Žilu. Tou Žilou je Kristus.

19A teraz nech nám Boh pomôže keď čítame a skúmame v Jeho Slove. A tie takmer tri posledné predchádzajúce kapitole, sme hovorili o počúvaní, práve teraz a potom, Melchisedech.

20A teraz, myslím, že Pavel nám dáva správny výklad:

Lebo ten istý Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema,

(„Kráľ Sálema,“ a každý kto číta Bibliu vie, že Sálem bolo prv ... Jeruzalem sa prv nazýval „Sálem.“ A On bol kráľ Jeruzalema) ... (Pozorujte Ho.)

...kňaz najvyššieho Boha,

(to je prímluvca - prostredník) ...

ktorý vyšiel v ústreti Abrahámovi...

(Chcem zobrať Jeho rodokmeň, tohoto veľkého Muža, a tak budete vedieť, kto On prv je a potom ... budeme ďalej pokračovať v tom príbehu)

...ktorý sa navracoval od porážky kráľov a požehnal ho,

ktorému aj desiatok udelil Abrahám ... keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti ...

No dávajte pozor: „Spravodlivosť!“ No, my máme svoju vlastnú spravodlivosť, máme predstieranú spravodlivosť, máme prevrátenú spravodlivosť, všetky druhy. Ale je jedna skutočná Spravodlivosť a tá Spravodlivosť pochádza od Boha a tento Muž bol Kráľom spravodlivosti. Kto to mohol byť?

21No, On bol Kráľ spravodlivosti, Kráľ Jeruzalema, Kráľ spravodlivosti, Kráľ pokoja. Ježiš bol nazvaný „Kniežaťom pokoja,“ [v Anglickom preklade KJV: „Princom pokoja“ – pozn.prekl.] a princ je kráľov syn. Tak, tento Muž bol Kráľ pokoja, potom On musel byť Otcom Princa (Kniežaťa) pokoja. Rozumiete?

22No, pozrime sa, zoberme Jeho rodokmeň trochu ďalej aby sme videli kde ideme.

bez otca,

(no, Ježiš mal Otca. Veríte tomu? Skutočne, mal.) ...

bez matere,

(Ježiš mal matku, ale tento tu nemal ani otca ani matku) ...

bez rodoslovia,

(On nemal nikdy nikoho z koho by pochádzal, žiadneho predka. On stále bol. Bez predkov!) ...

nemajúc ani počiatok dní,

(On nemal nikdy žiadny čas kedy by niekedy začal) ...

ani koniec života;

To nemohol byť nikto iný ako Boh! To mohol byť jedine On.

23No, ak si teraz všimnete, keď čítame ten ďalší verš, vidíte, „Keď sa preloží jeho meno, najprv kráľ spravodlivosti.“ To nie je to kde chcem čítať. Tretí verš.

...ani konca života, ale súc pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu...

(no, On nebol syn Boží. Lebo keby On bol Syn, mal by počiatok a tento Muž nemal počiatok. Keby On bol Syn, musel by mať oboje, otca aj matku. A tento Muž nemal ani otca, ani matku, ale On bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu)

...zostáva kňazom navždy.

24No, Dr. Scofield sa snaží povedať, že „To bolo kňazstvo, nazvané kňazstvo Melchisedecha.“ Ale, chcem vás práve doviesť ku tomu, za chvíľu. Ak to bolo kňazstvo, potom ono muselo mať počiatok a muselo mať koniec. Ale Tento nemal počiatok ani koniec. A on nepovedal, že stretol kňazstvo, on stretol Muža! a nazval jeho meno Melchisedech. To bola Osoba, nie denominácia, nie kňazstvo ani otcovstvo; To bol každopádne Muž nazvaný Melchisedech, ktorý bol Kráľom Jeruzalema. Nie kňazstvo, ale Kráľ bez otca. Kňazstvo nemá otca. A tento Muž bol bez otca, bez matky, bez začiatku dní a bez konca života.

25No, Syn Boží ... Kto toto bol, toto bol Jehova! Toto bol sám Všemohúci Boh. To nemohol byť nikto iný.

26Všimnite si teraz, „On zostáva navždy.“ On tu má svedectvo, že „On žije, On nikdy nezomiera,“ On nikdy nezomrel... On nikdy nebol ničím iným ako živým. „On zostáva navždy.“

27No, Ježiš bol pripodobnený Jemu. No, dôvod, že je rozdiel medzi Bohom a Ježišom: Ježiš mal počiatok, Boh nemal počiatok; Melchisedech nemal počiatok a Ježiš mal počiatok. Ale Ježiš bol pripodobnený Jemu. Kňaz zostávajúci navždy.

28No, keď Melchisedech bol na zemi, on nebol ničím inším na svete ako Jehova Boh prejavený skrze stvorenie. On tu bol ako teofánia. Abrahám Ho raz stretol vo svojom stane. A ako sme dnes ráno hovorili, Abrahám Ho poznal. A On povedal Abrahámovi, čo ide robiť, pretože On nechcel nechať dediča sveta slepého na tie veci, ktoré On išiel robiť.

29Môžem sa tu zastaviť na chvíľu aby som povedal, že Boh má stále tú istú mienku o Svojej Cirkvi. Vy nie ste deti temnosti, vy ste deti svetla. A ... vy ktorí ... „Blahoslavení tichí, lebo oni dedične obdržia zem.“ A či by Boh, ktorý urobil aby Abrahám, ktorý mal zdediť zem ... a On povedal: „Či zatajím tieto veci pred mužom, ktorý zdedí zem.“ O čo viac On zjavi svoje tajomstvá svojej Cirkvi, ktorá zdedí zem!

30Daniel povedal: „V tom dni ľudia budú behať hore dole, vzraste poznanie.“ A on povedal: „Múdri budú poznať svojho Boha v tom dni a urobia veľký úžitok v tom čase. Ale zlí nebudú poznať nebeského Boha.“ Oni Ho poznajú v nejakej forme, a v nejakom obrade, ako hovorila naša prvá lekcia, ale oni Ho nepoznajú na ceste dokonalosti. A Boh môže účinkovať jedine skrze dokonalosť, pretože On je dokonalý. Nech je požehnané Jeho meno! To musí byť dokonalý kanál cez ktorý Boh účinkuje, pretože On nemôže urobiť nič iné ako pracovať cez dokonalosť. On sa nijako nemôže poškvrniť.

31A potom, to je to kvôli čomu prišiel Ježiš, aby sňal naše hriechy, aby sme mohli byť dokonalí, aby Boh mohol pracovať cez svoju Cirkev. Tam leží to tajomstvo. Na toto je svet slepý. Tam oni chcú povedať, že vy ste stratili rozum. Tam oni chcú povedať, že vy neviete o čom hovoríte. Pretože, veci Pánove sú bláznovstvom pred múdrosťou tohoto sveta. Ale veci sveta sú pre veriaceho telesné. Tak, ste inou osobou, žijete v inej sfére. Nie ste viacej z tohoto sveta, prešli ste z tohoto života do nového Života.

32A tak, Boh zjavuje, nie svetu, nie psychológom, nie vzdelaným kazateľom, ale pokorným v srdci! Svojim ľuďom, ktorí sú tichí, On im zjaví svoje tajomstvá o tých veľkých veciach Božích. Vidíte to?

33No, Abrahám mal zdediť svet. Cez Abrahámove Semeno mali byť požehnané všetky národy. Tak Boh prišiel dole a rozprával sa s ním vo forme Muža. No, Boh bol stále na zemi. Boh nikdy neopustil zem. Keby On opustil zem, neviem čo by sa s ňou stalo. Ale Boh tu bol stále v nejakej forme. Ó, sláva Jeho menu!

34On bol s tými deťmi na púšti ... keď vychádzali z Egypta, vo forme Svetla. On hovoril ku Abrahámovi vo forme Človeka. On hovoril ku Mojžišovi vo forme Človeka. On hovoril ku cirkvi vo forme Človeka, Svojho Syna Ježiša Krista. A On dnes hovorí cez Svoju Cirkev, cez pomazanú cirkev živého Boha, cez hlinené nádoby, „Vy ste ratolesti, Ja som Vinič.“ Boh stále hovorí a svet vidí Ježiša tak, ako Ho vy predstavíte. Tak svet ... „Vy ste napísanými epištolami, čítanými od všetkých ľudí,“ váš život hovorí čo ste.

35No, tento Abrahám na svojej ceste, keď sa vracal ... Pôjdeme naspäť a budeme čítať o Ňom, za chvíľu, v knihe Genesis. V 14. kapitole Genesis, myslím že to je tam. Ó, aký krásny je tu ten príbeh. No, my všetci vieme o Abrahámovi, ako ho Boh povolal zo zeme Chaldejov, z mesta Úr a povedal mu, aby sa oddelil od svojho spoločenstva.

36Boh volá mužov a ženy, On volá do oddelenia! V tom je dnes problém s cirkvami, oni sa nechcú oddeliť od starých telesných neveriacich. Preto nemôžeme ísť ďalej. Dostaneme sa do jedného telesného toku a hovoríme: „Ó, Ján je dobrý človek, keď nepije. Keď on ... a ja s ním chodím na plaváreň ale ja sa nekúpem. Ja s ňou chodím tam do tej spoločnosti, oni tam hovoria špinavé vtipy a tak ďalej, ale ja nehovorím žiadne.“

37Vyjdite spomedzi nich! Tak veru. Oddeľte sa! „Nedotýkajte sa nečistých vecí a Ja vás prijmem,“ hovorí Pán. Neťahajte jarmo s neveriacimi, nevhodné spoločné jarmo.“ Nerobte to. Oddeľte sa.

38A Boh povolal Abraháma, aby sa oddelil od všetkých svojich príbuzných a aby chodil s Ním. Brat, niekedy to znamená opustiť cirkev. Tak to bolo s Pavlom, on musel opustiť svoju cirkev; pre mnohých to znamenalo postúpiť tak isto. Niekedy to znamená opustiť dom. Niekedy to znamená opustiť otca a matku, a zanechať všetko. Nechcem povedať, že sa to deje stále, ale niekedy je to tak. To znamená, že musíte zobrať všetko medzi vami a Bohom a ísť s Ním sám. Ó, to je požehnané, milé obecenstvo! To spoločenstvo, ktoré máte, keď sa oddelíte od vecí toho sveta a od telesných veriacich, ktorí si z vás robia žarty a chodíte sami s Kristom.

39Koľko krát som ďakoval Bohu! On povedal: „Ja ti dám otcov a matky v tomto prítomnom svete. Ja ti dám priateľov a spoločnosť. A Ja ťa nikdy ... nezanechám a nikdy ťa neopustím. Hoci sa ti celý svet obráti chrbtom, Ja pôjdem s tebou do konca cesty.“

40Čo za požehnané privilégium, že človek má tú výzvu aby nasledoval Pána Ježiša, aby sa oddelil od všetkých svojich telesných spoločenstiev, aby nasledoval Pána. A ak ktokoľvek vyzerá, že sa nechce poriadne správať a ukázať sa ako kresťania ale milujú telesné veci, je najlepšie pre vás nájsť si hneď iného spoločníka. Je to tak. A ak nikto nepôjde s tebou, je Jeden, ktorý zasľúbil, že pôjde s tebou: to je požehnaný Pán Ježiš. On pôjde s tebou.

41Boh povedal Abrahámovi aby sa oddelil. A práve taký ľudský aký Abrahám bol, on zobral so sebou svojho otca, zobral so sebou syna svojho brata, svojho synovca; všetci viseli na ňom. A Boh ho nikdy nepožehnal, až kým neurobil to, čo mu Boh povedal.

42Ja nehovorím, že nie ste kresťania. To ... nikoho nepozbavujem kresťanstva. Ale poviem toto, že keď vám Boh povedal niečo, aby ste urobili, On vás nebude žehnať až kým to neurobíte. Som dnes večer za kazateľňou a mám na sebe jednu z týchto vecí. Moje zhromaždenia neboli tým čím mali byť, za posledné dva roky. To preto, že som sklamal Pána. Ja ... On mi povedal: „Choď do Afriky a potom do Indie.“ Tu je to napísané, rovno tu na konci v tejto knihe práve teraz.

43A ten manažér mi zavolal, povedal: „Nechaj tých Afričanov tak, India je pripravená.“

44Duch Svätý mi povedal, povedal: „Pôjdeš do Afriky, tak ako som ti povedal.“

45A prešiel ďalší rok. A tí manažéri ... Ja som na to zabudol, on povedal: „Ideme do Indie, lístky sú už tu.“

46Vyrazil som, zabudol som na to až kým sme prišli do Lisbanu. Jednej noci ... Myslel som si, že zomieram. Na druhý deň ráno išiel som do kúpeľni, aby som sa okúpal. Ó, bol som chorý, sotva som mohol vstať. Tam v kúpeľni viselo to Svetlo, povedal: „Myslím, že som ti povedal, aby si išiel prv do Afriky.“

47Moje zhromaždenia od toho času pomaly vädli. Hoci som išiel do Indii, kde bolo takmer pol milióna ľudí ale nerobil som to, čo mi Pán povedal. A cítim, že moje zhromaždenia nebudú mať úspech, až kým nepôjdem rovno naspäť a nedám tú vec do poriadku. Bez ohľadu na to čo robím, Afrika je prvá, pretože to musím urobiť. Tam leží Božie Večné Slovo. Dobre o tom viem. Ale musím ísť naspäť. A cítim, že tento nadchádzajúci rok je čas, že sa s pomocou Pánovou dostanem von z tej škrupiny.

48Toto slávne, staré evanjelium, ktoré ľahko rástlo, ako dub, ale verím, že ona je skoro hotová vypustiť teraz svoje ratolesti. Verím tomu. Toto veľké Posolstvo a veľká vec. Verím, že Pán nám dá znovu zatriasť svetom na slávu Božiu.

49Musíte robiť to, čo vám Boh povedal. A Abrahám hneď odišiel, zobral so sebou svojich ľudí. On ich miloval, to je tá ľudská strana. Ale po nejakom čase, zanedlho, jeho otec zomrel a on ho pochoval. Potom mal svojho synovca a potom povstávali hádky a nezhody. A nakoniec sa Lot rozhodol a odišiel dole do Sodomy. A všimnite si Abraháma, on nerobil s Lotom paniku, on povedal: „Sme bratia, nepatrí sa aby sme sa hádali. Ale zodvihni hlavu a choď ktoroukoľvek cestou chceš. Ak pôjdeš na východ, ja pôjdem na západ. Ak ty pôjdeš na sever, ja pôjdem na juh.“ To je kresťanský postoj, byť ochotný dať tomu druhému tú najlepšiu časť. Stále mu to predložiť, nech sa on rozhodne.

50Prečo? Čo viedlo Abraháma, aby to tak robil? On vedel, že mal zasľúbené od Boha, že on to aj tak všetko zdedí. Amen. Tak potom stan alebo chatrč, prečo by sme sa mali starať? Všetko to patrí nám! Blahoslavení tichí lebo oni zdedia zem.“ To všetko patrí nám. Boh tak povedal. Tak dajte tomu človeku nech si vyberie to najlepšie ak chce, možno že to je všetko, čo kedy bude mať. Ale to všetko patrí vám, dedičom spasenia skrze zasľúbenie. To všetko je vaše.

51Tak, Sárah, tá najkrajšia žena na zemi, ona sedela tam hore na kopci so svojím mužom, tak ako mala. No ona proste mohla nosiť prosté kaliko šaty, alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazvať, zatiaľčo pani Lotová sa obliekala ako milionárka. A jej muž bol starostom mesta, on bol sudcom, ktorý sedával v bráne. Ona mala všetko; navštevovala všetky krúžky šitia a večierky pri kartách, ktoré prebiehali v Sodome a Gomore. Ale Sárah bola spokojnejšia žijúc so svojím mužom na skromnom zárobku a vedela, že je vo vôli Božej, než aby sa tešila z bohatstva ... alebo z dočasných pôžitkov bohatstva. Je to tak. To je keď Boh navštevuje.

52A jedného dňa, vy, presne s takou istotou ako ste vošli na zlú cestu, jedného dňa vás to dohoní. Môžete si myslieť, že prídete do poriadku. Môžete si myslieť, že vyviaznete, ale nevyviaznete. Môže sa zdať, že je to všetko prikryté, ale nie je to prikryté. Boh vie všetko. On vie, či myslíte skutočne to, čo vyznávate alebo nie. On vie či to myslí skutočne, že Mu veríte a že ste spasení a že ste Ho prijali, a že ste mŕtvi veciam tohoto sveta a že ste živí v Kristovi. On to vie.

53No, všímame si Abraháma, chcem aby ste si všimli tohoto skutočného ducha. Ó, celá tá požehnaná vec tu je milosť. Chcem aby ste teraz čítali so mnou, od 14. kapitoly Exodusu, len chvíľu.

54No, prvá vec, ktorá sa tam stala, keď tam prišli, Lot sa dostal do problémov. Prečo? On bol pomimo vôli Božej. A vy keď sa dostanete do problémov, keď sa nachádzate vo vôli Božej, Boh vám z toho pomôže. Ale ak ste v problémoch, pomimo vôli Božej, môžeme urobiť len jedno, dostať sa znovu naspäť do vôli Božej.

55No, tí králi sa dali všetci do kopy a oni poznali, že tie roviny tam dole sú dobre zavlažované a že tam pôjdú a vezmú túto malú Sodomu a Gomoru a zaberú to. A vykonali to. A keď zišli dole a zabrali to, zobrali so sebou Lota.

56A teraz chcem aby ste si všimli Ducha Kristovho tu v Abrahámovi. Všimnite si teraz ten 14. verš:

A keď počul Abrahám , že jeho brat...

(vidíte to?)

...že je zajatý jeho brat, vyviedol svojich skúsených mužov osvedčených, zrodených v jeho dome, tristoosemnástich, a hnal sa za nimi až po Dán.

57Ó, aký požehnaný úmysel milosti! Abrahám, keď jeho brat, hoci vypadol z milosti, hoci bol v tomto stave, ako odpadlík ... Keď on počul, že ho svet zachvátil a že ho zajali a odviedli aby ho zabili, Abrahám jednal podľa Ducha Kristovho. On prišiel a ozbrojil všetkých svojich mužov, ktorí sa narodili v jeho dome a vydal sa za nimi a hnal sa celou cestou až po Dán; a Dán je najvzdialenejšia časť Palestíny, od Dána do Bér-šeby, z jedného konca na druhý. A to je obraz Krista, keď On videl, že svet dostal ... upadol, On prenasledoval nepriateľa do konca, aby získal naspäť upadnutú Adamovu rasu.

58Chcem aby ste si všimli ten ďalší verš, ako milo tu Duch hovorí cez neho. Dobre, 15. verš teraz:

A navrátil všetok


majetok i Lota, svojho brata, i jeho majetok navrátil a tiež i ženy i ľud.

59Keď sa Abrahám vydal za nepriateľom, ktorý zobral jeho brata, on ho prenasledoval po celej ceste cez celý národ až do Dána, a priviedol naspäť všetko, čo stratil pri tom upadnutí.

60Čo za nádherný obraz Krista! Ktorý počul z neba, že my sme boli stratení a prišiel a prenasledoval nepriateľa po celej ceste až do pekla a ukoristil stratené duše a priviedol nás naspäť a prinavrátil nás do všetkého, čo sme mali pred úpadkom; my odpadlíci, my ktorí sme sa narodili, aby sme boli synmi Božími, ktorí sme sa prevrátili na synov diabla a spravili sme z toho ... odišli sme za vecami sveta a robili sme zle a behali sme nenásytne, ako to robil Lot, predávajúc svoje prvorodenstvo a odchádzajúc za vecami tohoto sveta, Kristus prišiel dole; hoci upadnutí. Boh vedel na začiatku kto bude spasený a kto nebude, a preto prišiel dole a prenasledoval nepriateľa cez život, cez smrť, cez raj do pekla. A po celej ceste zo Slávy do pekla, a zavládol nad mocami pekla a zobral kľúče od diabla a znovu povstal, a prinavrátil ľudstvu to, že „znovu môžu byť synovia a dcéry Božie.“

61Vidíte tam toho Ducha v Abrahámovi, Ducha Kristovho, ako prichádza s nim?

62A teraz chcem aby ste si všimli, trochu neskoršie, keď čítame:

Vtedy vyšiel kráľ Sodomy oproti nemu, keď sa už bol navrátil od porážky tohoto kráľa Kedorlaómera a kráľov, ktorí boli s ním, do doliny Šáveh, a to je dolina kráľova.

63Oni vyšli. Kráľ Sodomy bol privedený naspäť, jeho brat bol privedený naspäť, deti boli privedené naspäť; a tu vyšli kráľovia aby sa s ním stretli a tiež; tu je to kde sa chcem dostať do tohoto posolstva teraz, sledujte to tu:

A Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema

(Kráľ Jeruzalema, Kráľ pokoja),

vyniesol chlieb a víno, a to bol kňaz silného Boha najvyššieho.

A požehnal ho a riekol: Požehnaný Abrahám silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme!

64Melchisedech, Kráľ Sálema, On sa tiež predstavil medzi inými kráľmi. A všimnite si, ten boj bol dobojovaný. Duch Boží v Abrahámovi, Kristov, ktorý priviedol naspäť svojho upadnutého brata a prinavrátil ho naspäť do jeho právoplatného postavenia, do všetkého čo stratil; on to priviedol naspäť. A keď to urobil, On vyniesol chlieb a víno, komúniu. Či dokážete vidieť kto bol ten Melchisedech? To bol Boh! Vyniesol komúniu, po boji.

65A teraz si znovu otvorme ev. Matúša 26:26, hneť teraz a pozrime sa čo tu o tom povedal Ježiš. V evanjeliu Matúša, 26. kapitola a tiež 26. verš, chceme tu prečítať kúsok. Dobre, Matúš 26:26.

Vtedy prišiel Ježiš s nimi na miesto zvané

Golgota - Golgota ... či chcem povedať,

Getsémane a povedal učeníkom: Poseďte tu až odídem a pomodlím sa tamto.

(Zdá sa mi, že mám zlé miesto písma)

66Matúš 26. verš v 26. kapitoly. Ak to niekto má, prečítajte to pre mňa, a to môžete nájsť. Len chvíľu. Toto tu je prekrásny obraz, a nechcem aby vám to utieklo. Tu to máme, (to je to sestra):

A keď jedli, vzal Ježiš chlieb, a keď bol dobrorečil,...

(Čo to bolo? Boj bol skončený)

...lámal a dával učeníkom a povedal: Vezmite jedzte: toto je moje telo.

67Vidíte toho Melchisedecha? Stovky rokov predtým, keď On stretol Abraháma, potom keď boj bol skončený, On dal chlieb a víno. A tu Ježiš dáva učeníkom, potom keď Jeho ťažký boj bol skončený, On im dal chlieb a víno. Dávajte pozor! Pozorujte ten budúci príchod:

Potom vzal kalich a poďakujúc dal im so slovami: Pite z neho všetci,

lebo toto je moja tej novej zmluvy krv, ktorá sa vylieva za mnohých na odpustenie hriechov.

Ale hovorím vám, že odteraz nebudem nikdy piť z tohoto plodu viniča, až do toho dňa, keď ho budem piť s vami nový v kráľovstve svojho Otca.

68My sme teraz v boji. My ideme za svojím upadnutým bratom, ktorého Boh, pred založením sveta videl a predurčil do Večného Života. A veci tohoto sveta ho uchvátili do víru. On je tam v spoločnostiach a zaradený do tried, on a jeho žena, chodia hore dole ulicami, fajčia, pijú a opíjajú sa, snažia sa nájsť pokoj. A Duch Kristov je v nás, ako bol v Abrahámovi, vydali sme sa za ním. S celou zbrojou Božou, anjeli Boží táboria naokolo, vyšli sme aby sme priviedli naspäť nášho upadnutého brata.

69A keď je ten boj nakoniec skončený, znovu stretneme Melchisedecha (sláva Bohu), ktorý tam požehnal Abraháma, a dal mu požehnanie a dáva mu chlieb a víno, komúniu. A keď bude boj skončený, stretneme Ho. My, ktorí sme dedičmi Abrahámovho zasľúbenia, spoludedičmi s Kristom v Kráľovstve, stretneme Ho na konci cesty a vezmeme chlieb a víno, znovu, keď sa boj skončí.

70Kto je tento Melchisedech? Ten, ktorý nemal ani otca ani matku, nemal začiatok dní ani koniec života, On tam bude aby znovu dal komúniu. Vidíte to?

71Keď vytiahneme ... V určité večery, keď sa schádzame spolu a prijímame komúniu z rúk slúžiacich, čo predstavuje, že veríme v smrť, pohrab a vzkriesenie Pána Ježiša, že tá záclona, Jeho telo, v ktorom bol zaclonený Boh ... Prijímame to na vyjadrenie, že sme mŕtvi veciam tohoto sveta a že sme sa znovu zrodili z Ducha. A chodíme s telom Kristovým, všetci veriaci spolu.

72Keď sa skončí ten veľký boj a pôjdeme hore znovu s Kristom, budeme s Ním znovu prijímať komúniu v kráľovstve Božom; a znovu jesť telo a piť krv hrozna, v Kráľovstve Božom. Ó, existuje Melchisedech! To je to, čo On bol.

73Čítajme tu teraz ešte trochu ďalej o Ňom, 18. verš:

A Melchisedech, kráľ Sálema, vyniesol chlieb a víno...

(vidíte to?)

...a to bol kňaz silného Boha najvyššieho.

A požehnal ho a riekol: Požehnaný Abrahám silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme!

A požehnal ho, ... a požehnal ...

A požehnaný silný Boh najvyšší, ktorý vydal tvojich protivníkov do tvojej ruky! A Abram mu dal desiatok zo všetkého.

(on zaplatil Melchisedechovi desatinu, Abrahám Mu dal desiatok z koristi)

74No, chcem aby ste si tu všimli ako Pavel pokračuje a dáva teraz podklad do ďalšej lekcii:

A kráľ Sodomy povedal Abrahámovi: Daj mi ľud a majetok vezmi sebe.

(no, kráľ Sodomy povedal: „No, daj mi naspäť mojich poddaných a ty si zober majetok pre seba.“)

Ale Abrahám povedal kráľovi Sodomy: Pozdvihol som svoju ruku k Hospodinovi, silnému Bohu najvyššiemu,

(Elohim, „majiteľ nebies a zeme,“ tam) ...

silnému Bohu najvyššiemu, majiteľovi nebies a zeme,

že ani len niti ani remenca z obuvi

(on nemal veľkú kampaň na získavanie peňazí, on chcel len svojho upadnutého brata!) ...

nevezmem ničoho zo všetkého toho, čo je tvoje, aby si nepovedal: Ja som obohatil Abrahama,

okrem toho čo zjedli mládenci a okrem podielu mužov, ktorí išli so mnou.

75Chcem aby ste si všimli, Abrahám povedal: „Nevezmem ani len niti ani remenca z obuvi.“ On nebojoval ten boj aby získal veľa peňazí, a skutočné ozajstné boje nie sú bojované so sebeckými motívmi. Vojny nie sú bojované kvôli peniazom. Vojny sú bojované kvôli motívom, kvôli princípom. Človek bojuje vojny kvôli princípom. A Keď Abrahám vyšiel aby dostal Lota, on nevyšiel do boja preto, že vedel žeby mohol narezať tým kráľom a zobrať ich majetok, on sa pustil do boja kvôli princípu zachrániť svojho brata.

76A každý kazateľ, ktorý je poslaný pod inšpiráciou Nebeského Kráľovstva, nepôjde kvôli peniazom, ani nepôjde aby založil veľké zbory, ani nepôjde aby inšpiroval denominácie. On pôjde len kvôli jednému princípu a to je: „aby priviedol naspäť svojho upadnutého brata.“ Či dostane na oferu desať centov alebo či nedostane nič, to mu ani trochu nevadí.

77Ako som povedal: „Skutočné vojny sa bojujú a vedú kvôli princípom a nie kvôli peniazom.“ A muži a ženy, ktorí vstupujú do cirkvi aby boli populárni, pretože tam patria Jonesoví, alebo zmenia svoju cirkev z malej na veľkú, robíte to pre svoje sebecké motívy a nie sú v tom správne princípy. Mali by ste byť ochotní stáť v prvej línii.

78Tu v tejto modlitebni: keď veci zle prebiehajú a vy muži a vy ženy budete utekať a pôjdete niekde inde alebo zostanete mimo až kým ten malý rozruch alebo nepokoj nepominie, s vaším prežitím nie je niečo v poriadku. Je to tak.

79My tu máme zvyk, máme tu poriadok, tento zbor je založený na Biblických zásadách. Ak je tu niekto, kto sa poriadne nespráva a vy si myslíte, že oni nerobia správne, choď za ním a porozprávaj sa s ním. Ak sa ti ho nepodarí napraviť, potom vezmi so sebou ďalšieho brata, jedného alebo dvoch. Ak sa ani potom nedá napraviť, potom to povedz zboru; a zbor ho prepustí, nemáte s ním viacej obecenstvo. A Ježiš povedal: „Čokoľvek rozviažete na zemi, Ja to rozviažem v nebi.“

80Preto máte tak veľa problémov, pretože nepostupujete podľa Biblických zásad. Ak niekto v zbore robí výtržnosť, alebo sa deje niečo zle, to nie je tvoja povinnosť ísť a rozprávať o tom mužovi alebo žene. Tvojou povinnosťou je ísť za tým mužom alebo ženou, a upozorniť ho na jeho priestupok. A keď ťa nevypočuje, zober niekoho so sebou. Ak to nevypočuje, potom ho cirkev prepustí. Ježiš povedal: „Čo rozviažete na zemi, Ja rozviažem v Nebi. Čo zviažete na zemi, Ja zviažem v Nebi.“ To je moc zboru.

81Tu nedávno, jeden môj dobrý priateľ, kazateľ; on mal chlapca a ten chlapec chodil do zboru, do jeho vlastného zboru. On sa dostal na miesto, kde začal behať s nejakým dievčaťom, ktoré fajčilo a pilo a tak sa správalo. Kazateľ povedal: „Samozrejme, to je jeho vec.“ Veľmi dobrý môj priateľ, a milý chlapec ... Ale on sa celý pobláznil do tej mladej ženy. A ona bola vydatá, mala nejaké deti, jej muž žil. On sa bál, že oni budú ... že sa ten chlapec s ňou ožení. Tak ten brat bol celý zničený a povedal mi: „Brat Branham, chcel by som aby si išiel ku tomu a tomu môjmu chlapcovi, chcem aby si sa s ním porozprával.“

82Povedal som: „Brat ... „ Skoro som povedal jeho meno. „Máš lepší spôsob, neposielaj mňa. Ak ten chlapec nežije poriadne a cirkev ho vidí, že robí zle, potom to je záležitosť zboru, aby konal svoju povinnosť. To je ponechané na zbore a zbor ide a povie mu to.“

83Tak on zobral brata a išiel tam a povedal mu. A on sa osopil na toho brata; dal mu vedieť, že on sa stará o seba a že ten má robiť tiež to isté. On zobral iného brata, dvoch (dvoch diakonov), išli tam a povedali tomu chlapcovi. On na to nedbal. Oni to povedali zboru. A on neprišiel niekoľko večerov, aby sa dal do poriadku pred zborom, potom keď jeho hriech bol povedaný pred zborom, potom ho cirkev prepustila.

84A asi mesiac po tom dostal zápal pľúc a doktor povedal: „Nie je pre neho na svete šanca aby to prežil.“ Potom sa priplazil naspäť! Boh vie ako to robiť.

85My sa to snažíme robiť zo seba: „Ó, toho a toho treba vyhodiť zo zboru. Treba urobiť toto, to alebo tamto.“ Urobili ste svoju časť ako zbor ohľadne toho? Tu to máte. To je spôsob ako spraviť aby sa priplazili naspäť, vydať ich raz diablovi.

86Čo povedal Pavel o tomto mužovi, ktorý tam žil so svojou nevlastnou matkou? Oni ho nemohli doviesť ku tomu, aby sa dal do poriadku, povedal: „Vydajte ho diablovi.“ Sledujte čo sa stalo, v ďalšom liste, ktorý Pavel napísal, tento muž sa napravil. Skutočne, Boh má spôsob na tieto veci, ak len my nasledujeme Jeho pravidlá.

87Ak sa v zbore deje niečo zlé, ak je to medzi zhromaždením, každý z vás bratov, ktorí ste diakoni ... Jeden z vás diakonov sa nespráva poriadne, tí ostatní diakoni prídu a majú stretnutie, snažia sa napraviť toho brata; povedia mu čo robí, alebo niekto z vás členov, čokoľvek ste. Potom je to prinesené pred neho. Ak to neposlúchne, potom to povedzte pastorovi. Potom je prepustený zo zboru, a potom nech je ako pohan a publikán. Sledujte potom Pána ako ide a pracuje na ňom; vidíte, to je keď sa on začína pamätať, keď ide aby sa priplazil naspäť. Ale my sa to snažíme robiť sami, viete, snažíme sa ... všetko tak ako to máme urobiť. No, nám sa to nikdy nedarí.

88No, tento Melchisedech, Kráľ Sálema, Knieža ... Kňaz Najvyššieho Boha, stretol Abraháma a požehnal ho. A dal Mu svoju desatinu, Abrahám mu dal. A On bol Kráľ Sálema. A On vyniesol chlieb a víno, komúniu, a dal to Abrahámovi po boji (potom keď ten človek bol získaný).

89No, „Všetky vojny“ ako som povedal „sa bojujú kvôli princípom.“ No, ak máte v zbore malú vojnu, to musí byť správny princíp. Musíte bojovať za správnu vec. A každý člen zboru má za to bojovať. Toto učenie je pre cirkev. Kvôli tomu sme tu, kvôli tomu tu stojím, na to je dané Božie Slovo, ono je dané pre cirkev.

90Nikdy nedovoľte, aby niečo zabrzdilo tento zbor; ak sa to deje, ste vinní, každý jeden. A vy, vo svojich rôznych zboroch; ak sa deje niečo zlé vo vašom zbore, ste vinní, lebo ste dozorcami toho zboru. To nie je na pastorovi, to nie je na diakonoch, to je na vás! Vy jednotlivci, máte ísť za tým bratom a postarať sa, ak ho budete môcť napraviť. Ak nie, potom zoberte so sebou dvoch alebo troch, potom sa vráťte. Ak to on nebude počúvať, povedzte to zboru. Potom je prepustený z Kráľovstva Božieho, Boh povedal: „Ak ho prepustíte tam, Ja ho prepustím Tu; ak postupujete podľa tohoto poriadku.“ Potom On ho vydá diablovi na zničenie jeho tela. A potom on príde naspäť. Je to tak. To je spôsob ako ho doviesť, aby prišiel naspäť. Ak je dieťa Božie, on príde naspäť. Ak nie je, no - no, on naďalej v tom pozostane a potom diabol ho pošle ďalej na jeho večné miesto.

91A teraz motívy toho! Ak to urobíte len kvôli niekomu, to je potom iné. Ale ak ten človek je vinný ... a Lot odišiel tam a odpadol, hoci bol Hebrej. On odišiel dole a odpadol. On bol v milosti, ale on z nej vypadol. A keď on odišiel ... A Lot - Lot bol spasený. Nemyslite si, že Lot nebol spasený, on bol. Pretože po celý čas keď bol na nesprávnom mieste, Biblia hovorí že „hriechy Sodomy trápili jeho spravodlivú dušu, každodenne.“ No, jeho telo robilo jednu vec. A aký bol jeho koniec? On priniesol viac pohanenia, jeho žena sa premenila na soľný stĺp, on mal deti so svojimi dcérami. Tak môžete vidieť aké pohanenie to prinieslo, pretože on odpadol z milosti a nikdy sa znovu nenavrátil. A Boh ho musel zobrať zo zeme.

92Ale on bol stále upadnutý brat a Abrahám urobil všetko čo mohol aby ho priviedol znovu naspäť. A Duch, ktorý bol v Abrahámovi, je Duch Kristov, ktorý je dnes v cirkvi. Bez ohľadu na to čo ten brat urobil, budete robiť všetko čo môžete, aby ste ho priviedli znovu naspäť do obecenstva s Kristom. Bez ohľadu na to čo urobil, budete sa namáhavo snažiť.

93Chceme si teraz všimnúť, znovu tu teraz, keď ideme ďalej s touto lekciou o tomto Melchisedechovi, tento veľký kňaz Sálema a majiteľ Neba aj zeme. No, je prv:

bez otca, bez matere, bez rodoslovia nemajúci ani počiatku dní ani konca života, ale súc pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu zostáva kňazom navždy.

Dávajte pozor! On nebol Syn Boží, On bol Boh toho Syna. On nebol Syn Boží (Melchisedech nebol), ale On bol Otec syna Božieho.

94No, toto telo, ktoré On mal, On stvoril, ono nebolo prinesené cez ženu. Tak s tým stvoreným telom, On nemohol .. Nejaké telo, On si ho sám stvoril, aby sa zjavil. „Žiadny človek nemôže nikdy vidieť Boha,“ Boh je duch. Smrteľné oči nevidia tieto veci, jedine že je to vo forme ako Ohnivý Stĺp, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, alebo vo forme nejakej bytosti, ktorú videli pomocou videnia. Ale ... Boh sa musí nejakým spôsobom zjaviť. A Boh sa zjavil Abrahámovi vo forme Človeka. On sa zjavil Mojžišovi vo forme Človeka. On sa zjavil deťom Izraelovým vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa. On sa zjavil Jánovi Krstiteľovi, vo forme holubice. Vidíte? On sa zjavil v týchto formách. Keď sa On zjavoval vo forme Človeka ako Kráľ Sálema, Jeruzalema (nie zemského Jeruzalema, ale Nebeského Jeruzalema), On sa zjavil v tej forme, On bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu.

95No, Syn Boží musel prísť cez ženu, aby tu bol stvorený; skrze ženské lono, pretože skrze tú istú vec prišla smrť.

96A On nemohol prísť cez stvorenie ako to urobil Boh na začiatku. Keď Boh stvoril človeka na začiatku, žena s tým nemala nič spoločného. Boh len povedal: „Nech je!“ A Adam vyšiel z prachu zeme, On ho zavolal, bez žiadnej ženy, ktorá by mala niečo s tým spoločného. Ale žena, tá bola vtedy v mužovi.

97A Boh zobral ženu z Adamovho boku. Je to tak? A potom žena išla a prinášala človeka skrze sex. Tak jediný spôsob, ktorý Boh mohol urobiť ... On nemohol prísť v tej teofánii. On nemohol prísť ako Melchisedech. On musel prísť ako človek, a on musel prísť cez ženu: „Tvoje semeno rozdrtí hadovi hlavu a jeho hlava rozdrtí tvoju pätu.“ Vidíte to? Boh musel prísť cez ženu; a On prišiel keď prebýval vo svojom tele, svojho Syna, Krista Ježiša. „Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so sebou svet. A On obetoval svoju vlastnú Krv ako obeť. A dal svoj život, aby cez kanál smrti, ťa mohol spasiť do Večného Života.

98Tak Boh potom prišiel, a On bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu. Vidíte? On bol človek pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu. No, On nemohol byť Syn Boží, pretože tento Muž je Večný.

99Syn Boží mal začiatok, On mal koniec. On mal čas narodenia, on mal čas svojej smrti. On mal oboje, začiatok aj koniec. On mal otca aj matku.

100Tento muž nemal ani otca ani matku, ani začiatok ani koniec. Ale On bol pripodobnený ... tento Muž, Melchisedech, bol pripodobnený Synovi Božiemu.

101No, Syn Boží, keď On prišiel na svet, vo forme ženy - cez ženu, vo forme muža; a bol zabitý, na tretí deň znovu povstal, povstal na naše ospravedlnenie, teraz zostáva naveky! A kým trvá toto telo, my trváme tiež! A pretože povstal zo špiny, my povstaneme na Jeho podobu. To je príbeh evanjelia! Nech je požehnané meno Pánove! Nie anjeli, nie nadprirodzené bytosti, nie aby sa zhromaždila hromada peria, ale muž a žena (amen) stáť v Jeho podobe. Tak veru!

102Často som toto hovoril, znovu to tu teraz poviem, pasuje to. Česal som si, asi ... týchto päť alebo šesť vlasov, ktoré mi zostali a moja žena mi povedala: „Billy, plešivieš.“

103Povedal som: „Ale nestratil som ani jeden vlas.“

104Ona povedala: „Kde sú?“

105Povedal som: „Povedz mi kde boli predtým, ako som ich dostal a poviem ti kde na mňa čakajú.“ Je to tak.

106Bol som voľakedy zápasník, boxerista. Bol som silný a veľký. A cítil som sa tak, že keby ste mi položili na chrbát tento zbor, išiel by som, s tým po ulici. Poviem vám, keď vstávam teraz každé ráno, uvedomujem si že prešlo už niečo okolo štyridsať rokov. Vidíte? Nie som tým, čím som býval, každý deň slabnem. Keď sa dívam na svoje ruky a rozmýšľam: „Pozri sa, stávam sa starým človekom.“ Pozriem sa na svoje ramená. Vidím, že som pribral; Zvykol som mať okolo pásu dvadsať osem a teraz mám tridsať cólov. Vidíte? Starnem, tučniem, krčím sa.

107Čo to je? Jem to isté čo som jedával, žijem čistejšie a lepšie než ako predtým, tak isto. Ale Boh mi vyznačil čas a ja to musím prijať. Ale tá požehnaná myšlienka je, že v ten deň ma On znovu vzkriesi. A všetko čo som bol, keď som mal dvadsať päť, znovu taký budem naveky. Amen! Tu to máte. Čo ma má trápiť staroba? Budem biť z tade diabla roky a roky. Vediac toto, že verím Jemu! Táto krátka chvíľka je aj tak len krátky čas. Ak sme tu boli len sedemdesiat rokov, náš zasľúbený čas, čo nie je nič len bieda a trápenie. Čo to je? Vymeníte tento dom trápenia za to slávne tam?

108Tak tedy, nech je požehnané meno Pánove! Niečo vo vnútri vo mne stretlo jedného dňa Melchisedecha, a On mi vyslovil pokoj a dal mi Večný Život. A tento život neznamená nič len stánok, cez ktorý kážem evanjelium. Hovorím to so všetkou úprimnosťou, s týmito dvoma Bibliami, ktoré tu ležia otvorené predo mnou: keby môj Boh bol so mnou hotový s kázaním evanjelia a nemohol by som pre Neho nič viacej urobiť, a moje deti by boli dosť veľké na to, aby sa o seba postarali, a On by ma chcel hneď teraz zobrať, Amen! Tým je to vybavené. Tak veru!

109Aký je v tom rozdiel či mám osemdesiat alebo dvadsať? Som tu len kvôli jednému: aby som slúžil Pánovi. To je všetko. Ak budem môcť ďalej kázať evanjelium takto ako teraz, keď budem mať osemdesiat, aký je v tom rozdiel či mám štyridsať alebo osemdesiat? Dnes je veľa osemdesiat ročných mužov. A je veľa detí, ktoré zomrú, zatiaľ čo osemdesiatročný prežije mnohé z nich. Aký je v tom rozdiel? To sú vaše motívy, vaše princípy a my sme tu, aby sme slúžili Pánovi Ježišovi! To je všetko.

110Vediac toto: že tento život je parou, o ktorom človek hovorí; ktorá raz bola a potom nie je. Ale ak máme večný Život, Boh zasľúbil, že nás znovu vzkriesi. A budeme s Ním mať komúniu keď skončia tieto dni a keď On povie: „Vojdite do radosti Pánovej, ktorá bola pripravená pre vás od založenia sveta.“

111Aký to tu potom robí rozdiel? Či máme všetko alebo nemáme, či sme mladí alebo či sme starí, aký je v tom rozdiel? To hlavné, ste pripravení stretnúť sa s Ním? Milujete Ho? Môžete Mu slúžiť? Zbavili ste sa vecí tohoto sveta? Stretli ste Melchisedecha, potom keď skončil ten boj?

112Požehnaný Boh! Mal som asi dvadsať jeden rokov a jedného dňa som mal boj s týmto, s tým a s tam tým; nevedel som zistiť či chcem byť zápasník alebo či chcem byť lovec, alebo poľovník, čo by som chcel byť. Ale stretol som Melchisedecha a On mi dal komúniu a odvtedy to mám navždy jasno. Haleluja! Prešiel som na Jeho stranu. Radujem sa na tej ceste. A keď prichádza koniec tej cesty a smrť sa mi díva do tváre; ako to teraz cítim, nebudem sa toho báť. Chcem vedieť ... idem sa s tým stretnúť, viem toto, že poznám Jeho, ktorý dal zasľúbenie. Je to tak, že Ho poznám v moci jeho zmŕtvychvstania. Keď On zavolá z mŕtvych, vyjdem spomedzi nich. Je to tak, poznám Ho v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. Aký je v tom rozdiel či som starý alebo mladý? Či som malý alebo veľký? Či som najedený alebo či som hladný? Či mám miesto, kde by som si ľahol, alebo či nemám?

113„Vtáci majú hniezda a líšky diery, ale Syn človeka nemá kde by hlavu sklonil,“ ale On bol Kráľ Slávy!

114Dnes sme kráľmi a kňazmi. Aký je v tom rozdiel či máme alebo nemáme? Pokiaľ máme Boha, sme viac ako víťazi? Sme viac ako víťazi! Sedíme v prítomnosti Božej, v obecenstve Ducha Svätého, prijímame Duchovnú komúniu z rúk Toho, ktorý vydal svedectvo: „Ja som Ten, ktorý bol mŕtvy a znovu žijem a žijem na veky.“ Sedíme spolu v Ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi! Ó, nech je požehnané Jeho sväté meno! Aký to robí rozdiel?

Stan alebo chatrč prečo by som sa staral?

Oni tam pre mňa stavajú palác;

z rubínov a z diamantov a zo striebra a zlata;

Jeho truhlice sú plné, On má nevysloviteľné bohatstvo.

115Stretol som Ho jedného dňa, keď som prichádzal z boja, položil som svoje trofeje. Odvtedy som nebojoval boj, On ich bojuje za mňa. Ja len odpočívam na Jeho zasľúbení, vediac toto, že Ho poznám v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. To je to, čo je dôležité. Čo iné je dôležité?

116Čo môžeme robiť? „Prečo si máme myslieť že môžeme pridať jeden lakeť do svojej postavy? Čo sa staráte či sa vám krútia vlasy, alebo či ich máte alebo nie? Čo na tom záleží? Či ste starý, či ste šediví, či máte ovisnuté ramená či nie, čo na tom záleží? Amen! Toto je len na čas, na krátku dobu, ale To je na veky vekov. A ako sa ďalej odvíjajú eóny času a prechádzajú veky, vy sa nikdy nezmeníte, a vy ... cez Jeho nekonečné večné veky. Čo na tom záleží?

117Ja som tak rád, že som Ho stretol. Som tak rád, že On mi dal komúniu, jedného dňa, ten istý Melchisedech, ktorý stretol Abraháma, ktorý sa vracal od porážky kráľov. Skutočne! Boh Neba, ten Elohim; Ten veľký JA SOM, nie Ja som bol, JA SOM (prítomný čas). „A On ho požehnal.“

118Počúvajte tu ešte trochu ďalej, aby sme mohli tú lekciu trochu zhrnúť. A teraz 4. verš:

A pozrite aký veľký je on...

(Tiež som práve o tom myslel)

...pozrite aký veľký je on,

On je väčší než Syn Boží. Syn Boží mal otca a matku , On nemal. Syn Boží mal začiatok času a koniec času, On nemal. Kto to bol? To bol Otec toho Syna. To je kto On bol.

...pozrite aký veľký je on, ktorému i desatinu dal Abrahám z najlepšieho z koristi, on, patriarcha!

119A teraz dobre počúvajte:

A tí, ktorí zo synov Léviho dostávajú kňazstvo, podľa zákona majú prikázanie desatiniť ľudí, to jest svojich bratov, hoci pošli z bedra Abrahámovho.

120Dívajte sa teraz na toto ak chcete niečo vidieť:

Ale ten, ktorý čo do rodoslovia nepochádza z ich rodu, odesatinil Abraháma a toho, ktorý mal zasľúbenia, požehnal.

121Abrahám mal zasľúbenie a tento Muž požehnal Abraháma, ktorý mal zasľúbenie. Kto to bol? Synovia Léviho platili desatinu svojim bratom ... či vlastne ich bratia im platia desatinu. Oni majú prikázanie Pánove, brať desatinu z toho čo ich bratia urobili, na svoje živobytie, pretože oni boli kňazstvom. No, to vynecháva kňazstvo Melchisedecha, ako sme tu o tom práve teraz hovorili. Je to tak. Ale tento Muž ... Ešte aj ten, ktorý mal zasľúbenie, najväčší človek na zemi, Abrahám, stretol tohoto Muža a zaplatil Mu desatinu; On musel byť väčší.


A stojí nesporne, že menšie sa požehnáva od väčšieho čo do hodnosti.

(Samozrejme! Pozorujte kto On je!)

A tu berú desiatky ľudia, ktorí mrú,

(to je kňazstvo podľa poriadku kňazov a kazateľov a tak ďalej; ľudia ktorí berú desatinu, ktorí mrú. Vidíte?)

...ale tu ten, ktorému sa dáva svedectvo, že žije.

123Prečo by bral niekto desatiny, ak nemá ... Keď sa nikdy nenarodil a nikdy nezomrie a bol od začiatku do konca a nikdy nemal žiadneho otca ani matku ani predkov, a vlastnil celé Nebesia a zem a všetko na tom, prečo by bral desatinu? Prečo by žiadal Abraháma, aby zaplatil desatinu? Vidíte akou prísnou vecou je platiť desatiny? Desatiny sú v poriadku. Každý kresťan je povinný platiť desatinu. Je to tak. To sa nikdy nezmenilo!

124A teraz:

A nech sa tak vyslovím, skrze Abraháma bol i Lévi, ktorý berie desiatky, odesatinený;

125No, ó, tu je niečo:

lebo vtedy bol ešte v bedre otcovom, keď mu vyšiel v ústrety Melchisedech.

126Čo? Lévi ... Abrahám bol Léviho pra-pra-praotec. A Biblia tu povedala, že „Lévi zaplatil desatinu keď bol v bedrách Abraháma.“ Štyri generácie pred tým ako vôbec prišiel na zem, on platil desatinu Melchisedechovi. A nech je požehnané meno Pánovo!

127Potom či nemôžete veriť v predurčenie pred ustanovením; a tu, štyri generácie pred tým ako Lévi vyšiel z bedier Abrahámových, zaplatil desatinu Melchisedechovi. Prajem si aby sme mali čas a prebrali toto cez Písmo.

128Keby ste to preniesli do toho, ako v Jeremiášovi 1:4, Boh povedal: „Poznal som ťa prv ako si bol utvorený v lone svojej matky. A posvätil som ťa a určil som ťa za proroka národom.“ Potom čo môžete povedať, že ste vy urobili? Čo môžem povedať, že som ja urobil? To je Boh, ktorý preukazuje milosť, Boh nás poznal pred založením sveta.

129On nechce aby niekto zahynul. Samozrejme že nie. Ale keď je Boh, On vedel kto bude spasený a kto nebude spasený, alebo nevedel nič. Ak nevedel ... Ak nevedel kto dosiahne vytrhnutie, skôr ako bol ešte sformovaný svet, potom nie je Boh. Ak je On nekonečný, tak ... On vedel o každej blche, o každej muche, o každej vši, blche, ktorá kedy bude na zemi, prv ako bol sformovaný svet. Je to tak. On vedel všetko. Pred založením sveta, On nás poznal. Biblia to povedala: On nás poznal a predurčil nás!“

130Urovnajme si to ešte. Poďme naspäť do Listu Efežanom do 1. kapitoly, 5. ka-... 1. kapitola Efežanom, len na chvíľu. Chcem tu čítať len na chvíľu, aby ste tak mohli skutočne porozumieť, že to nie je len niečo ... niečo čo sa vám ja snažím povedať, to je niečo, čo sa vám Boh snaží povedať. Vidíte? A teraz počúvajte toto skutočne pozorne, 1. kapitola Efežanom:

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou,

(ten istý, ktorý napísal list Židom, píše tento list) ...


(toto nie je pre neveriacich, ale pre svätých, posvätených)

ktorí sú v Efeze, a verným v Kristu Ježišovi:

milosť vám a pokoj od Boha, našeho Otca, a od Pána Ježiša Krista.

Požehnaný Boh a Otec našeho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovných v ponebeských oblastiach ...

tak ako si nás ...

A teraz dobre počúvajte, 4. verš:

tak, ako si nás v ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta,

... (kto je to tam „nás“? cirkev) ...

vyvolil nás v ňom

(v Kristovi)

pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred ním, v láske,

predurčiac nás k synovstvu skrze Ježiša Krista cieľom neho, podľa ľúbosti svojej vôle,

131Kto to urobil? Boh! Boh vedel pred začiatkom, kto bude spasený a kto nebude spasený. Samozrejme, On nechcel aby niekto zahynul. Ale On neposlal Ježiša sem len aby uvidel či sa budete takto správať: „No, chudák Ježiš, je mi ho ľúto, možno račej budem spasený a budem s tým súhlasiť.“ Nie veru.

132Boh vedel na začiatku kto bude a kto nebude. Tak, pretože, On vedel, že niektorí budú, a tak poslal Ježiša aby zaplatil výkupné za tých, ktorých On predom poznal. Lebo tých, ktorých predom poznal, povolal; a tých ktorých povolal, ospravedlnil; a tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, (minulý čas) oslávil. Tu to máte.

133Tak to nie ste vy, ktorí sa zachovávate, to je milosť Božia, ktorá vás zachováva. Vy sa nespasíte, ani ste nič neurobili aby ste si zaslúžili byť spasený, to je Božia milosť, ktorá vás spasila. Božia milosť vás povolala. Božie predzvedenie vás poznalo. On vedel, že dnes večer budete v tomto zbore, skôr ako bol založený svet, keď je On nekonečný. Ak nie je, nie je Boh. Ak vedel všetky veci, je Boh; ak nevedel všetky veci, nie je Boh. Ak je On všemohúci Boh, On môže urobiť všetko; ak nemôže všetko urobiť, nie je všemohúcim Bohom. No vidíte.

134Tak ako môžete povedať, že to je niečo čo by ste vy mohli urobiť? To nie je nič, čo vy môžete urobiť. To je Božia láska a milosť voči vám, aj to že ste tu. Nič, čo by ste vy mohli urobiť, Boh vás povolal vo svojej milosti; vy ste to počuli, dozvedeli ste sa, prijali ste to.

135„Dobre“, poviete, „Brat Branham to robí tú vec veľmi voľnú.“ Samozrejme, že robí. Ste slobodní. „Dobre, ten človek môže robiť čokoľvek chce.“ Presne tak! Ja stále robím to čo chcem, ale keď som kresťan, nechcem robiť zle.

136Tam vzadu sedí dnes večer milé dievča, moja milá žena, ja ju milujem so všetkým čo je vo mne. A keby som vedel, že by som mohol behať s inou ženou a prešlo by mi to, a išiel by som a povedal jej: „Meda, urobil som zle,“ myslíte si, že by som to urobil? Ak ju skutočne milujem, neurobím to. Je to tak.

137No, čo keby som povedal: „Ó, ja to nemôžem urobiť, pretože poviem ti prečo. Ona by sa so mnou rozviedla a ja ... Ja som kazateľ. Vieš čo by z toho bolo? To by ma odstránilo spoza kazateľni, keby sa so mnou rozviedla; rozvedený muž. Ó, mám tri deti, nemôžem o tom ani pomyslieť. Ale, chlapče, ja ...“ Dobre, ak je to takto, stále ste pod zákonom. Ja som sa s ňou neoženil na základe zákonu. To nie sú princípy zákona, ktoré robia, že s ňou verne žijem. To je preto, že ju milujem! Ja nemusím robiť nič, ja to robím ochotne pretože to je záležitosť lásky. A keď ty miluješ svoju ženu, budeš robiť to isté.

138A keď miluješ svoju ženu takto s láskou fileo, ako máš milovať Krista s láskou agapo, ktorá je milión krát silnejšia! Ak skutočne milujete Boha! Keby som dnes vedel, žeby som mohol ísť a opiť sa, keby som dnes vedel, žeby som mohol zahnúť a byť nemorálny, keby som dnes vedel ... keby to bolo dokonca v mojom srdci urobiť to, a ja by som odišiel a urobil to (vediac, že On by mi odpustil), Ja by som to neurobil. Príliš veľa o Ňom myslím. Ja Ho milujem. Skutočne! Samozrejme!

139To je dôvod, že by som nepredal svoje prežitie žiadnej denominácii, (nie veru), žiadnym Zborom Božím, žiednej Cirkvi Božej, žiadnym Pútnikom Svätosti, Metodistom, Baptistom, Presbyteriánom, Katolíkom. Neprijal by som nič čo by mi bolo ponúknuté za toto prežitie; pretože to sa nedá nijako získať od človeka, to pochádza od Boha. Nie veru. Nepredal by som svoje právo prvorodenstva za žiadny rock-and-roll Elvisa Presleyho, ani za jeho kolónu kadilakov ... ani za jeho ... kadilaky, ani jeho milión dolárov (ani tomu podobné) ktoré má každý mesiac. Nie veru. Ja Ho milujem! A ak ja ... Pokiaľ Ho takto milujem, budem Mu verný. A keď ma Boh povolal a vybral ma, On do mňa niečo umiestnil; a ja Ho milujem.

140Pamätám si pána Islera. Poznáte ho všetci, väčšina z vás. On sem prichádza, štátny senátor Indiány, chodí sem a hrá na gitare. Keď zomrelo moje dieťa a moja žena zomrela, a všetci ležia tam na cintoríne. A išiel som po ceste, ruky som mal za chrbtom a plakal som. On vyskočil zo svojho malého nákladného auta, prišiel ku mne, objal ma, povedal: „Bily, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.“ Povedal: „Počul som ťa kázať, že si až takmer odpadol na kazateľňu. Počul som ťa na rohoch ulíc a všade, vykrikoval si o Kristovi.“ Povedal: „A teraz On zobral tvojho otca, On zobral tvojho brata. Uchmatol ich oboch a oni zomreli v tvojom náručí; tam oni zomreli. Tvoja žena zomrela, držala ťa za ruky. A tvoje dieťa zomrelo a ty si ku Nemu volal aby ti pomohol. A On sa ti obrátil chrbtom. Čo si o Ňom myslíš.“

141Povedal som: „Milujem Ho so všetkým čo je vo mne. Keby ma poslal do pekla, stále Ho budem milovať.“

142On je spravodlivý! Ja to nehovorím, dvadsať šesť rokov to dokázalo. Je to tak. Keď Ho milujete, nie z povinnosti, že „Ja nemôžem toto robiť a nemôžem tamto robiť.“ Príliš Ho milujete, než aby ste to tak robili. Pretože On vás vybral. Nie vy ste si vybrali Jeho, On si vybral vás.

143Vy ste povedali: „Ja som hľadal Pána a hľadal Pána.“ Žiadny človek nehľadá Boha. To je Boh. ktorý hľadá človeka. Vy ste mohli hľadať náklonnosť u Neho, ale Boh musel zmeniť vašu povahu prv ako ste Ho vôbec mohli hľadať, pretože vy ste hriešnik, vy ste prasa. Je to tak.

144 A niektorý z vás ľudí, ktorí chodíte do zboru a žijete len skrze svoje členstvo, idete von a robíte všetko čo ten svet a potom stále idete naspäť a hovoríte: „Áno, ja patrím do cirkvi.“ Dobre, to je ďaleko od toho aby ste patrili Bohu. Samozrejme. Ja ne ... Ale, vidíte, ľudia to robia, môžete povedať. Ó, oni sú dobrí členovia zboru. To je pravda, môžete byť stále členom zboru a robiť tieto veci, ale nemôžete byť kresťanom a robiť ich.

145Ako som povedal dnes ráno: „Stará vrana, ak bol kedy nejaký pokrytec, to je vrana.“ Je to tak. Ona a holubica sedeli v tom istom korábe, sedeli na tom istom pánte. A stará vrana bola spokojná keď bola vypustená a vyšla z toho zboru, že mohla ísť tam von a sadnúť si na nejakú starú mŕtvu zdochlinu a „krá, krá“ a jesť z toho, jesť z koňa, a jesť z kravy, a z čohokoľvek čo to bolo, ona bola spokojná. Ale keď Noe vypustil holubicu, ona nemohla nájsť miesto kde by odpočinuli jej nohy. Ona mala také isté právo zosadnúť na mŕtve zviera tak ako vrana, ale to boli príliš rozdielne povahy. Jedna z nich bola ... Ona bola holubica od začiatku. A tamtá bola od začiatku vrana.

146Ale, ak si všimnete, tá stará vrana môže sedieť tu na zdochline a jesť, pol dňa. Holubica sadne na pšeničné pole a je, pol dňa. A vrana môže priletieť rovno tam a jesť to čo holubica, toľko koľko chce. Ona môže jesť toľko pšenice ako holubica. Ale ona, vrana, môže jesť to čo holubica, ale holubica nemôže jesť to čo vrana. Je to tak.

147Tak nejaký pokrytec môže chodiť do zboru a radovať sa a vykrikovať a chváliť Pána a takto postupovať, a ide hneď naspäť a raduje sa z vecí toho sveta. Ale znovuzrodený kresťan to nemôže robiť, pretože láska Božia mu bráni ísť na také miesta, on to nemôže.

148Tak ak ste len tým kresťanom, že ste sa pripojili do zboru a prestávate robiť toto a tamto, a stále je vo vás tá istá túžba, potrebujete ďalšie ponorenie. Presne tak.

149A vy ženy, ktoré sa dokážete obliekať do malých šortiek a chodiť tu po ulici a potom hovoríte o sebe, že ste veriace. Možno že ste veriace, ale ste biednym príkladom veriacich. Ak máte skutočne Krista vo svojom srdci, nemuseli by ste takto myslieť o takých veciach. Nestarám sa o to čo robia tie ostatné ženy, a čo robia ostatné dievčence, vy budete iná; pretože tak veľmi milujete Krista.

150Rozprával som sa raz s jednou ženou, v dome a ona takto rozhodila rukami, povedala: „reverend Branham, ja som takmer nahá tu vo svojom dome, keď tu chodím.“

151Pomyslel som si: „Hanbi sa.“ V tvojom vlastnom dome, nestarám sa o to kde si. Je to tak. Obliekaj sa a správaj sa ako žena, ako sa má správať dáma. Hanbi sa. Ale vy dodržiavate ... A Biblia hovorí: „Ak milujete tie veci a tie veci sveta, nie je vo vás láska Kristova.“ A ak milujete Pána s celého svojho srdca, s celej svojej duše, s celej svojej mysli, budete sa strániť tých špinavých, neslušných vecí. Je to tak.

152A vy diakoni a vy ostatní tu, ktorí beháte tu vonku po ulici a naťahujete krk a dívate sa na každú z tých žien. Hanbite sa! A hovoríte si „synovia Boží.“ Viem že to páli ale vy by ... lepšie je popáliť sa, než ako potom tam naveky zhorieť. Tak ak -ak robíte tieto veci ... No, nemôžete tomu zabrániť, ak po ulici chodia polonahé ženy. Vy, ak sa dívate, ste nútení vidieť ju, ale môžete odvrátiť hlavu. Biblia povedala: „Ktokoľvek pozrie žiadostivo na ženu už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.“

153Dovoľte, že vám niečo poviem drahé sestry: „Vy na to odpoviete.“ Je mi jedno, môžete byť čisté ako ľalia. Nemusíte nikdy skutočne spáchať hriech tohoto typu, nemorálny hriech, vo svojom živote. Ale keď sa takto obliekate, na súde sa budete zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva s každým mužom, ktorý sa na vás díval. Tak to hovorí Biblia. A idete po ulici, kto je vinný? Muž? Nie. Vy! Vy sa tak predvádzate.

154Žena má dôležité miesto, sväté, milé, nádherné miesto. Ale ona sa musí tak držať, aby zachovala svoj úrad tak ako má, ako matka, ako žena a v ženskosti. Keď je porušená ženskosť, je porušená chrbtica každého národa. Preto je dnes náš národ zruinovaný, z dôvodu nemorálnosti našich žien. Je to presne tak. Skutočne. To je tá skazenosť medzi nami, ktorá to narušuje.

155To čo potrebujete, je stretnúť raz Melchisedecha. Amen. A dovoliť mu - nechať Ho aby vás požehnal a dal vám víno a chlieb, Večný Život. Potom budete vidieť inak tie veci. Potom budete ... Bude to iné. Nebudete chcieť aby chlapci na vás hvízdali alebo popiskovali alebo akokoľvek to nazývate; skutočne nie. Budete iné.

156A vy mi chcete povedať že kvôli niečomu inému sa takto obliekate? Poviete: „No, to je chladnejšie.“ Nerozprávajte rozprávky. Nie je to chladnejšie. Veda dokazuje, že to nie je chladnejšie. To je ... to je žiadosť, ktorá prichádza na teba, sestra. Ty si to neuvedomuješ. Nechcem vás uraziť, ale snažím sa vás varovať. Veľa morálnych žien, tak čistá ako len môže byť, milá dáma, ktorá chodí v takýchto veciach po ulici, nie si je vedomá čo robí; pretože nejaký upadnutý kazateľ sa bojí, že tvoj muž nebude viac platiť desatinu v zbore. Keby on stretol Melchisedecha, nemyslel by takto, kázal by evanjelium. Keby mu to spálilo kožu na chrbte, aj tak by to kázal. Presne tak.

157Vy to robíte a robíte to preto, že duch žiadosti, ktorý je na ... A vy muži, ktorí necháte svoje ženy robiť takéto veci, mám o vás ako o mužoch malú nádej. A je to tak. Je to pravda. No, nie je na to pochvala ... či ospravedlnenie, pretože to je pravda. Každý muž, ktorý nechá svoju ženu vyjsť takto na ulicu, brat, ty by si mal nosiť jej šaty. Je to tak. Vy ... Och joj!

158Ja nebudem hovoriť, že moja žena to nebude robiť, ale ja by som musel byť premenený a prevrátený voči tomu čo som teraz, ak by som s ňou ešte žil potom čo by tak postupovala. A to je presne tak. Moje dievčence, oni to môžu robiť, keď z nich budú ženy, ja nehovorím, že nie. Neviem. To záleží od milosti Božej. Dúfam že nie. Ak budú, prejdú cez modlitby spravodlivého otca. Prejdú cez život niekoho, kto sa snažil žiť správne, ak to niekedy urobia. Je to tak. No, ja chcem poriadne žiť, poriadne učiť, byť poriadny a správne ich viesť. Ak to urobia, prebijú si cestu do pekla, cez moje kázanie, cez môjho Krista, a cez moje varovanie; je to tak, ak to niekedy urobia. Skutočne, je to tak.

159Hanbite sa. Ak ste niekedy stretli Krista tvárou v tvár a On vás požehnal a dal ten bozk súhlasu na vaše srdce, ani všetci diabli v pekle vás nedovedú do toho aby ste to znovu obliekli. Je to tak. Boli ste premenené zo smrti do Života a máte záľubu vo veciach, ktoré sú hore, nie v zemských veciach. Amen. Radšej opustím tú tému, je to chúlostivé. Dobre, ale je to pravda.

160Dobre, keď ideme teraz trochu ďalej, potom zakončíme:

...tí, ktorí zo synov Léviho dostávajú desatinu kňazstvo, podľa zákona majú prikázanie desatiniť ľudí, to jest svojich bratov, hoci pošli z bedra Abrahámovho.

Ale ten, ktorý čo do rodoslovia nepochádza z ich rodu, odesatinil Abraháma a toho, ktorý mal zasľúbenia požehnal.

A stojí nesporne, že menšie sa požehnáva od väčšieho čo do hodnosti.

A tu berú desiatky ľudia, ktorí mrú, ale tamto ten, ktorému sa dáva svedectvo, že žije.

A, nech sa tak vyslovím, skrze Abraháma bol i Lévi, ktorý berie desiatky, odesatinený;

lebo vtedy bol ešte v bedre otcovom, keď mu vyšiel v ústrety Melchisedech.

161Váš postoj voči Kristovi bude robiť veľký vplyv na to, aké budú vaše deti. Váš život, ktorý žijete pred svojou rodinou, bude robiť vplyv na to, aké budú vaše deti. Pretože Biblia povedala, že „On navštívi neprávosť rodičov na deťoch do tretieho a štvrtého pokolenia.

162No, ešte chvíľu a potom zakočíme:

Ak tedy bolo dokonalenie...

(tu máte znovu dokonalosť)

...levitským kňazstvom -

(lebo izraelský ľud dostal na jeho základe zákon)

- načo bolo potom ešte treba, aby povstal iný kňaz, podľa poriadku Melchisedechovho, a nie aby sa volal podľa poriadku Áronovho?

163Zákon, požadovanie zákona, vidíte: „Aha, musíš robiť toto. Ak toto nerobíš, nie si kresťan. A ak nedodržuješ sobotu. Ak ne ... Ak ješ mäso. Ak robíš tieto veci.“ Všetky tieto zákonnícke názory. „A musíš chodiť do zboru. Ak nie, zaplatíš za to pokutu. Musíš vykonať novénu - deväťdennú pobožnosť.“ Také niečo je nezmysel! Vy ste spasení z milosti Božej, podľa predvedenia Božieho, skrze Jeho predurčenie. Boh povolal Abraháma na základe predurčenia, na základe predzvedenia. On povolal ... On nenávidel Ezava a miloval Jákoba, ešte skôr ako sa narodili. Je to tak. To je Božie predzvedenie, že vedel tieto veci.

164Vy potom poviete: „Načo sa potom káže evanjelium?“

165No, poviem vám toto: Pavel na to odpovedá, či vlastne Ježiš. Tu je Ježiš, On povedal: „Kráľovstvo nebeské je podobné mužovi ktorý išiel na jazero a vrhol sieť. Vytiahol ju. A mal v nej korytnačky, bahnivky, hadov, jašteričky, žaby, pavúky, zdochlinožrúty, ryby.“ No, ten človek proste loví do siete.

166To je ako evanjelium. Tu je to teraz, ja kážem evanjelium. Vrhol som proste sieť. Ťahám ju, poviem: „Všetci, ktorí chcú, ktokoľvek, nech príde.“ Tu prichádzajú ku oltáru, oni všetci sú okolo oltára, modlia sa a plačú. Nepoznám ani jedného, to nie je moja robota, nebol som poslaný súdiť.

167Ale, sú tam niektorí, ktorí sú žaby. Sú tam niektorí, ktorí sú jašterice. Sú niektorí, ktorí sú hady, Niektorí korytnačky. A sú niektorí, ktorí sú ryby. To nie je moja robota aby som súdil. Ja hovorím: „Otče, to je to čo som vytiahol.“

168Ale, žaba od začiatku bola žabou.

169Pavúk ... Ten starý pavúk si tam sadne a za chvíľu sa bude obzerať dookola; a vyvaľovať tie veľké oči, obzerať sa a povie: „Viete čo? Už mám tohoto dosť už to nemôžem zniesť.“ Šup, šup, šup, šup a idú preč.

170Stará pani hadová zodvihne hlavu a povie: „No, viete čo? Ak takto budú kázať, proti noseniu šortiek a takýchto vecí, ktoré sa ma týkajú, odídem preč z tejto skupiny fanatikov. To je to čo treba.“ Ty si od začiatku bola had. Presne tak. Áno.

171A tu sedí pán Ropucha so svojím veľkým cigárom v ústach, ako Texaský vôl bez rohov; postaví sa tam poobzerá sa a povie: „No, nikdy ma to neodsudzovalo, že fajčím. Jednoducho z tohoto odídem, hneď teraz.“ No, ty stará žaba, ty si od začiatku bol žaba. Presne tak. Je to presne tak.

172Vaša povaha dokazuje čo ste. Váš život ukazuje, odzrkadľuje čo ste. A na začiatku ... Nie mi je ťažko, aby som to uvidel, pre teba to nie je ťažko, aby si to uvidel.

173Keby som išiel ku Roy Slaughterovi (jeden farmár tu), a videl by som prasatá v kope hnoja, žrať hnoj, nemyslel by som si o tom nič zlého, to je prasa. Ale keby som videl ovcu v kope hnoja, divil by som sa (ó-ha). Vidíte? Nebojte sa, neuvidíte ju tam, ona to nemôže zniesť. Je to tak.

174A človek, ktorý sa narodil z Ducha Božieho nenávidí veci sveta. Je to tak: „Lebo ak milujete svet alebo veci toho sveta, nie je vo vás láska Božia.“

175Keby som každý deň behal za ženami a prišiel by som domov a povedal by som svojej žene, že ju milujem, ona by vedela že som klamár. Moje činy hovoria hlasnejšie než moje slová; samozrejme. Dokázal som jej, že ju nemilujem, lebo som jej nebol verný.

176Keby mi ona povedala, že ma miluje, a stále keby som nebol doma, ona by mala niekoho iného, to by dokazovalo, že ma nemiluje. Je to tak. Jej skutky to dokazujú. Je mi jedno ako veľmi by sa mi snažila povedať: „Billy, milujem ťa a nie je na svete iného okrem teba,“ Vedel by som, že klame.

177A keď sa snažíte povedať: „Pane, ja Ťa milujem.“ a robíte veci toho sveta, Boh vie, že ste od začiatku klamár. Tak prečo ... Aký to má úžitok prijať polovičné prežitie a niečo takéto, keď veľké nebeské oblaky sú plné skutočných vecí? Prečo chcete byť ničomní, vydávať sa za niečo, poloviční, nedopečení, tak-zvaní kresťania? Keď môžete byť skutočným znovuzrodeným dieťaťom Božím, s nebeskými zvoncami radosti, ktoré zvonia vo vašom srdci, radovať sa a chváliť Pána a žiť víťazným životom skrze Ježiša Krista.

178Nie snažiť sa to robiť sami, pretože by ste sklamali od začiatku. Ale vziať Jeho za Slovo! A odpočinúť na tom, čo On povedal, že je Pravda. A veriť Jemu, a milovať Ho a On spraví, že všetko bude pre vás fungovať, To je to. To je ten pojem.

179Nech vás Pán žehná. Nechcem vás kárať, ale, brat, to je najlepšie trochu pokárať a dať ponaučenie. Vy ste moji mladí, viete. A každý otec, ktorý miluje svoje deti ich samozrejme bude naprávať, inak nie je tým správnym otcom. Je to tak? Je to tak. A tento otec má len jedno pravidlo a to je pravidlo domu. A Boh má len jedno pravidlo, a to je jeho Slovo.

180Ak veríme jeho Slovu, potom budeme žiť podľa jeho Slova. To je naša povinnosť, ak sme stretli Boha. Nie pretože hovoríte: „Dobre, ja chodím do zboru a musím robiť toto.“ Ste biedni. Nerobte to. Prečo chcete byť biednou, unavenou, bezbožnou vranou, keď môžete byť holubicou? Samozrejme. Musíte mať len premenenú povahu. A premeníte svoju povahu, stanete sa synom a dcérou Božou; máte pokoj s Bohom.

181„Ježiš ... Preto aj Ježiš, aby svojou vlastnou krvou posvätil ľud, trpel vonku za bránou,“ Židom 13:12 a 13. Rimanom 5:1, „Ospravedlnení súc teda z viery, (nie potrasením rúk, nie vodným krstom, nie položením rúk, nie skrze vykrikovanie, nie hovorením v jazykoch, nie žiadnou senzáciou) ... ale ospravedlnení vierou, máme pokoj s Bohom skrze nášho Pána Ježiša Krista.“ Prešli sme zo smrti do Života a stali sme sa novým stvorením, pretože sme uverili v jednorodeného Syna Božieho a prijali sme Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. A Jeho Krv pôsobí dnes ako zmierenie za náš hriech, aby stála na našom mieste.

182V Starom Zákone je len jedno miesto na obecenstvo a to je pod krvou. Každý veriaci musel prísť pod krv. Keď bola zabitá červená jalovica, ona bola prinesená ako obeť za hriech. Musela byť červená. A 19. kapitola Exodusu, ak si to niekto chce prečítať. A musela byť vzatá, kopyto, všetko spolu spálené. A potom z toho bola urobená voda oddelenia. To bolo uložené vonku za bránou. Muselo sa s tým narábať s čistými rukami. Krv z tejto jalovice išla pred ... do zhromaždenia a bola sedemkrát frknutá na dvere. A teraz, každá poškvrnená osoba, vystúpila hore, musela prv rozpoznať a vidieť krv a uvedomiť si že obecenstvo je len pod tou krvou. To je jediné miesto kde v podstate ten veriaci mohol oficiálne uctievať Boha, to bolo pod tou krvou.

183Potom, to prvé čo on musel urobiť, predtým ako prišiel pod krv, musel byť pofŕkaný touto vodou oddelenia a nečisté sa stalo čistým.

184A oni zobrali túto vodu oddelenia a pofŕkali ňou toho pocestného a oddelili ho od jeho hriechu. A potom on vstúpil pod týchto sedem pruhov krvi a mal obecenstvo s ostatnými veriacimi v prítomnosti Božej.

185Je len jeden spôsob ako to urobiť! Nie potrasením rúk, nie pripojením sa do zboru, nie krstami, nie emóciami; ale vystúpiť hore do vôd oddelenia, položiť svoje ruky vierou na hlavu Ježiša a povedať: „Ja som hriešnik a Ty si zomrel na mojom mieste. A niečo vo mne mi hovorí, že Ty mi odpustíš moje hriechy a ja Ťa teraz prijímam ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa.“ Kráčate tam pod tú Krv a máte obecenstvo s deťmi Božími. To je to. Jete chlieb a pijete víno a máte obecenstvo s cirkvou.

186Ó, či nie je On ohromný? Či nie je dobrý? No, toto sa ti môže zdať zvláštne, priateľ. Ale prečo - kvôli čomu tu stojím a hovorím toto? Hovoril by som to aby som sa snažil byť iný ako ostatní? Ak to robím, potom mne treba činiť pokánie. Hovorím to preto, že to Boh povedal, pretože to je Božie Slovo. A počúvajte! Prichádza čas, a teraz je, keď ľudia chodia z východu na západ a snažia sa nájsť Slovo Božie a nemôžu ho nájsť.

187Keď idete na zhromaždenie, prvé čo vidíte, vojdete tam a máte množstvo hovorenia v jazykoch a výklady a niekto povstane a stále cituje Písmo; a to je telesné. Úplne! Boh nám povedal že sa nemáme zbytočne opakovať, a čo On? Ak to On raz napísal, vy tomu veríte. On to nemusí znovu hovoriť. Jazyky a výklady sú v poriadku; ale to má byť priame posolstvo pre cirkev alebo pre niekoho, nie proste telesné a takéto veci. A potom idete ďalej vo všetkých týchto ostatných veciach.

188Tu jedného dňa, dvaja muži vošli do ... a nejaký muž a žena a ďalší muž a žena (mladí manželia) išli na nejaké miesto, aby išli do Afriky za misionárov. Niekto povstal a povedal proroctvo, a hovoril v jazykoch a dal výklad, že „Oni majú ženy jeden od druhého,“ že „to tak nemalo byť, že sa oženili s nesprávnou osobou.“ A títo dvaja ľudia sa rozdelili a znovu sa oženili. Jeden muž si zobral ženu toho druhého a ten ... Vo vedúcej letničnej denominácii! A išli do Afriky za misionárov.

189Brat, keď si dáte prísahu, ste zaviazaní tou prísahou až kým vás smrť neuvoľní. Je to presne tak. Samozrejme, keď vezmete na seba prísahu, to je zaväzujúce.

190Všetky tie nezmysli! A prišlo to na také miesto, že keď chodíte do cirkví, to je buď ... také chladné a formálne a suché, že duchovný teplomer bude ukazovať 50° pod nulou. Ľudia sedia ako bradavica v náleve, takí kyslí a ľahostajní a zvraštení. A ak počujete niekoho, vzadu v rohu, možno zamrmle trochu „amen“ čas od času (ako im to vadí); všetci natiahnu krk ako hus, aby sa pozreli a videli čo sa stalo. Viete že je to pravda. Nehovorím to ako žart. Toto nie je miesto na žarty, je to Pravda. Skutočne! Hovorím to preto, že je to pravda evanjelia.

191A tá druhá strana, robíte mnoho nezmyselných telesných emócií a Slovo Božie sa nakoniec dostáva na miesto, kde ho sotva môžete počuť: ten starý stred cesty, evanjelium, Svetlo na môj chodník (Haleluja), Krv Baránka, láska Božia ktorá nás oddeľuje od vecí tohoto sveta.

192„Hovoril si v jazykoch, brat? Nemáš To. Kričal si, keď ti prechádzal mráz po chrbte? Videl si ohnivé gule?“ Och, nezmysli! Nič také!

193Uveril si v Pána Ježiša Krista a prijal si Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa? A Duch Boží spolu svedčí s vaším duchom, že ste synovia a dcéry Božie a váš život nesie ovocie lásky, radosti, pokoja, trpezlivosti, dobroty, pokory, krotkosti. Potom si kresťan. Ak to tak nie je, nestarám sa o to čo robíš. Pavel povedal: „Mohol by som vydať svoje telo a byť spálený ako obeť, poznať všetky tajomstvá Božie. Môžem vierou vrchy prenášať. Môžem hovoriť jazykmi ľudskými aj anjelskými. Ničím nie som!“ Čo s tým? 1. Korinťanom 13; nájdite si to, či je to tak alebo nie.

194A teraz vyhľadajte či - či Korinťanom ... 2. Korinťanom 13, myslím, že to je to miesto. Alebo, no buď 1. alebo 2. list Korinťanom. 1. Korinťanom, tam to je, 1. Korinťanom 13, to je ono. „Keby som hovoril ľudskými jazykmi aj anjelskými, obojím druhom, ktorý môže byť vyložený a ktorý nemôže byť vyložený, ničím nie som!“ Tak aký je potom úžitok zahrávať sa s tým?

195„Keby som rozumel všetkým tajomstvám Božím.“ Prečo idete do seminárov a snažíte sa toľko o tom naučiť? Radšej sa prv dajte do poriadku s Bohom. Skutočne.

196„Keby som ... Ó, požehnané haleluja!“ Zašli ste tak ďaleko, že nemôžete mať ani zhromaždenie ak nemáte kampaň s uzdravovaním alebo ak sa nedejú nejaké zázraky „biedne a cudzoložné pokolenie vyhľadáva niečo také.“ Čo chcete s tým?

197Pavel povedal, že môže robiť všetky rôzne veci, dokonca vrchy prenášať a stále byť ničím! „Kde sú jazyky oni umĺknu. Kde je veda, ona bude zmarená. Kde sú proroctvá, oni budú zmarené. Ale keď príde to čo je dokonalé, To zostane naveky; a Láska je Dokonalosť! „Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna aby ...(každý kto sa chveje, kto sa trasie, kto hovorí ...) každý kto verí v Neho nezahynul ale mal Večný Život.“ Verte tomu, deti.

198Ľudia sa to snažia urobiť také komplikované, toto a tamto, keď to ide rovno do jedného a to je vaša osobná viera v Boha. To je to. To hovorí o tom. Lebo vierou (nie pocitom) ... vierou (nie emóciou) ... vierou (nie senzáciou) ... ale vierou ste spasení; a to ...“ (pretože ste hľadali Pána, pretože ste boli dobrým človekom) „... pretože Boh z milosti vás predzvedel a určil vás do Večného Života.“

199Ježiš povedal: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, koho nepotiahne môj Otec. A každý kto príde ku mne, Ja mu dám Večný Život. Nikto ich nevytrhne z Mojej ruky, oni sú Moji. Oni sú navždy spasení, Ja ich mám. Nikto ich nemôže vytrhnúť z ruky Môjho Otca a On je ten kto mi ich dáva. Oni sú mojimi darmi lásky.“

200„A všetkých ktorých On predzvedel, On povolal (On nepovoláva nikoho koho by prv nepoznal); všetkých ktorých On povolal, On ospravedlnil; všetkých ktorých ospravedlnil, On oslávil. Tak, vidíte, sme v tak dokonalom odpočinku.

201No, viem že je tu veľa zákonníkov, deväťdesiat deväť percent z vás. Ale, pozrite sa, ak zoberiete len toto a uvedomíte si, že sa vám nesnažím povedať niečo čo ...

202Vy poviete: „Dobre, brat Branham, stále som si myslel, že musím robiť toto a musím robiť tamto.“ V tom je taký rozdiel brat, v tom čo ty musíš robiť a v tom čo chceš robiť. Ty si spasený, nie preto že si mal s tým niečo dočinenia, ty si spasený pretože ťa Boh spasil pred založením sveta.

203Počúvajte! Počúvajte toto! Biblia hovorí, v Zjavení ... Vezmem vás teraz od tej prvej do poslednej. Biblia hovorí v Zjavení, že keď prišla tá šelma, on zviedol všetkých na zemi. Tá šelma to urobila. „On zviedol všetkých na zemi, ktorých mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života ...“ (od vtedy ako začalo prebudenie; či to znie správne? no, od vtedy ako kazateľ kázal tú mocnú kázeň; odvtedy ako bol uzdravený ten človek) „ ... od založenia sveta!“

204Kde bol Ježiš zabitý? Na Golgote? Nie! Ježiš bol zabitý pred založením sveta. „Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta!“ Boh na začiatku, keď On videl hriech, On videl čo sa stane, On povedal Slovo a Ježiš bol zabitý pred založením sveta. A každá osoba bola spasená, bola spasená (podľa Biblie) keď bol v mysli Božej zabitý Baránok, pred založením sveta; vy ste vtedy boli zahrnutí v spasení. Tak čo s tým budete robiť?

205To je Boh! Nech je požehnané meno Pánove! „To je Boh, ktorý pracoval; nie ten kto chce ani ten kto beží, ale Boh, ktorý sa zmiloval.“ Keď Ježiš bol zabitý pred založením sveta, to bolo štyri tisíc rokov predtým ako sa to skutočne stalo. Ale keď to tam vtedy Boh povedal, každé Božie Slovo je pevné. Nezmeniteľné. Nedeliteľné, Ono nemôže zlyhať. A keď Boh zabil Syna pred založením sveta, On bol zabitý práve tak ako bol zabitý na Golgote. Keď to Boh tak povie je to dokončený produkt. A pamätajte, keď Baránok bol zabitý, vaše spasenie bolo zahrnuté v tej obeti, pretože Biblia hovorí, že vaše meno bolo zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. Čo s tým? No čo budete robiť? To je Boh ktorý preukazuje milosť! To je Boh, ktorý vás povolal. To je Boh, ktorý vás vybral v Kristovi pred založením sveta. Ježiš povedal: „Nie vy ste si ma vybrali, ja som si vybral vás. A Ja som vás poznal, pred založením sveta.“ Tu to máte.

206Tak, vidíte, to odstraňuje z vás strach. „Ó, zaujímavé, či by som sa toho mohol držať? Budem to robiť. Chvála Bohu, keď sa toho budem len držať.“ To nie je v tom či sa ja budem držať alebo nie, to je v tom či to On držal alebo nie. To je to čo On urobil. Nie čo som ja urobil, to je to čo On urobil.

Je to pod zákonom vykúpenia? Toto je malá vec, ktorú chcem povedať na záver.

207Čo keby oslica narodila malého osla a ten malý osol by mal ovisnuté obidve uši, mal by škuľavé oči, nohy do x, krivé, chvost vystrčený hore do vzduchu? Čo za strašné zviera na pohľad. Aha, nikto ... Keby ten malý osol mohol rozmýšľať, povedal by si: „No len počkaj! Keď dnes ráno vyjdú z domu, poviem ti, určite ma kopnú do hlavy, nedajú mi žrať, pozri ako strašne vyzerám. Nemám ani šancu.“

208No, to je pravda, ty nemáš šancu. „Narodil som sa na tomto svete, ale pozri ako strašne vyzerám. Tak nikdy nebudem mať šancu. Ja to neurobím. Ja to nedokážem.“ Vidíte?

209Ale čo keď jeho mama je skutočne poučená v zákone? Ona povie: „Synu, to je pravda. Ty nemáš žiadnu postavu a ani sa nehodí aby si jedol potravu zo zeme. To je pravda, nehodíš sa na to. Ale synu, nejako inak, ty si môj prvý. A vieš, narodil si sa s právom prvorodenstva; a kňaz sa na teba ani nepozrie, ale za tvoje meno musí byť nevinný baránok bez vady a musí zomrieť na tvojom mieste, tak ty môžeš žiť.“

210Tak ten malý osol mohol vyhadzovať kopytami a prežívať nádherný čas. To nič na tom nemení aký on je, pretože sudca, kňaz sa na neho ani nepozrie, to je baránok na ktorého sa ten kňaz díva. Nie na toho osla; na baránka!

211A to je Kristus, na ktorého sa Boh díva, nie na teba. Na Krista! Tak ak na Ňom nie je vada, ako tam môže byť vada? Ako On môže nájsť vadu, keď vy ste mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Kristovi skrze Boha, zapečatený Duchom Svätým? „Kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší, ani nemôže hrešiť.“ Ako môže hrešiť, keď na jeho mieste leží dokonalá obeť? Boh sa vôbec na mňa nedíva, On sa díva na Krista; pretože my sme v Kristovi.

212No, ak milujem Krista, budem s Nim žiť. On by ma nikdy nepriviedol, ak by to nevedel. Keby ma Boh dnes spasil a vedel by, že za šesť týždňov ma stratí, kazí tým svoj vlastný zámer. Tak veru. Potom vôbec nepozná budúcnosť, ak ma spasil a pri tom vie ... Prečo ma chce spasiť, keď pri tom vie že ma stratí? Boh nerobí niečo, čo potom odvoláva lebo je príliš slabý aby dodržal svoje zasľúbenie. Keď ťa spasil, je to na časnosť aj večnosť.

213No, ty sa môžeš vypracovať a povedať: „Ó, áno, chvála Bohu! Haleluja! Hovoril som v jazykoch. Vykrikoval som. Mám To. Haleluja!“ To neznamená, že to máš. Ale, brat, keď niečo príde sem dole a ty si zakotvený s Kristom ide za tebou ovocie Ducha. A nesieme svedectvo, náš duch s Jeho Duchom, že sme synovia a dcéry Božie. Prosím majte To, priatelia.

214Držal by som vás tu celú noc a hovoril o tomto. Milujem To. Milujem vás. Vraciam sa do tejto malej modlitebni, čas po čase, ak ma Boh zachová pri živote. Chcem vás vidieť zakorenených a založených v tej svätej viere. Nechcem vás vidieť zmietaných každým malým vetrom náuky idúcej okolo a triasť sa a vystrájať a mať na rukách trochu krvi alebo trochu mráz na tvári alebo niečo inšie a vidieť pred sebou nejaké svetlá a nejaké sebecké veci, ako hovorí Biblia: „Nadutý vo svojom srdci a nič nevidia.“ A to je pravda. Chcem aby ste stáli pevne na Slove. Keď je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, stojte za tým, žite s tým. To je Urím Thumím tohoto dňa, a Boh chce aby ste žili podľa Toho. Ak to nie je v Slove, potom na to zabudnite a žite pre Boha, žite pre Krista.

215A keď vaše srdce začína blúdiť, viete že je niečo čo sa stalo, choďte naspäť ku oltáru a povedzte: „Kriste, obnov moju ... radosť z môjho spasenia. Daj mi tú lásku, ktorú som raz mal, uniká mi, Pane. Niečo som urobil; sprav ma znovu svätým.“ Povedzte: „Ó Pane, nedokázal som s tým nič urobiť, nemôžem prestať s týmto a prestať s tamtým. Dívam sa na Teba aby si to zobral odo mňa, Pane a ja Ťa milujem.“

216A odídete od toho oltára ako nová osoba v Kristovi Ježišovi. Potom nebudete musieť spoliehať na svoju cirkev, spoliehať na svojho kňaza, spoliehať na svojho pastora. Spoliehate na preliatu Krv Pána Ježiša, „Milosťou ste spasení.“

Modlime sa:

217Pane, také silné učenie. To je čas aby táto malá cirkev mohla brať mäso a nie viacej mlieko Slova. Príliš dlho sme boli teraz na mlieku, dávajúc dieťaťu jeho fľašu. Ale musíme mať silný pokrm, lebo ten deň sa blíži. Na blízku sú veľmi nebezpečné časy a viac problémov leží na ceste. A vieme že nikdy nebudú lepšie časy. Vieme, že sme na konci, čas pôjde ďalej a bude horší a horší až do príchodu Ježiša; podľa Písem.

218Nemôžeme ľuďom sľubovať nič v tomto živote. Ale v živote, ktorý príde môžeme im zasľúbiť Večný Život skrze Tvoje Slovo, ak budú veriť v Syna Božieho a prijmú Ho ako svoje zmierenie, ako Toho ktorý sa postavil na ich miesto ako Toho, ktorý zobral ich hriechy. Udeľ teraz toho.

219Nech neveriaci sa stanú veriacimi. Nech tí, ktorí tu dnes večer vyznávajú cirkev, ktorí vyznali náboženstvo a žijú len v cirkvi, nech prijmú prežitie s Bohom; že príde do ich srdca taká láska, že budú plakať za svoje hriechy, zomrú sebe a narodia sa znovu z Ducha Svätého a budú milí a láskaví a milujúci a plní radosti a požehnania. Že budú žiť takým životom, že budú takí slaní až ľudia ktorí sú okolo nich budú túžiť byť takí ako oni. Udeľ to Pane, lebo to prosíme v Jeho mene.

A so sklonenými hlavami:

220Chcem vedieť, dnes večer, či je tu niekto, kto by povedal: „Brat Branham, keby som bol zvážený na váhe Božej v tom čase, nikdy, nikdy, nikdy by som nebol schopný vyplniť požiadavky o ktorých dnes večer hovoríš. Chcem aby si pamätal na mňa v modlitbe, aby som zmenil svoje cesty a Boh príde a zoberie odo mňa tento nezmysel a spraví ma skutočným kresťanom.“ Zodvihneš svoju ruku aby som sa pomodlil, ak ... či áno? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam v zadu. A nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, pane. Nech ťa Boh žehná, veľký brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.

Svätý, Svätý, Svätý, Pán Boh zástupov;

Nebo aj zem sú naplnené Tebou;

Nebo aj zem Ťa chvália;

Ó, Pane Najvyšší.

Svätý, ...

221Keď teraz rozmýšľate a modlíte sa, keď cítite presvedčenie, že ste boli zlí, a chcete byť dobrí, zodvihli by ste ruku? S tým: „Bože, sprav ma tým čím mám byť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, pani. „Bože, sprav ma tým čím mám byť.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, sestra, teba, teba, teba tam. Deň zomiera. Viem, že je to ťažko, priatelia, ale lepšie je poznať Pravdu teraz.

222A teraz sa potichu modlime:

Svätý, Svätý, Svätý, Pán Boh... (On jediný je svätý)

Nebo aj zem sú naplnené Tebou;

Nebo aj zem Ťa chvália;

Ó, Pane Najvyšší.

223Nebeský Otče, ako zapadá večer slnko, červienky sa zhromažďujú na stromoch so svojimi milovanými, všetky vtáci idú do svojich hniezd; holuby vyleteli hore na drôty, vysoko, tak hady ich v noci nebudú trápiť, oni tam sedia a hrkútajú jeden druhému až kým nezaspia. Slnko nakoniec zapadá.

224Jedného dňa my prídeme ku tej hodine, slnko zapadne. Ja neviem kedy, Pane. Ale sú tu dnes večer ľudia, ktorí sa presvedčili, že boli zlí, a oni chcú prísť na to miesto ... ako Lincoln prišiel ku tomu, keď zomieral, povedal: „Obráťte ma tvárou ku zapadajúcemu slnku.“ A začal: „Otče náš, ktorý si v Nebesiach ...“

225Ako povedal starý Moody: Toto je smrť? Toto je deň mojej korunovácie.“

226Ó Večný Bože, prijmi ich hneď teraz. Vierou, ako tam sedia na svojom mieste. Ty si zaklepal na ich srdcia, tam kde sedia, to je ich oltár. Toto je čas pre Teba aby si ich prijal, hneď teraz. Ty si povedal: „Ten kto príde ku mne, Ja ho nijako nevyvrhnem von.“

227A jedného dňa, keď slnko zapadá, žena alebo jej muž stojí vedľa postele; doktor odišiel. Ó Svätý, Svätý to nádherné sladké utíšenie, tesne predtým ako slnko zapadne. Keď budeme môcť povstať a povedať:

Západ slnka a večerná hviezda;

A jedno jasné volanie pre mňa;

A nech tam nie je žiadne stenanie pri závore;

Keď odchádzam na more.

228Ó Bože, udeľ im to v tejto hodine; zatiaľ čo čakajú, čakajú na požehnanie Božie aby prišlo na nich. Zober od nich všetko pokušenie, všetok svet a stvor v nich nové srdce. Ty si povedal: Ja odstránim to staré srdce, a dám im srdce mäsité. A dám do toho srdca Svojho Ducha, a oni budú chodiť v Mojich nariadeniach a dodržiavať Moje prikázania, pretože to je pravidlo lásky a nie povinnosti. To je z lásky, a láska nás núti aby sme to robili. To je povinnosťou Lásky aby nás nútila. Našou povinnosťou je nasledovať Lásku. A prosím, Bože, aby si to dal každému srdcu, ktorí dnes večer zodvihli svoje ruky.

229A tí, ktorí nezodvihli svoje ruky nech oni teraz (z milosti) zodvihnú ruky aby Ťa prijali a aby boli naplnení Tvojím Duchom týmto poddajným, milým, tichým, pokorným spôsobom; a boli plní milosti a odchádzali odtiaľto ako zmenení ľudia. Ako tí vtáci budú inak spievať a ako každý bude iný, po tejto hodine, ó Pane Najvyšší.

Svätý, Svätý, Svätý, Pán Boh zeme;

Nebo aj zem sú naplnené Tebou;

Nebo aj zem Ťa chvália;

Ó, Pane Najvyšší.

230Vy teraz so sklonenými hlavami, vy ktorí ste zodvihli ruky aby ste boli spomenutí v modlitbe, cítite ako teraz Boh hovoril ku vám takým spôsobom? Nie skrze emóciu, ale proste nejako vo vnútri vás. Cítite to tak že Boh vám dal Večný Život? Cítite to tak, že dnes večer pôjdete zo zboru ako premenená osoba? Zodvihli by ste znovu ruky? Nech ťa Boh žehná, synu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je dobre. „Pôjdem z tohoto zboru dnes večer ako nový človek.“ Novonarodené deti v Kráľovstve Božom.

231Čo sa stalo? Viem že to je pravidlo prichádzať ku oltáru, to je Metodistický oltár ... chcem povedať, Metodistické pravidlo. To bolo zavedené v Metodistickej cirkvi, vo dňoch Jána Wesleya. V Biblických dňoch to vôbec nebolo; „Všetci, ktorí uverili boli pripojení ku cirkvi.“ Vy môžete veriť kdekoľvek ste, vonku na poli, na ulici, všade. Všade, to na tom nič nemení, len tak ako ste prijali Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. To je skutok Ducha Svätého, ktorý prichádza do vášho srdca. Keď Mu veríte, prijímate Ho, prešli ste zo smrti do Života a stali ste sa novými stvoreniami v Kristovi Ježišovi.

Neobchádzaj ma, dobrotivý Spasiteľ, (vstaňte teraz)

... moje pokorné volanie;

Keď voláš iných, neobídi mňa ...

232A teraz chcem aby tento mladý muž a tá pani, vidím že to je jeho žena, ktorí zodvihli ruky, chcem aby ste znovu zodvihli ruky; synu, v tom červenom kabáte a tá pani, že prijali Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa. Mladý muž, ktorý tu sedí v invalidnom kresle, prijal Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, pocítil, že Boh ho spasil. A ostatní tam, ktorí ste zodvihli ruky, zodvihnite ich znovu, aby sa ľudia mohli poobzerať a mať s vami obecenstvo.

233Potraste si s nimi ruky, vy ktorí stojíte blízko pri nich, povedzte: „Nech ťa Boh žehná. Vitaj v Kráľovstve Božom, môj brat, moja sestra.“ Obecenstvo, to je to čo chceme. Nech vás Boh žehná ... Potraste si ruku s týmto mladým mužom na tomto kresle. Pane buď s nim. To je dobre, pozývame vás do obecenstva Ducha Svätého.

234Ak ste ešte neboli pokrstení, a mali by ste túžbu byť pokrstení, príďte sem hore a povedzte o tom pastorovi. Tu v bazéne je voda, dnes večer, keď chcete byť pokrstení. Všetko je pripravené. (už ste mali krst? čo to je?) Ale bazén je pripravený, ak by sa niekto chcel dať pokrstiť. Biblia hovorí: „Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden a dajte sa pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre všetkých na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh.“

235Milujete Ho? Zodvihnite ruky. Ó, či nie je On ohromný? Ako sa tešíte z tohoto listu Židom? Milujete to? Áno, ohromné. No, to je náprava. Ó, je to vážne a je to priame. Ale milujeme to, takto to chceme mať, nechceme to mať nijako inak.

236No, veríte že Pavel mal autoritu kázať to takto? Pavel povedal: „Keby prišiel anjel z neba a kázal by vám iné evanjelium, nech je prekliaty.“ Je to tak? Tak Ho milujeme z celého srdca.

237A teraz požiadam pastora aby sem prišiel na chvíľu, náš najdrahší brat, brat Nevillle, a on vám povie slovo. A teraz, ak Pán dá, uvidíme sa v stredu večer a dohodneme sa ako pôjdeme večer na zhromaždenie ku bratovi Grahamovi Snellingovi. A potom aby sme kázali tu a pokračovali túto siedmu a ôsmu kapitolu na túto ďalšiu stredu večer. Brat Neville.

HEBREWS, CHAPTER SEVEN #1, 57-0915E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 111 min

1 ... night, and to hear Joyce sing. Did you know that that's a miracle in itself? That little girl, how can she think of all that? And each night she has us a new one. How she can think of all that, that's really a little mastermind. The Lord bless that child.

2 Now, tomorrow, at two-thirty, at the funeral home in Charlestown, Indiana. Our dear, departed sister, Sister Colvin, we give her the last respects to her, at the--at the funeral home and at the grave, tomorrow afternoon. One who once lived as you are tonight, and is passed beyond the veil where you will sometime. And all who wish to attend service, why, is welcome to come. It'll certainly be a great help to the Colvin family, to know that the tabernacle here, where they have all went to church for so long, and so forth, will. We'd be glad to have you come up. And I think the... our dear Brother McKinney, the one that preached my brother's funeral, many years ago, has the main part of the funeral, and I been asked to come and help him in the--in the funeral services.

3 Now, I was just a little late, tonight. I got so many irons in the fire, I don't know which way to go. There's so many calls, and these wrecks and accidents, and people calling, coming. Till, I just left Louisville, a few moments ago, to get back here quickly, and leaving several calls that's real strenuous and must be made, I guess, yet, tonight. And now pray for us as we go along.

4 And this morning I--I never did get to my--my text, to the 7th chapter of the Book of--of--of Hebrews. And while we're turning to it, tonight, I want to make the announcement about Brother Graham Snelling's meeting, up at the tent up here, at the end of Brigham Avenue. If the Lord willing, I want to be back Wednesday night. And there we'll set a certain night that we're going to go up as a delegation, this week sometime, to visit Brother Graham in the meeting. And he's a... says, "Having a nice crowd." And--and he'll appreciate us coming, for this help. Brother Graham Snelling, any of you is attending the meeting, or wish to, it's just at the end of Brigham Avenue up here. Anyone can tell you where it's at. Right at the end of the playgrounds, the tent is setting. He appreciates your cooperation. Because, we as a tabernacle have pledged our cooperation with him, a hundred percent, so we're trying to help.

5 Now, then soon we're coming down to the place of, the Lord willing, to the 11th chapter of Hebrews, in a few nights, if God willing, and there I think we're going to have a great time also.

6Oh, the Lord blessed us this morning in a marvelous way, how He did pour out His Spirit upon us! And now, tonight, we're expecting Him to do it again; and then Wednesday night, and on. And--and the nights that I miss, Brother Neville will be here to pick it right up, if I'm out.

7 I never know what I'm going to do, you might be here this hour, and another hour be called to California. See, you don't know just where the Lord will send. That's the reason it's hard for me to make itineraries and say we'll--we'll do so-and-so. I can start to do a certain thing, the Lord will send me somewhere else. See? So we don't know just what He will do. "But if the Lord is willing," we said. I think we're commissioned, or commanded that, in the Bible, "If the Lord is willing, we'll do so-and-so things." So if we don't happen to make appointments that we... or fulfill appointments, we feel that maybe the Lord wasn't willing for it to happen.

8 The other day, we were detained, Brother Roberson and Brother Woods and myself. And we wonder, "Why?" I was setting there, looking at a map, coming right down, and we drove fifty miles right straight back north again on a road. And I been traveling on the highway since I was about fourteen years old. And I wonder how I ever done it. We were standing there, all three of us. We've all traveled the highways. Looking right at a map, keeping on 130, coming through Illinois, and made a little slight turn, not noticing that the sun was behind us instead of front of us. We was going north instead of south. And first thing you know, crossed the road, I said, "This ain't the right road." Looked down there, and come to find out, we were fifty miles out of the way. Gone right straight back...?...

9Then when we come back, we--we were talking. I said, "You know why? We... The Lord might have bypassed us this way, to keep from having a horrible accident down here somewhere, that might have done something otherwise. We know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. That's all we have to keep on mind."

10 Now, tonight, we're starting now for a little teaching lesson. And if I'm... I don't think we'll get down, maybe we will tonight, to... This is the great chapter of teaching on tithings, to the church. And it's a great subject, which we could stay on it for weeks and weeks, on that one thing, how Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, and whether it's essential.

11 Is this fan hurting anybody back there? Would you rather have it off? If it's hurting anybody, blowing in their face, any of the fans. If it is, just raise your hands. And, or just send one of the ushers, send someone up to the brother here, he'll snap it off for you. And I kind of keep it off of myself; I get hot and I get to sweating, then, the first thing you know, I--I'm hoarse. So, it's on you, so it won't bother me in any way. We want you to be comfortable now.

We're not going to try to take too much of your time, but just going to look straight into the Word. And before we do it, let's speak to the author just a moment.

12 Now, Heavenly Father, we do not know what's in store. But only thing that we do know, and are persuaded, that good things lay before us. For it is written, "Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men, what God has for them in store, that love Him."

13And we pray that You'll open the windows of Heaven tonight, in Your storehouse, and give us Thy Word, that will be something that's suitable, something to increase our faith as Christians, and make us more--more settled on the Gospel, than what we were when we come in. Grant it, Father. May the Holy Spirit take the Word of God and deliver It to each heart as we have need. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Thy beloved Son. Amen.

14 Now, this morning, in leaving the last verse for the 6th chapter, so we can go right into the 7th.

Whither the forerunner for us has entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec.

15Now we're going to read the first three verses, or the first two verses, or the first three verses, rather, of the 7th chapter, so we can get started right off.

For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, (there is your tithings); first being by interpretation King of righteousness,... after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;

Without father, without mother, without descent,... neither beginning... having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

16What a wonderful statement! Now we're going to have to go back in the Old Testament, to dig these great kernels out. And, oh, how I love them!

17 You know, out in Arizona, we used to prospect. And we'd get into a suitable looking piece of ground, Mr. Mc Anally and myself. And we would see a place where it looked like, in the little ditches, where a little drain, what they call "washes." And I'd... He'd get me down and make me rub the sand and "whew," blow it. Then rub and "whew," blow it. And I wondered why he did that. Come to find out, you see, when you're blowing sand, it light. And all, even to lead, is lighter than gold. Gold is heavier than lead. So when you're blowing, all the rest of the metals and sand and dirt will blow away, but gold will remain on the ground. Therefore, if you got some washings from up in here, it shows there's a streak of gold somewhere up in there. This rain has washed these little pieces out. So then we get the picks and so forth, and dig the hill up, almost, trying to find this gold. Bore holes in the ground, dig them out. Set dynamite, blow it down. Keep on blowing shafts, going down till we found, to find the main vein. Now, that's what we call "prospecting."

18 And tonight we're trying to take the Word of God, and use It by the power of the Holy Spirit, to blow all the indifference and doubts away from us, all those little light fluffy things that just doesn't have any foundation, doesn't have any weight in our life, we want to blow it all away so we can find this glorious Vein. That Vein is Christ.

19And now may God help us as we read and study in His Word. The last, previous three chapters, almost, we've been speaking of hearing, just now and then, Melchisedec.

20 Now, I think Paul gives the right interpretation.

For this Melchisedec, king of Salem,...

"King of Salem." And any Bible scholar knows that Salem was formerly... Jerusalem was formerly called "Salem." And He was the King of Jerusalem. Watch Him.

... priest of the most high God, (that's an intercessor), who met Abraham...

I want to get His genealogy, this great Man, so that you'll know who He is, first, and then you... we'll go on with the story.

... returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

To whom... Abraham gave a tenth part... first... by interpretation King of righteousness,...

Now watch, "Righteousness." Now, we have self-righteousness, we have make-belief righteousness, we have perverted righteousness, all kinds. But there's one real righteousness, and that righteousness comes from God. And this Man was the King of righteousness. Who could He be?

21Now, He was the King of righteousness, the King of Jerusalem, the King of righteousness, the King of peace. Jesus was called, "The Prince of peace." And a prince is the son of a king. So, this Man was King of peace, then He would have to be the Father of the Prince of peace. Get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

22 Now let's see, get His genealogy a little further, to see where we're going.

Without father,...

Now, Jesus had a Father. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure.

... he was without mother,...

Jesus had a mother. But this Fellow had neither father nor mother.

... without descent,...

He never had anyone that He come off of, any descent. He always was. "Without descent."

... having neither beginning of days,...

He never had any time He ever started.

... nor the end of life;...

It could been nothing else but God. That's all It could be.

23 Now, now if you'll notice as we read the next verse. See? "First, being by interpretation, King of righteousness." That's not where I want to do. The--the 3rd verse, "Nor end of life."

... but made like unto the Son of God;...

Now, He was not the Son of God, for, if He was the Son, He had a beginning. And this Man had no beginning. If He was the Son, he had to have both father and mother. "And this Man had neither father nor mother. But He was made like unto the Son of God."

... abideth a priest continually.

24Now, Dr. Scofield tries to say, that, "It was a priesthood, called, 'The Melchisedec priesthood.'"

But I just want to take you on that just for a few minutes. If it was a priesthood, then it had to have a beginning, and it had to have an end. But, "This had no beginning or had any end." And he did not say he met a priesthood. He met a Man, and called his name "Melchisedec." He was a Person, not a denomination, not a--a--a priesthood or a fatherhood. He was absolutely a Man by the name of Melchisedec, who was the King of Jerusalem. Not a priesthood, but a King without a father. Priesthoods don't have father. "And this Man was without father, without mother, without beginning of days or ending of life." Now, the Son of God...

25Who this was, this was Jehovah. This was Almighty God Himself. It could be no other.

26 Now notice, "He abideth forever." He has a testimony here, that, "He liveth. He never dies." He never did. He never was nothing else but alive. "He abideth forever."

27Now, Jesus was made, likened unto Him. Now, the reason that there's a difference between God and Jesus: Jesus had a beginning; God had no beginning. Melchisedec had no beginning, and Jesus had a beginning. But Jesus was made, likened unto Him. "A priest, abideth forever."

28 Now, when Melchisedec was on earth, he was nothing in the world but the--the Jehovah God made manifest by creation, He was here like a theophany. Abraham met Him once, in his tent. And as we said this morning, "Abraham recognized Him. And He told Abraham what He was going to do, because He was not going to leave the heir of the world blind to the things that He was going to do."

29May I stop here for a minute, to say, God still has the same opinion about His Church. You're not children of darkness. You're children of Light. And the... we who... "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." And would the God, Who acted to--to Abraham, who was to inherit the earth... And He said, "I will not keep these things back from the man that's going to inherit the earth." How much more will He reveal His secrets to His Church that's going to inherit the earth!

30 Daniel said, "In that day they run to and fro, knowledge shall increase." And he said, "The wise shall know their God, in that day, and shall do great exploits in that day. But the wicked will not know the God of Heaven." They know Him in a form and in a ritual, like our first lesson said, but they don't know Him by the way of perfection.

31 And God can only work through perfection, because He's Perfect. Blessed be His Name. It has to be a perfect channel that God works through, 'cause He can do nothing else but work through perfection. He can't stain Himself in any way. And then that's why Jesus came to take away our sins, that we might be perfected, that God could work through His Church. There is where the secret lays.

There is where the world is blind. There is where they want to say, that, "You've lost your mind." There is where they want to say, "You don't know what you're talking about."

Because, "The things of the Lord is foolish to the wisdom of this world. But the things of the world is carnal to the believer." So, you're a different person, you're living in a different sphere. You're not no more of this world. You've passed from this life into a new Life.

32Therefore, God reveals, not to the world, not to the psychologist, not to the educated ministers, but to the humble in heart. His people who is meek, He will reveal the secrets of the great things of God, to them. You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

33 Now, now, Abraham was to inherit the world. Through the... Abraham's Seed was all nations to be blessed. So God came down and talked to him, in the form of a Man.

Now, God has always been on the earth. God has never left the earth. If He'd ever leave the earth, I don't know what would become of it. But God has always been here in some form. Oh, praise His Name!

34He was with the children in the wilderness, coming out of Egypt, in the form of a Light. He spoke to Abraham in the form of a Man. He spoke to Moses in the form of a Man. He spoke to the Church in the form of a Man, His Son, Christ Jesus.

And He is speaking through His Church today, through the anointed Church of the living God, through vessels of clay. "Ye are the branches. I am the Vine." God is still speaking, and the world sees Jesus as you present Him. That's how the world is... "You are written epistles, read of all men." Your life tells what you are.

35 Now, this Abraham on his road, returning back. We're going to go back and read about Him, just a few moments, in the Book of Genesis. In the 14th chapter of Genesis, I believe it is. Oh, how beautiful the story is here! Now, we all know of Abraham, how that God called him out of the land of Chaldea and the city of Ur, and told him to separate himself from his associates.

God calls men or women, He calls a separation.

36Now, that's what's the trouble with the churches today, they don't want to separate themselves from the old carnal belie-... unbelievers. That's why we can't go any further. We just get in that one carnal flow, and we--we say, "Oh, Jim is a good guy, if he does drink. If he... And I go with him to the poolroom, but I don't play pool. I--I--I go with her over to the party. They tell dirty jokes, and so forth, but I don't tell any."

37"Come out from among them." That's right. "Separate yourself. Touch not their unclean things, and I will receive you," saith the Lord. "Be not yoked up with unbelievers, unequally yoked together." Don't you do it. Separate yourself.

38 And God called Abraham to separate himself from all of his kindreds, and to walk with Him. Brother, sometimes it means leaving a church. It meant that to Paul. He had to leave his church. Meant that to many. Sometimes it means to leave home. Sometimes it means to leave father and mother, and forsake all. I don't mean to say it does every time, but sometimes it does. It means that you've got to take everything between you and God, and walk with Him alone. Oh, that blessed, sweet communion, that fellowship that you have when you separate your thing, selves, from the things of the world and the carnal believers who is making fun of you, and walk alone with Christ!

39 How many times that I've thanked God! He said, "I'll give you fathers and mothers in this present world. I'll give you friends and associates. And I'll never leave you, neither will I forsake you. Though the whole world turns its back on you, I'll go with you, to the end of the way."

40What a blessed privilege, that man has that challenge to follow the Lord Jesus, to separate himself from all his carnal associates, to follow the Lord. And if any person seems not to behave themself rightly, and to present themselves as Christians, but love the carnal things, it's best for you to hunt another partner right away. That's right. And if no one will walk with you, there is One who promised to walk with you. That's, the blessed Lord Jesus, He will walk with you.

41 God told Abraham to, "Separate yourself." And just as human as Abraham was, he took his daddy along, he took his brother's son along, his nephew; all hanging on him. And God never did bless him until he did what God told him to do.

42I don't say that you're not a Christian. That, I don't unchristianize anyone. But I'll say this, that if God told you something to do, He'll never bless you until you do it. I'm in the pulpit tonight with one of those things holding over me. My meetings hasn't been what they should been, for the past two years. It's because I've failed the Lord. He told me to, "Go to Africa, and then to India." Here it is, written right here, in the back of this Book, right now.

43The manager called me, said, "Let them Afrikaans go. India is ready."

44The Holy Spirit met me, said, "You'll go to Africa like I told you to."

45And another year passed. And the managers... I forgot about It. He said, "We're going to India. Tickets is already here."

46I started off, forgot It till I got to Lisbon. One night, that, I thought I was dying. The next morning I started, go over to the bathroom, to take a bath. Oh, I was so sick, I could hardly stand up. There, that Light hanging there in the bathroom, said, "I thought I told you to, 'Go to Africa, first.'"

47 My meetings has been slowly failing since that time. Though I went to India, with nearly a half a million standing there, but that wasn't doing what God said do. I feel that my meetings will never be a success until I go right straight back and make that thing right. No matter what I do, it's Africa, first, 'cause you've got to do it. There lays God's Eternal Word, laying there. I knew better than that. But I've got to go back. And I feel that this coming year is the time I'll crawl out of the shell, by the help of the Lord.

48This glorious, old Gospel who has been growing easy, like an oak tree, but I believe she's about ready to spread forth her branches now. I believe It, this great Message and great thing. I believe that the Lord will let us shake the world again for the glory of God.

49 You've got to do what God told you to do. And Abraham went right on, took his folks with him. He loved them. That's the human part. But after while, by and by, his father died and he buried him. Then he had his nephew, then quarrels and arguments come up. And, finally, Lot took his choice and went down into Sodom. And you notice Abraham, he didn't fuss with Lot. He said, "We are brethren. We must not argue. But you lift up your head and you go any way you want to go. If you go east, I'll go west. You go north, I'll go south." That's the Christian attitude, be willing to give the other man the best of the deal. Always present it to him, let him take his choice.

50For why? What made Abraham do it? He knew that he was promised by God that he would inherit the whole thing, anyhow. Amen. So, then, a tent or a cottage, why should we care? The whole thing belongs to us. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." It all belongs to us. God said so. So give the man the best of the choice, if he wants to. Maybe that's all he'll ever get. But it all belongs to you, the heirs of salvation by promise. It's all yours.

51 So, Sarah, the most beautiful woman in the land, she sat up there on the hillside with her husband like she should have done. She plain, well, might have wore plain calico dresses, or ever what you want to call it. While, Mrs. Lot dressed up like a millionaire. And her husband was the mayor of the city. He was a judge that set in the gate. She had everything; attended all the sewing circles and card parties that there was went on in Sodom and Gomorrah. But Sarah was more pleased to live with her husband on meager fare, and know that she was in the will of God, than to enjoy the riches of... or the pleasure of riches for a season. That's right. That's when God visit.

52 And one day, you, just as sure as you take the wrong road, it's going to catch up with you someday. You might think you'll get all right. You might think you're getting by, but you're not. May seem like it's all covered over, but it isn't covered over. God knows everything. He knows whether you really mean your confession or not. He knows whether you really mean that you believe Him and are saved, and accepted Him, and you are dead to the things of the world, and you're alive in Christ. He knows that.

53 Now, we notice Abraham, I want you to notice this real spirit. Oh, the whole blessed thing here is grace. I want you to read with me now from the 14th chapter of... Exodus, just a moment.

54Now, the first thing taken place when they got down there, Lot got in trouble. Why? He was out of the will of God. And if you get in trouble when you're in the will of God, God will help you out. But if you're in trouble, out of the will of God, there's only one thing to do, get back in the will of God again.

55 Now, the kings all drew themselves together, and they figured that the plains down there was well watered, and they'd just go down and take this little old Sodom, Gomorrah, take it over. And they did. And when they went down and took it over, they took Lot with them.

56Now I want you to notice the Spirit of Christ here in Abraham. Now notice the 14th verse.

And when Abraham heard that his brother... (Get it?)... his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan.

57Oh, what a blessed thought of grace! Abraham, when his brother, though fallen from grace, though was in this backslidden condition; when he heard that the world had caught him up, and had captured him and took him away, to slaughter him, Abraham acted by the Spirit of Christ. He came and armed all of his men that was born in his house, and took after them, and pursued them all the way to Dan. And Dan is the uttermost parts of Palestine, "Dan to Beer-sheba," from one end to the other. And it's a type of Christ, when He saw that the world had took... was fallen, that He pursued the enemy to the end, to receive back the fallen race of Adam.

58 I want you to notice the next verse, how sweet here the Spirit speaks through him. All right, the 15th verse now.

And he brought back all (all) the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people.

59When Abraham took after the enemy that had took his brother, he pursued him all the way across the nation, to Dan, and brought back everything that he lost in the fall.

60 What a beautiful picture of Christ, who heard from Heaven that we were lost and came and pursued the enemy, all the way to hell, and captured the lost souls and brought us back and restored us to everything that we had before the fall! We, backsliders, we that was born to be sons of God, that's perverted into the sons of the Devil, and made, went after the things of the world, and done wrong, and run greedily like Lot did, selling out our birthrights and going after the things of the world. Christ came down. Though fallen; God, knowing in the beginning who would be saved and who would not, therefore come down and pursued the enemy through life, through death, through paradise, into hell. And all the way from Glory to hell, and took over the--the powers of hell, and the keys away from the Devil, and rose again, and restored to mankind, that he can be sons and daughters of God again.

61See the Spirit in Abraham there, the Spirit of Christ coming with him?

62 Now I want you to notice a little further, as we read.

And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he returned from the slaughter of this king Chedortaomer, and... the kings... were with him, in the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale.

63They went out. King of Sodom was brought back. His brother was brought back. The children was brought back. And here went out the kings to meet him. And, also, here is where I want to get to, the message now. Watch here.

And--and Melchizedek, king of Salem (King of Jerusalem, King of peace) brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abraham of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:

64Melchisedec, the King of Salem, also represented Himself among the other kings. And notice, the battle was over, the Spirit of God in Abraham, of Christ, that had brought back his fallen brother, then restored him back to his rightful condition, to all that he had lost. He had brought it back. And when he did, He brought out bread and wine, the communion. Can't you see who that Melchisedec was? It was God. Brought out the communion, after the battle.

65 Now let us turn again, to Matthew 26:26, right quick, and see what Jesus said here about that. In the Book of Matthew, the 26th chapter and also the 26th verse, we want to read just a little bit here. All right, Matthew 26:26.

Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Golgotha, Golgotha... or Gethsemane, I mean, and said unto his disciples, Sit ye here, while I go yonder to pray.

66I believe I've got the wrong Scripture. Matthew, the twenty-... 26th verse of the 26th chapter. If somebody has it, read it for me, if you--if you can find it. Just a minute. This is a beautiful type here. I don't want you to miss it. Here we are. That's got it, sister.

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it,...

What was it? The battle was over.

... brake it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, Take, and eat; this is my body.

67 See that Melchisedec? Hundreds of years before, when He met Abraham, after the battle was over, He gave bread and wine. And here Jesus gives the disciples, after His hard battle was over, He gave them bread and wine. Watch. Watch the future Coming.

And he took the cup, and--and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for... sins and remission of sins.

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom.

68 We are in the battle now. We're after our fallen brother, that God, before the foundation of the world, saw and predestinated unto Eternal Life. And the things of the world has got him caught up in a whirlwind. He's out into societies and classes, him and his wife, walking up-and-down the streets, smoking and drinking and carousing, trying to find peace. And the Spirit of Christ in us, as it would be in Abraham, we're gone after him. With all the armors of God, the Angels of God encamped about, we're gone to bring back our fallen brother.

69 And when the battle is finally ended, we will meet Melchisedec again, bless God, who blessed Abraham there, and gave him the blessing, and give him bread and wine, the communion. And when the battle is over, we'll meet Him. We who are the heirs of the promise of Abraham, joint-heirs with Christ in the Kingdom, shall meet Him at the end of the road, and take bread and wine, again, when the battle is over.

70Who is this Melchisedec? "The One that had no father, had no mother, had no beginning of days or the ending of life." He will be There to give the communion again. You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

71 When we pull up, on certain nights, when we come together and take communion from the hands of the ministers, representing that we believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, that--that veil, His body that He was inveiled in, God. We take it, as a representative, "We are dead to the things of the world, and been born anew of the Spirit." And we walk with the Body of Christ, all the believers together.

72When the great battle is finished, and we come up again with Christ, we'll take the communion with Him in the Kingdom of God, anew; and eat the flesh, and drink the blood of the grape again, in the Kingdom of God. Oh! There is Melchisedec. That's who He was.

73 Now let's read just a little further about Him here, and the 18th verse.

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:... (You get it?)... and he was the priest of the most high God.

And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abraham of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:

And he blessed him,... And he blessed...

And blessed be the most high God, which has delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him a tenth of all.

He paid tithes to Melchisedec. Abraham give Him a tenth of the spoils.

74 Now I want you to notice here as Paul goes on, giving a background for the coming lesson now.

And the king of Sodom said unto Abraham, Give me the persons, and take thou the goods to thyself.

Now, the king of Sodom said, "Now, you just give me back my subjects, and you take the goods to yourself."

And Abraham said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand unto the LORD, the most high God,...

El Elyon, "the possessor of heavens and earth," there.

... most high God, the possessor of heavens and earth,

That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatch,...

He didn't have a great campaign to take up money. He only wanted his fallen brother.

... and that I will not take any thing of thine, lest thou shall say, I have made Abraham rich:

Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me,...

75 Now, I want you to notice, Abraham said, "I'll not take from a thread to a shoelatch." He didn't fight the war, to make a lot of money. And real true battles are not made with selfish motives. Wars are not fought for money. Wars are fought for--for motives, for principles. Men fight war for principles. And when Abraham went out to get Lot, he didn't go out because he knowed he could whip the kings and take all their possession, he went out for the principle of "saving his brother."

76And any minister that's sent out under the inspiration of the King of Heaven, will not go for money; neither will he go to make big churches, neither will he go to inspire denominations. He'll only go for one principle, and that is, "To bring back his fallen brother." Whether he gets a dime in the offering or whether he doesn't, it won't make a bit of difference to him.

77As I say, "Real wars are fought and waged for principles and not for money." And men and women who join church and come into church, to be popular, because the Joneses belong there, or they change their church from a little church to a big church, you're doing it for a selfish motive and the right principle is not behind it. You should be willing to stand at the battle front.

78 In this tabernacle here, when things go wrong, and you men and you women will run and go over somewhere else, or lay out till the little fuss or the stew is over, there is something wrong with your experience. Right.

79We have a custom here. We have a--we have a order here. This church is based upon the principles of the Bible. If there is somebody in here not doing right, and you think they're not, you go to him and talk to him. If you can't reconcile him, then take some brother with you, one or two more. If he won't be reconciled then, then tell it to the church. And the church will dismiss him, have no more fellowship with him. And Jesus said, "Whatever you loose on earth, I'll loose in Heaven."

80That's the reason you have so much troubles, because you don't follow the Bible principles. If somebody in the church is causing a disturbance, or something going wrong, it's not your duty to go talk about that man or that woman. It's your duty to go to that man or woman, and tell him his error. And if he won't hear you, take some other one with you. He won't hear that, then the church looses him. Jesus said, "What you loose on earth, I'll loose in Heaven. What you bind on earth, I'll bind in Heaven." That's the power of the church.

81 Here not long ago, a good preacher friend of mine, he had a boy, and that boy had been going to church, his own church. He got to a place where he started running around with a little of girl who smoked and drank and carried on. Preacher said, "Of course, that's his business." A very bosom friend of mine, and a nice boy. But he got all infatuated with some young woman; and she had been married, had some children, her husband was living. He was afraid they was going to have... that boy would marry her. So, the brother was all tore up. And he said to me, "Brother Branham, I want you to go to this certain-certain boy of mine. I want you to talk to him."

82 I said, "Brother..." I almost called his name. "You have a better way. Don't send me. If the boy is not living up, and the church has saw him doing wrong, then it's the thing for the church to do this business. That's left with the church. And the church goes over and tells him."

83So he took a brother, and went over and told him. And he got back at the brother, let him know he was attending to his own business, for him to do the same. He took another brother, two more, two deacons went over and told the boy. He wouldn't listen to it. They told it to the church. And he never come for several nights, to be reconciled to the church after his sin was told before the church. Then, the church loosed him.

84And about a month from then he was stricken down with pneumonia, and the doctor said, "There's not a chance in the world for him to live." Then he crawled back. God knows how to do it.

85We try to do it in ourselves, "Oh, you ought to kick so-and-so out of church. You ought to do this, that, or the other." Have you done your part as a church towards it? There you are. That's the way to make them crawl back, turn them over to the Devil one time.

86 What'd Paul say about this man down there was living with his stepmother? They couldn't get him reconciled. Said, "Turn him over to the Devil." Watch what happens. And in the next letter Paul wrote, this man had got straightened out. Sure. God has a way of doing these things, if we'll just follow His rules.

87If something goes wrong in the church, if it's amongst the congregation, each one of you brothers. If on the deacon board, one of you deacons don't behave, the other deacons come and have a meeting, try to reconcile the brother, tell him what he's doing; or one of you members, whatever you are. Then it's to be brought before him. If he won't do it, then come tell the pastor. Then, he's loosed from the church, and then let him be as a heathen and a publican. Then watch the Lord go to work on him. See, that's when he comes back to himself. That's when he goes to crawling in. But we try to do it ourself, you know, try to do the... everything the way we should do it, now, we never make a success.

88 Now, this Melchisedec, the King of Salem, Prince, Priest of the Most High, met Abraham and blessed him. And gave Him his tithings, Abraham did. And He was the King of Salem. And He brought out bread and wine, the communion, and gave it to Abraham after the battle, after the men had been won over.

89 Now, "All wars," as I say, "are fought for principles." Now, if you have a little war in church, it must be the right principle. You must be fighting for the right thing. And each member of the church is supposed to do that. Now, this teaching is for the church. That's what we're here for. That's what I'm standing here for. That's what God's Word is for, is for the church.

90Don't never let nothing hinder this church. If it does, you're guilty, each one of you. And you, in your different churches, if something is going wrong in your church, you're guilty, because you're the overseer of that church. It ain't up to the pastor. It ain't up to the deacon board. It's up to you, you individual, to go to that brother and see if you can have him reconciled. If not, then take two or three with you, then come back. He won't hear that; tell it to the church. Then he's dismissed from the Kingdom of God, God said, "If you dismiss him there, I'll dismiss him Here, if you've went through this order." Then He'll turn the Devil loose to him for the construction... destruction of his flesh. And then he'll come back. That's right. That's the way to make him come back. If he's a child of God, he will come back. If he isn't, why--why, he'll go on, and then the Devil will send him on to his Eternal place.

91 Now, the motives of it. If you just get it in for somebody, then that's different. But, if the man is guilty! And Lot had went down and had backslid, though he was a Hebrew. He had went down and was backslid. He was in grace, but he had fallen from it. And when he went out... And Lot--Lot was saved. Don't never think that Lot wasn't saved. He was. Because, all the time when he was in the wrong place, the Bible said, that, "The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily." Now, his flesh was doing one thing. And what was his end? He brought more disgrace. His wife turned to a pillar of salt. He had children by his daughters. So, you can see what a disgrace it brought, because he had fallen from grace and never restored himself back again. And God had to take him out of the earth.

92But, still, he was a fallen brother, and Abraham done all that he could do to bring him back again. And the Spirit was in Abraham, is the Spirit of Christ that's in the church today. No matter what the brother has done, you'll do all you can to bring him back into the fellowship of Christ again. No matter what he's done, you'll try hard.

93 Now, we want to notice here now again, as we go on with this lesson of this Melchisedec, this great Priest of Salem, and the possessor of Heavens and earth. Now, being first:

Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor ending of life; but was made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Now watch. He wasn't the Son of God. He was the God of the Son. He wasn't the Son of God, Melchisedec wasn't, but He was the Father of the Son of God.

94 Now, this body that He had, He had created. It had not been brought through a woman. So with that created body, He could not... Some body He had made, Hisself, to reveal Himself.

"No man can see God at any time. God is a spirit." Mortal eyes doesn't see those things, 'less it's in a form like the Pillar of Fire, or whatever it was, or in the form of some being that they seen by vision. But the... God has to reveal Himself through some way. And God revealed Himself to Abraham, in the form of a man. He revealed Himself to Moses, in a form of a man. He revealed Himself to the children of Israel, in a form of a Pillar of Fire. He revealed Himself unto John the Baptist, in the form of a dove. You see, He revealed Himself in those forms.

When He was revealing Himself in the form of a Man, as the King of Salem; of Jerusalem; not of the earthly Jerusalem, but the Heavenly Jerusalem. He revealed Himself in that form. He was made "like unto" the Son of God.

95 Now, the Son of God had to come through a woman, to be created here; by the womb of a woman, because through that same thing come death.

96And He could not come through creation like God did at the beginning. When God made man at the beginning, woman had nothing to do with it. God just said, "Let there be," and a man came from the dust. He called him, without any woman to have anything to do with it. But, the woman, it then was in the man.

97And God took the woman out of Adam's side. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And then woman went and brought man through sex. So the only way that God could do... He couldn't come in that theophany. He couldn't come as Melchisedec. He had to come as a man, and he had to come through the woman. "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head, and his head will bruise Your heel." Get it? ["Amen."] God had to come through a woman; and He did, when He dwelt in His body of His Son, Christ Jesus. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. And He offered His Own Blood as a sacrifice. And gave His life, that through the channel of death, He might save you unto Eternal Life.

98 So God came then, and He was made "like unto" the Son of God. See? He was a Man made like the Son of God. Now, He couldn't be the Son of God, because this Man is Eternal.

99The Son of God had a beginning, He had an end. He had a--a time of His birth, He had a time of His death. He had both beginning and end. He had both father and mother.

100This Man had neither father nor mother, beginning or end of time. But He was made, this Man, Melchisedec, was made like the Son of God.

101 Now, the Son of God, when He was come in the world, in a form of a woman, through a woman, in man's form; and was killed, raised up again on the third day, rose for our justification, now He abides forever. And as long as that body abides, we abide too. And because He raised up from the dirt, we'll be raised up in His likeness. There's the Gospel story. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Not Angels, not supernatural beings, not a bunch of feathers to flock around, but men and women, amen, stand in His likeness. Yes, sir.

102 As I've often told this, I say it again here at this time. It seems suitable. I was combing, about this five or six hairs that I have left. And my wife said, "Billy, you're getting bald-headed."

103I said, "But I haven't lost one of them."

104She said, "Where they at?"

105I said, "Tell me where they was before I got them, I'll tell you where they are waiting for me." That's right.

106I used to be as a--a fighter, pugilist. I was strong and big. And I felt, if you'd set this church on my back, I'd walk down the street with it. I'll tell you, when I get up every morning now, I realize there's forty something years has passed. See? I'm not what I used to be. I'm failing, every day. As I look at my hands and think, "Looky here. Well, I'm getting an old man." I look at my shoulders. I see I've gained a lot of weight. I used to wear a twenty-eight on a belt. I wear a thirty now. See, I'm getting old, fat, dwindling away.

107 What is it? I eat the same thing I used to eat. I live cleaner and better than I used to live, the same thing. But God has appointed a time for me, and I must receive it. But the blessed thought is, that, at that day, He will raise me up again. And everything that I was when I was twenty-five years old, I'll be again forever. Amen. There you are. What does old age bother me? I'll beat the Devil out of that for years and years, knowing this, that I believe Him. This little span is just a little, short thing, anyhow. If we only stayed three score and ten, seventy years old, our promised time, what--what's that but misery and sorrow? What is it? Would you swap this pesthouse for that glorious thing yonder?

108 Why, blessed be the Name of the Lord! Something on the inside of me met that Melchisedec one day, and He spoke peace to me and He give me Eternal Life. And this life means nothing but a tabernacle to preach the Gospel through. I say this with all sincerity, with these two Bibles laying open before me. If my God was through with me preaching the Gospel, and I could do no more for Him, my children was old enough to take care of themselves, and He wants to take me right now, "Amen," that settles it. Yes, sir.

109 What difference does it make if I'm eighty or if I'm twenty? I'm only here for one thing: to serve the Lord. That's all. If I can still preach the Gospel like I do now, when I'm eighty, what difference does it make whether I'm forty or eighty? There's a many man eighty years old tonight. And there's a lot of children will die, when an eighty-year old man will outlive a many one of them. What difference does it make? It's your motives, your principles, and we're here to serve the Lord Jesus. That's all.

110Knowing this, that, "This life is a vapor that a man speaks about; that once was, and then is not." But if we have Eternal Life, God has promised He will raise us up again. And we'll take the communion with Him when the days are over, and when He say, "Enter into the joys of the Lord, that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world."

111 Then what difference does it make here, whether we have anything or whether we don't? Whether we're young or whether we're old, what difference does it make? The main thing, are you ready to meet Him? Do you love Him? Can you serve Him? Have you sold out to the things of the world? Have you met Melchisedec since the battle was over?

112Bless God! About twenty-one years old, I was, and one day I had a battle with this, that, and the other. I couldn't make out whether I wanted to be a fighter, or whether I wanted to be a trapper, or hunter, what I want to be. But I met Melchisedec, and He give me communion, and since then it was settled forever. Hallelujah! I've went on His side. I've been rejoicing on the road. And when it comes to the end of the road, and death stares me in the face; the way I feel now, I'll never dread it. I'll walk, want to walk into the face of it, knowing this, that I know Him who has made the promise, that's right, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. When He calls from among the dead, I'll come out from among them. That's right, knowing Him in the power of His resurrection. What difference does it make, whether I'm old or whether I'm young? Whether I'm little or whether I'm big? Whether I'm full or whether I'm hungry? Whether I got a place to lay down or whether I haven't?

113"The birds has the nests, and the fox has den, but the Son of man has not a place to lay His head," but He was the King of Glory.

114 We are kings and priests tonight. What difference does it make whether we have or whether we haven't? As long as we got God, we are more than conquerors. We are more than conquerors. We set in the Presence of God, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, taking Spiritual communion from the hands of Him that testified, "I was He that was dead, and alive again, and I'm alive forevermore." Setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. O blessed be His holy Name. What difference does it make?

A tent or a cottage, why should I care?

They're building a palace for me over There!

Of rubies and diamonds, and silver and gold,

His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

115 I met Him one day when I come from the battle. I laid my trophies down. I ain't fought a battle since then; He fights them for me. I just rest upon His promise, knowing this, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. That's all that matters. What else does matter?

116What can we do? "Why taking thought can add one cubit to your stature? What do you care whether your hair is curly, or whether you got any or not? What difference does it make? If you're old, if you're gray, if you're stoop-shouldered, if you're not, what difference does it make? Amen. This is just for a spell, a little space, but That's forever and forever. And as aeons of time roll on, as the ages roll on, you'll never change, and go through His ceaseless Eternal ages. What difference does it make?

117I'm so glad I met Him. I'm so glad He give me communion, one day, that same Melchisedec that met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings. Certainly. "The God of Heaven," the El Elyon; the great "I AM," not the I was; the I AM, present tense. "And He blessed him."

118 Listen here just a little further, so we can get the lesson a little closer together. Now the 4th verse.

Now consider how great this man was,...

I just think that, too. "Consider how great this Man was." He is beyond the Son of God. The Son of God had father and mother; He didn't. The Son of God had a beginning of time and an ending of time; He didn't. Who was that? That was the Father of the Son. That's Who it was.

... consider how great this man was, unto... even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of all the spoils.

119Now listen closely.

And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have... commandment to take tithings of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of the loins of Abraham:

120 Now watch this if you want to see something.

But he whose descent is not continued for... from them receiveth tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promise.

121Abraham had the promise, and this Man blessed Abraham who had the promise. Who was this? The sons of Levi paid tithes to their brethren or... Their brethren paid tithes to them. They had a commandment of the Lord to take a tenth of what their brothers made, for their living, because they were the priesthood. Now, that lets out the Melchisedec priesthood, as you talk about, right there. That's right. But this Man... Even the one who had the promise, the greatest man on earth, Abraham, met this Man and paid tithes to Him. [] He had to be greater.

122 Listen.

And without any contradiction the less is blessed of the better.

Certainly. Watch Who He is.

And here men that die receive tithes;...

That's the priesthood of the order of priests and preachers, and so forth. Men that receive tithe, die. See?

... but here he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth.

123What would a Man take tithings for, if He had any... If He never was born, and never will die, and was from beginning to end, and--and never had no father or mother or descent, and owned the whole Heavens and earth and all in it, why would He take tithe? Why would He ask Abraham to pay tithes? You see what a strict thing it is to pay tithes? Tithing is right. Every Christian is duty bound to pay tithe. That's right. Never has been changed.

124 Now:

And as I may so say, Levi also, who received tithe, payed tithes in Abraham.

125Now, oh, here is something.

For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.

126What, Levi? Abraham was Levi's great-great-grandpa. And the Bible said here, that, "Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham." Four generations before he ever come to earth, he was paying tithes to Melchisedec. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

127Then, you that can't believe in predestination before ordination; and here, four generations before Levi would ever come out of the loins of Abraham, was paying tithes to Melchisedec. Wish we had time to run this through the Scripture.

128 If you'd take it over to like in Jeremiah 1:4, God said, "I knew you before you was even formed in your mother's womb. And I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet to the nations." Then what can you say that you did? What can I say that I did? It's God that showeth mercy. God knew us before the foundation of the world.

129He not willing that any should perish. Certainly not. But if He's God, He knowed who would be saved and who wouldn't be saved, or He didn't know anything. If He didn't know... If he didn't know who would make the Rapture, before the world was ever formed, then He's not God. If He's infinite, He'd... He knowed every flea, every fly, every louse, every chigger, that would ever be on the earth, before the earth was ever formed. That's right. He knew all things. Before the foundation of the world, He knew us. The Bible said, that, "He knew us and predestinated us."

130 Let's settle this just once. Let's go back to Ephesians, the 1st chapter. The 5th chap-... The 1st chapter of Ephesians, just a moment. I want to read here just a minute, so that you can really understand that it's not just something that I'm trying to tell you. It's something God is trying to tell you. See? Now listen to this, real close, 1st chapter of Ephesians.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,...

The same man that's wrote the Hebrew letter, is writing this letter.

... to the saints...

This is not to the unbelievers, but to the saints, the sancti-... sainted ones.

... which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places...

"According as He..." Now, listen close now, the 4th verse.

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,...

Who is the "us" there? The Church.

... he chose us in him (Christ) before the foundation, the earth, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to his own good pleasure of his will,

131 Who did it? God did it. God knowed from the beginning who would be saved and who wouldn't be saved. Certainly. He was not willing for any to perish. But He didn't send Jesus here just to see if you'd--you'd act like, "Well, poor Jesus, I feel sorrow for Him. Maybe I'd better get saved and approve it." No, sir.

132God knowed in the beginning who would and who would not. So, therefore, He knew that some would, so He sent Jesus to make a propitiation for those that He foreknew. "For those who He foreknew, He has called. And those who He has called, He has justified. And those who He has justified, He hath (past tense) glorified." There you are.

133 So it's not you that keeps yourself, it's the grace of God that keeps you. You didn't save yourself, or nothing you done to deserve being saved. It's God's grace that saved you. God's grace called you. God's foreknowledge knew you. He knew that you'd be in this church this night, before the foundation of the world was ever laid, if He's infinite. If He isn't, He isn't God. If He did know all things, He was God. If He didn't know all things, He wasn't God. If He's Almighty God, He can do all things. If He cannot do all things, He's not Almighty God. There you are.

134 So how can you say it's something you could do? It's nothing you can do. It's God's love and grace to you, that you're even here. Nothing you could do, God called you by His grace; you listened, heard, accepted.

135"Well," you say, "Brother Branham, that makes it awful loose." Certainly does. You're free. "Well, that fellow can do anything he wants to." Absolutely. I always do what I want to do. But if you're a Christian, you don't want to do wrong.

136 There's a little old girl setting back there tonight, my wife. I love her with all that's in me. And if I knowed that I could run around with another woman and get by with it, and go tell her, and say, "Meda, I did wrong," do you think I'd do it? If I love her right, I won't do it. That's right.

137Now, what if I'd say, "Oh, I can't do it. Cause, I'll tell you why. She'd divorce me, and I got... Oh, I'm a preacher. See what that'd do? They'll take me out of the pulpit, if she'd divorce me. 'A divorced man, oh!' I got three children; I couldn't think of that. But, boy, I..."? Well, if that's the way it is, you're still legal. It's not legal basis that I married her upon. It's not legal basis that makes me live true to her. It's because I love her. I don't have to do anything. I do it willfully because it's a love affair. And if you love your wife, you'll do the same thing.

138 And if you love your wife like that, with phileo love, what ought you to do to Christ with agapao love, which is a million times stronger, if you really love God? If I knowed tonight I could go out and get on a drunk, if I knowed tonight I could run around and be immoral, if I knowed, tonight; if that was even in my heart to do so, and I went and done it, knowing He would forgive me, I wouldn't do it. I think too much of Him. I love Him. Sure. Certainly.

139 That's the reason I wouldn't sell my experience to any denomination, (no, sir), no Assemblies of God, no church of God, no Pilgrim Holiness, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic. I wouldn't take anything that could be offered, for this experience. Because, it never come by man. It come by God. No, sir. I wouldn't sell my birthrights for any Elvis Presley's rock-and-roll, or for his fleet of Catholics, or his Cadillacs, or his million dollars, and so forth, he gets each month. No, sir. I love Him. And if I... Long as I love Him like that, I'll stay true to Him. And if God has called me and elected me, He has placed something in me, and I love Him.

140 I remember Mr. Isler. You all know him, most all of you. He's come right here, state senator of Indiana; come here, play his guitar. When my baby had died, my wife had died, and all of them laying up here on the graveyard. And I was going up the road, with my hands behind me, crying. He jumped out of his little, old truck, and come put his arm around me, said, "Billy, I want to ask you a question." Said, "I've heard you preach till you almost fall in the pulpit. Heard you on the street corners and everything, crying out for Christ." Said, "Now He took your daddy. He took your brother. Snatched them both, and they died in your arms. There he die. Your wife died, holding your hands. And your baby died, and you calling on Him to help you. And He turned His back on you. What do you think about Him."

141I said, "I love Him with all that's within me. If He sends me to hell, I'll still love Him." He's just. I don't say that; twenty-six years has proved it. That's right.

142 If you love Him! Not a duty, that, "I can't do this, and I can't do that." You love Him too much to do it, because He has chosen you. You never chose Him. He chose you.

143You said, "I sought the Lord, and sought the Lord."

"No man seeks God." It's God, seeking man. You might be seeking a favor of Him, but God has to change your nature before you can even seek after Him. Because, you're a sinner, you're a pig. That's right.

144 And some of you people going to church and just living by your membership, go out here and do everything in the world, and then still go back and say, "Yeah, I belong to the church." Well that's a long ways from belonging to God. Certainly. I don't... But, you see, people doing that, you can tell. Oh, they're good church members. That's true. You can still be a church member and do those things, but you can't be a Christian and doing them.

145As I've said, this morning, "The old crow, if there ever was a hypocrite, it's the crow." That's right. Him and the dove set on the same ark, set in the same roost. And the old crow was satisfied when he was turned loose, and got out of that Church, that he could go out there and set on one old dead carcass and "caw, caw," and eat off of this one, eat off the horse, and eat off the cow, and whatever it was, he was satisfied. But when Noah turned the dove loose, she could find no rest for the soles of her feet. She had just as much right to set on a dead animal as the crow did, but it was two different natures. One of them, she was a dove, to begin with. He was a crow, to begin with.

146 But, if you notice, the old crow can set over here on a dead carcass and eat, half the day. The dove will set in a wheat field and eat, half the day. And the crow can fly right out there and eat dove food, as much as he wants to. He could eat just as much wheat as the crow can... or as the dove can. But he, the crow, can eat the dove food, but the dove can't eat crow food. That's right.

147So, old hypocrite can come to church, and rejoice and shout and praise the Lord, and go on like that, and go right back out and enjoy the things of the world. But a born-again Christian cannot do it, because the love of God constrains him to such a place he can't do it.

148So if you're just a Christian by joining the church, and quitting doing this and that, and the same desire is in you, you need another dip. That's exactly right.

149 And you women who can dress with them little... of shorts, and right out here on the street, and then call yourself a "believer." You're a believer, but you're a poor example of one, maybe. If you really had Christ in your heart, you wouldn't have to think about such things as that. I don't care what the rest of the women does, and the rest the girls do, you'd be different, because you love Christ too much.

150I talked to a woman the other day, in a house, and she throwed her hands up like this, said, "Rev. Branham, I'm almost naked, here in my house. I'm walking around."

151I thought, "Shame on you." In your own house, I don't care where you are. That's right. Dress and act like a woman, like a lady ought to. Shame on you. But you keep... And the Bible said, "If you love those things, the things of the world, the love of Christ is not even in you." And if you love the Lord, just all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, you'll keep them little old dirty, nasty things off of you. That's right.

152 And you deacon, and you others here, that run out on the street here, and gawking your neck and looking at every one of them women. Shame on you; and calling yourself "sons of God." I know that's scorching, but you rather be scorched than then burnt forever there. So if you do those things... Now, you can't help it if a woman walks down the street, half dressed. You, if you're looking, you're bound to see her, but you can turn your head. The Bible said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in your heart."

153 Let me tell you something, sister dear, you're going to answer. I don't care, you might be as pure as a lily. You may never actually committed a sin of that type, immoral sin, in your life. But if you dress like that, you're going to answer at the judgment for committing adultery with every man that looked at you. The Bible said. And walk down the street, who is guilty, the man? No, sir. You are. You presented yourself that way.

154The woman has got a great place. It's a sacred, nice, wonderful place. But she must keep herself that way, to hold her office as she should, as a mother, as a woman and of womanhood. When the womanhood is broke, the backbone of any nation is broke. And that's the reason, today, our nation is ruined, is because of the immorals of our women. That's exactly right. Sure. It's the rottenness among us, what's breaking it.

155 What you need is to meet this Melchisedec one time. Amen. Let Him--let Him bless you and give you the wine, the bread, Eternal Life. Then you'll see things different. Then you'll... It'll be different. You won't want the boys to be making a--a coyote whistle at you, the wolf whistle, or whatever you want to call it. Certainly not. You'll be different.

156And you mean to tell me that you dress like that, and get out there, for any other purpose? You say, "Why, it's cooler." You're story-telling. It is not cooler. Science proves that it's not cooler. It's a... It's the lust that's come upon you, sister. You don't realize it. I'm not trying to hurt you, but I'm trying to warn you. A many a moral woman, just as clean as she can be, a nice little lady, walk out with them things, on the street, unconscious of knowing what she's doing, because some backslidden preacher is afraid your husband won't pay his tithes in the church anymore. If he'd ever met Melchisedec, he wouldn't think those things. He would preach the Gospel. If it scorched the hide off their back, he'd preach It, anyhow. That's exactly right.

157 You do it, and you do it because that a spirit of lust is up. And you men that'll let your wives do those kind of things, I've got little hopes of you as a man. That's right. That's right. Now, there's no compliments on that, because... or no apology. Because, that's true. Any man that'll let his wife get out on the street and act like that, brother, you ought to be wearing her clothes. That's right. You, why, my!

158 I don't say my wife won't do it. But I have to be changed and perverted, to what I am now, if I ever live with her while she's doing it. And that's exactly right.

My girls, they may do it when they get to be women. I don't say they won't. I don't know. That's up to the mercy of God. I hope they don't. If they do, they'll walk over the prayers of a righteous father. They'll walk over the life of somebody who tried to live right, if they ever do it. That's right. But I want to live right, teach right, be right, and could instruct them right. If they do that, they'll beat their way to hell, over the top of my preaching, and over the top of my Christ, and over the top of my warnings, that's right, if they ever do it. Certainly. That's right.

159 Shame on you. If you ever meet Christ, face to face, and He blesses you, and puts that kiss of approval on your heart, all devils in hell will never make you put them on again. That's right. You've changed from death unto Life, and your affections are set on things above and not on the things of the earth. Amen. I better leave that subject. It's ticklish. All right. But it's the Truth.

160 All right, as we go on now just a little further, then we're closing.

... verily they that are of the sons of Levi,... receive tithe of the office of the priesthood, and have a commandment to take tithe of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of the loins of Abraham:

But he whose descent is not counted from them that received tithes of Abraham, and blessed of him that had the promise.

And with all contradictions the less is blessed of the better.

And here men that die receive tithes; but here he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth. And I...

And as I may... say, Levi also,... received tithe, received tithe, payed tithes in Abraham.

For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.

161 Your--your attitude towards Christ will make a great impression on what your children will be. Your life that you live before your family will make an impression on what your children will be. Cause, the Bible said, that, "He would visit the iniquity of the parents upon the children to the third and fourth generations."

162Now, just a few moments, before closing.

And therefore if perfection (there's your perfection again) were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need that there come... another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

163 The law, the legalist, see, "Oh, you have to do this. If you don't do this, you're not a Christian. If you don't keep the sabbath! If you don't... If you eat meat! If you do these things!" All these legal ideas. "And you've got to go to church. If you don't, you pay a penalty for it. You have to do a novena." That stuff is nonsense. You're saved by the grace of God, by the foreknowledge of God, by His predestination. God called Abraham by predestination, by foreknowledge. He called. He hated Esau, and loved Jacob, before either one was born. That's right. It's--it's God's foreknowledge that knows these things.

164 You say then, "What's the use of preaching the Gospel?"

165Now I'll say to you, this. Paul answered that, or Jesus did, rather. Here is Jesus. He said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that went to this, a--a pond or a lake, and throwed in the net. He pulled in. Out of there, he had turtles. He had terrapins. He had serpents. He had lizards. He had frogs. He had spiders. He had scavengers. He had--he had fish." Now, the man just seining.

166That's like the Gospel. Here it is now, I'm preaching the Gospel. I just throw the net out. I pull it, I say, "All that will, whosoever, let him come." Here come some up, the altar. They all hang around the altar. They pray. They cry. I don't know one from the other. It's not my business. I wasn't sent to judge.

167But, there is some in there that's frogs. There is some that's lizards. There is some that's snakes. It's, some, is turtles. And there's some that's fish. It's not my business to judge. I say, "Father, here is what I pulled out."

168 But, the frog was a frog, to begin with.

169The spider, the old spider will set there and look around, little while, roll them big eyes, look around, say, "You know what? I just about got as much of This as I can stand." Plop, plop, plop, plop, out they go.

170Old lady serpent will raise her head up, and say, "Well, you know what? If they're going to preach like that, against wearing shorts and things, that takes me. So I'll get away from that bunch of holy-rollers. That's all it must been." You was a snake to start with. That's exactly right. Yeah.

171And here sets old mister toad frog, with that great big cigar in his mouth, like a dehorned Texas steer, will stand there and look around, say, "Well, it never did condemn me to smoke. I'll just get out of this thing, right now." Well, you old frog, you was that, to begin with. That's exactly right. That's exactly right.

172Your nature proves what you are. Your life shows, reflects what you are, and in the beginning. It's not hard for me to see that. It's not hard for you to see it.

173 If I went out to Roy Slaughter's the farmer setting here, and I saw the pigs out on manure pile, eating manure, I wouldn't think nothing bad about that. He's a pig. But if I saw a lamb up on that manure pile, I'd wonder. Uh-huh. See? Don't worry, you won't see him there. He just couldn't stand it. That's right.

174And a man that's born of the Spirit of God hates the things of the world. That's right, "For if you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you."

175 If I run around with women every day, and come in, tell my wife I loved her, she'd know I was a liar. My actions would speak louder than my words. Certainly. I prove to her that I didn't love her, because I wasn't true to her.

176She told me she loved me, and every time I'd be gone, she'd take off with somebody else, it would prove that she didn't love me. Right. Her actions prove it. I don't care how much she'd try to tell me, "Bill, I love you, and there's no one else in the world but you," I'd know she was a liar.

177 And when you try to say, "Lord, I love You," and doing the things of the world, God knows you're a liar, to begin with. So why? What's the use to accept an old half-way experience, and something another like that, when the great skies of Heaven are full of the real thing? Why do you want to be a miserable, professed, half-way, half-baked, so-called Christian? When, you can be a real born-again child of God, with the joy-bells of Heaven ringing in your heart, rejoicing, and praising God, and living a life of victory through Jesus Christ.

178Not trying to do it yourself, because you'll fail, to begin with. But take Him, It's His Word, and rest upon what He said was the Truth. And believe Him, and love Him, and He'll make everything work right in right for you. That's it. That's the idea.

179 The Lord bless you. Don't want to scold you, but, brother, it's best to get a little scolding. You're my young'ns. See? And any papa that loves his kids will certainly correct them, or he's not the right kind of a papa. Is that right? That's right. And this papa only has one rule, and that's the rule of the home. And God only has one rule, and that's His Word.

180If we believe His Word, then we'll live by His Word. It's our duty, if we've ever met God. Not because you say, "Well, I go to church, and I've got to do this." You're miserable. Don't do that. Why do you want to be a miserable, decrepit, ungodly crow for, when you could be a dove? Certainly. You just have to have your nature changed. And you change your nature, become a son and daughter of God, be at peace with God.

181 Jesus! "Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His Own Blood, suffered without the gates," Hebrews 13:12 and 13. Romans 5:1, "Therefore being justified by faith," not by shaking hands, not by water baptism, not by laying on of hands, not with shouting, not with speaking in tongues, not with any sensation. "But being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." We've passed from death unto Life, and become new creatures, because we have believed on the only begotten Son of God, and accepted Him as our personal Saviour. And His Blood acts, tonight, as a propitiation for our sin, to stand in our place.

182 In the Old Testament, there's only one place to have fellowship, that's under the blood. Every believer had to come under the blood. When the red heifer was killed, she was made for a sin-offering. She must be red. And 19th chapter of Exodus, if any of you would like to read it. And she must be taken, hoof, all, burnt together. And then that was made a water of separation. It was set without the gates. It had to be handled with clean hand. The blood of this heifer went before... to the congregation, and stroked seven times up over the door. And now, every defiled person walking up, must first recognize and see that blood, and realize that there's only fellowship beneath that blood. That's the only place the worshipper could actually worship officially, was under the blood.

183 Then, the first thing he had to do, before he could come under the blood, there had to be this water of separation sprinkled upon him, and the uncleansed was made clean.

184And they took the water of separation and sprinkled it upon the wayfaring man, and separated him from his sin. And then he walked under these seven stripes of blood, and had fellowship with the rest the believers in the Presence of God.

185There's only one way to do it. Not shaking hands, not joining church, not by baptisms, not by emotions; but walk up to the waters of separation, lay your hands, by faith, upon the head of Jesus, and say, "I'm a sinner, and You died in my place. And Something in me tells me that You'll forgive me of my sins, and I accept You as my personal Saviour now." Walk beneath the Blood, yonder, have fellowship with the children of God. That's it. Eat the bread, drink the wine, and have the fellowship with the church.

186 Oh, isn't He wonderful? Isn't He good? Now, this may seem strange to you, friend. But what--what do I stand here and say these things for? Would I say them to try to make myself different from somebody else? If I do, then I need to repent. I'm saying It because God said It, because It's God's Word. And listen. There's coming a time, and now is, that when people are going from the east to the west, trying to find the Word of God, and can't find It.

187When you go into a meeting, the first thing you do, you go in there and have a bunch of tongues and interpretations, and somebody raise up and keep quoting the Scripture; and that's carnal. Absolutely. God said for us "not to use vain repetitions," what about Him? If He's wrote It once, you believe It. He don't have to say It again. Tongues and interpretations is right, but it's to be a direct message to the church and to somebody, not just carnal and things like that. And then you get ahead in all these other things.

188 Here the other day, two men walked into... and a man and a wife, and another man and a wife, just young married, walked into a place, to go to Africa as missionary. Somebody stood up and give a prophecy, and gave tongues and interpretations, that, "They had each other's wife." That, "It should not be that way. They married the wrong person." And those two people separated and remarried, over again. One man took the other one's wife, the other one, in a leading Pentecostal denomination, and went to Africa as missionaries.

189Brother, when you take your oath, you're duty bound to that oath till death sets you free. Exactly right. Certainly. When you take your oath, it's binding.

190 All those, nonsense! And it's got to a place till when you go to the churches, it's either so cold and formal and dry, till the spiritual thermometer will go fifty below zero. The people set just like a wart on a pickle, just as sour and indifferent and puckered up. And if you hear somebody, way back there in the corner, might grunt out a little "amen," once in a while, like it hurts them, all of them will stretch their neck like geese, to look around, see what took place. You know that's the truth. I'm not saying that for a joke. This is no place to joke. That's the Truth. Right. I'm saying it because it's the Gospel Truth.

191 And the other side, you get a bunch of nonsense of a bunch of fleshly emotions carrying on, and the true Word of God finally has got to a place to where you can seldom hear It: the old middle-of-the-road, the Gospel, the Light to my path, hallelujah, the Blood of the Lamb, the love of God that separates us from the things of the world.

192 "Have you spoke in tongues, brother? You haven't got It. Did you shout till the cold feeling went up your back? Did you see balls of fire?" Oh, nonsense! No such a thing.

193Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as your personal Saviour? And the Spirit of God bears record with your spirit, that you're sons and daughters of God. And your life bears fruit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness. Then you're a Christian. If it doesn't, I don't care what you do.

Paul said, "I could give my body to be burned as a sacrifice. I knowed all the mysteries of God. I can move mountains with my faith. I can speak in tongues like men and Angels. I'm nothing." How about that? First Corinthians 13; find out if That's right or not.

194 Now find out if--if Corinthians, Second Corinthians 13, I believe it is. Or, well, it's either First or Second Corinthians. First Corinthians there, First Corinthians 13, is right. "Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels, both the kind that can be interpreted and that cannot be interpreted, I am nothing." So what's the use of fooling with it, then?

195"Though I understand all the mysteries of God." Why do you go to seminaries and try to learn so much about? You better get right with God, first. Certainly. "Though I, 'Oh, blessed hallelujah!'"

196You got so you can't even have a congregation unless you have a healing campaign or some kind of miracles going on. "A weak and adulterous generation seeketh after such." What do you want with that?

197Paul said he could do all kinds of things, even move mountains, and still he's nothing. "Where there's tongues, it shall cease. Where there's knowledge, it shall vanish. Where there's prophecies, it shall fail. But when that which is perfect is come, it shall endure forever," and love is perfection. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." That, "Whosoever shivers, whosoever shakes, whosoever speaks, whoso"? "Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Eternal Life." Believe that, children.

198 They try to make it so complicated, these things and them things. When, it boils right down to one thing: your personal faith in God. That's it. That tells it. "For by faith," not by feeling. "By faith," not by emotion. "By faith," not by sensation. "But by faith are you saved; and that by..." Because you sought the Lord? Because you was a good person? Because, "God, by grace, foreknew you and ordained you to Eternal Life."

199Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that comes to me, I'll give him Eternal Life. No man can pluck them from My hand. They're Mine. They're forever saved. I got them. No man can pluck them out of My Father's hand, and He is the One that give them to Me. They're love gifts of Mine."

200"And all He foreknew, He called." He don't call anybody 'less He foreknew him. "All He called, He justified; all He justified, He glorified." So, you see, we just at perfect rest.

201 Now, I know there's a lot of legalists here, ninety-nine percent of you. But, look, if you'll just take This and realize that I'm not trying to say you something.

202Then you say, "Well, Brother Branham, I've always thought I had to do this and I had to do that." There's such a--such a difference in it, brother, what you have to do and what you want to do. You are saved, not because you had one thing to do with it. You're saved because that God saved you before the foundation of the world.

203 Listen. Listen here. The Bible said, in the Revelation. I'm going to take you from at first to the last now. The Bible said, in Revelation, that, when the beast came, he deceived all upon the earth. The beast did. "He deceived all upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life..." Since the revival began? Does that sound right? Well, since the preacher preached that mighty sermon? Since that man was healed? "... since the foundation of the world."

204Where was Jesus slain at, at Calvary? No, sir. Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. "Behold the Lamb of God, that was slain before the foundation of the world." God, in the beginning, when He saw the sin, He saw what would happen, He spoke the Word. And Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. And every person was saved, was saved, according to the Bible, when the Lamb was slain in the mind of God, before the foundation of the world. You were included in salvation then. So what are you going to do about It?

205 It's God. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! "It's God that worketh; not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God showeth mercy."

If Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world, it taken four thousand years before it actually happened. But when God spoke it back here, every Word of God is steadfast. It's immutable. It's impartible. It cannot fail. And when God slayed the Son before the foundation of the world, He was just as much slain then as He was at Calvary. It's a finished product, when God says so. And remember, when the Lamb was slain, your salvation was included in the sacrifice, because the Bible said that your name was "Written on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world."

What about that? Then what are we going to do? It's God that showeth mercy. It's God that called you. It's God that chose you in Christ before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, "You never--you never chose me. I chose you. And I knew you, before the foundation of the world." There you are.

206So, see, that takes the scare out of you. "Oh, I wonder if I could keep holding on? I'll make it, bless God, if I'll just keep holding on." It's not whether I hold on, or not. It's whether He held on, or not. It's what--what He done, not what I done. It's what He did.

Is it under the redemption law? This is a little thing I want to say before closing.

207 What if an old mare gave birth to a little mule? And that little mule had both ears broke down. He was cross-eyed, and knock-kneed, bow-legged. His tail stuck right straight up in the air. What a horrible-looking animal! Why, anybody... If that little mule could think, say, "Now, wait a minute. When they come out from the house this morning, I'm telling you, I'll sure get knocked in the head. Because, they never feed me. Look what a horrible-looking thing I am. I haven't even got a chance."

208Well, that's right. You haven't got a chance. "Well, I was born in this world, but looky here what a horrible-looking thing I am. So I--I--I... I'll never have a chance. I won't make it. I can't make it." See?

209 But what if his mammy is really instructed in the law? She'll say, "Son, that's right. You're all out of shape, and you're not even fit to eat the food off the earth. That's right. You're not fit. But, son, somehow another, you're my first. And, you know, you're born under a birthright. And the priest will never see you. But, for your name, there's got to be an innocent lamb without a blemish, has got to die in your place, so you can live."

210Well, that little mule could just kick up his heels and have a big time. Doesn't make any difference what he is, because he'll never be seen by the judge, the priest. It's the lamb that the priest looks at. Not the mule; the lamb!

211 And it's Christ that God looks at, not you. It's Christ. So if there's no fault in Him, how can there be fault? How can He find fault, when you are dead and your life is hid in Christ through God, sealed by the Holy Ghost? "They that are born of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin." How can he sin when a perfect sacrifice is laying in his place? God never looks at me, He looks at Christ, because we're in Christ.

212Now, if I love Christ, I'll live with Him. He would never brought me in 'less He know. If God saved me today, knowing He was going to lose me six weeks from today, He is defeating His Own purpose. Right. He don't even know the future then, if He saved me, knowing. What's He want to save me for, knowing He's going to lose me? God doesn't do things, then take it back in two weeks, to keep His promise. When He saves you, it's for time and Eternity.

213 Now, you can be worked up, and say, "Oh, yes, bless God! Hallelujah! I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I got her. Hallelujah!" That don't mean you got It. But, brother, when something come down here, and you anchor with Christ, then the fruits of the Spirit follow you. We bear record, our spirit with His Spirit, that we're sons and daughters of God. Please have That, friends.

214 I'll keep you here all night, talking about that. I love It. I love you. I come back to this little tabernacle, time after time, if God shall spare my life. I want to see you rooted and grounded in that holy Faith. I don't want to see you tossed about, by every little wind of doctrine come by, and shake you, and carry on, and have a little blood in their hands, or a little frost on their face, or something another, and seeing some kind of--of--of lights before them, and some kind of a--a selfish thing, as the Bible said, "Puffed up in his heart, and seen nothing." That's right. I want you to be solid on the Word. If it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, stay with It, live with It. That's the Urim Thummim of this day. God wants you to live by That. If it's not in the Word, then forget about it. Live for God, live for Christ.

215 And if your heart begins to stray around, you know there is something that's happened, go back to the altar and say, "Christ, renew my... the joy of my salvation. Give unto me that love that I once had. It's leaking out, Lord. There is something I've done. Make me holy again, stand. O Lord, nothing I could do. I can't quit this and quit that. I'm looking to You to take it out of me, Lord, and I love you."

216And walk away from that altar, a new person in Christ Jesus. Then you won't have to depend on your church, depend on your priest, depend on your pastor. You're depending on the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus. "By grace are you saved."

Let us pray.

217 Lord, such strong teachings! It's time this little church could take meat, and no more the milk of the Word. We been too much in the milk now, giving the baby his bottle. But we got to have strong meats, for the day is getting close. Great perilous times are at hand, and more trouble laying in the road. And we know that there'll never be better times. We know that we're at the end. Times will continue to get worse and worse until Jesus comes, according to the Scriptures.

218We cannot promise them nothing in this life. But in the life to come, we can promise them Eternal Life through Thy Word, if they'll believe on the Son of God and accept Him as their propitiation, as the One who stood in their place, as the One who took their sins. Grant it now.

219May unbelievers become believers. May church professors, here tonight, who has professed religion and just living in the church, may they receive an experience with God; that such love comes into their heart, that they weep for their sins, die out to themselves, and are born anew by the Holy Spirit, and being meek and kind, loving, and full of joy and blessings. Living such a life, till they're so salty that they make the people that's around them, thirst to be like them. Grant it, Lord, for we ask it in His Name.

And with our heads bowed.

220 I wonder, tonight, if there would be one here, say, "Brother Branham, if I was weighed in the balance of God at that time, I would never, never, never be able to meet that qualification you're speaking of tonight. I want you to remember me in prayer, that I will change my ways, and God will come in and take this nonsense out of me and make me a real Christian"? Would you raise your hand for prayer, if--if you would? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, in the back. God bless you. God bless you, sir. God bless you, big brother. God bless you, sister.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of host.

Heaven and earth are full of Thee,

Heaven and earth are praising Thee,

O Lord Most High.

221 "Holy." As you're thinking now, praying, as you feel convinced that you been wrong, and you want to be right, would you just raise your hand, saying, "God, make me what I ought to be"? God bless you, little lady. "God, make me what I ought to be." God bless you, brother, sister, you, you, you over here.

222Day is dying. I know it's hard, friends, but it's better to know Truth now. Now quietly pray.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God...

He is holy, alone.

... full of Thee,

Heaven and earth are praising Thee,

O Lord Most High.

223 Heavenly Father, as the sun sets in the evening, the robins gather in the trees with their loved ones. The birds all go to their nests. The doves fly up on the wires, high, so the snakes won't bother them through the night. They set there and coo to each other till they go to sleep. The sun finally sets.

224Someday we're coming down to that hour. The sunset is going to happen. I don't know when, Lord. But there's people here tonight who is convinced that they're been wrong, and they want to come to that place... Like Lincoln come to it as he was dying, said, "Turn my face towards the setting sun." And he started, "Our Father Who art in Heaven."

225As Moody of old said, "Is this death? This is my coronation day."

226 O Eternal One, receive them just now; by faith, as they set there in their seats. You knocked at their heart, at the seat. That's their altar. This is the time for You to receive them, just now. You said, "He that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out."

227And someday when sun is setting, wife or husband is standing by the bed, the doctors walked away. O Holy, Holy, that beautiful, sweet hush, just before the sun sets. When we could raise up and say:

Sunset and Evening Star,

And one clear call for me;

And may there be no moaning at the bar

When I put out to sea.

228 O God, grant it to them this hour; while they wait, waiting for the blessing of God to come upon them. Take all of the temper, all of the world, away from them, and create in them a new heart. You said, "I'll take the old heart away, and put in a heart of flesh. And I'll put My Spirit in that heart, and they shall walk in My statutes and keep My commandments." Because, it's an ordinance of love, and not of duty. It's of love. And love constrains us to do it. It's a duty of love, to constrain us. It's our duty to follow love. And I pray, God, that You'll give it to every heart that raised their hand tonight.

229And those who did not raise their hand, may they now, by grace, raise their hands to accept You, and to be filled with Your Spirit in this meek, sweet, quiet, humble way; be full of grace, go out of here as a changed person. How the birds will sing different, how everybody will be different, after this hour, O Lord Most High.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of earth,

Heaven and earth are full of Thee,

Heaven and earth are praising Thee,

O Lord Most High.

230 You now with your heads bowed, you who raised your hands to be remembered in prayer, do you feel like that God has spoke to you in such a way now, not by emotion, but just something way down in you. You feel like that God has give you Eternal Life? You feel like you're going out of the church tonight as a different person? Would you raise your hands back tonight? God bless you, son. God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. God bless you. That's right. "I'll go from this church, tonight, a new person." Newborn babes in the Kingdom of God.

231 What happened? I know it's an order of coming to the altar. That's a Methodist altar... a Methodist order, I mean. It was established in the Methodist church, in the days of John Wesley. It never was in the Bible days. "As many as believed was added to the Church." You can believe wherever you are, out in the field, out on a street, anywhere. Anywhere, it doesn't make any difference, just so as you accept Christ as your personal Saviour. It's an act of the Holy Ghost that comes into your heart. When you believe Him, accept Him, you passed from death unto Life, and you become new creatures in Christ Jesus.

Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,

Now stand to your feet.

... my humble cry;

While on others Thou are calling,

Do not pass me.

232 Now I want the young man and the lady, which I perceive to be his wife, that raised up your hand, I want you to raise your hand again back there; son, with the red coat on, and the lady, that they accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. The young man setting here in a wheel chair, accepted Christ as his Saviour, felt that God had saved him. And others back in there that raised your hands, raise them again so the people can look around, have fellowship with you.

233Shake their hand, somebody around, standing near them. Say, "God bless you. Welcome into the kingdom of God, my brother, my sister." Fellowship, that's what we want. God bless... Shake hands with this young man here in the chair. The Lord be with him. That's right. We welcome you into the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

234 If you have never been baptized as yet, and would desire to be baptized, make your way up and tell the pastor about it. The pool here has even got water in it, tonight, if you want to be baptized. Everything is ready. (Did you have a baptism, anyhow?...?...) But the pool is ready, if anybody want to be baptized. The Bible said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you and your children, them that's far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call."

235 You love Him? Raise your hands. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, isn't He wonderful? How you enjoy this Book of Hebrews? You love It? ["Amen."] Yeah. Wonderful. Now, It's correction. Oh, It's stern and It's straight, but we love that. That's the way we want to have It. Wouldn't have It no other way.

236Now, do you believe Paul has got an authority to preach It like that? Paul said, "If an Angel come and preached any other gospel, let him be accursed." That right? So we love Him with all of our heart.

237 Now I'm going to ask the pastor to come here just a moment, our most precious brother, Brother Neville, and he'll have a word to tell you. And now, if the Lord willing, we'll see you Wednesday night, and make arrangements about going to Brother Graham Snelling's for a congregational night. And then for the preaching here to continue on, with the 7th and 8th chapter, this coming Wednesday night. Brother Neville.