Otázky a odpovede na pečate



Ale cirkev neočakáva sa od vás, že máte poznať tieto veci Tak nedávajte ničomu žiadne výklady, rozumiete. Kráčajte len vpred a pamätajte len, čo vám bolo povedané. Žite kresťanským životom. Choďte do svojho zboru, buďte skutočným svetlom, kdekoľvek sa nachádzate a horte len pre Krista a povedzte ľuďom, že ... ako Ho milujete. A nech je len vaše svedectvo po celý čas presiaknuté láskou ku ľuďom, vidíte, pretože ak to tak nerobíte, dostávate sa pomimo a idete tam do niečoho, a potom ste pomimo vyšliapanej trasy.

Vidíte, zakaždým, keď sa to snažíte robiť, dostali ste sa pomimo, vidíte. A tak sa nesnažte robiť žiadne výklady. A zvlášť dnes večer, keď vám táto Pečať bude predložená, rozumiete. Nesnažte sa ju vykladať. Choďte len vpred a buďte len pokorní a choďte rovno ďalej s tým istým jasným posolstvom. No hovoríte: "Brat Branham, je to ...? My, súc cirkvou Živého Boha, nemali by sme ...?"

No, keď som sa snažil ... Pozrite sa sem, chcem povedať ... "Dobre, prečo ja nemôžem? Ja mám mať ..."

Nie. Pamätajte, ja toto hovorím na vaše dobro. Vidíte, ja toto hovorím tak, že porozumiete. Ak mi teraz veríte, počúvajte na to, čo vám hovorím.

1[Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Iný brat dáva výklad. Zhromaždenie sa hlasno modlí. – pozn.prekl.]

Náš Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne vďační za tento čas, že môžeme mať znovu obecenstvo okolo Slova Božieho, v prítomnosti Božej. Sme tak vďační, že Ty si s nami dnes ráno, aby si nám pomáhal a žehnal nás. Prosíme o odpustenie našich hriechov, aby naše lampy mohli byť naplnené olejom, boli upravené a horeli, aby si nás mohol teraz použiť na slávu Tvojho veľkého mena, pretože to prosíme v mene milovaného Syna Božieho, Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

2Práve som vchádzal dovnútra, keď som počul, ako zneje toto posolstvo. Tak, je to pravda, že my potrebujeme udržiavať naše lampy naplnené. Udržiavať naše ... Viete, keď zapálite ... Nemôžete ísť ďalej s tým, čo ste teraz urobili, vidíte, pretože oheň spaľujúci olej vytvára karbón. Tak preto teba čistiť ... majte svoje lampy očistené, pretože karbón na konci knôtu ...

3Mnohí z vás, ktorí ste približne v mojom veku ... Keď sme zvykli používať tie uhľovo olejové lampy, tam na vrchu, kde to horelo sa usadzoval karbón a preto, to by bránilo svetlu. Tak ste museli všetok karbón odstrániť, a tak sa môžeme hnať vpred za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi.

4Je veľmi pekné ráno, vonku i vo vnútri, ako sa teraz približuje toto Veľkonočné obdobie. A my dnes večer prichádzame ku poslednej Pečati, keď Pán dá. A to je veľmi tajomná Pečať. Veľmi, veľmi, pretože nie je ani ... Nie je o nej nikde v Písme ani zmienka - žiadne symboly, nič čoho sa chytiť. Ona musí prísť priamo rovno z neba.

A mňa je to taká napätá hodina. Bola po celí týždeň. Toto bude môj ôsmy deň v miestnosti. A všimol som si tu mnoho ... v týchto otázkach, musel som ich trochu prebrať. Bolo tam mnoho otázok, ktoré čakali na osobný rozhovor. To sa mi páči. Rád by som to teraz zodpovedal, viete, ale nemôže hneď teraz, pretože, rozumiete, že toto celé ... Čo sa teraz snažíme, je nájsť zjavenie Pánovej vôli, rozumiete. A potom, keď máte ten osobný rozhovor, to vás potom odvedie preč na druhú stranu alebo niekde inde, rozumiete.

5A potom, ako pri modlitbe za chorých - to je niečo celkom iné. To sú videnia a také veci. Vy skúmate iné veci, a ste inak pomazaní. Tak ako tam hovorí Biblia, " ... strom, ktorý je zasadený nad potokmi vody." Potokmi vody - vidíte, tá istá voda ale tam je nejaký jarok tečúci takto, takto a takto. To záleží na tom, čo to je za jarok. To je ten istý Duch.

6Pavol, v 1. Korinťanom 12, povedal to isté, hovoril o tom, že je mnoho darov, ale to je ten istý Duch. Tak vidíte, keď pracujete takto s jednou vecou, potom musíte byť premenení, aby ste prešli do druhej tu (rozumiete čo mám na mysli), skúmate to v tejto línii. Dostanete ľudí ... a teraz ich srdcia sú všetky nastavené: čo sú tieto Pečate? Tam je napätie. Čo to je? Večer, čo večer, keď som prišiel sem tam je také napätie, že až musím hovoriť o niečom inom, aby som to troch utíšil, viete. A potom Duch Svätý láme ďalej tú Pečať. Potom musím ... každý večer takto. Potom, keď to zmeníte na uzdravovanie, alebo na niečo, vidíte ... Ľudia sú nastavení na jednu vec. Ťažko to môžete zmeniť hneď naspäť na iné.

7A potom, tiež, vediac o tom, že rovno medzi vami sa dejú veci, viete ... Ja som len ... viem ... Viem, že vy to nevidíte. Som len rád, že to nevidíte. A vy hovoríte: "Brat Branham, to je pre teba ťažko povedať toto." Ja viem, že to je tak. Ale pozrite sa. Dovoľte mi len teraz povedať toto. Myslím, že toto je nahrávané len pre nás, a tak ďalej. Dovoľte mi povedať toto; že to nechápete, rozumiete, a neočakáva sa od vás, aby ste to pochopili. A tak sa nesnažte nič vykladať, vidíte. Nesnažte sa klásť do toho svoj vlastný výklad. Dostanete sa len ďalej od toho.

Prijmite len moju radu, ak mi teraz veríte. Ak mi Boh dal, že som našiel zaľúbenie vo vašich očiach, a vy viete, že tieto zjavenia a všetko ... Bol som tu s vami dlhý čas, a stále to bola pravda. A teraz na dvojitý dôkaz, že je to pravda, to pasuje presne so Slovom, vidíte. A tak viete, že to je "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN" Úplne presne. Vidíte, to vám to dokázalo.

8No, prijmite moju radu, ako od svojho brata. Nedávajte do ničoho svoj vlastný výklad. Vy len choďte ďalej a žite dobrým kresťanským životom, pretože sa len odkotúľate preč od tej skutočnej veci, keď to budete robiť, rozumiete. Vy sa len odkotúľate preč od toho. A vy všetci ste si vedomí a viete, že tam sa deje niečo tajomného. A deje sa, a ja viem čo to je.

9No, ja to nehovorím. To je milosť Božia, ktorá my dáva poznávať, čo to je. To je niečo, čo je ohromné. A odohralo sa to práve teraz a nie je pre vás na svete možnosti, aby ste to videli. Ale čestné slovo, s touto Bibliou vo svojej ruke, viem čo to je. Bolo vám to už predtým povedané. A tak sa nesnažte dať do toho žiadny výklad, ale len mi verte, ako svojmu bratovi, rozumiete. Žijeme vo veľkej hodine.

10Žijeme v čase, kde ... No, buďte len skutočne pokorní, buďte kresťania, a snažte sa žiť pre Boha, a žiť čestne so svojím spoludruhom, a milujte tých, ktorí vás nemilujú. Nesnažte sa činiť žiadne ... Vidíte, vy robíte, vy robíte z toho niečo tajomné a miešate skutočný program Boží, vidíte.

11Včera popoludní sa niečo stalo v mojej izbe, čo nikdy nebudem môcť opustiť, viete. A tak, vy ... A asi pred dvoma týždňami sa niečo stalo, čo nikdy nebudem môcť, pokiaľ budem žiť na zemi, nikdy nebudem môcť odísť od toho, vidíte. A tak...

12Ale cirkev neočakáva sa od vás, že máte poznať tieto veci Tak nedávajte ničomu žiadne výklady, rozumiete. Kráčajte len vpred a pamätajte len, čo vám bolo povedané. Žite kresťanským životom. Choďte do svojho zboru, buďte skutočným svetlom, kdekoľvek sa nachádzate a horte len pre Krista a povedzte ľuďom, že ... ako Ho milujete. A nech je len vaše svedectvo po celý čas presiaknuté láskou ku ľuďom, vidíte, pretože ak to tak nerobíte, dostávate sa pomimo a idete tam do niečoho, a potom ste pomimo vyšliapanej trasy.

13Vidíte, zakaždým, keď sa to snažíte robiť, dostali ste sa pomimo, vidíte. A tak sa nesnažte robiť žiadne výklady. A zvlášť dnes večer, keď vám táto Pečať bude predložená, rozumiete. Nesnažte sa ju vykladať. Choďte len vpred a buďte len pokorní a choďte rovno ďalej s tým istým jasným posolstvom. No hovoríte: "Brat Branham, je to ...? My, súc cirkvou Živého Boha, nemali by sme ...?"

No, keď som sa snažil ... Pozrite sa sem, chcem povedať ... "Dobre, prečo ja nemôžem? Ja mám mať ..."

Nie. Pamätajte, ja toto hovorím na vaše dobro. Vidíte, ja toto hovorím tak, že porozumiete. Ak mi teraz veríte, počúvajte na to, čo vám hovorím. Vidíte?

14Teraz tu ... tu je teraz miesto a my ho budeme nazývať miesto na počúvanie, vidíte, a v ňom, máme rádio. A tam môžu byť povedané varovania a iné veci, ako meč vo vašej ruke, vidíte. On môže odseknúť od zlého, alebo seknúť ... len tak, ako ono dostáva svoje posolstvo, Vidíte?

15Ale teraz, napríklad, pre obyčajného človeka, tam povstalo tak veľa kultov a klanov okolo malých vyliatí Ducha, že až ľudia prepracovali všetko na hromadu nezmyslov, idú von a začínajú ďalšie malé hnutie, viete, a všetko. Vy to nechcete teraz robiť, rozumiete.

Pamätajte len teraz, zostaňte len takými akými ste. A vy hovoríte, "Dobre, Pán ..." Nie, buďte len opatrní.

16Pozrite sa teraz sem. Dovoľte, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Vedeli ste, že v tejto miestnosti je práve teraz desať tisíc hlasov? Ozajstné hlasy ľudí, ktoré tu prechádzajú cez rádiové elektronické vlny. Prečo ich nepočujete? Sú to hlasy. Je to pravda? Tie vlny teraz prechádzajú rovno cez toto miesto. Ľudia, formy, a telá prechádzajú teraz cez túto miestnosť. Je to tak? No, prečo ich nevidíte? Oni sú tu - skutočné hlasy, také ako môj hlas. No, prečo ich nepočujete? Vidíte, to musí prv naraziť na niečo, čo by to zjavilo. Vidíte?

17Rozumiete? Teraz len nič nevysvetľujte. Ak Boh chce, aby ste niečo vedeli, On vám to pošle. A tak buďte teraz len skutočne, skutočne rozumní. Nehýbte sa. Niečo sa stalo. A teraz buďte len skutočne ... Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli, či nie? A buďte len ...

18Nesnažte sa robiť zo seba výstredných ľudí, aby ste boli kresťanmi, pretože sa sami odsuniete preč od Boha, a vy ... Ak to môžete porozumieť, toto je to tretie potiahnutie. Jedného dňa by ste to mali porozumieť. Tak potom len ...

19Pamätajte tam nebude žiadnej napodobeniny, ako to bolo pri tých iných dvoch. Tak toto je to nakoľko by ste to mali poznať. Teraz len ... pamätajte len toto ... Vy viete, že teraz sa v tejto miestnosti niečo deje, a tu je niečo ... Skutočne, v tejto miestnosti sú anjeli, hlas Boží, ale ako ... Nemôžete ... Ak nemôžete počuť ten prirodzený hlas bez niečoho, čo by ho vydalo, ako budete počuť ten duchovný hlas?

20No vy môžete uveriť, že niekto spieva túto určitú pieseň, že tam ani nemusí byť, vidíte. Ale keď to skutočne narazí na ten kryštál, na ktorý to má naraziť, potom to dáva pravdivý výklad, a potvrdzuje sa to tým, že je vidieť obraz. Rozumiete čo myslím? No, keď Duch Boží, keď On hovorí cez pravdivé Slovo, On potvrdzuje seba samého, aby sa ukázal, že On má pravdu. Rozumiete teraz? No dobre.

No, pomodlime sa ešte. Nebeský Otče, chystáme sa od- ... otvoriť vrchnák tejto Knihy ako telesnú časť snaženia sa dostať sa naspäť do toho, čo si nám Ty otvoril v tej duchovnej ríši. A teraz sa modlím, Bože, aby si mi pomohol dať týmto otázkam správny výklad, aby sa mohlo povedať, že sú pre ľudí pomocou. Oni im majú dať porozumenie.

A prosím, aby si mi dal porozumenie aby som to mohol povedať Tvojim ľuďom, aby mohli porozumieť, že spolu môžeme žiť na slávu a česť Božiu skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

No, chcel som len povedať toto. A myslel som, že toto tu ovládalo tie pásky, ale neovládalo, a toto je svetelná tabuľa. A myslel som, že tu sa ovládali tie pásky. Ale povedali mi, aby som len zakývať tým bratom tam v tej miestnosti, kde sa nahráva, a oni budú vedieť, kedy zastaviť pásku a kedy nie.

Vidíte, tie pásky vykonávajú službu široko po svete, všade, vidíte - všade. Idú vo všetkých rôznych jazykoch a vo všetkom. Tak sú veci, ktoré by sme povedali len tu a nepovedali by sme ich niekde inde, a preto to oni majú zastaviť.

No, odpovedanie otázok je dosť dôležité. Tak ja ... teraz pri odpovedaní na ne, väčšina z nich, väčšina z tých otázok, ktoré sú pomimo ... No každá jedna ... Niektoré z nich sa dokonca vôbec ani netýkajú toho posolstva, ale budem ... alebo vôbec ani Pečatí, ale budem sa snažiť na ne odpovedať. A oni mi boli dané, a ako im bolo povedané ...

Bolo mi povedané, že väčšina z nich, alebo väčšia časť z nich boli približne prosby o modlitbu, a za chorých, a za postihnutých, a za rôzne takéto veci, a to ide ďalej. A tak, to sa netýkalo ničoho, žiadnej otázky, aby bola zodpovedaná. A potom mi bola daná hromada, ktorá bola o iných veciach (o Písme a inom), ale ... Možno, ak budeme mať čas, budeme sa ich snažiť zodpovedať najlepšie, ako budeme môcť.

No ... A ak sa pomýlim, tak, pamätajte, to nie zámerne aby bola urobená chyba. Tak, cíti sa každý dobre? Amen. To je len tak ... Hovorme o nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi! Čo za nádherné miesto! Čo za nádherný čas!

21Z pomedzi všetkých tých chvíľ, ktoré som strávil za kazateľňou v tejto modlitebni, nikdy, nikdy zo všetkých tých chvíľ svojej služby, nikdy som sa neprepracoval do tých Božích sfér a tých duchovných sfér, tak ako tento krát; toto je ponad všetko, do čoho som došiel kedykoľvek vo svojej službe, kdekoľvek na ktoromkoľvek zhromaždení. Väčšinou, je to pri uzdravovaní; toto je zjavovanie pravdy skrze toho istého Ducha - toho istého Ducha.

Bol som celkom sám. Stravoval som sa na určitom mieste, alebo som išiel dole a jedol na mieste. Bol som len sám. Tak je to skutočne veľkolepý čas.

22A hneď teraz, dnes ráno alebo zajtra ráno ... možno, ak to preberieme na čas, budem sa dnes ráno modliť za chorých, ak tieto otázky nebudú trvať príliš dlho. Tak sa musím za chvíľu dostať do seba, vidíte.

23Ľudská myseľ môže zniesť len toľko. A keď sa dostanete na miesto, kde sedíte hodinu strnulý v Božej prítomnosti a Stĺp Svetla visí tam pre vami, nemôžete tam zostať príliš dlho, rozumiete? Ľudská bytosť to nemôže zniesť. A tak ...

Teraz, tieto otázky sú skutočne milé. Vážim si ... a tú múdrosť a veci, ktoré ľudia používajú. Teraz, pre tú prvú ... a ja sa ich budem snažiť zodpovedať, a potom ak to neporozumiem správne, no potom mi odpustite.

A ak máte na to iný výklad a veríte, že tá vaša predstava o tom je správna, tak len choďte rovno ďalej. To neublíži, pretože nie sú tam len okolo jedna alebo dve, ktoré sa týkajú niečoho zo spasenia. Väčšina tých otázok sa pýta na veci po tejto druhej strane súže- ... alebo na vytrhnutie cirkvi.

24Tak vidíte, tu sú tie otázky, čo sa má stať a stane sa tam v tej druhej časti - pretože my sme teraz v našich učeniach v tej knihe poza cirkevným vekom. My sme poza - tam v čase vyvolania tých 144 000.

No, tu je tá prvá otázka:

1. Týchto päť múdrych panien z Matúša 25 je Nevestiným sprievodom, alebo je to Nevesta? Ak sú tieto múdre panny Nevestiným sprievodom, kde je Nevesta?

25No, podľa môjho najlepšieho zrozumenia, týchto päť panien ... Tam ich bolo desať, viete, ktoré vyšli, a toto tu je len symbol alebo podobenstvo, vidíte, čo sa vám chystám povedať. Vidíte, ich bolo desať. Samozrejme, ich bolo viac ako desať - to bolo len vyjadrené nejakým číslom.

26Ale potom, tie múdre panny mali olej vo svojich lampách; tie hlúpe nemali olej vo svojich lampách. Tak ak tých desať tam v Matúšovi (ak je toto osobná otázka), ak týchto desať tam ... Znamenalo to, že by boli ... alebo týchto päť radšej, že by ich bolo len päť, vidíte, len päť ľudí?

27Nie, to neznamená to. To je len symbol v tých pannách, vidíte, v tých pannách, ktoré vyšli s olejom vo svojich lampách. Oni sú časťou tej Nevesty. A podľa môjho zrozumenia ... A potom ... Všimnite si teraz, že oni boli panny tej poslednej stráže. Prechádzajúc cez tie stráže. Tam bolo sedem stráží. A pri siedmej stráži, v tej polnočnej hodine, ako teraz na ňu narážame, vidíte ... Teraz v tejto polnočnej stráži, tieto panny sa prebudili a očistili svoje lampy a vyšli, zatiaľ čo tie spiace panny ...

28Teraz táto časť tu, týchto päť (ak to myslí v tejto otázke - ak myslí, že ich bolo len päť) ... Máme tu mnoho otázok o sedem tisíc a tak ďalej. Teraz, to bol len symbol - časť z nich. A všetci, ktorí sa prebudili tu v tom poslednom veku, pri tej siedmej stráži ... Ak by tam v tom čase bolo len päť prebudených, ktorí by boli prenesení, ktorí by odišli dovnútra s Nevestou, a tak ďalej, vlastne s Ženíchom ... No ak oni, oni sami ... To neznamená, že ich bude len päť, pretože oni spia cez všetky tie veky, ako sme prišli ku tomu tento týždeň, vidíte.

29Vo dňoch Pavla, anjela Efeského zboru, Pavol, zakladá túto cirkev, bol pre ňu poslom. Pamätajte, Pavol, zakladá cirkev v Efeze, stáva sa poslom tej cirkvi, a Duch, ktorý bol v tom čase na zemi bol duch leva. A ten lev to je Lev z pokolenia Júdu, ktorým je Kristus, a Kristus je Slovo. Pavol, so Slovom na ten vek ... Tisíce ich v tom veku zaspalo. Je to tak?

30Potom prišiel ďalší vek. A v tom čase sa cirkev dostala do Temného Veku, vystúpil duch vola - práca, namáhavá robota a obete, a oni dávali svoje životy. Tisíce tisícov pospalo pri mučení a všetkom takom. Oni čakajú, vidíte.

31Potom prišiel ďalší vek, Luteránsky, vek reformácie. Tam vyšla múdrosť s chytrosťou človeka. Všimli ste si? Vyšiel s tým človek. A keď on vyšiel, pridal ku tomu svoju vlastnú chytrosť. To je to, čím sa priženil do tej druhej strany, vidíte? Keby on bol len zostal s Božou múdrosťou, len reformujúc a vyťahujúc von ... Ale čo on urobil? Po tom mužovi, ktorý mal to posolstvo - po Lutherovi - po smrti Luthera, mali Luteránsku organizáciu. Po smrti Wesleya, mali Metodistickú organizáciu, vidíte? Stále v tom takto pokračujete. To len ... to robí toto.

32No, chcem aby ste si všimli toto, vidíte. No niekto sa môže opýtať ohľadne Letničných, ktorí boli ... bol to ten tretí vek. Vidíte, každý jeden z týchto vekov sa len ponáral do Ducha Svätého. Ospravedlnenie je práca Ducha Svätého; posvätenie je práca Ducha Svätého; ale krst je Duch Svätý.

33A preto bolo potrebné, aby prišiel predpovedaný prorok. Nie posol pre ten vek, pretože prišiel sám Duch Svätý, v plnosti svojho krstu. Ale na konci toho veku, ako sa to stále končilo pri tých predchádzajúcich vekoch, nachádzame tam, že potom, má byť poslaný ten posol, a všetky tieto kúsky a všetko majú byť takto umiestnené na svoje miesto. Potom do Cirkvi prichádza vytrhnutie.

34Ale koľko ... pripisujú všetky tieto rôzne veci: slnko sa zatmie, mesiac - oni to umiestňujú tam v priebehu toho kresťanského veku. Oni proste nevideli tie tri otázky, na ktoré sa tam pýtali nášho Pána, keď im On odpovedal. No, myslím, že minulý večer tam nebola vôbec žiadna otázka. Zobrali sme každú jednu z týchto otázok a položili sme ich rovno pod Pečate; a Pečate spolu, sami o sebe sú celou Knihou. Veríš tomu, doktor? [Nejakí brat odpovedá: "Áno." – pozn.prekl.]

35Vidíte, všetko je to proste spolu poviazané. A my sme vzali to, čo tu Ježiš povedal - oni Mu dali tri otázky, vidíte: "Kedy sa budú diať tieto veci? Čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu? A aké bude znamenie konca sveta?" A On hneď odpovedá, a my sme z toho vytiahli každú odpoveď, okrem jednej. Čo to bolo? - Siedma Pečať. Prečo? Vidíte, ona nie je známa. To je to.

36Každá jedna z nich vychádza hneď najavo. Porovnával som ich z tej i z tej strany pasujú úplne presne. A mne ... keď som si to posledný večer zapisoval a dostal som to tam, a prišiel som ku ... prelistoval som naspäť, aby som sa pozrel na svoje staré poznámky, otvoril som to tam vzadu, no, vedel som, kde som si takto zapísal jednu na iné miesto. a prechádzal som to dopredu a dozadu. To bolo to, čo som urobil. Myslím, že ste to postrehli. Postrehli ste to?

Zapísal som si tu, to čo som si mal zapísať na druhú stranu, a ja som si to zapísal tu. Zapísal som obidve deväť jedenásť alebo deväť šesť alebo šesť a jedenásť a deväť a jedenásť, čo nebolo tak. To bolo naopak - ten ďalší verš pod tým. Vidíte? A to bolo to, tie odpovede medzi morom a vojnou, vidíte? Tam to bolo.

Tak ja som bol tak šťastný, správal som sa ako ... Radoval som sa povzbudeniu zo zjavenia. Tak, zapísal som to do tohoto tu, ako som tam sedel s ceruzkou či perom, a zapísal som jedenásť na obidve miesta, keď to nemalo byť. Myslím, že to bolo deväť namiesto jedenásť na tej druhej strane.

37Ale teraz, videli ste ako perfektne sa oni zhodovali? No, nezabudnite to. Oni sa zhodovali po šiestu a zastali, vidíte. Pozorujte teraz otváranie Pečatí, ktoré ide po šiestu a stop - len ticho na Nebi, (to je všetko, čo je tam povedané) za dobu akoby pol hodiny.

Teraz v týchto ... Musím sa ponáhľať a zodpovedať tieto otázky, pretože, vidíte, každá jedna z nich je kázanie dlhé na štyri týždne. Pri každej sa dostávate von ku niečomu ďalšiemu. Ale, nemám to v úmysle robiť, pretože chcem odpovedať na každého otázku, pokiaľ budem môcť.

38Tieto panny, vidíte, oni boli zostavené z ... to je len časť z nich v tom veku. Každý vek má tie panny. Vidíte? Pečať ...Ten anjel prichádza do cirkvi: "Anjelovi zboru Efeského napíš." Vidíte? A potom sa dostávame sem, a potom po písaní do Efeského zboru (porovnajte si to naspäť), Pečať je otvorená. To je proste spôsob, ako to prinášame - snažíme sa dostať to všetko pre vás (vidíte čo mám na mysli?), ak Pán dá.

39Čo som mal najprv? Cirkevné veky. Je to tak? Tá ďalšia vec - posolstvo do cirkevných vekov. Rozumie to teraz každý jasne? Vidíte? Najprv sme mali cirkevné veky a mali sme históriu (ležiacu tam v Nicejských konciloch a pred-Nicejské koncily a všetko čo sme mohli nájsť v histórii), a našli sme, že správne vyloženie Slova pasovalo presne s históriou. A priniesli sme to až do tohoto veku, v tejto Laodicei, a ... Nemusíte mať históriu tohoto. Toto teraz vytvára históriu, vidíte. Tam to je, a potom bolo ukázané, čo má byť v tomto veku.

No, prichádzame naspäť s Pečatiami a otvárame tú Pečať - Boh otvára tú Pečať pre nás. Čo to je? Prv je posol - cirkevný vek; potom nasleduje Sedem Pečatí.

40No, nachádzame tú skazenosť, ktorá prichádza v tomto siedmom cirkevnom veku ... ale tá Siedma Pečať nezjavuje nič, čo sa pod ňou bude diať, vidíte, pretože na konci tohoto cirkevného veku má prísť prorocký dar, aby zjavil tieto veci. Sledujete to? No dobre.

41No, všimnite si, ako každá jedna z týchto Pečatí ... Potom idem sem a tieto tri otázky sú položené Ježišovi Kristovi: "Čo ... kedy sa budú diať tieto veci, že tam nezostane kameň na kameni? Kedy bude toto odstránené, toto náboženské centrum sveta, a iné bude ustanovené? Kedy to bude - antikristova jazda?" Rozumiete? A čo vyšlo von stretnúť sa s tým? Slovo, Slovo proti slovu.

42Potom sa to usadilo do politiky a do všetkého ďalšieho; a tam vyšla tá ťažká práca vola. Vidíte? To je presne druhé, a Ježiš to tak povedal v Matúšovi 24. Potom sme išli ďalej z toho do chytrosti tých reformátorov. Vyšiel sa s tým stretnúť životvor podobný človeku. To je to, čo sa stalo. Potom ideme ďalej, do ďalšej, do štvrtej Pečati, keď sa antikrist stáva zmiešaninou a má meno, Smrť.

43No dávajte pozor, čo povedal Ježiš: "A uvrhne ju do ohňa a zabije ešte aj jej deti." To je jazda smrti. To sú obaja Protestanti i Katolíci - znamenie smrti na každom jednom z nich - ona i jej deti budú zničené. Tak ak sa spoliehate na svojej denominácii, radšej by ste mali hneď teraz odísť z nej preč. A potom, keď to prichádza do Siedmej Pečati, Ježiš sa presne tam zastavil.

44On otvoril šiestu Pečať, skrze to, že povedal, že mesiac sa obráti na krv a temnosť a všetko - budú sa diať tieto veci. My prichádzame rovno tu a otvárame tú šiestu Pečať. Potom, keď zostala otvorená šiesta Pečať, a obrátime si to hneď naspäť a to ukazuje to isté.

45Tu to máte, tými tromi rôznymi miestami v Písme, sú zviazané spolu s tým zjavením, vidíte? Sledujte to. Miesto, kde to Ježiš tak povedal, miesto, ktoré, keď On otvoril tú Knihu to bolo skryté od založenia sveta, a potom tu to zjavenie tohoto dňa, to umiestňuje rovno tam a zväzuje tie tri spolu. A tri to je svedok, tak to je pravda. To je absolútna pravda.

46No, tieto panny, ktoré tu prichádzajú, to sú tie panny, ktoré zaspali a potom celé to telo tej skupiny je dané dokopy, ktoré tvorí tie múdre panny. A tie nemúdre panny sú tie, ktoré vyšli tam vtedy v tom istom čase, keď vyšli tie múdre panny (antikrist), a oni sú tie, ktoré sa snažili kúpiť si olej.

No, pozrite sa len sem. Vidíte ako to dokonale všade kde idete. Keby som mohol tu zastať a hovoriť veci, ktoré boli zjavené v tej miestnosti, poviem vám, to by vám zvrtlo hlavami. Ale ako to urobíte, keď máte celú vec tu.

A potom vy ... Tak či onak, keď sa dostanete preč od ľudí, potom sa to začína otvárať - tajomstvá. Potom tiež vidíte veci, ktoré sa neodvažujete povedať ľuďom. Pretože, vidíte, keby oni boli povedané, začali by robiť malé "izmi".

47Len sa pozrite, čo urobil tento malý dar uzdravovanie - ako to zmiatlo cirkev. Každý mal senzáciu, každý mal toto ... A rovno dole v mojom srdci, Boh vie, že je to pravda, vedel som, že to nebolo dobre, pretože On mi tak povedal. Ale to je falošné napodobovanie, na oklamanie ľudí. No, je to tak. No, ale viete, vy toto nemôžete povedať. Najlepšie je proste nechať to tak.

48A pamätáte sa na to Tretie Potiahnutie? Bolo povedané: "Nepovedz nikomu." Čo som povedal, že to bolo ...? Koľký si na to pamätajú? Skutočne. Pamätáte sa, stál som tam a snažil som sa v tom videní prevliecť šnúrku cez to očko na tej malej topánke? On povedal: "Nemôžeš učiť letničné batoľatá nadprirodzené veci."

49A ja som povedal: "Toto bude to Tretie Potiahnutie a ono nebude poznané," skutočne, z milosti Božej. Nuž, teraz sme práve na konci času. Nebude to už príliš dlho, keď Stolica milosti sa stane súdnou Stolicou. Zatiaľ čo vidíte fungovať tieto veci a vchádzať týchto ľudí, radšej by ste tiež mali vojsť, ak ste ešte teraz nie vo vnútri, zhromaždení v nebeských miestach, rozumiete.

50To tiež znamená viac, než len radovať sa. V nebeských miestach, ak ste skutočne zhromaždení v Kristovi, to je strašná vec! Stojac vedľa Anjela Pánovho, vy si myslíte, že by ste len vykrikovali a jasali. To nie je to. To vás prestrašuje takmer na smrť. Tak vidíte, je rozdiel len v radovaní a v jasavom tancovaní (čo je v poriadku), a potom to prichádza dole do skutočnej veci.

51To je tam, kde strach ... To je strašná vec. Nie to, že by ste mali strach, že ste zatratení, ale vy ste skutočne pred anjelskou bytosťou a pred samotným Duchom Svätým, ktorý tam stojí. No, to bude časť Nevesty. To je to, čo ju bude tvoriť - všetci tí, ktorí spia. A nemôžeme úplne vidieť ...?

[Brat Branham zostal prerušený skrze zlyhanie nahrávacieho systému. – pozn.prekl.] Je to teraz v poriadku? Stupil niekto na niečo? Príliš mnoho magnetofónov robí tiež veľké zaťaženie. No dobre, vezmite len nejakú pásku a prehoďte si tú pásku a odohrajte to z toho. No, dávajte teraz pozor, ďalšia otázka.

2. Majú evanjelisti pokračovať v práci na misijnom poli?

52V tejto hodine, samozrejme ... čo oni majú na mysli. Samozrejme, v každom prípade. To nemení na veci. Ak Ježiš príde dnes ráno, kážte dnes akoby to malo byť za desať rokov odo dneška, ale žite, akoby to malo byť v tejto hodine.

53Nedostaňte sa teraz do rozpakov. To je to pred čím vás chcem varovať, vidíte. Nebuďte proste výstrední, podivní. Nič nemeňte. Ale ak robíte niečo nesprávne, alebo robíte zle, čiňte pokánie, rozumiete. Poďte naspäť ku Bohu. Pokračujte vo svojej evanjelizačnej službe, tak ako ste to stále robili.

54Ak staviate dom, stavajte ho ďalej. Ak Ježiš príde zajtra, buďte nájdení verný svojej povinnosti. Ak budujete svoju zborovú budovu, pokračujte, robte to ďalej. Radšej by som dal svoje peniaze do niečoho takého, než ako byť nájdení s nimi vo vrecku, vidíte. A tak len pokračujte, pokračujte v tom čo robíte.

55Každý teraz rozumie? Pokračujte len. Pokračujte len ďalej v tom čo robíte. Len sa nezastavte, neprestaňte pracovať. Len pokračujte v tom čo robíte. Ďalej slúžte Pánovi.

No, napríklad, ak ste pracovali pre nejakého človeka a vedeli ste, že je pätnásť minút pred skončením času. "No," povedali by ste si, "už len pätnásť minút tak môžem tam ísť a sadnúť si." Strhol by vám z platu, kvôli tým pätnástym minútam.

56Ak sadíte pšenicu, saďte svoju pšenicu. Ak kopete zemiaky, pokračujte a vykopávajte ich. Poviete: "No, nikto ich nebude jesť." To na tom vôbec nevadí, aj tak ich vykopávajte. Pokračujte len v tom, čo robíte.

57Raz som od niekoho dostal dopis. Niekto im povedal, riekol: "No, čas sa priblížil. Predajte tú farmu. No, vy nebudete potrebovať potravu, z ktorej žijete na tej farme, pretože má začať Milénium, a vy to nebudete potrebovať. Tak len choďte vpred. A zatiaľ čo bude trvať obdobie súženia ... Vaše deti nie sú spasené, tak im len nechajte ... Nech tie deti majú tú farmu, z ktorej sa môžu živiť. Ale vy všetci predajte svoje farmy a ..." alebo niečo také. Och, oni mali ...

58Povedal som: "Ó." Keby som vedel, že On príde zajtra a bol by som farmár, dnes by som zberal svoju úrodu. Keď ma On urobil farmárom budem zotrvávať rovno pri svojej povinnosti. Je to tak. Ak ma On urobil mechanikom ... Povedal: "Kto ..."

59Niekto raz povedal, riekol ... nejaký chlap prišiel a povedal: "Hej, bratku, vieš čo?" Povedal: "Dám ti druhú sadu kľúčov. Kúpil som si nové auto." Povedal: "Dám ti druhú sadu kľúčov" - povedal svojmu pastorovi. Povedal: "Dám ti druhú sadu kľúčov, pretože môže prísť Vytrhnutie, vieš, a," povedal, "viac ho nebudem potrebovať." Ten pastor nemal mať v ňom diel, vidíte. To je pripravovať sa, však? No dobre, ale tak to je.

60My nemáme byť takí. My musíme byť rozumní, zdraví Kresťan. A ja som tu postavený, aby som tu pracoval až do poslednej minúty. Mám prácu, ktorú mám robiť, a budem nájdený rovno verne pri svojej povinnosti. Ak On príde dnes ráno, chcem tu stáť rovno za kazateľňou.

Vy poviete: "Brat Branham, ak by On prišiel dnes ráno nemal by si byť tam vonku na dvore?"

Nie veru. Toto je moja povinnosť. Ja mám stáť rovno tu a kázať, keď On príde, hovoriť práve to, čo hovorím. Potom, keď On príde, ja proste hneď s Ním odídem.

61Ak okopávam zemiaky, budem ich ďalej okopávať, tak ako len budem môcť. Keď On príde, ja len odhodím svoju motyku a odídem. Pamätáte sa v jubilejnom roku? Ak oni okopávali s motykou, oni len okopávali. Oni vedeli, že jubilejný rok nastane možno za desať minút, a v tom jubilejnom roku zaznie trúba. Oni len ďalej zbierali seno alebo čokoľvek robili; ale keď zaznela tá trúba, potom pustili svoje vidly a išli. To je ono. Len ďalej zbierajte seno, až kým nezaznie tá trúba.

3. No dobre. Otázka: Podľa otvorenia ... (Stalo sa niečo? Urobilo to tu nejaký hluk.) Otázka: Podľa otvorenia Piatej Pečati, Mojžiš a Eliáš musia zomrieť, a čo Enoch?

Neviem. Keď neviem, poviem vám len, že neviem. Ja neviem odpovedať na všetky tie otázky, ľudia, ja neviem. A keď neviem, poviem vám že neviem. Ak viem ... Nechcem vám hovoriť pokiaľ to nebudem vedieť. Ale neviem. Sám som bol často na to zvedavý.

Tam bol Enoch ... Videl som Mojžiša a Eliáša prichádzať naspäť a oni sú zabití, ale teraz Enoch bol prenesený pred časom. Často som rozmýšľal a sám som bol zvedavý, ako to s tým je? Ale potom, tu je ... Jediná útecha, čo na to môžem povedať je toto:

62Všimnite si, Mojžiš slúžil Bohu len štyridsať rokov, vidíte. On mal sto dvadsať rokov, ale dvadsať rokov ... Tých prvých štyridsať rokov, myslím, on získal svoje vzdelanie. Je to tak? Druhých štyridsať rokov, to Boh vyberal z neho von, a tretích štyridsať rokov slúžil Bohu. No dobre. Ale Enoch chodil päťsto rokov pred Bohom a bol bezúhonný, vidíte. Tak Mojžiš prichádza naspäť, aby slúžil trochu dlhšie - on a Eliáš.

No, ja nehovorím, že to je tak. Ja som vám to povedal len na zamyslenie. Ale len povedať aký diel, ja neviem. Ja vám skutočne nemôžem povedať, čo sa tam stalo, alebo čo Boh urobí.

4. Aké je to meno, ktoré bude napísané na ľuďoch zo Zjavenia 3:12?

63Neviem. On povedal, že im dá nové meno. Ja neviem čo to je, vidíte? To bude pravdepodobne oznámené, keď sa tam dostaneme, ale ja teraz neviem čo to je, vidíte? Vidíte On to urobí. On im dá nové meno, ktoré vedia len oni sami, vidíte?

5. No. Brat Branham, je nejaké miesto Písma, ktoré dovoľuje manželstvo po rozvode. Toto je veľmi dôležité.

64Tu je napísané "dôležité." No, kvôli tomu ... To s týmto nesúvisí. Nakoľko môžem tomu rozumieť, môj brat, alebo sestra, ktokoľvek si, nie je to možné, jedine že tvoj druh je mŕtvy, pretože Biblia povedala, že sme zaviazaní ku ním, tak dlho, ako oni žijú.

65Tak, pokiaľ je nejaké miesto Písma, to je to na čo sa tu pýta: "Je nejaké miesto Písma, vidíte. Je nejaké miesto Písma?" Nie, pokiaľ ja viem, vidíte? Nemôžem nájsť žiadne, pretože Pavol povedal, že manželský pár, ak partner je mŕtvy, potom sú voľní a môžu sa oženiť s kýmkoľvek chcú v Pánovi. Ale dovtedy ... ale dávajte pozor. Vy prijímate toto: "Až kým nás smrť nerozdelí."

To je to. Vy ste to prisahali, vidíte. Tak myslím že nie je také miesto. No, ak nejaké nájdete a je to správne, nuž, v poriadku. Ale čo sa mňa týka, ja nenachádzam žiadne.

6. Čo znamená "...oleju a vínu neškoď" v Zjavení 6:6?

66To je Svätý Duch. Vidíte, práve sme cez to prešli. Pravdepodobne niekto, viete, prišiel trochu pozdejšie na zhromaždenie; na tých ďalších páskach, vidíte "...oleju a vínu neškoď." Čo znamená ten olej a víno? Olej, ako sme to prebrali v symboloch, znamená Duch Svätý, vidíte.

67Víno je ... a olej je spojený spolu v Biblii s oddávaním chvály. A víno, ako sme povedali ... to je to, kde som dostal tú myšlienku o povzbudení. Víno povzbudzuje. A víno je ... protiobraz z povzbudenia z toho prirodzeného vína je zjavenie.

68No len si predstavte; čo povzbudzuje cirkev? Zjavenie. Vidíte? Tak víno, to nové víno bude ... Hľaďte teraz. Olej a víno pri obeti išli spolu, pri uctievaní Boha v cirkvi išli spolu (všimnite si), zhromaždené spolu, spojené spolu.

Vy, ktorí máte konkordanciu, pozrite sa a budete vidieť celí rad, kde sa pri vykonávaní nábožných obradov hovorí spolu o víne a o oleji. Ak máte Crudensovu, no, tam to tak stojí.

69No všimnite so na tomto. Ale teraz, vidíte, olej je vždy Duch Svätý. Nachádzame to v Ezechielovi, a nachádzame to v Starom Zákone, a nachádzame to cez celý Nový Zákon. Prečo pomazávame chorých olejom? Pomazávame chorých olejom, pretože to symbolizuje vyliatie Ducha Svätého na nich, vidíte? Tiež, tie múdre panny mali olej; tie hlúpe nemali olej. Duch - vidíte? No, to je olej.

70A potom víno ... Ak olej reprezentuje Boha, Boh je Duch. Vidíte? Boh je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo; To Slovo bolo u Boha; To Slovo sa stalo telom, a to bol Boh." No, potom ak Slovo teraz sedí tu v prirodzenej forme ... No to víno je tou vodou, ako zjavenie, ktoré zjavuje výklad Slova, ktorý povzbudzuje veriaceho, vidíte.

71Ó, oni proste majú ... "Nikdy som to pred tým nevidel! Ó! Sláva!" Čo to je? Povzbudenie zo zjavenia. (Ja som to tiež nevedel až do toho dňa, keď som tam sedel, vidíte?) Teraz to je ... čo znamená olej a víno ...? To bolo: "Hľaď aby si neškodil." To sa jednalo o toho jazdca na čiernom koni, a to bolo v priebehu toho času temného veku - tretieho cirkevného veku. Všimnite si. A tam, tam zostalo len máličko - len máličko, ale neškoď tomu. A verím, ak to dostanete, tú Tretiu Pečať na páske, nájdete to tam, kde sme to vysvetlili do detailov ... či do detailu.

7. Brat Branham, je Baránkova Kniha Života a Kniha Života tá istá Kniha?

Samozrejme. Pretože to je to, kde je zapísané celé vykúpenie - v tejto Knihe, vidíte? Ich mená sú v ... Ty povieš: "Dobre, naše meno je zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života, brat Branham. Zapísali mi ho tam minulý večer." Nie, nezapísali. Nie nezapísali. Ty si len minulý večer zistil, že ono tam je, pretože ich mená boli zapísané pred založením sveta, vidíte? To je všetko tá istá Kniha, vidíte?

8. No. Brat Branham, je to pravda, že každý Žid, ktorý sa narodil po to ako prišiel Kristus, bude spasený, a kto sú tí 144 000? Sú to tí predurčení, ktorí majú byť zapečatení Svätým Duchom, a aká je ich služba?

72Tu sú skoro tri otázky v jednej. Ale tu, tá prvá je: Je to pravda, že každý Žid narodený od Krista, ktorý prišiel na svet, má byť spasený?

73Nie. Nič nebude spasené, jedine tí, ktorých mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta, Židia alebo Pohania. To je všetko. Tá Kniha drží to tajomstvo, a tá Kniha to teraz len odhaľuje - nie meno každého jedného, ale aké je tajomstvo tej Knihy, zatiaľ čo ona volá tie mená. Rozumiete tomu teraz? Vidíte?

74Tá Kniha nehovorí: "No, Lee Vayle má byť spasený v čase tohoto cirkevného veku," alebo "Orman Neville ..." alebo ktokoľvek. Nie, ona tak nehovorí. Ona len ukazuje to tajomstvo, odhaľuje to tajomstvo toho čo to je. Ale my, my sami, skrze vieru tomu veríme. To je to, čo som povedal minulý večer.

75Niekto povedal: "Dobre, nie je mi treba, aby som sa o to snažil. Brat Branham povedal, že z Jeffersonville bude len jeden spasený," vidíte? Teraz vidíte, to ukazuje podobenstvo. To nie je ... To nie je to. Tam môže byť tisíce spasených. Ja neviem. Ja dúfam, že každý jeden z nich je spasený, ale ja neviem. Ale tu je spôsob, ako tomu chcem veriť: Ja som ten jeden. Vy verte tak isto za seba. Ak neveríte, potom s vašou vierou nie je niečo v poriadku. Nie ste si istý v tom, čo robíte.

76Ako môžete ...? Ako môžete kráčať v ústrety smrti, keď ste si nie skutočne istí, či ste spasený alebo nie? Ako môžete ísť sem a povedať tomuto chromému človekovi, ktorý tu leží, slepému a skrútenému, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, vstaň! Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje"?

77Ako môžete stáť pri tom chladnom, stuhnutom tele, ktoré tam leží mŕtve a bolo mŕtve už hodiny a hodiny - leží tam chladné a stuhnuté. A povedať: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, postav sa na svoje nohy"? Vy by ste radšej ... Vy musíte vedieť, čo hovoríte, vidíte.

78Dobre, vy poviete: "Smrť si všetko nárokuje. To je všetko mŕtve." Áno, ale keď je zjavené Slovo Božie a vy viete, že to je Boh, to mení všetko. To je pravda. Teraz, hoci títo Židia ... nie všetci Židia budú spasení. Nie veru! Oni nebudú spasení, len tí ktorí ...

79Keď On hovorí o Židovi ... Žid, len ako meno, ktoré im bolo dané potom, keď oni odišli ... myslím, že Nabuchodonozor, tam ... prvýkrát ich začali nazývať Židmi, pretože kmeň Júdov bol potom vzatý a dali im meno Židia; No, pretože oni pochádzali z Judska a oni dostali meno Židia. Ale teraz, Izrael, to je niečo iné. Izrael a Židia, to je úplne niečo iné.

80Každý Žid ... Nie každý Žid je Izraelita, vidíte. Nie, on je len Žid, ale potom Izrael ... Pavol nikdy nepovedal, že všetci Židia budú spasení; on povedal celý Izrael bude spasený. Prečo? Izrael je meno. To je od začiatku meno vykúpenia, vidíte. A celý Izrael bude spasený, ale nie celý Judaizmus bude spasený, vidíte.

81Práve ako pohania - tam bude ... Tam je tisíce krát tisícov ľudí, dokonca doslovne milióny v týchto organizáciách, ktorí sa nazývajú Kresťania - Cirkev Kristova, a všetky takéto mená. To neznamená nič. To neznamená, že oni budú spasení. Ľudia hovoria: "No, vy musíte patriť do tejto, alebo tamtej, organizácii, určitej organizácii. Ak vaše meno nie je v našej knihe, ste stratení."

82No, to je kult. To je kult, vidíte? Je len jeden spôsob, ako môžete byť spasení, a to nezáleží od toho kto chce, alebo kto beží, alebo na tom, ktorý ... to je Boh, ktorý sa zmilováva. A Boh, skrze Svoje predzvedenie, predurčil Cirkev do Svojej slávy, a to sú tí, ktorí sú spasení. Je to tak.

No, vaša viera je tam tak zakotvená ... Vy poviete: "Dobre, moja viera je tam zakotvená." A pozrite sa, akým životom žijete. Vy vidíte, že tam nepasujete. Vaša kotva je zlá. Máte ju na piesku, namiesto na skale. Prvá malá vlna to odhodí preč.

Nech je to Slovo v niečom zjavené - "Moja cirkev to neučí!" To potom hneď ukazuje, že ste neboli zakotvení na skale; vy ste boli na piesku. Je to tak. Tak teraz, vidíte ...

83Teraz tých 144 000, sú to tí predurčení? Tak veru! To je Izrael - duchovný Izrael. Len si predstavte, tam ich budú milióny. Ja neviem koľko je ich tam teraz. Myslím, že celé skupiny. Ale oni všetci nebudú spasení, pretože sú v Judsku, rozumiete.

84Máte nejakú predstavu, koľko ich je tam teraz? Ja neviem. Ale pravdepodobne po tomto ďalšom prenasledovaní to začne stúpať, oni sú zhromažďovaní skrze ... Viete, mám o nich film - beriem ho teraz so sebou na západ do jednej ... Cirkev zmluvy, ktorá je pri ... To je len stará ... Och, zabudol som teraz. To začalo ... Oni ich mali tam dole v Afrike - Holandská Reformovaná. To je Holandská Reformovaná Cirkev, tá Cirkev zmluvy.

85No, ak tu niekto z nich sedí, poviem vám prečo. Vy sa stále držíte toho starého Heidelbergovho katechizmu, a to je práve ten dôvod, že ste stále ... ste stále Holandská Reformovaná, vidíte? Vy to môžete vyleštiť skrze nejaké Americké meno, ale to je tá vec za tým, pretože vy učíte podľa toho istého Katechizmu, starého Heidelbergera. Opýtajte sa svojho pastora, či je to nie pravda.

86Tak, teraz, všimnite si toto: 144 000 - oni sú tí predurčení, ktorí majú byť zapečatení Svätým Duchom. Tak veru, to je presne tak! No dobre, hoci ... No ak nie je žiadna ... No, ak som to neodpovedal, aby som vás uspokojil, no, možno som ... Ja sa môžem mýliť. Vidíte, ale to je podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania, vidíte. Toto je podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania.

9. Brat Branham, keď si pracoval na semene hada ... (Uh -uh, túto som si nevšimol. Táto mi prekĺzla.) ... semene hada tento týždeň, bude to v poriadku opýtať sa ťa túto otázku? Moji priatelia ma žiadali, aby som im vysvetlil Genesis 4:1 a ja som nevedel. Pomôžeš mi?

To je pomimo tématu, ale jednako, budem sa snažiť, ako budem môcť, s pomocou Božou. Pozrime sa teraz. Dovoľte mi to trošku vyjasniť. Myslím, že to je to, kde ona povedala: "Nadobudla som syna od Pána." Myslím, že to je to. Myslím, že Eva to povedala. Chcem sa presvedčiť, aby som si bol istý, pretože raz večer som povedal, sedem namiesto ... sedem sto namiesto sedem tisíc, tak ...

87Som z toho tak nervózny, vidíte. A vy len musíte pozorovať, a nepriateľ je na každej strane, a ste si vedomí toho, viete. (Áno, to je to.)

A Adam poznal Evu, svoju ženu a počala a porodila Kaina, a riekla: Nadobudla som muža

[V anglickej KJV Biblii: človeka - pozn.prekl.]

s Hospodinom.

No, opýtam sa ťa otázku, môj brat alebo sestra, a teraz si zapamätaj, nie vrhajúc to na teba - nie. Ja sa ti snažím pomôcť, vidíš. Ja ťa milujem, a ja milujem tú osobu, ktorá môže byť kritikom toho, ale ja si nemyslím, že táto osoba je kritikom. Oni povedali: "Pomôž mi"; vidíte, pretože ľudia tomu veria, ale oni nie sú dostatočne zaopatrení Duchom Svätým, aby vedeli, čo povedať tej osobe, ktorá sa ich to opýtala.

88No, ona tu hovorí ... aká je tá otázka, bez pochyby, že oni hovoria: "Eva povedala, že nadobudla tohoto muža (človeka) od Pána." Ako si myslíte, ako by život vôbec mohol prísť, ak by neprišiel od Pána, či je dobrý alebo zlý?

89Kto poslal Judáša Iškariotského na svet? Povedzte mi to. Biblia povedala, že on sa narodil ako "syn zatratenia." Opýtajte sa ich len toto. Budú ako červík v citróne, vidíte. No viete, oni nemôžu ... To je ...

90Všimnite si. Potom ak ich chcete zobrať trošku viac technicky, pozrite. Eva tu hovorila - ak to chcete zobrať v tom jazyku, ako je to tu, ktorým je to napísané tak, že je to skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných - Eva, tu, spôsob, ako je to učené, že to bol Boh skrze ktorého ona porodila tohoto syna, a On je Duch a On to nemôže robiť. Vidíte?

No, pozrite sa sem, ak si to chcete všimnúť. "Nadobudla som muža od Pána." Môžete spraviť, že to všelijako vyznieva ... ale to musí mať svoj správny výklad, vidíte. Tak veru.

91Nie veru. Ak to ... potom Duch ... A my stále nasledujeme povahu svojich rodičov. Viete o tom. Pozrite sa na to decko, na jeho povahu. Dobre, potom, Adam bol syn Boží. Eva bola dcéra Božia. Skutočne. Tá prvá vec stvorenia Božieho, ktorá nemohla mať nikde ani jednu štipku zla ... Zlo nebolo ani poznané. Potom prečo bol Kain klamár, vrah, a všetko ďalšie? Odkiaľ sa to vzalo? Položte si len túto otázku. To bolo semeno hada. Či nehovorí tak Biblia?

92Sledujte jeho semeno po celý čas. V tom sa on stáva ... Komu patrí svet? Diablovi. Kto ním teraz vládne? Diabol. Presne tak. Diabol vládne svetom. On povedal Ježišovi, riekol: "Vidíš, aké je to pekné, a všetka tá sláva. Dám ti to, ak sa mi budeš klaňať," vidíte. On je jeho vládcom. On ho teraz vlastní.

93Hľaďte teraz. Jeho deti boli múdre - diablove deti. Vezmite Kainove deti, ak chcete, a preskúmajte tie rodokmene, a zistíte, že oni boli chytrí ľudia, každý jeden z nich. Ale teraz, keď on zabil Ábela, a Boh mu dal znovu Seta, ktorý bol typom toho spravodlivého, aby vykúpil - zomrel a znovu povstal. A odtiaľ ...

94Dávajte teraz pozor. Teraz, z toho prvého prirodzeného semena, oni zomierajú. (Máte teraz otvorenú svoju myseľ?) To prvé semeno toho prirodzeného semena, obyčajne dobré, to znázorňuje modernú cirkev - Ábel. Kvôli tomu, aby mohol byť zachovaný ten prichádzajúci rod, ten jeden zomrel, a tak mohol povstať ďalší, vidíte. Tak to musí byť znovu znovuzrodenie. (Pochopili ste to? No dobre, len tak to dostanete, vidíte.)

95Tu to máte, dokonalý predobraz. Tak ešte aj ten telesný človek, narodený z Adama, svojho otca, ukazuje ten telesný trend. To nemôže fungovať. Ten telesný človek nechápe veci Božie. Tak bol človek, ktorý prišiel prirodzene (telesne) a zomrel za tým účelom, aby to znovu prinavrátil, a bol reprezentovaný v smrti Ábela a znovu umiestnený skrze Seta.

96A pozorujte teraz akí to boli ľudia, ten duch sa ďalej z neho prenášal - pokorní, farmári, pastieri oviec. Pozorujte čo prichádza tu z tejto múdrosti sveta - chytrí ľudia a stavitelia a pracujúci s kovmi a všetkého druhu chytrá inteligencia a všetko. Pozrite sa kde skončili. Oni boli tam, a Boh zničil každého jedného z nich - každého z nich, a spasil tých pokorných.

97Či nepovedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 5: "Tichí (pokorní) zdedia zem"? Tak, potom sa netrápte. Oni nemajú jediné miesto, na ktorom by sa postavili. Vidíte, oni neveria, že to je Kainov syn. Nie veru. Ale my máme o tom pásku, ak si to chcete vypočuť, je to detailne vysvetlené.

98A videl som tam v novinách, uverejnili článok, kde veda teraz ide dokázať, že Eva nejedla jablko. Ona zjedla marhuľu. Mám tie noviny teraz doma. Bola to marhuľa (ako ďaleko môžu ľudia ... to je telesná myseľ). Že Mojžiš v skutočnosti neprešiel cez tú vodu; on prešiel cez trstinové more - previedol Izraela cez horný koniec Mŕtveho mora. Tam je mnoho trstiny, celé more trstiny, ktoré ... tam kde bola voľakedy voda a klesla. A Mojžiš išiel skratkou a tak ho prešiel. A Ortodoxné cirkvi to prijímajú! Videli ste to. Ortodoxné cirkvi to prijímajú, že to tak bolo.

Och, ľudia, či nemôžete vidieť to semeno hada - to je antikrist a celá tá vec leží práve tam? Tak veru.

10. Brat Branham, prosím modli sa za môjho malého ... (No, to je prosba o modlitbu.) ... modli sa za môjho malého vnuka, je veľmi chorý má chrípku. Je v hoteli Riverview.

Pane Ježišu, táto biedna osoba to tu nenapísala nadarmo. Ona Ťa videla, ako si ten večer uvážene odstránil ešte aj reumatickú horúčku od malého chlapca. Ona vie, že Ty si ten veľký Boh, a my obetujeme naše modlitby za toho malého chlapca. V Mene Ježiša Krista nech je uzdravený. Amen.

Keď niekto niečo napíše nie je to márne. Oni majú ... Nevadí ako jednoducho to pre nás zneje, a ako veľmi ... ako to je, ale je za tým niečo, viete. Tá pani ... ten malý chlapec ... niečo.

11. Je ten Eliáš, ktorý prichádza kázať Židom ten skutočný muž, ktorý žil na zemi, alebo to bude duch Eliášov v nejakom inom mužovi? (To je ... Bojím sa povedať. Neviem. Dovoľte nech to ešte raz prečítam.) Je ten Eliáš, ktorý prichádza kázať Židom (ó, áno) ten skutočný muž, ktorý žil na zemi, alebo to bude duch Eliášov v nejakom inom mužovi?

99No, ak by som to mohol správne odpovedať, mohol by som vám povedať o Enochovi, vidíte. Ale ja to neviem povedať, vidíte. Jediná vec čo viem je, že Písmo to povedalo, čo to bude, a teraz by to mohlo byť, že ... No, som tak trochu naklonený ... (No dovoľte mi to povedať takto, a dúfam, že tie pásky, tí bratia pri tých páskach, toto budú rozumieť). Ja som naklonený veriť, že to budú pomazaní ľudia ich duchom; pretože, vidíte, on hovorí ... Či ne-... o Elizeovi ... či nespočinul duch Eliášov na Elizea? Duch Eliášov. A on sa zachovával práve tak, ako Eliáš, vidíte. Ale ja nemôžem povedať, že je to pravda. Ja neviem, vidíte. Nepretvarujem sa pred vami. Neviem.

12. Brat Branham, odpovedal by si mi prosím túto otázku o krste: Matúš 28:19 učí Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch; a Peter v Skutkoch 2:38, vo meno Pána Ježiša. Kedy nastala táto zmena v Skutkoch Apoštolských? No, ja verím v Pána Ježiša.

100Dobre, brat alebo sestra, ktokoľvek to napísal, tam nenastala žiadna zmena. Peter urobil presne to, čo Ježiš prikázal. No, ak niekto príde a povie, že Peter použil tituly Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, oni by urobili to, čo povedal, aby nerobili, ale čo Boh povedal, aby nerobili, vidíte. No Ježiš povedal, že … To zaberie len chvíľku. My sme ... Chcem ti tu len niečo ukázať, všimni si.

101Všimni si teraz, ak si tu, (tá osoba). Položím tu tri kúsky materiálu. Pozri teraz, toto je Otec, toto je Syn, toto je Duch Svätý, ako v nich veria vyznávači trojici - veria, že oni sú tri rôzne osoby. Oni to veria, viete?

102Tak dobre, dovoľte mi teraz ... A potom Matúš 28:19, Ježiš povedal: "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu." (Nie, prepáčte; citujem Skutky 2, myslím - nie, Lukáš 24:49.) On povedal ... dovoľte mi to prečítať, potom to mám; pretože jedného dňa som povedal to, keď to nebolo prečítané, a chcem si byť istý, že to hovorím správne. Poznám ten titul o čom tu hovoríte, ale chcem zobrať presne čo On povedal. Začnime pri 16. verši tej dvadsiatej deviatej. [Matúš 28: 16 – pozn.prekl.]

A tí jedenásti učeníci išli do Galilei, na vrch, kam im bol nariadil Ježiš.

A keď ho videli, klaňali sa mu, ale niektorí pochybovali.

A Ježiš pristupujúc hovoril s nimi a povedal: Daná mi je každá moc na nebi aj na zemi.

103Kde je moc Božia? Kde je Boh? Ak každá moc na Nebi a každá moc na zemi bola daná, kde je Boh? Tam On je. Vidíte, to je to, čo hovorí ku nemu.

A tak iďte, čiňte učeníkmi všetky národy krstiac ich vo meno Otca i Syna i Svätého Ducha.

104No vyznávači trojici sa toho boja. "Krstím ťa vo meno Otca, vo meno Syna a vo meno Svätého Ducha." To nie je ani v Svätom Písme. Vidíte? On povedal: "Krstite ich vo meno Otca a Syna a ... Nie vo ... Oni položili meno pred každý jeden - jedno meno. (Pozrite sa sem.) Nepovedal: "Krstite ich vo mená ... M-e-n-o, jedno meno - vo meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha.

105Chcem sa vás teraz opýtať. Je Otec meno? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Nie." – pozn.prekl.] Koľko je tu otcov? Kto z vás sa menuje Otec? Koľko je tu synov? Koľko je tu ľudí? Kto z vás sa menuje "Otec, Syn, alebo Človek", vidíte?

Ako jedna žena raz povedala, ona riekla: "Brat Branham, Duch Svätý je meno. To je osoba."

106Povedal som: "Tak veru. Ja som osoba, ale moje meno nie je Osoba." Ja som osoba, vidíte? Moje meno je William Branham, ale ja som osoba. Duch Svätý je osoba; to je to čo to je. To nie je meno; to je titul osoby Božej, vidíte? To je titul pre tú osobnosť Božiu, ktorou On je.

107No, ak On povedal: "Choďte a učte všetky národy, krstiac ich vo meno Otca, a Syna, a Svätého Ducha" - nie vo meno Otca, meno Syna, meno Ducha Svätého, a nie vo mená Otca, a Syna, a Ducha Svätého; ale vo meno Otca, Syna, a Ducha Svätého.

108A ak Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý nie je meno, potom čo s tým? Poviete: "To je meno." Ktoré z ... Chcete nazvať jedno z nich meno - ktoré je to meno? Ak chcete nazvať nejaký titul menom, potom ktorý titul je to, do ktorého chcete krstiť - Otec alebo Syn - to je jednotné číslo, vidíte.

109No, otvorme to teraz tu. A toto je posledná kniha Matúša. Ako som to stále vysvetľoval. Ak čítate zamilovaný príbeh, a je povedané: "Ján a Mária žili stále potom šťastne,"... Vidíte, to je preto, že ste ne ... Neviete kto je Ján a Mária. Choďte naspäť na začiatok vášho príbehu. Zistite kto je Ján a Mária. Vidíte?

No, to je to, čo robíte tu v Matúšovi. Vy čítate z toho len tú poslednú časť. Choďte naspäť na začiatok Matúša a čítajte, čo je to za príbeh. To je posledná kapitola v Matúšovi a posledné verše.

110Ako keď ste zobrali nejakú knihu a poviete: "Ján a Mária žili po tom stále šťastne. To bol Ján Jones a Mária taká-a-taká. Nie, to bol Ján Henry a to bola taká-a-taká. Toto je Ján Niekto a taká-a-taká." Teraz, vy ešte neviete, vidíte? Tá jediná vec, ktorú treba urobiť, aby si byť istý, je ísť naspäť v tej knihe a čítať to. Nemôžete zobrať kúsok tu. Vy musíte celú vec dať dokopy, aby ste dostali ten obraz.

111No, vráťte sa do Matúša do prvej kapitoly, a v nej je podaný rodokmeň, v tej prvej kapitole. Potom to prichádza do 18. verša, a tam stojí:

A narodenie Ježiša Krista bolo takto: ...

112Je to tak? No, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Znovu teraz počúvajte. Vy to nazývate. Kto je toto? Boh [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Otec." – pozn.prekl.] Boh ["Syn"] Boh ["Duch Svätý"] Ktorý je toto? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Duch Svätý."] Ktorý je toto? ["Syn."] No dobre. Teraz to máme. No, čo ste povedali, že toto je? Boh ktorý? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Duch Svätý" – pozn.prekl.] Duch Svätý, no dobre. V poriadku.

A narodenie Ježiša Krista bolo takto. Keď bola jeho matka, Mária, zasnúbená Jozefovi, prv ako sa zišli, bola nájdená tehotná zo

... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "zo Svätého Ducha" – pozn.prekl.]

113No, myslel som, že poviete, že Boh bol Jeho Otec. Teraz tu nie je niečo v poriadku. On nemôže mať dvoch otcov. To viete. Teraz je tu niečo zle. No, ktorý z týchto ľudí, ak oni sú tri osoby - ktorý z nich je Jeho Otec? Biblia tu jasne hovorí: "... ona bola nájdená tehotná zo Svätého Ducha." Boh, Otec, nemal s tým nič spoločného. A Ježiš povedal, že Boh bol Jeho Otec, a my vieme, že Boh bol Jeho Otec, potom On mal dvoch otcov. Potom je On skutočne poriadne nelegitímny. No, vidíte, kde ste sa dostali?

Ale Jozef, jej muž, súc spravodlivý a nechcúc jej robiť potupu chcel ju tajne prepustiť.

A keď o tom premýšľal, ...

Pamätajte, on bol teraz dobrý človek, a ruka Pánova je práve teraz blízko. Tí, ktorí sú predurčení to porozumejú.

Ale keď on premýšľal, hľa, ukázal sa mu anjel Pánov vo sne

... (Sledujete ma vo svojich Bibliách? No dobre.) 

a povedal: Jozefe, synu Dávidov, neboj sa prijať Máriu, svoju manželku, lebo to, čo je v nej splodené, je z

 (Boha Otca.)

114Prečítal som to nesprávne? Ja som to skutočne prečítal nesprávne. To čo sa v nej počalo nemá nič dočinenia s Bohom Otcom - to je Duch Svätý. A teraz my vieme, že Boh bol Jeho Otec. Je to pravda? Tak čo to je? Duch Svätý je Boží Duch, samozrejme.

115No, máte to, vidíte. Boh Otec a Duch Svätý je tá istá osoba, inak by mal dvoch otcov. Potom ktorú osobu uctievate? Akého Boha máte teraz? Vidíte? Boh, Duch Svätý a Boh, Otec, je jeden a ten istý Duch.

A porodí syna,

... (tohoto tu) ...

a nazveš jeho meno

... (Ako? Jeho Meno. Teraz si zapamätajte, Jeho meno.) 

JEŽIŠ: lebo on zachráni svoj ľud od ich hriechov.

A to všetko sa stalo na to, aby sa naplnilo to, čo bolo povedané od Pána skrze proroka,

... (ku ktorému prichádza Slovo) ...

ktorý povedal:

Hľa, panna počne a porodí syna, a nazvú jeho meno Emanuel, čo je preložené: S nami Boh.

116Aké je Meno Božie? Aké je meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha? Biblia povedala, že Jeho Meno je Ježiš.

117 Potom tento človek tu, ktorý sa o tom raz tu v modlitebni snažil diskutovať, povedal: "Brat Branham sa vykrútil zo všetkých tým miest Písma, ale z tohoto sa nevykrúti." Povedal: "Toto tu presne, dokonale ukazuje tri rôzne osoby - Matúš tretia kapitola."

Tu stál Ján a kázal. Tu prichádza Syn, aby bol pokrstený. On vošiel do vody a bol pokrstený od Jána, vyšiel von z vody, a Hľa, nebesia sa otvorili nad Ním, a z Neba prichádza Duch Svätý ako zostupujúca holubica, a Hlas z Neba hovorí: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom ..." Tri rozdielne osoby hneď v jednej chvíli." Ó.

118To len ide ukázať, že ľudia bez krstu, a nepovolaní do úradu kazateľa nemajú čo hľadať za kazateľňou. Je to tak. Ja - ja - ja by som mohol zobrať tú osobu, teraz, s pomocou Božou a poviazať ich do takého uzlu, že by nemohli zvrtnúť hlavou. Pozrite, ja sa nestarám, čo ... Nie, nemyslím "ja". To dobre neznie. Odpustite mi. Nechcel som to tak povedať, Pane. Nechcel, teraz. Cítil som Ho, ako ma pri tom zastavil. Tak nemienil som to povedať takým spôsobom. Prepáčte. Verím, že Duch Svätý môže zjaviť tej osobe nejaké tajomstvo. To zneje lepšie.

119To je ako ladenie nejakého hudobného nástroja, keď robíte niečo zle. A môžete to povedať, ako kresťan, povedali ste niečo zle. Jemu sa to nepáčilo. Vidíte, to ma tam zastavilo. Vidíte? Ja to nijako neovplyvňujem. Ja som len ... ani nechcem, ani nič také; len On. Nech On koná tú prácu. On vydáva zvuk. Trúby sú nemé - ten hlas za tým, to je to čo vydáva ten zvuk.

120No, pozrite sa sem. Ten človek zle vyložil Slovo. Vidíte, ono je ... Pamätajte, ono je skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných - zjavené je nemluvňatám. No, tu je tá jedna osoba, Ježiš Kristus, stojaci na zemi. Teraz nebesia ... samozrejme, sú nad atmosférou.

121Hľaďte teraz. A Ján vydáva svedectvo ... No ten človek mal ... povedal tu je Boh Otec, a tu je Boh Duch Svätý, ako holubica, a tu je Boh Syn - tvoriaci tri osoby. To je zle. Ján, ktorý tam stál, vedel, že toto bol ten Baránok.

Ján povedal: "Vydávam svedectvo, vidím Ducha Božieho, ako Baránka." Tam je Boh, Duch ... chcem povedať, ako holubicu. (No, to je to isté, ako som povedal raz večer, vidíte, namiesto sedem sto.) Duch Boží ... Toto tu bol Baránok, a Duch Boží - Holubica bol Boh. Duch Boží zostupuje z Neba, a Hlas z Neba, hovorí: "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo." "Do Mojej ruky je daná všetka moc na Nebi i na zemi." Vidíte? To je On. No, aké bolo Jeho meno? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Ježiš." – pozn.prekl.] Samozrejme.

122Tak, čo sa týka tej trojičiarskej teórii, že sú traja rôzni bohovia - to je pohanstvo! To v Biblii nebolo nikdy učené. To nebolo nikdy učené v posolstve Leva, ale to bolo prijaté v tom ďalšom, ktorým bol antikrist. Opýtajte sa koho len chcete, ktoréhokoľvek teológa! To prišlo jedine cez náuku Nikolaitov (Mikulášencov).

123Preto to vychádza s Martinom Lutherom. Preto to pokračuje ďalej s Johnom Wesleyom a prelialo sa to ďalej na Letničných. V tých dňoch, keď Letničný vyšli, oni mali skupinu Jesus Only (Jedine Ježiš). No to je znovu nesprávne. Ako môže Ježiš byť Svojím vlastným Otcom? Vidíte? Tak toto to vylučuje.

124Ale, mal prísť čas Orla. To je čas, aby boli vysvetlené všetky tieto tajomstvá. Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý sú tituly Pána Ježiša Krista. Pozorujte všetky tri z nich.

125Matúš povedal: Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý. Peter povedal: Pán Ježiš Kristus. Kto je Otec? Pán povedal môjmu Pánovi: "Seď po mojej pravici." Je to tak? Otec, Syn - Ježiš, Duch Svätý - Logos, ktoré vyšlo od Boha - Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý sú absolútne tri tituly osoby Božej zamanifestovanej v troch rôznych spôsoboch, alebo v troch Svojich vlastnostiach.

126A aby to urobiť jasným pre niekoho, kto neporozumel, to je ako tri úrady toho istého Boha. V skutočnosti, to sú tri atribúty (vlastnosti) toho istého Boha. Boh pracujúci v troch rôznych ... pod Otcovstvom, pod Synovstvom, pod správou Ducha Svätého. Boh je dokonalý v troch. Pamätáte si antikristove číslo - štyri? Vidíte? Boh - Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý je absolútne Pán Ježiš Kristus.

127Keď krstíme len vo meno Ježiša - to je zle. Krstiť len vo meno Ježiš - to je úplne zle. Ja sa poznám s mnohými Ježišmi. Pozrite, Latinské krajiny sú ich plné - Ježišov, ale toto je Pán Ježiš Kristus! To hovorí presne, kto On je.

Je mnoho Branhamovcov, ak chcete hovoriť o mne osobne. Ja som ten jeden William Marrion Branham - to som ja. Ale je mnoho ďalších Williamov Branhamov a tak ďalej dookola. Ale toto je jasne nazývanie jednej osoby, Pán Ježiš Kristus - Ten pomazaný. Je len jeden z nich.

128No, to je správne. Ak je ešte niečo ohľadne toho, napíšte dopis alebo niečo, alebo niekedy, keď som pri iných otázkach. Chcem skúsiť prebrať tieto a uvidím, či sa budeme môcť dostať ku niektorým z týchto chorých, ktorí trpia, a modliť sa za nich.

13. Brat Branham, ak sa táto otázka nehodí do ... neodpovedaj. (To je pekné. Cením si to.) Ktoré deti pôjdu do Vytrhnutia, či všetky malé deti? Ďakujem.

129Oni sa nepodpísali. No, ak ste sa nepodpísali, nie je to nutné. Ale pozrite sa, keď Boh zapísal nejaké meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta, nič na svete ho nemôže vygumovať, pretože to je napísané atramentom Kristovej Krvi. Či je ono takéto veľké, také, alebo také, alebo akékoľvek, to na tom nič nemení. Všetky deti, všetky cirkvi, všetko je, je ... Boh, skrze Svoje predzvedenie ...

130No, my nevieme. Vy poviete: "Brat Branham, môžeš dokázať, že si tam?" Nie. Ja to nemôžem dokázať. Boh ma mohol použiť ako nástroj na niečo iné, a tak isto mohol použiť vás. Ale verím, a skrze vieru som spasený. Nie som spasený skrze poznanie; skrze vieru. Takýmto spôsobom ste spasení. Všetci sme spasení takýmto spôsobom.

131Ale pamätajte, Boh je nekonečný. Veríte tomu? - nekonečný. Tým, že je nekonečný, to Ho činí ... a potom On je vševedúci. Veríte tomu? Vševedúci znamená, že On vie všetko. On nemôže byť ... On nemôže byť vševedúci bez toho, že by bol nekonečný. Vidíte, nikdy nebolo nič, čo by On nevedel. On vedel o každom komárovi, ktorý kedy bol na zemi a koľkokrát mihol okom a koľko z neho bude loju - koľko bude z nich zo všetkých spolu. On vedel o každom nadýchnutí sa, ktorým sa nadýchnete a ako hlboko to vojde do vašich pľúc - to je nekonečný.

132No, keď je On nekonečný, to Ho činí vševedúcim. Je to tak? A ak je On vševedúci, to Ho činí všade prítomným, pretože On pozná presne tú minútu, hodinu, čas až na 55 tisícinu sekundy, keď sa to stane. Vidíte? Pochopili ste teraz tú myšlienku? Potom On vie všetko; a preto On má všetku moc, pozná všetko, a môže robiť všetko.

No, pozrime sa. No, a všetky deti, ktoré Boh ... každý koho Boh, keď oni ... Pamätajte, keď bol Ježiš, Biblia hovorí ...

133My teraz vieme, že Ježiš bol zabitý okolo roku 30. Je to tak? To bolo asi v polovici roku, myslím - n.l. 30. No, ale Biblia povedala, že On bol zabitý ešte pred skôr, ako bol stvorený svet. A vaše meno ... Keď Baránkova Kniha ... Keď Baránok bol zabitý, aby vykúpil túto Knihu ... (Tu je teraz veľká vec. To môže spôsobiť povzbudenie!) Hľaďte! Keď Baránok ...

134No pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že Baránkova Kniha Života bola napísaná pred založením sveta, a vaše meno bolo tam zapísané - bolo v tej Knihe, keď Baránok bol zabitý pred založením sveta, aby vykúpil každé meno, ktoré bolo napísané v tej Knihe. Rozumiete teraz tomu?

135Vidíte, tam nie je nič v neporiadku. To funguje tak presne, ako Boží veľkí chronometer (časomer), ako hodiny pohybujúce sa presne dookola. Vaše mená tam boli zapísané pred založením sveta, keď Baránok bol zabitý, aby vykúpil to, čo bolo v tej Knihe. No, On vystupuje dopredu a berie tú Knihu, aby si vyžiadal to, čo vykúpil. (Nechcem začať o tom hovoriť, lebo by sme dnes nezodpovedali žiadnu ďalšiu otázku.) No dobre.

14a. Otázka: Je peklo a to jazero, ktoré horí ohňom a sírou, to isté?

136Nie. Peklo, preklad v Biblii, myslím ... No, sedia tu učení. Pokladám to za česť. Sedí tu brat Iverson, a brat Vayle a mnoho z týchto bratov, ktorí sú ozajstnými teológmi. Slovo Hádeš, preložené znamená hrob. Je to tak? - Grécke slovo pre hrob. Ale to "ohnivé jazero" je niečo iné, pretože tam v Zjavení, oboje Hádeš a všetko bolo vrhnuté do tohoto ohnivého jazera. No dobre. No, pozrime sa.

14b. ... ak nie, je to ohnivé jazero Večným peklom?

137Vôbec nie. Nie. Všetko, čo bolo stvorené nie je Večné. Nie, všetko, čo je stvorené ... Preto nemôže existovať Večné peklo. Ak vám niekto niekedy povie, že budete horieť vo Večnom pekle, chcem ku tomu miesto Písma. Také niečo nie je.

138Peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a jeho anjelov, pre antikrista a jeho ľudí - to bol diabol, vtelený diabol. Ono bolo stvorené na to, aby zničiť. A všetko, čo ... Je len jedna vec zo všetkých tam, ktorá je - celý svet a všetko ďalšie - je len jedna vec, ktorá je Večná, a to je Boh.

139Prv, ako bol nejaký atóm, alebo elektróny, alebo predtým, ako bolo nejaké kozmické svetlo, alebo elektróny či čokoľvek, On bol Boh. On je Stvoriteľ. A je len jediný spôsob, ako vy môžete byť Večný, a to je prijať Večný Život - to Grécke slovo tam, je myslím Zoe. Je to tak? - Zoe. Potom vám Boh udeľuje ten Život, ako váš otec vám udeľuje svoj život skrze ten manželský sľub s matkou. A on, skrze to udeľuje ... tá radosť z udieľania ... (rozumiete ma?) ... z udieľania života synovi. To je spôsob, ako to Boh robí - radosť v udieľaní Svojho Života synovi. Vidíte?

140A potom sa stanete časťou Neho, ktorý je Zoe - Vlastný Boží Život. Ja im dám Večný Život a vzbudím ich v posledných dňoch. To je tá jediná vec, ktorá ... Vy máte Večný Život; a ten Večný Život pozná svoje telo a ono musí prísť a ukázať sa. Ono nemôže ... Je nemožné, aby ono tam zostalo ležať.

Ako sa Duch Kristov vznášal nad tým telom - Boží Duch nad Kristom v ten veľký deň - ono vedelo, že ono znovu vstane. Tak povstanú svätí vo svojom tele.

141Pamätajte, Ježiš, keď On zomrel, On odišiel do pekla, pretože On tam musel ísť - On tam niesol hriechy, a On kázal tým dušiam v pekle, ktoré nečinili pokánie, keď vyčkávala Božia zhovievavosť za dní Noeho. Je to tak? On odišiel do pekla a kázal tým dušiam - tým, od Boha oddeleným dušiam. Smrť znamená oddelenie. A oni boli oddelení od Boha - nikdy sa viac nemohli dostať naspäť. A Ježiš odišiel, aby niesol svedectvo, že On je Ten, o ktorom bolo hovorené - to semeno ženy.

142Semeno hada ... Vidíte čo urobilo semeno hada? Antikrist ide do smrti - oddelenie, červený kôň. Semeno ženy, život, končí na bielom koni - Ježiš Kristus. Vidíte? Čo to je? - jedno proti druhému - semeno hada proti smenu ženy. Rozumiete to teraz? Och, mohli by sme pri tom zostať trochu dlhšie (bolo by to dobre?), ale zostaňme pri tomto.

15. Brat Branham, či ten prvý jazdec, Prvá Pečať, vypĺňa II. Tesaloničanom, to zjavenie o tom mužovi hriechu?

143Áno. To je správne. Vypĺňa. To je ten muž hriechu. Tento istý muž, len jazdí ďalej v rôznych etapách, až sa dostáva na plavého koňa, ktorý je nazvaný Smrť. Kristus ide ďalej cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie na bielom koni a to je ten Život, vidíte.

16. Čo sa stane so znovuzrodenými veriacimi, ktorí sú v rôznych denomináciách, ale nie v Neveste Kristovej? Čo sa s nimi stane?

144No, myslím, že sme to vysvetlili pred chvíľou. Oni idú do súženia. Oni sú zabití v súžení, prichádzajú v poslednom ... po Miléniu, na svoj súd, (Vidíte?) pretože Biblia povedala, že ostatní živí ... ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až kým sa nevyplnilo tisíc rokov. Potom, bolo vzkriesenie, a potom prichádzajú ... obaja, spravodliví i nespravodliví a sú súdení Kristom a Nevestou. On prišiel na zem s tisíckami desať tisícov Svojich svätých. Je to tak? - Jeho Nevesta.

145Zasadol súd, knihy sa otvorili ... Knihy boli otvorené, a iná Kniha zostala otvorená, ktorá je Knihou Života. On tam oddelil kozly od oviec. Je to tak? To nemá nič spoločného s Nevestou. Ona stála rovno tam v súde so svojím ... Kráľovná a Kráľ, spolu. On prišiel so Svojimi svätými; desať tisíce tisícov Mu slúžilo - Jeho žena; potom zasadol súd. A potom boli oddelené ovce od kozlov. (Pamätáte sa, ako som raz večer priniesol tú malú meditáciu, tak budete rozumieť: Kovbojskú meditáciu. Vidíte? Tu to máte.)

146Cirkev, ľudia, ktorí sú v denomináciách, ktorí sú ozajstní kresťania, ktorí prijali posolstvo ... A oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť. Nikdy im to nebude kázané.

147A títo v tom zmiešanom zástupe, (ktorým je to kázané), to prejde rovno ponad ich hlavami, ak ich mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života. Ale to budú dobrí ľudia, a oni budú znovu vzkriesení prídu pred súd a budú súdení práve skrze tú skupinu, ktorá im kázala. Či neviete, že svätí budú súdiť svet? Ku ním bude kázané, vidíte? Im bude kázané práve skrze tých ľudí, ktorí im svedčili o tom posolstve - aby vyšli z toho. (Dúfam, že toto to vyjasňuje. Mám tu toho tak mnoho.)

17. Brat Branham, ten siedmy anjel s duchom Eliášovým je ten istý muž, ktorý je poslaný ako Eliáš ku 144 000 Židom v priebehu tých tri a pol roka po Vytrhnutí? Niektorí z nás nemajú v tom jasno.

148Nie, on nie je ten istý; to sú dvaja rôzny ľudia. Elizeus, ktorý prišiel vo forme Eliáša nebol Eliáš. A duch Eliášov, ktorý prišiel na človeka, ktorý sa nazýval Ján Krstiteľ, nebol Eliáš. A ten siedmi anjelsky posol na konci Laodicejského Veku, nebude ten doslovný Eliáš. On bude pohan, pre svoj ľud.

149Eliáš bude ... Tento duch Eliáša potom, ktorý prichádza v ... tam ku ľuďom, on bude Žid, pretože oni sú poslaní ku svojím vlastným ľuďom. To je moje zjavenie.

150Preto ja ... Tommy Osborn, keď sme sa vtedy o tom rozprávali, (Tommy a ja) nevedel som. Modlil som sa len za chorých, a prišiel som tam a tam bola pani, prišla z Fort Wayne z Modlitebni Evanjelia, misionárka v zahraničí. Jej prsia boli takto veľké - boli prežrané rakovinou; a ona bola práve tam v tom malom dome, kde sme žili, na tej ulici. A modlil som sa za tú drahú sestru, a ona bola uzdravená a vrátila sa na misijné pole.

151A keď ... ona prišla z Afriky - a ona tam nechala malú knižku o misionároch. Myslel som si: "Misionári sú fajn." a nikdy som veľa nepremýšľal o misionároch. Myslel som si: "Dobre, to je tam proste nejaký úrad Boží, moje miesto je toto tu na 8. Pen streat," zastával som ho najlepšie, ako som mohol.

152Ale jedného dňa, ako som sedel v študovni, zobral som tú knižku a tam bol obrázok černocha. Nejakého starého otca, a on mal tento malý biely lem vlasov, a pod tým obrázkom bolo napísané toto: "Biely človek, biely človek, kde bol tvoj otec? Ja som teraz starý a otupený v mysli, a nerozumiem tak dobre. Ak by som poznal Ježiša, keď som bol mladým človekom, zobral by som Ho ku svojím ľuďom."

No,prečítal som to, a niečo stále hovorilo: "Čítaj to znovu. Čítaj to znovu." Čítal som znovu a znovu. Prečítal som to veľa krát. "Čítaj to znovu a znovu. Niečo v tom je".

153Ako tam hore vtedy v Green Mill, keď som vyšiel von z tej jaskyni ... Nemohol som porozumieť to, ako tí ľudia môžu hovoriť v jazykoch a kričať na skutok opravdivého Ducha Svätého, a stále byť antikristom - hovoriť v jazykoch, skrze opravdivého Ducha Svätého hovoriť v jazykoch a stále byť diablom. Tak veru! Môžem vám to dokázať. Áno, skutočne!

154Potom, všimnite si, keď to oni robili ... Tak, jazyky nie sú dôkazom Ducha Svätého; to je jeden z darov Ducha Svätého. A diabol môže napodobiť všetko, čo On má - božské uzdravovanie a všetko ďalšie. On povedal: "Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň, a povedia: 'Pane, či som nevyháňal démonov; nerobil som ... Ja (to je kázanie Evanjelia) ... či som nečinil mocné skutky v Tvojom mene, a všetky tieto veci tam.' A Ja poviem: 'Odstúpte odo Mňa, činiteli neprávosti. Nikdy som vás nepoznal'."

155Biblia povedala, že dážď padá tak isto na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. A tak isto burina, ktorá stojí tam na pšeničnom poli, sa môže tak radovať a kričať na skutok tej istej vody, ktorá padá na ňu ako, obe ... poslané skrze ten dážď; Ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte!

156Tá malá stará burina tam môže stáť a tak sa radovať a vykrikovať, ako len môže, tak naplnená tým istý dažďom ako pšenica. Tu to máte. Tak oni môžu kričať, hovoriť v jazykoch, a napodobiť všetko, čo chcú, a v ten deň budú nazvaný "činitelia neprávosti."

157Ako som vám nedávno povedal (Počúvajte čo hovorím. Počúvajte pozorne!), pozrite sa naspäť a skontrolujte sa so Slovom a vidzte kde ste. Vy ženy, ktoré máte krátke vlasy, nechajte ich rásť. Ak nosíte šortky, odložte ich preč. Zachovávajte sa ako dámy.

158Ak vy mužovia stále fajčíte a beháte do herní, prestaňte s tým! Nestarám sa o to, ako veľmi sa hlásite k viere. Ak sa stále držíte tých organizácií a hovoríte: "Toto je to," a toto je to," radšej by ste mali prestať. Pozrite sa tam a prekontrolujte sa so Slovom. Dostávame sa rovno von z ... Máme žiť ponad tými vecami krátkych vlasov a všetkého tohoto teraz v tomto veku. Ideme teraz naspäť do niečoho, keď Boh zjavuje tie skryté tajomstvá, ktoré boli položené do tejto Knihy pred založením sveta.

159A tí, ktorí boli poslušní v týchto malých veciach to v týchto ďalších veciach porozumejú. Ak neboli poslušní, prejde to ponad ich hlavami tak ďaleko ako východ od západu. To bude práve ...

160Ako Gedeon oddelil svojich ľudí - tam bolo tisíce a tisíce. Boh povedal: "To je príliš veľa. Znovu ich oddeľ." On im dal ďalšiu skúšku, a znovu ich oddelil - znovu ich oddelil, až nakoniec mal malú hŕstku. On povedal: "Toto je tá skupina, od ktorých chcem, aby vykonali tú prácu." To je presne to, čo sa stalo.

Letničné ženy, chodia hore dole, sedia tam, počúvajú, a vedia skrze Slovo, že to je zle. Myslíte, že to s tým prikryjú? Nie veru! Každý rok, keď prechádzam okolo, je ich viacej s ostrihanými vlasmi, ako ich bolo keď som začal. Povedali: "Čo to má s tým spoločného ... Ty máš ..."

161Niekto povedal: "Dobre, brat Branham, ľudia sa dívajú na teba ako na proroka." Ja nehovorím, že ja som prorok. Nikto ma to nepočul povedať; ale ja hovorím toto, že ak ste to tak robili, ak sa dívate na to ... Povedal: "Prečo neučíš ľudí, ako prijať Ducha Svätého a ako dostať toto a ako dostať veľké duchovné dary a pomôcť cirkvi?" Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď oni nechcú počúvať ani abecedu? Je to tak. Robte tieto malé veci. Choďte tam dole na dno a odstráňte to a začnite správne. Amen. Sláva!

162O čom som hovoril? Nemal som v úmysle dostať sa pomimo témy; prepáčte mi, vidíte. No dobre. "Niektorý z nás nemajú jasno. Je ten Eliáš ten istý, ako ...?" Aha; to je ono. Nie, tento Eliáš, ktorý príde ku ľuďom z nežidovských národov bude človek nežidovského pôvodu pomazaný tým duchom, pretože Boh stále používal toho istého ducha, aby vyviedol Svoj ľud von z chaosu, a dobre poslúžil Jeho zámeru, tak On to znovu privádza naspäť, pretože vidíte ... Pretože teraz, ak by On používal nejakého vysoko vyhladeného, vzdelaného - to takí ľudia by sa toho chytili.

163On privádza muža, ktorý sotva pozná abecedu a nevie správne vyslovovať slová a všetko také, nejakého starého z pustatiny tam odniekiaľ, a privádza ho a ukazuje to práve tam tým jednoducho zmýšľajúcim ľuďom a oni to rozumejú, [Brat Branham pukol na prstoch. – pozn.prekl.] takto. Ak to prichádza vyhladené ...

164Ako povedal Pavol: "Neprišiel som ku vám s vyhladeným vzdelaním, ale som ku vám prišiel v moci zmŕtvychvstania." Boh potreboval tri a pol roka tam dole v Arábii, aby to vytĺkol z neho - jeho vzdelanie. Trvalo Mu to štyridsať rokov, aby to dostal von z Mojžiša. Vidíte? Tak tu to máte. To je ... Ja nehovorím, že Boh ne ... Ja nepodopieram teraz negramotnosť, ale sa vám snažím povedať, že na to netreba vzdelanie, ne ... Múdrosti tohoto sveta sú v protiklade.

165Vzdelanie bolo najväčšou prekážkou, ktorú Evanjelium kedy malo. Ak by sme nemali vzdelanie, ak by sme nemali všetky tieto veľké semináre a všetko, čo teraz máme - ľudia by boli jednoducho zmýšľajúci a počúvali by na Slovo; ale oni sú tak vyhladení a domiešaní, a poviazaní tam so všetkými tými organizáciami až tak, že budú zostávať s tým, to je všetko. Oni dostali toho ducha.

166Vzali ste niekedy dobrú ženu, vydali ju za nízko upadnutého muža - či sa ten nízko upadnutý muž stane tak dobrým, ako je tá žena, alebo tá žena upadne tak nízko, ako je on? Vidíte? Je to tak. Preto On povedal: "Vyjdite z pomedzi nich" keď sa pripravujete, aby ste boli vzatí vo Vytrhnutí. Musíte mať určitý druh viery, ktorá vás zoberie preč odtiaľto.

18. Kedy bola daná do platnosti (uzavretá) tá zmluva z Daniela 9:27 na jeden týždeň?

167Jedna jej polovica, tej zmluvy, bola daná do platnosti (uzavrená), keď bol Ježiš Kristus na zemi a kázal Židom. On neišiel vôbec ku pohanom. On povedal Svojim učeníkom: "Nechoďte ku pohanom"; to bolo len pre Židov. a On kázal za tri a pol roka - to je polovica sedemdesiateho týždňa, ako Daniel povedal, že On to bude robiť.

168No, pamätajte, On bol pred Židmi jasne potvrdený, ale ich oči boli zaslepené, aby bol daný tento čas pre pohanov. Či môžete vidieť celý ten program? Vidíte? A On sa potvrdil ako prorok, urobil presne to, čo prorok má robiť, ukázal im znak proroka - o ktorom vaše vlastné Slovo povedalo: "Ak nejaký človek hovorí, že je duchovný alebo prorok, dávajte pozor, čo hovorí. A ak sa to stane, (ak sa stále deje, čo on povedal, neprestajne) ...

169Pozriete, podobne, ako hovorí Biblia: "Klopte, a otvorí sa vám, hľadajte - nájdete, proste - bude vám dané." No, ak si všimnete, tu je povedané "klopať", proste neprestajne klopať - [Aby to predstavil, brat Branham opakovane klope na kazateľňu. – pozn.prekl.] stojí tam, ako ten nespravodlivý sudca nechcel odpovedať tej žene. Ona stále klope na dvere, hovorila: "Som v tvojich rukách." Nehľadajte to tak, že hovoríte: "Pane, rád by som mal toto. Amen." To nie je to; stojte len tam až kým to nedostanete. Viete, že to príde. Tak, On to zasľúbil. Tak stojte len tam, až do posledných síl. Vidíte?

No, teraz, v tej poslednej časti toho sedemdesiateho týždňa, jej posledná časť bude prebiehať v čase toho obdobia súženia, po vytrhnutí Cirkvi. Potom tu je tri a pol roka tu, že ona bude znovu pre nich daná do platnosti (uzavrená) skrze prorokov - vidíte? Mojžiša a Eliáša - Zjavenie 11.

No, dovoľte nech sa pozriem čo je toto.

19. Ak si jeden z Jeho vybraných, pôjdeš hore v Neveste?

Áno. Áno, to je ľahké.

20. Brat Branham, chcel si povedať sedem tisíc, ktorí nesklonili svoje kolená Bálovi, alebo sedem sto?

170Sedem tisíc, som chcel povedať. Odpustite mi to, vidíte. To je len ... To je len prerieknutie. Bol som len ... Ako som povedal pred chvíľou ... Všimli ste si ma, ako som tu stál, a povedal som: "A oni priniesli svedectvo vidiac Baránka," vidíte? Ten Baránok bol na zemi - priniesli svedectvo vidiac Ducha Božieho prichádzajúceho na Baránka.

171No, v tomto je povedané: "Toto je môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo." Vidíte? No, to je napísané v skutočnej Gréckej forme, kladúc sloveso pred príslovku; ale všimnete si tu, to by skutočne bolo toto ... No vezmite len Slovo, vidíte ... Biblia hovorí tu v preklade Sv. Jakuba: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Ale skutočne, ak by sme to povedali tak, ako hovoríme dnes: "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať v ňom." - vidíte, len ste to otočili. "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." No, dnes by sme povedali: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať v ňom." [Jedná sa o preloženie predložky v ňom na koniec vety, ako sa to v angličtine hovorí. - pozn.prekl.] to isté slovo len obrátené.

172No, áno ja som chcel povedať ... Odpustite mi, prosím. A bratia, vy tam vonku pri tých páskach a priatelia, počúvajte: Nemal som to v úmysle takto povedať. Ja som kazateľ evanjelia. Toľko krát koľko som to kázal, ja som vedel, že to bolo sedem tisíc. To sa mi len tak stalo, že som povedal sedem sto. Ja som nemyslel sedem sto, chcel som povedať ... Ja som to len neprečítal z Písma. To my len prišlo na myseľ zatiaľ, čo som rozprával, a ja som len povedal sedem sto namiesto sedem tisíc. Ja robím také chyby po celý čas. Naozaj neviem dobre hovoriť, tak mi odpustite. Nemal som to v úmysle urobiť.

21. Je Nevesta Kristova a Telo Kristove to isté?

173Samozrejme! Vidíte, teraz, tu ... pozrite sa teraz, nechcem o tom začať kázať, pretože by som mohol kázať na to kázeň, vidíte. Ale nechcem kázať, ale vám chcem ukázať. Keď Boh dal Adamovi jeho nevestu z jeho boku, on povedal: "Ona je telo z môjho tela a kosť z mojej kosti." Je to pravda?

174Keď Boh dal Kristovi Jeho Nevestu, (Duch dal to telo, Nevestu) On bol prebodnutý na boku pod Svojim srdcom, a voda, krv, a duch vyšli; to sa stalo telom Jeho tela a kosťou Jeho kosti. My sme telo a kosť (Nevesta bude), telo a kosť Kristova - presne. Oni sú ... To je Jeho Nevesta.

22. Bude mať Nevesta Kristova ... Bude mať Nevesta Kristova nejakú službu pred Vytrhnutím?

175Samozrejme. To je to čo prebieha práve teraz. Nevesta Kristova, samozrejme! To je Posolstvo tejto hodiny - Nevesta Kristova. Skutočne, Ona pozostáva z apoštolov, prorokov, učiteľov, evanjelistov a pastorov. Je to tak? - to je Nevesta Kristova. Samozrejme, Ona má službu, veľkú službu - službu tejto hodiny, to bude tak pokorné ...

176No, pamätajte. Koľko vás tu bolo na prvom zhromaždení, keď som ... minulú nedeľu? Pamätáte sa o čom som kázal? - Pokora. Och, nezabudnite na to. (zastavím sa tu na chvíľu aby som vás znovu varoval.) Pamätajte, keď Boh predpovedá, že sa stane niečo veľké, ľudia hľadia skrze svoju múdrosť tak ďaleko od toho, až sa míňajú toho, čo sa deje. Keď Boh hovorí, že je niečo veľké, svet sa na tom smeje: "To je banda nevzdelancov." Je to tak. Ale keď veľký svet a veľká slávna cirkev povedala, "Chlapče, to je slávne!" Boh hovorí, "Banda nevzdelancov." Tak vidíte, musíte dávať pozor ... Ja nechcem povedať, že to bude možno tak, presne tak, ale tak sa to deje.

177Pozrite! Tu bola veľká, svätá Ortodoxná cirkev. "My poznáme Slovo; my máme školy; my máme semináre. My máme svojich ľudí tak vyškolených, aha, štyristo rokov sme boli verní Jahvemu. My sme "Cirkev". My sme Sanhedrin. My tu máme radu cirkví, aj takých aj takých, farizejov i sadúceov, a všetky denominácie sa spájajú dokopy," (ako sa to aj teraz deje). "My sme všetci jedno - Cirkevná Rada. My sme tu tým veľkým výbuchom. My viem, že to je podľa Písma. Čo nám chce povedať tam ten zarastený nevzdelanec v tej ovčej koži tam dole pri rieke?"

178Samozrejme oni nepočúvali na neho. Ale, Biblia hovorí v Malachiášovi, v tretej kapitole: "Ja pošlem Svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou, aby Mi pripravil cestu." Sedemsto dvanásť rokov pred tým, ten veľký prorok Izaiáš tam stál a povedal: "Tam bude hlas volajúci na púšti. Pripravte cestu Pánovi a čiňte rovné Jeho chodníky." Je to tak.

179A povedal ... Och, mnohí z nich povedali: "Každé vysoké miesto bude znížené. Och," oni povedali: "tam bude ... Keď tento človek príde, on ukáže svojím prstom a pohne vrchmi. A všetky nízke miesta, tie diery, budú vyvýšené. Potom všetky krivé miesta budú vyrovnané. Bratku, budeme sadiť zrno tu na každom poli dokola, a och, budeme robiť veľké veci, keď tento človek príde," vidíte?

Oni očakávali, že Boh stisne kľučku a otvorí to a prinesie dole chodbu, a povie: "Poď dole, ty veľký predchodca Môjho Mesiáša." A potom, len čo on odíde, oni to potiahnu naspäť, a jeho služba je skončená. A znovu otvoria kľukou a spustia dole tú chodbu rovno tu vedľa semináru, a povedia: "V poriadku, Môj milovaný Syn, kráčaj dole a hovor ku nim."

180Ó! Pozrite sa. Keď on prišiel, čo sa stalo? Tu prichádza nejaký človek, ktorý nepoznal žiadnu z ich škôl nemal ani členský preukaz - nemal žiadne poverovacie listiny. Nikto ani nevedel, či kedy chodil do školy, čo len jeden deň vo svojom živote. Nemohli by ste to ani povedať, podľa jeho reči. On ani nehovoril v terminológii duchovného. On hovoril o hadoch, sekerách, a púšti, a takýchto veciach, vidíte, - stromy - on nehovoril výrazmi duchovného, ktoré by pasovali na ten deň, alebo na tento deň, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný deň.

181On prichádza "sasafras," ako to my tu v Indiáne nazývame. On prichádza niekde z nejakých kríkov - nemal ani britvu, vlasy mu stáli na hlave. Nepredstavujem si, žeby sa kúpal viac, ako raz za dva alebo tri mesiace. Ozaj. On nikdy nenosil v noci pyžamo. Nikdy nejazdil na aute. Nikdy si neumýval zuby - určite nie.

182Tu on prichádza, kráčajúci dole cez púšť takto a hovorí: "Ja som hlas volajúceho na púšti. Pripravte cestu Pánovi, čiňte priame jeho chodníky, vyrovnajte Jeho chodník."

Niektorí z tých učiteľov tam stáli a povedali: "Oj! Hej, človeče, máš ... My v tejto kampani nemôžeme s tebou spolupracovať. Tu, my toto nemôžeme robiť. No, kde máš preukaz, kde je tvoja identifikácia?"

On ich proste ignoroval. On mal posolstvo, tak on len s ním išiel ďalej, kážuc ďalej to isté. Oni povedali: "Ach, počkaj. No, ak my tam pôjdeme zoberieme tam dnes biskupa a uvidíme, čo on o tom povie. Pôjdeme tam. My vieme to je hlava cirkvi, a vieme, že on to bude musieť uznať. Ak je z Boha, on uzná našich biskupov".

183Postavili ich tam dole do radu a stáli tam, tí hodnostári. On povedal: "Vy plemeno vreteníc. Vy hady v tráve!" (Naškrobené goliere, a svätí otcovia a tak ďalej) "Kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred prichádzajúcim hnevom? Vy viete vaša hodina je na blízku. Nemyslite si, že keď budete hovoriť: 'No, my patríme do toho alebo tamtoho.' Hovorím vám, že Boh, ktorému slúžim, je schopný vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi z týchto kameňov." Ó!

184No, on bude kázať úplne inak ako v kostole. "Hovorím, že sekera je priložená na koreň stromu! A tak každý strom, ktorý nenesie dobré ovocie bude vyťatý a hodený do ohňa! Hľa, ja vás krstím vodou na pokánie, ale On prichádza po mne. Mesiac sa obráti na krv a ..." Ó! On dôkladne vyčistí svoje humná. On vezme tú plevu a bude ju páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom, a pšenicu zoberie do sýpky. On oddelí plevy od pšenici." Ó, čo za posolstvo! Oni povedali, "Tento chlap? Och! Čo on hovorí, že čo je to za čas? Och, nevedomosť. My máme toho muža práve tam - brata Jonesa. Ak je niekto v tomto čase, kto to bude robiť, tak to je on. Biskup Ten-a-ten to bude robiť. Svätý Otec Ten-a-ten." Ó! Vidíte? Boh v jednoduchosti - pracujúci v jednoduchosti.

185Potom, ako viete, on tam stál jedného dňa a povedal: "Áno, On stojí vo vašom strede!" On si bol tak istý, že on je ten predchodca. On vedel, kto on je. Preto on mohol striasť z nich kožu. Povedal: "Netras sa, ale choď len ďalej a pokračuj. Vy vojaci, vy poslúchajte svojich pánov, a ak ste urobili niečo zle vezmite to ..."

"Čo my máme robiť? Máme toto prestať robiť? Máme prestať robiť toto?"

On povedal: "Pokračujte v tom, čo robíte. Pokračujte. Pokračujte; choďte ďalej. Ak pestujete zemiaky, pestujte ich. Vy vojaci nerobte násilie, a robte toto a čokoľvek robíte len to robte. Poslúchajte svojich pánov a tak ďalej."

"Rabbi, čo my máme robiť?"

"Len pokračujte v tom, čo robíte. Ale je niekto vo vašom strede, ktorého nepoznáte." On vedel, že hodina jeho posolstva, on vedel, že on tam bol na to, aby predstavil tú osobu. On vedel, že On tam je. "Jeden vo vašom strede; vy Ho nevidíte. Veci idú ďalej vy nič o tom neviete." A tak potom ... "Niečo sa má stať," on povedal: "a On tu bude a ja Ho budem poznať."

186A nakoniec jedného dňa on povedal: "Ajhľa, tam On je. Tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta!" Povedal: "Môj čas sa teraz naplnil. Predstavil som vás Jemu. Ja sa teraz musím menšiť. Ja musím odísť zo scény. On od teraz zavládne. Milénium hneď nastane. Ten čas je nablízku."

187Potom, keď On prišiel, keď On bol ... Ján povedal: "On bude ... och, On zvlečie tú kožu. On oddelí pšenicu od plevy, a On ju spáli. On dôkladne vyčistí svoje humná, a Jeho vejačka je v Jeho ruke!" Ale čo On bol? Malý trochu ...

188No oni mali už všetko vykreslené, (och!) On bude mať ducha, ktorý bude dočiahne na míle ďaleko. On sa postaví tu v Palestíne, postaví sa tam hore na jednom z Jeho bielych oblakov, a vezme všetkých týchto Rimanov, takto, a vrhne ich do pekla - a takto to bude robiť, až kým ich tam všetkých nedostane. Aha, oni to všetko mali tak zafixované. A čo to bolo - malý Baránok prišiel a pohyboval sa medzi nimi - kľudný a pokorný, chodiaci okolo sem a tam.

189Dokonca Ján povedal (no, pozrite sa na Jána, toho proroka) on povedal: "Choďte opýtajte sa Ho, či On je skutočne Ten?" Tak pokorne, že ten prorok to skoro prehliadol. Povedal: "Je On Ten, alebo máme iného čakať?"

190No, On im nikdy nedal nejakú knihu, tým učeníkom v Matúšovi 11, ktorí prišli a opýtali sa Ho ... Keď Jánovi učeníci ... Ján bol vo vezení, a tak on bol celý v pochybnostiach, až on, myslím že to bol Pemberton, ktorý povedal: "Jeho orlie oči hľadeli tam dole," viete. On musel prísť dole na zem; on bol hore vo vzduchu. Ale keď jeho prorokovanie skončilo, on dopadol znovu dole na zem, vidíte ... pretože ho dali do vezenia, vidíte. On už viac nepoužíval tie veľké krídla, tak on len tam dole ležal. Ale on lietal vyššie, ako ktorýkoľvek z tých ostatných. Dovoľte, že vám niečo poviem. Boh ho používal.

191A Ježiš to vedel, vidíte, pretože to bol ... to tam bol stelesnený Boh. Tak On tam povedal ... On mu nedal nejakú knihu o tom, ako sa má správať vo vezení. On povedal: "No počkajte chvíľu. Ja tu napíšem malé pojednanie, a vy to zoberiete naspäť a poviete Jánovi, ako sa má správať, keď je kvôli Mne vo vezení." Nie, On to nikdy tak nepovedal.

On nepovedal: "Choďte a povedzte Jánovi, že má nadobudnúť stupeň Ph.D. prv ako vyjde von." Ak by ho mal, bol by s tými ostatnými - neprijímal by to. Ján bol čestný a opýtal sa.

192A On povedal: "Počkajte len do konca zhromaždenia, a potom choďte a povedzte Jánovi, čo sa dialo, potom on bude vedieť. Keď mu poviete, čo sa deje, potom on bude vedieť." Vidíte? "Len choďte nech on ... Povedzte mu ... on je vo vezení a nemôže tu byť, ale vy ste sedeli tu v zhromaždení a videli ste, čo sa dialo. Vy choďte a povedzte mu."

193Tak potom, ten učeník povedal: "Veľmi dobre, Majstre," a odchádzali cez kopec. Ježiš, sedel tam na skale, pozoroval ich až kým neprešli na druhú stranu, a prešli hore za kopec. On sa obrátil ku zhromaždeniu a povedal: "Koho ste vyšli vidieť v čase Jána?" Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Vyšli ste, aby ste videli človeka, ktorý má golier dookola a mäkké rúcho a vysoko vyhladené vzdelanie. To je ten typ človeka, akého ste vyšli vidieť?"

194Nie. Poznáte ten druh ľudí? Oni bozkávajú nemluvňatá, a viete, pracujú v kráľovských palácoch. To nie je ten typ, akým bol Ján. No, povedal: "potom prečo ste tam vyšli? - vidieť človeka, ktorému bola daná služba a on ju zakvačí rovno do nejakej organizácii, alebo do niečoho takého? - zatrasený každým ... Potom ak ho nechcú jednotári, on pôjde ku trojičiarom, a ak ho trojičiari nebudú chcieť, pôjde do Cirkvi Božej, alebo niekde inde. Je to ten druh človeka ku ktorému ste vyšli, trasený s každou trstinou?"

195Ó nie! - nie Ján. On povedal: "Potom čo ste vyšli vidieť? - proroka?" On povedal: "A hovorím vám, že to je pravda, ale poviem vám niečo, čo neviete, on je viac ako prorok. On je viac ..."

196Ak to môžete prijať, toto je on, o ktorom je napísané v Biblii, tam v Písme: "Ja pošlem Svojho posla pred Mojou tvárou, (Malachiáš 3), a on pripraví cestu predo Mnou." Oni nerozumeli. Dokonca ani učeníci to nepochopili, vidíte. Je to tak. Ó! Jednoduchosť - pokora. Choď rovno dole, keď Boh zasľubuje niečo veľké, vidíš - to je to veľké v Jeho očiach.

197No, ak si to chcete stále držať v pamäti ... Chcem, aby ste si to ... Držte toto v pamäti, a keď sa toto bude diať, potom si to môžete pripomenúť a porovnať. Načiahnete sa dole a zodvihnete jedno z týchto maličkých jarných kvietkov, ktoré vyrastajú toho roku, alebo vezmete bežné steblo trávy a zoberte ho do ruky, a povedzte: "Zoberiem teraz toto a uvidím, že niečo tak jednoduché urobilo toto. A chcem vidieť ten rozum, ktorý môže poslať raketu na mesiac, aby urobil toto steblo trávy." Budete to stále mať. Môžete bezpečne odpočinúť na tom - stále to budete mať. Steblo trávy má v sebe život, vidíte. Je to tak jednoduché a pokorné ...

198Vidíte, ak niekto je veľkým mužom, no dobre. Ale ak je on natoľko veľký, že sa môže stať jednoduchý, vidíte, on nájde Boha. Ale ak sa on nestane jednoduchý, on Ho nikdy neuvidí. Vy sa musíte stať jednoduchí.

23a. V Zjavení, verš 5 a 9, kto sú tí, ktorých nachádzame spievať, keď Baránok vzal Knihu z ... z ... sú to vytrhnutý svätý?

199Nie. Zjavenie 6 ... 5 a 9, vlastne. Nie. Ak si všimnete, toto nie sú tí svätí. On ešte nezažiadal Svoje vlastníctvo. Toto nie sú tí svätí. Všimli ste si, to sú starší, a tie živé bytosti, a oni spievajú.

Prečítajme to, aby tá osoba ... a potom sa budem snažiť ... Mám ich tu ešte viac, ako pol tucta, a myslím, že ich budem môcť prebrať za niekoľko minút. Pozrime sa. Zjavenie 5:9. No, prečítajme najprv kúsok, tak ... Tá osoba to teraz myslí úprimne a oni to chcú vedieť. Dávajte pozor!

A keď vzal knihu, štyri živé bytosti a dvadsiaty štyria starci padli pred Baránkom majúc každý harfu a zlatú čašu, plnú kadiva, čo sú modlitby svätých,

a spievali novú pieseň


a hovorili: Hoden si vziať knihu a otvoriť ...

Vidíte? Boh nás vykúpil a učinil nás kňazmi a kráľmi - to je tá nebeská skupina, nie ešte tí vykúpení. No dobre, teraz.

24. Brat Branham, keď všetci ... (Počkajte za chvíľu. Hádam ... Prepáčte.) Brat Branham, keď všetci pobožní budú vzatí vo Vytrhnutí, odkiaľ príde Eliáš a Mojžiš?

200Niečo nie je v poriadku. Niečo nie je v poriadku, niečo tu nesedí. Niečo sa stalo. Niekde sa stalo niečo zle. Cíti sa každý dobre? Nie je niekto chorý, alebo také niečo? [Nejaký brat zo zhromaždenia hovorí, aby brat Branham ešte raz čítal Zjavenie 5:9. – pozn.prekl.] Zjavenie ... kde to bolo, brat? Aha tá otázka! Aha! Tá otázka na ktorú som odpovedal. No, pozrime sa. [pokračuje otázka 23. – pozn.prekl.]

A keď vzal knihu, štyri živé bytosti a dvadsiaty štyria starci padli pred Baránkom majúc každý harfu a zlatú čašu, plnú kadiva, čo sú modlitby svätých,

a spievali novú pieseň a hovorili: Hoden si vziať knihu a otvoriť jej pečate, lebo si bol zabitý .

.. (Tu to je! Tu to je! Pomýlil som sa pri tom! Vidíte?) ...

a vykúpil si nás Bohu svojou krvou z každého pokolenia a z každého jazyka, ľudu a národa ...

201To je ono. No, čo si o tom myslíte? Och, ak tu nie je prítomný Duch Svätý, čo to je? On nenechal ... Vidíte, ja som prečítal len tú prvú časť toho verša. Vidíte, to je len verš ... či niečo tu napísané a ja som sa snažil prebrať to - pozerajúc sa na hodiny. Ale vidíte, On ma pri tom zastavil? Sláva! Ja som neprečítal tú ďalšiu časť toho. Vidíte, Ja som mal tu: "a ..." Pozrite sa sem. "A oni spievali novú pieseň," a ja som prestal, vidíte. Ale pozrite sa sem, "tú pieseň oni spievali, hovoriac, my sme boli ... vykúpil si nás z každého pokolenia, jazyka a národa." Skutočne, to sú oni. Ó, ó, ó! Vidíte to? A mimochodom je tu ešte ďalšia otázka.

23b. Mohol by si porovnať tých, ktorým boli dané ... Aký je rozdiel medzi tými ktorým boli dané biele rúcha v Zjavení 6: 11 a tými, ktorí umyli svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránkovej?

202No, pozrime sa. Zjavenie 6 ... Nemôžem sa proste pri tomto ponáhľať, to je to ...?... Vidíte, pretože to ... Odpoviem niečo zle. No, On nechcel, aby som odpovedal niečo zle. Je to pravda. Skutočne, Duch Svätý Boží vie, že je to pravda, vidíte? Ja len ... Tam niečo len ... Ja som sa díval na hodiny a bolo 11:30, myslel som: "Ak sa teraz nebudem ponáhľať, nedostanem sa ku tomu, aby som sa modlil za chorých," a ja sa snažím dostať sa ku tomu, pretože som ... Moja myseľ je tak ... Nemôžem ...

203Pamätajte, musíte ma proste teraz pochopiť, ja som človek, rozumiete. A ja som tam už sedem dní, a toto popoludnie mám ešte niečo, mám zistiť od Boha. Ale On bol tak rozhodnutý, že ja som nemal urobiť tú chybu, že On ma zavolal naspäť, aby som čítal ten zbytok toho verša.

204Ja som len ... pocítil som, ako sa tam niečo prevalilo ponad mňa a hovorilo: "Vráť sa; vráť sa!" A myslel som si: "Kde sa mám vrátiť? Hneď teraz prestať a začať sa modliť za chorých? Čo to znamená? Čo som urobil?" A len čo som sa začal naťahovať za tým, niekto povedal: "Čítaj znovu ten verš," a ja som to znovu prečítal, a tam na konci tejto otázky, tam to bolo, Zjavenie 6.

205Vidíte, Ja som prečítal tú prvú časť. To tak zneje v tej prvej časti - "A oni spievali novú pieseň ..." Ale tu ďalej, vidíte, čo to bolo? To ďalej, čítajúc ďalej: "vykúpil nás." Skutočne to bola Nevesta - vytrhnutí svätí. "Mohol by si ..." A tu ... Samozrejme. Baránok mal tú Knihu vo svojej ruke. On opustil Trón prostredníckej milosti. Vidíte?

206Vidíte, ako Duch Svätý dáva na to pozor? Pretože presne, to je to isté, čo som povedal raz večer, keď On ku mne hovoril v tej miestnosti, a ja som prišiel sem a kázal som vám všetkým - že keď Baránok opustil to miesto ... Ó! No, myslím, že vezmeme ten text, vidíte. Baránok opustil Svoje miesto a vystúpil dopredu ... Ako som tam vyskočil, keď On bol prítomný - to svetlo, ktorým je Kristus, keď On bol prítomný a povedal to. Keď Baránok opúšťa to miesto na tom Tróne, kde je Prostredníkom, On zostupuje z neho dole, a Deň Vykúpenia pre cirkev sa skončil.

207To ďalšie vykúpenie, ktoré sa otvorilo je pre židov - tých 144 000. Je to tak? Pretože On zasľúbil, že On vysekne ten strom, viete. No, tu ... No, tu On vychádza von, Baránok, a potom Deň Vykúpenia sa skončil, a všetci, ktorí budú vykúpení už zostali vykúpení a zapísaní v Knihe, a On opustil trón a otvára Knihu. To je ono.

Ó, ďakujem Ti, Pane. Odpusť Svojmu nervóznemu sluhovi, že som sa snažil niečo preskočiť.

23c. No. "Mohol by si porovnať, týchto, ktorým boli dané biele rúcha v Zjavení 6:11 ...?"

208No, pozrime sa, 6 a 11. No dobre. Pri čom sme u tejto teraz? Biele rúcha ... Áno, to sú tí ukrižovaní, pod oltárom - tí Židia pomedzi tým časom. Im boli dané biele rúcha. "... s tými, ktorí obmyli svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránka v Zjavení 7:14?"

209Nie. No, to je rozdiel, dosť veľký. Pretože vidíte tu, nachádzame tu, že týmto tu boli dané biele rúcha až tu, v tomto čase. Im boli dané biele rúcha z milosti, a títo tu obmyli svoje rúcha v krvi Baránka. A tu v Zjavení tuto, toto je ten veľký zástup, ktorý prišiel pred Boha, zo všetkých pokolení, jazykov a národov; a toto sa vzťahuje presne na tých mučeníkov, Židov, to je správne. No.

24. Brat Branham, keď všetci pobožní boli vzatí hore vo Vytrhnutí, odkiaľ príde Ten Eliáš a Mojžiš? Budú to Židia, alebo bude s nimi náš Eliáš, ktorý je nám daný?

210Nie. Ten muž z nežidovského národa, ktorí bude pomazaný týmto duchom, aby vyvolal tých z nežidovských národov, bude vzatý preč, pretože vidíte, celá cirkev, všetci boli zobraní hore; a títo dvaja proroci zo Zjavenia z 11. kapitoly, sú privedení dole; a deň milosti s nežidovskými národmi sa skončil a je poslaný ku Židom. Nie, to nemôžu byť tí istí ľudia. Som si celkom toho istí. No pamätajte, toto je podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania.

Pozrime sa čo je napísané tu. Otázka:

25. Znamená tá pšenica a víno ... (Myslím, že to znamená, "Čo znamená." To "čo" tu nie je napísané.) Tu je len napísané: Znamená to čo a víno ... či pšenica a víno v Zjavení 6:6 ... Uvidím čo to je, keď to prečítam.

A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Chonix pšenice za denár a tri chonixi jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!

211Hádam sa tu pýta na tú pšenicu a na víno - to bolo jedno do druhého - či to bol symbol, to víno brané pri stole večery Pánovej z Korinťanom 11:24. "Znamená to víno ..." To víno, nie - jedno z toho je duchovný symbol, a to druhé je skutočne zjavenie Slova.

26. Môže to byť príčinou, že mnohí sú nemocní, pretože nerozoznávame Telo Pánovo? (Správne!) ale teraz zjavené skrze otvorenie šiestej Pečati ... (Pozrime sa. Dovoľte nech sa pozriem, či to teraz budem môcť pochopiť. To nie vy, to ja. Vy ste to napísali v poriadku; to som len ja.) Môže to byť príčina, že mnohí sú nemocní, pretože nerozoznávame Telo Pánovo? (Na konci je napísaní otáznik.)

212No, Písmo hovorí, že mnohí sú nemocní a slabí medzi vami kvôli nerozsudzovaniu Tela Pánovho. To je úplná pravda, pretože vidíte, Telo Pánovo je Nevesta, a mnohí z nich podľa toho nepostupujú. Oni sa toho nedržia. To je pravda. Vidíte, oni nevedia ako sa správať, a žijú všetkým možným druhom života a prijímajú večeru Pánovu a všetko - to nie je správne, vidíte? Keď ľudia, ktorí klamú a kradnú a pijú a ... prijímajú večeru Pánovu, to je strašné. Vy to nemáte robiť, vidíte

"...ale teraz zjavené skrze otvorenie šiestej Pečati - otvorenie šiestej Pečati."

213Pozrime sa teraz. Nie. No, zisťujete, že táto šiesta Pečať, ktorá je tu otvorená, to boli Židia. Vidíte? Cirkev už odišla. To je obdobie súženia. Tak to nebude to isté, nie. Nie, to nie je.

214Jedno z toho je duchovné víno - to je zjavenie Slova, potom veriaci je povzbudený skrze zjavenie Slova, a to druhé je symbol Krvi Ježiša, ktorý sa prijíma pri stole Pánovom. No, to je to najlepšie, ako to ja rozumiem.

27. Či takí, ktorí nie sú predurčení prijmú Pána? Ak áno, či oni odpadnú?

Nie, ak nie sú predurčení, nie; oni nemôžu.

28. Kde je to miesto Písma, ktoré ukazuje, že ... že Katolicizmus zvedie Židov a dostane ich bohatstvo?

215No, kde ono hovorí, že šelma ich zvedie kvôli bohatstvu; to nie je tak povedané. Ale my predpokladáme, že to bolo ... (No, v ten večer, pamätáte sa ... počúvajte tú pásku skutočne pozorne.) Ja som nepovedal, že to bolo to, čo oni urobia, ja som povedal ... Pozrite sa, Katolíci sú najbohatšou skupinou na svete - nikto nie je tak bohatý, ako oni. A čo nemajú oni, ten zbytok majú Židia.

216To je, kde teraz ekonomika tejto krajiny ... My žijeme práve teraz na peniazoch z daní, podľa Lifeline, že ... z daní, to pochádza rovno z Washingtonu, D.C., ktoré budú zaplatené od teraz za štyridsať rokov. To je to, čo my teraz utrácame. To ukazuje, ako ďaleko vzadu sme - dávajúc dlžobné úpisy ... na dane, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov od teraz. Národ je na mizine. Ona je zbankrotovaná.

217No, Castro, jedinú rozumnú vec, ktorú on kedy urobil, bolo, keď on sfalšoval menu a vyplatil tie dlžobné úpisy, tie obligácie a spálil ich a zmenil peniaze. To je jediná vec, ktorú on mohol urobiť. A to je jediná vec, ktorá zostáva Spojeným štátom. No pamätajte, toto je William Branham, vidíte, ktorý hovorí. To je moja myšlienka. To je len predpokladanie. Len dívajúc sa na to z toho telesného pohľadu, zatiaľ čo ten môj pohľad môže byť milión míľ od toho - ja verím, že rovno tu v týchto peniazoch ... Milovať peniaze je koreňom všetkého zlého. A ja verím, že to vypukne rovno tam v tom.

218No, Katolícka cirkev tam dávno, od vyberania peňazí za omše a tak ďalej, drží bohatstvo sveta. Pamätáte sa, Biblia hovorí, že ona bola bohatá, a aká ona bola. A pamätajte, nie len z jedného národa, ona je bohatá v každom národe, ktorý je pod nebom. Ona sa rozšírila. Ona má peniaze. No, čo nemajú oni, má Wall Street, ktorá je kontrolovaná Židmi.

219No, a pamätáte sa on mal peniaze. Keď sa Jakob vracal, minulý večer sme to zistili, a stal sa Izraelom - on skutočne mal peniaze, ale skrze svoje peniaze si Ezava nijako nekúpil. Ezav ich mal tiež, vidíte - obaja anti i ... Vidíte? - Tak dokonale.

220No, pozrite sa sem. Ja som povedal, že oni sa možno budú chcieť spolu zjednotiť na peniazoch, a Rímska moc vezme Židovskú moc peňazí, zrušiac zmluvu. To nemusí byť tak. Ja viem, že oni ju zrušia, ale neviem z akého dôvodu, pretože to mi nie je zjavené, čo oni budú robiť.

221Ale pozrite sa. No, ak dnes ... No, čo ak dnes, tá jediná vec, čo môžeme urobiť by bolo ... ak my vyťahujeme dane, ak je to prehlásenie pravdivé, z dane, z poplatkov, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov od teraz ... Vidíte, naše zlato je ... My sme to utratili. My sme na mizine. My nemáme žiadne peniaze; a žijeme len z voľakedajšieho dobrého mena.

222To je to, čo teraz robí cirkev - cirkev, nie Nevesta. Cirkev žije z voľakedajšieho dobrého mena, ktoré mala tam dávno, za času služby Leva. "My sme 'Cirkev' ; my sme začali ..." To je pravda, vidíte? Ona žije z toho mena.

223Metodista žije zo svojho mena. Baptista žije zo svojho mena, a Letničný žije zo svojho. "Sláva Bohu!" Dávno tomu, keď svätí zvykli tancovať v Duchu, a ako oni mali, "Pán urobil toto a tamto." To bolo niečo, čo pominulo. My sme sa všetci teraz stali veľkí, bratku. Ó! vidíte? - všetko voľakedajšie dobré meno.

224Tento národ žije z voľakedajšieho dobrého mena, z toho čo boli predkovia, a preto si oni myslia, že budú spasení. Boh nikdy nebral ohľad na Izrael, vzhľadom na to, čo oni boli, čo oni boli predtým; čo oni vtedy boli.

225Všimnite si, ale teraz, tu je to čo si myslím, čo si myslím, že sa stane: (No, to nemusí tak byť.) Ja verím, že príde čas, keď budeme nasilu nútení, aby sme vydali nové peniaze. A keď to bude, to namiesto toho, aby sme zmenili menu ... Čo by to urobilo s Philip Morris? Čo by to urobilo tým spoločnostiam s whisky? Čo by to urobilo ťažkému priemyslu? Čo by to spôsobilo všetkým obchodom? Čo by to ... To by ich zničilo! Oni by boli zničení! Ale ak my môžeme požičať tie peniaze ... Vidíte, aký je on chytrý? Potom tento národ sa predá cirkvi a potom cirkev a štát sa znovu zjednotia, a tam ona ide. To je to.

Všimnite si. No dobre. No, v tejto ...

29. Ak je niekto v nejakom združení, organizácii, popri našej vláde a môže hovoriť to čo mu diktuje jeho vlastné srdce, alebo v tej pravde posledných dní, bude označený ako jedna zo smilníc?

226Ak je niekto v spoločenstve organizácii ... No, vidíte tá spoločnosť, organizácia ... Organizácii sú dané skrze vládu práva hovoriť. To nemá nič spoločného s jeho srdcom. No, ak je on skutočný veriaci a narodený z Ducha Božieho, skôr či neskôr on bude vyskúšaný. To nemôže byť tak jasne a on to potom nebude vidieť.

227No, chcem aby ste ... Vidíte, aby ste si zapamätali toto, priatelia, že Boh ... Boh nikdy nerobí, ani nikdy nerobil, ako sa ja môžem pamätať, vidíte, ale čo ... Pozrite, Ježiš bol notovým kľúčom všetkého toho, pretože On bol Boh, Emanuel učinený telom.

228No, pozrite sa na tohoto, Ježiša. Vedeli ste, že keď On prišiel na zem, tam nebola, myslím, jedna desatina sveta, ktorá by vedela, že On tam je? Viete, že keď prišiel ten predchodca, keď všetky tie vrchy ... a všetko sa stane, tam nebola ani jedna stotina z populácii Izraela, myslím, ktorá by o tom niečo vedela? Nie je to divné? Prečo, boli tam Židia a všetci a ľudia po celom svete.

229No, pamätajte, že Ježiš prišiel, aby bol svedok, ako Spasiteľ sveta. Je to tak? Aha, tam míňali ľudia za ľuďmi, ľudia za ľuďmi po rasách, ktorí nikdy nič o tom vôbec nevedeli, a išli ďalej a svet nevedel nič o tom, ale po celý ten čas svet bežal ďalej. Vidíte?

230Prečo im to On nedal poznať? On prišiel ku tým, ktorí boli predurčení do Večného Života, to boli tí jediní, ktorí Ho prijali. Nebolo by to nič dobrého hovoriť niečo o tom tým ostatný, pretože On by ich nemohol vykúpiť pretože oni sa ani nehodili na vykúpenie. Prečo to bolo, keď títo kňazi tam stáli, keď ...? On musel prísť do toho miesta, pretože tí predurčení tam boli zakreslení, všade dookola; tak On im musel kázať ako skupine.

231A tí veľkí učenci, ktorí Ho nepoznali, povedali: "Tento človek je Belzebub. My nechceme, aby tento človek panoval nad nami," a tak ďalej, vidíte. "My to nebudeme robiť." Ale nejaká prostitútka, ktorá mala v sebe ten život, predurčená do večného života - a jej meno je tu v Božom Slove nemorálne - a ona tam ide a na prvý raz, keď to Svetlo zasiahlo to malé semeno, ona to hneď poznala.

232Pozrite sa na toho starého rybára, ktorý išiel okolo. A On tam stál, robil znamenia a zázraky a hovoril rôznym ľuďom tajomstvá ich srdca a zjavoval Samého Seba. A ó, tam stáli farizeovia, a povedali: "Tento človek je Belzebub."

Oni museli dať odpoveď svojim zhromaždeniam. Všetci z nich tam stáli: "Dr. Jones, pôjdeš tam a budeš počúvať toho muža? On vyzerá, ako by vedel o čom hovorí. On nehovorí, ako obyčajný človek."

"Pôjdem Ho počúvať." Prišli tam ... Boh sa nemohol ku nemu dostať. A on stál tam dole.

233Oni povedali: "Pozrite sa tam. Pozrite sa tam. Tam prichádza nejaký muž ... to je jeden z Jeho učeníkov. Tam ide niekto... to je jeho meno ... To je Andrej. Pamätáte. Och, pamätáte sa na toho starého rybára tam dole? To sú oni. To je Šimon a jeho brat, vidíte, a to sú deti toho starého Jonáša. No tam ... Pozrite, on privádza niekoho ku Nemu. Kto to je? Dívajte sa, čo On teraz bude robiť."

On je ten ďalší tam, a on kráča ku nemu a On povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon. A ty si syn Jonášov."

"Tento človek je Belzebub! Vidíte, on má v sebe nejakého ducha. On je divný človek. Nepočúvajte nikto na nič takéto. Držte sa preč od toho. Neprídem už nikdy viac na Jeho zhromaždenia. Len čo toto skončí idem preč odtiaľto. Nebudeme tu viacej čakať."

234Prečo? No, to bolo to, čo si on myslel, a pritom si myslel, že je jedným z nich. Pozrite, práve tí, ku ktorým On prišiel, boli tí, ktorí Ho ukrižovali, vidíte. Ale, tam bola obyčajná prostitútka, ktorú každý vykopol. Ja nepodopieram prostitúciu, (vôbec nie!) ale ja vám len ukazujem to predurčené semeno.

Pozrite sa na tohoto človeka tu, tohoto starého rybára - nemohol ani ... Biblia hovorí, že on bol neučený. (Je to tak?) Nie len to, ale on bol prostý! No, je to pravda, alebo nie? Och, keby sme sa len mohli stať prostí ohľadne množstva týchto vecí, o ktorých si myslíme, že ich poznáme. No dobre. Vidíte, on bol oboje neučený i prostý. A potom on išiel tam do prítomnosti Pána Ježiša, a On mu povedal, kto on je. Hneď na mieste mu to bolo jasné.

No, sledujte toho ďalšieho, ktorý proti tomu argumentoval: "Dobre pozri sa, on tomu veril. Pozri sa kto to je. Ty vieš kto to je. Ten človek nikdy ... Aha, to je rybár. Aha, on nepozná ani abecedu. Kupoval som ryby od neho, on mi nevedel ani vypísať účet. Vidíš, to je taký druh ... To je taký druh ľudí, ktorí počúvajú na niečo takéto." (Vďaka Pane.) "Prečo on ne ... Pozri sa na jeho otca. On bol primitív, a on ho ani nedal do školy"; ale to bol ten, ktorého On poslal do školy - učil ho takým spôsobom ako On chcel.

Ja teraz nepodopieram nechodenie do školy, (Dúfam, že mi rozumiete.) ale tam je proste ten typ, vidíte - ktorého ste dostali do toho. To je ten druh ... Preto to prechádza ponad ich hlavy ...

235Viete čo? Ani jedna ... Povedal by som, ani jedna tretina, zo všetkých tých Židov v tej krajine nevedela vôbec nič o Jeho príchode, a potom jedna pätina z tej tretiny počúvala na Neho; a potom jedna stotina z tej jednej pätiny to prijala. Vy viete koľkých On mal. On mal dvanástych, ktorí stáli pri kríži, z celej tej skupiny. Kde je ten zbytok z nich? Tí sedemdesiaty odišli preč.

No, zatiaľ čo On uzdravoval nemocných, a len tam chodil a nehovoril nič o Svojej náuke, On len chodil a uzdravoval nemocných a robil všetko také ... "Ó! To je na Ňom Boží Duch, veríte tomu?" Keď On uzdravoval nemocných, báječné! "Tento veľký Rabbi. Hej, bratku, mali by ste Ho mať vo svojej cirkvi. Chlapče, ty si hovoril o moci, tento chlapík môže skutočne uzdravovať nemocných. Vy by ste mali ... On má dar uzdravovania."

No, samozrejme, my potom budeme mať nejaké napodobeniny - tu idú - pretože každá skupina musí mať svojho vlastného muža. Tu oni prichádzajú.

A potom, ako viete, jedného dňa si On sadol ...

"Ó, samozrejme, Rabbi, my pôjdeme s tebou."

236No dobre, sadajte. Ideme." No dobre, On poslal sedemdesiatych a tak ďalej. Potom jedného dňa, po nejakom veľkom zázraku, ktorý sa stal, On si sadol a začal im hovoriť Slovo. ("Keď začne znieť ...") No dobre. On im začal hovoriť Slovo, pravdu ...

Oni povedali: "Och, počkaj teraz na chvíľu; Ja o tomto neviem. To je v protiklade s náukami." Povedal: "No, ja viem my sme takto opustili synagógu a všetko, ale možno sme urobili zle, bratia. Mali by sme sa radšej vrátiť naspäť, pretože tento človek hovorí v hádankách. On je nejaký zvláštny chlap. Ja tomu nemôžem rozumieť."

237Vidíte? Čo to bolo? - to semeno nebolo predurčené. Je to tak. Potom, ako viete, oni mali malú kazateľskú skupinu a hovorili ku kazateľom. Oni povedali: "Ách, hmm, my radšej tiež pôjdeme naspäť - a pôjdeme naspäť a zapíšeme sa do tej organizácii a znovu si vyzdvihneme naše preukazy, vidíte, pretože tento človek ... Aha, kto môže rozumieť takémuto človeku. On hovorí toto tu a hovorí toto tam."

238Ach, tí ostatní to takto nerozumeli. On niektorým z nich ukazoval hádanky ale nie tým ostatným. Tak oni odišli preč. Potom sa On obrátil a pozrel sa na tých dvanástych, ktorí tam stáli, a povedal: "Vy tiež chcete odísť?"

239Pozrite sa teraz. Peter povedal: "Vieš čo? Ja navštevujem toto staré miesto po celý čas. Kde na svete by sme mali ísť. Kde by som mal ísť? Kde by som mohol ísť? Ja nemôžem ísť naspäť do tých odpadkov, či nie, kde ležia všetky pomyje toho sveta. Kde by som mal ísť? Ja to proste nemôžem urobiť."

On povedal: "Tak dobre. Len poď, kráčaj ďalej." Tu to máte. Vidíte, čo to potom bolo? Dvanásti z okolo dva a pol milióna. A Spasiteľ sveta z biliónov ... Staňte sa pokorní, zostaňte len pokorní. Hľaďte. No, pri všetkých tých farizejoch, a táto malá prostitútka tam prišla a ona povedala: "Hej, ty musíš byť prorok. No, my vieme, že príde Mesiáš, a keď On príde On bude toto robiť."

On povedal: "To som Ja."

Ona povedala: "To je to," a odišla. Skúste ju zastaviť. Nepodarí sa vám to.

30. Brat Branham, pozdravujem ťa v mene Pána Ježiša. Prosím vysvetli, kto je ten muž v Matúšovi 22:11, muž, ktorý nemal svadobného rúcha ... svadobné rúcho ... Ja viem, že tento človek by sa nemohol dostať do Neba bez svadobného rúcha. Toto bol nejaký hosť, viem, nie Nevesta.

Áno, to je pravda. To by mal byť ... Áno, on sa tam len prekĺzol, vidíte. No pozrite sa. No, mohol by som na to kázať celé kázanie, a mám desať minút, aby som sa modlil za chorých a zakončil toto, prebral som polovicu z nich. Po tejto sa budem skutočne ponáhľať.

240Tu je to, čo sa stalo. Ak poznáte tie orientálne zvyky, viete ... Keď ženích rozdáva pozvánky na svoju svadbu, on proste vydá toľko a toľko pozvánok. A pre každého pozvaného pošle, on mal sluhu, ktorý stál pri dverách, aby dal každému rúcho, či je to chudobný alebo ktokoľvek to je, on mal ... či je ten človek bohatý alebo chudobný, ktokoľvek on je, oni všetci museli nosiť svadobné rúcho.

241Keď oni stáli pri dveriach, oni mu obliekli to rúcho a ono prikrylo čo on navonok bol. On bol pozvaný - či to bol milionár, alebo či to bol žobrák, či to bol farmár, kopáč, alebo čokoľvek on bol, alebo boháč, on je tu teraz v tom rúchu, pretože to rúcho mu je dané pri dverách, keď vchádza dovnútra, pri dverách.

242No, vezmite Ev. Jána, myslím, že to je to, On povedal: "Ja som dvere." vidíte. "Ja som dvere cez ktoré vchádzate." On tam stojí pri dverách, a tu je ten, ktorý kladie na neho to rúcho, Duch Svätý, aby mu dal rúcho spravodlivosti, keď on vchádza.

243No, tento človek prišiel skrze nejakú organizáciu, tuto vzadu pri okne, prekĺzol cez nejakú dieru, a dostal sa za stôl a sadol si. A potom, keď prichádza ženích a pozerá sa, on ... Predtým sa líšili oni, teraz sa líšil on. "Čo tu takto robíš bez krstu Duchom Svätým a všetkého tohoto? Ako si sa sem vôbec dostal?"

244No, on vošiel nejako pomimo dverí, a on prišiel bez náležitého pozvania. Vidíte? On prišiel skrze nejaký vzdelávací systém, alebo niečo také. On prišiel dovnútra, a On im povedal: "Zviažte ho, ruky i nohy, a vyhoďte ho von do vonkajšej tmy, tam bude nárek a plač a škrípanie zubov." On išiel do obdobia súženia. On nevošiel cez dvere, tak ...

31. No dobre. Otázka: Bude Eliáš z Malachiáša 4 ten istý Eliáš o ktorom sa hovorí v Zjavení 11:3, a sú tí ďalší svedkovia ... sú tí ďalší dvaja svedkovia iní ľudia?

245Áno. Ten Eliáš z Malachiáša 4 nebude ten Eliáš z Malachiáša 3. My sme to preberali minulý večer. "A je ten ďalší svedok iný?" Oni dvaja, áno, Mojžiš a Eliáš podľa nášho zjavenie. (No, nechcem vás tu držať príliš dlho.)

32. I. Kráľov 19. - Brat Branham, ja myslím, že počet tých, ktorí nesklonili svoje kolená bol sedem ...

Áno, to je pravda. Sedem sto namiesto ... Ďakujem. To je správne. To bolo sedem sto namiesto sedem tisíc ... sedem tisíc namiesto sedem sto. No, vidíte to?

246Vy viete, skutočne, keď človek prichádza takto kázať ... Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať, a tak budete rozumieť. Keď Eliáš prišiel z púšte on mal jedno posolstvo. On vystúpil tam z púšte a prišiel rovno dole a povedal tomu kráľovi: "Ani len rosa nespadne z Neba, až kým ju ja nezavolám." To sú tie slová, ktoré on mal a odišiel hneď naspäť a nepovedal nikomu nič.

Keď on mal ďalšie posolstvo, on prišiel rovno dole a povedal toto posolstvo a otočil sa a odišiel naspäť do púšte. Vidíte?

247No, ak dávate pozor, keď som položil tento uholný kameň pod touto modlitebňou, On povedal: "Vykonávaj prácu evanjelistu"; a teraz prichádza tá hodina, keď tá práca sa líši. Deje sa niečo iné. Potom som tak ... vidíte. Idem sem a snažím sa robiť prácu evanjelistu a niečo iné, a vidíte kde ste? Och, očakávam, že cirkev bude natoľko duchovná, že porozumie.

33. Brat Branham, ja rozumiem, že Eliáš musí prísť tri krát. Ty si nám povedal, že on už dva krát bol, a znovu príde. No, bude táto osoba, na ktorej bude duch Eliáša, bude tiež z tých dvoch svedkov, ktorí sú Mojžiš a Eliáš?

248Nie, nie. On bude z nežidovského národu, vidíte, pre cirkvi z nežidovských národov. Boh posiela tiež ku Svojmu vlastnému ľudu. On prišiel ku svojím vlastným, a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali. On tiež posiela svoje ... Posolstvo tej hodiny ...

249Keď Boh jednal so Židmi, tam neprišli žiadni proroci z nežidovských národov. Keď Boh jedná s ostatnými národmi, nie sú tam žiadni Židovskí proroci. Keď sa Boh obráti naspäť ku Židom, nebude žiadnych prorokov z iných národov. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? No dobre.

34. Po vytrhnutí ...

250No, bude nejaký prechodný čas. Samozrejme, jedno posolstvo prechádza do druhého. To musí prísť takýmto spôsobom, rozumiete, ako som to vysvetlil, vidíte; ako Pavol ku pohanom a tak ďalej.

Po vytrhnutí, bude na konci spasená nejaká cirkev, ktorá nebola vzatá do vytrhnutia?

251Nie. Och, pretože Krv odišla. Vidíte, nebude žiadnej prímluvy - pohanský vek skončil. Po vytrhnutí nebude nikto spasený, žiadna z cirkví, och. Cirkev ... "Nech ten, kto je špinavý zostane špinavý, a ten kto je svätý zostane svätý." To sa nestane, nie po tom, keď Cirkev odíde.

35. Brat Branham, všimol som si tvoje odvolávanie sa na Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov v posolstve Prvej Pečati. Rozumiem v Danielovi ... z pásky o Danielovi, keď sa Evanjelium vráti ku Židom, začne tých sedemdesiat týždňov. Zostalo pre Židov, jeden týždeň, sedem rokov, alebo len polovica týždňa ... tri a pol roka, ktoré zostali pre nich?

252Len polovica týždňa - Ježiš prorokoval počas prvej polovici týždňa, ako bolo predpovedané - zostala pre nich len polovica týždňa.

36. Brat Branham, v priebehu týždňa si sa nemodlil za chorých, budeš sa ...

To je prosba.

37. Brat Branham, navštíviš ma po zhromaždení ...

To je prosba.

38. Vysvetlil by si prosím o Satanovi, ako je zviazaný za tisíc rokov, a ako bude uvoľnený na tú bitku v Zjavení 20. a 8. Aký vzťah má toto s bitkou Armagedon, ako si sa zmienil vo štvrtej Pečati? Bude Góg a Magóg zhromaždení z ľudí tej novej zeme?

253No, toto je dlhá otázka, a ja sa musím dotknúť len niektorých miest, rozumiete. No, tá prvá vec. No, možno, že to nedokážem vysvetliť. Urobím čo môžem.

38a. Vysvetlil by si prosím, ako je Satan zviazaný za tisíc rokov a ako bude uvoľnený na tú bitku v Zjavení 20. a 8.

254To nie je bitka Armagedon. Bitka Armagedon sa odohráva na tejto strane, (No dobre) keď sa končí obdobie súženia.

38b. Teraz, aký vzťah má toto s Bitkou Góga a Magóga?

Žiaden, jedna je po tejto strane týchto tisíc rokov, a tá druhá je na konci tých tisíc rokov.

38c. ... ako si sa zmienil vo štvrtej Pečati, bude Góg a Magóg zhromaždení z ľudí tej novej zemi?

255Satan bol uvoľnený zo svojho vezenia a vyšiel, aby zhromaždil všetkých ľudí, tých zlých, aby ich priviedol na to miesto, a Boh zoslal z Neba oheň a síru a oni zostali strávení - spolu dve bitky.

39. Otázka: Čo sa týka tých 68 000 000 zabitých Rímsko Katolíckou Cirkvou, v ktorom čase v histórii sa toto stalo, a v akom dlhom úseku času sa to dialo?

256Vezmi si Smuckersovu "Slávnu Reformu" (Smuckers "Glorious Reformation"), myslím, že niektorý z týchto učených ju majú; a to je história cirkvi. A zabudol som teraz práve na ktorej je to strane, ale to sa dialo od času ... tá vec bola uvedená, alebo daná do cirkvi skrze sv. Augustína z Hippo z Afriky. To bolo 354 roku nášho letopočtu, a trvalo to až do roku 1850, do toho masakru v Írsku. Tak ten čas bol od 33 ... či 354 - nech to teraz poviem správne. Od 354 do 1850, podľa histórii tam bolo privedených na smrť 68 000 000 Protestantov, zaznamenaných v Rímskom mučeníctve pretože sa nezhodovali s Rímskym pápežom - to je história. Ak chcete povedať, že je to nie pravda, dobre potom, možno Georg Washington tu nebol alebo Lincoln. Nikto z nás tu vtedy nežil, aby to videl. Ale ja verím, že oni tu jednako boli. Vidím znaky, že oni tu boli.

40. Brat Branham, 19. kapitola ... [I Kráľov 19:18 – pozn.prekl.] a 18. verš: "A ponechal som v Izraelovi sedem tisíc - sedem tisíc v Izraelovi, všetko to kolená, ktoré sa nesklonili ... nesklonili Bálovi, a všetko to ústa, ktoré ho nebozkali." Prosím vysvetli mi to o tých sedem sto.

257To bolo sedem tisíc, vidíte. A to je bozkávanie Bála. Neviete ...? Koľkí tu boli prv katolíkmi? Vy bozkávate obrazy. A pamätajte, v čase Babylonu a Nabuchodonozora, keď sa vynorilo pohanské kráľovstvo - keď sa vynorilo pohanské kráľovstvo, ono prichádza cez uctievanie človeka.

258Nabuchodonozor urobil sochu človeka. A ak máte duchovnú myseľ ... (počúvajte teraz toto zjavenie). Ten duch, ten človek, ktorého zjavenie on urobil ... či, ktorého obraz on urobil, podľa svojho zjavenia bol Daniel - začal byť uctievaný nábožný muž, (vidíte to?) pretože on ho pomenoval Baltazár, čo bolo meno jeho boha. A on urobil obraz toho boha, čo bol obraz Daniela, a Daniel odmietol klaňať sa svojmu vlastnému obrazu. A znovu je to tu, vidíte.

259No, dávajte pozor. Pohanské kráľovstvo sa vynorilo vo dňoch Babylonu za kráľa Nabuchodonozora, pohanského kráľa, ktorý spojil cirkev a štát dokopy skrze to, že zobral svätého ... obraz svätého muža a nasilu nútil ľudí, aby ho uctievali. To pohanské kráľovstvo prišlo do konca, do spodku nôh, s nápisom na stene skrze politickú moc, ktorá zjednotila spolu cirkev so štátom, aby nasilu nútila bozkávať obrazy - obraz svätého muža, skutočne.

41. Brat Branham, keď nastane vytrhnutie ... keď nastane vytrhnutie, pôjdu malé deti, ktoré nepoznali dobré od zlého, do vytrhnutia?

Ak ich mená boli zapísané v Knihe. Áno. To súhlasí. Rozumiete? No dobre.

42. Brat Branham, ty si povedal minulý večer, že ... bolo sedem sto ľudí, ktorí mali byť spasení ... mali byť spasení pri Eliášovom kázaní. Mal si na mysli sedem tisíc.

260Áno, to je pravda. Prosím odpusti mi to. To je pravda, to som mal na mysli.

43. Brat Branham, vyložíš po tom čo otvoríš ... Brat Branham, skončí sa ... (prepáčte) skončí sa ...(To nie vy to ja.) skončí sa udelený čas milosti, po tom, keď otvoríš týchto Sedem Pečatí?

261Dúfam, že nie. Nie, nie, priatelia, nerozumejte to takto. Choďte len rovno ďalej. Kopte zemiaky, a choďte do zhromaždenia a tak ďalej. Ak sa to stane ráno, budete nájdení, ako robíte presne to, čo máte robiť.

262Nezačínajte ... Keď to robíte, obraciate tú skutočnú vec preč od zámeru, pre ktorý je určená. Prichádzajú vám na rozum malé podivné myšlienky, a vy dostávate svoje vlastné nápady o veciach. Neberte svoje vlastné nápady. Keď si sadnete a počúvate takto tie veci, povedzte: "Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Budem len kráčať trochu bližšie pri Tebe." Neprestaňte robiť a nehovorte, "Ja všetko predám."

Pribehol tu jedného dňa jeden muž z North Carolina, tesne predtým, ako sme odišli, a povedal: "Sláva Bohu! Môžete mi povedať kde je (niekto nejaký veľký)?"

A ja som povedal: "Nie."

263"Ó, áno pane," povedal: "tento chlap má ..." Povedal: "Tento chlap je prezidentom tej Audio Misii."

Povedal som: "Čoho?"

On povedal: "Audio Misii."

Povedal som: "Nerozumiem."

A on povedal: "Och, tento chlap je ten prezident."

Povedal som: "Čo si hovoril, ako sa nazýval?"

On povedal: "Branham, myslím. Nejako tak, ako - Brown alebo Branham."

Povedal som: "No, ja sa nazývam Branham."

On povedal: "Vy ste prezident tej Audio Misii?"

Povedal som: "Nie, pane."

264On povedal: "No, kde je to Milénium?"

Povedal som: "Neviem."

On povedal: "Ako to, vy ste ... Vy chcete povedať, že to sa deje práve a vy to neviete?"

Povedal som: "Nie pane, neviem."

On povedal: "Dobre, sláva Bohu, mám nejakých priateľov, ktorí mi to prišli povedať," a povedal, "prestal som pracovať"; (stále mal otvorené krajčírstvo). Povedal: "Brat, ja chcem Milénium."

A ja som povedal, "No, zdá sa mi, že si trochu zdesorientovaný, či nie brat?"

Asi v tom čase prišlo nejaké auto, taxík. Ona povedala: "Zadrž, zadrž, zadrž!" Prišla tam nejaká žena a povedala: "No, modli sa za môjho muža."

Povedal som: "Áno, madam. Čo to?"

Ona povedala: "No, ja chápem, že musím čakať mesiac na rozhovor, aby si sa išiel pomodliť."

A ja som povedal: "Čo?"

A ona povedala: "Áno pane, ale ja som v zúfalstve. Musíš sa modliť za môjho muža."

Povedal som: "Skutočne, kde je? Priveď ho sem."

Tento chlap tam stál a díval sa a povedal: "Ty sa tiež modlíš za chorých?"

Povedal som: "Áno, pane."

"Ako si povedal, že sa voláš, Branham? A ty nevieš nič o Miléniu?"

Povedal som: "No, ja ... Nie, neviem." Povedal som: "Nerozumiem to inak, len tak, ako je to v Biblii."

On povedal: "Nie, to je práve teraz. Ľudia prišli zovšadiaľ."

Povedal som: "Kde to je?"

On povedal: "V Jeffersonville, v Indiáne, rovno pod mostom."

"Pane, vy ste ma priviedli do úzkych." A povedal som: "Ja nič o tom neviem." Povedal som: "Poďme dovnútra a sadnime si. Možno si budeme môcť pohovoriť o tejto veci."

Ne, ne ... Vidíte priatelia, netúžte po službe. (Viete čo mám na mysli.) Budete šťastnejší práve tam kde ste. Choďte len rovno ďalej.

44. Po Vytrhnutí Nevesty, kedy cirkev, ktorá musela ísť cez obdobie súženia, zastane pred súdom? (Ona nezastane pred súdom.) Pred alebo po Miléniu? (Och, prepáčte; prepáčte mi, ktokoľvek toto napísal.) Kedy cirkev, ktorá ... Po Vytrhnutí Nevesty, kedy cirkev, ktorá musela ísť cez obdobie súženia, zastane pred súdom? Je to pred alebo po?

265Po! Tí ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až za tisíc rokov, oni neišli s Nevestou. Pozrime sa.

45. Ty si povedal mnohokrát, že komunizmus bol vzbudený od Boha, aby poslúžil Jeho zámeru, ako kráľ Nabuchodonozor. No kde Komunizmus pasuje do toho obrazu, ktorý ... nakoniec urobí? Ako sa to zakončí? Mnohí učení veria, že v kráľovstve severu, Góg a Magóg, o čom je zmienka v Písme, pôjde dole proti Izraelu v ... (Nemôžem porozumieť o čo sa tu jedná.) Ja verím ... na niektorých páskach, si povedal, že to nakoniec spadne ... že komunizmus nakoniec zničí Katolicizmus, alebo Vatikán skrze nejaký výbuch. Je to pravda?

266Áno. Zjavenie 16, nájdite si to, a Zjavenie 18:8 a 12. Ak je tu tá osoba a chce si to zapísať na kúsok papiera - môžeš si to hneď vyhľadať. Áno "Beda, beda, to silné mesto ... pretože v jednej hodine ono prišlo ku svojmu koncu." Tí kupci a všetci ďalší, ktorí vozili jeho tovar. To sa stane. To je ono. A ne ...

267Len prestaňte ... Zabudnite len o komunizme. To nie je nič vo svete okrem skupiny ľudí, ktorí nie sú ničím, než bezbožnými barbarmi. To je systém ... (Dovoľte mi ukázať vám niečo - len ukázať vám, aké je to jednoduché. Aha, v celom Rusku je len jedno percento, ktorí sú komunisti.) Oni potrebujú posla. Jedno percento - potom deväťdesiat deväť percent z nich sú stále na strane Kresťanstva. Jedno percento; a ako môže jedno percento vládnuť nad deväťdesiat deväť percentami? Hneď to vám má dať vysvetlenie. Ak by to Boh nedovolil, oni by to už dávno museli zahodiť, vidíte. Skutočne.

46. Brat Branham, ty si povedal, že Rím prevezme vládu nad Židmi v posledných tri a pol rokoch. Bude to ... tie prvé tri a pol roka súženia alebo to bude tie posledné tri a pol roka? Ja to správne?

268To bude tie posledné tri a pol roka, to je ono, nie tie prvé, pretože tie už pominuli. (Mám ešte jednu po tejto.)

47. Môj drahý brat, pôjde Eliáš z Malachiáša 4:5 na púšť, ako nám hovorí I. Kráľov 17. o tom Eliášovi, že tam odišiel?

269No, nepovedal by som doslovne, že by on išiel ... že on pôjde na púšť, ale on bude tým, vidíte: On bol Eliáš a Elizeus ... Všimli ste si, väčšina takýchto ľudí, sú ľudia, ktorí sú preč. Oni sa držia stranou od ľudí. Oni sú veľmi divní. Oni sa príliš veľmi nestýkajú s ľuďmi.

270Všimnite si, aký bol Eliáš, a Elizeus, a Ján Krstiteľ, a tú povahu toho ducha, vidíte. A oni ne ... Verím, že ten človek bude milovník pustatiny a možno zostáva na pustatine. Ale povedať len, že on bude nejaký pustovník a bude žiť na pustatine, to ja neviem. Niekedy oni žili. Elizeus nie, ale Eliáš áno. A potom, Ján, on žil na pustatine.

A ťažko povedať, títo ďalší proroci, keď oni vystúpia tam Júdei, ja neviem kde oni budú pretrvávať. Oni môžu táboriť niekde na vrchu, alebo čo oni budú robiť vo dňoch svojho proroctva - ja neviem, čo oni budú robiť, ale vy ... Čo sa snažím povedať, je toto: Budú oni ...

271Oni sa chcú opýtať: "Budú oni bývať len na pustatine?" Prečo, oni by museli ísť niekde na sever do Britskej Kolumbii, aby teraz mali dostatok pustatiny na bývanie, vidíte. Tak, to bude niekto ... Tá pustatina je celá zoťatá; nezostalo viacej pustatiny. Tak tá jediná vec, oni môžu byť milovníci pustatiny a zostávať v nej, možno, mnoho na pustatine, a oni budú ... Môžete si všimnúť tá ich povaha je tá nekompromisná, a budete to poznať, keď to príde. Budete to vidieť, ak ste naozaj prebudení.

No, tu je jedna. Neviem, ako sa toho dotknúť. A mal som inú práve pred touto, a potom ich poprosím, aby zastavili na chvíľu pásku.

48. Ak je Boh jedna osoba, prečo, alebo, ako On mohol hovoriť ku Sebe Samému na Vrchu Premenenia?

272Práve som to vysvetlil. Rád by som sa ťa opýtal toto. Ja budem ... Keď sa Ježiš modlil k Otcovi, vieš ... Ja verím, že máš krst Duchom Svätým, či nie, brat? Nepostavil by si sa na chvíľku? Ty hovoríš, že máš krst Duchom Svätým? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Ja tiež. Potom čo je to? Potom ja netvrdím, že ja mám ... že mám moc v samom sebe odhaliť tieto tajomstvá. Ja nemám moc uzdravovať nemocných. To je Boh.

273Myslím, že ty si kazateľ. Ak sa nemýlim si z Arkansasu. No dobre. No, a v sebe máš ... aby kázať Evanjelium. Bol si vychovaný obyčajne na farme a takto. Ty proste nič o tom nevieš. Ale niečo do teba prišlo, aby si kázal Evanjelium. Ty netvrdíš vôbec, že to si ty sám. To je iná osoba, nazvaná Duch Svätý. Je to pravda? No dobre.

Teraz sa ťa chcem opýtať. Ten Duch Svätý prebýva v tebe, je to pravda? Hovoríš ku Nemu? Rozprávaš ku Nemu? Modlíš sa ku Nemu? No dobre, to je všetko, čo som chcel ... Ďakujem ti. No, rozumieš tomu?

274Opýtam sa ťa jedno: Ako na to prišlo, že keď Ježiš v Ev. Jána 3, On povedal: "Keď bude Syn človeka, ktorý je teraz v Nebi ..." (Vidíš?) "... teraz v Nebi, príde na zem." vidíš? :Syn človeka, ktorý je v Nebi," a On stojí rovno tam a rozpráva sa s tou osobou. No, odpovedz mi na to.

275Ježiš a Otec boli tou istou osobou, tou istou, ako ten Duch Svätý vo mne - ty sa dívaš na mňa, ako kážem, ale to som nie ja. To som nie ja, ktorý môže vypovedať slovo, ktoré by mohlo priviesť ... vieš, nejaké zviera; sedel som tam a díval som sa na to, a zabil som to zviera a jedol ho. To je tvoriaca moc. To neleží v ľudských bytostiach.

276To som nie ja, ktorý mohol zobrať tu malého chlapca, a doktori ho dali, aby ležal na chrbte, s ťažkosťami srdca, a povedať: "Tak hovorí William Branham ..." Nie! "Tak hovorí Pán, je s tým koniec." A priviesť ho na druhý deň ku doktorovi a to všetko je preč.

277Dieťa s leukémiou, že až jeho oči boli vyduté, a celé žlté, a jeho žalúdok ... že až ho zobrali do nemocnice, aby mu dali krv a všetko možné; a za päť minút, si pýta hamburger, a vzali ho naspäť ku doktorovi nasledujúci deň, a nemohol nájsť po tom ani stopu. To je "tak hovorí William Branham"? To je "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!" Jednako On je osoba iná odo mňa, ale ten jediný spôsob, ako je On vyjadrený je cezo mňa, vidíte?

278Tak boli Ježiš a Otec. "To nie som Ja, ktorý činí tie skutky, to je Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne." No, Syn človeka vystúpi z Neba, ktorý je teraz v Nebi. Vidíte? Čo to bolo? On bol všadeprítomný, pretože On bol Boh.

No, táto ďalšia, ja ... [V publiku bolo prinesené nejaké proroctvo. – pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem Ti, Bože Otče. Ďakujeme Ti za Tvojho Ducha, ktorý je tu. A bolo nám povedané, Otče, že jedného dňa, keď nepriateľ prichádzal, Duch padol na jedného muža a prorokoval ku nemu a povedal mu. To dalo veci do poriadku, kde oni vedeli, ako ísť a poraziť nepriateľa, a kde nájsť toho nepriateľa.

A ja Ti ďakujem, Otče, že Ty zostávaš ten istý Boh, aký si vždy bol - Ty si stále ten istý. My sa meníme, a veky sa menia, a časy sa menia, a ľudia, ale Ty sa nemeníš. Tvoje systémy sú tie isté; Tvoja milosť je tá istá; Tvoje skutky sú tie isté, pretože oni sú podivné, a sú ďaleko preč od každého poznania človeka, aby to vôbec porozumel.

Tak my sme vďační, Pane, že Tvoje tajomstvá sú ukryté do sŕdc Tvojich sluhov; a my sme tak vďační za to, Pane, a nech môžeme ísť vpred, ako svietiace Svetlá z miesta na miesto a snažiť sa s láskou priniesť iných, aby sme mohli natiahnuť siete na každom malom rohu, a vrhnúť tam sieť, aby sme si boli istý, že sme ulovili každú rybu, ktorá patrí Tebe. A potom: "Baránok vezme túto Nevestu, aby stále bola po Jeho boku.." My očakávame ten čas, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Koľko je tu nemocných, nech vidíme vaše ruky. No, to vyzerá, že je to okolo ... Zodvihnite ešte ruky - okolo štyridsať sedem? No dobre, je 11:30. Môžeme sa modliť za chorých hneď teraz, dať tento večer do ... Chceli by ste to teraz? Verím, že bude dobre modliť sa hneď teraz. Poviem vám prečo. Duch Svätý stojí rovno tu, dáva pomazanie.

No, chceme prísť skutočne potichu, a nech tí, ktorí sú v tejto uličke tam, ktorí zodvihli ruky, vystúpte do tejto uličky, a potom prichádzajte tu z tadeto, a potom vezmeme tých z tej ďalšej uličky - je ich len štyridsať päť, alebo štyridsať sedem.

Poprosím brata Neville, či by si tu nezastal so mnou, a budeme sa modliť za vás. Prv, tí, ktorí vystupujú do tejto uličky, povstaňte len na chvíľu teraz, aby sme sa mohli modliť tu za vás, a klásť na vás ruky - každý. No, to je dobre. Proste každý, kto príde do tejto modlitebnej rady - za tých, ktorí prídu do modlitebnej rady.

No, vidíte, šetriac čas, aby sme si boli istý, že sme ho využili, budeme sa modliť za vás teraz. Pozrite, priatelia, dovoľte mi aby som vám to vysvetlil. Ježiš Kristus povedal toto: "... uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia."

279Hľaďte teraz. On nikdy nepovedal: "Ak sa oni budú modliť za nich." "Keď na chorých budú klásť ruky, a oni sa budú mať dobre." A keď Boh môže zobrať neklamný prípad leukémie a malé dievča, ktoré pre seba nemôže mať vieru, a urobiť tú vec načisto ... keď On môže zobrať ďalší prípad malého chlapca a tak ho uzdraviť, že doktori vôbec nemôžu nájsť v jeho krvi žiadnu reumatickú horúčku, ani nič iné - čo On môže urobiť pre vás? No, tie malé deti, oni nerozumejú, čo je to modlitba. Ja len položím na nich ruky, a to sa stalo. My tomu môžeme rozumieť.

280Teraz, zatiaľ čo tu stojíte, aby sa za vás modlilo. Nebeský Otče, s Tvojou veľkou prítomnosťou, ktorá tu odpočíva, ten veľký Duch Svätý, Ten ktorého máme na fotografii, Ten o ktorom si čítame v Biblii, On je práve teraz tu prítomný. On zjavuje Seba samého cez ľudské telo,.

Ako sme Ho videli, že ani jeden krát nesklamal počas tých rokov, bol schopný zjaviť všetky myšlienky ľudského srdca, zjaviť hriech, ktorý oni urobili - povedať im presne, čo sa stalo a čo má byť, ani raz nesklamal. Potom vieme, že Boh Abrahámov, Izákov a Izraelov stále zostáva Bohom v osobe Ježiša Krista.

A teraz, skrze Svojho Ducha zostupujúceho z Neba, pod Krvou, ktorá bola preliata na Golgote, prichádza dole medzi ľudí, aby sa manifestoval v ľudskom tele, tesne pred spálením sveta ... Ten veľký Duch Svätý reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele. Títo vzácni ľudia, ktorí prijali vykúpenie Krvou, a Duch Svätý sa dostáva do ich bytosti, Boh, reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele.

A tak, On nebol reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele, aby vykonal len skutok, ako krst a tak ďalej. S poverením, že tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí veria. Skrze kladenie rúk na chorých, Duch Svätý sa postará o to, že oni vyzdravejú, ak verili.

Teraz, Otče, my vieme, že tieto veci sú pravdou. Títo ľudia tu stoja - oni prejdú popod ruky kazateľov, ktorí prijali Ducha Svätého, a oni sú pripravení, Pane, klásť ruky na chorých. A vieme, Otče, že ak títo ľudia budú len veriť, tak ako každé slovo, ktoré si zasľúbil sa stalo, tak ... A to sa nemôže stať bez viery, pretože bez viery nie je možné ľúbiť sa Bohu. My to proste nemôžeme urobiť.

281A teraz, s vierou veriac, s týmto zasľúbením, ktoré leží pred nami, s týmito Pečatiami Biblii, ktoré nám boli otvorené, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Nech títo vzácny ľudia, ktorí sú chorí, Pane, a ja súcitím s nimi, ako s ľudskými bytosťami v smrteľnom tele, ako sú ich, a ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý prebýva v nás, Pane, prebýva v nich; a my cítime žiaľ jeden za druhého, a poznajúc tú novú zmluvu v tej novej Krvi ... keď tá stará ponúkala uzdravenie, o čo viac bude táto nová lepšia? Otče, nech by to bolo tak, aby títo ľudia nesklamali, ale aby prijali svoje uzdravenie, pri tom, ako budú prechádzať popod ruky Tvojich sluhov, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Teraz budeme ... Táto strana bude sedieť, zatiaľ čo táto strana bude tu prechádzať, potom táto strana pôjde naspäť a tá druhá strana ... No, niektorí z vás bratov tu, ktorí budete stáť hore ... Myslím že vy tu ste kazatelia, vy všetci tu. Kde je doktor ... brat Ned? Ty si mal zámer byť v modlitebnej rade, brat Ned? [Brat Ned Iverson hovorí: "Áno, ja tu stojím za niekoho iného." – pozn.prekl.] Len čo sa za teba pomodlia vráť sa do tejto rady.

Teraz, nech títo na tejto strane, tu, nech si na chvíľu sadnú, a ja vezmem tých z tejto strany, potom pôjdeme dole a vezmeme tú prostrednú radu a pošleme ich naspäť touto stranou, potom vezmeme túto uličku a pošleme ich touto cestou, a budeme sa modliť za každého.

Poprosím brata Teddyho ... Kde je? No dobre, chcem aby si tam hral: "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko." A pianista, kdekoľvek oni sú, hraj spolu s ním ak môžeš.

282Počúvajte, pamätáte sa vtedy, keď to tam bolo hrané, a na pódium bol prinesený ten malý chlapec. To Amišské dievča hralo "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko"?

Ona mala dlhé tmavé vlasy ... alebo blond, radšej, (Menomitské alebo Amišské dievča, ono) ... uložené vzadu na hlave.

283A Duch Svätý narazil na toho chlapca, práve ako som ho držal na rukách, (chromý na svoju nohu) a on vyskočil z môjho náručia a bežal dole cez pódium. Jeho matka vstala a odpadla - Menonitka, tak sa mi vidí.

284A Duch Svätý narazil na to Menonitské dievča, alebo Amišské, čokoľvek ona bola (jej otec a oni tam sedeli oblečení, ako Menoniti alebo čokoľvek oni boli), a ona vyskočila od piana so zodvihnutými rukami, a jej pekné vlasy padli krížom cez jej plecia - vyzerala ako anjel, začala spievať v Duchu. A keď ona vstala od piana, piano neprestajne hralo: "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko, súcituplný Ježiš."

285Každý kto tam stál, tisíce, dívali sa tam na tie klávesy, ako sa pohybovali hore dole a hrali: "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko, súcituplný Ježiš ..." Ľudia povstávali z invalidných kresiel, vozíkov, nosítok, a chodili. Ten istý Ježiš Kristus je práve tu dnes ráno, práve taký istý, ako bol v tej miestnosti.

Len verte teraz. Hrajte tú pieseň, ak môžete: "Ten veľký lekár." No, nech sa každý modlí. Nech oni prechádzajú rovno tu, nech idú stadiaľto, a potom rovno na svoje miesta alebo kde chcete ísť, ako idete ... Počujete to tam dobre? V poriadku, choďte naspäť na svoje miesta, potom povstaneme.

286Teraz počúvajte. Zatiaľ čo sa za týchto budeme modliť, modlite sa za nich. Potom, keď sa za vás budeme modliť za nich, oni sa budú modliť za vás. Teraz, vy kazatelia tu, zastaňte si hore. Chcem aby ste kládli ruky na týchto, ktorí budú prechádzať.

Teraz, každý, skloňte hlavy, a majte sklonené hlavy, a modlite sa; a keď tu budete prechádzať, potom ... s rukami kladenými na vás, pamätajte, to je zasľúbenie Božie, ktoré zjavuje tajomstvá tejto Knihy, tajomstvá ľudského srdca. On je Boh, ktorý to potvrdí, ak tomu budete veriť. Teraz, každý v modlitbe. No dobre, skloňme svoje hlavy.

Pane Ježišu, ako prichádzajú títo ľudia, nech moc Všemohúceho Boha oživí ich vieru, hneď ako oni tu budú prechádzať, v mene Ježiša.

Dobre, nech tá rada začne tuto. Nech každý položí svoje ruky na nich, vy kazatelia, ako oni budú prechádzať. V mene Pána Ježiša, kladiem svoje ruky ... [Brat Branham sa modlí za chorých. – pozn.prekl.]

Ó, či nie je On nádherný? Verím, že ak každá osoba, ktorá tu prechádza dnes ráno pod týmto ohromným pomazaním ... Verím. Ak sa budete dívať ... No nedívajte sa po niečom veľkom. Pamätajte len na tú jednoduchosť veriť tomu, čo On zasľúbil. A teraz to povedzme všetci spolu. My nehľadáme niečo veľké, ale v mene Ježiša prijímame jeho zasľúbenie.

1 Our heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful for this time that we can fellowship again around the Word of God in the Presence of God. We're so thankful that You're with us this morning to help us and to bless us. We ask forgiveness of our sins, that our lamps might be filled with Oil and trimmed and burning; that You would use us now to honor Your great Name, for we ask it in the Name of the beloved Son of God Jesus Christ. Amen. Be seated.

2 I was just coming in when I heard that message go forth. So I'm... It's true that we need to keep our lamps filled, keep our... You know, when they--as you burn... You can't go on what you have done now (See?), because fire burning out of oil makes a carbon; so that's the reason the trimming of the... Have your lamps trimmed, because the carbon on top of the--of the wick...

Many of you people about my age, when we used to use the--the coal oil lamp. See? They... It--it--it'd get a carbon on top where it'd burn, and therefore, it would interfere with the light. So you must keep all the carbon trimmed off and that we might press on forward towards the mark of the high calling in Christ.

3 Now, it's a--it's a great beautiful morning outside and in, as this Easter season is approaching now. And--and we're now coming up to the last Seal tonight, the Lord willing. And it's a very mysterious Seal, very, very, because it's not even... It's not even mentioned in the Scriptures nowhere, no symbols, anything to hold onto. It's got to come right direct from heaven. See?

And it--it's a kind of a straining hour for me. It has been all week. Now, this is my, be my eighth day in a room. And I noticed in here many... In these requests, I had to kind of pick out. There was many of them that was wanting interviews. And I--I love that. I'd like to--to give that now (See?), but I--I can't right now, 'cause you understand that--that the whole... What we're trying to do now is find the revelation of--of the will of the Lord. You see, and then when we have the interview, then it pulls you off over onto another side and--of something else. See?

And then, and like in prayer for the sick, that's altogether different. You... Visions and things, you study different, and you--you're anointed different. Just like in--in the Bible said there: "A--a tree that's planted by the--the rivers of water." Rivers of water.. See? Same water but there's an outlet comes this a way, this a way, and this a way. It depends on what outlet. It's the same Spirit.

7 Paul, I Corinthians 12, did the same thing, talking about there were many gifts, but it's the same Spirit. So you see, if you're working, like with one thing, then be changed to come over to this other thing over here (you know what I mean); you--you study down that line, you get the people and a...

Now, their hearts are all set. What is these Seals? Their attention's, "What is it?" Night by night when I come in here there's such a tension, till I have to talk about something else to kinda get--get it quietened (You see?), and then the Holy Spirit breaks forth the Seal. And then--then I have to... Each night like that... Then when we change that to healing or something (See?), you--the people's all set on one thing; you can't hardly change it back to the other right away.

9 And--and then also knowing that right among you, things are happening (See?) that I--I'm just... I--I know... I know you, that you don't see it. See? I'm just positive that you don't see it. See? And you say, "Brother Branham, that's a hard thing for you to say that." I know it is. But look; let me just say this now. I suppose this is just tapes for ourselves and so forth. But let me say this (See?), that you--you don't--you don't get it (See?), and you're not supposed to get it. So don't try to interpret anything. See? Don't try to put your interpretation to it. You only--you only get further away.

Just take my advice, if you believe me now. If God has--has give me favor in your sight and you know that them revelations and things... I--I've been here with you a long time, and it's always been right. And now, to double prove it right, it hooks right in with the Word. See? So you know it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's exactly. See? It's proved to you.

12 Now, take my advice as your brother: Don't put your own interpretation to anything. You just go on and live a good Christian life, 'cause you'll only wind yourself away from the real thing when you do it. See? You--you'll only wind your way again away from the thing. And all of you are conscious and know that there's something mysterious happening, and it is happening, and I know what it is.

Now, I'm not saying that. It's the grace of God that lets me know that what it is. It's something that's tremendous, and it's gone right now, and there's not a way in the world for you to see it, and it's a--I... But so help me, with this Bible in my hand, I know what it is.

14 It's been told to you before, so just--just don't try to put any interpretation but just believe me as your brother (See?); we're living in a great hour.

We're living in a time where the... Well, we're... Well, you just be real humble, be a Christian, and try to live for God, and live honest with your fellowman, and love those who don't love you. Don't try to--to make any... You see, you do, you only make it a mysterious something and mess the real program of God up. See?

Yesterday afternoon something happened in my room that I--I'll never be able to--to leave it. You see? And so, you... And about two weeks ago something happened that'll never be able to, as long as I live on this earth, I--I'll never be able to get away from it. See?

16 And so, but if the--the church, you're not supposed to know these things, so don't put no interpretation to anything. See? You just go ahead and just remember what you're told; live a Christian life. Go to your church, be a real light wherever you are, and just burn for Christ, and tell the people that how you love Him. And just let your testimony be with love all the time with the people (See?), 'cause if you don't you twist yourself out into something there, and then you're--you're off the beaten track.

See, every-time you try to do it, you've done that. See? So just don't--don't--don't try to make no interpretation. And especially tonight, when that Seal becomes up in front of you. See? Just don't try to interpret it. You just go ahead and just be humble and go right on with the same plain message. Now you say, "Brother Branham, is that... we, being the Church of the Living God, shouldn't we..."

Well, as I was trying... Look here, I want to say... Say, "Why can't I? I ought to have..."

No, no. I... Don't... You remember, I'm saying this for your good. See, I'm saying it so that you'll understand. If you believe me now, listen to what I tell you. See, see?

20 Now here, now here's a post, and that's--we'll call that a listening post (See?), and in it--got radio. See? And there's warnings and things can be done, like a sword in your hand. See? It can pick from the evil or pick from only as it's--it gets its message. See?

Now. But now, for instance, to the ordinary man, there's been so much cults and clans rise up over little outpourings of the Spirit until people gets all worked up in a bunch of stuff, go out and start another little move, and, you know, and things. See, you don't want to do that now. See?

Now, just remember, just stay the way you are. And you say, "Well, the Lord showed..." No, now just be careful. See?

23 Now, look here. Let me show you something. See? Did you know there's ten thousands of voices in this room right now, literally voices of people that's coming through the electronic waves of radio? Why don't you hear them? They're voices. Is that right? They're waving right through here now. There's people, forms, and bodies moving right through this room now. Is that right? Well, why don't you see them? They're here, actual voices, like my voice. Well, why don't you hear it?

See, it's got to strike something first to reveal it. See? Now, do you understand? So just don't interpret nothing. If God wants you to know anything, He will send it to you (See?); so just be real, real solid now. Hold still. Something has happened. And now just be real... You understand what I mean, don't you? And just be...

25 Don't try to make yourself odd to be a Christian, because (You see?), you take yourself away from God and you--you--you... If you can understand it, this is that third pull. You should've caught that the other day. See. So then just...

You remember, there'll be no impersonation like there was of the other two. See? So that's as far as you--you should know. Now just--just remember that you see now there's something taking place in this room, and there's something here, there's... There's actual in this room, Angels, voice of God (See?), but how do you... You can't... If you can't hear the natural voice without something to send it out, how are you going to hear the spiritual voice?

27 Now you might make believe that somebody is singing this certain song that might not even be there. See? But when it actually strikes the crystal that it's supposed to strike, then it gives a true interpretation and vindicates it by showing the picture. See what I mean?

Now, the Spirit of God, when it speaks through the true Word, It vindicates Itself to show Itself that It's right. You understand now? All right. Now, let's pray just again.

29 Heavenly Father, we are about to un--open the lids of this Book as the physical part of--of trying to give back to what You have opened to us in the spiritual realm. And now, I pray, God, that You will help me to give the--the right interpretation to these questions, that it might be said that--that they are--they're to help the people. They are to give them understanding.

And I pray that You'll give to me understanding that I might send it out to Your people that they might have understanding, that together we might live to the glory and honor of God through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

30 Now, I--I just wanted to say that, and I thought this thing here controlled those tapes, but it doesn't (See?), and this is a--a desk light. And I thought the tape controller used to be here. But I was told to just make motion to the brethren in the--in the room there, the recording room, and they'd know when to stop tapes and when not.

See, the tapes has a worldwide ministry everywhere (See?), everywhere. It goes into all kinds of languages and everything, so there's things that we'd say right here we wouldn't say somewhere else (You see?), and that's the reason that we stop it.

33 Now, answering questions is quite a thing. So I--I... Now, in--in--in answering this, the most of them, the most of the questions, outside of... Now, every one... Some of them don't even pertain to the message at all, but I'm going to--or the Seals at all, but I'm going to try to answer them. And they was given to me, and as they was told... I was told the most of them, or a great deal of them was about requests for prayer and the sick and afflicted and--and different things like that--that goes on, and so, it didn't pertain anything to any question to be answered. And then they--I was give a bunch that was--that was about different things (the Scripture and things). But maybe, if we have time, we'll try to answer them the best we can.

34 Now... And if I make a mistake, why, remember, it's not intended to be made a mistake. So does everybody feel good? Amen. It's just so, talk about heavenly places in Christ Jesus... What a wonderful place. What a wonderful time.

Of all the times that I've been behind the pulpit at the Tabernacle, I have never, never in any time of my ministry ever worked into the realms of God and the spiritual realms as it's been this time. Yeah, it's beyond anything I ever did in any time of my ministry, in any meeting at anywhere like this. Mostly, it's on healing; this is revealing of Truth by the same Spirit (See?) same Spirit.

36 And I--I been to myself altogether, and been boarding at a place, or going down eating at a place. And I've just been alone; so it's been really a great time.

And now, right away, either in the morning or the following morning, I, probably, if we can get through in time, I'll just pray for the sick this morning, if these questions don't last too long; so I--I must get to myself a little while. See?

The human mind can only stand so much. See? And when you get to a spot where you set a hour numbed with the Presence of God, and a Pillar of Light hanging there before you, you--you--you can't stay there too long. You see? The human being can't--can't stand it. And so...

39 Now, these questions are really nice. I appreciate... And the wisdom and things that people use... Now, for the first one... And I'll try to answer them, and then if I--if I don't get it right, well, you--you forgive me then.

And if you have a different interpretation and believe that your idea of it's right, just go right ahead; that won't hurt, because there's not only but about one or two of them that pertains to anything to salvation. It's only... Most of the questions is asked on this other side of the trib--on the rapture of the church. So see...

It's questions over here, which is to come and will come to pass over in the other parts, 'cause we're now beyond the church age in our teachings in--in the Book. We're beyond, over in the time of the calling of the hundred and forty-four thousand.

42 Now, the first one here.

1. Are the five wise virgins of Matthew 25 attendants to the--to the Bride, or are they the Bride? (See?) If these wise virgins are attendants to the Bride, where is the Bride? (See?)

Now, to the best of my understanding, these five virgins... There were ten of them, you know, that went out (See?), and this here is only a symbol or a parable (See?), that--that I'm going to tell you. See, there were ten of them. 'Course, there were more than ten; that was just made a number.

But then, the--the wise virgins had oil in their lamps; the unwise did not have oil in their lamps. So if that ten there of Matthew (if this is the--the person's question), if those ten there... Did that mean that that would be the... Or these five rather, that would be just five (See?), just five people?

No, it doesn't mean that. It's just a symbol of the virgins (You see?) of the virgin that went out with oil in her lamp; they are a portion of that Bride. And to my understanding, and then you notice now that they was the virgins of the last watch.

45 Coming down through the watches, there'd been seven watches. And in the seventh watch, the midnight hour, as we're on--striking now... See? Now, in this midnight watch, these virgins woke, and trimmed their lamps, and went in, while the sleeping virgin...

Now, this part here, this five (if that's the meaning of the question was--meaning, "Was there just five?")... And we've got many questions in here about the--the seven thousand, so forth; now, that--that was just a symbol, a part of them. And all that wakened in this last age here, the seventh watch, that--if there wasn't but--but five that wakened at that time that was translated, went in with the Bride and so forth, the Bridegroom...

Now, if they, themselves... That don't mean there's only going to be five, because they're sleeping all down through the ages as we've come this week. See?

48 In the days of--of Paul, the angel of the church at Ephesus, Paul, founding this church, being the messenger to it... Remember, Paul, founding the church at Ephesus, become the messenger to that church, and the Spirit was in the land at that time was a lion spirit. And the lion is the Lion of the tribe of Juda which is Christ, and Christ is the Word. Paul, with the Word of that age...

Thousands fell asleep in that age. That right? Then come the next age, and the--the time the church got settled down in--in dark age, the ox spirit went forth: work, labor, and sacrifice and give their lives. Thousands times thousands fell asleep under martyrdom and everything. They're waiting. See?

50 Then, and the next age come, the Lutheran, the reform age. There went the wise with the cunningness of man. If you notice, man went forth with that, and when he did, he added his own shrewdness. That's what married him into the other part. See, see? If he'd just stayed with God's wisdom, just reforming and pulling out... But what did he do? After that man that had the message, Luther, after the death of Luther, they had a Lutheran organization. After the death of Wesley, they had a Methodist organization. See? There... You keep going that way. It--it just... It does that.

Now, I want you to--to--to notice this. See? Now, someone might ask about the Pentecostal, which was the--the third age.

52 You see, each one of those ages only taken a dip into the Holy Spirit. Justification is a work of the Holy Spirit; sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, but the baptism is the Holy Spirit.

That's the reason it took a prophetic prophet to come down, no messenger to the age, 'cause the Holy Ghost came Himself in His fullness of the baptism. But at the end of the age, as it always ends upon the others, we find there then, the messenger sent; and all these scruples and things are to be placed in their places (See?), like that. Then the rapture comes for the Church.

But as many is allotting all these different things: the sun turning to darkness, the moon... They put that way back there in the Christian age. They just failed to see them three questions was asked our Lord there (See?), when He answered them.

55 Now, last night I think there's no question at all. We took each one of those questions and put them right under the Seals. And the Seals is the whole Book together Itself. You believe that, doctor? See, the whole thing just wrapped together...

And we took what Jesus said here. They asked three questions (See?): "When will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming? And what's the end of the world?" And He come right down, and we pulled them, every one, under that, but one. What was that? the Seventh Seal. Why? See, it's not known. That's it.

57 Every one of them come right out. I paralleled them right exactly back and forth, and me, when I wrote last night and got in--in there and got to... I went back to look at my old note I'd took it off--off back there, well, I seen where I put one in the other one's place; I got it, crossed them back and forth. That's what I done. I guess you caught it. You--you catch it? See?

I'd wrote down here what I was going to write over on this other side, and wrote it over here, But said... Put both of them 9, 11, or 9, 6, or what--or 6 and 11 and--and--and 9 and 11, which it wasn't so. It was vice versa, the next verse under it. See? And that was it, the answers between the pestilence and the war. You see? That's what it was.

So I was just so happy, I was just a carrying on like a... I was enjoying the stimulation from the revelation. So I--I put it just over here setting there with a pencil or a pen, and I put down 11 on both places when it shouldn't have been. I think it was 9 instead of 11 for the other side.

60 But now, did you see how perfectly they paralleled? Now, don't forget that. They parallel down to the Sixth and stopped. See? And watch the--watch the opening of the Seals that comes down to the Sixth and stops, just silence in heaven (that's all it says) for the space of a half hour.

Now, now, in these... See, I--I have to hurry up and answer these, because (See?), each one of them is a sermon four weeks long (You see?) on--on each one; you can just get off on something else. But I--I don't mean to do that, 'cause I want to get everybody's question as far as I can.

62 These virgins (See?), they're made up of... That's just part of them in that age. See? Each age has the virgins. See? The Seal... The angel comes to the church: "To the angel of the church of Ephesus, write." See?

Then get over here and then after the writing to the church of Ephesus (compare that back), a Seal's opened. That's just the way we're bringing it, try to get it all to you. See what I mean? if the Lord willing.

64 What'd I have first? Church ages. Is that right? Next thing, the message to the church ages. Everybody get that clear now? See?

First we got the church ages and got the history (laid down the Nicaea councils and Pre-Nicaea councils and everything that we could find in history), and found out that the correct interpretation of the Word was exactly with the history. And bring it on down to this day in this Laodicea, and you--you don't have to have history of that; this is making history now. See? There it is, and then showed what would be in this age.

66 Now, we come back with the Seals and open that Seal... God opens that Seal for us. What's that? First there's a messenger: church age; next is the Seven Seals.

Now, we find out the corruption that hits in the seventh church age... But the Seventh Seal doesn't reveal anything, what's going to happen to it (See?), because at the end of that church age is to come a prophetic gift to reveal these things. See? Are you following it? All right.

68 Now, notice how each one of those Seals... Then I come over here, and those three questions asked Jesus Christ: "What... When will these thing be, there won't be one stone on another? When will this be taken down, this religious center of the world, and another be set up? See? When will it be, antichrist ride?" See? And what went out to meet it? The Word, the Word against the word.

69 Then it settled down to politics and everything else; and there went the ox labor. See? That's exactly second it, then Jesus said so in Matthew 24. See? Then we come down from that to the cunningness of the reformers, the man beast went out to meet it. That's what taken place. Then we come down, the next or the Fourth Seal when antichrist become a conglomerations and had a name, Death.

Now, watch what Jesus said: "And he would throw her to the fires and even kill her children." That's death riding. That's both Protestants and Catholics: mark of death on each one of them (See?), her and her children be destroyed. So if you're depending on your denomination, you better get away from it right now.

And then when it come to the Seventh Seal, Jesus stopped right there.

71 He opened the Sixth Seal by saying the moon would be turned into blood and darkness and everything, these things would take place. We come right over here, open up the Sixth Seal. After the Sixth Seal's opened, and swing right back and show the same thing.

There you are with three different places in the Scripture, tied them together with the revelation. See? Watch. The place that Jesus said so, the place that when He opened the Book it was hid from the foundation of the world, and then the revelation of this day, here, placing it right in there, ties the three together. And three is a witness, so it's true. It's absolutely true.

73 Now, these virgins that come along here, they are the ones that fall asleep, and then the whole body's made up together of that group, that goes to make the (See?) to make the--the wise virgins. And the unwise virgins are the ones that started back there at the same time the wise virgins started, antichrist, and they are the ones that tries to buy oil.

74 Now, just look here. You see how perfect everywhere you go. If I could stand here and talk the things that's revealed in that room, I tell you, it'd swing your heads around; but how you going to do it when you got a whole thing here.

And then you, somehow or other, when you get away from people, there it begins to open up, mysteries; then you see things that you're daresn't to say to the people too, 'cause (You see?), if they would they'd start little isms.

And then just look what this little gift of healing has done, how it confused the church. Everybody had a sensation; everybody had this. And right down in my heart, God knows it's the truth, I knowed it wasn't right 'cause He told me so. See? But it's a false impersonation; it's only, throw the people off. Now, that's right.

77 Now, but, you see, you can't say those things; best to just leave it alone. And you remember the third pull; it said, "Don't tell nobody." What did I say was that... How many remembers that? Oh, sure. Remember standing there trying to lace that eyelet in that little shoe in the vision? He said, "You can't teach Pentecostal babies supernatural things."

And I said this will be the third pull and it will not be known, so help me, by the grace of God. Now, now, we're--we're right down at the end time now. Won't be too long until mercy seat will be judgment seat.

79 Why, if you see these things coming in and these people coming in, you better come in too if you're not already in. See? Now, gathered in heavenly places (See?) it also means more than just to be rejoicing. In heavenly places, if you're really assembled in Christ, it's a fearful thing.

Standing by the--that Angel of the Lord, you think you'd just be shouting and screaming. That--that's not it. It scares you to death nearly. See? So you see, there--there's a difference in just rejoicing and bubble dancing (which is all right), and then coming down to the real thing. See, see? There's where the fear... It's a fearful thing. Not that you fear that you're lost, but you're really before Angelic Being and the Holy Ghost Himself standing there.

81 Now, that will be part of the Bride; that's what it will go to make it up (See?), all those who sleep. And can't we absolutely see?

[Brother Branham is interrupted by a failure in the recording system--Ed.] ...pray now that You'll grant the healing of the people, through these handkerchiefs, lay upon. In Jesus' Name. Amen. (Now is it all right now? Thank you. Somebody step on something? Too many recorders put too much pressure on it. See? All right, just swap--just get a tape and swap the tape and make it off of that.) Now, notice now, the next question.

82 2. Should evangelists continue on the field?

In this hour, of course, what they mean. Certainly, by all means; don't change a thing. If Jesus is coming in the morning, preach today like it was going to be ten years from today, but live like it's going to be at this hour.

Don't--don't get scrupled up now. That's why I'm trying to warn you about. See? Just don't be odd, peculiar. Don't change nothing, but if you're doing something wrong, or doing evil, repent (See?), come back to God. Continue on your evangelistic service just as you always did.

84 If you're building a house, put it on up. If Jesus comes tomorrow, you'd be found faithful at the duty. If you're building your church, go on, put it up. I'd rather be putting my money in something like that than be found with it in my pocket. See? So just--just keep on; continue as you are.

Everybody understand now? Continue right on. Just go right on as you are. Now, just--just don't stop; don't do nothing. Just go right on just as you are; keep on serving the Lord.

Now, for instance, if you was--if you was working for a man and you knowed it was fifteen minutes before quitting time, "Well," you'd say, "it's just fifteen minutes more so I might as well just go over and set down." You'd get docked for that fifteen minutes.

If you're planting wheat, plant your wheat. If you're digging potatoes, go on and dig them out. Say, "Well, nobody will eat them." That don't make any difference; dig them out anyhow. Just continue on as you are.

88 I got a letter from somebody the other day. Somebody told them, said, "Well, the time's at hand. Sell the farm. Now, you won't need the food that you live off of on the farm," said, "'cause just the millennium's going to start, and you won't need it, so you just go ahead, and while the tribulation period's going on, your children's not saved so just let them... Let--let the children have the farm where they can eat off of it, but you all sell your farm and--and..." or something like that. Oh, they had...

I said, "Oh, my." If I knowed He's coming tomorrow and I was a farmer, I'd put my crop in today, sure. If He made me a farmer, I'm going to stay right at my duty. See? That's right. If He made me a mechanic... Say, "Who's..."

90 Somebody said the other day, he said... A fellow come in and said, "Say, brother, you know what?" He said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys. I've bought a new car." He said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys," told his pastor. Said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys 'cause the rapture might come, you know, and said I won't be needing it any more."

Pastor was going to miss it. You see? So that's making ready, isn't it?

All right, but that's--that's the way it is. See, we mustn't be that way. We must be a--a sane, solid Christian (See?), that I'm put here to work right up to the last minute. I've got a job to do, and I want to be right found faithful at the post of duty. If He comes this morning, I want to be standing right here in the pulpit.

92 You say, "Brother Branham, if He was to come this morning, shouldn't you be out there?"

No, sir. This is my post of duty. I'll be standing right here preaching when He comes, saying the same things I am. Then, when He comes, I'll just move right on out with Him.

If I'm hoeing potatoes, I'll just be hoeing away just as hard as I can. When He comes, I'll just drop the hoe and take off.

You remember in the jubilee year, if they was hoe--hoeing with the hoe, they just kept on hoeing. They knowed the jubilee year was maybe ten minutes more and the trumpet would sound of the jubilee year. They just kept on pitching hay or whatever they was doing; but when the trumpet sounded, then they dropped their pitchfork and gone. That's it. Just keep on pitching hay until the trumpet sounds.

95 All right. Question: According to the opening... (Did that--anything happen? It--it made a noise up here.) A question...

3 According to the opening of the Fifth--Fifth Seal, Moses and Elijah have--have to die; what about Enoch?

I don't know. See? I--I... If don't know, I'm just going to tell you I don't know. See? I--I don't--I don't know all the answers, folks; I--I don't know. And if I don't know, I'm going to tell you I don't know. If I do know... I won't tell you till I do know (See?), but I--I don't know. I've often wondered about that myself.

96 There was Enoch... I seen Moses come and Elijah comes back and they're killed. See? But now, Enoch was translated before time. I--I've often thought and wondered myself: Well, what--what about that? But then, here's the only consolation that I can say is this: Now, notice, Moses only served God forty years. See? He was a--he was a hundred and twenty, but twenty years...

The first forty years, I mean, he was getting his education. That right? The second forty years God was taking it out of him, and the third forty years he served God. See? All right. But Enoch walked five hundred years before God and was blameless (See, see?); so Moses comes back to serve some more time: him and Elijah.

Now, that--I don't say that's right. See? I just give you that for a thought. See? But I--just to say what part, I don't know. I really can't tell you what--what--what happened there or what God will do.

99 4. What is the--the name of the--that'll be on the people of Revelations 3:12?

I--I don't know. Yeah. He said give them a new name. I--I--I don't know what that is. See? It'll be probably made known when we get there, but I--I don't know what it is now. See? See, He is going to do that. See? He give them a new name that--that they just knowed themselves. See?

100 5. Now, Brother Branham, is there any Scripture permitting marriage after divorce. This is very important.

It says important. Well, that's the reason it wasn't pertaining to this. As far as I can see, my brother or sister, whoever it may be, there isn't unless your companion's dead, because the Bible said we're bound to them as long as they live. See?

So as--as far as being any Scripture, that's what was asked here: "Is there Scripture. See? Is there any Scripture?" Not as I can find. See? Not as I can find, 'cause Paul said that the--the married couple, if the companion's dead, then they're free then to marry whomsoever they will in the Lord. But until then... But watch. You take it, "Until death we part..."

That's it. You've done took an oath over that (You see?), so I don't think there is. Now, if there's--if you found some, and it's correctly why, all--all right. But as far as myself, I--I don't find any.

103 6. What does "... see thou hurt not the oil and the wine" mean in Revelation 6:6?

It's the Holy Spirit. See, we just got through that. Probably somebody, you know, come in a little late for the message, they--for the other tapes. You see? "Hurt not the oil and the wine..." What does the oil and wine mean? The oil, as we took it in symbols, means the Holy Spirit. See?

Wine is the--and oil is connected together in the Bible in worship. See? And the wine as we put... That's where I got the idea of the stimulation. Wine stimulates. And wine in its--is the antitype of its natural from stimulation is revelation.

105 Now, just think; what stimulates the church? Revelations. See? So wine, the new wine would be... Now watch. The oil and wine went together in sacrifice, went together in--in the church worship (Now, notice.), assembled together, connected together.

You that's got a concordance, you look and see a whole string where wine and oil is met together in worship. If you've got a Cruden's, why, it says that there.

Now, notice on this. But now (You see?), the oil is always the Holy Spirit. We find that over in Ezekiel, and we find it in the Old Testament; we find it all through the New Testament.

Why do we anoint the sick with oil? We anoint the sick with oil because it symbolizes the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon them. See? Also the wise virgins had oil; the unwise had no oil: Spirit. See? Now, that is the oil.

109 And then the wine... If--if--if the oil represents--represents God, God is Spirit. See? God is Word. "In the beginning was Word; Word was with God; Word was made flesh, and that was God." Now, then if the Word now in--sets here in a--a natural form... Now, the wine is the water, like the--the revelation that reveals that interpretation of the Word which stimulates the believer. You see?

My, they just got... "I've never seen it before. My. Glory." That's what? See? Stimulation (See?) of revelation. (I didn't know that till the other day setting there either. See?) Now, that's... What does the oil and wine... That was, "See that you hurt not..." That was the black horse rider, and that was during the time of the dark age, the third age of the--of the church.

Notice, and in there, there's just a little bit of it left, just a little bit, but don't hurt it. And I believe if you get that the--the Third Seal on tape, you'll--you'd find it there where we explained it in details--detail, rather.

112 7. Brother Branham, is the Lamb's Book of Life and the Book of Life the same Book?

Sure. See? 'Cause that's where... All redemption's wrote in this Book. See? Their names are in... You say, "Well, the... Our name's put on the Lamb's Book of Life, Brother Branham. I--I got it put on the other night." No, you didn't. No, you didn't. You just found out it was on there the other night (See?), because their names were written before the foundation of the world. See? That's... It's all the same Book. See?

113 8. Now. Brother Branham, is it true that--that every Jew born since Christ came will be saved, and who are the hundred and forty-four thousand? Are they the predestinated ones to be sealed with the Holy Ghost, and what is their mission?

There's about three questions in one there. But here is... First one is:

8a Is it true that every Jew born since Christ that came into the world is to be saved?

No. Nothing will be saved, only those whose names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, Jew or Gentile. See? That's all; the Book holds that mystery, and the Book is only unfolding it now, not each one's name, but what the mystery of the Book is while it's calling those names. You find... You understand that now? See?

115 The Book doesn't say, "Now, Lee Vayle is to be saved in time of this church age," or--or, "Orman Neville..." or--or whoever. No, it don't say that. It just shows the mystery, unfolds the mystery of what the thing is. But we, ourselves, by faith believe it. That's what I said the other night.

Someone said, "Well, there's no need in me trying it. Brother Branham said there's only going to be one saved out of Jeffersonville." See? Now, see, it's showing a parable. That--that--that isn't... That--that isn't it. There might be thousands saved. I don't know. I hope every one of them is saved (See?), but I don't know. But here's the way I want to believe it: I'm that one. You believe the same for you. If you don't, then there's something wrong with your faith. You're not sure what you're doing.

117 How can you... How can you walk up there in the face of death when you're not too sure whether you're saved or not? See? How can you go down here and say to this crippled man laying here, blinded and twisted up, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, rise up. Jesus Christ makes you whole"?

How can you stand that little cold stiff body laying there; that's dead and been dead for hours and hours, and laying there cold and stiff, and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, rise up to your feet"? You'd better... You have to know what you're talking about. See?

Well, they say, "Death claims everything. It's all gone." Yeah, but when the Word of God is revealed and you know it's God, that changes things. That's right.

120 Now, yes. These Jews are not... Not all the Jews will be saved. No, sir. They will not be saved, only those who... When He's speaking of--of Jew... Jew just is a name that was give to them after they left, I believe, Nebuchadnezzar over, begin to call them Jews first because the tribe of Judah was taken then and given a name of Jew. Now... Because they came down from Judaea and they got the name of Jew. But now, Israel is different. Israel and Jew is altogether different.

Every Jew... Every Jew isn't an Israelite. See? No, he's just a Jew, but then, Israel... Paul never said all Jews will be saved; he said all Israel will be saved. Why? Israel's name, that's--that's the name of redemption all the way back. See? And all Israel will be saved, but not all Judaea--Judaism will be saved. See?

122 Just like Gentiles--there'll be a... There's thousands times thousands of--of people, yes literally millions of these organizations that are called Christian, Church of Christ, and all such names as that. That don't mean one thing. Not... That don't mean they'll be saved.

People say, "Now, you've got to belong to this or that," an organization, a certain organization. "If your name isn't on our book, you're lost."

Now, that's cult. See? That's cult. See? There's only one way you can be saved, and that is not him that willeth or him that runneth, him that... That is God Who shows mercy. And God by His foreknowledge predestinated a Church to His glory, and that's the ones that's saved. That's right.

124 Now, your faith is so anchored there... You say, "Well, my faith is anchored there"; and look back what kind of a life you're living, you see you're not even fit for there, your anchor is wrong; you got it on sand instead of a rock. The first little wave will throw it off.

Let the Word be revealed in something: "My church don't teach that." That shows right then you wasn't anchored on no rock; you was in sand. That's right. So now. You see?

125 Now, and...

The hundred and forty-four thousand, are they the predestinated ones?

Yes, sir. That's Israel, spiritual Israel. Just think, there will be millions of them in there. I don't know how many's in there now. I guess the whole group, but they will not all be saved, because they are in Judaea. See?

You have any idea how many is there now? I don't know, but they're probably after this next persecution begins to rise, they're accumulating by...

128 You know, I've got a tape on them, taking west with me now to--to one of the--the Covenant Church, which is... It's just the old... Oh, I forget now. It started the... They have them down there in Africa: Dutch Reform. It's the Dutch Reform Church, the covenant is.

Now, if there is any of you setting here, I'll tell you why. You're still holding on to that old Heidelberg Catechism, and that's exactly the reason you're still--you're still Dutch Reform. See? You might polish up by an American name, but that's the thing behind it 'cause your teacher's in that same catechism, the old Heidelberg. You ask your pastor if that isn't right. See?

129 So now, notice this. "The hundred and forty-four thousand, they are predestinated ones to be sealed by the Holy Ghost." Yes, sir, that's exactly right. All right. So now if there's any... Now, if I'm--if I didn't answer it to suit you, why, maybe I--I could be wrong. See, but it's just to the best of my knowledge. You see? This is the best of my knowledge.

130 9. Brother Branham, as you have travailed or trav--on the serpent's seed... (Oh, oh, I never noticed this one. This one slipped up on me.)... serpent's seed this week, will it be in order to ask this question? My friends have asked me to explain Genesis 4:1 and I can't. Will you help me?

It's--it's off of the subject, but anyhow I--I'll--I'll try my best by the help of God. Let's see now. Let me polish up just a little bit. I think that's where she said, "I got a son from the Lord," I--I believe it is. I think Eve said that there. I going to check to be sure, 'cause I said the other night, seven--instead of seven hundred instead of seven thousand, so...

131 It makes me so nervous. See? And you just have to be watching,

and the enemy on every side, and you--you're conscious of that. You see? (Yes, that's it.)

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have begotten a man from the Lord.

Now, I'm just going to answer you a question, my brother or sister, and now remember, not throwing to you, no. I'm trying to help you. See? I love you, and I love the person who might've been a critical on it, but I don't think this person's critical. They said, "Help me." (See?), because the people believes it, but they're just not sufficiently posted by the Spirit to know what to say to the person that's asked them that.

133 Now, she's saying here... What the question is, no doubt, that they're saying, "Eve said she gotten this man from the Lord." How do you think life could ever come if it didn't come from the Lord, be it right or wrong?

Who sent... Who sent Judas Iscariot into the world? Tell me that. The Bible said he was born the son of perdition. Just ask them that one; be like the worm in a lemon. See, see? Now, you see, they can't--can't... It is...

135 Notice. Then if you want to take them a little more technic. Look, Eve talked here, if you want to take it in the language that's here which is written so it's hid from the eyes, wise and prudent... Eve, here, the way it's taught, that God was the One that she begotten this son by, and He's a Spirit, and He can't do it. See?

Now, watch here. If you want to notice that. "I have gotten a--a man from the Lord." See? You can't make it sound any... But it's got to have its right interpretation. See? Yes, sir.

No, sir. If that... Then the spirit... And we always follow the nature of our parent. You know that. Look at a baby, its nature. Well then, Adam was a son of God. Eve was a daughter of God. Right, the first thing of the creation of God which could not have one speck of--of evil anywhere about... Evil wasn't even known. Then why was Cain a liar, a murderer, and everything else? Where'd that come from? Just ask yourself that question. That was the serpent's seed. You see? Don't the Bible say so?

138 Watch his seed all the way down. In that he become... Who does the world belong to? The devil. Who controls it now? The devil. Exactly right. The devil controls the world. He told Jesus, said, "See how pretty it is, and all the glory. I'll give it to you if you worship me." See? He is the controller of it. Now, he owns it.

Now watch. His children are wise: devil's children. Or take Cain's children, if you want to, and bring it right down through the genealogies, and you'll find out that they were smart men, every one of them. But now, when he killed Abel, and God give him back Seth was the type of the righteous to redeem being dead and raise again. And from there...

140 Now watch, Not from the first seed of the natural, they died. (Now, you got your minds open? See?) The first seed of the natural seed, just ordinary good, it typed the modern church: Abel. In order to preserve that line coming down, that one died so another one could raise up (You see?), so it has to be rebirth again. You catch it? All right, just so you get it. See, see?

There you are, the perfect type. So even the natural man born of--of Adam, his father, shows that natural trend won't work. The natural man don't perceive the things of God. So there was a man come natural and died in order to restore that again, and is represented in the death of--of--of Abel and to replace him by--by Seth.

142 And watch what kind of a people that was now, that spirit brought forth from him: humble, farmers, sheepherders. Watch what come from this wisdom of the world here: smart men, builders and with metals and all kinds of smart intelligence and things. Look where they wound up. They were down there, and God destroyed every one of them--every one of them, and saved the humble.

Didn't Jesus say in Matthew 5, "the meek shall inherit the earth"? So then don't worry; they haven't got one foot to stand on. See, they don't believe that be Cain's son; but we have got a tape on that if you'd like to hear it explained in detail. See? No, sir.

144 And I seen they've got a piece of paper up there where that science has now going to prove that Eve never eat a apple; she had an apricot. (See?) I got the paper up there at home now (See?); it was an apricot. How--how far can people... That's a carnal mind? (See?); that actually Moses never crossed the water; he crossed through a sea of reeds, brought Israel across at the upper end of the Dead Sea. There's a bunch of reeds there, a whole sea of reeds that just where the water's been at one time--went down. And Moses took a short cut and went around that way. And the orthodox churches accepted it. You seen that. The orthodox churches accepted it that that was so.

Oh, man, can't you see that seed of the serpent, that antichrist, the whole thing laying right there? Sure. Yes, sir.

145 Brother Branham, please pray for my little... (Well, that's a prayer request, I see.)... pray for my little grandson, very ill with the flu. He is in the Riverview Hotel.

Lord Jesus, this poor person here never wrote that just in vain. She seen You just deliberately remove even rheumatic fever from a little boy the other night. She knows that You're the great God, and we offer our prayers for that little boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ may he be healed. Amen.

When somebody writes anything, it's not in vain. They--they--they got a... No matter how simple it sounds to us, and how much, how it is, but--but there's something behind it. You see? That lady... that little boy... something.

148 10. Is the Elijah who comes to preach to the Jews the real man who lived on the earth, or will he be the spirit of Elijah in some other man? (Now, that's, I--I'm afraid to say. I don't know. See? Let me read that again.) Is the Elijah who comes to preach to the Jews (oh, yes) the real man who lived on earth, or will he be a spirit of Elijah in some other man?

Now, if I could answer that correctly, I could tell you about Enoch (See?), but I--I can't do it. You see? Only thing I know is just the Scripture said it, what it will be. And now, it might be that the... Now, I'm kindly inclined... (Now let me say it this way, and I hope the tapes, the brethren on the tapes, will understand this). I'm inclined to believe that it will be anointed men of their spirit; because (See?), he says, "Does not (on Elisha)... does not the spirit of Elijah rest on Elisha? See? The spirit of Elijah... And he done just like Elijah did (See?), so I... But I can't say that's true. I--I don't know. See? I'm honest with you; I don't know.

149 11. Brother Branham, would you please answer this one for me about baptism: Matthew 28:19 teaches the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; and Peter in Acts 2:38, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. When was this change come about in Acts of the Apostles? Now, I believe in the Lord Jesus.

Well, brother or sister, ever who wrote it, there--there was no change come about. See? But Peter done exactly what Jesus said do. Now, if somebody come and say, "Use the titles of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"; they did what Peter said not do, but what God said not do. See? Now, Jesus said that it... We'll just--just take a little bit, where, I want to just to show you something here. Notice.

150 Now notice, if you're here (the person)... I'm going to put three pieces of material here. Now look, this is the Father, this is the Son, this is the Holy Ghost as trinitarian people believe them, believe that they are three separate individuals. They believe that. See?

Well then, now let me... And then in Matthew 28:19, Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He..." (No, I beg your pardon; I'm quoting Acts now, or and Acts 2, I believe--no, Luke 24:49 I'm quoting.) He said... Let me read it, then I've got it (See?) and then... 'Cause the other day I said that when it didn't, I want to be sure I get this right. I--I know the title of what you're saying there, but I want to get just what He said. Let's begin at the 16th verse of the 29th.

Then as the eleven set at meat... or the... Then the eleven... went away into the Galilee, into the mount where Jesus had appointed them.

And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power in heavens and in earth is given unto... All powers is given unto me in heavens and in earth.

Now, where's the power of God? Where's God at? If all the power out of heaven and all the powers in earth has been given, now where's God at? There He is. See, that's what's talking to you. See? All right.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

153 Now, the trinitarian sphere of that. "I baptize you in the Name of the Father, in the Name of the Son, and in the Name of the Holy Ghost." That's not even in holy Writ. See? He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of... Not in the... They put a Name before each one--one Name. (Watch here.) Didn't say, "Baptize them in the names; N-a-m-e, one name: in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. See?

Now, I want to ask you. Is Father a name? [Congregation answers "No."--Ed.] Is Son a name? [Congregation answers "No."--Ed.] How many fathers is here? Which one of you's named "Father"? How many sons are here? How many humans are here? See? Well, which one of you is named "Father, Son, or human?" See?

155 Like a woman said one time, she said, "Brother Branham, the Holy Ghost is a name; It's a person."

I said, "Yes, sir. I am a person, but my name's not Person." I am a person. See? My name's William Branham, but I am a person. The Holy Ghost is a Person; that's what it is. It's not a name; it's a title of the Person of God. See? It's a title to the personality of God, what He is.

Now, now, if He said: "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Ghost," not in the name of the Father, name of the Son, name of the Holy Ghost, or, not in the names of the Father, and of the Son, the Holy Ghost; but in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

And if Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is no name, then what about it? Say, if "Its name." Which one of... You want to call one of them a name, which name is it? If you want to call the title a name, then which name, which title is it you want to baptize--the Father or the Son? It's singular. See it?

159 Now, we turn over here in... And that's the last book of Matthew. Like if I always explained it... If you read a love story, and said, "John and Mary lived happy ever after." See, it's because you never--you don't know who John and Mary is? Go back to the first of your story. Find out who John and Mary is. See?

Now, that's what you're doing here in Matthew. You're only reading the last part of it. Go back to the first of Matthew and read what the story is--that's the last chapter of Matthew and the last verses.

Like you picked up a book and say, "John and Mary lived happy ever after. That was John Jones and--and Mary So-and-so. That was... No, that was John... That was John Henry and that was So-and-so. This is John Somebody and--and So-and-so." Now, you don't know yet. You see? The only thing to do to be sure is go back in the book and read it. See? You can't pick up a piece here. You got to put the whole thing together to make the picture.

162 Now, go back to Matthew the 1st chapter, and it goes and gives the genealogies, coming down, 1st chapter; then it gets down to the 18th verse that says:

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:... (Is that right?)

Now, I want to ask you something. Now, listen again; you--you call it. Who's this? God the [Congregation replies, "Father"--Ed.], God the [Congregation replies, "Son"--Ed.], God the [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost"--Ed.] Now which one is this? [Congregation replies, "Father"--Ed.] Which one is this? [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost"--Ed.] Which one is this? [Congregation replies "Son"--Ed.] Son. All right. Now, we got it. Now what did you say this was? God the Who? [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost"--Ed.] Holy Ghost, all right. Now, all right.

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When... his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with a child of the... [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost."--Ed.]

164 Now, I thought you said God was His Father. Now, there's something wrong here. He can't have two fathers. You know that, you know. See? Now, there's something wrong. Now, which one of these men, if they're three persons, which one of them is His Father? The Bible says here plainly, "She was found with a child of the Holy Ghost." God, the Father, had nothing to do with it. And Jesus said God was His Father, and we know God was His Father, then He had two fathers. And then He's illegitimate sure enough. Now, see where you got yourself? Now...

Then Joseph her husband, being a just man,... not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privately.

But while he thought on these things,...

165 Remember he was a good man now, and the hand of the Lord is at hand right now. Them who are predestinated will catch it. See?

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream,... (Are you following me in your Bible? All right.)... saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of... (God the Father. Did I misread that? Sure did.)

That which is conceived in her has nothing to do with God the Father; it's the Holy Ghost. And now, we know that God was His Father. Is that right? So what is it? The Holy Ghost is God's Spirit, of course. Now, you've got it. See?

167 God the Father and the Holy Ghost is the same Person or He had two daddy's; and then what--what kind of person you worship? What kind of God you got now? See, see? God the Holy Ghost and God the Father is the selfsame Spirit.

And she shall bring forth a son,... (this Fellow here)... and thou shalt call his name... (What? His Name. Now remember, His Name.) JESUS: for he shall save his people for--from their sins.

Now this was all done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet,... (to who the Word comes to)... saying,

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they... called his name Emmanuel, which is being interpreted, God with us.

168 What is the Name of God? What is the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? The Bible said Jesus was His Name. Then the fellow here trying to debate it once here in the Tabernacle, said, "Brother Branham has wiggled out of all of them; he won't this one." Said, "here it shows three different persons exactly, perfectly." Said, "Matthew, 3rd chapter, here was John standing, preaching. Here come the Son walking up to be baptized. He went into the water, and was baptized by John, went back up out of the water, and 'Lo,' he said, 'the heavens was opened unto Him,' and he said, 'down from heaven came the Holy Ghost like a dove descending, and a voice from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom...'" Three distinct persons right at one time." Oh, my.

169 You know, It just goes to show that people without the baptism, and not called to the office of--of a--a minister has no business to be in the pulpit. That's right. I--I--I could take that person, now, by the help of God and tie them in such a knot it'd make their head swim. Look, I don't care what... (Now, I don't mean... Now, that don't sound right. Forgive me. I didn't mean that, Lord; I didn't now... I--I felt Him check me on that. See? So I didn't mean to say it that way. I'm--I'm sorry.) I believe that the Holy Spirit could reveal to that person some secret; that sounds better. See?

Just like tuning an instrument, when you do something wrong, you can tell it as a Christian. You said something wrong; He didn't like that. See, that was putting me in there. See? I ain't in the picture at all. I'm just--don't even want to be myself or nothing; it's Him. Let Him do the work. He does the sounding; the trumpet's a mute. The voice behind it, one that gives it the sound.

171 Now, looky here. The man misinterpreted the Word. See? Remember, it's hid from the eyes of wise and prudent, revealed to babes. Now, here is that one Person, Jesus Christ, standing on earth. Now heaven, 'course, is atmospheres above.

Now watch. And John bear record... Now that man's got, say here's God the Father, and here's God the Holy Ghost, like a dove, and here's God the Son, making three persons. It's wrong. John, standing back here, knowed this was the Lamb.

John said, "I bear record seeing the Spirit of God like a Lamb." There's God the Spirit... Like a dove, I mean. (Now, there's the same thing I said the other night. You see?, instead of seven hundred, seven... See?) The Spirit of God--this was the Lamb here. And the Spirit of God--the Dove was God. The Spirit of God descending from heaven, and a voice from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell in." "All powers in heaven and earth is given unto My hand." See? That's Him. Now what was His Name? [Congregation answers, "Jesus"--Ed.] Certainly. See?

174 So, as far as the trinitarian's theory of being three different gods, that's heathenism. That never was taught in the Bible. It never was taught in the Lion message, but it was adopted in the next, which was antichrist. Ask anybody you want to, any theologian. That never did come only through the doctrine of the Nicolaitane.

There is why it come out with Martin Luther. That's why it continued on with John Wesley and poured on down into the Pentecostals. In the day that the Pentecostal come out, they got the Jesus Only group. Now, that's wrong again. How can Jesus be His own Father? See? So it knocks that out.

176 But there's supposed to be an Eagle time come. See? That's the time it's to straighten all those mysteries out. See? Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is titles of the Lord Jesus Christ (Watch), all three of them.

Matthew said, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost..."

Peter said, "Lord Jesus Christ..." Who is the Father? "The Lord said unto my Lord, 'Set thou on My right hand.'" Is that right? Father, Son--Jesus, Holy Ghost--the Logos that went out of God. Father, Son, Holy Ghost is absolutely three titles of the Person of God manifested in--in--in three different ways or three attributes of Himself.

And to make it plain to someone who wouldn't understand, it's like three offices of the same God. Actually, it's three attributes of the same God, God acting in three different... Under the Fatherhood, under the Sonship, under the Holy Ghost dispensation... God is perfect in three.

179 You remember the antichrist number, four? See? God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is absolutely Lord Jesus Christ. When you baptize in the Name of Jesus only, that's wrong, just baptize you in the Name of Jesus, that's absolutely wrong.

I'm acquainted with many Jesuses. Why, the Latin countries are full of them: Jesuses. But this is the Lord Jesus Christ. It tells exactly Who He is.

There's many Branhams, if you want to talk about me personally. But I'm--I'm the one William Marrion Branham. That's--that's me. But there's many other William Branhams and so forth around. But this is distinctly calling one person, the Lord Jesus Christ (See?), the anointed One. There's only one of them.

Now that's right. So if there's any farther on that, write a letter or something, or--or sometime when I'm on other questions... I want to try to get this so I can see if we can get to some of these sick people that's suffering, prayed for.

183 12. Brother Branham, if this question is not--is not fit--does not fit in the... do not answer. (That's nice. I appreciate it.) What children--what children go in the rapture, if any small ones? Thank you.

They never signed no name. Now, if you don't, it's not necessary. But look, when God puts a name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, there's not nothing in the world can rub it out, because it's wrote with the ink of the Blood of Christ. Be it this big, that big, or that big, or whatever it might be, it goes just the same. See?

184 All children, all the church, everything there is and... God, by His foreknowledge... Now, we don't know. You say, "Brother Branham, can you prove that you're there?" No, sir. I cannot prove it. God could use me for a tool of something else, and use you the same way. But I believe, and by faith I am saved, not by knowledge I'm saved: by faith. That's the way you're saved. That's the way we're all saved.

But remember, God is infinite. Do you believe that? Infinite... By being infinite, that makes Him... And then He's omniscient. Do you believe that? "Omniscient" means "He knows all things." He can't be--He can't be omniscient without being infinite. See, there never was nothing but what He knowed. He knowed every gnat would ever be on earth, and how many times it would bat its eyes, and how much tallow it would make--how much all of them make together.

186 He knowed every breath that you'd breathe and how deep it would go in your lungs; that's infinite. Now, if He's infinite, that makes Him omniscient. Is that right? And if He's omniscient, that makes Him omnipresent, because He knows just exactly the minute, hour, time to the split instance of fifty-five thousandth of a second to when it's going to happen. See? Get the idea now? Then He knows all things; and that's the reason He has all power, knows all things, and can do all things.

Now, let's see. Now, and all the children that God... every one that God, when they... Now remember, when was Jesus, the Bible said...

188 Now we know that Jesus was slain about AD 30. Is that right? About... It was about the middle of--of the--the year, I guess, AD 30. Now, but the Bible said that He was slain before the world was ever created. And your name... When the Lamb's Book... When the Lamb was slain to redeem this Book... (Here's a great thing now. It might cause stimulation.) Look. When the--when the--when the Lamb...

Now, remember, the Bible said, the Lamb's Book of Life was written before the foundation of the world, and your name was put in--was in that Book when the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world to redeem every name that was written in that Book. See? You got it now?

See, there ain't nothing out of order. It's working just exactly like God's big timepiece (See?), like a clock moving right around. Your name was put in there before the foundation of the world, when the Lamb was slain to redeem what was in that Book. And now, He comes forward and takes that Book to claim His redemption. (Now, I don't want to get started there; we never would answer another question today.) All right.

191 13. Question: Is hell and the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone the same?

No. Hell, translation in the Bible, I believe... Now, there's scholars setting here. And I want to honor that, our Brother Iverson setting here, and Brother Vayle, and many of these brethren who are really theologians. The word translated, "hades" means "the grave." Is that right? The Greek word for the grave... But the lake of fire is something else, because over in Revelations, both hades and all was cast into the lake of fire. See? All right. Now, let's see.

192 14. If not, is the lake of fire and hell eternal?

No, sir. No, sir. Anything that was created is not eternal. No, anything that's created... That's the reason there cannot be an eternal hell. If anybody ever tells you that you're going to burn in an eternal hell, I want the Scripture for it. See? There's no such a thing as that.

Hell was created for the devil and his angels, for the antichrist and his people; that was the devil, the incarnate devil. It was created for that to destroy. And anything that had... Anything... There's only one thing at all out of everything there is, the whole world and everything else; there's only one thing eternal, and that's God.

194 Before there was an atom, or electrons, or before there was even cosmic light, electrons, or anything, He was God. He's the Creator. And that's the only way you can be eternal, is to receive Eternal Life; that Greek word there, I think, is Zoe. Isn't that right? Zoe, Zoe. And then that--that Life God imparts to you, as the father, your father imparts his life to you through the--the marriage vow with mother--and he, by that, imparts the--the joy of imparting (Catch me?), of the imparting life for a son.

And that's the way God does: a joy in imparting His Life to a son. See? And then you become part of Him which is Zoe, God's Own Life. "I give unto them Eternal Life--raise them up at the last day." That's the only thing that--that... He got Eternal Life; and that Eternal Life knows its body, and it must have to come forth. That... It can't... It's impossible for it to lay there.

196 As the Spirit of Christ hovered over the body (God's Spirit over Christ at that great day), It knowed it would raise up again, so is the saints in their body.

Now remember, Jesus, when He died, He went to hell, 'cause He had to go there; there was a sin barrier, and He preached to the souls that were in hell that repented not in the long-suffering in the days of Noah. Is that right? He went to hell and preached to the souls, the separated souls from God. "Death" means "separation." And they had separated from God, never could be back no more. And Jesus went to bear record that He was the One that was spoke of, the--the woman's seed.

The serpent's seed... See what the serpent's seed done? Antichrist winds up in death, separation, the red horse. The woman's seed, Life, ends up on the white horse: Jesus Christ. See? What is it? One against the other: serpent's seed against the woman's seed. You get it now?

Oh, we could stay a little while on that. Wouldn't that be good? But let's stay with this.

199 15. Brother Branham, does the first horse rider, First Seal, fulfill II Thessalonians, the revelation of the man of sin?

Yes. That's right. That's does. That easy. That does. That's the man of sin, this same man, just keeps in--in stages riding on until he gets on a pale horse that's called death. Christ comes on down through justification, sanctification to the white horse, and that's to get Life. You see?

200 16. What happened to the born again believers who are in the various denominations but not in the Bride of Christ? What happens to them?

Well, I think we explained that awhile ago. See? They go into the tribulation. They are martyred in the tribulation, come up in the last after the Millennium for their judgment (See?), because the Bible said that the rest of the living... the rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years was expired. Then there was a resurrection, and then come forth the both just and unjust and was judged by Christ and the Bride. He came to the earth with ten thousands times ten thousands of His saints (Is that right?), His Bride.

Judgment was set, the books was open... Books was open, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life. He separated from there the goats from the sheep. Is that right? That had nothing to do with the Bride. She was standing right there in judgment with her Queen--the Queen and King together.

201 He came with His saints; ten thousands times thousands ministered to Him: His wife; then judgment was set. And then the sheep was separated from the goats. (You remember the other night me bringing that little meditation, so you'd understand it, "The Cowboy Meditation"? See? There you are.) No, they are... That's the...

They the--the--the church, the people that's in denominations that are--are genuine Christians who's receives the message... And they will never see it. It'll never be preached to them. And those in a mixed crowd (who it is preached to), it'll go right over the top of their head unless their name was on the Lamb's Book of Life. That's right.

But they will be good people, and they'd be raised up again and given trial, and be judged by the very group that preached to them. Don't you know the saints will judge the earth? They'll be preached to. See? They'll be preached to by the very same people witnessed to them of the message to come out of it. See? (I hope that explains it. I've got so many here that...)

204 17. Brother Branham, is the Seventh Angel with the spirit of Elijah, the same man as the Elijah sent to the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews during the three and one-half years after the rapture? Some of us are mixed up in this.

No, he isn't the same (See?); it's two different men. The Elisha that come in the form of Elijah was not Elijah. And the spirit of Elijah who came upon a man called John the Baptist, was not Elijah. And the man of the seventh angel messenger at the end of the Laodicean Age, will not be the literal Elijah. He will be a Gentile to his people.

Elijah will... The spirit of Elijah then, coming in the--into the people there, he will be a Jew (See?), for they are sent to their own people. That's my revelation.

205 The reason I... Of Tommy Osborn, when we talked that over that time (Tommy and I); I never knowed. I was just praying for the sick, and I come up there, and there was a lady coming down from the Fort Wayne Gospel Tabernacle, a missionary in the foreign fields. Her breast was that big--was just eat up with cancer; and she was right there in the little house where we used to live, up there in the lane. And I prayed for the dear sister, and she was healed and returned to the field.

And when she come from Africa, and she had left a little book there on missions. I'd--I thought, "Well, missionaries are fine"; and I've--I've never thought much about missionaries and so. I thought, "Well, it's just an office of God out there, so that's--this is my place right here on Eighth and Penn Street," so I was just carrying on the best I could.

208 But one day, setting in the study, I picked up that book and it had a picture of a--of the Negro race, an elderly old father, and he had this little white rim of hair, and underneath was written like this: "White man, white man, where was your father? (See?) I'm now old and dull at mind, and I don't understand too well. If I would've known Jesus when I was a young man, I would've took Him to my people."

Well, I read it, and something just kept saying, "Read it again. Read it again." I kept reading... You've had them times; read it over and over. There's something in there.

Like up there that day at Green's Mill, when I come out of the cave, I couldn't understand that, how people could speak with tongues and shout and with the genuine Holy Ghost, and still be antichrist, speak with tongues, with genuine Holy Ghost, and tongues speaking and still be a devil. That's right. I can prove that to you. Yes, indeedy.

211 And then notice, when they did that. So tongues is no evidence of the Holy Ghost; it's one of the gifts of the Holy Ghost. See? And the devil can impersonate everything He's got, Divine healing and everything else. He said, "Many will come to Me that day, say, 'Lord, haven't I cast out devils; haven't I (That's preaching the Gospel.)--haven't I done mighty works in Your Name, and all these things there.' I will say, 'Depart from Me you workers of iniquity. I didn't even know you.'" See?

The Bible said that the rain falls on the just and the unjust the same. And the same cocklebur standing in the wheat field there, can be as happy and shout with the same water that fell upon him as the--both sent to the rain; but by their fruits you know them.

212 That little old cocklebur can stand up there just as happy and shouting as he can be, just as full of the same rain that the wheat is. There you are. So they can shout, speak with tongues, and impersonate everything they want to, in that day be called workers of iniquity.

As I told you awhile ago, listen to what I say; listen close. Look back down; examine yourself with the Word and see where you're at. You women that's got short hair, let her grow. If you're wearing shorts, take them off. Act like a lady.

If you men are still smoking cigarettes and run to pool halls, stop it. I don't care how much you profess. If you're still holding that organization and saying, "This is it," and "this is it," you'd better stop. Look back down and examine it with the Word. We're getting plumb out of... We ought to lived above the short hair and all this age now; we're back into something now that God's revealing the hidden mysteries that's been put on the Book before the foundation of the world.

And those who have obeyed in these small things will catch it in these other things. If they haven't, it'll go over the top of your head as far as the east is from the west. It'll just...

217 Like Gideon separating his men, there's thousands and thousands. God said, "That's too many. Separate them again." He gave them another test, and separated them again, separated them again, and on down till he had a little handful. He said, "That's the group I want to do the job." That's exactly what happened.

Pentecostal women, going back and forth, setting there, hearing and knowing by the Word that's wrong. You think they'll cope with it? No, sir. Every year when I pass by, there's more with bobbed hair than there was when I started. Said, "What's that got to do... You ought to..."

Someone said, "Why, Brother Branham, people regard you as a prophet." Now, I don't say I was a prophet. Nobody hears me say that; but I say this, that if--if you did do that, if you regard it... Said, "Why don't you teach people how to receive the Holy Ghost and how to get this and how to get great spiritual gifts and help the church?" How can I teach them algebra when they won't even listen to their abc's? That's right. You do these little things. Get down here at the bottom and brush it off and start right. Amen. Glory.

220 What was I talking about anyhow? Let's see. I didn't mean to get off that subject. Excuse me. See? All right. "Some of the--some of us are mixed up. Is the Elijah the same as the..."

Yeah, uh-huh; that's right. No, this Elijah that will come to the Gentiles will be a Gentile anointed with that spirit, because God used that same spirit to bring His people out of chaos every time, and has served His purpose well, so He comes it right back down again, because (See?)--'cause now if He uses high-polished, educated, that's the kind it would catch.

He brings a man that hardly knows his abc's and can't pronounce his words right and everything like that, some old wilderness something out yonder somewhere, and brings it in and shoves it right down to that simpleminded people and they get it [Brother Branham snaps his fingers--Ed.], like that. If it comes polished...

222 Like Paul said, "I didn't come to you with the polish of an education, but I come to you in the power of the resurrection." It taken God three and one-half years down in Arabia there to knock it out of him--his education. Took--took Him forty years to get it out of Moses. See? So there you are. That's... I don't say God don't... I'm not supporting illiteracy now, but I'm--I'm trying to tell you it don't take the education; it don't... The wisdom of this world is contrary...

Education has been the biggest hindrance that the Gospel's ever had. If we didn't have education, we wouldn't have all these big seminaries and things that we got now, it'd be people simpleminded who'd listen to the Word; but they're so polished and messed up, and tightened up out there with all them organizations, till that they're going to stay with it, that's all. They take on that spirit.

Did you ever take a good woman, marry into a lowdown man, that lowdown man either becomes a--a good man like the woman is, or the woman becomes lowdown as he is. See? That's right. That's the reason He said, "Come out from among them." when getting ready to take that rapture. You've got to have some kind of faith that'll take you out of here.

225 18. When was the covenant of Daniel 9:27 confirmed for a week?

One half of it was confirmed, the covenant, when Jesus Christ was on earth preaching to the Jews. He never went to the Gentiles at all. And He told His disciples, "Don't go to the Gentiles"; that was to the Jews alone. See? And He preached for three and a half years--that's half of the seventy week, now, as Daniel said He would do.

Now remember, He was firmly a-vindicated to the Jews, but their eyes were blinded to bring in this space of the Gentiles. Can't you see the whole program? See? And He proved Himself a prophet, done just exactly what the prophet would do, showed them a sign of prophet; which your own Word said, "If a man says he's spiritual or a prophet, watch what he says; and if it comes to pass (just keep on coming to pass, what He said, continually)...

227 Like you look in the Bible, it says, "Knock, and it'll be opened, seek, find, ask, be given." Now, if you'll notice, it's knocketh, just constantly knock [To illustrate, Brother Branham repeatedly knocks upon the pulpit--Ed.], stay right there like the unjust judge wouldn't answer the woman, he just kept knocking on her door. Saying, "I'm on your hand." Not seek, say, "Lord, I'd like to have this. Amen." That's not it; stay right there till you get it. You know it's going to come. So He promised it, so just stay right there till you hold onto it. See?

Now, now, in the last part, the seventieth week, the last part of it will be during the time of the tribulation period, after the rapture of the Church. Then there is the three and a half years here that it will be confirmed to them again by prophets (See?), Moses and Elijah: Revelations 11.

227a Now, let's see what this is.

19. If you are one of His chosen ones, will you go up in the Bride?

Yes. Yes, sir, that's easy.

228 20. Brother Branham, did you mean to say seven thousand who had not bowed their knee to Baalim, or seven hundred?

Seven thousand, I meant to say. Forgive me for that. See? It's just a... It's just a manner of speech. I was just... Like I said awhile ago... Did you notice me stand here, and I said, "And they bear record seeing the Lamb..." See, see? The Lamb was on earth: (see?) bear record seeing the Spirit of God coming upon the Lamb.

229 Now, in there it says, "This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased." You see? Now, that's wrote in the actual form of the Greek, putting verb before adverb; but you notice here, it'd actually be this... Now, just take the Word. See? The Bible says, in the translation of St. James here: "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell." But actually, if we'd say it like we'd say it today: "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." You'd turn it around. See, see? "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell." See? Now, we'd say it today: "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in," (See?) same word just turns it around. See?

230 Now, yes I meant... Forgive me, please. I... And--and brethren, you on the tape out there, and friends, listen: I didn't mean to say that like that. I--I--I'm a minister of the Gospel; I... Many times as I've preached that, I knowed that was seven thousand. I just happened to say seven hundred. I didn't mean just seven hundred, I meant, you... I just didn't read it out of the Scripture. It just come to my mind while I was talking, and I just said seven hundred instead of seven thousand. I make them mistakes all the time. I'm--I'm a--sure a dummy, so you forgive me. See? I didn't mean to do that.

231 21. Is the Bride of Christ and the Body of Christ the same?

Yes, sir. See? Now, here... Now, see, I don't want to get started on it, 'cause I get a--preach a sermon on it. See? But I won't do that, but I want to show you. When God gave Adam his bride from his side, he said, "She is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone." Is that right?

When God give Christ His Bride (the Spirit gave the flesh, the Bride) He was plush--pierced in the side under His heart, and water, Blood, and Spirit came forth; that become flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. We are the flesh and bones; the Bride will be the flesh and bones of Christ, exactly. They are the... That is His Bride.

233 22. Would the Bride of Christ have... Would the Bride of Christ have a ministry before the rapture?

Sure. That's what's going on right now. See? The Bride of Christ... Certainly. It is the Message of the hour (See?), the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's consist of apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. Is that right? That's the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's got a ministry, great ministry; it's the ministry of the hour; it'll be so humble...

234 Now, remember. How many was here at the first when I--was at last Sunday? See? Remember what I preached on? Humility. Oh, don't forget that. (I'm going to stop a minute to warn that again.) Remember, when God predicts anything great to happen, the people are looking so far away by their wisdom till they miss what happens. When God says anything is great, the world laughs at it: "That bunch of ignoramuses." That's right. But when the great world and the great high church said, "Boy, that's glorious." God says, "A bunch of ignoramuses." So, see, you have to watch... I don't mean it maybe of that way, exactly that way, but that's the way it is.

Look. Here was a great, holy orthodox church. "We know the Word; we've got schools; we got seminaries. We got our men so polished, why, for hundreds of years we've been loyal to Jehovah. We are the church; we're the Sanhedrin. We got the Council of Churches here, both Pharisees and Sadducees, and all the denominations gathers up together," (like we're getting... See?). "We're all in one--the Council of Church. We are the big shots here. We know that's Scriptural. Watch some little ignorant guy down there on the river with a beard hanging over his face and a piece of sheepskin telling us?"

236 Certainly they wouldn't listen to it. But the Bible said in Malachi the 4th chap--or the 3rd chapter: "I'll send My messenger before My face to prepare the way for Me." Seven hundred and twelve years before there, John... Oh, the great prophet of Isaiah stood there and said, "There'll be a voice of one crying in the wilderness. Prepare the way for the Lord and make His paths straight." That's right.

And said, and... Oh, many of them, said, "Every high place will be brought down."

"Oh," they said, "there'll be a... When this man comes, He will point His finger and He will move mountains. Oh, and all the low places, the ditches, will be brought up. Then all--that's all the rough places will be smoothed out. Brother, we'll plant corn in every field around here, and, oh, we're going to do great things when this man comes." See?

238 They was expecting God to take the crank and turn it on, bring the corridor down, say, "Come on down, you great forerunner of--of My Messiah." And then as soon as he's gone, they pull it back up. And his ministry's over, they crank it down again and put it right down here beside the seminary, and say, "All right, My beloved Son, walk down and tell them." See? Oh, my.

Look, when He come by. Whatever happened? Here come a man that knowed none of their schools, didn't even have a fellowship card, oh, didn't have no credentials. No. Nobody ever knowed He ever went to school a day in His life. You couldn't even tell it by His talking. He didn't even talk in terms of--of ecclesiastics. He talked about serpents, axes, and wilderness, and--and things like that (See?), trees. He talked not in the terms of the ecclesiastical set of the day or this day or any other day.

240 He come sassafras, as we call it here in Indiana. He come out of the bushes somewhere, didn't even have a shave, had hair standing out on his head. I don't imagine he taken a bath once every two or three months. Right. He never wore pajamas at night. He never rode in an automobile. He never brushed his teeth. Oh, my. What a guy this was. Certainly not.

Here he come stomping down through the wilderness like that, said, "I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight His path...?..."

Some of the teachers stood and said, "Huh. Say, fellow, have you got your... We can't cooperate with you in this campaign. Here, we can't do this. Well, where's your--where's your card; where's your identification?"

243 He just ignored them. He had a message, so he just went on with it (See?), preaching just the same. They said, "Aw, wait. Well, if we go down there, we'll take the bishop down today and see what he says about it. We'll go down there. If we know... That's the heads the church, and we know that he will have to recognize that. If he's of God, he will recognize our bishop." Put them all down in a row and set them out there, the dignitaries...

He said, "You generation of vipers. You snakes in the grass (collars turned around, and holy fathers, and so forth, huh), who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? You know your hour's at hand. Don't you think that... You say, 'Well, we belongs to this, that, other.' I tell you, the God that I serve is able to rise children to Abraham out of these stones."

Oh, my. Now, he's going to take up his vice versa from ecclesiastical speech. "I say the axe is laid to the root of the tree. Therefore every tree that don't bring forth good fruits is hewed down and cast into the fire. Lo, I indeed will baptize you with water unto repentance, but He's coming after me. The moon will be turned into blood and..." Oh, my.

"He will thoroughly purge His floors. He will take the--the chaff and will burn it with unquenchable fire, and He will take the wheat to the garner. He will separate the weeds and the wheat." Oh, my, what a message.

They said, "This guy? Huh. What'd he say? What--what--what time it was? Oh, ignorance. We've got the man right up there, Brother Jones; he's the guy will do that if there's anybody in this day, he will do it. See? Bishop So-and-so will do it, Holy Father So-and-so." Oh, my. See? God in simplicity (See?), working in simplicity...

248 Then, first thing you know, he's standing there one day, and he said, "Yes, He's standing in your midst." He was so sure he was that runner. He knowed who he was. That's the reason he could shake the hide off them. He said, "Now, don't tremble, but just go ahead and continue on. You soldiers, you obey your masters, and if you've done any evil, you take that..."

"What shall we do? Shall we quit doing this? Shall we stop doing this?"

He said, "Just go on like you are. Continue on. Continue on; go ahead. If you're raising potatoes, raise them. See? You soldiers don't do no violence, and--and you do this, and whatever it be, so just continue on as you are. Obey your masters and so forth."

"Rabbi, what should we do?"

"Just continue on as you are (See?), but there's One in your midst that you don't know." He knowed that the hour of his message, he knowed he was to introduce that Person. He knowed He was there. "One in your midst; you don't see Him. Things are going on you know nothing about." And so then... "There's--there's something going to happen," he says, you see, "and He will be here and I'll know Him."

252 And finally one day he said, "Behold, there He is. There's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Said, "My time's up now. I've introduced you to Him. I must decrease now; I must go off the scene. He will take over from here. The Millennium will be on right away. (See?) The--the time is at hand."

Then when He come, when He was... John said, "He's going to... Oh, He's going to shuck the hide off. He's going--He's going to separate the wheat from the--from the chaff, and He's going to burn it up. He's going to thoroughly purge His floors, and His fan is in His hand." But what was He? Little bitty...

254 Now, they had all drawed up (oh man.) He will have a spear that'll reach a mile long. He will stand back over here in Palestine, just stand up there in His--on one of these white clouds, and pick up all these Romans, like this, and cast them into hell, just keep on doing like that (See?), till He gets them all over. Why, they had that all fixed up. And what it was--a little Lamb come moving out among them, meek and gentle, pushed around this way and that way.

255 Even John said... Now, look at John the prophet; he said, "Go ask Him, is actually He the One?" So humble till that prophet missed it... Said, "Is He the One, or do we seek for another?"

Now, he never give Him a book for them disciples in--in Matthew 11, come and asked him when John's disciples... John was in prison, so he'd been all so scrupled up till he--till I believe as Pember said, "His--his eagle eye got filmed over down there." You see? He couldn't... He--he done come down to the earth; he'd been up in the air. But when his prophecy was over, he dropped back down to the ground again. See? 'Cause put him in prison. You see? He didn't have no use for them big wings any more, so he just laid down there; but he flew higher than any of the rest of them. Let me show you something. God used him.

257 And Jesus knew (You see?), 'cause that was the--that was the incarnate God there. See? He was... So He--He said there... He said... Now, He never give him a book on how to behave himself in jail. He said, "Now, wait a minute. I'll write a little essay here, and you take back and tell John how to behave himself when he's in jail for My sake." See? No, He never said that.

He didn't say, "Go, tell John that he ought to have got his Ph.D. degree before he come out in his..." See? If he would, he'd been with the rest of them; he would've been a rejecter. John was honest and asked a question.

And He said, "Just wait till the meeting is over, and then go show John what happened, then he will know. If you tell him what's going on, then he will know. (See, see?) Just go let him... Tell him--tell him it's... He's in prison and couldn't be here, but--but you set in the meeting and you seen what happened. You go tell him."

260 So then, the disciple said, "Very well, Master," and over the hill they went. Jesus, setting on this rock, just watching them till they crossed over, and went up over the hill. He turned around to the congregation and said, "Who--who'd you go out to see in the time of John?" Said, "What went ye out to see? Did you go out to see a man that's got his collar turned around in soft clothes and highly polished and educated? Is that the kind of man you went out to see?"

Said, "No."

"You know what them kind are? They kiss the babies, and you know, and work in kings palaces. They... That's--that's not the type John was." Well, said, "then what did you go, to see a man that's been given a ministry and will hook it right into an organization or something like that, shaken with every... Then if the--if the Oneness don't want him, he will go over to the Trinity, and if the Trinity don't want him, he will go to the Church of God, anywhere. Is that the kind of man you went to see, shaken with any reed?" Oh, no, not John. He said, "Then what did you go to see? a prophet?" He said, "And I say that's right, but I'm going to tell you something that you don't know; he was more than a prophet. He was more... If you can receive it, this is who that was written of in the Bible (See?), back there in the Scripture: 'I'll send My messenger before My face (Malachi 3 See?), and he will prepare the way before Me.'" See, and they didn't understand it. Even the disciples didn't get it. See? That's right. Oh, my. Simplicity, be humble. See? Go right down, when God promises something big (See?), it is big in His sight.

265 Now, if you want to always keep this in mind... I want you to... You keep this in mind and when this happens, then you can change it. You reach down and pick up one of these little spring flowers that's coming this year, or get a common blade of grass and hold it in your hand, and say, "I'm going to hold this now and see that something so simple has made this, and I want to see the brain that can send a rocket to the moon, make this blade of grass."

You'll always have it. You can rest assure on that; you'll always have it. (See?) The blade of grass has life in it. See? It's so simple and humble... You see, if a man is a big man, all right; but if he's big enough that he can become simple (See?), he will find God. But if he don't become simple, he will never see Him. So you got to become simple. Now, verse...

267 23. In Revelations verse 5 to 9, who are these found sing--singing when the Lamb takes the Book out of the--out of the... takes the book... Are--Oh, are these the raptured saints?

No, Revelations 6... 5 and 9, rather, no. If you notice, these are not the saints. He has never claimed His property yet. See? This is not the saints. If you notice, they're the elders and the beast, and they sing.

268 Let's read it so that person... And then I'm going to try... I've got about half a dozen more here, and I think I can get them in few minutes. Let's see. Revelations 5:9. Now, let's read just a little bit before, so... The person now is honest about this and they want to know. Watch.

And when he had taken the--taken the book, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps,... golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

And they sang a new song... (See, see?)..., saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open it.

See? Thou has redeemed us and made us priests and kings; that's the heavenly group, not yet the redeemed. All right. Now.

269 Brother Branham, if all the... (Now, just a moment. I guess what... Pardon me.) Brother Branham, if--if all the godly (Yeah.)--godly be taken up in the rapture, where will Elijah and the--and Moses come from?

270 There's something wrong. There's something wrong. Now, that's just all there is to it. There's--there's something's happened. See? There's something that went wrong somewhere. Everybody feeling all right? There's no--there's no sickness or nothing? [A man in the congregation requests that Brother Branham read Revelation 5:9 again--Ed.] Let's see, Revelations, where was it, brother? 5... The... Oh, the question. Oh, the question I was answering. Now, let's see. "Thou..." [Continuation of Question 23--Ed.]

And when he had... the book, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of the saints.

And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seal thereof: for thou has--wast slain,... (And here it is. Here it is. I was wrong on that. See?)... thou has redeemed us to God by the blood of every kindred,...

271 That's right. Now, what do you think about that? Oh, if the Presence of the Holy Ghost isn't here, what is? He wouldn't let... See, I only read the first part of that verse. See, it's just--it's just a--or something wrote here, and I was trying to get through, looking at that clock. But you see Him stop me on that? Glory. I never read the other part of that. See, I got here: "and..." Look here. "And they--and they sang a new song," and I stopped. See? But look here, "the song they sang, saying, You have redeemed us out of every kindred, tongue, and nation." Sure, that's them. My, oh, my, oh, my. See it? And by the way, there's another question down here too.

272 24. Could you (c-o-n-t-r-o--) control those given--Oh, control was given white robes of Revelations 6:11 with those who washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb?

Now, let's see. Revelations 6... I just can't hurry on this, folks, like...?... this (See?), because it's going... I'm going to answer something wrong. Now, He didn't like--He didn't want me to do that. That's the truth. So help me, the Holy Spirit of God knows that's the truth. See? I just... There's something just... I--I just--I was looking at--I was looking at that clock, 11:30, and I thought, "If I don't hurry up now, I won't get to pray for the sick," and I'm--I'm trying to get that because I, in my mind is so... you... I can't...

You remember, you'll just have to understand now; I--I'm a human (See?), and I--I've been in there for seven days, and my--and I got something yet this afternoon I've got to find from God. But He was so determined that I wouldn't make that error that He called me back to read the rest of that verse.

274 I just... It just felt like something just rolled over me there and said, "Go back; go back." And I thought, "Go back, what? Stop right now and start praying for the sick? What--what is it? What have I done?" And just as I started to reach for that, somebody said, "Read the verse over again." I read it over, and there at the bottom of this question, there it was (See?) Revelations 6.

See, I read the first; it does sound like it at the first (See?), "And they sang a new song..." But down here, see what it was? the next, coming on down, "has redeemed us." Sure it was the Bride, the raptured saints. Could you... And here... Certainly, the--the Lamb had the Book in His hand. He'd done left the Throne of mediatorial grace. See?

276 You see how the Holy Spirit watches that? 'Cause exactly, that's the same thing I said the other night, when He had talked to me in the room, and I come down here and preached to you all: that when the Lamb left the place (Oh, my. Now, I believe we'll just take a text. See?)--the Lamb had left His seat and come forth (See?), as I got up there when He was present, that Light, which is Christ... When He was present, told... When the Lamb leaves that seat of the throne, to--being a Mediator, He becomes down here, and the day of redemption for the church is finished.

277 The next redemption is opened is for the Jews, the hundred and forty-four thousand. Is that right? 'Cause He promised He'd cut the tree off, you know. Now, here... Now, here He comes out, the Lamb, and then the day of redemption is finished, and all that's going to be redeemed is already been redeemed and put on the Book, and He's out here opening the Book. That's right.

Oh, thank You, Lord. Forgive Thy nervous servant for trying to run over something.


Could you tolerate those given white robes of Revelations 6:11?

Now, let's see (6 and 11). All right. Where we at on this now? White robes... Yeah, that's the--the crucified under the altar--the--the Jews between that time. They were given white robes.

281 ... with those who washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb of Revelations 7:14?

No. Now, that is different, sure enough. Because see here, we find out here that these were given white robes over here in this time. They were given white robes themselves by grace, and these here had washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb. And over in Revelations over here, this is that great multitude that come up before God of all kindred, tongues, and nations, and these are directed exactly to the martyrs of the Jews, you see. Now, now, that is correct. Now.

282 25. Brother Branham, if all of the godly was taken up in the rapture, where will the Elijah and Moses come from? Will they be Jews, or will our Elijah, given to us, be--be with them?

No. The a--the a Gentile that'll be anointed with this spirit to call out the Gentiles will be taken away, 'cause, you see, the whole church, all has been taken up; and these two prophets of--of the 11th chapter is brought down; and the day of grace is ended with the Gentile and been sent to the Jews. No, it won't be the same men. I don't... I'm--I'm pretty sure of that. Now remember, these are just the best of my knowledge.

Let's see what this--this says here.

283 26. Question. Does the wheat and wine... (W-h-e-a-t... No, I guess it--it meant, "What does." It doesn't have a what there.) It just says: Does the what and wine... or wheat and wine... what does the of Revelations 6:6... Let's see what it is when I get down here now, this here.

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and a... measures of barley for a penny;... see that thou hurt not the wine and... oil.

I guess that's meaning the wheat and the wine, that was one to the other.

.. was a symbol, the wine taken at the communion table of Rev--of I Corinthians 11:24, does the wine--the wine... No, one of them is a spiritual symbol (See?), and the other one is actually the--the revelation of the Word.

285 27. Could it be that the reason many are sick, because we did not discern the Lord's Body? (Correct.) but now revealed by the opening of the Sixth Seal... (Let's see now. Let me see if I can get that now. It's--it's not you, it's me. You didn't... You wrote it all right; it's just me.) Could it be that the reason many are sick, because we do not discern the Lord's Body? (That's--It's got a question mark at the end of that.)

Well, the Scripture says that many are sick and weakly among you because of the discerning of the Lord's Body. That's exactly right, because (See?), the Lord's Body is the Bride, and many of them go off and they don't go with it. That's true. See, and they don't know how to behave themselves, lives any kind of a life and take communion and things, that's not right. See?

When people take communion that lie and steal and drink, and... That's--that's--that's terrible. You shouldn't do that. See?

287 ... but now reveal by the opening of the Sixth Seal? The opening of the Sixth Seal.

Let's see now. No. Now, you find out the Sixth Seal opening here was to the Jews. See? The--the Church is done gone. This is the tribulation period. So it wouldn't be the same, no. No, it isn't.

One of them is a spiritual wine; that's the revelation of the Word, then the--the believer becomes stimulated by the revelation of the Word, and the other one is a symbol of the Blood of Jesus that's taken at the Lord's table. Now, that's the best of my understanding of it.

288 28. Will any that are not predestinated accept the Lord. If they do, will they fall away?

Not if they're predestinated, no. See, they couldn't.

289 29. Where is the Scripture that shows that the--that Catholicism will deceive the Jews and get their wealth?

Now, just where does it say that--that--that the beast will deceive for the wealth; it doesn't say that. But we're presuming that that was... (Now, the other night, you remember... you look to the tape real close.) I never said that's what they would do, I said... See, the Catholics is the richest group in the world, nobody like them. And what they don't have, the Jews has the rest.

That's where the economics of this country now... We're right now living on tax money, according to "Lifeline," that will--off of taxes, that comes right from Washington, DC, that'll be paid in forty years from today. That's what we're spending now. That's how far back we are--giving notes. See? On taxes that will be paid in forty years from now... The nation is broke. She's done.

291 Now, Castro, the only sensible thing that he ever done, was when he counterfeited the currency and paid off the notes, the bonds and burnt them and--and changed the currency. That's the only thing he could do. And there's only one thing left for this United States to do. Now, remember, this is William Branham (See?), speaking. This is my idea. It's only presuming. Just looking at it in the natural standpoint, which may be a million miles off, I do believe that right there in that money... The love of money is the root of all evil. And I believe that right along in there will start the ball a-rolling.

Now, the Catholic church back there from charging for mass and so forth, holds the wealth of the world. You remember, the Bible said she was rich, and how she was. And remember, not only just on one nation, she's rich on every nation there is under heaven. She reaches out. She has the money. Now, what they don't have, Wall Street has which is controlled by the Jews.

293 Now, and you remember he got the money. When Jacob returned, last night we find out, and become Israel, he really had the money, but his money wouldn't buy him nothing (See?) to Esau. Esau had it too, see both anti and--and the one... See, just as perfectly.

Now, watch here. I said they might want to consolidate together on the money, and the--and the Roman power take the Jewish power in--of money, breaking the covenant. That might not be so. See, I know they'll break it, but I--I don't know what reason, 'cause it's not revealed to me about what they'll do.

But look. Now, if today... Now, what if today, the only thing that we can do would be to do... If we're drawing taxes, if that statement is right, off of the currency off of the tax money of forty years from now... You see, our gold is... We've done spent it. We're broke. We don't have any money; and we're only living off of a past reputation.

296 That's what the church is doing today: the church, not the Bride. The church is living off of a past reputation it got back yonder under the ministry of the Lion time. "We are the church, we are the mother church; we started..." That's right. See? It's living off a reputation.

Methodist is living off of their reputation. Baptist is living off of their reputation, and Pentecost is living off of theirs, "Glory to God. A long time ago when the saints used to dance in the Spirit, and how they'd, the Lord done this and that." That--that's something past. We've all got big now, brother. Oh, my (See?), all past reputations...

298 This nation is living--living off of a past reputation of what the forefathers was (See?), and that's the reason we think we'll be saved. God never respected Israel on what they was, what they had been; what they was then.

Notice, but now, here's what I think, what I, I think will take place: (Now, it may not be so.) I believe the time will come when we're forced to make the issue. And when it will be, that instead of us changing the currency... What would that do to the Philip Morris? What would that do to the--the whiskey companies? What would that do to the steel industry? What would that do to all the commerce? What would that... It would break them. They'd be broke. But if we can borrow that money... See how smart he is? Then the nation sells out to the church and then church and state is united again, and there she comes. See? That's it. Notice. All right. Now, in--in this...

301 30. If one is in an association organization by our government and can speak the dictates of his own heart, or in the last days truth, will he be termed as one of the harlots? Hm. If one in the association organization is...

Well, see the association organization... The--the organization is given rights by the government to speak. See? That don't have anything to do with his heart. See? Now, if he is a real believer and born of the Spirit of God, sometime or other he's going to be checked. See? It can't be so plain and then him not see it.

302 Now, I want you to... See, you want to remember this, friends, that God... God never does, or has at any time, as I can remember (See?), but what... Look, Jesus was the--was the keynote of all of it, because He was God, Emmanuel made flesh.

Now, look at this--this Fellow, Jesus. When... Did you know when He came on earth, there wasn't, I guess, one tenth of the world knowed He was here? Do you know when that forerunner come, when all the mountains and things would take place, there wasn't one hundredth of the population of Israel, I guess, ever knowed it? Isn't that strange? Why, there were Jews and things and people all over the world.

304 Now, remember Jesus came to be a witness as a Saviour of the world. Is that right? Why, there was just people after people after people after races after people that never even knowed nothing about it, went right on just like the world knowed nothing about it, but all the time, that was going on in the world. See?

Why didn't He let them know? He came and the ones that was predestinated to Eternal Life was the ones that received Him. It'd been no good to say anything to the rest of them, because He could not have redeemed them, because they wasn't even redeemable. Why was it when those priests stood there... when He had to come to that spot because the predestinated was plotted out in there, all around; so He had to preach to them as a group.

And the great scholars that should've known Him, said, "This man is Beelzebub. We'll not have this man rule over us," and so forth. See? "We'll not do it." But a little old prostitute, with a Life in her, predestinated to Eternal Life and her name is immortally in the Word of God here, walked up there, and the first time the Light struck that little seed, quickly she knowed it.

307 Look at that old fisherman, come by there; here He stood there doing signs and wonders and--and telling different people the secrets of their heart and revealing Himself. And my, there was Pharisees standing there, and said, "This man is Beelzebub."

They had to answer to their congregation. All of them standing around, "Dr. Jones, will you go down and listen to this man? He--He seems like He knows what He's talking about. He don't talk like ordinary man."

"I will hear Him." Walked down there to see who... God--God could never get to him. And there he stood down there, he said... they said, "Now, looky there. Looky there. There comes a man... Now, there's one of His disciples. There comes a man up... Now, now, that guy's name... That's Andrew. You remember? Oh, you remember the old--the old fishermens down here, that's them. Yeah, there's--there's Simon, his brother (See?), and that's--that's old Jonas' kids. Now, there they... Look, he's--he's bringing somebody up to Him. Who is it? Yeah. See what He will do now. He's--he's the next up there."

And he walks up and He says to him, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas."

310 "This man is Beelzebub. See, he's got some kind of a spirit on him. He's a odd fellow (See?), spirit on... Don't you all listen to nothing like that. See? Keep away from there. I wouldn't attend any more of these meetings at all. See? Just as soon as this thing is over we'll get out of here. We'll never get--wait around here again." See?

Why? Now, that's what he thought, and yet was supposed to be the one. Look, the very ones that He come to was the ones who crucified Him. See? But there was a little prostitute that everybody'd kicked out. I'm not endorsing prostitution (no, indeedy.), but I'm just showing you the predestinated seed.

312 Look at this guy, here, this old fisherman--could not even... The Bible said he was unlearned. Is that right? Not only that, but he was ignorant. Now, is that right or wrong? Oh, if we could just get ignorant to a lot of these things that we think we know. See? All right. See, he was both ignorant and unlearned. And then he walked up there in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and He told him who he was, right then that settled it.

Now, what's this other fellow's argument against that: "Well look, he believed it. Look who it is. Know who that is. That man never... Why, he--why, he's a fisherman. Why he don't know his abc's. I bought fish from him, he couldn't even sign me a receipt. That... See, that's the kind of stuff... That's the kind of people that listens to something like that." (Thank the Lord. Amen. See?) "Why, why, he don't... Look at his daddy. He was ignorant, and he didn't even send him to school"; but that's the one He sent to school, taught the way He wanted it done.

314 Now, I'm not supporting not going to school now (I hope you understand) but there's just a type (See?), what you get in that. That's the kind... The reason it goes over the top of them...

And you know what? Not one... I'd say not one-third of all the Jews in the land ever knowed anything about Him coming, and--and then one--one-fifth of the one-third listened to Him, and then one-hundredth of the one-fifth received it. You know how many He had. He had twelve standing at the cross, out of the whole bunch. Where's the rest of them? See? The seventy went away.

316 Now, while He was healing the sick, and just going down not saying nothing about His doctrine... He just went ahead healing the sick and everything... Oh, my. That's God's Spirit on Him, do you believe that? When He was healing the sick, wonderful, "That's a great Rabbi. Say, hey, brethren, you ought to have Him in your church. Boy, you talk about power, that guy can really heal the sick. You ought to... He's got a gift of healing."

Well, of course, they're going to have some impersonations then (here they come along) 'cause each group's got to have his own man. Here He come.

And then the first thing you know, one day He set down.

"Oh, sure, Rabbi, we'll go with you."

318 "All right, set down. Let's go." All right, He sent out the seventy and so forth. Then one day after a great miracle was done He set down and begin to tell them the Word. See? At the beginning of the sounding of the... All right. He begin to tell them the Word, the Truth... They said, "Ahhh, now wait a minute; I don't know about this. It's contrary to their doctrines." Said, "Well, I know we left the synagogue and everything like that, but maybe we--we was wrong, brethren. We'd better go back, 'cause that man talks in riddles. He's kind of an odd fellow. I can't understand that."

See? What was it? The seed wasn't predestinated from the start. Then the first thing you know, He had a little ministerial group and talked to the ministers. They said, "Aw, hm, we'd better go back too--and go back and get in the organization and take up our papers again (You see?), 'cause this guy... Why, who can understand a man like that. He says this here and says this over here." Ah, them others didn't understand it like that.

320 He was showing riddles to some of them but not to the others; so they walked away. Then He turned around and looked at the twelve standing there, and said, "You want to go too?"

Now, watch. Peter said, "You know what? I attended that old place yonder all that time. Where in the world would I go to? Where would I go? Where--where could I go? After I done here a work... I can't go back to that garbage can again where all kind of slop of the world's laying in it. See? I--I... Where would I go to? I--I just can't do it."

He said, "Then all right, come on, go along." Now, there you are. See, what was that then? Twelve out of about two and one half million. And the Saviour of the world out of billions... Get humble (See?), just stay humble.

Watch. Now, with all them Pharisees, and that little prostitute come up there; she said, "Say, you must be a prophet. Now, we know that Messiah's coming; and when He comes He will do that."

He said, "I'm He."

She said, "That's it," and away she went. You try to stop her once; you couldn't do it.

324 31. Brother Branham, greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Please explain who the man in Matthew 22:11, the man that didn't have on a wedding garment--wedding garment on... I know this man could--couldn't get into heaven without the wedding garment on. This was a guest, I know, not the Bride.

Yes, that's right. He would be a guest. Yeah, he just slipped in. See? Now, look. Now, I... It'd just take a whole sermon on that, and I got ten minutes to pray for the sick and finish this up, and I've got one half of them done. Notice. But I'm--I'm going to hurry, right sure enough after this one. See?

325 Here's what happened. If you know the oriental custom (See?), when a bridegroom gives out invitations for his wedding, he just gives out so many invitations. And for every invitation he sent, he had a porter standing at the door to put a robe on him, whether he was poor or whatever he was, he had... If he was rich or poor, whatever it was, he, all had to wear this wedding garment.

When they stood at the door, they put this on him; it covered up what his outside had been. He's invited--whether he was a millionaire, or whether he was a pauper, whether he was a farmer, ditch digger, or whatever he is, or--or plutocrat, he's--he's here with the robe on, now, because the robe's put on him at the door when he enters in at the door.

327 Now, take St. John 10, I believe it is, He said, "I am the door. (See?) I am the door that enter--that you enter in by." Now there he stands at the door, and here's the man that put the robe on him, the Holy Spirit, to give him the robe of righteousness when he comes in.

Now, this man had come by some organization, back at the window over here (some slip-in hole), and he got in at the table and set down. And then when the Bridegroom comes up and looks around, he's a... he... These had been odd ducks before, now he's the odd duck. See? "What are you doing here like that without the baptism of the Holy Ghost and all these things? How did you ever get in here?"

Well, he come in somewhere besides the door, and he come without the proper invitation. See? He come by some educational system (See?), or something like that. He got in, and He said to them, "Bind him, hand and feet, cast him out of here into outer darkness where there'll be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." See? He went into the tribulation period. See? He did not come in by the door. So, all right.

330 32. Question: Will the Elijah of Malachi 4 be the same as Elijah mentioned in Revelations 11:3, and is the other witnesses--is the other two witnesses separate, or individuals separate?

Yes. The Elijah of Malachi 4 will not be the Elijah of Malachi 3. We went through that last night. "And is the other witness separate?" Two of them, yes, sir, Moses and Elijah to our revelations. (Now, I don't want to hold you here too long.)

331 33. I Kings 19, Brother Branham, I believe that the number who did not bow the knee was seven...

Yeah, that's right. Seven hundred instead of... Thank you. That's correctly. It was seven hundred instead of seven thousand... Brother... Seven thousand instead of seven hundred. Now, see that?

332 You know, really, when a person comes like this to--to preach... I want to ask you something now so that you'll understand. When the Elijah came from the wilderness he had one message. He stomped right out of that wilderness, and come right down, and told that king, "The dew will not even fall from heaven till I call for it." That's the words he had and stomped right back out and said nothing to nobody. See?

When he had another message, he come right down and said this message, and turned right back around, went back out into the wilderness. See?

Now, if you'll watch, when I laid the cornerstone under that Tabernacle, He said, "Do the work of an evangelist"; and now the hour's coming when that work is separated. There's something else taking place. Then I'm...?... you see? See, I get here and try to do evangelist and something else; and see where you're at? See, you're... Oh, I'm expecting the church to be spiritual enough to understand.

335 34. Brother Branham, I understand that Elias must be three times. You tell us that he has been twice already, and will come again. Now, will the person that the spirit of Elias will be upon, also be of the two witnesses of Moses and Elijah?

No, no. He will be a Gentile (See?), to the Gentile church. God sends always to His own people. See? He came to His Own, and His Own received Him not. He always sends His... The message of the hour...

When God was dealing with the Jews, there wasn't any Gentile prophets come. When God's dealing with the Gentiles, there's no Jewish prophets. When God turns back to the Jews, there'll be no Gentile prophets. See? See what I mean? All right.

337 After the rapture has taken place...

Now, there will be a carry over time, of course, one message carrying to the other one. It--it--it has to come right in like this (You see?), as I explained that (See?), like Paul to the Gentiles and so forth. All right.

35. After the rapture has been taken place, will any of the church be saved in the end who was not taken in the rapture?

No. Huh-uh, 'cause the Blood's done left. You see, there'll be no intercessions; the Gentile age is finished. There'll be no one saved after the rapture, none of the church. Huh-uh. The church... "Let him that's filthy be filthy still, him that's holy be holy still." See? That won't take place, not after the Church is gone.

338 36. Brother Branham, I noticed you--your referring to Daniel's seventy weeks on the First Seal message. I understand on Daniel--on the tape of Daniel when the Gospel returns to the Jews, the seventy weeks will begin. Is there a one seventy--one week, seven years, left for the Jews, or yet is there only one-half week, one three and one-half years left for them?

Only one-half week: Jesus prophesied the first half week, as was predicted, only one-half week left for them.

339 Brother Branham, since you didn't pray for the sick during the week, will you...

That's just a request for that...

339a Brother Branham, will you see me after the service...

That's a request (See?), there...

340 37. Would you please explain about Satan being bound a thousand years, and being loosed for the battle of--battle of Revelations 20 and 8. What relationship does this have with the battle of Armageddon as mentioned in the Fourth Seal? Will Gog and Magog be gathered from the people of the new earth?

Well, this is a long one, and I--I'll just have to hit the spot of it. See? Now, the first thing. Will... Now, maybe I can't explain it. I'll do my best.

341 Would you please explain how Satan is bound a thousand years, being loosed again for the battle of Revelations 20 and 8.

That is not the battle of Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon takes place on this side (See? All right) at the--when the tribulation period is ended.

Now, what relation does this have with the battle of Gog and Magog?

None. One is this thousand years, and the other one is the end of the--the end of the thousand years.

.. as mentioned in the Fourth Seal, will Gog and--will Gog and Magog be gathered from peoples on the new earth?

Satan was loosed out of his prison and went to gather all the people, the wicked, to bring them to this place, and God rained fire and brimstone out of heaven, and they were consumed (See?), two battles altogether.

344 38. Question: Concerning the sixty-eight million slain by the Roman Catholic church, what time in history did this take place, and over how long a period of time did this take place?

Take Schmucker's "Glorious Reformation," I guess some of these scholars have that; and it's the history of the church. And I forget now just what page it's on, but it taken place from the time of the--the--the thing was produced or given to the church by Saint Augustine of Hippo, Africa. That was AD 354, and it lasted until 1850, the massacre of Ireland. You see? So that time is--were from AD 33--or AD 30--354, let me get that right now. See? From AD 3-5-4 to--to AD 1-8-5-0, 1850, according to the history there were sixty-eight million Protestants put to death recorded on the Roman martyrology for disagreeing with the pope of Rome. That's history. If you want to say it's wrong, well then, maybe George Washington wasn't here or Lincoln (You know none of us lived back to see it.); but I believe they was here anyhow. I see signs that they were here.

345 39. Brother Branham, the 19th chapter of--and the 18th verse: "Yet have I kept me seven thousand of Israel--seven thousand in Israel all hadn't bowed their--bowed to Baalim, and every mouth--or--or beared the...?... every which has not kissed him--mouth who's not kissed him." Please explain this for me about the--about the seven hundred.

It was seven thousand. See? And that's kissing Baali. Don't you know... How many here was formerly Catholic? Sure, see? You kiss images. See? And remember, in the time of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar when the Gentile kingdom was issued in (See?), when the Gentile kingdom issued in, it come in by the worship of a man.

346 Nebuchadnezzar made a statue of a man. And if you've got a spiritual mind... (Now, listen to this revelation). That spirit, that man that he made a revelation of--or he made an image of by his revelation was Daniel--a religious man being worshipped (See it?), because he named him Belzar, wasn't? Or Belteshazzar, which was the name of his god. And he made a image of that god, which was the image of Daniel, and Daniel refused to bow to his own image. See, see? And here it is again. See?

Now watch. The Gentile kingdom was issued in in the days of Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar, a Gentile king, putting church and state together by taking a holy im--a image of a holy man and forcing worship to it. The Gentile kingdom ends in the feet with a handwriting on the wall by a political power that's united church and state together to force kissing images again (You see?), same thing: image of a holy man. Sure.

347 40. Brother Branham, when this rapture takes place... When the rapture takes place, will the young children that do not know right from wrong go in the rapture?

If their names are on the Book. Yes. That's right. See? All right.

348 41. Brother Branham, you said last night that the--there were seven hundred people to be saved--would be saved under Elijah's preaching. You meant seven thou...

Yeah, that's right. Please forgive me for that. That's all right (See?); I did it.

349 42. Brother Branham, will you interpret of... After you open... Brother Branham, will the (d-e-s-p-e-...) dispensation (it is, pardon me)--will the dispen--(Now, it's not you; it's me. See?)--will the dispensation of grace be over after you open the Seven Seals?

I hope not. No, no, friends, don't get that in your mind now. See? You just go right on. Dig the potatoes, and go to church, and right on. If it takes place in the morning, you be found doing just exactly what you're supposed to be doing.

Don't--don't start... See, when you do, you twist the very thing away from the--the purpose that it's intended for. You get little peculiar thoughts, and you get own ideas about things. Don't take your own idea. Just when you set and listen to things like that, say, "Thank You, Lord. I'm just going to walk a little closer to You." See, see? I'm going to walk... Don't quit work and say, "I'll sell out everything."

351 A man running up here the other day from North Carolina, just before we left, he said, "Glory to God. Can you tell me where some great somebody was?"

And I said, "No."

"Oh, yes, sir," said, "this guy's got the..." Said, "This guy is the president of the Auto Mission."

I said, "The what?"

He said, "Auto Mission."

I said, "I don't understand."

And he said, "Oh," said, "this guy's the president."

I said, "What'd you say his name was?"

He said, "Branham, I believe, something like that, Brown or Branham."

I said, "Well, my name is Branham."

He said, "Are you the president of the Auto Mission?"

I said, "No, sir."

He said, "Well, where's the Millennium at?"

I said, "I don't know."

He said, "Why, you're a... You--you mean it--it--it--it--it's going on right here and you don't know it?"

And I said, "No, sir, I don't."

And he said, "Well, glory to God," said, "I got some--some friends that come, told me," and said, "I quit work;" still had his work clothes on. Said, "Brother, I want the Millennium."

And I said, "Well, I--I believe you're just a little bit confused, aren't you, brother?

About that time a car drove up, a taxi cab. She said, "Hold it, hold it, hold it." A little woman come up there, she said, "Now, you're going to pray for my husband."

I said, "Yes, ma'am, what--what about it?"

She said, "Well, I understand you have to wait a month on an interview (See?), to get prayed for."

And I said, "What?"

And she said, "Yes, sir," said, "but I'm desperate. You got to pray for my husband."

I said, "Sure, where is he at? Bring him on."

This guy standing, looking on, said, "Do you pray for the sick too?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "What did... You say your name was, Branham?"

I said,... "And you don't know nothing about the Millennium?"

I said, "Well, I--I... No, I don't." I said, "I--I don't understand it just right in the Bible."

He said, "No, it's right now. People's come from everywhere."

I said, "Where's it at?"

He said, "Jeffersonville, Indiana, right under the bridge."

I said, "Sir, you've got me bested." And I said, "I don't know nothing about it." I said, "Let's go in and set down. Maybe we can talk this thing over." We did. See?

Don't--don't... You see, friends, don't you never desire a ministry. (You know what I mean. See?) You be happy you're just where you are. You--you just go right on.

366 43. After the rapture of the Bride, when does the church that had to go through the tribulation period stand judgment? (It don't stand judgment.) Is it before or after the Millennium? (For the church... Oh, I beg your pardon; pardon me ever who wrote this.) When does the church that... After the rapture of the Bride, when does the church that had to go through the tribulation period stand at the judgment? Is it after or before?

After. The rest of the dead live not for a thousand years that didn't go with the Bride. Let's see.

367 44. You have said many times that communism was raised up by God to serve His purpose, as King Nebuchadnezzar. Now where did the--communism fit into the picture that will--it finally--will finally do? How does it wind up? Many scholars believe that in the kingdom of the north, Gog and Magog mentioned in the Scriptures, goes down against Israel in the--in the... (I can't make out just what that is. Yeah. Yeah.) I believe of the--some of the tapes taken, said you said it would finally drop--that--that communism would finally destroy Catholicism or the Vatican by an explosion. Is this right?

Yes. Revelations 16, you find it, and Revelations 18:8 and 12. If the person is here and wants to take this piece of paper on that, you can look it right up. Yeah. See? "Alas, alas, that great city... for in one hour she has come to her end." You see? The merchants and everything here that brought her merchandise... It will be. That's right. And don't...

Just quit... Just forget about communism. See? It's nothing in the world but a bunch of--of people that's nothing but barbarians that's--that's ungodly. It's a system... Let me show you something--just to show you how simple it is. Why, there's only one percent of all Russia that's communism. They need a messenger. See? One percent... Then ninety-nine percent of them are still on the Christian side. One percent, now, how can one percent control ninety-nine percent? That ought to explain it to you right there. If God didn't permit it, why--why, they'd be thrown out long ago. See, sure.

369 45. Brother Branham, you said that Rome would take the government of the Jews at the last three and a half years. That is going... The--the first three and one-half years of the tribulation or will it be the last three and a half years? Is this correct?

It will be the last three and one-half years (That's right.), not the first, 'cause it's already passed. (Got one more after this one.)

370 46. My dear brother, will the Malachi 4:5 Elijah go to the wilderness as I Kings 17 tells us the other Elijah did?

Well, I wouldn't exactly say that he would--that he would go to the wilderness, but he'd be this (You see?): He was Elisha and Elijah... Did you notice, most of men like that are men who are away; they--they keep away from the people. They're very odd. They don't associate too much with people.

You notice how Elisha was, and Elijah, and John the Baptist, and that nature of that spirit. See? And they don't... He--he... I believe the man be a lover of the wilderness and maybe stay in the wilderness, but now just to say he's going to be a hermit and live in the wilderness, I don't know about that. Sometimes they did. Elisha didn't, but Elijah did. And then, John, he--he lived in the wilderness.

372 And hard tell, these other prophets, when they come out of Judaea there, I don't know where they'll stay. They may camp out on the hill somewhere, or... But what they'll do in the days of their prophecy, I--I don't know what they will do, but you... What I'm trying to say is this: Were--they--they will they a--will they be a--um--a...

They're trying to ask: "Will they just be wilderness dwellers?" Why, they'd have to go to northern British Columbia to get enough wilderness to dwell in now, somewhere. You see? So it'll be someone... The wilderness is all cut down (See?); there's not much wilderness left. See? So the only thing, they--they might be a lover of the wilderness (See?) and stay, maybe, a lot in the wilderness, and they'll be--have... You can notice the nature of them is that uncompromising (See?), and you--you'll know it when it comes. (See?) You'll see it, if you're--if you're wide awake.

374 Now, here's one, I don't know how to touch it. And I got another one just before this one, and then I'm going to ask them to snap the tape just a minute.

47. If God is one personality, why, or how could He talk to Himself on Mount Transfiguration?

Well, I've just explained that. You see, see?

I'd like to ask you this. I'm going to... When Jesus prayed to the Father. You see? I believe you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, don't you, brother? Why don't you stand up just a minute? You claim to have the baptism of the Holy Ghost? [The brother says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] I do too. Then what is that? Then I don't claim that I'm have the--I have the powers within myself to unfold these mysteries. I don't have the power to heal the sick. It's God.

I believe you're a minister. If I'm not mistaken, you're from Arkansas. All right. Now, and in you you have--is--is to preach the Gospel. Ordinarily you was raised on a farm and around like that. You just don't know nothing about it. But something come into you to preach the Gospel. You don't claim that to be yourself at all. That's another person, called the Holy Ghost. Is that right? Okay.

377 Now, I want to ask you. Do... That Holy Ghost dwells within you, is that right? Do you talk to Him? Speak to Him? Pray to Him? All right, that's all I want... Thank you very much. See? Now, do you get it?

I'll ask you one: How did it come that when Jesus in St. John 3, He said, "When the Son of man shall be, which now is in heaven (See?)--now is in heaven, shall come to earth." See? "The Son of man which now is in heaven," and here He stood right here talking to the person. Now, you answer me that one.

Jesus and the Father was the selfsame Person, just the same as the Holy Spirit in me. You're looking to me preaching, but it's not me. It's not me can speak a word that could bring, as you know, an animal; set there and looked at it, and kill the animal and eat it. That's creative power. That doesn't lay in a human being.

380 It's not me could take a little boy here laying--the doctors laying him on his back, with heart trouble tonight, and say, "Thus saith William Branham..." No. "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it's finished." And bring him down to the doctor the next day and it's all gone.

A kid with leukemia, till its eyes were bulged out, and yellow all over, and its stomach... until they taken it to the hospital to give it blood and things to even get it here; and in five minutes time, cry for a hamburger, and take it back to the doctor the next day and can't even find a trace of it. That's Thus Saith William Branham? That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yet He is an individual different from me, but the only way He's expressed is through me. See?

That's how Jesus and the Father was. Jesus said, "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." Now, the Son of man shall ascend from heaven, which now is in heaven. See? What was it? He was omnipresent because He was God.

383 Now, this other one, I want to say these words.

Explain what you was talking about... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

[A prophecy was given from the audience--Ed.] Thank You, Father God. We thank You for the Spirit of Your Being here. And we are told, Father, that one time when the--the enemy was coming in and the Spirit fell upon a man, and prophesied to him, and told him. It set the thing in order where they knowed how to go and defeat the enemy, and where to find the enemy.

384 And I thank You, Father, that You remain the same God that You ever was; You're still just the same. We change, and ages change, and times change, and people, but You never change. Your systems are the same; Your grace is the same; Your works are the same; because they are marvelous, and are way past any knowledge of man to ever understand.

So we are thankful, Lord, that Your secrets are hid into the hearts of Your servants; and we're so happy for this, Lord, and may we go forth as shining Lights to--from place to place, and trying with love to--to bring others in that we might seine every little corner and cast the net in to be sure that we get every fish that belongs to You. And then, "The Lamb shall take His Bride, to be ever at His side." We're waiting for that time, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

386 How many sick is in here, let's see your hands. Well, it looks to be about... Hold your hands up again. About one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, about forty-seven.

All right, it's eleven-thirty. We can pray for the sick right now, put the night into the--to the... Would you--would you like to do that? I believe right now would be a good time to do it. I'll tell you why. The Holy Spirit, standing right in here, is anointing.

Now, as far as we have moved up into that Spirit now (See?), and you see that something, you know that something... Something is present. See? And if you could ever believe, you ought to believe it right now. See? If you're ever going to believe, it's now.

389 Now, we want you just to come real quietly, and let those that are in that aisle there, that raised up their hands, step out into this aisle, and then go down this way, and then we'll take them aisle by aisle in the--just forty-five--forty-five, forty-seven of them. It won't take very much.

I'm going to ask Brother Neville if he will come step right down here with me, and we're going to pray for them. First, them that's coming now into the aisle, just stand up just a minute now so we can pray for you here, and lay hands on everybody. Now, that's right. Just everybody that's going to come in the prayer line (See?), them that's going to come in the prayer line. See?

Now, now, see, conserving the time so we'd be sure to get it, we're going to pray for you now.

392 Look, friends, now let me explain it to you. Jesus Christ said this: "These signs shall follow them that believe." Now, watch. He never said, "If they prayed for them." "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And if God can take a unfailing case of leukemia, and a little girl that can't have faith for herself, and make that thing perfectly whole... If He can take the next case of a little boy and so heal him till the doctors can't even find any rheumatic fever in his blood or anything else, what can He do for you? Now, them little bitty fellows, they don't understand what prayer would be. I just laid hands on them, and it did it. We can understand it.

393 Now, while you stand to pray now. Heavenly Father, with Your great Presence laying here, the great Holy Spirit, the One we have the picture of, the One that we read in the Bible, He's present right here now. He is revealing Himself through human flesh.

How we have seen Him without one time failing through the years, to be able to reveal the very thoughts of the human heart, to reveal the sin that they did, tell them exactly what happened and what will be without one time failing... Then we know that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel still remains God in the Person of Jesus Christ.

And now, by His Spirit descending from heaven under the Blood that was shed at Calvary, coming down among people to make Himself manifested in human flesh, just before the burning of the world, the great Holy Spirit represented in human flesh, those precious people who has accepted the Blood atonement and the Holy Spirit takes into their being, God, represented in human flesh.

396 Therefore, it would not be the human flesh, only just to perform the act, like in baptism or so forth, with a commission that "These signs shall follow them that believe." By laying hands on the sick, the Holy Spirit would see to it that they got well if they'd believed.

Now, Father, we know that these things are true. These people standing, they're going to pass under the hands of ministers who has received this Holy Spirit, and they're ready, Lord, to lay hands upon the sick. And we know, Father, that if these people will only believe, just as every Word that You promised, it's got to happen so does... And it cannot happen without faith, for it is impossible to please God without faith. We just can't do it.

And now, with faith believing, with this promise laying before us, with the Seals of the Bible being opened to us that God keeps His Word, may these precious people, who are sick, Lord, and my feeling for them as a human being in a mortal body like theirs, and now, their same Holy Spirit that dwells within us, Lord, dwells in them; and we feel sorry for each other, and knowing that the new covenant in the new Blood... If the old one offered healing, how much more will this new and better do? Father, may it be so that these people won't fail, but will receive their healing as they pass by the hands of Thy servants, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

399 Now, now, we'll... This side will be seated while this side comes through, and then this side will go back and the other side... Now, some of you brethren here that'll stand up... I believe you're ministers along here, all of you along here. Where's Doctor... Brother Ned? Was you going to be in the prayer line, Brother Ned? All right, Brother Ned. All right. As soon as you're prayed for, drop right into the line.

Now, let these on this side over here, just be seated just a moment, and I'll take the ones from this side, then--then we'll come down and take the middle aisle and send them back this way, then take this aisle and send them through this way, and we'll pray for everybody.

I'm going to ask Brother Teddy... Where is he? All right, I want you to play on there, "The Great Physician Now Is Near." And the pianist, ever where they're at, accompany him if you will.

402 Listen, you remember the time where that was playing and a little boy was brought out on the platform? The little Amish girl playing "The great Physician now is near." She had long, dark hair--or--or blond hair, rather (a Mennonite or Amish girl, one), laying back on her head, and the Holy Spirit struck the little boy just by laying hands (crippled in his feet), and he jumped off of my arms, and run down through the platform.

His mother raised up and fell back: a Mennonite, I believe, to begin with; and the Spirit of God struck this little Mennonite girl or Amish, whatever she was (her dad and them setting there with the--their clothes on as Mennonites or whatever it was), and she jumped up from the piano with her hands up in the air, and her pretty hair fell across; she looked like an angel, started singing in the Spirit. And as she did that, the piano continually played, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus."

405 Everybody standing there, thousands, looking down upon them keys moving up and down, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus..." People raised up from wheelchairs, off of cots, stretchers, went walking on. That same Lord Jesus is right here this morning, just the same as it was in that room.

Just believe now. Play that song, if you will: "The Great Physician." Now, let everybody pray. Let them walk right through the room, go right down this way, and right to your seat or wherever you want to go, as you make your way... Have you got it clear back there? All right, so you can go right back to your seat, then we'll stand up.

407 Now listen. While these are being prayed for, you pray for them. Then when you're being prayed for, they'll pray for you. Now, you ministers along here, stand up. I want you to lay hands on these as they come by.

Now, everybody, heads bowed, and keep your heads bowed, keep praying; and when you pass by, then lay... the hands laid on you, remember, it is a promise of the God that reveals the secrets of His Book, the secrets of the human heart. He's the God that will confirm that, if you'll believe it. See? Now, everybody in prayer.

Now, you minister brothers stand if you will.

All right, let's bow our heads.

Now, Lord Jesus, as these people come, may the power of Almighty God quicken their faith immediately as they pass by, all in Jesus' Name.

Now, all right, let the line start this a way. Ask every one, lay hands on them, you ministers, as they pass by.

411 [Brother Branham and the ministers pray for the sick--Ed.]

In the Name of the Lord Jesus...

I lay my hands, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, on my brother.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I lay my hands...

God, grant it to my sister, Rosella, in Jesus' Name.

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands...

[Brother Branham speaks to someone--Ed.] (You stay, watch that till the line ends.)

In the Name of the Lord Jesus...

Remember, He's humble. Humbly come.

[Brother Branham's words are not all distinguishable while praying for the sick--Ed.]

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In Jesus' Name, receive your healing.

In Jesus' Name, receive your healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ receive your healing...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.

In the Name of Jesus, may the child be healed. Glory to God.

[Prayer line continues--Ed.]

414 [Blank.spot.on.tape. Brother Billy Paul Branham steps to the microphone and directs the people who are to be in the prayer line--Ed.]

[Brother Branham's words are not all distinguishable. Prayer line continues--Ed.]

May this request be granted, in Jesus' Name. God bless you.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, Brother Mitchell.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, my brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive the healing.

Receive healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, sister.

Receive healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, my sister.

Receive healing, brother.

Receive your healing, sister...?...

Receive your healing, sister...?...

Receive your healing, brother.

Receive your healing.

Receive your healing, brother...?...

Receive your healing, sister...?...

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing.

Receive healing, sister...?..., from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing.

Receive healing...?...

Receive healing, my brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing.

Receive healing, sister...?...

Receive the healing, in Jesus Christ's Name.

Receive the healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Receive healing.

Receive healing.

Receive your healing.

Receive your healing.

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

416 [Brother Billy Paul Branham steps to the microphone and says, "Anybody else want in the prayer line? Would you get in, please. If there's anybody else want in the prayer line, would you get in, please."--Ed.]

Receive your healing, my brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, Sister Wood, from the hand of Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing...?...

Receive healing...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, Sister Roberson, by the hand of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, my brother, by the hand of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, Sister Neville from the hand of Jesus Christ.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing.

Heal him, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, Sister...?...

Receive your healing, son, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Brother Weerts, receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Sister, receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, Brother...?...

Brother, by the Name of Jesus Christ, receive...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, receive your healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing, my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing, sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

419 [Brother Billy Paul Branham steps to the microphone and says, "Is that all that wanted to be prayed for now?"--Ed.]

[Brother Lee Vayle speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.]

May the hand of the Lord Jesus grant to you, Brother Vayle, this request for your loved one, in Jesus' Name.

[Brother Billy Paul Branham speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Billy Paul, as many cards as you've give out, now receive your healing, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus,

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

All together.

Sweetest Name in seraph song,

Sweetest Name on mortal tongue,

Sweetest carol ever sung,

God, upon this lovely little couple that's brought forth, in the world, one of the...?... May they receive their request, Lord in the Name of Jesus Christ.

..?... of Jesus Christ, may our sister's person that she has on her mind right now, may the power of God go with that request. May she be delivered. Grant it, Lord. Amen.

Lord God, in Jesus' Name, grant this man's request. I pray for him, Lord with my prayer. Amen.

425 Oh, isn't this wonderful. I believe that if every person that come by here this morning, under this tremendous anointing, I--I believe if you'll just... Now, don't look up for some great big something. Just remember the simple thing of believing what He promised.

Now, let's all say it together. We [Congregation says, "We"--Ed.] do not look ["do not look"--Ed.] for something big. ["for something big."--Ed.] But in Jesus' Name ["But in Jesus' Name,"--Ed.], we receive His promise. ["we receive His promise."--Ed.] That settles it. That makes it over...?... [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] Amen.

1[Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Iný brat dáva výklad. Zhromaždenie sa hlasno modlí. – pozn.prekl.]

Náš Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne vďační za tento čas, že môžeme mať znovu obecenstvo okolo Slova Božieho, v prítomnosti Božej. Sme tak vďační, že Ty si s nami dnes ráno, aby si nám pomáhal a žehnal nás. Prosíme o odpustenie našich hriechov, aby naše lampy mohli byť naplnené olejom, boli upravené a horeli, aby si nás mohol teraz použiť na slávu Tvojho veľkého mena, pretože to prosíme v mene milovaného Syna Božieho, Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

2Práve som vchádzal dovnútra, keď som počul, ako zneje toto posolstvo. Tak, je to pravda, že my potrebujeme udržiavať naše lampy naplnené. Udržiavať naše ... Viete, keď zapálite ... Nemôžete ísť ďalej s tým, čo ste teraz urobili, vidíte, pretože oheň spaľujúci olej vytvára karbón. Tak preto teba čistiť ... majte svoje lampy očistené, pretože karbón na konci knôtu ...

3Mnohí z vás, ktorí ste približne v mojom veku ... Keď sme zvykli používať tie uhľovo olejové lampy, tam na vrchu, kde to horelo sa usadzoval karbón a preto, to by bránilo svetlu. Tak ste museli všetok karbón odstrániť, a tak sa môžeme hnať vpred za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi.

4Je veľmi pekné ráno, vonku i vo vnútri, ako sa teraz približuje toto Veľkonočné obdobie. A my dnes večer prichádzame ku poslednej Pečati, keď Pán dá. A to je veľmi tajomná Pečať. Veľmi, veľmi, pretože nie je ani ... Nie je o nej nikde v Písme ani zmienka - žiadne symboly, nič čoho sa chytiť. Ona musí prísť priamo rovno z neba.

A mňa je to taká napätá hodina. Bola po celí týždeň. Toto bude môj ôsmy deň v miestnosti. A všimol som si tu mnoho ... v týchto otázkach, musel som ich trochu prebrať. Bolo tam mnoho otázok, ktoré čakali na osobný rozhovor. To sa mi páči. Rád by som to teraz zodpovedal, viete, ale nemôže hneď teraz, pretože, rozumiete, že toto celé ... Čo sa teraz snažíme, je nájsť zjavenie Pánovej vôli, rozumiete. A potom, keď máte ten osobný rozhovor, to vás potom odvedie preč na druhú stranu alebo niekde inde, rozumiete.

5A potom, ako pri modlitbe za chorých - to je niečo celkom iné. To sú videnia a také veci. Vy skúmate iné veci, a ste inak pomazaní. Tak ako tam hovorí Biblia, " ... strom, ktorý je zasadený nad potokmi vody." Potokmi vody - vidíte, tá istá voda ale tam je nejaký jarok tečúci takto, takto a takto. To záleží na tom, čo to je za jarok. To je ten istý Duch.

6Pavol, v 1. Korinťanom 12, povedal to isté, hovoril o tom, že je mnoho darov, ale to je ten istý Duch. Tak vidíte, keď pracujete takto s jednou vecou, potom musíte byť premenení, aby ste prešli do druhej tu (rozumiete čo mám na mysli), skúmate to v tejto línii. Dostanete ľudí ... a teraz ich srdcia sú všetky nastavené: čo sú tieto Pečate? Tam je napätie. Čo to je? Večer, čo večer, keď som prišiel sem tam je také napätie, že až musím hovoriť o niečom inom, aby som to troch utíšil, viete. A potom Duch Svätý láme ďalej tú Pečať. Potom musím ... každý večer takto. Potom, keď to zmeníte na uzdravovanie, alebo na niečo, vidíte ... Ľudia sú nastavení na jednu vec. Ťažko to môžete zmeniť hneď naspäť na iné.

7A potom, tiež, vediac o tom, že rovno medzi vami sa dejú veci, viete ... Ja som len ... viem ... Viem, že vy to nevidíte. Som len rád, že to nevidíte. A vy hovoríte: "Brat Branham, to je pre teba ťažko povedať toto." Ja viem, že to je tak. Ale pozrite sa. Dovoľte mi len teraz povedať toto. Myslím, že toto je nahrávané len pre nás, a tak ďalej. Dovoľte mi povedať toto; že to nechápete, rozumiete, a neočakáva sa od vás, aby ste to pochopili. A tak sa nesnažte nič vykladať, vidíte. Nesnažte sa klásť do toho svoj vlastný výklad. Dostanete sa len ďalej od toho.

Prijmite len moju radu, ak mi teraz veríte. Ak mi Boh dal, že som našiel zaľúbenie vo vašich očiach, a vy viete, že tieto zjavenia a všetko ... Bol som tu s vami dlhý čas, a stále to bola pravda. A teraz na dvojitý dôkaz, že je to pravda, to pasuje presne so Slovom, vidíte. A tak viete, že to je "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN" Úplne presne. Vidíte, to vám to dokázalo.

8No, prijmite moju radu, ako od svojho brata. Nedávajte do ničoho svoj vlastný výklad. Vy len choďte ďalej a žite dobrým kresťanským životom, pretože sa len odkotúľate preč od tej skutočnej veci, keď to budete robiť, rozumiete. Vy sa len odkotúľate preč od toho. A vy všetci ste si vedomí a viete, že tam sa deje niečo tajomného. A deje sa, a ja viem čo to je.

9No, ja to nehovorím. To je milosť Božia, ktorá my dáva poznávať, čo to je. To je niečo, čo je ohromné. A odohralo sa to práve teraz a nie je pre vás na svete možnosti, aby ste to videli. Ale čestné slovo, s touto Bibliou vo svojej ruke, viem čo to je. Bolo vám to už predtým povedané. A tak sa nesnažte dať do toho žiadny výklad, ale len mi verte, ako svojmu bratovi, rozumiete. Žijeme vo veľkej hodine.

10Žijeme v čase, kde ... No, buďte len skutočne pokorní, buďte kresťania, a snažte sa žiť pre Boha, a žiť čestne so svojím spoludruhom, a milujte tých, ktorí vás nemilujú. Nesnažte sa činiť žiadne ... Vidíte, vy robíte, vy robíte z toho niečo tajomné a miešate skutočný program Boží, vidíte.

11Včera popoludní sa niečo stalo v mojej izbe, čo nikdy nebudem môcť opustiť, viete. A tak, vy ... A asi pred dvoma týždňami sa niečo stalo, čo nikdy nebudem môcť, pokiaľ budem žiť na zemi, nikdy nebudem môcť odísť od toho, vidíte. A tak...

12Ale cirkev neočakáva sa od vás, že máte poznať tieto veci Tak nedávajte ničomu žiadne výklady, rozumiete. Kráčajte len vpred a pamätajte len, čo vám bolo povedané. Žite kresťanským životom. Choďte do svojho zboru, buďte skutočným svetlom, kdekoľvek sa nachádzate a horte len pre Krista a povedzte ľuďom, že ... ako Ho milujete. A nech je len vaše svedectvo po celý čas presiaknuté láskou ku ľuďom, vidíte, pretože ak to tak nerobíte, dostávate sa pomimo a idete tam do niečoho, a potom ste pomimo vyšliapanej trasy.

13Vidíte, zakaždým, keď sa to snažíte robiť, dostali ste sa pomimo, vidíte. A tak sa nesnažte robiť žiadne výklady. A zvlášť dnes večer, keď vám táto Pečať bude predložená, rozumiete. Nesnažte sa ju vykladať. Choďte len vpred a buďte len pokorní a choďte rovno ďalej s tým istým jasným posolstvom. No hovoríte: "Brat Branham, je to ...? My, súc cirkvou Živého Boha, nemali by sme ...?"

No, keď som sa snažil ... Pozrite sa sem, chcem povedať ... "Dobre, prečo ja nemôžem? Ja mám mať ..."

Nie. Pamätajte, ja toto hovorím na vaše dobro. Vidíte, ja toto hovorím tak, že porozumiete. Ak mi teraz veríte, počúvajte na to, čo vám hovorím. Vidíte?

14Teraz tu ... tu je teraz miesto a my ho budeme nazývať miesto na počúvanie, vidíte, a v ňom, máme rádio. A tam môžu byť povedané varovania a iné veci, ako meč vo vašej ruke, vidíte. On môže odseknúť od zlého, alebo seknúť ... len tak, ako ono dostáva svoje posolstvo, Vidíte?

15Ale teraz, napríklad, pre obyčajného človeka, tam povstalo tak veľa kultov a klanov okolo malých vyliatí Ducha, že až ľudia prepracovali všetko na hromadu nezmyslov, idú von a začínajú ďalšie malé hnutie, viete, a všetko. Vy to nechcete teraz robiť, rozumiete.

Pamätajte len teraz, zostaňte len takými akými ste. A vy hovoríte, "Dobre, Pán ..." Nie, buďte len opatrní.

16Pozrite sa teraz sem. Dovoľte, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Vedeli ste, že v tejto miestnosti je práve teraz desať tisíc hlasov? Ozajstné hlasy ľudí, ktoré tu prechádzajú cez rádiové elektronické vlny. Prečo ich nepočujete? Sú to hlasy. Je to pravda? Tie vlny teraz prechádzajú rovno cez toto miesto. Ľudia, formy, a telá prechádzajú teraz cez túto miestnosť. Je to tak? No, prečo ich nevidíte? Oni sú tu - skutočné hlasy, také ako môj hlas. No, prečo ich nepočujete? Vidíte, to musí prv naraziť na niečo, čo by to zjavilo. Vidíte?

17Rozumiete? Teraz len nič nevysvetľujte. Ak Boh chce, aby ste niečo vedeli, On vám to pošle. A tak buďte teraz len skutočne, skutočne rozumní. Nehýbte sa. Niečo sa stalo. A teraz buďte len skutočne ... Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli, či nie? A buďte len ...

18Nesnažte sa robiť zo seba výstredných ľudí, aby ste boli kresťanmi, pretože sa sami odsuniete preč od Boha, a vy ... Ak to môžete porozumieť, toto je to tretie potiahnutie. Jedného dňa by ste to mali porozumieť. Tak potom len ...

19Pamätajte tam nebude žiadnej napodobeniny, ako to bolo pri tých iných dvoch. Tak toto je to nakoľko by ste to mali poznať. Teraz len ... pamätajte len toto ... Vy viete, že teraz sa v tejto miestnosti niečo deje, a tu je niečo ... Skutočne, v tejto miestnosti sú anjeli, hlas Boží, ale ako ... Nemôžete ... Ak nemôžete počuť ten prirodzený hlas bez niečoho, čo by ho vydalo, ako budete počuť ten duchovný hlas?

20No vy môžete uveriť, že niekto spieva túto určitú pieseň, že tam ani nemusí byť, vidíte. Ale keď to skutočne narazí na ten kryštál, na ktorý to má naraziť, potom to dáva pravdivý výklad, a potvrdzuje sa to tým, že je vidieť obraz. Rozumiete čo myslím? No, keď Duch Boží, keď On hovorí cez pravdivé Slovo, On potvrdzuje seba samého, aby sa ukázal, že On má pravdu. Rozumiete teraz? No dobre.

No, pomodlime sa ešte. Nebeský Otče, chystáme sa od- ... otvoriť vrchnák tejto Knihy ako telesnú časť snaženia sa dostať sa naspäť do toho, čo si nám Ty otvoril v tej duchovnej ríši. A teraz sa modlím, Bože, aby si mi pomohol dať týmto otázkam správny výklad, aby sa mohlo povedať, že sú pre ľudí pomocou. Oni im majú dať porozumenie.

A prosím, aby si mi dal porozumenie aby som to mohol povedať Tvojim ľuďom, aby mohli porozumieť, že spolu môžeme žiť na slávu a česť Božiu skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

No, chcel som len povedať toto. A myslel som, že toto tu ovládalo tie pásky, ale neovládalo, a toto je svetelná tabuľa. A myslel som, že tu sa ovládali tie pásky. Ale povedali mi, aby som len zakývať tým bratom tam v tej miestnosti, kde sa nahráva, a oni budú vedieť, kedy zastaviť pásku a kedy nie.

Vidíte, tie pásky vykonávajú službu široko po svete, všade, vidíte - všade. Idú vo všetkých rôznych jazykoch a vo všetkom. Tak sú veci, ktoré by sme povedali len tu a nepovedali by sme ich niekde inde, a preto to oni majú zastaviť.

No, odpovedanie otázok je dosť dôležité. Tak ja ... teraz pri odpovedaní na ne, väčšina z nich, väčšina z tých otázok, ktoré sú pomimo ... No každá jedna ... Niektoré z nich sa dokonca vôbec ani netýkajú toho posolstva, ale budem ... alebo vôbec ani Pečatí, ale budem sa snažiť na ne odpovedať. A oni mi boli dané, a ako im bolo povedané ...

Bolo mi povedané, že väčšina z nich, alebo väčšia časť z nich boli približne prosby o modlitbu, a za chorých, a za postihnutých, a za rôzne takéto veci, a to ide ďalej. A tak, to sa netýkalo ničoho, žiadnej otázky, aby bola zodpovedaná. A potom mi bola daná hromada, ktorá bola o iných veciach (o Písme a inom), ale ... Možno, ak budeme mať čas, budeme sa ich snažiť zodpovedať najlepšie, ako budeme môcť.

No ... A ak sa pomýlim, tak, pamätajte, to nie zámerne aby bola urobená chyba. Tak, cíti sa každý dobre? Amen. To je len tak ... Hovorme o nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi! Čo za nádherné miesto! Čo za nádherný čas!

21Z pomedzi všetkých tých chvíľ, ktoré som strávil za kazateľňou v tejto modlitebni, nikdy, nikdy zo všetkých tých chvíľ svojej služby, nikdy som sa neprepracoval do tých Božích sfér a tých duchovných sfér, tak ako tento krát; toto je ponad všetko, do čoho som došiel kedykoľvek vo svojej službe, kdekoľvek na ktoromkoľvek zhromaždení. Väčšinou, je to pri uzdravovaní; toto je zjavovanie pravdy skrze toho istého Ducha - toho istého Ducha.

Bol som celkom sám. Stravoval som sa na určitom mieste, alebo som išiel dole a jedol na mieste. Bol som len sám. Tak je to skutočne veľkolepý čas.

22A hneď teraz, dnes ráno alebo zajtra ráno ... možno, ak to preberieme na čas, budem sa dnes ráno modliť za chorých, ak tieto otázky nebudú trvať príliš dlho. Tak sa musím za chvíľu dostať do seba, vidíte.

23Ľudská myseľ môže zniesť len toľko. A keď sa dostanete na miesto, kde sedíte hodinu strnulý v Božej prítomnosti a Stĺp Svetla visí tam pre vami, nemôžete tam zostať príliš dlho, rozumiete? Ľudská bytosť to nemôže zniesť. A tak ...

Teraz, tieto otázky sú skutočne milé. Vážim si ... a tú múdrosť a veci, ktoré ľudia používajú. Teraz, pre tú prvú ... a ja sa ich budem snažiť zodpovedať, a potom ak to neporozumiem správne, no potom mi odpustite.

A ak máte na to iný výklad a veríte, že tá vaša predstava o tom je správna, tak len choďte rovno ďalej. To neublíži, pretože nie sú tam len okolo jedna alebo dve, ktoré sa týkajú niečoho zo spasenia. Väčšina tých otázok sa pýta na veci po tejto druhej strane súže- ... alebo na vytrhnutie cirkvi.

24Tak vidíte, tu sú tie otázky, čo sa má stať a stane sa tam v tej druhej časti - pretože my sme teraz v našich učeniach v tej knihe poza cirkevným vekom. My sme poza - tam v čase vyvolania tých 144 000.

No, tu je tá prvá otázka:

1. Týchto päť múdrych panien z Matúša 25 je Nevestiným sprievodom, alebo je to Nevesta? Ak sú tieto múdre panny Nevestiným sprievodom, kde je Nevesta?

25No, podľa môjho najlepšieho zrozumenia, týchto päť panien ... Tam ich bolo desať, viete, ktoré vyšli, a toto tu je len symbol alebo podobenstvo, vidíte, čo sa vám chystám povedať. Vidíte, ich bolo desať. Samozrejme, ich bolo viac ako desať - to bolo len vyjadrené nejakým číslom.

26Ale potom, tie múdre panny mali olej vo svojich lampách; tie hlúpe nemali olej vo svojich lampách. Tak ak tých desať tam v Matúšovi (ak je toto osobná otázka), ak týchto desať tam ... Znamenalo to, že by boli ... alebo týchto päť radšej, že by ich bolo len päť, vidíte, len päť ľudí?

27Nie, to neznamená to. To je len symbol v tých pannách, vidíte, v tých pannách, ktoré vyšli s olejom vo svojich lampách. Oni sú časťou tej Nevesty. A podľa môjho zrozumenia ... A potom ... Všimnite si teraz, že oni boli panny tej poslednej stráže. Prechádzajúc cez tie stráže. Tam bolo sedem stráží. A pri siedmej stráži, v tej polnočnej hodine, ako teraz na ňu narážame, vidíte ... Teraz v tejto polnočnej stráži, tieto panny sa prebudili a očistili svoje lampy a vyšli, zatiaľ čo tie spiace panny ...

28Teraz táto časť tu, týchto päť (ak to myslí v tejto otázke - ak myslí, že ich bolo len päť) ... Máme tu mnoho otázok o sedem tisíc a tak ďalej. Teraz, to bol len symbol - časť z nich. A všetci, ktorí sa prebudili tu v tom poslednom veku, pri tej siedmej stráži ... Ak by tam v tom čase bolo len päť prebudených, ktorí by boli prenesení, ktorí by odišli dovnútra s Nevestou, a tak ďalej, vlastne s Ženíchom ... No ak oni, oni sami ... To neznamená, že ich bude len päť, pretože oni spia cez všetky tie veky, ako sme prišli ku tomu tento týždeň, vidíte.

29Vo dňoch Pavla, anjela Efeského zboru, Pavol, zakladá túto cirkev, bol pre ňu poslom. Pamätajte, Pavol, zakladá cirkev v Efeze, stáva sa poslom tej cirkvi, a Duch, ktorý bol v tom čase na zemi bol duch leva. A ten lev to je Lev z pokolenia Júdu, ktorým je Kristus, a Kristus je Slovo. Pavol, so Slovom na ten vek ... Tisíce ich v tom veku zaspalo. Je to tak?

30Potom prišiel ďalší vek. A v tom čase sa cirkev dostala do Temného Veku, vystúpil duch vola - práca, namáhavá robota a obete, a oni dávali svoje životy. Tisíce tisícov pospalo pri mučení a všetkom takom. Oni čakajú, vidíte.

31Potom prišiel ďalší vek, Luteránsky, vek reformácie. Tam vyšla múdrosť s chytrosťou človeka. Všimli ste si? Vyšiel s tým človek. A keď on vyšiel, pridal ku tomu svoju vlastnú chytrosť. To je to, čím sa priženil do tej druhej strany, vidíte? Keby on bol len zostal s Božou múdrosťou, len reformujúc a vyťahujúc von ... Ale čo on urobil? Po tom mužovi, ktorý mal to posolstvo - po Lutherovi - po smrti Luthera, mali Luteránsku organizáciu. Po smrti Wesleya, mali Metodistickú organizáciu, vidíte? Stále v tom takto pokračujete. To len ... to robí toto.

32No, chcem aby ste si všimli toto, vidíte. No niekto sa môže opýtať ohľadne Letničných, ktorí boli ... bol to ten tretí vek. Vidíte, každý jeden z týchto vekov sa len ponáral do Ducha Svätého. Ospravedlnenie je práca Ducha Svätého; posvätenie je práca Ducha Svätého; ale krst je Duch Svätý.

33A preto bolo potrebné, aby prišiel predpovedaný prorok. Nie posol pre ten vek, pretože prišiel sám Duch Svätý, v plnosti svojho krstu. Ale na konci toho veku, ako sa to stále končilo pri tých predchádzajúcich vekoch, nachádzame tam, že potom, má byť poslaný ten posol, a všetky tieto kúsky a všetko majú byť takto umiestnené na svoje miesto. Potom do Cirkvi prichádza vytrhnutie.

34Ale koľko ... pripisujú všetky tieto rôzne veci: slnko sa zatmie, mesiac - oni to umiestňujú tam v priebehu toho kresťanského veku. Oni proste nevideli tie tri otázky, na ktoré sa tam pýtali nášho Pána, keď im On odpovedal. No, myslím, že minulý večer tam nebola vôbec žiadna otázka. Zobrali sme každú jednu z týchto otázok a položili sme ich rovno pod Pečate; a Pečate spolu, sami o sebe sú celou Knihou. Veríš tomu, doktor? [Nejakí brat odpovedá: "Áno." – pozn.prekl.]

35Vidíte, všetko je to proste spolu poviazané. A my sme vzali to, čo tu Ježiš povedal - oni Mu dali tri otázky, vidíte: "Kedy sa budú diať tieto veci? Čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu? A aké bude znamenie konca sveta?" A On hneď odpovedá, a my sme z toho vytiahli každú odpoveď, okrem jednej. Čo to bolo? - Siedma Pečať. Prečo? Vidíte, ona nie je známa. To je to.

36Každá jedna z nich vychádza hneď najavo. Porovnával som ich z tej i z tej strany pasujú úplne presne. A mne ... keď som si to posledný večer zapisoval a dostal som to tam, a prišiel som ku ... prelistoval som naspäť, aby som sa pozrel na svoje staré poznámky, otvoril som to tam vzadu, no, vedel som, kde som si takto zapísal jednu na iné miesto. a prechádzal som to dopredu a dozadu. To bolo to, čo som urobil. Myslím, že ste to postrehli. Postrehli ste to?

Zapísal som si tu, to čo som si mal zapísať na druhú stranu, a ja som si to zapísal tu. Zapísal som obidve deväť jedenásť alebo deväť šesť alebo šesť a jedenásť a deväť a jedenásť, čo nebolo tak. To bolo naopak - ten ďalší verš pod tým. Vidíte? A to bolo to, tie odpovede medzi morom a vojnou, vidíte? Tam to bolo.

Tak ja som bol tak šťastný, správal som sa ako ... Radoval som sa povzbudeniu zo zjavenia. Tak, zapísal som to do tohoto tu, ako som tam sedel s ceruzkou či perom, a zapísal som jedenásť na obidve miesta, keď to nemalo byť. Myslím, že to bolo deväť namiesto jedenásť na tej druhej strane.

37Ale teraz, videli ste ako perfektne sa oni zhodovali? No, nezabudnite to. Oni sa zhodovali po šiestu a zastali, vidíte. Pozorujte teraz otváranie Pečatí, ktoré ide po šiestu a stop - len ticho na Nebi, (to je všetko, čo je tam povedané) za dobu akoby pol hodiny.

Teraz v týchto ... Musím sa ponáhľať a zodpovedať tieto otázky, pretože, vidíte, každá jedna z nich je kázanie dlhé na štyri týždne. Pri každej sa dostávate von ku niečomu ďalšiemu. Ale, nemám to v úmysle robiť, pretože chcem odpovedať na každého otázku, pokiaľ budem môcť.

38Tieto panny, vidíte, oni boli zostavené z ... to je len časť z nich v tom veku. Každý vek má tie panny. Vidíte? Pečať ...Ten anjel prichádza do cirkvi: "Anjelovi zboru Efeského napíš." Vidíte? A potom sa dostávame sem, a potom po písaní do Efeského zboru (porovnajte si to naspäť), Pečať je otvorená. To je proste spôsob, ako to prinášame - snažíme sa dostať to všetko pre vás (vidíte čo mám na mysli?), ak Pán dá.

39Čo som mal najprv? Cirkevné veky. Je to tak? Tá ďalšia vec - posolstvo do cirkevných vekov. Rozumie to teraz každý jasne? Vidíte? Najprv sme mali cirkevné veky a mali sme históriu (ležiacu tam v Nicejských konciloch a pred-Nicejské koncily a všetko čo sme mohli nájsť v histórii), a našli sme, že správne vyloženie Slova pasovalo presne s históriou. A priniesli sme to až do tohoto veku, v tejto Laodicei, a ... Nemusíte mať históriu tohoto. Toto teraz vytvára históriu, vidíte. Tam to je, a potom bolo ukázané, čo má byť v tomto veku.

No, prichádzame naspäť s Pečatiami a otvárame tú Pečať - Boh otvára tú Pečať pre nás. Čo to je? Prv je posol - cirkevný vek; potom nasleduje Sedem Pečatí.

40No, nachádzame tú skazenosť, ktorá prichádza v tomto siedmom cirkevnom veku ... ale tá Siedma Pečať nezjavuje nič, čo sa pod ňou bude diať, vidíte, pretože na konci tohoto cirkevného veku má prísť prorocký dar, aby zjavil tieto veci. Sledujete to? No dobre.

41No, všimnite si, ako každá jedna z týchto Pečatí ... Potom idem sem a tieto tri otázky sú položené Ježišovi Kristovi: "Čo ... kedy sa budú diať tieto veci, že tam nezostane kameň na kameni? Kedy bude toto odstránené, toto náboženské centrum sveta, a iné bude ustanovené? Kedy to bude - antikristova jazda?" Rozumiete? A čo vyšlo von stretnúť sa s tým? Slovo, Slovo proti slovu.

42Potom sa to usadilo do politiky a do všetkého ďalšieho; a tam vyšla tá ťažká práca vola. Vidíte? To je presne druhé, a Ježiš to tak povedal v Matúšovi 24. Potom sme išli ďalej z toho do chytrosti tých reformátorov. Vyšiel sa s tým stretnúť životvor podobný človeku. To je to, čo sa stalo. Potom ideme ďalej, do ďalšej, do štvrtej Pečati, keď sa antikrist stáva zmiešaninou a má meno, Smrť.

43No dávajte pozor, čo povedal Ježiš: "A uvrhne ju do ohňa a zabije ešte aj jej deti." To je jazda smrti. To sú obaja Protestanti i Katolíci - znamenie smrti na každom jednom z nich - ona i jej deti budú zničené. Tak ak sa spoliehate na svojej denominácii, radšej by ste mali hneď teraz odísť z nej preč. A potom, keď to prichádza do Siedmej Pečati, Ježiš sa presne tam zastavil.

44On otvoril šiestu Pečať, skrze to, že povedal, že mesiac sa obráti na krv a temnosť a všetko - budú sa diať tieto veci. My prichádzame rovno tu a otvárame tú šiestu Pečať. Potom, keď zostala otvorená šiesta Pečať, a obrátime si to hneď naspäť a to ukazuje to isté.

45Tu to máte, tými tromi rôznymi miestami v Písme, sú zviazané spolu s tým zjavením, vidíte? Sledujte to. Miesto, kde to Ježiš tak povedal, miesto, ktoré, keď On otvoril tú Knihu to bolo skryté od založenia sveta, a potom tu to zjavenie tohoto dňa, to umiestňuje rovno tam a zväzuje tie tri spolu. A tri to je svedok, tak to je pravda. To je absolútna pravda.

46No, tieto panny, ktoré tu prichádzajú, to sú tie panny, ktoré zaspali a potom celé to telo tej skupiny je dané dokopy, ktoré tvorí tie múdre panny. A tie nemúdre panny sú tie, ktoré vyšli tam vtedy v tom istom čase, keď vyšli tie múdre panny (antikrist), a oni sú tie, ktoré sa snažili kúpiť si olej.

No, pozrite sa len sem. Vidíte ako to dokonale všade kde idete. Keby som mohol tu zastať a hovoriť veci, ktoré boli zjavené v tej miestnosti, poviem vám, to by vám zvrtlo hlavami. Ale ako to urobíte, keď máte celú vec tu.

A potom vy ... Tak či onak, keď sa dostanete preč od ľudí, potom sa to začína otvárať - tajomstvá. Potom tiež vidíte veci, ktoré sa neodvažujete povedať ľuďom. Pretože, vidíte, keby oni boli povedané, začali by robiť malé "izmi".

47Len sa pozrite, čo urobil tento malý dar uzdravovanie - ako to zmiatlo cirkev. Každý mal senzáciu, každý mal toto ... A rovno dole v mojom srdci, Boh vie, že je to pravda, vedel som, že to nebolo dobre, pretože On mi tak povedal. Ale to je falošné napodobovanie, na oklamanie ľudí. No, je to tak. No, ale viete, vy toto nemôžete povedať. Najlepšie je proste nechať to tak.

48A pamätáte sa na to Tretie Potiahnutie? Bolo povedané: "Nepovedz nikomu." Čo som povedal, že to bolo ...? Koľký si na to pamätajú? Skutočne. Pamätáte sa, stál som tam a snažil som sa v tom videní prevliecť šnúrku cez to očko na tej malej topánke? On povedal: "Nemôžeš učiť letničné batoľatá nadprirodzené veci."

49A ja som povedal: "Toto bude to Tretie Potiahnutie a ono nebude poznané," skutočne, z milosti Božej. Nuž, teraz sme práve na konci času. Nebude to už príliš dlho, keď Stolica milosti sa stane súdnou Stolicou. Zatiaľ čo vidíte fungovať tieto veci a vchádzať týchto ľudí, radšej by ste tiež mali vojsť, ak ste ešte teraz nie vo vnútri, zhromaždení v nebeských miestach, rozumiete.

50To tiež znamená viac, než len radovať sa. V nebeských miestach, ak ste skutočne zhromaždení v Kristovi, to je strašná vec! Stojac vedľa Anjela Pánovho, vy si myslíte, že by ste len vykrikovali a jasali. To nie je to. To vás prestrašuje takmer na smrť. Tak vidíte, je rozdiel len v radovaní a v jasavom tancovaní (čo je v poriadku), a potom to prichádza dole do skutočnej veci.

51To je tam, kde strach ... To je strašná vec. Nie to, že by ste mali strach, že ste zatratení, ale vy ste skutočne pred anjelskou bytosťou a pred samotným Duchom Svätým, ktorý tam stojí. No, to bude časť Nevesty. To je to, čo ju bude tvoriť - všetci tí, ktorí spia. A nemôžeme úplne vidieť ...?

[Brat Branham zostal prerušený skrze zlyhanie nahrávacieho systému. – pozn.prekl.] Je to teraz v poriadku? Stupil niekto na niečo? Príliš mnoho magnetofónov robí tiež veľké zaťaženie. No dobre, vezmite len nejakú pásku a prehoďte si tú pásku a odohrajte to z toho. No, dávajte teraz pozor, ďalšia otázka.

2. Majú evanjelisti pokračovať v práci na misijnom poli?

52V tejto hodine, samozrejme ... čo oni majú na mysli. Samozrejme, v každom prípade. To nemení na veci. Ak Ježiš príde dnes ráno, kážte dnes akoby to malo byť za desať rokov odo dneška, ale žite, akoby to malo byť v tejto hodine.

53Nedostaňte sa teraz do rozpakov. To je to pred čím vás chcem varovať, vidíte. Nebuďte proste výstrední, podivní. Nič nemeňte. Ale ak robíte niečo nesprávne, alebo robíte zle, čiňte pokánie, rozumiete. Poďte naspäť ku Bohu. Pokračujte vo svojej evanjelizačnej službe, tak ako ste to stále robili.

54Ak staviate dom, stavajte ho ďalej. Ak Ježiš príde zajtra, buďte nájdení verný svojej povinnosti. Ak budujete svoju zborovú budovu, pokračujte, robte to ďalej. Radšej by som dal svoje peniaze do niečoho takého, než ako byť nájdení s nimi vo vrecku, vidíte. A tak len pokračujte, pokračujte v tom čo robíte.

55Každý teraz rozumie? Pokračujte len. Pokračujte len ďalej v tom čo robíte. Len sa nezastavte, neprestaňte pracovať. Len pokračujte v tom čo robíte. Ďalej slúžte Pánovi.

No, napríklad, ak ste pracovali pre nejakého človeka a vedeli ste, že je pätnásť minút pred skončením času. "No," povedali by ste si, "už len pätnásť minút tak môžem tam ísť a sadnúť si." Strhol by vám z platu, kvôli tým pätnástym minútam.

56Ak sadíte pšenicu, saďte svoju pšenicu. Ak kopete zemiaky, pokračujte a vykopávajte ich. Poviete: "No, nikto ich nebude jesť." To na tom vôbec nevadí, aj tak ich vykopávajte. Pokračujte len v tom, čo robíte.

57Raz som od niekoho dostal dopis. Niekto im povedal, riekol: "No, čas sa priblížil. Predajte tú farmu. No, vy nebudete potrebovať potravu, z ktorej žijete na tej farme, pretože má začať Milénium, a vy to nebudete potrebovať. Tak len choďte vpred. A zatiaľ čo bude trvať obdobie súženia ... Vaše deti nie sú spasené, tak im len nechajte ... Nech tie deti majú tú farmu, z ktorej sa môžu živiť. Ale vy všetci predajte svoje farmy a ..." alebo niečo také. Och, oni mali ...

58Povedal som: "Ó." Keby som vedel, že On príde zajtra a bol by som farmár, dnes by som zberal svoju úrodu. Keď ma On urobil farmárom budem zotrvávať rovno pri svojej povinnosti. Je to tak. Ak ma On urobil mechanikom ... Povedal: "Kto ..."

59Niekto raz povedal, riekol ... nejaký chlap prišiel a povedal: "Hej, bratku, vieš čo?" Povedal: "Dám ti druhú sadu kľúčov. Kúpil som si nové auto." Povedal: "Dám ti druhú sadu kľúčov" - povedal svojmu pastorovi. Povedal: "Dám ti druhú sadu kľúčov, pretože môže prísť Vytrhnutie, vieš, a," povedal, "viac ho nebudem potrebovať." Ten pastor nemal mať v ňom diel, vidíte. To je pripravovať sa, však? No dobre, ale tak to je.

60My nemáme byť takí. My musíme byť rozumní, zdraví Kresťan. A ja som tu postavený, aby som tu pracoval až do poslednej minúty. Mám prácu, ktorú mám robiť, a budem nájdený rovno verne pri svojej povinnosti. Ak On príde dnes ráno, chcem tu stáť rovno za kazateľňou.

Vy poviete: "Brat Branham, ak by On prišiel dnes ráno nemal by si byť tam vonku na dvore?"

Nie veru. Toto je moja povinnosť. Ja mám stáť rovno tu a kázať, keď On príde, hovoriť práve to, čo hovorím. Potom, keď On príde, ja proste hneď s Ním odídem.

61Ak okopávam zemiaky, budem ich ďalej okopávať, tak ako len budem môcť. Keď On príde, ja len odhodím svoju motyku a odídem. Pamätáte sa v jubilejnom roku? Ak oni okopávali s motykou, oni len okopávali. Oni vedeli, že jubilejný rok nastane možno za desať minút, a v tom jubilejnom roku zaznie trúba. Oni len ďalej zbierali seno alebo čokoľvek robili; ale keď zaznela tá trúba, potom pustili svoje vidly a išli. To je ono. Len ďalej zbierajte seno, až kým nezaznie tá trúba.

3. No dobre. Otázka: Podľa otvorenia ... (Stalo sa niečo? Urobilo to tu nejaký hluk.) Otázka: Podľa otvorenia Piatej Pečati, Mojžiš a Eliáš musia zomrieť, a čo Enoch?

Neviem. Keď neviem, poviem vám len, že neviem. Ja neviem odpovedať na všetky tie otázky, ľudia, ja neviem. A keď neviem, poviem vám že neviem. Ak viem ... Nechcem vám hovoriť pokiaľ to nebudem vedieť. Ale neviem. Sám som bol často na to zvedavý.

Tam bol Enoch ... Videl som Mojžiša a Eliáša prichádzať naspäť a oni sú zabití, ale teraz Enoch bol prenesený pred časom. Často som rozmýšľal a sám som bol zvedavý, ako to s tým je? Ale potom, tu je ... Jediná útecha, čo na to môžem povedať je toto:

62Všimnite si, Mojžiš slúžil Bohu len štyridsať rokov, vidíte. On mal sto dvadsať rokov, ale dvadsať rokov ... Tých prvých štyridsať rokov, myslím, on získal svoje vzdelanie. Je to tak? Druhých štyridsať rokov, to Boh vyberal z neho von, a tretích štyridsať rokov slúžil Bohu. No dobre. Ale Enoch chodil päťsto rokov pred Bohom a bol bezúhonný, vidíte. Tak Mojžiš prichádza naspäť, aby slúžil trochu dlhšie - on a Eliáš.

No, ja nehovorím, že to je tak. Ja som vám to povedal len na zamyslenie. Ale len povedať aký diel, ja neviem. Ja vám skutočne nemôžem povedať, čo sa tam stalo, alebo čo Boh urobí.

4. Aké je to meno, ktoré bude napísané na ľuďoch zo Zjavenia 3:12?

63Neviem. On povedal, že im dá nové meno. Ja neviem čo to je, vidíte? To bude pravdepodobne oznámené, keď sa tam dostaneme, ale ja teraz neviem čo to je, vidíte? Vidíte On to urobí. On im dá nové meno, ktoré vedia len oni sami, vidíte?

5. No. Brat Branham, je nejaké miesto Písma, ktoré dovoľuje manželstvo po rozvode. Toto je veľmi dôležité.

64Tu je napísané "dôležité." No, kvôli tomu ... To s týmto nesúvisí. Nakoľko môžem tomu rozumieť, môj brat, alebo sestra, ktokoľvek si, nie je to možné, jedine že tvoj druh je mŕtvy, pretože Biblia povedala, že sme zaviazaní ku ním, tak dlho, ako oni žijú.

65Tak, pokiaľ je nejaké miesto Písma, to je to na čo sa tu pýta: "Je nejaké miesto Písma, vidíte. Je nejaké miesto Písma?" Nie, pokiaľ ja viem, vidíte? Nemôžem nájsť žiadne, pretože Pavol povedal, že manželský pár, ak partner je mŕtvy, potom sú voľní a môžu sa oženiť s kýmkoľvek chcú v Pánovi. Ale dovtedy ... ale dávajte pozor. Vy prijímate toto: "Až kým nás smrť nerozdelí."

To je to. Vy ste to prisahali, vidíte. Tak myslím že nie je také miesto. No, ak nejaké nájdete a je to správne, nuž, v poriadku. Ale čo sa mňa týka, ja nenachádzam žiadne.

6. Čo znamená "...oleju a vínu neškoď" v Zjavení 6:6?

66To je Svätý Duch. Vidíte, práve sme cez to prešli. Pravdepodobne niekto, viete, prišiel trochu pozdejšie na zhromaždenie; na tých ďalších páskach, vidíte "...oleju a vínu neškoď." Čo znamená ten olej a víno? Olej, ako sme to prebrali v symboloch, znamená Duch Svätý, vidíte.

67Víno je ... a olej je spojený spolu v Biblii s oddávaním chvály. A víno, ako sme povedali ... to je to, kde som dostal tú myšlienku o povzbudení. Víno povzbudzuje. A víno je ... protiobraz z povzbudenia z toho prirodzeného vína je zjavenie.

68No len si predstavte; čo povzbudzuje cirkev? Zjavenie. Vidíte? Tak víno, to nové víno bude ... Hľaďte teraz. Olej a víno pri obeti išli spolu, pri uctievaní Boha v cirkvi išli spolu (všimnite si), zhromaždené spolu, spojené spolu.

Vy, ktorí máte konkordanciu, pozrite sa a budete vidieť celí rad, kde sa pri vykonávaní nábožných obradov hovorí spolu o víne a o oleji. Ak máte Crudensovu, no, tam to tak stojí.

69No všimnite so na tomto. Ale teraz, vidíte, olej je vždy Duch Svätý. Nachádzame to v Ezechielovi, a nachádzame to v Starom Zákone, a nachádzame to cez celý Nový Zákon. Prečo pomazávame chorých olejom? Pomazávame chorých olejom, pretože to symbolizuje vyliatie Ducha Svätého na nich, vidíte? Tiež, tie múdre panny mali olej; tie hlúpe nemali olej. Duch - vidíte? No, to je olej.

70A potom víno ... Ak olej reprezentuje Boha, Boh je Duch. Vidíte? Boh je Slovo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo; To Slovo bolo u Boha; To Slovo sa stalo telom, a to bol Boh." No, potom ak Slovo teraz sedí tu v prirodzenej forme ... No to víno je tou vodou, ako zjavenie, ktoré zjavuje výklad Slova, ktorý povzbudzuje veriaceho, vidíte.

71Ó, oni proste majú ... "Nikdy som to pred tým nevidel! Ó! Sláva!" Čo to je? Povzbudenie zo zjavenia. (Ja som to tiež nevedel až do toho dňa, keď som tam sedel, vidíte?) Teraz to je ... čo znamená olej a víno ...? To bolo: "Hľaď aby si neškodil." To sa jednalo o toho jazdca na čiernom koni, a to bolo v priebehu toho času temného veku - tretieho cirkevného veku. Všimnite si. A tam, tam zostalo len máličko - len máličko, ale neškoď tomu. A verím, ak to dostanete, tú Tretiu Pečať na páske, nájdete to tam, kde sme to vysvetlili do detailov ... či do detailu.

7. Brat Branham, je Baránkova Kniha Života a Kniha Života tá istá Kniha?

Samozrejme. Pretože to je to, kde je zapísané celé vykúpenie - v tejto Knihe, vidíte? Ich mená sú v ... Ty povieš: "Dobre, naše meno je zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života, brat Branham. Zapísali mi ho tam minulý večer." Nie, nezapísali. Nie nezapísali. Ty si len minulý večer zistil, že ono tam je, pretože ich mená boli zapísané pred založením sveta, vidíte? To je všetko tá istá Kniha, vidíte?

8. No. Brat Branham, je to pravda, že každý Žid, ktorý sa narodil po to ako prišiel Kristus, bude spasený, a kto sú tí 144 000? Sú to tí predurčení, ktorí majú byť zapečatení Svätým Duchom, a aká je ich služba?

72Tu sú skoro tri otázky v jednej. Ale tu, tá prvá je: Je to pravda, že každý Žid narodený od Krista, ktorý prišiel na svet, má byť spasený?

73Nie. Nič nebude spasené, jedine tí, ktorých mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta, Židia alebo Pohania. To je všetko. Tá Kniha drží to tajomstvo, a tá Kniha to teraz len odhaľuje - nie meno každého jedného, ale aké je tajomstvo tej Knihy, zatiaľ čo ona volá tie mená. Rozumiete tomu teraz? Vidíte?

74Tá Kniha nehovorí: "No, Lee Vayle má byť spasený v čase tohoto cirkevného veku," alebo "Orman Neville ..." alebo ktokoľvek. Nie, ona tak nehovorí. Ona len ukazuje to tajomstvo, odhaľuje to tajomstvo toho čo to je. Ale my, my sami, skrze vieru tomu veríme. To je to, čo som povedal minulý večer.

75Niekto povedal: "Dobre, nie je mi treba, aby som sa o to snažil. Brat Branham povedal, že z Jeffersonville bude len jeden spasený," vidíte? Teraz vidíte, to ukazuje podobenstvo. To nie je ... To nie je to. Tam môže byť tisíce spasených. Ja neviem. Ja dúfam, že každý jeden z nich je spasený, ale ja neviem. Ale tu je spôsob, ako tomu chcem veriť: Ja som ten jeden. Vy verte tak isto za seba. Ak neveríte, potom s vašou vierou nie je niečo v poriadku. Nie ste si istý v tom, čo robíte.

76Ako môžete ...? Ako môžete kráčať v ústrety smrti, keď ste si nie skutočne istí, či ste spasený alebo nie? Ako môžete ísť sem a povedať tomuto chromému človekovi, ktorý tu leží, slepému a skrútenému, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, vstaň! Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje"?

77Ako môžete stáť pri tom chladnom, stuhnutom tele, ktoré tam leží mŕtve a bolo mŕtve už hodiny a hodiny - leží tam chladné a stuhnuté. A povedať: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, postav sa na svoje nohy"? Vy by ste radšej ... Vy musíte vedieť, čo hovoríte, vidíte.

78Dobre, vy poviete: "Smrť si všetko nárokuje. To je všetko mŕtve." Áno, ale keď je zjavené Slovo Božie a vy viete, že to je Boh, to mení všetko. To je pravda. Teraz, hoci títo Židia ... nie všetci Židia budú spasení. Nie veru! Oni nebudú spasení, len tí ktorí ...

79Keď On hovorí o Židovi ... Žid, len ako meno, ktoré im bolo dané potom, keď oni odišli ... myslím, že Nabuchodonozor, tam ... prvýkrát ich začali nazývať Židmi, pretože kmeň Júdov bol potom vzatý a dali im meno Židia; No, pretože oni pochádzali z Judska a oni dostali meno Židia. Ale teraz, Izrael, to je niečo iné. Izrael a Židia, to je úplne niečo iné.

80Každý Žid ... Nie každý Žid je Izraelita, vidíte. Nie, on je len Žid, ale potom Izrael ... Pavol nikdy nepovedal, že všetci Židia budú spasení; on povedal celý Izrael bude spasený. Prečo? Izrael je meno. To je od začiatku meno vykúpenia, vidíte. A celý Izrael bude spasený, ale nie celý Judaizmus bude spasený, vidíte.

81Práve ako pohania - tam bude ... Tam je tisíce krát tisícov ľudí, dokonca doslovne milióny v týchto organizáciách, ktorí sa nazývajú Kresťania - Cirkev Kristova, a všetky takéto mená. To neznamená nič. To neznamená, že oni budú spasení. Ľudia hovoria: "No, vy musíte patriť do tejto, alebo tamtej, organizácii, určitej organizácii. Ak vaše meno nie je v našej knihe, ste stratení."

82No, to je kult. To je kult, vidíte? Je len jeden spôsob, ako môžete byť spasení, a to nezáleží od toho kto chce, alebo kto beží, alebo na tom, ktorý ... to je Boh, ktorý sa zmilováva. A Boh, skrze Svoje predzvedenie, predurčil Cirkev do Svojej slávy, a to sú tí, ktorí sú spasení. Je to tak.

No, vaša viera je tam tak zakotvená ... Vy poviete: "Dobre, moja viera je tam zakotvená." A pozrite sa, akým životom žijete. Vy vidíte, že tam nepasujete. Vaša kotva je zlá. Máte ju na piesku, namiesto na skale. Prvá malá vlna to odhodí preč.

Nech je to Slovo v niečom zjavené - "Moja cirkev to neučí!" To potom hneď ukazuje, že ste neboli zakotvení na skale; vy ste boli na piesku. Je to tak. Tak teraz, vidíte ...

83Teraz tých 144 000, sú to tí predurčení? Tak veru! To je Izrael - duchovný Izrael. Len si predstavte, tam ich budú milióny. Ja neviem koľko je ich tam teraz. Myslím, že celé skupiny. Ale oni všetci nebudú spasení, pretože sú v Judsku, rozumiete.

84Máte nejakú predstavu, koľko ich je tam teraz? Ja neviem. Ale pravdepodobne po tomto ďalšom prenasledovaní to začne stúpať, oni sú zhromažďovaní skrze ... Viete, mám o nich film - beriem ho teraz so sebou na západ do jednej ... Cirkev zmluvy, ktorá je pri ... To je len stará ... Och, zabudol som teraz. To začalo ... Oni ich mali tam dole v Afrike - Holandská Reformovaná. To je Holandská Reformovaná Cirkev, tá Cirkev zmluvy.

85No, ak tu niekto z nich sedí, poviem vám prečo. Vy sa stále držíte toho starého Heidelbergovho katechizmu, a to je práve ten dôvod, že ste stále ... ste stále Holandská Reformovaná, vidíte? Vy to môžete vyleštiť skrze nejaké Americké meno, ale to je tá vec za tým, pretože vy učíte podľa toho istého Katechizmu, starého Heidelbergera. Opýtajte sa svojho pastora, či je to nie pravda.

86Tak, teraz, všimnite si toto: 144 000 - oni sú tí predurčení, ktorí majú byť zapečatení Svätým Duchom. Tak veru, to je presne tak! No dobre, hoci ... No ak nie je žiadna ... No, ak som to neodpovedal, aby som vás uspokojil, no, možno som ... Ja sa môžem mýliť. Vidíte, ale to je podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania, vidíte. Toto je podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania.

9. Brat Branham, keď si pracoval na semene hada ... (Uh -uh, túto som si nevšimol. Táto mi prekĺzla.) ... semene hada tento týždeň, bude to v poriadku opýtať sa ťa túto otázku? Moji priatelia ma žiadali, aby som im vysvetlil Genesis 4:1 a ja som nevedel. Pomôžeš mi?

To je pomimo tématu, ale jednako, budem sa snažiť, ako budem môcť, s pomocou Božou. Pozrime sa teraz. Dovoľte mi to trošku vyjasniť. Myslím, že to je to, kde ona povedala: "Nadobudla som syna od Pána." Myslím, že to je to. Myslím, že Eva to povedala. Chcem sa presvedčiť, aby som si bol istý, pretože raz večer som povedal, sedem namiesto ... sedem sto namiesto sedem tisíc, tak ...

87Som z toho tak nervózny, vidíte. A vy len musíte pozorovať, a nepriateľ je na každej strane, a ste si vedomí toho, viete. (Áno, to je to.)

A Adam poznal Evu, svoju ženu a počala a porodila Kaina, a riekla: Nadobudla som muža

[V anglickej KJV Biblii: človeka - pozn.prekl.]

s Hospodinom.

No, opýtam sa ťa otázku, môj brat alebo sestra, a teraz si zapamätaj, nie vrhajúc to na teba - nie. Ja sa ti snažím pomôcť, vidíš. Ja ťa milujem, a ja milujem tú osobu, ktorá môže byť kritikom toho, ale ja si nemyslím, že táto osoba je kritikom. Oni povedali: "Pomôž mi"; vidíte, pretože ľudia tomu veria, ale oni nie sú dostatočne zaopatrení Duchom Svätým, aby vedeli, čo povedať tej osobe, ktorá sa ich to opýtala.

88No, ona tu hovorí ... aká je tá otázka, bez pochyby, že oni hovoria: "Eva povedala, že nadobudla tohoto muža (človeka) od Pána." Ako si myslíte, ako by život vôbec mohol prísť, ak by neprišiel od Pána, či je dobrý alebo zlý?

89Kto poslal Judáša Iškariotského na svet? Povedzte mi to. Biblia povedala, že on sa narodil ako "syn zatratenia." Opýtajte sa ich len toto. Budú ako červík v citróne, vidíte. No viete, oni nemôžu ... To je ...

90Všimnite si. Potom ak ich chcete zobrať trošku viac technicky, pozrite. Eva tu hovorila - ak to chcete zobrať v tom jazyku, ako je to tu, ktorým je to napísané tak, že je to skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných - Eva, tu, spôsob, ako je to učené, že to bol Boh skrze ktorého ona porodila tohoto syna, a On je Duch a On to nemôže robiť. Vidíte?

No, pozrite sa sem, ak si to chcete všimnúť. "Nadobudla som muža od Pána." Môžete spraviť, že to všelijako vyznieva ... ale to musí mať svoj správny výklad, vidíte. Tak veru.

91Nie veru. Ak to ... potom Duch ... A my stále nasledujeme povahu svojich rodičov. Viete o tom. Pozrite sa na to decko, na jeho povahu. Dobre, potom, Adam bol syn Boží. Eva bola dcéra Božia. Skutočne. Tá prvá vec stvorenia Božieho, ktorá nemohla mať nikde ani jednu štipku zla ... Zlo nebolo ani poznané. Potom prečo bol Kain klamár, vrah, a všetko ďalšie? Odkiaľ sa to vzalo? Položte si len túto otázku. To bolo semeno hada. Či nehovorí tak Biblia?

92Sledujte jeho semeno po celý čas. V tom sa on stáva ... Komu patrí svet? Diablovi. Kto ním teraz vládne? Diabol. Presne tak. Diabol vládne svetom. On povedal Ježišovi, riekol: "Vidíš, aké je to pekné, a všetka tá sláva. Dám ti to, ak sa mi budeš klaňať," vidíte. On je jeho vládcom. On ho teraz vlastní.

93Hľaďte teraz. Jeho deti boli múdre - diablove deti. Vezmite Kainove deti, ak chcete, a preskúmajte tie rodokmene, a zistíte, že oni boli chytrí ľudia, každý jeden z nich. Ale teraz, keď on zabil Ábela, a Boh mu dal znovu Seta, ktorý bol typom toho spravodlivého, aby vykúpil - zomrel a znovu povstal. A odtiaľ ...

94Dávajte teraz pozor. Teraz, z toho prvého prirodzeného semena, oni zomierajú. (Máte teraz otvorenú svoju myseľ?) To prvé semeno toho prirodzeného semena, obyčajne dobré, to znázorňuje modernú cirkev - Ábel. Kvôli tomu, aby mohol byť zachovaný ten prichádzajúci rod, ten jeden zomrel, a tak mohol povstať ďalší, vidíte. Tak to musí byť znovu znovuzrodenie. (Pochopili ste to? No dobre, len tak to dostanete, vidíte.)

95Tu to máte, dokonalý predobraz. Tak ešte aj ten telesný človek, narodený z Adama, svojho otca, ukazuje ten telesný trend. To nemôže fungovať. Ten telesný človek nechápe veci Božie. Tak bol človek, ktorý prišiel prirodzene (telesne) a zomrel za tým účelom, aby to znovu prinavrátil, a bol reprezentovaný v smrti Ábela a znovu umiestnený skrze Seta.

96A pozorujte teraz akí to boli ľudia, ten duch sa ďalej z neho prenášal - pokorní, farmári, pastieri oviec. Pozorujte čo prichádza tu z tejto múdrosti sveta - chytrí ľudia a stavitelia a pracujúci s kovmi a všetkého druhu chytrá inteligencia a všetko. Pozrite sa kde skončili. Oni boli tam, a Boh zničil každého jedného z nich - každého z nich, a spasil tých pokorných.

97Či nepovedal Ježiš v Matúšovi 5: "Tichí (pokorní) zdedia zem"? Tak, potom sa netrápte. Oni nemajú jediné miesto, na ktorom by sa postavili. Vidíte, oni neveria, že to je Kainov syn. Nie veru. Ale my máme o tom pásku, ak si to chcete vypočuť, je to detailne vysvetlené.

98A videl som tam v novinách, uverejnili článok, kde veda teraz ide dokázať, že Eva nejedla jablko. Ona zjedla marhuľu. Mám tie noviny teraz doma. Bola to marhuľa (ako ďaleko môžu ľudia ... to je telesná myseľ). Že Mojžiš v skutočnosti neprešiel cez tú vodu; on prešiel cez trstinové more - previedol Izraela cez horný koniec Mŕtveho mora. Tam je mnoho trstiny, celé more trstiny, ktoré ... tam kde bola voľakedy voda a klesla. A Mojžiš išiel skratkou a tak ho prešiel. A Ortodoxné cirkvi to prijímajú! Videli ste to. Ortodoxné cirkvi to prijímajú, že to tak bolo.

Och, ľudia, či nemôžete vidieť to semeno hada - to je antikrist a celá tá vec leží práve tam? Tak veru.

10. Brat Branham, prosím modli sa za môjho malého ... (No, to je prosba o modlitbu.) ... modli sa za môjho malého vnuka, je veľmi chorý má chrípku. Je v hoteli Riverview.

Pane Ježišu, táto biedna osoba to tu nenapísala nadarmo. Ona Ťa videla, ako si ten večer uvážene odstránil ešte aj reumatickú horúčku od malého chlapca. Ona vie, že Ty si ten veľký Boh, a my obetujeme naše modlitby za toho malého chlapca. V Mene Ježiša Krista nech je uzdravený. Amen.

Keď niekto niečo napíše nie je to márne. Oni majú ... Nevadí ako jednoducho to pre nás zneje, a ako veľmi ... ako to je, ale je za tým niečo, viete. Tá pani ... ten malý chlapec ... niečo.

11. Je ten Eliáš, ktorý prichádza kázať Židom ten skutočný muž, ktorý žil na zemi, alebo to bude duch Eliášov v nejakom inom mužovi? (To je ... Bojím sa povedať. Neviem. Dovoľte nech to ešte raz prečítam.) Je ten Eliáš, ktorý prichádza kázať Židom (ó, áno) ten skutočný muž, ktorý žil na zemi, alebo to bude duch Eliášov v nejakom inom mužovi?

99No, ak by som to mohol správne odpovedať, mohol by som vám povedať o Enochovi, vidíte. Ale ja to neviem povedať, vidíte. Jediná vec čo viem je, že Písmo to povedalo, čo to bude, a teraz by to mohlo byť, že ... No, som tak trochu naklonený ... (No dovoľte mi to povedať takto, a dúfam, že tie pásky, tí bratia pri tých páskach, toto budú rozumieť). Ja som naklonený veriť, že to budú pomazaní ľudia ich duchom; pretože, vidíte, on hovorí ... Či ne-... o Elizeovi ... či nespočinul duch Eliášov na Elizea? Duch Eliášov. A on sa zachovával práve tak, ako Eliáš, vidíte. Ale ja nemôžem povedať, že je to pravda. Ja neviem, vidíte. Nepretvarujem sa pred vami. Neviem.

12. Brat Branham, odpovedal by si mi prosím túto otázku o krste: Matúš 28:19 učí Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch; a Peter v Skutkoch 2:38, vo meno Pána Ježiša. Kedy nastala táto zmena v Skutkoch Apoštolských? No, ja verím v Pána Ježiša.

100Dobre, brat alebo sestra, ktokoľvek to napísal, tam nenastala žiadna zmena. Peter urobil presne to, čo Ježiš prikázal. No, ak niekto príde a povie, že Peter použil tituly Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, oni by urobili to, čo povedal, aby nerobili, ale čo Boh povedal, aby nerobili, vidíte. No Ježiš povedal, že … To zaberie len chvíľku. My sme ... Chcem ti tu len niečo ukázať, všimni si.

101Všimni si teraz, ak si tu, (tá osoba). Položím tu tri kúsky materiálu. Pozri teraz, toto je Otec, toto je Syn, toto je Duch Svätý, ako v nich veria vyznávači trojici - veria, že oni sú tri rôzne osoby. Oni to veria, viete?

102Tak dobre, dovoľte mi teraz ... A potom Matúš 28:19, Ježiš povedal: "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu." (Nie, prepáčte; citujem Skutky 2, myslím - nie, Lukáš 24:49.) On povedal ... dovoľte mi to prečítať, potom to mám; pretože jedného dňa som povedal to, keď to nebolo prečítané, a chcem si byť istý, že to hovorím správne. Poznám ten titul o čom tu hovoríte, ale chcem zobrať presne čo On povedal. Začnime pri 16. verši tej dvadsiatej deviatej. [Matúš 28: 16 – pozn.prekl.]

A tí jedenásti učeníci išli do Galilei, na vrch, kam im bol nariadil Ježiš.

A keď ho videli, klaňali sa mu, ale niektorí pochybovali.

A Ježiš pristupujúc hovoril s nimi a povedal: Daná mi je každá moc na nebi aj na zemi.

103Kde je moc Božia? Kde je Boh? Ak každá moc na Nebi a každá moc na zemi bola daná, kde je Boh? Tam On je. Vidíte, to je to, čo hovorí ku nemu.

A tak iďte, čiňte učeníkmi všetky národy krstiac ich vo meno Otca i Syna i Svätého Ducha.

104No vyznávači trojici sa toho boja. "Krstím ťa vo meno Otca, vo meno Syna a vo meno Svätého Ducha." To nie je ani v Svätom Písme. Vidíte? On povedal: "Krstite ich vo meno Otca a Syna a ... Nie vo ... Oni položili meno pred každý jeden - jedno meno. (Pozrite sa sem.) Nepovedal: "Krstite ich vo mená ... M-e-n-o, jedno meno - vo meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha.

105Chcem sa vás teraz opýtať. Je Otec meno? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Nie." – pozn.prekl.] Koľko je tu otcov? Kto z vás sa menuje Otec? Koľko je tu synov? Koľko je tu ľudí? Kto z vás sa menuje "Otec, Syn, alebo Človek", vidíte?

Ako jedna žena raz povedala, ona riekla: "Brat Branham, Duch Svätý je meno. To je osoba."

106Povedal som: "Tak veru. Ja som osoba, ale moje meno nie je Osoba." Ja som osoba, vidíte? Moje meno je William Branham, ale ja som osoba. Duch Svätý je osoba; to je to čo to je. To nie je meno; to je titul osoby Božej, vidíte? To je titul pre tú osobnosť Božiu, ktorou On je.

107No, ak On povedal: "Choďte a učte všetky národy, krstiac ich vo meno Otca, a Syna, a Svätého Ducha" - nie vo meno Otca, meno Syna, meno Ducha Svätého, a nie vo mená Otca, a Syna, a Ducha Svätého; ale vo meno Otca, Syna, a Ducha Svätého.

108A ak Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý nie je meno, potom čo s tým? Poviete: "To je meno." Ktoré z ... Chcete nazvať jedno z nich meno - ktoré je to meno? Ak chcete nazvať nejaký titul menom, potom ktorý titul je to, do ktorého chcete krstiť - Otec alebo Syn - to je jednotné číslo, vidíte.

109No, otvorme to teraz tu. A toto je posledná kniha Matúša. Ako som to stále vysvetľoval. Ak čítate zamilovaný príbeh, a je povedané: "Ján a Mária žili stále potom šťastne,"... Vidíte, to je preto, že ste ne ... Neviete kto je Ján a Mária. Choďte naspäť na začiatok vášho príbehu. Zistite kto je Ján a Mária. Vidíte?

No, to je to, čo robíte tu v Matúšovi. Vy čítate z toho len tú poslednú časť. Choďte naspäť na začiatok Matúša a čítajte, čo je to za príbeh. To je posledná kapitola v Matúšovi a posledné verše.

110Ako keď ste zobrali nejakú knihu a poviete: "Ján a Mária žili po tom stále šťastne. To bol Ján Jones a Mária taká-a-taká. Nie, to bol Ján Henry a to bola taká-a-taká. Toto je Ján Niekto a taká-a-taká." Teraz, vy ešte neviete, vidíte? Tá jediná vec, ktorú treba urobiť, aby si byť istý, je ísť naspäť v tej knihe a čítať to. Nemôžete zobrať kúsok tu. Vy musíte celú vec dať dokopy, aby ste dostali ten obraz.

111No, vráťte sa do Matúša do prvej kapitoly, a v nej je podaný rodokmeň, v tej prvej kapitole. Potom to prichádza do 18. verša, a tam stojí:

A narodenie Ježiša Krista bolo takto: ...

112Je to tak? No, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Znovu teraz počúvajte. Vy to nazývate. Kto je toto? Boh [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Otec." – pozn.prekl.] Boh ["Syn"] Boh ["Duch Svätý"] Ktorý je toto? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Duch Svätý."] Ktorý je toto? ["Syn."] No dobre. Teraz to máme. No, čo ste povedali, že toto je? Boh ktorý? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Duch Svätý" – pozn.prekl.] Duch Svätý, no dobre. V poriadku.

A narodenie Ježiša Krista bolo takto. Keď bola jeho matka, Mária, zasnúbená Jozefovi, prv ako sa zišli, bola nájdená tehotná zo

... [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "zo Svätého Ducha" – pozn.prekl.]

113No, myslel som, že poviete, že Boh bol Jeho Otec. Teraz tu nie je niečo v poriadku. On nemôže mať dvoch otcov. To viete. Teraz je tu niečo zle. No, ktorý z týchto ľudí, ak oni sú tri osoby - ktorý z nich je Jeho Otec? Biblia tu jasne hovorí: "... ona bola nájdená tehotná zo Svätého Ducha." Boh, Otec, nemal s tým nič spoločného. A Ježiš povedal, že Boh bol Jeho Otec, a my vieme, že Boh bol Jeho Otec, potom On mal dvoch otcov. Potom je On skutočne poriadne nelegitímny. No, vidíte, kde ste sa dostali?

Ale Jozef, jej muž, súc spravodlivý a nechcúc jej robiť potupu chcel ju tajne prepustiť.

A keď o tom premýšľal, ...

Pamätajte, on bol teraz dobrý človek, a ruka Pánova je práve teraz blízko. Tí, ktorí sú predurčení to porozumejú.

Ale keď on premýšľal, hľa, ukázal sa mu anjel Pánov vo sne

... (Sledujete ma vo svojich Bibliách? No dobre.) 

a povedal: Jozefe, synu Dávidov, neboj sa prijať Máriu, svoju manželku, lebo to, čo je v nej splodené, je z

 (Boha Otca.)

114Prečítal som to nesprávne? Ja som to skutočne prečítal nesprávne. To čo sa v nej počalo nemá nič dočinenia s Bohom Otcom - to je Duch Svätý. A teraz my vieme, že Boh bol Jeho Otec. Je to pravda? Tak čo to je? Duch Svätý je Boží Duch, samozrejme.

115No, máte to, vidíte. Boh Otec a Duch Svätý je tá istá osoba, inak by mal dvoch otcov. Potom ktorú osobu uctievate? Akého Boha máte teraz? Vidíte? Boh, Duch Svätý a Boh, Otec, je jeden a ten istý Duch.

A porodí syna,

... (tohoto tu) ...

a nazveš jeho meno

... (Ako? Jeho Meno. Teraz si zapamätajte, Jeho meno.) 

JEŽIŠ: lebo on zachráni svoj ľud od ich hriechov.

A to všetko sa stalo na to, aby sa naplnilo to, čo bolo povedané od Pána skrze proroka,

... (ku ktorému prichádza Slovo) ...

ktorý povedal:

Hľa, panna počne a porodí syna, a nazvú jeho meno Emanuel, čo je preložené: S nami Boh.

116Aké je Meno Božie? Aké je meno Otca, Syna, a Svätého Ducha? Biblia povedala, že Jeho Meno je Ježiš.

117 Potom tento človek tu, ktorý sa o tom raz tu v modlitebni snažil diskutovať, povedal: "Brat Branham sa vykrútil zo všetkých tým miest Písma, ale z tohoto sa nevykrúti." Povedal: "Toto tu presne, dokonale ukazuje tri rôzne osoby - Matúš tretia kapitola."

Tu stál Ján a kázal. Tu prichádza Syn, aby bol pokrstený. On vošiel do vody a bol pokrstený od Jána, vyšiel von z vody, a Hľa, nebesia sa otvorili nad Ním, a z Neba prichádza Duch Svätý ako zostupujúca holubica, a Hlas z Neba hovorí: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom ..." Tri rozdielne osoby hneď v jednej chvíli." Ó.

118To len ide ukázať, že ľudia bez krstu, a nepovolaní do úradu kazateľa nemajú čo hľadať za kazateľňou. Je to tak. Ja - ja - ja by som mohol zobrať tú osobu, teraz, s pomocou Božou a poviazať ich do takého uzlu, že by nemohli zvrtnúť hlavou. Pozrite, ja sa nestarám, čo ... Nie, nemyslím "ja". To dobre neznie. Odpustite mi. Nechcel som to tak povedať, Pane. Nechcel, teraz. Cítil som Ho, ako ma pri tom zastavil. Tak nemienil som to povedať takým spôsobom. Prepáčte. Verím, že Duch Svätý môže zjaviť tej osobe nejaké tajomstvo. To zneje lepšie.

119To je ako ladenie nejakého hudobného nástroja, keď robíte niečo zle. A môžete to povedať, ako kresťan, povedali ste niečo zle. Jemu sa to nepáčilo. Vidíte, to ma tam zastavilo. Vidíte? Ja to nijako neovplyvňujem. Ja som len ... ani nechcem, ani nič také; len On. Nech On koná tú prácu. On vydáva zvuk. Trúby sú nemé - ten hlas za tým, to je to čo vydáva ten zvuk.

120No, pozrite sa sem. Ten človek zle vyložil Slovo. Vidíte, ono je ... Pamätajte, ono je skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných - zjavené je nemluvňatám. No, tu je tá jedna osoba, Ježiš Kristus, stojaci na zemi. Teraz nebesia ... samozrejme, sú nad atmosférou.

121Hľaďte teraz. A Ján vydáva svedectvo ... No ten človek mal ... povedal tu je Boh Otec, a tu je Boh Duch Svätý, ako holubica, a tu je Boh Syn - tvoriaci tri osoby. To je zle. Ján, ktorý tam stál, vedel, že toto bol ten Baránok.

Ján povedal: "Vydávam svedectvo, vidím Ducha Božieho, ako Baránka." Tam je Boh, Duch ... chcem povedať, ako holubicu. (No, to je to isté, ako som povedal raz večer, vidíte, namiesto sedem sto.) Duch Boží ... Toto tu bol Baránok, a Duch Boží - Holubica bol Boh. Duch Boží zostupuje z Neba, a Hlas z Neba, hovorí: "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v Ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo." "Do Mojej ruky je daná všetka moc na Nebi i na zemi." Vidíte? To je On. No, aké bolo Jeho meno? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Ježiš." – pozn.prekl.] Samozrejme.

122Tak, čo sa týka tej trojičiarskej teórii, že sú traja rôzni bohovia - to je pohanstvo! To v Biblii nebolo nikdy učené. To nebolo nikdy učené v posolstve Leva, ale to bolo prijaté v tom ďalšom, ktorým bol antikrist. Opýtajte sa koho len chcete, ktoréhokoľvek teológa! To prišlo jedine cez náuku Nikolaitov (Mikulášencov).

123Preto to vychádza s Martinom Lutherom. Preto to pokračuje ďalej s Johnom Wesleyom a prelialo sa to ďalej na Letničných. V tých dňoch, keď Letničný vyšli, oni mali skupinu Jesus Only (Jedine Ježiš). No to je znovu nesprávne. Ako môže Ježiš byť Svojím vlastným Otcom? Vidíte? Tak toto to vylučuje.

124Ale, mal prísť čas Orla. To je čas, aby boli vysvetlené všetky tieto tajomstvá. Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý sú tituly Pána Ježiša Krista. Pozorujte všetky tri z nich.

125Matúš povedal: Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý. Peter povedal: Pán Ježiš Kristus. Kto je Otec? Pán povedal môjmu Pánovi: "Seď po mojej pravici." Je to tak? Otec, Syn - Ježiš, Duch Svätý - Logos, ktoré vyšlo od Boha - Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý sú absolútne tri tituly osoby Božej zamanifestovanej v troch rôznych spôsoboch, alebo v troch Svojich vlastnostiach.

126A aby to urobiť jasným pre niekoho, kto neporozumel, to je ako tri úrady toho istého Boha. V skutočnosti, to sú tri atribúty (vlastnosti) toho istého Boha. Boh pracujúci v troch rôznych ... pod Otcovstvom, pod Synovstvom, pod správou Ducha Svätého. Boh je dokonalý v troch. Pamätáte si antikristove číslo - štyri? Vidíte? Boh - Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý je absolútne Pán Ježiš Kristus.

127Keď krstíme len vo meno Ježiša - to je zle. Krstiť len vo meno Ježiš - to je úplne zle. Ja sa poznám s mnohými Ježišmi. Pozrite, Latinské krajiny sú ich plné - Ježišov, ale toto je Pán Ježiš Kristus! To hovorí presne, kto On je.

Je mnoho Branhamovcov, ak chcete hovoriť o mne osobne. Ja som ten jeden William Marrion Branham - to som ja. Ale je mnoho ďalších Williamov Branhamov a tak ďalej dookola. Ale toto je jasne nazývanie jednej osoby, Pán Ježiš Kristus - Ten pomazaný. Je len jeden z nich.

128No, to je správne. Ak je ešte niečo ohľadne toho, napíšte dopis alebo niečo, alebo niekedy, keď som pri iných otázkach. Chcem skúsiť prebrať tieto a uvidím, či sa budeme môcť dostať ku niektorým z týchto chorých, ktorí trpia, a modliť sa za nich.

13. Brat Branham, ak sa táto otázka nehodí do ... neodpovedaj. (To je pekné. Cením si to.) Ktoré deti pôjdu do Vytrhnutia, či všetky malé deti? Ďakujem.

129Oni sa nepodpísali. No, ak ste sa nepodpísali, nie je to nutné. Ale pozrite sa, keď Boh zapísal nejaké meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta, nič na svete ho nemôže vygumovať, pretože to je napísané atramentom Kristovej Krvi. Či je ono takéto veľké, také, alebo také, alebo akékoľvek, to na tom nič nemení. Všetky deti, všetky cirkvi, všetko je, je ... Boh, skrze Svoje predzvedenie ...

130No, my nevieme. Vy poviete: "Brat Branham, môžeš dokázať, že si tam?" Nie. Ja to nemôžem dokázať. Boh ma mohol použiť ako nástroj na niečo iné, a tak isto mohol použiť vás. Ale verím, a skrze vieru som spasený. Nie som spasený skrze poznanie; skrze vieru. Takýmto spôsobom ste spasení. Všetci sme spasení takýmto spôsobom.

131Ale pamätajte, Boh je nekonečný. Veríte tomu? - nekonečný. Tým, že je nekonečný, to Ho činí ... a potom On je vševedúci. Veríte tomu? Vševedúci znamená, že On vie všetko. On nemôže byť ... On nemôže byť vševedúci bez toho, že by bol nekonečný. Vidíte, nikdy nebolo nič, čo by On nevedel. On vedel o každom komárovi, ktorý kedy bol na zemi a koľkokrát mihol okom a koľko z neho bude loju - koľko bude z nich zo všetkých spolu. On vedel o každom nadýchnutí sa, ktorým sa nadýchnete a ako hlboko to vojde do vašich pľúc - to je nekonečný.

132No, keď je On nekonečný, to Ho činí vševedúcim. Je to tak? A ak je On vševedúci, to Ho činí všade prítomným, pretože On pozná presne tú minútu, hodinu, čas až na 55 tisícinu sekundy, keď sa to stane. Vidíte? Pochopili ste teraz tú myšlienku? Potom On vie všetko; a preto On má všetku moc, pozná všetko, a môže robiť všetko.

No, pozrime sa. No, a všetky deti, ktoré Boh ... každý koho Boh, keď oni ... Pamätajte, keď bol Ježiš, Biblia hovorí ...

133My teraz vieme, že Ježiš bol zabitý okolo roku 30. Je to tak? To bolo asi v polovici roku, myslím - n.l. 30. No, ale Biblia povedala, že On bol zabitý ešte pred skôr, ako bol stvorený svet. A vaše meno ... Keď Baránkova Kniha ... Keď Baránok bol zabitý, aby vykúpil túto Knihu ... (Tu je teraz veľká vec. To môže spôsobiť povzbudenie!) Hľaďte! Keď Baránok ...

134No pamätajte, Biblia povedala, že Baránkova Kniha Života bola napísaná pred založením sveta, a vaše meno bolo tam zapísané - bolo v tej Knihe, keď Baránok bol zabitý pred založením sveta, aby vykúpil každé meno, ktoré bolo napísané v tej Knihe. Rozumiete teraz tomu?

135Vidíte, tam nie je nič v neporiadku. To funguje tak presne, ako Boží veľkí chronometer (časomer), ako hodiny pohybujúce sa presne dookola. Vaše mená tam boli zapísané pred založením sveta, keď Baránok bol zabitý, aby vykúpil to, čo bolo v tej Knihe. No, On vystupuje dopredu a berie tú Knihu, aby si vyžiadal to, čo vykúpil. (Nechcem začať o tom hovoriť, lebo by sme dnes nezodpovedali žiadnu ďalšiu otázku.) No dobre.

14a. Otázka: Je peklo a to jazero, ktoré horí ohňom a sírou, to isté?

136Nie. Peklo, preklad v Biblii, myslím ... No, sedia tu učení. Pokladám to za česť. Sedí tu brat Iverson, a brat Vayle a mnoho z týchto bratov, ktorí sú ozajstnými teológmi. Slovo Hádeš, preložené znamená hrob. Je to tak? - Grécke slovo pre hrob. Ale to "ohnivé jazero" je niečo iné, pretože tam v Zjavení, oboje Hádeš a všetko bolo vrhnuté do tohoto ohnivého jazera. No dobre. No, pozrime sa.

14b. ... ak nie, je to ohnivé jazero Večným peklom?

137Vôbec nie. Nie. Všetko, čo bolo stvorené nie je Večné. Nie, všetko, čo je stvorené ... Preto nemôže existovať Večné peklo. Ak vám niekto niekedy povie, že budete horieť vo Večnom pekle, chcem ku tomu miesto Písma. Také niečo nie je.

138Peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a jeho anjelov, pre antikrista a jeho ľudí - to bol diabol, vtelený diabol. Ono bolo stvorené na to, aby zničiť. A všetko, čo ... Je len jedna vec zo všetkých tam, ktorá je - celý svet a všetko ďalšie - je len jedna vec, ktorá je Večná, a to je Boh.

139Prv, ako bol nejaký atóm, alebo elektróny, alebo predtým, ako bolo nejaké kozmické svetlo, alebo elektróny či čokoľvek, On bol Boh. On je Stvoriteľ. A je len jediný spôsob, ako vy môžete byť Večný, a to je prijať Večný Život - to Grécke slovo tam, je myslím Zoe. Je to tak? - Zoe. Potom vám Boh udeľuje ten Život, ako váš otec vám udeľuje svoj život skrze ten manželský sľub s matkou. A on, skrze to udeľuje ... tá radosť z udieľania ... (rozumiete ma?) ... z udieľania života synovi. To je spôsob, ako to Boh robí - radosť v udieľaní Svojho Života synovi. Vidíte?

140A potom sa stanete časťou Neho, ktorý je Zoe - Vlastný Boží Život. Ja im dám Večný Život a vzbudím ich v posledných dňoch. To je tá jediná vec, ktorá ... Vy máte Večný Život; a ten Večný Život pozná svoje telo a ono musí prísť a ukázať sa. Ono nemôže ... Je nemožné, aby ono tam zostalo ležať.

Ako sa Duch Kristov vznášal nad tým telom - Boží Duch nad Kristom v ten veľký deň - ono vedelo, že ono znovu vstane. Tak povstanú svätí vo svojom tele.

141Pamätajte, Ježiš, keď On zomrel, On odišiel do pekla, pretože On tam musel ísť - On tam niesol hriechy, a On kázal tým dušiam v pekle, ktoré nečinili pokánie, keď vyčkávala Božia zhovievavosť za dní Noeho. Je to tak? On odišiel do pekla a kázal tým dušiam - tým, od Boha oddeleným dušiam. Smrť znamená oddelenie. A oni boli oddelení od Boha - nikdy sa viac nemohli dostať naspäť. A Ježiš odišiel, aby niesol svedectvo, že On je Ten, o ktorom bolo hovorené - to semeno ženy.

142Semeno hada ... Vidíte čo urobilo semeno hada? Antikrist ide do smrti - oddelenie, červený kôň. Semeno ženy, život, končí na bielom koni - Ježiš Kristus. Vidíte? Čo to je? - jedno proti druhému - semeno hada proti smenu ženy. Rozumiete to teraz? Och, mohli by sme pri tom zostať trochu dlhšie (bolo by to dobre?), ale zostaňme pri tomto.

15. Brat Branham, či ten prvý jazdec, Prvá Pečať, vypĺňa II. Tesaloničanom, to zjavenie o tom mužovi hriechu?

143Áno. To je správne. Vypĺňa. To je ten muž hriechu. Tento istý muž, len jazdí ďalej v rôznych etapách, až sa dostáva na plavého koňa, ktorý je nazvaný Smrť. Kristus ide ďalej cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie na bielom koni a to je ten Život, vidíte.

16. Čo sa stane so znovuzrodenými veriacimi, ktorí sú v rôznych denomináciách, ale nie v Neveste Kristovej? Čo sa s nimi stane?

144No, myslím, že sme to vysvetlili pred chvíľou. Oni idú do súženia. Oni sú zabití v súžení, prichádzajú v poslednom ... po Miléniu, na svoj súd, (Vidíte?) pretože Biblia povedala, že ostatní živí ... ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až kým sa nevyplnilo tisíc rokov. Potom, bolo vzkriesenie, a potom prichádzajú ... obaja, spravodliví i nespravodliví a sú súdení Kristom a Nevestou. On prišiel na zem s tisíckami desať tisícov Svojich svätých. Je to tak? - Jeho Nevesta.

145Zasadol súd, knihy sa otvorili ... Knihy boli otvorené, a iná Kniha zostala otvorená, ktorá je Knihou Života. On tam oddelil kozly od oviec. Je to tak? To nemá nič spoločného s Nevestou. Ona stála rovno tam v súde so svojím ... Kráľovná a Kráľ, spolu. On prišiel so Svojimi svätými; desať tisíce tisícov Mu slúžilo - Jeho žena; potom zasadol súd. A potom boli oddelené ovce od kozlov. (Pamätáte sa, ako som raz večer priniesol tú malú meditáciu, tak budete rozumieť: Kovbojskú meditáciu. Vidíte? Tu to máte.)

146Cirkev, ľudia, ktorí sú v denomináciách, ktorí sú ozajstní kresťania, ktorí prijali posolstvo ... A oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť. Nikdy im to nebude kázané.

147A títo v tom zmiešanom zástupe, (ktorým je to kázané), to prejde rovno ponad ich hlavami, ak ich mená neboli zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života. Ale to budú dobrí ľudia, a oni budú znovu vzkriesení prídu pred súd a budú súdení práve skrze tú skupinu, ktorá im kázala. Či neviete, že svätí budú súdiť svet? Ku ním bude kázané, vidíte? Im bude kázané práve skrze tých ľudí, ktorí im svedčili o tom posolstve - aby vyšli z toho. (Dúfam, že toto to vyjasňuje. Mám tu toho tak mnoho.)

17. Brat Branham, ten siedmy anjel s duchom Eliášovým je ten istý muž, ktorý je poslaný ako Eliáš ku 144 000 Židom v priebehu tých tri a pol roka po Vytrhnutí? Niektorí z nás nemajú v tom jasno.

148Nie, on nie je ten istý; to sú dvaja rôzny ľudia. Elizeus, ktorý prišiel vo forme Eliáša nebol Eliáš. A duch Eliášov, ktorý prišiel na človeka, ktorý sa nazýval Ján Krstiteľ, nebol Eliáš. A ten siedmi anjelsky posol na konci Laodicejského Veku, nebude ten doslovný Eliáš. On bude pohan, pre svoj ľud.

149Eliáš bude ... Tento duch Eliáša potom, ktorý prichádza v ... tam ku ľuďom, on bude Žid, pretože oni sú poslaní ku svojím vlastným ľuďom. To je moje zjavenie.

150Preto ja ... Tommy Osborn, keď sme sa vtedy o tom rozprávali, (Tommy a ja) nevedel som. Modlil som sa len za chorých, a prišiel som tam a tam bola pani, prišla z Fort Wayne z Modlitebni Evanjelia, misionárka v zahraničí. Jej prsia boli takto veľké - boli prežrané rakovinou; a ona bola práve tam v tom malom dome, kde sme žili, na tej ulici. A modlil som sa za tú drahú sestru, a ona bola uzdravená a vrátila sa na misijné pole.

151A keď ... ona prišla z Afriky - a ona tam nechala malú knižku o misionároch. Myslel som si: "Misionári sú fajn." a nikdy som veľa nepremýšľal o misionároch. Myslel som si: "Dobre, to je tam proste nejaký úrad Boží, moje miesto je toto tu na 8. Pen streat," zastával som ho najlepšie, ako som mohol.

152Ale jedného dňa, ako som sedel v študovni, zobral som tú knižku a tam bol obrázok černocha. Nejakého starého otca, a on mal tento malý biely lem vlasov, a pod tým obrázkom bolo napísané toto: "Biely človek, biely človek, kde bol tvoj otec? Ja som teraz starý a otupený v mysli, a nerozumiem tak dobre. Ak by som poznal Ježiša, keď som bol mladým človekom, zobral by som Ho ku svojím ľuďom."

No,prečítal som to, a niečo stále hovorilo: "Čítaj to znovu. Čítaj to znovu." Čítal som znovu a znovu. Prečítal som to veľa krát. "Čítaj to znovu a znovu. Niečo v tom je".

153Ako tam hore vtedy v Green Mill, keď som vyšiel von z tej jaskyni ... Nemohol som porozumieť to, ako tí ľudia môžu hovoriť v jazykoch a kričať na skutok opravdivého Ducha Svätého, a stále byť antikristom - hovoriť v jazykoch, skrze opravdivého Ducha Svätého hovoriť v jazykoch a stále byť diablom. Tak veru! Môžem vám to dokázať. Áno, skutočne!

154Potom, všimnite si, keď to oni robili ... Tak, jazyky nie sú dôkazom Ducha Svätého; to je jeden z darov Ducha Svätého. A diabol môže napodobiť všetko, čo On má - božské uzdravovanie a všetko ďalšie. On povedal: "Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň, a povedia: 'Pane, či som nevyháňal démonov; nerobil som ... Ja (to je kázanie Evanjelia) ... či som nečinil mocné skutky v Tvojom mene, a všetky tieto veci tam.' A Ja poviem: 'Odstúpte odo Mňa, činiteli neprávosti. Nikdy som vás nepoznal'."

155Biblia povedala, že dážď padá tak isto na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. A tak isto burina, ktorá stojí tam na pšeničnom poli, sa môže tak radovať a kričať na skutok tej istej vody, ktorá padá na ňu ako, obe ... poslané skrze ten dážď; Ale podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte!

156Tá malá stará burina tam môže stáť a tak sa radovať a vykrikovať, ako len môže, tak naplnená tým istý dažďom ako pšenica. Tu to máte. Tak oni môžu kričať, hovoriť v jazykoch, a napodobiť všetko, čo chcú, a v ten deň budú nazvaný "činitelia neprávosti."

157Ako som vám nedávno povedal (Počúvajte čo hovorím. Počúvajte pozorne!), pozrite sa naspäť a skontrolujte sa so Slovom a vidzte kde ste. Vy ženy, ktoré máte krátke vlasy, nechajte ich rásť. Ak nosíte šortky, odložte ich preč. Zachovávajte sa ako dámy.

158Ak vy mužovia stále fajčíte a beháte do herní, prestaňte s tým! Nestarám sa o to, ako veľmi sa hlásite k viere. Ak sa stále držíte tých organizácií a hovoríte: "Toto je to," a toto je to," radšej by ste mali prestať. Pozrite sa tam a prekontrolujte sa so Slovom. Dostávame sa rovno von z ... Máme žiť ponad tými vecami krátkych vlasov a všetkého tohoto teraz v tomto veku. Ideme teraz naspäť do niečoho, keď Boh zjavuje tie skryté tajomstvá, ktoré boli položené do tejto Knihy pred založením sveta.

159A tí, ktorí boli poslušní v týchto malých veciach to v týchto ďalších veciach porozumejú. Ak neboli poslušní, prejde to ponad ich hlavami tak ďaleko ako východ od západu. To bude práve ...

160Ako Gedeon oddelil svojich ľudí - tam bolo tisíce a tisíce. Boh povedal: "To je príliš veľa. Znovu ich oddeľ." On im dal ďalšiu skúšku, a znovu ich oddelil - znovu ich oddelil, až nakoniec mal malú hŕstku. On povedal: "Toto je tá skupina, od ktorých chcem, aby vykonali tú prácu." To je presne to, čo sa stalo.

Letničné ženy, chodia hore dole, sedia tam, počúvajú, a vedia skrze Slovo, že to je zle. Myslíte, že to s tým prikryjú? Nie veru! Každý rok, keď prechádzam okolo, je ich viacej s ostrihanými vlasmi, ako ich bolo keď som začal. Povedali: "Čo to má s tým spoločného ... Ty máš ..."

161Niekto povedal: "Dobre, brat Branham, ľudia sa dívajú na teba ako na proroka." Ja nehovorím, že ja som prorok. Nikto ma to nepočul povedať; ale ja hovorím toto, že ak ste to tak robili, ak sa dívate na to ... Povedal: "Prečo neučíš ľudí, ako prijať Ducha Svätého a ako dostať toto a ako dostať veľké duchovné dary a pomôcť cirkvi?" Ako ich môžem učiť algebru, keď oni nechcú počúvať ani abecedu? Je to tak. Robte tieto malé veci. Choďte tam dole na dno a odstráňte to a začnite správne. Amen. Sláva!

162O čom som hovoril? Nemal som v úmysle dostať sa pomimo témy; prepáčte mi, vidíte. No dobre. "Niektorý z nás nemajú jasno. Je ten Eliáš ten istý, ako ...?" Aha; to je ono. Nie, tento Eliáš, ktorý príde ku ľuďom z nežidovských národov bude človek nežidovského pôvodu pomazaný tým duchom, pretože Boh stále používal toho istého ducha, aby vyviedol Svoj ľud von z chaosu, a dobre poslúžil Jeho zámeru, tak On to znovu privádza naspäť, pretože vidíte ... Pretože teraz, ak by On používal nejakého vysoko vyhladeného, vzdelaného - to takí ľudia by sa toho chytili.

163On privádza muža, ktorý sotva pozná abecedu a nevie správne vyslovovať slová a všetko také, nejakého starého z pustatiny tam odniekiaľ, a privádza ho a ukazuje to práve tam tým jednoducho zmýšľajúcim ľuďom a oni to rozumejú, [Brat Branham pukol na prstoch. – pozn.prekl.] takto. Ak to prichádza vyhladené ...

164Ako povedal Pavol: "Neprišiel som ku vám s vyhladeným vzdelaním, ale som ku vám prišiel v moci zmŕtvychvstania." Boh potreboval tri a pol roka tam dole v Arábii, aby to vytĺkol z neho - jeho vzdelanie. Trvalo Mu to štyridsať rokov, aby to dostal von z Mojžiša. Vidíte? Tak tu to máte. To je ... Ja nehovorím, že Boh ne ... Ja nepodopieram teraz negramotnosť, ale sa vám snažím povedať, že na to netreba vzdelanie, ne ... Múdrosti tohoto sveta sú v protiklade.

165Vzdelanie bolo najväčšou prekážkou, ktorú Evanjelium kedy malo. Ak by sme nemali vzdelanie, ak by sme nemali všetky tieto veľké semináre a všetko, čo teraz máme - ľudia by boli jednoducho zmýšľajúci a počúvali by na Slovo; ale oni sú tak vyhladení a domiešaní, a poviazaní tam so všetkými tými organizáciami až tak, že budú zostávať s tým, to je všetko. Oni dostali toho ducha.

166Vzali ste niekedy dobrú ženu, vydali ju za nízko upadnutého muža - či sa ten nízko upadnutý muž stane tak dobrým, ako je tá žena, alebo tá žena upadne tak nízko, ako je on? Vidíte? Je to tak. Preto On povedal: "Vyjdite z pomedzi nich" keď sa pripravujete, aby ste boli vzatí vo Vytrhnutí. Musíte mať určitý druh viery, ktorá vás zoberie preč odtiaľto.

18. Kedy bola daná do platnosti (uzavretá) tá zmluva z Daniela 9:27 na jeden týždeň?

167Jedna jej polovica, tej zmluvy, bola daná do platnosti (uzavrená), keď bol Ježiš Kristus na zemi a kázal Židom. On neišiel vôbec ku pohanom. On povedal Svojim učeníkom: "Nechoďte ku pohanom"; to bolo len pre Židov. a On kázal za tri a pol roka - to je polovica sedemdesiateho týždňa, ako Daniel povedal, že On to bude robiť.

168No, pamätajte, On bol pred Židmi jasne potvrdený, ale ich oči boli zaslepené, aby bol daný tento čas pre pohanov. Či môžete vidieť celý ten program? Vidíte? A On sa potvrdil ako prorok, urobil presne to, čo prorok má robiť, ukázal im znak proroka - o ktorom vaše vlastné Slovo povedalo: "Ak nejaký človek hovorí, že je duchovný alebo prorok, dávajte pozor, čo hovorí. A ak sa to stane, (ak sa stále deje, čo on povedal, neprestajne) ...

169Pozriete, podobne, ako hovorí Biblia: "Klopte, a otvorí sa vám, hľadajte - nájdete, proste - bude vám dané." No, ak si všimnete, tu je povedané "klopať", proste neprestajne klopať - [Aby to predstavil, brat Branham opakovane klope na kazateľňu. – pozn.prekl.] stojí tam, ako ten nespravodlivý sudca nechcel odpovedať tej žene. Ona stále klope na dvere, hovorila: "Som v tvojich rukách." Nehľadajte to tak, že hovoríte: "Pane, rád by som mal toto. Amen." To nie je to; stojte len tam až kým to nedostanete. Viete, že to príde. Tak, On to zasľúbil. Tak stojte len tam, až do posledných síl. Vidíte?

No, teraz, v tej poslednej časti toho sedemdesiateho týždňa, jej posledná časť bude prebiehať v čase toho obdobia súženia, po vytrhnutí Cirkvi. Potom tu je tri a pol roka tu, že ona bude znovu pre nich daná do platnosti (uzavrená) skrze prorokov - vidíte? Mojžiša a Eliáša - Zjavenie 11.

No, dovoľte nech sa pozriem čo je toto.

19. Ak si jeden z Jeho vybraných, pôjdeš hore v Neveste?

Áno. Áno, to je ľahké.

20. Brat Branham, chcel si povedať sedem tisíc, ktorí nesklonili svoje kolená Bálovi, alebo sedem sto?

170Sedem tisíc, som chcel povedať. Odpustite mi to, vidíte. To je len ... To je len prerieknutie. Bol som len ... Ako som povedal pred chvíľou ... Všimli ste si ma, ako som tu stál, a povedal som: "A oni priniesli svedectvo vidiac Baránka," vidíte? Ten Baránok bol na zemi - priniesli svedectvo vidiac Ducha Božieho prichádzajúceho na Baránka.

171No, v tomto je povedané: "Toto je môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo." Vidíte? No, to je napísané v skutočnej Gréckej forme, kladúc sloveso pred príslovku; ale všimnete si tu, to by skutočne bolo toto ... No vezmite len Slovo, vidíte ... Biblia hovorí tu v preklade Sv. Jakuba: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Ale skutočne, ak by sme to povedali tak, ako hovoríme dnes: "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať v ňom." - vidíte, len ste to otočili. "Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." No, dnes by sme povedali: "Toto je môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať v ňom." [Jedná sa o preloženie predložky v ňom na koniec vety, ako sa to v angličtine hovorí. - pozn.prekl.] to isté slovo len obrátené.

172No, áno ja som chcel povedať ... Odpustite mi, prosím. A bratia, vy tam vonku pri tých páskach a priatelia, počúvajte: Nemal som to v úmysle takto povedať. Ja som kazateľ evanjelia. Toľko krát koľko som to kázal, ja som vedel, že to bolo sedem tisíc. To sa mi len tak stalo, že som povedal sedem sto. Ja som nemyslel sedem sto, chcel som povedať ... Ja som to len neprečítal z Písma. To my len prišlo na myseľ zatiaľ, čo som rozprával, a ja som len povedal sedem sto namiesto sedem tisíc. Ja robím také chyby po celý čas. Naozaj neviem dobre hovoriť, tak mi odpustite. Nemal som to v úmysle urobiť.

21. Je Nevesta Kristova a Telo Kristove to isté?

173Samozrejme! Vidíte, teraz, tu ... pozrite sa teraz, nechcem o tom začať kázať, pretože by som mohol kázať na to kázeň, vidíte. Ale nechcem kázať, ale vám chcem ukázať. Keď Boh dal Adamovi jeho nevestu z jeho boku, on povedal: "Ona je telo z môjho tela a kosť z mojej kosti." Je to pravda?

174Keď Boh dal Kristovi Jeho Nevestu, (Duch dal to telo, Nevestu) On bol prebodnutý na boku pod Svojim srdcom, a voda, krv, a duch vyšli; to sa stalo telom Jeho tela a kosťou Jeho kosti. My sme telo a kosť (Nevesta bude), telo a kosť Kristova - presne. Oni sú ... To je Jeho Nevesta.

22. Bude mať Nevesta Kristova ... Bude mať Nevesta Kristova nejakú službu pred Vytrhnutím?

175Samozrejme. To je to čo prebieha práve teraz. Nevesta Kristova, samozrejme! To je Posolstvo tejto hodiny - Nevesta Kristova. Skutočne, Ona pozostáva z apoštolov, prorokov, učiteľov, evanjelistov a pastorov. Je to tak? - to je Nevesta Kristova. Samozrejme, Ona má službu, veľkú službu - službu tejto hodiny, to bude tak pokorné ...

176No, pamätajte. Koľko vás tu bolo na prvom zhromaždení, keď som ... minulú nedeľu? Pamätáte sa o čom som kázal? - Pokora. Och, nezabudnite na to. (zastavím sa tu na chvíľu aby som vás znovu varoval.) Pamätajte, keď Boh predpovedá, že sa stane niečo veľké, ľudia hľadia skrze svoju múdrosť tak ďaleko od toho, až sa míňajú toho, čo sa deje. Keď Boh hovorí, že je niečo veľké, svet sa na tom smeje: "To je banda nevzdelancov." Je to tak. Ale keď veľký svet a veľká slávna cirkev povedala, "Chlapče, to je slávne!" Boh hovorí, "Banda nevzdelancov." Tak vidíte, musíte dávať pozor ... Ja nechcem povedať, že to bude možno tak, presne tak, ale tak sa to deje.

177Pozrite! Tu bola veľká, svätá Ortodoxná cirkev. "My poznáme Slovo; my máme školy; my máme semináre. My máme svojich ľudí tak vyškolených, aha, štyristo rokov sme boli verní Jahvemu. My sme "Cirkev". My sme Sanhedrin. My tu máme radu cirkví, aj takých aj takých, farizejov i sadúceov, a všetky denominácie sa spájajú dokopy," (ako sa to aj teraz deje). "My sme všetci jedno - Cirkevná Rada. My sme tu tým veľkým výbuchom. My viem, že to je podľa Písma. Čo nám chce povedať tam ten zarastený nevzdelanec v tej ovčej koži tam dole pri rieke?"

178Samozrejme oni nepočúvali na neho. Ale, Biblia hovorí v Malachiášovi, v tretej kapitole: "Ja pošlem Svojho posla pred Svojou tvárou, aby Mi pripravil cestu." Sedemsto dvanásť rokov pred tým, ten veľký prorok Izaiáš tam stál a povedal: "Tam bude hlas volajúci na púšti. Pripravte cestu Pánovi a čiňte rovné Jeho chodníky." Je to tak.

179A povedal ... Och, mnohí z nich povedali: "Každé vysoké miesto bude znížené. Och," oni povedali: "tam bude ... Keď tento človek príde, on ukáže svojím prstom a pohne vrchmi. A všetky nízke miesta, tie diery, budú vyvýšené. Potom všetky krivé miesta budú vyrovnané. Bratku, budeme sadiť zrno tu na každom poli dokola, a och, budeme robiť veľké veci, keď tento človek príde," vidíte?

Oni očakávali, že Boh stisne kľučku a otvorí to a prinesie dole chodbu, a povie: "Poď dole, ty veľký predchodca Môjho Mesiáša." A potom, len čo on odíde, oni to potiahnu naspäť, a jeho služba je skončená. A znovu otvoria kľukou a spustia dole tú chodbu rovno tu vedľa semináru, a povedia: "V poriadku, Môj milovaný Syn, kráčaj dole a hovor ku nim."

180Ó! Pozrite sa. Keď on prišiel, čo sa stalo? Tu prichádza nejaký človek, ktorý nepoznal žiadnu z ich škôl nemal ani členský preukaz - nemal žiadne poverovacie listiny. Nikto ani nevedel, či kedy chodil do školy, čo len jeden deň vo svojom živote. Nemohli by ste to ani povedať, podľa jeho reči. On ani nehovoril v terminológii duchovného. On hovoril o hadoch, sekerách, a púšti, a takýchto veciach, vidíte, - stromy - on nehovoril výrazmi duchovného, ktoré by pasovali na ten deň, alebo na tento deň, alebo ktorýkoľvek iný deň.

181On prichádza "sasafras," ako to my tu v Indiáne nazývame. On prichádza niekde z nejakých kríkov - nemal ani britvu, vlasy mu stáli na hlave. Nepredstavujem si, žeby sa kúpal viac, ako raz za dva alebo tri mesiace. Ozaj. On nikdy nenosil v noci pyžamo. Nikdy nejazdil na aute. Nikdy si neumýval zuby - určite nie.

182Tu on prichádza, kráčajúci dole cez púšť takto a hovorí: "Ja som hlas volajúceho na púšti. Pripravte cestu Pánovi, čiňte priame jeho chodníky, vyrovnajte Jeho chodník."

Niektorí z tých učiteľov tam stáli a povedali: "Oj! Hej, človeče, máš ... My v tejto kampani nemôžeme s tebou spolupracovať. Tu, my toto nemôžeme robiť. No, kde máš preukaz, kde je tvoja identifikácia?"

On ich proste ignoroval. On mal posolstvo, tak on len s ním išiel ďalej, kážuc ďalej to isté. Oni povedali: "Ach, počkaj. No, ak my tam pôjdeme zoberieme tam dnes biskupa a uvidíme, čo on o tom povie. Pôjdeme tam. My vieme to je hlava cirkvi, a vieme, že on to bude musieť uznať. Ak je z Boha, on uzná našich biskupov".

183Postavili ich tam dole do radu a stáli tam, tí hodnostári. On povedal: "Vy plemeno vreteníc. Vy hady v tráve!" (Naškrobené goliere, a svätí otcovia a tak ďalej) "Kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred prichádzajúcim hnevom? Vy viete vaša hodina je na blízku. Nemyslite si, že keď budete hovoriť: 'No, my patríme do toho alebo tamtoho.' Hovorím vám, že Boh, ktorému slúžim, je schopný vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi z týchto kameňov." Ó!

184No, on bude kázať úplne inak ako v kostole. "Hovorím, že sekera je priložená na koreň stromu! A tak každý strom, ktorý nenesie dobré ovocie bude vyťatý a hodený do ohňa! Hľa, ja vás krstím vodou na pokánie, ale On prichádza po mne. Mesiac sa obráti na krv a ..." Ó! On dôkladne vyčistí svoje humná. On vezme tú plevu a bude ju páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom, a pšenicu zoberie do sýpky. On oddelí plevy od pšenici." Ó, čo za posolstvo! Oni povedali, "Tento chlap? Och! Čo on hovorí, že čo je to za čas? Och, nevedomosť. My máme toho muža práve tam - brata Jonesa. Ak je niekto v tomto čase, kto to bude robiť, tak to je on. Biskup Ten-a-ten to bude robiť. Svätý Otec Ten-a-ten." Ó! Vidíte? Boh v jednoduchosti - pracujúci v jednoduchosti.

185Potom, ako viete, on tam stál jedného dňa a povedal: "Áno, On stojí vo vašom strede!" On si bol tak istý, že on je ten predchodca. On vedel, kto on je. Preto on mohol striasť z nich kožu. Povedal: "Netras sa, ale choď len ďalej a pokračuj. Vy vojaci, vy poslúchajte svojich pánov, a ak ste urobili niečo zle vezmite to ..."

"Čo my máme robiť? Máme toto prestať robiť? Máme prestať robiť toto?"

On povedal: "Pokračujte v tom, čo robíte. Pokračujte. Pokračujte; choďte ďalej. Ak pestujete zemiaky, pestujte ich. Vy vojaci nerobte násilie, a robte toto a čokoľvek robíte len to robte. Poslúchajte svojich pánov a tak ďalej."

"Rabbi, čo my máme robiť?"

"Len pokračujte v tom, čo robíte. Ale je niekto vo vašom strede, ktorého nepoznáte." On vedel, že hodina jeho posolstva, on vedel, že on tam bol na to, aby predstavil tú osobu. On vedel, že On tam je. "Jeden vo vašom strede; vy Ho nevidíte. Veci idú ďalej vy nič o tom neviete." A tak potom ... "Niečo sa má stať," on povedal: "a On tu bude a ja Ho budem poznať."

186A nakoniec jedného dňa on povedal: "Ajhľa, tam On je. Tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta!" Povedal: "Môj čas sa teraz naplnil. Predstavil som vás Jemu. Ja sa teraz musím menšiť. Ja musím odísť zo scény. On od teraz zavládne. Milénium hneď nastane. Ten čas je nablízku."

187Potom, keď On prišiel, keď On bol ... Ján povedal: "On bude ... och, On zvlečie tú kožu. On oddelí pšenicu od plevy, a On ju spáli. On dôkladne vyčistí svoje humná, a Jeho vejačka je v Jeho ruke!" Ale čo On bol? Malý trochu ...

188No oni mali už všetko vykreslené, (och!) On bude mať ducha, ktorý bude dočiahne na míle ďaleko. On sa postaví tu v Palestíne, postaví sa tam hore na jednom z Jeho bielych oblakov, a vezme všetkých týchto Rimanov, takto, a vrhne ich do pekla - a takto to bude robiť, až kým ich tam všetkých nedostane. Aha, oni to všetko mali tak zafixované. A čo to bolo - malý Baránok prišiel a pohyboval sa medzi nimi - kľudný a pokorný, chodiaci okolo sem a tam.

189Dokonca Ján povedal (no, pozrite sa na Jána, toho proroka) on povedal: "Choďte opýtajte sa Ho, či On je skutočne Ten?" Tak pokorne, že ten prorok to skoro prehliadol. Povedal: "Je On Ten, alebo máme iného čakať?"

190No, On im nikdy nedal nejakú knihu, tým učeníkom v Matúšovi 11, ktorí prišli a opýtali sa Ho ... Keď Jánovi učeníci ... Ján bol vo vezení, a tak on bol celý v pochybnostiach, až on, myslím že to bol Pemberton, ktorý povedal: "Jeho orlie oči hľadeli tam dole," viete. On musel prísť dole na zem; on bol hore vo vzduchu. Ale keď jeho prorokovanie skončilo, on dopadol znovu dole na zem, vidíte ... pretože ho dali do vezenia, vidíte. On už viac nepoužíval tie veľké krídla, tak on len tam dole ležal. Ale on lietal vyššie, ako ktorýkoľvek z tých ostatných. Dovoľte, že vám niečo poviem. Boh ho používal.

191A Ježiš to vedel, vidíte, pretože to bol ... to tam bol stelesnený Boh. Tak On tam povedal ... On mu nedal nejakú knihu o tom, ako sa má správať vo vezení. On povedal: "No počkajte chvíľu. Ja tu napíšem malé pojednanie, a vy to zoberiete naspäť a poviete Jánovi, ako sa má správať, keď je kvôli Mne vo vezení." Nie, On to nikdy tak nepovedal.

On nepovedal: "Choďte a povedzte Jánovi, že má nadobudnúť stupeň Ph.D. prv ako vyjde von." Ak by ho mal, bol by s tými ostatnými - neprijímal by to. Ján bol čestný a opýtal sa.

192A On povedal: "Počkajte len do konca zhromaždenia, a potom choďte a povedzte Jánovi, čo sa dialo, potom on bude vedieť. Keď mu poviete, čo sa deje, potom on bude vedieť." Vidíte? "Len choďte nech on ... Povedzte mu ... on je vo vezení a nemôže tu byť, ale vy ste sedeli tu v zhromaždení a videli ste, čo sa dialo. Vy choďte a povedzte mu."

193Tak potom, ten učeník povedal: "Veľmi dobre, Majstre," a odchádzali cez kopec. Ježiš, sedel tam na skale, pozoroval ich až kým neprešli na druhú stranu, a prešli hore za kopec. On sa obrátil ku zhromaždeniu a povedal: "Koho ste vyšli vidieť v čase Jána?" Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť? Vyšli ste, aby ste videli človeka, ktorý má golier dookola a mäkké rúcho a vysoko vyhladené vzdelanie. To je ten typ človeka, akého ste vyšli vidieť?"

194Nie. Poznáte ten druh ľudí? Oni bozkávajú nemluvňatá, a viete, pracujú v kráľovských palácoch. To nie je ten typ, akým bol Ján. No, povedal: "potom prečo ste tam vyšli? - vidieť človeka, ktorému bola daná služba a on ju zakvačí rovno do nejakej organizácii, alebo do niečoho takého? - zatrasený každým ... Potom ak ho nechcú jednotári, on pôjde ku trojičiarom, a ak ho trojičiari nebudú chcieť, pôjde do Cirkvi Božej, alebo niekde inde. Je to ten druh človeka ku ktorému ste vyšli, trasený s každou trstinou?"

195Ó nie! - nie Ján. On povedal: "Potom čo ste vyšli vidieť? - proroka?" On povedal: "A hovorím vám, že to je pravda, ale poviem vám niečo, čo neviete, on je viac ako prorok. On je viac ..."

196Ak to môžete prijať, toto je on, o ktorom je napísané v Biblii, tam v Písme: "Ja pošlem Svojho posla pred Mojou tvárou, (Malachiáš 3), a on pripraví cestu predo Mnou." Oni nerozumeli. Dokonca ani učeníci to nepochopili, vidíte. Je to tak. Ó! Jednoduchosť - pokora. Choď rovno dole, keď Boh zasľubuje niečo veľké, vidíš - to je to veľké v Jeho očiach.

197No, ak si to chcete stále držať v pamäti ... Chcem, aby ste si to ... Držte toto v pamäti, a keď sa toto bude diať, potom si to môžete pripomenúť a porovnať. Načiahnete sa dole a zodvihnete jedno z týchto maličkých jarných kvietkov, ktoré vyrastajú toho roku, alebo vezmete bežné steblo trávy a zoberte ho do ruky, a povedzte: "Zoberiem teraz toto a uvidím, že niečo tak jednoduché urobilo toto. A chcem vidieť ten rozum, ktorý môže poslať raketu na mesiac, aby urobil toto steblo trávy." Budete to stále mať. Môžete bezpečne odpočinúť na tom - stále to budete mať. Steblo trávy má v sebe život, vidíte. Je to tak jednoduché a pokorné ...

198Vidíte, ak niekto je veľkým mužom, no dobre. Ale ak je on natoľko veľký, že sa môže stať jednoduchý, vidíte, on nájde Boha. Ale ak sa on nestane jednoduchý, on Ho nikdy neuvidí. Vy sa musíte stať jednoduchí.

23a. V Zjavení, verš 5 a 9, kto sú tí, ktorých nachádzame spievať, keď Baránok vzal Knihu z ... z ... sú to vytrhnutý svätý?

199Nie. Zjavenie 6 ... 5 a 9, vlastne. Nie. Ak si všimnete, toto nie sú tí svätí. On ešte nezažiadal Svoje vlastníctvo. Toto nie sú tí svätí. Všimli ste si, to sú starší, a tie živé bytosti, a oni spievajú.

Prečítajme to, aby tá osoba ... a potom sa budem snažiť ... Mám ich tu ešte viac, ako pol tucta, a myslím, že ich budem môcť prebrať za niekoľko minút. Pozrime sa. Zjavenie 5:9. No, prečítajme najprv kúsok, tak ... Tá osoba to teraz myslí úprimne a oni to chcú vedieť. Dávajte pozor!

A keď vzal knihu, štyri živé bytosti a dvadsiaty štyria starci padli pred Baránkom majúc každý harfu a zlatú čašu, plnú kadiva, čo sú modlitby svätých,

a spievali novú pieseň


a hovorili: Hoden si vziať knihu a otvoriť ...

Vidíte? Boh nás vykúpil a učinil nás kňazmi a kráľmi - to je tá nebeská skupina, nie ešte tí vykúpení. No dobre, teraz.

24. Brat Branham, keď všetci ... (Počkajte za chvíľu. Hádam ... Prepáčte.) Brat Branham, keď všetci pobožní budú vzatí vo Vytrhnutí, odkiaľ príde Eliáš a Mojžiš?

200Niečo nie je v poriadku. Niečo nie je v poriadku, niečo tu nesedí. Niečo sa stalo. Niekde sa stalo niečo zle. Cíti sa každý dobre? Nie je niekto chorý, alebo také niečo? [Nejaký brat zo zhromaždenia hovorí, aby brat Branham ešte raz čítal Zjavenie 5:9. – pozn.prekl.] Zjavenie ... kde to bolo, brat? Aha tá otázka! Aha! Tá otázka na ktorú som odpovedal. No, pozrime sa. [pokračuje otázka 23. – pozn.prekl.]

A keď vzal knihu, štyri živé bytosti a dvadsiaty štyria starci padli pred Baránkom majúc každý harfu a zlatú čašu, plnú kadiva, čo sú modlitby svätých,

a spievali novú pieseň a hovorili: Hoden si vziať knihu a otvoriť jej pečate, lebo si bol zabitý .

.. (Tu to je! Tu to je! Pomýlil som sa pri tom! Vidíte?) ...

a vykúpil si nás Bohu svojou krvou z každého pokolenia a z každého jazyka, ľudu a národa ...

201To je ono. No, čo si o tom myslíte? Och, ak tu nie je prítomný Duch Svätý, čo to je? On nenechal ... Vidíte, ja som prečítal len tú prvú časť toho verša. Vidíte, to je len verš ... či niečo tu napísané a ja som sa snažil prebrať to - pozerajúc sa na hodiny. Ale vidíte, On ma pri tom zastavil? Sláva! Ja som neprečítal tú ďalšiu časť toho. Vidíte, Ja som mal tu: "a ..." Pozrite sa sem. "A oni spievali novú pieseň," a ja som prestal, vidíte. Ale pozrite sa sem, "tú pieseň oni spievali, hovoriac, my sme boli ... vykúpil si nás z každého pokolenia, jazyka a národa." Skutočne, to sú oni. Ó, ó, ó! Vidíte to? A mimochodom je tu ešte ďalšia otázka.

23b. Mohol by si porovnať tých, ktorým boli dané ... Aký je rozdiel medzi tými ktorým boli dané biele rúcha v Zjavení 6: 11 a tými, ktorí umyli svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránkovej?

202No, pozrime sa. Zjavenie 6 ... Nemôžem sa proste pri tomto ponáhľať, to je to ...?... Vidíte, pretože to ... Odpoviem niečo zle. No, On nechcel, aby som odpovedal niečo zle. Je to pravda. Skutočne, Duch Svätý Boží vie, že je to pravda, vidíte? Ja len ... Tam niečo len ... Ja som sa díval na hodiny a bolo 11:30, myslel som: "Ak sa teraz nebudem ponáhľať, nedostanem sa ku tomu, aby som sa modlil za chorých," a ja sa snažím dostať sa ku tomu, pretože som ... Moja myseľ je tak ... Nemôžem ...

203Pamätajte, musíte ma proste teraz pochopiť, ja som človek, rozumiete. A ja som tam už sedem dní, a toto popoludnie mám ešte niečo, mám zistiť od Boha. Ale On bol tak rozhodnutý, že ja som nemal urobiť tú chybu, že On ma zavolal naspäť, aby som čítal ten zbytok toho verša.

204Ja som len ... pocítil som, ako sa tam niečo prevalilo ponad mňa a hovorilo: "Vráť sa; vráť sa!" A myslel som si: "Kde sa mám vrátiť? Hneď teraz prestať a začať sa modliť za chorých? Čo to znamená? Čo som urobil?" A len čo som sa začal naťahovať za tým, niekto povedal: "Čítaj znovu ten verš," a ja som to znovu prečítal, a tam na konci tejto otázky, tam to bolo, Zjavenie 6.

205Vidíte, Ja som prečítal tú prvú časť. To tak zneje v tej prvej časti - "A oni spievali novú pieseň ..." Ale tu ďalej, vidíte, čo to bolo? To ďalej, čítajúc ďalej: "vykúpil nás." Skutočne to bola Nevesta - vytrhnutí svätí. "Mohol by si ..." A tu ... Samozrejme. Baránok mal tú Knihu vo svojej ruke. On opustil Trón prostredníckej milosti. Vidíte?

206Vidíte, ako Duch Svätý dáva na to pozor? Pretože presne, to je to isté, čo som povedal raz večer, keď On ku mne hovoril v tej miestnosti, a ja som prišiel sem a kázal som vám všetkým - že keď Baránok opustil to miesto ... Ó! No, myslím, že vezmeme ten text, vidíte. Baránok opustil Svoje miesto a vystúpil dopredu ... Ako som tam vyskočil, keď On bol prítomný - to svetlo, ktorým je Kristus, keď On bol prítomný a povedal to. Keď Baránok opúšťa to miesto na tom Tróne, kde je Prostredníkom, On zostupuje z neho dole, a Deň Vykúpenia pre cirkev sa skončil.

207To ďalšie vykúpenie, ktoré sa otvorilo je pre židov - tých 144 000. Je to tak? Pretože On zasľúbil, že On vysekne ten strom, viete. No, tu ... No, tu On vychádza von, Baránok, a potom Deň Vykúpenia sa skončil, a všetci, ktorí budú vykúpení už zostali vykúpení a zapísaní v Knihe, a On opustil trón a otvára Knihu. To je ono.

Ó, ďakujem Ti, Pane. Odpusť Svojmu nervóznemu sluhovi, že som sa snažil niečo preskočiť.

23c. No. "Mohol by si porovnať, týchto, ktorým boli dané biele rúcha v Zjavení 6:11 ...?"

208No, pozrime sa, 6 a 11. No dobre. Pri čom sme u tejto teraz? Biele rúcha ... Áno, to sú tí ukrižovaní, pod oltárom - tí Židia pomedzi tým časom. Im boli dané biele rúcha. "... s tými, ktorí obmyli svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránka v Zjavení 7:14?"

209Nie. No, to je rozdiel, dosť veľký. Pretože vidíte tu, nachádzame tu, že týmto tu boli dané biele rúcha až tu, v tomto čase. Im boli dané biele rúcha z milosti, a títo tu obmyli svoje rúcha v krvi Baránka. A tu v Zjavení tuto, toto je ten veľký zástup, ktorý prišiel pred Boha, zo všetkých pokolení, jazykov a národov; a toto sa vzťahuje presne na tých mučeníkov, Židov, to je správne. No.

24. Brat Branham, keď všetci pobožní boli vzatí hore vo Vytrhnutí, odkiaľ príde Ten Eliáš a Mojžiš? Budú to Židia, alebo bude s nimi náš Eliáš, ktorý je nám daný?

210Nie. Ten muž z nežidovského národa, ktorí bude pomazaný týmto duchom, aby vyvolal tých z nežidovských národov, bude vzatý preč, pretože vidíte, celá cirkev, všetci boli zobraní hore; a títo dvaja proroci zo Zjavenia z 11. kapitoly, sú privedení dole; a deň milosti s nežidovskými národmi sa skončil a je poslaný ku Židom. Nie, to nemôžu byť tí istí ľudia. Som si celkom toho istí. No pamätajte, toto je podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania.

Pozrime sa čo je napísané tu. Otázka:

25. Znamená tá pšenica a víno ... (Myslím, že to znamená, "Čo znamená." To "čo" tu nie je napísané.) Tu je len napísané: Znamená to čo a víno ... či pšenica a víno v Zjavení 6:6 ... Uvidím čo to je, keď to prečítam.

A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Chonix pšenice za denár a tri chonixi jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!

211Hádam sa tu pýta na tú pšenicu a na víno - to bolo jedno do druhého - či to bol symbol, to víno brané pri stole večery Pánovej z Korinťanom 11:24. "Znamená to víno ..." To víno, nie - jedno z toho je duchovný symbol, a to druhé je skutočne zjavenie Slova.

26. Môže to byť príčinou, že mnohí sú nemocní, pretože nerozoznávame Telo Pánovo? (Správne!) ale teraz zjavené skrze otvorenie šiestej Pečati ... (Pozrime sa. Dovoľte nech sa pozriem, či to teraz budem môcť pochopiť. To nie vy, to ja. Vy ste to napísali v poriadku; to som len ja.) Môže to byť príčina, že mnohí sú nemocní, pretože nerozoznávame Telo Pánovo? (Na konci je napísaní otáznik.)

212No, Písmo hovorí, že mnohí sú nemocní a slabí medzi vami kvôli nerozsudzovaniu Tela Pánovho. To je úplná pravda, pretože vidíte, Telo Pánovo je Nevesta, a mnohí z nich podľa toho nepostupujú. Oni sa toho nedržia. To je pravda. Vidíte, oni nevedia ako sa správať, a žijú všetkým možným druhom života a prijímajú večeru Pánovu a všetko - to nie je správne, vidíte? Keď ľudia, ktorí klamú a kradnú a pijú a ... prijímajú večeru Pánovu, to je strašné. Vy to nemáte robiť, vidíte

"...ale teraz zjavené skrze otvorenie šiestej Pečati - otvorenie šiestej Pečati."

213Pozrime sa teraz. Nie. No, zisťujete, že táto šiesta Pečať, ktorá je tu otvorená, to boli Židia. Vidíte? Cirkev už odišla. To je obdobie súženia. Tak to nebude to isté, nie. Nie, to nie je.

214Jedno z toho je duchovné víno - to je zjavenie Slova, potom veriaci je povzbudený skrze zjavenie Slova, a to druhé je symbol Krvi Ježiša, ktorý sa prijíma pri stole Pánovom. No, to je to najlepšie, ako to ja rozumiem.

27. Či takí, ktorí nie sú predurčení prijmú Pána? Ak áno, či oni odpadnú?

Nie, ak nie sú predurčení, nie; oni nemôžu.

28. Kde je to miesto Písma, ktoré ukazuje, že ... že Katolicizmus zvedie Židov a dostane ich bohatstvo?

215No, kde ono hovorí, že šelma ich zvedie kvôli bohatstvu; to nie je tak povedané. Ale my predpokladáme, že to bolo ... (No, v ten večer, pamätáte sa ... počúvajte tú pásku skutočne pozorne.) Ja som nepovedal, že to bolo to, čo oni urobia, ja som povedal ... Pozrite sa, Katolíci sú najbohatšou skupinou na svete - nikto nie je tak bohatý, ako oni. A čo nemajú oni, ten zbytok majú Židia.

216To je, kde teraz ekonomika tejto krajiny ... My žijeme práve teraz na peniazoch z daní, podľa Lifeline, že ... z daní, to pochádza rovno z Washingtonu, D.C., ktoré budú zaplatené od teraz za štyridsať rokov. To je to, čo my teraz utrácame. To ukazuje, ako ďaleko vzadu sme - dávajúc dlžobné úpisy ... na dane, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov od teraz. Národ je na mizine. Ona je zbankrotovaná.

217No, Castro, jedinú rozumnú vec, ktorú on kedy urobil, bolo, keď on sfalšoval menu a vyplatil tie dlžobné úpisy, tie obligácie a spálil ich a zmenil peniaze. To je jediná vec, ktorú on mohol urobiť. A to je jediná vec, ktorá zostáva Spojeným štátom. No pamätajte, toto je William Branham, vidíte, ktorý hovorí. To je moja myšlienka. To je len predpokladanie. Len dívajúc sa na to z toho telesného pohľadu, zatiaľ čo ten môj pohľad môže byť milión míľ od toho - ja verím, že rovno tu v týchto peniazoch ... Milovať peniaze je koreňom všetkého zlého. A ja verím, že to vypukne rovno tam v tom.

218No, Katolícka cirkev tam dávno, od vyberania peňazí za omše a tak ďalej, drží bohatstvo sveta. Pamätáte sa, Biblia hovorí, že ona bola bohatá, a aká ona bola. A pamätajte, nie len z jedného národa, ona je bohatá v každom národe, ktorý je pod nebom. Ona sa rozšírila. Ona má peniaze. No, čo nemajú oni, má Wall Street, ktorá je kontrolovaná Židmi.

219No, a pamätáte sa on mal peniaze. Keď sa Jakob vracal, minulý večer sme to zistili, a stal sa Izraelom - on skutočne mal peniaze, ale skrze svoje peniaze si Ezava nijako nekúpil. Ezav ich mal tiež, vidíte - obaja anti i ... Vidíte? - Tak dokonale.

220No, pozrite sa sem. Ja som povedal, že oni sa možno budú chcieť spolu zjednotiť na peniazoch, a Rímska moc vezme Židovskú moc peňazí, zrušiac zmluvu. To nemusí byť tak. Ja viem, že oni ju zrušia, ale neviem z akého dôvodu, pretože to mi nie je zjavené, čo oni budú robiť.

221Ale pozrite sa. No, ak dnes ... No, čo ak dnes, tá jediná vec, čo môžeme urobiť by bolo ... ak my vyťahujeme dane, ak je to prehlásenie pravdivé, z dane, z poplatkov, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov od teraz ... Vidíte, naše zlato je ... My sme to utratili. My sme na mizine. My nemáme žiadne peniaze; a žijeme len z voľakedajšieho dobrého mena.

222To je to, čo teraz robí cirkev - cirkev, nie Nevesta. Cirkev žije z voľakedajšieho dobrého mena, ktoré mala tam dávno, za času služby Leva. "My sme 'Cirkev' ; my sme začali ..." To je pravda, vidíte? Ona žije z toho mena.

223Metodista žije zo svojho mena. Baptista žije zo svojho mena, a Letničný žije zo svojho. "Sláva Bohu!" Dávno tomu, keď svätí zvykli tancovať v Duchu, a ako oni mali, "Pán urobil toto a tamto." To bolo niečo, čo pominulo. My sme sa všetci teraz stali veľkí, bratku. Ó! vidíte? - všetko voľakedajšie dobré meno.

224Tento národ žije z voľakedajšieho dobrého mena, z toho čo boli predkovia, a preto si oni myslia, že budú spasení. Boh nikdy nebral ohľad na Izrael, vzhľadom na to, čo oni boli, čo oni boli predtým; čo oni vtedy boli.

225Všimnite si, ale teraz, tu je to čo si myslím, čo si myslím, že sa stane: (No, to nemusí tak byť.) Ja verím, že príde čas, keď budeme nasilu nútení, aby sme vydali nové peniaze. A keď to bude, to namiesto toho, aby sme zmenili menu ... Čo by to urobilo s Philip Morris? Čo by to urobilo tým spoločnostiam s whisky? Čo by to urobilo ťažkému priemyslu? Čo by to spôsobilo všetkým obchodom? Čo by to ... To by ich zničilo! Oni by boli zničení! Ale ak my môžeme požičať tie peniaze ... Vidíte, aký je on chytrý? Potom tento národ sa predá cirkvi a potom cirkev a štát sa znovu zjednotia, a tam ona ide. To je to.

Všimnite si. No dobre. No, v tejto ...

29. Ak je niekto v nejakom združení, organizácii, popri našej vláde a môže hovoriť to čo mu diktuje jeho vlastné srdce, alebo v tej pravde posledných dní, bude označený ako jedna zo smilníc?

226Ak je niekto v spoločenstve organizácii ... No, vidíte tá spoločnosť, organizácia ... Organizácii sú dané skrze vládu práva hovoriť. To nemá nič spoločného s jeho srdcom. No, ak je on skutočný veriaci a narodený z Ducha Božieho, skôr či neskôr on bude vyskúšaný. To nemôže byť tak jasne a on to potom nebude vidieť.

227No, chcem aby ste ... Vidíte, aby ste si zapamätali toto, priatelia, že Boh ... Boh nikdy nerobí, ani nikdy nerobil, ako sa ja môžem pamätať, vidíte, ale čo ... Pozrite, Ježiš bol notovým kľúčom všetkého toho, pretože On bol Boh, Emanuel učinený telom.

228No, pozrite sa na tohoto, Ježiša. Vedeli ste, že keď On prišiel na zem, tam nebola, myslím, jedna desatina sveta, ktorá by vedela, že On tam je? Viete, že keď prišiel ten predchodca, keď všetky tie vrchy ... a všetko sa stane, tam nebola ani jedna stotina z populácii Izraela, myslím, ktorá by o tom niečo vedela? Nie je to divné? Prečo, boli tam Židia a všetci a ľudia po celom svete.

229No, pamätajte, že Ježiš prišiel, aby bol svedok, ako Spasiteľ sveta. Je to tak? Aha, tam míňali ľudia za ľuďmi, ľudia za ľuďmi po rasách, ktorí nikdy nič o tom vôbec nevedeli, a išli ďalej a svet nevedel nič o tom, ale po celý ten čas svet bežal ďalej. Vidíte?

230Prečo im to On nedal poznať? On prišiel ku tým, ktorí boli predurčení do Večného Života, to boli tí jediní, ktorí Ho prijali. Nebolo by to nič dobrého hovoriť niečo o tom tým ostatný, pretože On by ich nemohol vykúpiť pretože oni sa ani nehodili na vykúpenie. Prečo to bolo, keď títo kňazi tam stáli, keď ...? On musel prísť do toho miesta, pretože tí predurčení tam boli zakreslení, všade dookola; tak On im musel kázať ako skupine.

231A tí veľkí učenci, ktorí Ho nepoznali, povedali: "Tento človek je Belzebub. My nechceme, aby tento človek panoval nad nami," a tak ďalej, vidíte. "My to nebudeme robiť." Ale nejaká prostitútka, ktorá mala v sebe ten život, predurčená do večného života - a jej meno je tu v Božom Slove nemorálne - a ona tam ide a na prvý raz, keď to Svetlo zasiahlo to malé semeno, ona to hneď poznala.

232Pozrite sa na toho starého rybára, ktorý išiel okolo. A On tam stál, robil znamenia a zázraky a hovoril rôznym ľuďom tajomstvá ich srdca a zjavoval Samého Seba. A ó, tam stáli farizeovia, a povedali: "Tento človek je Belzebub."

Oni museli dať odpoveď svojim zhromaždeniam. Všetci z nich tam stáli: "Dr. Jones, pôjdeš tam a budeš počúvať toho muža? On vyzerá, ako by vedel o čom hovorí. On nehovorí, ako obyčajný človek."

"Pôjdem Ho počúvať." Prišli tam ... Boh sa nemohol ku nemu dostať. A on stál tam dole.

233Oni povedali: "Pozrite sa tam. Pozrite sa tam. Tam prichádza nejaký muž ... to je jeden z Jeho učeníkov. Tam ide niekto... to je jeho meno ... To je Andrej. Pamätáte. Och, pamätáte sa na toho starého rybára tam dole? To sú oni. To je Šimon a jeho brat, vidíte, a to sú deti toho starého Jonáša. No tam ... Pozrite, on privádza niekoho ku Nemu. Kto to je? Dívajte sa, čo On teraz bude robiť."

On je ten ďalší tam, a on kráča ku nemu a On povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon. A ty si syn Jonášov."

"Tento človek je Belzebub! Vidíte, on má v sebe nejakého ducha. On je divný človek. Nepočúvajte nikto na nič takéto. Držte sa preč od toho. Neprídem už nikdy viac na Jeho zhromaždenia. Len čo toto skončí idem preč odtiaľto. Nebudeme tu viacej čakať."

234Prečo? No, to bolo to, čo si on myslel, a pritom si myslel, že je jedným z nich. Pozrite, práve tí, ku ktorým On prišiel, boli tí, ktorí Ho ukrižovali, vidíte. Ale, tam bola obyčajná prostitútka, ktorú každý vykopol. Ja nepodopieram prostitúciu, (vôbec nie!) ale ja vám len ukazujem to predurčené semeno.

Pozrite sa na tohoto človeka tu, tohoto starého rybára - nemohol ani ... Biblia hovorí, že on bol neučený. (Je to tak?) Nie len to, ale on bol prostý! No, je to pravda, alebo nie? Och, keby sme sa len mohli stať prostí ohľadne množstva týchto vecí, o ktorých si myslíme, že ich poznáme. No dobre. Vidíte, on bol oboje neučený i prostý. A potom on išiel tam do prítomnosti Pána Ježiša, a On mu povedal, kto on je. Hneď na mieste mu to bolo jasné.

No, sledujte toho ďalšieho, ktorý proti tomu argumentoval: "Dobre pozri sa, on tomu veril. Pozri sa kto to je. Ty vieš kto to je. Ten človek nikdy ... Aha, to je rybár. Aha, on nepozná ani abecedu. Kupoval som ryby od neho, on mi nevedel ani vypísať účet. Vidíš, to je taký druh ... To je taký druh ľudí, ktorí počúvajú na niečo takéto." (Vďaka Pane.) "Prečo on ne ... Pozri sa na jeho otca. On bol primitív, a on ho ani nedal do školy"; ale to bol ten, ktorého On poslal do školy - učil ho takým spôsobom ako On chcel.

Ja teraz nepodopieram nechodenie do školy, (Dúfam, že mi rozumiete.) ale tam je proste ten typ, vidíte - ktorého ste dostali do toho. To je ten druh ... Preto to prechádza ponad ich hlavy ...

235Viete čo? Ani jedna ... Povedal by som, ani jedna tretina, zo všetkých tých Židov v tej krajine nevedela vôbec nič o Jeho príchode, a potom jedna pätina z tej tretiny počúvala na Neho; a potom jedna stotina z tej jednej pätiny to prijala. Vy viete koľkých On mal. On mal dvanástych, ktorí stáli pri kríži, z celej tej skupiny. Kde je ten zbytok z nich? Tí sedemdesiaty odišli preč.

No, zatiaľ čo On uzdravoval nemocných, a len tam chodil a nehovoril nič o Svojej náuke, On len chodil a uzdravoval nemocných a robil všetko také ... "Ó! To je na Ňom Boží Duch, veríte tomu?" Keď On uzdravoval nemocných, báječné! "Tento veľký Rabbi. Hej, bratku, mali by ste Ho mať vo svojej cirkvi. Chlapče, ty si hovoril o moci, tento chlapík môže skutočne uzdravovať nemocných. Vy by ste mali ... On má dar uzdravovania."

No, samozrejme, my potom budeme mať nejaké napodobeniny - tu idú - pretože každá skupina musí mať svojho vlastného muža. Tu oni prichádzajú.

A potom, ako viete, jedného dňa si On sadol ...

"Ó, samozrejme, Rabbi, my pôjdeme s tebou."

236No dobre, sadajte. Ideme." No dobre, On poslal sedemdesiatych a tak ďalej. Potom jedného dňa, po nejakom veľkom zázraku, ktorý sa stal, On si sadol a začal im hovoriť Slovo. ("Keď začne znieť ...") No dobre. On im začal hovoriť Slovo, pravdu ...

Oni povedali: "Och, počkaj teraz na chvíľu; Ja o tomto neviem. To je v protiklade s náukami." Povedal: "No, ja viem my sme takto opustili synagógu a všetko, ale možno sme urobili zle, bratia. Mali by sme sa radšej vrátiť naspäť, pretože tento človek hovorí v hádankách. On je nejaký zvláštny chlap. Ja tomu nemôžem rozumieť."

237Vidíte? Čo to bolo? - to semeno nebolo predurčené. Je to tak. Potom, ako viete, oni mali malú kazateľskú skupinu a hovorili ku kazateľom. Oni povedali: "Ách, hmm, my radšej tiež pôjdeme naspäť - a pôjdeme naspäť a zapíšeme sa do tej organizácii a znovu si vyzdvihneme naše preukazy, vidíte, pretože tento človek ... Aha, kto môže rozumieť takémuto človeku. On hovorí toto tu a hovorí toto tam."

238Ach, tí ostatní to takto nerozumeli. On niektorým z nich ukazoval hádanky ale nie tým ostatným. Tak oni odišli preč. Potom sa On obrátil a pozrel sa na tých dvanástych, ktorí tam stáli, a povedal: "Vy tiež chcete odísť?"

239Pozrite sa teraz. Peter povedal: "Vieš čo? Ja navštevujem toto staré miesto po celý čas. Kde na svete by sme mali ísť. Kde by som mal ísť? Kde by som mohol ísť? Ja nemôžem ísť naspäť do tých odpadkov, či nie, kde ležia všetky pomyje toho sveta. Kde by som mal ísť? Ja to proste nemôžem urobiť."

On povedal: "Tak dobre. Len poď, kráčaj ďalej." Tu to máte. Vidíte, čo to potom bolo? Dvanásti z okolo dva a pol milióna. A Spasiteľ sveta z biliónov ... Staňte sa pokorní, zostaňte len pokorní. Hľaďte. No, pri všetkých tých farizejoch, a táto malá prostitútka tam prišla a ona povedala: "Hej, ty musíš byť prorok. No, my vieme, že príde Mesiáš, a keď On príde On bude toto robiť."

On povedal: "To som Ja."

Ona povedala: "To je to," a odišla. Skúste ju zastaviť. Nepodarí sa vám to.

30. Brat Branham, pozdravujem ťa v mene Pána Ježiša. Prosím vysvetli, kto je ten muž v Matúšovi 22:11, muž, ktorý nemal svadobného rúcha ... svadobné rúcho ... Ja viem, že tento človek by sa nemohol dostať do Neba bez svadobného rúcha. Toto bol nejaký hosť, viem, nie Nevesta.

Áno, to je pravda. To by mal byť ... Áno, on sa tam len prekĺzol, vidíte. No pozrite sa. No, mohol by som na to kázať celé kázanie, a mám desať minút, aby som sa modlil za chorých a zakončil toto, prebral som polovicu z nich. Po tejto sa budem skutočne ponáhľať.

240Tu je to, čo sa stalo. Ak poznáte tie orientálne zvyky, viete ... Keď ženích rozdáva pozvánky na svoju svadbu, on proste vydá toľko a toľko pozvánok. A pre každého pozvaného pošle, on mal sluhu, ktorý stál pri dverách, aby dal každému rúcho, či je to chudobný alebo ktokoľvek to je, on mal ... či je ten človek bohatý alebo chudobný, ktokoľvek on je, oni všetci museli nosiť svadobné rúcho.

241Keď oni stáli pri dveriach, oni mu obliekli to rúcho a ono prikrylo čo on navonok bol. On bol pozvaný - či to bol milionár, alebo či to bol žobrák, či to bol farmár, kopáč, alebo čokoľvek on bol, alebo boháč, on je tu teraz v tom rúchu, pretože to rúcho mu je dané pri dverách, keď vchádza dovnútra, pri dverách.

242No, vezmite Ev. Jána, myslím, že to je to, On povedal: "Ja som dvere." vidíte. "Ja som dvere cez ktoré vchádzate." On tam stojí pri dverách, a tu je ten, ktorý kladie na neho to rúcho, Duch Svätý, aby mu dal rúcho spravodlivosti, keď on vchádza.

243No, tento človek prišiel skrze nejakú organizáciu, tuto vzadu pri okne, prekĺzol cez nejakú dieru, a dostal sa za stôl a sadol si. A potom, keď prichádza ženích a pozerá sa, on ... Predtým sa líšili oni, teraz sa líšil on. "Čo tu takto robíš bez krstu Duchom Svätým a všetkého tohoto? Ako si sa sem vôbec dostal?"

244No, on vošiel nejako pomimo dverí, a on prišiel bez náležitého pozvania. Vidíte? On prišiel skrze nejaký vzdelávací systém, alebo niečo také. On prišiel dovnútra, a On im povedal: "Zviažte ho, ruky i nohy, a vyhoďte ho von do vonkajšej tmy, tam bude nárek a plač a škrípanie zubov." On išiel do obdobia súženia. On nevošiel cez dvere, tak ...

31. No dobre. Otázka: Bude Eliáš z Malachiáša 4 ten istý Eliáš o ktorom sa hovorí v Zjavení 11:3, a sú tí ďalší svedkovia ... sú tí ďalší dvaja svedkovia iní ľudia?

245Áno. Ten Eliáš z Malachiáša 4 nebude ten Eliáš z Malachiáša 3. My sme to preberali minulý večer. "A je ten ďalší svedok iný?" Oni dvaja, áno, Mojžiš a Eliáš podľa nášho zjavenie. (No, nechcem vás tu držať príliš dlho.)

32. I. Kráľov 19. - Brat Branham, ja myslím, že počet tých, ktorí nesklonili svoje kolená bol sedem ...

Áno, to je pravda. Sedem sto namiesto ... Ďakujem. To je správne. To bolo sedem sto namiesto sedem tisíc ... sedem tisíc namiesto sedem sto. No, vidíte to?

246Vy viete, skutočne, keď človek prichádza takto kázať ... Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať, a tak budete rozumieť. Keď Eliáš prišiel z púšte on mal jedno posolstvo. On vystúpil tam z púšte a prišiel rovno dole a povedal tomu kráľovi: "Ani len rosa nespadne z Neba, až kým ju ja nezavolám." To sú tie slová, ktoré on mal a odišiel hneď naspäť a nepovedal nikomu nič.

Keď on mal ďalšie posolstvo, on prišiel rovno dole a povedal toto posolstvo a otočil sa a odišiel naspäť do púšte. Vidíte?

247No, ak dávate pozor, keď som položil tento uholný kameň pod touto modlitebňou, On povedal: "Vykonávaj prácu evanjelistu"; a teraz prichádza tá hodina, keď tá práca sa líši. Deje sa niečo iné. Potom som tak ... vidíte. Idem sem a snažím sa robiť prácu evanjelistu a niečo iné, a vidíte kde ste? Och, očakávam, že cirkev bude natoľko duchovná, že porozumie.

33. Brat Branham, ja rozumiem, že Eliáš musí prísť tri krát. Ty si nám povedal, že on už dva krát bol, a znovu príde. No, bude táto osoba, na ktorej bude duch Eliáša, bude tiež z tých dvoch svedkov, ktorí sú Mojžiš a Eliáš?

248Nie, nie. On bude z nežidovského národu, vidíte, pre cirkvi z nežidovských národov. Boh posiela tiež ku Svojmu vlastnému ľudu. On prišiel ku svojím vlastným, a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali. On tiež posiela svoje ... Posolstvo tej hodiny ...

249Keď Boh jednal so Židmi, tam neprišli žiadni proroci z nežidovských národov. Keď Boh jedná s ostatnými národmi, nie sú tam žiadni Židovskí proroci. Keď sa Boh obráti naspäť ku Židom, nebude žiadnych prorokov z iných národov. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? No dobre.

34. Po vytrhnutí ...

250No, bude nejaký prechodný čas. Samozrejme, jedno posolstvo prechádza do druhého. To musí prísť takýmto spôsobom, rozumiete, ako som to vysvetlil, vidíte; ako Pavol ku pohanom a tak ďalej.

Po vytrhnutí, bude na konci spasená nejaká cirkev, ktorá nebola vzatá do vytrhnutia?

251Nie. Och, pretože Krv odišla. Vidíte, nebude žiadnej prímluvy - pohanský vek skončil. Po vytrhnutí nebude nikto spasený, žiadna z cirkví, och. Cirkev ... "Nech ten, kto je špinavý zostane špinavý, a ten kto je svätý zostane svätý." To sa nestane, nie po tom, keď Cirkev odíde.

35. Brat Branham, všimol som si tvoje odvolávanie sa na Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov v posolstve Prvej Pečati. Rozumiem v Danielovi ... z pásky o Danielovi, keď sa Evanjelium vráti ku Židom, začne tých sedemdesiat týždňov. Zostalo pre Židov, jeden týždeň, sedem rokov, alebo len polovica týždňa ... tri a pol roka, ktoré zostali pre nich?

252Len polovica týždňa - Ježiš prorokoval počas prvej polovici týždňa, ako bolo predpovedané - zostala pre nich len polovica týždňa.

36. Brat Branham, v priebehu týždňa si sa nemodlil za chorých, budeš sa ...

To je prosba.

37. Brat Branham, navštíviš ma po zhromaždení ...

To je prosba.

38. Vysvetlil by si prosím o Satanovi, ako je zviazaný za tisíc rokov, a ako bude uvoľnený na tú bitku v Zjavení 20. a 8. Aký vzťah má toto s bitkou Armagedon, ako si sa zmienil vo štvrtej Pečati? Bude Góg a Magóg zhromaždení z ľudí tej novej zeme?

253No, toto je dlhá otázka, a ja sa musím dotknúť len niektorých miest, rozumiete. No, tá prvá vec. No, možno, že to nedokážem vysvetliť. Urobím čo môžem.

38a. Vysvetlil by si prosím, ako je Satan zviazaný za tisíc rokov a ako bude uvoľnený na tú bitku v Zjavení 20. a 8.

254To nie je bitka Armagedon. Bitka Armagedon sa odohráva na tejto strane, (No dobre) keď sa končí obdobie súženia.

38b. Teraz, aký vzťah má toto s Bitkou Góga a Magóga?

Žiaden, jedna je po tejto strane týchto tisíc rokov, a tá druhá je na konci tých tisíc rokov.

38c. ... ako si sa zmienil vo štvrtej Pečati, bude Góg a Magóg zhromaždení z ľudí tej novej zemi?

255Satan bol uvoľnený zo svojho vezenia a vyšiel, aby zhromaždil všetkých ľudí, tých zlých, aby ich priviedol na to miesto, a Boh zoslal z Neba oheň a síru a oni zostali strávení - spolu dve bitky.

39. Otázka: Čo sa týka tých 68 000 000 zabitých Rímsko Katolíckou Cirkvou, v ktorom čase v histórii sa toto stalo, a v akom dlhom úseku času sa to dialo?

256Vezmi si Smuckersovu "Slávnu Reformu" (Smuckers "Glorious Reformation"), myslím, že niektorý z týchto učených ju majú; a to je história cirkvi. A zabudol som teraz práve na ktorej je to strane, ale to sa dialo od času ... tá vec bola uvedená, alebo daná do cirkvi skrze sv. Augustína z Hippo z Afriky. To bolo 354 roku nášho letopočtu, a trvalo to až do roku 1850, do toho masakru v Írsku. Tak ten čas bol od 33 ... či 354 - nech to teraz poviem správne. Od 354 do 1850, podľa histórii tam bolo privedených na smrť 68 000 000 Protestantov, zaznamenaných v Rímskom mučeníctve pretože sa nezhodovali s Rímskym pápežom - to je história. Ak chcete povedať, že je to nie pravda, dobre potom, možno Georg Washington tu nebol alebo Lincoln. Nikto z nás tu vtedy nežil, aby to videl. Ale ja verím, že oni tu jednako boli. Vidím znaky, že oni tu boli.

40. Brat Branham, 19. kapitola ... [I Kráľov 19:18 – pozn.prekl.] a 18. verš: "A ponechal som v Izraelovi sedem tisíc - sedem tisíc v Izraelovi, všetko to kolená, ktoré sa nesklonili ... nesklonili Bálovi, a všetko to ústa, ktoré ho nebozkali." Prosím vysvetli mi to o tých sedem sto.

257To bolo sedem tisíc, vidíte. A to je bozkávanie Bála. Neviete ...? Koľkí tu boli prv katolíkmi? Vy bozkávate obrazy. A pamätajte, v čase Babylonu a Nabuchodonozora, keď sa vynorilo pohanské kráľovstvo - keď sa vynorilo pohanské kráľovstvo, ono prichádza cez uctievanie človeka.

258Nabuchodonozor urobil sochu človeka. A ak máte duchovnú myseľ ... (počúvajte teraz toto zjavenie). Ten duch, ten človek, ktorého zjavenie on urobil ... či, ktorého obraz on urobil, podľa svojho zjavenia bol Daniel - začal byť uctievaný nábožný muž, (vidíte to?) pretože on ho pomenoval Baltazár, čo bolo meno jeho boha. A on urobil obraz toho boha, čo bol obraz Daniela, a Daniel odmietol klaňať sa svojmu vlastnému obrazu. A znovu je to tu, vidíte.

259No, dávajte pozor. Pohanské kráľovstvo sa vynorilo vo dňoch Babylonu za kráľa Nabuchodonozora, pohanského kráľa, ktorý spojil cirkev a štát dokopy skrze to, že zobral svätého ... obraz svätého muža a nasilu nútil ľudí, aby ho uctievali. To pohanské kráľovstvo prišlo do konca, do spodku nôh, s nápisom na stene skrze politickú moc, ktorá zjednotila spolu cirkev so štátom, aby nasilu nútila bozkávať obrazy - obraz svätého muža, skutočne.

41. Brat Branham, keď nastane vytrhnutie ... keď nastane vytrhnutie, pôjdu malé deti, ktoré nepoznali dobré od zlého, do vytrhnutia?

Ak ich mená boli zapísané v Knihe. Áno. To súhlasí. Rozumiete? No dobre.

42. Brat Branham, ty si povedal minulý večer, že ... bolo sedem sto ľudí, ktorí mali byť spasení ... mali byť spasení pri Eliášovom kázaní. Mal si na mysli sedem tisíc.

260Áno, to je pravda. Prosím odpusti mi to. To je pravda, to som mal na mysli.

43. Brat Branham, vyložíš po tom čo otvoríš ... Brat Branham, skončí sa ... (prepáčte) skončí sa ...(To nie vy to ja.) skončí sa udelený čas milosti, po tom, keď otvoríš týchto Sedem Pečatí?

261Dúfam, že nie. Nie, nie, priatelia, nerozumejte to takto. Choďte len rovno ďalej. Kopte zemiaky, a choďte do zhromaždenia a tak ďalej. Ak sa to stane ráno, budete nájdení, ako robíte presne to, čo máte robiť.

262Nezačínajte ... Keď to robíte, obraciate tú skutočnú vec preč od zámeru, pre ktorý je určená. Prichádzajú vám na rozum malé podivné myšlienky, a vy dostávate svoje vlastné nápady o veciach. Neberte svoje vlastné nápady. Keď si sadnete a počúvate takto tie veci, povedzte: "Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Budem len kráčať trochu bližšie pri Tebe." Neprestaňte robiť a nehovorte, "Ja všetko predám."

Pribehol tu jedného dňa jeden muž z North Carolina, tesne predtým, ako sme odišli, a povedal: "Sláva Bohu! Môžete mi povedať kde je (niekto nejaký veľký)?"

A ja som povedal: "Nie."

263"Ó, áno pane," povedal: "tento chlap má ..." Povedal: "Tento chlap je prezidentom tej Audio Misii."

Povedal som: "Čoho?"

On povedal: "Audio Misii."

Povedal som: "Nerozumiem."

A on povedal: "Och, tento chlap je ten prezident."

Povedal som: "Čo si hovoril, ako sa nazýval?"

On povedal: "Branham, myslím. Nejako tak, ako - Brown alebo Branham."

Povedal som: "No, ja sa nazývam Branham."

On povedal: "Vy ste prezident tej Audio Misii?"

Povedal som: "Nie, pane."

264On povedal: "No, kde je to Milénium?"

Povedal som: "Neviem."

On povedal: "Ako to, vy ste ... Vy chcete povedať, že to sa deje práve a vy to neviete?"

Povedal som: "Nie pane, neviem."

On povedal: "Dobre, sláva Bohu, mám nejakých priateľov, ktorí mi to prišli povedať," a povedal, "prestal som pracovať"; (stále mal otvorené krajčírstvo). Povedal: "Brat, ja chcem Milénium."

A ja som povedal, "No, zdá sa mi, že si trochu zdesorientovaný, či nie brat?"

Asi v tom čase prišlo nejaké auto, taxík. Ona povedala: "Zadrž, zadrž, zadrž!" Prišla tam nejaká žena a povedala: "No, modli sa za môjho muža."

Povedal som: "Áno, madam. Čo to?"

Ona povedala: "No, ja chápem, že musím čakať mesiac na rozhovor, aby si sa išiel pomodliť."

A ja som povedal: "Čo?"

A ona povedala: "Áno pane, ale ja som v zúfalstve. Musíš sa modliť za môjho muža."

Povedal som: "Skutočne, kde je? Priveď ho sem."

Tento chlap tam stál a díval sa a povedal: "Ty sa tiež modlíš za chorých?"

Povedal som: "Áno, pane."

"Ako si povedal, že sa voláš, Branham? A ty nevieš nič o Miléniu?"

Povedal som: "No, ja ... Nie, neviem." Povedal som: "Nerozumiem to inak, len tak, ako je to v Biblii."

On povedal: "Nie, to je práve teraz. Ľudia prišli zovšadiaľ."

Povedal som: "Kde to je?"

On povedal: "V Jeffersonville, v Indiáne, rovno pod mostom."

"Pane, vy ste ma priviedli do úzkych." A povedal som: "Ja nič o tom neviem." Povedal som: "Poďme dovnútra a sadnime si. Možno si budeme môcť pohovoriť o tejto veci."

Ne, ne ... Vidíte priatelia, netúžte po službe. (Viete čo mám na mysli.) Budete šťastnejší práve tam kde ste. Choďte len rovno ďalej.

44. Po Vytrhnutí Nevesty, kedy cirkev, ktorá musela ísť cez obdobie súženia, zastane pred súdom? (Ona nezastane pred súdom.) Pred alebo po Miléniu? (Och, prepáčte; prepáčte mi, ktokoľvek toto napísal.) Kedy cirkev, ktorá ... Po Vytrhnutí Nevesty, kedy cirkev, ktorá musela ísť cez obdobie súženia, zastane pred súdom? Je to pred alebo po?

265Po! Tí ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až za tisíc rokov, oni neišli s Nevestou. Pozrime sa.

45. Ty si povedal mnohokrát, že komunizmus bol vzbudený od Boha, aby poslúžil Jeho zámeru, ako kráľ Nabuchodonozor. No kde Komunizmus pasuje do toho obrazu, ktorý ... nakoniec urobí? Ako sa to zakončí? Mnohí učení veria, že v kráľovstve severu, Góg a Magóg, o čom je zmienka v Písme, pôjde dole proti Izraelu v ... (Nemôžem porozumieť o čo sa tu jedná.) Ja verím ... na niektorých páskach, si povedal, že to nakoniec spadne ... že komunizmus nakoniec zničí Katolicizmus, alebo Vatikán skrze nejaký výbuch. Je to pravda?

266Áno. Zjavenie 16, nájdite si to, a Zjavenie 18:8 a 12. Ak je tu tá osoba a chce si to zapísať na kúsok papiera - môžeš si to hneď vyhľadať. Áno "Beda, beda, to silné mesto ... pretože v jednej hodine ono prišlo ku svojmu koncu." Tí kupci a všetci ďalší, ktorí vozili jeho tovar. To sa stane. To je ono. A ne ...

267Len prestaňte ... Zabudnite len o komunizme. To nie je nič vo svete okrem skupiny ľudí, ktorí nie sú ničím, než bezbožnými barbarmi. To je systém ... (Dovoľte mi ukázať vám niečo - len ukázať vám, aké je to jednoduché. Aha, v celom Rusku je len jedno percento, ktorí sú komunisti.) Oni potrebujú posla. Jedno percento - potom deväťdesiat deväť percent z nich sú stále na strane Kresťanstva. Jedno percento; a ako môže jedno percento vládnuť nad deväťdesiat deväť percentami? Hneď to vám má dať vysvetlenie. Ak by to Boh nedovolil, oni by to už dávno museli zahodiť, vidíte. Skutočne.

46. Brat Branham, ty si povedal, že Rím prevezme vládu nad Židmi v posledných tri a pol rokoch. Bude to ... tie prvé tri a pol roka súženia alebo to bude tie posledné tri a pol roka? Ja to správne?

268To bude tie posledné tri a pol roka, to je ono, nie tie prvé, pretože tie už pominuli. (Mám ešte jednu po tejto.)

47. Môj drahý brat, pôjde Eliáš z Malachiáša 4:5 na púšť, ako nám hovorí I. Kráľov 17. o tom Eliášovi, že tam odišiel?

269No, nepovedal by som doslovne, že by on išiel ... že on pôjde na púšť, ale on bude tým, vidíte: On bol Eliáš a Elizeus ... Všimli ste si, väčšina takýchto ľudí, sú ľudia, ktorí sú preč. Oni sa držia stranou od ľudí. Oni sú veľmi divní. Oni sa príliš veľmi nestýkajú s ľuďmi.

270Všimnite si, aký bol Eliáš, a Elizeus, a Ján Krstiteľ, a tú povahu toho ducha, vidíte. A oni ne ... Verím, že ten človek bude milovník pustatiny a možno zostáva na pustatine. Ale povedať len, že on bude nejaký pustovník a bude žiť na pustatine, to ja neviem. Niekedy oni žili. Elizeus nie, ale Eliáš áno. A potom, Ján, on žil na pustatine.

A ťažko povedať, títo ďalší proroci, keď oni vystúpia tam Júdei, ja neviem kde oni budú pretrvávať. Oni môžu táboriť niekde na vrchu, alebo čo oni budú robiť vo dňoch svojho proroctva - ja neviem, čo oni budú robiť, ale vy ... Čo sa snažím povedať, je toto: Budú oni ...

271Oni sa chcú opýtať: "Budú oni bývať len na pustatine?" Prečo, oni by museli ísť niekde na sever do Britskej Kolumbii, aby teraz mali dostatok pustatiny na bývanie, vidíte. Tak, to bude niekto ... Tá pustatina je celá zoťatá; nezostalo viacej pustatiny. Tak tá jediná vec, oni môžu byť milovníci pustatiny a zostávať v nej, možno, mnoho na pustatine, a oni budú ... Môžete si všimnúť tá ich povaha je tá nekompromisná, a budete to poznať, keď to príde. Budete to vidieť, ak ste naozaj prebudení.

No, tu je jedna. Neviem, ako sa toho dotknúť. A mal som inú práve pred touto, a potom ich poprosím, aby zastavili na chvíľu pásku.

48. Ak je Boh jedna osoba, prečo, alebo, ako On mohol hovoriť ku Sebe Samému na Vrchu Premenenia?

272Práve som to vysvetlil. Rád by som sa ťa opýtal toto. Ja budem ... Keď sa Ježiš modlil k Otcovi, vieš ... Ja verím, že máš krst Duchom Svätým, či nie, brat? Nepostavil by si sa na chvíľku? Ty hovoríš, že máš krst Duchom Svätým? [Ten brat hovorí: "Áno." – pozn.prekl.] Ja tiež. Potom čo je to? Potom ja netvrdím, že ja mám ... že mám moc v samom sebe odhaliť tieto tajomstvá. Ja nemám moc uzdravovať nemocných. To je Boh.

273Myslím, že ty si kazateľ. Ak sa nemýlim si z Arkansasu. No dobre. No, a v sebe máš ... aby kázať Evanjelium. Bol si vychovaný obyčajne na farme a takto. Ty proste nič o tom nevieš. Ale niečo do teba prišlo, aby si kázal Evanjelium. Ty netvrdíš vôbec, že to si ty sám. To je iná osoba, nazvaná Duch Svätý. Je to pravda? No dobre.

Teraz sa ťa chcem opýtať. Ten Duch Svätý prebýva v tebe, je to pravda? Hovoríš ku Nemu? Rozprávaš ku Nemu? Modlíš sa ku Nemu? No dobre, to je všetko, čo som chcel ... Ďakujem ti. No, rozumieš tomu?

274Opýtam sa ťa jedno: Ako na to prišlo, že keď Ježiš v Ev. Jána 3, On povedal: "Keď bude Syn človeka, ktorý je teraz v Nebi ..." (Vidíš?) "... teraz v Nebi, príde na zem." vidíš? :Syn človeka, ktorý je v Nebi," a On stojí rovno tam a rozpráva sa s tou osobou. No, odpovedz mi na to.

275Ježiš a Otec boli tou istou osobou, tou istou, ako ten Duch Svätý vo mne - ty sa dívaš na mňa, ako kážem, ale to som nie ja. To som nie ja, ktorý môže vypovedať slovo, ktoré by mohlo priviesť ... vieš, nejaké zviera; sedel som tam a díval som sa na to, a zabil som to zviera a jedol ho. To je tvoriaca moc. To neleží v ľudských bytostiach.

276To som nie ja, ktorý mohol zobrať tu malého chlapca, a doktori ho dali, aby ležal na chrbte, s ťažkosťami srdca, a povedať: "Tak hovorí William Branham ..." Nie! "Tak hovorí Pán, je s tým koniec." A priviesť ho na druhý deň ku doktorovi a to všetko je preč.

277Dieťa s leukémiou, že až jeho oči boli vyduté, a celé žlté, a jeho žalúdok ... že až ho zobrali do nemocnice, aby mu dali krv a všetko možné; a za päť minút, si pýta hamburger, a vzali ho naspäť ku doktorovi nasledujúci deň, a nemohol nájsť po tom ani stopu. To je "tak hovorí William Branham"? To je "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!" Jednako On je osoba iná odo mňa, ale ten jediný spôsob, ako je On vyjadrený je cezo mňa, vidíte?

278Tak boli Ježiš a Otec. "To nie som Ja, ktorý činí tie skutky, to je Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne." No, Syn človeka vystúpi z Neba, ktorý je teraz v Nebi. Vidíte? Čo to bolo? On bol všadeprítomný, pretože On bol Boh.

No, táto ďalšia, ja ... [V publiku bolo prinesené nejaké proroctvo. – pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem Ti, Bože Otče. Ďakujeme Ti za Tvojho Ducha, ktorý je tu. A bolo nám povedané, Otče, že jedného dňa, keď nepriateľ prichádzal, Duch padol na jedného muža a prorokoval ku nemu a povedal mu. To dalo veci do poriadku, kde oni vedeli, ako ísť a poraziť nepriateľa, a kde nájsť toho nepriateľa.

A ja Ti ďakujem, Otče, že Ty zostávaš ten istý Boh, aký si vždy bol - Ty si stále ten istý. My sa meníme, a veky sa menia, a časy sa menia, a ľudia, ale Ty sa nemeníš. Tvoje systémy sú tie isté; Tvoja milosť je tá istá; Tvoje skutky sú tie isté, pretože oni sú podivné, a sú ďaleko preč od každého poznania človeka, aby to vôbec porozumel.

Tak my sme vďační, Pane, že Tvoje tajomstvá sú ukryté do sŕdc Tvojich sluhov; a my sme tak vďační za to, Pane, a nech môžeme ísť vpred, ako svietiace Svetlá z miesta na miesto a snažiť sa s láskou priniesť iných, aby sme mohli natiahnuť siete na každom malom rohu, a vrhnúť tam sieť, aby sme si boli istý, že sme ulovili každú rybu, ktorá patrí Tebe. A potom: "Baránok vezme túto Nevestu, aby stále bola po Jeho boku.." My očakávame ten čas, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Koľko je tu nemocných, nech vidíme vaše ruky. No, to vyzerá, že je to okolo ... Zodvihnite ešte ruky - okolo štyridsať sedem? No dobre, je 11:30. Môžeme sa modliť za chorých hneď teraz, dať tento večer do ... Chceli by ste to teraz? Verím, že bude dobre modliť sa hneď teraz. Poviem vám prečo. Duch Svätý stojí rovno tu, dáva pomazanie.

No, chceme prísť skutočne potichu, a nech tí, ktorí sú v tejto uličke tam, ktorí zodvihli ruky, vystúpte do tejto uličky, a potom prichádzajte tu z tadeto, a potom vezmeme tých z tej ďalšej uličky - je ich len štyridsať päť, alebo štyridsať sedem.

Poprosím brata Neville, či by si tu nezastal so mnou, a budeme sa modliť za vás. Prv, tí, ktorí vystupujú do tejto uličky, povstaňte len na chvíľu teraz, aby sme sa mohli modliť tu za vás, a klásť na vás ruky - každý. No, to je dobre. Proste každý, kto príde do tejto modlitebnej rady - za tých, ktorí prídu do modlitebnej rady.

No, vidíte, šetriac čas, aby sme si boli istý, že sme ho využili, budeme sa modliť za vás teraz. Pozrite, priatelia, dovoľte mi aby som vám to vysvetlil. Ježiš Kristus povedal toto: "... uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia."

279Hľaďte teraz. On nikdy nepovedal: "Ak sa oni budú modliť za nich." "Keď na chorých budú klásť ruky, a oni sa budú mať dobre." A keď Boh môže zobrať neklamný prípad leukémie a malé dievča, ktoré pre seba nemôže mať vieru, a urobiť tú vec načisto ... keď On môže zobrať ďalší prípad malého chlapca a tak ho uzdraviť, že doktori vôbec nemôžu nájsť v jeho krvi žiadnu reumatickú horúčku, ani nič iné - čo On môže urobiť pre vás? No, tie malé deti, oni nerozumejú, čo je to modlitba. Ja len položím na nich ruky, a to sa stalo. My tomu môžeme rozumieť.

280Teraz, zatiaľ čo tu stojíte, aby sa za vás modlilo. Nebeský Otče, s Tvojou veľkou prítomnosťou, ktorá tu odpočíva, ten veľký Duch Svätý, Ten ktorého máme na fotografii, Ten o ktorom si čítame v Biblii, On je práve teraz tu prítomný. On zjavuje Seba samého cez ľudské telo,.

Ako sme Ho videli, že ani jeden krát nesklamal počas tých rokov, bol schopný zjaviť všetky myšlienky ľudského srdca, zjaviť hriech, ktorý oni urobili - povedať im presne, čo sa stalo a čo má byť, ani raz nesklamal. Potom vieme, že Boh Abrahámov, Izákov a Izraelov stále zostáva Bohom v osobe Ježiša Krista.

A teraz, skrze Svojho Ducha zostupujúceho z Neba, pod Krvou, ktorá bola preliata na Golgote, prichádza dole medzi ľudí, aby sa manifestoval v ľudskom tele, tesne pred spálením sveta ... Ten veľký Duch Svätý reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele. Títo vzácni ľudia, ktorí prijali vykúpenie Krvou, a Duch Svätý sa dostáva do ich bytosti, Boh, reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele.

A tak, On nebol reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele, aby vykonal len skutok, ako krst a tak ďalej. S poverením, že tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých, ktorí veria. Skrze kladenie rúk na chorých, Duch Svätý sa postará o to, že oni vyzdravejú, ak verili.

Teraz, Otče, my vieme, že tieto veci sú pravdou. Títo ľudia tu stoja - oni prejdú popod ruky kazateľov, ktorí prijali Ducha Svätého, a oni sú pripravení, Pane, klásť ruky na chorých. A vieme, Otče, že ak títo ľudia budú len veriť, tak ako každé slovo, ktoré si zasľúbil sa stalo, tak ... A to sa nemôže stať bez viery, pretože bez viery nie je možné ľúbiť sa Bohu. My to proste nemôžeme urobiť.

281A teraz, s vierou veriac, s týmto zasľúbením, ktoré leží pred nami, s týmito Pečatiami Biblii, ktoré nám boli otvorené, že Boh dodržuje Svoje Slovo. Nech títo vzácny ľudia, ktorí sú chorí, Pane, a ja súcitím s nimi, ako s ľudskými bytosťami v smrteľnom tele, ako sú ich, a ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý prebýva v nás, Pane, prebýva v nich; a my cítime žiaľ jeden za druhého, a poznajúc tú novú zmluvu v tej novej Krvi ... keď tá stará ponúkala uzdravenie, o čo viac bude táto nová lepšia? Otče, nech by to bolo tak, aby títo ľudia nesklamali, ale aby prijali svoje uzdravenie, pri tom, ako budú prechádzať popod ruky Tvojich sluhov, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Teraz budeme ... Táto strana bude sedieť, zatiaľ čo táto strana bude tu prechádzať, potom táto strana pôjde naspäť a tá druhá strana ... No, niektorí z vás bratov tu, ktorí budete stáť hore ... Myslím že vy tu ste kazatelia, vy všetci tu. Kde je doktor ... brat Ned? Ty si mal zámer byť v modlitebnej rade, brat Ned? [Brat Ned Iverson hovorí: "Áno, ja tu stojím za niekoho iného." – pozn.prekl.] Len čo sa za teba pomodlia vráť sa do tejto rady.

Teraz, nech títo na tejto strane, tu, nech si na chvíľu sadnú, a ja vezmem tých z tejto strany, potom pôjdeme dole a vezmeme tú prostrednú radu a pošleme ich naspäť touto stranou, potom vezmeme túto uličku a pošleme ich touto cestou, a budeme sa modliť za každého.

Poprosím brata Teddyho ... Kde je? No dobre, chcem aby si tam hral: "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko." A pianista, kdekoľvek oni sú, hraj spolu s ním ak môžeš.

282Počúvajte, pamätáte sa vtedy, keď to tam bolo hrané, a na pódium bol prinesený ten malý chlapec. To Amišské dievča hralo "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko"?

Ona mala dlhé tmavé vlasy ... alebo blond, radšej, (Menomitské alebo Amišské dievča, ono) ... uložené vzadu na hlave.

283A Duch Svätý narazil na toho chlapca, práve ako som ho držal na rukách, (chromý na svoju nohu) a on vyskočil z môjho náručia a bežal dole cez pódium. Jeho matka vstala a odpadla - Menonitka, tak sa mi vidí.

284A Duch Svätý narazil na to Menonitské dievča, alebo Amišské, čokoľvek ona bola (jej otec a oni tam sedeli oblečení, ako Menoniti alebo čokoľvek oni boli), a ona vyskočila od piana so zodvihnutými rukami, a jej pekné vlasy padli krížom cez jej plecia - vyzerala ako anjel, začala spievať v Duchu. A keď ona vstala od piana, piano neprestajne hralo: "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko, súcituplný Ježiš."

285Každý kto tam stál, tisíce, dívali sa tam na tie klávesy, ako sa pohybovali hore dole a hrali: "Ten veľký lekár je teraz blízko, súcituplný Ježiš ..." Ľudia povstávali z invalidných kresiel, vozíkov, nosítok, a chodili. Ten istý Ježiš Kristus je práve tu dnes ráno, práve taký istý, ako bol v tej miestnosti.

Len verte teraz. Hrajte tú pieseň, ak môžete: "Ten veľký lekár." No, nech sa každý modlí. Nech oni prechádzajú rovno tu, nech idú stadiaľto, a potom rovno na svoje miesta alebo kde chcete ísť, ako idete ... Počujete to tam dobre? V poriadku, choďte naspäť na svoje miesta, potom povstaneme.

286Teraz počúvajte. Zatiaľ čo sa za týchto budeme modliť, modlite sa za nich. Potom, keď sa za vás budeme modliť za nich, oni sa budú modliť za vás. Teraz, vy kazatelia tu, zastaňte si hore. Chcem aby ste kládli ruky na týchto, ktorí budú prechádzať.

Teraz, každý, skloňte hlavy, a majte sklonené hlavy, a modlite sa; a keď tu budete prechádzať, potom ... s rukami kladenými na vás, pamätajte, to je zasľúbenie Božie, ktoré zjavuje tajomstvá tejto Knihy, tajomstvá ľudského srdca. On je Boh, ktorý to potvrdí, ak tomu budete veriť. Teraz, každý v modlitbe. No dobre, skloňme svoje hlavy.

Pane Ježišu, ako prichádzajú títo ľudia, nech moc Všemohúceho Boha oživí ich vieru, hneď ako oni tu budú prechádzať, v mene Ježiša.

Dobre, nech tá rada začne tuto. Nech každý položí svoje ruky na nich, vy kazatelia, ako oni budú prechádzať. V mene Pána Ježiša, kladiem svoje ruky ... [Brat Branham sa modlí za chorých. – pozn.prekl.]

Ó, či nie je On nádherný? Verím, že ak každá osoba, ktorá tu prechádza dnes ráno pod týmto ohromným pomazaním ... Verím. Ak sa budete dívať ... No nedívajte sa po niečom veľkom. Pamätajte len na tú jednoduchosť veriť tomu, čo On zasľúbil. A teraz to povedzme všetci spolu. My nehľadáme niečo veľké, ale v mene Ježiša prijímame jeho zasľúbenie.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE SEALS, 63-0324M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 171 min

1 Our heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful for this time that we can fellowship again around the Word of God in the Presence of God. We're so thankful that You're with us this morning to help us and to bless us. We ask forgiveness of our sins, that our lamps might be filled with Oil and trimmed and burning; that You would use us now to honor Your great Name, for we ask it in the Name of the beloved Son of God Jesus Christ. Amen. Be seated.

2 I was just coming in when I heard that message go forth. So I'm... It's true that we need to keep our lamps filled, keep our... You know, when they--as you burn... You can't go on what you have done now (See?), because fire burning out of oil makes a carbon; so that's the reason the trimming of the... Have your lamps trimmed, because the carbon on top of the--of the wick...

Many of you people about my age, when we used to use the--the coal oil lamp. See? They... It--it--it'd get a carbon on top where it'd burn, and therefore, it would interfere with the light. So you must keep all the carbon trimmed off and that we might press on forward towards the mark of the high calling in Christ.

3 Now, it's a--it's a great beautiful morning outside and in, as this Easter season is approaching now. And--and we're now coming up to the last Seal tonight, the Lord willing. And it's a very mysterious Seal, very, very, because it's not even... It's not even mentioned in the Scriptures nowhere, no symbols, anything to hold onto. It's got to come right direct from heaven. See?

And it--it's a kind of a straining hour for me. It has been all week. Now, this is my, be my eighth day in a room. And I noticed in here many... In these requests, I had to kind of pick out. There was many of them that was wanting interviews. And I--I love that. I'd like to--to give that now (See?), but I--I can't right now, 'cause you understand that--that the whole... What we're trying to do now is find the revelation of--of the will of the Lord. You see, and then when we have the interview, then it pulls you off over onto another side and--of something else. See?

And then, and like in prayer for the sick, that's altogether different. You... Visions and things, you study different, and you--you're anointed different. Just like in--in the Bible said there: "A--a tree that's planted by the--the rivers of water." Rivers of water.. See? Same water but there's an outlet comes this a way, this a way, and this a way. It depends on what outlet. It's the same Spirit.

7 Paul, I Corinthians 12, did the same thing, talking about there were many gifts, but it's the same Spirit. So you see, if you're working, like with one thing, then be changed to come over to this other thing over here (you know what I mean); you--you study down that line, you get the people and a...

Now, their hearts are all set. What is these Seals? Their attention's, "What is it?" Night by night when I come in here there's such a tension, till I have to talk about something else to kinda get--get it quietened (You see?), and then the Holy Spirit breaks forth the Seal. And then--then I have to... Each night like that... Then when we change that to healing or something (See?), you--the people's all set on one thing; you can't hardly change it back to the other right away.

9 And--and then also knowing that right among you, things are happening (See?) that I--I'm just... I--I know... I know you, that you don't see it. See? I'm just positive that you don't see it. See? And you say, "Brother Branham, that's a hard thing for you to say that." I know it is. But look; let me just say this now. I suppose this is just tapes for ourselves and so forth. But let me say this (See?), that you--you don't--you don't get it (See?), and you're not supposed to get it. So don't try to interpret anything. See? Don't try to put your interpretation to it. You only--you only get further away.

Just take my advice, if you believe me now. If God has--has give me favor in your sight and you know that them revelations and things... I--I've been here with you a long time, and it's always been right. And now, to double prove it right, it hooks right in with the Word. See? So you know it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's exactly. See? It's proved to you.

12 Now, take my advice as your brother: Don't put your own interpretation to anything. You just go on and live a good Christian life, 'cause you'll only wind yourself away from the real thing when you do it. See? You--you'll only wind your way again away from the thing. And all of you are conscious and know that there's something mysterious happening, and it is happening, and I know what it is.

Now, I'm not saying that. It's the grace of God that lets me know that what it is. It's something that's tremendous, and it's gone right now, and there's not a way in the world for you to see it, and it's a--I... But so help me, with this Bible in my hand, I know what it is.

14 It's been told to you before, so just--just don't try to put any interpretation but just believe me as your brother (See?); we're living in a great hour.

We're living in a time where the... Well, we're... Well, you just be real humble, be a Christian, and try to live for God, and live honest with your fellowman, and love those who don't love you. Don't try to--to make any... You see, you do, you only make it a mysterious something and mess the real program of God up. See?

Yesterday afternoon something happened in my room that I--I'll never be able to--to leave it. You see? And so, you... And about two weeks ago something happened that'll never be able to, as long as I live on this earth, I--I'll never be able to get away from it. See?

16 And so, but if the--the church, you're not supposed to know these things, so don't put no interpretation to anything. See? You just go ahead and just remember what you're told; live a Christian life. Go to your church, be a real light wherever you are, and just burn for Christ, and tell the people that how you love Him. And just let your testimony be with love all the time with the people (See?), 'cause if you don't you twist yourself out into something there, and then you're--you're off the beaten track.

See, every-time you try to do it, you've done that. See? So just don't--don't--don't try to make no interpretation. And especially tonight, when that Seal becomes up in front of you. See? Just don't try to interpret it. You just go ahead and just be humble and go right on with the same plain message. Now you say, "Brother Branham, is that... we, being the Church of the Living God, shouldn't we..."

Well, as I was trying... Look here, I want to say... Say, "Why can't I? I ought to have..."

No, no. I... Don't... You remember, I'm saying this for your good. See, I'm saying it so that you'll understand. If you believe me now, listen to what I tell you. See, see?

20 Now here, now here's a post, and that's--we'll call that a listening post (See?), and in it--got radio. See? And there's warnings and things can be done, like a sword in your hand. See? It can pick from the evil or pick from only as it's--it gets its message. See?

Now. But now, for instance, to the ordinary man, there's been so much cults and clans rise up over little outpourings of the Spirit until people gets all worked up in a bunch of stuff, go out and start another little move, and, you know, and things. See, you don't want to do that now. See?

Now, just remember, just stay the way you are. And you say, "Well, the Lord showed..." No, now just be careful. See?

23 Now, look here. Let me show you something. See? Did you know there's ten thousands of voices in this room right now, literally voices of people that's coming through the electronic waves of radio? Why don't you hear them? They're voices. Is that right? They're waving right through here now. There's people, forms, and bodies moving right through this room now. Is that right? Well, why don't you see them? They're here, actual voices, like my voice. Well, why don't you hear it?

See, it's got to strike something first to reveal it. See? Now, do you understand? So just don't interpret nothing. If God wants you to know anything, He will send it to you (See?); so just be real, real solid now. Hold still. Something has happened. And now just be real... You understand what I mean, don't you? And just be...

25 Don't try to make yourself odd to be a Christian, because (You see?), you take yourself away from God and you--you--you... If you can understand it, this is that third pull. You should've caught that the other day. See. So then just...

You remember, there'll be no impersonation like there was of the other two. See? So that's as far as you--you should know. Now just--just remember that you see now there's something taking place in this room, and there's something here, there's... There's actual in this room, Angels, voice of God (See?), but how do you... You can't... If you can't hear the natural voice without something to send it out, how are you going to hear the spiritual voice?

27 Now you might make believe that somebody is singing this certain song that might not even be there. See? But when it actually strikes the crystal that it's supposed to strike, then it gives a true interpretation and vindicates it by showing the picture. See what I mean?

Now, the Spirit of God, when it speaks through the true Word, It vindicates Itself to show Itself that It's right. You understand now? All right. Now, let's pray just again.

29 Heavenly Father, we are about to un--open the lids of this Book as the physical part of--of trying to give back to what You have opened to us in the spiritual realm. And now, I pray, God, that You will help me to give the--the right interpretation to these questions, that it might be said that--that they are--they're to help the people. They are to give them understanding.

And I pray that You'll give to me understanding that I might send it out to Your people that they might have understanding, that together we might live to the glory and honor of God through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

30 Now, I--I just wanted to say that, and I thought this thing here controlled those tapes, but it doesn't (See?), and this is a--a desk light. And I thought the tape controller used to be here. But I was told to just make motion to the brethren in the--in the room there, the recording room, and they'd know when to stop tapes and when not.

See, the tapes has a worldwide ministry everywhere (See?), everywhere. It goes into all kinds of languages and everything, so there's things that we'd say right here we wouldn't say somewhere else (You see?), and that's the reason that we stop it.

33 Now, answering questions is quite a thing. So I--I... Now, in--in--in answering this, the most of them, the most of the questions, outside of... Now, every one... Some of them don't even pertain to the message at all, but I'm going to--or the Seals at all, but I'm going to try to answer them. And they was given to me, and as they was told... I was told the most of them, or a great deal of them was about requests for prayer and the sick and afflicted and--and different things like that--that goes on, and so, it didn't pertain anything to any question to be answered. And then they--I was give a bunch that was--that was about different things (the Scripture and things). But maybe, if we have time, we'll try to answer them the best we can.

34 Now... And if I make a mistake, why, remember, it's not intended to be made a mistake. So does everybody feel good? Amen. It's just so, talk about heavenly places in Christ Jesus... What a wonderful place. What a wonderful time.

Of all the times that I've been behind the pulpit at the Tabernacle, I have never, never in any time of my ministry ever worked into the realms of God and the spiritual realms as it's been this time. Yeah, it's beyond anything I ever did in any time of my ministry, in any meeting at anywhere like this. Mostly, it's on healing; this is revealing of Truth by the same Spirit (See?) same Spirit.

36 And I--I been to myself altogether, and been boarding at a place, or going down eating at a place. And I've just been alone; so it's been really a great time.

And now, right away, either in the morning or the following morning, I, probably, if we can get through in time, I'll just pray for the sick this morning, if these questions don't last too long; so I--I must get to myself a little while. See?

The human mind can only stand so much. See? And when you get to a spot where you set a hour numbed with the Presence of God, and a Pillar of Light hanging there before you, you--you--you can't stay there too long. You see? The human being can't--can't stand it. And so...

39 Now, these questions are really nice. I appreciate... And the wisdom and things that people use... Now, for the first one... And I'll try to answer them, and then if I--if I don't get it right, well, you--you forgive me then.

And if you have a different interpretation and believe that your idea of it's right, just go right ahead; that won't hurt, because there's not only but about one or two of them that pertains to anything to salvation. It's only... Most of the questions is asked on this other side of the trib--on the rapture of the church. So see...

It's questions over here, which is to come and will come to pass over in the other parts, 'cause we're now beyond the church age in our teachings in--in the Book. We're beyond, over in the time of the calling of the hundred and forty-four thousand.

42 Now, the first one here.

1. Are the five wise virgins of Matthew 25 attendants to the--to the Bride, or are they the Bride? (See?) If these wise virgins are attendants to the Bride, where is the Bride? (See?)

Now, to the best of my understanding, these five virgins... There were ten of them, you know, that went out (See?), and this here is only a symbol or a parable (See?), that--that I'm going to tell you. See, there were ten of them. 'Course, there were more than ten; that was just made a number.

But then, the--the wise virgins had oil in their lamps; the unwise did not have oil in their lamps. So if that ten there of Matthew (if this is the--the person's question), if those ten there... Did that mean that that would be the... Or these five rather, that would be just five (See?), just five people?

No, it doesn't mean that. It's just a symbol of the virgins (You see?) of the virgin that went out with oil in her lamp; they are a portion of that Bride. And to my understanding, and then you notice now that they was the virgins of the last watch.

45 Coming down through the watches, there'd been seven watches. And in the seventh watch, the midnight hour, as we're on--striking now... See? Now, in this midnight watch, these virgins woke, and trimmed their lamps, and went in, while the sleeping virgin...

Now, this part here, this five (if that's the meaning of the question was--meaning, "Was there just five?")... And we've got many questions in here about the--the seven thousand, so forth; now, that--that was just a symbol, a part of them. And all that wakened in this last age here, the seventh watch, that--if there wasn't but--but five that wakened at that time that was translated, went in with the Bride and so forth, the Bridegroom...

Now, if they, themselves... That don't mean there's only going to be five, because they're sleeping all down through the ages as we've come this week. See?

48 In the days of--of Paul, the angel of the church at Ephesus, Paul, founding this church, being the messenger to it... Remember, Paul, founding the church at Ephesus, become the messenger to that church, and the Spirit was in the land at that time was a lion spirit. And the lion is the Lion of the tribe of Juda which is Christ, and Christ is the Word. Paul, with the Word of that age...

Thousands fell asleep in that age. That right? Then come the next age, and the--the time the church got settled down in--in dark age, the ox spirit went forth: work, labor, and sacrifice and give their lives. Thousands times thousands fell asleep under martyrdom and everything. They're waiting. See?

50 Then, and the next age come, the Lutheran, the reform age. There went the wise with the cunningness of man. If you notice, man went forth with that, and when he did, he added his own shrewdness. That's what married him into the other part. See, see? If he'd just stayed with God's wisdom, just reforming and pulling out... But what did he do? After that man that had the message, Luther, after the death of Luther, they had a Lutheran organization. After the death of Wesley, they had a Methodist organization. See? There... You keep going that way. It--it just... It does that.

Now, I want you to--to--to notice this. See? Now, someone might ask about the Pentecostal, which was the--the third age.

52 You see, each one of those ages only taken a dip into the Holy Spirit. Justification is a work of the Holy Spirit; sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, but the baptism is the Holy Spirit.

That's the reason it took a prophetic prophet to come down, no messenger to the age, 'cause the Holy Ghost came Himself in His fullness of the baptism. But at the end of the age, as it always ends upon the others, we find there then, the messenger sent; and all these scruples and things are to be placed in their places (See?), like that. Then the rapture comes for the Church.

But as many is allotting all these different things: the sun turning to darkness, the moon... They put that way back there in the Christian age. They just failed to see them three questions was asked our Lord there (See?), when He answered them.

55 Now, last night I think there's no question at all. We took each one of those questions and put them right under the Seals. And the Seals is the whole Book together Itself. You believe that, doctor? See, the whole thing just wrapped together...

And we took what Jesus said here. They asked three questions (See?): "When will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming? And what's the end of the world?" And He come right down, and we pulled them, every one, under that, but one. What was that? the Seventh Seal. Why? See, it's not known. That's it.

57 Every one of them come right out. I paralleled them right exactly back and forth, and me, when I wrote last night and got in--in there and got to... I went back to look at my old note I'd took it off--off back there, well, I seen where I put one in the other one's place; I got it, crossed them back and forth. That's what I done. I guess you caught it. You--you catch it? See?

I'd wrote down here what I was going to write over on this other side, and wrote it over here, But said... Put both of them 9, 11, or 9, 6, or what--or 6 and 11 and--and--and 9 and 11, which it wasn't so. It was vice versa, the next verse under it. See? And that was it, the answers between the pestilence and the war. You see? That's what it was.

So I was just so happy, I was just a carrying on like a... I was enjoying the stimulation from the revelation. So I--I put it just over here setting there with a pencil or a pen, and I put down 11 on both places when it shouldn't have been. I think it was 9 instead of 11 for the other side.

60 But now, did you see how perfectly they paralleled? Now, don't forget that. They parallel down to the Sixth and stopped. See? And watch the--watch the opening of the Seals that comes down to the Sixth and stops, just silence in heaven (that's all it says) for the space of a half hour.

Now, now, in these... See, I--I have to hurry up and answer these, because (See?), each one of them is a sermon four weeks long (You see?) on--on each one; you can just get off on something else. But I--I don't mean to do that, 'cause I want to get everybody's question as far as I can.

62 These virgins (See?), they're made up of... That's just part of them in that age. See? Each age has the virgins. See? The Seal... The angel comes to the church: "To the angel of the church of Ephesus, write." See?

Then get over here and then after the writing to the church of Ephesus (compare that back), a Seal's opened. That's just the way we're bringing it, try to get it all to you. See what I mean? if the Lord willing.

64 What'd I have first? Church ages. Is that right? Next thing, the message to the church ages. Everybody get that clear now? See?

First we got the church ages and got the history (laid down the Nicaea councils and Pre-Nicaea councils and everything that we could find in history), and found out that the correct interpretation of the Word was exactly with the history. And bring it on down to this day in this Laodicea, and you--you don't have to have history of that; this is making history now. See? There it is, and then showed what would be in this age.

66 Now, we come back with the Seals and open that Seal... God opens that Seal for us. What's that? First there's a messenger: church age; next is the Seven Seals.

Now, we find out the corruption that hits in the seventh church age... But the Seventh Seal doesn't reveal anything, what's going to happen to it (See?), because at the end of that church age is to come a prophetic gift to reveal these things. See? Are you following it? All right.

68 Now, notice how each one of those Seals... Then I come over here, and those three questions asked Jesus Christ: "What... When will these thing be, there won't be one stone on another? When will this be taken down, this religious center of the world, and another be set up? See? When will it be, antichrist ride?" See? And what went out to meet it? The Word, the Word against the word.

69 Then it settled down to politics and everything else; and there went the ox labor. See? That's exactly second it, then Jesus said so in Matthew 24. See? Then we come down from that to the cunningness of the reformers, the man beast went out to meet it. That's what taken place. Then we come down, the next or the Fourth Seal when antichrist become a conglomerations and had a name, Death.

Now, watch what Jesus said: "And he would throw her to the fires and even kill her children." That's death riding. That's both Protestants and Catholics: mark of death on each one of them (See?), her and her children be destroyed. So if you're depending on your denomination, you better get away from it right now.

And then when it come to the Seventh Seal, Jesus stopped right there.

71 He opened the Sixth Seal by saying the moon would be turned into blood and darkness and everything, these things would take place. We come right over here, open up the Sixth Seal. After the Sixth Seal's opened, and swing right back and show the same thing.

There you are with three different places in the Scripture, tied them together with the revelation. See? Watch. The place that Jesus said so, the place that when He opened the Book it was hid from the foundation of the world, and then the revelation of this day, here, placing it right in there, ties the three together. And three is a witness, so it's true. It's absolutely true.

73 Now, these virgins that come along here, they are the ones that fall asleep, and then the whole body's made up together of that group, that goes to make the (See?) to make the--the wise virgins. And the unwise virgins are the ones that started back there at the same time the wise virgins started, antichrist, and they are the ones that tries to buy oil.

74 Now, just look here. You see how perfect everywhere you go. If I could stand here and talk the things that's revealed in that room, I tell you, it'd swing your heads around; but how you going to do it when you got a whole thing here.

And then you, somehow or other, when you get away from people, there it begins to open up, mysteries; then you see things that you're daresn't to say to the people too, 'cause (You see?), if they would they'd start little isms.

And then just look what this little gift of healing has done, how it confused the church. Everybody had a sensation; everybody had this. And right down in my heart, God knows it's the truth, I knowed it wasn't right 'cause He told me so. See? But it's a false impersonation; it's only, throw the people off. Now, that's right.

77 Now, but, you see, you can't say those things; best to just leave it alone. And you remember the third pull; it said, "Don't tell nobody." What did I say was that... How many remembers that? Oh, sure. Remember standing there trying to lace that eyelet in that little shoe in the vision? He said, "You can't teach Pentecostal babies supernatural things."

And I said this will be the third pull and it will not be known, so help me, by the grace of God. Now, now, we're--we're right down at the end time now. Won't be too long until mercy seat will be judgment seat.

79 Why, if you see these things coming in and these people coming in, you better come in too if you're not already in. See? Now, gathered in heavenly places (See?) it also means more than just to be rejoicing. In heavenly places, if you're really assembled in Christ, it's a fearful thing.

Standing by the--that Angel of the Lord, you think you'd just be shouting and screaming. That--that's not it. It scares you to death nearly. See? So you see, there--there's a difference in just rejoicing and bubble dancing (which is all right), and then coming down to the real thing. See, see? There's where the fear... It's a fearful thing. Not that you fear that you're lost, but you're really before Angelic Being and the Holy Ghost Himself standing there.

81 Now, that will be part of the Bride; that's what it will go to make it up (See?), all those who sleep. And can't we absolutely see?

[Brother Branham is interrupted by a failure in the recording system--Ed.] ...pray now that You'll grant the healing of the people, through these handkerchiefs, lay upon. In Jesus' Name. Amen. (Now is it all right now? Thank you. Somebody step on something? Too many recorders put too much pressure on it. See? All right, just swap--just get a tape and swap the tape and make it off of that.) Now, notice now, the next question.

82 2. Should evangelists continue on the field?

In this hour, of course, what they mean. Certainly, by all means; don't change a thing. If Jesus is coming in the morning, preach today like it was going to be ten years from today, but live like it's going to be at this hour.

Don't--don't get scrupled up now. That's why I'm trying to warn you about. See? Just don't be odd, peculiar. Don't change nothing, but if you're doing something wrong, or doing evil, repent (See?), come back to God. Continue on your evangelistic service just as you always did.

84 If you're building a house, put it on up. If Jesus comes tomorrow, you'd be found faithful at the duty. If you're building your church, go on, put it up. I'd rather be putting my money in something like that than be found with it in my pocket. See? So just--just keep on; continue as you are.

Everybody understand now? Continue right on. Just go right on as you are. Now, just--just don't stop; don't do nothing. Just go right on just as you are; keep on serving the Lord.

Now, for instance, if you was--if you was working for a man and you knowed it was fifteen minutes before quitting time, "Well," you'd say, "it's just fifteen minutes more so I might as well just go over and set down." You'd get docked for that fifteen minutes.

If you're planting wheat, plant your wheat. If you're digging potatoes, go on and dig them out. Say, "Well, nobody will eat them." That don't make any difference; dig them out anyhow. Just continue on as you are.

88 I got a letter from somebody the other day. Somebody told them, said, "Well, the time's at hand. Sell the farm. Now, you won't need the food that you live off of on the farm," said, "'cause just the millennium's going to start, and you won't need it, so you just go ahead, and while the tribulation period's going on, your children's not saved so just let them... Let--let the children have the farm where they can eat off of it, but you all sell your farm and--and..." or something like that. Oh, they had...

I said, "Oh, my." If I knowed He's coming tomorrow and I was a farmer, I'd put my crop in today, sure. If He made me a farmer, I'm going to stay right at my duty. See? That's right. If He made me a mechanic... Say, "Who's..."

90 Somebody said the other day, he said... A fellow come in and said, "Say, brother, you know what?" He said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys. I've bought a new car." He said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys," told his pastor. Said, "I'm going to give you the second set of keys 'cause the rapture might come, you know, and said I won't be needing it any more."

Pastor was going to miss it. You see? So that's making ready, isn't it?

All right, but that's--that's the way it is. See, we mustn't be that way. We must be a--a sane, solid Christian (See?), that I'm put here to work right up to the last minute. I've got a job to do, and I want to be right found faithful at the post of duty. If He comes this morning, I want to be standing right here in the pulpit.

92 You say, "Brother Branham, if He was to come this morning, shouldn't you be out there?"

No, sir. This is my post of duty. I'll be standing right here preaching when He comes, saying the same things I am. Then, when He comes, I'll just move right on out with Him.

If I'm hoeing potatoes, I'll just be hoeing away just as hard as I can. When He comes, I'll just drop the hoe and take off.

You remember in the jubilee year, if they was hoe--hoeing with the hoe, they just kept on hoeing. They knowed the jubilee year was maybe ten minutes more and the trumpet would sound of the jubilee year. They just kept on pitching hay or whatever they was doing; but when the trumpet sounded, then they dropped their pitchfork and gone. That's it. Just keep on pitching hay until the trumpet sounds.

95 All right. Question: According to the opening... (Did that--anything happen? It--it made a noise up here.) A question...

3 According to the opening of the Fifth--Fifth Seal, Moses and Elijah have--have to die; what about Enoch?

I don't know. See? I--I... If don't know, I'm just going to tell you I don't know. See? I--I don't--I don't know all the answers, folks; I--I don't know. And if I don't know, I'm going to tell you I don't know. If I do know... I won't tell you till I do know (See?), but I--I don't know. I've often wondered about that myself.

96 There was Enoch... I seen Moses come and Elijah comes back and they're killed. See? But now, Enoch was translated before time. I--I've often thought and wondered myself: Well, what--what about that? But then, here's the only consolation that I can say is this: Now, notice, Moses only served God forty years. See? He was a--he was a hundred and twenty, but twenty years...

The first forty years, I mean, he was getting his education. That right? The second forty years God was taking it out of him, and the third forty years he served God. See? All right. But Enoch walked five hundred years before God and was blameless (See, see?); so Moses comes back to serve some more time: him and Elijah.

Now, that--I don't say that's right. See? I just give you that for a thought. See? But I--just to say what part, I don't know. I really can't tell you what--what--what happened there or what God will do.

99 4. What is the--the name of the--that'll be on the people of Revelations 3:12?

I--I don't know. Yeah. He said give them a new name. I--I--I don't know what that is. See? It'll be probably made known when we get there, but I--I don't know what it is now. See? See, He is going to do that. See? He give them a new name that--that they just knowed themselves. See?

100 5. Now, Brother Branham, is there any Scripture permitting marriage after divorce. This is very important.

It says important. Well, that's the reason it wasn't pertaining to this. As far as I can see, my brother or sister, whoever it may be, there isn't unless your companion's dead, because the Bible said we're bound to them as long as they live. See?

So as--as far as being any Scripture, that's what was asked here: "Is there Scripture. See? Is there any Scripture?" Not as I can find. See? Not as I can find, 'cause Paul said that the--the married couple, if the companion's dead, then they're free then to marry whomsoever they will in the Lord. But until then... But watch. You take it, "Until death we part..."

That's it. You've done took an oath over that (You see?), so I don't think there is. Now, if there's--if you found some, and it's correctly why, all--all right. But as far as myself, I--I don't find any.

103 6. What does "... see thou hurt not the oil and the wine" mean in Revelation 6:6?

It's the Holy Spirit. See, we just got through that. Probably somebody, you know, come in a little late for the message, they--for the other tapes. You see? "Hurt not the oil and the wine..." What does the oil and wine mean? The oil, as we took it in symbols, means the Holy Spirit. See?

Wine is the--and oil is connected together in the Bible in worship. See? And the wine as we put... That's where I got the idea of the stimulation. Wine stimulates. And wine in its--is the antitype of its natural from stimulation is revelation.

105 Now, just think; what stimulates the church? Revelations. See? So wine, the new wine would be... Now watch. The oil and wine went together in sacrifice, went together in--in the church worship (Now, notice.), assembled together, connected together.

You that's got a concordance, you look and see a whole string where wine and oil is met together in worship. If you've got a Cruden's, why, it says that there.

Now, notice on this. But now (You see?), the oil is always the Holy Spirit. We find that over in Ezekiel, and we find it in the Old Testament; we find it all through the New Testament.

Why do we anoint the sick with oil? We anoint the sick with oil because it symbolizes the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon them. See? Also the wise virgins had oil; the unwise had no oil: Spirit. See? Now, that is the oil.

109 And then the wine... If--if--if the oil represents--represents God, God is Spirit. See? God is Word. "In the beginning was Word; Word was with God; Word was made flesh, and that was God." Now, then if the Word now in--sets here in a--a natural form... Now, the wine is the water, like the--the revelation that reveals that interpretation of the Word which stimulates the believer. You see?

My, they just got... "I've never seen it before. My. Glory." That's what? See? Stimulation (See?) of revelation. (I didn't know that till the other day setting there either. See?) Now, that's... What does the oil and wine... That was, "See that you hurt not..." That was the black horse rider, and that was during the time of the dark age, the third age of the--of the church.

Notice, and in there, there's just a little bit of it left, just a little bit, but don't hurt it. And I believe if you get that the--the Third Seal on tape, you'll--you'd find it there where we explained it in details--detail, rather.

112 7. Brother Branham, is the Lamb's Book of Life and the Book of Life the same Book?

Sure. See? 'Cause that's where... All redemption's wrote in this Book. See? Their names are in... You say, "Well, the... Our name's put on the Lamb's Book of Life, Brother Branham. I--I got it put on the other night." No, you didn't. No, you didn't. You just found out it was on there the other night (See?), because their names were written before the foundation of the world. See? That's... It's all the same Book. See?

113 8. Now. Brother Branham, is it true that--that every Jew born since Christ came will be saved, and who are the hundred and forty-four thousand? Are they the predestinated ones to be sealed with the Holy Ghost, and what is their mission?

There's about three questions in one there. But here is... First one is:

8a Is it true that every Jew born since Christ that came into the world is to be saved?

No. Nothing will be saved, only those whose names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, Jew or Gentile. See? That's all; the Book holds that mystery, and the Book is only unfolding it now, not each one's name, but what the mystery of the Book is while it's calling those names. You find... You understand that now? See?

115 The Book doesn't say, "Now, Lee Vayle is to be saved in time of this church age," or--or, "Orman Neville..." or--or whoever. No, it don't say that. It just shows the mystery, unfolds the mystery of what the thing is. But we, ourselves, by faith believe it. That's what I said the other night.

Someone said, "Well, there's no need in me trying it. Brother Branham said there's only going to be one saved out of Jeffersonville." See? Now, see, it's showing a parable. That--that--that isn't... That--that isn't it. There might be thousands saved. I don't know. I hope every one of them is saved (See?), but I don't know. But here's the way I want to believe it: I'm that one. You believe the same for you. If you don't, then there's something wrong with your faith. You're not sure what you're doing.

117 How can you... How can you walk up there in the face of death when you're not too sure whether you're saved or not? See? How can you go down here and say to this crippled man laying here, blinded and twisted up, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, rise up. Jesus Christ makes you whole"?

How can you stand that little cold stiff body laying there; that's dead and been dead for hours and hours, and laying there cold and stiff, and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, rise up to your feet"? You'd better... You have to know what you're talking about. See?

Well, they say, "Death claims everything. It's all gone." Yeah, but when the Word of God is revealed and you know it's God, that changes things. That's right.

120 Now, yes. These Jews are not... Not all the Jews will be saved. No, sir. They will not be saved, only those who... When He's speaking of--of Jew... Jew just is a name that was give to them after they left, I believe, Nebuchadnezzar over, begin to call them Jews first because the tribe of Judah was taken then and given a name of Jew. Now... Because they came down from Judaea and they got the name of Jew. But now, Israel is different. Israel and Jew is altogether different.

Every Jew... Every Jew isn't an Israelite. See? No, he's just a Jew, but then, Israel... Paul never said all Jews will be saved; he said all Israel will be saved. Why? Israel's name, that's--that's the name of redemption all the way back. See? And all Israel will be saved, but not all Judaea--Judaism will be saved. See?

122 Just like Gentiles--there'll be a... There's thousands times thousands of--of people, yes literally millions of these organizations that are called Christian, Church of Christ, and all such names as that. That don't mean one thing. Not... That don't mean they'll be saved.

People say, "Now, you've got to belong to this or that," an organization, a certain organization. "If your name isn't on our book, you're lost."

Now, that's cult. See? That's cult. See? There's only one way you can be saved, and that is not him that willeth or him that runneth, him that... That is God Who shows mercy. And God by His foreknowledge predestinated a Church to His glory, and that's the ones that's saved. That's right.

124 Now, your faith is so anchored there... You say, "Well, my faith is anchored there"; and look back what kind of a life you're living, you see you're not even fit for there, your anchor is wrong; you got it on sand instead of a rock. The first little wave will throw it off.

Let the Word be revealed in something: "My church don't teach that." That shows right then you wasn't anchored on no rock; you was in sand. That's right. So now. You see?

125 Now, and...

The hundred and forty-four thousand, are they the predestinated ones?

Yes, sir. That's Israel, spiritual Israel. Just think, there will be millions of them in there. I don't know how many's in there now. I guess the whole group, but they will not all be saved, because they are in Judaea. See?

You have any idea how many is there now? I don't know, but they're probably after this next persecution begins to rise, they're accumulating by...

128 You know, I've got a tape on them, taking west with me now to--to one of the--the Covenant Church, which is... It's just the old... Oh, I forget now. It started the... They have them down there in Africa: Dutch Reform. It's the Dutch Reform Church, the covenant is.

Now, if there is any of you setting here, I'll tell you why. You're still holding on to that old Heidelberg Catechism, and that's exactly the reason you're still--you're still Dutch Reform. See? You might polish up by an American name, but that's the thing behind it 'cause your teacher's in that same catechism, the old Heidelberg. You ask your pastor if that isn't right. See?

129 So now, notice this. "The hundred and forty-four thousand, they are predestinated ones to be sealed by the Holy Ghost." Yes, sir, that's exactly right. All right. So now if there's any... Now, if I'm--if I didn't answer it to suit you, why, maybe I--I could be wrong. See, but it's just to the best of my knowledge. You see? This is the best of my knowledge.

130 9. Brother Branham, as you have travailed or trav--on the serpent's seed... (Oh, oh, I never noticed this one. This one slipped up on me.)... serpent's seed this week, will it be in order to ask this question? My friends have asked me to explain Genesis 4:1 and I can't. Will you help me?

It's--it's off of the subject, but anyhow I--I'll--I'll try my best by the help of God. Let's see now. Let me polish up just a little bit. I think that's where she said, "I got a son from the Lord," I--I believe it is. I think Eve said that there. I going to check to be sure, 'cause I said the other night, seven--instead of seven hundred instead of seven thousand, so...

131 It makes me so nervous. See? And you just have to be watching,

and the enemy on every side, and you--you're conscious of that. You see? (Yes, that's it.)

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have begotten a man from the Lord.

Now, I'm just going to answer you a question, my brother or sister, and now remember, not throwing to you, no. I'm trying to help you. See? I love you, and I love the person who might've been a critical on it, but I don't think this person's critical. They said, "Help me." (See?), because the people believes it, but they're just not sufficiently posted by the Spirit to know what to say to the person that's asked them that.

133 Now, she's saying here... What the question is, no doubt, that they're saying, "Eve said she gotten this man from the Lord." How do you think life could ever come if it didn't come from the Lord, be it right or wrong?

Who sent... Who sent Judas Iscariot into the world? Tell me that. The Bible said he was born the son of perdition. Just ask them that one; be like the worm in a lemon. See, see? Now, you see, they can't--can't... It is...

135 Notice. Then if you want to take them a little more technic. Look, Eve talked here, if you want to take it in the language that's here which is written so it's hid from the eyes, wise and prudent... Eve, here, the way it's taught, that God was the One that she begotten this son by, and He's a Spirit, and He can't do it. See?

Now, watch here. If you want to notice that. "I have gotten a--a man from the Lord." See? You can't make it sound any... But it's got to have its right interpretation. See? Yes, sir.

No, sir. If that... Then the spirit... And we always follow the nature of our parent. You know that. Look at a baby, its nature. Well then, Adam was a son of God. Eve was a daughter of God. Right, the first thing of the creation of God which could not have one speck of--of evil anywhere about... Evil wasn't even known. Then why was Cain a liar, a murderer, and everything else? Where'd that come from? Just ask yourself that question. That was the serpent's seed. You see? Don't the Bible say so?

138 Watch his seed all the way down. In that he become... Who does the world belong to? The devil. Who controls it now? The devil. Exactly right. The devil controls the world. He told Jesus, said, "See how pretty it is, and all the glory. I'll give it to you if you worship me." See? He is the controller of it. Now, he owns it.

Now watch. His children are wise: devil's children. Or take Cain's children, if you want to, and bring it right down through the genealogies, and you'll find out that they were smart men, every one of them. But now, when he killed Abel, and God give him back Seth was the type of the righteous to redeem being dead and raise again. And from there...

140 Now watch, Not from the first seed of the natural, they died. (Now, you got your minds open? See?) The first seed of the natural seed, just ordinary good, it typed the modern church: Abel. In order to preserve that line coming down, that one died so another one could raise up (You see?), so it has to be rebirth again. You catch it? All right, just so you get it. See, see?

There you are, the perfect type. So even the natural man born of--of Adam, his father, shows that natural trend won't work. The natural man don't perceive the things of God. So there was a man come natural and died in order to restore that again, and is represented in the death of--of--of Abel and to replace him by--by Seth.

142 And watch what kind of a people that was now, that spirit brought forth from him: humble, farmers, sheepherders. Watch what come from this wisdom of the world here: smart men, builders and with metals and all kinds of smart intelligence and things. Look where they wound up. They were down there, and God destroyed every one of them--every one of them, and saved the humble.

Didn't Jesus say in Matthew 5, "the meek shall inherit the earth"? So then don't worry; they haven't got one foot to stand on. See, they don't believe that be Cain's son; but we have got a tape on that if you'd like to hear it explained in detail. See? No, sir.

144 And I seen they've got a piece of paper up there where that science has now going to prove that Eve never eat a apple; she had an apricot. (See?) I got the paper up there at home now (See?); it was an apricot. How--how far can people... That's a carnal mind? (See?); that actually Moses never crossed the water; he crossed through a sea of reeds, brought Israel across at the upper end of the Dead Sea. There's a bunch of reeds there, a whole sea of reeds that just where the water's been at one time--went down. And Moses took a short cut and went around that way. And the orthodox churches accepted it. You seen that. The orthodox churches accepted it that that was so.

Oh, man, can't you see that seed of the serpent, that antichrist, the whole thing laying right there? Sure. Yes, sir.

145 Brother Branham, please pray for my little... (Well, that's a prayer request, I see.)... pray for my little grandson, very ill with the flu. He is in the Riverview Hotel.

Lord Jesus, this poor person here never wrote that just in vain. She seen You just deliberately remove even rheumatic fever from a little boy the other night. She knows that You're the great God, and we offer our prayers for that little boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ may he be healed. Amen.

When somebody writes anything, it's not in vain. They--they--they got a... No matter how simple it sounds to us, and how much, how it is, but--but there's something behind it. You see? That lady... that little boy... something.

148 10. Is the Elijah who comes to preach to the Jews the real man who lived on the earth, or will he be the spirit of Elijah in some other man? (Now, that's, I--I'm afraid to say. I don't know. See? Let me read that again.) Is the Elijah who comes to preach to the Jews (oh, yes) the real man who lived on earth, or will he be a spirit of Elijah in some other man?

Now, if I could answer that correctly, I could tell you about Enoch (See?), but I--I can't do it. You see? Only thing I know is just the Scripture said it, what it will be. And now, it might be that the... Now, I'm kindly inclined... (Now let me say it this way, and I hope the tapes, the brethren on the tapes, will understand this). I'm inclined to believe that it will be anointed men of their spirit; because (See?), he says, "Does not (on Elisha)... does not the spirit of Elijah rest on Elisha? See? The spirit of Elijah... And he done just like Elijah did (See?), so I... But I can't say that's true. I--I don't know. See? I'm honest with you; I don't know.

149 11. Brother Branham, would you please answer this one for me about baptism: Matthew 28:19 teaches the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; and Peter in Acts 2:38, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. When was this change come about in Acts of the Apostles? Now, I believe in the Lord Jesus.

Well, brother or sister, ever who wrote it, there--there was no change come about. See? But Peter done exactly what Jesus said do. Now, if somebody come and say, "Use the titles of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"; they did what Peter said not do, but what God said not do. See? Now, Jesus said that it... We'll just--just take a little bit, where, I want to just to show you something here. Notice.

150 Now notice, if you're here (the person)... I'm going to put three pieces of material here. Now look, this is the Father, this is the Son, this is the Holy Ghost as trinitarian people believe them, believe that they are three separate individuals. They believe that. See?

Well then, now let me... And then in Matthew 28:19, Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He..." (No, I beg your pardon; I'm quoting Acts now, or and Acts 2, I believe--no, Luke 24:49 I'm quoting.) He said... Let me read it, then I've got it (See?) and then... 'Cause the other day I said that when it didn't, I want to be sure I get this right. I--I know the title of what you're saying there, but I want to get just what He said. Let's begin at the 16th verse of the 29th.

Then as the eleven set at meat... or the... Then the eleven... went away into the Galilee, into the mount where Jesus had appointed them.

And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power in heavens and in earth is given unto... All powers is given unto me in heavens and in earth.

Now, where's the power of God? Where's God at? If all the power out of heaven and all the powers in earth has been given, now where's God at? There He is. See, that's what's talking to you. See? All right.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

153 Now, the trinitarian sphere of that. "I baptize you in the Name of the Father, in the Name of the Son, and in the Name of the Holy Ghost." That's not even in holy Writ. See? He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of... Not in the... They put a Name before each one--one Name. (Watch here.) Didn't say, "Baptize them in the names; N-a-m-e, one name: in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. See?

Now, I want to ask you. Is Father a name? [Congregation answers "No."--Ed.] Is Son a name? [Congregation answers "No."--Ed.] How many fathers is here? Which one of you's named "Father"? How many sons are here? How many humans are here? See? Well, which one of you is named "Father, Son, or human?" See?

155 Like a woman said one time, she said, "Brother Branham, the Holy Ghost is a name; It's a person."

I said, "Yes, sir. I am a person, but my name's not Person." I am a person. See? My name's William Branham, but I am a person. The Holy Ghost is a Person; that's what it is. It's not a name; it's a title of the Person of God. See? It's a title to the personality of God, what He is.

Now, now, if He said: "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Ghost," not in the name of the Father, name of the Son, name of the Holy Ghost, or, not in the names of the Father, and of the Son, the Holy Ghost; but in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

And if Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is no name, then what about it? Say, if "Its name." Which one of... You want to call one of them a name, which name is it? If you want to call the title a name, then which name, which title is it you want to baptize--the Father or the Son? It's singular. See it?

159 Now, we turn over here in... And that's the last book of Matthew. Like if I always explained it... If you read a love story, and said, "John and Mary lived happy ever after." See, it's because you never--you don't know who John and Mary is? Go back to the first of your story. Find out who John and Mary is. See?

Now, that's what you're doing here in Matthew. You're only reading the last part of it. Go back to the first of Matthew and read what the story is--that's the last chapter of Matthew and the last verses.

Like you picked up a book and say, "John and Mary lived happy ever after. That was John Jones and--and Mary So-and-so. That was... No, that was John... That was John Henry and that was So-and-so. This is John Somebody and--and So-and-so." Now, you don't know yet. You see? The only thing to do to be sure is go back in the book and read it. See? You can't pick up a piece here. You got to put the whole thing together to make the picture.

162 Now, go back to Matthew the 1st chapter, and it goes and gives the genealogies, coming down, 1st chapter; then it gets down to the 18th verse that says:

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:... (Is that right?)

Now, I want to ask you something. Now, listen again; you--you call it. Who's this? God the [Congregation replies, "Father"--Ed.], God the [Congregation replies, "Son"--Ed.], God the [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost"--Ed.] Now which one is this? [Congregation replies, "Father"--Ed.] Which one is this? [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost"--Ed.] Which one is this? [Congregation replies "Son"--Ed.] Son. All right. Now, we got it. Now what did you say this was? God the Who? [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost"--Ed.] Holy Ghost, all right. Now, all right.

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When... his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with a child of the... [Congregation replies, "Holy Ghost."--Ed.]

164 Now, I thought you said God was His Father. Now, there's something wrong here. He can't have two fathers. You know that, you know. See? Now, there's something wrong. Now, which one of these men, if they're three persons, which one of them is His Father? The Bible says here plainly, "She was found with a child of the Holy Ghost." God, the Father, had nothing to do with it. And Jesus said God was His Father, and we know God was His Father, then He had two fathers. And then He's illegitimate sure enough. Now, see where you got yourself? Now...

Then Joseph her husband, being a just man,... not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privately.

But while he thought on these things,...

165 Remember he was a good man now, and the hand of the Lord is at hand right now. Them who are predestinated will catch it. See?

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream,... (Are you following me in your Bible? All right.)... saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of... (God the Father. Did I misread that? Sure did.)

That which is conceived in her has nothing to do with God the Father; it's the Holy Ghost. And now, we know that God was His Father. Is that right? So what is it? The Holy Ghost is God's Spirit, of course. Now, you've got it. See?

167 God the Father and the Holy Ghost is the same Person or He had two daddy's; and then what--what kind of person you worship? What kind of God you got now? See, see? God the Holy Ghost and God the Father is the selfsame Spirit.

And she shall bring forth a son,... (this Fellow here)... and thou shalt call his name... (What? His Name. Now remember, His Name.) JESUS: for he shall save his people for--from their sins.

Now this was all done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet,... (to who the Word comes to)... saying,

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they... called his name Emmanuel, which is being interpreted, God with us.

168 What is the Name of God? What is the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? The Bible said Jesus was His Name. Then the fellow here trying to debate it once here in the Tabernacle, said, "Brother Branham has wiggled out of all of them; he won't this one." Said, "here it shows three different persons exactly, perfectly." Said, "Matthew, 3rd chapter, here was John standing, preaching. Here come the Son walking up to be baptized. He went into the water, and was baptized by John, went back up out of the water, and 'Lo,' he said, 'the heavens was opened unto Him,' and he said, 'down from heaven came the Holy Ghost like a dove descending, and a voice from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom...'" Three distinct persons right at one time." Oh, my.

169 You know, It just goes to show that people without the baptism, and not called to the office of--of a--a minister has no business to be in the pulpit. That's right. I--I--I could take that person, now, by the help of God and tie them in such a knot it'd make their head swim. Look, I don't care what... (Now, I don't mean... Now, that don't sound right. Forgive me. I didn't mean that, Lord; I didn't now... I--I felt Him check me on that. See? So I didn't mean to say it that way. I'm--I'm sorry.) I believe that the Holy Spirit could reveal to that person some secret; that sounds better. See?

Just like tuning an instrument, when you do something wrong, you can tell it as a Christian. You said something wrong; He didn't like that. See, that was putting me in there. See? I ain't in the picture at all. I'm just--don't even want to be myself or nothing; it's Him. Let Him do the work. He does the sounding; the trumpet's a mute. The voice behind it, one that gives it the sound.

171 Now, looky here. The man misinterpreted the Word. See? Remember, it's hid from the eyes of wise and prudent, revealed to babes. Now, here is that one Person, Jesus Christ, standing on earth. Now heaven, 'course, is atmospheres above.

Now watch. And John bear record... Now that man's got, say here's God the Father, and here's God the Holy Ghost, like a dove, and here's God the Son, making three persons. It's wrong. John, standing back here, knowed this was the Lamb.

John said, "I bear record seeing the Spirit of God like a Lamb." There's God the Spirit... Like a dove, I mean. (Now, there's the same thing I said the other night. You see?, instead of seven hundred, seven... See?) The Spirit of God--this was the Lamb here. And the Spirit of God--the Dove was God. The Spirit of God descending from heaven, and a voice from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell in." "All powers in heaven and earth is given unto My hand." See? That's Him. Now what was His Name? [Congregation answers, "Jesus"--Ed.] Certainly. See?

174 So, as far as the trinitarian's theory of being three different gods, that's heathenism. That never was taught in the Bible. It never was taught in the Lion message, but it was adopted in the next, which was antichrist. Ask anybody you want to, any theologian. That never did come only through the doctrine of the Nicolaitane.

There is why it come out with Martin Luther. That's why it continued on with John Wesley and poured on down into the Pentecostals. In the day that the Pentecostal come out, they got the Jesus Only group. Now, that's wrong again. How can Jesus be His own Father? See? So it knocks that out.

176 But there's supposed to be an Eagle time come. See? That's the time it's to straighten all those mysteries out. See? Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is titles of the Lord Jesus Christ (Watch), all three of them.

Matthew said, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost..."

Peter said, "Lord Jesus Christ..." Who is the Father? "The Lord said unto my Lord, 'Set thou on My right hand.'" Is that right? Father, Son--Jesus, Holy Ghost--the Logos that went out of God. Father, Son, Holy Ghost is absolutely three titles of the Person of God manifested in--in--in three different ways or three attributes of Himself.

And to make it plain to someone who wouldn't understand, it's like three offices of the same God. Actually, it's three attributes of the same God, God acting in three different... Under the Fatherhood, under the Sonship, under the Holy Ghost dispensation... God is perfect in three.

179 You remember the antichrist number, four? See? God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is absolutely Lord Jesus Christ. When you baptize in the Name of Jesus only, that's wrong, just baptize you in the Name of Jesus, that's absolutely wrong.

I'm acquainted with many Jesuses. Why, the Latin countries are full of them: Jesuses. But this is the Lord Jesus Christ. It tells exactly Who He is.

There's many Branhams, if you want to talk about me personally. But I'm--I'm the one William Marrion Branham. That's--that's me. But there's many other William Branhams and so forth around. But this is distinctly calling one person, the Lord Jesus Christ (See?), the anointed One. There's only one of them.

Now that's right. So if there's any farther on that, write a letter or something, or--or sometime when I'm on other questions... I want to try to get this so I can see if we can get to some of these sick people that's suffering, prayed for.

183 12. Brother Branham, if this question is not--is not fit--does not fit in the... do not answer. (That's nice. I appreciate it.) What children--what children go in the rapture, if any small ones? Thank you.

They never signed no name. Now, if you don't, it's not necessary. But look, when God puts a name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, there's not nothing in the world can rub it out, because it's wrote with the ink of the Blood of Christ. Be it this big, that big, or that big, or whatever it might be, it goes just the same. See?

184 All children, all the church, everything there is and... God, by His foreknowledge... Now, we don't know. You say, "Brother Branham, can you prove that you're there?" No, sir. I cannot prove it. God could use me for a tool of something else, and use you the same way. But I believe, and by faith I am saved, not by knowledge I'm saved: by faith. That's the way you're saved. That's the way we're all saved.

But remember, God is infinite. Do you believe that? Infinite... By being infinite, that makes Him... And then He's omniscient. Do you believe that? "Omniscient" means "He knows all things." He can't be--He can't be omniscient without being infinite. See, there never was nothing but what He knowed. He knowed every gnat would ever be on earth, and how many times it would bat its eyes, and how much tallow it would make--how much all of them make together.

186 He knowed every breath that you'd breathe and how deep it would go in your lungs; that's infinite. Now, if He's infinite, that makes Him omniscient. Is that right? And if He's omniscient, that makes Him omnipresent, because He knows just exactly the minute, hour, time to the split instance of fifty-five thousandth of a second to when it's going to happen. See? Get the idea now? Then He knows all things; and that's the reason He has all power, knows all things, and can do all things.

Now, let's see. Now, and all the children that God... every one that God, when they... Now remember, when was Jesus, the Bible said...

188 Now we know that Jesus was slain about AD 30. Is that right? About... It was about the middle of--of the--the year, I guess, AD 30. Now, but the Bible said that He was slain before the world was ever created. And your name... When the Lamb's Book... When the Lamb was slain to redeem this Book... (Here's a great thing now. It might cause stimulation.) Look. When the--when the--when the Lamb...

Now, remember, the Bible said, the Lamb's Book of Life was written before the foundation of the world, and your name was put in--was in that Book when the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world to redeem every name that was written in that Book. See? You got it now?

See, there ain't nothing out of order. It's working just exactly like God's big timepiece (See?), like a clock moving right around. Your name was put in there before the foundation of the world, when the Lamb was slain to redeem what was in that Book. And now, He comes forward and takes that Book to claim His redemption. (Now, I don't want to get started there; we never would answer another question today.) All right.

191 13. Question: Is hell and the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone the same?

No. Hell, translation in the Bible, I believe... Now, there's scholars setting here. And I want to honor that, our Brother Iverson setting here, and Brother Vayle, and many of these brethren who are really theologians. The word translated, "hades" means "the grave." Is that right? The Greek word for the grave... But the lake of fire is something else, because over in Revelations, both hades and all was cast into the lake of fire. See? All right. Now, let's see.

192 14. If not, is the lake of fire and hell eternal?

No, sir. No, sir. Anything that was created is not eternal. No, anything that's created... That's the reason there cannot be an eternal hell. If anybody ever tells you that you're going to burn in an eternal hell, I want the Scripture for it. See? There's no such a thing as that.

Hell was created for the devil and his angels, for the antichrist and his people; that was the devil, the incarnate devil. It was created for that to destroy. And anything that had... Anything... There's only one thing at all out of everything there is, the whole world and everything else; there's only one thing eternal, and that's God.

194 Before there was an atom, or electrons, or before there was even cosmic light, electrons, or anything, He was God. He's the Creator. And that's the only way you can be eternal, is to receive Eternal Life; that Greek word there, I think, is Zoe. Isn't that right? Zoe, Zoe. And then that--that Life God imparts to you, as the father, your father imparts his life to you through the--the marriage vow with mother--and he, by that, imparts the--the joy of imparting (Catch me?), of the imparting life for a son.

And that's the way God does: a joy in imparting His Life to a son. See? And then you become part of Him which is Zoe, God's Own Life. "I give unto them Eternal Life--raise them up at the last day." That's the only thing that--that... He got Eternal Life; and that Eternal Life knows its body, and it must have to come forth. That... It can't... It's impossible for it to lay there.

196 As the Spirit of Christ hovered over the body (God's Spirit over Christ at that great day), It knowed it would raise up again, so is the saints in their body.

Now remember, Jesus, when He died, He went to hell, 'cause He had to go there; there was a sin barrier, and He preached to the souls that were in hell that repented not in the long-suffering in the days of Noah. Is that right? He went to hell and preached to the souls, the separated souls from God. "Death" means "separation." And they had separated from God, never could be back no more. And Jesus went to bear record that He was the One that was spoke of, the--the woman's seed.

The serpent's seed... See what the serpent's seed done? Antichrist winds up in death, separation, the red horse. The woman's seed, Life, ends up on the white horse: Jesus Christ. See? What is it? One against the other: serpent's seed against the woman's seed. You get it now?

Oh, we could stay a little while on that. Wouldn't that be good? But let's stay with this.

199 15. Brother Branham, does the first horse rider, First Seal, fulfill II Thessalonians, the revelation of the man of sin?

Yes. That's right. That's does. That easy. That does. That's the man of sin, this same man, just keeps in--in stages riding on until he gets on a pale horse that's called death. Christ comes on down through justification, sanctification to the white horse, and that's to get Life. You see?

200 16. What happened to the born again believers who are in the various denominations but not in the Bride of Christ? What happens to them?

Well, I think we explained that awhile ago. See? They go into the tribulation. They are martyred in the tribulation, come up in the last after the Millennium for their judgment (See?), because the Bible said that the rest of the living... the rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years was expired. Then there was a resurrection, and then come forth the both just and unjust and was judged by Christ and the Bride. He came to the earth with ten thousands times ten thousands of His saints (Is that right?), His Bride.

Judgment was set, the books was open... Books was open, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life. He separated from there the goats from the sheep. Is that right? That had nothing to do with the Bride. She was standing right there in judgment with her Queen--the Queen and King together.

201 He came with His saints; ten thousands times thousands ministered to Him: His wife; then judgment was set. And then the sheep was separated from the goats. (You remember the other night me bringing that little meditation, so you'd understand it, "The Cowboy Meditation"? See? There you are.) No, they are... That's the...

They the--the--the church, the people that's in denominations that are--are genuine Christians who's receives the message... And they will never see it. It'll never be preached to them. And those in a mixed crowd (who it is preached to), it'll go right over the top of their head unless their name was on the Lamb's Book of Life. That's right.

But they will be good people, and they'd be raised up again and given trial, and be judged by the very group that preached to them. Don't you know the saints will judge the earth? They'll be preached to. See? They'll be preached to by the very same people witnessed to them of the message to come out of it. See? (I hope that explains it. I've got so many here that...)

204 17. Brother Branham, is the Seventh Angel with the spirit of Elijah, the same man as the Elijah sent to the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews during the three and one-half years after the rapture? Some of us are mixed up in this.

No, he isn't the same (See?); it's two different men. The Elisha that come in the form of Elijah was not Elijah. And the spirit of Elijah who came upon a man called John the Baptist, was not Elijah. And the man of the seventh angel messenger at the end of the Laodicean Age, will not be the literal Elijah. He will be a Gentile to his people.

Elijah will... The spirit of Elijah then, coming in the--into the people there, he will be a Jew (See?), for they are sent to their own people. That's my revelation.

205 The reason I... Of Tommy Osborn, when we talked that over that time (Tommy and I); I never knowed. I was just praying for the sick, and I come up there, and there was a lady coming down from the Fort Wayne Gospel Tabernacle, a missionary in the foreign fields. Her breast was that big--was just eat up with cancer; and she was right there in the little house where we used to live, up there in the lane. And I prayed for the dear sister, and she was healed and returned to the field.

And when she come from Africa, and she had left a little book there on missions. I'd--I thought, "Well, missionaries are fine"; and I've--I've never thought much about missionaries and so. I thought, "Well, it's just an office of God out there, so that's--this is my place right here on Eighth and Penn Street," so I was just carrying on the best I could.

208 But one day, setting in the study, I picked up that book and it had a picture of a--of the Negro race, an elderly old father, and he had this little white rim of hair, and underneath was written like this: "White man, white man, where was your father? (See?) I'm now old and dull at mind, and I don't understand too well. If I would've known Jesus when I was a young man, I would've took Him to my people."

Well, I read it, and something just kept saying, "Read it again. Read it again." I kept reading... You've had them times; read it over and over. There's something in there.

Like up there that day at Green's Mill, when I come out of the cave, I couldn't understand that, how people could speak with tongues and shout and with the genuine Holy Ghost, and still be antichrist, speak with tongues, with genuine Holy Ghost, and tongues speaking and still be a devil. That's right. I can prove that to you. Yes, indeedy.

211 And then notice, when they did that. So tongues is no evidence of the Holy Ghost; it's one of the gifts of the Holy Ghost. See? And the devil can impersonate everything He's got, Divine healing and everything else. He said, "Many will come to Me that day, say, 'Lord, haven't I cast out devils; haven't I (That's preaching the Gospel.)--haven't I done mighty works in Your Name, and all these things there.' I will say, 'Depart from Me you workers of iniquity. I didn't even know you.'" See?

The Bible said that the rain falls on the just and the unjust the same. And the same cocklebur standing in the wheat field there, can be as happy and shout with the same water that fell upon him as the--both sent to the rain; but by their fruits you know them.

212 That little old cocklebur can stand up there just as happy and shouting as he can be, just as full of the same rain that the wheat is. There you are. So they can shout, speak with tongues, and impersonate everything they want to, in that day be called workers of iniquity.

As I told you awhile ago, listen to what I say; listen close. Look back down; examine yourself with the Word and see where you're at. You women that's got short hair, let her grow. If you're wearing shorts, take them off. Act like a lady.

If you men are still smoking cigarettes and run to pool halls, stop it. I don't care how much you profess. If you're still holding that organization and saying, "This is it," and "this is it," you'd better stop. Look back down and examine it with the Word. We're getting plumb out of... We ought to lived above the short hair and all this age now; we're back into something now that God's revealing the hidden mysteries that's been put on the Book before the foundation of the world.

And those who have obeyed in these small things will catch it in these other things. If they haven't, it'll go over the top of your head as far as the east is from the west. It'll just...

217 Like Gideon separating his men, there's thousands and thousands. God said, "That's too many. Separate them again." He gave them another test, and separated them again, separated them again, and on down till he had a little handful. He said, "That's the group I want to do the job." That's exactly what happened.

Pentecostal women, going back and forth, setting there, hearing and knowing by the Word that's wrong. You think they'll cope with it? No, sir. Every year when I pass by, there's more with bobbed hair than there was when I started. Said, "What's that got to do... You ought to..."

Someone said, "Why, Brother Branham, people regard you as a prophet." Now, I don't say I was a prophet. Nobody hears me say that; but I say this, that if--if you did do that, if you regard it... Said, "Why don't you teach people how to receive the Holy Ghost and how to get this and how to get great spiritual gifts and help the church?" How can I teach them algebra when they won't even listen to their abc's? That's right. You do these little things. Get down here at the bottom and brush it off and start right. Amen. Glory.

220 What was I talking about anyhow? Let's see. I didn't mean to get off that subject. Excuse me. See? All right. "Some of the--some of us are mixed up. Is the Elijah the same as the..."

Yeah, uh-huh; that's right. No, this Elijah that will come to the Gentiles will be a Gentile anointed with that spirit, because God used that same spirit to bring His people out of chaos every time, and has served His purpose well, so He comes it right back down again, because (See?)--'cause now if He uses high-polished, educated, that's the kind it would catch.

He brings a man that hardly knows his abc's and can't pronounce his words right and everything like that, some old wilderness something out yonder somewhere, and brings it in and shoves it right down to that simpleminded people and they get it [Brother Branham snaps his fingers--Ed.], like that. If it comes polished...

222 Like Paul said, "I didn't come to you with the polish of an education, but I come to you in the power of the resurrection." It taken God three and one-half years down in Arabia there to knock it out of him--his education. Took--took Him forty years to get it out of Moses. See? So there you are. That's... I don't say God don't... I'm not supporting illiteracy now, but I'm--I'm trying to tell you it don't take the education; it don't... The wisdom of this world is contrary...

Education has been the biggest hindrance that the Gospel's ever had. If we didn't have education, we wouldn't have all these big seminaries and things that we got now, it'd be people simpleminded who'd listen to the Word; but they're so polished and messed up, and tightened up out there with all them organizations, till that they're going to stay with it, that's all. They take on that spirit.

Did you ever take a good woman, marry into a lowdown man, that lowdown man either becomes a--a good man like the woman is, or the woman becomes lowdown as he is. See? That's right. That's the reason He said, "Come out from among them." when getting ready to take that rapture. You've got to have some kind of faith that'll take you out of here.

225 18. When was the covenant of Daniel 9:27 confirmed for a week?

One half of it was confirmed, the covenant, when Jesus Christ was on earth preaching to the Jews. He never went to the Gentiles at all. And He told His disciples, "Don't go to the Gentiles"; that was to the Jews alone. See? And He preached for three and a half years--that's half of the seventy week, now, as Daniel said He would do.

Now remember, He was firmly a-vindicated to the Jews, but their eyes were blinded to bring in this space of the Gentiles. Can't you see the whole program? See? And He proved Himself a prophet, done just exactly what the prophet would do, showed them a sign of prophet; which your own Word said, "If a man says he's spiritual or a prophet, watch what he says; and if it comes to pass (just keep on coming to pass, what He said, continually)...

227 Like you look in the Bible, it says, "Knock, and it'll be opened, seek, find, ask, be given." Now, if you'll notice, it's knocketh, just constantly knock [To illustrate, Brother Branham repeatedly knocks upon the pulpit--Ed.], stay right there like the unjust judge wouldn't answer the woman, he just kept knocking on her door. Saying, "I'm on your hand." Not seek, say, "Lord, I'd like to have this. Amen." That's not it; stay right there till you get it. You know it's going to come. So He promised it, so just stay right there till you hold onto it. See?

Now, now, in the last part, the seventieth week, the last part of it will be during the time of the tribulation period, after the rapture of the Church. Then there is the three and a half years here that it will be confirmed to them again by prophets (See?), Moses and Elijah: Revelations 11.

227a Now, let's see what this is.

19. If you are one of His chosen ones, will you go up in the Bride?

Yes. Yes, sir, that's easy.

228 20. Brother Branham, did you mean to say seven thousand who had not bowed their knee to Baalim, or seven hundred?

Seven thousand, I meant to say. Forgive me for that. See? It's just a... It's just a manner of speech. I was just... Like I said awhile ago... Did you notice me stand here, and I said, "And they bear record seeing the Lamb..." See, see? The Lamb was on earth: (see?) bear record seeing the Spirit of God coming upon the Lamb.

229 Now, in there it says, "This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased." You see? Now, that's wrote in the actual form of the Greek, putting verb before adverb; but you notice here, it'd actually be this... Now, just take the Word. See? The Bible says, in the translation of St. James here: "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell." But actually, if we'd say it like we'd say it today: "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." You'd turn it around. See, see? "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell." See? Now, we'd say it today: "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in," (See?) same word just turns it around. See?

230 Now, yes I meant... Forgive me, please. I... And--and brethren, you on the tape out there, and friends, listen: I didn't mean to say that like that. I--I--I'm a minister of the Gospel; I... Many times as I've preached that, I knowed that was seven thousand. I just happened to say seven hundred. I didn't mean just seven hundred, I meant, you... I just didn't read it out of the Scripture. It just come to my mind while I was talking, and I just said seven hundred instead of seven thousand. I make them mistakes all the time. I'm--I'm a--sure a dummy, so you forgive me. See? I didn't mean to do that.

231 21. Is the Bride of Christ and the Body of Christ the same?

Yes, sir. See? Now, here... Now, see, I don't want to get started on it, 'cause I get a--preach a sermon on it. See? But I won't do that, but I want to show you. When God gave Adam his bride from his side, he said, "She is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone." Is that right?

When God give Christ His Bride (the Spirit gave the flesh, the Bride) He was plush--pierced in the side under His heart, and water, Blood, and Spirit came forth; that become flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. We are the flesh and bones; the Bride will be the flesh and bones of Christ, exactly. They are the... That is His Bride.

233 22. Would the Bride of Christ have... Would the Bride of Christ have a ministry before the rapture?

Sure. That's what's going on right now. See? The Bride of Christ... Certainly. It is the Message of the hour (See?), the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's consist of apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. Is that right? That's the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's got a ministry, great ministry; it's the ministry of the hour; it'll be so humble...

234 Now, remember. How many was here at the first when I--was at last Sunday? See? Remember what I preached on? Humility. Oh, don't forget that. (I'm going to stop a minute to warn that again.) Remember, when God predicts anything great to happen, the people are looking so far away by their wisdom till they miss what happens. When God says anything is great, the world laughs at it: "That bunch of ignoramuses." That's right. But when the great world and the great high church said, "Boy, that's glorious." God says, "A bunch of ignoramuses." So, see, you have to watch... I don't mean it maybe of that way, exactly that way, but that's the way it is.

Look. Here was a great, holy orthodox church. "We know the Word; we've got schools; we got seminaries. We got our men so polished, why, for hundreds of years we've been loyal to Jehovah. We are the church; we're the Sanhedrin. We got the Council of Churches here, both Pharisees and Sadducees, and all the denominations gathers up together," (like we're getting... See?). "We're all in one--the Council of Church. We are the big shots here. We know that's Scriptural. Watch some little ignorant guy down there on the river with a beard hanging over his face and a piece of sheepskin telling us?"

236 Certainly they wouldn't listen to it. But the Bible said in Malachi the 4th chap--or the 3rd chapter: "I'll send My messenger before My face to prepare the way for Me." Seven hundred and twelve years before there, John... Oh, the great prophet of Isaiah stood there and said, "There'll be a voice of one crying in the wilderness. Prepare the way for the Lord and make His paths straight." That's right.

And said, and... Oh, many of them, said, "Every high place will be brought down."

"Oh," they said, "there'll be a... When this man comes, He will point His finger and He will move mountains. Oh, and all the low places, the ditches, will be brought up. Then all--that's all the rough places will be smoothed out. Brother, we'll plant corn in every field around here, and, oh, we're going to do great things when this man comes." See?

238 They was expecting God to take the crank and turn it on, bring the corridor down, say, "Come on down, you great forerunner of--of My Messiah." And then as soon as he's gone, they pull it back up. And his ministry's over, they crank it down again and put it right down here beside the seminary, and say, "All right, My beloved Son, walk down and tell them." See? Oh, my.

Look, when He come by. Whatever happened? Here come a man that knowed none of their schools, didn't even have a fellowship card, oh, didn't have no credentials. No. Nobody ever knowed He ever went to school a day in His life. You couldn't even tell it by His talking. He didn't even talk in terms of--of ecclesiastics. He talked about serpents, axes, and wilderness, and--and things like that (See?), trees. He talked not in the terms of the ecclesiastical set of the day or this day or any other day.

240 He come sassafras, as we call it here in Indiana. He come out of the bushes somewhere, didn't even have a shave, had hair standing out on his head. I don't imagine he taken a bath once every two or three months. Right. He never wore pajamas at night. He never rode in an automobile. He never brushed his teeth. Oh, my. What a guy this was. Certainly not.

Here he come stomping down through the wilderness like that, said, "I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight His path...?..."

Some of the teachers stood and said, "Huh. Say, fellow, have you got your... We can't cooperate with you in this campaign. Here, we can't do this. Well, where's your--where's your card; where's your identification?"

243 He just ignored them. He had a message, so he just went on with it (See?), preaching just the same. They said, "Aw, wait. Well, if we go down there, we'll take the bishop down today and see what he says about it. We'll go down there. If we know... That's the heads the church, and we know that he will have to recognize that. If he's of God, he will recognize our bishop." Put them all down in a row and set them out there, the dignitaries...

He said, "You generation of vipers. You snakes in the grass (collars turned around, and holy fathers, and so forth, huh), who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? You know your hour's at hand. Don't you think that... You say, 'Well, we belongs to this, that, other.' I tell you, the God that I serve is able to rise children to Abraham out of these stones."

Oh, my. Now, he's going to take up his vice versa from ecclesiastical speech. "I say the axe is laid to the root of the tree. Therefore every tree that don't bring forth good fruits is hewed down and cast into the fire. Lo, I indeed will baptize you with water unto repentance, but He's coming after me. The moon will be turned into blood and..." Oh, my.

"He will thoroughly purge His floors. He will take the--the chaff and will burn it with unquenchable fire, and He will take the wheat to the garner. He will separate the weeds and the wheat." Oh, my, what a message.

They said, "This guy? Huh. What'd he say? What--what--what time it was? Oh, ignorance. We've got the man right up there, Brother Jones; he's the guy will do that if there's anybody in this day, he will do it. See? Bishop So-and-so will do it, Holy Father So-and-so." Oh, my. See? God in simplicity (See?), working in simplicity...

248 Then, first thing you know, he's standing there one day, and he said, "Yes, He's standing in your midst." He was so sure he was that runner. He knowed who he was. That's the reason he could shake the hide off them. He said, "Now, don't tremble, but just go ahead and continue on. You soldiers, you obey your masters, and if you've done any evil, you take that..."

"What shall we do? Shall we quit doing this? Shall we stop doing this?"

He said, "Just go on like you are. Continue on. Continue on; go ahead. If you're raising potatoes, raise them. See? You soldiers don't do no violence, and--and you do this, and whatever it be, so just continue on as you are. Obey your masters and so forth."

"Rabbi, what should we do?"

"Just continue on as you are (See?), but there's One in your midst that you don't know." He knowed that the hour of his message, he knowed he was to introduce that Person. He knowed He was there. "One in your midst; you don't see Him. Things are going on you know nothing about." And so then... "There's--there's something going to happen," he says, you see, "and He will be here and I'll know Him."

252 And finally one day he said, "Behold, there He is. There's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Said, "My time's up now. I've introduced you to Him. I must decrease now; I must go off the scene. He will take over from here. The Millennium will be on right away. (See?) The--the time is at hand."

Then when He come, when He was... John said, "He's going to... Oh, He's going to shuck the hide off. He's going--He's going to separate the wheat from the--from the chaff, and He's going to burn it up. He's going to thoroughly purge His floors, and His fan is in His hand." But what was He? Little bitty...

254 Now, they had all drawed up (oh man.) He will have a spear that'll reach a mile long. He will stand back over here in Palestine, just stand up there in His--on one of these white clouds, and pick up all these Romans, like this, and cast them into hell, just keep on doing like that (See?), till He gets them all over. Why, they had that all fixed up. And what it was--a little Lamb come moving out among them, meek and gentle, pushed around this way and that way.

255 Even John said... Now, look at John the prophet; he said, "Go ask Him, is actually He the One?" So humble till that prophet missed it... Said, "Is He the One, or do we seek for another?"

Now, he never give Him a book for them disciples in--in Matthew 11, come and asked him when John's disciples... John was in prison, so he'd been all so scrupled up till he--till I believe as Pember said, "His--his eagle eye got filmed over down there." You see? He couldn't... He--he done come down to the earth; he'd been up in the air. But when his prophecy was over, he dropped back down to the ground again. See? 'Cause put him in prison. You see? He didn't have no use for them big wings any more, so he just laid down there; but he flew higher than any of the rest of them. Let me show you something. God used him.

257 And Jesus knew (You see?), 'cause that was the--that was the incarnate God there. See? He was... So He--He said there... He said... Now, He never give him a book on how to behave himself in jail. He said, "Now, wait a minute. I'll write a little essay here, and you take back and tell John how to behave himself when he's in jail for My sake." See? No, He never said that.

He didn't say, "Go, tell John that he ought to have got his Ph.D. degree before he come out in his..." See? If he would, he'd been with the rest of them; he would've been a rejecter. John was honest and asked a question.

And He said, "Just wait till the meeting is over, and then go show John what happened, then he will know. If you tell him what's going on, then he will know. (See, see?) Just go let him... Tell him--tell him it's... He's in prison and couldn't be here, but--but you set in the meeting and you seen what happened. You go tell him."

260 So then, the disciple said, "Very well, Master," and over the hill they went. Jesus, setting on this rock, just watching them till they crossed over, and went up over the hill. He turned around to the congregation and said, "Who--who'd you go out to see in the time of John?" Said, "What went ye out to see? Did you go out to see a man that's got his collar turned around in soft clothes and highly polished and educated? Is that the kind of man you went out to see?"

Said, "No."

"You know what them kind are? They kiss the babies, and you know, and work in kings palaces. They... That's--that's not the type John was." Well, said, "then what did you go, to see a man that's been given a ministry and will hook it right into an organization or something like that, shaken with every... Then if the--if the Oneness don't want him, he will go over to the Trinity, and if the Trinity don't want him, he will go to the Church of God, anywhere. Is that the kind of man you went to see, shaken with any reed?" Oh, no, not John. He said, "Then what did you go to see? a prophet?" He said, "And I say that's right, but I'm going to tell you something that you don't know; he was more than a prophet. He was more... If you can receive it, this is who that was written of in the Bible (See?), back there in the Scripture: 'I'll send My messenger before My face (Malachi 3 See?), and he will prepare the way before Me.'" See, and they didn't understand it. Even the disciples didn't get it. See? That's right. Oh, my. Simplicity, be humble. See? Go right down, when God promises something big (See?), it is big in His sight.

265 Now, if you want to always keep this in mind... I want you to... You keep this in mind and when this happens, then you can change it. You reach down and pick up one of these little spring flowers that's coming this year, or get a common blade of grass and hold it in your hand, and say, "I'm going to hold this now and see that something so simple has made this, and I want to see the brain that can send a rocket to the moon, make this blade of grass."

You'll always have it. You can rest assure on that; you'll always have it. (See?) The blade of grass has life in it. See? It's so simple and humble... You see, if a man is a big man, all right; but if he's big enough that he can become simple (See?), he will find God. But if he don't become simple, he will never see Him. So you got to become simple. Now, verse...

267 23. In Revelations verse 5 to 9, who are these found sing--singing when the Lamb takes the Book out of the--out of the... takes the book... Are--Oh, are these the raptured saints?

No, Revelations 6... 5 and 9, rather, no. If you notice, these are not the saints. He has never claimed His property yet. See? This is not the saints. If you notice, they're the elders and the beast, and they sing.

268 Let's read it so that person... And then I'm going to try... I've got about half a dozen more here, and I think I can get them in few minutes. Let's see. Revelations 5:9. Now, let's read just a little bit before, so... The person now is honest about this and they want to know. Watch.

And when he had taken the--taken the book, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps,... golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

And they sang a new song... (See, see?)..., saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open it.

See? Thou has redeemed us and made us priests and kings; that's the heavenly group, not yet the redeemed. All right. Now.

269 Brother Branham, if all the... (Now, just a moment. I guess what... Pardon me.) Brother Branham, if--if all the godly (Yeah.)--godly be taken up in the rapture, where will Elijah and the--and Moses come from?

270 There's something wrong. There's something wrong. Now, that's just all there is to it. There's--there's something's happened. See? There's something that went wrong somewhere. Everybody feeling all right? There's no--there's no sickness or nothing? [A man in the congregation requests that Brother Branham read Revelation 5:9 again--Ed.] Let's see, Revelations, where was it, brother? 5... The... Oh, the question. Oh, the question I was answering. Now, let's see. "Thou..." [Continuation of Question 23--Ed.]

And when he had... the book, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of the saints.

And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seal thereof: for thou has--wast slain,... (And here it is. Here it is. I was wrong on that. See?)... thou has redeemed us to God by the blood of every kindred,...

271 That's right. Now, what do you think about that? Oh, if the Presence of the Holy Ghost isn't here, what is? He wouldn't let... See, I only read the first part of that verse. See, it's just--it's just a--or something wrote here, and I was trying to get through, looking at that clock. But you see Him stop me on that? Glory. I never read the other part of that. See, I got here: "and..." Look here. "And they--and they sang a new song," and I stopped. See? But look here, "the song they sang, saying, You have redeemed us out of every kindred, tongue, and nation." Sure, that's them. My, oh, my, oh, my. See it? And by the way, there's another question down here too.

272 24. Could you (c-o-n-t-r-o--) control those given--Oh, control was given white robes of Revelations 6:11 with those who washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb?

Now, let's see. Revelations 6... I just can't hurry on this, folks, like...?... this (See?), because it's going... I'm going to answer something wrong. Now, He didn't like--He didn't want me to do that. That's the truth. So help me, the Holy Spirit of God knows that's the truth. See? I just... There's something just... I--I just--I was looking at--I was looking at that clock, 11:30, and I thought, "If I don't hurry up now, I won't get to pray for the sick," and I'm--I'm trying to get that because I, in my mind is so... you... I can't...

You remember, you'll just have to understand now; I--I'm a human (See?), and I--I've been in there for seven days, and my--and I got something yet this afternoon I've got to find from God. But He was so determined that I wouldn't make that error that He called me back to read the rest of that verse.

274 I just... It just felt like something just rolled over me there and said, "Go back; go back." And I thought, "Go back, what? Stop right now and start praying for the sick? What--what is it? What have I done?" And just as I started to reach for that, somebody said, "Read the verse over again." I read it over, and there at the bottom of this question, there it was (See?) Revelations 6.

See, I read the first; it does sound like it at the first (See?), "And they sang a new song..." But down here, see what it was? the next, coming on down, "has redeemed us." Sure it was the Bride, the raptured saints. Could you... And here... Certainly, the--the Lamb had the Book in His hand. He'd done left the Throne of mediatorial grace. See?

276 You see how the Holy Spirit watches that? 'Cause exactly, that's the same thing I said the other night, when He had talked to me in the room, and I come down here and preached to you all: that when the Lamb left the place (Oh, my. Now, I believe we'll just take a text. See?)--the Lamb had left His seat and come forth (See?), as I got up there when He was present, that Light, which is Christ... When He was present, told... When the Lamb leaves that seat of the throne, to--being a Mediator, He becomes down here, and the day of redemption for the church is finished.

277 The next redemption is opened is for the Jews, the hundred and forty-four thousand. Is that right? 'Cause He promised He'd cut the tree off, you know. Now, here... Now, here He comes out, the Lamb, and then the day of redemption is finished, and all that's going to be redeemed is already been redeemed and put on the Book, and He's out here opening the Book. That's right.

Oh, thank You, Lord. Forgive Thy nervous servant for trying to run over something.


Could you tolerate those given white robes of Revelations 6:11?

Now, let's see (6 and 11). All right. Where we at on this now? White robes... Yeah, that's the--the crucified under the altar--the--the Jews between that time. They were given white robes.

281 ... with those who washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb of Revelations 7:14?

No. Now, that is different, sure enough. Because see here, we find out here that these were given white robes over here in this time. They were given white robes themselves by grace, and these here had washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb. And over in Revelations over here, this is that great multitude that come up before God of all kindred, tongues, and nations, and these are directed exactly to the martyrs of the Jews, you see. Now, now, that is correct. Now.

282 25. Brother Branham, if all of the godly was taken up in the rapture, where will the Elijah and Moses come from? Will they be Jews, or will our Elijah, given to us, be--be with them?

No. The a--the a Gentile that'll be anointed with this spirit to call out the Gentiles will be taken away, 'cause, you see, the whole church, all has been taken up; and these two prophets of--of the 11th chapter is brought down; and the day of grace is ended with the Gentile and been sent to the Jews. No, it won't be the same men. I don't... I'm--I'm pretty sure of that. Now remember, these are just the best of my knowledge.

Let's see what this--this says here.

283 26. Question. Does the wheat and wine... (W-h-e-a-t... No, I guess it--it meant, "What does." It doesn't have a what there.) It just says: Does the what and wine... or wheat and wine... what does the of Revelations 6:6... Let's see what it is when I get down here now, this here.

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and a... measures of barley for a penny;... see that thou hurt not the wine and... oil.

I guess that's meaning the wheat and the wine, that was one to the other.

.. was a symbol, the wine taken at the communion table of Rev--of I Corinthians 11:24, does the wine--the wine... No, one of them is a spiritual symbol (See?), and the other one is actually the--the revelation of the Word.

285 27. Could it be that the reason many are sick, because we did not discern the Lord's Body? (Correct.) but now revealed by the opening of the Sixth Seal... (Let's see now. Let me see if I can get that now. It's--it's not you, it's me. You didn't... You wrote it all right; it's just me.) Could it be that the reason many are sick, because we do not discern the Lord's Body? (That's--It's got a question mark at the end of that.)

Well, the Scripture says that many are sick and weakly among you because of the discerning of the Lord's Body. That's exactly right, because (See?), the Lord's Body is the Bride, and many of them go off and they don't go with it. That's true. See, and they don't know how to behave themselves, lives any kind of a life and take communion and things, that's not right. See?

When people take communion that lie and steal and drink, and... That's--that's--that's terrible. You shouldn't do that. See?

287 ... but now reveal by the opening of the Sixth Seal? The opening of the Sixth Seal.

Let's see now. No. Now, you find out the Sixth Seal opening here was to the Jews. See? The--the Church is done gone. This is the tribulation period. So it wouldn't be the same, no. No, it isn't.

One of them is a spiritual wine; that's the revelation of the Word, then the--the believer becomes stimulated by the revelation of the Word, and the other one is a symbol of the Blood of Jesus that's taken at the Lord's table. Now, that's the best of my understanding of it.

288 28. Will any that are not predestinated accept the Lord. If they do, will they fall away?

Not if they're predestinated, no. See, they couldn't.

289 29. Where is the Scripture that shows that the--that Catholicism will deceive the Jews and get their wealth?

Now, just where does it say that--that--that the beast will deceive for the wealth; it doesn't say that. But we're presuming that that was... (Now, the other night, you remember... you look to the tape real close.) I never said that's what they would do, I said... See, the Catholics is the richest group in the world, nobody like them. And what they don't have, the Jews has the rest.

That's where the economics of this country now... We're right now living on tax money, according to "Lifeline," that will--off of taxes, that comes right from Washington, DC, that'll be paid in forty years from today. That's what we're spending now. That's how far back we are--giving notes. See? On taxes that will be paid in forty years from now... The nation is broke. She's done.

291 Now, Castro, the only sensible thing that he ever done, was when he counterfeited the currency and paid off the notes, the bonds and burnt them and--and changed the currency. That's the only thing he could do. And there's only one thing left for this United States to do. Now, remember, this is William Branham (See?), speaking. This is my idea. It's only presuming. Just looking at it in the natural standpoint, which may be a million miles off, I do believe that right there in that money... The love of money is the root of all evil. And I believe that right along in there will start the ball a-rolling.

Now, the Catholic church back there from charging for mass and so forth, holds the wealth of the world. You remember, the Bible said she was rich, and how she was. And remember, not only just on one nation, she's rich on every nation there is under heaven. She reaches out. She has the money. Now, what they don't have, Wall Street has which is controlled by the Jews.

293 Now, and you remember he got the money. When Jacob returned, last night we find out, and become Israel, he really had the money, but his money wouldn't buy him nothing (See?) to Esau. Esau had it too, see both anti and--and the one... See, just as perfectly.

Now, watch here. I said they might want to consolidate together on the money, and the--and the Roman power take the Jewish power in--of money, breaking the covenant. That might not be so. See, I know they'll break it, but I--I don't know what reason, 'cause it's not revealed to me about what they'll do.

But look. Now, if today... Now, what if today, the only thing that we can do would be to do... If we're drawing taxes, if that statement is right, off of the currency off of the tax money of forty years from now... You see, our gold is... We've done spent it. We're broke. We don't have any money; and we're only living off of a past reputation.

296 That's what the church is doing today: the church, not the Bride. The church is living off of a past reputation it got back yonder under the ministry of the Lion time. "We are the church, we are the mother church; we started..." That's right. See? It's living off a reputation.

Methodist is living off of their reputation. Baptist is living off of their reputation, and Pentecost is living off of theirs, "Glory to God. A long time ago when the saints used to dance in the Spirit, and how they'd, the Lord done this and that." That--that's something past. We've all got big now, brother. Oh, my (See?), all past reputations...

298 This nation is living--living off of a past reputation of what the forefathers was (See?), and that's the reason we think we'll be saved. God never respected Israel on what they was, what they had been; what they was then.

Notice, but now, here's what I think, what I, I think will take place: (Now, it may not be so.) I believe the time will come when we're forced to make the issue. And when it will be, that instead of us changing the currency... What would that do to the Philip Morris? What would that do to the--the whiskey companies? What would that do to the steel industry? What would that do to all the commerce? What would that... It would break them. They'd be broke. But if we can borrow that money... See how smart he is? Then the nation sells out to the church and then church and state is united again, and there she comes. See? That's it. Notice. All right. Now, in--in this...

301 30. If one is in an association organization by our government and can speak the dictates of his own heart, or in the last days truth, will he be termed as one of the harlots? Hm. If one in the association organization is...

Well, see the association organization... The--the organization is given rights by the government to speak. See? That don't have anything to do with his heart. See? Now, if he is a real believer and born of the Spirit of God, sometime or other he's going to be checked. See? It can't be so plain and then him not see it.

302 Now, I want you to... See, you want to remember this, friends, that God... God never does, or has at any time, as I can remember (See?), but what... Look, Jesus was the--was the keynote of all of it, because He was God, Emmanuel made flesh.

Now, look at this--this Fellow, Jesus. When... Did you know when He came on earth, there wasn't, I guess, one tenth of the world knowed He was here? Do you know when that forerunner come, when all the mountains and things would take place, there wasn't one hundredth of the population of Israel, I guess, ever knowed it? Isn't that strange? Why, there were Jews and things and people all over the world.

304 Now, remember Jesus came to be a witness as a Saviour of the world. Is that right? Why, there was just people after people after people after races after people that never even knowed nothing about it, went right on just like the world knowed nothing about it, but all the time, that was going on in the world. See?

Why didn't He let them know? He came and the ones that was predestinated to Eternal Life was the ones that received Him. It'd been no good to say anything to the rest of them, because He could not have redeemed them, because they wasn't even redeemable. Why was it when those priests stood there... when He had to come to that spot because the predestinated was plotted out in there, all around; so He had to preach to them as a group.

And the great scholars that should've known Him, said, "This man is Beelzebub. We'll not have this man rule over us," and so forth. See? "We'll not do it." But a little old prostitute, with a Life in her, predestinated to Eternal Life and her name is immortally in the Word of God here, walked up there, and the first time the Light struck that little seed, quickly she knowed it.

307 Look at that old fisherman, come by there; here He stood there doing signs and wonders and--and telling different people the secrets of their heart and revealing Himself. And my, there was Pharisees standing there, and said, "This man is Beelzebub."

They had to answer to their congregation. All of them standing around, "Dr. Jones, will you go down and listen to this man? He--He seems like He knows what He's talking about. He don't talk like ordinary man."

"I will hear Him." Walked down there to see who... God--God could never get to him. And there he stood down there, he said... they said, "Now, looky there. Looky there. There comes a man... Now, there's one of His disciples. There comes a man up... Now, now, that guy's name... That's Andrew. You remember? Oh, you remember the old--the old fishermens down here, that's them. Yeah, there's--there's Simon, his brother (See?), and that's--that's old Jonas' kids. Now, there they... Look, he's--he's bringing somebody up to Him. Who is it? Yeah. See what He will do now. He's--he's the next up there."

And he walks up and He says to him, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas."

310 "This man is Beelzebub. See, he's got some kind of a spirit on him. He's a odd fellow (See?), spirit on... Don't you all listen to nothing like that. See? Keep away from there. I wouldn't attend any more of these meetings at all. See? Just as soon as this thing is over we'll get out of here. We'll never get--wait around here again." See?

Why? Now, that's what he thought, and yet was supposed to be the one. Look, the very ones that He come to was the ones who crucified Him. See? But there was a little prostitute that everybody'd kicked out. I'm not endorsing prostitution (no, indeedy.), but I'm just showing you the predestinated seed.

312 Look at this guy, here, this old fisherman--could not even... The Bible said he was unlearned. Is that right? Not only that, but he was ignorant. Now, is that right or wrong? Oh, if we could just get ignorant to a lot of these things that we think we know. See? All right. See, he was both ignorant and unlearned. And then he walked up there in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and He told him who he was, right then that settled it.

Now, what's this other fellow's argument against that: "Well look, he believed it. Look who it is. Know who that is. That man never... Why, he--why, he's a fisherman. Why he don't know his abc's. I bought fish from him, he couldn't even sign me a receipt. That... See, that's the kind of stuff... That's the kind of people that listens to something like that." (Thank the Lord. Amen. See?) "Why, why, he don't... Look at his daddy. He was ignorant, and he didn't even send him to school"; but that's the one He sent to school, taught the way He wanted it done.

314 Now, I'm not supporting not going to school now (I hope you understand) but there's just a type (See?), what you get in that. That's the kind... The reason it goes over the top of them...

And you know what? Not one... I'd say not one-third of all the Jews in the land ever knowed anything about Him coming, and--and then one--one-fifth of the one-third listened to Him, and then one-hundredth of the one-fifth received it. You know how many He had. He had twelve standing at the cross, out of the whole bunch. Where's the rest of them? See? The seventy went away.

316 Now, while He was healing the sick, and just going down not saying nothing about His doctrine... He just went ahead healing the sick and everything... Oh, my. That's God's Spirit on Him, do you believe that? When He was healing the sick, wonderful, "That's a great Rabbi. Say, hey, brethren, you ought to have Him in your church. Boy, you talk about power, that guy can really heal the sick. You ought to... He's got a gift of healing."

Well, of course, they're going to have some impersonations then (here they come along) 'cause each group's got to have his own man. Here He come.

And then the first thing you know, one day He set down.

"Oh, sure, Rabbi, we'll go with you."

318 "All right, set down. Let's go." All right, He sent out the seventy and so forth. Then one day after a great miracle was done He set down and begin to tell them the Word. See? At the beginning of the sounding of the... All right. He begin to tell them the Word, the Truth... They said, "Ahhh, now wait a minute; I don't know about this. It's contrary to their doctrines." Said, "Well, I know we left the synagogue and everything like that, but maybe we--we was wrong, brethren. We'd better go back, 'cause that man talks in riddles. He's kind of an odd fellow. I can't understand that."

See? What was it? The seed wasn't predestinated from the start. Then the first thing you know, He had a little ministerial group and talked to the ministers. They said, "Aw, hm, we'd better go back too--and go back and get in the organization and take up our papers again (You see?), 'cause this guy... Why, who can understand a man like that. He says this here and says this over here." Ah, them others didn't understand it like that.

320 He was showing riddles to some of them but not to the others; so they walked away. Then He turned around and looked at the twelve standing there, and said, "You want to go too?"

Now, watch. Peter said, "You know what? I attended that old place yonder all that time. Where in the world would I go to? Where would I go? Where--where could I go? After I done here a work... I can't go back to that garbage can again where all kind of slop of the world's laying in it. See? I--I... Where would I go to? I--I just can't do it."

He said, "Then all right, come on, go along." Now, there you are. See, what was that then? Twelve out of about two and one half million. And the Saviour of the world out of billions... Get humble (See?), just stay humble.

Watch. Now, with all them Pharisees, and that little prostitute come up there; she said, "Say, you must be a prophet. Now, we know that Messiah's coming; and when He comes He will do that."

He said, "I'm He."

She said, "That's it," and away she went. You try to stop her once; you couldn't do it.

324 31. Brother Branham, greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Please explain who the man in Matthew 22:11, the man that didn't have on a wedding garment--wedding garment on... I know this man could--couldn't get into heaven without the wedding garment on. This was a guest, I know, not the Bride.

Yes, that's right. He would be a guest. Yeah, he just slipped in. See? Now, look. Now, I... It'd just take a whole sermon on that, and I got ten minutes to pray for the sick and finish this up, and I've got one half of them done. Notice. But I'm--I'm going to hurry, right sure enough after this one. See?

325 Here's what happened. If you know the oriental custom (See?), when a bridegroom gives out invitations for his wedding, he just gives out so many invitations. And for every invitation he sent, he had a porter standing at the door to put a robe on him, whether he was poor or whatever he was, he had... If he was rich or poor, whatever it was, he, all had to wear this wedding garment.

When they stood at the door, they put this on him; it covered up what his outside had been. He's invited--whether he was a millionaire, or whether he was a pauper, whether he was a farmer, ditch digger, or whatever he is, or--or plutocrat, he's--he's here with the robe on, now, because the robe's put on him at the door when he enters in at the door.

327 Now, take St. John 10, I believe it is, He said, "I am the door. (See?) I am the door that enter--that you enter in by." Now there he stands at the door, and here's the man that put the robe on him, the Holy Spirit, to give him the robe of righteousness when he comes in.

Now, this man had come by some organization, back at the window over here (some slip-in hole), and he got in at the table and set down. And then when the Bridegroom comes up and looks around, he's a... he... These had been odd ducks before, now he's the odd duck. See? "What are you doing here like that without the baptism of the Holy Ghost and all these things? How did you ever get in here?"

Well, he come in somewhere besides the door, and he come without the proper invitation. See? He come by some educational system (See?), or something like that. He got in, and He said to them, "Bind him, hand and feet, cast him out of here into outer darkness where there'll be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." See? He went into the tribulation period. See? He did not come in by the door. So, all right.

330 32. Question: Will the Elijah of Malachi 4 be the same as Elijah mentioned in Revelations 11:3, and is the other witnesses--is the other two witnesses separate, or individuals separate?

Yes. The Elijah of Malachi 4 will not be the Elijah of Malachi 3. We went through that last night. "And is the other witness separate?" Two of them, yes, sir, Moses and Elijah to our revelations. (Now, I don't want to hold you here too long.)

331 33. I Kings 19, Brother Branham, I believe that the number who did not bow the knee was seven...

Yeah, that's right. Seven hundred instead of... Thank you. That's correctly. It was seven hundred instead of seven thousand... Brother... Seven thousand instead of seven hundred. Now, see that?

332 You know, really, when a person comes like this to--to preach... I want to ask you something now so that you'll understand. When the Elijah came from the wilderness he had one message. He stomped right out of that wilderness, and come right down, and told that king, "The dew will not even fall from heaven till I call for it." That's the words he had and stomped right back out and said nothing to nobody. See?

When he had another message, he come right down and said this message, and turned right back around, went back out into the wilderness. See?

Now, if you'll watch, when I laid the cornerstone under that Tabernacle, He said, "Do the work of an evangelist"; and now the hour's coming when that work is separated. There's something else taking place. Then I'm...?... you see? See, I get here and try to do evangelist and something else; and see where you're at? See, you're... Oh, I'm expecting the church to be spiritual enough to understand.

335 34. Brother Branham, I understand that Elias must be three times. You tell us that he has been twice already, and will come again. Now, will the person that the spirit of Elias will be upon, also be of the two witnesses of Moses and Elijah?

No, no. He will be a Gentile (See?), to the Gentile church. God sends always to His own people. See? He came to His Own, and His Own received Him not. He always sends His... The message of the hour...

When God was dealing with the Jews, there wasn't any Gentile prophets come. When God's dealing with the Gentiles, there's no Jewish prophets. When God turns back to the Jews, there'll be no Gentile prophets. See? See what I mean? All right.

337 After the rapture has taken place...

Now, there will be a carry over time, of course, one message carrying to the other one. It--it--it has to come right in like this (You see?), as I explained that (See?), like Paul to the Gentiles and so forth. All right.

35. After the rapture has been taken place, will any of the church be saved in the end who was not taken in the rapture?

No. Huh-uh, 'cause the Blood's done left. You see, there'll be no intercessions; the Gentile age is finished. There'll be no one saved after the rapture, none of the church. Huh-uh. The church... "Let him that's filthy be filthy still, him that's holy be holy still." See? That won't take place, not after the Church is gone.

338 36. Brother Branham, I noticed you--your referring to Daniel's seventy weeks on the First Seal message. I understand on Daniel--on the tape of Daniel when the Gospel returns to the Jews, the seventy weeks will begin. Is there a one seventy--one week, seven years, left for the Jews, or yet is there only one-half week, one three and one-half years left for them?

Only one-half week: Jesus prophesied the first half week, as was predicted, only one-half week left for them.

339 Brother Branham, since you didn't pray for the sick during the week, will you...

That's just a request for that...

339a Brother Branham, will you see me after the service...

That's a request (See?), there...

340 37. Would you please explain about Satan being bound a thousand years, and being loosed for the battle of--battle of Revelations 20 and 8. What relationship does this have with the battle of Armageddon as mentioned in the Fourth Seal? Will Gog and Magog be gathered from the people of the new earth?

Well, this is a long one, and I--I'll just have to hit the spot of it. See? Now, the first thing. Will... Now, maybe I can't explain it. I'll do my best.

341 Would you please explain how Satan is bound a thousand years, being loosed again for the battle of Revelations 20 and 8.

That is not the battle of Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon takes place on this side (See? All right) at the--when the tribulation period is ended.

Now, what relation does this have with the battle of Gog and Magog?

None. One is this thousand years, and the other one is the end of the--the end of the thousand years.

.. as mentioned in the Fourth Seal, will Gog and--will Gog and Magog be gathered from peoples on the new earth?

Satan was loosed out of his prison and went to gather all the people, the wicked, to bring them to this place, and God rained fire and brimstone out of heaven, and they were consumed (See?), two battles altogether.

344 38. Question: Concerning the sixty-eight million slain by the Roman Catholic church, what time in history did this take place, and over how long a period of time did this take place?

Take Schmucker's "Glorious Reformation," I guess some of these scholars have that; and it's the history of the church. And I forget now just what page it's on, but it taken place from the time of the--the--the thing was produced or given to the church by Saint Augustine of Hippo, Africa. That was AD 354, and it lasted until 1850, the massacre of Ireland. You see? So that time is--were from AD 33--or AD 30--354, let me get that right now. See? From AD 3-5-4 to--to AD 1-8-5-0, 1850, according to the history there were sixty-eight million Protestants put to death recorded on the Roman martyrology for disagreeing with the pope of Rome. That's history. If you want to say it's wrong, well then, maybe George Washington wasn't here or Lincoln (You know none of us lived back to see it.); but I believe they was here anyhow. I see signs that they were here.

345 39. Brother Branham, the 19th chapter of--and the 18th verse: "Yet have I kept me seven thousand of Israel--seven thousand in Israel all hadn't bowed their--bowed to Baalim, and every mouth--or--or beared the...?... every which has not kissed him--mouth who's not kissed him." Please explain this for me about the--about the seven hundred.

It was seven thousand. See? And that's kissing Baali. Don't you know... How many here was formerly Catholic? Sure, see? You kiss images. See? And remember, in the time of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar when the Gentile kingdom was issued in (See?), when the Gentile kingdom issued in, it come in by the worship of a man.

346 Nebuchadnezzar made a statue of a man. And if you've got a spiritual mind... (Now, listen to this revelation). That spirit, that man that he made a revelation of--or he made an image of by his revelation was Daniel--a religious man being worshipped (See it?), because he named him Belzar, wasn't? Or Belteshazzar, which was the name of his god. And he made a image of that god, which was the image of Daniel, and Daniel refused to bow to his own image. See, see? And here it is again. See?

Now watch. The Gentile kingdom was issued in in the days of Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar, a Gentile king, putting church and state together by taking a holy im--a image of a holy man and forcing worship to it. The Gentile kingdom ends in the feet with a handwriting on the wall by a political power that's united church and state together to force kissing images again (You see?), same thing: image of a holy man. Sure.

347 40. Brother Branham, when this rapture takes place... When the rapture takes place, will the young children that do not know right from wrong go in the rapture?

If their names are on the Book. Yes. That's right. See? All right.

348 41. Brother Branham, you said last night that the--there were seven hundred people to be saved--would be saved under Elijah's preaching. You meant seven thou...

Yeah, that's right. Please forgive me for that. That's all right (See?); I did it.

349 42. Brother Branham, will you interpret of... After you open... Brother Branham, will the (d-e-s-p-e-...) dispensation (it is, pardon me)--will the dispen--(Now, it's not you; it's me. See?)--will the dispensation of grace be over after you open the Seven Seals?

I hope not. No, no, friends, don't get that in your mind now. See? You just go right on. Dig the potatoes, and go to church, and right on. If it takes place in the morning, you be found doing just exactly what you're supposed to be doing.

Don't--don't start... See, when you do, you twist the very thing away from the--the purpose that it's intended for. You get little peculiar thoughts, and you get own ideas about things. Don't take your own idea. Just when you set and listen to things like that, say, "Thank You, Lord. I'm just going to walk a little closer to You." See, see? I'm going to walk... Don't quit work and say, "I'll sell out everything."

351 A man running up here the other day from North Carolina, just before we left, he said, "Glory to God. Can you tell me where some great somebody was?"

And I said, "No."

"Oh, yes, sir," said, "this guy's got the..." Said, "This guy is the president of the Auto Mission."

I said, "The what?"

He said, "Auto Mission."

I said, "I don't understand."

And he said, "Oh," said, "this guy's the president."

I said, "What'd you say his name was?"

He said, "Branham, I believe, something like that, Brown or Branham."

I said, "Well, my name is Branham."

He said, "Are you the president of the Auto Mission?"

I said, "No, sir."

He said, "Well, where's the Millennium at?"

I said, "I don't know."

He said, "Why, you're a... You--you mean it--it--it--it--it's going on right here and you don't know it?"

And I said, "No, sir, I don't."

And he said, "Well, glory to God," said, "I got some--some friends that come, told me," and said, "I quit work;" still had his work clothes on. Said, "Brother, I want the Millennium."

And I said, "Well, I--I believe you're just a little bit confused, aren't you, brother?

About that time a car drove up, a taxi cab. She said, "Hold it, hold it, hold it." A little woman come up there, she said, "Now, you're going to pray for my husband."

I said, "Yes, ma'am, what--what about it?"

She said, "Well, I understand you have to wait a month on an interview (See?), to get prayed for."

And I said, "What?"

And she said, "Yes, sir," said, "but I'm desperate. You got to pray for my husband."

I said, "Sure, where is he at? Bring him on."

This guy standing, looking on, said, "Do you pray for the sick too?"

I said, "Yes, sir."

Said, "What did... You say your name was, Branham?"

I said,... "And you don't know nothing about the Millennium?"

I said, "Well, I--I... No, I don't." I said, "I--I don't understand it just right in the Bible."

He said, "No, it's right now. People's come from everywhere."

I said, "Where's it at?"

He said, "Jeffersonville, Indiana, right under the bridge."

I said, "Sir, you've got me bested." And I said, "I don't know nothing about it." I said, "Let's go in and set down. Maybe we can talk this thing over." We did. See?

Don't--don't... You see, friends, don't you never desire a ministry. (You know what I mean. See?) You be happy you're just where you are. You--you just go right on.

366 43. After the rapture of the Bride, when does the church that had to go through the tribulation period stand judgment? (It don't stand judgment.) Is it before or after the Millennium? (For the church... Oh, I beg your pardon; pardon me ever who wrote this.) When does the church that... After the rapture of the Bride, when does the church that had to go through the tribulation period stand at the judgment? Is it after or before?

After. The rest of the dead live not for a thousand years that didn't go with the Bride. Let's see.

367 44. You have said many times that communism was raised up by God to serve His purpose, as King Nebuchadnezzar. Now where did the--communism fit into the picture that will--it finally--will finally do? How does it wind up? Many scholars believe that in the kingdom of the north, Gog and Magog mentioned in the Scriptures, goes down against Israel in the--in the... (I can't make out just what that is. Yeah. Yeah.) I believe of the--some of the tapes taken, said you said it would finally drop--that--that communism would finally destroy Catholicism or the Vatican by an explosion. Is this right?

Yes. Revelations 16, you find it, and Revelations 18:8 and 12. If the person is here and wants to take this piece of paper on that, you can look it right up. Yeah. See? "Alas, alas, that great city... for in one hour she has come to her end." You see? The merchants and everything here that brought her merchandise... It will be. That's right. And don't...

Just quit... Just forget about communism. See? It's nothing in the world but a bunch of--of people that's nothing but barbarians that's--that's ungodly. It's a system... Let me show you something--just to show you how simple it is. Why, there's only one percent of all Russia that's communism. They need a messenger. See? One percent... Then ninety-nine percent of them are still on the Christian side. One percent, now, how can one percent control ninety-nine percent? That ought to explain it to you right there. If God didn't permit it, why--why, they'd be thrown out long ago. See, sure.

369 45. Brother Branham, you said that Rome would take the government of the Jews at the last three and a half years. That is going... The--the first three and one-half years of the tribulation or will it be the last three and a half years? Is this correct?

It will be the last three and one-half years (That's right.), not the first, 'cause it's already passed. (Got one more after this one.)

370 46. My dear brother, will the Malachi 4:5 Elijah go to the wilderness as I Kings 17 tells us the other Elijah did?

Well, I wouldn't exactly say that he would--that he would go to the wilderness, but he'd be this (You see?): He was Elisha and Elijah... Did you notice, most of men like that are men who are away; they--they keep away from the people. They're very odd. They don't associate too much with people.

You notice how Elisha was, and Elijah, and John the Baptist, and that nature of that spirit. See? And they don't... He--he... I believe the man be a lover of the wilderness and maybe stay in the wilderness, but now just to say he's going to be a hermit and live in the wilderness, I don't know about that. Sometimes they did. Elisha didn't, but Elijah did. And then, John, he--he lived in the wilderness.

372 And hard tell, these other prophets, when they come out of Judaea there, I don't know where they'll stay. They may camp out on the hill somewhere, or... But what they'll do in the days of their prophecy, I--I don't know what they will do, but you... What I'm trying to say is this: Were--they--they will they a--will they be a--um--a...

They're trying to ask: "Will they just be wilderness dwellers?" Why, they'd have to go to northern British Columbia to get enough wilderness to dwell in now, somewhere. You see? So it'll be someone... The wilderness is all cut down (See?); there's not much wilderness left. See? So the only thing, they--they might be a lover of the wilderness (See?) and stay, maybe, a lot in the wilderness, and they'll be--have... You can notice the nature of them is that uncompromising (See?), and you--you'll know it when it comes. (See?) You'll see it, if you're--if you're wide awake.

374 Now, here's one, I don't know how to touch it. And I got another one just before this one, and then I'm going to ask them to snap the tape just a minute.

47. If God is one personality, why, or how could He talk to Himself on Mount Transfiguration?

Well, I've just explained that. You see, see?

I'd like to ask you this. I'm going to... When Jesus prayed to the Father. You see? I believe you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, don't you, brother? Why don't you stand up just a minute? You claim to have the baptism of the Holy Ghost? [The brother says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] I do too. Then what is that? Then I don't claim that I'm have the--I have the powers within myself to unfold these mysteries. I don't have the power to heal the sick. It's God.

I believe you're a minister. If I'm not mistaken, you're from Arkansas. All right. Now, and in you you have--is--is to preach the Gospel. Ordinarily you was raised on a farm and around like that. You just don't know nothing about it. But something come into you to preach the Gospel. You don't claim that to be yourself at all. That's another person, called the Holy Ghost. Is that right? Okay.

377 Now, I want to ask you. Do... That Holy Ghost dwells within you, is that right? Do you talk to Him? Speak to Him? Pray to Him? All right, that's all I want... Thank you very much. See? Now, do you get it?

I'll ask you one: How did it come that when Jesus in St. John 3, He said, "When the Son of man shall be, which now is in heaven (See?)--now is in heaven, shall come to earth." See? "The Son of man which now is in heaven," and here He stood right here talking to the person. Now, you answer me that one.

Jesus and the Father was the selfsame Person, just the same as the Holy Spirit in me. You're looking to me preaching, but it's not me. It's not me can speak a word that could bring, as you know, an animal; set there and looked at it, and kill the animal and eat it. That's creative power. That doesn't lay in a human being.

380 It's not me could take a little boy here laying--the doctors laying him on his back, with heart trouble tonight, and say, "Thus saith William Branham..." No. "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it's finished." And bring him down to the doctor the next day and it's all gone.

A kid with leukemia, till its eyes were bulged out, and yellow all over, and its stomach... until they taken it to the hospital to give it blood and things to even get it here; and in five minutes time, cry for a hamburger, and take it back to the doctor the next day and can't even find a trace of it. That's Thus Saith William Branham? That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yet He is an individual different from me, but the only way He's expressed is through me. See?

That's how Jesus and the Father was. Jesus said, "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." Now, the Son of man shall ascend from heaven, which now is in heaven. See? What was it? He was omnipresent because He was God.

383 Now, this other one, I want to say these words.

Explain what you was talking about... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

[A prophecy was given from the audience--Ed.] Thank You, Father God. We thank You for the Spirit of Your Being here. And we are told, Father, that one time when the--the enemy was coming in and the Spirit fell upon a man, and prophesied to him, and told him. It set the thing in order where they knowed how to go and defeat the enemy, and where to find the enemy.

384 And I thank You, Father, that You remain the same God that You ever was; You're still just the same. We change, and ages change, and times change, and people, but You never change. Your systems are the same; Your grace is the same; Your works are the same; because they are marvelous, and are way past any knowledge of man to ever understand.

So we are thankful, Lord, that Your secrets are hid into the hearts of Your servants; and we're so happy for this, Lord, and may we go forth as shining Lights to--from place to place, and trying with love to--to bring others in that we might seine every little corner and cast the net in to be sure that we get every fish that belongs to You. And then, "The Lamb shall take His Bride, to be ever at His side." We're waiting for that time, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

386 How many sick is in here, let's see your hands. Well, it looks to be about... Hold your hands up again. About one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, about forty-seven.

All right, it's eleven-thirty. We can pray for the sick right now, put the night into the--to the... Would you--would you like to do that? I believe right now would be a good time to do it. I'll tell you why. The Holy Spirit, standing right in here, is anointing.

Now, as far as we have moved up into that Spirit now (See?), and you see that something, you know that something... Something is present. See? And if you could ever believe, you ought to believe it right now. See? If you're ever going to believe, it's now.

389 Now, we want you just to come real quietly, and let those that are in that aisle there, that raised up their hands, step out into this aisle, and then go down this way, and then we'll take them aisle by aisle in the--just forty-five--forty-five, forty-seven of them. It won't take very much.

I'm going to ask Brother Neville if he will come step right down here with me, and we're going to pray for them. First, them that's coming now into the aisle, just stand up just a minute now so we can pray for you here, and lay hands on everybody. Now, that's right. Just everybody that's going to come in the prayer line (See?), them that's going to come in the prayer line. See?

Now, now, see, conserving the time so we'd be sure to get it, we're going to pray for you now.

392 Look, friends, now let me explain it to you. Jesus Christ said this: "These signs shall follow them that believe." Now, watch. He never said, "If they prayed for them." "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And if God can take a unfailing case of leukemia, and a little girl that can't have faith for herself, and make that thing perfectly whole... If He can take the next case of a little boy and so heal him till the doctors can't even find any rheumatic fever in his blood or anything else, what can He do for you? Now, them little bitty fellows, they don't understand what prayer would be. I just laid hands on them, and it did it. We can understand it.

393 Now, while you stand to pray now. Heavenly Father, with Your great Presence laying here, the great Holy Spirit, the One we have the picture of, the One that we read in the Bible, He's present right here now. He is revealing Himself through human flesh.

How we have seen Him without one time failing through the years, to be able to reveal the very thoughts of the human heart, to reveal the sin that they did, tell them exactly what happened and what will be without one time failing... Then we know that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel still remains God in the Person of Jesus Christ.

And now, by His Spirit descending from heaven under the Blood that was shed at Calvary, coming down among people to make Himself manifested in human flesh, just before the burning of the world, the great Holy Spirit represented in human flesh, those precious people who has accepted the Blood atonement and the Holy Spirit takes into their being, God, represented in human flesh.

396 Therefore, it would not be the human flesh, only just to perform the act, like in baptism or so forth, with a commission that "These signs shall follow them that believe." By laying hands on the sick, the Holy Spirit would see to it that they got well if they'd believed.

Now, Father, we know that these things are true. These people standing, they're going to pass under the hands of ministers who has received this Holy Spirit, and they're ready, Lord, to lay hands upon the sick. And we know, Father, that if these people will only believe, just as every Word that You promised, it's got to happen so does... And it cannot happen without faith, for it is impossible to please God without faith. We just can't do it.

And now, with faith believing, with this promise laying before us, with the Seals of the Bible being opened to us that God keeps His Word, may these precious people, who are sick, Lord, and my feeling for them as a human being in a mortal body like theirs, and now, their same Holy Spirit that dwells within us, Lord, dwells in them; and we feel sorry for each other, and knowing that the new covenant in the new Blood... If the old one offered healing, how much more will this new and better do? Father, may it be so that these people won't fail, but will receive their healing as they pass by the hands of Thy servants, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

399 Now, now, we'll... This side will be seated while this side comes through, and then this side will go back and the other side... Now, some of you brethren here that'll stand up... I believe you're ministers along here, all of you along here. Where's Doctor... Brother Ned? Was you going to be in the prayer line, Brother Ned? All right, Brother Ned. All right. As soon as you're prayed for, drop right into the line.

Now, let these on this side over here, just be seated just a moment, and I'll take the ones from this side, then--then we'll come down and take the middle aisle and send them back this way, then take this aisle and send them through this way, and we'll pray for everybody.

I'm going to ask Brother Teddy... Where is he? All right, I want you to play on there, "The Great Physician Now Is Near." And the pianist, ever where they're at, accompany him if you will.

402 Listen, you remember the time where that was playing and a little boy was brought out on the platform? The little Amish girl playing "The great Physician now is near." She had long, dark hair--or--or blond hair, rather (a Mennonite or Amish girl, one), laying back on her head, and the Holy Spirit struck the little boy just by laying hands (crippled in his feet), and he jumped off of my arms, and run down through the platform.

His mother raised up and fell back: a Mennonite, I believe, to begin with; and the Spirit of God struck this little Mennonite girl or Amish, whatever she was (her dad and them setting there with the--their clothes on as Mennonites or whatever it was), and she jumped up from the piano with her hands up in the air, and her pretty hair fell across; she looked like an angel, started singing in the Spirit. And as she did that, the piano continually played, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus."

405 Everybody standing there, thousands, looking down upon them keys moving up and down, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus..." People raised up from wheelchairs, off of cots, stretchers, went walking on. That same Lord Jesus is right here this morning, just the same as it was in that room.

Just believe now. Play that song, if you will: "The Great Physician." Now, let everybody pray. Let them walk right through the room, go right down this way, and right to your seat or wherever you want to go, as you make your way... Have you got it clear back there? All right, so you can go right back to your seat, then we'll stand up.

407 Now listen. While these are being prayed for, you pray for them. Then when you're being prayed for, they'll pray for you. Now, you ministers along here, stand up. I want you to lay hands on these as they come by.

Now, everybody, heads bowed, and keep your heads bowed, keep praying; and when you pass by, then lay... the hands laid on you, remember, it is a promise of the God that reveals the secrets of His Book, the secrets of the human heart. He's the God that will confirm that, if you'll believe it. See? Now, everybody in prayer.

Now, you minister brothers stand if you will.

All right, let's bow our heads.

Now, Lord Jesus, as these people come, may the power of Almighty God quicken their faith immediately as they pass by, all in Jesus' Name.

Now, all right, let the line start this a way. Ask every one, lay hands on them, you ministers, as they pass by.

411 [Brother Branham and the ministers pray for the sick--Ed.]

In the Name of the Lord Jesus...

I lay my hands, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, on my brother.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I lay my hands...

God, grant it to my sister, Rosella, in Jesus' Name.

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands...

[Brother Branham speaks to someone--Ed.] (You stay, watch that till the line ends.)

In the Name of the Lord Jesus...

Remember, He's humble. Humbly come.

[Brother Branham's words are not all distinguishable while praying for the sick--Ed.]

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In Jesus' Name, receive your healing.

In Jesus' Name, receive your healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ receive your healing...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.

God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may our sister be healed.

In the Name of Jesus, may the child be healed. Glory to God.

[Prayer line continues--Ed.]

414 [Blank.spot.on.tape. Brother Billy Paul Branham steps to the microphone and directs the people who are to be in the prayer line--Ed.]

[Brother Branham's words are not all distinguishable. Prayer line continues--Ed.]

May this request be granted, in Jesus' Name. God bless you.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, Brother Mitchell.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, my brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive the healing.

Receive healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, sister.

Receive healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, my sister.

Receive healing, brother.

Receive your healing, sister...?...

Receive your healing, sister...?...

Receive your healing, brother.

Receive your healing.

Receive your healing, brother...?...

Receive your healing, sister...?...

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing.

Receive healing, sister...?..., from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing.

Receive healing...?...

Receive healing, my brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive healing.

Receive healing, sister...?...

Receive the healing, in Jesus Christ's Name.

Receive the healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Receive healing.

Receive healing.

Receive your healing.

Receive your healing.

Receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

416 [Brother Billy Paul Branham steps to the microphone and says, "Anybody else want in the prayer line? Would you get in, please. If there's anybody else want in the prayer line, would you get in, please."--Ed.]

Receive your healing, my brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, Sister Wood, from the hand of Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing...?...

Receive healing...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, Sister Roberson, by the hand of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, my brother, by the hand of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, Sister Neville from the hand of Jesus Christ.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing.

Heal him, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Receive healing, Sister...?...

Receive your healing, son, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, sister, from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Brother Weerts, receive your healing, brother, from Jesus Christ.

Sister, receive your healing from Jesus Christ.

Receive your healing, Brother...?...

Brother, by the Name of Jesus Christ, receive...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, receive your healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing, my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive your healing, sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...

419 [Brother Billy Paul Branham steps to the microphone and says, "Is that all that wanted to be prayed for now?"--Ed.]

[Brother Lee Vayle speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.]

May the hand of the Lord Jesus grant to you, Brother Vayle, this request for your loved one, in Jesus' Name.

[Brother Billy Paul Branham speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Billy Paul, as many cards as you've give out, now receive your healing, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus,

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

All together.

Sweetest Name in seraph song,

Sweetest Name on mortal tongue,

Sweetest carol ever sung,

God, upon this lovely little couple that's brought forth, in the world, one of the...?... May they receive their request, Lord in the Name of Jesus Christ.

..?... of Jesus Christ, may our sister's person that she has on her mind right now, may the power of God go with that request. May she be delivered. Grant it, Lord. Amen.

Lord God, in Jesus' Name, grant this man's request. I pray for him, Lord with my prayer. Amen.

425 Oh, isn't this wonderful. I believe that if every person that come by here this morning, under this tremendous anointing, I--I believe if you'll just... Now, don't look up for some great big something. Just remember the simple thing of believing what He promised.

Now, let's all say it together. We [Congregation says, "We"--Ed.] do not look ["do not look"--Ed.] for something big. ["for something big."--Ed.] But in Jesus' Name ["But in Jesus' Name,"--Ed.], we receive His promise. ["we receive His promise."--Ed.] That settles it. That makes it over...?... [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] Amen.