Takto získaš milovaných; to je skrze to, že si verný. Byť verným, to je spôsob, ako získať milovaných. Zostaň so svojím presvedčením. Buď si istý, že si v poriadku s Bohom, a potom tam len zostaň. Len zostávaj rovno s tým. Nič ťa nikdy nemôže od toho pohnúť, ak len zostávaš rovno s tým. No, všetci urobíme chyby. Len pamätajte. A keď sa dívate jeden na druhého, nedívajte sa na chybu inej osoby. Vidíte, nerobte to, pretože, pamätajte, vy tiež robíte chyby. Ale dívajte sa na Krista, ktorý tú osobu vedie. A ak potrebujú nejakú pomoc, potom sa za nich modlite. To je spôsob, ako to zvládneme (Rozumiete?), modlite sa. A pamätajte, keď sa modlíte za niekoho iného s takýmto postojom, Boh vás ocení a uzdraví, keď sa modlíte za niekoho iného. To je pravda.
To je to, na čom je založené Kresťanstvo, pomáhať si navzájom, robiť niečo jeden pre druhého, byť ku sebe navzájom láskaví, navzájom sa porozumieť. No, ak vidíte chybu vášho suseda, vidíte, kde pochybili, nehádajte sa s nimi, len sa za nich modlite. Len sa stále modlite a Boh to porozumie. On to dá všetko do poriadku.
1 Tieto otázky predtým, ako sa dostanem za kazateľňu... Ale Brat Moore vyslal tiesňové volanie a myslel som si, že niekto bol veľmi nemocný; a on chcel iba zhromaždenie. Tak som sa snažil tam ku nemu dovolať. Chcel, aby som tam prišiel počas sviatku Vďakyvzdania a mal tam pre nich v Louisiane zhromaždenie. Keď sme tam boli minulý rok, Pán začal prebudenie a stále ešte neskončilo; stále prebieha, prebudenie. Zabudol som, koľko stoviek zostalo za tento posledný rok spasených, keď – po tomto prebudení tam dole.
2 No, hádam, je to možno trocha prekvapujúce, že sme tu dnes ráno; a pre mňa to je. A nevedel som, tak my sme to neoznamovali medzi niektorými ľuďmi, viete, len sme prišli ku tomu, že budeme odpovedať na nejaké otázky. Myslím, že takým spôsobom... Zvyčajne pastor môže zistiť, čo majú jeho ľudia na srdci, keď sa pýta otázky. A takým spôsobom zistíme, o čom ľudia premýšľajú.
3 A myslím, že skôr, ako dnes ráno začneme, niekto povedal, že majú bábätko, ktoré chcú posvätiť. Billy mi hovoril, že je posvätenie bábätka. Ak je tak, no... V poriadku. Prinesieme toho maličkého a posvätíme ho Pánovi; potom budeme odpovedať na otázky a potom sa budeme modliť za nemocných.
4 A chcem oznámiť, že moja matka je na tom takmer tak ako obvykle. Ona... Nemyslím si, že je jej horšie, hoci oni si to myslia. Ale nemyslím si to; verím, že je na tom tak, ako bola. A pokiaľ mi Boh nepovie, že zomrie, nebudem tomu veriť. A budem ďalej veriť za mamu (Rozumiete?), až kým mi On nepovie, že odíde.
5 No, On ju môže vziať; ja neviem. Jeho... Môže to predo mnou skrývať, aby som sa netrápil alebo niečo také; ale budem veriť, že Boh ju uzdraví bez ohľadu na to, čo jej je. Ona tri týždne nejedla; iba glukózu; ale verím, že sa aj tak uzdraví. Rozumiete?
Brat Neville... No, toto je – dúfame, že ďalší kazateľ, ktorý prichádza hore, malý pán Wood. Tak veru, aké je jeho celé meno? William Dávid junior, bude ho volať junior? Toto je malý znak, ktorý bol poslaný tam do rodiny Woodových, samozrejme, on je miláčik starej mamy a... Malý William David junior a on je iste milý chlapec. A jeho malá sestra ho tam bude držať na úrovni... hoci, pretože ona je... Áno, on má teraz skrčený svoj prst, jeho prst, ktorým sa stláča spúšť, je skrčený. Poľovník veveričiek. Pokukuje na mňa jedným očkom, myslím, že je trocha nesmelý. Ale vieme, že toto sú malé veci, ktoré nám Boh posiela do nášho domova, a my si to ceníme, robí nás zodpovednými, aby sme ich vychovávali. A som si celkom istý, že ak v tejto rodine bude trvať milosť Božia, že toto dieťatko bude vychovávané v napomínaní Božom. Skloňme svoje hlavy.
Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti dnes ráno malého Williama Dávida Wooda v Mene Pána Ježiša v úcte k Písmu, ako ľudia prinášali ku Nemu, keď bol tu na zemi, nemluvňatá, malé bábätká, aby mohol na ne položiť ruky a požehnať ich. A ak by tu On dnes ráno bol v tele z mäsa, vieme, že náš brat a sestra by vzali tento malý znak milosti ku Nemu. Tak, keď Ho dnes máme reprezentovať, tým, že kážeme Evanjelium, oni to dieťatko prinášajú k nám. Skrze vieru pozdvihujeme malého Dávida ku Tebe v Mene Ježiša a modlíme sa, aby si ho požehnal, Pane. Bože, udeľ to, aby žil ako Tvoj služobník, ak budeš zdržovať Svoj príchod. Udeľ to, Pane. Daj mu zdravie a silu. Žehnaj jeho otca a matku, a ak to je v Tvojej Božskej vôli, nech by tento malý chlapec vyrástol, aby kázal Evanjelium vo dňoch, ktoré ležia pred nami. Udeľ to, Pane. Odovzdávame Ti tohto malého Williama Dávida Wooda ako Tvojho služobníka v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
Dávid, vždy som s tými maličkými tak opatrný; cítite, ako keby boli takí, viete, že stále dávate pozor, aby ste im neublížili.
Myslím, že je to tak pri malých deťoch a starých ľuďoch. Vezmite niekoho, kto je jednoducho starou osobou, ktorá je na konci tej cesty, alebo malé dieťatko, ktoré je... Sú takí nevinní, viete, že oni – je pri nich niečo, čo mám naozaj rád.
Dalo by sa tu nad kazateľňou zapnúť svetlo. Brat Neville, vieš, kde... Ó, tu to je.
6 No, v otázkach, máme ich tu ozaj niekoľko a nemám šancu vyhľadať tie miesta Písma ohľadne tých otázok, ktoré sa pýtajú, pretože boli tu dané len dnes ráno. A len pred chvíľou som ich vzal, časť z nich som si prezrel a videl som niektoré otázky a premýšľam, ako... A niektoré z nich... Toto je najťažšia kôpka, ktorú som kedy mal. Tak, keď – ako som cez ne prechádzal, videl som, že s týmito budeme mať ťažký čas.
7 Takže, ak na ne neodpoviem podľa vašej viery ohľadom týchto otázok... No, vždy pamätajte, že je to podľa mojej najlepšej známosti. A potom, možno niekedy – budem sa tu v tomto musieť len odvolať na Písmo, aby som ich zodpovedal, a možno nebudeme mať čas, aby sme to vyhľadali. Potom, keď prídete domov, nájdite si to a uvidíte. A ak by som to nesprávne citoval, no, potom by som sa mýlil. Nechcem nikoho nesprávne citovať, ale – nechcem nesprávne citovať Písmo, ale niekedy to môžeme urobiť. Možno nejaké slovo, kde by bolo niečo, potom to môžeme povedať nejako inak. Viete, ako ľahko je to urobiť.
8 Ale snažíme sa – náš cieľ je citovať ich správne. A ak by som ich dostal, povedzme, túto nedeľu a mal by som ich zodpovedať na ďalšiu nedeľu; potom by som mal čas, aby som si ich za ten týždeň všetky prezrel.
9 Ale prichádza tak veľa nemocných ľudí a bol som naozaj, skutočne zaneprázdnený a nemal som šancu ísť a vybaviť mnohé z mojich zavolaní. A myslel som, že dnes bude dobrý čas, aby prišli tí chorí ľudia do modlitebne a budeme sa za nich modliť. A vieme, že modlitba mení veci.
10 Modlitba pre nás niečo robí. A je to skrze modlitbu, že dnes žijem. Žijem vďaka milosti Božej skrze modlitbu. A keďže som dnes ráno trocha unavený a vysilený, túžim po vašich modlitbách za mňa, aby ste sa za mňa modlili.
11 A potom, včera som bol v dome môjho priateľa, v kresťanskom dome, kde bolo zhromaždených niekoľko mladých Kresťanov. A rozprával som sa s nimi a niečo sa mi predostrelo, myšlienka o tom, ako... Díval som sa do lesov a okolo stromov, videl som ich zomierať a pomyslel som si, „Aké nádherné tie stromy sú, dokonca i keď zomierajú; jednako sú pekné.“ A niekedy strom vyzerá lepšie, keď zomiera, než ako, keď je najzelenší a v tom najlepšom. A uvažoval som, či to práve nevyjadruje náš stav k nášmu nebeskému Otcovi, pretože On povedal, „Vzácna je v očiach Pánových smrť Jeho svätých.“
12 Aká nádherná vec to musí byť pre Otca, keď sa díva dolu na Svoje dieťa, ako prichádza ku Nemu domov a stojí vo svojej pozícii v Kristovi, jeho viera a jeho vyznanie (Rozumiete?), „Som spasený skrze milosť Božiu,“ a stojí na tom (Vidíte?) v hodine smrti, jednako môžeme držať svoje vyznanie, že sme spasení.
13 A verím, že náš Otec je – miluje našu statočnosť, a že veríme a zachovávame naše svedectvo. A to len – to nie je len svedčiť, keď sa cítite dobre, zdraví a silní; to je vtedy, keď ste dole, slabí a v problémoch. Tam sa ráta vaše svedectvo.
14 Premýšľal som o tom, rozmýšľal som o tomto, že smrť nie je spojená so životom. Život a smrť nemôžu existovať v tom istom čase. A stromy sa musia zbaviť miazgy predtým, než list môže na strome odumrieť. Tak potom je smrť spojená, rozmýšľal som vo sférach ľudskej bytosti, smrť je spojená s hriechom. Lebo predtým, než sme mali akýkoľvek hriech, nemali sme vôbec žiadnu smrť. Ale kde je smrť, potom tam je hriech; a kde je hriech, tam je smrť; lebo smrť je výsledkom hriechu.
15 A potom ten, ktorý... Duša, ktorá hreší, zomrie. Ale keď sme sa znovuzrodili z Ducha Božieho, máme večný Život a nikde nie sme spojení so smrťou. Vidíte? Smrť nemôže byť spojená so Životom. Život nemôže byť spojený so smrťou.
16 A včera v tej izbe som rozprával, kde boli nejakí mladí Kresťania, povedal som, „Ak by si stál tu na ceste a auto by šlo po ceste ku tebe rýchlosťou 90 míľ za hodinu, bez kontroly, ušiel by si z tej cesty tak rýchlo, ako by si vedel. Vyskočil by si, prekĺzol, urobil čokoľvek, aby si sa dostal preč z cesty tomu autu.“ A takto má byť hriech pre Kresťana, lebo hriech je spojený so smrťou. A hneď, ako vidíte hriech v akejkoľvek forme, odskočte od toho, choďte preč od toho. Nestarám sa o to, čo máte robiť, choďte preč už od samotného náznaku zla. Lebo pamätajte, spojiť sa s hriechom je smrť. Práve tak isto, ako stáť tam a nechať, aby vás zrazilo to auto.
17 Nečakajte len a nepozerajte, čo to spraví; choď tomu preč z cesty. Samotný náznak zla, rýchlo sa tomu vyhni. Keď vidíte, ako prichádza pokušenie a hriech, viete, ak je niečo zlé, že na vás číha smrť. Vidíte? Potom choďte preč od toho tak rýchlo, ako by ste išli preč od auta, ktoré sa približuje rýchlosťou 90 míľ za hodinu. Vidíte? Vy sa budete chcieť od toho rýchlo dostať preč, preč z cesty. Odskočte, vykĺznite, utečte kamkoľvek, len sa odtiaľ dostaňte preč.
18 A ako vieme, že máme Život, preto, lebo nenávidíme hriech. A tak veľmi nenávidíme hriech, lebo vieme, že je s tým spojená smrť, a stránime sa samotného jeho náznaku. Akokoľvek sa od toho môžeme dostať preč, odskočíme, bežíme, čokoľvek, čo môžeme urobiť, aby sme sa držali preč od hriechu, lebo hriech má v sebe smrť. A my sa istotne nechceme nijako spájať so smrťou. Chceme sa od toho držať preč.
19 Tak som myslel, že by to mohla byť dobrá malá myšlienka. Udrelo ma to včera, keď som sa rozprával s týmito Kresťanmi; a myslel som, že by mohlo byť dobré podať to dnes ráno cirkvi, najmä zatiaľ čo tu sedia títo mladí ľudia a podstupujú také pokušenia.
20 A potom, myslím, že otázka, ak sa tu len môžeme do tohto dostať, a tiež do niečoho ďalšieho, čo s tým súviselo... A len pamätajte, že čokoľvek, čo je hriešne; smrť leží rovno tam. A keď sa zúčastňuješ na tom hriechu, máš účasť v smrti. Tak sa držte preč od toho.
21 A čo je to hriech? Nevera. Aha. Držte sa preč od každej nevery, od čohokoľvek, čo znevažuje Bibliu. Čokoľvek, čo znevažuje Božie Slovo, držte sa preč od toho. A ak preberiem tieto načas pred mojím zhromaždením s uzdravovaním, chcem trocha o tom hovoriť, o neúcte.
22 No, predtým, ako začneme odpovedať na tieto otázky, alebo sa o to pokúsime, pomodlime sa. Náš nebeský Otče, prichádzame dnes ráno do Tvojej Prítomnosti v Mene Ježiša, vyhlasujeme, že sme sa oddelili od svetských vecí, ako to On povedal, že nemôžete slúžiť Bohu a mamonu, čo znamená svetu; buď jedno nenávidíme a milujeme druhé, alebo milujeme jedno a nenávidíme druhé.
23 A dnes ráno veríme, že sme sa spojili s večným Životom, ako sme prijali Ježiša Krista skrze vieru a máme dôkaz Ducha Svätého, ktorý nás vedie v našich životoch. Sme za toto tak vďační, že keď vidíme hriech, bez ohľadu na to, aký príjemný, ako pekne to môže vyzerať, je tam Niečo v nás, čo robí, že odskakujeme, držíme sa preč od toho, tak, ako som to dnes ráno prirovnal k autu, ktoré sa rúti hroznou rýchlosťou. Nechceme byť nikde chytení v hriechu. Držať sa od toho preč.
24 A teraz, Pane, cítim, že dnes ráno je mnoho nemocných a núdznych, budem sa za nich modliť, Pane, aby si udelil vieru obzvlášť týmto, ktorí sú dnes ráno v modlitebni, ktorí prídu do modlitebného radu, aby odložili nabok každé bremeno, každú – všetku neveru, aby sa dostali od toho rýchlo preč a utiekli sa ku Pánovi Ježišovi vo viere, aby verili.
25 Modlím sa za tých, ktorí sú v nemocniciach a v sanatóriách. A, Pane, modlím sa za moju mamu. Až doteraz, Pane, si ju zachoval s nami a sme Ti za toto vďační. A s vierou sa naťahujeme s túžiacimi rukami, aby sme v prvom rade poznali vôľu Božiu, aby sme videli, či je to Jeho vôľa pre ňu, aby odišla. Ak to je Jeho vôľa, potom sme – je to našou vôľou; ale prv chceme vedieť, či satan urobil toto zlo, a to spolupôsobí na dobré pre tých, ktorí nás milujú, aby nám to dalo skúšku. Potom, Pane, chceme statočne stáť na poste povinností.
26 Prosíme dnes ráno, Otče, aby si pamätal na všetky tie telefonáty a špeciálne prosby, ktoré čakajú tam v kancelárii. Žehnaj všade našich milovaných.
27 A dnes, keď prichádza ku tomu, aby som odpovedal na otázky, Pane, uvedomujeme si, že to sú hlboké, úprimné veci, ktoré sú na ľudských srdciach. Vôbec sa ich nepýtajú len tak zo žartu; pýtajú sa ich, pretože sa zaujímajú o to, aby poznali Pravdu. Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.
28 Tak, Otče, modlíme sa, aby si dnes ráno spojil naše mysle do tejto Pravdy, do Slova, a pomohol nám, Pane, aby sme dnes boli schopní lepšie porozumieť, keď opustíme tento dom vyučovania, nech to môže byť dobré pre naše duše. Prosíme o toto na slávu Božiu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Jeho Syna. Amen.
29 No, leží tu zopár vreckoviek, predpokladám, aby som sa za ne modlil, a urobíme to tak rýchlo, ako len budeme môcť. No, podľa správneho času máme asi hodinu a pol. Neviem úplne presne, ako som to predtým povedal, či budem schopný zodpovedať všetky tieto otázky alebo nie. Ale to, čo sme na dnes naplánovali, je odpovedať na otázky, mať tu len kratučkú kázeň, aby to pomohlo ľuďom vo viere, a potom sa chceme modliť za nemocných. A pamätajte na zhromaždenia dnes večer a na modlitebné zhromaždenia v strede týždňa, mužské zhromaždenia, a tak ďalej.
30 A neviem o nasledujúcej nedeli, či... Mám na srdci tému, ktorú by som rád priniesol cirkvi, ak to je možné, ak Pán dovolí, túto nasledujúcu nedeľu, veľmi mimoriadna vec, ktorá ku mne tento týždeň prišla, aby som to kázal, len posolstvo, ktoré chcem kázať, evanjelizačné posolstvo... Uvidíme ohľadom toho viac o niečo neskôr, ako nás náš Pán bude viesť.
31 A modlite sa teraz za mňa, pretože máme učiniť niektoré významné rozhodnutia. Brat Roy Borders (Predpokladám, že tu dnes ráno niekde sedí.), on sa stará o zhromaždenia a má knihu plnú pozvaní, ktoré prišli za niekoľko posledných mesiacov, a miesta, kam ísť, a ľudí, ktorí ho volajú kvôli zhromaždeniam. A tak sa modlite, aby mi Boh dal učiniť správne rozhodnutie. Aby čokoľvek urobím, nech to môže byť správne – aby sa to rátalo.
32 No, odpovedať na otázky, vieme, že to je výrazne... A preto, keď odpovedám na otázky, nikdy neoznamujeme, že budeme mať službu s uzdravovaním alebo niečo také, aby tu boli len domáci; aby sme mohli zistiť, čo majú na srdci.
33 A Brat Neville sedí tu vzadu, náš vzácny brat a pastor; on – som tak vďačný, že ho vidím, ako robí pokroky v Kráľovstve Božom; verím, že za týchto posledných pár rokov prišiel ďalej než po celý zvyšok rokov dokopy. Ako ho Pán požehnal. Som za to tak vďačný.
34 A nepoviem mu to do tváre; robím to za jeho chrbtom a viete to. Poznám brata Neville, odkedy som bol len chlapcom. Vidíte? A viem, že ak brat Neville... Verím tomuto; on je náchylný k chybám ako všetci z nás; všetci sme k tomu náchylní; stále sme ľudia. Ale to nepochádza z jeho srdca; neverím tomu. Bol úprimný a stále je v najhlbšej úprimnosti.
35 A keď prišiel do tohto Posolstva, mal som ho – priviedol som ho sem skrze voľby v zbore, aby tu bol pastorom, keď ešte ani nerozumel tieto veci tak, ako rozumie dnes. Ale jeho úprimnosť byť ochotným a utíšiť sa a preskúmať to a pristúpiť v úcte, až si myslím, že má dobrý pevný základ, že keď teraz vystupuje, vie, kde teraz stojí.
36 Tak som šťastný za modlitebňu. A minulý večer povedali v – mali tu stretnutie ohľadom toho, či postaviť novú modlitebňu, alebo rozšíriť túto a urobiť ju väčšou a vybudovať v nej miestnosti pre nedeľnú školu; a zbor jednotne hlasoval sa rozšírenie, urobiť tu nové rozšírenie, urobiť to väčším a vybudovať tam miestnosti pre nedeľnú školu, aby tam boli miestnosti pre všetky triedy; pokryť podlahy kobercom, dať nad to brezu a pekne to upraviť a vonku to vydláždiť. A tak, zbor to zvolil a myslím, že architekti a ostatní teraz na tom pracujú. Zajtra bude ohľadom toho stretnutie, aby sme zväčšili zbor, rozšírili ho zozadu a trochu inak to naokolo upravili. Tak za to budeme vďační Pánovi.
37 No, v týchto otázkach... Niektoré z nich som si ani neprezrel. Možno budem musieť čítať pomaly, aby som vyslovil tie slová a prečítal to. Nie kvôli vášmu písmu, ale kvôli môjmu obmedzenému vzdelaniu.
151. „Veríme, že treba byť pokrstení... Skutky 2:38; ale ako môžeme odpovedať ľuďom, pokiaľ ide o ten iný krst? Sú oni spasení alebo nie? Taktiež tí, ktorí odišli a nikdy neprijali Svetlo?“
38 No, to je dobrá otázka. No, dovoľte mi povedať to znovu (Rozumiete?) ohľadom týchto otázok, ak ich neodpoviem podľa vašich myšlienok... Idem na ne odpovedať tak dôkladne podľa Písma, ako len viem, aby boli zodpovedané z Písma.
39 No, Biblický spôsob vodného krstu je v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista, čo nachádzame v Skutkoch 2:38 a na ostatných miestach, v celej Biblii. A dnes mnohí ľudia a takmer všetky cirkvi po celý čas od začiatku, tá, ktorá to začala, oni krstia ľudí v mene Otca, v mene Syna a mene Ducha Svätého. No, robia to skrze omyl. V Biblii nie je žiadne také poverenie, vôbec nikde. To sa ani nedá nájsť v Písmach.
40 Keď Peter... Keď Matúš písal to, čo Ježiš povedal... Kde oni vzali Matúša 28:19, „A tak choďte, učte všetky národy, krstiac ich vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého...“
41 Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý; to sú tituly, nie meno. Meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý... A ak On... A potom cez celú Bibliu krstili každú osobu v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Pokračovalo to ďalej cez históriu, až kým nezriadili laodicejský (Prepáčte.) – nicejský koncil katolíckej cirkvi v Nicei, v Ríme.
42 Keď tá letničná cirkev... Dve skupiny, oddelili sa, jedna chcela zostať so Slovom, s napísaným Slovom, ostatní chceli klasickú cirkev. Bolo to v čase Konštantínovej vlády. A Konštantín nebol nábožný človek; bol v prvom rade pohan. Ale bol politik, ktorý chcel zjednotiť... Polovica Ríma bola kresťanská; druhá polovica boli pohania, a tak do tej klasickej skupiny prijal niečo z pohanstva a niečo z Kresťanstva; a vytvorili si svoje vlastné náboženstvo.
43 A preto, aby znevážili Bibliu, katolícka cirkev verí, že Boh dal cirkvi moc, aby zmenila alebo robila čokoľvek, čo chce. Vidíte? A preto, ak má pravdu katolícka cirkev, ak je pravda to, čo Boh urobil, potom sa všetci okrem katolíkov mýlime (Rozumiete?); katolícka cirkev má pravdu. Potom metodistická cirkev má pravdu. Potom baptistická cirkev má pravdu alebo všetky organizácie majú pravdu. Vidíte? Oni majú pravdu. A kto má potom pravdu? Ak katolíci majú takú moc, že môžu zmeniť čokoľvek, čo Biblia chce povedať, a urobia z toho nejaký iný druh náuk; “zdravas Márie“, a tak ďalej; Metodisti majú právo povedať, „Krst ponorením je nesprávny; budeme pokropovať,“ a všetci majú pravdu, pretože každý jeden môže robiť čokoľvek, čo je cirkev; no, kto je potom cirkev? Sú to metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, katolíci alebo kto to je? Rozumiete?
44 Tak nemôžete – viete, že Boh, Zdroj všetkej múdrosti, by nemohol urobiť niečo také. Nie je nič také... To nedáva ani normálny zmysel, nieto ešte pre inteligenciu nadprirodzenej Bytosti. Je jedna vec, ktorá má pravdu; to je Slovo. Slovo má pravdu.
45 Takže, ak by dnes ráno katolícka cirkev chcela povedať, „Jednoducho celkom vynecháme krst a budeme každé ráno jesť kocku cukru. To je to, čo ustanovíme ako odpustenie hriechov,“ potom to musí byť pravda, pretože to – Boh dal cirkvi autoritu.
46 Ale vidíte, pre mňa má pravdu Slovo, pretože na konci Biblie Boh v tomto Svojom Slove povedal, „Ktokoľvek z Toho odoberie jedno Slovo alebo do Toho jedno slovo pridá, tomu bude odobraté, jeho diel z Knihy Života.“ Takže pre mňa to je Slovo.
47 A v Biblii nie je nič také, že by niekto bol kedy pokrstený v mene Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého; pretože nie je nič také. Otec nie je žiadne meno; a Syn nie je žiadne meno; a Duch Svätý nie je žiadne meno; ale Meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Presne to, čo apoštoli a všetci cez tie veky uznávali.
48 No, ďalšia otázka je... Samozrejme, to je správne podľa Písma. To je pravda.
49 A keď v Biblii našli ľudí, ktorí boli ponorení nejakým iným spôsobom okrem Mena Ježiša Krista, bolo im nariadené, aby sa dali znova pokrstiť v Mene Ježiša Krista, predtým, ako mohli prijať Ducha Svätého: Skutky 19:5. Je to tak. Takže podľa Písma to je pravda.
50 No, neexistuje žiaden biskup; neexistuje žiaden arcibiskup; neexistuje žiaden kazateľ; neexistuje nikto iný, kto by mohol proti tomu povedať jedno slovo, pretože to je Pravda. Rozumiete?
51 A raz som sa opýtal v Chicagu pred tristo kazateľmi, ktorí tam stáli, aby diskutovali a pýtali sa na... Ja... A Pán mi povedal, dal mi videnie a povedal mi, kde budeme a čo robiť; stál som pred tristo trojičiarskymi kazateľmi a povedal som, „No, ak sa v tejto náuke tak veľmi mýlim, niektorí z vás mužov sa sem postavte a ukáže mi, kde sa mýlim podľa Písem, bez príručky. Ak tam nie je žiadna taká vec ako semeno hada alebo niečo také, čo som učil, len príďte sem a ukážte mi podľa Písem.“ Nikto sa nepohol (Vidíte?), pretože sa to nedá urobiť. Je to pravda. Nie aby som sa líšil, ale jednoducho to je pravda; je to Slovo. A to je to, kde... Nikto ohľadom toho nemôže diskutovať; to je Slovo Božie; nikto to nemôže robiť. Rozumiete?
52 Ale teraz, „Budú tí, ktorí ne...“ Dovoľte mi to prečítať, aby som si bol istý, že je to správne. Rozumiete?
„Čo sa týka iných krstov, sú oni spasení alebo nie? Taktiež tí, ktorí odišli a nikdy neprijali Svetlo?“
53 No, verím - striktne verím, že Boh povolal Svojich ľudí, ustanovil Svoju Cirkev a všetkých tých, ktorí tam budú, pred založením sveta. Verím, že Biblia to učí. A verím, že každý človek, ktorý miluje Boha z celého svojho srdca, bude hľadať Pravdu. Verím tomu, že to budú robiť. Každý človek, ktorý miluje Boha, to bude robiť.
54 Verím, že ak bol nejaký človek pokrstený nesprávne nevedome, nevedel, že bol nesprávne pokrstený... No, toto nemôžem povedať podľa Písma. Ale verím tomu zo srdca, že ak nejaký človek nevedel, čo robiť správne, a urobil niečo na základe svojej najlepšej známosti, verím, že Boh to prehliadne a jednako ho spasí, pretože on nemal... Pamätajte, tam vo dňoch Wesleyho, tam vo dňoch Luthera v reformácii, tí veľkí mužovia Boží, ktorých Boh uctil a potvrdil, že ich On uctil, oni zomreli vo viere (Vidíte?), so všetkým Svetlom, ktoré mali.
55 A jednako tam môžu byť veci, o ktorých verím, ako... Počúval niekto dnes ráno Charlesa Fullera na Starodávnej hodine prebudenia? On je jedným z mojich najobľúbenejších učiteľov Biblie, jednako je starý, a ... Ale myslím si, že je veľkým učiteľom Biblie. A dnes ráno povedal (vyučoval na tému proroctva, myslím); povedal, že pred nami ležia veľké veci; veci, o ktorých cirkev nič nevie, budú otvorené pre ľudí. Povedal som na to, „Amen.“ Verím, že stále máme veľké Svetlo, ktoré teraz prichádza a ktoré sa na krátku chvíľku v jednom z týchto dní jednoducho prevalí po zemi, možno len v priebehu niekoľkých mesiacov. Ale verím, že prichádza veľké Svetlo.
56 Verím, že akákoľvek osoba, ktorá na základe svojej viery a úprimne kráča v celom Svetle, ktoré oni mali, bude spasená.
57 Pamätajte, pri príchode Pána Ježiša, pamätáte si, ako On našiel tých, ktorí chodili v celom Svetle, ktoré mali. Pamätáte sa, čo sa stalo? „Či on nie je dobrý človek, dokonca rímsky stotník, postavil naše mesto – či našim ľuďom synagógu, a on je (všetky tie veci, ktoré urobil) – je hoden tohto požehnania, o ktoré prosí.“ Vidíte, Boh je Otec, ktorý rozumie; On pozná tvoje srdce, či skutočne vidíš Svetlo alebo či nevidíš Svetlo; On to vie.
58 No, naozaj z celého srdca verím, že správna odpoveď na túto otázku je, že správny krst je v Mene Ježiša Krista, a tí, ktorí boli pokrstení inak, a vo svojom srdci, nie egoistický, že by len povedal, „No, nestarám sa o to...“ No, tá osoba, to bude medzi nimi a Bohom. Ale ak nepoznali žiaden rozdiel, verím, že sú spasení. Verím tomu z celého srdca, pretože nepoznali žiadny rozdiel..
59 Mohli by sme zostať dlhý, ozaj dlhý čas na tejto jednej, ale vynasnažíme sa prejsť všetky z nich, ak budeme môcť.
152. „Objasnil by si, prosím, Židom 6:4 a 6, a tiež objasni Židom 10:26-39? Prosím, objasni, či sa to vzťahuje na ľudí s Duchom Svätým alebo na posvätených ľudí; prosím, vyjasni rozdiel.“
No, pozrime sa, čo má na mysli tá osoba; Židom 6 a 4. Milujem biblické otázky, ktoré jednoducho – to dáva vo vás do pohybu niečo, ku čomu by ste sa inak nedostali. Pretože zistíte, čo si myslia iní ľudia, čo je na ich srdci (Rozumiete?), a viete, čo robia.
No, tu je Židom 10 a tu je Židom 6 a 4. V poriadku.
Lebo je nemožné tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali nebeského daru a stali sa účastnými Svätého Ducha
a ochutnali dobré slovo Božie a rôzne moci budúceho veku,
keby odpadli, zase obnoviť ku pokániu, ktorí sebe znova križujú Syna Božieho a vystavujú ho potupne na odiv.
No, to je jedno. Teraz Židom 10:26. V poriadku, Židom 10 a 26.
Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy, nepozostáva už viacej obeti za hriechy,
ale jakési strašné očakávanie súdu a prudká pálivosť ohňa, ktorý má žrať protivníkov.
Keď niekto pohŕdol zákonom Mojžišovým, bez milosrdenstva zomrie na dvoch alebo na troch svedkov,
…o koľko, domnievam sa, prísnejšieho trestu bude uznaný za hodného ten, kto zašliapal Syna Božieho a krv smluvy, ktorou bol posvätený, povážil za obecnú a skutkom milosti urobil potupu?!
60 Obe sú o tej istej veci. No, chcel by som to tej osobe objasniť. No, ak si tu v Židom 6 a 4 všimnete, je tam povedané, „Je to nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení...“ To sa spája s týmto ďalším Písmom, ktoré sme práve prečítali. Ak si bol osvietený a potom sa odvraciaš preč od svojho osvietenia, pre tú osobu je to nemožné, aby kedy znova získala svoje miesto. Rozumiete?
61 No, Židom iba hovorí o treste, ktorý nasleduje za týmto odmietnutím. Je to jedna z najhorších vecí na svete; odmietnuť Krista, odmietnuť Svetlo Písma.
62 No, všimnite si, „Lebo je to nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení a stali sa účastníkmi Ducha Svätého, ak sa odvrátia preč, aby znova boli obnovení k pokániu...“ Vidíte? Tu sme. „Lebo je to nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení a ochutnali (Sledujte.), ochutnali nebeského daru...“ Boli rovno na hranici toho: „ochutnali nebeských darov...“
63 No, všimnite si, že oni nikdy neprišli do krstu Duchom Svätým. Rozumiete? Boli ku tomu osvietení: „A ochutnali nebeského daru (Vidíte?), ale stali sa účastníkmi Ducha Svätého (tým, že To chutnali), a ochutnali dobré Slovo Božie, (Časť z Toho. Rozumiete?) a moci sveta, ktorý má prísť, ak odpadnú preč, aby sa obnovili...“
64 No, Židom 10 tu iba vydáva súd za to. „Ten, kto opovrhol Mojžišovým zákonom, zomrel bez milosti na dvoch alebo troch svedkoch. O čo prísnejšieho trestu bude uznaný za hodného ten, kto pošliapal Krv Ježiša Krista a povážil ju za nečistú vec, ktorou bol posvätený.“
65 No, keď tieto dve dáme dokopy, aby sme vám odpovedali na tú otázku; vezmime Písmo a osobu v Biblii, ktorá toto urobila, a potom môžeme zistiť...
66 No, celá cirkev dnes je obrazom predobrazu, vieme to. Je tu obraz a predobraz. No, keď bol Izrael na svojej púti z palestínskej zeme – z Egypta putoval do Palestíny, to bol typ cirkvi na dnes v tom duchovnom, ako putuje do zasľúbenej Zeme... Všetci s tým súhlasíte, či nie? Všetci teológovia s tým súhlasia, že to bol predobraz.
67 Oni opustili Egypt. Egypt bol svet. Vyšli von, prešli cez vody oddelenia pri Červenom mori skrze krst, vyšli von na druhej strane a radovali sa a chválili Boha, prišli do – dostali zákony a odtiaľ išli ďalej do zasľúbenej zeme.
68 No, všimli ste si, že tesne predtým, ako vošli do zasľúbenej zeme (Vidíte?), predtým, ako vošli do zasľúbenej zeme, čo mohlo trvať iba zopár dní, desať alebo jedenásť dní, možno nie tak veľa, pretože to bolo len okolo niečo štyridsať míľ. Oni by išli rovno ďalej do zasľúbenej zeme; oni by tam prišli za rok – každú etapu cesty, ktorou sme my išli. A prešli na druhú stranu, prekročili Červené more; faraónova armáda sa za nimi utopila. Boli oslobodení od svojich nepriateľov, začali ísť cez púšť a prišli na hranicu zasľúbenej zeme v Kádeš-Barnei a tam zlyhali. Prečo? Prečo zlyhali?
No, Mojžiš tým desiatim pokoleniam povedal; riekol, „On pošle muža z každého pokolenia, aby reprezentoval každé pokolenie, aby išli prešpehovať zem, aby videli, v akom je stave.“
69 No, ak to nie je dnes ráno presne vaše miesto, kam dnes prichádzate... Cirkev prešla cez ospravedlnenie skrze Luthera, cez posvätenie skrze metodistov a teraz rovno hore do času zasľúbenia. Zasľúbenie je krst Duchom, ktorý je zasľúbený naprieč celým Starým Zákonom a taktiež Novým (Vidíte?), zasľúbenie, „Hľa, pošlem na vás Zasľúbenie Môjho Otca...“ Peter to povedal na deň Letníc.
70 To je zasľúbenie. Zasľúbená zem je žiť v tejto zemi Ducha Svätého. To je Božie zasľúbenie pre Cirkev; žiť v moci Ducha. To je iný svet; to je iná zem. Musíte vyjsť von z podmienok, v ktorých ste boli, aby ste vošli do žitia v tejto zasľúbenej zemi, aby ste prijali zasľúbenie. Pamätáte sa na zasľúbenie, „Prijmete moc z výsosti, po tomto, Duch Svätý prišiel na vás...?“
71 A Peter povedal, že to zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo dané cez celý Zákon, Starý i Nový... Nachádzate, že to zasľúbenie vrcholilo a vrcholilo až do toho dňa Letníc a potom vošli do toho zasľúbenia.
72 No, tí ľudia vyšli a videli veľkolepé znamenia a zázraky v Izraelovi. A potom poslal nejakých mužov, aby prešpehovali, jedného z každého pokolenia. A niektorí z nich sa vrátili späť... No, niektorí z nich neprešli. Dvaja prešli. Keď sa vrátili naspäť, mali strapec hrozna, ktorý niesli dvaja muži. No, oni nikdy nechutnali hrozno. Boli v – boli na púšti; a preto, na tom mieste nebolo žiadne miesto pre ovocie a niečo také. Boli kŕmení mannou, chlebom z neba, prepelicami a niečím z divej prírody, a to je to, čo jedli.
73 Ale teraz chodili po tej zemi a mali strapec hrozna, ktorý bol tak veľký, že bolo treba dvoch mužov, aby niesli tie hrozná. A títo dvaja prešli do tej zeme, vrátili sa späť a dali každému jednému z tých ostatných na brehu ochutnať z týchto hrozien. Čo urobili?
Keď sa vrátili naspäť, namiesto toho, že by sa radovali preto, že ochutnali z tých hrozien, namiesto toho sa vrátili naspäť ku svojim pokoleniam a povedali, „Ó, ale videli sme velikánske opevnené mestá Filištínov alebo Hetejov a Ferezejov, a oni – a všetkých rozličných 'ejov' tam. No,“ povedali, „sú to obri. No, vyzeráme voči nim ako kobylky. Nedokážeme zaujať tú zem. Prečo si nás sem vlastne priviedol?“ Vidíte? A Biblia povedala, že oni všetci pohynuli na púšti, každý jeden z nich; zomreli. Čo urobili? To boli hraniční veriaci. Prišli až ku tej skutočnej veci, videli zasľúbenie a cítili sa, že nie sú schopní vojsť tam zaujať to zasľúbenie.
74 No, to je presne to, čo dnes prichádza cez ospravedlnenie a posvätenie. Vidíte? „Pošliapali Krv Ježiša Krista, ktorou boli posvätení...“ to sú posvätení ľudia, ktorí prišli až na miesto, kde videli krst Duchom Svätým, a obrátili sa preč a povedali, „To je fanatizmus; nemôžeme to prijať. Boli by sme vyhnaní preč z našich tried; boli by sme vyhnaní preč z našich miest. Boli by sme vyhnaní preč z našich cirkví. Nemôžeme to prijať (Vidíte?), pretože to je v protiklade s naším cirkevným učením.“ Vidíte? Povážil Krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá ho priviedla až takto ďaleko, rovno do spečatenia zasľúbenia, a potom od toho odíde preč; on povedal, že to je pre nich úplne nemožné, aby vôbec boli spasení. Vidíte? Nie tí, ktorí prešli do zasľúbenej zeme...
75 Pamätajte, Józue a Kálef boli jediní dvaja z celej tej skupiny dva a pol milióna ľudí, ktorí prešli do zasľúbenej zeme, pretože oni vošli do zasľúbenej zeme a dostali požehnanie a vrátili sa naspäť. A povedali, „Sme schopní ju zaujať, pretože Boh tak povedal.“
76 A tam zostali. Prečo? No, všetci tí ľudia sa dívali na okolnosti, ale Józue a Kálef sa dívali na To, čo povedal Boh, „Dal som vám tú zem; choďte a zaujmite ju.“
77 A tak je to dnes; ľudia hovoria, „Ó, ak by som sa dal pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista, ak by som prijal Ducha Svätého, ak by som hovoril v jazykoch alebo prorokoval alebo ak by som svedčil alebo vykrikoval v mojej cirkvi, oni by ma vyhodili.“ Choď rovno ďalej.
78 Povieš, „Ale poviem ti to teraz na rovinu; žijem kresťanským životom; žijem dobrým, čistým, posväteným životom.“ To je pravda, ale prišiel si ku rozhodujúcej skúške, prišiel si na miesto, ku hranici. A ak sa od toho obrátiš späť, potom je nemožné pre tých, ktorí raz boli osvietení...“ Vidíte?
79 Inými slovami, nejaký človek prichádza cez ospravedlnenie; ide, hovorí, „Verím, že chcem kázať Slovo.“ On dožil spasenie; povedal, „Som unavený z hriechu.“ V poriadku. Potom vychádza a stále fajčí a možno je žiadostivý alebo niečo také. Po nejakom čase hovorí, „Bože, toto sa na Kresťana nepatrí, zvlášť pre kazateľa, aby sa díval nesprávnym spôsobom po ženách, aby fajčil cigarety,“ alebo, „Pijem spoločenský pohár piva s kamarátmi, ale – a dokonca moje zhromaždenie, ale nevyzerá to dobre. Posväť ma, Pane.“ A potom ho Pán posväcuje, berie od neho preč všetku tú žiadosť, všetko. Potom je posvätenou nádobou. Potom mu Boh predkladá krst Duchom Svätým. Aby to urobil, musí vyjsť spomedzi tej skupiny, s ktorou je. Tam ukazuje svoje farby; potom odstupuje. Čo robí, keď odstupuje? Pošliapal Krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá ho posvätila, ako keby to bola nesvätá vec, ktorá nie je schopná ho tam doviesť. Potom je pre neho nemožné, aby bol spasený. A čo iné potom ďalej nasleduje ako prudká pálčivosť ohňa a súd.
Dúfam, že to je jasné. Ak nie je, no, dajte mi vedieť niekedy inokedy. Mám ich tu tak mnoho, ja...
153. Brat Branham, čo tým Ježiš myslel v svätom Jánovi 21:15 až 17, keď sa pýtal Petra, či Ho miluje, a povedal mu, aby pásol Jeho baránky, potom povedal, „Pas Moje ovce,“ a v 17. verši znova povedal, „Pas Moje ovce.?“
80 No, to je len toto. Vidíte, Kristus je Pastier. On odchádzal a dával mu poverenie, aby sa staral o Jeho ovce, čo každý pastier robí, pasie tie, ktoré sú Jeho stádom, Jeho Cirkev... Rozumiete? On viedol – alebo zanechal týmto učeníkom poverenie, aby pokračovali v pasení stáda, aby boli pastiermi, pásli ovce.
81 Inými slovami, ak sa tu dnes ráno pozriete, to je to, čo robím. No, ovce budú rásť len vtedy, keď im dáte ovčie jedlo. No, ak by ste vypražili veľký hamburger a dali to ovci, ona by na tom nemohla rásť, lebo (Rozumiete?), to nie je ovčie jedlo. Vidíte? A ak by som vypražil alebo pripravil pekný biftek, dal to ovci, to nie je ovčie jedlo. Ona by to jednoducho nemohla jesť, to je všetko, lebo ona je ovca. Ale ovca má rada ovčie jedlo. Dobre teda, ak máte pásť Božie stádo, nedávajte im nejakú ľuďmi utvorenú teológiu; dávajte im Slovo; lebo to je to, z čoho ovca rastie. Pasie sa na Slove.
82 Buďte pastierom, skutočným pastierom. „Pas Moje ovce.” Jahniatka sú tie maličké, samozrejme, a ovce sú dospelé. Tak oboje, mladé a staré, paste stádo Božie. Vidíte? A dávajte im Slovo. Slovo (vidíte?) je Pravda. Ježiš povedal, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.” Je to tak? Tak potom, ak má človek žiť, a oni sú stádom Božím, títo - cirkev, potom majú prospievať na Slove a Manne Božej. Toto je Jeho Manna.
83 V Biblii, práve sme tam cez to prešli v cirkevných vekoch. Ježiš je tou skrytou Mannou; Kristus je Mannou pre Cirkev. Čo je to manna? Manna v Starom Zákone bolo to, čo každú noc padalo z neba čerstvé, aby zachovávalo cirkev na jej púti. Je to tak? No, čo je skrytou Mannou v Novom Zákone? „Krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí (skrytý); jednako vy Ma uvidíte, lebo budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do konca sveta.“ A Kristus je tou skrytou Mannou, ktorá prichádza čerstvo od Boha z neba každý deň – každý deň.
84 Nemôžeme povedať, „No, pred dvoma týždňami som mal ohromné prežitie Božie.“ A čo práve teraz? Vidíte? Každý deň, čerstvé, nové požehnanie, niečo nové prichádzajúce od Boha, skrytá Manna, ktorá prichádza dolu od Boha z nebies; Kristus. A my sa hostíme na tejto Manne, ktorou je Kristus, a On nás zachováva na tej púti, až kým nedôjdeme do zeme na tej druhej strane.
85 No, to je to, čo On tým myslel, „Pas Moje ovce.“ Keby sme chceli vojsť do toho hlbšie, nikdy by sme sa nedostali ku tým ostatným otázkam, pretože táto je pre mňa dobrá. Mám to rád, keď rozprávam o Kristovi, že je Mannou a Pokrmom pre ovce.
86 Pas ich Kristom z Jeho Slova. Vidíte? Vezmi Slovo Kristovo presne takým spôsobom, ako je tu zapísané, a daj to ovciam. Nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, „Ó, oni potrebujú hamburger.“ Neverte tomu. Tu je to, čo potrebujú, rovno tu. Toto je To. Vidíte? Dajte im Toto. Toto je ovčí Pokrm. To je To, čo spôsobí, že porastú. Duch Svätý, toto je Jeho Slovo, Jeho poverenie. Slovo je Semeno. Semeno prináša rastlinu; rastlinu jeme. No, toto je to, čo privádza rastlinu, z ktorej sa Duch Svätý raduje, to je Cirkev. To kŕmi... To živí Cirkev, Duch Svätý to robí, radovanie sa v Prítomnosti Božej, pretože ľudia veria Jeho Slovu a nechávajú Ho pracovať cez nich, dáva im práve tie veci, ktoré im Boh zasľúbil, že budú robiť. A Boh vidí rásť Svoju Cirkev, preto sú ovce kŕmené a Duch Svätý je oslávený. Rozumiete? To je to. „Pas Moje ovce.“ V poriadku.
No, ak to nie je všetko, no, dajte mi vedieť niekedy neskôr.
154. „Brat Branham, ako som prednedávnom išla cez modlitebný rad, boli na mňa položené pomazané ruky a bola prinesená modlitba za môjho nespaseného manžela. Bola som zasiahnutá mocou Pánovou. Je toto definitívne znamenie, že on bude spasený?“
87 No, to musí byť žena. Sestra, nemyslím si, že to bolo definitívne znamenie, že bude spasený, hoci verím, že ak – že Boh... Verím, že on bude spasený, istotne, ale povedať... „No, mohol by si povedať, že to je Tak hovorí Pán?“ Buďte ohľadom toho opatrní (Rozumiete?), pretože (Rozumiete?), to mohol byť Duch Svätý, ktorý ťa žehnal, pretože si zaujala miesto Krista. Rozumieš?
88 Prišla si sa sem postaviť za svojho hriešneho manžela, ako Kristus išiel na kríž, aby sa postavil za hriešnu Cirkev. Vidíš? To bola významná vec, ktorú si urobila. Ale, čo by som urobil... Ak si tu dnes ráno prítomná, ty, ktorá si napísala túto otázku, čo by som robil, veril by som z celého srdca, že Boh to ide urobiť (Rozumieš?) – že Boh to ide urobiť, pretože či ti On dal požehnanie, alebo či ti ho nedal; to bolo niečo extra, čo ti Boh dal. Ale verím, že to mohlo urobiť, že sa cítiš dobre, pretože On ťa požehnal.
89 Je to práve tak, ako keď hovoríte v jazykoch a v zbore nie je žiaden vykladač, no, nemali by ste hovoriť v zbore, pokiaľ tam nie je niekto, kto vykladá jazyky. Ale ak hovoríte v jazykoch a nie je tam žiaden vykladač... No, použiť... ty... Či už si na modlitbe doma alebo kdekoľvek si, hovor vtedy, pretože, „Ten, kto hovorí v neznámom jazyku, poučuje samého seba.“ To mu dáva útechu. Rozumiete? Cíti sa dobre, pretože tam stojí a modlí sa a prvé, čo zistíte, zostúpi na neho alebo na ňu Duch Svätý a začnú hovoriť v jazykoch. A ich duša sa raduje a je šťastná, pretože hovorili v jazykoch. Rozumiete?
90 No, to bolo – to nebolo práve znamenie, že Boh išiel odpovedať na modlitbu, ktorú si sa modlila, ale bolo to znamenie, že Duch Svätý ťa počuje. To je... On ťa pozná; On je s tebou. To je tá istá vec, ktorú by som na toto aplikoval. Duch Svätý ti dáva požehnanie.
91 Prednedávnom, keď som naposledy hovoril v jazykoch, ako si dokážem spomenúť, bolo... Bol som... Bolo to asi pred tromi alebo štyrmi rokmi. Bol som v Illinois a Billy prišiel po mňa kvôli – aby som išiel do modlitebného radu v Zion City. A mal som bremeno na srdci a kľakol som si a začal som sa modliť. A zatiaľ čo som sa modlil, počul som Billyho, ako prichádza hore a klope na dvere. A povedal som, „Billy, teraz nemôžem ísť.“ A on vyšiel tam von a sadol si.
92 A modlil som sa, moje srdce bolo tak zaťažené; nemohol som takto ísť do zboru. A vidíte, normálne mi On niekedy dáva videnie, aby mi ukázal niečo, čo sa stane, ale vtedy to neurobil. A ja som sa tam v tej miestnosti ďalej modlil a začul som niekoho, ako hovorí. Prestal som sa modliť. Počúval som, niekto tam bol pri dverách, oni boli... Znelo to ako cudzí jazyk, ako nemčina alebo holandsky, niečo také; bolo to také rýchle rapotanie. Znova som počúval a pomyslel som si, „No, niekto tam hore vyšiel a rozprával sa po nemecky s tým človekom z motela; možno mu odpovie naspäť.“
93 A len som sa prestal modliť, opieral som sa takto o stoličku, počúval som a on len stále rozprával. Pomyslel som si, „No, zaujímalo by ma, prečo niekto neodpovedá.“ A počúval som; pomyslel som si, „No, či to nie je zvláštne?“
94 Dolu na ceste boli veľké cestné váhy a počul som tam dolu toho chlapíka, ako vykrikoval, „Vyjdite hore,“ viete, a, „Zídite dole.“ Otočil som sa, pozrel som sa tým smerom a urobil som to, cítil som z mojich úst... Zistil som, že ja som ten, kto rozpráva. To som bol ja. A ostal som ozaj pokojný, nevediac jedinú vec. Nemal som žiadnu kontrolu nad tým, čo som hovoril, nevedel som nič o tom, čo som hovoril, jednoducho nič. Len som... Moje ústa sa hýbali; rozprával som nejakým jazykom. Ostal som naozaj pokojný. Po chvíli to skončilo. A keď to skončilo, ó, cítil som sa, akoby som mohol kričať; bol som jednoducho tak šťastný. Neviem prečo, ale to bremeno ma úplne opustilo.
95 Tak som potom išiel do zboru, zavolal som Billyho. A keď som sa dostal do zboru... Pán Baxter bol vtedy manažérom zhromaždenia. A on bol – spieval, čakal. Meškal som asi pol hodinu. A povedal som mu, že som jednoducho meškal.
A on videl, že som plakal, a povedal, „Čo sa deje?“
96 A povedal som, „Nič.“ A išiel som tam a asi za desať minút vošla dozadu posluchárne nejaká žena a chcela si sadnúť tam dozadu. A keď sme si zistili, kto je tá žena, zistili sme, že bola na ceste z Twin Cities (St. Paul a Minneapolis, niekde, jedno z tých dvoch miest). Bola na tom tak zle, mala tuberkulózu, ambulancia sa neodvážila ju priviezť, jej pľúca boli v takom stave, proste želatína. A tak skupina bratov vzala staré auto Chevrolet, vybrali von zadné sedadlo a urobili jej tam nejako lôžko alebo posteľ a položili ju na to a viezli ju na zhromaždenie. Ona chcela prísť.
97 Doktori sa jej vzdali. A na ceste... Povedali jej, že najmenšie drgnutie a začne krvácať a hotovo. A ona začala krvácať. A oni ju museli vybrať von a položiť ju na trávnik. A svätí tam stáli a modlili sa nad tou ženou. A ona bola len... Zakaždým, keď dýchala, len kloktala, krv jej vyletovala takto z úst.
98 A zrazu bola okamžite uzdravená. A vyskočila odtiaľ a začala sa radovať, pokračovali cestou do zboru. A bola tam vzadu a svedčila, tam vzadu.
99 Povedal som, „O koľkej sa to stalo?“ A keď povedala ten čas, kedy sa to stalo, bol to presne ten čas, keď sa cezo mňa dialo to hovorenie. No, čo to bolo? To bol Duch Svätý, ktorý sa prihováral tam za tú ženu. Rozumiete, čo myslím?
100 No, Biblia to hovorí. Niekedy mrmleme slová; nevieme, o čom hovoríme. Ale to sa tam pohybuje Duch Svätý, prihovára sa za veci, ktoré nerozumieme. Vidíte?
101 A tá žena bola okamžite uzdravená. Počuli sme od nej po dlhom čase od vtedy. Ona je dokonale zdravá, je v poriadku.
102 No, vidíte, Boh vie, kde sú tie veci, a On má spôsob, ako to robiť. Vidíte? On má Svoj vlastný spôsob, ako to robí. My sa len musíme poddať tomu, čo On robí. A potom tá ťažká vec, ktorú treba robiť, keď sa tam dostanete, je potrebné držať sa preč od toho maličkého kroku do fanatizmu, ktorý je od pravdy vzdialený na ostrie noža.
103 No, ak nedávate pozor, diabol vás uvrhne rovno do hromady fanatizmu a stratíte celé svoje prežitie a všetko ďalšie (Rozumiete?), keď to robíte, ale ak sa len môžete držať pevnej pravdy, sledujete, čo hovorí Biblia, zostávate s Tým a zostávate pokorní a skromní, Boh vás jednoducho bude viesť ďalej smerom ku Golgote, proste takto ďalej po ceste, ak s Tým len zostanete.
104 A to je niečo podobné ako tvoje prežitie, sestra. Boh ti len dával požehnanie. Môže to byť definitívne svedectvo, že budeš... Ale nespoliehal by som sa len na to (Rozumiete?), povedať, „Pán mi povedal.“ Preto som povedal to prežitie, pretože to ťa môže povzbudiť, aby si ďalej verila. Čokoľvek to tam Boh urobil, priviedol takto na teba Ducha, bolo to za nejakým účelom. Mohlo to byť niečo iné; ale ak to bolo kvôli tvojmu manželovi, on istotne vojde rovno do Kráľovstva Božieho, verím tomu.
155. „Brat Branham, či to nie je podľa Písma, že ženy by nemali hovoriť v zbore?“
105 On tu má dve otázky. To je pravda. To je pravda. Pre ženy to nie je správne, aby boli kazateľkami a hovorili v zbore. To je pravda: 1. Korinťanom, 14. kapitola.
106 Samozrejme, celý zbor to tu vie, všetci to viete. A toto tu dnes ráno môže byť nejaký návštevník; neviem. Ale nie je správne pre ženy, aby boli kazateľkami. To je pravda.
Len vám to tu prečítam a môžete na to prísť. A potom budete vedieť: 1. Korinťanom, 14. kapitola, verím. V priebehu chvíľky to budem mať, ak to nájdem. Áno, tu to je.
Vaše ženy nech mlčia v zboroch, lebo sa im nedovoľuje hovoriť, ale podriaďovať sa, ako i zákon hovorí. (No, zákon nedovoľoval ženské kňazstvo, a tak ďalej, v tých dňoch. Vidíte?)
A jestli sa chcú niečo naučiť, nech sa doma pýtajú svojich vlastných mužov, lebo je mrzká vec žene hovoriť v zbore.
107 No, ak si všimnete tu v Korinte... Mnohí z týchto Korintských Kresťanov a mnohí z... Najväčšia bohyňa na svete v tých dňoch bola Diana, to bola rímska bohyňa. A ona bola bohyňou Efezu. A bola uctievaná po celom svete. A teraz, jej kazatelia... Samozrejme, keďže ona bola ženou, potom jej slúžili ženy. A keď sa obrátili do Kresťanstva skrze Paula... No, Pavol bol vo väzení, keď písal tieto listy, samozrejme, v Ríme.
108 No, oni mu písali listy (Rozumiete?), potom, keď začali hovoriť v jazykoch a dostali veľké dary, ktoré fungovali medzi nimi. No, tieto ženy si mysleli, že by mali pokračovať vo svojej službe.
109 No, ak si všimnete, vy, ktorí čítate svoju Bibliu, v 36. verši povedal.
Alebo či od vás vyšlo slovo Božie? Alebo či len k vám samým prišlo?
Ak niekto myslí o sebe, že je prorok alebo duchovný, nech pozná dobre, čo vám píšem, že sú to prikázania Pánove.
Ale ak niekto nevie, nech nevie.
110 No, v opačnom prípade, ženy... No, ak si vezmete históriu cirkvi ku tomuto listu (Rozumiete?), tieto ženy si mysleli, že boli... pokračovali vo svojej službe tak, ako keď boli kňažkami bohyne Diany. Boh nie je žena; Boh je Muž. A je len jeden skutočný a to je muž. Žena je vedľajším produktom z muža. Muž nebol učinený pre ženu, ale žena bola učinená pre muža. Vidíte? Ak by ste len otvorili svoje duchovné porozumenie. Vidíte? Vidíte?
111 Muž – keď muž prvýkrát prišiel na zem, on bol oboje, muž i žena, ženský i mužský, prv, ako sa stal pohlavne identifikovaný. Rozumiete? Ženský duch, ten nižší duch, to je ten, ktorý je plachý... A potom tam je tiež mužský, muž. Ale keď ho On učinil a umiestnil ho do rozličných... Aby naplnil svet, On z neho vyňal toho ženského ducha, vzal rebro z jeho boku a učinil ženu.
112 Ona nemala byť vládkyňou. Keď s tým prvý raz začala, spôsobila úpadok celej ľudskej rasy. Vidíte? Ó, a dokonca to bolo... Ona bola príčinou úpadku. A potom ju Boh zodvihol a priniesol naspäť do sveta život skrze Krista cez ženu. Ale vôbec nikde nebolo žene dovolené, aby bola kazateľkou v zbore.
113 Tam v 2. Timotejovi, v 3. kapitole on povedal, „Nedovoľujem žene vyučovať alebo si prisvojovať autoritu nad mužom, ale nech je ticho.“ Vidíte? A pre ženu to nie je správne, aby kázala; to je pravda.
114 No, viem, že sme videli niektoré ženy, ktoré boli skutočnými kazateľkami (Oni tiež dokážu kázať.), ako Aimie McPherson a mnohé tamtie ženy. Ale len na ne na chvíľu položíte ruku. Vidíte? To nie je... Poznám ľudí, ktorí dnes ráno sedia rovno v tomto zbore a mohli by hovoriť v jazykoch. Ak by tu nebol žiaden vykladač, neodvážili by sa to robiť. Vidíte?
115 Musíte si zapamätať; tie ženy sa narodili pod určitou líniou, potom, keď sú... Vaše narodenie má s tým veľa do činenia. To je vaše meno, vaše – všetko o vás (Vidíte?), ono to formuje, nezáleží na tom, čo to je.
116 Mohol by som tu vyjsť von a potiahnuť kohútik na pištoli a zabiť nejakého človeka, ale neodvažujem sa to urobiť. Ale môžem to urobiť, samozrejme. Vidíte, mohol by som zabiť človeka práve tak isto, ako keď zastrelíte veveričku; ale vy to nemáte robiť. Vidíte? A to je tá istá vec. Musíte na tie veci dávať pozor; aby ste teraz nerobili... Toto sú prikázania Pánove.
117 Keď tam napísali a povedali, „No, Duch Svätý nám povedal.“ (Vidíte), Pavol povedal, „Čo? Vyšlo Slovo Božie od vás? A prišlo iba od vás? Ak je niekto z vás všetkých – ak tam máte nejakých prorokov, oni porozumejú, že to, čo vám hovorím, sú prikázania Pánove. (Vidíte? To je pravda.) Ale ak je nejaký človek, ktorý ukazuje, že chce byť proti tomu, ak nechce vedieť, nechajte ho, nech nevie. Vidíte? Len ho nechajte tak a nechajte ho ísť (Rozumiete?); nerobte nič, čo je v protiklade s tým.“ Ale pamätajte, ona nemá hovoriť v zbore.
118 A tak, tam môžete posúdiť svojho pastora alebo ktokoľvek to je, či je duchovný alebo nie. Vidíte? On povedal, „Ak je nejaký človek duchovný alebo prorok, on rozpozná, že to, čo vám hovorím, sú prikázania Pánove.“ Vidíte?
119 To je dôvod, prečo nariaďujem ľuďom, aby sa dali znova pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista. Pavol to robil a on povedal, „Ak by prišiel anjel z neba a učil vás čokoľvek iné, nech je prekliaty.“ A toto je to, čo tu tiež už bolo vyučované. Ak príde nejaký človek... Ak príde anjel z neba a povie, „Nech ženy kážu, ustanovte ich za kazateľky.“ Biblia povedala, „Nech je prekliaty.“ Toto tu sú prikázania Pánove.
156. „Je pre kresťanských mužov a ženy správne, aby sa navzájom pobozkali (Ó!) na privítanie?“
120 Nie veru. Rozhodne nie. Bozkávaš jednu ženu, brat, to je tvoja manželka (Vidíte?), alebo tvoje dieťa alebo čo... Vidíte?
„Je správne pre...“ Dovoľte mi pozrieť sa, či som to pochopil správne. „Je pre kresťanských mužov a ženy správne, aby sa navzájom pobozkali na privítanie?“
121 Nie veru. Rozhodne nie. To... Nikdy s tým nezačínajte. Tak veru. Nie veru. Držte sa preč od žien. Držte sa od nich preč. Presne tak.
122 No, ony sú naše sestry, ale ne... No, oni to mali. To v... Tú vec mali dokonca na letnice a volalo sa to „voľná láska“. A keď robíte – dostanete sa k niečomu takémuto, držte sa od toho preč. Je to tak.
123 Nestarám sa o to, aký si čistý... Ty si môj brat a verím, že si – môžeš byť dobrý, posvätený, svätý muž. Nestarám sa o to, aký si svätý; stále si muž. A nestarám sa o to, aká je ona svätá; stále je ženou. Držte sa od toho preč, až kým sa neoženíte. Len to takto robte.
124 Pamätajte, telo... Budem teraz hovoriť dvojzmyselne, aby ste vy, starší ľudia, porozumeli. Je to zmiešaná skupina, ale ja som váš brat a toto bola otázka. Rozumiete?
125 Každá ľudská bytosť, mužská i ženská, má odlišný typ žliaz. Ženská má ženské žľazy, sexuálne žľazy. A mužská má mužské žľazy, sexuálne žľazy. A tie žľazy ležia v ľudských perách. Je to tak.
126 A tu je ďalšia vec, ktorá môže byť spomenutá; muži, ktorí sa navzájom bozkávajú na pery. To je špinavosť. To je nečistota. A čo to robí? To prináša homosexuálov. Držte sa od toho preč. Poviete...
127 Jeden chlapík sa ma prednedávnom opýtal, povedal, „Brat Branham, no, oni sa navzájom vítali svätým bozkom.“ Oni sa bozkali na zadnej strane krku, naklonili sa ponad krk a bozkali ich na zadnú stranu krku. To bolo predtým, ako sa zaviedlo potrasenie rúk. To je privítanie. Takto to je. Oni si navzájom nepotriasali rukou; objali sa navzájom; bozkali sa navzájom na zadnú stranu krku, nie na pery, na tvár. To prináša zvrátenosť. Držte sa od toho preč. Nikdy to nerobte.
128 V dnešných dňoch si navzájom potrasieme rukou. Ak chceš... Objímeš svojho brata a pobozkáš ho na krk alebo on bozká na krk teba; to je v poriadku. Ale nebozkaj tú ženu a nedovoľ tej žene, aby bozkala teba. Rozumiete? To je pravda. Vezmi ju za ruku, povedz, „Počkaj chvíľu, sestra, len chvíľočku (Vidíte?); toto si vyjasnime.“ A tak, teraz to robte.
129 No, čo som vám pred chvíľou povedal, keď sme prv začínali? Keď vidíš akékoľvek – auto, ako sa rúti dolu po ceste 90 míľ za hodinu, odstúp sa mu z cesty. Je to tak. Keď vidíš prvý náznak v čomkoľvek takom, odvráť sa od toho; choď preč od toho. A len... To je územie, na ktorom by si nemal byť. Satan ti predstaví niečo, čo skazí tvoju dušu a pošle ťa do pekla. Držte sa od toho. Vyhýbajte sa samotnému náznaku zla. Je to tak.
130 Buď mužom; buď ženou, ako... Zastanem sa teraz na chvíľu žien. To je nezvyčajné, či nie? Ale oni hovoria, „Ó, to spôsobila žena. Ó, to bola chyba ženy. Ak by nevypadla zo svojho miesta, no, muž by nevypadol z toho svojho.“ To je pravda. To... Povieme, že to je pravda. Vypadla zo svojho miesta. Muž nemôže byť zlý, pokiaľ tam nie je zlá žena; ale pamätajte, že nemôže byť zlá žena bez toho, že by bol zlý muž. Je to tak.
131 A ty, ktorý tvrdíš, že si synom Božím, kde sú tvoje zásady? Ak žena nie je na svojom mieste, či nie si synom Božím? Nie si tým, ktorý je vyššou, silnejšou nádobou? Ako hovorí Biblia, ona je slabšia, potom ak je slabšia, potom sa ukáž ako muž Boží. Povedz jej, povedz, „Sestra, mýliš sa.“ Presne tak. Urobil som to a iní Kresťania to urobili. A vždy to budeš robiť, pokiaľ si Kresťanom, ale ukáž sa. Si synom Božím. Máš nad sebou väčšiu moc, než má žena. Ak je ona slabšia, pochop, že je slabšia. Porozumej jej chybám a takýmto veciam a snaž sa ju napraviť. Povedz, „Sestra, my sme Kresťania; nemali by sme to robiť.“ Vidíte? Buď skutočný muž; buď syn Boží a dávaj pozor na ženy.
132 A tu je to, kde na začiatku začal ten veľký úpadok. To bol satan s Evou. To je to, čo priviedlo celý úpadok ľudskej rasy, cez to.
133 A ak si syn Boží, buď silný; buď skutočný muž. Ak taký nie si, zostaň pri oltári, až kým sa ním nestaneš. A stráň sa samotného náznaku zla. A nezačni teraz vítať...
134 Niekto mi prednedávnom povedal, že to asi dva alebo trikrát videli tu v mojom zbore... Nie tu v zbore, ale ľudí, ktorí chodia do zboru. A ak tu dnes ráno sedíte, prekopem to pre vás veľmi jasne. Rozumiete?
135 Ženy, mladé ženy, vychádzajú a títo muži tie ženy bozkávajú. Nerobte to. Držte sa od toho preč. Pamätaj si, že ak je mladá, nezadaná alebo čímkoľvek je; jedného dňa bude niekoho manželkou. A to vôbec nie je tvoja vec robiť to. Drž sa od nej preč. Ak ju chceš pozdraviť, potom buď synom Božím, potras jej rukou a povedz, „Ako sa máš, sestra?“ A nech sa to tým rovno tam vybaví. Rozumiete?
136 Držte sa preč od tých vecí; to je nečistota. A to vás čoskoro dostane do problému. Vy len... Ó, to je skrátka... Hriech je tak ľahký, je tak príťažlivý a tak príjemný. Je tak ľahké padnúť rovno do neho. Najlepšia vec, ktorú môžete robiť, je držať sa preč od samotného náznaku toho. Drž sa preč. Buď skutočným Kresťanom.
137 A pre mužov, aby sa navzájom bozkávali, ak bozkáš svojho brata na krk a chceš to urobiť, to je v poriadku. Nebozkávaj žiadneho muža na pery a na ústa alebo čokoľvek také, pretože to je – nie je to správne. Rozumiete? Nie, to ukazuje, že s tým niečo od začiatku nie je v poriadku. Rozumiete? Tak sa len od toho držte preč; vyhýbajte sa tomu. Nezačínajte tu s tým naokolo tejto modlitebne. Nie, istotne za tým vôbec nebudeme stáť. Rozumiete?
138 Ak chceš vidieť svojho brata, ak ho chceš pobozkať na krk, no, choď a urob to, ale nebozkávajte ľudí na ústa, pretože to nebude fungovať; nie je to správne. A to iba začína zvrátenosť. Tvorí to homosexuálov a také veci.
139 A sú len dve veci, ktoré sa udejú v takýchto veciach. Ak začnete... Videl som... Ó, mnohokrát medzi ľuďmi, oni prídu. Videl som cirkvi, a kazateľ vošiel dnu, natiahol sa a chytil každú sestru, objal ju, pobozkal ju a usadil ju. „Ako sa máš, sestra? Haleluja.“ Natiahol sa a chytil tamtú a pobozkal ju, prechádzal rovno takto cez zbor. Pre mňa to je zlé.
140 Keď som bol vo Fínsku, boli sme tam všetci... Toto by ste mohli vedieť; mali sme zhromaždenia a bol som v YMCA. Nebolo tam žiadne mydlo, žiadne čistiace prostriedky, vo Fínsku. A iba... Mal som nejaké mydlo na umývanie a každý jeden z nás musel stáť a dať si len rýchlu sprchu, viete, s týmto mydlom na holenie. Mali sme so sebou len jeden kus a vo Fínsku sme nemali žiadne mydlo. A oni sa jednoducho umývali s nejakým druhom zlúčeniny a to z vás takmer zodralo kožu.
141 Tak potom sme... Povedali nám, že nás vezmú do fínskej sauny. A išli sme do YMCA. A išli sme tam, aby sme si dali saunu. To sú fínske, slávne fínske kúpele. A predtým som ich mal a bolo to príjemné. Ale pomyslel som si, „No, ideme do... v YMCA, tak to bude dobre.“
Ale keď som tam začal ísť, Duch Svätý mi povedal, „Nerob to.“ Ó, je tak dobré mať Ducha Svätého. „Nerob to.“
No, hneď na to som teda povedal, „Nemyslím, že chcem dnes ráno kúpeľ.“
Doktor Manninen a oni povedali, „Ó, brat Branham,“ povedali, „ó, tam sú nejaké veľké presklené miestnosti;“ a povedali, „je to nádherné.“ Povedali, „Nie je to...“
142 Zvyčajne, keď to robia, oni vylejú túto vodu na tieto horúce skaly a to urobí, že ste celí spotení, a švihajú vás takto brezovými listami a potom vybehnete rovno von a ponoríte sa do studenej vody. Tí Fíni idú rovno do snehu a ľadu a takých vecí. Ale samozrejme, sú zvyknutí to robiť: veľkí, mocní, húževnatí muži. A potom sa vrátia naspäť a vojdú znova do tohto horúceho kúpeľa, potom odtiaľ do chladu, takto rýchlo. Ale oni ma nechali stáť len tam, kde bol chladný vzduch, a potom som sa vrátil späť, pretože by som nemohol; bál som sa toho, že vám to zastaví srdce, ak na to nie ste zvyknutí,
Tak, naozaj som ich mal veľmi rád, ale Niečo mi povedalo, aby som tam vtedy nešiel. No, Howard, môj brat, a brat Baxter a všetci z nich tam idú, a bratia, všetok zvyšok z nich, viete, všetci sa rozprávajú, viete, idú tam. Tak, ja som bol trocha plachý, viete, pretože Duch Svätý povedal, „Nerob to.“
Tak sme išli do YMCA a oni vošli dnu, všetci tí muži ma tam pozdravovali. Ó, mali titulky v novinách, prvú a druhú stranu, každý deň, zhromaždenia. A boli naokolo.
Vošiel som do malej miestnosti a sadol som si a oni všetci vošli do miestnosti, aby sa vyzliekli. A zatiaľ čo boli tam vo vnútri, aby sa vyzliekli, tu prichádza krásne malé fínske blonďaté dievča; a oni sú pekní ľudia; sú tak čistí, morálni ľudia, ako len môžu byť. Tu ona ide s uterákmi cez svoje rameno, vchádzala do tej miestnosti. Povedal som, „Hej, hej, hej. Stojte. Psss.“ Snažil som sa ju zastaviť. Ona sa obzrela a zasmiala sa, vošla do vnútra, dala každému z nich (a tí muži na sebe nemali žiadne oblečenie) uterák. Každá žena prišla dolu a zobrala jedného muža, vzali ich tam dozadu a takto ich vydrhli. Videl som, čo Duch Svätý mienil. Tak, keď som prišiel naspäť von, povedal som, „Dr. Manninen,“ povedal som, „Ako sa to stalo, že vy súc Kresťania a vojdete dnu, dávate si tam s nimi saunu...“
„Ó,“ povedal, „To sú ženy, ktoré drhnú, brat Branham.“
Povedal som, „Nestarám sa o to, čo sú. Je to zlé. Nie je to správne.“ Povedal som, „A sama príroda vás učí.“
Povedal, „No, brat Branham, sú vychovávané od detstva, aby drhli, práve tak ako vaše zdravotné sestry v Amerike, takéto veci; sú ku tomu vychované.“
Povedal som, „Nestarám sa o to, čo sú; je to celé zlé. Absolútne. Sú to muži a ženy a oni musia byť oddelení a zahalení jeden pred druhým.“ Amen.
Nechcem s tým začínať, po chvíli by som na to kázal, či nie? V poriadku.
156b. Prosím, objasni apoštolskú vieru.
143 To je jedna otázka. Tu je jedna, dve a tri otázky. Apoštolská viera znamená „viera apoštolov.“ To je to, čo znamená apoštolská viera, že zostávaš s Bibliou. No, to, čo je dnes nazvané apoštolskou vierou, mnohí z nich nezostávajú s Bibliou. Ale apoštolská znamená apoštolská viera, apoštolská viera Biblická. V poriadku.
156c. ...a skupina, ktorá samu seba nazýva fundamentalistami, sú tieto dve skupiny spasené?
No, neviem. Vidíte, neviem, ako by som na to odpovedal. No, „Sú tieto skupiny spasené?“ Neviem.
Vysvetli rozdiel medzi duchom a...
No, to je teraz odlišná otázka.
No, „Sú tie dve skupiny spasené?“ Dovoľte mi to pre vás urobiť trocha viac zreteľné a povedať, „Neviem. Nevedel by som.“
No, pamätajte, tu sú moje myšlienky; môže to byť nesprávne. Moje myšlienky sú, že ak rímsky katolík alebo ktokoľvek to môže byť, metodista, presbyterián, cirkev Kristova, luterán, kdekoľvek je, ak verí v Pána Ježiša Krista a vážne sa spolieha vo veci svojho spasenia na Neho, verím, že je spasený.
Ale, vidíte, rímsko-katolícka cirkev to nerobí. Oni veria, že cirkev im dáva spásu. Vidíte? Ich spasenie je v cirkvi. Ako tu minule ten kňaz urobil vietor, keď povedal, „Nie je žiadneho iného spasenia, iba v cirkvi (Vidíte?), rímskej cirkvi.“ No, to je nesprávne. Spasenie je skrze Ježiša Krista (Je to tak.), nie skrze cirkev; ale skrze Krista.
No, ak je apoštolská alebo apoštolský, a fundamentalista sa teraz nazýva...
144 No, ako ku mne prišiel jeden fundamentalista, bolo to tu prednedávnom, a on mi povedal, riekol, „Ty sa tak trocha nakláňaš ku kalvinizmu, nie?“
Povedal som, „No, tak dlho, ako je Kalvín v Biblii, som s ním.“ Povedal som, „Idem len do Biblie a ak Kalvín zostáva v Biblii, ale on opúšťa Bibliu, potom ja sa jej ďalej držím, verím Biblii.“
Povedal, „No,“ povedal, „chcem ti niečo povedať. Povedal si... Počul som ťa, ako si povedal, že ak je človek raz spasený, že nikdy nemôže byť stratený.“
Povedal som, „To je presne to, čo hovorí Písmo. On má večný Život a nikdy nepríde do odsúdenia alebo na súd, ale už prešiel zo smrti do Života.“ Povedal som, „To som nebol ja, kto to povedal. To je Ježiš Kristus, ktorý To povedal.“
On povedal, „Chcem sa ťa potom niečo opýtať.“ Povedal, „Veríš, že Saul bol spasený?“
Povedal som, „Saul, kráľ Saul?“
Povedal, „Áno.“
„No,“ povedal som, „samozrejme.“
Povedal, „No, pamätaj, on bol prorokom.“
Povedal som, „Po správnosti, Biblia povedala, že prorokoval s prorokmi.“ Mal dar proroctva. On nebol prorokom, ale mal dar proroctva, pretože bol tam dole s prorokmi, keď prorokovali. Ale vieme, že Samuel bol prorokom toho dňa, takže – ale Saul prorokoval s prorokmi.
Povedal, „Potom, ak bol prorokom, bol teda spasený?“
Povedal som, „Absolútne.“
Povedal, „Potom sa ťa chcem niečo opýtať.“ Povedal, „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.“ Povedal, „A potom hovoríš, že Saul bol spasený a on – Biblia povedala, že Pán sa od neho oddelil a on sa stal nepriateľom Božím a spáchal samovraždu, a potom hovoríš, že bol spasený?“
145 Povedal som, „A ty si fundamentalista?“ Povedal som, „Brat, ty to len nečítaš správne; to je to. Nečítaš to, čo hovorí Písmo.“
Povedal, „No, Saul nemohol byť spasený, ak sa stal nepriateľom Božím.“
Povedal som, „Saul bol spasený.“
„Ó,“ povedal...
146 Povedal som, „Bol prorokom; musel byť spasený. Rozumieš? Boh ho spasil a Boh nie je indiánskym darcom, ako to voláme. On... No, ak ti Boh dá Ducha Svätého a vie, že ťa hneď tu stratí, no, čo by to vôbec bola za hlúpa vec pre Neho dať ti Ducha Svätého.“
147 Môžeš napodobovať Ducha Svätého a správať sa tak, že máš Ducha Svätého, ale ak máš Ducha Svätého, Boh pozná tvoj začiatok od konca. Takže je to správne. To je biedny spôsob, ako spravovať veci. Boh nespravuje tie Svoje ako... On je nekonečný; On poznal koniec od začiatku a vie o všetkom, čo tu kedy bude. Každá mucha, každý komár, ktorý kedy bude na zemi, On o tom vedel predtým, ako vôbec začal svet. Tak vidíte, kvôli čomu by On takto spravoval Svoje veci. On to nerobí.
148 Ak sledujete – ak máš naozaj Ducha Svätého, si večne spasený. Môžem to dokázať skrze Písma a máme to znova a znova. Ale pre ušetrenie času, aby sme sa dostali k týmto otázkam, môžem povedať toto (Rozumiete?), že tento chlapík povedal, „No, čo potom hovoríš na Saula?“
149 Povedal som, „Saul bol samozrejme spasený.“ Povedal som, „Spomeň si, Saul odpadol; pripúšťam to. Odpadol a odišiel preč od Boha, pretože bol chamtivý. Mal rád peniaze.“ Priniesol všetky tie obete a veci, keď mu Samuel skrze Slovo Božie povedal, aby to všetko zničil. Ale on dokonca ušetril kráľa a zachránil mnoho z tých vecí a priniesol to, pretože... Vidíte? Namiesto toho, aby nasledoval Slovo Božie presne tak, ako Ono hovorí, ak do toho vkladáš svoje vlastné názory, tam odpadávaš.
150 To je to, čo si myslím o denomináciách a takých veciach; odpadávajú, pretože nenasledujú Slovo. Ukážeš im Slovo, oni sa Tomu otočia chrbtom a povedia, „Ó, naša cirkev učí toto.“ To nie je správne; ide o To, čo povedal Boh.
151 A Samuel bol poverený, aby išiel tam dole – či vlastne Saul, a aby zničil úplne všetko, „Všetko, znič to všetko.“ Namiesto toho, aby to urobil, on ušetril niečo na obeť a ušetril kráľov život a urobil to všetko. A Samuel ku nemu prišiel a povedal mu, že Duch Boží odišiel od neho a všetko toto.
A Samuel zomrel. A asi o dva roky neskôr, potom Saul dostal... Duch Boží odišiel od neho, ale on nebol stratený. Istotne nebol; opustilo ho pomazanie. No, dávajte pozor a pozrite teraz, či to tak bolo.
152 Saul sa dostal tak ďaleko od Boha, že keď išiel do boja... Začal ísť do boja. A mal starosti ohľadom toho ísť do boja a prosil Pána o sen. Pán mu nedal sen. V tom dni v krajine neboli žiadni proroci; žiadni proroci. Samuel bol prorok. Mali prorokujúcich, ale oni – a tak ďalej, ale nedokázal nijako dostať odpoveď od Boha. Dokonca išiel k Urím a Thumím a pýtal sa tam. A záblesk svetiel na Urím a Thumím mu ani neodpovedalo. A čo urobil? Zliezol do jaskyne, kde bola čarodejnica, veštica. A táto čarodejnica... On sa preobliekol za pešiaka a odišiel tam a povedal, „Vyveštíš mi ducha proroka Samuela?“
153 A ona riekla, „No, vieš, čo povedal Saul.“ (Rozprávala sa so Saulom, ale nevedela o tom.) Povedala, „Saul povedal, aby každý, kto má vešteckého ducha, aby bol zabitý.“
Povedal, „Ochránim ťa od Saula, ale vyvešti mi ducha Samuela.“
Tak tá čarodejnica vošla do svojich čarov a prvé, ako viete, keď videla Samuela, ako povstal, ako prichádzal jeho duch, zmaterializoval sa pred nimi, povedala, „Vidím bohov, ako povstávajú zo zeme.“
154 To je jedno z uspokojení. Pozrite na starého Samuela, ako tam stojí. Bol dva roky mŕtvy, ale tam stál. Nie len... Stál tam so svojím prorockým plášťom na sebe. Nielen, že bol stále nažive, ale stále bol prorokom. Haleluja.
Povedala, „Podviedol si ma.“ Povedala...
A Saul povedal, „Samuel, neviem, čo mám robiť; zajtra idem do boja a Duch odo mňa odišiel.“ Povedal, „Nemôžem od Pána dostať ani sen. A Urím a Thumím ku mne nehovorí. Som v hroznom stave.“
155 Povedal, „Vidím, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím,“ povedal, „prečo si ma zavolal z môjho odpočinku?“ Vidíte? Samuel to povedal. Povedal, „Prečo si ma zavolal z môjho odpočinku, vidím, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím?“ A potom pokračoval a povedal mu. Riekol... Ale jednako, on mu povedal Slovo Pánovo. A keď to urobil... No, pamätajte, on bol dva roky mŕtvy. Rozumiete? Ale povedal, „Poviem ti Slovo.“ Povedal mu Slovo Pánovo. Povedal, „Zajtra padneš v boji a Jonatán, tvoj syn, padne s tebou.“ A povedal, „Zajtra večer o tomto čase budeš so mnou.“ Ak bol stratený, tak potom bol aj prorok Samuel. To je fundamentalizmus; vidíte, prečo je tak nazvané? Vidíte, vidíte? Povedal, „Zajtra večer o tomto čase budeš so mnou.“ Vidíte? Potom, ak Saul bol stratený, takisto bol i Samuel, pretože oni boli obaja na tom istom mieste.
156 Nie, nie. Fundamentalisti, vy... Takzvaný fundamentalizmus, ako takzvaná cirkev Kristova a takzvaný kresťan, takzvané kresťanstvo. Dnes, preto, že ste Američanom, mali by ste byť kresťanom, pretože ste Američanom. Rozumiete? To je takzvané kresťanstvo. Ale skutočný Kresťan je muž, ktorý sa znovuzrodil z Ducha; žena, ktorá sa znovuzrodila z Ducha. To je naozaj... Títo ostatní napodobujú, ale skutoční Kresťania sú povolaní Bohom.
157. Prosím, vysvetli rozdiel medzi duchom a dušou.
157 No, táto je ťažká. Ale po prvé, si trojitou bytosťou, tak ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý sú tri tituly, ktoré patria jednej Osobe, a to je Ježiš Kristus. A ty si duša, telo a duch. Sú potrebné tieto tri časti, ktoré ťa tvoria. Len s jednou z nich nie si to, čo si. Sú potrebné tieto tri časti, ktoré ťa tvoria.
Ako som to minule hovoril, „Toto je moja ruka; toto je môj prst; toto je môj nos; toto sú moje oči; ale kto som ja?“ Kto som ja, ktorému to patrí? To je to, čo je vo vnútri mňa; to je inteligencia.
158 Ak tieto oči, ak tieto ruky, ak by stálo toto telo, ako je tomu dnes, jednako by som mohol... Moje telo by tu mohlo byť, ale ja by som mohol byť preč, to, čím som ja. Čo – kýmkoľvek som vo vnútri mňa, to by bolo preč. To je tá časť, ktorá je duchom. Duša je povahou toho ducha, a tak, keď na teba prichádza Duch Svätý, To neurobí nič... Ty... To mení alebo obracia tvojho ducha na inú dušu. A tá duša je inou povahou, ktorá je na tom duchu. Takže duša je povahou tvojho ducha.
159 Prv si bol podlý a zlý, nenávistný, zlomyseľný a zlostný; teraz si milujúci, milý, láskavý a... Vidíte ten rozdiel? To je tvoja povaha. Mohli by sme... Nazvem to tak. To je tvoja duša, ktorá zostala zmenená. Stará duša zomrela a narodila sa v tebe nová duša, ktorá je novou povahou. Rozumiete?
160 Tvoj mozog nie je tvojou inteligenciou; to je tvoj duch, ktorý je v tebe, to je tvoja inteligencia. Rozumiete? Tvoj mozog je hromadou hmoty a buniek, a tak ďalej; nemá sám v sebe žiadnu inteligenciu. Ak by mal, potom tak dlho, ako je tam položený, či už si mŕtvy alebo živý, stále by pracoval. Vidíte? Ale to nie je tvoj mozog; to je tvoj duch, ktorý je vo vnútri teba. A tvoja duša je povahou tvojho ducha. To je duša ducha, ktorá riadi – duch, ktorý riadi to telo. Rozumiete? Tak vidíte.
No, musím sa ponáhľať, pretože začína byť trocha neskoro. No, myslím, že – dúfam, že týmto je to vybavené.
158. Brat Branham, prosím, objasni – prosím, vyjasni to, či by ženy mali svedčiť alebo hovoriť v jazykoch v zhromaždení.
161 No, verím, že ak je tá žena kazateľkou v zhromaždení, nemala by byť kazateľkou. Ale ak má dar jazykov a hovorí v zhromaždení, kde sú proroci a tie dary sú zhromaždené spolu. Verím, že má na to právo. Pretože v Biblii nachádzame, že mali prorokyňu ako Miriam a iné, a ony neboli – ony nemali žiadnu právomoc... Ak sa tu dostanem ku mojej krátkej kázni, dotknem sa toho tam. Rozumiete?
162 Ale ženy, ak sú obdarované... No, ten správny spôsob, myslím, že keď prídeme čoskoro dokopy... Keď sa náš zbor trocha viac usadí... A mimochodom, je tu nová skupina, nová – ďalší zbor, ktorý sa ide spojiť a...?... a pôjde s týmto zborom, akonáhle tu pre nich získame miestnosť a ostatné veci. Ďalší zbor má prísť a spojiť sa s týmto zborom, nie do organizácie, len prídeme ako telo v skupine do zboru. A oni sú skupinou obdarovaných ľudí.
163 A teraz, keď to príde dokopy, tie veci, ktoré treba robiť, títo obdarovaní ľudia sa musia spolu schádzať v určitom čase a vidieť, čo im hovorí Duch. A potom to môže byť povedané z pódia. A ľudia... Je to pre vzdelávanie cirkvi.
164 No, ak hovoríte v jazykoch a viete, že nikto to nevykladá... A ak ste potom na zhromaždeniach, niekedy je to tak neúctivé, viete. Niekedy nachádzate... Stál som na mojom zhromaždení, volal som ľudí ku oltáru a niekto sa postavil, prerušil výzvu ku oltáru a začal hovoriť v jazykoch. No, vidíte, tá osoba možno hovorila v jazykoch správne; mohol to byť Duch Svätý, ale vidíte, bez toho, aby bola učená, čo robiť, ako udržať to...
165 Sedel som rovno na pódiu a počúval som kazateľa, ako káže, a videl som ho dostať sa do miesta... Ó, chcel som sa zodvihnúť a pomôcť mu tak veľmi, že som nevedel, čo robiť. A vy robíte to isté; všetci z nás to robia. Ale čo to je? To je neúcta. Sadni si. Maj v úcte môjho brata.
166 Počúval som brata Nevilleho, ako káže, a on počúval kázať mňa, keď sme, bez pochýb sme mohli... Brat J. T., ktorý je tu, a všetci z nich, alebo – a všetci z nich, mohli sme sa navzájom počuť kázať, mysleli sme si, „Ó, brat, myslím, že sa postavím a pomôžem mu.“ Rozumiete? Skrátka cítite, ako sa na vás vylieva Duch, ale čo robíte? Mlčíte. Rozumiete? Pretože duch prorokov je poddaný prorokovi. Rozumiete? Je to tak. Mlčíte. Vidíte. Robíte to.
167 Ale verím, že ak žena... Otázka bola, či žena, ktorá má dar jazykov a chce hovoriť, verím, že keď prichádza ten čas, má právo hovoriť v dare jazykov, ale nie kázať alebo si prisvojovať akúkoľvek autoritu nad mužmi. Keď je kazateľkou, samozrejme, že je nad mužmi.
159. Brat Branham, oženil som sa so ženou, ktorá bola už predtým vydatá. Rozviedli sme sa a ona sa odvtedy už dvakrát vydala. Biblia hovorí, že ak sa túžime oženiť – ak sa túžime oženiť, aby sme sa vrátili ku prvej manželke. No, mohol by som sa vrátiť ku tej, ktorá bola predtým vydatá, alebo by som mohol byť slobodný?
168 No, môj brat, tu je ten jediný spôsob, ako by si to mohol urobiť. No, toto je veľká téma a jedného dňa chcem, ak sa cirkev niekedy zorganizuje a narovná do miesta, kde by mala byť, alebo... Poviem toto s úctivosťou. Ja... V cirkvách sú ohľadom manželstva a rozvodu dve strany: jedna sa drží jednej strany a druhá tej druhej. A podľa môjho názoru, s milosťou vo svojom srdci pred Bohom a Jeho Bibliou, oni obe sa mýlia. Rozumiete? Ale je pravda, ktorá tam leží.
169 Ak si všimnete, čo povedal Ježiš... No, aha, mám brata, môjho vlastného rodného brata, ktorý sa chystá vziať si ženu. A môj brat bol predtým ženatý a má dieťa s dobrou ženou. A prišiel ku mne, aby som ho zosobášil. Povedal som, „V žiadnom prípade.“
170 Ježiš v Matúšovi 5 povedal, „Ktokoľvek prepustí svoju manželku a vezme si inú, okrem príčiny smilstiev (ktoré musela ona vykonať predtým, ako sa vydala, a nepovedala mu o tom), privádza ju ku páchaniu cudzoložstva: ktokoľvek si berie tú, ktorá je prepustená, žije v cudzoložstve.“ Tak to nerobte. Nie, nemôžeš sa vrátiť späť ku svojej prvej manželke, ak sa ona znova vydala. Ale ak si – ona sa rozviedla s tebou a prepustila ťa...
171 Potom si povedal, „Som slobodný?“ Dovoľte mi prečítať to znova. „Oženil som sa so ženou, ktorá nikdy predtým nebola vydatá. Rozviedli sme sa a ona sa už dvakrát vydala (Predpokladám, že táto osoba zostala nezadaná.). Biblia hovorí, že ak sa túžime oženiť, aby sme sa vrátili ku… znova ku prvej.“
172 Nie. Vráť sa do zákonov Levitikus. Ty sa vrátiš ku tej žene, ona je vlastníctvom niekoho iného. Poškvrnil si sa a stal si sa horším ako kedy predtým. Nie, nemal by si prijímať naspäť manželku, ktorá sa vydala za niekoho iného.
173 Teraz, „Mohol by som sa vrátiť k tej, s ktorou som bol predtým zosobášený, alebo by som mal byť slobodný?“ Si slobodný. Zostaň slobodný. Áno, nevracaj sa znova späť. Nie veru. Ona je vydatá za niekoho iného; drž sa od nej preč. Je to tak. Ne... To poškvrňuje...?... rozumieš. Keby sme mali trocha viac času, rád by som do toho vošiel. Ale len čo sa týka tej otázky, môj brat, ktokoľvek si. Nie veru. Nevracaj sa späť a neber si tú ženu, keď zostala vydatá dva alebo trikrát odvtedy, čo si ťa vzala. Je to zlé.
174 Prednedávnom som tu sobášil jeden pár, ktorý už predtým bol zosobášený, a oni sa rozviedli a odišli jeden od druhého, jeden starší pár. Ó, bol to brat a sestra Puckettoví, to boli oni. Oni nemohli vydržať jeden s druhým, mali medzi sebou hádky, rozviedli sa. Ona žila sama, slobodná, verne, ako len mohla, a on tiež. A po nejakom čase zbadali, akí boli hlúpi, a vrátili sa a chceli sa zosobášiť. Povedal som, „Iste.“ Rozumiete? „To je v poriadku, to je to, čo by ste mali byť.“ Tak oni… No, oni boli zosobášení po celý čas. Oni nikdy neboli rozvedení; len im dali papiere, aby spolu žili ako muž a žena, to je všetko, lebo oni boli od počiatku zosobášení.“
160. Čo znamenajú tie tri písmená na katolíckom krucifixe? (Pozrime sa.) Čo znamenajú tie tri písmená na katolíckom krucifixe?
175 No, myslím, že všetky krucifixy sú také isté, ak nie som... Radšej by som sa mal pozrieť. Ale má to tam „I-R-N-I“, čo znamená „Ježiš Nazaretský, Kráľ židov.“ Vidíte? Ak to je to, čo to je, neviem, či majú na tom niečo ďalšie špeciálne alebo niečo iné. Ale tie písmená znamenajú, „Ježiš Nazaretský, Kráľ židov.“ I-N-R-I, to je to, čo je na krucifixe. V poriadku.
161. Bolo by to zlé použiť desiatky ako finančný fond na budovu zboru?
176 Tak, tu je teraz taká citlivá vec pre cirkev. Nie, po správnosti majú desiatky ísť kazateľovi. To je pravda. V Biblii mali truhlicu, ktorú postavili pri dverách budovy, v Starej Zmluve. Táto truhlica bola ako finančná rezerva, kde ľudia dávali peniaze na opravu budovy… Mnohokrát ste to čítali v Starej Zmluve. Udržiavali tým budovy a také veci… Všetky opravy budov boli financované z toho zdroja, rezervy. Ale desatina toho, čo išlo… desatina, desiatky, všetky desiatky išli ich kňazom, ich pastorom. Áno, desiatky nemajú ísť na nič iné.
177 Viem, že ľudia berú svoje desiatky a dávajú ich nejakej vdove. To je nesprávne. Ak máš niečo, čo chceš dať vdove, daj jej, ale nedávaj jej Božie peniaze. To v prvom rade nie je tvoje. To je Božie.
178 Ak ma pošlete dolu do mesta, aby som kúpil bochník chleba a dáte mi dvadsaťpäť centov, aby som kúpil ten bochník chleba, a ja by som na ulici stretol niekoho, kto chce niečo iné, a dal by som mu tých dvadsaťpäť centov (Rozumiete?), dal by som im vaše peniaze. Keď ma o niečo poprosili, mal by som im to dať z tohto vrecka a dať im moje peniaze; ale toto sú vaše peniaze. A desiatok je Pánov. A Lévi, kňaz, mohol žiť z desiatkov.
179 Desiatok má byť desatina, ktorá má byť prinesená do zásobárne so zasľúbením Božím, že to požehná a potvrdí. On povedal, „Ak tomu neveríte, poďte a vyskúšajte Ma a vidzte, či to neurobím.“ Vidíte? Je to tak.
180 Desiatky idú do zboru pre pastora, a tak ďalej, aby z nich žil. A potom, stavebné finančné fondy a také veci; to je celkom oddelený finančný fond. No, to je podľa Písma.
181 Raz, keď sme začínali, chcel som vziať večer... Pred nejakým časom som sem prišiel, predtým, ako som opustil modlitebňu a vzal som asi dva alebo tri týždne a len som vzal takéto témy a prebral som to z jednej strany na druhú a ukázal som, čo znamenajú desiatky v zbore.
162. Brat Branham, je na tom niečo zlé, patriť ku lóži potom, ako sme sa stali Kresťanmi, ako sú slobodomurári?
182 Nie. Si Kresťanom, kdekoľvek si. Nestarám sa o to, kde si, stále môžeš byť Kresťanom.
163. Aký je podľa teba ten najlepší spôsob, ako nájsť Pána... Aký je podľa teba ten najlepší spôsob, ako nájsť vôľu Pánovu v určitých dôležitých záležitostiach?
183 No, počkajte... Nemyslím, že... počkajte, či z toho dokážem dostať súvislosť. „Aký je podľa teba najlepší spôsob (Vidím, že tu by mala byť čiarka, predpokladám.)... Aký je podľa teba najlepší spôsob, ako nájsť vôľu Pánovu v určitých dôležitých záležitostiach?“
184 Poviem ti, drahý priateľu: ten najlepší spôsob, ako nájsť vôľu Božiu v určitých dôležitých záležitostiach, je modlitba. Vidíte?
No, dovoľte mi... Je tu taká malá nádherná vec. Ak máte záležitosť, ktorá je naozaj dôležitá... No, tu je spôsob, ako to robím ja. Beriem to pred Pána. A vždy to bola moja sila; očakávam na Pána a vidím, čo On hovorí. A ja sám ohľadom toho len zostávam neutrálny, nezastávam ani jednu stranu a nehovorím, „No, nebeský Otče, to môže...“
185 Samozrejme, teraz, v mojom prípade väčšinou, ak to je veľmi dôležité, očakávam na videnie. Ale Boh s mnohými ľuďmi nekoná skrze videnia. A tak by som vám to neodporúčal. Rozumiete? Pretože je len pár ľudí, ktorí majú videnia, a iní robia zasa niečo iné. Tam, kde vy robíte niečo iné, čo ja nedokážem robiť, možno – vo vašom spôsobe služby Pánovi, ja zasa robím niečo, čo nedokážete robiť vy. Vidíte? Boh s nami koná rozlične.
186 A tak, ak by som bol na tvojom mieste a nemával videnia od Pána, jednoducho by som očakával na Pána a hovoril, „Pane, ukáž mi teraz, aké rozhodnutie učiniť.“ A potom, tak, ako sa cítiš byť vedený to urobiť, potom len chvíľu čakaj, potom čakaj ešte trocha dlhšie a vidz, ktorým spôsobom, ku ktorej strane sa nakláňaš, ktorým spôsobom Duch... Povedz, „Teraz, Otče, Ty v mojom srdci vieš, že na tom nezáleží; ale chcem vedieť, čo ohľadom toho chceš urobiť Ty.“
187 Takýmto spôsobom to niekedy robím ohľadom zhromaždení. Cítim sa byť nejako vedený ísť týmto smerom alebo tamtým smerom, potom nasledujem tamten smer. Takýmto spôsobom sa to robí, pretože to je vtedy v modlitbe; robíš to najlepšie, čo môžeš.
188 A verím tomuto, moji priatelia, ako bol Pavol v Novom Zákone v tých dňoch, ktoré prešli. Bol medzi dvoma tiesňami, ktorým smerom by mal ísť. A začal ísť po nesprávnej ceste a dostal zavolanie z Macedónska. A verím, že ak robíš rozhodnutie pre Boha a robíš to najlepšie, čo môžeš, verím, že Boh ťa napraví a ne..., aby si nešiel zle. Verím, že Boh to urobí.
164. Brat Branham, čo sa stane ľuďom, ktorí sú považovaní za spiace panny, keď budú súdení na súde?
189 No, spiace panny budú, samozrejme, spasené. Ona bude spasená na súde. Nikdy nebude Nevestou, ale ona je tou spasenou skupinou ľudí, ktorí prídu na súd, ktorí nebudú zahrnutí v Neveste. Ale pokiaľ sú panny, sú pred Bohom. Vidíte? Majú byť spasení. On oddeľuje... Oni budú tými ovcami po Jeho pravej strane. A nespasení budú kozlami po Jeho ľavej strane na veľkom súde pred bielym trónom.
Mohol by som na tom stráviť mnoho času, ale začína byť trocha neskoro.
165. Je to možné, aby Duchom Svätým naplnený človek, aby bol unášaný skrze – robiť drobné veci... ovplyvnený robiť drobné veci, ktoré nechce robiť?
190 Ó, áno. Tak veru. Áno, Duchom Svätým naplnený človek... Vtedy si rovno na mieste, aby si bol unášaný týmito vecami. Si jednoducho vystaveným terčom. Keď si tam dole a slúžiš diablovi, on ťa necháva vliecť sa naokolo, akokoľvek chceš. Ale ak sa raz postavíš za Krista; na druhej strane máš potom; on zameriava každú zbraň na teba. Každé pokušenie, všetko, čo by na teba mohlo byť hodené, potom si to dostal. Ale čo máš? „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“ Vidíte?
191 No, tu si nebol v žiadnom boji, bol si len zašpinený, ako si išiel. Vidíte? Ale teraz si sa očistil; obliekol si sa; oholil si sa; učesal si si vlasy; obliekol si si uniformu; máš vo svojej ruke zbraň. „Poďme.“ Vidíte? Si v boji, nie aby si sa ukazoval, ale aby si bojoval, bojoval. Samozrejme, keď povstanú pokušenia, s Duchom a štítom viery, pusti sa do toho a tlač sa vpred. Vidíte? Je to tak. Ó, oblečte si celú zbroj Božiu. Prečo si obliekate zbroj, ak nejdete do boja? Všetci vojaci sú oblečení, aby bojovali, nie aby sa ukazovali, vykračovali si a hovorili, „Som taký-a-taký. No, som Kresťan. Vidíš, kto ja som? Patrím tam-a-tam. Haleluja. Minulý večer som prijal Ducha Svätého. Samozrejme, nič ma viacej neobťažuje.“ Aha. Ó, brat, myslím, že by si mal radšej ísť naspäť a skúsiť to znova. Vidíte?
192 Ó, hovorím ti, že akonáhle hovoríš, že máš Ducha Svätého, satan namieril na teba každú zbraň, strieľa na teba. Potom máš celú zbroj na sebe, potom berieš štít viery, Meč Ducha Slova, a zapínaš pracku – obúvaš sa Evanjeliom a berieš tu ten starý stredný kus, pancier na hruď, a priťahuješ to, trocha sa narovnávaš a pripravíš sa na to, pretože to prichádza. Neboj sa. Tak veru. Budeš mať množstvo problémov. Ale pamätaj, „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je v tebe, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete.“
166. Čo chcel Ježiš povedať v svätom Matúšovi 16:9 a 10? Čo reprezentuje tých dvanásť košov a sedem košov? Otázka na nedeľné ráno.
193 Pozrime sa, pozrime sa, Matúš 16:10. Nie som si teraz príliš istý. Dovoľte mi pozrieť sa, kde to je; Matúš 16:9 a 10 – 16:9 a 10. Tu sme.
Či ešte nerozumiete ani sa nepamätáte na tých päť chlebov tých päť tisíc mužov a koľko košov ste zobrali?
Ani na tých sedem chlebov tých štyroch tisícov a koľko pletencov ste zobrali?
(Teraz dávajte pozor. Prečítajme len kúsok, čo je tam predtým.)
A Ježiš im povedal: Hľaďte a chráňte sa kvasu farizeov a sadúceov!
A oni rozmýšľali medzi sebou a hovorili: Chleba sme nevzali.
Ježiš... (Teraz dávajte pozor.)... A keď to poznal Ježiš,... (On zachytil ich myšlienky. Vidíte?)... povedal im: Čo to rozmýšľate medzi sebou, vy, ľudia malej viery, že vraj nemáte chleba?
Či ešte nerozumiete ani sa nepamätáte na tých päť chlebov tých päť tisíc mužov a koľko košov ste zobrali?
194 Inými slovami takto: „Keď ste videli Boha poskytovať a robiť zázraky, potom či by znovu nemohol urobiť zázraky?“ Vidíte? Vidíte, ak... Inými slovami takto: Ak ťa zachránil z hriešneho života, či by nemohol uzdraviť tvoje telo? Nepamätáš si, keď si bol hriešnikom, ako pozdvihol tvoju dušu vo viere, aby verila? Či nemôže tak isto znovu urobiť pre teba niečo veľké? Či nemôže pre teba urobiť zázrak alebo čokoľvek iné? Päť košov? Povedal, „Pamätáte...“
195 Ako keď prešli Červené more, Boh takto otvoril cestu a roztvoril takto Červené more, prešli cez to, prešli v poriadku na druhú stranu; a akonáhle boli mimo vody, začali reptať. Je to pravda? Ako sa im minul chlieb, začali kričať, „Nemáme žiaden chlieb.“ Vidíte? Povedal, „Či ste sa nezamysleli nad tým zázrakom tam pri Červenom mori? Neprišli ste dolu...“ Keď sa priblížili k Červenému moru, „Ó,“ povedali, „Mali sme radšej zomrieť. Prichádzajú sem Egypťania rovno na nás. Tu to je. Čo teraz urobíme?“
196 Povedal, „Kto tam vtedy zasiahol zem tými pliagami? Kto držal slnko, aby svietilo v Góšene?“ Vidíte? Musíme pamätať na tieto veci; pamätaj, Boh je Bohom. Haleluja. Čokoľvek z toho, On je stále Bohom. On iste dokáže urobiť čokoľvek.
167. Objasníš, prosím, „Telo Kristovo“ v 1. Korinťanom 12:27 a „Nevesta Kristova“ v Zjavení 2:9. Je ten Nový Jeruzalem tu v Zjavení duchovný? Je toto duchovné rozpoznávanie Cirkvi?
197 Nie. No, pozrime sa, či teraz vezmem toto prvé, 1. Korinťanom, naozaj rýchlo. 1. Korinťanom, 12. kapitola, v poriadku, a 27. verš.
A vy ste telom Kristovým a údami po čiastke.
198 A potom, kde bolo to ďalšie Písmo? Zjavenie 2 – 21:9, Zjavenie v 21. kapitole a 9. verš. V poriadku, a tu sme.
A prišiel ku mne jeden zo siedmich anjelov, ktorí to mali tých sedem čiaš, plných sedem posledných rán, a prehovoril so mnou a povedal mi: Poď, ukážem ti nevestu, manželku Baránkovu.
199 Áno, Telo Kristovo (Vidíte?), Telo Kristovo bolo zlámané za naše hriechy a jedným Duchom sme všetci pokrstení do toho Tela a stávame sa údmi. A kde telo... Kde moja manželka, keď to poviem obrazne... Odkiaľ prišla Eva? Z Adamovho tela. Bola vzatá z jeho boku. Eva bola vzatá z Adamovho boku. Kristus... A bola časťou jeho tela. On povedal, „Ona je telom z môjho tela a kosťou z mojej kosti. A nazvem ju ženou.“ Vidíte?
200 No, a telo Kristovo bolo vzaté z tela Ježiša, lebo sme duchom a telom a kosťou z Neho. Vidíte? Pretože sme sa narodili do Jeho Tela. A keďže toto telo, ktoré tu je, patrí Jemu, i keď sa narodilo v hriechu, On ho vykúpil. „Boh ho vzbudí v posledných dňoch a budem v ňom žiť večne.“ Vidíte? To je to. V poriadku.
201 No, pozrime sa, posledná otázka bola, „Je Nový Jeruzalem duchovný?“ Nie, nie; Ján videl Nový Jeruzalem zostupovať od Boha z nebies, to teraz nie je rozpoznávanie Cirkvi. Vidíte? To je... Ján videl Nový Jeruzalem zostupovať z nebies pripravený ako – Zjavenie 21 (Vidíte?) – pripravený ako nevestu, ktorá je ozdobená pre svojho Manžela...
Teraz posledná otázka; myslím, že to sú všetky.
168. Biblia hovorí, že všetko spolupôsobí na dobré pre tých, ktorí milujú Pána. Potom ak miluješ Pána a obrátiš sa naspäť do sveta, nechá ťa Boh zomrieť v hriechu, alebo dovolí, že sa s Ním znova zmieriš predtým, ako ťa vezme preč?
202 Tá dáma sa sem podpísala, tak môžem povedať, že to bola dáma (Vidíte?), pretože sa sem podpísala. Áno, sestra. Ak si sa narodila... No, dovoľte mi povedať toto. Vidíte, občas, viac alebo menej, každý z nás odpadáme mnohokrát za deň. Vieme to. Všetci sme vinní, každý jeden z nás; nikto z nás nie je ešte dokonalý. A tak dlho, ako sme v tomto tele, sme stále... Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi sa ľudia snažia hovoriť, „Zostal som posvätený; môžem pobozkať túto ženu alebo robiť toto,“ on klame; nemôže. No, to je to.
203 Nesnažím sa hovoriť, „Pane, dovoľ mi vidieť, ako blízko dokážem ísť.“ Je to, „Pane, drž ma tak ďaleko, ako sa len môžem dostať.“ Rozumiete? Len zostaňte tak ďaleko, ako... Pamätajte, stále ste ľudskými bytosťami. Rozumiete?
204 A... Ale teraz, ak urobíš chybu a urobíš niečo zlé... Nerobíš zámerne... Ak si Kresťanom, ak si znovuzrodeným Kresťanom, nemáš v úmysle robiť zle. Tvoje úmysly a všetko je v poriadku. Ale ak urobíš, ako tu ona povedala, urobíš chybu a spravíš niečo zlé, Boh ťa nechá, aby si len išiel a išiel a zomrel takto a bol stratený, alebo ťa privedie naspäť do zmierenia? Privedie ťa naspäť. Je to tak. Privedie ťa naspäť.
205 A ak – a potom, ak urobíš čokoľvek zlé, neodsudzuje ťa to a takto pokračuješ ďalej, pomimo, pamätaj, od začiatku si nebol spasený. Presne tak. Nebol si spasený; mal si len „vytvorenú vieru“; nebol si spasený. Ale keď si spasený, máš iného ducha; máš inú povahu. Si novým stvorením v Kristovi a staré veci pominuli a sú mŕtve a pochované v mori zabudnutia. Vidíte?
206 A... Ale keďže žiješ tu na tomto svete, sú tu na teba všade nastavené pasce a ty kráčaš so svojimi očami upretými na Krista. A pamätaj, že keď urobíš chybu, skutočný Kresťan vždy pobeží rýchlo naspäť pre zmierenie.
207 Pozrite, v arche Boh vypustil starú vranu – alebo Noe vypustil von vranu. No, čo to bolo? To bola vrana. Ó, áno, sedela tam na tom istom bidle s holubicou. Obe sedeli na tom istom bidle; ale keď vypustil von tú starú vranu, no, tá stará... Predstavujem si, že všetky vody zapáchali od miliónov napuchnutých ľudských tiel, ktoré hnili na povrchu vody, a kone a všetky mŕtve zvieratá. Celý svet bol zničený. A tam oni boli, tieto mŕtvoly, ktoré plávali na povrchu vody a takéto veci. A Noe vypustil holubicu, pretože si myslel, že uvidel nejaký slnečný úsvit. A chcel vedieť, či voda ustúpila alebo nie, a tak vypustil vranu. A tá stará vrana zletela na nejaké mŕtve telo, „Ó, skrátka skvelé; to je dobré.“ Vidíte, ako pojedala to mŕtve telo... Prečo? To bola jej prirodzenosť. To bola vrana. Nezáleží na tom, ako dlho sedela s holubicou, ako dlho počúvala Noeho kázať, ako dlho posedávala s týmto čistým vtákom; vždy to bola vrana. Akonáhle dostala príležitosť ukázať svoje farby, tak ich ukázala.
208 No, ale keď vypustil holubicu, keď ona vyletela (Fjúú), ona to nemohla vystáť. Nemohla nikam ísť; nedokázala nájsť žiadne miesto, kde by odpočinuli jej nohy, tak prišla naspäť do archy. A takýmto spôsobom to funguje.
209 Niekedy môžeš byť na chvíľu vypustený, aby si videl, čo by si mohol urobiť, ale vždy, ak máš prirodzenosť holubice, nemôžeš jesť pokrm pre vrany. A hotovo, jednoducho to nestráviš; a hotovo.
210 Kam by si išiel, čo by si robil? Povedz mi, čo by si robil, ak by si nebol Kresťanom. Povedz mi, čo by som robil dnes ráno, ak by som nebol Kresťanom. Čo by som dnes ráno mohol robiť a moja matka tam leží v nemocnici v tom stave a v bezvedomí, ako tam leží, a v mojom srdci tu môžem stáť za kazateľňou a kázať a pokračovať tak, ako to robím, vyzerá to tak, že tomu nevenujem veľa pozornosti. Pretože viem, že moja matka je spasená. Rozumiete? Viem, že je spasená. Viem, Komu som uveril; som presvedčený, že On je schopný zachovať do toho dňa to, čo som Mu zveril.
211 Čo by robila mama teraz? No, možno mala po celý svoj život dobré úmysly, že, „Raz sa stanem Kresťankou.“ Ale ako by to teraz mohla urobiť, keď tam leží v bezvedomí? Ako by sa teraz mohla stať Kresťankou? Čo by urobili jej deti?
212 Raz, keď sme jej dali – vzali sme ju tam, aby sme jej tam dali glukózu... To je tá jediná vec, ktorú má vo svojom tele; glukóza. Nedokáže prehĺtať; je paralyzovaná. A ona povedala, „Chcem, aby si vedel túto jednu vec, Billy.“ Rozprávala o mne a Delores, keď sme tam stáli, a o svojich deťoch a ďalších veciach, a niektorí z mojich bratov pili.
A povedal som, „No, oni zlomili tvoje srdce.“
Povedala, „Ale, Billy, všetky také veci sa dejú pri mame.“ Povedala, „Ale som spasená.“ A povedala, „Som pripravená ísť.“
213 Povedal som, „Mama, mohla si nám zanechať dom, ktorý by siahal od Jeffersonville až do Utica, palác; mohla si nám zanechať desať miliónov dolárov, kvôli ktorým by sme sa hádali a bili potom, keby si odišla. (To je to, čo by sa stalo.); ale mama, zanechala si nám ten najväčší poklad, aký niekto môže zanechať, istotu, že ťa znova uvidíme v tom kraji za riekou.“ Je to tak. Vidíte?
214 Ty si spasená a som tak rád, keď viem, že Kristus zachraňuje naše... Ale môžeme odpadnúť; môžeme urobiť zle; všetci máme svoje stúpania a klesania; ale v tvojej duši, akonáhle niečo urobíš, no, niečo zlé sa v tebe deje; vieš o tom. No, práve vtedy je čas vyskočiť. To je čas odskočiť. Odísť od toho preč.
215 No, povedzme, že dnes pôjdeš tam von a niekto ku tebe príde a povie, „Hej, povedali mi, že si jeden z tých náboženských fanatikov.“
Hneď nato satan rýchlo hovorí, „Len mu daj.“ Vidíte?
216 „Neviem nič o tom, že by som bol náboženský fanatik; som Kresťan.“ Vidíte? A vždy so zlým, čeľte zlému s dobrým. A pamätajte, teraz len uchopte toto; pamätajte na toto, keď čelíte zlému s dobrým, zlé nedokáže obstáť v prítomnosti dobrého. Nedokáže to.
217 No, som misionár a prešiel som okolo sveta, medzi všetkými druhmi zla a medzi všetkými druhmi špiritistov, izmov a všetkými druhmi uctievania diabla, ó, všetko, na čo sa dá pomyslieť, tam, kde je všetko také, a vždy som prišiel na to, že správne poráža nesprávne.
218 Počúvajte, nestarám sa o to, aká je noc temná; môže byť tak temno, až by ste to mohli cítiť; mohli by ste takto vystrieť hore ruky a nedokázali by ste vidieť ani žiaden tieň. Najmenší kúsoček svetla odhalí tú temnotu. Istotne, tak sa správa život v prítomnosti smrti. Tak sa správa správne v prítomnosti nesprávneho. Tak sa správa viera v prítomnosti pochybnosti; rozháňa ju preč.
219 Ako tu môže zostať noc, keď cez to zasvieti slnko, zasvietia cez to požehnania? Kam odchádza noc? Nie je jej viacej. Čo sa stalo tej noci? Kde je tá temnosť, ktorá bola v tejto modlitebni asi pred dvanástimi hodinami? Kde je tá temnosť, ktorá sa ukrývala vo vnútri týchto stien? Nie je jej viacej. Zmizla. Prečo? Do vnútra vošlo svetlo. A keď do vnútra vošlo svetlo, temnota musela odísť. Tak veru.
220 Vezmite si stvorenia, ktoré sa potulujú po noci, šváby, chrobáky a hmyz a také veci. Nech povstane slnko alebo zablyskne svetlo, sledujte, ako rýchlo utekajú za temnotou. Takto to je s Evanjeliom. Keď Ono zablyskne, čo sa stáva tým, ktorí ťa nazývajú náboženským fanatikom. Čo sa deje tým ľuďom, ktorí si z teba robia žarty, keď zableskne Svetlo, ženú sa za temnotou tak rýchlo, ako len môžu, pretože sú deťmi noci. Ale deti dňa kráčajú vo Svetle.
221 A potom sme deťmi Svetla skrze milosť Božiu. Tak, keď zablyskli Svetlá, ďakujeme Bohu a kráčame s otvorenými očami, dívame sa na veci, ktoré nemôžete vidieť svojimi prirodzenými očami. Pretože viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa nadejeme, dôkazom vecí, ktoré sa nevidia. Amen. Milujem to.
222 Nemám čas na moju malú kázeň, ktorú som chcel hovoriť, pretože sa budeme musieť ísť modliť za nemocných.
223 Koľkí milujú Pána? Amen. No, potom, ako sme mali tieto otázky a niektoré z nich sú ostré a všetko také a možno odpovedať na ne... Možno som pri tom nevykonal dobré dielo, pretože som nemal čas prezrieť Písma. Mal by som ich zapísané na hárku papiera, ak by som ich mal. Dúfam, že každý je spokojný. Ak nie, no, napíšte mi ich znova. Dajte mi čas, aby som to preštudoval, ak si myslíte, že to nebolo cele zodpovedané.
224 Vďaka za to, že ste zostali. A teraz, v priebehu malej chvíle ideme vytvoriť modlitebný rad. Ale predtým, ako to urobíme, len zmeňme teraz atmosféru od otázok; a jeden odpovedá toto a druhý to verí takto a takto. Vidíte, pri odpovedaní na otázky, niekedy to je trocha ostré, tak len poďme uctievať Pána a spievať.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil moje spasenie
na kríži Golgoty.
No, chcem, aby ste si potriasli ruky s niekým, kto je pri vás, keď to teraz budeme znova spievať.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil moje spasenie
na kríži Golgoty.
No, len pozdvihnime ku Nemu takto svoje ruky. Zatvorte oči.
Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
lebo On prv miloval mňa
a vykúpil moje spasenie
na kríži Golgoty.
225 Náš nebeský Otče, milujeme Ťa, Pane. Verím, že táto malá skupina Ťa miluje. Prichádzame do domu živého Boha, do malej budovy, nie do budovy, ale ku Bohu, ktorý žije v budove... Tak ako pri mne samom, toto staré telo, v jednom z týchto dní musí padnúť, ale ten človek, ktorý žije vo vnútri, nemôže padnúť, pretože je držaný mocou Božou.
226 Táto stará budova, ktorá tu je a dnes ráno v nej uctievame Boha, nezáleží na tom, ako je upevnená, jedného dňa padne, ale Boh, ktorý žije v tej budove, je večný. Prichádzame teraz pred Tvoju tvár, Otče, aby sme Ti vzdali vďaky a chválu.
227 A za tieto otázky, ktoré sú na ľudských srdciach, vidíme, že ich zaujímalo, či by mali robiť toto alebo tamto. Otče, dôverujem, že v každom láskavom kresťanskom srdci, že nejakým spôsobom prišla odpoveď, ktorá im dala rozumieť, čo je Pravda. Udeľ to, Pane. A ak som zlyhal, potom mi odpusť. Nechcel som zlyhať, pretože sú to Tvoje deti a pýtajú sa tie otázky. A chcem im dať všetko, čo viem, Otče, ako by si rovno tu stál Ty a súdil ma podľa toho, čo som povedal.
228 Teraz, Pane, prichádzame modliť sa za nemocných. No, vieme podľa Biblie, že dostaneme iba to, v čo veríme, že dostaneme. Pamätáme si na ten čas, Otče, keď bol Ježiš tu na zemi, žena Sýrofeničanka prišla ku Nemu a povedala, „Pane, buď milostivý mojej dcére, pretože je rozlične trápená diablom.“
229 A počuli sme, čo On povedal, „Nepatrí sa Mi, aby som vzal chlieb detí a dal ho psom.“
Ó, Bože, aké zdanlivo veľké odmietnutie, a nielen to, ale nazvať ju psom. Ale namiesto toho, aby ohľadom toho bola arogantná, veľmi milo a pokorne povedala, „To je pravda, Pane.“ Pretože to bola pravda. Povedala, „To je pravda, Pane, ale psy budú jesť omrvinky, ktoré padajú zo stola ich pána.“ To je to, čo to vykonalo. Ona bola ochotná vziať len omrvinky, ktoré pochádzali zo stola detí. Bože, to je teraz náš postoj. Sme ochotní ku čomukoľvek, čo od nás chceš, Otče. Sme v Tvojich rukách.
230 Som tak šťastný, že viem, že Boh Starého Zákona, ktorý ukazoval videnia a dával znamenia a divy, dnes stále žije. A nebo, do ktorého túžili ísť, jedného dňa skrze Božiu milosť tiež pôjdeme, pretože Ten istý Boh preukazuje Samého Seba, že je Tým istým Bohom medzi nami.
231 Sú tu medzi nami tí, Otče, dnes ráno, ktorí sú nemocní a v potrebe. Budú prechádzať cez modlitebný rad. Nech neprídu a nehovoria, „No, neverím, že Ty pre mňa môžeš urobiť niečo dobré. Ja...“ Pane, nech nemajú taký postoj, ale nech prídu a pamätajú na to, že Boh povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia svoje ruky na nemocných, oni sa uzdravia.“ Ty si to zasľúbil; Ty si tak povedal.
232 Nech prídu so svätou úctivosťou, veriac, že akonáhle je vynesená modlitba a boli na nich položené ruky, nech na nich potom príde Duch Svätý tak, ako to táto drahá sestra, ktorá napísala tú otázku, povedala, „Duch Svätý takmer odhodil jej smrteľnú bytosť s tak obrovským krstom Jeho Prítomnosti.“
233 Nech to môže byť pôsobením na každom, kto dnes ráno prichádza, Pane. Udeľ to. Nech sú uzdravení. Nech prídu a vedia, vedia bez tieňa pochybnosti, že Ty si to zasľúbil a Ty nemôžeš klamať, a akonáhle zasvieti dovnútra Svetlo, temnota a pochybnosť uteká preč. Udeľ to, Otče. Porúčame ich teraz Tebe, ako sa za nich modlíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
234 No, tí, ktorí chcú, aby sme sa za nich modlili, najprv na tejto strane, zoraďte sa tu pozdĺž budovy, zatiaľ čo pre nás Teddy zahrá: Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko. Vyjdite hore, rovno vzadu, niektorí z nich tu. To je...?...
Ten veľký Lekár teraz...
235 Brat Neville... Len sa zoraďujte, prichádzajte. Budeme tu stáť. Nech sa celá cirkev modlí. A brat Neville a ja tu budeme spolu; on bude pomazávať; ja budem klásť ruky na nemocných, rovno...?... No, každý teraz v modlitbe.
236 No, čo robíme? Prichádzame pomazať nemocných a modliť sa za nich. No, dovoľte mi, aby som vám citoval Písma. „Ak sú medzi vami nejakí nemocní, nech si zavolajú starších zboru, nech ich pomažú olejom a modlia sa nad nimi. Modlitba viery zachráni nemocných, Boh ich pozdvihne. Tí, ktorí urobili nejaký hriech, bude im to odpustené. Vyznávajte si navzájom svoje viny a modlite sa jeden za druhého, aby ste mohli byť uzdravení.“
Teraz zvyšok na túto stranu, keď túžite, akonáhle sa dostanete pod tento rad, to miesto, tú uličku, zaraďte sa len dozadu. Teraz starší z tohto zboru bude dávať pomazanie a modliť sa. Ja sa budem modliť a klásť ruky na nemocných. A teraz, pamätajte, priatelia, vy, ktorí stojíte v modlitebnom rade, toto je chvíľa, aby ste dokázali, že veríte tomu, za čo tu stojíte. Musíte sa uzdraviť.
Verím z celého srdca, že to, čo po celý tento čas držalo moju matku (a ona je stará žena), je to preto, že verím. Pokiaľ mi On nepovie... ona môže zomierať, ale pokiaľ mi On nepovie, verím tomu, že nezomrie, rozumiete. A teraz, viem, že ona musí ísť a je dostatočne stará, aby išla, a chce ísť a snaží sa ísť. Ale jednako budem veriť, že On mi to povie. Teraz verím, že On mi to povie, rozumiete. No, On nemusí. Neviem, neviem, či to On urobí, ale len verím, že to urobí, rozumiete. Ale doteraz mi o tom nič nepovedal. A verím tomu. A ak vy, každodenne...?...
237 Nevyjadrujem ľuďom všetko, čo mi On ukazuje, viete to. No, včera som bol na určitom mieste a videl som videnie presne toho, čo sa malo stať, a Boh vie, že je to pravda, sedel som rovno s dvoma alebo troma ľuďmi. A asi o pol hodinu neskôr som videl, ako sa to stalo, jednoducho dokonale, jednoducho presne tak, ako to bolo. Musel som tam stáť, len som sa sám v sebe triasol, premýšľal. Rozumiete? Povedal som, „Možno som im mal povedať, že to takto bude.“ Ale povedal som, „No, len to nechám tak.“ Rozumiete?
238 A to sa stáva denne. Rozumiete? Niečo sa ide stať; len to tak nechám. Boh vie, že je to pravda. Vidíte? Skrátka niečo, čo sa ide stať, len to ukazuje, hovorí to. Niečo sa mi zjaví a povie, „Len povedz toto slovo týmto spôsobom a stane sa tu táto vec.“ A potom poviem, „No, nech to tak je.“ Potom sledujem; tamto to je. Rozumiete? Áno.
239 No, ak On môže spôsobiť, aby predmety, materiál, niečo, čo v sebe nemá žiaden život, aby sa to pohlo na Jeho Slovo, pretože sme to vypovedali, o čo viac to On môže urobiť pri tebe i mne, ako ste združení so mnou. Vy ste so mnou; ty si môj brat a sestra, ktorí sú nemocní. A ak povieme tieto slová, „Nech moc Božia uzdraví túto osobu,“ no, to sa musí stať. No, ten materiál nemôže povedať, „Nie, pochybujem o tom.“ Pôjdem vpred a urobím to. Ale ty môžeš povedať, „No, som zvedavý,“ a to sa nestane. Rozumiete? Ale ak len pôjdeš vpred a zostaneš teraz len rovno v línii so svojou myšlienkou, „Budem uzdravený.“ Musíš to mať. Veríte tomu?
240 No, modlime sa všetci. Náš nebeský Otče, kladiem ruky na túto mladú ženu, túto mladú matku, ktorá tu stojí, ktorá trpí na toto silné prechladnutie. Nech... [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl]
241 Tak sa modlím, aby si uzdravil ľudí, na ktorých budú kladené tieto vreckovky. Udeľ im ich potreby. Prosím o to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
243 V hlbokom uznaní za vaše zostávanie a vašu lojalitu zostať po celý tento čas a čakať takto v zbore, zatiaľ čo sme... Ale nepoznám lepšie miesto kde byť než v zbore, vy poznáte? Jednoducho neviem o lepšom mieste kde byť. A útechu, ktorú máme v rešpekte, že Boh, On je tu teraz prítomný.
244 A my len na chvíľu, myslime len o tom, aký je On veľkolepý a čo pre nás vykonal. Čo by sme bez Neho mohli robiť? Ako sme Ho videli, ani jediná vec, ktorú nám On kedy povedal cez... On mi dal videnia. A pýtam sa vás dnes ráno, videli ste niekedy jedno, ktoré by On nevyplnil? Len presne to, čo povedal, že urobí, hneď vo chvíli. Potom je On Bohom. Potom je naším Otcom. Miluje nás. A kdekoľvek je Jeho nebo, vieme, že sme zaviazaní jedného dňa tam ísť. Vieme, že On je teraz prítomný. Uvedomujeme si to.
245 Dívame sa na veci, ktoré nevidíme. No, za mnohých z vás sme sa pomodlili a (Rozumiete?), ako sme práve odmietli akékoľvek symptómy akýchkoľvek vecí, ktoré sú v protiklade s tým... Vidíte? Čokoľvek, čo Boh zasľúbil... Vidíte, Kresťan sa nedíva... Tak či tak nevidíte svojimi očami. Viete to. Nevidíte svojimi očami. Vidíte svojím srdcom. Rozumiete? „Vidieť“ znamená „Rozumieť.“ Rozumiete svojím srdcom; a z toho dôvodu sa dívame na veci, ktoré naše oči nevidia. Rozumiete? Kresťanské vyznanie, celá zbroj Kresťanstva je založená na tom. Dívame sa na veci, ktoré nevidíme, lebo Abrahám nazýval tie veci, ktoré neboli, akoby boli, pretože on veril Bohu. Vidíte?
246 No, čo teraz robíme? No, keď sme sa za vás takto modlili, potom Boh zasľúbil, že vás uzdraví. Potom hneď teraz nemusíte cítiť ani trocha rozdiel, ale On nikdy... O to vôbec nejde. Rozumiete? Aj tak tomu veríme.
247 Ak by ste len vedeli, asi pred dvoma hodinami som prišiel za kazateľňu a nemyslel som si, že zvládnem prejsť do polovice zhromaždenia. Bol som tak unavený a zničený a cítil som sa, ako keby som dostával chrípku, ale teraz sa cítim skvele, pretože som povedal, „Som zaviazaný Bohu. Verím Bohu.“ A musel som s tým bojovať. Moja manželka, ktorá je tamto, by vám mohla povedať to isté, pri snahe dostať sa dnes ráno sem dolu, a mal som zachrípnuté hrdlo a všetko také. Povedal som, „Ako to budem schopný urobiť?“ Ale, úprimne, teraz sa cítim nádherne. A verím, že by som mohol vziať moju tému, pokračovať a kázať a cítiť sa skvele.
248 Ale pretože, vidíte, musíte sa dívať na tie veci, ktoré nevidíte svojimi očami. Vidíte to svojím srdcom. Veríte tomu a svedčíte o tých veciach, ktoré nevidíte, ale čomu veríte. Pretože to je viera. „A viera je podstatou vecí, na ktoré sa nadejeme, dôkazom vecí, ktoré sa nevidia.“
249 Sledoval som dnes ráno mladého Kresťana, ktorý tu predo mnou sedel. A viem o rozhodnutí, ktoré tá osoba učinila. A istotne si to cením. Nechcem povedať, kto to bol, ale cením si to rozhodnutie, ktoré tento určitý Kresťan, bez ohľadu na to, či by to bol spoločník, priateľ, otec alebo matka alebo čokoľvek by to bolo, oni túžia zostať verní Kristovi. Vidíte?
250 Takto získaš milovaných; to je skrze to, že si verný. Byť verným, to je spôsob, ako získať milovaných. Zostaň so svojím presvedčením. Buď si istý, že si v poriadku s Bohom, a potom tam len zostaň. Len zostávaj rovno s tým. Nič ťa nikdy nemôže od toho pohnúť, ak len zostávaš rovno s tým.
251 No, všetci urobíme chyby. Len pamätajte. A keď sa dívate jeden na druhého, nedívajte sa na chybu inej osoby. Vidíte, nerobte to, pretože, pamätajte, vy tiež robíte chyby. Ale dívajte sa na Krista, ktorý tú osobu vedie. A ak potrebujú nejakú pomoc, potom sa za nich modlite. To je spôsob, ako to zvládneme (Rozumiete?), modlite sa. A pamätajte, keď sa modlíte za niekoho iného s takýmto postojom, Boh vás ocení a uzdraví, keď sa modlíte za niekoho iného. To je pravda. To je to, na čom je založené Kresťanstvo, pomáhať si navzájom, robiť niečo jeden pre druhého, byť ku sebe navzájom láskaví, navzájom sa porozumieť. No, ak vidíte chybu vášho suseda, vidíte, kde pochybili, nehádajte sa s nimi, len sa za nich modlite. Len sa stále modlite a Boh to porozumie. On to dá všetko do poriadku.
252 No, dúfam, že ak to bude vôľa Pánova, myslím, že Billy má systém, on posiela každému kartu. A ak to mama tento týždeň v poriadku zvládne; pokiaľ teraz vieme, nie sme si istí, ale ak to mama tento týždeň v poriadku zvládne, a všetko, na ďalšiu nedeľu chcem hovoriť posolstvo Evanjelia. Ak je to v poriadku s naším vzácnym pastorom, ktorý tu je. A budeme vás očakávať, že prídete, ak môžete... Ak môžete prísť, budeme radi, keď vás tu budeme mať.
253 Milujete Ho z celého svojho srdca? Či nie je On nádherný? Čo by sme bez Neho mohli robiť? No, čo by si len mohol robiť? Mohli by ste mi povedať o niečom, čo je väčšie? Ak mi môžete ukázať niečo, čo je väčšie než to, potom predám to, čo mám, a budem túžiť po tom, čo mi ukážete, že je väčšie než Toto. Tak veru. Toto je tá najväčšia vec, o ktorej viem; s istotou vedieť, že sme spasení; vedieť, že práve Ten Boh, ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem, sa mohol pokoriť a zostúpiť, prebývať medzi nami a robiť pre nás niečo.
254 No, tu je to, ako vieme, či sme v poriadku alebo nie (Rozumiete?), pretože práve to isté, čo On robil na začiatku s tými dávnymi Kresťanmi, práve tá cirkev, práve to pôsobenie, ako sa Duch Svätý hýbal, a spôsob, ako proti nim bojoval diabol, a spôsob, ako oni stáli; to je to isté, čo sa deje rovno tu, s tými istými znameniami, tými istými divmi, Tým istým Bohom, s Jeho neomylným dôkazom.
255 Povedzte mi, v slove vedy, povedzte mi vedeckým spôsobom, ako by mohol niekto predpovedať niečo, čo sa stane v rokoch a časoch, ktoré majú prísť, predtým, ako sa to stane. Ukážte mi moc, kde by to mohlo byť, ktorá by to dokázala predpovedať predtým, ako sa to stalo. Povedzte mi, ktorá ľudská myseľ by mohla cúvnuť späť cez čokoľvek, čo chcete, a ukážte mi akýkoľvek spôsob, ako by ste niečo mohli vidieť a predpovedať niečo, čo sa stalo práve takým spôsobom, ako sa to deje. Vidíte? Nie je to.
256 A tak, On je Boh. Vidíte, On je Boh. A preto, že On je Boh, skrze Jeho milosť On prichádza a prebýva medzi nami, a práve tak, ako to robil s tými dávnymi ľuďmi, ktorí predpovedali tieto veci, a každá z nich sa stala práve tak, ako to predpovedali. No, Ten istý Boh je s nami, predpovedá a ukazuje presne tie isté veci, ako to robil tam vtedy. No, mali by sme byť tak šťastní, mali by sme poskakovať ako z obláčiku na obláčik, takto, jednoducho takmer kráčať cez priestor, kvôli tomu, že to vieme.
257 Vieme, že sme prešli zo smrti do Života. Vieme, že máme spasenie. Vieme, že sme Kresťania. A vieme, že ideme do neba, pretože Boh učinil zasľúbenie, a tu sa On pohybuje rovno s nami v spôsobe, akým Ho vidíme.
258 My Ho vidíme. Ako Ho vidím? Keď vidím vás. Vy Ho vidíte vo mne; ja Ho vidím vo vás. Rozumiete? Vidím to, čo On robí pre vás. No, tu Ho vidím, ako mi tu zjavuje Slovo. Poviete, „Ako Ho môžeš vidieť vo mne? No, pozri, On je tu a zjavuje mi Slovo. Vidím To tam, On vám To dáva a vy To zachovávate. Rozumiete? A potom sa pozriete naspäť a poviete, „Ako on, ako sa to vôbec stalo?“ Potom prídete naspäť, zistíte, že to je správne. Vidíte? Tak Ho vidíte vo mne; ja Ho vidím vo vás.
259 A môžeme Ho vidieť vo východe slnka. Môžeme Ho vidieť v západe slnka. Môžeme Ho vidieť v kvetoch. Môžeme Ho vidieť... Môžeme Ho vidieť všade, pretože sme prešli z nižších elementov tohto so zemou - zviazaného stavu do vyššieho elementu slávy Božej, tak môžeme vidieť Jeho krásu.
260 Pred pár dňami, keď som bol hore na výprave, hore na Aljašskej diaľnici, keď som išiel na loveckú výpravu, bol som tam a divil som sa, „Prečo? Prečo?“ Sledujte, aký skutočný je Boh. No, všade sú chorí ľudia, ale Boh jednako vie.
261 No, zajtra mám odísť, brat Roy, ktorý je tam vzadu, a všetci z nás, zajtra máme odísť do Coloráda kvôli nášmu... každú jeseň chodíme poľovať tam, kde sme... Prišiel som zo zhromaždení, aby som išiel. Nemôžem ísť kvôli mame, kvôli maminmu stavu.
262 No, pozrite na láskavosť Ducha Svätého. On to vedel už dávno predtým. Tak namiesto toho, aby ma nechal ísť, On to zmenil, dal mi videnie a poslal ma tam hore a dal mi takú poľovačku, akú som nemohol mať v Coloráde (Rozumiete?), pretože tam nie sú také zvieratá. Zmenil to a dal mi to skrze videnie a dal mi tam ísť, vedel, že ma bude musieť zadržať od tejto výpravy do Coloráda. Hovoríme o dobrote a milosrdenstve. Potom prečo? Potom, pred dlhým časom, On vedel, že moja matka bude trpieť. On vedel, že moja matka bude v nemocnici. Ak to On dovoľuje, potom to robí kvôli nejakému dobrému účelu, o ktorom nič neviem. Ale viem, že to všetko spolupôsobí na dobré pre tých, ktorí milujú Pána.
263 Ak by sme sa len raz za čas zastavili, cirkev, a videli nášho Boha... Len sa zastavili a dali nabok svoju nervozitu a zostali zopár minút v Prítomnosti Jeho Ducha a môžete Ho len vidieť, ako sa všade pohybuje. Vidíte, aký je On dobrý?
264 No, tam leží mama a ja som ohľadom nej zvedavý. Prečo ju On len nenechal odísť, keď mala mŕtvicu? Prečo práve rovno vtedy nezomrela? Ale vidíte, On to vedel dopredu a vedel, že som sľúbil... Išiel som do Coloráda a vie, že milujem takto ísť do lesov, On to jednoducho zmenil a dal mi lepšiu poľovačku, poslal ma tam hore a povedal mi, čo ulovím, a všetko o tom, skôr, ako som vôbec odišiel; povedal mi, ako budú ľudia oblečení a čo budeme robiť a všetko o tom. Potom som prišiel, povedal som vám všetko. Potom ide hore a vidí, ako sa to stalo, prišiel späť, presne tak, ako to bolo. Presne, vidíte, vedel, že mama tam bude, vedel, že v tomto čase bude v zlom stave a nebudem môcť ísť na túto ďalšiu výpravu. Rozumiete? Nemohli by sme pod... Sám som to vtedy nerozumel. Ale ak sa Mu len poddáte a sledujete Ho, On jednoducho vedie všetko úplne správne. Vidíte? On spôsobuje, že všetko to dobre dopadne, krok za krokom.
265 Minule som stál vedľa mladého kazateľa, ktorý mal nejaké sny a priniesol mi tie sny. Keď prišiel výklad, stáli sme tam, Billy, ja a tento kazateľ, stáli sme tam spolu. Tu to bolo. No, bolo to tak dokonalé, ako to len mohlo byť. A ako tam ten človek stál s bázňou a ako videl, že Duch Svätý mohol odhaliť tie veci a priviesť ho rovno naspäť a ukázať presne na cestu a kde sa to má robiť. Ó, poviem vám; On je Boh. On prebýva... On je Boh.
266 Tak mnohí z vás ľudí ste obetovali určité veci. Vzdali ste sa svojich chlapcov a dievčat, s ktorými ste chodili, vzdali ste sa svojich domovov, a tak ďalej, a mnohí z vás museli vyjsť spomedzi spoločníkov a priateľov a rôznych vecí a od starých priateľov, ktorých ste poznali dlhý čas, aby ste chodili po ceste Pánovej. Chválim vás za to. Myslím, že je nádherné to urobiť. No, preto, že ste uzreli Svetlo Evanjelia, a to je Pravda, a budete chodiť v tom Svetle. A čokoľvek robíte, deti, čokoľvek robíte, kdekoľvek idete, vyhýbajte sa prejavu zla a kráčajte za Kristom. Tak dlho, ako žijete, zostávajte rovno na tej ceste. Nepohnite sa od Toho, istotne sa to oplatí. To je večný Život.
267 A videl som mamu, keď – kedykoľvek ona... Na pár minút sa mohla spamätať. Povedal som, „Mama, mama, počuješ ma?“ Niekedy tam len tak ležala, nepočula. Potom po chvíli povedala, „uh,“ potriasla takto hlavou. Poviem, „Ty...“ Minulý večer som povedal; povedal som, „Mama, poznáš ma?“ Ona ma nepoznala. Povedal som, „Vieš, kto je tento, ktorý tu stojí.“ Nie, nevedela to. Povedal som, „Mama, poznáš Ježiša?“ A... Ó, mohla zabudnúť na svoje vlastné dieťa, ale nemohla zabudnúť na Ježiša. To je to. Ó, brat.
268 Nevieš, čo to znamená, pokiaľ nebudeš musieť prísť ku svojej vlastnej rodine, rovno ku tomu. Rozumiete? Poznať Jeho je Život. Poznať Jeho je uspokojením toho, že vieš, že keď tento životný beh skončí, máme domov tam za oblohou. Čo to je; neviem. Neviem vám povedať aké to bude, pretože sám neviem. Ale viem, že jedného dňa tam skrze Božiu milosť doputujeme.
269 Modlite sa tento týždeň za mňa. Potrebujem to. A teraz, modlite sa za mňa; ja sa budem modliť za vás. Ak Pán dá, chceme, stretnem sa s vami na ďalšiu nedeľu. A pamätajte na službu dnes večer. Možno, ak sa dnes večer nebudem musieť pripraviť alebo niečo a byť tam vonku s mamou, budem dnes večer pravdepodobne naspäť s vami.
270 A teraz, brat Neville, náš vzácny pastor, vyjdi sem hore. Ako som určite... Nie je tu nikto okrem domácich, viete. Všetci sme tu domáci, ako to nazývame. Cením si to, ako brat Neville stojí za touto pravdou Evanjelia. Cením si jeho vernosť a úprimnosť pred ľuďmi. A minule, keď hovoril, nikdy som si to nevšimol, ale zatiaľ čo bol pod inšpiráciou, prinášal proroctvo, nazval ma prorokom, pod inšpiráciou. Potom to nebol on, ktorý ma tak nazval; bol to Duch Svätý. Tak to mi dodalo odvahu a vieru hýbať sa vpred, do hlbších hĺbok a vyšších výšok s Bohom. Cením si ťa, brat Neville. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech je Boh s vami, až kým vás neuvidím znova.
1 These questions before I got
to the pulpit... But Brother Moore, he sent in an emergency call, and I thought
somebody was very sick, and he just wanted a meeting. So I was trying to get him
off the phone over there. He wanted to come down through Thanksgiving and have a
meeting down there for them at--in Louisiana. Last year when we were there, we--the
Lord started a revival, and it's never ended yet; it's still going, the revival.
Forget how many hundreds has been saved this last year, when the--after the revival
down there.
2 Now, I guess it's kinda surprising, maybe, being here this morning; and it is to me. And I didn't know, so we didn't advertise it out amongst some of the, you know, the people, just dropped in to answer some questions. I thought that way... Usually a pastor can find out what's on his people's heart when he asks questions. And that way we find out what the people's thinking about.
And I believe before we start this morning, there was someone said they had a baby
to dedicate. Billy was telling me that there's a dedication of a baby. If that's
so, why... All right. We'll bring the little fellow up and dedicate it to the Lord;
and then we'll answer the questions, and then we're going to pray for the sick.
4 I want to report that my mother is just about like usual. She... I don't think she's any worse, though they think so. But I don't think so; I believe she's just about like she was. And until God tells me that she's going to die, I'm not going to believe it. And I'm going to hold faith for mama (See?), until He tells me she's going to go.
Now, He could be taking her; I don't know. His... Might be just keeping it from
me, keep me from worrying or something; but I'm going to believe that God is going
to let her get well no matter what she is. She hasn't eat for three weeks, but just
glucose; but I believe she's get well anyhow. See?
5a Brother Neville. Well, this is a, we hope to be a, another preacher coming on here, it's a little Mr. Wood. Yes, sir. What's his full name? William David. Junior? Are you going to call him Junior? Uh-hum. This is a little token that's been sent into the Wood's family up there, and, course he's grandma's pet, and... Little William David Jr. And he sure is a fine, little boy. And his little sister will keep him leveled out over there, 'cause she's... Yes, he's got his finger doubled up now, his trigger finger is doubled up. Squirrel hunter. He's just looking out of one eye at me. I guess he's kind of backward. Huh? But we know that these are little things that God sends into our home that we appreciate, in giving us the responsibility of raising these up. And I'm quite sure if the grace of God continues in this family, that this baby will be raised in admonition of God. Let us bow our heads.
Our Heavenly Father, we bring to You little William David Wood this morning, in
the Name of the Lord Jesus, in respects of the Scripture, that they brought unto
Him, when He was here on earth, infants, little babies, that He might lay His hands
upon them and bless them. And if He was here this morning in a body of flesh, we
know that our brother and sister would take this little token of grace to Him. So,
that we are to represent Him today, in the way of preaching the Gospel, they bring
the baby to us. We, by faith, lift little David up to You in the Name of Jesus,
and we pray that You will bless him, Lord. God, grant that he'll live to be a--a
servant of Yours, if You tarry. Grant it, Lord. Give him health and strength. Bless
his father and his mother. And may, if it be in Thy Divine will, that this little
boy will raise up to preach the Gospel in the days that lies ahead. Grant it, Lord.
We give You this little William David Wood for a servant of Yours, in the Name of
Jesus Christ. Amen.
5b David, I'm always so careful with them little fellows; you feel like they're so, you know, you're going to drop them all the time.
I think, little babies and old people: get someone that's just an old person that's been down along the line; or a little baby that's, they're so innocent like, you know; I take, there's something about them that I really like.
Wonder if we'd put on this pulpit light up here. Brother Neville, do you know where
they...? Oh, here we are.
6 Now, in questions, we got a quite a few of them here, and I don't get a chance to even look up the Scriptures that--of the questions that's asked, because it was just give in this morning. And I just picked them up a few moments ago, just kinda brushed through part of them, and seen some questions, and wondering just how... And some of them... This is the most sticky group I ever have gotten. So when the--looking through them, I seen we was going to have a hard time with these.
So if I do not answer them according to your belief in these questions... Now, always remember, that they are to the best of my knowledge. And then sometimes maybe I--in this I'll have to just refer to a Scripture to answer them and maybe not have time to look it up. Then when you go home, you look it up and see. And if I've misquoted it, well then, I--I would be wrong. I don't mean to misquote anyone, but--misquote the Scripture, but sometimes we can do it. Maybe a word where it would be something, then we might say it some other way. You know how easy it is to do that.
But we're aiming--our aim is to quote them straight. And if I had to take them say
this Sunday and answer them next Sunday; then I'd have time to look them all over
through the week.
9 But there's many sick people coming in, and I been real, real busy and haven't had a chance to--to go out and make many of my calls. And I thought today would be a good time, just let those sick people come into the Tabernacle and we'd pray for them. And we know that prayer changes things.
Prayer does something for us. And it's through prayer that I live today. I live
by the grace of God through prayer. And this morning being a little tired and worn
out, I desire your prayers for me, that you pray for me.
11 And then, I was at a friend's house yesterday, a Christian home where there was some young Christians gathered. And I was talking to them, and the--something just presented itself to me, a thought of how... I was looking into the woods and around the trees and see them dying, and I thought, "How pretty those trees are even though they are dying; yet they are pretty." And sometimes a tree looks better when it is dying than when it is when it's in its greenest and best. And I wonder if that just wouldn't picture out our conditions to our heavenly Father, for He said, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."
How that must be a--a--beautiful thing for Father to look down upon His child coming
home to Him and holding his position in Christ, his faith and his confession (See?),
"I am saved by the grace of God," and stand there (See?) in the hour of--of death,
yet we can hold our profession, we are saved.
13 And I believe that our Father is--loves our gallantry and believing and holding our testimony. And it just--just isn't to testify when you're feeling good, and healthy, and strong; it's when you're down, and weak, and troubled. There's where your testimony counts.
And thinking on that, I was thinking of this, that death is associated not with life. Life and death cannot exist at the same time. And the trees has to have the sap go out of them before that the leaf can die on the tree. So therefore, death is associated, I would think in the realms of a human being, death is associated with sin. Because before we had any sin, we had no death at all. But where there is death, then there is sin; and where there is sin, there is death; 'cause death is the results of sin.
And then, he that... The soul that sinneth, it shall die. But when we're borned
again of the Spirit of God, we have Eternal Life and not associated anywhere with
death. See? Death cannot associate with Life. Life cannot associate with death.
16 And talking to--in the room yesterday where some young Christians was, I said, "If you were standing out here on the road and a car was coming down the road at ninety miles an hour out of control, you would get off that highway as quick as you could. You'd jump, slide, do anything, get out of the way of that car." And that's the way that sin should be to a Christian, because sin is associated with death. And as soon as you see sin in any form, jump from it, get away from it. I don't care what you have to do, get away from the very appearance of evil. Because remember, to associate with sin is death. Just the same as standing there and let that car strike you.
Don't just wait and see what it'll do; get out of the way of it. The very appearance
of evil, shun it quickly. When you see a temptation coming up, and sin... You know,
if it's something wrong, that death is lurking after you. See? Then get away from
it just as quick as you would get away from a--an automobile approaching at ninety
miles an hour. See? You'd--you'd want to get away from it right quick, out of the
way. Jump, slide, run any way, just get away from it.
18 And how that we know that we have Life, is because that we hate sin. And we hate sin so bad, that we know that death's associated there, and we shun the very appearance of it. Any way we can get away from it, we jump, run, anything that we can do to keep away from sin, because sin has death in it. And we sure don't want to associate anything in death. We want to keep away from that.
So I thought that would be a good little thought. It struck me yesterday talking
to these Christians; and I thought that would be good to pass to the church this
morning, especially while the young people are setting here and undergo--undergo
such temptations as that.
20 And then, I believe a question, if we can only get to it down here, something another associated in that also... And just remember that anything that is sinful, death lays right there. And when you're partaking of that sin, you're partaking of death. So stay away from it.
And what is sin? Unbelief. Uh-huh. Stay away from all unbelief, anything that disregards
the Bible. Anything that disregards God's Word, stay away from it. And if I get
through these in time before I have my healing service, I want to speak a little
bit on that, disrespects.
22 Now, before we answer the questions or try to attempt it, let us pray. Our heavenly Father, we come into Thy Presence this morning, in the Name of Jesus, claiming that we have disassociated ourselves with the things of the world, which it is said by Him, that you cannot serve God and mammon, meaning the world; we either hate one and love the other or love one and hate the other.
And we believe this morning that we are associated with Eternal Life as we accept
Jesus Christ by faith and have the evidence of the Holy Spirit living in our lives
guiding us. We are so grateful for this, that when we see sin no matter how mild,
how pretty it might look, there's something within us makes us jump, keep away from
it, just as the illustration I gave about the car coming at a terrific speed. We
don't want to be caught anywhere in the--sin. Keep away from it.
24 And now, Lord, feeling this morning that there is many sick and needy, I would pray for them, Lord, that You'll give faith to these especially in the Tabernacle this morning that will come into the prayer line, that they will lay aside every little weight, every--all unbelief, get away from it quickly, and flee to the Lord Jesus in faith to believe.
I pray for those that's in the hospitals and in the convalescent homes. And, Lord,
I pray for my mother. As yet, Lord, Thou has kept her with us, and we are thankful
to You for this. And with faith we reach out with wanting hands, first to know the
will of God, to see that if it's His will for her to go. If it's His will, then
we are--that's our will; but first we want to know if Satan has did this evil and
it's working together for good to them that love us to give us a trial. Then, Lord,
we want to stand gallant at the post of duty.
26 We ask this morning, Father, to remember all those phone calls and special requests that's out there at the office waiting. Bless our loved ones everywhere.
And today as it falls lot to answer questions, Lord, we realize that these are deep, sincere things that's on the people's heart. They never asked them just for folly; they asked them because that they are interested in knowing Truth. Thy Word is Truth.
So, Father, we pray that You'll associate our minds this morning into this Truth,
the Word, and help us, Lord, that we be able to understand better today when we
leave this house of teaching, that it might be good for our souls. We ask this for
the glory of God in the Name of Jesus Christ His Son. Amen.
29 Now, it has some handkerchiefs laying here, I suppose, to be prayed over, and we'll do that just shortly as soon as we possibly can. Now, by right time we have about a hour and a half. I don't know exactly whether, as I have said before, I'll be able to answer all these or not. But what we plan for the program today is to answer the questions, have just a little sermonette here on--for--to help the faith of the people, then have prayer for the sick. And remember the services tonight, and the midweek prayer meetings, the men's meetings, and so forth.
And I don't know about next Sunday if... I have a--a subject on my heart that I would like to bring to the church if it's possible, if the Lord permits it this next coming Sunday, a--a very outstanding thing that come to me this week to preach, just a message to preach on, evangelistic message... We'll see about that a little later on as our Lord will lead.
And pray for me now, because there's got to be some great decisions made. Brother
Roy Borders (I suppose he's setting somewhere here this morning.), he takes care
of the meetings, and he's got a book full of--of invitations that's come in in the
last few months--and of places to go, and people that are to calling him for meetings.
And so you pray that God will let me make the right decision. On whatever I do,
may it be right, the--that will count.
32 Now, to answer questions which we know is sharply... And that's the reason I answer questions (we never advertised a healing service or something, so it'd just be the home folks here), so we could find out what was on their heart.
And Brother Neville's setting back here, our precious brother and pastor; he--I'm so thankful to see him advancing on in the Kingdom of God; I believe he's come farther in the last couple of years than he has all the rest of the years put together. How the Lord has blessed him. I'm so glad of that.
And I'll say not to his face; I do to his back, and you know that. I knew Brother
Neville since I was just a boy. See? And I know that if Brother Neville... I believe
this; he's subject to mistakes like all of us are; we--we all are subject to that;
we're still human. But it wouldn't come from his heart; I don't believe that. He
would be sincere, and he's always been the highest of sincerity.
35 And when he come to this Message, I've had him--brought him here by the vote of the church to be pastor here when even he didn't understand these things as he does now. But his sincerity to be willing to lay down, and look it over, and approach it reverently, until I think he's got a good solid background, that when he comes up now, he knows where he's standing now.
So I'm very happy for the Tabernacle. And they say the other night in the--they
had a meeting here whether they would build a new tabernacle or extend this one
and make it bigger and make Sunday school rooms in it; and the church unanimously
voted for the extension, to put a new extension to it out here, make it larger,
and put Sunday school rooms so there'd be classes for all the classes, and carpet
the floors, and put birch over it, and fix it up real nice, and Bedford stoning
on the outside. And so the church voted that. And I think the architects and them
are on the work now. There's a meeting of it tomorrow to make us a--a bigger church,
extend it on back and fix it around different. So we'll be grateful to the Lord
for that.
38 Now, in these questions I... Some of them I haven't even looked them over. I may have to go easy to spell the words out to find out. It's not your writing, but it's my education that's limited.
151. We believe in being baptized... Acts 2:38, but how can we answer people concerning the other baptism? Are they saved or not? Also those that have gone on and never received the light?
Now, that is a--a good question. Now, let me say again (See?) on these questions,
if you--if I don't answer them according to your thoughts... I'm going to answer
them just as close to the Scripture as I know how to make them Scriptural.
39 Now, the Scriptural way of water baptism is in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is found in Acts 2:38 and the rest, all the Bible. And many peoples today and nearly all the churches all the way from the beginning, the one that started it, they baptize the people in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Ghost. Now, they do that through a error. There is no such commission as that in the Bible, nowhere at all. It's not even found in the Scriptures.
When Peter... When Matthew was writing what Jesus said... Where they'd taken Matthew 28:19, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost..."
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that's titles, not a name. The Name of the Father,
Son, Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost... And if
He... And then they baptized all through the Bible, every person in the Name of--of
the Lord Jesus Christ. On down through history they come until the establishment
of the Laodicean (I beg your pardon.)--the Nicene Council of the Catholic church
at Nicaea, Rome.
42 When the Pentecostal church... Two groups, they separated, one wanted to stay with the Word, the written Word, others wanted a classical church. It was during the time of Constantine's reign. And Constantine was not a religious man; he was a heathen to begin with. But he--he was a politician that wanted to unite... Half of Rome was Christian; half of it was pagan, so he adopted some of paganism and some of Christianity to a classical group; and they made up their own religion.
Therefore, to disregard the Bible, the Catholic church believes that God gave the
church the power to change or do anything it wanted to. See? Therefore, if the Catholic
church is right, if that is true what God did, then we're all wrong but Catholics
(See?); the Catholic church is right. Then the Methodist church is right. Then the
Baptist church is right, or all the organizations are right. See? They have a right.
And who is right then? If the Catholic has power that they can change anything the
Bible wants to say and make it some other kind of doctrines to "Hail, Mary's" and
so forth, the Methodist has the right to say, "Baptism by immersing is wrong; we'll
sprinkle," and they're everyone right, because each one can do whatever the church
is; now, who is the church then? Is it Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic,
or what is it? See?
44 So you can't--you know that God, the--the Source of all wisdom couldn't do a thing like that. There's no such... There not even common sense in it, let alone the intelligence of the supernatural Being. There's one thing that's right; that's the Word. The Word is right.
So then, if the Catholic church wanted to say this morning, "We'll just omit baptism altogether and take eating a lump of sugar each morning. That's what we'll take for remission of sins," then that's got to be right, 'cause it--God gave that authority to the church.
But you see, to me it's the Word is right, because at the close of the Bible, God
said this in His Word, "Whosoever shall take one word away from This or add one
word to It, the same will be taken, his part, out of the Book of Life." So to me
it's the Word.
47 And there is no such a thing in the Bible as anybody ever being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost; because there is no such a thing. Father's no name; and Son's no name; and Holy Ghost is no name; but the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. Exactly what the apostles and all down through the age they've recognized.
Now, the next question is... 'Course that's Scripturally right. That's the Truth.
And in the Bible when they found people that had been immersed some other way besides the Name of Jesus Christ, they were commanded to be baptized over again in the Name of Jesus Christ before they could receive the Holy Ghost: Acts 19:5. That's right. So that is Scripturally the Truth.
Now, there's no bishop; there's no archbishop; there's no minister; there's nobody
else can say one word against that, 'cause that's the truth. See?
51 And I asked the other day in
Chicago before three hundred ministers that stood over there to debate and to ask
that... I... And the Lord told me, He give me a vision, and told me where we'd be
and what to do; I stood before three hundred trinitarian ministers, and I said,
"Now, if I am so wrong in this doctrine, some of you men stand up here and show
me where I'm wrong by the Scriptures without textbook. If there is no such a thing
as serpent's seed or something like that that I've been teaching, just come here
and show me by the Scriptures." Nobody moved (See?), because it can't be done. That's
true. Not to be different, but just it's the truth; it's the Word. And there's where...
No one can debate that; that's the Word of God; nobody can do it. See?
52 But now, "Will these who have not..." Let me read this to be sure it's right. See? "Concerning other baptisms, are they saved or not? Also those that have gone on and never received the light?"
Well, I believe--I believe strictly that God called His people and ordained His church, and all those that would be there, before the foundation of the world. I believe the Bible teaches that. And I believe that every man that loves God with all of his heart will seek after Truth. I--I--I believe that, that they'll do that. Every man that loves God will do that.
I believe if a man was baptized wrong ignorantly, not knowing that he was baptized
wrong... Now, I can't say this Scripturally. But I believe it with my heart, that
if a man did not know what to do right, and he did something the best of his knowledge,
I believe that God would overlook that and save him anyhow, 'cause he didn't have...
Remember, back in the days of Wesley, back in the days of Luther in the reformation,
those great man of God who God honored and proved that He honored them, they died
in the faith (See?), with all the Light that they had.
55 And there may be things I believe yet like... Anybody hear Charles Fuller this morning on "Old-Fashioned Revival Hour?" He's one of my favorite teachers of the Bible, yet he's way, way old, and... But I think he's a great teacher of the Bible. And he said this morning (he was teaching on--on prophecy, I believe); he said that--that there were great things ahead, things that the church knows nothing about would be opened up to the people. I said, "Amen." to that. I believe that we still have great Light coming on now that'll just flood the earth one of these days for a short period, maybe just in a matter a months. But I believe that there's great Light coming.
I do believe that any person upon their faith and sincerity and walk in all the
Light that they have will be saved.
57 Remember, in the coming of the Lord Jesus, you remember how that He found those who walked in all the Light that they had to walk in? Remember what happened? "Is not he a good man, even a Roman Centurion, he's built our city--or our people a synagogue, and he's (all these things he'd done)--he's worthy of this blessing that's being asked for him." See, God's a understanding Father; He knows your heart, whether you really see Light or whether you don't see Light; He knows.
Now, I truly believe with all my heart that the correct answer for this question is that the correct baptism is in the Name of Jesus Christ, and that those who was baptized contrary and in their heart, not selfish, just say, "Well, I don't want to fool with that..." Now, that person, that'll be up to them and God. But if they didn't know any different, I believe that they're saved. I--I believe it with all my heart, because they didn't know any different.
We could stay a long, long time on that one, but we try to get to all of them if
we can.
59 152. Would you please explain Hebrews 6:4 and 6, and also explain Hebrews 10:26-39? Please explain whether this refers to the Holy Ghost people or the sanctified people; please explain the difference.
Well, let's see where the person's referring to, Hebrews 6 and 4. I love Bible questions that just--it pulls out something in you that you get--you get something that you wouldn't get otherwise. Because you--you got what the other people's thinking, what's on their heart (See?), and you know what they're doing.
Now, there's Hebrews 10, and here's Hebrews 6 and 4. All right.
For it is impossible for those that were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted of the... word of God, and the power of the world to come,
If they shall fall away, to renew themselves again to repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Now, that's one. Now, Hebrews 10:26. All right, Hebrews 10 and 26.
For if we sin wilfully after... we... receive the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,
But a certain fearful looking for the judgment... the fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversary.
He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:
.. how much more sore punishment, suppose ye, shall he be worthy--though worthy,
who has trod the--under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant,
wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and... done despite to the works of
60 They are both about the same thing. Now, I would like to explain this to the--the person. Now, if you notice here in Hebrews 6 and 4, it said, "It is impossible for those that were once enlightened"... That--that's associates with this other Scripture that's just read. If you have been enlightened and then turn away from your enlightenment, it is impossible for that person to ever regain his place again. See?
Now, Hebrews only tells the punishment that follows this rejection. It's one of
the horriblest things in the world is to reject Christ, is to reject Light of the
62 Now, you notice, "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened and has been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, if they turn away to renew themselves again unto repentance..." See? Here we are. "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted (Watch.), tasted the heavenly gift..." They been right on the edge of it: "tasted the heavenly gifts..."
Now, you notice they never had come to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. See? They
was enlightened to it: "And tasted of the heavenly gift (See?), but were made partakers
of the Holy Ghost (by tasting of it), and have tasted of the good Word of God, (part
of it; See?) and powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew
64 Now, Hebrews 10 here only gives the judgment for that. "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. How much sorer punishment, though worthy, who has trod the Blood of Jesus Christ and counted it a unclean thing that they were sanctified by."
Now, to put these two together to make the question for you, let's take a Scripture and a person in the Bible that did this, and then we can find...
Now, all the church today is the antitype of the type, We know that. There's a type
and a antitype. Now, when Israel was on their journey from the land of Palestine--from
Egypt going into Palestine, was a type of the church in the spiritual today on it's
journey to the promised land... You all agree with that, don't you? All the theologians
agree with that, that that was the type.
67 They left Egypt. Egypt was the world. They come out, went through the waters of separation at the Red Sea through baptism, come out on the other side rejoicing and praising God, went to the--got the laws, and from there on to the promised land.
Well, did you notice just before they got to the promised land (See?), before they were to enter into the promised land, which would only been just a few days, ten or eleven days, maybe not that much, 'cause it was only forty-something miles. They would've went right on into the promised land; they'd come right up through the--the year--the every--every stage of the journey that we've walked. And they come over, crossed over the Red Sea; Pharaoh's army was drowned behind them. They were free from their enemies, started through the wilderness, and got to the edge of the promised land at Kadesh-Barnea, and there they failed. Why? Why did they fail?
Now, Moses said to the ten tribes; he said, "He'll send a man out of each tribe
to represent each tribe, to go spy out on the land to see what kind of a condition
it was."
69 Now, if that isn't exactly up to the--your place this morning, where you come. Today you--the church has come through justification through Luther, through sanctification through the Methodist, and now up to the time of the promise. The promise is the baptism of the Spirit, which is promised all through the Old Testament and New too (See?), the promise: "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you..." Peter said that on the day of Pentecost.
That is the Promise. The promised land is to live in this land of Holy Spirit. That's God's promise for the church, is to live in the power of the Spirit. It's another world; it's another land. You have to come out of the conditions that you been in, to come out to live in this promised land, to receive the promise. Remember the promise, "You shall receive power from on high, after this, the Holy Ghost is come upon you..."?
And Peter said that the promise that was made all down through the Testament, Old
and New... You--you find promising on up, on up to that day of the Pentecost, and
then they entered into the promise.
72 Now, those people had come out and had seen great signs and wonders in Israel. And then he sent some men out to spy out, one out of each tribe. And some of them come back to... Well, some of them wouldn't go over. Two went over. When they come back, they had a bunch of grapes that taken two men to pack. Now, they had never tasted grapes. They was in--they were in the wilderness; and therefore, in that place was no place of fruit and stuff. They was fed from manna, bread from heaven, and quails, and wildlife and what they was fed on.
But now they were going over into the land, and they had a bunch of grapes that was so big that took two men to pack these grapes. And these two went over into the land and had come back and give every one of them others on the bank a taste of these grapes. What did they do?
When they went back, instead of rejoicing because they had a taste of the grapes,
instead of that, they went back to their tribes and said, "Oh, but we have seen
the great walled-in cities of the Philistines, or the Hittites, and the Perizzites,"
and the--they--and all the different 'ites' over there. "Why," said, "they are giants.
Why, we look like little grasshoppers up the side of them. We can't take that land.
Why did you ever bring us out here anyhow?" See? And the Bible said that they all
perished in the wilderness, every one of them; they died. What did they do? They
were borderline believers. They come up to the real thing, and saw the promise,
and felt that they wasn't able to go over and take the promise.
74 Now, that's exactly what's
come today through justification and sanctification. See? "Has trod the Blood of
Jesus Christ wherewith he was sanctified..." it is the sanctified people that come
up to a place where they see the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and they turn away and
say, "It's fanaticism; we cannot take it. We'll be turned out of our classes; we'll
be turned out of our places. We'll be turned out of our churches. We cannot do that
(See?), because it's contrary to our church teaching." See? Has counted the Blood
of Jesus Christ that brought him all this distance, right to the sealing of the
promise, and then walk away from it; he said it's totally impossible for them to
ever be saved. See? Not the ones that had walked over in the promised land...
75 Remember, Joshua and Caleb was the only two out of that entire group of two and a half million people that went over into the promised land, because they went over in the promised land, and got the blessing, and come back. And they said, "We're able to take it, because God said so."
And there they stayed. Why? Now, all those people were looking at circumstances, but Joshua and Caleb was looking to what God said: "I have give you that land; go get it."
And that's today; the people say, "Oh, if I be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ,
if I receive the Holy Ghost, if--if I would speak in tongues or prophesy, or if
I would testify or shout in my church, they would put me out." Go right ahead.
78 You say, "But I'll tell you right now, I live a Christian life; I live a good, clean, sanctified life." That's true, but you've come to the showdown, come to the place, the borderline. And if you turn away from that, then it's impossible for those who were once enlightened..." See?
In other words, a man comes through justification; he goes, says "I believe I want to preach the Word." He gets saved; he said, "I'm tired of sin." All right. Then he goes out, and first he still smokes, and maybe he lusts or something. After while he says, "God, this is not becoming to a Christian, especially a minister, to look upon women in the wrong way, to smoke cigarettes," or; "I do take a sociable drink of beer with the fellows, but--and even my congregation, but it don't seem right. Sanctify me, Lord." And then the Lord sanctifies him, takes all that lust away from him, everything. Then he's a sanctified vessel. Then what God presents to him is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. To do that, he has to come out of that bunch he's with. There's where he shows his color; then he backs down. What does he do when he backs down? He tramps the Blood of Jesus Christ that sanctified him, as though it was an unholy thing, not able to take him over there. Then it's impossible for him to be saved. And then what does it was? But on to the fiery indignation and the judgment.
I hope that's clear. If it isn't, why, you let me know at another time. I got so
many of them here, I...
80 153. Brother Branham, what did Jesus mean in St. John 21:15 through 17 when he asked Peter if he loved Him and told him to feed His lambs, then He said, "Feed My sheep." and in the 17th verse he said again, "Feed My sheep."?
Well, that is merely this. See, Christ is the Shepherd. He was going away, and He
was leaving the commission of His sheep, which any shepherd feeds, which is His
flock, His church... See? He was leading--or leaving the commission with these disciples
to continue to feed the flock, the--to be a shepherd, feed the sheep.
81 In other words like this, if--if you look out here... Here this morning, that's what I'm doing. Now, sheep will only grow as you give them sheep food. Now, if you'd fry up a big hamburger and give it to a sheep, he couldn't grow on that, 'cause (See?), he don't--that's not sheep food. See? And--and if I would fry up or be a--have a nice T-bone steak fixed up, give it over to a sheep, it--it's not sheep food. He just couldn't eat it, that's all, because he's a sheep. But sheep like sheep food. Well then, when you're to feed the flock of God, don't feed them on some man-made theology; feed them on the Word; for that's where the sheep grow from. Feed the Word.
Be a shepherd, a true shepherd. "Feed My sheep." Lamb's is the little ones, of course,
and sheep is the adult. So both young and old, feed the flock of God. See? And feed
them with the Word. The Word (You see?) is the Truth. Jesus said, "Man shall not
live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
Is that right? So then, if man is to live and they are the flock of God, this--the
church, then they are to thrive upon the Word and Manna of God. This is His Manna.
83 In the--the Bible, we just come through it over there in the--in the--in the church ages. Jesus is the hidden Manna; Christ is the church's Manna. What is manna? Manna in the Old Testament was that what come down from heaven fresh every night to sustain the church in its journey. Is that right? Now, in the New Testament what is the hidden Manna? "A little while and the world seeth Me no more (hidden); yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world." And Christ is that hidden Manna that comes from God out of heaven afresh every day--every day.
We can't say, "Well, two weeks ago I had a great experience of God." What about
right now? See? Every day, fresh, a new blessing, a new something coming from God,
the hidden Manna coming down from God out of heaven, Christ. And we feast upon this
Manna which is Christ, and He sustains us through the journey till we reach the--the
land on the other side.
85 Now, that's what He meant by, "Feed My sheep." We'd get on that, we'd never get to the rest of the questions, 'cause that's a good one for me. I like that, when I talk of Christ being the Manna and the Food for the sheep.
Feed them Christ from His Word. See? Take the Word of Christ just exactly the way it's wrote here and give it out to the sheep. No matter what anybody else says, "Oh, they need a hamburger." Don't you believe it. Here's what they need right here. This is It. See? Give them This. This is sheep Food. That's what makes them grow. The Holy Spirit, this is His Word, His commission. The Word is a Seed. The seed brings forth a plant; the plant we eat. Now, this is what brings forth the plant that the Holy Spirit thrives upon, is the church. It feeds... It--it--it feeds upon the church, the Holy Spirit does, rejoicing in the Presence of God, because that the people is believing His Word and letting Him work through them, giving them the very things that God promised them that they would do. And God sees His church growing, therefore the sheep's being fed, and the Holy Spirit's being glorified. See? That's it. "Feed My sheep." All right.
Now, if that's not all, why, you let me know a little later.
87 154. Brother Branham, as I went through the prayer line a short time ago, anointed hands were laid on me and prayer was made for my unsaved husband. I was slain by the power of the Lord. Is this a definite sign that he will be saved?
Well, a... It's bound to be a woman. Sister, I wouldn't--I wouldn't think that it
was a definite sign that he was to be saved, though I believe if--that God, it...
I believe he will be saved, certainly, but to say... "Now, could you say that's
THUS SAITH THE LORD?" Be careful about that (See?), 'cause (See?), it might be the
Holy Spirit blessing you, because you have taken a place of Christ. See?
88 You come here to stand for your sinful husband as Christ went to the cross to stand for the sinful church. You see? It was a great thing that you did. But what I would do... If you're present this morning, if you that wrote this question, what I'd do, I'd believe with all my heart that God was going to do it (See?)--that God was going to do it, because whether He give you the blessing or whether He did not, that was something extra God give you. But I believe it would--it would make you feel good, because He blessed you.
It's just like if you speak with tongues, and there's no interpreter in the church, why, you're not supposed to speak in the church 'less there's somebody to interpret the tongues. But if you speak in tongues, and there's no interpreter... Why, use... you... Wherever you're in prayer at your home or wherever you are, speak then, because "He that speaketh in unknown tongues edifieth himself." It gives him consolation. See? He feels good, because he is standing there praying and the first thing you know, the Holy Spirit come upon he or she and they begin to speak in tongues. And their soul was rejoicing and happy, because they--they spoke in tongues. See?
Why, that was--that wasn't just a sign that God was going to answer the prayer that
you was praying for, but it was a sign that the Holy Spirit's hearing you. It's
a--it's... He knows you; He's with you. That's the same thing I would apply to this.
The Holy Spirit's giving you a--a blessing.
91 Here some time ago. The last time I spoke with tongues, as I can remember, was... I was... It's been about three or four years ago. I was in Illinois, and Billy come after me for--to go to a--the prayer line up at Zion City, And I was burdened on my heart, and I knelt down and started to pray. And while I was praying, I--I heard Billy come up and knock at the door. And I said, "Billy I--I can't go now." And he went out there and set down.
And I was praying, my heart so burdened; I--I couldn't go to church like that. And see, usually sometimes He gives me a vision show me something's going to happen, but He didn't do it then. And I was just praying away in the room there, and I heard someone talking. I quit praying. I listened, and there's somebody at the door, they was... Sounded like a foreign language, like German or Low Dutch, or something; it was so fast, chattery. I listened again, and I thought, "Well, somebody's come up there talking to that motel man in German; maybe he'll answer him back."
And I just quit praying, leaning over a chair like this, listening, and he just
kept on talking. I thought, "Well, wonder why there's somebody don't answer back."
And I listened; I thought, "Well now, isn't that strange."
94 There was a weight scales down the road, and I heared that fellow down there hollering, "Drive off." you know, and, "Drive on." I turned around, looked out that way, and I did, I felt of my mouth... Come to find out, I was the one doing the talking. It was me. And I just kept real still, not knowing not one thing. I had no more control of what I was saying than nothing, knowed not one thing I was saying, not a thing. I just... My mouth was moving; I was speaking some kind of a language. I just held real still. After while it quit. And when it quit, oh my, I felt like I could scream out; I just--just so happy. I don't know why, but the burden all left me.
So I went on to the church then, called Billy. And when I got to the church... Mr. Baxter then was the manager of the meeting. And he was a--been singing, waiting. I was over half-hour late. And I told him that I was just late.
And--and he seen I'd been weeping, and he said, "What's the matter?"
96 And I said, "Nothing." And I went on and just about ten minutes, a woman come in at the back of the auditorium, and she was about to take the place back there. And when we checked up with the woman, to find out, she was on her road from Twin Cities (St. Paul and Minneapolis, somewhere, one of those cities), the... She was so bad with TB to the--the ambulance would not dare to bring her, her lungs were in such a condition, just gel. And so a couple of brethren got an old Chevrolet car, and took the back seat out, and fixed her a cot in there some way, or bed, and laid her on it, and was bringing her to the meeting. She wanted to come.
The doctors had give her up. And on the road over... They told her the least little bump, she'll go into a hemorrhage, and that's it. And she went into a hemorrhage. And they had taken her out and had laid her on a grass plat. And the saints were standing there praying over the woman. And she was just... Every time she'd breathe, just gurgling, the blood would blow out of her mouth, like that.
And all of a sudden, she was instantly healed. And she jumped up from there and started rejoicing, come on to the church. And there she was back there testifying, back in the back.
I said, "What time was that?" And when she gave the time, of what time it was, it
was the very same time that that speaking was going through me. Well, what was it?
It was the Holy Spirit making intercessions for that woman there. See what I mean?
100 Now, the Bible says that. Sometimes we mutter words; we don't know what we're talking about. But it's the Holy Spirit in there moving out, making intercessions for things that we do not understand. See?
And the women was instantly healed. We heared from her for a long time from that. She's perfectly well, got all right.
Now, you see, God knows where those things are, and He has a way of doing it. See? He has His own way of doing it. We must just submit ourselves to what He does. And then--then the hard thing to do when you get there is hold yourself from that one little knife edge of fanaticism to a truth.
Now, if you don't watch, the devil will throw you right over into a bunch of fanaticism
and you'll lose all your experience and everything else (See?), when you do that,
but if you can just hold to solid truth, watch the Bible, and stay with It, and
stay meek and humble, God will just keep taking you on towards Calvary, just on
down the road like that, if you just stay with that.
104 And that's something like
yours was, sister. God was just giving you a blessing. It might be a definite witness
that you're going to... But I wouldn't rely just on that (You see?), say, "The Lord
told me." 'cause I said that experience because that it might encourage you to continue
to believe on. Whatever it was that God did there, brought the Spirit upon you like
that, it was for some purpose. It might've been something else; but if it was for
your husband, he'll sure come right into the Kingdom of God, I believe that.
105 155. Brother Branham, is it not Scriptural that women should not speak in the church?
He's got two questions here. That's true. That--that is true. It's not right for women to be ministers and--and speak in the church. That is right: I Corinthians the 14th chapter.
Of course all of the church here, you all know this. And this may be a stranger in here this morning; I don't know. But it's not right for--for women to--to be a--to minister. That--that is true.
I'll just read it to you here, and you--you can find out. And then you'll--you'll know: I Corinthians the 14th chapter I believe. I'll get it just in a minute, if I can find it. Yeah, here it is.
Let your women keep silent in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. (Now, the law didn't permit women priest and so forth back in them days. See?)
And if they will learn any thing, let their ask their husbands at home: for it's
a shame for a woman to speak in the church.
107 Now, if you'll notice Corinth here... Many of these Corinthian Christians and many of... The great goddess of the world in that day was Diana, which was a Roman goddess. And she was a goddess of Ephesus. And she was worshipped throughout all the world. And now, her ministers... Of course, her being a woman, then that made her ministers women. And when they were converted into Christianity by Paul... Now, Paul was in prison when he wrote these letters, of course, at Rome.
Now, they wrote him letters (You see?), after they'd begin to speaking with tongues
and got great gifts working among them. Well, these women thought they should continue
on their ministry.
109 Now, if you'll notice, you that's reading your Bible, the 36th verse he said.
What? came the word of God... from you? and came it from you only?
If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
But if... he be ignorant, just let him be ignorant.
Now, in otherwise, the women... Now, if you'll take the history to this letter (See?),
of the church, these women thought that they were... continue on with their ministry
just as they was a--of the priest to the goddess Diana. God is not a woman; God
is a Man. And there's only really one, and that is a man. A woman is a by-product
from a man. Man was not made for woman, but woman was made for man. See? If you'd
just open up your spiritual understanding. You, see? See?
111 Man--when man first come on earth, he was both male and female, feminish and masculine before he become sex. See? A feminish spirit, the lower spirit, it's the one that's timid... And then there's also masculine man. But when He made and put him into different... In order to reproduce the world, He brought the feminish spirit off of him and put from him a rib from his side and made a female.
She was not to be ruler. When she first started that, she caused the whole human
downfall. See? Oh, and even it was a... She was the cause of the fall. And then
God taken her up and brought life back into the world through Christ by the woman.
But nowhere was a woman ever permitted to--to be a minister in the church.
113 On over in II Timothy the 3rd chapter, he said, "I suffer not a woman to teach or to usurp authority over man, but to be in silence." You see? And it isn't right for the woman to preach; that is true.
Now, I know I've seen some women that were real preachers (They could preach too.) like Aimie McPherson and many of those women there. But just put your hand on them just for a little while. See? It's not... I know people who could speak with tongues this morning setting right in this church. If there was no interpreter, they'd be daresn't to do so. See?
You got to remember; them women was borned under a certain line, that when they
are... Your birth has a lot to do with it. It's your name, your--all about you (You
see?) has a make up to it, no matter what it is.
116 I could get out here and pull a trigger on a gun and kill a man this morning, but I'm daresn't to do it. But I can do it all right, sure. See, I could kill a man the same as you could a squirrel; but you--you ain't supposed to do that. See? And that's the same thing. You've got to watch those things, now that you do not... This is the commandments of the Lord.
When they wrote over and said, "Why, the Holy Spirit told us." (See?), Paul said,
"What? came the Word of God out of you? And came It from you only? If any of you
all--if you got any prophets over there, they'll acknowledge that what I say is
the commandments of the Lord. (See? That's right.) But if there's any man shows
he's--he's--he wants to be contrary, if he wants to be ignorant, just let him be
ignorant. (See?) Just let him alone and let him go on (See?); don't do any contrary
to it." But remember, she's not supposed to speak in the church.
118 And therefore, there's where you can judge your pastor or whatever it is, whether he's spiritual or not. See? He said, "If any man be spiritual or a prophet, he'll acknowledge that what I say is the commandments of the Lord." See?
That's the reason I command the people to be baptized over again in the Name of
Jesus Christ. Paul did that, and he said, "If a angel from heaven come and taught
anything else, let him be accursed." And this is what's already taught here also.
If any man comes... If a angel come from heaven and said, "Let the women preach
and be preachers, ordain them ministers." the Bible said, "Let him be accursed."
This is the commandments of the Lord here.
120 156. Is it right for Christian men and women to kiss one another (Oh!) on greeting?
No, sir. No indeedy. No, sir. You kiss one woman, brother, that's your wife (See?), or your--your child, or what... See?
"Is it right for..." Let me see if I got that right. "Is it right for Christian men and women to kiss one another on greetings?"
No, sir. No indeedy. That... Don't you never get that started. Yes, sir. No, sir. You keep away from women. Shun away from them. Exactly right.
Now, they're our sisters, but don't... Now, they got that. That in... That thing even got over in Pentecost, and it's called "free love." And when you do--get anything like that, you stay away from it. That's right.
I don't care how clean you are... You're my brother, and I--I believe that you're--you
might be a good sanctified, holy man. I don't care how holy you are; you're still
a man. And I don't care how holy she is; she's still a woman. Stay away from it
till you're married. You just do that.
124 Remember, the body... I'm going to speak double now, so that you older people will understand. It's a mixed group, but I'm your brother, and this was the question. See?
Each human being male and female have a different type of gland. A female has a female gland, sex gland. A male has a male gland, sex gland. And those glands lay in the human lips. That's right.
And here's another thing might be brought up, men kissing one another in the mouth.
That's dirty. That's filth. And what does it do? It starts homosexuals. Stay away
from that. You say...
127 A guy asked me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, why, they greeted one another with a holy kiss." They kissed on the back of the neck, fell upon their neck, and kissed them on the back of the neck. That was before handshake come in. It's a greeting. That's the way it is. They didn't shake one another's hands; they put their arms around one another; they kissed one another on the back of the neck, not on the lips, in the face. That starts a perversion. Stay away from it. Don't never do that.
Nowadays, we shake hands with one another. If you want to... You got your arm around
your brother, and kiss him on the neck, or he kisses you on the neck, that's all
right. But don't you kiss that woman, and don't you let that woman kiss you. See?
That's right. You take her by the hand, say, "Wait a minute, Sister, just a minute
here (See?); let's get this straight!" And so, now you do that.
129 Now, what did I tell you awhile ago when I first started? When you see any--a car coming down the road ninety miles an hour, get out of it's way. That's right. When you see the first twist in anything like that, get away from it; stay away from it. And just... That's the ground you should not be on. Satan will present something to you that'll wreck your soul and send you to hell. Stay away from it. Shun the very appearance of evil. That's right.
Be a man; be a woman, like... I'm going to take up for the women a minute. That's
unusual, isn't it? But they--they say, "Oh, the woman caused it. Oh, it was the
woman's fault. If she hadn't got out of her place, well, the man wouldn't got out
of his." That's true. That... We'll say that's right. She gets out of her place.
A man can't be bad 'less there's a bad woman; but remember there can't be a bad
woman without being a bad man. That's right.
131 And you who claim to be a son of God, where is your principles? If the woman ain't out of her place, aren't you a son of God? Aren't you the one that's a higher, stronger vessel? As the Bible says she's weaker, then if she's weaker, then show yourself a man of God. Tell her, say, "Sister, you're in the wrong." That's right. I've done it, and other Christians has done it. And you'll always do it as long as you're a Christian, but show yourself. You're a son of God. You're--you have more power over yourself than the woman does. If she is weaker, recognize her to be weaker. Understand her mistakes, and things like that, and try to correct her. Say, "Sister, we are Christians; shouldn't do that." See? Be a real man; be a son of God, and watch the women.
And there's where the great fall begin at the beginning. It was Satan with Eve. That's what brought the whole downfall of the human race is through that.
And if you're a son of God, be strong; be a real man. If you're not that way, stay
at the altar till you become that. And shun the very appearance of evil. And don't
start now greeting...
134 Someone told me sometime ago about they'd seen that two or three times at my church here, of... Not here in the church, but people who come to the church. And if you're setting here this morning, I'm going to dig this to you right good. See?
Women, young women, coming up and these men kissing these women. Don't you do that. Don't you... You keep away from there. You remember that. If she's young, single, or whatever she is; she'll be somebody's wife someday. And you haven't got no business doing that. Stay away from her. If you want to greet her, then be a son of God, shake her hand and say, "How do you do, sister." And let that settle it right there. See?
Stay away from those things; it's filth. And it'll soon get you into trouble. You
just... Oh, that's just... Sin is so easy, and it's so appetizing, and so pleasant.
It's so easy to fall right into it. The best thing to do is, the very even appearance
of it, stay away from it. Get back. Be a real Christian.
137 And for men kissing one another, if you kiss your brother on the neck, and you want to do it, that's all right. Don't kiss no man in the lips, and on the mouth, or anything like that, because that's--that's not right. See? No, that--that shows there's a little something wrong to begin with. See? So just stay away from there; shun that. Don't--don't start that around this tabernacle here. No, we'll certainly won't stand for that at all. See?
You--if you want to see your brother, if you want to kiss him on the neck, well, you go ahead and do it, but don't kiss people in the mouth, 'cause that won't work; that's not right. And it only starts a perversion. It starts homosexuals and things.
And there's only two things that'll do in them things like that. If you start...
Let the man... I seen... Oh, many times amongst the people, they'll come down. I've
seen the churches, and the preacher'd come in, reach, and grab every sister, and
hug her and kiss her, and set her down. "How do you do, sister, Hallelujah." Reach
over and get this one and kiss her, go right down through the church like that.
To me that's wrong.
140 When I was in Finland, we was all over there... You might know this; we was having meetings, and I was at the YMCA. There was no soap, no detergents in Finland. And only... I had some shaving soap, and every one of us had to stand up and take a spit bath, you know, with this shaving soap. Only had one piece with us, and we had no soap in Finland. And they just washed with some kind of a compound, and it'd nearly take the hide off of you.
So then we... They told us they was going to take us over for a Finnish sauna. And we went over to the YMCA. And we went over there to take a sauna. That's that Finnish, famous Finnish bath. And I'd had them before, and they were nice. But I thought "Well, we're going to... at the YMCA, so it'd be fine."
But when I started over there, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Don't you do it." Oh, it's so good to have the Holy Spirit. "Don't you do it."
Well, I just right then, I said, "I don't believe I want a bath this morning."
Doctor Manninen and them said, "Oh, Brother Branham," said, "my, there's some big
glass rooms"; and said, "it's beautiful." Said, "It ain't..."
142 Usually, when they do, they throw this water on these hot rocks and make you all steamy, and beat you with birch leaves like that, and then--and then you run right out and dive into cold water. Them Finns go right into snow and ice and things like that. But of course they're used to it: great, big, sturdy men. And then they come back and--and get in this hot bath again, then from hot to cold, quickly like that. But they just let me stand where the cool air was, and then get back, 'cause I couldn't. I was afraid it would stop your heart to do that, and it wasn't used to it.
So I--I liked them real well, but Something told me not to take that one up there.
Well, Howard my brother, and Brother Baxter, and all of them going up there, and
the brethren, all the rest of them, you know, all talking, you know, going up. So
I kinda got a little skittish, you know, 'cause the Holy Spirit said, "Don't do
142a So we went up to the YMCA, and they come in, all those men there greeting me. And, oh, they had the--the headlines in the paper, first and second page, every day, the meetings. And they were around.
I went into a little room and set down, and they all went into the room to undress. And while they were in there un--to undress, here come a lovely looking little Finnish, blond-headed girl; and they're a nice people; they're as clean, moral people as they can be. Here she come with the towels over her shoulder, started walk in the room. I said, "Hey, hey, hey. Stop. Psss." I tried to stop her. She looked around and laughed, went on in there, and give each one of them (and them men, no clothes on) a towel. Each woman come down and got a man, took them back in there, scrubbed them like that. I seen what the Holy Spirit meant.
So then when I come back out, I said, "Dr. Manninen," I said, "how does that come? You being Christians, and go in, taking those saunas with them..."
"Oh," he said, "them's scrub women, Brother Branham."
I said, "I don't care what they are. It's wrong. It's not right." I said, "And nature itself teach you."
He said, "Well, Brother Branham, they're raised up from children to scrub, just like your nurses in America, things like that; they're raised up that."
I said, "I don't care what they are; that's still wrong. Absolutely. It's male and female, and they're to be separated, and clothed from one another." Amen.
I don't want to start on that, I'd be preaching that after while, wouldn't I? All
142b 156b. Please explain apostolic faith.
That's one question. There's one, two, and three questions. Apostolic faith means
"the faith of the apostles." That's what apostolic faith means, that you stay with
the Bible. Now, what's called apostolic faith today, many of them don't stay with
the Bible. But apostolic means the--the apostolic faith, the apostolic faith of
the Bible. All right.
142c 156c... and the group that call themselves fundamentalists, are these two groups saved?
Now, I don't know. See, I wouldn't know how to answer that. Now, "Are these groups saved?" I don't know.
Explain the difference between the spirit and...
Well, that's a different question now.
Now, "Are these two groups saved?" Let me make that just a little bit more sensible to you and say, "I don't know. I wouldn't know."
Now, remember, here's my thoughts; it may be wrong. My thoughts is, that if a Roman Catholic, or whoever he might be, Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Lutheran, wherever he is, if he believes on the Lord Jesus Christ and solemnly trusting Him for his salvation, I believe he's saved.
But, you see, the Roman Catholic church doesn't do that. They believe that the church saves them. See? Their--their salvation is in the church. Like this priest was put off the air here sometime ago for saying, "There is no other salvation, only in the church (See?), the Roman church." Now, that's wrong. Salvation is by Jesus Christ (That's right.), not by the church; but by Christ.
Now, if he's apostolic, or, apostolic and fundamentalist now call themselves...
143 Now, like the fundamentalist come to me, was here sometime ago, and he said to me, said, "You kinda lean Calvinistic, don't you?"
I said, "Well, as long as Calvin's in the Bible, I'm with him." I said, "I just go to the Bible, and if Calvin stays in the Bible, but he gets off the Bible, then I just go along, believe the Bible."
He said, "Well," he said, "I want to say something to you. You told... I've heard you say that if a man was once saved, that he could never be lost."
I said, "That's exactly what the Scripture says. He has Eternal Life, and shall never come into condemnation or judgment, but's already passed from death to Life." I said, "That wasn't me said that. That was Jesus Christ said that."
He said, "I want to ask you something then." Said, "Do you believe that Saul was saved?"
I said, "The Saul, the--the king Saul?"
He said, "Yes."
"Why," I said, "sure."
He said, "Now, remember, he was a prophet."
I said, "Correctly, the Bible said he prophesied with the prophets." He had a gift of prophecy. He wasn't a prophet, but he had a gift of prophecy, 'cause he was down there with the prophets when they were prophesying. But we know that Samuel was prophet in that day, so--but Saul was prophesying with the prophets.
He said, "Then if he was a prophet, then he was saved?"
I said, "Absolutely."
He said, "Then I want to ask you something." Said, "I want to ask you something."
Said, "And then you say Saul was saved, and he--the Bible said that the Lord departed
from him and he become a enemy to God, and he committed suicide, and then say that
he was saved?"
145 I said, "And you're a fundamentalist?" I said, "Brother, you're just not reading it right; that's all. You're not reading what the Scripture said."
He said, "Well, Saul could not be saved if he become an enemy of God."
I said, "Saul was saved."
"Oh," He said...
I said, "He was a prophet; he had to be saved. See? God saved him, and God's not
a Indian giver, as we call it. He don't... Well, if God give you the Holy Ghost
knowing that He's going to lose you right down here, why, what a foolish thing it
would be for Him to give you the Holy Ghost in the first place."
147 You might impersonate the Holy Ghost and act like you got the Holy Ghost, but if you've got the Holy Ghost, God knows your beginning from the end. So that's right. That's a loose way to run business. God don't run His like... He--He's infinite; He knowed the end from the beginning and knowed everything that'd ever be here. Every flower, every gnat would ever be on the earth, He knowed about it before the world ever begin. So see, what would He run His business like that for. He doesn't do that.
If you watch--if you've really got the Holy Ghost, you're saved eternally. I can prove that through the Scriptures, and we have time after time. But to conserve the time to get these questions, I might say this (You see?), that this fellow said, "Well, then what would you say about Saul?"
I said, "Sure Saul was saved." I said, "Remember, Saul backslid; I'll admit that. He backslid and went away from God, because he was greedy. He liked money." He'd brought up all them sacrifices and things, when Samuel through the Word of God told him to destroy everything. But he even saved the king, and he saved a lot of stuff, and brought it up because... See? Instead of following the Word of God just exactly like It says, you put your own opinion in it; there's where you backslide."
That's what I think about denominations and things; they backslide, because they
don't follow the Word. And you show them the Word, they turn their back from It,
say, "Oh, our church teaches this." That's not right; it's what God said.
151 And Samuel was commissioned to go down there--or Saul was, and destroy everything utterly, "Everything, you destroy it all." Instead of doing that, he saved some for sacrifice, and he spared the king's life, and he done everything. And Samuel walked out to him and told him the Spirit of God had departed from him and--and all like that.
And Samuel died. And about two years later, well then, Saul had got... The Spirit of God departed from him, but he wasn't lost. Sure he wasn't; the anointing went off of him. Now, watch, and see if it was now.
Saul got so far away from God till when he went to the battle... He started to go to battle. And he was worried about going to battle, and he--he asked the Lord for a dream. The Lord wouldn't give him a dream. There was no prophets in the land in that day: no prophets. Samuel was a prophet. They had prophesiers, but--so forth, but they--he couldn't get a answer from God no way. He even went down to the Urim Thummim and asked there. And the flash of the lightnings upon the Urim Thummim wouldn't even answer him. And what did he do? He crawled off into a cave where there was a witch, a fortuneteller. And this witch... He disguised himself like a footman and went down there, and he said, "Would you divine unto me the spirit of Samuel the prophet?"
And she said--she said, "Well now, you know what Saul has said." (She was talking to Saul, but she didn't know it.) Said, "Saul said all that's got familiar spirits, he must be killed."
He said, "I'll protect you from Saul, but divine unto me the spirit of Samuel."
So the witch went into her enchantments, and first thing you know, when she seen
Samuel raise up, the spirit of him coming, materializing in front of them, she said,
"I see gods rise from the earth."
154 That's one of the consolations. Look at old Samuel standing there. He'd been dead two years, but there he stood. Not only... He was standing there with his prophet robe on. Not only was he still alive, but he was still a prophet. Hallelujah.
She said, "You've deceived me." Said, "The..."
And Saul said, "Samuel, I don't know what to do; I'm going to battle tomorrow, and the Spirit's gone from me." He said, "I can't even get a dream from the Lord. And the Urim Thummim won't speak to me. I'm in a terrible shape."
He said, "Seeing you become an enemy of God," said, "why have you called me out
of my rest?" See? Samuel said that. Said, "Why did you call me from my rest, seeing
that you become an enemy to God?" And then he went ahead and told him. He said...
But however, he'd tell him the Word of the Lord. And when he did... Now, remember,
he'd been dead two years. See? But he said, "I'll tell the Word." He told him the
Word of the Lord. Said, "Tomorrow you're going to fall in the battle, and Jonathan
your son is going to fall with you." And he said, "By this time tomorrow night you'll
be with me." If he was lost, so was Samuel the prophet. That's fundamentalism; you
can see why it's so-called. See, see? He said, "You'll be with me tomorrow night
by this time." See? Then if Saul was lost, so was Samuel, 'cause they was both in
the same place.
156 No, no. Fundamentalists, you...
Fundamentalist so-called, like Church of Christ so-called, and Christian so-called,
Christianity so-called. Today because you're an American you're supposed to be a
Christian, because you're--you're an American. See? That--that's so-called Christianity.
But a real Christian is a borned again man of the Spirit and borned again women
of the Spirit. That's really... These others are impersonating, but real Christians
are called of God.
157 157. Please explain the difference between the spirit and the soul.
Well, now that's a hard one. But the first thing you are, a triune being, just like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is three titles going to one Person, which is Jesus Christ. And you're soul, body, and spirit. But it takes those three to make you. With just one of them, you're not you. It takes the three to make you.
Like I said the other day, "This is my hand; this is my finger; this is my nose; this is my eyes; but who's me?" Who is me that this belongs to? It's what's on the inside of me; that's the--the intelligence.
If this eyes, if this hands, if this body stood here just as it is today, yet I--I could... My body could be here, but me could be gone, what I am. What--whoever I am inside of me has gone on. That's--that's the part--part that is the spirit. The soul is the nature of that spirit, that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, It does not do nothing... You... It changes or converts your spirit to a different soul. And that soul is a different nature that's on that spirit. So the soul is the nature of your spirit.
First you were mean, and evil, and hatred, and malice, and strife; now you're loving,
sweet, kind, and--and... See the difference? It's your nature. We could... I'll
call it that. It's your soul that's been changed. The old soul died, and the new
soul which is the new nature was borned into you. See?
160 Your brain is not your intelligence; it's your spirit that's in you is your intelligence. See? Your brain is a bunch of matter and cells and so forth; it has no intelligence in itself. If it did, then as long as it laid there, whether you was dead or alive, it would still operate. See? But it's not--it's not your brain; it is your spirit inside of you. And your soul is the nature of that spirit. That's the soul of the spirit that controls--the spirit that controls the body. See? There you are.
Now, I got to hurry, 'cause we're just getting a little bit late. Now, I think that--I
hope that takes care of that.
161 158. Brother Branham, please explain--please make clear if women should testify or speak in tongues in the assembly.
Well, I believe that if the woman is a--a preacher in the assembly, she isn't supposed
to be a preacher. But if she has a gift of tongues and speaks in the assembly, where
there are--there are prophets and--and the gifts are gathered together, I believe
she has a right to do that. Because in the Bible we find out that they had prophetesses
like Miriam and them, and they wasn't--they had no jurisdiction... If I get to my
little sermonette here, I'll--I'll get that in there. See?
162 But the women, if they are gifted... Now, the correct way that I believe that when we come together pretty soon... When our church gets settled a little bit more... And--and by the way, there's a new group, a new--another church is going to unite and...?... and come with this church as soon as we get room here for them and things. Another church is going to come and unite with this church, not no organization, just come as a body in a group to the church. And--and they are a bunch of gifted people.
And now, when it comes together, the things to do, is these gifted people must get
together on certain times for themselves, and see what the Spirit says to them.
And then it could be given out from the platform. And the people... It's for the
edification of the church.
164 Now, if you speak with tongues, and you know, nobody interprets it... And then when you're in the meetings, sometimes it's so irreverence, you know. You find sometimes... I've been standing in my congregation making an altar call, and someone would raise up and break the altar call speaking in tongues. Now, see, now the person might've been speaking in tongues correctly; that might been the Holy Spirit, but, see, without being taught to know what to do, how to hold that...
I've set right on the platform and hear a preacher preaching and see him get to
a spot... My, I wanted to get up and help him so bad I didn't know what to do. And
you've done the same thing; all of us do that. But what is it? That's irreverent.
Set down. Regard my brother.
166 I heard--I heard Brother Neville preaching, and he's heard me preaching when we'd, no doubt, we'd... Brother J. T. here and all of them, or--and all of them, we can hear one another preaching, we think, "Oh brother, I believe I'll get up to help him out." See? You just feel the Spirit pouring on you, but what do you do? Hold your peace. See? 'Cause spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophet. See? That's right. Hold your peace. See? You do that.
But I believe if the woman... The question was if the woman has got a gift of tongues
and she wants to speak, I believe that when that time comes on, she has a right
to speak out in the gift of tongues, but not to preach or to usurp any authority
over men. When she's a preacher, of course she is over men.
168 159. Brother Branham, I was married to a woman that had been married before. We divorced, and she has been married twice since. The Bible states that if we desire to marry--if we desire to marry, to turn to... first wife. Now, could I turn to her who has been married before or could I be free?
Well now, my brother, here's the only way that you could do it. Now, this is a great
subject, and someday I--I want to if--if the church ever gets organized and straightened
up into the place where it should be, or... I--I say this with reverence. I... There's
two factions of this marriage and divorce in the churches: one holds one faction
and one the other. And to my opinion, with grace in my heart before God and His
Bible, they're both wrong. See? But there's a truth lays there.
169 If you notice what Jesus said... Now, here, I got a brother, my own blood brother, that's fixing to marry a woman. And my brother has been married before and got a child by a good woman. And he come to me to marry him. I said, "Not at all."
Jesus said in Matthew 5, "Whosoever puts away his wife and marries another, saving
the cause of fornications (which she had to do before she was married and didn't
tell him about it), causes her to commit adultery: whosoever marries her that is
put away liveth in adultery." So don't do that. No, you cannot go back to your--to
your first wife if she's been married again. But if you--she divorced you and put
you away...
171 Then you said, "Am I free?" Let me read it again. "I was married to a woman that had never been married before. We divorced, and she has been married twice (I suppose this person has remained single.) The Bible states that if we desire to marry to turn to... first again."
No, sir. Get over in the Levitical laws. You go back to that woman, she's somebody else's property. You've defiled and made yourself worse off than ever. No, you should not take a wife back who's been married to somebody else.
Now, "Could I turn to her who has been married before or should I--or should I be
free?" You are free. Stay free. Yeah, you don't go back again. No, sir. She's married
to somebody else; stay away from her. That's right. Don't... That defiles...?...
You understand. If we had a little more time, I'd like to get into that. But just
for your question, my brother, whoever you are. No, sir. Don't you go back and take
that woman when she's been married two or three times since she married you. That's
174 I married a couple here not
long ago that'd been married before, and they divorced and went away, and--old couple.
Oh, it was Brother and Sister Puckett; that's exactly who it was. They just couldn't
get along and had a little spat between them; they divorced. She lived just as true
and single as she could be, and he lived the same way. And after while, they seen
how silly they was, and they come back and wanted to be married. I said, "Sure."
See? "That's all right, that's what you should be." So they... Well, they was married
all the time. They never had been divorced; just give them papers to live together
as husband and wife; that's all, 'cause they was married in the beginning.
175 160. What do the three letters mean on the Catholic crucifix? (Let's see.) What does the three letters mean on the Catholic crucifix?
Well, I think all crucifix are the same, if I'm not... I'd better look that up.
But it's got I-R-N-I which means "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." See? If
that's what it is, I didn't know they had any other special or something or other
on. But them letters means "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." I-R-N-I, that's
what's on the crucifix. All right.
176 161. Would it be wrong to use tithes on church building funds?
Well now, here--here's a touchy little thing for the church now. No, correctly, tithes is to go to the minister. That's right. In the Bible they had a box they'd set at the door in the Old Testament when the--building. This box was a fund where the people put in there for the repairing... You've read it many times in the Old Testament. They kept up the buildings and things like that... All the repairs on the buildings was taken care out of that fund. But a tenth of that went--a tenth of the tithings--all the tithings went to their priests, their pastors. Yes, tithings are to go for nothing else.
I know people take their tithes and give them to a widow woman. That's wrong. If
you've got anything to give the widow woman, give her, but don't give her God's
money. That's not yours in the first place. That's God's.
178 If you sent me downtown to get a loaf of bread, and you give me twenty-five cents to get the loaf of bread, and I met somebody on the street wanted something else, and I'd give him the twenty-five cents (See?), I give them your money. If they asked me for something, let them get it over here in this pocket and give them my money; but this is your money. And a tenth of it is the Lord's. And Levi the priest could live by the tenth.
The tenth is to be a tithing that's to be brought into the storehouse with a promise of God to bless it and a proof. He said, "If you don't believe it, come and prove Me and see if I won't do it." See? That's right.
The tithings goes into the church for the pastor and so forth like that to live on. And then the--the--the building funds and things like that is a separate fund altogether. Now, that--that is Scriptural.
One time when we get started, I want to take a night... I've went here some time
ago before I left the tabernacle and taken about two or three weeks and just on
subjects like that and went plumb through it and showed what tithings was in the
182 162. Brother Branham, is there anything wrong with belonging to a lodge after we have become a Christian, such as the Masons?
No, sir. You be a Christian wherever you are. I don't care where you are, you can
still be a Christian.
182a 163. How do you feel is the best way to find the Lord... How do you--how do you feel is the best way to find the Lord's will in some important matters?
Now, let... I don't believe I... Let me see if I can get the continuity to it. "How do you feel is the best way (I see it should be a comma there, I suppose.)... How do you feel is the best way to find the Lord's will in some important matters?"
I tell you, dear friend: the best way to find the will of God in some important matters is prayer. See?
Now, let me... Here's a wonderful little thing here. If you--if--if you have a matter
that's very important... Now, here's the way I do it. I take it before the Lord.
And it's always been my strength; I wait upon the Lord and see what He says. And
I just let myself neutral to it, don't take either side, and say, "Now, heavenly
Father, it--it can..."
185 'Course now, in my case most of the time, if it's very important, I wait on a vision. But many people God doesn't deal with in visions. So therefore, I wouldn't advise you to do that. See? Because it's just some people that has visions and some does something else. Where you do something else that I couldn't do, maybe--in your way of serving the Lord, I do something that you couldn't do. See? God deals with us different.
And so I would if I was in your place and didn't have visions from before the Lord, I would just wait upon the Lord and say, "Lord, now You show me what's the decision to make." And then, way you feel led to do it, then wait just a little bit, then wait a little while longer, and see which way, which side you lean towards, which way the Spirit... Say, "Now, Father, in my heart You know it doesn't matter; but I--I want to know what You want to do about it."
That's the way I do about meetings sometime. I feel kinda led to go this way or
that way, then I follow that way. That's the way to do it, 'cause it's in prayer
then; you're doing the best you can.
188 And I believe this, my friends,
as Paul was in the--in the New Testament in days gone by. He was between two straits,
which way he should go. And he started on the wrong road, and he got a Macedonian
call. And I believe if you are making a decision for God and do it the best that
you can, I believe God will correct you and don't--see that you don't go wrong.
I believe God will do it.
189 164. Let's see, Brother Branham, what happens to the people that are--are considered the sleeping virgin when they are judged at the judgment?
Well, the sleeping virgin will be saved of course. She'll be saved at the judgment. She'll never be the Bride, but she is a saved group of people that will come in the judgment, that will not be included in the Bride. But as long as they are virgins, they are before God. See? They are to be saved. He separates... They'll be the sheep on His right side. And the unsaved will be the goats on His left at the great white throne judgment.
I could spend a lot of time on that, but I--it's getting a little late.
190 165. Is it possible for a Holy Ghost filled person to be driven by the--driven by the--to do minor things... influenced to do minor--minor things that he doesn't want to do?
Oh, yes. Yes, sir. Yeah, a Holy Ghost filled person... You're right in the place then to be--to be drove by these things. You just put yourself up a target. When you're down there serving the devil, he just lets you slouch around any way you want to. But you once take a stand for Christ; you've got on the other side then; he trains every gun right around on you. Every temptation, everything that could be throwed to you, then you got it. But what have you got? "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." See?
Now, you wasn't in no battle here, you was just slopping along. See? But now, you've--you've
cleaned up; you've dressed up; you've shaved; you've combed your hair; you put on
a uniform; you've got a gun in your hand. "Let's go." See? You're in battle, not
to show off, but to fight, fight. Sure when the temptations rise, with the spirit
and the shield of faith, buckle off and move on." See? That's right. Oh, put all
the whole armor of God. Why do you put on a armor if you're not going to fight?
All soldiers are dressed to fight, not to show off, walk out and say, "I'm So-and-so.
Now, I'm a Christian. See who I am? I belong to so-and-so. Hallelujah. I got the
Holy Ghost the other night. Sure, nothing bothers me any more." Huh-uh. Oh, brother,
I--I believe you better go back and try again. See?
192 Oh, I'm telling you; when
as soon as you say you got the Holy Ghost, Satan's got every gun right on you, shooting
you. Then you got the whole armor on, then take the shield of faith, the sword of
the Spirit of the Word, and take the--buckle on the--shod yourself with the Gospel,
and take the old middle piece here, the breastplate, and pull up the cinch on it,
and tighten yourself up a little bit, and get ready for it, 'cause it's a-coming.
Don't you worry. Yes, sir. You're going to have plenty of trouble. But remember,
"Greater is He that's in you, then he that's in the world."
193 166. What did Jesus mean in St. Matthew 16:9 and 10? What do the twelve baskets and the seven baskets represent? Question for Sunday morning.
Let's see--let's see, Matthew 16:10. I'm not too sure just now. Let me get where it's at, Matthew 16:9 and 10--16:9 and 10. Here we are.
Do you not... understand, neither remember the five loaves or the five thousand, and how many baskets you took up?
Neither the seven loaves or the four thousand, and how many baskets did you take up? (Now, watch. Let's just take just a little bit before this.)
And Jesus said unto them, Take heed that you beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, Is it because we have taken no bread.
Jesus... (Now, watch.)... Which when Jesus perceived,... (He caught their thoughts. You see?)... he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among you, because you have brought no bread?
Do you not understand, neither do remember the five loaves and the five thousands,
or how many baskets you took up?
194 In other words like this: "If you seen God provide and do a miracle, then can't He do a miracle again? See? See, if... In other words, like this: If He saved you from a life of sin, can He not heal your body? Don't you remember when you was a sinner how He lifted up your soul in faith to believe? Can't He likewise do something great for you again? Can't He--can't He do the--miracle or anything else for you? The five baskets... Said, "Remember..."
Like the... When they crossed over the Red Sea, God opened up the way like that and made the Red Sea open like that, and walked through, he come right on the other side; and as soon as he got without water, they started murmuring. Is that right? As soon as they got without bread they started crying out, "We don't have no bread." See? Said, "Didn't you consider the miracle back there at the Red Sea? Have not you come down..." When they got--all got in a spot by the Red Sea, "Oh," they said, "we ought to have died. Here comes the Egyptians right on us now. Here it is; what are we going to do?"
Said, "Who smote the earth with plagues down there? Who kept the sun shining in
Goshen?" See? We must remember those things; remember God is God. Hallelujah. Any
of it, He's still God. He certainly can do anything.
197 167. Will you please explain the "Body of Christ" in I Corinthians 12:27 and the "Bride of Christ" in Revelation 2:9--9. Is the new Jerusalem spiritual here in Revel--spiritual here in Revelation? It--it--is this the spiritual discernment of the church?
No. Now, let's see if I get this first now, I Corinthians right quick, I Corinthians the 12th chapter, all right, and the 27th verse.
And ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
And then, where was the next Scripture? Revelations 2--21:9, Revelation in the 21st chapter and the 9th verse. All right, and here we are.
And there came unto--and there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the
seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither,
and I will shew you the--the--I will shew you the bride, the Lamb's Wife.
199 Yes, the Body of Christ (See?), the body of Christ was broken for our sins, and by one Spirit we're all baptized into that Body and become members. And where did--where did the--the body... Where did my wife, symbolically speaking... Where did Eve come from? The body of Adam. She was taken out of his side. Eve was taken from Adam's side. The Christ... And she was part of his body. He said, "She's flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones. And I'll call her woman." See?
Now, and the body of Christ was taken out of the body of Jesus, for we are spirit
and flesh and bone of Him. See? Because we are borned into His body. And because
this body here belongs to Him, yet it's born in sin, He has redeemed it. "God will
raise it up in the last days, and I'll live in it for eternally." See? That's it.
All right.
201 Now, let's see, the last question
here was: "Is the new Jerusalem spiritual?" No, no, the new Jerusalem John saw coming
from God out of heaven, it isn't the discernment of the church now. You see? It's--it's
a--the... The new Jerusalem John saw descending out of heaven prepared as a--Revelation
21 (See?)--prepared as a bride adorned for her Husband...
202 The last question now; I think that's all of them.
168. The Bible says that everything works for the good to them that love the Lord. Then if you love God and turn back to the world, would God let you die in sin or would He let you be reconciled back to Him before He takes you away?
The lady signed her name to it, so I'd say it was a--a lady (See?), 'cause she signed her name. Yes, sister. If you are born... Now, let me get this. See, temporarily, minor, every one of us backslide many times a day. We know that. We're all guilty, every one of us; there's none of us perfected. And as long as we're in this body, we are still... No matter how much the people try to tell, "I've got sanctified; I can kiss this woman or do that," he's lying; he cannot. Now, that's all.
I don't try to say, "Lord, let me see how close I can go." It's, "Lord, keep me
as far away as I can get." See? Just stay as far away as... Remember, you are still
human beings. See?
204 And... But now, if you make a mistake and do something wrong... You don't willfully... If you are a Christian, if you're a borned again Christian, you don't mean to do wrong. Your intentions and everything is right. But if you do, as she said here, make a mistake and do something wrong, will God let you just go on and go on and die like that and be lost, or will He bring you back to reconciliation? He will bring you back. That's right. He will bring you back.
And if a--and then, if you do anything wrong, it don't condemn you and you go on like that, on out, remember, you wasn't saved at the beginning. That's right. You--you wasn't--you wasn't saved; you just had a make-belief; you wasn't saved. But when you're saved, you have a different spirit; you're a different nature. You're a new creature in Christ, and the old things has passed away, and they are dead and buried in the sea of forgetfulness. You see?
And... But being you're living here in this world here, there's traps set for you
everywhere, and you're walking with your eyes on Christ. And remember, that when
you make a mistake, a real Christian will always come back quickly for reconciliation.
207 Look, in the ark God turned the old crow out--or Noah turned the crow out. Now, what was he? He was a crow. Oh, yes, he set on the same roost there with the dove. They both set in the same roost; but when he turned the old crow out, well, the old... I imagine all the waters was stinking with millions of people's swelled bodies rottening upon top of the water, and horses and animals all dead. The whole world was destroyed. And there they was, this old dead carcasses floating on top of the water and things like that. And Noah turned the dove out, 'cause he guessed he saw some sunshine. And he wanted to know whether the water had receded or not, so he turned the--the--the crow out. And the old crow flew down on an old dead body, "My, just fine; that's good." See, eating a dead body... Why? That was his nature. He was a crow. No matter how much he'd set with the dove, how much he'd heard Noah preach, how much he'd set with this clean bird, he was a crow to begin with. As soon as he got the opportunity to show his colors, he showed it.
Now, but when he turned the dove out, when she started out, whew, she couldn't stand
that. Nowhere she could go; she couldn't find no rest for the soles of her feet,
so she come back to the ark. And that's the way it is.
209 Sometimes you might be turned loose for a little while to see what you'd do, but you'll always if you've got the nature of a dove, you cannot eat crows' food. That's all, it just won't digest; that's all.
Where would you go, what would you do? Tell me what you would do if you were--if
you were not a Christian. Tell me what I'd do this morning if I wasn't a Christian.
What could I do this morning and my mother laying out there in the hospital in that
condition and unconscious as she is and laying there, and in my heart I could stand
here in the pulpit and preach, and go on the way I do, seem like I don't pay much
attention to it? Because I know my mother's saved. See? I know she's saved. I know
Who I believed; I'm persuaded He's able to keep that which I committed to Him against
the day.
211 What would mama do now? Now, maybe she'd had good intentions all of her life, that "Someday I'm going to be a Christian." But how could she be now when she's laying there unconscious? How could she become a Christian now? What would her children do?
The other day when we put her--taken her out there to give her glucose out there... That's the only thing she's has in her body is glucose. She can't swallow; she's paralyzed. And she said, "This one thing I want you to know, Billy," She talked about me and Delores standing there, and about her children and things, and a couple of my brothers drinking.
And I said, "Well, they broke your heart."
He said--she said, "But, Billy, that all goes in the wheel for a mother." She said, "But I'm saved." And she said, "I'm ready to go."
I said, "Mama, you might've left us a home that reached all the way from Jeffersonville
to Utica, a palace; you might've left us ten million dollars to fuss and fight over
after you were gone (That's all that would happen to it.); but, mama, you leave
us the greatest treasure that anybody could leave, the--the assurance that we'll
see you again in that land beyond the river." That's right. See?
214 You're saved, and I'm so glad to know that Christ saves our... But we may backslide; we may do wrong; we all have our ups and downs; but in your soul as soon as you do anything, well, there's something goes wrong in you; you know it is. Now, right there is the time to jump. That's the time to jump. Get away from it.
Now, say you go out here today, and--and somebody comes up to you and say, "Hey, they tell me you're one of them holy-rollers."
Right quick, Satan says, "Slap him down." See?
"I don't know about being a holy-roller; I'm a Christian." See? And always with
evil, meet evil with good. And remember, now just take this; remember this, when
you meet evil with good, evil cannot stand in the presence of good. It cannot do
217 Now, I'm a missionary, and I been around the world, in all kinds of evils, and all kinds of spiritualists, and isms, and all kinds of devil worship, and, oh, everything could be thought of, where there's everything, and I've always found that right always conquers wrong.
Listen, I don't care how dark the night is; it might be so dark till you could feel
it; you could put you hands up like this and couldn't see a shadow of no type. The
least little bit of light will expose that darkness. Certainly, that's the way life
does in the presence of death. That's the way right does in the presence of wrong.
That's the way faith does in the presence of doubt; it scatters it away.
219 How can the night stay here
when the sun shine through, blessings through? Where does the night go to? It's
no more. What happened to the night? Where is that darkness in this tabernacle about
twelve hours ago? Where is that darkness that was concealed inside of these walls
here? It is no more. It vanished. Why? Light came in. And when light came in, darkness
had to go, Yes, sir.
220 You take the creatures that roam at night, roaches, and beetles, and bugs, and things. Let the sun rise or let a light flash on, watch how they take for darkness. That's the way the Gospel is. When it flashes on, what happens to those who wants to call you holy-roller? What happens to those people who make fun of you, when the Light flashes on, they shoot for darkness as hard as they can go, because they--they're the children of the night. But the children of the day walk in the Light.
And then we are the children of the Light by the grace of God. So when the Light's
flashed on, we thank God and walked with our eyes open, looking at things that you
can't see with your natural eye. For faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen. Amen. I love that.
222 I haven't got time for my little sermonette I was going to speak, because we're going to have to pray for the sick.
How many loves the Lord? Amen. Now, after we've had these questions, and there's
some of them sharp and everything, and maybe answer them... Maybe I didn't even
do the right job on it, 'cause I didn't have time to look up the Scriptures. I'd
had it wrote on the sheet of paper if I had. I hope everybody's satisfied. If not,
why, write it back again to me. Let me have a time to study it if you don't think
it was fully answered.
224 Thanks for staying. And now, we're going to form the prayer line just in a minute. But before we do that, let's just change the atmosphere now from answers and one answering this, and one believing this way and that way. You see, in answering questions, sometimes it's a little sharp, so let's just worship the Lord and sing.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Now, I want you to shake hands with somebody around you now when we sing again.
I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
Now, let's just raise up our hands to Him like this.
I (Close our eyes now.) love... I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
225 Our heavenly Father, we love You, Lord. I believe this little group loves You. We come down to the house of the living God, a little building, not the building, but the God that lives in the building... Like in myself, this old body, it's got to drop one of these days, but the man that lives inside of it cannot drop, because it's held by the power of God.
This old building here that we worship in this morning, no matter how much we fix it up, someday it'll drop, but the God Who lives in the building is eternal. We're coming to face You now, Father, to give thanks and praise.
And for these questions upon the people's hearts, we see that they were wondering
whether they should do this or that. And, Father, I trust that in every tender Christian's
heart that the answer was some way that would make them understand what was Truth.
Grant it, Lord. And if I failed, then forgive me. I didn't mean to fail, because
it's Your children, and they're asking those questions. And I--I want to give them
all that I know, Father, like if You were standing right here to judge me by what
I said.
228 Now, Lord, we're coming to face for the sick. Now, we know that in the Bible that we only get what we believe we get. We remember one time, Father, when Jesus here on earth, the Syrophenician woman come to Him and said, "Lord, be merciful unto my daughter's, 'cause she's variously vexed with a--a devil."
And we hear what He said, "It's not meet for Me to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs."
Oh, God, seemingly what a--a flat refusal, and not only that, but to call her a
dog. But instead of being arrogant about it, very sweetly and humbly she said, "That
is true, Lord." Because it was truth. She said, "It is true, Lord, but the dogs
will eat the scraps that fall from their master's table." That's what done the work.
She was willing just to take the scraps that come from the children's table. And,
God, that's our attitude just now. We are willing to anything that You want to do
with us, Father. We're in Your hands.
230 I'm so glad to know that the God of the Old Testament, Who showed visions and give signs and wonders, still lives today. And the heaven that they long to go to, someday by God's grace we go too, because the same God is showing Hisself to be the same God among us.
There are those among us, Father, this morning who are sick and needy. They're going to pass through a prayer line. May they not come and say, "Well, I don't believe that You can do me any good. I--I..." Lord, may that not be the attitude, but may they come remembering that God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You promised it; You said so.
May they come with holy reverence, believing that as soon as prayer is made and hands have been applied to them, then may the Holy Spirit come upon them like this dear sister that wrote the question, said, "The Holy Spirit almost slew her mortal beings with such a tremendous baptism of His Presence."
May that be the--may that be the effects upon everyone that comes this morning,
Lord. Grant it. May they be healed. May they come knowing, knowing without a shadow
of doubt that You promised it and You cannot lie, and as soon as light strikes in,
darkness and doubt flees away. Grant it, Father. We commit them to You now as we
pray for them in Jesus' Name. Amen.
234 Now, those that wants to be prayed for, on this side first, line up along the building here, while Teddy plays for us, "The Great Physician Now Is Near." Come up, right back, some of them here. That's...?...
The great Physician now...
235 Brother Neville... Just keep lining up, coming. We'll be standing here. Let all the church be praying. And Brother Neville and I will be here together; he'll be anointing; I'll be laying hands on the sick, right...?... Now, everybody in prayer now.
Now, what are we doing? We are coming to anoint the sick and to pray for them. Now, let me quote the Scriptures to you. "If there be any among you, sick, let them call the elders of the church; let them anoint them with oil and pray over them: The prayer of faith shall save the sick, God shall raise them up; they that did any sin, it shall be forgiven them. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed."
Now the rest, on this side, when you desire, as soon as you get below that line there, that place, that aisle, you just drop right in behind. Now the elder, here, of the church, will do the anointing and prayer. I'll pray and lay hands on the sick. And now, remember friends, you that's standing in the prayer line, this is the moment to prove that you believe what you're standing here for. You got to get well.
And I believe with all my heart, that's what held my mother all this time (and her,
an old woman), is because that I believe. Until He tells me that (she may be dying),
but till He tells me, I'm believing she's not dying. See? And now, I know she's
got to go, and she's old enough to go, and wants to go, and trying to go. But yet
I'll--I'll believe He would tell me. Now I believe He'd tell me, see. Now He may
not. I don't know, I don't know that He will, but I just believe He will. See? But
so far, He's said nothing to me about it. And I believe it. And if you, daily, you...
237 I don't express to the people all that He shows me, you know that. Well, yesterday, I was at a certain place, and I saw a vision exactly what was going to do, and God knows that's true, and setting right with two or three more men. In about a half hour afterwards I seen it happen, just perfectly, just exactly the way it was. I had stood there, just trembled in myself, thinking, See? May... I said, "Maybe I should have told them that was going to be that way." But I said, "Well, just let it go. See?"
And that happens daily. See? Something's going to happen; I just let it. God knows that's true. See? Just something that's going to happen, just shows it, tells it. Something will appear to me and say, "Just say this word this a way, and this thing will happen over here." And then I'll say, "Well, let it be like that." Then I watch; here it is over here. See? Yeah.
Well, if He can make objects, material, something that has no life in it, move to
His Word, because we have said it, how much more can He make you and me, associate
with me. You are with me; you're my--you're my brother and sister that's sick. And
if we say these words, "Let the power of God heal this person," why, it's got to
happen. Now, that material can't say, "No, I doubt it." It'll go ahead and do it.
But you can say, "Well, I wonder," and it won't happen. See? But if you'll just
go ahead and just stay right in line with your thought now, "I'm going to be healed."
You've got to have it. You believe in that?
240 Now, let's all pray. Our heavenly Father, laying hands upon this young woman, this young mother standing here, that's suffering with this bad cold. Let the... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
So I pray that You will heal the people these handkerchiefs lays upon. Grant their
requests to them. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.
243 In deeply appreciation of your stay, and your loyalty to stay all this time, and to wait in the church like this, while we're... But I don't know a better place to be, do you, than in the church? I just don't know of a better place to be. And the consolation that we have in the respects that God, of Him being present now.
And we just, for a moment, let's just think of how great He is, and what He's done
for us. What could we have done without Him? How we have seen Him, just not one
thing has He ever told us through this: He'd give me visions, and I bring you to
question, this morning, have you ever seen one but what He fulfilled? Just exactly
what He said He'd do, right at the moment. Then He's God. Then He's our Father.
He loves us. And wherever His heaven is, we know we're bound to go there someday.
We know He's present here now. We realize that.
245 We--we look at things that we don't see. Now, many of you was prayed for, and (See?), as we just refuse any symptoms of any thing contrary to that... See? Anything that God has promised... See, the Christian does not look... You do not see with your eyes anyhow. You know that. You do not see with your eyes. You see with your heart. See? "Seeing" means, "to understand." You understand with your heart; therefore, we look at things that our eyes does not see. See? The Christian confession, the whole armor of Christianity is based upon that. We--we look at things that we do not see, for Abraham called those things which were not, as though they were, because he believed God. See?
Now, what do we do now? Now, when you're prayed for like that, then God promised
to heal you. Then right now you may not feel a bit of difference, but He never...
That--that isn't it at all. See? We believe it anyhow.
247 If you only knew, I come to the pulpit about two hours ago and I didn't think that I'd go half way through the meeting almost. I was so tired and worn, and felt like I was taking the flu, but now I feel fine because that I said, "I am duty bound to God. I believe God." And I had to fight with him. My wife there could tell you the same, in trying to get down here this morning, and I was hoarse in my throat and everything. I said, "How will I be able to do it?" But, honestly, I feel wonderful now. And I--I believe I could take my text and go ahead and preach, and that--and feel fine.
But because, you see, you've got to look at those things that you don't see with
your eyes. You see it with your heart. You believe it, and you testify to those
things that you don't see, but what you believe. Because it is faith. "And faith
is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
249 I've watched, this morning, a young Christian that's been setting here before me, And I know a decision that that person made. And I certainly appreciate it. I wouldn't say who it was, but I--I appreciate a--a decision that this certain Christian, regardless of even to whether it would be an associate, a friend, father or mother, or whatever it was, they long to stand loyal to Christ. See?
That's the way you win a loved one, is by being loyal. Being loyal is the way you
win loved ones. Stay to your conviction. Be sure that you're right with God, and
then ever remain there. Just stay right with it. Nothing can ever move you from
it if you'll just stay right with it.
251 Now, we are all going to make
mistakes. Just remember. And when you're looking at one another, don't look at the
other person's mistake. See, don't do that, because, remember, you make mistakes
too. But look to Christ Who is guiding this person. And if they need some help,
then you pray for them. That's--that's the way we get along (See?), pray. And remember,
when you are praying for somebody else in that kind of a fix, God will honor and
heal you when you're praying for somebody else. That's right. That's what Christianity
is based upon, to help one another, do for one another, be kind to one another,
understanding to one another. Now, if you see your neighbor's mistake, you see where
they've went wrong, don't go wrong with them, but just pray for them. Just keep
praying, and God will understand that. He'll make everything right.
252 Now, I'm hoping to, if it be the Lord's will, I think Billy has got a system, he mails everybody a card. And if mama gets along all right this week; as far as we know now, we're not sure, but if mother gets along all right this week, and everything, next Sunday I--I want to speak on a--a Gospel message. If that's all right with our--with our precious pastor here. And we'll be expecting you back if you can... If you can come, we'd be glad to have you.
Do you love Him with all your heart? Isn't He wonderful? What could we do without
Him? Now, just what could you do? Could you tell me anything that would be greater?
If you can show me something greater than that, then I'll--I'll--I'll sell out what
I got, and long for that that you show me that's greater than This. Yes, sir. This
is the greatest thing that I know of, to know with the assurance that we are saved,
to know that the very God that made the heavens and earth would humble Himself and
come down and dwell among us, and do for us.
254 Now, here is how we know whether we are right or not (See?), because that the very thing that He did in the beginning with those Christians back there, the very church, the very operation, the way the Holy Spirit moved, and the way the devil fought against them, and the way they stood, that's the same thing that takes place right here, with the same signs, the same wonders, the same God, the infallible proof of Him.
Tell me, in the word of science, tell me in scientific way, how that anyone could
foretell something that would happen in the years or times to come, before it happened.
Show me the power, that where it would be, that would foreknow it before it happened.
Tell me any human mind that could drop back through anything that you want to, and
show me any way that you could see something and foretell something that happened
just the way it--it does. See? There isn't.
256 So, He is God. See, He is God. And because He is God, through His grace He comes and dwells with us, and just like He did with them men back there who foretold these things, and every one of them happened just the way they was foretold. Now, that same God is with us, foretelling and showing just exactly the same things He did back there. Why, we should be so happy, we'd be skipping like from cloud to cloud, like that, just walking through space, almost, because that we know.
We know that we have passed from death unto Life. We know that we have salvation.
We know that we are Christians. And we know that we're going to heaven, because
God made the promise, and here He is moving right along with us in--in a way that
we see Him.
258 We see Him. How do I see Him? When I see you. You see Him in me; I see Him in you. See, I see what He does for you. Now, here I see Him here reveal the Word to me. You say, "How can you see Him in me?" Well, look, He is here revealing the Word to me. I see It out there, Him giving It to you, and you keeping It. See? And then you look back, and you say, "How'd he, how'd that ever come?" Then you come back, find out that's right. See? So you see Him in me; I see Him in you.
And we can see Him in the sunrise. We can see Him in the sunset. We can see Him in the flowers. We can see Him in the... We can see Him anywhere, because that we have passed from the lower elements of this earthbound condition, into this high element of the glory of God, so we can see His beauty.
A few days ago, when I was up on this trip, up in--in on the Alaskan Highway, when
I went on a hunting trip, I was back there wondering, "Why? Why?" Watch how--how
real God is. Now, there's sick people everywhere, but yet God knowing.
261 Now, tomorrow I'm supposed to leave, Brother Roy back there, and all of us, we're supposed to leave tomorrow for Colorado, for our... going hunting each fall where we... I've come in from the meetings, to go. I can't go, because of mama, mama's condition.
Now, look at the kindness of the Holy Spirit. He knew that a long time ago. So instead of letting me go, He turned around and gave me a vision and sent me up there, and give me one of the hunting trip that I couldn't get in Colorado (See?), 'cause them animals are not in Colorado like that. Turned around, and gave me that by a vision, and let me have that, knowing that He'd have to keep me away on this trip up there to Colorado. Talk about goodness and mercy. Then why? Then a long time ago He knew my mother was going to suffer. He knew my mother would be in the hospital. If He permits it, then He's doing it for some good purpose that I know nothing about. But I know it's all working together for good to them that loves the Lord.
If we'd just stop once in a while, church, and see our God... Just stop yourself
and get away from your flusterations, and stand still a few minutes in the Presence
of His Spirit, and you can just see Him moving everywhere. See how good He is?
264 Now, there lays mama, and
me wondering about her. Why didn't He just let her go when she had the stroke? Why
didn't she just die right then? But, see, Him knowing that ahead of time, and knowing
that I'd promised to... I was going out into Colorado, and know that I love to get
in the woods like that, He just turned around and give me a better one, sent me
up there, and told me what I was going to get, and everything about it, 'fore I
even left; told me how the people would be dressed, and what we'd do, and all about
it. Then I come, told you all. Then he goes up and see it happen, come back, just
exactly the way it is. Exactly, see, knowing that mama would be out there, know
that she--she'd be broke down at this time, and I wouldn't be able to take this
other trip. See? We wouldn't under... I didn't understand it myself then. But if
you just yield yourself to Him and watch Him, He just leads everything just exactly
right. See? He makes it all come out just right, step by step.
265 The other day I was standing
by a young minister that'd had some dreams, and he brought the dreams to me. When
the interpretation come, we stood there, Billy and I and this minister, stood there
together. There it was. Why, it was just as perfect as it could be. And how that
man stood there with--with--with awe, and how to see the Holy Spirit could reveal
those things, and bring him right straight back and show exactly on the road and
where it's supposed to do it. Oh, I tell you; He's God. He--He dwells... He's God.
266 So many of you people have
made sacrifices. You've give up your boyfriends or girlfriends, you've give up homes,
and so forth, and many of you has had to come out from amongst associates and friends,
and things, and old friends that you've knowed a long time, to walk in the way of
the Lord. I commend you for that. I think that's wonderful to do that. Now, because
that you have seen the Gospel Light, and it is the truth, and you're--you'll walk
in that Light. And whatever you do, children, whatever you do, wherever you go,
shun the appearance of evil and walk after Christ. As long as you live, stay right
on that road. Don't move from it, it'll certainly pay off good. It's Eternal Life.
267 And I see mama when--whenever she... A few minutes she can get to herself. I say, "Mama, mama, do you hear me?" Sometimes she just laying there, she won't. Then after awhile she'll say, "uh," shake her head like that. I'll say, "You..." I said the other night; I said, "Mama, you know me?" She didn't know me. I said, "You know who this is standing here." No, she didn't know that. I said, "Mama, you know Jesus?" And... Oh, my. Might forget her own child, but she can't forget Jesus. That's it. Oh, brother.
You don't know what that means till you have to come to your own family, down to
that. You see? To know Him is Life. To know Him is the satisfaction of knowing that
when this life's race is run, we got a home beyond the skies yonder. What it is,
I don't know. I don't know just how to tell you it would be, 'cause I don't know,
myself. But I know that someday by God's grace we'll journey over there.
269 Pray for me this week. I'm needing it. And now, you pray for me; I'll be praying for you. The Lord willing, being willing, I'll meet you next Sunday. And remember tonight's service. Possible, if I don't have to set up tonight, or anything, and be out there with mama, I'll probably be back with you tonight.
And now, Brother Neville, our precious pastor, come up here. How I certainly...
There's--there's no one here but home folks, you know. We're just all what we call
home folks. I appreciate Brother Neville's stand for this Gospel truth. I appreciate
his loyalty and sincerity before the people. And the other day when he was speaking,
I had never noticed it, but while he was under inspiration, giving prophecy, he
called me a prophet, under inspiration. That wasn't him calling me that then, that
was the Holy Spirit. So that give me courage and faith to move on, deeper depths
and higher heights with God. I appreciate you, Brother Neville. God ever bless you.
And till I see you again, God be with you.